tv Environment Commission 32316 SFGTV March 29, 2016 1:00pm-6:11pm PDT
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this meeting to order. and we will do will call. >> this is a meeting of the commission on the environment. the date is tuesday, march 22 25th 2016. the time is 5:08 pm. a reminder, the ringing and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or pager or other similar sound producing electronic devices. just want to remind the public that there are public comment cards they are at the desk so viewed like to speak about a public comment card and the items you would like to speak on the agenda, you may speak anonymously could we will call speakers the president of the commission will call speakers in the water bill received the cards and move on to the folks who've not completed cards.
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rollcall. >> clerk vp bermejo is excused commissioner stephenson, here. mr. wilde, here. commissioner king juan pierre >> commissioners any changes to the minute? hearing none,-i need to public comment first? >> i move approval of the minutes as read. >> moved and seconded. we went out opened up to public comment.
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body of work to carry through and needed assistance in order to get this done in timely way. i do know the audio was up late last week i think on friday. however, it takes a lot of your time to listen to the audio, and although i think that's a wonderful idea if you do it, but if you don't have the time to do it having the minutes at least seems to me a responsible use of your time. so, i am concerned that these 3 individuals only had a very short of a comment period and you've not had the opportunity fully to digest what they said. thank you very much >> president omotalade any further public comment? >> testifier: i would like to back up to previous comment that any agenda items you have on your agenda today that have not been able to fully debriefed on and absorb, the
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comment, public comment and other evidence put forward in the last policy committee, if that information has not been forthcoming soon enough than no final decision should be made about any of those items at this meeting especially in light of the fact that commissioner omotalade has some strong interest is not present right now. thank you. >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment for things not on the agenda? yes >> testifier: i want to talk about education for propaganda or brainwashing for which everybody is of course subjective. it's about the [inaudible] and invasive or non-native >> president omotalade that senate agenda on the at item on
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the agenda. >> testifier: noted its environment and education on in general. i've got an article to you from [inaudible] by highly regarded and schlitz she suggests all these things is basically the efforts of chemical companies to ask band the market and i hope you will read it. then i want to say if i have some talk about my personal story. i came to this country in 1979. by 1990 i was, these things are in the air. you absorb it. you hear about [inaudible] native plants in the newspaper, the schoolchildren have native land gardens and in 99 was going to the [inaudible] about native plants and everything is good.
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it's propaganda. it's brainwashing. you learn it. i learned it. except then i get a dog and i'm walking in the area in my neighborhood and here are pesticides, herbicides, all the time. if you wonder a little bit in the look it up, they are really bad. okay. yes. the question, of course, is why is it advertise? why is it called native be 3 what is native? would environmentally things are allowed for so-called cultivation cate not too long ago the main enemy to environment was toxins and it was the this touching of the
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forest. after 40 years of work, by chemical companies are the main threat are the plants and the main curious herbicides. thank you very much the main curious herbicides. and chainsaws. so [inaudible] and people don't know. no idea. because it's all natural. i'm sorry. i was reading and i hope you read the article. >> president omotalade: any further public comment for items not on the agenda? >> testifier: i do not allow
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one of these. i just got here. i just want to take 30 seconds of your time. to honor the memory of the late dr. espinal at johnson without whose efforts the environmental justice in the bayview hunters point district would be even less close to reality than it is now. i just found out about her passing and i needed to say something so think. >> president omotalade thank you very much for any further public comment on items not on the agenda? hearing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] began omotalade will move to the next item on the agenda >> staff: >> clerk: next item on the agenda is the community outreach presentation biking rules on the road. san francisco bicycle coalition the speaker senior clean transportation coordinator this item is for discussion. >> testifier: good evening. i
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am introducing the bicycle rules of the road video we created in partnership with san francisco icicle coalition. the city cycle program. this bicycle coalition was a great partner in creating this video i like to knowledge liberty not been who's here today she is program court, nader at the bicycle coalition, as well as our partners who's also in the department outreach in transportation and manages the city bicycle program. the video was funded by the transportation fund for clean air which is a administered by the bay area air quality management district, and the san francisco county transportation authority. it is also funded by the proposition k for transportation which also san francisco transportation authority. the department
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initiated the city cycle program in 2001. in an effort to reduce drive alone trips associated with city police business travel. since then, the city cycle program has grown to become one of the largest bike shares system in the country for government employees, and just about 300 bicycles are available at 30 departments throughout the city. through our 2012 employee transportation survey, we found the city cycle program and employees participating in the program bike for work related trips aren't estimated 2400 miles per week and this has saved the city in fuel costs by about $4000 and omissions by 35,000 pounds. we found, basically, once a city cycle is available as a resource city employees choose to write a
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bike with greater frequency. just a quick background on our outreach. we partnered with the bicycle coalition to provide in person lunchtime presentations at apartments throughout the city to encourage more use of the program and also to respond to the safety concerns we heard about biking around san francisco. attendance was good, but we also found that to make these presentations not everyone could make these presentations or all the sessions offered. we then worked with the bicycle coalition to create this video you're about to see to share the same content on bike safety and rules of the road. this could then be seen by anyone on their own time. as a result of 2 versions of the video were created good one for the general public and i'm one for city employees. the only difference between the 2 is that the city employee one as to places that promote the city cycle program. that is the
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>>[applause] >> testifier: thank you. do you have any questions, commissioners any questions? >> commissioner stephenson [inaudible] the by coalition i think we often take for granted how amazing it is in san francisco to have all these resources and the by coalition is definitely one of them. i want to give them a shout out. i also really appreciate the fact that the rules of the road
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thing were spelled out through the whole video. i've random questions as a follow-up about when you're turning right across a bike lane and you're in a car who gives way and things like that. i think would be nice to have some more follow-up and maybe at the end of that a url that directed to something more than just by coalition but to a page that had an outline of all the rules of the road that somebody could actually see it. i think something easy easy to change the tax i think would be great if you could further promote an understanding as we encourage more biking throughout the city. >> commissioner wan i was at the bike where i got to see this video. it's kind of awesome to come first circle. again i would like to echo all parties on the hard work to get more people out of cars into bicycles
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but i think it's for important. i think we need to continue to push the envelope as far as encouraging committees all over the city to get involved in cycling. both recreation and is a form of commutes. >> president omotalade any other comments, commissioners? hearing none, all open up for public comment. [calling names] >> testifier: good evening commissioners. my name is winnie noxon. i'm the program coordinator in charge of bicycle education at the >> president bikes coalition. the sf bicycle coalition is a provider of bicycle safety education good or bad to educate thousands of people every year teaching adult children and professional bikers to share the road safely and courteously. since our formal education rhodium in 2007 we've educated over at thousand 422 adults who
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attended nearly 350 events. talk about the rules of the road and safely bicycle not on the streets of san francisco. all are bicycle safety classes are free and open to the public and welcoming for all ages. the rules of the road video we just watched was produced in 2014 in partnership with sf environment bay area air quality mission district and sf [inaudible] we use this video to support education programs and show each of our safety classes and in addition to sharing it with members [inaudible]. we also posted on the sf bicycle coalition website in since 2014 posting it has received over 46,000 views. we know the value of bicycle education in helping to [inaudible] and encourage people to try biking as sustainable and healthy.
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after the participants report biking more frequently since taking our class. over 90% of our students said they would recommend the cost to one of their friends. over 70% of her students have a good understanding of the rules of the road after taking the class up from 30% from taking the class. a recent student commented that classes extremely helpful needs to brush up on the rules and regulations of the road. this course is an excellent way to own the and skills as a writer and make it safer for people biking, driving and walking. we are immensely grateful to the apartment of the environment, the bay area air quality management district in the sfmta for the support in producing this video. it's in the bible sources to support a mission to support the bicycle for everyday transportation and teach san franciscans every year to drive to wor driver on the safely >> president omotalade thank you very much that any further public comment?
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>> testifier: my name is-. i live in a city. on the west end side. i'm not a size this but there's a lot of people who do right bicycles in the city. in any case,i'm interested in safety so i appreciate this video spells out the wolves of the road. the public far as i'm on this discussion about how cycles have to obey the regular rows of the road. so i think this is really really helpful. for a follow-up at some point when another video is to be made, i would really like to see something about this ability. because what happens on the west side is well within the false belt so people come out in the regular biking gear, which is very often black and
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they are writing the hills around the neighborhood and then the [inaudible] and they become invisible in a period of about 5 min. they don't know how invisible they are. i drive around that area all the time and i would really like to see people wearing reflective clothing on a light-colored clothing, even in the daytime. because of this fact. so, something that talks about safety not in terms of rules, but safety in terms of keeping yourself in one piece, that would be great. be kind of >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment on this item? hearing none, public comment is closed. we will move to the next item on the agenda jeff >> clerk: next item is approval of resolution file 2016 04 supporting san francisco proposed bitterroot
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ordinance. they spent 3 doctrines of resolution file 2016-04 and the proposed bitterroot ordinance. the sponsor is deborah rafael director and speakers andrea parker legislative aide with the office of the supervisor scott wiener and barry huber clean building special. this item is discussion and item >> president omotalade all of the director introduce good the resolution. >> testifier: p thank you president omotalade. this is a subject matter the commission has been in discussions about for about 2 years now. it was fully understood that we are a very dense city and that the roofs represent, of our buildings, the present some significant real estate, if you will and that that real estate has not been taken fully advantage of. as you read the resolution come i think some of the numbers that say it best
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where they say in san francisco buildings account for 70% of the electricity used, 40% of the raw materials, 12% of potable water and 56% of greenhouse gases. so clearly ever going to tackle climate change we have to look at our buildings themselves within the built in varmints. i want to say that we have been very blessed with the partnerships of supervisor scott wiener. he's taken a terminus interest in this subject and leadership and he has put one of his key staff members,, andrea's power on this and andres, i have to say is been lucky enough to work with 2 of our excellent staff members know what to call out barry huber and keisha brockman for their leadership and their blood sweat and tears, if you will come on pushing this through. so with that out turn it over to andrea's to set some context and tell you where we are. >> testifier: thank you. on today's power with supervisor scott wiener's office. they are
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considering this item today. the legislation was considered last week at the building inspection commission and was endorsed by the commission as well. this is a simple one looks. today's building code in the title 24 requires most new construction to designate 15% of their rooftop area is being sold are ready. what that means in this context free of obstruction and other elements on the roof that would preclude the installation of solar elements like solar panels. the legislation before you today builds off the solar ready requirements and would require hearing in san francisco be solar ready but solar install. this context solar means solar panel for electrical generation or also elements for hot water heating as well. so, as director mentioned, in this era of uncontrolled, change, it's important we do every thing we
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can locally to make our built environment more sustainable and we do think energy consumption and reduce co2 missions as a result of that were taking reductions as significant aspect of a more sustainable city. in drafting this legislation we reach out to a broader array of interested parties including people who instruct buildings and people than manage them and we received support for this legislation. we would be honored to the commission support as well. i do want to mention, this legislation before you today is part one of what we see as a two-part piece of work. the 2nd piece of legislation that will be traveling and hopefully introduce shortly will expand these controls to allow for a menu of improvements on a roof up to what we are calling it better. a significant component of that is solar, but we also want to extend that to include things like green roofs and other aspects for a roof that you have all kinds of other
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environmental benefits. so, with that alternate over to barry huber, who is been working with closely. but in the percentage of i'm here to answer any questions. thank you. >> testifier: thank you. thank you, commissioners led to be with you this evening. andre's presentation was actually very thorough. i'll try to be very brief in my remarks but i'm here to answer any questions you might have. can we have the presentation for item number 5? as entrées mentioned, we been thinking about this as a effort which would need to have some faces in the supposed approach is today which ensuring that removal energy sources are developed on new buildings and reserved for that purpose. also, recognizing the value of living roofs for their
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contribution to biodiversity and attic insulation in numerous other benefits within the built environment. so, in essence, this requirement would require-one question the supervisors are looking at in this slide reflects, the height of buildings affected by the ordinance. the ordinance is originally drafted would apply to all commercial buildings in all residential buildings up to 10 floors in height. it was a recommendation that came out of the building inspection commission supervisory committee that 75 feet in height would be more consistent with how the building codes are applied to buildings. that's the threshold for a high-rise building in new construction. a lot of more complicated mechanical system requirements begin to face and right at that threshold. it's very straightforward to add this to buildings that are 75 feet shorter and 'located for
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buildings that are taller. the recommendation was for this first phase keep it a straightforward simple and get the benefits available. in single-family homes the requirement would be to enter and 50 ft.2. the roof would need to be available solar installed on it and in larger buildings it would be the key percent of total repair. that strictly drawn from the state housing for energy code. as was mentioned, the 2 options for compliance in this proposed ordinance would be either the installation of any combination of solar and solar hot water heating. the overall goal for this, behind this policy proposal are meeting article 1% renewable energy citywide, minimizing greenhouse gas
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emissions but recognizing urban land is a valuable and underutilized resource. last, buildings and not designed for truly being green but for number of reasons and at the same time, it's necessary to recognize there's a need for exceptions in some certain cases when statically, dated to install solar today and that includes buildings that are shaded by other buildings were solar resource would be less viable. buildings primarily occupied by laboratory or data center where the concentration of mechanical equipment in the buildings makes roof particularly a complicated space in very valuable territory and last, the state provides not an exemption for the entire building but the area that's occupied. parking is not required to be consistent with solar ready area. so it's consistent with that state requirement. this would be
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replacing an existing role energy requirement that san francisco has had on the books since the green building ordinance was adopted in 2008 of 25,000 buildings were larger. or purchase from removal energy credit were built to be at least currently 10% more efficient than the california code. you can use efficiency has an alternative this will make those 3 options in the because [inaudible] because all buildings have to be efficient in the energy code is got quite a bit stricter in pursuit of the state's energy goes in the renewable energy is available and cost-effective resource. we've done quite a bit of analysis of the cost impact am happy to talk about any detail about it but the most financially to look at it is remodeled the cost of the most expensive way of complaint using -and found it to be cost
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effective for the full range of buildings that represent the types of products brought the environment in san francisco and it's worth keeping in mind more than 75% of new photovoltaic projects since 2013 have been funded through a third-party, by power purchase agreement and the reason that might sound a little technical but the point is the cost of the solar is not even born by the developer and are some options to be exercised if cost is an issue. so there are a lot of different ways to meet the financial part of compliance and last, the installed cost of solar is declined more than 55% since 2008 and it's expected to continue. there's a small bit of precedent and the us vertically when castor and-have adopted solar requirements. course there built
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but simpler than san francisco but by and large those records are affecting using the family homes in santa monica has a reed as well. so, we remove those benson happy to answer any questions you might have. appreciate your support for this ordinance. >> president omotalade thank you very much. commissioners, any questions? commissioner stephenson >> commissioner stephenson what percent of the construction is this going to apply to be very wiggly saito to 75% what percent is up to 75 feet and what percent is under? >> testifier: all have to get back to you with the answer to that question. we calculated in a particular way. we do have estimates the total impact and was in the-apologies. i don't have it rated hand but was under tens of thousands of
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carbon emissions reductions. first up with you. it's considerable and really, it is directed at the size and form of buildings that we think would have the most straightforward impact. >> commissioner stephenson can you talk about the responsibility of the dept. of the environment would be in regards to this? >> testifier: this adapted to go into the green building code and where the partner to the building of inspection in assisting them with a code for the entity the entire responsibility for its enforcement. by partner i mean we work with them since 2008 in the writing of the code the writing of the regulations and the code preparation and compliance documentation and for righty types of technical support. but in terms of the fundamental responsibility dept. of building inspection
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and forcing the ordinance. environments role would be continuing to provide a sense of services to dept. of building inspection come as well as in this ordinance tracking the impact of the ordinance family systems are stalled at the total capacity >> commissioner stephenson is there money set aside for tracking that and reporting on it? >> testifier: the ordinance does give the better to ask for request that the work we've done in preparation for it has been done also partially funded be a good apartment of building inspections. >> president omotalade thank you. commissioner wald >> commissioner wald: i want is my gratitude for it to gary and they've done on this issue. i actually think it's more than 2 years that you have been working on this. even though the former supervisor is not
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here, i would like to acknowledge all the work and the thought she put into promoting this idea, including the notion of expanding the definition of better roofs to include green roofs and other kinds of improvements in addition to solar. i also want to thank supervisor wiener and his staff because without their help we would not be able to put these ideas and this work into action for the city of san francisco. so, i hope not only do we always support his this resolution but the board of supervisors will support the
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legislation. last but not least, i do want to make it clear that while i am willing to support this resolution, i'm going to support it even though it doesn't say anything about the trailing legislation and the notion of green roofs. i'm controlled you to at least try to make that a part of this effort. i think it's a very critical and important parts. >> president omotalade thank you. commissioner wan >> commissioner wan: what is small residential buildings. what is the definition? >> testifier: it's a building that's noon and nonresidential and 2000 ft.2 or smaller. >> president wan for the roof space you mean? >> testifier: for the roof space >> commissioner wan: what was
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the percentage of exceptions in the city? >> testifier: relatively small although important uses. for example there are to my knowledge to data centers in san francisco and one being constructed. so it's not a massive growth industry but in terms of all buildings dedicated to it in terms of laboratory that is palmer use in mission bay and there was a significant volume of laboratory development that was a exemption laboratories was adopted in a green building ordinance back in 20 weight and it's just consistent over that entire time. >> commissioner wan the sheet of buildings is not a big percentage? >> testifier: that's a situational question. there are rules in [inaudible] that help guide the calculation of that solar area. so the building is unshaded that's 50% of the
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rooftop but we do a site analysis to figure out for existing structures if there are shading the building to calculate how much area was and i can get down as small as exempting the build. it's not merely exempted if it should get it has to do whether the resources going to be valuable for solar. >> president omotalade thank you. see no further comments from commissioners all opened up to public comment. >> testifier: good evening commissioners. eric rooks california's for energy choice. we looked asked pensively on protecting and launching community choice programs in california like clean power sf that most of the clean energy advocates which works for over a decade when clean power sf. this policy looks like a really good step forward. however, i noticed one thing that's of concern. that is the ability of the building owner, purchase
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renewable energy certificates in lieu of fulfilling the requirements of the policy. that's what the last slide it looked like it said that was a possibility. so, if a building owner is able to buy renewable energy certificates to get out of the requirements, i would ask you to-maybe i'm incorrect on this, but i would ask you to make sure that's not in there because renewable energy certificates to not promote an all new renewable construction and especially if there are from third-party industry voluntary certified reps they can be bad like-. the last slide it makes it look like that's the case and see director raffaella should read so hopefully i'm wrong on this but if that's the case of asked the commission to say, please know. >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment?
