tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV March 26, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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2012. >> can i stop you for a minute looks like we're moving from schedule to bunt; right? >> yeah. it is out of you know sequence. >> no, my sequencing is okay. but we'll be luke schedule. >> looking at schedule and return to the budget summary in the additional projects. >> i want to make sure we're still tracking here. >> i mean what i'm gleaning we're seeing pretty good saving potentially right our baseline budget but i'd like to i'm sort of seeing none, e seeing it is broken down one big particular item it is really driving those things. >> maybe i should suggest that you jump to the budget part and then come back to the schedule.
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>> it is out of sync. >> sure. sure. >> to answer our questions commissioner the main savings is the reduction of the tunnel size which is close to $300 million and the west side pimp station is 200 and $50 million that is where the bulk of those savings are. >> thank you. >> okay. so when we look at the presents baseline budget what you see is again commissioner as you piloted the $400 million the savings the total program and the phase one stacy as 2.7 phase two we see a
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lot of the reductions into the 2.9 and the overall 6.5 i've mentioned before this is reflective of meeting the los and we brought this up two or three years ago. >> and the new revised climatic change los that seems relevant. >> actually that decreased the amount that we're looking at originally the 21 hundred nibs number westbound 66 inches of sea level rise now 36 inches with all the facilities we've done the map but with surging and protecting the 21 hundred conditions and being proactively with those requirements that the
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city planning has. >> does that didn't increase the costs. >> a lot of it is making sure were at a proper elevation to the designers can build and others existing assets we know the sea level rise we are identifying the adoption we need to incorporate as we moved in time at flagging those they can be properly schedule into the capital improvement plans. >> thank you. >> one of the things we did i want to regroup the projects okay one of the things i've mentioned because we did the shifting of a project and looking at things we wanted to restructure how we report to you you'll see a different form and we had two areas one is treatment and one in collections and the treatment area we want to look at the bio
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project and the southeast improvements we came to you in 2012 under the bio cells we grouped a number of projects we had bio cells he a number of projects that fits the digesters providing a redundant and electrical feed to the plants with new control systems and operation purposes what we decided to do is focus on bio cells by itself we're reporting the largest project to you and one of the easier as land reuse an effort we're looking at to stage the construction and do the parking the first thing we did if we speculated the land use as it - we took the rest of project southeast and separated them from bio solid on the other hand, and we've made them part
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of southeast bio the heads project is significant we've pulled that out as a separate category to you when we really thirty this together what you'll see is bio solids and they're recorded individually the southeast improvements the oceanside improvements and north point and the collection system when we looked at the collection system one category that we wanted to provide cleaner definition so that we're splitting into 3 entering sectors how those are progressing and combine the structures in the storage boxes oversee are recorded separately and this is what the program will look like going forward. >> now at that point again, i want to emphasize that is really important to know we've gotten
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here and $400 million under the program we've presented in envelope and that is good news by the way, unfortunately, there have been things come to light in the last 2 and a half years we wanted to identify some additional project - >> before you go there can you go back to the schedule. >> you need a younger person
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to drive? >> so when we presented phase one to you back in 2012, we did not split those by year remembered we were asked to set priority you see the jagged lines and phase one extended from 2012 to 2023 for the bio solids and the projects needs for compliance when we looked phase one today what we see a slight increase going out to 2024 and, uh, love
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of construction in a short period of time we're looking at the phase one extension of an additional year from what we had in 2012 when we look like phase two back in 2012 it ran from about 2018 to 2030 we we look at in 2016 the addition of the west side pump station coming in the lane and we maintained the 2018 to 2030 timeframe and see at the bottom the deletion of the west side of pump station expansion phase three was really 2025 to three 2 no changes to the prong in the 2016 update so it is presented as shown here and the
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new concealed we're working with the basking is shown here with phase one at 2 just under 2.7 and the entire program at a 2.5. >> so. >> i wanted to point out the major takeaway is that when we came to you in 2012, we had a $6.933 billion program which is over 20 years and the first stage you endorsed and approved moving forward $2.7 billion and so we worked with the team to look at with dan has mentioned and so right now the phase one given the same promotions that we identified is at the 2.69 so about 2.7 but it
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is a little bit of savings overall the program is $6.5 billion. >> now the phase one you have a delay in the digesters about a year but that is incorporated in the budget so i want to take a pause and is that i said to recognize that for regrouping and that we're becoming a little bit more diligent to like on the water system how we report and keeping the same consistent approach if a change happened we'll come to the commission with regular updates to opine on any changes moving forward and the last thing i'll say we're still in phase one so like for example, the tunnel construction is still in phase
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two we'll come to you after we do all the analysis and talk about green and how all that plays out when we come to get approval moved on any of phase two projects although we put a number and schedule didn't mean that phase two will happen we have to come in to you with specific information you may choose to moves forward with a posh or all the project but also affordability you'll see the rates when we include all the projects i want to make sure we highlight on that and phase two 2018 that's right so 2018 the conversations happen more realistically and phase two
