tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV March 27, 2016 4:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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than it is than others to do this and that we might not need to wait for 2 years for those areas. i don't know but i think the two-year limit is too confining both in terms of speed and also in terms of maybe it will take 3 years to do it in some place in 4 years to do it so that i think it's not the right [inaudible] >> staff: the way i understood and read this language it was asking for an analysis. so because is asking for an analysis we could impact them
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back with the analysis that we could do this in one year where we could do it in 3 or something celtic fort in some things we have no idea. i think the language as it's written gives us the flexibility to answer that question is 2 years possible. what i don't want it to do is to set an expectation that the answer is, yes, we can ban in 2 years. what's asking for-i want to be very clear on this-an analysis what does that look like. if we think would be a great goal to dan phaseout in 2 years what does that look like for a? how reasonable is that and how hard is it and what we need from the board of supervisors so it's really an analysis. it's going to take all the apartments working together in a general fashion to do that analysis. we'll give
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you the best we can need months from now and you will hear back from us on what we have found leno and don't know. i'm comfortable with the language. but i'm not sure to we have the exact language. i guess my only question is, i see it's fun. >> president omotalade can you read it again >> clerk: on page 3 beginning online 8 the final result would read for the results of the commission on environment request that apartment on the environment to provide implementation through the commission's policy committee at its regularly scheduled the lever 2016 committee meeting and further requests the dept. of the environment presents an analysis to the full commission that outlines pathway to significantly reduce the use of tier 1 herbicides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years in public parks
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in all areas in which these herbicides are used by the city and county of san francisco. >> president omotalade i am comfortable with that. we now have a motion and a amendment on the table. moved and seconded. all those in favor say, aye can you read it one more time for the record of what the amendment is. >> clerk: furthers all the commission on environment request the dept. of the environment provided implementation update to the commission through the commission's policy committee which regular scheduled above are 2016 committee meeting and
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further requests that apartment to the environment present analysis to the full commission that aligns the pathway to significantly reduce the secure one herbicides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years in a public parks and the all areas that are used of the sitting talk to san francisco >> president omotalade all those in favor say, aye opposed? herb sentence the amendment is approved. now we have to vote on the motion which includes the amendment. anybody could i not? is a discussion on the? commissioner hoyos >> commissioner hoyos: this means that there's not a leader crew way to assess what the amendment but have concerns about the full-motion. my short
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comment to all of you again is simply the main thing i want to work on the main health concerns i heard that generally regarding recovering playgrounds i do think there's some overlap. i need to know more about bell where kids plan in the natural areas. for me there's a lack of clarity. ipod you for all your great work. >> president omotalade. any further discussion? hearing none, it's time to vote. we are voting on
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>> clerk: file number 2016 file number 20 1603 resolution adopting [inaudible]. as amended >> president omotalade all those in favor say, aye opposed? this resolution passes as amended. next item on the agenda. >> clerk: next item is directors report. updates on the dept. of the environment ministry of an programmatic operations willing to budget planning the dj planning clean your transportation, energy
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public outreach and education environmental justice habitat restoration and green building zero waste toxic reduction in urban forest rate. the speakers ever rafael director. this item is for discussion >> president omotalade will do your part and continue everything else. >> staff: part of my report to honor some people and they're not here. >> president omotalade this pursuit of question motion to table is out the motion is? >> [inaudible] >> president omotalade on calling out audio on the agenda asking for public comment. >> clerk: item 10 all security
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report highlights of every 17th tray 16 and march 8, 2016 meeting item for discussion good item 11 announcements item for discussion until commission affairs manager written reports explanatory document item 13 new business future agenda items. discussion possible action. in night of 9 directors report. >> president omotalade is there any public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. commissioners you want to discuss this matter before stable? cabled? before it's tabled? were making a motion
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>> power it's all around us in the sun and the winds and caves waves power that lights our homes while protecting our natural resources clean power will provide power to san franciscans how about works right now our power is from pg&e from non-renewable systems that comes over pg&e maintained lines with clean power your energy about think generated by caesarean more renewable sources come to our home e.r. businesses to the pg&e lines
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ms. fewer ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and mr. haney, 5 i's. >> we want to thank everyone who is joining us in person if anyone want to address the board of education there are cards out in the hallway if you can fill them out and give them to ms. casco before the item is called mr. superintendent. >> thank you president haney i want to welcome everyone that is joining us in person and rnsz in the communities or watching on tv good evening at our last board meeting i wished the culinary arts program by chief and teacher daniel the teacher he wish them equal to compete in the educational pro start
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competition well, this evening i'm proud to announce that tonight we won actually, they sweat swept the awards competition (clapping.) proud to announce they've received the management sxhur of year to achieve dan schooerd the california award to john o'connor school that he the california's pro start spirit award which of the the pro start of beyond the call of duty this is given one and 37 high schools that are teaching the pro start curriculum and one and 75 chief and sxhur over 8 hundred plus students that is incredibly significant and over 5 thousand schools settlement united states with the pro culinary and over