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>> testifier: i am very in favor of this whole green roofs initiative. i've seen it operating in other cities and i think it's wonderful. i would like to suggest one other exceptions for shading and that is for trees. normally you wouldn't think it's going to be an issue with a 75 foot limit because there's not that many street trees are that tall, but there are are many cities. you can have situations where people demand the trees because down to unshaded a roof. i would hate to see that happen. i would love to see an exception made for buildings roofs shaded by trees. >> president omotalade thank you. any other further public comment? >> testifier: that was a good presentation but my name is
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greg zara and i've cut the line that takes the water off of my roof that goes into the storm drain, sewer system. i'm just so happy with all the water that i've collected off of my roof. it's so clean i can wash my hands. flush the toilet with it. it's amazing how much water you can get. then you can return it to the aquifer as well. sen. going to the sewer system and into the storm drain. so, i mean it's just really sad to see how much water is being lost in the city that could be usable for needs around your house like watering your garden washing your hands after weeding or what have you. another thing is, go to chicago green roofs projects because
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chicago is way ahead of san francisco. they have done green roofs hundreds of them in the downtown area. it's amazing to look at aerial photographs looking down on chicago. it looks like looking at a prairie rather than 40 story buildings. >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment on this item? hearing none, public comment is closed. commissioners can i hear a motion? or any further discussion? >> commissioner could you speak to the credit system? >> testifier: i concede there was confusion. that is now going to be repealed. that is the existing law and this repeals that. back in 2008 it was a requirement to the to build the gold and lead gold is
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a menu you can choose various points and because we were very interested in promoting global energy back then we said the gold and in particular you have to make sure you get the points for renewables by their doing 1% burnable energy or buying these racks. that's old thinking. so was wonderful about these latkes repeals that old thinking and replaces it. i appreciate the comment. >> president omotalade be t. commissioners can i hear motion? >> commissioner i move we adopted the ordinance. >> president omotalade the motion was made by commissioner stephenson said was that all in favor say aye. opposed? the motion passes next item on the agenda.
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>> clerk: next item is approval of the resolution file 2010 05 trinity united states postal service the file 2016 05 sponsor is debra rafael director and the speakers stephen jeb knows her waste specialist and ted campbell by mental consultant with the united states postal service western district. was was terry bolcom supervisor united states postal service san francisco. this item is for discussion and action. >> president, director raffaella to introduce this. >> testifier: this agenda item is actually very near and dear to my heart because in my first week on the job you may remember there was an exposé in the media about an inspector general report looking at post offices around the country and go in the hope they found that san francisco did not fare well in
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terms of its performance on their zero waste. i have to say the zero waste team and myself in you as well pretty alarmed by that finding. frankie, very surprised and you wrote a letter expressing your concern and went all the way to the postmaster general in dc, who to their credit got back to us very quickly with their sustainability team and said, help us. we want to do better. so, we took them up on their offer to be a participant and we put our best people on it. stephen who you'll hear from will tell a story of what happened once he got involved. steven. >> testifier: thank you, debbie. good evening commissioners. many missed even ship working in san francisco environment and zero waste
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team. i'm going to start by thanking the noncommissioned allowing us to create a resolution the great zero waste worker covers by the united states post office. postal service here in san francisco and also i want to knowledge the action taken by the environment commission to draft and send a letter to the tc work orders to kick off this project. if i can get the sfgov tv to turn on the slide for agenda item number 6? additionally i want to thank our director debbie raffaella and my manager out dmitri for writing a conference call with the us ps postmaster general in dc to get us started with our fantastic new friends and partners in zero waste. ted campbell and terry ockham. the united states post office or post service otherwise known as -they play a very big part in san francisco with lots of locations and lots of employees but i'll leave that to both terry and ted to talk more about their colleagues. what we
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did was we did an audit actually a couple weeks before the exposé came about. the timing was really terrific. from this juggled 5 ship you can tell out of closer look at what our audit showed. it showed a lot of paper. also a lot of soiled paper from compostable's. as well as yard waste. our audit showed that 90% of the materials that we found in the stream were other recyclable or compostable. this is really really alarming to us. this is a slide to introduce both terry and ted enough on a picture of ted and he would not for one to me so that's the best i can do. so, terry is going to come up and speak a little bit about the project and are fantastic involvement
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and what she's done and what they been able to accomplish. >> testifier: good evening commissioners. it's a pleasure to be here thank you so much for allowing us to come and to share our experience with the zero waste commission. san francisco. it's been a challenge but it's also been a great great accomplishment. the ad states postal service and were so happy to be a part of the zero waste law. i myself am very excited about it because i believe in sustainable energy. as a believe in a clean environment. was covered up my alley. i do not really have any idea of what to do but as soon as i was given a task was able to say let's get going. let's make this happen. first and foremost, prior to going out to the walkout by john was to find
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out what our invoices look like much we have been spending and then assess that information would always physically at the station. so not only did i call you called to find out what urban service was and how long the service had been in place, and come to find out there were some services we have been having that we do not need and paying for for 17 years. service that we did not need that we been paying your for 17 years where there were no cans and some of our facilities in strip malls where they can piece it was already something est. food paying for service. needless to say, was able to take us off of those services got to the station assess what is present and currently there. alongside with the information that i got from rick colin g and i went back and said we can cut here and cut here along with stephen ansonia-played a
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big part. she's not here today but she played a big part with helping us out. i went out and they call this and had service changes reduced frequency. our pickups and also reduced our cans and container sizes. some of them we had containers that were dumpsters i mean like debris boxes could so we reduce those from like 4 yards to 1 yard, 2 yards and we were really able to do a lot of wonderful things. not only did i go out to all the 41 stations physically i visited each and every station to assess what we needed. i also, at san francisco fant was able to go through our facility and see what we needed to assess there as well. the big part was getting signage and jumping on board in making this thing really big. because to me it was we need to
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get hit the ground running and in order to do that we need to be able to put up plenty of signage. as a result of the signage i went out to each and every station and repurpose all the cans. repurpose i can add a can to represent each of the street and some of our locations were very small. of course we had smaller containers we utilize what we have. so that gives you an overview of some of the idea of what's in the city spaces. in our restrooms we do paper towels only with the combustible item. select others a lot of compost. so far were doing really good. we still have a ways to go but were on track. i also took the liberty for our plant at our cafeterias and or break rooms i ordered recycled stations from clean river at recycling item custom made so they were representing zero waste so we have representation as you see there's compost stream, recycle stream and mixed paper stream
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for our cafeteria and break room. furthermore, the most important thing was reaching that point. allow to each and every station and ted and i did service talks. steve accompanist from time to time doing service talks and we wanted to stress and emphasize how important it was first being combined with zero waste law i was going to impact our diamonds and what our role was in making that happen. go idea was to share the information but i didn't share information much [inaudible] much we can potentially say. people got on board. still work as a work in progress. i still want to go out and get people motivated because if i motivated lover is bringing information people get motivated. i just want to see us do better. but we've come a long way we still waste to go but we are on the past to
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having a sustainable apartment in the united states postal service. so, with that, i like to introduce to you mr. ted campbell from the industrial health and safety engineer contract consultant from the usps office of sustainability. thank you. >> president omotalade thank you. >> testifier: good afternoon commission. later he said my name is ted campbell. i'm the person that got sent out by the office of sustainability to assist and work with the dept. of the environment and the local postal officials are trying to straighten out the problems that we have with our waste disposal recycling composting. a lot of that stuff was due to the postal service. the office of sustainability has a program called the
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pressure recycling operations, and that is my primary focus. what that is, we are standardizing our recycling and our waste, how we handle waste throughout the postal service nationwide. there's a lot of reasons for that. as san francisco already knows, there's for a business there's money to be saved. it's a bottom-line issue in a lot of cases. we're really are taking the recyclable zeroes out of the way stream and be able to sell those on the commodity market and generate a little bit of revenue based on that and at the same time were making a better environment for ourselves and our children and our communities in which we serve with kerry 31 offices. those of the opposite is within the city and county of san francisco did the san francisco district itself is about 2 and 45 offices that stretch from the oregon border down onto the south coast. part of our
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program some of the things we learned what we're working here in the city with terry and stephen were going to replicate some of that stuff as we expand outward into other locations that may not have statutes as stringent were as comprehensive as what san francisco has. because a lot of communities, and i think you know the state is just adopted a composting ordinance were statute that cannot this year and those things are all going to impact and spread out into other communities that don't currently have that. you guys are ahead of the game. so far in san francisco, terry talked about the savings. as we went out and break ties the trash containers. we added compostable containers. we haven't recycling containers. and we also implemented our buckles where we leverage our own infrastructure of the largest fleet of trucks in the country to be able to move from other stations back to the plants here in san francisco as a hub site to generate the revenue from the recyclables.
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came into about $200,000 from the san francisco district the course of that year that we worked on this project. which is a significant amount of money to anybody's bottom line. we also, stephen and i went out along with sonja started from ecology and didn't after audit. one of the things that stephen mentions about 90% of all the waste generated in the united states postal service is the paper plastic or cardboard. we back all the all of our paper or what we call undeliverable mail were discarded lobby millwork customers may through mail in our lobbies. we recycle all of that as well as all the cardboard containers that we so like an old priority box that may not be usable anymore. that goes into our back all stream as well as all of our sheet blasting. you guys also recycle
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hard plastics and metals and other things like that, which are also part of the program, but not part of our backhaul. just as there's a little thing but when we went out and did and after audit we found we probably reduced what was in our waste-you can still see a paper a lot of those little tags that go out to our carrier stations. they are on milk trails resort the mail and take them out to the general public and things like that. but most of the plastics in the paper and especially the compostable the largest single item of compostable in the postal services or paper towels from our bathrooms. they're just tons and tons of it. were generated about 8.5 tons a day of recyclable paper at her hub site in san francisco. we plan on increasing that. we also have a hub site in san jose. a hot site in richmond at our --this is a nationwide program for the office of sustainability to-for the
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backhaul program but we learned a lot of really valuable lessons here in san francisco good we got a ways to go. we can make it better. and that circle. to move forward and do a better job. that's about it. it's going east. all the way across. thank you very much. >> president omotalade thank you so much for that presentation. commissioners, questions? comments? >> commissioner: you guys are terrific. we would be so successful if we have more partners like you to. and the postal service so we thank you very very very much. good luck with convincing all the rest to do exactly what you've done.
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thank you. >> president omotalade i like to echo what commissioner wald said. kudos to all of you for tackling a huge endeavor but were better planet and better city because of it. i thank you for presenting tonight. i thank you for the enthusiasm that you brought to zero waste. that's amazing. thank you. i will let commissioner stephenson 7- >> commissioner stephenson uncle and i think it's hard to say you are wrong about something to see palm and own up to it and then decide to make a priority and so i'm very impressed with the efforts and all the work in a really love the fact that the post audit was also the and included a picture of that because it shows it's a governmental changes. they're so things we can do and there were still working on it. thank you so much. >> president omotalade commissioner bermejo >> commissioner bermejo:
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encourage you to think of your enthusiasm. when people are excited change happens. >> president gomel: anthony ali read the actual commendation each week not happened yet. >> clerk: file number 2016 05 resolution commending the unit states postal service san francisco district for their collaboration with the san francisco dept. of the environment zero waste program whereas the san francisco the barman of environment contacted the unit states postal service san francisco district in june the barman of environment contacted the unit states postal service san francisco district in june 2014 regarding the implementation of the san francisco zero waste ordinance initiative and where is the rest ps sf welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the city and county of san francisco to enhance us ps sf existing recycling operations majority included diversion of paper plastic and cardboard recyclables and where is the us ps sf added proposal materials
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discarded food waste and all cycles and bottles are plastics and containers, to their existing zeiss recycling part is that whereas in july of 2014 usps sf partnered with a sitting county of san francisco to execute a plan to train over 3500 usps ploys that all 31 post offices within the city and county of san francisco, including the san francisco processing and distribution center, and effective ways to increase the collection recyclables and the postwar material what the same time we put this thing and placing more than 300 new recycling and composting collection containers in high-traffic areas and all of their san francisco locations, and whereas the rest ps sf consequently reduced rental service by analogy of 70% at san francisco post office locations resulting in significant cost savings projected to reach more than $200,000 per year now, therefore be it resolved the san francisco commission on the environment extends
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accommodation and its appreciation to the united states postal service san francisco district courts partnership and dedication to divert compostable materials out of the waste stream and enhance existing recycling practices. be it further resolved the san francisco commission on the interment recognize the unit states postal service san francisco district for bring public awareness to diverting significant quantities of trash tonnage from landfills and incinerators in composting and recycling 12 san francisco towards his goal to achieve zero waste by 2020. be it further resolved that san francisco commission on the environment encourages the niceties postal service district if i'll be outstanding example set forth by the san francisco counterparts in adopting the implement similars it was practices. >> president the oma thank you. we will open this item up for public comment. >> testifier: good evening commission. this one will be brief but i work a lot on recycling issues. it's pretty important to me. first of all,
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i'll join the other commissioners insane just how spectacular it is that the u.s. postal service and your work has accomplished could such an amazing step forward on the part of the u.s. postal service that went to spread nationwide. one thing i would ask of the u.s. postal service, who is akin to it locally on her own is that you take it to up a notch from a big notch and do, as in other countries where people with their own mailboxes is no recipients can what little plot on their mailbox and on their door, mail slot that says, no, unsolicited mail. no junk mail. that would not just to write a lot of paper into recycling, it would eliminate massive amounts of paper from being produced in the first place and that would really make the usps become even orders of 92 more stellar in the eyes of folks like me. if
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you take to them except that would be awesome. >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, i believe we need a motion to approve this resolution? moved and seconded. commissioners, all in favor aye. any opposition? any extensions? hearing none, the resolution commending the units is postal service san francisco district for the collaboration with the dept. of environment and human waste program is approved. thank you. next item on the agenda >> clerk: the next item is a presentation on efforts and san francisco to conserve and
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restore biodiversity at the sponsors deborah raffaella director speakers peter russell and dr. john hasek professor of biology at san francisco state university. >> president omotalade allege you introduce it director >> testifier: you'll remember our last commission meeting we had a very passionate discussion that talking about the pesticide list and then evolves into a discussion of small discussion, a lot of questions, mostly around biodiversity and the potential importance of it the challenges that the city might face the city and so when i spoke with the president of the commission we felt that there was enough
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questions raised during the commission meeting that it would be a good idea to step back and hear about the cities history on biodiversity as well as it's thinking about the past path forward. so, i've asked my own staff member peter pascal, who is the department biodiversity specialist, as well as an outside expert and we have a very grateful that dr. heffernan from san francisco state university is with us tonight to set the context of the larger look at the issue before we dive deeper into some of the tools that might be one might not be used around this issue. with that, i would love to introduce peter basco. >> testifier: thank you. if we could have the visitation for item number 7? ugly head and adduce myself my name is peter basco biodiversity corridor at the dept. of environment.. i've been there for 2 years and i work under jen jackson the wonderful jen jackson are healthy toxic
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reduction manager. i'm happy to be here and i also went to actually think the commission for passing resolution back in 2011 specifically analogy and promoting the importance of san francisco's diversity which led to hiring the active involvement of the program. thanks for that. still waiting for the presentation to come up. having technical difficulties. presentation number one for item number 7, 7a.i'm not a good joke teller. i told anthony that before i came here today. i guess were ready to go. so, thanks again for this opportunity it in a nutshell, what i do and what our program does is to foster
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the conservation frustration stewardship of the cities local nature and biodiversity to my aunt by the same token to connect san francisco to do our best to connect to nature and their neighborhood. these are 2 sides of the same coin. because in today's day and age not only do people need nature and is more and more research coming out on that every day but also nature needs people. to take care of it to heal it heal the damage that humans have done to it for a long time across the globe. so what we are trying to do is evil a healthier culture of what note wake nature stewardship. we do this into spheres. so, the slide on the right illustrates the parks and natural areas open spaces that's twin peaks where kind of a reservoir of our indigenous biodiversity besides and then, also the built environment is
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an opportune to connect people to nature right in the neighborhood. so, we also have the opportunity to invite people into wild nature, but then as i said, to try to empower them to bring that wild nature into their own neighborhoods. so we have it every sickle day of their 365-24 7. so, really what our program does is hold division for a more bio diverse san francisco. just like one of the other spheres of the department work with play a citywide role in supporting and promoting this work. so supporting many organizations and agencies for collaboration convening in order to think about how to better connect people to nature , was the best way to bring nature into the built environment that i have the privilege as well as representing this incredible movement in international network and conferences for example, and so i could spend
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all my time promoting all this wonderful work that's going on in san francisco. it would go a long way to achieve the goals of all these organizations. so, despite is one of my favorites because-i'm going to grab some water. i'm sorry. this is my favorite slide because it introduces the richness of a quarter-century of natural resources stewardship and volunteer-based ecological restoration in san francisco. so, this is agencies, many jurisdictions, city state and federal many organizations. probably even missing some. my apologies to anyone who's
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missing on the slide but the slide should does only include folks doing on the ground habitat restoration and stewardship. this doesn't even include the huge. of people doing education. at the unified school district for example in all their partners and all the other local organizations and community groups connect people to nature in their neighborhood. so, were going to move on to another slide could unfortunately people at slide could from the wonderful image slide to the bullet slide. this is just to give you a sense of slapshot really a long history of policymaking behalf of san francisco's nature and biodiversity. so, from the san francisco barcodes from back in the 70s or 80s. i don't remember when i was from but basically disturbing animals. promoting not disturbing wildlife enterprise. i'm to go over i handful of these just
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highlight a few. this is really to show the rich history of this city supporting our local nature and biodiversity. the sustainability plan in the late 90s and really a guiding document for sustainability vision as a city as well as guiding the department in its work since the 1990s. bundle production element goes back to the 1980s and is devoted to giving instructions to the city about natural resource conservation at a lot of people don't know we have environmental protection elements but there it is. this is an interesting one which i recently uncovered the urban design element is actually some of the strongest language with respect to natural areas. just reading the 2nd boat natural areas in the city to remain in their original state or your place will and must not be further diminished. so, also we
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have the recreation open space element or the rows which was recently updated. maybe you're familiar with that. that was in 2014. that has an objective with many policies that are devoted to really strengthening our policy around promoting around local nature and connecting people to it. within the rows, there are references to urban force plan as well as agreeing connections plan, both of which also more specifically promote bringing nature into the built environment. sold green urban force in the vision of 24 green connections were creating walkable likable habitat rich corridor in the city. now they became a cool tool we would work with the planning to barman in collaboration with other agencies and that's called the san francisco plant finder and with that we encourage and try to empower folks select
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appropriate plans to plant in their community and back yard and front yard local project to really create resilience and tolerance in san francisco. one of the green connections, one of the 24 decisive agreeing harris street corridor and that is a great illustration on the potential for the intersection the relationship between the parks and natural areas and the built environment. this butterfly that only is not corridor in the presidio is only building in the hills above the sunset but in these little street parks are wrong along the avenue. so is one of my favorite examples of nature in the city. this is a one of the sites. you can see san francisco state who signed up to monitor the butterfly over, and see how the restoration of these little urban sites are progressing. than him to show you a few slides illustrating
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the worker on the city on the part of other entities, agencies and organizations in a turnover to dr. after that. this is grandview park. this is also the northern end of the green street corridor. this is better than the city working with a much page department. then twin peaks this is recreation plan society which has been having workdays and natural areas on wednesdays since 1990 or 1991. in 1994 this is part of san francisco property audubon as a turkic school education program out at pier 94 and of course national park service working with volunteers and interns managing the plant on the 17 coastal bluff. then, out of the presidio they have a triumphant national park service
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conservancy and so his presidio trust work with student volunteers at mountain like they recently have been weeding the lake and restoring native fauna which is amazing and finally when of our newest local storage of programs is [inaudle] just to give you a stock shot of what's going on around the city. now, with pleasure introduce dr. john happen at which a professor of biology at san francisco state and former chair of the leave for 15 years and all jump into the next presentation. i'm hill available for questions. >> testifier: thank you, peter thank you to the question for this opportunity to speak to you tonight about something near and dear to my heart. the sustaining and enhancing biodiversity in this wonderful city i live in good i moved to san francisco in 1977 and i got a job at san francisco state like many people sort of fixing our mind reference point when
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we first visit a place or see something good since that's the way it is a mess away should be forever. if you're one of the native americans that first moved >> we have asked them to put it up. 7b. there it is. >> testifier: if you are one of the first native americans to make it into san francisco 10,000, 12,000 years ago thursday will be a quite a different place. you could walk out to the islands the short of san francisco. this would've been no san francisco day or river. the sacramento river with an antidote over next to the-get quite a different spot and if you walk out onto those planes you have seen things like this. large animals, mastodons chine sloths creatures that are now extinct.
