tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV March 26, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PDT
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next regularly scheduled commission meeting will be held on tuesday, april 5, 2016 at 1:00 pm (city hall, room 416) announcement of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or similar sound-producing electronic device. >>the next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken
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define in much greater detail. with the idea that we will come back with the master plan for candlestick as well as hunter shipyard once we know more about the project. then we know the major phase application. the development plan that is laid out to make sure that this is in accordance with previous documents and if
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changes are needed what sort of negotiations are needed. what will be involved in this particular phase and what parks are associated with it and what other improvements on the streets will also be approved. and how this relates to the other public benefits.then, later all of this work culminates into the vertical
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point major phase application on january 7, 2014 and then we had the candlestick point streetscape master plan and now we have the candlestick points of development of that major phas >> cha >>my name is joyceir:thank you.. thank you. >>my name is joyce i am going to go over some of the major phase overviews of the development that we have here today.there are a number of community meetings as well. this includes a significant amount of additional housing,
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several documents that we will be updating. we will be updating the major phase applications. we will be updating the streetscape plan and we will be updating a couple of the exhibits. we will update the dda plan and schedule a number of performances and the number of affordable housing associated with the amendment projects. often times you will see one change and it will not necessarily be replicated in another document too. this is in order to provide the individual number with a specific document and that may
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be required. also part of the approval process will be the och ccommission will update candlestick point design for development amendment to the projects full plan as well as the plans to these projects. with the candlestick point project which you can see in the major phase 1 land use we have one representative jim floss who is here with matrix. he will tells about the best layout for that retail
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development at och but the land uses all remain the same of how they are configured in that block. let's talk a little bit more about the land use refinements. there are over 200 housing units. which include hundred and 34,000 feet of office and 131,000 feet of retail and we will provide space for this international workplace. we will provide a welcoming area for the candlestick recreation area.
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the lines indicate an increase to the boundary to regulate the development block and this also indicates the size of the blocks and as you can see they go both way. the housing is affordable housing and we are our very thankful to be all to achieve this affordable housing. the tables are included in your
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packet here. these include neighborhood parks such as alice griffith as well as improvements on bayview hill and jamestown cliff they also include improvements on wedge park. wedge park includes a play center and a café where people can get together and set or for people to enjoy just talking. across the street north of anderson there will be an area that will be improved with an open lay for transit or for transit workers. that's all part of that 1st major phase. here are some of the precedent images and the kinds of experiences that we wish to experience. here is some greater detail showing cycle tracks and other
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amenities. perspectives of the park. the community benefits plan. let me touch a little bit on that. as you can see we are obligated and we are fulfilling obligations to contribute to the scholarship funds as well as other educational funds as well as assistance sso with that i will leave theplan and we will look at some of the streetscape plan updates. the street cross-section
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will be able to address that. for pedestrian safety we will be able to facilitate the movement of these epa vehicles as well as some of these needing to be replaced because of some of these valves. other improvements would be enhancements to gilman for which we held several meetings. in these meetings we determined which was both going to facilitate the movement of cars along gilman and the bus line is line 29 and at the same
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improvements right there.after these accommodations are made we will resort back to our original plan. for parking reconfiguration on an off streets. there some primary factors that we want to accommodate. the parking we originally contemplated we had [inaudible] oone more community benefit that i wanted to add was the alice griffith community garden we all know about alice smith
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and finally propose tower relocationsand there is a hotel that is proposed in the future. the candlestick tower locations this is where it is located in 2016. i also have eir views to show how it is viewed in the eir view in 2010 and how it will now be viewed in 2016. this is a point of view from the california state park and recreation area. we will expand that view and that
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june. this is the landmark building for the film arts center. there were plans for height increases and changes. along the residential streets for harney way and anderson there are restorations of the ceiling from 65 feet to 80 feet. for a few different reasons. we want to be able to provide this for retail and also harney way and anderson has a bit of variety and interest. as i had mentioned there are a number of performance plans
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for the dda since 2014. and the one major exhibit update here is the addition of more units. i will turn over the summary to lila- and she will begin. i am back. my name is lila hussein i am the product manager for ocii we have several subcommittees that have made various changes to the document. we have had various changes to the subcommittee as
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well as the cac as well as the larger packet went through a cac process. gilman had its own community process. gilman having its own recommendations with that. we not only came back with what those were but we had a series of design meetings on the next page here. lenoore as well as their team worked with the department of
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public works. to take back some of these recommendations to see if we were all communicating and on the same page for a proposed change. in addition to the shipyard process and the gilman community process. lennar has neighboring communities as well as the bayview association. they have held mmany phases there and they look forward to many future updates within there as well. and then the ongoing presentation of the alice griffith as well.