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12 hundred thousand students it is supported by the national restaurant by the called restaurant association and foundation and in addition to giving kutsdz to ore students and attentive chiefs we want to thank the chair of argue advisory committee for gary for the golden gate routine association for support of our students we know that san francisco is in particular is world-class foodie city so to have our students now prepared at the highest levels to not only work but thrive if that industry is a particular point of pride and privilege for us this thursday more than one hundred students from the tourism service will be the hospitality industry as career options beyond high school approximately, one hundred of the students from galileo and
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george washington high schools will be the community and for the first time in the academy and sfusd history at least 26 molts and restaurants and tourism organizations will play host to our students at the same time they'll found out what work basis matt haney is and under the wimps of our h.r. restaurant and executives our students will learn from and work with and actually get on opportunity to dine with their mentors this is really, really world-class experiences and education students in alignment with vision 2025 and i also am proud to announce that brad hart fifth grader was served our one million school breakfast for this year and
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charles congratulations and everyone, in fact, more and more of the students are eating breakfast at school and the breakfast of the school year came a month earlier than last year more and more students with a nutritional school we have breakfast in the classroom ever student has a meal at the their desk we know this eliminates the stigma social with eating a school breakfast the cafe ambassador more importantly, this insures with every students get to start the day that way at bret hart the one million breakfast 80 percent of the students eats breakfast so thank you for everyone and for our teachers and paraprofessionals you are custodian and principals that are working beyond the contract working to make sure they're keeping the students
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need for the most part in their minds and the million accounting breakfast one month earlier than the year previous is a testament your marking a difference and let's have a great meeting this evening president haney. >> recognized of accommodation 3 tonight mr. superintendent. >> thank you president haney all of our favorite part of agenda recognize and resolution we're very, very proud this offering to have 3 resolutions the first two are the traditional rave special service award the rave service award that will be present by the principal of extraordinaire of lincoln high school barbie that presents the sdpishtd award to one of our teachers rosemary.
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>> thank you i'd like to introduce the students at lincoln high school come on up (clapping.) and hi, i'm home share rod a senior in this year's bs a coordinator i know her for 4 years it is funny how time flies i walked to her third period time if i am being honest i didn't want to be b there but i grew closer and made me feel i was in a place i was loved
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- it was surprising to me how she make sure i was doing well in school and not only that she also cared about me she cared by my motions and what was happening outside of school something that most teachers don't do i would see her work hard everyday even though she had a lot of work she made time for her students and that was something i wouldn't see most of time from teachers she saw her students more than just students doesn't see them as what they struggled for about their backward she saw them as
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kids with a bright future didn't see them as students with disabilities she is is a really strong woman thoughtful and kind and hard working and character this last year with you has been a great journey i have my ups and downs and you would stay by my side i never thought i'd meet someone just like her she's like a second motto me she stuck by my side when the things were tough and she became any second mother i want to thank you for push me hard and thank you for believing 2, 3, 4 me when no one else did
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and thank you for all you've done for our kroshgz thank you, ms. cam debar you're an amazing teacher an, an men and women mother i see you as my own mother (clapping.) >> can i just say that i love these kids standing behind me i'm so lucky because the last 3 two years i'd be able to get up and go to work at lincoln high school it is an amazing place but this is the number one
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>> okay full disclosure i'm an emotionally mess congratulations it is special. >> applicant before that i want to add my congratulations and is that special student delegates the reintroduction of student delegates that lapsed for 10 years really the teacher had a lot to do with that and they are son shawn was the asking and helped he want or time to usba and helped the ask the citizens advisory committee
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to get it's legs and had a extraordinary impact only the school district and rosemary was largely responsible for that effort and not forget she's the person not alone but responsible for the brotherhood and sisterhood of the families at lincoln high school thank you (clapping.) sew ms. wynns and congratulations again ms. cam car our next is the right of way special award by our professionalism art robert daniels presented to one of the incredible teachers. >> good evening, commissioners and superintendant carranza and san francisco unified school district community members my name is robert daniel the director of professionalism arts for san francisco unified school
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district i had the pleasure of introducing the resident mr. peter period of time is a phenomenal eliminator professionalism arts the elementary school art program for 8 years peter has the unique ability to create a culture of excitement and love for performing with all the students and communities peter wholly involves the students from an hatch of an idea the perform work to song to production period of time will begin within an idea of a historical figure and work with the students along with the songs letter rick's and ouch to perform betsey carmichael students have performed open the stages of the geary, and the strand theatres opening conservatory man in the course for 5 years a model for
