tv Planning Commission 4716 SFGTV April 9, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PDT
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dwelling units and activates the streets open what is now currently underutilized parking lots and parking structures it is code compliant and unbalanced with the position and policies of the general plan i need to reads an amendment into the record the commission secretary has a copy continue 14 pursuant to the planning code the project sponsor must pay align affordable housing fees applicable to satisfy the inclusionary housing for the principle project the percentage is two percent but subject to change under the promote collaborator amendment from the voters approve the charter at the june 2016 election the project sponsor shall pay the fees at the time the fees are
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subject to be paid the project is necessary and desirable and comparable and bans the themselves and outlined the case report the staff recommend prevail that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions the project sponsor has a presentation. >> project sponsor please. thank you, commissioners thank you for your time this afternoon and considering our project application i'd like to thank the planning department staff we have three hundred and having older property in san francisco since 1973 we are focused and high actuate revocations more than that any other this location is a good focus i want to quickly touch on outreach we've had 4
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large meetings and sent letters in and around our project and in addition included e-mails to the membership of the nob hill association so since september 4th meetings and in addition 40 individual meetings with small groups and individuals and we're pleased to say that resulted in some of the support of the planning i'd like to do pull up somehow - i'll quickly review the project metrics see when the screen comes up.
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>> okay. so we'll quickly look at the project 064 if grand and staying blow he below we have gone junior studios and the site is currently zoned for up to a maximum of one .5 parking stalls 66 parking stalls and a one by one we're closer to the one by one 48 parking stalls and 88 bike spaces quickly looking at the sites wear at corner of california and powell once again i'll point out the cable car
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kiosk we've met that member of the public and like to keep this in that election like to see if he can improve that into an tactic stand point that's an introduction to the site we're absolutely thrilled to work on the project and thrilled to be working with the architects out of new york and our local architect ems to dan with robert stern architects. >> steve and good afternoon, commissioners i'm robert we're excited to be working with grove in her and b d e on this site a story book location at the top of nob hill our neighbors on the other 3 corners with the court hotel and
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fairmont hotel and 3 iconic building the responsibility to do a building and at the same time make a statement so we started we start any project we accident a very careful research including taking a walk carefully around the neighborhood about jay turnball and look at the neighbors generally most of building grow out of the classic tradition one thing most of building have in common a high attention to detail and really beautiful ideas how they meet the street and glowing e growing autos of classic california tradition and not able feature are bay windows we think nothing in san francisco like in a city
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with many buildings that are pretty much the same height the bay windows we take advantage of views up and down the street so i'll show you our design so we started with a 64 foot tall rectangle building that holds accident street wall along california and powell are a rear garden our first idea was to sculpt the corner to make it a large curve to main front that maintains the views and at the same time creates a landscape gardens court that is a visible in what capacity for the neighborhood - we're continuing with on our
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parking entrance he lowest part along california street within existing curb cut, of course, bay windows we think are more contemporary and this is an example i'll show you this in more detail later in addition, we're sculpting the paris gardens that provides open space for the neighborhoods and reduces the massing in relationship to the building this is a proposed design looking into the corner and this is going around to the other side of the building as you can see our sculpted rear garden and the geometry relates to the front and setbacks along this side to make a building friendlier to the fables this is
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the existing site plan two sites combined we'll see the parking lot and the two-story garage on the right and the curb cuts utilizing the one on the right and this is the proposed site plan the curving front is turns slightly from the corner to faced cal state and looks at down powell towards the bay so our main entraps is here from california and enter a stair and walk into the lobby and look straight through a sunroom it steps down towards the rear gardens as you go down powell street as you can see we're creating a street entrance to the garden that comes there and provides assess for residents to the bike room
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on the far right as you can see the parking entrance at the edge of california street this is a our ambulance in green as you can see we're creating a roof garden we have 1 foot building from the edge of the parapet and that garden is not visible from surrounding street the gray the building includes stairs and elevators and they constitute 8 percent of roof area so this is a long street elevation along california and powell the middle with our building to the left and to the right at stanford university and mark hopkins and taller and lower residential buildings as you can see how the scale and
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texture relates to the neighbors this is a cross section of cutting through powell street and again, you are building to the right of california street you're notable the university club to the left across california street and a series of taller and lower existing residential buildings i'm sorry about that. >> this is the existing street from the corner cross to the site with the cable car kiosk in the for ground and the proposed design we're proposing a building that is contemporary building a building of today it grows out of classical tradition looks at modern at a time modern was looking at the classical a base and middle and top the base is granite
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there's an inset and sort of crown at the top this is looking across from california streets with as you can see the granite base that slopes in and out and the mason entrance and the set windows to create something beautiful along the street this is a close-up of the corner gasped it is where the detail and then a view along powell we step down towards the neighborhoods thank you, sir, your time is up. >> the commissions may have questions. >> opening it up for public comme comment. >> game-changer commissioners president middle polk
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neighborhoods associations we want to commend clarify something we're broadly supportive we think that is a great care and caution addition of 44 housing units to the housing stock we drafted and letter and want to make to observations regarding parking this project really seems to be going the opposite trends of several others projects supporting by this commission in that we're talking about a project the center of nob hill extremely triplets rich neighborhoods 3 cable car at the intersection multiple bus routes you can walk to san francisco's historic neighborhoods of chinatown, north beach the financial district, downtown so the question do we need 48 parking spaces we firmly believe that is xooefs question ask the zoning administrator for a reduction of parking requirements we firmly believe
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that 22 parking spaces will be appropriate the buyers of those condominiums many of which will be carless can rely on the wonderful public transit we have walking, seeing this is quack to work today and taxis and ride sharing that is consistent citywide so say this is consistent about the general plan when really it is not a transit first project we will raise the commissioners attention i think that is a deft access from the project were on the western see of the city we'll make that point, second very supportive of the design we know this developer does very good work built the beautiful project in polk and one of the