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actually when they went extinct within a few hundred years after this artist rendition came into being. so san francisco has been a place of change. it's been a place that has seen a lot happening over the last 10-15,000 years which is an instant in geological time. where did those animals go? there went extinct all over the north america. it's called the pleistocene deck station. when not exactly sure. it could've been the arrival of the humans overhunting which is still a problem in some areas where diseases we might've brought in that we now see affecting our own species as easy diseases around orchid and climate change of various sorts about them. the glaciers were melting and climate was changing rapidly. so, many scientists believe were at a time now with the even greater risk of extension at the end of the pleistocene than those mammoths and saber toothed tigers when nixon. the time and were called the sixth-grade
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extension. with great extension to gut the dinosaurs. 65 million years ago. so just to put that in perspective, none of us are safe from events that might affect us. even though willing organisms on the planet are susceptible to extension. severn billion people on this planet doesn't protect us necessarily for being potentially in the same place in front careful about how we steer our planet. now much of the biodiversity planet is grounded in 36 biodiversity hotspots. these are found around the world. these are areas that many unique species and hotspots of that are also greatly threatened in terms of increased extension for the fauna and flora in those etiquette if you look at that blue arrow, that's pointing to northern california and the san francisco bay area. we are part of one of those biodiversity
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hotspots. a spot where there are many unique organisms but animals found nowhere else in the world. the part of the fabric of life that provide a variety of services and so on. we of course also a major urban area. we earn area that is made up of a highly educated electorate. with many environments all interests and goals. we are place of innovation. a place where solutions come to mind and to fruition. a place where hopefully we can survive and come up with ways attorney around the biodiversity crisis is imminent that were in with at this point. what are things to cause things to go extinct breed about 5 major things. these include habitat loss and fragmentation did we see that among things. moving habitat
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overkill and overfishing. not as big a problem in san francisco today. perhaps earlier introduced species. san francisco and speak san francisco bay have the dubious ascension of the more the places that the largest species in the plan. and this disrupts natural ecosystems in various ways. now were doing with human caused climate change as well on top of all that. this butterfly on the left is the -butterfly once found only in san francisco now extinct but it's given its name as a conservation icon to the society which is an international conservation organization. so, why should we care about this? with the will of nature or are intrigued by biodiversity the services from the biodiversity area. many of
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these things are important. only highlight a few good pollination of plants. if you like fruits and vegetables and things like that on your table, then thank you abe or a hummingbird for some creature like that. if you like an area mosquito free think of a damsel 5 were some other creature making its life even on those creatures keeping in track and reducing transmission of diseases and also the biodiversity creates genetic resilience another resilience to change climate change and other kinds of events. provides additional resources to my education opportunities, research opportunities, just the opportunity to see amazing things. i guess is a sexual kid back in texas, have things in my backyard ignoring my parents if i had had that opportunity to come close and face-to-face with biodiversity, who knows what i might be. i might be a
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stockbroker or thank you. most larger animals not only the hundred pound animals in the places seen but many others since then. there are no players left in san francisco except last month are quite a few in the financial district i think as things oneself in the stock market but i think the bulls are back now. there are some survivors. some of you may have some of these in your backyard. i know i do good skunks and possums and creatures of that sort. we have lost were some creatures that just hanging on. the san francisco garden snake was pure. it's in the world, one found in san francisco now has gone only down in the peninsula is hanging on the future sites did the mission blue butterfly again a conservation icon for the bay area is hanging on by a clock, if you will ever top of
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twin peaks. many people were making efforts to make sure it stays there for years to come. there are also winners. unfortunately many of these winners are invasive species. if you have ants commence your picnic automates your house at night these probably non-native ants were artificially transmitted from argentine. argentine ant was common because policy we made of ants that are not invasive and they get pushed out by these creatures and those native answer actually important things to like for the butterfly because they part of that fabric that is so poured to us. invasive plants. this one of the major issues in natural areas and other parts of california especially san francisco things like the so-called bermuda buttercup which comes from the keep region of south africa now been passed around the world. if a
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plant back in the beautiful, but also very invasive. as mobiles that it produces underground so when you pull it up it comes back in 5-tenfold from the bolts are down below and chokes out other vegetation. so much as been lost but the good news is there still time to turn things around. isn't a concerted effort intrinsic action from whole variety of folks. people talked about some groups in san francisco were already involved in making those efforts. the good news is we saw a lot of species surviving in san francisco even in the so-called urban jungle as i sometimes like to call it. by graduate students have documented 128 species of spiders in the presidio. i don't open a viewer spider foes arachnophobia is certainly something that's common in humans with a love-hate relationship of spiders but these are really important features and we have
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a few in san francisco for helping control other creatures that might otherwise be out of balance and there not been arrested most spiders are not harmful to humans at all. if only one species in this area the black widow spider that's potentially harmful. all the rest of them really our allies and the food chain. san francisco there's many many native bees. 66 species of these in the presidio along. many people think of these only of honeybees. honeybees are european there brought to san francisco and the gold rush days by the early colonists to this area but we have a large number of native bees in fact more efficient than honeybees in pollinating backyard plants and natural plants in various areas around the city and around california. as many you have heard probably lots of
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pollinators is now a worldwide concern in the recent un report picking out a couple weeks ago. there are even species unique to san francisco that are hiding in plain view. they have a escaped our attention for years. san franciscan was recently rediscovered in the presidio during construction project on doyle drive. it thought to be extinct by now transplanted from the construction site to other areas of the presidio. again, it's going to take all of us working together for nonprofits, to businesses to common citizens to make a difference to things like the green history project pollination corridor and a median strips and so on. habitat restoration can work. this is crissy field. crissy field used to be a vast wasteland. with only a few palm trees and leaves. the stored to a wonderful marshland and wetlands now provides green habitat that is resilient to
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climate change as ocean levels rise and also habitat for a whole variety of species including 20 species of these. you may figure out him and entomologists will be small creatures. green building wiener about them early. they can be part of the mix as well provide all kinds of services to us. including places like for plants and animals to live in the city that otherwise would not have habitat for them. then our natural areas which are among our crown jewels. in the san francisco and natural pantheon. this is my backyard. i love going to the park. one of my reason my wife and i but a house there in 1977 was was right next to glen park canyon. so we were willing to go well into debt paying $70,000 for that house. one of
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the better investments actually we've ever made. the great place for my daughter to grow up as well. in fact, it's really a lucky child with hands-on expense with nature. this my daughter. she's lucky she's been taken around the world that we have traveled but in fact, most of our children now in san francisco and around the world grew up in urban environments and expense nature nearby to them and biodiversity nearby. perhaps nearby in a vacant lot in natural area the green rooftop whatever it might be but unfortunately some of them expensive on their cell phones. what we really want to show you all over is to have the opportunity to have hands-on experience with nature to learn with it and bond with and become part of the solution for conserving biodiversity and to celebrate it as they grow and mature through their lies.
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they can see amazing things right here in san francisco. they don't have to go to the amazon or something like that. they can see a stick insect like this caterpillar doing a remarkable job of looking like a stick, a plane stick not moving until maybe you probe a little bit you find out it's actually an inch worm that can wiggle away and live to queue another leaf maybe tomorrow. or come in contact with something like this. this is a sphinx moth. wonderfully camouflaged on a tree in glen park canyon but if you get close to it at your nose up to it and just touch it, this is what it does. growing up its wings and it's wonderful threat display playing like it's a really tough treacher and hoping that you're a bird that doesn't like big eyes and will fly away be scared by this thing so i can live. ability to compose windows and those with nature's web biodiversity gets to our children and that's the
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heritage i hope will leave for them. so, several take-home message. biodiversity provides many services for all of us including brazilians of the basic the face of climate change. i believe really sincerely that all children deserve the experience biodiversity in their neighborhoods close by where they can actually learn about these things. perhaps go into education, environmental education or just know about it as they grow up. working together worldwide we can prevent a 6th mass extinction actually believe san francisco can be a leader in finding solutions to this crisis. we are an amazing city. some amazing people. an amazing opportunity. so, thank you i appreciate the opportunity to talk you and thanks again. >>[applause] >> president omotalade thank
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you so much. thank you so much for that presentation. i'm going to open up to my fellow commissioners for comment. i would like to first just say so much of my childhood was spent outdoors but i truly appreciated a presentation because there were very few childhood memories that i can actually remember where i was and outdoors exploring a plane with nature working at garden with my grandparents just exploring beautiful things that is planet earth. so thank you for that. i think we should, as are responsible to make sure children in the future have those exact same opportunities. so, fellow commissioners, comments? questions?
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>> commissioner stephenson: i've a huge question. i want to be talked about here before many times and when we look at biodiversity and you give a great perspective on some of the past present and future, how do we assess the importance in how we-what we stress, i guess in terms of helping how things were how things are right now and how things are in the future. the city right now in the middle climate change where plants used to work here may not be able to thrive here. and where plants that we could bring in work that could thrive here might help with carbon mitigation efforts as such. how do we start to prioritize that approach or what approach?
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what is the best signs out there today with regard to looking toward the future and think about biodiversity? >> testifier: i'll start off in a let dr. time and if he wants to. i went to a really great conference last january in san jose of the california plant society. really one of it they don't do it every year. but incredible breath of talks about science and climate science. one of the big take-home things i took home from that is that yes, the climate is changing it yes it's getting hotter. though the jury is out how that could affect the fog city talk what the coast here in san francisco the jury is out in terms of effort up more fog or less fog. last summer was up crazy less fog summer. who knows. also the heterogeneity of the bay area
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in general is incredible. so, how we go about doing the logical restoration is really case-by-case just continue what were doing and i think there are some folks who are promoting maybe in the case of altitude, more straightforward case where this plant uplands that are this also did in this plant them at this all today because the creatures are going up so that's a little bit more straightforward but here withers amount of engineering and uncertainty about the fog it just continue to do what we are doing just another reason to do to increase our ecological restoration efforts because the healthier ecosystem is more resilient the face of climate change and that uncertainty. i think that's the best i can do with that. perhaps profess. perhaps the doctor something to add >> testifier: let me see what i connected having one amazing things about san francisco are microclimates we have. the fact that we have a variety of
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organisms. some thinkers that maybe the same be she's adapted to slightly different climates in different parts of the city. these are potentially the lottery tickets we have out there. some of those may be winners. some of them may be losers as the climate changes. at this point we don't know exactly what that change is going to be. we know with pretty good certainty the temperature is going to be hotter on average and the weather is going to be more variable. but that leaves us a lot of latitude in terms of what that might mean on any particular day. so, i think in terms of design one of the important things we need to think about is the opportunity for organisms to move, which cities make difficult so think about corridor. certainly think about that in planning the city. and those kinds of things i think can help. we are
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also lucky that if you look to the south we actually have a fairly large arena open space to the south of san francisco. back in the reservoir of plants and organisms that might move northward up the peninsula but did not completely isolated from the ability for some natural movements to take place. it's a difficult job description being odd. knowing how to manipulate what creature is going to be in the right place at the right time is still something were trying to figure out as going to take a lot of research and trial and error in some cases for that to work through as well. >> president omotalade commissioner wald >> commissioner wald thank you. in addition to thanking the
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doctor for introducing us to biodiversity indisputable slides and as reminders of my childhood which was also spent largely outdoors, i want to thank peter, really for documenting the rich political history of this city when it comes to biodiversity. in some of the policies you showed on your slide were brand-new to me , but taken together they reminded me again-i'm not to ask a question-they reminded me again how many people really in san francisco care so much about local nature and biodiversity and over what extended period of time they have been concerned and to
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bring us back to what prof.-nick said, it seems to me well, to me it is very important for us to protect and preserve the legacy, the biodiversity legacy that we have now. the native plants and the remnants indigenous populations of both flora and fauna. that we have here in the city and the opportunities that we have 2 approve that just because you're a city doesn't mean that we can't have nature and indeed to be defined in a way what it means to be a city and a city that cares as much about preserving ecological
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communities as we do about preserving cultural communities, and that when we see that housing crisis that faces so many people in san francisco that in nature there is an equivalent crisis. that has been brought about by human action, but also by things that are beyond our control. i think you both, really for making me at least feel worse obstacle that i did before i came here to do what i can to protect and preserve what is left in san francisco. >> president omotalade: i like to have a few more comments. as i look at this nature and biodiversity and the city i also have to look at it through an equity lines. i see that just nature and biodiversity in the green on this map is fairly
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well represented on the west side of the neighborhoods on you side i think we still challenges of their those communities are just as deserving biodiversity in their densely probably edited areas is the less populated website is what guy would challenge us to consider before thinking not about just the preservation and also the creation of more green and open spaces. >> commissioner wald laceration side of the discussion. >> president omotalade absolute. anything else commissioners before open up to public comment hearing none, open up to public comment and so first name i have here [calling names] >> testifier: before i begin may i make a request? for making this request of a
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grandmother. as a lady here with young children could just about to go to the playground. abducting to do with her but i told her that i would text her when she put in a request for public comment and i think she's going under number 8. she is very young children with her. is it possible for me to text her and ask her to come to make whatever, that she wants to make? >> president omotalade i don't know is that for agenda item 7 >> testifier: that's i don't know she's for 7 or 8. >> president omotalade were happy to have her for 7 or 8. >> testifier: i will texture them. thank you limits. this is concerning item 7. i asked if there's a reasonable argument that the environment department in this commission
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as to allow the use of 2 or one herbicides based on policy 4.2 of the roads recreational space him and for the city's charter or for the natural areas mission which is protected remnants of native plants. i will say briefly, no the answer is no. neither the general plan for the rose nor the natural area program assumes spring. in fact, in the natural areas program mission statement talks about volunteer stewardship, not herbicides as part of their original mission. despite the biodiversity program to the contrary there is in fact no scientific evidence that biodiversity be enhanced by eliminating so-called invasive plant species. in fact, the chief scientist of the nature conservancy, peter-has gone on
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record that california has 21% more species due to our non-native naturalized so-called aliens being added. i have reference for that specific reference and his source, which came out of the just and manual have actual numbers if you're interested. there is also considerable scientific evidence that there are similar amounts of biodiversity, in the canopy of such an non-native trees such as eucalyptus is need other native trees. the sources for this are many studies that i can quote but briefly, one by dr. joe mcbride he talks about at the commonwealth club in 2014, and one by dov sax. a massive study by robert stebbins in the 80s.
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one by--and are written for a street counsel with dr. mcbride. san francisco actually retains 97% of its native plants since 1850. there's only 19 of 6 under 95 plants existing in san francisco in 1850 that have gone extinct. the source for that is a journal of the global ecology and biogeography in 2011 that is actually the extinction. i can provide the sources if you wish. thank you >> president omotalade thank you. next next speaker, please. san francisco forest alliance. >> testifier: i would like to
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thank you today for taking this subject up. i would like to also say that in terms of time spent in backyards i believe the natural areas program uses a lot of pesticides and so we do want our children to enjoy i know this is getting into item made by the terms of the biodiversity, i want to piggyback what she said and say we are not god. the climate change, the climate change issue is stronger today than ever. today's front-page headline i like to enter this into the record from james hansen, questions about how soon we will pass the point of no return in which we look and consequences that cannot be reversed on any timescale that people care about. consequences include sea level rises of several meters which we estimate could incur this century. or latest next century
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it possible fuel omissions continue at a high level. that would mean lots of coastal cities most of the world's large cities in all their history. this is today. this is breaking news today. i've got 3 articles from 3 different sources regarding this study. these reports by one of the world's top climate scientists was referencing this. so, here's another one. this is the actual report itself. i spelled the super storms evidence from paleoclimatic data, climate modeling modern observation that 2°c will global warming could be dangerous. so, when we have in the terms of and the purposes of biodiversity, trying to manage in a godlike way our natural parks and putting our children in danger because of the pesticides that are there, then i'm questioning the role biodiversity. i'm questioning, as your question
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or not she's not here right now-how this all plays into a new playground where new frontier in terms of, change. i believe san francisco should lead-it's a city that leads in every other way and we should lead-ugly speaking again on item 8, we should lead in terms of allowing the green mass in our parks to be given a value not to be felling them and not to be managing them as god. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. ron parker from the san francisco forest alliance.