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integrated arts at the highest level and the unique ability to teach classes of one and 200 students in large is the and earned him the name i've given the pied piper of instead of hesitate take the over 5 thousand students in the last 8 years willie brown academy and sunny side and fairmont and el dorado middle school and carve and betsey carmichael k through 8 a prolific songwriter that involve the students in meaningful expressions they would reminder remember their whole lives i'd like to read the names the songs that peter sometimes has written on the years specifically for the students of stanford university performing arts
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classes the title they speaks for itself parts of speech the noun song the verb song the preemption song and sin anonymous that's how you make a sentence the vowel song andes you will the thump song and place values balance in life the philippines natural carnivores and obama volunteers the reflection on hitter, branches of governments, golden gate for the 75 anniversary the golden gate bridge and one hundred years for cleveland citizen neglect ceremonies and kindness and the weather the order of operations odd or even, education can happen anywhere the story of abraham lincoln the last farewell the stories of jose and
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citizen the universe the story peter come on. >> good evening (clapping.) i'm grateful for the choice of learning really grateful he get to share an experience with any communities daily i'm grateful for their acceptance and support and love i'd like to toss this rave back to the arm of artists who make up the virtual and performing art department and the classroom and teachers and school administrator that embrace our arts connection to knowledge for many years i was the classroom each and every teacher by day and art by night and what they need to learn but now it is muscle time cake and instead of one grade level he get to work with all of them it
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is the best cake ever and i thought that was on sesame street and feinstein thank the citizens the san francisco who funded the master plan they made my position an implementation is making the arts an integral part of children's education so thank you very much, everybody (clapping.) >> a picture. >> so one more recognize so
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ladies and gentlemen, i can't say i know the board has expressed their admiration the past but one of the promises we've given to the community our community is support us with public education replenish fund the resources will be targeted and used in correspondence what the voter asked us to use them to further the academic prostitutes the are enrichment so we were many school systems across the state cut back on science and libraries and physical ed in san francisco even in the dire it of the economic straights we continue to grow and continue to grow was because we've had a strong voice the replenish fund advisory committee so this evening the board of education i'd like to
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recognize the members of the public replenish fund advisory committee and i'm going to ask the director of the piece kathy fleming to do the honors i'm the correct director of the public education fund one of the responsibility to serve as liaison to the community advisory committee for the public education replenish it is not going to honor all the members over the past year to make the budget what they are today so i'll call you folks up and please accept over certificate and stay for a photo the first person our student co-chair cyrus quan (clapping.) next person is another student with iris morrell
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(clapping.) thank you. >> next person is four-year veteran this is his last time before you folks let's give them a great hand mark murphy (clapping.) a new member serving a second year francisco marquis. >> paul rodriquez (clapping.) leslie lacoscio (clapping.) thank you. >> francis phil's and stuart dick
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(clapping.) thank you carolina sink letter (clapping.) and (calling names) and other folks that couldn't be here are the 0 other co-chair jenny lamb working hard to contribute to peace and esther and lee sue and andrea torres and eric, shannon and another student jeffrey tang and had a student alternate priscilla thank you to the student delegates we've been working hard with southern california lopez to cultivate and the student delegates for the leadership on the peace cca we're happy and psoriasis is part of work and thank you to
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bit. >> vice president walton. >> again, i wanted to say thank you to the cracking we had an opportunity to thank you. the ones we related to the public it is one thing for the resources to get the work but figure out what to prioritize you did a gastrogreat job and thank you ms. fleming we appreciate the work to make the decision so thank you. >> congratulations to the award winners and the student delegate report. >> thank you president haney i want to excuse terra had an emergency had to set out i want to do a recap on the youth summit we've had earlier we
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broke our record as students attending three hundred plus students a big number for students. (clapping.) >> i want to give a thanks to the working group president haney and turf our sfpd and lieutenant carolina and ms. mendoza-mcdonnell was amazing to have her there and a lot of students entering acted a great knowingable submit that was amazing i wanted to give recognize to some of the keynote speakers mr. hewitt (clapping.) he had a lot of students off as myself facing the wall it was a moving story we actually unfortunately, he had to leave
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early we couldn't have given i am had a beggar recognize he's the back i know you're here stand up mr. hewitt thank you (clapping.) another keynote speaker a former student delegate sheriff's amazing and had a lot of words to share as well her own story this wednesday as thursday and friday sf will be participating the convention and union square downtown so of us will be production documenting the event and others will be back stage providing technical and other support services as far as the retreat training that happened about less than a week ago we went
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camping i don't know if you knew it was raining the city that was raining harder over there we were very wet the quote of weekend hey look it is a puddle it identifies everyone our shoes and socks and tents but it was an amazing experience to have and be with all the representatives about the youth synonym an amazing thing especially is saul so i think want to thank salvador that is the first time we did this and couldn't give him enough recognize he's like uncle sal for us (clapping.) we also like to encourage the students to exercise they're voting rights last night our student advisory committee team
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provided the details of our student voices for the commissioner fewer and commissioner norton on behalf of the constituents we would like to thank the commissioners for real partnering up with us and the students we love to work with all of you commissioners and latest always mentioned our next meeting is april 11th anyone is invited to attend and dinner is provided. if you would like to attend and make a presentation or would like a copy contact mr. salvador. >> thank you palmprint. >> (clapping.) thank you mr. totiano