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- harlan kelly mentions we'll anticipate a bunch of workshops and strategies for 30 years those. >> those start in 2018. >> before that before that. >> before i think that given all the other things that are coming we're show you before there is something we have to look at affordability we don't want to have sticker shock because we're not under a federal mandate we're doing it because we feel this is right thing to do and want to be mindful there are a lot of competing projects and so that's why the level of service is really important so as we move forward and talk about some other potential projects about increasing the levels of service that will be more money for those items and so dan can talk
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about the 3 areas that is really beyond what we identified in 2012 and what we're through the analysis and working with different communities areas that they're concerned about we want to present what the status of those are so you can go forward. >> so this is where harlan kelly described we ended up at the 2016 the baseline i mention there are additional projects that we want to present to you one was the main this was a project part of interim c pi with construction underground obstructions problems and delays you authorized the s example i p
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it is going through the close out now the redundancy along the embarcadero for the flows that come from the financial district in that area down towards the plant we also have entering departmental requests from other city agencies be is sfmta or muni or public works to work with them on projects their moving forward and to take advantage of the opportunity to investigate whether our assets need to be updated at the time most of projects involve taking our sewers out of center of the streets and put them on the side of the streets to avoid conflicts and they're dealing with assets over one hundred years assets we'll be dealing with this is a good time and opportunity to partner with other agencies and finally you're aware of the
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several flooding issues came up awe railways from the storms of december 2014 so fortunately, we have been able to work proactively the areas and we're recommending that some additional projects be considered obviously the north shore force main was $30,000 and several emergency room projects that totaled almost one hundred million dollars the bus rapid transit on van ness and geary and the central subway and the terryville the flowed resiliency was discussed last month with the resilience planning and development i believe that will be presented again the summer in terms of recommendations but we're looking at specific projects that will be initialed and modified if necessary
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depending upon the relies of that planning activities so all told these project total just over $200 million and we are recommending that they be made part of phase one so that work will continue and that will bring the phase one total to 2 that $.9 billion this work will continue in phase two with additional entering departmental projects with the alliance in the flood resiliency we'll don't think the resiliencecy work will identify the final multitude with the level of service you choose at that time the $200 million is the lower ends and the study will identify a much higher number that brings the phase two to
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$3.1 billion. >> so what we see here again is the ssi p as 6.5 those 3 projects adding over $400 million and still coming in under the $7 billion original target that was put forth 4 years ago if we look at how those flow the force main project will become part of the punctuation station and enforcement categorical and the flood resiliencycy we wanted to track those as separate categories added to the collective system category and the revised totals of program is shown here at the 6.976 up from the 6.33 started in 2012
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so - this gives a snapshot summary of the envelope verse of 2016 with those additional projects incorporated and the prioritization effort has enabled us to affirm the levels of service that the program is based on it is enables us to maintain the integrity of the ssi p with the finance to make sure that all of the projects that we've put forth are consistent with the 10 year cpi and provided to respond to changes via reassessing little project risks via assessing whether a project is needed or not or deal with entering departmental projects not part of original effort we feel that having completed this experience we can move forward confidentially is where we video
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a solid set of projects to best serve puc and the registries in closing the last slides is the request that karen identified at the beginning of her presentation and the last believability emphasis what harlan kelly pointed out phase two didn't start until 2018 in july but all of the numbers that were presented have been worked with finance and the 10 year cpi and we'll certainly be back before requesting action an phase two. >> great, thank you. >> go ahead. >> well, i think one of the things we point out is the flood resilient work we're planning to roll out we're inform you on the total system functionality areas where we meet the levels of
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service areas we don't if we increase the level of service what will be 9 cost so weasel give a memo of choices that will add to this number or you know certain things you know once we identify the project it takes time to decide what the actually project you're trying to accomplish but ranks of projects and costs associated with those projects. >> great i have a question on the selection of all the additional projects are those - i mean part of it is because of need like the flooding but part of it i hope because this is when other city agencies are embarking on their work with the cpi or efficiency of scale. >> the big challenge we're facing we kwh we look at the system and identify over priority ones we need to address
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there is older ones we've identified the state that really need immediate attention and then all of a sudden all the city departments saying can you tag along with the project and be a great opportunities we have our number ones we can't fund to face all the ones we feel the worst condition and using that money to do something that lasts anothers 20 or thirty years that's the dilemma we're in so recognizing that we're still going to do the number one we're asking for more money for the projects we don't dr. to move the ones in need of attention by the way, we had a situation like on lake street we did a segment and used because we feel that was the other leg and we used
