tv CCII 51716 SFGTV May 18, 2016 4:00am-7:01am PDT
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metallica night so there you go. we'll see you tonight! okay. >> good afternoon. it is 1:03 p.m. this is the regular meeting of the commission on community investment and infrastructure. the successor agency commission for the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday may 17th, 201. welcome members of the public. please call the first items. >> the first item of business is item one, roll call. commissioners please respond. descriptioner pimentel is absent. commissioner bustos is absent. missioner singh. >> here. >> vice chair mondejar.
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>> here. >> chairperson rosales. >> here. >> the next order of business is item two, announcements. a, the next regularly scheduled meeting will be june 7th, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at city hall room 416. b, announcements of prohibition of souped producing electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised the ring and use of cellphones, pagers and similarly sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal of the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of cellphone, pager or a similarly sound producing electronic device. c, time alotment for public comments. please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes
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to make comments on each agenda item unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item. it's recommend the members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and give to the commission secretary. the next item of business is item three. there are no reportable actions. the next order of business is item four. matters of unfinished business. there are no matters of unfinished business. the next order of business is item five. items of new business of consent and regular agenda. first the consent agenda. 5a. approval of meeting minutes of april 19th, and 5b, a fourth amendment for the personal service contract for building
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maintenance company, a sole proprietor ship to extend a term up to 12 months to june 30th, 2017. increase the amount up to $20,540 for an aggregate contract amount not to exceed $39,540 to fulfill property management obligations for shore view park consistent with the successor agency property management under redevelopment disillusion law. former hunters point project area action resolution number 202016. madam chair. >> thank you, madam secretary. before we entertain the consent agenda can you let me know if we have speaker cards. >> i do not have speaker cards. >> okay the record will reflect comicser pimentel has joined us.
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any comments or questions on the two items on the consent agenda, commissioners? >> not from me. >> i will move to approve. >> thank you. commissioner mondejar has moved the consent calendar. >> i second. that. >> commissioner singh has second thafpltd. >> call the roll. >> commissioner pimentel. >> yes. commissioner bustos absent. commissioner singh. >> yes. >> vice chair mondejar. >> yes. >> madam chair rosales. >> yes. >> consent agenda is approved. please call the next item. >> the next order of business is regular agenda item 5c. august rising an option to ground lease agreement with 1300 fourth street other associates, a california limited partnership
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for construction of 143 units including one managers unit. low income affordable family rental housing development at mission bay south, block six east. and adopting environmental findings pursuant to the california environmental quality act. project area discussion in action, resolution 21, 2016. madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary. good afternoon to the commission and members of the public thank you for joining us. commissioners you have previously approved the select of tender lion development corporation for the development of this site last year and the schematic design. we move forward to construction there are a few steps to get there. this is a new requirement of the tax credit allocation committee
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to demonstrate site control. we would come back before you for the final terms of the ground lease if and the remainder of the gap financing in the next several months with. that i would like pamela sims to walk you through the background on the project and the specific terms for this option. >> thank you. i don't think the mic is on. >> a subdued mood. >> energy conversation. >> i th-pbt think it was that serious of a issue. i didn't realize a room could be this silent. >> miguel casting his vote.