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>> testifier: good evening commissioners. thank this time i'm a resident of district 735 years and i use the city parks quite frequently. this inquiry might. as canyon park lake merced and mclaren park. several videos were sent you recently. i can assume you looked at them but anthony was good enough to send this to you. one of which included a san francisco dot worker in natural areas program speaking on the video. when he spoke about was specifically encoding and my observing him bring herbicides about davidson he said he's enhancing the biodiversity by spraying the weed patches to protect the plants that involve here. i selectively applying herbicides. that's a quote directly from this worker. what
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is interesting about this statement is he is trying to protect the plants that involve here. that implies to me, there is no certainty it's going to work. is going to have to reapply the herbicide again and again in the fax hold this to be true. he also spoke about the plants they've all fear which implies the non-natives evolved over time. will be more of a pertinent statement that expect him to say he's trying to protect the plants are native here. my point is about the workers use of the word diversity. we just heard a great presentation mr.-and the professor from san francisco stated my point is much more understanding of the word biodiversity should be brought forth. i've not heard a definition of that tonight. i had some slides. i saw some people sponsor that what does this mean? is it specifically meaning invasive plants are evil? and must be destroyed
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with chemicals. is that what biodiversity means. what the public would say myself or someone from the fan alliance means biodiversity means not using the herbicides in trying something other than a chemical to go after something that is viewed undesirable in the native areas of our city parks. so biodiversity from genes, from species to ecosystems that was on the side. many services working together with biodiversity? i would welcome your definition of that. or put it in writing. began omotalade thank you. next speaker, dr. jennifer-california inst. for biodiversity. >> testifier: my name is jennifer erskine. i am a plant ecologist. i focus on weeds and
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natural areas and very narrow fax on diversity both the effects of the species and the effects of removal i did my doctoral work and now the currently executive director of the nonprofit that looks, teaches using rigorous science and the outdoors to teach children science. so, i want to start and say that most scientists define nonnative species as those which have arrived here before-not before on-site. with or after european explorers arrived. so that is what the scientific researchers consider as an nonnative species. so just so that is defined for the group. i want to thank peterand dr. have to
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not for the presentation. my focus is not on the herbicide aspectinvasive species could affect the versed. specifically such species though the greens invading those issues related to pieces such as acacia, and those 2 in particular. leguminous species are nitrogen pictures but they increase nitrogen in the soil and make more nitrogen available in the soil. which changes the whole soil dynamics. the species native to many of our coastal environments have not evolved to have this increase nitrogen availability, yet the non-native species that are invading have the ability to
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take advantage of this increase nitrogen availability in the soil. so, we are finding that many of these varmints and dated by nitrogen fixers are becoming more invasive non-native species. so, even when restoration occurs if the spaces are not treated and removed its difficult to get native species to come in. it's really important for luminous species to be controlled. i also wanted to mention that in the first presentation it was discussed and 2 of you commissioners discussed the recreational use of native areas. of these areas. the desire to- >> president omotalade thank you.
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>> testifier:. i worked for several years was deeply involved in forest watershed restoration. i know a lot about restoration and biodiversity. i grew up in the sierra mountains. truly natural areas. the presentations we saw looked great. what they didn't show you was the incredible dark side that the biodiversity movement has become since its beginnings which were just about to making sure we stop using endangered species. they've turned into a frankenstein monster that is about wiping out massive tracts of 150-year-old trees in san
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francisco and east bay pacifica to try to get old habitats to come back to hope that we can replace biodiversity that way. these are 150-year-old forests that are biodiversity in their own right. they are standing the test against human destruction and we have dr. situation people think there's biodiversity to destroy 150-year-old forest. i sent you an e-mail around 1 pm. hopefully it got you. it has some good links in it. the key problem i want to deal with is to removal of trees. there's other problems with the natural areas program and bio efforts towards biodiversity but the removal of trees is the big one that you can see from what i e-mailed you that it causes
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massive increases in greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere pacifica, alone, getting rid of those trees will increase greenhouse gases to the chain of adding 555 cars to the road. the east bay hills if we accomplished getting rid of those trees the biodiversity folks want would increase-it be the equivalent of adding 15,000 cars to our california highways. so, the number one threat to biodiversity on this planet, the one we need to be most worried about, is the global climate crisis and global warming that's been induced which has the potential to be like another extension extension which could wipe out 90% of life is spent that the biodiversity threat. trying to cut down trees to restore of
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diversity is absolutely extinct insane way to try to solve a problem and it's incredibly counterproductive. we need to stop cutting down trees as part of this program. >> president omotalade: next speaker, please. >> testifier: thank you so much for allowing us to go early. we appreciate get my name is jesse rapier on the mom that i run a preschool in the dooley valley and him the according urban out the cultural lines. as a mom preschool teacher am very concerned about any use of pesticides on speaking on item number 8. very concerned about any pesticides or herbicides in san francisco parks. also as a preschool teacher i would say that what most parents that come to my business are looking for for the kids for their city kids is a nature experience. time outside time playing in the dirt could weave all these wonderful parks natural areas all over san francisco and it's
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terrible that i think mike is there and i don't worry about putting him on the ground to run around in such things. so, specifically, [inaudible] in san francisco for number of reasons but specifically we love to ask not to target edible plants get all the kids i know, every 3 old i note knows this plans. this is a what you call it-they'll love it the sour flavor is very appealing to them. by understanding it's a plan targeted with herbicides >> i like the sour grass. >> you want them despite? no because they run over to it and eat it. specifically asked not target any notes edible nut target especially the sour grass and i'll say it addition to being a mom and a preschool teacher, i am a native plant
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enthusiasts and i am up wildlife enthusiast because about wildlife enthusiasts mineta plant enthusiasts. spain pesticides and herbicides in order to achieve a perfect state of native plants is totally misses the point to my mind. that's not the way to add biodiversity. it's not the way to increase flora and fauna in the city. as we were the organizers does other things you can do besides using chemical sprays. that's what we're asking for. because we give out the bugs that we care but the birds that i still run a native plant garden. i live right next to that lot for 5 years and so only 4 species of birds ever there. we have tons of plans that were not native. while it was a farm we saw 40 species of birds. so thanks very much for your time. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> testifier: we need to pick our battles. the the spencer plans for spivak are unsustainable. the flora and fauna that arrived here since 1769 are here to stay. they can be removed from that small natural area, but there'll always come back and we really shouldn't keep on polluting our parks with toxic chemicals and try to bring that back. my key
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point here is you see all the people in the room that all here for one thing in particular jersey the importance of its and with the-about to be approved and the plan greatly expanded was the use of these negative methods. older to point out some testimony and jake-from prozac confirm when asked the question whether any non-native plants properly removed and they never come back, and there are none. let's give up on that. have a natural areas program and take care of our natural heritage but using some of these methods is just not the way to go. it's not working. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please.
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item 7. >> testifier: so the biodiversity in san francisco is amazing. we all know it and we all love it. one of the reasons i love being here is the redwoods about the coastal scrubs. the chaparral. it's amazing. there's a lot of rare and endangered species there makes san francisco unique. these are the species we only find here in this area. theirs are also our responsibility. i think people who didn't know about the species realize that what do we do about biodiversity loss be. there's very little i can do about the elephant but i can do a lot about the species in my backyard. so, i started to volunteer and i really love with the open spaces doing. i love that they're bringing people out. the connecting them with the plants and animals and people are becoming connected
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to the cities and some 8 amazing ways. i really love what you said about creating more open spaces and creating parks for kids to play in the mets break up summit concrete and that create pores green spaces. also, i would say let's not also forget the animals that were here good let's not forget those that are been trying to survive. let's include that into creating these more parklands. when you mentioned climate change and what to do about that, it makes me nervous when i start thinking about creating anything is going to bind the hands of our land manager. because i don't think it's going to be one solution. i think it's going to be a whole lot of many different solutions
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. with our biodiversity, with all of these unique ecosystems we are going to have to find many unique solutions and i really just encourage more staff, more funding like all that stuff and also let's not find the hands of our land management. they're very educated and am really impressed with them. they're very knowledgeable that things are moving in the right direction. we need to support them >> president omotalade thank you. him and to call up the next 3 speakers. caen >> testifier: on a san francisco resident of 15 years i started out as a dog walker in the city using all these parks and open spaces as my place of business and also my recreational habitat. i want to thank the commission for inviting these presentations from peter pascoe dr. hafford. the city has a long history of protecting its biodiversity in leading the way it's the appeal
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we need to continue and expand our efforts in that direction. the organization that peter mentioned that were on the slide are very familiar to me. i began engaging in stewardship in san francisco my early 20s and i was really mesmerized by the vision within the city to preserve these areas. appreciate peter reminding us that rich history of leadership by san francisco and conserving biodiversity allergy to continue that tradition. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. not here? we will move on to- public comment is closed. [calling names]. public c batch22:16:55 [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names]. [calling names].
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>> testifier: good evening my personal expense i was up presidio park spent i have to tell you, was it a real life change that i have retired from the business career by that time. but what we learned about the environment and how it is so integrated was really one of the best educations i could've had free of charge. just saturday mornings 9-12 pm in the rain. but we were able to see firsthand and be a part of transformation of a landscape that wasn't broken down park parking lot full of trash and broken rails at the edge of san francisco bay into this beautiful place that attracted species that have not been there in many many years. when i think audubon also recorded the fact that the western blue board erred returned on the
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habitat of data plans in part of the presidio after 100 years that would not have happened if we hadn't returned the native habitat to that particular area. soak i support the indigenous plant species for what they represent because they are indigenous to the area. i believe that we should also trust the intellectual and scientific capability of the people that we have put in charge of a biodiversity program to use signs carefully and best management practices using the best tools that they can as safely as they can to control invasive species that prevents our native species from growing. >> president omotalade thank you. [calling names].
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>> testifier: my name is jonathan winter. i'm sure as the ipm coordinator for the open space. which is a collection of preserved 23 preserves just south of here taken about 16,000 acres. what i want to speak to you today about is not only am i core data am also a citizen of the san francisco 2 young children and san francisco public schools. i got my masters degree at usf my masters degree bogus on biodiversity and i want to point out there is -we've been talking about diversity and what exactly that is. but i think most people understand biodiversity as a species number of species we have but also ask population of
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those species. so it's an interaction with the population and also number of species. the study that was done in the presidio shows creek percent of the population, which is don native invasive were taken of approximate 66% cover the native area. so, i think we need to make sure we are very clear about our wording here. what is non-native and what is invasive? nonnative means they were brought here originally from europeans and invasive is a subset of those nonnative. that something that we have to keep in mind. that we are targeting those 3% that are doing the most damage and not going after every single species we see. traditional use of herbicide is one of many tools using a program. when the other tools that are used, but it's a necessary tool. to make sure we do not lose what we consider temporary loss of these areas. the loss of habitat over time great a fax on the rest of the biodiversity
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from our flora and fauna. most concerns i've heard from citizens is the fact that pesticides of being dangerous in the thing to keep in mind that is typically due to broadcast spray. this is not something natural lands we do spot spring. it's minimal amount of pesticide used in these areas to get his job done we want to get done. the last thing i just want to say is spirit discount scientific evidence focused on a narrow focus of a few studies and not too tight hands of the land managers that have done so much studying and working the land for so long. >> president omotalade bt [calling names].thank you. [calling names] >> testifier:good evening
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commissioners. my name is sorry. as a resident volunteer with various stewardship or limbs and the city i want to share with you my 2 excitement about our cities embracing the importance of biodiversity. san francisco has joined many other cities he's in the world to help embrace biodiversity is an important issue for our survival. biodiversity mean you see it everywhere in san francisco in open spaces and parks as was discussed earlier. biodiversity addresses the issues concerning our natural heritage. we will have a much more resilience and healthier
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environment in the city to live if we can sport a beautiful maine in the ecosystem and the native plants and the native birds is what will survive here because they belong to this area. i have a great opportunity to give school children educational walks in nature and natural habitats and help them connect to urban ecology. i get to witness firsthand the light in the eyes and enjoyment of our youth by connecting them to nature telling about the existing biodiversity. many my hope is a mother and as an educator is the program of biodiversity gets fully supported by our city and by this commission. so we can have a real effective management of all our land, not just our parks and open spaces but beyond that across the different departments. i also
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want to say, i don't believe supporting biodiversity is playing god. i've heard that a few times tonight. i personally believe it's addressing equities for nature. our local nature and equity for ourselves. if we cannot allow major to have a space how can we allow equity among ourselves speak. i find our natural heritage terry telling about who we are and if our next generation will not have access to that they'll be incredibly sad. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. here? >> testifier: i'm jill fehrenbacher. the local mom. activist and journalist. i want to speak to biodiversity and say i appreciated presentation
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we saw earlier. i think that every sickle person in this room supports biodiversity. they've mostly people care deeply about the environment. where all environmentalists. that's why were at this meeting. i think where there is disagreement is over what biodiversity means.. the definition of its and basically what that means. to me, biodiversity means having as many species as much like in an area as possible. herbicides are the very definition of them . herbicides bean plant killer. when you kill species you lose biodiversity. something i think is important to point out and if you talk to the scientists, they'll agree with you, the herbicides that are being used do not selectively only target non-native species. they are broad herbicides. they kill everything they come in contact with. they kill not only plans but they have toxic affect on animals as well. mammals,,
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insects and each herbicide is different and you can read all the details on each one and understand how they affect different flora and fauna but they affect pollinators. they affect if you spake garland on native california poppy or-it will kill those plans as well. so, herbicides do not relate to advocate for the fact that herbicides do not support biodiversity. they distort biodiversity. that's the main thing i want to say. i also like our speaker earlier, i also moved to glen canyon area for the candidate i love that. i love bringing my children into the canyon and i think that we are doing a real disservice if in the name of biodiversity we are intending to kill any different species that live in that area. so thank you. >> president omotalade bt thank you. [calling names]
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areas program >> president >> omotalade is your microphone on? >> testifier: sorry. the natural areas program targets of 40 different species for herbicide use. first i want to focus on as many of the speakers before me have done is-. this is the only species now that requires the use of-, which is an herbicide probably
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even worse than-. as long as been following this issue, the hapless and capitals to was by a high priority of alternative. but that same it's [inaudible] that abuse has been substantially reduced. right now in the last 2 years except for one mistake at glen eagle the main use of this has been on the natural areas. i like to suggest this is a bad idea for several reasons. first, it's a plant that will live long as we just saw. i'm sorry all these pictures are so small. i don't exactly why that was a series of 4 pictures showing children
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and of course you saw the real ring only minutes ago. spring this exposing them to the pesticide which is not approved for crop use. it also provides nectar for wildlife. that's a butterfly the bugs provide food for gophers which are an animal at the bottom of the food bed good everything from coyotes to fox is due out. that's a honeybee. that's a picture i took today and need to be on it. secondly, there's no reason to believe the herbicide is useful. it seems to dominate the landscape when simpler but it dies down in summer. other plans become quite evident. in fact, some studies suggest the
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[inaudible] which benefits grass. quite frequently other plans do intermingle with it. many of these species are-but different species of plants with differently. so let me show you this is california poppy going with it. this is lupine growing with it. these are both as it happens species that like [inaudible]. normal plans like lupine or copy our body are >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names].
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>> testifier: hello. denise willie member of california plan society speaking as an individual type. i want to first address the definition of biodiversity because it was gone by scientists we'll will submit he was referring to indigenous species. that is, species that evolved in a particular place. natural biodiversity. what is managed by biodiversity hotspot? as you are from the dr. california is one of 35 internationally recognized biodiversity hotspots and that refers to native were digitally species in california. so, when you hear the word biodiversity, keep in mind that it's the indigenous species that are
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most at risk whether a person is referring to native and non-native species were strictly native and indigenous species. were not at risk of the world losing catalase were sour grass we are at risk of losing many species that live in california and only in california. the california society catalog maybe 63-over 6200 species of plants native to california for approximately 1/3 were over 2100 species of those native plants are at risk and threaten by human activities. where to start? plants are primary producers. all they need is some light and air and lands a little bit of water. then you have editors
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predators and people we do plants. as a food web, food chain whatever that starts with plants. that's where we start because this area of san francisco is very hot very much part of that biodiversity hotspot. we need to protect the plant. we need to protect the plants that are indigenous to san francisco. now the city has already identified 32 significant natural resource areas. those are open spaces. those are the areas that are being managed by the natural resource division of spivak parks and recreation these the places we need to start. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: good evening. i
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want to thank peter and prof. for their presentation this evening. i've been a resident of san francisco for about 25 years and 20 of those years i've been involved in doing part of maintenance and 15 of those resource management and working with a number of different volunteer groups. school groups, adults, children. all pull back some of the information that prof. talked about but the wonderful biodiversity we haven't san francisco. going from the western regions we have absolutely beautiful doing communities. we have old woodlands remaining in san francisco, lovely grasslands throughout central san francisco and then in the eastern regions of san francisco as well as traits are lovely but merced and rock outcrops. to speak in part to
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your point about not having green spaces on the eastern regions of san francisco i think that's reflective of the development that occurred here. we are fortunate enough that the central eastern or central western and southeastern areas were developed later and higher peak that remain as lovely diverse biologically rich communities that support a diversity of both resident and migratory animals species. some of them rare and endangered as prof. mentioned the mission new butterfly. not only are these areas important for wildlife but also important for our enjoyment. the native plants we have we also have in space of plants and the invasive plants that have the tendency to
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outcompete our native plants requires responsible land management that responsible land management includes mostly doing mechanical removal of invasive species. earlier, there was discussion about removal of plants in the key family. this number of other plans very easily removed by hand. mustard added shannon some we also addressed with herbicides are easily addressed initially by removing part of the vegetation and following up later with an herbicide application. i want to finish off just saying i support promoting and protecting our biodiversity for the future and by decreasing habitat loss by managing invasive cc and preserving our existing open spaces. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please.