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distinguished honor of being the chair of bilingual accountant the san francisco unified school district we're here to present the annual report before we do i'll let the other members of the public introduce themselves. >> i'm a teacher and i'm a b cc member i didn't get to do it the first time i wasn't present but thank you to dr. murase for appointing me i appreciate that very much thank you. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> member - >> (speaking foreign language.) >> my name is lee even though i'm a member of the b cc a mother of two children in this district. >> so we wanted to start with a couple of preshlsz from outgoing members we wanted to
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thank drizzling and others for the extraordinarily work over the last couple of years and shout out to all the board members if you have not yielded postponed year two or only appointed one we have a couple of possible applicants for you guys to look at it and you can nominate them to the b cc a huge thank you to transmission and interpretation unit they do so much work at our meetings and several interpretations directing the meetings with parents comments and have to deal with me a bilingual person that seize someone else in. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and they're like stop it only in english they really keep me in check and an amazing job the focus of the report is based on the school visits we did in
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march of 2015 the b cc members voiftdz 9 school sites lermentsz and middle school and holidays with high percentage of esl students and conducted team interviews search warrant the eli parents and able to do classroom observations we were looking for specifically was parent engagement for el families my colleague about took you to the recognized and the second half and i'll comment at the end. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i will be talking about communication participation with parents within the school
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> in regards to put the outreach of participation of parents we saw several schools that are doing a good job in doing so and outreaching to families especially the families of a newcomer family. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> we also saw a school that had a summer institute for parents especially those interested in being part of elax they're well organized but not all of them.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> we also saw there were schools collaborating with community-based organizations that is provided support additional support for families that were in need. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> the new working group talking for el families must be used in all of the schools consistent manner to insure that information is equitable for
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everybody. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> to insure services are being implemented structure of other for central office with the side based leadership should be developed. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> the district should request feedback real feedback from students in how to best support or provide services for the english learners.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> the way we sell communication happening with the parents was valuable depending on the school we were visiting some schools do it very well and some schools need more support the way they communicate in more than one language. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so for those the schools
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that are a larger representation of other languages besides english there is a need to have more than one parent's liaison or family liaison to serve the families and that these parents liaisons speak both languages. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and last one insure that the documents that go the interpretation and transaction office are expensiveable for all than >> page 2 the professional development as a teacher b cc
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went to different schools and observed el d - so we saw many best practices that are done from the classroom and observed the classrooms were divided two two groups of teachers were pro-active with the curriculum and it is designed by them as well and students were engaged and fully participated as b cc recommendations we want to provide a cross the department training to build the capacity moopthd the staff and support the parents during enrollment and rental for example, our parents liaison and secretary and p pi i u and also when you provide literature please provide it in our target
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language and then there is a program during recess we're during lunch that is called cal works if you provide training for them to help to integrate the students across languages and then the fourth one is educational plummet center the spc we appreciate how helper positive with the parents experience as far as the integration in helping the parents navigate the choice system and the outreach that mp c does through the mobile continentals and buses the bayview and their support for the transition we recommend the beginning of the school year provide the school a list of students if languages other than english on the home language
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survey so that these schools what prepare orientation and outreach materials to those families and then i'm not going to read all the bullet it is you on page 3 and a b cc recommendation i've read the first believability the second believability to list the schools for the students that needed orientation and lastly to promote the school towers for the el families you know we take pride in our schools especially, as we know the increase of el scores and then lastly provide a list of newcomers to the liaisons thank you. >> and then lastly we have sort of a conclusion other recommendations and concerns those came out of school site visits and the presentations at the b cc and the discussions we
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have after them the first thing the b cc is concerned count lower clarification of spanish speaking students as compared to other ervin learners we ask you share the scores to close this achievement gap the b cc is concerned not enough families know or understood the allow plan that was very much show ton true we have two or three additional parents that came to the b cc meeting and some issues of confusion will allow plan came up and some families know that but most families the district don't know about the allow reclassification in general the b cc recommends that all school sites with the population host one workshop on effective supporting the tool in the tool kit but this
