tv Fire Commission 51116 SFGTV May 14, 2016 8:00am-10:21am PDT
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the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in
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'89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for >> this is a reminor under section 67 a 1 the ringing and use of cell phone pager squz sound producing devices is
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prohibited. set pager cell phones and other devices to vierate or turn the device off now. >> we have officially begun. thank you madam secretary cania please call the roll >> wednesday may 11 and time is 903. iletm 1 roll call. covington, present. cleveland, present. nakajo, here. hardeman, here. joan hayes-white, here. item 2, general public comment. members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the ajendsa. speakers address their remarks to the commission as a whole and note individual
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commissioners or personnel. lack of response by commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or comments made during public comment. >> thank you madam screert. secretary. next item, please. public comment. please come up to the podium. thank you. >> good morning. i'm out of breath. lisa [inaudible] paramedic captain with fire department. as we know we had a recession that was bad. the city and mayor asked all departments to make cuts and they tough. in the san francisco fire department complied. we delayed hiring and purchasing new vehicles. i don't evvy sth decision the
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chief had to make. the one that hurt the most was losing the paramedic supervision in the southern part of the city. bayview, hunters point. the most vulnerable population and under served demo graphic. now the economy is turning around. we have been able to bolster our budget and recovering. we hired more personnel and thank you for that. we have new ambulances and thank you. we needed them. we have ems 6 in the field and that is great help. we have our ems operations chief back and thank you for that. we made strides improving emergency medical care to the sate and time to
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improve the paramedic supervision. we have the fundsing right now and can do it today. please, uncouple the issue of supervision at station 49 and returning c 4 to the field. please don't endanger the citizen in the southern part the city because of dispute over 1 position at station 49. i have a not so funny saying for paramedics and emt's i supervise, if i make it to your trauma call you have been on scene too long. that means my response timeerize too long and getting to the scene too late to have effective change to the situation. this isn't right, we sneed paramedic captains on the higher er aacuity calls early and often.
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we need or c 4 back in the field. >> tom o'connor president of san francisco fire fighters. it is time to end this game, this power play, where are holding jobs hostage norfd to get a change of shift at another location. these jobs are authorized and funded and budgeted for. not only is it important for us to deliver these job tooz the san franciscan's that dependent on us for public safety but these are promotions held for men and women that worked many many years. they deserve the job jz earn the jobs and shouldn't be held hostage because we want to change the length och shift at another position. we all known for many many years the paramedic captains at station
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49 are overworked and under staff. today we have a authorized and funded position and can put someone on days to assist the rescue captains. the ratio is with one supervisor to 100 some odd people each and every day. they need held. put someone on days and reopen the c 4 and sit at the table and talk about the length of shift later. we have over worked and under staffed position and have supervise rb positions waiting to be filled in the southern most secter of the city. i urge you to act on this and compel this department to staff these positions. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning chief and commissioners. dan casey, i'm a fire fighter paramedic with san francisco fire department and also a member of board of directors of local 798. as a
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fire fighter paramedic i have several different takes. i think it is critical we restore rc 4 to the field. as the speakers before we stated, this leaves a hole in the coverage. i served in these field roles over the years at rc 4 at station 43 on moscow, rc 3 in noe valley that now covers rc 4's area and also worked ament station 49 as a supervisor. i think i have a good perspective on all the positions and agree with what my colleagues have stated. the rc 4 position does need assistance. the span of control when we talk about incident management or man jt in general is wildly out of
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proportion for other supervisor positions within the department and echo what captain phyllis said regarding the response times. if i responds from 26 and church i won't get to a shooting at third and newhall or thepede atric recess. it is difficult enough coming from the crocker [inaudible] area. it seems that the issue at hand should be public safety. speaking as a fire fighter paramedic who is on the current promotional list i also feel my opportunities to promote are limited to what appears to be a political situation and there are jobs that should be filled and need to be filled and administration stated over and over they are proud of their accomplishments restoring the promotional process and filling positions needed. this is one
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that is critically needed andu the administration and commission to follow up on that. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello, mime holoy president of san francisco ems officers association. i was going to come up and [inaudible] hostage taking of rc 4 and continue of that, but i like to relay actually little more ameadancy related to 12 hour shifts. we have 12 hour shifts in radio and have rc in radio tonight and he called in sick and because no one wishes to work a 12 hour shift in radio, it is now thrown us into a chaotic situation. [inaudible] who i asked to stay over until
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midnight but we restrict [inaudible] level 2s which are paramedics on the balance to 15 hours. assignments answer to this is pull a rc out of the field and not back fill them and so instead of having 3 rc's in the field for evening hours, it is wednesday but san francisco thrives on the concept of anything can happen at any team, and so we basically have 2 rc's for the city for the night. in the past we have when the rc's called out sick in radio, rc 1, 2 and 3 have taken 4 hour shifts which pulls one rc out of the field for a period of time because sthra rule level 3's can't be moved more than twice. this represents a level of idosthat i'm tired of. i have been in this department
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now for 19 years and with department of public health for 11 years before that. i retire in june. i would really hope that before i retired i can honestly think that something was being done, but at this point this is just a game, i'm tired of it and quite honestly this will be my last commission meeting. i wasn't come back. the games played by this administration are unconsciousable and involved peoples lives and quite honestly i want no more part of it. >> thank you for your comments. is there any other members who would like to speak at this time? seeing none, i will close public comment. item 3. >> approval of minutes discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes of
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regular meeting on april 13, 2016. >> thank you madam secretary. is there public comment on the minutes? okay, public comment is closed. my fellow commissioners due to the lateness we received the packets i would like to continue what would be item 3 a, minutes from the regular meeting on april 13, 2016 and just have us vote on the minute from the special meeting. thank you. all in favor? >> aye. >> okay, we will hold over the minutes for the april 13 meeting. >> approval of the minutes for special meeting april 25, 2016. >> so moved.