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and want to discuss the workforce participation for dda requires for lennar and the efforts for them to achieve and what's exciting is this will be the 1st development for the user as well as lennar working to get local residents ready for local jobs coming through in a number years and we can have workers get ready for construction and i just want to say that for cpl1 we are already meeting our goals and we will
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the infrastructure. this has come up before and i have had no answer nor has our city or county of san francisco. we do not want to talk about a conceptual plan. a good definition of a conceptual plan is you wake up and it is your worst nightmare. i see some of you are rubber stamping and some of you are not doing your jobs. you come in and you say anything. i am not going to rubberstamp. african-americans
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>>next speaker please. >> to give them a round of applause and say that they have fulfilled their requirements to the community. i would like to see them turn around and do something different. i sit one the cac and where things were on the carpet and going awry we had a long discussion about it they went back and made improvements and we finally
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than i have ever seen and i am from san francisco. i go back to emerson elementary and i sit in the high school and i still go into the senior high a middle school. they must've had some kind of a program i don't know. i am very familiar. i grew up in hunters pointe. i just [timer dings] want to say that i support this and please pass it. >>thank you. >>thank you. my name is linda richardson. i am a
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commissioner and for yyears i did planning with the shipyard and yesterday before i came here i was looking at the disposition agreement and the performance schedule and the developers approvals. here you have the developer's approvals. you should know that the san francisco plan commission has already approved unanimously the tower relocation your sister agency. they have already done that so here we are in this milestone and see how they're coming asideand the community has the support for will help us so that
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the community benefits were administered so that everybody can have the opportunities lay down there and that's what you commissioner should be helping us with and so here we are now at this critical milestone and they probably have done this for years for decades and they still have decades to go. and the revision is common, wherever go whether it be hunters pointe mission bay or whatever and i'm really excited about the new hunters pointe.i am also want to say
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commissioner bustos thatthe more you build and the more you help us with this project the more opportunities that you're going to have and so this project continues to have the community of support as you will see and we need to help to move this along and fulfill your obligations as the developer and everyone hopefully will fulfill their obligations [timer dings] will fulfill their obligations. >>thank you. >>mr.tom gilberty.
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>>last time i spoke out of issue i believe. you really feel after the days of rain that you want to be in the sun. the sun is on the other side of the intersection. they want to build higher, okay, the communities if you to judge if that is worth it. they're using another word and that word is tier. we need to tier down one or corners. we need to protect their corners with sunlight. we need a place to stay and watch and wait for the light to change and maybe pick up a bus. we want to protect the corners. we want to even
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drop them low or than 85 feet. nbc had a newscast on readings last night about the regulations on hunters pointe and the radiation please check it out. about 4 weeks ago when i spoke here they had another part of a loop that was being built and i recommended i followed commissioner bustos's recommendation and it lacked a certain wow factor it look like a barracks. i don't know if the car parts it look like empty carports it look like a
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car place. people walk along the embarcadero or bayside village or south beachapartments steve all point apartments. check it out. thank you for your time. >>dr.- >>thank you very much commissioners and commissioner rosales. we are thankful to be part of the citizens advisory committee. i am the chair as you know. for the record there's no one on the cac who
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has been on the committee because of our commitment. we see what's happening within the shipyard. it is a city within a city. we are blessed to be all have these community benefits that we can share with the community for what they need. all of this with affordable housing. opportunities for them to be having jobs. local contractors for them to participate in the build out. this is exciting this is wonderful. it benefits all of us. those that reside within the community and those that will be coming into the community. when commissioner bustos talks about a wow factorwe want to talk to your
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administration about which you would like to see.we will look at buildings about the city and county of san francisco. we are looking at some options. we are working with our partners with the ocii to get that commitment thatyou're talking about. these commitments have been fully embedded through the cac as you have referenced. we urge you to move forward with these amendments. to approve the amendments that are before you. we have looked at this. the people on the cac have looked at this very carefully and the recommendations were indeed made. again, i want to thank you for the important work that you doit just so very important to the community thank you so