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secretary, our screens are a bit small. i don't know if anything can be dub to adjust the powerpoint centerings. >> good afternoon. >> excellent. >> chairperson rosales, commissioners. i'm pamela simms. i'm here to present on item 5c. so the sponsor can demonstrate site control of mission bay south block six east to both of california debt limitation committee and the tax credit allocation committee. >> keep going -- maybe you can. >> okay. >> a little higher will. >> then if you have questions i will answer them. okay background points for you. on september 17th, 1998, the then san francisco redevelopment
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agency commission approved the mission bay north and south redevelopment plans and owner participation agreements or opas they allow up to 6350 market rate housing units and 1700 affordable housing units to be developed in the mission bay area. as today 821 affordable units have been constructd in mission bay north and south. 672 in mission bay north and 149 unit at 1184 street at mission bay south. another 200 units at 588 mission bay north or block 7 west is under construction and 244 units are in predevelopment. >> a few words about how we got to this point. in may of 2014oci staff released an rfq for the development of
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block six east from a team comprised of a non profit housing developmenter, architect, property manager and service provider. in july 2014 the tenderloin development corporation team was selected by a inter disciplinary panel to develop block six east. then in august 20, 15, the commission condition approved the schematic design for the project. the project summary includes 142 units of affordable rental housing plus one manager unit. 114 or 80 percent of the aoupts rented horented to households a% medium income. 29 or 20 % of units will be available to formally chronic
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homeless households. there will be core services and after school literacy programming to school age children in a retail space to help in the activation of the fourth street retail frontage and contribute to the service provision for resident departments. the balance of the 9730 square feet of retail space will be leased to commercial provide with the goal of benefiting the surrounding community. the project will be developed using green or sustainable building strategy. the parking ratio is approximately .25 to 1. in compliance with the mission bay development -- design for development guidelines for 41 off street parking spaces. 34 for residents. 5 for commercial, and two car share spaces. plus there is, there is parking
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for 136 bicycles. this parking is in line with the city's transit first policy. also the project is one block from the mission rock muni light rail station for the t third. additionally the project received a state of california calf housing development affordable housing and sustainable communities or hcdosic award of approximately $5 million based on the lower parking ratio. also as you can see the project again block six east is located to various neighborhood amenities including medical care, grocery, grocery shopping, banks, coffee shops and eateries. all easily accessible on foot or by bicycle. so, while a permanent financing request is coming to you this summer it's important to note the project is augmenting the
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oci funding with low income housing tax credits, affordable funds, tax exempt bonding and other funds. the city will provide local operating sub sid dee funds to support the units set aside for chronically homeless households. marketing, specifically marketing requirements are included in the permanent loan agreement. preference holders, the sponsor will be required to row vied or work with a city approved access to housing organization to provide landlord tenant relations, tenant counselings and housing right sessions. rental readiness, financial and eviction prevention workshops and assistant application assistance. also the sponsor will provide
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the commission with a report outlining the compliance with the cops prior to the tenant selection process. now, the reason that we're here today is for your authorization for the executive director to enter into an option to ground lease to demonstrate ground control, a new requirement. the option allows staffs to negotiate the terms of the ground lease including a 75 year term and one 24-year option. the tenant is responsible for all property taxes and assessments. the ami can go no hao*euer than 50 percent. the rent 15,000 and residual rent. tenants are responsible for maintenance. may secure any necessary loans.
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the tenant can only sell if sub lease can transfer to a sponsor affiliate. finally the executive director may approve a extension at the end of the term to her discretion. today the date the developer has achieved 54% small business participation for small business, exceeding the goal of 50%. the breakdown is 39 percent sbe, 4.4nbe and 11%wbe. in march 2014th this was a proposal process and nibby was brothers was picked for the general contractor. they will have 50 percent of the sbe during the construction face. the schedule moving forward later this month the sponsor will apply for tax credits and a bond allocation this summer. we will return to commission for the gap financing requests.
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enter into a ground lease. late summer, early fall the project will close construction financing and construction begins. we expect construction to be completed in april 2018. that concludes staff's presentation. i would like to introduce katie and claire, the sponsors are here in the audience. we're happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> thank you. >> do we have any speaker cards. >> mr. james, would you like to speak on this item or just number six? okay. i don't have any speaker cards for this item. >> okay. >> commissioners any questions for staff? on this item? >> i have a question. >> commissioner singh.
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>> yes. >> it's going to start in the later this year? whether is going to finish it? >> construction is set to start in late august/early september. it's anticipated to be completed april 2018. >> who a sideis,eeases and rent we have anything to do with that or the tenderloin does this? >> i'm -- >> who, you know select the candidate for this, who is going go in. >> into the retail spaces ? >> yes. >> that wille offered to the mission bay community. our affordable housing developments and the surrounding area. so, it will be geared towards our families who live in our
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supportive housing developments. >> what type of programming will the children learn? >> well, it's after school literacy program. so, they're -- it's a great concept. they're encouraged to be very creative. it's a pirate theme and to tap no their inner child and to just write. be very express sieve. everyone is excited about the program. >> and do you happen to know how many families moving no the developments have children? >> actually we anticipate because approximately two-thirds of our units are two and three bedrooms. we expect quite a few of the households to have children. at least two, two-thirds of the households. >> thank you. >> huh-uh. >> commissioner mondejar? >> okay.