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that money to do joint projects one segment we left off it broke and we had a major sink the streets we're trying to plan a little bit better and create with the departments a little bit better as well. >> thank you commissioner president vietor you're correct in the case of terryville the tracks are over one hundred years old and same at the n judah line the tracks are removed and repaired the life the tracks is 70 years and the of economist of scale getting probation officer 20 into market street those are tough streets to get into in construction such major arteries we like to team up with the other departments and work with them especially a
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sewer is in bad shape. >> uh-huh. >> so that's how this was demonstrated a combination of need and what's happening with other. >> correct we do tv stores and get the assessment we clean them and tv them and they go on the priority list. >> the other thing we have 15 millions of sewer replacement as part of r and r thousands above that we're asking the million dollars identifying major corridors that money will go towards as on the r and r program we're working with the pagan the dpw we assess the areas that are pasted with the pe sewer and determine if it needs to be replaced and work done on it at the same time the paefg is done. >> before we more often i have
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several public comment cards i think we should open up to public comment before we move on the item if no objection (calling names). >> gone. >> linda sanders. >> good afternoon, commissioners. >> can you hear me. >> yes. ? >> yes. welcome good afternoon. >> i'm linda here to read a letter of support from pastor bryan was not able to make it today so greater missionary baptist
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church that located 3 blocks from the southeast sewage treatment a plant we've been actively participating in meetings regarding the efforts to improve that plant especially addressing the issues of order control this particular plant treats nearly 80 percent of city's sewage that is impertinent that the plan upgrades continue english perishing as the pastor of that - we are excited and hopeful of plans that mr. kelly and the commission has to transformer that plant into a status quo facility given the history of the bayview community has had with informing
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we are certain immediate approval it necessary we urge you to approve the baseline budget and keep the needs of the community at the forefront of our decision making and that's submit by dr. bryant i have a copy for your record. >> thank you for coming and speaking today >> next speaker. >> is rodney. >> good afternoon he will i'm rodney once i'm the president and co-sponsored of a nonprofit we help our people located the heart of hunters point i'm also a member of the hunters point residents host committee and other committees throughout the hunters point community i'm here to most importantly to support the approval the rebaseline of this budget abdomen of history about myself my grandmothers
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both in the last 50s my mother bob bobby emigrated from texas and my father's mother emigrated from lake charles louisiana ac west point my mom is 6 of gvenz and my father was murdered in west bayview and my children 6 and many other families in hunters point inhaled the smell i didn't type treatment system again which is produced from 80 percent of san francisco population which i heard not fair at all no other communities in san francisco hastening did you read that kind of situation
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your family and kids you'll have a deft presentation on the things go on in our community in addition i'd like to share according to the experts california has more than 99 percent of chance chance of having a large earthquake within thirty years for northern california the likely sour source of such earthquake 33 percent change we've forgotten in 1989 people had partner and walkman's not smart phones we must not forget but act now there is a significant study within the community working with bayview hunters point residents and myself have been supportive of making the improvement to the southeast plant i urge you again on behalf of all the community residents
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definitely residents off hunters point approve this so our children what bracket clean healthy air not the bio treatment and you can use the acronyms for that thank you. >> thank you. >> next kari please. >> hi, i'm kari i work with a program director the urban academy one of the largest educational organizations systems in the district 10 we have the honor of working with the sfpuc and attended many meetings in regards to the issues of the - we urge to you approve the baseline project for the past decade the community has the blood gone the massive
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changes the sfpuc has been maintained over the past 3 or 4 years it is fantastic that the san francisco public works has started to repair the south treatment plant the process had not been expensive and not delayed again the residents out of bayview that lives there would like this to be resolved as soon as possible please continue to do the safe work and do this as quickly as possible thank you. >> thank you. >> next is ms. eloise i'm a residence of hunters point i want to bring up the points that
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are representing for the other people they have to work in 2009 the mayor's office published a report that the task force for african-american other migration this documents the disproportion african-american in san francisco now, when you cut to the chase there are two key reasons that contribute affordable housing and jobs the under employment rate for african-american is about twice that of non-african-americans now two of the recommendations from those reports was to create robust education and workforce strategy that prepares the african-americans residents for jobs and growing and emerging industries like green collar jobs and health care and other industries and strengthening the training programs that rove the
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barriers to unemployment to prepare young african-american men for employment within the community and promote the business developments opportunity for african-american p&z this is why the ssi p is so important it can help so far the ssi p has hired the community residents but in other words, to have a municipal impact this commission needs to continue its efforts to move the program forward the project associated and community benefit as well as on the projects the community can go a long way to help to address the issues we're facing now the prospective that people of color don't care about the investment has exist for a long time and has been debunked for just as long there's been go dozens of articles and equities