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much. >>[timer dings] >>are there any others that would like to make a statement? no, thank you. >>commissioners does anyone have a question or a comment for the record? >>42% of the affordable housing and how many total were going to be there? >>it's 939 units out of 2214. >>the affordable housing units are up to 60% ami and then we
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have a detailed table in the presentation on slide 17 that breaks down the amide by each sub phase. >>i would like to know about the parking. >>we have in 2010 we have redevelopment in the parking garage so there are spaces and therefore the neighborhood retail as well as for the larger retail center and there is also a proposed grocery store that would have its own parking as well. as we know
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grocery stores like to have the parking in close proximity and not have someone walk across from the retail center all the way to afford their shopping. >>okay thank you. thank you >>commissioner bustos? >>i would like to go back to my question last time about the wow factor. we approve the center that would focus on the native american and the mod elonipeople and where is that
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within the packet? where is that that mentions the ohlone people? >>this is a specific center i don't want this to get lost if i catch you go back and check. this is something we made a commitment to do. we voted on it. i think it was me and supervisor read we pushed hard for the so if you could send us an email or somehow get back to us because i don't want this to get lost. >>we will look for that and provide some information a memorandum to the commission.
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>>we also going to have 50% of affordable units within the community. i think that is great but obviously we want more. this is good. this is better than most spots that we want to vote on. this is a question that mrs. acosta brought up. we have been working on this redevelopment of the community and we are trying to bring back some of those families were pushed out of the city that was basically their home.i would love for us to look and maybe sap is already thought about this but we only have one shot at this
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this is the only opportunity we will have to make sure he brings san franciscan families back.i do want to waste the opportunity for us to be verbal and honest. i want to make sure that these are part of the supervisor london breeds supervisor program and if it means mme. chair that we get other resources to push towards this and mme. chair if we can push towards us this is the only shot that we have to get this through i look at these beautiful designs in the development section that we saw last time but it would be a
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shame if san franciscans were not able to enjoy this. it would be a shame if we didn't do as much as we could to make sure that people who lived in europe in these neighborhoods have a chance to live in these units and really benefit from the parks, the stores, the experiences that we all hear about as this development is being promoted. i do not know how we do that mme. director but i think we should really think about it and i hope that as i say this it doesn't get lost. and that we really do something about it. we talked about workshops, we talked about other things. but if it means that we find the resources to help out i would be more than happy to support something like that. the gentleman that talked about the tiering i do not think that is abad request.
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that also brings up the wow factor with designs. i think you brought up a good point about that. >>we agree. when we look at the residential pieces we will look at design as well. we looked at seating outside it doesn't work if you have shade people stay long enjoy it if it is a dark place. >>okay thank you. >>i have a couple of questions the 1st on slide 23. do you
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have a report on how many students picked up a scholarship fund with the wellness contribution and did at pick up and why. >>i have a status report i can send you from december for both phase 1 and phase 2. mr. honeywell and myself are part of an advisory committee on how to disperse some of these funds. we will be coming in a couple of months with the proposal on some of the funds that have not been dispersed and we can also provide you with the packet as to well we arewhere we are on these things.
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>>i'm wondering if we can attend additional committee meetings and what was the community involvement in these meetings? >>i will start with gelman. i don't have the exact counts but i will start with sign in sheets. the 1st couple ones were very successful on top of that lennar and other outreaches were not as successful. i'm be wartime about their yards not being green often we would love our yards to be more green and there was a lot of individual intake on how the lands could look more green and so forth.
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and then we talked about the shipyard and that was extremely well attended. i think there was over 16 that attended that meeting that was for the 1st part here.cac varies and the client development subcommittee tends to be smaller and that is how you roll up your sleeves and get in the weeds about the details. that's not for everyone but we encourage everybody and as the community realizes that something is happening they will want to get in that level of design as to where the café is going to be and where the kiosk will be. we look forward to additional community engagement. i worked on mission bay and i saw how the involvement grew and we hope to have that trajectory with this project as well.