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>> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> those minutes are approved. item 4, certificate and acknowledge of appreciation to the members of the academy of art university for outstanding artwork they provided in support of the departments 150 anniversary events. >> thank you very much. is there public comment on this appreciation, academy of art? seeing none, public comment is closed and will go to our chief of the department. >> thank you good morning. thank you for allowing the item to be on your agenda. i'm proud to acknowledge the great work and partnership we have
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developed at the acad amof art university and know you remember the 150 anniversary committee you are aware of the partnership. this is our small way letting the academy of art university go how we appreciate them stepping up too help us. you have a lot of creative talent and when we came to you as a idea for a project for semester long you embraced and i know joining you today is someone i work with, mindy [inaudible] they worked with you and student and embraced the plauject and designed our beautiful logo we use on the vehicles and you will see it all over. we really owe a huge gratitude to you because to get the logo designed if we teak it to the private sector would have cost a lot of money and
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like i told your students, it is something that is as good i would say as going to the private sector and speak tooz tathe great work of academy of art university. i would like to ask susan, phil and tom to come up and with say a few words about the partnership. i would love that before i gave the certificates if you wanted to. >> please do. welcome. >> thank you >> not sure if you were prepared to speak. we rely appreciate it and want you to give your perspective on how great the student did on this project. >> sure. thank you. this fs was a very unique once in a life time opportunity to apply
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our design skills to something that is used and the broad expanse of civic like this will see so we are happy to support the department and all the work everyone here does to keep our city safe and sound. >> thank you. so i will come down and give your certificates. >> is there someone else who wanted to speak? >> i don't think so. >> i thought i could draft someone but i guess not. >> we are presented 6 certificates of proficientation and read the same. san francisco fire department certificate of appreciation for collaboration with the san francisco fire department in support of our [inaudible] anniversary. thank you for the contitution to san francisco
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the commission is going to speak now. alright. my fellow commissioners, any comments? commissioner cleveland. >> yes, thank you very much madam president. i think it is important that we have to distinguish between the problems that you read about in the paper with academy of art and wonderful student that rin the academy that do wonderful work and produce art for our city and country and world. i think it is important in this day and age when we think about the lawsuit against the academy for permitting problems we separate that from the really really wonderful work and contributions that the students of our academy make every day to us and to the rest the country. that is all i have to
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say. >> thank you. commissioner nakajo. >> thank you madam president. i would have preferred my remarks to make while they were here and couldn't stop them from existing the door but basically a strong appreciation in the environment of academic and arts and what we do here in san francisco fire department, but on the historical event of 150th i want to publicly acknowledge that from the commission and myself from the wishes of our commission. >> thank you. commissioner hardeman. >> yes i would like to echo what the chief said about the cost. we was on san francisco ports commission and paid over 24 thousand for our logo and it
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is pretty modest. you correct, it can be expensive and thank you to academy of art college. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. i just want to say that it was a wonderful learning experience for the students because they were able to form two teams, come up with ideas, execute those ideas and then present it before their clients, which you know of course are people within our department. so, that was a real life experience because that is what you have to do, you have to pitch your idea about what is going to happen. today i'm always excited when i'm on muni to see some of those wonderful cards that party like it is 1866. i really want to thank the academy of arts university
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again for all of their good work and partnering with us for our 150th. next item please madam secretary. >> item 5, chief of department report. report on current issue activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting of april 27, 2016 included fy 2015, 16 budget, academies strategic planning 15 oth anniversary update, special events and communication to outreach and other government agencies and report from field operation including greater alarm fires, emergency medical service, bureau of fire prevention and investigation and airport division. >> thank you. any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now
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closed. i'm sorry, did you have a comment? no, okay. public comment is closed. we'll go to the chief of departments report. >> good morning. this is a report since the last meeting held in the mission district april 27, 2016 regarding our budget. as you know last month we had the opportunity to the budget to committee to meet with supervisor mark farrell on the 19th and had a productive discussion and presented before finance and budget committee and know commissioner hardeman was there on the 20th of april. discussions continue and working closely with mayors budget office and presentsed all our priorities and specifically frontlined the need for fleet replacement so we are hopeful thichb coming weeks we receive positive news
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from the mayor budge t regarding fleet replacement program into the operating budget this year and coming years. the goal is not just next year but have a fleet replacement plan that would somewhat mirror what we have done with the hiring plan so several years of investments. as you know the mayor will be prepared to submit his balanced budget to the legislative branch of government june 1 and also wanted to let you know i think there was discussion i was not in attendance in the meeting in the mission but working with department of building inspection because we feel to be more responsive to the community all parts the city mission and chinatown being two that are very density populated, the need for additional resources and so i'm
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feeling optimistic that we'll have a closer partnership with building inspection creating additional position frz our department to specifically target and outreach for fire safety education and so forth and with proposed legislation the need to have additional inspectors and civilian personnel to track what is being proposed. which i know we'll talk about later. the 119th academy is in the 16th week. we have 50 members in the class. graduation is scheduled for june 9, 2 p.m. at reerden high school. we have a h 3 level 1 class, i believe there are 31 members in the class incoming emt's and graduate june 3. we also have a 8 per deem members going
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through their training. they came out of straining may 9th and completed soon. we have entry level h and level one emt and bumping them up to give them a opportunity to advance as paramedics. that was completed fra18 members recently and have 24 members emt's with paramedic license that ascend to h 3 level 2. a lot of training going on. related to 120th academy to begin with 54 members 12 will come from station 49 start date of june 20. we have members that are undergoing medical evaluations and selections will be made very soon for that class during this month for the
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120th class and also intend in the next month cast a wider net to put out more background for those people on the national testing network h 2 eligibility list for selection for the november class. strategic planning we had a meeting may 2. the homework with the subcommittees meet and look at the great work done by the smaller committee senthicizing the document. they have done great work, jessica kennedy in particular has done a lot of formats of the document and the agreement is the subcommittees reconvene, take a look at the work done and resubmit for further discussion on may 31 is when the whole committee is coming together. i feel at that point we should be very close to having a final draft.
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150th we had the official kick off last month april 18 at union square and well attended and believe everyone appreciated the start of 150th year celebration. we also had during the last-sins the last reporting period a chiefs panel at the main library. i thought it was slept and taped it for historical reasons because it was very historical and i was very proud to have the 5 former fire chiefs be on a panel in conjunction with the longest standing member the fire commission, commissioner nakajo as well as long term employee fire commissioner secretary rea connor to have us gathered at the main library. [inaudible] know to all and very iconic in here field was the moderator of the panel and the goal was to
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get the perspective of the chiefs while they were working as chief of department and the [inaudible] appreciated attendance of the commission and were able to gather afterwards for lunch. i like to acknowledge dave franklin who chaired the event. and had all paul bury a fire fighter provide a historic perspective and thought that was very well received. the next meeting for the 150th committee will be on may 26 at 10 a.m. next week we will highlight in conjunction with 150th is ems week throughout the country. prelim to that, very proud on friday we will be able to with your blessing to provide a ambulance we can no longer use, not serviceable to us and donated
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it to galileo high school. they have a medical academy so will hand over that vehicle friday to superintendent of schools richard [inaudible] 2 p.m. that is something we are proud of and hope the galileo high school student will become ems [inaudible] there is a host of [inaudible] for ems week next week. in terms of activity sense the last meeting, i met with department of building inspection may 3. we made good progress towards our efforts to be even more proactive in terms of providing out reach material and fire safety materials and feel good department of building inspection understands our needs for additional resources
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and assist through work order funding to support more positions. on the 5th of may i attended with other members of the department an event hosted by patricia [inaudible] lieutenant vince perez was honored and will have from now on vens perez society. he was a 1981 graduate of reerden high school and june 2, 2011 lost his life battling a house fire in san francisco. a value member of our department. they named this award or society after vince and the goal is fundraise and provide scholarship for young men that may attend reardon and may have a connection or interest in public safety. i thought was
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worth mentioning. on last night i attended met nu, merced extension triangle neighborhood association. i attendsed a community meeting and asked to present. [inaudible] did a very good presentation on interto beef up the numbers in the southern part of the city on the daly city boarder. supervisor yee was also there. i did want to let you know in addition to meeting with tom hui we are working with supervisor david campos office and schedule admeeting may 18 with supervisor campos and steak holders in the mission to talk about action items from the meeting in the mission