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across the board are emerged the bayer environmental health club to protect the community and environmental justice means all people regardless of race or incomes will have the right to clean and hktd environments and save quality of life the ss puc is the first utility in the nogs in addition to adapt an environmental justice policy and improving the southeast is an issue we can't afford further delay i live there my children live there my dwran son lives there please take action that is much needed the status quo was built in 1951 r 2 i'd like to see that happy before the end of my lifetime
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thank you. >> thank you. >> jackie . >> good afternoon, commissioners general manager mr. kelly my name is jackie i'm the executive director of the institute of san francisco and as a think outside the box service provider to hundreds of names if the southeast i understand the importance of delivering a reliable and save watering service just as important to provide the clean water it is just as important to provide a reliable and safe sewer system it transport our rainwater one of the critical issues we face as californian our drought and by improving our sewer system we're exploring more
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innovation ways to conserve water but deserve a sustainable facilities many of the community members stated that important and we deserve a facility that use the best technology to minimize the odor it is about due times a thirty years old commitment we have the time to - we need this not only to small businesses but really career pathways and over families deserve it they really do and i encourage you guys today to not delay any further and adopt the newly s example i p program budget thank you. >> thank you. >> silva johnson. >> i don't have a doctor
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church well. >> other public comment mr. brooks. >> here mr. church well. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is dr. caesar church well with the chamber of commerce vice president the chamber is over three hundred small businesses that we're excited request your support and approval of the basis and budget for the southeast sewage improvement project maybe some of you haven't been out there to smell the stench the summertime but if you do i hope you'll whether those take into consideration that we do need to improve that smell now our members also, if this
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project glosses to create jobs for the construction people and other people that are related businesses so i ask you to take into consideration and approve the reare we baseline of this project thank you. >> mr. brooks. >> eric brooks san francisco green party our city of san francisco first back up what some of the representatives have said that isism peripheral we stay on track with the wastewater facility improvements we recently lost a champion on that issue dr. espanola jackson who spent decades of her life making sure we got to this point or
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we'll start doing the rebuild of the sicken treatment plants it is crucial we don't drop the ball and make sure and honor the decades of work that dr. jackson undertook to get this to happen we shouldn't fall back on that the other comment i want to make is about sea level rise as raised in the presentation about a decade now i've been going to planning commission myers and other hearings for other agencies trying to get through their heads the issue of sea level rise and the actual projections they should be taken into consideration emancipation proclamation pay attention to much higher than the entering governmental panel open climatic change are projecting that is somewhere between 46 issues bcdc planning department, the developers like lennar corporation the bayview and
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treasure island ever times that i and others go forward and say look the worst case scenario is like two meters and doctor james happening son of nasa that put out a report about that the report about the - by the end of the century 5 meters of sea level rise potentially by the middle of this century every time - i committed own environmental impact reports and done hearing after hearing the planning department and the developers and the agency and the board of supervisors refused to listen to this analysis they just keep on going by the example pc numbers convert and infer the reason their refusing to listen if at the accident that will completely change the economic dynamics of their condo projects they want to build on the coast
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and bay especially treasure island and bayview hunters point in light of that it is crucial that the san francisco public utilities commission staff be ahead of the curve and put that the two merchants of sea level rise when they do the work and design much more than that potentially 5 meters or more to make sure their covering the bases on sea level rise otherwise we'll have an viral mess decades down the line thanks. >> thank you you want to submit. >> and communities members i'd like to submit to the public record. >> thank you very much. >> any other public comments on this item. >> commissioners david for solutions not sandbags on page 31 of the presentation flood resiliency projects are listed i'd like to say it is nice to
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see we're starting to think about the floods the flood 0 problems were initially dropped from the s example i p 2004 the first major flowed of sewage that is the one on memory i'd like to point out the $8 million allocated for it the flood resiliency projects i'd like to say i think that will be inaccurate the presentations of the workshops said this will not guarantee that there not be flooding in homes only less flooding i also note that $23 million has been looltsdz for the 15 san francisco entertainment commission project i'll suggest the value of the homes if in that neighbor there are fewer homes than an other avenue add to the idea we can address that
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issue and solve that and that kind of thinking needs to be applied to ccii you go the additional letters from the terrace residents points out how serious the problem is there - the word will be inadequate thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> yeah. i want to quickly respond again, we will probably better address this when we talk about the flood resilent report that is a place holder you many we've identified. >> thank you. >> okay