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[calling names] >> testifier: thank you very much. i'm chris joyner am so excited to see so many people here actually addressing this extraordinarily important issue for 21st century which is biodiversity that to manage it properly. break complex issue. i would like to thank john heffernan for introducing that to me complex at sf state where i was a master students and following that up with nature conservancy group and the people here in san francisco. now i run an organization that does the children outside and educate staff at sf unified and many other districts about the importance of science, good science, nature, natural history of biodiversity. it comes from a passion as many rest of spoken about going up in the wilderness to open the wilderness in san francisco the
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spring of 1967-present some lucky to been here through the changes but as dr. haffner said the land has to go back further to understand the system going on. i want to say this issue about pesticides, herbicides and 11 address it again it's very complex one that would be good to those that have knowledge of the abilities to restore what came before through mechanical works as christopher said, and through continual stewardship as many others will say here that jake-over 80 years ozone committed work and i would say is a time and a place for all factors to get into play because we are a green city. their strength biodiversity is beauty and biodiversity. positive future lies in maintaining biodiversity at the issue at hand is habitat loss and invasive and the
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distraction of biodiversity of course the actual elephant in the corner is global warming. their strength and preserving the diversity for addressing the challenges of global warming and why bother has presented many times that i want talk about it is simplistic term legacy to her students, we have a refuge it's our sponsor blue jacket that refuge open to use-it's a place for outdoor recreation are an inspiration to the natural laboratory food water and shelter for ourselves and technological downtime as we look down so much major member to look up in a bird chirping will help that. and great opportunities for creative thought and restoring our cognitive memory has been described in the literature that we are freiwald services with water carbon nitrogen so i like to close by saying that expose you to unlock your wii because you were that she give
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you know some to empower not only ourselves but our youth to maintain our home as stewards and no biodiversity is not one that is all that together we must work together to doubt and that dirty. >> president omotalade tan thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: my name is greg spark. i looked into them. when i was a kiddies to play over diamond heights which is now developed. we see water snakes amoxil is but i feel like i'm really from an ancient time i'm only 67. so it's been very painful to watch so much of the open space where i used to play as a kid and for all of us wherever we used to play as a kid return to those sites and you see that much of the open space is now gone. it's a
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worldwide problem. i volunteer at the natural areas program and the national park service and it's very rewording to see how to manage these remnant habitats. so learned a lot from these when managers and i would recommend that if you're not aware of how to do habitat restoration, just go out and volunteer and you learn so much and you become very connected to the natural world of san francisco. if you do it enough it becomes very spiritually rewarding because you can watch how we have repaired the damage that was done in the past and restored habitat allowing nature to come back and become part of the habitat. also a small native plant nursery in golden gate park where i propagate san francisco native plants that i give those plans out to the public for
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free because i know the importance of native plants. it implants are the foundation of all the ecosystems. without the nato plans you lose all the native species. so we need to propagate native plants, trust the land managers who work on this on a daily basis so questions were asked earlier, what should we do? to save biodiversity in san francisco? on this planet? number one, deal with the burning of fossil fuels. this commission should do whatever it can to reduce dependence on automobiles and once we reduce their people out of their cars and get amount mutiny or bicycles, walking can be a joy. then we can move the asphalt and concrete and create wildlife ordinance community gardens could san francisco could be a paradise. we should as the environmental commissioners that you are you should strive for sustainable
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san francisco where we don't have to burn fossil fuels, where we can restore habitat for wildlife and weekends with and enjoy a sustainable world. we have the ability. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: my name is william murphy. i am a member of the san francisco hatch house harry's. we are a running club. the last 4 years we have been that one workers. we don't know any science that we don't know any of that stuff it we've been doing things like eradicating himalayan blackberries from you 70 marsh and mclaren park. this last saturday 6 of us spent 2 hours
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pulling radishes off of bernal hill. so, not talking about big picture and those kinds of things. the small pictures, there are a few people in this city who run the natural areas program who are working with the only a few people like us to do things like maintaining bernal hill as a grassland. 2 main town you so may marsh as a marsh. none of those things will be that way if the radish grows like it can. radishes probably it is not non-native. i believe it's actually the same powerplant we would find anywhere in san francisco, but bernal hill is now a native area
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as a grassland. so, you need tools besides just us fleeing them to make it stay grassland. we've taken an entire area of you 70 marsh and pulled blackberry which is what looked like they were talking about blood and sweat to get those things out of there. there are now wholesale firms in that area. so, i hear i'm here to support those managers of the natural areas program and whatever tools they need and if that means a tiny bit of pesticides and herbicides, let them have it. >> president omotalade thank
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you. rascal. any further public comment? >> testifier: i did put in a card for the next item but i want to throw in a quick comment on this item to address a question that commissioner stephenson wrote earlier. with climate change how do we undertake conservation. it is a new and developing science .johnson director of california invasive plant counsel. the national fish and wildlife service led a collaborative effort between the federal government and stakeholders to develop a national framework for climate adaptation for fish and wildlife plants. one of the upper level recommendations is to address existing ecological stressors mainly invasive species. that's one of the recommendations for allowing
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data biodiversity to adapt but the state wildlife action plan that was just recently revised to engage invasive species as the top threat to native wildlife in california. >> president omotalade thank you. one other hand please come forward. >> testifier: jackson. you had me before i spoke to the policy committee meeting recently that written a lot. i don't the commissioners must be weary soul out of consideration i might get really reassure. this item and the next item all i want to say is don't restrict the program from using tools that are essential to it.
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herbicides are essential to. that's all. thank you. >> president omotalade thank you. please come up. >> testifier: my name is victoria hammond did i have to point out to everybody who is saying the tiny tiny bit of roundup and garlic that we use in the parts the last time their records available was 2014 and p parks and recreation alone explained sprayed roundup 174 times in city parks and 79 times in the natural areas. so just to put that into perspective, where all for biodiversity. were all environmentalists in europe but we've got to find another way to do it without these toxic chemicals that are killing people. >> president omotalade thank you. yes?
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>> testifier: i have a question for the drug. i understand this presentation was scheduled and supported by you because on march 8 international women's day about the biodiversity it i think the biggest concern was about health impact of herbicides. so, i do hope that you would invite-the doctor began to speak those limited to 3 min. each to speak about dangers of herbicides. that's one ticket i hope it will happen before this is approved. now, there was a given the definition of native as something which was here before arrival of europeans.
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just kind of selective random point in time and saying whatever was there before the europeans arrived was good and after europeans arrived is bad. you can select different times. if this wonderful presentation which was showing mastodons and camels here and why native is something which started at the time europeans arrived, why not go back in time ends restore whatever was there? as you probably heard many times, crisis right now is trying to restore the-which is on this earth in 7th century. so this which is going on is kind of a string of things. you're inserting something which probably was there and nobody knows exactly what was there but it's okay to use. toxic.
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also the commission that you are talking about being [inaudible] don't be so much because [inaudible] i can tell you, since the 90s i haven't seen a single ladybug in my neighborhood. the number of butterflies is going down. i don't remember when i saw the last dragonflight and there's much less these bees on the plants in the front yard than it used to be. of course there are [inaudible] i don't have time but i'm saying that all this biodiversity it's very good things for chemical companies. san francisco should
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be opposing it is not supporting [inaudible]. >> president omotalade thank you. i think the gentleman behind you is first. >> testifier: my name is richard dotzler. listening to comments i really hope that the panel the city does come up with a really operational definition of biodiversity. i think the it's incorrect to assume that introduced plants are invasive plants. that native plants are not invasive to the circumstances. you can look very quickly and san francisco you look at meta-lake and northlake in marin county you look at [inaudible] these
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are all places that are overridden by beta plants as well. i think that san francisco is a city of on native plants. for years many animals, many birds over 162 species of regular recurring birds in san francisco the overlying majority use them to nest in cavities of the streams the higher limbs of trees. to season these trees. out of all the species of animals, the berkeley birds are gone as well. so, i hope we include non-native plants as part of biodiversity. or change the word biodiversity because that's not what biodiversity means. if there are subspecies that are runaways of particular [inaudible] under, change or we
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should take care of them. we are creating a culture here where people first asked is that a plant native or non-native pivots native and they write off as being invasive and let's kill it. let's poison it. that's not the right thing to do. i think it's important again we come up with the definitions we follow the policies to keep san francisco a bio diverse environments. >> president omotalade thank you. yes? >> testifier: nancy smith. the longtime resident of san francisco could all be very brief. i think part of this discussion suggests we can make a distinction between diversity and natural biodiversity. we wonderful parks like the civic center rate outside. like large
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areas of golden gate park will begin of concerts and we also have very few natural areas we want to protect natural biodiversity. there, i think we should rely on intelligence and expertise for land managers to do the best job they can and with various techniques they need to maintain those areas. >> president omotalade thank you. i'm going to do one last call for public comment before i close public comment. public comment on this matter is closed. >>[gavel] >> president omotalade there is no action item on this. so we can now move to the next item on the agenda. >> clerk: next item is approval of resolution file 2016 03 adopting the 2016
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reduced risk pesticide list per city properties. under the environment though the department maintains a reduced this pesticide list identifying those pesticides may be used on city properties subject to restrictions they spent 3 documents are draft resolution file 2016 003 restrictions on most hazardous herbicides modified postings signed for pesticide treatment 2016 reduced risk pesticide list. the sponsors debra rafael director. the speakers dr. chris geiger. integrated pest management program manager. by mental specialist with the san francisco international airport tim ramirez land and resource management manager san francisco public utilities commission, lisa wayne open-space manager san francisco rep parks and recreation department to show you mix an integrated pest management specials with her, do public works. this item is
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discussion and action. >> president omotalade director would you like to introduce this one as well >> testifier: yes. tonight you have an action item before you is coming back to you after 2 months of extensive work. in light of the new designation regarding the harm of one of the products on our list, you asked us to revisit the protections put in place to protect the health of workers in the health of the public. we have done that. so, what you will hear tonight is a summary of the extensive amount of time that our staff and our staff and our department from across the city has spent with a truly good and safe efforts to ask the question what else can be
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done. you challenged us to find additional restrictions to put additional protections in place and to ask the question, is it necessary? what you will hear is our recommendations to you about how we move forward. i would like to before i asked chris to start, how they to remind you and everyone that this is not a fixed moment that is the end of a discussion. it's a point in time. that the law the ordinance says on an annual basis this commission must ask the same set of questions. that we will continue to come before you as new information becomes available, as new opportunities for removal of items from the list come new additions we might want to put on the list. this is very much a living document and i'm interested to hear what not only this geiger
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has to say but also what all the other permits. i asked him, we hasn't specifically to come tonight because there were a lot of questions last commission meeting about what is it really look like and so we want to answer that question for you, not from our perspective but from the perspective of the professionals what hast with taking your guidance and making it real in the field. with that, chris you may start. >> testifier: good evening. back again and i want to thank the commissioners for a lot of great conversation and question and thank the members of the community also. it has been a very long but i think ultimately a productive conversation but these restrictions. how's that? i should point out there are 2 other members of the group from puc may be chiming in on this.
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a compliance manager with natural resources jessica -supervising biologist with the same group. so, i am back after quite a lot of discussion on this topic and went on to talk about charlie mercifully brief good i know the hour is late. i'm going to go into the specific changes to those restrictions that we have come up with that are before you. i'm not that go through the ones you party scene at the last meeting. i'll explain a little bit about what is behind those. also, here's a summary of the major concerns that came out with the public and the various submissions and conversations we had and then i'm asked major city partners to join me from the airport public utilities commission parks and recreation and public works. then finally give you a little idea what sort of
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timeline lies ahead in our program. we thanks to debbie, we like to talk about things in terms of the why, why were doing this in several pension people mention this. i feel like it's aimed for the same one more time. for so were the toxic reduction program. we try to reduce toxics every day. we try to minimize harm every day. it's what we do. his lower devoted to but more poorly i think everyone in this room shares the same why essentially. we once per month better and run until stewardship better management of our lands, safer practices and safer for the environment. i hope we can all agree on that that's good to remember what you agree on. when we get down to over doing and how we do it or do of course is trying to make a plan on better weed management minimizing and how we do it, that's where you get
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into q3 2 expertise we have here tonight and also expertise we speak with every month from other departments in our meetings. so, the existing restrictions as i mentioned i'm not to go through these except imagine we do anticipate substantial reduction in herbicide use police restrictions along no use for fairly cosmetic purposes. that's a significant thing. also the 15 foot buffer around any path is also very significant. the additions that we've made after all these conversations, number one, is we are adding a clause that says that we no use on blackberry bushes during berry season do something that's largely been done already but
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it's important to put these codify these things make it clear in our training and conversations with city staff that this is not acceptable and the soweto protect people and wildlife. we are updating our contractor requirements were talked about contractors who work for the departments especially on renovations rebuilding rec centers that sort of thing. to make sure they are on board with the dam and its requirements and their following the policy we put out there. right now it stated a more general way that there can be retrained and what is required from the relevant hygiene core nader but were working on more specifically language and procedures that we hope to develop with a severe
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we always talk about this with parks and recreation a couple months back and developed putting into place now on contractors and that's i think it's going to be a big improvements. we are requiring the use of blue indicator dye for treatments this is specially important when you're often in the middle where often by hilltop to make it very clear where a pesticide or herbicide application has been made as your are a couple pictures courtesy of parks and recreation the give you an idea what's going on here. the picture on the left you can actually see some-has been treated around a plant there preserving. that's a plant in the middle that was not sprayed. is kerry gives you an idea of how specific they get with these treatments. the scene on
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the right is another spot spraying huge amount of treatments and natural areas have done-do at least will speak to this are these kinds of presurgical events and the guy i think will give an added level of transparency and for warning if anyone happens to be there. i should point out within a few minutes those were not look like anything anyone would ever want to eat. they're going to be wilted. direct supervision by a licensed person this is something that came up as a proposal last time and we have talked to all the relevant departments about this to see if something workable and what this means is having a licensed person the means of pest control agriculture pest control advisor qualified applicator on site at the time of these products being used
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and this serves to provide better oversight and making sure they're doing things right . it also helps with worker protection because worker protection is only as good as the worker who is there and putting on what they should be putting on this provides another level of oversight on that. they actually act to reduce herbicide you somewhat tedious having these requirements in place. we don't know that but it's likely. in our discussions with the departments they're going to need some time to reshuffle staff or get ready for this so we proposed a six-month buffer. starting accidents requiring the direct supervision of climate. another tradition is a requirement to use some sort of barrier for any treatment in the past. remember, were not allowing people who pass except
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if it's a public health and provoke safety issue. and usually its poison oak. you cannot have workers without objection is a worker health issue and so in this kind of the case will have some sort of barrier as an example, to make it abundantly clear that this is been treated along with the usual postings before and after. we had a lot of discussion about further clarifying areas frequented by children and i think part of this we realize something in the language that was contradictory that is we were on the one hand saying can use it playgrounds are areas recruited by children and the other hand were saying you can use it for invasive species. so, we put an extra clause just to make this abundantly clear that, no, we cannot treat playgrounds. so we put the
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prohibited in the section to clarify that. so, those are the additional requirements we have much more to do. i'm going to talk just a little bit about some other cities experiences since this is something that some of these submitters have provided you some information about other areas that are banning they sorts of bands on herbicides or pesticides in general. we checked in with a lot of these but particularly the ones that were more comparable in size to san francisco and the diversity of their landscapes. boulder was one of them and it was in the media they had been wound up and this is back in 2012. as a matter fact boulder was part of a series of meetings this
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summer about this whole topic to try to find a way to this topic susan the media elite band a product they did not ban the active ingredient that's in round appeared to have a system that's similar to ours with a limited particular uses. top blanket bans but it's illuminating uses which allows us to be much more informed and gives us a chance to do some problem solving on what are the early the problems and we do without treatment or are there alternative treatments and are they safer. these are the same thing that boulder asked in their programs. an extensive natural areas. uses similar array of products as a last resort as we do and these are always ashes 1 million times every day but is a last resort and we prefer to do manual heating or other techniques before doing chemicals. as it
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boulder. san jose give a lot in your packet about demonstration garden in san jose and these folks in san jose were part of our process this summer. the series of 3 meetings with 14 public agencies about the subject that we convenes. those are very productive discussions. this particular report that's in your packet has a lot of great techniques, alternatives to herbicides and i look through this closely good i'm happy to say that we do just about all of them or have done what doing it is just about all those approaches weathered sheet mulching were replanting or regular mulching and so forth. it also unfortunately-well unfortunately for the title of
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this actually was not herbicide. they did use herbicides in this project for been muted grass. i confirmed all this with their coordinator. the bands in encinitas were specially interested and interesting because they have a series of overlapping general bands on the kinds of herbicides. i spoke with them i was told that there were kind of the series of unintended consequences from this. one of which is to have an organic part proposal as part of their plan and they realize that because of the way the bands were done they cannot use any of the organically survived product is that too high of acute toxicity that is skin and eye. the thing i discovered there still using pre-emergent herbicides in encinitas which is now because they fell through the cracks in
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those bands. we band those are probably in debbie's, since i've been here we've never had -except for one at the airport. on the airfields could never use that are more hostages did so that's an example what happens you try to do it the general ban set up specifically mandating uses. finally there's richmond'. were watching very closely what happens over there. they have kind of a blanket ban in place on herbicide use it unfortunately they didn't provide any additional resources for manual move will and it's pretty clear that you need to do that if you take away run-up in particular those kinds of products i spoke to current and past corner of the program this in a lot of challenges and landscape management were waiting for report from them on how things are going very much looking forward to our meetings to