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district and that will take place i believe here at city hall if anyone is interested attending i welcome that. at this point that concludes my presentation. >> thank you very much, chief. any public comment on the chief's report? okay. will each of you need 3 minutes? >> i would love to speak for 3 minutes. my apology it is nap type. this was go tog go much better than this. so, lisa [inaudible] with san francisco fire department. after having my second boy in 2010 i was promoted to paramedic captain and requested assignment at station 29. i wanted to get to know the men and women i would
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be supervisor and we are amazing people and soon became invested in them. i request assignment again after my third baby and i have been asked if i could stay until i left having these twins and in my return to duty process. >> it takes a village. it takes a village. >> it is always a busy place but we are ems providers and are the type that thrive. prioritizing delegating and referring and doing it and feel thg hum. i remember being up until 3 a.m. make agschedule trying to spread the available balances bah we didn't have enough at the time. we have more now and thank you. ovthe
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years, the workload has ebbed and flowed and can agree we are at max tide right now. the captains that are there are doing it. whatever you need they got it. they have a can do attitude. staffing is increasing and getting more level one emt so [inaudible] and so should support staff. it is happening, we are getting some support staff, again thank you. we have staff in our bio med dealing with durable medical equipment and made great strides there. again, thank you, but now we are disagreeing on what our shift length should be but what we agree on is we need at least 2 captains on duty at least during the peak times. that is what we all requested in the last budget. we requested 6 positions that would have put
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two people on at all times but only got 4. that happens. it takes 3 to put it on 24. now we could have two captains ondulatey 5 days a week 8 hours a day during peak business hours. we have the budget for the 4th position. we stay on 3-24 and add one on 8, 5 days a week we would have that coverage and we need it. we need more but it is start and can start that today. we have the funding for it today. thank you. >> thank you. and thank you twins for your comments as well. any other members of the public who would like to speak at this time? seeing none i'll close public comment and go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner cleveland. >> thank you madam chair. i
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just like to ask the chief if she could tell us what was the most significant thing from the chiefs panel that you participated on? what was the most significant issue or person or comment that resinated with you the most? what did you learn? what hit you the most from that participation? >> thank you for the question. i did attend from april 26 to april 29 a visioning summit in newport oregon. there were 12 of us. we talked about the future of the fire service and the data part of it. relaying on data to be more efficient in what we do. that was a large part of the discussion
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recognizing that as important as data is, what you heard including from public comment the reason why people get into the fire service and takes a special person. what i offered up had to do a lot with importance of having a diverse workforce and shedding light on that to a group that-i was the only woman out of 12 so that in and of itself is something i'm comfortable with because the fire service is predominantly male dominateed. the ability for us to get out of our regular day where we have a heavy workload and taking a 3 hour drive was very valuable for me in a lot of ways, but i know two of the other 11 but making some good connections. there is someone i'll follow up with and have him meet-he
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presented to us on tracking and data and will meetd with the fire marshal and deputy chief. having the opportunity to press pause and be able to engage with colleagues. we have similar challenges we deal with and to be able to have that trust to talk to someone about being in the sheet if you will and managing all the priorities is very valuable and know i did come back with just being somewhat refreshed and i felt it was very valuable and don't do it very often. don't take the time away and think i came back with a different perspective with a refreshed perspective so thank you very much for your support for the trip. >> we heard a lot of comment today on the rc 4 issue on
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station 49 and the commission is engaged in the issue and i would like to see the chief and local 798 and perhaps someone from the mayors office sit down and resolve the problem. it is a problem and exacerbated and gone on long enough and i for one would like to see some sort of compromise crafted and implemented immediately. i'm just tired of hearing the comments from the public, from the rank and file and there is no exkoos for not coming to some rez lukez on this problem. if we can come up with something that can be aminable to all parties i think we need to do it and obligated to do it and i would like to see that happen and happy to be a part of the process if we can do so. that is all my comments. >> thank you commissioner
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cleveland. commissioner hardeman. >> yes, thank you madam chair. chief, thank you for your excellent report and all the training. wonding ff to hear. one thing that wasn't in your report you have 4 people going this month to a variety of conferences and i really support that just as you were saying about how you felt about your recent so think conprnss and seminars and educational things are mixing up and emphasize st. more is the social gathering after the 150th the other day and all the chiefs were pulled together which was a outstanding evept. there was no much information and good that came out of that lunch that you don't sit down and plan, you just casually
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talk to a variety of different people and that was time well spent, so i just like to congratulate everyone on the 150th, it was the chiefs at the library. i learned so much, it was very educational. went out for a couple hours and seemed like it was 15, 20 minutes because it was so interesting so everyone involved with that should get a pat on the back. you talked about the strategic plan and happy 250 sit on that. i don't contribute much but listgen appreciate all the different people and different levels in the fire department come up with their ideas and the compromise that takes place including the attendance of 798 chief o'connor and the volunteer committees that put the time in on their own. the
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strategic plan i think will be something that is really worth while and everyone involved with that deserves a big pat on the back too. nothing to do with your report but a highlight of today is seeing those twins on tv later. could never figure how to rewatch this. for some reason it is never on if i go to channel 26. thank you for bringing the twins. i have no idea how you can be a captain and have twins. amazing how you do that. no man could do that, we can't handle that. somehow women are able to do that. i have a 1 year old grandson and amazed how my daughter in law is able to cope with her work and the baby is very difficult so thank you and appreciate your comments. >> thank you, commissioner nakajo.
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>> thank you very much madam president. thank you very much chief for your comprehensive report. i was gonna wait on this particular question, but since vice president cleveland has brought it up at this time in terms of the chiefs report, my reference of waiting is i know part of operational report is ems services report, so basically i wanted to be able to have comments on the rest cue captain 4 issue. i did a ride along and part the ride along for myself was to reinforce the education of what my comprehension was and it is limited in the sense we commissioners have some information and such, but every once in a while it takes a wide in the field, but even in the field it is enorty of
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responsibility. and tried to get comprehension of rescue captains and district 1, 2, 3, what 4 would do. what 1, 2 and 3 do and what they cover within their shift. i also was amazed as always in the ride alg which knroe the rest the commissioners have the prerogative to do ride alongs whether with paramedics or rest cue captainso engines and trucks, it puts us on with our membership but get to go on a run and see the acualities. in that run which was from a accident to individuals off the street to rehabilitation center, how professional our members are both from the fire suppression area as well as ems. what i want to get
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reinforced is the understanding rescue captsens and supervision as station 49 are related but budgeitarily i want to understand a separation in the structural because it is very difficult to deal with this subject matter unless one has that comprehension or at least myself. the rescue captains in terms of 4 is a issue of budget that was approved and advocateed by all component thf department, administration, membership and commission to the budget director on our level and that we werefunded for that. that is my comprehension. part of that is that if that is the case and now i understand clearly vice president cleveland your comments in terms of wanting to resolve this but i'm of the
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meend it doesn't necessitate a meeting between union and chief i mayors office, it is a decision that should be made at this point with administration and with the labor forces whatever it takes to be able to resolve this. from my mind it would be wonderful if we can have it resolved at least by the next commission meeting because i think we are at a point where we all comphand the issue but clearly we should have it resolved. a responsibility. i'm trying to look at this from the commission and myself and responsibility and appreciate the comments made out here this morning but to the membership, the paramedics and emt pfs out there the support a supervisor will give. reinforcement to the supervisors out in the field and our responsibility as
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a department objectively to the neighborhood. the neighborhood of district 4. we are a san francisco fire department that are public service organization and our responsibility is city and county of san francisco. we historically have it districted out and trying to cover as much area as we can but if we are funded and i'll take comment that says it different and have the ability to be able to fill that position, if we can do that and we can accomplish all of these issues on the direct membership and supervision the responsibility to the neighborhood, but i also think chief, and also in terms of budget request from mr. corso and department if we ask for budget request and funded for certain positions or certain kinds of requests that we should spend that allocation
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because it makes for good accountability in the sense of our department that what we ask is what we need and if we receive it we should be able to expend it. respectfully, chief i might have gone through a simplistic analysis in this but think we should be at a area where we should try to resolve this issue. -as appropriately and soon as we can. i dont put time restraints, i know how difficult this is for the administration but think we have a responsibility to all the levels i mentioned and also to ourselves. it gets difficult if we are not focused in terms of what we are trying to accomplish and know we are trying to accomplish all of this so that is my comments colleagues, chief hayes-white, thank you. >> thank you commissioner nakajo. i am in agreement with
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you on on the matter of the rc 4. i am thinking that you know, this is something that is going to require some commission oversight and assistance and to that end, i know we are not at item 7, but when we get to that, i want to put paramedic supervisor on the agenda so we can have full discussion and presentation and all of that and perhaps have it be a action item because we have been going round and round this and there hasen been a resolution and we need to get to a resolution. that's my comment and think now we are