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commissioners. >> i have one madam chair. >> i want to talk about the comments of the southeast i've been there a couple of times in chicago next to a water treatment area watermelon and some the summer the fumes go the wrong way especially, if you grew up the environment and come back. >> so would anyone like to make a motion on that item to move forward. >> sym. >> second. >> if not future comment. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you that motion carries to approve the amended budget and schedule thank you thank you for all your hard work on this. >> next speaker, please. >> madam secretary. >> discussion and possible action to authorize the issuance
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in one or more up to $621 million of wastewater revenue bonds the proposition e and authorize the general manager to accept essential the bonds on a competitive base for the issuance of bonds to the highest bidder and submit to the board of supervisors authorizing the issuance of bonds. >> commissioners i'm eric sandler the business person and the chief financial officer such heard low about were what we're building and now i'll talk about how we finance it. >> the the item before you represents to the issuance of $621 million not to exceed debt i'll talk about the transaction
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and the funds the commission resolution and the what you're authorized by considering this resolution i'll talk about the form of the transaction and share with you our schedule. >> sow we are talking the transaction not to exceed $625 million the bonds will be sold as tax examine for and a portion of the bonds designated green bonds the use of precedes will be to fund the outstanding commercial paper for the construction to now as well as providing $44,300,000,000 in new construction000 in new constr $0
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in new construction. >> and then the uses are the project deposits the combination of the funding the 1 and $35 million in commercial paper and send to the city treasurer and fund the contracts against those the $40 million will be put in a capital interest fund to pay the interest for two years of construction and then we have the amounts for the issuance and underwriters. >> as the commission resolution before you is under prop e and the funding for that that you're approving the related fund document that's why this package is thicker and
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authorized as is general manager in contusion with the city attorney for the final versions of those documents. >> you're also authorizing accident general manager to sell the bond excessively to authorize to the lowest bidder and to direct the general manager to submit a resolution recessing to the board of supervisors authorizing the bond. >> wait one second because we lost our quorum. >> this is an action item. >> right he's here. >> okay i can move quickly. >> so here are the form of documents you're approving in this action the preliminary official statute of limitations is so forth all
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the information with the disclosure document and all the investors and under writings e writers need to understand what they're pretty much that is the most important documents for the disclosure for the commissioners about a moorg the second item the supplemental and so forth the terms and conditions for that bond issue and some other notice of intention to sell and bonds purchase contract and the disclosure certifies and the continuing disclosures for the commissions commitment for the updated going on information when the o reck was here with the city attorney they so forth a number of questions to consider when approving that especially the preliminary
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official statement we provided in a staff report questions and answers so the purpose of issuance i mean, i won't run to those in details but consider those as commissioners and i set them for you to consider. >> i think i might highlight some of the items on page 2 so this issue represents boo about a doubling of the debt of waifrtdz $700 million in outstanding debt without a doubling one $.3 million and the impact on watering when it capitalized waste period of two years is higher i'll point out that is factored into the financial plan you considered
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throughout our budget process to nothing new here the issuance according to the plan and the impact on the bond rating i'll say that from the commission sort of move forward and follows through with the rate increases there will be no negative impact and then finally the transaction schedule if you take action today, we'll be submitting to the board of supervisors legislation for passage on the 19 and the bond pricing on may 4th and the bonds closing on may 18th that's my presentation if any questions i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> or disclosure questions? >> a lot of money. >> thank you for your good work on this
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commissioners any questions or comments? is there a motion to approve the bond issuance >> i'll make a a motion. >> i'll second any public comment on this item? >> hello, my name is silvia johnson. i was doing scientific studies and the research that - and this is already i do remember that in 2007 they call it dirt it is toxic dirt and it really is what you call some mosque and caused
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us to get sicken san francisco i think a lot it has worsens and in the c i report it is not to be put in san francisco and are dumped and this has been ignored the years that has gone by this is where our problems have been started and this is only done in 2007 that there is electrical car that was done that was a new discovery and a very small way that was put here that it was revealed on the only reason they dump this toxic waste they call it dirt i asked them if at the curb not dump
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this in san francisco and i guess this report never did get through because that i was trying to reach the white house and made several movies outside of the white house nobody directed me i was supposed to do a walk through and nothing with that issue and it was taken to a prison state i don't think that was very fair by the san francisco has gotten bad because of this and when i left there was a psychologist 3 years because i was - i know this bond should be more not put
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on to the person that had the person that done this electrical car i don't think you know this is should be in any kind of purpose to demolish the world in toxic wastes. >> thank you. any to the comments we have before us item number 12 no sorry item 11 on the bond measures there is a motion and a second no more public comment. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? unanimously carries thank you eric next item, please. >> item 12 support the city and county of san francisco opposed and amended position for