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>>hi we have been meeting with the developers we've also met with the school and we like to take advantage of the garden which is a block away from the school to use it for education outside and that sort of thing. i'm happy to report back with more details on that sort of thing. >>i have a couple of questions on slide 23 the community benefits plan. i am just following up with the question from commissioner pimentel on how this fund operates?
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>>lashawn walker, lennar urban. mme. chair can you repeat your question i'm sorry. >>sure i am interested in how construction assistance plan works because i know that hunter's pointe and bayview need a contractor assistant. >>i believe you have specific reports on the contractor assistant plan. but provided the administer that provided education and software training and technical assistance in those sort of things. pieces
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of it go to fund our in the community benefits plan it separates our mentorship protege program through a renaissance services andthe funds things like that as well. >>so do you provide surety bond resources at that level? >>we provide resources to surety bond that we do not actually fund the bond. although you know this already but we have in ocp-in phase 1. >>when she asked we looked at
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credit counseling, and looking at their business as far as a financial relationship to make them more bankable. that is how we did the think tank work behind the implementation committee. those funds came from another source but it's a genesis in terms of this contractors mentor program and we are doing that. >>so, it's not residential related at all? >>we also do as part of our home ownership and access to homeowner information we do some of that as well.
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>>i only had one other additional piece of information that i would like to add related to commissioner bustos earlier comments and i would just like to add that for the record that the certificate of preference and we mentioned here that we made a commitment. we don't want it to do one a little bit but we have made a commitment as a developer to honor our certificate of preference on our market rate homes as well as our low market rate homes. if someone has a certificate of preference then they have preference over another buyer.
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>> and just some clarification for phase 1 that lennar has agreed to and sure their contractors and their activities. they have committed to contributions for surety bonding for phase 2. that has not been a requirement for surety bonds in phase 1. >>thank you. i have a general question i don't expect anyone to be an expert but i would be interested in knowing in the reports that were going to receive what the demographics are for bayview hunters pointe 9412 far whatever the related zip codes or because i do recall in the commission because i do think to an extent that we can retain hunters
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pointe as an african american centered community. at least i am. >>i don't have the demographics on me but i can get that information. i can also get the population instructions as well and get what level of detour there at. >>thank you. there's been a motion by commissioner singh. does anybody have a 2nd? commissioner pimentel has seconded. >>
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>>commissioners we have made these provisions in prior approval so this is an exciting place to be and you will see this connection relationship to other trans bay items as we move forward in the presentation. i am pleased to announce this is gretchen's 1st presentation before the commission. she is a new development specialist in our
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housing department. >>good afternoon mme. chair and commissioners. i am gretchen with the development housing team. i think you for having me here and look forward to working with you. and preparation of the closing of construction financing for house having the developer has authorized ocii for a 75-year ground lease with one option for an additional term. block 7 when completed will be 120 units of affordable family housing. the unit mix is comprised of
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future develop of the transbay block area. further orienting you to block 7, this provides an aerial contact view as well as block 6 and a soon to be developed block 8. finally, here is a block context m map shows the streets streets of block 6 in blocks 7 and it also shows the streets surrounding blocks. the development of these
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blocks would generate funding for the trans bay authority that would meet the affordable housing requirements of assembly bill 812. this bill requires ocii to assure that the new houses built are affordable and occupy very low, low and moderate income housing. the implementation agreement is another enforceable obligation that requires ocii ffor the properties for development and also for the operation and development of affordable housing. the publicly owned parcels in the trans bay district are being redeveloped to include over 3200 new residential units. these parcels will
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include over 3200 square feet of retail development and 200,000 ft.2 of new retail space and 9 acres of new parks including a rooftop park at the transit center. there are over 9 her new residential 900 spaces in the 900 new residential spaces within this plan. >>in december 2011 following the implementation agreement the commission approved to enter into an exclusive negotiations with golub and
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company as the lead architect and mercy development as the lead architect for blocks 6 and 7. in blocks 6 and 7 the commission approved the dda with the golub /mercy and schematic designs for blocks 6 and 7. in october 2013 the cellblock 6 was close and in the spring of 2014 the commission approved the permanent loan for the block 6 affordable housing. the