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things they've include affordable units we're disappointed the project sponsor has decided to pay the fee as opposed to exclude the units they're not legally riders we strongly urge the project sponsor to reconsider that decision and form of whatever happens with the charter amendment and trailing legislation if it is an overall 20 percent a not reasonable granted the larger units will be selling for 2, 3, $4 million we ask from the question who are we build housing for we need to include some type of affordable provisions for those individuals priced out not only middle polk but the whole city we think this as great project we asking for a
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couple of modifications it's remarkably and i submit to the commission on that basis thank you. >> could i have the overhead good evening rob pool with the go action coalition speaking obtain on behalf of the individual members they present the project to us last year our members are supportive it is an iconic sites underutilized a unique situation they didn't a terrific job with the zoning we'll prefer the taller building that's an different conversation but from an urban design they broke it up well and appreciate making the entrances that generous open space and wanted that corner to be a public amenity they've chufdz that about the affordability it is a
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legal option the city voted on over $10 million with the mayor's office of housing is not negotiable you know the parking it is outdated john one to one is quite higher we're glad they broths it almost to one to one and one to one is low please bring that there the 88 bike spaces is terrific they were thinking or planning on reserving on space we'll support that and they've done a terrific job i was at the first meeting that was equal attend and they've improved with one almost to one made a lot of positive improvements we're supportive of the project and it
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blends in well that the neighborhoods we hope you support it today thank you for your time. >> good afternoon it commissioner i'm bill from the e-mail the general manager of the university club that has housed the red brick structure on the northeast from powell we're directly to across the street if california on the southeast corner i'm the president of the nob hill association and today, i'm representing both organizations that overwhelmingly supporter this project and designs for decades this is an ice the project - has comment before the
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planning commission from the very beginning the urban team got public input from the university club and the members they've hired a well renoepd architect this sites dantdz the best and designs the building within the 64 height limit and less dense and we wish they'll build more parking and reduced the parking the project will take an old parking structure and bring the lot to life we ask you to approve this as presented thank you for your time. >> game-changer jack i'm a member of nob hill i've been commented to good design
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especially in the neighborhood i spent a lot of time and very involved with grace cathedral and been at the meetings they've prepared to the nob hill association and the neighbors and they have done an excellent job of outreach the design is timeless and as needed units to the city i'm very much in support of project as proposed with the 48 parking units i would say there the one california is good in any cases but is cable car is not ease their typically full if you're taking it to go back and forth to work many times you need a vehicle so only relying on public transportation is difficult nonetheless you can
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walk easily and i think they've done a good job thank you very much. >> okay is there any additional public comment? >> okay not seeing any, public comment is closed. and commissioner moore. >> was persuasive with a beautifully done not to not feel good about there project i do i know erin the project design grossing out of classical condition given that we are having restored building nearby a modern building this this location is very hard to not face controversial one way or another but the project does well, how it deals with the two distinct situations distinctly different on powell and
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california and since i live nearby it i've thought about this for years how would you do the powell side is steep very, very did the sidewalk and to maneuver the cable car as well as cars and pedestrians crossing the streets in either direction california is look at more generous by because of the typography it is hard to do the adjacent buildings are taller on california and the smaller victorian building i believe that meets grade and intrantsz to the garage with the department asking for the small garage access is indeed a great idea the units are very well, they're maximum the use and fits xhovrnt so there is a balance
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there was one concern that i discussed with the applicant and the architect and this is not as much that the roof garden expressed itself on the facades it is contrary only educating the front and rear creates issues of privacy that the upper roof garden whether look into units that's the idea of holding the excessable roof garden away from the frontage by 15 feet i have an idea as we typically do there should be a gasped the building is lovely when it starts and this we'll be a hardline drawn into the sand for both frontages the issue i have to do it we
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talked about it before this project contrary is other residential believes in the city uses definitions it creates because of this large u form of sites creates two rather large air conditioning pods that gets future complicated because we have two sets of elevators and not a choice that's what the building requires and two sets of stairs and the mandatory fire exits we are started to orphanage the roof it is difficult given the 64 foot building is a a cu of further
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concern a discussion we had many times before is the fact that particular project tries to create had private gardens each of which will be accessed by its own stair with its others individual penthouse staircase and this itself given everything else becomes a difficult thing to support i'm fine by people coming by hatch this is the choice the building makes we're adrc to an already occupied space 4 penthouses is something i can't support i tried to envision and he took the roof plan and drew the lines of mechanical equipment that will be a minimum of 12 to 15 feet open to the sky the location of
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private stairs actually bulk act out the massing on the roof further they even obtaining sewer any views they create a new just draw the or theer lines i can't sponsor the roof is high visible when you come to the corner of mason and california on the north side coming down along the frairments the roof escape you see originally you marvel at the city sweeping towards downtown now you'll be looking just really into the o peak skyline -
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i can't support the project but can't support our in close given the fact are recently several people the room including the attorneys with projects we took the penthouse stairs staircases not the stair by the penthouse enclosures union it goes on and on and family residential we had to basically pull that back so i'm in support but can't support the comboeshd private be penthouses stair enclosures. >> open up for a few comments
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i had the pleasure of going to high school i walked up and down this hill and prooebl have some miss spent but commissioner moore he wonder what a significant corner on a classic cable car i'm happy to see it finally i think we have a mature handsome project and in support maybe a little bit in line with co-sponsor he realizes this building is for the style and quality but because it is in an important corner and there are hotels adjacent to that are uphill what will that look like if you're in a hotel room in a crown room i don't know if there's a drawings that shows what roof escape and how you attempt to mask the air
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conditioning units as best as possible. >> we actually put together the gardens detail we consider. >> you can speak into that mike. >> we've put together verifies from different perspectives on the streets of san francisco corner in the next slide similar to the renderings there we go and this is one to the renderings standing across the street and the scale mellowed from this prospect prospective you can't see the roof and going down powell street not standing between university club here you can't see the structure buses further up california so looking detain which is you see here illness how clear he can put u puts it on the overhead projector. >> i get it those 3 are at
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streets level but my question take me up to the fraichlt he. >> we have to enclosures - the closet thing to the elevation view i'll be happy to bring that up quickly maybe i'll throw it out to the other commissioners, if we approve conditions with the view what the roof looks like and from my prospective from above looking adopt and thoughts. >> the diagram we have probably bring that up.