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assembly bill one one one 0. >> barbara hale assistant general manager for power the item before you is a request you firmer the position that the city and county of san francisco took on assembly bill 1110 to oppose unless amend ab 1110 is a standard for green house gas emissions from electricity services disclosed to customers we that that approach is appropriate but oppose the method included in the passage it is not aligned with the standard requirement we as an electrical provider ass the sfgh and the public works have to abide by and devalues
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the green house gas emissions of the hetch hetchy system so that's why we're asking the commission affirm the city and county of san francisco position of opposing and let's amend ab 10 we've worked with supervisor tang this year and last year and hoping the proposals we have will be met with support and with that, i ask for your support. >> how might that impact cleanpowersf. >> cleanpowersf relies on bundled renewal energy credits as to meet the renewal portfolio standards under assemblyman tilly chang the bundled will count as well important green house gas free reporting but the legislation does, does not allow for the carry forward
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of attributes for year to year for example, solar is generating in the summer and not so much in the later on in the year and at night we can't take the credits that we have in excess and in a given year and role them over and apply them to subsequent percent when our solar is not producing under the legislation under current law rp s laws allow you to take renewal attributes from one year that exceed to comply in that year and apply them to subsequent years and retired and allowed to be active the system up to 3 years so we would be unable under assembly member tilly chang proposed los angeles to retain the attributes of the solar
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we're purchasing and the winds we're purchasing for cleanpowersf. >> so another reason to oppose so you would. >> yes. >> i think the reason on the hydro with the drought. >> yeah. it can cost us $10 million to replace the value of hetch hetchy in a year when we are generating electricity and have super ingressive from the hetch hetchy we can apply to subsequent reporting periods if we have to replace that with bundled renewal power or other g h g free resources that the bill allows we'll have to extend $10 million a year. >> and that's just for the publicity part of portfolio. >> great, thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners questions or comments? motion to support to oppose
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>> i'll make a motion. >> second. >> public comments mr. brooks. >> yes, sir. good afternoon once again commissioners eric brooks san francisco clean energy advocates and representing the california for choice one of the categories that fought against prop 16 and successfully defeuded ab 214 in 2015 and figure out to postpone the ab 10 last year until this year it is good that the city is taking an opposed less position, however, it is a little bit narrow for us we need to san francisco public works and the city of san francisco to take the lead to help protect community choice for all communities in 70 southern
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california by doing much stronger things the process the reality i'll be blunt about this assembly phil thanking as has worked with the ab 25 and the utility or more which it is supposed to be a watchdog of pg&e co-ludicrous with pg&e to attack clean power and they've done that with ab 1110 and doing it now with the net metering standards that the cpuc california public utilities commission we got them to institute good metering and now the loyalists are attacking this is what this legislation represents beyond having the issues that were laid out we need you all to help to push for community choices programs for a certain number of years to
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adjust to the standards 5 years the small ones we feed to make sure that rooftop solar panes are included in the ab 1110 is written that won't be you'll right the green house gas emissions on this bill we are heard relevance from assembly member tong i'll not adopt those improvements and finally something that is important we've not spoken about before i sent an e-mail to this effect on those points this bill is supposed to be about properly accounting for green house gas emissions and after we've seen the porter rather than explosion the clear evidence that the nightly are gas because of loopholes is just as bad as coal we need a champion bill to this bill to improve this bill didn't account for the needs and thes
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and any of the incident releases from natural gas that the 21st century for the porter rather than not acceptable we need more you to push for a bill that counts for all the natural gas. >> thank you. >> can i make a comment so if we could get something from staff about just a fact sheet about ab one one one 0 i think it will go a long ways to navigate not as a body but singularly i'll make that motion. >> thank you commissioner president vietor jeff if 350 sf wanted to make a comment on the super complicated bill not trying to get into the details i
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know that eric for submitting it this letter comes from work from the ends of last session when the bill was put on to your status but look at the argument i think that is really problematic the problem is trying to solve the real problem our staff acknowledged the way this is being handled really smacks of an underhanded move to us as you may know we had to fight a local ballot measure proposition h we did succeed in but the point was to essentially gain how clean power could market it's energy and essentially the exact same parties who put together prop g together and made prop h
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necessary working with assembly member tilly chang this is aside from use it is especially unclear san francisco has the newest refresh it bill that impacts the green house gas reporting not only be supported by our assembly member but put forward by our own assembly member without the city and counties position being accurately recommend no sacramento i'll argue grateful for the puc to continue to work with the assembly members office he's not been receptive to our concerns if it bill move forward it needs to not only not further damage the future perspectives of cleanpowersf but protect and defend them one more problem which the letter mentioned i'll highlight is this is really
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combining green house gas with rp s compliance with it is famously and removing the certificates it is spate as being generated we're already getting out into the weeds trying to talk about it ultimately if we want to have rooftop solar the city we want that to count as clean and green house gas free like it is we fought prop g and h that bill essentially caused by another means the reporting problems to occur and needs to be substantially all the time before we support it thanks. >> jason fried executive director for lafco last year lafco left the amended position on ash 1110 for the reasons i'll