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construction began on this block in may 2014 of that year. in august the commission approved the 1st revision of these units. later that year with the change of the constructional assistance they were able to change from 85 units to 125 units. the commission approved that change in april 2015in 2015 they completed the design which shifted the permits 9 inches to
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the south. the background of the trans-play blocks affordable housing fee had $24 million of affordable housing fee paid to golub and then 14 million for block 6 affordable housing cost. with all of these forementioned commission approving and funding and with their approval mercy can start construction on the project. once approve these can be distributed amongst the 4 buildings on the east and west blocks of the site. in between the 2 corner buildings will be a four-story building made of columns. here is a basic
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layout of the site and here is building a that sets at the corner of clermontina and beale will be building b and then finally the townhomes will sit between buildings b and a. i will move on to thepopulation and income levels. the units will have 36 units that will be afforded to be with 40% of their annual income. leasing preferences will be given 1st to certificate of preference holders and the 2ndwill go to
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eahp certificate holders next will go to san francisco residents or workers and then to the general public. trans bay sevens marketing requirements are described and developed upon with the developer. there are 5 different exhibits referenced in section 6 of the agreement. the recommendations were laid by the commission last year and they go into thorough detail and protocols. there giving comprehensive outreach to the cop holders. these documents also require reports and drafts of marketing plans that are due one month after the start of construction and also specify that the rental readiness training will be provided by the
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mayor's office of housing and community development. as you know the rental readiness training will provide applicant families with financial education workshops including preparation and assistance. the developer will provide a report to ocii a commission outlining the compliances cop and this will outline the agreement. mercies team has performed as terms of procurement into the services. all of the small business enterprises are small business firms. this slide shows
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biographical information on key consultants. these are all san francisco firms of operating between 20 and 30 years in the city. i will now review the format of the ground lease request. once the project has been constructed, the parcel, ground lease and ocii and these are consistent with ocii's terms of an affordable
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hpousing, i will take some time now to discuss the approved parking at these units. the funding constraints followed dissolution necessitated a parking reduction for blocks 6/7. they have provided many modal transportation opportunities and many retail opportunities within walking distance of the site.the temporary trans bay terminal is across the street and the next is just a few blocks away. lastly ocii as worked to
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reroute the bus line so it stops within one block of the safeway grocery store in mission bay north and 2 blocks south of market trader joe's. would like to also note that the developer mercy has many properties in its portfolio with little noted marketing and it's comfortable with the plan for transbay 7. in addition to being an extremely neighbor rich there are at many amenities right on the block. many of these examples of these are provided
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in your packet. retail space in the affordable podium building was leased to philz coffee and affordable coffee within san francisco. the trans bay citizens advisory committee approves the schematic design program for the entire block 7 project the staff has kept them informed of the timeline and any relevant updates. as director bo he mentioned next the ground lease approval and bond issuance approval will go
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before the supervisors in april 2016. in june 2016 construction begins on block 7. residents will be able to move in in the spring of 2018. with that i will conclude my presentation and i just want to before we take public comment i would like to introduce my colleagues today. we have william hoe senior project manager for mercy and bruce prescott as the senior project manager and design dean for the project. >>commissioners i also see doug
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shoemaker who is the president and commissioner who is here. >>thank you. we will 1st take public comment. >>i have one speaker card for mr. dacosta. >>my name is francisco dacosta. i'm pretty well acquainted with mercy housing. i personally know doug shoemaker. i am not here to talk about the organizationi am here to say commissioners i represent mark maloney. and you people know that dr. espinola jackson and myself represent mark
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maloney we represent the chapters in rosemary camera who appeared before the planning department.the mayor who really does what he wants is fully aware of our opposition. what will i state today regarding affordable housing. all of this land in san francisco and all of this land we exercise our right of forced refusal they have stole this from
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us. and all of your deliberations and i watched very carefully they would never observed anything for maloney. they have never reserved anything for the indigenous people. especially those who have suffered. right now they are fighting for max nato 59 bullets came in his direction of which 9 entered his body. there is a connectionbetween these things and what is happening. i know mercy housing [timer dings] i hope
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that you commissioners that sit here mostly rubberstamping and i and for size rubberstamping, i know that mercy housing was shafted at treasure island. i know that. i give them a pass very much. >>are there any others that like to speak? no. >>okay thank you. commissioners, any questions? >>75 year lease, i know i saw it before you know.