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>> computer please sfgov to the computer monitor please. >> this diagram with a continuance setback we prefer not to do that but we actually co-sponsor and i discussed an idea about making a classical composition that also smart if a garden with a beautiful composition and stanford court with a landscape and in terms of the mechanical it is concealed in the horizontal i think someone will look down onto the spaces that conceal the mechanical equipment i think that there's not much way around that. >> okay. so i wanted to make
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sure there is thought and through landscaping or a san francisco giants logo but my concern views from above and below. >> commissioner hillis i'm supportive i've gone by the site i thought muni owned it i throughout the cable car building so i appreciate clearly a lot of throughout has gone into this site how important to say to the city and owe appreciate the quality of design and i share some of the concerns you've organized the rooftop that make sense with everyone of everything so that can work with
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some more attention to it and understanding the prospective that people will be looking if it from above but i'm very supportive you know the parking garage struck me but looking at our plans the stackers you've used that foot parking i'm okay on that and supportive of the project. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i very much like this project i have similar concerns a few things on design i think the design is very good but the one thing i'll add i'll make the moefldz thicker new look at the stanford you have nice windows but that will help to
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differentiate between the white of outside of building and the glazing of the windows it increases the size of moldings that's an easy thing to fix the parking situation is fine while it is said your cable car lines and the naesht grocery stores is a way away and carrying grocers on a cable car cable car tricky i think while many people take uber e.r. cabs and things like that and innovate tossing u using they're afraid cars i think the ratios is good put a couple of car sharing and one to one on the concern about the well, first of all, the fee i know this is a very appropriate use
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for paying the inclusionary fee the amount of money being paid at that time, mayors funds for 100 percent affordable housing is used much more efficiently and benefit a lot more people than the relative people purchasing 9 units in this building will be somewhat of a challenge even at the low rates with hoa's and everything else this is the right way to do it and as far as the structures on the top of the building i'll agree with commissioner moore i think i'd like to see the individual staircases or the individual units probably are excess those are expensive units you want only the best but could share the common spaces to get
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to the roof and walk to the individual areas only for certain units researched by them instead of an slates it clusters it and as far as the h va c heating units maybe you can mask those to make them look last week something else i don't think the height of the parapet is a blocking feature the walk dune california street particularly think california on the into the weeds of street is very steep and you're going to look on that roof until half to three-quarters are 2/3rd's of what down and blocked by the building itself you'll see this at adjacent hotel dwellers the least cluster the better the fairmont hotel did well so i
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think we'll have so continue to work on that otherwise i think this is a wonderful project. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much yeah, he definitely agree on this of the comments that is a top space a lot has been done what can be done there i just want to focus on the parking and also the bike parking so i do thinks this is the right zoning that is out-of-date with our more recent policy directives if this area i would be definitely supportive of reducing the parking to at least 44 or 40 spaces and cutting out four or five spaces we call the roll approved 48 i think so no retirement for car sharing
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spaces but under a compromise to include two or three car share spots if for the feasible to reduce the parking spaces looking at the how the underground parking is situated i don't know that reducing from 48 to 44 or even 40 sgunl reduces it it will be the same influence parking is that didn't work i think we can making maybe have car share and i understand that is a 44 dwelling unit so maybe having not necessarily into the weeds more than three or four more like if that is how that works with the ratio with properties the other they know the bike parking i say this is
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as someone that pay attentions i understand on - there is an element of adam security go inside the elevators you don't have the issues of large amount of bike sharing but at the same time this will definitely be a property that more than other ones we've looked at is amenable close to every where it as very steep short ride from a lot of the places i've done it before as a account workout it is a steep short ride even if you walk your bike people that continued to not have a car many
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will likely consider owning a bike or for commuting or pleasure so, i say all that to say there is a trend towards bigger bikes they're afraid heavier and considering the bike parking in the in the gardens but not contend that stairs or an elevator to get to your spot i believe this is really, really helpful and definitely really make pa booking a true amenity for people living there. >> that's a very steep hill. >> short. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> thanks i have two questions or points one on the parking it strikes me we're a at the time of trial first city blah, blah, blah you look like the
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configuration of the parking we talked about the model buyer and i'll go down and get a quarter of a milk. >> generally not thinking this is the wine country for the weekends for an expend period i don't see that i wish for less parking like commissioner johnson said that is inconvenient to do stackers but not used that frequently hopefully i think on the roof a question for mr. sanchez or the director since i've been on the commission we've always pared down the roof structures whether penthouses or hatches, etc., etc. here it looks like we're going the other way everyone
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getting a private entrance to a large stairs have. >> got a set time of a configuration of a building recently i can't recall. >> what's the question. >> a private staircase up to the roof since i've been here i don't recall we've minimized the roof structures the roof apparatus. >> in terms of - >> you know what i recall as commissioner moore said the building on van ness with the open space the commission took it is as condition to consolidate most of projects have had to consolidate. >> i'm supportive of project i think the design is absolutely astonishing i'd like to live there myself
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i supporter shrinking down the stair penthouse to make it common for everyone to setback it from the edge that's what i'll support and make a motion to strike to approve with the common master penthouse. >> bike parking or car share. >> sure. >> how many spaces. >> 3 car spaces. >> i'll second. >> and the location. >> how about attention to my rooftop garden. >> they'll be silencing down the penthouse it will be a better project. >> is there a second. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to qualify the obviously of this commission is to not somebody using square footage to build is a stair to
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the garden i hear that stair is not visual by a closed penthouse has to have a hatch innovate fitting the profile of people that point to live there or has to have a stair not enclosed for wait proving it is difficult and takes more work the common you've been to not cluster air roof space for the rest of anybody in the city we have let's go open space we're a dense city we have to share with everyone else if there is in your motion. >> that's my intent. >> you want to maintain our assessed in a way that the dbi as well as all other agencies have supported our policies statements this is fine with me
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want to make one more comment about the developers offer to adopt the signal at the corner of california and powell that is an integral part of lastly 19 centuries of the technology of the scombar he received an e-mail it is well-intentioned it made we chicken please move the scombar and make the intersection more and more level and operational and reinvents what the garf but the city spent million dollars and millions of dollars to rebuild the thing and pull the technology into something that works in the 21st century or adopting the pavilion i think this is a lovely gesture
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and restored with the same skill like restrained attention it detail i confined i have one question from the gentleman from the university club do you mind coming up here. >> he just have to say do you in your operation encounter parking problems across the street because you operate hurry members use the squash club. >> we have problems are parking yes. >> we were as you may know the garage was attached to the hotel never parking for anyone members couldn't park there and the lot was left abandoned by previous teams because that of a small