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report on. i think the interesting to compare notes. meanwhile, we have successfully used our to reduce overall parks and recreation combined to one pesticide use all pesticides not just herbicides and in the long-term you seen this before but we've had 76% reduction which is generally much more toxic humans. along the line you have to narrow that we have effectively removed eliminative use of a long long list of really bad stuff. most recently-fungicide use puts on the golf course in large quantities up until 2 years ago
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. these are big times but the kind of there not-we don't know what these things are and would rather not send some cases. we've had a long history of success in taking these products away. without having an impact on her ability to manage that. a lot of comments about worker health and the need to and run it was determined the apollo personage in a year ago we take this very seriously. you're very different opinion of roundup now than we did a year ago and that is why we embarked on this whole series of meetings and discussions on ways we can check this out. the people most of those in any herbicide pesticide use are always the workers and so there are multiple agencies regulate
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protective equipment. this was questions down in the house section of that circle. this gets for a detail. we have the dept. of pesticide regulation and the epa, us epa bittorrent labeling language o'connor personal protective equipment is required. we also have our own environmental health and safety officers were trained industrial hygienists should we rely on them to decide what they need to wear and to do the fitting of the respirators and what not but we can do as a primitive environment is first of all to direct supervision requirements as a mention is going to have an impact on worker compliance and ppe. but also this is going to be part of spring training this year, next month as a matter fact which is something we do every year where we will--we be talking about the new status of
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roundup as a relates to their personal protective equipment. so, i think maybe some of the departments will have some more to say about this. finally, transparency was another big topic that came up in the public comment and in the question bbq in with. were really proud of conspiracy. in general. we have the posting requirements for every application. the database of every pesticide application has been made on city properties with a lot of detailed information that very few other cities have. we have this back from 1996. it is a huge challenge to keep that do quality control on these things when your people from all over the state submitting data and one of the things we can definitely do better were going to be working on is to make to
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do that work quickly and to get the data out there more quickly and more readily accessible way. so, that is something we have on our list absolutely and i should say there's some interesting public suggestions on this like having a way to tax people who want to know about application to the so something worth looking into. i guess another element of transparency is just having public meetings like this like these. here's the timeline from last april. we had 9 meetings on the subject. since last about 6 of them public meetings. a lot of time and effort put into the use and i think it's worth it in the end if we get a good product to make some restrictions that make some reductions in harm or risk for our workers and public. what i would highly recommend doing
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tonight is that you approve this set of restrictions, which is a package with the less. the 2016 reduce pesticide list of intersections are part of that. as one package and we can work on some of these things until the process starts over again next november. we can have more discussions. so, i'm going to stop now and turn it over to my colleague from san francisco airport. given unit is the court, nader out there i want to thank all these folks for coming and joining us today. >> testifier: my name is tina newman >> testifier: my name is tina newman court, nader for san francisco airport. we got some pictures here. i'm here to talk
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about the ban on the herbicides especially-it would have significant revocations on the airport. his has written records for the tall whites can interfere with the tower pilots signs releaser taxiways. we can use people in your field and pouring weed eating or mulching or using open flames around moving planes out there. they would not last very long. it's a hazard to everybody. this maintains safety and health and security on the airfields surrounding buildings. the landside maintenance motorcycle people side, lakers is the firehouse. we don't use roundup in our landscapes and a longer and it taken out a lot of our bonds and a lot of our plants that use a lot of water and would cause a lot of weed problems also using a lot of water. and we substitute a lot of cactuses and c france and in need of
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friends who also start collecting water. this arraigned arrow and using that for the cactuses because honestly we don't need a lot. so we been able to reduce roundup a lock. the governor is also there's some more of our plants. here's some sheet molding to do a lot of sheep mulching. the dude of regular mulching. and they can pull weeds in the use burners. this all very labor-intensive. the public does not roam to our landscaping serviceare to them. we do have to do a renovation project the workers are all licensed and educated on chemical use and have the proper ppe in order. we need to be of use to one herbicides to ensure the safety of our workers especially guardrail work and medians were workers in public can be potentially seriously hurt by automobile supplying to pre-patient mechanical methods were
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handling. it's a safety and health issue keep roads has sent personally to strike the weeds a way to keep the past way. the report is a vast expanse of land and human herbicide is the only way we can do this in a timely manner and safety for workers and public and air traffic. thank you. >> testifier: next up with kilometers from the public utilities commission. >> testifier: good evening. thanks for your patience. it's been a long night for you i'm sure. but it was too limited division matters for natural resources and lands management. i want to first say thank you for the opportunity. so to recognize the capable staff. is been a very thorough and robust
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process to bring us to this point in time we are to support the staff recommendation also a figure staff of the pc was for proof here tonight but spices them one people speaking for a lot of people. only give a glimpse of how we do our work under the ipm process overregulated. she was sense of what this means for us. the first slide which is give you a bit of a map and the map shows the areas that are owned in fee and san francisco in the area. in rough numbers the city spoke 47 mi.2 in properties in the city my group has organism that to peninsula watershed which was referenced earlier in the alameda watershed. the alameda watershed is about 58 mi.2. just bigger than san francisco and self. it's a large spaces. the blue lines are the right one in the pipelines in between and i didn't one make it more
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complicated each other right away of the high sierra and the national park and national force. suffice to say all the work we do throughout the system is under the ipm ordinance and consistent with the program here and chris does an amazing job bringing the city together in each year to do more on this case to use less. so, we have environmental stewardship policy of separate is a pure heart policies the city the qc for the water and price which made the list. so it sort of begs the question why we want to move vegetation river stewardship program. we do for a couple reasons. these are really the public safety utility reasons we do work throughout the system. we have the right-of-way vegetation management guideline to protect the pipelines in the transitive industries and the roots are not great for pipeline's widow tried to keep trees author rightly. we try to do the best we can do great in of landscapes on the right-of-way local communities and provide access to regular by the state on the safety dance and only
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trees either on dams. because of the roots and also for inspection the one be able to get to the dams get r games are very old and earth dams which means they're always potential for being too grown them. were also regular by the state to prevent a risk minimize the risk and prevent fires as best we can. sure you've heard about the fire up in the high sierra 2.5 years ago now. the fires every year on the local watersheds and the pencil the alameda watershed in the way we do with that of talk on a 2nd but spices a remove vegetation on the education of our properties from ruled out risk generally the roads and also the trails. we do our best to protect those assets on the trails in particular on the pencil in particular we have a pretty large project that's about to go into to move a lot of dead trees along the trail especially the san mateo county betrayal, should the drought
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and what that means for the trees and also the bureaus that have come to invest the tree. as our bodies and we do work like this in regular by other folks to make sure he gets on the certainly. this of environmental restrictions. i think it was referenced earlier in the biosphere on the planet and we live in one of them is the golden gate biosphere. in our watershed result is recognized as a biosphere could we have a lot of mitigation projects on the watershed. we own about 60,000 acres of land in the bay area. by 2000 acres about is been heavily manipulated right now to mitigate under state and federal law the impacts associate with our capital program for $.6 billion capital program to repair and protect water quality for seismic robustness throughout the system along the fault lines some cases are so springs dam
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in particular other requires to mitigate and redoing that on a watershed to make those regulations to do that we need to create date of landscapes were doing a mostly on the peninsula for native grasslands it's you that with the tickets in the vegetation to make space for those things. how do we do it? we have a combination of tools we use google to start with screen results. we graze the watershed on a all means that we do along the right-of-way of the property boundary lubricant in some areas we can't do those things because of sensitive plants and some case we have to get in our get a hand stories of people that volunteer. youth programs the user hands manual tools and mechanical tools to avoid the spaces and provide a buffer but also to avoid the impasse of the native landscape. in the
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end, there's some things that are just really hard beast of this pipe that effort. this one example, think for bringing to my attention putting the presentation together. wishing spring to me was easy to that ones that are not great connotation did stink and worked in a together. so it's exponentially increased as a state worth. it's a nasty thing. the cows don't want to eat it. because the rational staff when they try to touch it if you try to cut it would distort it comes backward dense. it's not good. it invades our watersheds and so were unsure how organic you with this yet but we have a plan to pilot things happen to start with the herbicide application. we do ask them it's all the time. this part of the in a process that chris eventually get together and talk about how we can do with things before we have to take the last step and maybe apply a small modern herbicide. trying
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to solve arises some of these places easily put him in black tarps and bake them could we provide roots to brian roots as this weekend. pencil terms but in the end in some cases there are a lot of other options. so i guess the point sauce all the other choices in a couple cases of an example we use techniques objects while about some herbicides in the vegetation is really the method of last resort. i think that's it for my overview can obviously to answer questions afterwards that is lisa comes up i want to make a comment about lisa and the natural areas program. reese's work is funded in part by us in san francisco and sometimes i feel like our staff is lucky to have these will be amazingly escapes outside of san francisco to take care. the gigantic and leases job i think in some ways the lot harder and maybe even more important. because cars place about our landscape is
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the book hard time getting to it. they can sit here in san francisco. not talking about a big space or talk about a lot of small little spaces but i think the board because they do provide an opportunity for people to experience the role the weights than described here today and lisa and i both have young kids but the same age of talk but that quite a bit and i want to reach out and support their efforts for what they're doing and hopefully the commission will support them as well. thank you. >> president omotalade thank you. >> >> testifier: lisa wayne has artie been introduced. parks and recreation >> testifier: good evening commissioners. lisa wayne manager with you parks and recreation and i am here today to talk about our whole department and i will try to do it very quickly. our department land stewards for 3400 acres and over 220 as part of this
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obesity why do we provide a variety of land stewardship uses and opportunities for citizens and visitors of san francisco,, the examples are shown here on the slide from active recreation uses and recreation programs to passive recreation spaces like the worst part and thousands of people every weekend to our marquee and cultural site such as the conservatory of flowers and japanese sea garden and many others. and natural areas. the remnants of our indigenous ecosystem the place that holds the biodiversity has been so eloquently described in the previous speakers. so, in order to protect all those places and
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to provide for the intended uses in all of our glands need to manage them and i think that is the theme i want to bring across to you all today. whether you are talking about a golf course, a ballfield, a marquee site in natural area we need to manage them. they do not manage themselves. we have a variety of stewardship tactics and i'm glad tim from the qc went through some more of these in detail. i'll highlight a couple of them right here for you. mechanical controls. a few months ago we used many excavators removing invasive plant from wetlands in golden gate park could we also used manual removal where ever we can for many many species in
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natural areas, invasive species as well as we do not landscape areas last year we had 110,000 volunteer hours. almost entirely devoted to weed management and weed control. so we are leveraging volunteer resources wherever we can to try to implement these ipm strategies. ipm also involves the holistic and ecosystem approach. i want to hone in here a prevention because really it starts in many ways with prevention than if you don't have a problem you don't have to take action to address it. so, prevention comes in a variety of forms. a few of them are listed here promoting healthy soil is something that we do not landscape so make sure that there's nitrogen
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pictures. there's good organisms in the soil that are providing micronutrients needed to support the plant life and fend off pests and pathogens. agreements are many many many of these. this is reducing the spread of weeds by just taking care of your equipment minimizing corrosion and soil disturbance generally so that you don't have places for invasive weeds weeds in general to take root and promoting biological diversity by building resilience. dr.-i mention that as well. by building resilience in the systems we are better able to address issues like climate change we hope over time and by promoting biodiversity we are creating habitat for beneficial again that prevent pest and
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pathogen outbreaks from happening. so the lower right-hand corner is hopefully something that people are familiar with. it's the sheet mulching project we ended up printing with diversity of native plants. not only to achieve environmental stewardship mandate if you will intermission to promote and provide habitat plans for local wildlife but again also to provide that resilience in our landscapes and beneficial and promote beneficial insects. that's a beginning of a project there. the upper slide speaks to the last piece of that old to cover his innovation and experimentation so were actively right now looking at using citrus oil product called avenger to reduce our tier 1 usage. it's a burned down
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product that works preventing with right now you see to test proctor vs. the control pod which is bright green. were hopeful about this kind of experimentation as tim alluded to is going on constantly in the ipm fields and we are very good at it that by our amazing ipm supervisor kevin will and who i know you've heard from previously and was because of him and the innovations that we are doing at the department that received the ipm innovator award in 2014 from the dept. of pesticide regulation. it's a statewide organization that's really devoted to and looking at necessary reductions. so we received one of the highest awards in ipm innovator awards. last slide. so, in order to
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deliver these lands to all of you to visitors of san francisco for their intended uses, whether those are the intended uses to protect biodiversity, whether it's to provide recreational amenity like a golf course, or whether it's to preserve the cultural landscape with these places all need to be managed and herbicides and pesticides are one of the tools that we use. as you've seen from your own permanent staff there've been significant reductions over time not only see white but in our department as well these very small amounts of ingredients so this is department wise good we used less-we typically use less than 2 ounces per acre of active ingredient to take away all the water and the vegetable oil and all the inert if you'll parts of the volume of material that
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put out there and you get the active ingredient that equates to less than 2 ounces per acre of active ingredient department wide. so dinner very small amounts and i think the speaker from mid-peninsula open spaces set all buses when managers are looking at this as a tool in the toolbox were using it very judiciously. i think that was the word he used that i could not agree more. i think these numbers speak to that fact. most of the removal we do this by hand. there are some plants and species that we supposedly removed by him. many of them. we are having good success with those. herbicides are used again as a last resort as has been mentioned and i think that's also reflected in the overall lower numbers you're seeing.. i want to conclude by
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saying and thinking dept. of the environment, the staff honestly dr. chris geiger for your continuing leadership on this issue. this dimension am also a parent who lives in the city so i have a personal interest in this as well. our department will continue to work with your staff through all these difficult questions to draw to come up with solutions that make sense for all our landscapes so we are there with you as a partner and will continue to be be so and i want to just concluded saying we support the adoption of the reduce risk pesticide list. >> president omotalade thank you. >> testifier: last but not least we have the department of public works.
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>> testifier: good evening. my name is-i am the ipm supervisor for public works and i'm also a booth on the ground worker. i'm an applicator. so my perspective of this is more about safety. the things that we do every day to ensure that we are safe for the public is also being thought of in that process. most of the areas that we do applications on our high traffic areas that are median strips and also in tunnels for example broadway title would be a place we make applications also. some of the practices that we currently carry out that are not currently required but will be required on that no employee is
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allowed to make applications without much supervision of a tracy already and that is something that i implemented while in this position because i felt it was very important tab that educational experience while the work is actually taking place. some of the safety personal protective equipment that's required by our 2 permits is we have to wear a permeable gloves, boots, safety glasses and tyvek suits. but since i've been there i've taken a step further and adding more details to those personal protective equipment as in we have to wear tyvek suits than a ballistic on the ankles and on the wrists and we also wear 2 pair of gloves. one pair of gloves we keep on like say the latex type of love and we put a dish and love on top of that on making applications. wearing
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an respirator was something not required but that is something that i have implemented also and if we do not wear respirators we also have the option of wearing face shields were making applications. some of the educational commons that i required in addition to the education that is required by the state is that everyone has to have 40 hours of additional field training in addition to the hours of carpet the state which are only for and also we all employees are required to you the you cic online gardner exam preparation course that also helps with educating all employees and those courses include pesticide law regulations, pest problem
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diagnosis ipm management, pesticides and the hazards, protecting people and the environment and handling emergencies and selecting use of application equipment. all those things are covered before someone can even make an application. for public safety, one of the things that we've implemented as a applications are done on meeting strips is that all of our applications are done between the hours of 2 and 6 am so that's pretty much when there's less pedestrian traffic and there's also less car traffic. so not only are we keeping the public safety were also keep yourself safe at the same time. some of our users will of course we use herbicides to do vegetation management but at the same time we also do it to produce art
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injury rates mortgage rates have gone down significantly and send back injuries and repetitive motion injuries since we have implemented ipm program of public works. we have also reduced our accident and medians as in for example that would be breaking car windows. we break a lot of car windows using weed backers in median strips were cars are out there on the road. so that's most deftly been reduced since implementing this. so for future reduction will be doing is working closely with the landscape architect to design [inaudible] and currently reevaluating our landscapes to implement better practices as an adding ground coverage and things like that to mitigate some of our pest problems out there. thank you.
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>> president omotalade thank you. >> testifier: so, just i guess in summary, i want to talk a little bit about the ideas we plan to explore in the upcoming months and to the list process starts over again. some of these came from these conversations. one is we are moving forward with for the carbon base on the landscape design into city landscapes that i mentioned before we had worked closely with parks and recreation on this to get netscape's certified in these week of first in the city. in the bay i should. as i mentioned were going to be working on the details with citywide contractor policy seizure so we have had this really dialed in and can have greater confidence when there are any situations where
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contractors using herbicides.. another idea the possibly training project managers various departments on some these requirements, some of the situations that they can come across as a mentioned the text message unification idea. further illumination set of restrictions is a beginning. we plan on looking for further restrictions for further uses we can wind safer approaches as we move forward and that's the idea to whittle away the uses that are approved for these products. the quick turnaround quality assurance for the test site data. when you need continuing conversation about ppe with the department and also improving signage. the small improvement in the written instructions before you with we think we can do better on that as well. so, i forgot to mention that it is this sort
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of wish on collaboration we have here gets me up in the morning and this is what's exciting about this program. every month were sitting there selling homes in the group and they are so committed to the why of the program that aegis is really a wonderful thing to work with. i think all the department who cannot tonight this long evening and i just want to finish off by saying we highly recommend you prove what is true for you the 2016 w. including these restrictions onto one herbicide use. that's it for me tonight. >> president omotalade thank you. thank you very much for the presentation. we truly appreciate it. the depth of the perspective that you brought into as well as all the individuals in the community have come out tonight to speak.