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ready for the report from operations. thank you. >> hello chief gonzalez. >> good morning. operation report from april 2016. i want to thank my assistants for bringing my [inaudible] it wouldn't be as comprehensive if she didn't make the trip. there were two greater alarms during this period. the incident commandser was [inaudible] the first was april 21, third alarm. 3515, 3517, 17th street and bravo exposure was involved. fire was showing between both buildings. [inaudible] aribeed on scene and observed moderate spoke and report from engine 6 assigned to engine 7 [inaudible] truck 7
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to bravo. res acoo two conducted search of both build [inaudible] the primarily objective is locate and exstinguish fire. the smoke explosion occurred in the bravo building causes a slight pause to insure everyone is okay. avenue wn was okay. because of the potential for fire extension a second alarm. fire [inaudible] exposure bravo chief required [inaudible] avenue wn performed to the highest standard and no injury. the second alarm located at 143, 14 seven san jose avenue. residential building. difficult to ladder. wires
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were in front so our aerials can be used and there was a question whether the 50 foot ladder could make it. there were two fire fighters injuryed. the fire cause was overheeded drier. this was the c side the building. there was heavy fire showing from 3 foors of the building. sometimes your first instinth is go right where the fire is but our job is push the fire out. division 3 noticed that and redirected companies to go to the front entrance and attack from there to protect the rest of the building. if units lead lines from both size you have hose stream jz it is also very dangerous sfr our unit so it was a good call. battalion 6
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was temporary battalion chief hayes did a excellent job and notified of emergency message. the floor burnt between the third and top floor. it is a good thing to let all units know that. we do that numerous times to keep the members safe. truck 11 did a great job laddering the roof. they put a 5 ofoot ladder in a tight area. [inaudible] fire fighters did a great job avoiding obstacles. division 3 requested second alarm because of the number of floors involved and hose lines. kept extensive damage [inaudible] the patio rooms were totled and there were fire extension to the kitchen areas. fire extended on all 3 floors and there were two minor fire
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fighter injuries. post operations went well. both fires use of the i pad provides the support specialist for tool for safety and accountability on the fire ground. pier 35 bay rescue. worked with sfpd. the 5150 subject was removed. april 12 worked with dme during national telecommunicator week. visited the dispatch center and attended the [inaudible] april 12, golden gate bridge joined with national park and u.s. coast guard and bridge patrol. the vehicle was utilized as a command vehicle allowing to communicate with [inaudible] and coast guard. april 13 there was high angle
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rescue. [inaudible] coastal rescue, battalion 8 and [inaudible] saved a injuryed person. members of am media were kept informed of the progress. april 16 rescue attempt for teen age boys swept out to sea while playing at ocean beach, [inaudible] vallejo waded into ocean beach arm and arm about 1620 hours and unfonchinately 2 boys didn't make it back to shore. it fts a joint operation. i want to commend chief gills, did a good job and called the command vehicle out there, we have the parents out there of the boys and tried to [inaudible] best as possible. i think she did a excellent job at that. april 18, 2016 there
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was a fatal collision. the new jaws were used. community outreach, we continue with weekly public service announcement regarding surf rescue safety. the messages are below. we also put out fire prevention tips regarding electrical heating and child safety. also [inaudible] given on social media as well. public appreciation on social media, responses we got april 13, 2016 a twitter follower reported a [inaudible] the issue was addressed promptly. station 2, sf symphony posted twitter simon o'neill was
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rescued after being trapped in a hotel elevator. quick update a few months ago i medicationed the dog that had the bad day. the dog had a good day and passed with lieutenant [inaudible] the dog is happy and owner is happy and have another asset. [inaudible] in progress. the 40 members give the opportunity to stay updated on fire fire skills. [inaudible] members skills up toidate as well and doing our light-rail safe lifting training work wg mta. members from various stations like to thank you for helping with 150th event. ambulances responding 7 [inaudible] transported [inaudible] market
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share. this decline was in part due to the bump up academy where we had medics out of the system and ratio was off. the bump up was completed. group 2 begins training [inaudible] i like to thank the existing paramedics that were there they jumped on a lot of over time to get as many cars out as we can. h 3 level one class began april 25 with 32 recruits. the graduation date is june 3. h 8 training is under way with paramedics. get hands on training monday may 9 followed by field evaluation and county acadidation rides. toured the emergency rooms and identified
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issues with the ambulance. look forward to ems week may 15 and 20. -through may 20. fire prevention plan check section. permit totals are listed in the report. lengthy number. accelerated code enforcement. proposed legislation from supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen passed the bos board of supervisors april 12. we wid need resources to implement and enforce this and working on that with the chief and mayors office. met with building inspection division and housing inspection services to exchange information on developing the hearing process. that will be a lot of logistics. task update on streetscape project. we mode with supervisor breeds aid to
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reduce clear street [inaudible] on side streets. from existing clear width of 24 plus feet to less than 20 feet. sfmta community proposal for land reduction of stockton street to private vehicles from geary to market with travel lane to single train for transit use only includes a bicycle lane and expansion of the sidewalks. we do not object to the 22 foot width but express concerns for hydrant access issues. fmta the tarival project is placed on hold until of review of project can be completed. review revuiew indicates [inaudible] sfmta muni geary
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forward project. [inaudible] a massive project including 55 pedestrian corner transit bulbs, 40 island as well as dedicated transit lanes. 6 streetscape the road diet from market to [inaudible] proposed for discussion. the design plans are not reviewed by sffd at this time. i don't think is a good idea to take a lane away from each side of 6th street. sfmta proposed to install speed cushions on various streets traveled by vehicles. cushions on the side thof travel lane away from the station and humps returning to he station. humps
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are more drastic than the bumps. i haven't seen them yet and will talk to task and bfb. i understand dpoeing away fwraum the station you will have the less severe humps, but we respond from all areas. other rigs responds to where the other stations are and they pass the station squz have to deal with those larger humps. bureau of fire investigation, at thaalist commission meeting someone said they requested nrfgz and put out there was 307 open investigations when they requested the information. just like to say when they requested the information it must have been a while because we have 145. these are the facts and how many we have now. during the following stage of
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review, 16 are awaiting final review, 100 drafted by active members and [inaudible] that concludes my report. also attached is division activity and response from san francisco international airport fire division. >> thank you very much chief gonzalez. any public comment on operations report? if so, please approach the podium. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning. multitasking is what we are good at in the fire department. we is v a saying many hands make light works and thank my coworkers and friends for helping me out. i center been a proud member
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since july 28, 1997 mpt. i was talk toog the emt level ones and teared up. i was talking about service. 19 years. this is my life and feel blessed i'm able to have this job. when you save a life, the feeling you get is awesome. it is like these hands did that. i did that. i brought your mom back, you are welcome. it sustains you and makes you feel good for a while. but then you see how it could be better. improvements that could be made and should be made. your ambulance breaks down on apede atric call or driving to a accident and know the ambulance on scene has 3 years commin booed and they need you there and can't get there. it is
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frustrating to not have the resources you need. you don't have the man power or budget or support toblush a mission. a coworker once said i want to go to work, do my job and go home feeling good about it and can't do that without the resources. we need paramedic supervision and need a c 4 in the field in fact a 5th and [inaudible] on duty 24 hours a day. station 49 needs more support staff, more supervision and can do that now. we need tools [inaudible] vehicle service techs to help us stock our ambulance. we have come a very long way and thank you, we have new ambulances and replacement plan and gurneys on regular maintenance and durable medical
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is on maintenance and more staffing and training and these are all great thing jz appreciate it, i really do but we need to go further, we need more field supervision and support 49 on their current schedule. there is a saying i'm fond of, never underestimate the power of moral. if i can make nob naib they will increase their efficiency because they are in a good mood. in the end we serve the citizens and need the resources to do that. i'm proud to serve but need support to do my job. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public? okay. >> good morning again. dan [inaudible] now speaking on behalf of local 798 president o'connor wasn't able to stay , but i want to commission and chief to know speaker for the
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executive board of local 79 ailth we are gratifyed by your attention to matter and appreciate your comments and your growing understanding the situation and we stand ready to continue working in the process to restore rc 4 to the field. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public that could like to speak at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner cleveland. >> thank you president covington. thank you chief for your report. had a couple questions on the backlog of fire investigation, that is a hot topic in our city now and think it is really important that there be more public access to these reports and more clarification as to why fires occur and where they occur and i want to know if you
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have a program that is geing to get that out to the public? >> i spoke with the fire marshal. we can maybe develop a program once investigations are completed. we have to follow what the law is now regarding report and have respect for owners of the buildings. i think it is a process we are looking into and can give a update on my next report. >> similarly on the street changes that can hamper responses of the fire department, i think the fire commission needs to have more details on what is going on and when you have situations in streets that are being changed that will compromise our ability to respond, we at the commission need to know. i want more information on that so we can comment on that and get back to the supervisors or whom ever to share our concerns but we need more information