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space to do this project whater they're doing so we've never used it as parking that southeast corner. >> you've never eyed is parking garage was relieved by the hotel by a number of years ago he lived the neighborhood 40 years before you were born but that aside i'm familiar walking by that three or four times with that said, at the time when this commission approved the moaning of the garage mr. sanchez you were don't go what you do the idea was the garage would be really easily utilized by the people from the university club and those to the squash board and relieve the parking in that area is that a correct statement today eye it. >> we don't use it the club
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worked for a long time without the lot but now a pay. parking i see people but we've lived a long time being other options and stick withs >> i hope in the long run as the other side of the street annoy will be used by quite a few of the people for the reason the traffic safety the popcorns of the student i've discussed that some, yes, sir it is your of joint landscaping the proper attendance to the shadowing of the peep to the california street see of the project i think there needs to be corporation how you deal is with curb parking not an increase in parking and that's why we want more parking and the university
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club would love to do a shared thick as far as landscaping we've used landscaping firms and last week to side an upgrade to ours. >> that's a great idea so we have coordination and go along i'm in support the way the motion reads at the moment. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm supportive i'll ask the project sponsor to continue to work with staff on design particularly mentioned the moldings and everything else look good to help to make the building more classical it is well done. >> director rahaim. >> i was asking if i can clarify the motion i'm not sure i understand to consolidate
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deck. >> by consolidating did roof for other means meaning they can end up with other roof concepts. >> do you understand that direction okay. >> there is a motion that has been seconded to approve that matter with cannabis as amended and roared by staff for condition number 14 and amend by the commission to minimize the rooftop by consolidating the rooftop or roof assess or other means to provide 3 car share on that monomotion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis sxhks commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president fong
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so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and zoning administrator, what say you? >> on the variance, close the public hearing and grants the variances commissions on 1 abc for case mission street oh, excuse me - cu a and v you already for downtown conditional use authorization and the city administrative will consider a request for variance for those persons exiting the exchange do it quietly. >> department staff the item before you at mission street that proposed e proposes to demolish car wash and chevron gas station to be construct a mixed use containing dwelling units and approximately- south
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van ness and the 3 g one and 20 r to height the project sponsor will provide a detailed presentation but first a few regulatory issues in order to proceed the commission has granting one 48 for a reduction of ground wins and describe the jack motion we believe the exceptions meet the criteria and two conditional use authorization to allow parking above grade and provides 97 parking spaces 42 spaces above the 5 and underground in stackers and not detrack from alley froojz
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thirds the project requests the 40 dwelling units measuring 32 and 52 feet exceeding did rear yard reminders, however, the not a code compliant for the variances required the project seeks the variance proposed by the south van ness it didn't meet the definition lastly and the commission adopt this first although the project provides the blocked alley it is recommend by the approval by the planning commission and condition 21 with conditions of approval states the building envelope above the alley for the
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amendments resolution number 19499, and, secondly, scion regarding the inclusionary housing the colleagues, can we take that without objection? fee is subject to change and the spends legislation if so it approved at june election the project sponsor shall pay the received 3 letters from the moa board and 1601 and remarked on the design for the adjacent building staff received one letter to oppose this and staff received a couple other e-mails expressing concerns the setback between the project and the existing project on one hundred 40 van ness the project sponsor
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made a couple of changes with the publication the building on the prelz to increase to provide more relieve, and, secondly, the corner on mission street condition vertical have been redesigned the black man battalions the project sponsor will speak in there will the community outreach and the letters in in addition sent to staff in conclusion it meets the goals and objectives and replaces american people auto orient car and gas station with a friendly use and provides hours and retail that is designed be consistent with staffs presentation concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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>> good afternoon. i'm jessie the development thank you for the opportunity we're happy to be hear and appreciate the hard work that you and the planning department staff has dedicated to the mixed use on mission street apparently i'm going to spend a few minutes talking about the community each of and a presentation with the architect to describe 9 proposed design as all the projects the beginning we've been 12 reaching and talking about the communities and listening to they're afraid concerns we are over one hundred letters in support given the unique shape the site we worked did rdt and meet with the - have made many changes ether the past few years
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we've collaborated with the neighbors and the adjacent building on south center over the course of the past two years met with the hoa multiple the times in their input is preserved and work hard to address the design change they've been a direct result for the propelling and facing the windows to allow for more air quality and made a setback as recently as this week in the spill package and we realized the number of windows and adjusted the property line we co-designed the adjacent wall with the hoa to insure a time also walk and feel and incorporated passage and worked
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the neighbors on arts we've also maintained the parking radio we believe all those changes have a improved project and pleased the hoa has provided a letter of support and we're commented to building more affordable housing we product the projects before you have confused unite project, however, this fee is $12.2 million and trnd more than that in affordable housing fees through the market octavia and the van ness and market affordable housing fee in total overall contribution more affordable housing is $17.6 million the project will create over three hundred construction jobs over a period for the partnership program the program a partnership with the moving
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and united playaz for the potential employment and educational opportunities the district i'd like to add that's a how this and we look forward to continuing now to present for the project site i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> arithmetic can i have the monitor please. not massive sites not part of hub but close to it within of the things that is important to this sites it adds to the fabric it completes areas that are underutilized enhances the pedestrian experience when developed as you can see it is a
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triangle site it is sitting between mission street and south van ness those are difficult to design but dynamic when completed we felt what was important to really create a massing that was exciting that became part of urban fabric and added retail as much on the ground floor and one of the main features is not just the architect earth but the way we've broken down the compose to have the massing that sort of sgrabts into the finer fabric of the area and i know that is an important feature not just vertically but horizontally slows down hsa as 2 gets to the corner an elements of surprise that is important here it is in inspection one of
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the things we also wanted to investigate while we were doing the design the ins and outs how they're afraid appropriate especially with the adjacent building at one 40 south van ness it incorporated into two fabrics but the future fabric of the hub which is to the north of the seat here's a view looking east sort of an aerial as you can see again, the way the massing is brelgd vertically into the fabric with one 40 van ness adjacent the coloration and the texture. >> another really, really great feature we were not as first loving that but the mid block passage it allows retail to wrap the entire front of the
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building we've also utilized the mid block to incorporate the lobby the bike we also have a bike lounge and providing the public art within the mid block passage so at the end of the day here's a prospective looking into south zaen to mission at the end of the day the mid block passageway if down correctly is a great space think is left-hand side we've created a bike lounge not only bike lounge and repair but an extension of the owners experience of hanging out and being in a bike lounge area versus a refineries lobby retail on the raise your hands and as you walk through the space look at artists to bring in features that would work on the ground floor horizontally are vertically the center of the