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not repeat today one of the things i nodded i think your staff is correct the biggest short time issue how it effects the po u but i could see how this future impacts it i don't see that the acknowledgement a factor at least in the resolution the whereas mentions cca to make sure we have a system in place that impacts that lets say we want to build out a wind farm are solar system and create a whole bunch of jobs we may need short time stuff to get the energy while we're build outing and sonoma uses category 2 and how those get counted to be a negative under this system i want to insure we're not tying our hands and 11
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ab can tie our hands to how we do further procurement i'll encourage i know your staff is looking at the cca but they left out the discussion of cca in the discussion i'll encourage you to add a whereas or one or two whereas clauses to take into consideration not just the short time but the long term goals of clean power. >> it is the resolution from the board; right? >> there you go. >> thank you city attorney's office the resolution will support the city and county of san francisco position to oppose unless amend
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and under the way the city works only the board can speak on behalf of the city and county so the puc can have an engagement with the legislative committee bow e but to amend this resolution they can't say really does that because they're not going to - all they're doing is agreeing with at least as itch with the city and county accident all the other things i mean, they, engage the advocacy and pursue the cleanpowersf issues with our lobbyist and the board and the city lives legislative committee wouldn't work to amend had resolution this about the city and county of san francisco position does
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that make sense. >> next please. my name is silvia johnson. i think that i'm starting as is police security probably tomorrow i'm applying for a josh job and that job goes to city hall courts and everything is written on this happening in april or march and i hope this happens sooner that because this you know needs to be you know supported and also the other thing the paperwork i've written and they see no problem in this election it was
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very much understand because of a battle i've recorded and the costs will not be condemned the u.s. army in 2007 question goat pissed off about it because the waste was dumped here our children gotten sick and it needs to be cleaned up of course i know that i think and the electric company was not aware but it is important the bay area acted at the same time in 2007 they got they said to demolish a lot of people here and had court hearings about that or i didn't agree in any of
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this in 2007 i think your electrical company is very misinformed chapters. >> thank you, thank you next item, please. >> so counsel i'm wondering can we put something in the first whereas it says at the end of the first whereas including heavily investing in the hetch hetchy power system and the community parenthesis cleanpowersf. >> norway reign city attorney's office if i want to change the recitals in the whereas to include that information that is fine i was focused on the - >> yeah. because i think is it would be good to acknowledge we're making an investment this has implications for that the
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program. >> so first whereas after hetch hetchy power system add and community choice aggregation parenthesis cleanpowersf. >> all right. subject to you're moving that as an amendment >> i will move i'd like to move that as an amendment if my colleagues are amenable. >> second or? >> okay. thank you. >> second. >> so there's an amended motion on the table any comments on the amendment? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? i believe we need to vote on the main motion resolution now so moved. >> second. >> any comments on the main resolution increasing
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>> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries thank you very much next item, please. >> madam secretary. >> item 13 public comment on matters disclosed in closed session. >> very quickly commissioner eric brooks i was not available in time for public comment i want to say i saw a hayes valley reports on the proposed merger of pacific co-sponsorship the grid operators and thoughts perverse a very good report we need to be circumspect about lorgz our power to cal to have much more power to make sure our engine is clean and leverage for our clean energy system for the
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wise to expand and merge with pacific corp. thank you. >> secretary will you read the items it closed session i acknowledged only 2 items in closed session and we need a motion on 14. >> can you read do items. >> the motion first. >> i think you need to read the items and see if there are public comment on those items and assert privilege. >> item 15 conference with local counsel anticipated litigation we're not going to hear item 16 today and item 17 unlitigated claim career street hoa versus the city and county of san francisco and items 18 through 25 will not be heard today. >> thank you. we have two items we'll be hearing public comments on either of those two
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items. >> yes. my name is silvia johnson. two items which i asked this - the paternity on the process water sewer and public you know comments for - to have which our dime to clean power clear up a lot of toxic little tiny animals and it looks like like a you know what you call it- it is crawling all over the sidewalks and stuff and causing people to get sick and dying i asked them
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in 2007 they pointed out occupy u out you know. >> thank you for your comments so is there a motion to assert attorney/client privilege with the two items in . >> we spelled the settlement was approved by it commission a motion to disclose no to disclose the other discussions we had during you pursue so
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moved not to disclose. >> not to disclose. >> second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? other new business commissioners i have a couple of announcements at april 12th commission meeting is cancelled you are next meeting on april 26th correcting i want to acknowledge as move on into adjournment the passing of wellington the first african-american appoint to the public works i'd like to adjourn this meeting in his honor the mayor ed lee has made a statement on his passing and the flag at city hall and sfmta will be flown at half-staff today with that, this meeting is adjourned