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presentation in your packet is the what i'll call it breaks down absolutely everything particular all the questions that parents have and in using the same presentation across the schools that everyone is getting the same information and lastly we again continue to be concerned about the lack of awareness parents have around lack of reclassification and a process not something that happens the next year parents need to better understand to help their children we clarify for example, the south is taken early in the year after the summer the b cc recommend all city hall sites with b cc host workshops those workshops should i be assessable and meet the needs of el families in terms of scheduling and are interpretation additionally as the b cc we
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discussed the defendant lake recommendations and not only do we fully support all of them but the one that supports the families and combrfrment support the recommendations this evening thank you. >> (clapping). >> thank you president haney we want to thank the bilingual council for their annual report one of the hallmarks of the engagement in san francisco we do listen to the feedback of our community and the b cc is an integral part thank you for your feedback and working closely with the district staff we've noted the
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concerns and recommendations you've put forward in evening argue commitment to follow up on the concerns i have to say the quote of the nicest to the chris teen we want to use that. >> everyone did they working hard on is thank you, again for your presentation. >> if no discussion one more presentation this evening that is the annual district english learn the d lake report i want to invite of the members of the defendant la
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come forward. >> good evening thank you very much supervisor haney or president haney and commissioners student delegates and san francisco unified school district staff and deputy director and the public i'm louie here with any colleague selena kari milton and fernando we have the honor to support our district english
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learner district committee the district advisory committee is a committee of parents of english language learners that are elected by english learner families at the school sites and come together 5 time a year to talk about the programs and services for english learners tonight i would like to begin by thanking our board that served with us from 2013 to 2015 their names are nadia jack chris and elaine and louis and quan, carla and others i have the proud honor of naming our new delake executive
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so without any more time i'm going to turn it over to our district executive committee delake. >> good evening i represent the school we as delack board we're here in support of recommendation number one professional development and curriculum we recommend allocating the fund to buy room for every classroom it is aligned with the planners in english learn arts and the development designated and integrated the led with the
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teacher guides common core the language of program offered at the school the students need curriculum reading the program language with engaging and vocabulary provide the necessary professional development to insure teachers are able to use the new curriculum in classes with their students central office should fund the office of curriculum for the students at school sites should not be used we want the district to respect and protect fund that are entitled for english learn students and sitting set up a system that restricted the el fund if a system exceeds is verified the effectiveness allocate more fund to support
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programs and services for english learners in bilingual and other programs allocate more fund for purchase and assessment keys like funding things to make sure that the teachers want a detailed evolution of reading and writing for el students have the information to fund the structural support, provide hi quality relevant training to teachers to expand their language of instruction to the dual language program thank you. >> hi
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it takes financially to make it a reality in san francisco unified school district especially with the high number of english learn in immersion and bilingual categorize this language program should not combine grades to create oversized classes instead creates for class size combination classes especially in fifth and fourth and fist grade have high number of long term everyone learners that is needing the support with already 56 classes in fourth and fist combination classes the district san francisco unified school district continues to increase the number of fourth and 5 combination classes city hall's that has those classes fifth
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graders are not equipped for middle school thank you. >> good evening i represent martin luther king we will be discussing the classroom quality to see fund allocated to expand the classroom libraries instruction all materials and ipads other resource the students have various classroom libraries and teacher needs structural materials that el students relate to and of the dependent reading level in english assess and investment in the additional materials and activities for bilingual do allow it in the language
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programs teachers need support teachers that are teaching the el dfshgs should receive additional training the fluency and writing and reading and expensive assessment allow the flexibility to regroup students and make the performance students optimize the learning and students that have similar needs teachers must come together to discuss in groups with similar needs and/or reading levels leadership should provide the teachers to assist with analyzing the data to make improvement programs to meet the needs of low performance students support every el d with
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resources with multiple folks giving the teachers smaller instruction to help the students strengthen the waemgss this allows the teachers to focus on the structural and need of english thank you thank you. good evening i'm business owner i didn't i'm representing monroe elementary school our fourth recommendations is el d specialist we thank you for providing many literacy coaches that has helped the teachers, however, we find that many teachers are in need of el d training over english learners need it by skilled teachers with specialization we recommend all students with high numbers of
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english learners to say a el d specialist with the teachers the el d specialist provide the staff with training by approaching teachers to provide the instruction for els that need the support the teachers need the time to via assess and analysis and create instructional plans the class teacher or el d specialist should check in english learners students are on track and provide a position to oversee and guide the curriculum and provided professional development for teachers providing instruction and require the el d teachers to be transparent for the listcy assessment thank you.