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moved and seconded passage that is excited this open ends 25 by three that looks up at the sky it is a surprise the passageway is a great feature we've not seen great ones in san francisco? an exciting piece on the and also an outdoor indoor place for the owners facilities workout facility a closer view looking down as you can see we've broken down the commons and created gastroareas we created rooms essentially on the roof we're reducing it to
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offsite voting and above grade and the in fill as you can see i'd like to take the opportunity in a mentioned a design change we took it upon ourselves one important thing we looked at was a facade as you came to the corner of van ness and south van ness and mission street there was you know we thought that maybe it was the original one was a little bit two split and wanted to bring that texture into the facade and make a statement a very you know exciting corner especially, if
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you on about the future developments the area so this is a just a change we wanted to introduce to you i think that as more residential quality it is a self-facing facade we felt with the glass it is almost don't slick and representative we added those terraces those juliette balconies it cut down the glare and give you more texture kwp with that, i'm open to questions we're excited about the project and think that is a good way to mends the fabric in this part of the city thank you very much. >> okay opening it up for public comment. >> commissioners we received a request for this particular item would the person requesting t
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translators please come forward we'll semi public comment. >> hi i live in one 40 south the building immediately to the south of the property project in fact, my unit faces the car wash it my unit will be closer to it anyone anyone else's what the project was announced we were thrilled of losing our great view not that's right the way it happens but we were concerned about the proximity of the building how close it was to
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us and some places it was 10 feats or less from our building we've been meeting that true mark and the - they've made an adjustment i think in february to angle the ends away a little bit and then we came back and skifrmd one more time to do it a little bit better this week they came across and pushed it on the van ness and the mission side to the it is not as klass forgive - and overall i think this attre
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project i was part of a committee set up by the hoa board to work with true mark we were now supporting the project always as the changes wear satisfied with that that's correct. >> north. >> laura grow sf i want to strongly endorse this project i work close to the area and things last week parking and are perfectly acceptable in a case like this you're adding 200 and 10 units of nursing to an area that is seriously undervalued i think there is so many
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opportunity to add it the housing stock and continue to underground our blashz that is a mixed type of housing i'm excited to support a project i'm sorry my times jumbled 3 times maybe keep on that one 200 and 10 units of housing is exactly what we need on van ness and the transit corridor i don't see a lot of community outreach i'm disappeared i'm happy i thought i was here to fight a housing battle i think this is an easy one for you guys to port and look forward to seeing it built as soon as possible thank you. >> good afternoon i'm vice president of the 4ru67 think on
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behalf of our brothers and sisters labor local 261 i'd like to voice our support for the units at 1601 mission street to now that is a kind of project no longer labors building trades and i'm pretty much building trades will support this as a labor we try to bring retirees and active members living in the community and i want to know that true mark has been working hard it build a strong relationship with our union and also by participate in soma there is a procrastinate problem to encourage new generations to
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learn about our union which we're strong for that to help the younger the local 261 supports the development of 1601 mission street and urge to support the dnt thank you for your time. >> thanks. >> good evening commissioners i know you've been here a long time i'll be brief i'm andy one of the coordinators at moving we're facing the western edition we serve at risk youth from kindergarten and true mark is a remarkable partner in providing
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outcome and inspiration to develop and construction they've been really, really, really tireless with they're afraid forecasts and bringing our youth to some of the projects and letting them see the inside of that world we're thankful for the commitment and they've for the opportunities you our folks expressed the interest with true mark and through the soma pathways they're reaching out to youth of color and trying to make those fields more diverse and taken a lot of leadership and we supporter them in this project 100 percent and definitely encourage you, you to support it it will bring housing to the city and looking forward to some of the youth having access to help build the housing
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thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> okay flirting public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> since many of the commissioners on their way tattoos planning department walk by that site i'm sure over the years we all have wondered what will happen to the site and here we are that is exciting to see this sites grow it is extremely well done i will have the idea of the mid block passage not that the mid block passages have a potential to fail when you put the entrance of that larger building into the middle of that and the attractions, etc. i think you have basically constants animation not kind of put your starbuck's the middle
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and hope that everybody goes there it is kind of like animated by design i think the building is interesting the idea of not just creating flat facades it does a lot of interesting things i like the change of the where the building turns i think the previous version had a possibility of being two run away facade it interferes with projected against the side by holding the edge of the stronger vertical eliminate a point of arrival a stronger encouragement for pedestrian tracking on all the streets it is a very, very good move he appreciate he
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support the project and curious what the other commissioners think. >> commissioner antonini. >> it is extremely well done and a very visible sites as you drive down van ness you see that you'll see that more with this building in lui of the short gas station i think this is a wonderful and challenging seat because of the way the streets come together the interesting materials we've received showed do pedestrian safety if sean from the beginning of the 21st century that's why we have is stranger crossing where they crisscross it is challenging but i particularly as mentioned by commissioner moore last week the mid block passage a great idea
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wrapping up around the retail toolts opening of the sky and the workout facility is mreernt and seeing the outside from where you are it really gives us a nice feeling and walk out there and enjoy the fresh area if you choose i like the way it is modified a rusts colored precast lemons and less of glazing gives the building more contextual feel and separates it from a lot of the building that had dwooch glazing it is very good and savings account and eliminating one cautious cut and 17 and a half million dollars 95 fees at least and subject to
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changing after june goes a long way of the challenging projects that may have lands but not fooupz in the wonderful application i know the mayor's office has to consider where in their use it not necessarily in close proximity but this is a gateway it will be appropriate to use as much of the funding as possible to address the places where lands is dedicated and niece funding for housing. >> i'll move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner hillis i don't am supportive a combines of true mark better mirror rise building at potrero on market
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street that is good about this promising although easement as exciting as others i think provb on the ground floor i like the mid block crossing and the way you've divided up the building vertically on van ness and mission works well, i'm not sure i'm sold on the warren's it is jarring when i saw it the changes the supplemental designs for that fronts facade work better i thought it was a little model i encourage you to work on those changes i think the changes have gone a long way i'm supportive it is a well done project. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> i love the project that will, much better than what is there i talked about to the
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project sponsor i have no where to get media car washed i think we'll understand the gas stations every time i see other gas station is turning into housing i'm concerned of a phyllis car. >> there is a motion that has been seconded to approve this with conditions on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president fong thank you, commissioners zoning administrator, what say you? >> on the variance, close the public hearing and and grants the requested variance that places us under our discretionary review calendar this is a discretionary review.