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i think both from the effort of all the city agencies and also the public participation have definitely fueled robust discussion very important issues and san francisco. i want to make sure i can do this but i would like to go straight to the public and then commissioners discussion. i would ask in public comment if you did speak to this issue in item 7 much that you do not restate your point. we've heard you. i personally research every article you sent me or video i have definitely read is in my brain. i thank you for that. i was on parts of meeting them. with that i deftly will open public comment.the first
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person of good [calling names] still doing 3 min. we're still doing 3 min. of public comment. >> testifier: i like to speak to 2 things: 2 questions. shouldn't i be allowed the revocation of invasive species buyer beside based on the 2016 pesticide list and also item 14 on the restriction? i like to say a look closely at the pesticide list nic underuse limitations the language reads as follows. use only for targeted treatment of
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high-profile or highly invasive species. the california invasive plant counsel categories for invasive species are used as benchmarks only use the categories of high, moderate or limited. they list -as moderate and i live eucalyptus as limited invasive. neither a highly invasive plants. so the use of garlands for culture should be prohibited according to your own definitions. i don't know what high-profile means in your language. it's not defined anywhere. does it mean lots of yellow flowers were tall trees? early language could've very specific meanings and be consistent with the categories that-news. suddenly the meeting of item 14 on the list of restrictions suggested restrictions for tier 1 lacks specific meanings tied to standard stated definitions. the thing was is actually subject to interpretation by
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those who advocate the use of herbicides. i like to add if we cannot get a more tory and tonight on these tier 1 in tier 2 herbicides that i am asking for six-month interval for the commission to come back and for yet p.m. for him to have developed a phaseout plan for tier 1 and tier 2 in the next 6 months. i think that's a real gold that was possible. 2nd question. is it necessary according to the preparation of principle to spray in the natural areas? the answer is, no. there's no great danger to human health from these non-native plants or other economic or static more environmental necessities such sprain. we've heard that documented for you many different alternatives. i still love research around the country and around the world have presented that information to you. our ipm programs as
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budgeting and staffing limitations are not in themselves adequate justification for oversight use. i think ipm should develop the real costs both staff materials and the consequences for human health outcomes when you look at cost.thank you very much. >> president omotalade thank you. >> testifier: a lot of people have hit upon this but there's a couple-i have not heard any talk really about the golf course if i understood correctly from past presentations, i think they are one that gets usersthe ground
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up specifically. so was happy to see you being banned for being used for cosmetic reasons because i can thing anyone want to use it on a golf course which is far from a natural area. since the state of california followed the world health organization pacification as a probable carcinogen and demandedthey label it as such people are up and down the state are wondering if the cancer is caused by rhonda. now if you google health affects around at some of the first websites that pop up our attorneys asking do you have cancer because your cancer because by exposure to round up? a woman with lymphoma in southern california she and her husband are sod growers the first in the state to sue over her cancer. she just sued monsanto but it's only a matter of time before lawsuits are filed against city governments in cancer patients
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discover they use continued after the state has declared it a probable carcinogen. i ran into a man in my neighborhood walking my new dog and we were discussing this because you wonder what happened to my dog and i told him that i suspected around that contributed to his horrible world cancer and he said, i have lymphoma and i'm wondering if that was caused by decades of playing on san francisco san francisco golf course it. just a week ago the san francisco examiner published a column about secrets and secretive parks and recreation is used about randa. to file papers in the sunshine act when and where spain occurred and you can't get that until after the sprain. i mentioned that to several people and to a person they said it looks like that's something to hide. i moved to san francisco
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straight out of college drawn by its beauty and progressive politics is a sure many of you did. today 36 years later the homeowner a community dr. salk is this person in the city that i still love. i know that you love san francisco and i know that you want to do right by san francisco people. so, please ban the tier 1 herbicides at this another way >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: eric brooks. our city of san francisco. this issue before you is very simple. that is, that the only time when a chemical should be
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used in areas where people children and pets are frequenting is to protect public health and safety. to protect people from getting injured and from dying. that is the only time when it is okay to list exposing someone to a chemical that could ensure our children. that could give them cancer that can give them auto immune disorder. it could create allergy problems that could give them will foam up, you name it. so, all you have to do is look at the uses that they're proposing with these tier 1 and tier 2 chemicals especially the tier 1 chemicals and say, is it necessary to use those chemicals they are to protect public health and safety? that is not necessarily a natural areas. it's not necessary for
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aesthetics. it's not necessary even to protect an endangered species. it isn't necessary to risk someone's life were child's life to do that. we've got to remember, san francisco area the urban area is a set of watersheds. so even before saying we've got certain boundary around schools are places where children are playing i'm sorry, that's not good enough because you could have hundreds of feet away a hillside where a cure one pesticide is getting used and when and water are going to carry that all the way around the entire city. children will be exposed. people will be exposed or you can go to the arctic and you can go to mountain tops of this planet and fine chemicals we've used in urban areas in animals on those mountaintops and in those arctic areas. in the antarctic. chemicals do not state where you spray them.
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that means that the only reason that you should approve the use of tier 1 especially and i was a tier 1 and tier 2 chemicals to kill plants is when you have to do that to keep people from being harmed or injured. that's a very rare occurrence. so i'd ask you even if it takes to link this decision to change this policy so that those cases where it's not necessary to protect human health and safety you cannot use these chemicals. when we pass this in the mid-90s we did not >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. ca [calling names terrasa i hope you guys heard rev.-it's a grassroots
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>> testifier: i hope you purred and environmental action. basically with roots in >>[adjournment] san francisco and they took initiative together the map for parks and recreation which i helped [inaudible]. i hope you've seen it because a lot of records can be hard for me to show to you right now. it's been recently just extended in the ring county and hopefully will be adding other toxic chemicals as well. so, please do take a look if you haven't looked already this love public interest in that. we want we feel san francisco should be leading this not being dragged .. at any rate, my other thing i want to clarify talk about how the pesticides use age. weaver numbers of one or 2 ounces per acre for numbers.
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thank you have numbers for just last year. tier 1 into 2 pesticides bayview hill got about 3 ounces per acre twin peaks 3.85 ounces per acre from a billy goat hill 4.29 ounces per acre and 1.73 but you have to consider this is taking the usage of the pesticide divided by the verge of that natural area and for instance you know mount davidson it's installed wooded and although pesticide application in a non-wooded area. so concentrations are actually much higher than that 1.73. the other thing i like to point out the job is to protect the public and i did send in some comments on the restrictions on the use of pesticides. would like to point out just a couple of things in particular. this business about trails no use of 15 feet of
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designated actively maintained trail public patents. who knows, no one knows where it doesn't baited trail is the one in the public knows. what is an actively maintained path? nobody knows. so this language basically says-i guess i want to say there's a trail as people use it so this is saying too bad for you if you said trail because it is not designated a newbie exposed good blackberries were no mushroom [inaudible] and we were eating blackberries so this should not be based on season. is the presence of fruits and finally this week sprouting trees or modifier has it and this language about landscape innovations nobody has >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please.
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[calling names] >> testifier: i just want to say i appreciate the ipm to coordinated to expand the program tonight. i heard several clear and well considered reasons to adopt the reduced risk list including the new provisions with in it. among those reasons is the control of invasive species. artist augmented to public safety and the environment and protecting workers could apply the apartment of the environment and the commission for taking the reduced risk list seriously light of new information about-. i personally trust our ip" medicine dept. of the environment and encourage the commission to adopt the new disk risk list. these are not tie the hands of our lan manager . land does not manage it so. our limiters have detailed knowledge as well as commitment to those lands interpublic. as
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of expertise that we need to trust. i think the dept. of the environment has shown it has an excellent relationship becomes an hope you move [inaudible] >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: i'm a resident of san francisco and i go organic vegetables and when the community garden. i'm here to ask you to allow train people to work on the city's natural areas protected averse california's major species plays a very limited amount of pesticides that no other effective approach. as you've heard california's recognize biodiversity more unique species than any of the region in north america. haas san francisco [inaudible]. as well as climae in the moment this is city is threatened by other species from the world.
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is a major concern of many organizations. dealing with these invasive species is important to minimize the impact on people and wildlife. lots of invasive plants can be effectively controlled but there are a few species that cannot be controlled. one of those is the [inaudible]. the proposed restrictions are for reason i would prevent use within 15 feet of any past. there's more than 30 miles of trails that run through san francisco's actual areas and that means something like 10% of 1100 acres protected under the-would be given of 2 basic plans. they be off-limits. there is a strong risk of it rapidly spreading to the
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neighboring areas. in those areas cannot be controlled. many of those areas become monoculture of plants. while were considering this pesticide-is important realize any san francisco residence [inaudible] they can use it on the sidewalk with complete compliance with epa state regulations. epa directions on the packaging approve a packet is why quays gravel areas or mulch paths. maybe some of this will change but would talk about much more restrictive regulations. it's important [inaudible] to prevent invasive species from smothering the native ecology. [inaudible] to remove general prohibition of the 5 and allow
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you in 15 feet of designated actively maintained parks within our natural areas. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: my name is linda schaffer. i've among other things the honor of representing district 10 a citywide committee concerned with parks recreation open space for the last 8 years. during those 8 years i've learned a lot. i've also learned a lot just sitting here all this time. for the previous speakers. i have a number i had a number of things i want to say i find what i want to say is basically what he said. the previous speaker. the purchase, articulated the things that i had in my head to convey. so, i
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think i would just like to remind everyone that the goal that is being pursued with the assistance of the ipm program and the work of all these dedicated people is to try to preserve what little is left of our cities national heritage. that's were trying to do. it's as has been said before, it is necessary in pursuing that goal to remember we have 2 manage the parts of natural heritage that are left. not going to take care of themselves. it's not possible. i know that we all look forward to a day when it's no longer will be necessary to use chemical means to help achieve that goal, but i think that i stand with the
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people who would say we are not there. this is not that day.. i am impressed by the fact that the integrated pest management program that san francisco has has been used as a model by other locations and they have come up with their own programs based on the work that's been done here. i have also impressed by the fact that the words that have been one by in particular not only the ipm but the natural areas program and our city which am a very very strong supporter so, i urge all of you to approve the resolution in front of you and to approve the pesticide piece. i forgot what it's called. the
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ipm list of materials that can be used. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: i also support your approving the proposal in front of you. i also support actual areas program. i believe educated, well trained and very concerned about the judicious use of pesticides. worker resides. this is a persistent weed. i've been after for 5 years. i tried watching it but it keeps coming back. so, can you imagine all of the people had to pull them it would be a
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herculean task. i think they using here beside is really quite appropriate in this case. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: we are located in berkeley and real estate white board of directors and we work with sister organizations and states across the country. we work here in california with land managers across the state to effectively protect the environment from invasive eyes. worker lamp falls to protect sierra meadows, san francisco so marshes center value wash ways. as a largely urban and running. a strong program to protect them. all the major
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cities in us value the remaining wild areas and san francisco should be proud of stewarding this unique biological heritage. land managers to use and ipm approach could many tools including a resize part of the toolbox. imagine working to protect biodiversity to be aware of any potential impact human health or to wildlife. we just several months ago released a practice manual when using herbicides to manage invasive plants. up a copy you like to meet with the commission . utility and might have. my goal in commenting today is summer to let you know the work of the natural areas program is part of a larger efforts and that herbicides are accepted to in the up your toolbox for managing invasive plants. i like to give a quick uptake to provide context for the national level in 2014 the white house counsel, preparedness and resilience
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[inaudible] mirc is natural resources met identified threats to ecosystem resilience and called on the us dept. of interior to develop a framework for invasive species response. the dept. of interior [inaudible] basher framework for rapid response. you have a program right here san francisco doing exactly that. that's only need to protect biodiversity and also prepare for climate adaptation. lastly, i would like to just credit the professional ipm scientists we just heard from you i think you can rest assured we have well considered science-based opinion to base our work on. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please.
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their interests and as a pest control applicator and some of the concerns these folks have i have [inaudible] because of working with this material. i want to cut through and talk about what it is that we do to establish, what my risk is. i thought to myself i am a parent. they have an application had to fill out. questions.. do i drink a lot or smoke or other baby risk-taking behavior like bungee jumping. he also asked type whatever job i did. as part of that they take this into consideration when there's a calculus they come up with a rate you much you pay for life insurance. i'm
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happy to say in my case i live a very healthy lifestyle and they take into consideration i think the job not only the job you do but staff of people that research this menu of course professional applicators are trained safety. we have to get a license. all this is part of the job./we got a preferred rate of my life insurance. i'm happy to say save some money on that. that's one point. also wanted to mention that the reason why got involved with this for them-i owned a pest management committee for years. i sold to a national company that i had to decide windows can do next. actually, because they cover does the job for pest management in the city and i need to know something about the ordinance and this is something i could really this
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thing sink my teeth into it i really wanted to be a part of. so, in closing those way to assess risk. there's a worker comp rate based on work classification. you see her on this graphical leave a copy for use workers comp rates are higher for many other professions like for our store installers. the last part a lot to talk about is the usgs. a survey that 1984 through in pounds >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: i'm speaking for the san francisco forest alliance. we are concerned that the 32% of san francisco heartland manage as a natural
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area. the natural areas program's objectives to restrict access to popular walking trails cutting down beautiful and healthy trees and applying dangerous cocos onto the land. the natural areas program targets nearly 40 species of invasive plants which your one insured to herbicides. like what you've heard the pesticides used against this is [inaudible] and the worst herbicide allowed on city property. ipm has said for years that were fine alternatives could stop targeting its pervasive. it's everywhere you seen it and you're trying to target in the natural areas. we urgently request your process be not be used in the natural areas. results must be applied constantly. you seen that if you seen those videos you seen the costly sprain and its
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constant. they're always up there. they're there month after month trying to rid the area of the weeds repeated applications is not sustainable . what is sustainable is the only ones benefiting are the monsanto executives getting fatter bonus checks. so what is happening it's equivalent to plowing the ocean. you can't do. it's costly happening climate change is happening. the environment is changing. i'm asking you do that you consider using precautionary principle requiring you to consider the review available science to select alternatives present police potential threat to human health. that's absolutely necessary to stop poisoning the earth. please invoke the cautionary principle. furthermore, we also call here that i pesticide is reviewed within 6 months include a plan for the
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elimination of-from the san francisco dept. of environment list of pesticides. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: i want to talk to how much the public seems to be interested in this issue. i've been connecting the data on pesticide use by parks and recreation and i've not got into dpw worthy airport but what i do is every month as such on the documents for the previous month and i usually get it within that object it for january alternate in february. i have not got a favorite report they usually show up. that's all
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after-the-fact. so i'm very pleased to hear chris talking about better signage for the public about the possibility of using text. the technology is there. there's no reason why we can't have information because somebody must be printing out those signs. publish it on the website. then facebook and twitter. you don't have to develop any new technology to get the word out to the public. the other aspect is the record-keeping. i thought a mess of lg's pre-much would prove. i get the pesticides usage report i compiled them doing the mistakes i can make my own. if i check it 3-4 times i should be fine. it's not always true. human error can keep in at any time. so what happens is there sometimes things that don't get recorded and their specially involves
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contractors but once in a while parks and recreation that. so recently i've been trying to reconcile the information from the ipm database which is a lot of work. i discovered there was a 3 space in 2013 i was unaware. it was because of the summer contract. more recently, in january there was a sprain on mount davidson which i happen to know about because somebody took pictures. that's not in the list either. i'm sure was just an oversight. i'm not trying to suggest any conspiracy theory. but i really do think that this is something for the public needs to be better informed. frankly, i would also like to see a plan
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with at least phase out the chemical one chemicals and preferably the phase 2 chemicals in our part. i understand the airport. i understand public works. but in our parks where people are exposed to them. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: a longtime resident of stephen did i want to say when the hash tags for san francisco forest alliance is has to know pesticide san francisco parks. public to say in answer to one of the public's comments we are there. i do believe and this is the date. someone said this is in the day and we are the. as an example-99 9-2002 most good
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that's a long time ago. that's over 15 years ago. i think san francisco needs to be the leader in this. as far as no wiggle room on tier 1 tier 2 in san francisco. first father to say as far as a slide that was shown i don't believe that plant will move. i don't think it will live being that close to being sprayed. another thing a couple years ago i was looking to the radio and i told a fax that the chemical used on non-organic strawberries is very send chemical used to induce cancer in the portray test. of course at that moment i stopped using non-organic strawberries and in fact when i have percent of the food my husband and i and food i served my family is 100% organic. the stones in white san francisco can't lead terms of taking a stance saying this can be no pesticides in san francisco parks. i don't want to hear people tell me whatever people
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here say trust the land managers heard their invasive plants. this is something we know better than you do. no. i know my health. i know my children's health good i know my pets health. i know my family's health. and i do not agree that they know better than i do some of pesticides is good or going to be not harm people or plants or wildlife were people if one child, one wildlife one human is harmed by this than that means san francisco needs to lead the way. sorry to get emotional. as far as the median strips we discussed this at the last meeting and the other thing discussed at the last meeting were the benefits of these herbicides [inaudible] >> president omotalade tang
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thank you. next speaker, please. [calling names] >> testifier: chris-just 20 seconds. 2 points are brought up a very valid and important environment is changing. so that's exactly what we need to support biodiversity the preservation of wireline to, date the challenges currently affecting our world. the 2nd thing brought up how the use of roundup and other chemicals. so as an american i believe more is better i think that is actually just a joke but many people don't know exactly how to apply the roundup properly and so you may found prices light next to the bleed and because roundup can pollute groundwater or soil. that's a
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red flag in the room but this oil can be contaminated for sophie do our due diligence here and protect our parks is going to be a mute point. it's kind of like the entire city needs to promote better education about use and go to cold hardware and having managers to local people what to do. i want to go right back to the most important plan which is how about diversity can protect and preserve us i would suggest spot applications of herbicides nationals with degrees and certifications are going to be promoting our help in the long run much more than thinking it's a red flag that always should be removed from one specific area because challenges it could face with the toxic effects. we have a lot of other toxins from around her far more hazardous than this good in conclusion, the entire city needs to be on the same
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page. >> president omotalade thank you. any further public comment? >> testifier: i just want to reiterate what rupert had said. also recognizing the 4 agencies, their comments earlier. i feel that it's a very solid approach moving forward. i do application myself and i greatly appreciate and respect the attention to detail for my safety that the city insurers and my safety as well and for those that are around us and i feel that the 4 agencies adequately addressed safety issues using tier 1 tier 2 herbicides and also to continue to encourage our biodiversity in san francisco.
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>> president omotalade thank you. >> testifier: purpose of the golf division of san francisco. i want to comment on the run abuse at the golf course. we don't actually use a lot of roundup. we would use it may be the turf renovation to avoid using more chemicals when weeds come to we want to try to illuminate some weeds. israel there. we also eliminated the use of most of our otto when herbicides replace it with cheer to work 2 or 3 herbicides. also reduced our overall broadcast brain with her use of mechanical cultural techniques and we are under
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contractual obligation to maintain the golf course at the terminal level with the pga in order to do that we do not use chemicals and rip improve employee greatly reduced the overall use would you set the example that and i came policy can work and we can have a world-class call course using being restricted as we are. >> president omotalade thank you. next speaker, please. >> testifier: i want to correct 2 things which were constantly said something about hotspots. san francisco is a small part of this hotspot.