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>> i'm represent the recommendation number 4 we know the importance as a positive research that supports the family involvement at school families who does not speak english are of a disadvantage when communicating about their child's education with the person didn't speak that language san francisco unified school district provides many excellent services for families who speak the language other than english but the district employees bilingual and multiple lingual language we want to share some experiences and off recommendations to advance the goals of empowering the families schools needs families liaisons that speak and write the
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families language all schools with high numbers of english learners students should have a fund liaison to communicate with families family engagement needs to be supported the district encourage the parents of english families to be involved in the budget process the parents will be provided the information about the recreation and assistants for the allocation of funds also inform parents of their voting rights to participate in planning activities, training and request for the parents involvement programs the delack will advise the parents of planning and implementing partners affordability regarding the funds for the following higher level of services and programs and activities we ask this district provide the
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information monthly updates regarding the el d program and student achievement and school engagement and school access to curriculums and basic services also to require all schools to hold community meetings to advise their - including budget informs and provide a summer academic program for all students with retention and who don't need the go fifth grade level accreditation thank you. >> thank you for your presentation i want to open up to the board for questions or comments. >> yeah. ohoh - i don't have any public comment no dr. murase >> i want to thank both groups for presenting 24 as really,
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really important priority for the school district i know you've spent hours at long meetings away from our families to present those recommendations so i will definitely review them alcohol and they're important as we develop the budget for the coming year thank you very much. >> commissioner wynns thank you to the members of the brother committees for dr. murase said it is important to us i want to family say that i'm really happy we finally got the rotation working i know that both delack and the council we are every year getting a report after school was out or at the end of the school year and after
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the planning for the following school year had took place so the board working hard to make sure we have a schedule we will get those reports in a this way every year it took a while to get the system to work as you expect when our doing something new i appreciate the staff that worked with those committees and all the staff that worked with the board and the where had leadership for the superintendant for doing something that will be effective and get us the report as we should be getting thank you very much. >> commissioner vice president walton. >> i want to echo commissioner murase in manning both groups one of the hardest things for the students for language barriers not feeling supportive i have a question either group
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or both groups feel do you feel supported in our effort from the district. >> we don't feel sponsored we're here to look for that support. >> thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you i too wanted to step up my thank you to all of you the work is important and he has helps us to understand the work at the site i had a question with the reclassification i don't know if chris teen is around but i want to better understand the reclassification phase and why we're unable to do more and is that is an issue of progress for
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us can you help me to understand the reclassified. >> we heard a lot of feedback from parents and actually members from the clarification it was really highly recommended we develop that workshop tool kit since then we've been introducing it we train the parents liaisons on the tool kit it goes to the reclassification and all of the critical assessments that are associated with reclassification as well so this is definitely on our radar not really happen overnight in developing the capacity for every school sites for all the parents to have the information we are open of ways
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for parents feedback and input just some strategies key strategies that makes a difference and to make sure the parents understand there was a lot of suggestion there was a long term goals but a lot of creation around videos that are assessable and the el program guide is one of the tool in the toolbox but people are looking at multiplied strategies different ways to get that information out. >> okay. thank you and then he had a question for the delack in terms of the participation with the school councils and in insuring our councils are coming to the delacks and getting a better understanding the needs of students and how that gets incorporated to the school process get a sense from the members if this is happening or
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it feels like one of the steps for developing the budget for each sites that delacks are brought both that conversation. >> i can only speak from my own experience i'm now a representative from d lake he say that is a hard process there's no recommendation of delack of the district this year because i've been working with the delack members last year we were involved and i think that is why it has been possible to make some process in terms of our recommendations being listening and hopefully met but i think that is - it is just the same the information side
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needs to be educated parents need to be informed that is not happening at schools they don't know how important to get involved in the process of the budget discussion and what the things we need and the services the learners and teachers base the teachers are needed the support and students by getting involvement that that we'll be able to know what had happened and what they need and the support the teachers and the students need that's not happening so i can tell you by my own experience. >> and do you find are there things you know that will work that we're not doing that would be helpful. >> just the same as they're recommending information needs to be available for the families and i think that from the district level and school level
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the administrative staff needs to insure the information is reliable available for families and make them said right now for example the school where i'm recommending we don't have information for the supplemental funds so they don't know and understand it is exclusively to serve the students the el students so therefore they don't know they have that resources for the kids so they're not involved in the process. >> okay thank you i just add one more a couple of more things one of the things i've found over the years that is critically important is to keep the information that delacks need online they can understand