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>> good evening police station dell have are washington the southwest team leader it is locked on hartford street this request for a building permit to construct side and rear vertical additions this project will confer a crawl space rehabilitate the buildings interior and slightly raise the front roof structure and increase the overall building depth with a 3 story building a discretionary review authorization was filed and additional dr was filed held a public hearing for discretionary review and the planning commission december approved but directed the project sponsor it return with a proposal for two
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detrimental that he received a building record that authorized the property as a two family dwelling unit and re-established two dwellings at the subject property which is located in the rh3 the residential design team reviewed the project following the discretionary review authorization and found it meets the standards of residential design guidelines and the project didn't have an necessary and desirable privacy light and on the mid block open space are protected and they respond to the examples it is located against the building to the noting north they're afraid respond to the conditions of south within the privacy tolerances to be expected when
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living in a dense environment last week san francisco therefore the planning commission shall approve as present that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> okay dr requester. >> good evening commissioners ryan petitioner for a dr requester very happy to report that some events may have own taken things the property has sold and we met the new closings mondays i was told we met the new owner the hallway and been able within the course of 10
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minutes to resolve this and i think we have a set of plans that everyone is okay. and ready for the building and moving on so of it's all right. i'll do something slightly unorthodox and give you an overview and if mr. williams is in support they'll take dr and approve the conditions and we'll move on and be happy neighbors is in our 4 minutes remaining we can have the power point this is sheet a .2 we are a backward concerned of the preserving the oscar pistorius ben's you are property from the south we look at the
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2.1 a better place it starts looking at the southwest corner and taking taking the notch 3 feet to the north and 6 feet to the east and that's going to maintain the openness for media clients art studio down below and then going back to. >> i think this 2.1. >> 2.1 i'm sorry. >> two other drawings. >> so 2.2 the property second satire we're looking at the southwest corner and removing this grill that was shown on the propelling removing the parapet
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except as around the skylights was required that will be fire rated no need to box in my clients 5-year-old client and up to 2.3 this should be farther to the south and no aefz that will block air and lights jump in and let me know that sounds like art you the elimination of the eve those 3 items the 3 by 7 lightwell on the corner setback, the eliminations of the parapet
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and . >> and the grill. >> i'm sorry the grill. >> the grill yes. >> anything else that is is that it and that's it i'll leave a minute on the clock and see what the current owners attorney has to say project sponsor. >> that was the project sponsor. >> that was dr requester. >> and project sponsor so - mr. williams. >> you're the project sponsors interest. >> i am you know it is a unique steve williams think on behalf of the project sponsor a unique situation i've not ben
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been in this situation a property is sold as the dr is called the former or soon to be former owner didn't have any dog the fight in this the new owner wants to cut it back we have no objection as far as i'm concerned. >> dr requester you have to minutes if you so choose. >> unless any questions but i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> i'm assuming mr. williams didn't have a two minute rebuttal that portion of the hearing is closed. >> a memorialize this. >> we'll take dr bans is administration that were read into the record by the attorney representing the dr requester and acknowledged by the rent r i
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went of the future ownership and night i suggest mr. washington if you commission takes the dr they can amend this is all brand new news this can, worked out so we have those agreed think plans think record and then they can provide necessary revisions will be signed off and released the changes will not increase the volume now we're in agreement to those changes thank you. >> second. >> second. >> okay commissioner moore. >> anything else. >> this is exactly the additional comment by the needed. >> any other commissioners you can call the question. >> thank you commissioners than on probation officer motion to take dr with the revisions
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that were read into the record by the attorney and agreed on by the new owner. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner vice president richards. >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and expirations that places you on your final item request for a discretionary review we received a request from the continuance from the dr requester but the representative it here the project sponsor is not in support which puts us here generally speaking we hear the items and decide whether or not to continue. >> thank you. >> project sponsor 5 minutes.