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mercy was one of them. >>thank you. >>do we have any more comments and questions commissioners? >>i want full disclosure that i was taught by mission of mercy by st. peter's in the mission district. >>i do not think that is a conflict but we will defer to counsel >>[laughing] >>that is how long ago. but they are a good group of nuns who have done some- actually the city of san francisco is a lot of them because they are the ones that took over the county hospital in the city cannot take care of the hospital and they're also sisters it came from the island and took care of the people
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when people got sick and they never got reimbursed for. we talk about affordable units for families, are m mantre is to keep the families in san francisco and bring those families back so there is 23 3 bedroom units and i applaud mercy for doing that. because we still have members in these units and that helps with that. that leads to parking. one of the things that you will hear is a desire for parking.i think
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commissioner bustos trans bay 7 does not have parking spaces for the units and the reasons for this and i think the staff outlined in part to do with cost. also, we currently operate for properties with virtually no parking for families including 10th and mission, 1100 ocean, and our recent experience with transbay 6 which has virtually no parking in and we have been very successful in hooking them up with other families for ober, car share and we also are piloting a transit board at transbay block 6 and one thing
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that 7 is really gaining i think is very important is that it has this childcare center and one could look sort of at the design of trans bay 7 and we could've put parking there and that would be one of the only places for parking and dad was not the overall need of transbay but we have day care and another interesting note, when we started the marketing for trans bay 6 because we are built on a garage podium that's actually owned by the market rate developer and the garage is not completed and we started the marketing we actually marketed those units as not having parking which there are 13 parking spaces for those units and we received thousands
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of applications and we work diligently at the property to do the transit connections for folks so that they can successfully shop and take their kids to school and do all of those great things that we know are important. okay thank you. the 2nd question that i have her comment which you may have heard from the previous item that we spoke to an approved and maybe this is sort of schematic or maybe it's just a wish list of value want these things to look right or were they going to look exactly like this? >>that is the design. >>are they all going to be sort of that same color? from here looks great? >>i think that bruce would be happy to walk through the design but i want to point out
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to the commission that the final design was approved in august. >>sure, i'm saying not change a lot but maybe out some color to it. i don't know. it just seems very- you have to take my recommendation. i'm not an architect. it just looks like it's all great. but that's just maybe the slide. >>it may be how the document printed. >>it might be bright blue i don't know but maybe that add some color to it. maybe could design something with color uses. food for thought, right? >>noted, thank you. >>i am delighted that this is happening and i am happy that mercy with that said i would
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like to 2nd the motion. francisco brought up a really interesting about the amendments and maybe this is not for this topic but for something else but maybe we should offer them some type of preference because it was their land. and it's just that i thought i should throw that out there just food for thought. >>i had a question about your childcare facility. what percent will go to the resident and there are some childcare centers and say we have too
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many boys were only accepting girls but how will you monitor drop-off for a the daycare in the facility. will there be temporary drop-off parking or how will the parents get the child to school or get to work on time each day? >>residence of trans bay 7 will be given 1st preference in terms of filling there's 40 slots. maybe someone from mercy come give us a sense of what that is proportioning like how many slots will be set
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approximately 100,446. the 1st step that we wanted to do was go through the existing grocers in the area and just a little bit beyond as people specifically for specifically for specific outreaches and specific people for specific items. within the outreach we have the range of trader joe's. that is between the 9th street store and the trader joe's store. ad and we have all foods and harrison's. in negotiations and under construction with the understanding that there is a little bit of sensitivity to these dealstrader joe's is in the news for negotiating a deal
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on 4th street and between mission and market and then whole foods has been looking at one market st., place between 5th and 6th. is anybody familiar with that? then, the existing dill is at the lumina project which is obviously a block and a half away from our project on the ground floor. to better help our search and what type of grocery store would help us to sustain these conditions. we hired a group called analytics and i'm sure you have all seen these reports. based on the report you will see that the top pick from analytics have the highest sales volumes from this area and it was trader joe's. what you will notice is that of the
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existing grocery stores already existing, the average sales ffor all these groceries combined is about $887,000. which leaves by this report about 30% left of the market share to be filled by our grocery opportunity. with those sales amounts in their sales volumes based upon costs of average ticket sales trader joe's was voted the one to succeed. underneath that the 3 categories of groceries were health and organic- and by that term we look at examples of by right and whole foods. upscale mile and i am drawn at kos and
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