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from you. >> what i can do, we have someone that is actually tasked with handling tasks and when we have a high priority concern we can have them through us directed to you guys and if we need you at some the meetings that would be a big help. >> absolutely. want to support the fire departments position so we can't do it unless we know it. last comment is dealing with fire code changes that wnt through the board of supervisors, i'm very concerned the department was aware of the changes and how we respaind responds and investigate and write up violations for fire code violations. i'm very concerned this was not brought to the commission for for review. it is a big change how we respond to fire code violations and i think it should have been something the fire commission had access to
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and a opportunity to discuss and have provide feedback, if you will, to the members of the board of supervisors. we were not given that opportunity. you were told what the changes were but didn't come and let us know what the changes were and i'm concerned about. i'm disappointed. >> out of respect i don't want to contra dict you commissioner but i know at the legislation was written up by the supervisor and brought before the supervisors in the past but know in previous reports and have to look back and can that after this meeting that we let you know the legislation was being proposed. as far as the exact legislation given to you i agree it wasn't given to you and in the future can be proactive doing that. >> was there written response to supervisor wiener about the legislation passed? >> the fire marsal was directly
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involved along with subordinate letting him know how many employees we would need in case the legislation is passed. i know that is what we are working on now. >> i wish we had a opportunity as the fire commission to weigh in on that legislation before it was passed and went to land use and through the full board of supervisors. we were not made a part of the process and diss appointed and hope that won't happen in the future. >> noted. >> chief hayes-white >> thank you the specific issue just to add i believe it was presented with the chief of operations report on one or two occasions. i think what you are referring to is you did receive correspondence from
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supervisor campos office related to-it was notification by the author of legislation. didn't happen from supervisor wieners office and legislative branch of government for that particular legislation. so, i think that is the difference, but also to answer your specific question, we didn't provide a written response, but there was several meetings i sat some and fire mashal sat in others with supervisor wiener and staff to talk about it and also had the fire mashal present at the 3 member subcommittee meeting and believe he was present in front of the full board. if there sadis conduct we'll fix it, but what i'm trying to convey is there was no correspondence to the fire commission from the author of the legislation. it
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was from supervisor campos office and agree with deputy chief gonzalez i believe in the written report there were bullets related to this pending legislation. >> thank you chief hayes-white. commissioner nakajo. >> thank you madam president and chief gonzalez and chief hayes-white and vise president cleavelands last question and public as well. part of the docket is the copy from supervisor campos on some matters referring to the code and vise president cleveland and i got confused whether this was a legislation by supervisor wiener from past discussions on amendments compared to this and i understand this to be a
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separate issue and again as i looked at it vice president cleveland, it says up here forwarded to fire commission for public hearing and consideration. i assume this was pending. i understand vice president cleavelands comments in terms of legislation and code but my comment in terms of the report is at least within your report in your categoricals, there is a reference to that in your category transportation advisory staff recommendations, there are many issues and so many multiple issues it is difficult to identify it. if it is in the docket and part of the materials at least i can puruse it and see if there is a red flag that may come up
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cordination between you and the chiefs office. my question specifically chief gonzalez as part of the report, page 4 under emergency medical services, at the end of your report the item before the end is new san francisco general hospital emergency room identified issues in ambulance unloading days with curb heights too high by 6 inches and protection pillars too close to loading areas. if i don't see it i dopet know about it but more importantly how do we deal with a issue like this? i assume this is a big issue. it is 6 inches but it cuts time and makeatize difficult. >> we are work wg other agencies to mitigate it and with sfgh and dph and positive it will be mitigated by the time it opens up. we will be
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able to bring our patients into the hospital. i know something will be worked out. >> i know it is part of the material but that difference can make a big deal when a ambulance pulls up. part of the report the transportation advisory staff committee, those reports and fire investigation update which seems to be a major issue, it is real important the number of 145 current chief? >> yes, sir >> that is far down what we have been hearing. 22 open fire investigations is that correct? >> that is correct. wait, 145 open. >> reduction of 22. i stand corrected. budge tar lael and reference to the mission meeting the reference is about fire build{fire inspection and think it is articuted all of it but it is about revenue and
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having the personnel in the department to do all these things so i want the public to understand it doesn't fall within the jurisdiction of one particular department the san francisco fire department, we have to work with a lot of component to reinforce these issues. i know i requested airport presentation in the future so will refrain at this point. >> thank you nakajo. >> thank you. commissioner hardeman. >> thank you, madam chair. thank you for the usual great report chief gonzalez. i see that chief-i don't see him here. >> he isn't here today. >> he was-handled a third alarm and second alarm one day after the other. quite heavy duty. >> he did a good job.
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>> congratulations to him and getting it under control get thg third alarm call to make sure it did chbt go to 4th alarm >> he follows the same philosophy as most chiefs. you want people ready to go and it is for the member safety inside the building and on top of the buildings. >> thank you chief. you had the comments about the two drowning victims out at ocean beach and said this before how i there was a pier there and jumped off when i was 16 and got stuck in a undertow you have a new respect for the ocean. i learned with my two year old daughter was hit by a rogue wave when i walks quite a distance from the waves were.
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maybe it was damp and i had her in one hand and we are walking along and next thing you know she is 20 feet up. to this day i don't believe it happened because you don't see it and all of a sudden you are not in the water and up to your waste in water so fortunately i was able to grab her on the way back. >> supervisor mar recognized that and we are working together with other agencies and doing a presentation tomorrow along with u.s. coast guard as well as [inaudible] outreach [inaudible] and surf committee chair assistant deputy chief rudey [inaudible] you are right, it isn't just swimming out there, it is wading and walking near the surf. it is very dangerous area. we like to work on methods to make the public more aware and we are trying to come
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up with some of those solutions. >> thousand times i have been to the ocean or shore and never seen another rogue way so i guess they are rare but happen. >> we are also work wg the police also. >> another thing in the report you talk about only 7 smoke alarms taken from the april 27 fire commission in the mission district which surprises me in a way because i would imagine very few people have as many smoke alarms in the mission as they should have. i figure they have one or two. we know you need multismoke alarms. >> it could have been a number of factors. from what i recall there were maybe 30 or 3 5
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community members at the meeting. maybe we could have been more praictive handing them out. they were concerned about the community so maybe they focused on that. if we have a community meeting like that or have a commission meeting we can maybe do a better job they get one or know we have them. >> you want one for as many bedrooms you have you should have a smoke alarm. i think very few people know that. i think my next question was going to be for chief castlona from the airport. chief castallano is in [inaudible] you have a wonderful report here. you are quite busy.
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there only question i had was i think i kasked a month or so ago, hoy is sth new station going at the airport for the fire department? >> progressing well. the moving date is january. >> it moved up. >> little delay--the completion the facility is very very important to the progress of the rest of the project which will be demolition, structures along the south mac donald road. the new station needs to be built so station 3 can be torn down and rest the project moves forward so they are working rapidly to complete it. >> it is going on record time so january is remarkable they can do that. >> yes, it is. >> thank you very much, chief. >> thank you. >> thank you, chief casta lano
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can you come back to the podium, please? since we were talking about the airport i was delighted to see coverage of changes taking place at the airport, things i want aware of like paramedics on bicycles and also undergrounds hydrants. why were we not told about these invasions? and believe there was a request for presentation in june and i'm working on that so i'll have a complete report in a powerpoint to bring you up to date everything that is going on the airport, new equipment and personnel and other items we are moving forward with to be better prepared of any incident that should take place so i'll have that ready for you in june. >> if you could also bring with
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you schematic frz the new fire house, that would be great. >> absolutely, i'll include that in the powerpoint. >> thank you. chief gonzalez, i wonner if you could talk more about the transportation advisory staff committee, can you tell us what that is and who is on it? that is page 7. >> i can have fire marshal decosio cover this. i believe dpw may be a part of it but i'll have him address it. >> thank you. >> good morning commissioners and chief. the task committee we have two members that are on that committee and go together or trade off and it is headed by our captain. it is a mta
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committee and with other jurisdictions. i donts have all the jurisdictions committed to memory. all fire issues come to us with fire department access turning radius. we do have input on all our access issues. we do way in on every proposal. >> okay, i think it behooves us to have a presentation on the street changes and the impact on the members of the department to do their job. i know that chief lombardi has been involved in a number of meetings concerning vision zero and did a presentation i guess it was fall of last year. i think it is time for us to have another one.
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>> with that issue is there is a [inaudible] requirements for street access, street width and number and placement of hydrants, that is one issue. the other issue is our operational needs of the fleet; . >> yes >> our division enforces minimum requirements in chapter 5. if you want to deviate from that it goes on a case by case issue through operations andchieve lombardi with the operational needs of the fleet >> the operational needs of the fleet are very important. they get you from point a to b so you put the wet stuff on the hot stuff so that is essential. we'll schedule something for upcoming meet toog go into more detail. thank you chief gonzalez.