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>> dr requester 5 minutes i'm sorry. >> before the presentation may i make a request for the continuance before the dr requester opening. >> that's right entirely up to the commission if you want to do it, it it, it is entirely up to you. >> dell have on the subject property on diamond electricity street to construct a front and rear and side to a single-family dwelling two feet of the sexual with a floor plate between the existing garage to create an additional living area the property total 3 levels over parking this project is locate in noah valley within the rh3 on the western of diamond the offer
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size of the parcel 2 thousand plus downward sloping with 41 feet of footage and an official depth the vicinity a various designs the subject property located in a hectic district but determined a non-contributor because outside of significant this project is complete alteration and were not qualifying as a demolition 3 letters of support and 4 opposition were received the residential design team received that and found the proposed project meets the standards of residential design guidelines and the prestige did not present necessary and desirable and the proposed massing is shaped to respond to the typography while
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providing a setback to the 4 floor and finally the project didn't present any circumstances the planning commission should not take dr and approve the project. >> dr requester 5 minutes. >> as a point of order before we begin our presentation we're both requesting if we can discuss the continuance before the dr we'll appreciate that. >> how much time. >> 3 minutes. >> shouldn't require that much time. >> we've had a pretty tragic situation with the family his grandmother passed away lastly night we have requested this
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continuance before they passed away because we wanted the family tobacco together instead of worrying about the dr the payrolls team said no, his grandmother had a stroke on sunday passed away my client is with the family and really, force them to be thinking about the dr instead of entertaining with list mother and go young children we really request if you want to push it gone week even that makes a huge defensive i personally will not be here but most importantly my clooir client here his with all due respect and consideration a different swaegs that is death
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the family i appreciate that. >> project sponsor 3 minutes. >> bret gladstone so to speak for the project sponsor and, of course, my client and i have very sorry to hear the news about the grandmother and, of course, my client understand's he move forward back if india his mother has cancer and on the edge however, without seeming heartless mr. fowler has very good recommendation and entrusted his attorneys and consultants to go to the building department he's entrusted my husband his lawyers to go to superior court and there was to be a hearing without him he has great trust
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in his attorneys and bay an unjurisdiction was intended to delay this project before your commission had a chance to just judge project he didn't want it to get to our commissions mr. patterson and mr. boskovich are here usually they've been here a lot we think mr. fowler entrusts him to represent my clients mother it not in good condition and expressed apth and seen him go back and forth both my client and mr. fowler are in town all represents are here we don't know when my client will be
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underlying back it india and whether he'll be in town for continuance the delays are enormous you've heard mr. fowler is going to the building department and trying to get a temporary delay your calendar is extreme full in may and june and july and big projects things are important my client didn't dream this would be appealed my client asked how would you feel about an additional story he said i'm going to do that without hearing if you first and not commit
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commit myself a closing escrow he did it knowing how the other person would feel we don't ask you to simple emphasize. >> thank you. >> commissioners any thoughts. >> it is a tough situation i have sympathies for the fouling letters and sympathies for the project sponsor not exactly the same but both having relatives in one case deceased or ill i mean, i wasn't probably sounds like representatives that will be probably do most of presentation for against this projects are here tonight and meet be more extinguish expeditious we don't know when
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for sure the project sponsor or mr. fowler will be available. >> a motion to continue. >> any other commissioners commissioner moore. >> it is kind of like i'm trying to put myself into the situation and that's what i feel i need to do kind of like there's no answer to this predicament if i continue it it is the right thing to do if i don't continue why rush it i need to set aside and is that
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being a parent doesn't add to any south here when we get involved in some of the conversation which shouldn't be run by use it starts to be uncomfortable and why not to simplify he said and she said and what happened we need to look with the difficult yet clearheaded position what is in front of us if he only take the situation of little passing a person he personal need to continue the project the people are not here on the other hand, he know about the strain he know both sides i wish you would push a button
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we'll spends a motion to be reasonable about it one way or another. >> commissioner wilson. >> it is a touch situation mr. glad stop sign will your client be here next week and continue it jonas with one week. >> no notice requirements commissioner so certainly continue is one week. >> i'll have to ask my client i'm in town do you mind if i ask him. >> i know we've continued issues before as people are here certainly the property owner and i want it interject mr. paefrt son will not be here. >> it's more more for my client the one thing there are personal allegations paid including in this response it is
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important for my client to clear his name potential for slandery to clear hesitate own name thank you. >> commissioner hillis did you want it acknowledge whether or not you're here the following week. >> my mother is 2, 3, 4 stage if you are cancer and after surgery she's been no the hospital again i'm not sure i have the case files i can't predict what will happen next week. >> i support a continuance we've continued items the past the person filing dr is not able to make it i agree with commissioner moore why are we rushing i will move to continue for two weeks. >> commissioner johnson.
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>> yes. thank you very much i'll agree you know personally building this is something where we have a system take advantage and not necessarily building we schedule things just for persons personal schedules, however, we have continued drs for lesser reasons the only next thing i'll say i want to look at the calendar with not a 12-hour meeting because we're 101 this item from today i'm looking two weeks the motion two weeks. >> schoer said two weeks. >> i'm sorry commissioner hillis said two weeks what are we looking i don't want to be here until midnight. >> well commissioners you'll
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not be here until midnight on the 21st. >> okay 10 o'clock. >> it depends on our deliberations. >> then i'll support that 0 i support it i think i'm hearing changing it to one week. >> two. >> we're all respect able to the other persons and situation. >> schoer with all fairness a one week will put them on the 143 of you are out so there be a significant disadvantage and i think out of fairness the 21st is appropriate. >> i tend to agree. >> i'll for the suggest to continue matters those were on
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the 14. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. check with under gladstone. >> i want to remind you we'll be asking. a continuance if he's not here but i'll try introducing try to be there >> we offer the seam courtesy to our client if a bad sidewalks. >> did he hear a second. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. he wanted to ask i noticed the next week is the lighter of the two weeks but the 3 commissioners will be gone next week. >> yes. >> 4 of us by ourselves i understand that. >> commissioners there is a motion that has been seconded to continue it matter. >> april 21st ash commissioner antonini
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commissioner hillis sxhooks commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner vice president richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and place us on public comment there are no speaker cards. >> any public comment? seeing none, this meeting is adjourned called the meeting to order the meeting has come to order ladies and gentlemen, please silence all electronic devices. and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> for all who. >> commissioner president loftus airline pr commissioner suzy loftus commissioner vice president turman is excused commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus commissioner mazzucco commissioner wong. >> and just walked the door and commissioner melara present. >> commissioner president loftus you have a quorum also present is chief greg suhr the police chief and director joyce hicks director of office of citizens complaints well to the wednesday, april 6, 2016, meeting first thing i'll make some change to the agenda bans
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information kraushgs to item 3 it says update and use of use of force and rectify of dodging the doj needs month are time no presentation on the registrations in addition given the number of people and making sure we have time for that everybody public comment is limited to 2 minutes. >> sergeant, next line item. >> at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, items, department, occi or commissioners are to respond to questions but may provide a brief response.