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>> power it's all around us in the sun and the winds and caves waves power that lights our homes while protecting our natural resources clean power will provide power to san franciscans how about works right now our power is from pg&e from non-renewable systems that comes over pg&e maintained lines with clean power your energy about think generated by
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begin by thanking supervisor wiener so far his instead of leadership the sponsoring the legislation that will raise the minimum angle for anyone purchasing tobacco products and e cigarettes to the average 24 and that will take effect on july 1st of this year i know that supervisor wiener along with his co-sponsors supervisor mar and supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell and ultimately the entire board had a adopted this and this i know that the supervisors with working closely with our duty 0 who has been documenting why it is showing so important to continue our efforts as a city if not as a state to continue be rooiktd the access to cigarettes particularly at journeying or younger ages that is advocated
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by the groups like the tobacco free coalition i want to thank them they're not just here in san francisco but the entire region and all over the country working with the health department making sure that supervisor wiener and not only pay attention it the science and data it is going on but that we do our best to end the suffering that is brought by by long-term smoking that obviously is the cause of cancer and asthma and heart disease we do our best to educate the public in doing so if not the industry that sells overseeing products and ultimate our kids are your family when in their 18 and 19 is shown that the coalition has shown over and
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over you're putting that some 95 percent of long term smokers had begun smoking at the age of 18 perhaps younger and as certain under the age of 21 those habit are so hard to end voluntarily so that's why we have to go to many other front to try to do this and that's why i think that the supervisor wiener has found a person cause and public health health cause if the violation kriebs the department of health to make sure that we do what we can to end our these diseases as much as we can to make sure that we also reflect as the mayor of the city if we can save a lot of money if we are able the medical
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systems we have to have in place it treat cancer and asthma with smoking is an incredible experience to the public safety the cleaner air with the coalition work on families that second-hand smoke impacts this has another critical reason why we want to do as much as we can and i think we're on the overview we know that supervisor wiener is already in contact with the governor's office as we are and with his the 1184 particularly senator leno and senator henry's to insure that the state which maybe hopefully in our minds the second to join hawaii to end the sales of
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tobacco products and less people under 9 age of 21 it doesn't make it right because your 21 you buy tobacco products wild to end it. everyone hopefully with the adult level of age 21 that people make better health decision tore themselves and their family so i take this opportunity to thank the coalition i know that in looking at the data as they have done in working with us this year was a strong sense interest the data it the smoking rates are higher amongst people of closer and amongst the let the record reflect community and other xhucht we rank it with a hard impact sales work that is done by tobacco industry the may or may not lgbt community that's where we really have good data
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to show that the more we do to educate your communities be about this the better off we'll be so with all that background i want to say to supervisor wiener you have again showing the good leadership i'm going to give the pen avenue we sign this your accumulate more pens than anyone but thank you for your leadership and also working with such important groups like the tobacco free coalition supervisor wiener i'd like to invite you up here to say a few words >> thank you, mayor ed lee i'll give that pen to the advocates and the district for they're really horroric work tutor sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; 24 legislation in a way that highlights this critically important issue san francisco for many years has
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been on the cutting-edge of public safety whether around hiv or led pant and sugar sweetened beverage whatever the case weave been from the forefront and once again we are in the fire hydrant of what i hope will be a tile waive of proving health legislation that eliminates tobacco use in this country this is a huge problem we've been involved in a 50-year struggle but with the tobacco city that produces a product with no benefit whatsoever that kills a half a million people every year 34 is a serious issue and serious punting kiss i'm proud we live in a city where we
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can be on the cutting-edge where the politics of this city allows us at city hall to make good progressive policy i also want to say we know we're up against a very well financed component the tobacco destroy for decades has fought ever effort to try to control tobacco use and enemy linkage between their pursuit and the health we know that hillsborough tried to do that they have spent their legislation after an expensive lawsuit by the tobacco industry we in san francisco are willing to fight that fight that is amount about our city thank you to the department of public health we sometimes don't roles e releases how lucky with the best putting department that
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supports our efforts to make good laws that vascular critical exercise an amazing agency and our advocates for give us the political spouse space to to be able to do this and as the mayor adu u. >> you allowed we passed that legislation a week and a half good and the law jam the state assembly broke we that republicans willing to raise the tobacco age to 21 to pass senator leno's forward-looking bill to make sure that cigarettes are tobacco are still a way to get addicted to nicotine and will you the tobacco tax it is a huge step forward i hope goes to the
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governors desk thank you, everyone (clapping.) so are we ready to safe so far lives i'll add one mount reason not in my notes or the legislation but it is about my history about 10 years ago a mayor asked me to pick up cigarette butts as a public works decorator i say to all the public works staff that work hard if there was less settings that's another reason to sign on the legislation; right? yes all right. (clapping.) (laughter). >> today's date is -
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