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over the years that the district has posted budget when i first started in 1906 sorry i really date myself 2006 with the delack started with the budget were not posted online and now budgets are posted preliminary budget should be posted when the principals receive them information how to designate the supplemental entrants all that information should be available to delack elax have a so we need to find ways to be systematic working by the information they need and their understanding the process that is a little bit xhaktsd sometimes they can engage at the right time their recommends are appropriately wanted to influence the budget and
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influence new plans but we do have a rotating parents with - new parents and all that you know needs to be take into consideration. >> okay thank you. >> you know both of my kids went to 9 spanish program at first and last name and linking those were problems back then we say to be better and figure out how we can maybe it is on the persistent empowerment side and better training and thinking about how we you know post information and get more information out so thank you so much for bringing up this to our attention and sort out the issues you've brought to your attention and the english learners have the same assess as
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the english learners and thank you for your forest and time and bringing the information to us. >> i want to echo the gratitude for your hard work i know that takes a lot of energy and i know all of you obviously have children and work to be doing for you to be spending your time open thorough recommendations and reports is really a huge help for us and the entire district i guess in in light of that certainly a lot of pieces i'd like to see us pursue and look further and analysis in greater depth i wonder if there's a couple that of things some sort of responses we give as a district i'm looking at ms. wong and the rest of the staff how to follow up on the questions and recommendations i think the
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worst thing for all of you to do the work as experts putting this forward to us and feel like nothing came of that or no response or recognize was given around some of the ideas in here so in general how will we respond to these - what i feel are very important in both reports very important recommendations points of clarity, etc. one of the things i'll put out there one of the things seem she should be under k or incorporating into our el cap process and thinking about how we think incorporate some of the ideas into the budget so wanted to get a sense of next steps from the district side we make sure we take advantage of the hard work that is represented in front of us. >> thank you parapet and thank
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you, commissioners for your comments staff is active taking note of recommendations that have been brought forth and actually have started the process taking that information into account how we're staffing and looking at the budget process but i think the common theme we're hearing is communication so how are we communicating to the community particularly our english language learn community wire one of the fuse districts that invested in a full-time position to work with the parents with the delack they have a long list of things i'm sorry lou sea has a long list of - to insure we are addressing
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the concerns brought for the record the lou sea it making sure you're getting the information notwithstanding commissioners bring back to the board an updating update how the concerns are addressed what is the long term and short time plan and again part of the long very, very clearly articulated issue is how are we communicating effectively with our communities so they understand what is actually in place. >> great. >> well, thank you again, we appreciate for into committees all your hard work the committees thank you (clapping.) >> all right.
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all right. do we have admitted appointment from board members? >> seeing none, public comment on content items, there is none tonight. consent calendar can i have a motion and second on the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> second. >> any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendant. >> yes. parapet mr. steel will you read those. >> thank you one correction as to resolution 163 k 2220 on page six the original dates are 1115 as well as on the service 1115, 16 should be 111515. >> okay
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any items removed for first reading by the board. >> any items severed by the board or superintendent for vote okay roll call will take place under section all right. superintendent proposals the first one we'll talk that the interrogation to grant the renewal petition for city arts and tech high school superintendent you want to introduce the regulation. >> thank you parapet i'd like to ask director michael to read into the record. >> that's correct superintendant michael davis director of charter schools the recommendation superintendents recommendation
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regarding the charter renewal the authorization to grant the renewal for city arts and tech toil i high school wras whereas to the california section envision incorporated submitted a petition for the renewal to the san francisco unified school district and whereas pursuant to california education code the board of education of the district received the renewal petition on january 16, 2016, and whereas district should comply with the timelines for the petition as required by law and whereas the board of education shall consider the level of public support for the charter school and review the petition and all information with respect to the petition including supporting the documents and whereas the district superintendant and district staff have completed a report and recommendation to the board of education regard the
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review of the petition therefore, be it resolved the board of education shall grant the petition subject to law. >> to we have a committee report on this is there a report from t the - and they were given at the last meeting i'll call of public speakers i'll call all the names and going to do give a block of 15 minutes to speak on this you're welcome to take less so balance our time accordingyoy
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(calling names). >> good evening commissioner i'm in my first year at principal at art technical high school before i begin i want to thank ms. fewer and others for visiting i know your busy that was a great pleasure to share our school tonight, i'm joined by a room full of students and parents and support that came out in support of cat can you all stand (clapping.)