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the commissioners, occi, nor the police commission should enter into debates and please limit your comments to 3 minutes, please. 2 minutes. >> just to clarify the item will still been discussed about the use of force and where we are not to the doing. >> ray hart for san francisco open government. i would like to refer this to the united states of the koulz versus the city of 70's suggest reading the chief just in part as follows: listensers is not a neutrality basis speech can't be punished because it might offend acy cus the commission can't spruce
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points of view they don't like that cart them off to jail more the constitutional rights was in the disruptive the fourth amendment open first amendment would be meaningful if they justified the arresting and are removal i'm doing with that it's amazing i have 24 orders against city agencies for denying me assess it public records or denying me a public comment i have one against commissioner mazzucco and the police chief for records issues the bottom line is when you start to say things you don't like oh, those rules supersede the constitution of the united states this article appeared in today's thing i'd like to say i think the police officers association is tune death to the shooting of mario woods all i see 5 armed officers in a
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shooting self-reliance with their guns aimed as a at a single individual with a knife the bottom line i don't know who was in charge but certainly not in control and the fact that 5 officers stand there not one think this is a horrible situation not going to end up well is unreasonable by turf. >> gone mr. washington. >> i'm here to tell you what the hell is going on in any community and northern station i wanted to, calm cool and directed and to commissioner marshall and the chief i need you out at the northern station ace on the case let me say i'm november been here for the corruption and the murder and stuff i've been studying and
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analyzing and came to a conclusion i've said that many years ago no reflection this city is the most racist and corrupt and maybe the most progressive and richest but all the negatives that come with that my name is ace on the case some of the people didn't want all in this place but it is no mystery just check black history oh, i've been working on some cases involved in a lot of conspiracy and some people don't like me what is going on down in this town. >> the black population is going down when the benefits come there
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might be no way around the 50 percent hiring is just a butch shut you know why you can't afford to pay the dog on relentless on trying to be a san francisco resident you, you all look around and where did the black folks went this didn't make no sense obama when got big problems in city by the bay let me say chief we'll have to talk. >> sir. >> next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) good evening public defender that's a hard act to follow well, i'm here with respect to advise the commission i sent a
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letter on monday to attorney general asking here to experiencing exercise her authority to open a civil rights investigation of the san francisco police department with the code of civil prouder and sent a letter to the xefr and the district attorney i sent the letter because i believe that the attorney general is the bank of the west agency to conduct an independent investigation the doj was to get involved the cops program didn't have the authority but a collaborative approach and come out with a report but not the authority to force changes only one state agency under law that's the attorney general and now
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attorney general harris said she'll not step in and would leave it to the district attorney george gascon blue ribbon commission as we've seen i don't know when whether the finding of the blue ribbon commission will be accepted given what is happened between the police department and the district attorney i think unfortunately, it is reached a situation where neither side is communicating at least to the extent they should be because we're not clear when this late group of wrafrt texts has occurred but the district attorney is saying something different i believe strongly that an attorney generals investigation is something that was done in the past should be done here i want to note my
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strong support so far the use of force policies indicated by he collaborative and the points by my office. >> thank you, thank you both (clapping.) >> next speaker. >> >> good evening and welcome. >> >> good evening. i'm tom, i happy new year i want to point out a couple of things not since 3 years the badge cam was begun not that i'm aware of of the functioning can you give me the news if not how long with transparent and working on the accounts and i want to say about the if you'll give folks a weapon to kill had used properly what is did argument for not a
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weapon used improperly i don't get that i'm not a fan of the cops and certainly now that is one aspect of giving the folks tasers he is begun and cut the corrupt poa don't get me wrong they're corrupt deeply corrupt but thai support of tasers the notion that chief suhr is under fire for mario woods murder he shouldn't be the excessive the long corruption that is published under the last year those are the reasons you shouldn't are a corrupt chief by the way, the da and chief are not getting long people are is tired i'm thrilled that's how you get people even their toes and the finally, the academy
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sheriff's another way things are operating people are not prosecuting their hone that's how you get accountability. >> thank you. next speaker. >> gag clyde and welcome. >> good evening first of all, wow, wow the racism the san francisco please let's be honest and clear 2 thousand offers give or take and we're so naive on this 20 or 25 are racist we're really naive come 200 and 250 look at in new york 50 50 of them a blackmail man off duty cops
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arrest him the middle of the street because eir i i e erratic driving he cut the mailman off and the mailman stopped by and said something he was thomas a. swift's electric rifle they get out of the car in civilian clothes and put him in handcuffs homeboy that's not happening your suspended effective immediately i mean come on people grew up we know what is going with racism dr. marshall you know a lot about it mrs. hicks we don't talk talk about it is an inconvenient topic the reality people are people people are people and greg you're not but people that
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work for you that are you said you'll root them out you i take it e it's your call, sir rooted them out. >> next speaker. >> >> good evening and welcome. >> >> thank you i'm going to read this i'm a little bit nervous i'm linda i've lived in san francisco for 40 years and raised any two sons i was speaking about london london the police are pleased to please you that didn't seem to be true here why is that well, people are upset of people being killed by the police exaggerated their threatened why do the police them in danger when one thing no longer knows one is a person it is easy to jump to
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conclusions and too often the threat end up dead the police should stop and think first for instance, alex what would have happened the officers stayed in their cars and used they're loud speakers to communicate at the drove up the hill and jumped out of the cars and when he didn't show them his hands at that point that he intended to kill him why that okay oh, they felt threatened i read an article in the laments of a new policy considered this policy emphasize deesclation of violent situations police officers need to be mind fell and consider other option like keeping a distance to allow themselves time to find other ways to control the situation this is
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