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>> thank you leave or thank you stay? >> thank you and you may leave. >> thank you. next item >> item 6, 2016 health bond update out lining the scope of 2016 health bond. welcome chief lombardi. >> thank you. spoke on this briefly at the last meeting, however, commissioner cleveland wasn't there so thought it would be good to go back over this and can speak to the the operational needs and objective and give a impartial presentation now that it is on the ballot but can tell you everything that is on it and if you have questions i can answer
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them. i would like to thank in attendance is director of capital planning brian strom is in attendance so if you have questions about the go bonds or whole bonds he can answer that and [inaudible] dwp projethmanager sin the house. >> could the people you referenced please stand? thank you. >> i'm here to talk about the public health and safety bond. the bond-can i have her bring up the slides? can you bring up the slides please? >> they are sending someone up and having problems down in the room. >> okay. they are coming up.
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>> would you like me to continue without the slides? >> no, we can wait on the slides. you can just give us -how about giving us the little of background on former bond and what they were for? >> hopefully by the time you do that we will have access to the slides. >> would you like mr. strom to give you a update on the general obligation bonds and how that system works? >> that will be fine. >> great, thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. good morning commissioners brian strom director of capital planning and while this is up i would say the large-the capital
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plan is required and passed in 2006 and we are required per the admin code to prioritize all debt financing that comes before the city and paid special attention to go ponds and have a policy to take care of our infrastructure through the wide use of general obligation bond and last time i mention thd other sources. we have our revenue bonds which are called certificate of participation and are much smaller and also use the cities cash for the general fund and also refer to the pay as you go program. the go bond and pay as you go bond pay on a
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regular basis. the first-one of the first things we did when we started the go bond program was to create certain categories where we come back on a regular basis. every 5 or 6 years we plan to have a earthquake safety and emergency response bond and that is because we know the need oz first responders are so great. we could never do it all in one bond. the city couldn't afford it so the idea-also i thipg from a operational perspective it would be hard to shut down half the fire stations in the city at one time so every 5 to 6 years we have done another go bond. the first was in 2010. i don'ts remember the exact fundsing amount but a lot went to fire station facilities and to the ux ilry water supply.
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there was another in 2014. we have another-the public health bond on a similar program to earthquake and emergency response. they had a large bond in 2008 which is build the new trauma center. it was close to $900 million bonds and public health hasn't had a bond since and the plan is now that buildic is completed the next bond will take care of the current hospital on the campus which is seismically deficient. the nexteseer bonds is planned for 2020 and that is in the capital plan. the idea is continue it as a program so that we can understand how we can take care of infrastructure
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needs over a long period. we don't have to hire and dismiss staff but have regular staff that understand the stations and understand-we don't have to relearn things. i would also mention prior to 2010 it was 17 years since the fire department had a fire department had a go bond and received go bond funding. part the idea is make sure you have a consistent source of funds to take care of your facilities and not rely on the general fund and if you follow the city financing the general fund goes up and down dramatly especially investment in capital over the past 15 years. sure. >> thank you, mr. strom. chief lombardi, i think you are live.
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it still isn't-okay. hold on just a moment. mr. strom, some questions for you. >> real quick, thank you for enlightening us. what is the cities rating now after all the stuff that happened in 2008? >> actually we just sold bonds in april last month and i believe the percentage that we got on the bonds was 2.58 percent. that is a remarkable low percentage rate when you consider inflation and those type of things so the city has done very well. we have the highest bond rating we have had in the last 20 or 30 years so i don't remember the exact amount but it is double a plus or
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something. part of that i have to say is having a effective go bond and capital planning program and the city has done a good job managing its finances and reserves, diversity of the economy and those things as well. please station, commissioner nakajo has a follow up question. >> thank you very much, mr. strom. i also want gab rielto talk about eser bonds. when we throw the term bond out, your representation and what we are talking about with the department is a general bond sponsored by the city, is that the correct reference? there are many bond- >> that is right. >> public has a tendency to get somewhat maybe confused with amount of bonds and who is sponsoring them so wanted clarification what we are talking about in this state and
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if you can talk about the 2010, 2014. >> yes, so what i'm referring to our general obligation bonds and they are bond that are the responsibility of all property owners in san francisco to pay back. those bonds require a 2/3, 6 7 percent of the voters to pass. school district also issues general obligation bonds so there are certain folks that have ability the to issue bond. the school district requires 55 percent the voters. everyone else it is 2/3 majority. again, that is added to your property taxes and property tax rate and that's
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different from revenue bonds which really only involve the cities general fund or other city funds involved to do it. the airport issues revenue bonds against airport fees they collect. mta issues revenue bonds that is against parking meter or garage funds. >> mr. strom, in terms of the general obligation bond how does it absorb itself tothe eser? >> the eser program is fully funded-it is all most excluse ivly funded by go bonds. >> we basically sponsor or work with this eser bond? >> yep. that is right. every 4 to-2010 to 2014, 20 twen
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there is a a go bond we put before the etvoers and tell the voters what that money will be used for and the money-these funds are set aside for earthquake safety emergency response and in that program includes fire facilities, there are police facilities and other facilities included in that as well. >> thank you very much. could i continue? >> certainly. >> maybe for the public and rest of us, how did the term eser bond formalized? >> my name is gab ria judge surely project manager with department of public works and since 2011 manage the portfolio projects. the acroinage is eser. i manage the fire station portfolio. both the
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2010 and 2014 bond passed with very strong support among san francisco voters. the support is strong sfr emergency response and fire facility and both bonds passed with the approval rate of 79 percent which is remarkable in san francisco. the voter support is there for 2010 and 14 bond. the 2010 bond included $65 million ear mark frd fire stations. there were funds identified by the controllers office of proceeds and interest earns from previous bond funds so unrelate today the eser and voter approved general opobligation bond in amount of 7.3 million. that increased the amount we had to work with for the neighborhood fire
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stations. the eser tweptd 14 bond passed june of 2014, $85,000,000 ear marked. in terms what we need to do, the total needs identified for the fire stations, still a lot of remaining needs which in the bond report justified returning to the voters if we do that that is envisioned in 2020. we have the justification for that. the prebond report in 2009 identified fire station need excess of $2009 identified fire station need excess of $350 million and that need has grown over time. i am happy to give a report on that. that is topic of itself of the need. happy to do that in the future meeting in more detail. as regards to the health bond which is todays item the helt
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bond includes $14 million for neighborhood fire stations. technically speaking should that bond pass it is not eser money, not earthquake safety emergency response t is public health bond emergency response money. however, we would be engaging those funds in the same way as we have been doing on the good work on the neighborhood fire stations portfolio so just continue that would be under my management and continue the efforts we already started. >> thank you. chief lombardi. >> so, are we ready to move forward? we'll give it a try. i'm here to speak about the public health and safety bond, which is--350 million bond and
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there is 5 parts to that bond. there are 5 projects. one is a san francisco general hospital seismic improvement for $222 million. southeast expension for $30 million. community health for 20 million and homeless service sites for 20 millions. there is $58 million portion that effects the fire department and that is what i'm here to speak about today. so the $58 million that effected the fire department $44 million goes to new ambulance
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deployment center. in 1997 the [inaudible] took over the [inaudible] we roughly had the ambulances within the fire department for 19 years. we took from 1997 to 2006. the ambulance were deployed from the fire stations and have 24 hour deployment static model and tried that for about 9 years and it turned out to be the most effective model for the citizens. a example if you have a ambulance at station 40 or anywhere out in the sun set or richmond and they went on a call and transported to patient to general hospital you can have a 3 hour gap before the ambulance is back at the fire house. in 2006 we started to shift off that model and it took a cup 8 years to get off that model and now are in a dynamly deployed model which haone general hub where the
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ambulances are changed over, change of shift, gased up, restocked and move out. they are strategically placed throughout the city so you may see a ambulance at 19th and castro and we get phone calls like why is that ambulance out there all day? it isn't a ambulance, it is placed throughout the city and they get a call and another back fillathize spot so there are spots throughout the city which helps in response time throughout the city. back in 2006 when we shifted out of the fire house, the ambulance were put into a temporary site for deployment which was bureau of equipment weir house at 1450 evans. at that time there were 36 paramedics with one lieutenant and 15 ambulances. we have grown to 200 emt and
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paramedics with 54 ambulances and in the same location. it is tight. in 2006, 10 years ago that was a temporary site and it was durable equipment weir house and never properly designed or laid out to function as a ambulance deployment center. that is the $44 million of the 58. the second part is 14 million for neighborhood fire stations. we have over 50 properties and have the eser bonds that help for seismically ret row fitting the buildings and making them water tight and improving the buildings that way but now we are finding out we try to get modern technology in the fire department and our wiring systems in the building are 75 years old. it is great to get a grant for modern technology