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i'd like to acknowledge you for acknowledging our support by being here and start by cat is in it's go 12 year we get better and better and supporting the mission and get the students graduate if. college over 80 percent of students of color a black population and over 40 percent of students quality for the free lunch and over 80 percent will graduate from college the first the family not an option that is a transformative experience that changes the trajectory of their lives and their families lives awhile i'd like to say i has to do with with the incredible result with the kids over the past 10 years i'm new to cat and be lying but i'll honored to lead cat and barbara garcia brag at every opportunity when i review this information we graduated 95 percent of senior
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class last year our integration rate is 92 percent and african-american students is 100 percent not only do our students congratulate at a higher percentage rates 100 percent of the graduates mediating met their requirements for c seiu and over 90 percent of the students are been accepted to two or four-year colleges many are speaking i could gone about that but i'll invite of environment i invite them we're working to a paragraph move our discipline data and work to improve the parents community involvement we're excited and ask you give us the opportunity to improve in those areas by renewing our petition thank you
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(clapping.) and. >> hello, i'm a high school students i'd like to start with my background in other schools and the need today and opine thought my middle at kidnap academy i struggled with shyness and struggled with keeping my grades in check after my father died july 24th, 2008, we left any siblings to learn about the world for ourselves i didn't focus on school more on my family and kept to myself and not speaking to anyone the 7 grade i remember my father said he wanted me to be greater and stand tall and realizing
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that i had to turn things around and focus on any grade i had to listen to my fathers advise and enroll in larkin high school i was shy i didn't know what to expect in the teachers and students but i grew i expected the students and teachers and build relationships and realized that i actually can read faster and you know i'm still here - as it came closer for me to like do beverage marks and present my peace and what i learned throughout the entire year i got nervous and didn't know what to do so i riled on any teachers and the people around me to help break my
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shyness when it came to the day i had to present well what happened was i can't explain. >> but i've been i was really nervy couldn't stand or speak for myself i stood and can't remember what my teacher did he let me present in front of his class instead of actively teaching one day and yeah. when it came to that day i stood at all i remember saying my name boldly and he presented i succeed i passed you know i was worried for nothing and
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stressed for nothing yeah. most of my friends told me i did a great job that even though he stuttered a little bit and struggled with getting my words together he did the best he could and moved on so - >> after i passed the beverage portfolio i was lead to literacy for justice which is a place that i was recommend for my internship and i actually was very interested in that it lead me to believe i can go to collecting college and do great things and still strengthen me being like i was nervous around people focus more on school, focus more on things i have to do around
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the house and also what literacy for environmental justice did for me they helped me build strong relationships not just friends like literally walking up to strangers and connecting with them so - >> yeah. i guess i'm done >> (clapping). >> hello, i'm a to tell you the truth grader at cat since being at cat i've learned relationships the only relationships that are important teacher student relationships are equally as important in any
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nifbt grade benign my teacher introduced me to my favorite course to help to talk about coming to america something i wouldn't have done i came to second place not bad for in your first time i had two teachers my art and chemical teachers to push me something my teachers are benchmark presentation my teacher is helping which is how we see ourselves as students i see myself as someone with roof potential potential that is helping me in my sophomore class identifying my academic identity we are looking at the ourselves and things we can do to improve my chemical teacher is helping
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me and we're doing something that is explaining with mask tricks we need to present a slide scale in front of the class and it is scary that was terrifying i was shaking but i really do think this will help me be a stronger presenter thanks to the teacher relationships at cat i'm proud i'll be ready for the benchmark presentation and please vote for charter benchmark thank you. >> (clapping). >> so good evening superintendant carranza and commissioners i'll kindly ask you extend 5 minutes for that the speakers as high school students they've been waiting and come out came out in members i'm veronica my daughter is a
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ferry building in technology you may remember she came and presented landlord her peers on behalf of the rooftop swlz continentals with a better campaign she's smoothing be contributes into cat i'm proud her freier of school she's strived and thanks to the support of cat she's increased here living but has been an environment that embraces up lifts and support her a number of things i can highlight it cat does well infuses the interference technology for her skills in here career cats sensitivity is what i as a single parents and the congratulate of
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