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another one the species which exists in san francisco. the many species exist only in san francisco. i want to [inaudible]. i just want to agree not tier 1 or tier 2. it's fluid. tier 1 becomes tier 2 and tier 2 becomes tier 1. they're both very dangerous. they both be should be forbidden completely. that may give you a small sample. they do kill soil bacterium. i do
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kill insects. this example is aging orange. i want to say that, as you know it was used in vietnam and used to make sick many many people and veterans. they have children with birth defects.. a lot of them lymphoma [inaudible] was later used for different reasons. [inaudible] they cause the same diseases in the pilots were flying the planes after the war. they got sick was
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finally acknowledge those diseases by the dry residue on the plane. that's on the subject of those very small amounts of herbicide which cannot possibly hurt you. so, please do try the hands of those professional managers and don't allow those herbicides in our environment. we won't need to manage those things maybe they can fix bluestone from the spare don't remove the danger or [inaudible] >> president omotalade >> president you thank you. any further public comment?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> president omotalade think you for all that. her suspicion on the pastor mike about was 2nd to our director. did you never do to make some comments if you like him and opened up to the commission to discuss. >> testifier: yes, i have to say that i am deeply pressed and touched by the city staff who are here today. i think that it seeks volumes about the integrity they bring to their jobs are what you heard today -i'm getting a little tired-i am impressed and untouched. in him grateful for the work our department does and that chris geiger does with his colleagues. i'm also very
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grateful for the people came out to talk about all the different perspectives that are there. you've heard a lot of information. i think we all learned a great deal with her it's about biodiversity, invasive species, natural areas concerns about herbicides opportunities for better transparency concerns about weighing the benefits of the health and safety of people vs. the need for a chemical constituent did this a lot there. there's a lot to consider. i think the one thing that i hope comes across route and clear is that the ipm program is not random and capricious. it is based on careful thought. it is the result of hundreds of hours of well-intentioned people and that is never done. we are always asking ourselves how can we do better. that won't change. thank's for the opportunity to present that
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>> president omotalade thank you. have a lot of comments that a first open up the door to my fellow commissioners. anyone have any questions or comments? all started off. i deftly want to thank everyone who came out today for public comment. i swear i think all the city agencies to echo what director rafael said. it deftly shows your responses to comments that come up that also just the fact that it was 10 pm and there's this many people in city hall. thank you for that as well. i think it shows the level of concern that people in the community have about a serious matter. i think the decision before us is out wiki one tier were looking at-i must admit a massively supportive of
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the protected areas program. i believe in protecting the biodiversity of the city and county of san francisco. now does that mean we remove all invasiveness? i think we much across the board we all agree that is impossible. what does that mean we try to preserve species that are native to this area, yes, we definitely need to fight as hard as possible to make sure they stay. that they have a healthy existence because the ecosystem is broad and diverse. but how we do that, is an interesting discussion. we've heard from sciences. referred from experts who say they do need a robust toolbox in order to tackle nature so, any of the comments? commissioner wan
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>> commissioner wan, it's more process question. we don't approve it tonight, and what we have approved in 2015 will stand until we have? >> testifier: that is my understanding were not approve a change was. unless there are recommendation is to band which is not a recommendation, the recommendation is to make these changes to the list that is what you're voting on is the changes to the list. >> commissioner wan, i've got a lot of education to give him time to process it but how likely that we come up with a plan to phase out the tier 1 and the tier 1 and tier 2 x 6 months? >> staff: i would say what is very realistic is that we could come back to you with an
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analysis of what it would take. what does it even look like. i do know 6 months is the right time but i think it's very fair to ask us to say how can we further reduce. what are the options for us what does it say about means what are the trade-offs in terms of labor in terms of biodiversity so i think the conversation is very valid and i would be very willing as director to have my staff come back to that sort of analysis could i cannot say with any certainty that a phaseout is possible in 6 months. >> president omotalade i have a follow-up question but i've heard the concerns of both the city agency as well as members of the community. at this point, at least in my head i'm not willing to handcuff city agencies in their ability to do the job without a plan. i'm not
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willing to put tens of thousands of species at risk at the same time i do know children playing in parks to feel unsafe. i'm wondering if we can and i do know 6 months-8 months, come back and have that discussion about a plan particularly in the public parks and then a longer-term conversation about other sites within the city and county of san francisco knowing grace like the airport other places they be a lot more complicated to get to zero, but at least in the parks and open space the children and dogs and people recreate if we could have a further conversation on that? >> staff: i think that's the conversation we must have. we didn't omotalade is it possible to make a amendment? is at the proper time to make one petri? >> commissioner wald do we need
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a amendment since the last time we were here we do already decided in 6 months we're going to take a look at where the program was and where i figured we could outlast him? >> president omotalade i think we did say that last time. i would make your event a richards proceed without having institutionalized within the documents. >> staff: if you look at the last result clause, if you look at the final result have sorry piece of paper for the resolve the commission on environment request the department of the diamond to provide an implementation update to the commission to the policy committee at its regularly scheduled november meeting. if you want to change that language or strengthen that >> president omotalade yes. i like traveling was stricken because it says update on immobilization delicacy that
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but i'd also like to see as you pointed out director rafael, specifically around the recreation area and part a in part be something was other city sites. the most concern i've heard from the community tonight is run recreation area. i like to abc i don't know what it would take to phase it out and i don't want to say that it can be phased out immediately but like children of date on what that would look like. >> staff: i think that >> president omotalade do we put some proposed language? beamish the wild first we have to move this item >> president omotalade this tumor comments from 2 other commissioners that i want to-so commissioner stephenson >> commissioner
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>> stephenson i'm in is very strange position where i'm the 2nd longest serving commissioner . commissioner wald and i is in his come across our desk every year. i've seen a few more times because i'm in the operations committee could i do want to stress that this is a moving documents. as the size gets better we get better and we learn more and be adjust and i have a great deal of faith in the great minds that sit on our team and our toxic reductions team that's doing this i hear everyone's concern. i have 8 i hear everyone's concern. i have 84.5 unit comes home and talked about how she can taste the flowers this is not an easy
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fix. it's a hard thing were trying to do. i think it's good take on. so i would hate to think that we can stop our fingers or wave a magic wand and make a blanket statement right now that's going to be valid and viable and useful to us going forward. that said i like to phase out all the bad toxins could that's an honorable goal for us other prominent of the environment. so i have a strong support of approving this would be amendment that we are discussing putting stronger language kilobit one discussion about how we could phase it out but would actually look like because missing information to be able to make that decision right now. >> president omotalade i would add that i agree with what you said. i also think i heard was members of the committee said. this is san francisco. we do innovation well. so goes san
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francisco suppose california so goes the countries oppose soviet responsibility is on our shoulders to assure ourselves. i do understand sometimes push ourselves does mean you stop right now because i think we definitely have made progress in protecting native species that doesn't necessarily mean removing all invasive because i think it was a gentleman pointed out in public comment just because something is non-native doesn't mean it's invasive. i think that what i've heard the experts say is what they're using herbicides for is the invasiveness that are posing a danger to the natives. at the same time, i've also heard some serious public safety concerns and i do believe in trying-if you have this many people here at this late at night we also have to respect that and continue to push this narrative for how we can at some point get to zero and that should be something
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that were talking 10 years down the road. that should be something we're very aggressive goals. what those look like i have complete faith and trust in the city agency i think we have some of the greatest minds in the environmental world that work within the agencies here and i'm going to trust them with the oversight of the public to really put all their collective brainpower together to think what that looks like and how that will be. so i deftly want to move forward on the amendment around going back and having a further discussion as a process i need to understand how that works. if someone could break that down. before i get to that i want to commissioner hoyos has some comments i like to hear is well. >> commissioner hoyos will get the answer to the process question because that would help me a lot.
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commissioner wald >> commissioner wald are you done? >> commissioner hoyos no. i wonder i go to roger rafael thanks and thank everyone for all the hard work that was done all representatives here and i personally had a lot of questions and i know those a lot of due diligence done to address some of them. i also want to say that i am in strong favor of this amendment that we are discussing and also just_that for me, to back up one step i could perceive san francisco like a bunch of a
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students could all the department heads are doing the best i can do the cutting edge. he compared to a bunch of other studies were top top top and i feel like a little bit like people disclosure my position tonight is be good a students for [inaudible] and i still have some concerns. as debbie has said, is director rafael has said this is a living document. what i'll be taking a position on tonight is the document that's in front of me tonight. i used to be a committee consultant to the senate natural resources committee and you vote and what's in front of you. i stopped him concerns this is not mean i don't deeply applaud -chris i'm looking at you and jen i'm looking at you-the hard work. you added the blue dot.
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you out of the supervision. won't kick in for 6 months at one applaud that and state. our maybe later i guess i'll say the precautionary principle is important to me. it's important to everybody. i personally saw some concerns when the toxicity and i think the amendment that we will pass will hopefully address some of those. kevin, personally i think i've spent at least re-my 50, 60 hours of learning about this and allowed to out in the field with you would net the best possible because i take this very seriously. i want to think of public health advocates up in your web all stop there and work with you on the amendment. >> president >> presidentceo markomotalade i like to commend you for forcing the conversation commissioner hoyos. i think there's a collective agreement
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that we don't want toxins. there's a lot of people are panseared. this testified to that. i'm not a parent but have a dog owner i spent a lot of time in parks and recreation. we want to know that our environment is safe. i look at it also through social equity lines. i spent a lot time in the neighborhoods in the southeast. i look at those residents who've been from environmental justice perspective have been the subject of so many toxics and some point where does it end? i look at something like bayview hill which was the first were for 2 tonight and that is one of the most biologically diverse areas of the city and county of san francisco. we have to make sure it stays that way. because it truly is a gem within the city. commissioner wald commish wald:
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i'm going to move that we >> commissioner wald i moved that we approve the with the amendment would not written in. an undergraduate for 3 reasons. i want to say what those reasons are. so bear with me even though it's late. i'm going to move the approval of this resolution, first because it is part of a strong and robust ipm program. that is, before a secure after year and every year it has got better and every year the amount of toxins that are being used in this city has gone down. a key to my support this year is what we used to call [inaudible] but
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now we call with restrictions. for me, this document was a big step when it was originally proposed good because it was the first ever [inaudible] time that the city had written wolves. to govern the use of herbicides and pesticides. that was then. a month ago. now, i think it's this list is significantly improved. it's much stronger than i was originally. it's much more comprehensive and that is due to 2 different sort of clusters of people and i want to thank them also the first is the department staff specifically chris, jen jackson and everyone who has worked on this in a spirit of listening not just to us, but to every member of the
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public was come before us now for the 3rd, or 4th time to talk about this issue and 2nd, i want to thank each and every one of you for coming. you have been enriched this document. you have enriched our discussions. you've educated all of us and you have impressed all of us with your dedication and your search for solutions. i am personally convinced that with these new restrictions we will and the leadership of the department-we will see the amount of herbicides particularly care one go down in the coming year and if we don't going to be the first person who asks for an explanation. 2nd, i'm going to support this list is program
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because as we've heard tonight and in the policy committee, city agencies and city staff need this list to do their jobs. they need to have the tools that is represented by in their toolbox in order to carry out for rams and policies and requirements and regulations that have been imposed on them by the city of san francisco and in some cases by the federal government. i am a strong supporter of those policies and programs particularly as they result in conserving what is left of our local biodiversity and a local nature and i want our land managers and event stewards to
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have those. tools. last but not least, i'm going to vote approval for this-i struggle to figure out how to categorize this last reason and i think i would just call it as a matter of-in the city's government. i would be concerned about us taking an action, which would seriously undermine the ability of other cities agencies to carry out programs that they have been given and entrusted with. not just because they were given them but because what i think the impact would be on this department. i think that if we did that-i'm glad to
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say it's clear now i don't think what dad do that-but if we did that i think would make an incredibly it's a cult if not impossible for the department to gain the support and partnership of these other agencies to help us carry out the programs to which we were entrusted. in other words, we can't just have a one-way partnership. if we expect to have strong and robust relationships with other agencies. we have 2 open them do their jobs. at least that's what i think. that's 4 therefore that's why i am moving to a vote of this resolution as amended >> president omotalade there is a motion on the floor. the
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motion needs to be seconded and i think we have the opportunity to add the amendment. correct? i would just before the motion is seconded, i would just like to say that i come from a academic background on although i have faith the province environment and for the most part i have a lot of faith in other city agencies for the most part i do activist the those watchdogs to show up at meetings and really be boots on the ground because like i said, anyone who sends me an e-mail i take the time to read it. he recently an article i pay attention to it. i take the role of activists and committee members play in this process very very seriously. i also have heard your concerns particularly the recreation and parks apartment understand is not necessary within our purview to completely but as
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the department of the room we should keep pushing the environmental envelope. i don't want any decision made here tonight to dissuade anyone from a focus we have. i definitely i think i can speak for all my fellow commissioners summoned the questions she's been asking and sending e-mails and probing to figure out what is the pathway to get us off chemicals to protect some of the native diversity we have within our system and also [inaudible] i don't see any child is with that i'll 2nd the motion. now we can do it
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amendment. mr. hoyos >> staff: if homages listening to the discussion and offer language you may want to consider for the amendment. resolution before you but i would suggest listening to what was discussed i would offer on page 3 of the resolution the last result clause online 8-11 at the end of line 11 before the sentence items to include language that would say-maybe i'll redo be further resolved that the commission on the environment request the dept. of the environment to provide an implementation update to the commission's admissions policy committee at its regular scheduled november at its regular scheduled november 2016 committee meeting and then i would offer for your
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consideration adding what the amendment would read including an analysis on further reducing tier 1-tier 1 herbicides in public parks. that's kind of what i heard commissioners talking about particular area. just for your consideration to discuss and 8 a amendment. >> president omotalade thank you for that. >> commissioner hoyos we also had an opportunity to get some ideas around. correct me if i'm wrong but in some sort my understanding is, do we shall present an analysis to the full commission. outlines pathway to significantly reduce use of tier 1 pesticides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years and a public
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parks and then b all areas in which these herbicides are used. the idea there is the will to differentiate use of public parks vs. everything to have information because often times people say it's way hard to do it everywhere. most of the concern is about public parks so therefore the differentiation but that's the language that have been discussed by some of us. >> staff: to use the term herbicides consider pesticides >> commissioner hoyos thank you. >> staff: the differences i hear the differences i hear are duly want to do parks only were parks and everything and then differences where the discussion gets presented units in the policy committee vs. the
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full commission. those are the 2 differences between- >> commissioner hoyos better now sink is the possibility of a phaseout. >> staff: >> president omotalade for me definitely public parks in all areas because a true good we need to push ourselves to the maximum and to limit ourselves to parks and open space i think we do the sitting talk to san francisco a great disservice. knowing the fact the other city agencies are partners but also the carrot and stick we need to keep pushing the envelope. >> staff: can you read it again?
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>> commissioner hoyos that affirmative environment shall present an analysis to the full commission outlines pathway is significant reducing the use of tier 1 pesticides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years in a public parks and b all areas which herbicides are used on the office of city county. but we just hands down to them. >> staff: [inaudible] >> president omotalade a change of language to request.
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>> staff: to be clear commissioners hoyos is this the continuation of the result clause? >> president omotalade i think it should go where-suggested. >> clerk: the final for the results on page 3 starting at line 8 would say for the resolved the commission on environment request that affirmative environment to provide implementation through the commission's policy meeting at its regularly scheduled november meeting at its regularly scheduled november 2016 committee meeting and the dept. of the environment and the commission requests the department. and further
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requests that the department on the environment present an analysis to the full commission that outlines pathway to significantly reduce the of tier 1 herbicides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years and public parks and all areas which in which these herbicides-sorry commissioners. are used. >> commissioner wald: iva? 2 years. i have a question about the 2 years. i would personally
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prefer that instead of saying something like 2 years unless there's some magic some rationale for that period do we say something is promptly as possible. each would allow for the possibility that there may be some areas where it's easier than it is than others to do this and that we might not need to wait for 2 years for those areas. i don't know but i think the two-year limit is too confining both in terms of
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speed and also in terms of maybe it will take 3 years to do it in some place in 4 years to do it so that i think it's not the right [inaudible] >> staff: the way i understood and read this language it was asking for an analysis. so because is asking for an analysis we could impact them back with the analysis that we could do this in one year where we could do it in 3 or something celtic fort in some things we have no idea. i think the language as it's written gives us the flexibility to answer that question is 2 years possible. what i don't want it to do is to set an expectation that the answer is, yes, we can ban in 2 years. what's asking
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for-i want to be very clear on this-an analysis what does that look like. if we think would be a great goal to dan phaseout in 2 years what does that look like for a? how reasonable is that and how hard is it and what we need from the board of supervisors so it's really an analysis. it's going to take all the apartments working together in a general fashion to do that analysis. we'll give you the best we can need months from now and you will hear back from us on what we have found leno and don't know. i'm comfortable with the language. but i'm not sure to we have the exact language. i guess my only question is, i see it's fun. >> president omotalade can you read it again >> clerk: on page 3 beginning
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online 8 the final result would read for the results of the commission on environment request that apartment on the environment to provide implementation through the commission's policy committee at its regularly scheduled the lever 2016 committee meeting and further requests the dept. of the environment presents an analysis to the full commission that outlines pathway to significantly reduce the use of tier 1 herbicides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years in public parks in all areas in which these herbicides are used by the city and county of san francisco. >> president omotalade i am comfortable with that. we now have a motion and a amendment on the table. moved and
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seconded. all those in favor say, aye can you read it one more time for the record of what the amendment is. >> clerk: furthers all the commission on environment request the dept. of the environment provided implementation update to the commission through the commission's policy committee which regular scheduled above are 2016 committee meeting and further requests that apartment to the environment present analysis to the full commission that aligns the pathway to significantly reduce the secure one herbicides including the possibility of a phaseout within 2 years in a public parks and the all areas that are used of the sitting talk to san francisco >> president omotalade all those in favor say, aye opposed? herb sentence the amendment is approved. now we have to vote on the motion which includes the amendment. anybody could i
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not? is a discussion on the? commissioner hoyos >> commissioner hoyos: this means that there's not a leader crew way to assess what the amendment but have concerns about the full-motion. my short comment to all of you again is simply the main thing i want to work on the main health concerns i heard that generally regarding recovering playgrounds i do think there's some
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overlap. i need to know more about bell where kids plan in the natural areas. for me there's a lack of clarity. ipod you for all your great work. >> president omotalade. any further discussion? hearing none, it's time to vote. we are voting on >> clerk: file number 2016 file number 20 1603 resolution adopting [inaudible]. as amended >> president omotalade all those in favor say, aye opposed?
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this resolution passes as amended. next item on the agenda. >> clerk: next item is directors report. updates on the dept. of the environment ministry of an programmatic operations willing to budget planning the dj planning clean your transportation, energy public outreach and education environmental justice habitat restoration and green building zero waste toxic reduction in urban forest rate. the speakers ever rafael director. this item is for discussion >> president omotalade will do your part and continue everything else. >> staff: part of my report to honor some people and they're not here. >> president omotalade this pursuit of question motion to
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table is out the motion is? >> [inaudible] >> president omotalade on calling out audio on the agenda asking for public comment. >> clerk: item 10 all security report highlights of every 17th tray 16 and march 8, 2016 meeting item for discussion good item 11 announcements item for discussion until commission affairs manager written reports explanatory document item 13 new business future agenda items. discussion possible action. in night of 9
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directors report. >> president omotalade is there any public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. commissioners you want to discuss this matter before stable? cabled? before it's tabled? were making a motion to file it. moved and seconded. all those in favor say, aye opposed? the motion to file items 9-13 has been approved. i will adjourn this meeting. thank you, everyone.
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