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and can't run it in the fire house so the 14 million goes towards fixing the fire houses to enhance and bring up to modern day to use technology that help us do our jobs more efficiently. bulk of the bond is station 49 as we said. 2015 stats, we ran over 100,000 medical calls, transport over 50,000 transport. the current facility there is no indoor restockic beys so have 4 indoor restocking beys that enable us to turn the balances over faster. why would you want to do that? well, right now paramedics have to go in and grab restocking stuff, go out to the parking lot whether it is raining or sunny, whatever
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the weather may be and it take as lot of time. to have a strategicly indoor restocking bey and pull out and get gs it speeds time up for the change of shift and what that means is it will put more ambulances on the street for more hours of the day which will help us in respond ing to any type of emergency. the new proposed facility will be located of gerled street on a city owned lot the fire department owns in conjunction of city of parcel. this is behind the current station 9 and new facility will be 30,000 square feet of a building. basically a 3 story
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build wg a 3 story garage that is able to facilitate and house all our a ambulances and emt and paramedics and built for future growth so we shouldn't outgrow this building. the bottom as you can see in the sketch or maybe not, there are 4 beys the ambulances pull in from one direction off of muconen avenue. pull into the beys and go through and pull out off gerled avenue so it is like a one way in and out to make it much more efficient. second story would house a locker room, fit ness area, place for the paramedics and emt's to prepare for shift and
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unwind after their shift. the third story would have classrooms as everyone up here knows, we are starting to phase out or in the process of phasing out treasure island and have to find a new location for the training facility. outside of inservice training and new recruits one of the major training components is emergency , emt credits and ongoing continuing education and so everybody is at the same place now. this will put classrooms at this location. there are a couple benefits to this, one is right now we have to put unit out of service to train them and send them to treasure island and say they get a two hour training but are not out
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of service for hours, it is much more than 2 hours because it takes a while to drive to treasure islands and longer to drive back so the benefit of doing the training within the san francisco city limits would be they go to the station and trained and back in service. it puts more ambulances and emts and paramedics on the street for more calls s during the day. the last slide is projected timeline and caution it is very conservative on the dates, but if the ballot measure goes through this is the projected timeline when we would occupy the facility. with that rkts hoping to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you chief lombardi. are knthereany members of the
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public who have questions regarding chief lombardi's presentation? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner cleveland. >> thank you madam chair and thank you chief lombardi for your report. i did have a meeting a few week ago with department of public works and assureed us they will put this on a fast track and see if they can shave some time off of the timeline you presented today so very excited about that and applaud public work squz delighted they will make this a priority project for the fire department and citizens of the city. it is important. one question regarding the property itself. as we grow as a city when we build new facilities we need to think what the future
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expansion needs may be and i wonder if you can comment on if are there expansion possibilities at that site for 10 or 15 years down the road when we need to expand that facility yet again? >> when we went through a preprogram workshop and this had to go through planning before, what we did is actually growths on the site will be maxed out once the property is built but growth within the building is accounted for. there is extra parking spots, there is extra space in the locker room and space in the classroom, so it is being built to accommodate grouth over the next 30 years but the building itself will not grow, we are maximizing the site. >> there is no possibility of getting the property next to us
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to sell that property or potentially? >> i'm sure there is always potential. we originally looked into that a while ago and wasn't a feasible option work wg director of real estate but there are adjoining properties. >> times change and people change. people die and move on, whatever. that was just my question is any expansionable opportunity at that site for the fuper. thank you very much. >> thank you. commissioner hardeman. >> chief lombardi, it is pleasure to having the graphics. i love the pictures much more than words. this is great that you put this together. >> i got to gichb to it jessica kennedy. >> thank you, you are right, she is doing it for everybody. very self explanatory. you are
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building yourself in for maybe good news bad news, at your age you are getting to know too much about this and may not-you have a good job. you are so important to this department and what you do so appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the most-important thing you did is we know a lot of this, commissioners and people out there but to be on television now and the public see squz listens to the way you describe the needs so think that is terrific that public gets to see this is not bologna. it doesn't take a genius i figure we have to help the fire department out of this mess so that is terrific. the other thing is i know that you and some the staff thought up the
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third floor auditorium, that was brilliant so congratulations on that. having that meeting space is fantastic. good job. >> thank you. commissioner nakajo. >> thank you madam president. thank you chief lombardi for this presentation. as always i look forward to your presentations and get a lot out of it. comprehensive and full of information. i think this with the overhead to share with the public is real important. i wanted to follow up and thank you for your answer to vice president cleavelands question on expansion on the site. i also wanted to thank mr. strom and gab yell for being here and expanding the discussion. i also think it is important for us as a department even though this is-when is the bond coming up chief lombardi?
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>> this will be june of this year. >> okay, since we are in the election mood so to speak, it would be good if we cultivate and educate the community of the points of this because it isn't just the fire department, there are a lot of other very worthy issues that are attached to this. i think that the next eser bond, 2020, which is 5 short years away and sure you will see be attached to the project, vice president cleveland and commissioners chief lombardi and chief hayes-white we may be able to look at that bond as a expansion. not perhaps at this site, at another site such as bayview hunters point because the department will be in need of more space, more properties particularly since the training facility at ki is in question
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as well. i want to put that in everybodys mind that perhaps that kind of projection in terms of justification as to something that is worthy within discussion of expajz. i want to ocknowledge vice president cleveland. since you have joined us there is a lot of talk about ems and paramedics and deployment and rapid station ary deployment. they work hard but everyone knew we needed was a facility. a true facility sable to do all the things you projected. gas, maintenance, prescriptions, all of the responsibilities squz think it is really important we have this and cratifyed we have this andment to acknowledge you vice president cleveland for the advocacy. >> thank you commissioner
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nakajo. i think this upcoming bond measure is really a indication of not only our needs but also a indication of how other members of our city family have come together to help insure that we do get the monies that we need for the new deployment facility. so, what is the name of the-is it going still be 49 or will it be something else? >> i'm not sure. i defer to the chief on that one. >> we haven't made a decision on that yet. >> how will the decision be made and by whom? >>ope toon any suggestions you have, we haven't gotten that far. >> i will make the decision but open to any suggestions whether woo keep it as station 49 or not. it may nake sense but haven't made a final decision.
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>> when does the decision have to be made by? >> i imagine it wouldn't have to be soon. we had a similar-the closest thing i can think is we just built station 4 and building the fire house and well under way and built undill the decision came down to name is station 4 >> i hope we won't name it the ambulance deployment center unless there is something that is above that. thats is what it, is the ambulance deployment center but curious if the name was going to be grandfathered or if there was something else. >> i think for now when the language is done on the measures it is done so anybody who reads it can understand what it right away so when you read ambulance deployment
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center i think it was intended so people understand what is on the ballot. >> i think you are right. anything else? >> no. >> thank you very much for your report. i'm sorry, commissioner cleveland has a follow up question. >> chief lombardi, if the voters aprove this bond we will have $14 million to upgrade the technology is that right in the existing stations? >> yeah, so like i mentioned, our infrastructure within our stations is old so our wiring is old and stuff so we could get computers like you have in front of you and yet we have no cad 5 wiring. we have a new dispatch system that went work in half the stations because they are not set up for it. to bring the currents stations along so we can handle new technology. >> there is a deeper dive on that so you have a list of where that $14 million assuming
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the voters approve it, where it will go and what it will be spent on? >> we have a general idea where the money will go. if we mention exact stuff before a measure we have to do a seek ceqa proson it so the ambulance deployment center had to go to ceqa. we have a general idea where the $13 million will go. like mrs. [inaudible] we have over 500 million in need so it isn't a issue of spending but have a general idea what we want to spend it on which is upgrade the technology in the fire house, not on equipment but infrastructure that can run through equipment. >> i can appreciate that and support the upgrading of the technology. it is nice for the commission to know how the money is spent exactly on what
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and where so deeper dive on that 14 million $14 million is appreciating pending passage of the bon by the voters. >> if it were to pass we would come out and say how the money is spent. >> we all have opinions up here. tell you how to spend your money. >> thank you commissioner cleveland. chief hayes-white >> it sounds like the conclusion. i want to remind we have to be very very cautious about speakic about something that has not occurred and so we have plans but i just want to echo what chief lombardi indicated, we have to be cautious about being too specific about funding and naming and anything relate today the agenda item we are referring to. >> thank you chief hayes-white. any other last questions?
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final questions from anyone? alright. seeing none, i think -thank you. public comment regarding--i see some frequent commenters are shaker their heads so i take it there will be no public comment at this time so will close public comment. item 7. >> agenda for next fire commission meeting on may 25, 2016. >> thank you madam secretary. could you please put at the top of paramedic supervisor position and also as a possible action item. commissioner hardeman. >> yes, madam president. i think the discussion of the badge for the 150th official
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badge that workers of the fire department and the brass of the fire department will be wearing is good to identify at a meeting with graphics and also this pen i'm wearing that is representative ak 56 that people should know why some of the officers and public have thibecause they are able if [inaudible] hopefully more available to the public but that can identified so the public knows what this is all about and us congratulating the academy of art-maybe showing that and specifics on dates and names like the new fire boat that the public can see. maybe i can find out what is going on
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because aench wn loves the fire department. when you have 79 percent you are loved. they may not like us but they sure like them. >> [laughter] >> going the giants game after this but went to local and balboa and they are both playing in the championship game today after the giants game and it is free! >> thank you commissioner hardeman. madam secretary, 150th anniversary and i think that is probably a good reoccurring item. >> i also think we need to put on the agenda the legislation. >> yes, two commissioners haven't spoken yet but definitely. commissioner nakajo. >> madam president. i request the airport give update and
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presentation and for organizational sense we should try to focus on a date so it is clearer and chief hayes-white i'll refer that. the june 8 and june 22 and like to know what day may be a date to calendar it specifically in this discussion is do we want to calendar for the next meeting june 8 or would we like to move it to june 22? >> is there a preference on your part? >> since i called for this a couple months i think the chief will be ready to go, are they? >> absolutely. >> okay. either will work. i will not be present at the june 22 meeting, fyi. >> so again if the calendar june 8 isn't too crowded i know you requested discussion on the
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rescue captain. >> that is essential that it done when the chief of the department is present. >> i understand that and support that discussion i just need clarification on our authority and ability to put a motion on that. just needed clarification. we don't have the city attorney at this point. i know we have done motions but not sure if we need a motion per se to get the feeling of the commission after this discussion so again, just bringing that up. i'm okay with the 8th if the cheech is comfortable with the report presentation on the 8th. the other comment has nothing do with the agenda so i'll wait fwr the opportunity to comment. >> you may comment at this time. >> one question i forgot ask
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is chief lombardi is when we got to the eser bond, strike that. as we talk about the new public health bond you were talking about the influence of the fire department as part of the constituents that benefit from this bond chief lombardi and i know again and appreciate chief hayes-white making clear we can educate the public of the bond but need to be careful of the comments. does this bond-how should i put it? does it have a good chance of passing? >> you can't ask that. i would respectfully request conversation after public meeting. >> i appreciate that because that is the clarity i need.
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i'll strike that question. >> thank you. commissioner cleveland. >> thank you madam chair. a number of items, i agree with you in terms of the rc 4 paramedic supervisor presentation being paramountly important and being on the agenda for the next meeting. i also think we need to address supervisor campos legislation that needs to be on the next agenda dealing with changes for multi-family inspections. several other things which we can probably push to other later dates but i would like to get a overall presentation on inspection process and update on multitenant build{what we
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plan to do in chinatown and mission and outline the program and how we fund it. details on the outreach program and policy we should have if we don't have it crafted around how you deal with hoarders because i represent public safety hazard. i also like to have a presentation and update on the street changes and we had conversation about that today. i know president covington is concerned about it and i am and fellow commissioners want to know what is ask odf the fire department of the street change tooz accomplish vision zero. finally, i like to see us have a copversation in more detail on the 350 to $500 million worth of infrastructure needs of the fire department itself. that is a huge number and i like to see in more detail just
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what that means and where it means and we got to start planning. if we got that data available i like to have a presentation on that to the commission so we can all and the public be aware of the future and current needs and how we have to fund it in the future to keep resilient fire department. thank you. >> thank you vise president cleveland. commissioner hardeman. >> thank you madam president. no member the public spoke from the mission. we had that meeting april 27, in the mission and it was venting and a bunch of questions. being it was a official meeting i don't think it accomplished what we would have liked to accomplish which is answering questions. we had the staff there, fire
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marshal decosio did the presentation and that sort of upset some in the audience because they just wanted to-they had things to say and to be able not to answer their questions, so i know it was suggested we do regional meetings not by the commission but by members of the public out in the neighborhoods but i think if another meeting was to take place in the mission it is better to have two commissioners and staffing of people for answers to the questions such as all the chiefs and deputy chiefs. that i think was the negative of that day. accomplish with people venting and receiving answers so strongly suggest the leader the mission district that like to see the commission
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out there again do it with two commissioner jz appropriate staff and all most everything that was complained about or vented could have been responded to by the staff who was there and we were not able to do that because it was a regular meeting. i thought i would bring that up while we consider future meetings. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. i think you are aware that the meeting was a regular commission meeting because that is what supervisor campos wanted. we are bound by law to conduct our meetings in a particular fashion, so when the supervisor invited us to come, he wanted us all to be there and so that is why we were not able to have a casual dialogue with people who were
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in attendance. that doesn't mean we cant go back and we do intend to go back, very soon. we'll keep you posted. alright. thank you. commissioner nakajo. something else? okay. >> i know we are at a end. i just want to comment on the meeting of the mission as well because i just wanted to-i made a comment that i have been a commissioner for 20 years plus and not aware of any time before last meeting in the mission where this commission met in the community. i also know there were again remarks by the publics are welcome but there were comments that might have been resistance by this department, this commission, this administration with members the mission and didn't
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feel that way. i wanted to be able to say that and wanted to also they which i did was there was no resistance from this department or this commission, it was a question of logistics. in my neighborhood if you are two blocks away you are fillmore and two blocks up you are japan town. i don't degrade the concept of neighborhood distinction, what concerns me is we have public access but that public access cost money. for us to be televaseed it is part of our budget. for us to be here, it is part of budget. for the fire department, it is part of budget. there are different ways of budget usage but sometimeathize contplation for myself is that not that public access and communication and transparency isn't a issue, it is sometimes $30,000 could go to equipment or usage for us in terms of the department, it is
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always a budget issue so i wanted to say that. if supervisor campos does follow through with the policy of trying to have the fire commission come once a month in the neighborhood that is his prerogative but if he does that perhaps he can add a budget item and we'll go wl whenever we need to be to share with the community of san francisco what is going on with this department and our responsibility to do that. i hope nobody takes offense to that. >> thank you. sharing with the community is the reason we are here at city hall so people have access to us more freely and so that even those people who may be housebound will have the advantage of hearing at the
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proceedings so we are doing what we can. it has been 150 years in the making and we are getting better every day so i'm very optimistic and want to thank you everyone particularly or commission secretary for all hands being on deck for the mission meeting. it was logistically challenging but we had-i thought we had a very good meeting and i understood the frustration of a lot of people in attendance because of some hof it fires that have been taking place in the mission and we heard their concerns, very much so. the reason we are citizen volunteers is because of the love we have for our city and its inhabitants, the visitors.
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we don't take the work lightly. we are very proud of our department and know our department is excellent, but even when you are excellent there is always room and opportunity to do something a little differently and we are open to that. we are capable of meeting any challenge on the commission side, on the administration side, the uniform and civilian force. we are ready. so, with that, this meeting is adjourned. thank you everyone. [meeting adjourned]
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>> good morning, everyone. this is the finance committee of the san francisco county transportation authority. it is tuesday may, tenth, 2016. our clerk is mr. steve stamos could you please do the roll call? >> sure. item one, roll call. commissioner campos? >> absent. >> cohen? >> absent. >> kim? >> here. >> present. >> mar. >> here. >> present. >>
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