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first of all, thank you for your presentation. love the site amenities. gives you a picture of what is going on in the neighborhood. i have a couple of questions. where was i? slide five, you said the balance of the retail space will be leased to commercial providers. do you have an idea yet of the commercial providers? >> i can call -- >> the industries. >> i can call the developer up to see if they have ideas for you. >> that would be tkpraoet. great. >> hi, my name is katie lamont. thank you for the opportunity to be here. so, we have not done a lot of deep thinking yet about the preparing ourselves for the commercial leasing. we designed the space as discussed previous ly one space will accommodate the literacy program and a retail frontage.
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the other end of the building's retail is to accommodate a restaurant looking out to mission bay boulevard. we believe that will be nice with a opportunity for outdoor seating. then the spaces between. you know we, we lease property throughout tenderloin and these areas of the mission. our peer mercy housing leased their frontage further down fourth street. we will build on our experience in our other developments and mercy's experience in that development. we will work with. i don't remember her name exactly there is a woman we worked with our initial conceptual proposal. to get a good sense what the market is there and the community needs to fill out the shopping area. i. >> all of the critical amenities that people need and rely on their day to day lives.
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ideally they would be able to walk to them. that's as far as we have gotten. >> if you have suggestioned we're open to you receiving them or future opportunities when we interact. >> the commercial providers are being considered. >> i'm not sure of a prescribed check point. we check in often. i imagine there is a opportunity. >> through the chair we can keep you updated on the status. fourth street is a small, it's a small scale street. it's really the residential commercial core, the primary use. certainly mission bay north is built out. really in the core of mission bay south where this is, i think as you can see in the amenities map and walking down there, there are holes that we would seek to fill.
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we would work with our development partners to make sure it's meeting the community's needs. >> one other question -- thank you. let me go back. aside from the hospitals where there are pharmacies. there are no other pharmacies in the site amenities list unless you go to kaiser aor usf -- >> and or safeway. >> you're right. thank you. i didn't realize there is a farmers market at ucsf. is that every week. >> yes saturdays. >> i will check it out. >> one other question on-site parking spaces. >> yes. >> five is for commercial. can you explain what that means. >> for the commercial tenants. >> okay. >> this is the spot. >> and this car share --
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>> two are car share and 34 for the rents r*es dents. >> this is leased to like zip car or car share -- >> yes. >> okay. i wanted to clarify that. thank you. >> thank you. >> i have a question on construction. we -- can you tell me the developments under construction in this general area. i lose track of the developments. >> this is the next one up. after that it will be block 3 east. that is the development for 50 percent veterans. and then the balance are families. that will be coming on-line, or anticipated construction i believe in six to nine months. on 2017. >> okay. this one we have heard plenty of
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i wouldn't say complaints but concerns about traffic congestions. i want to think about besides understanding the traffic and amenities map but the traffic and congestion map. okay, you have more. >> in general there are a number of commercial projects understand construction the next couple of years. the golden state warriors, alexandria and uber and other commercial construction projects. the city is working with us, the department of public works, the mayor's office to convene a a construction coordinating committee for mission bay. we're in the information gathering phase of figuring out when everyone will start and the phase they will be in to coordinate. it's definitely on our radar
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this will have a impact on the community and we want to share information as much as possible. >> excellent. that's good news. >> i have raised this before. i will put it on the record. i don't believe anyone from nibby brothers is here. i understand they're a excellent company. i think they're one of the privileged few apparently that keep getting the jobs. i know we're looking at issues of expanding the pool of general contractors. i guess one question i have is how many other contracts or projects is nibby working on in mission bay at the same time? can someone give me a sense of their portfolio? >> george pwreupbz contract compliance specialist.
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commissioners, i don't think currently nibby has any projects. they completed 13 west. they will work on 6 east and 3 east. which is the china town project. >> okay. >> that should start w*t within the next nine to twelve months. >> most recent selection. >> yes. other than that just the southeast we have the hunters view, jb with kay hill on alex griffith and that's a joint venture with the baines group. >> okay. commissioner singh, yes. >> there is 34 parking. who get those? >> thank you, commissioner. the parking spaces are offered through lottery.
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so the spaces will go to who ever, much like the units. who ever comes up in the lottery. they will be offered the spaces first. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> can i add to. that they're affordable fees? >> no extra parking fees. >> oh, there is none? >> whatever the unit they have -- that's good to know. >> i do have a suggestion for -- the site amenities. >> is your mic on, commissioner? >> for some reason -- >> hello. thank you. there are two dog grooming facilities but none for people like a barber for hair.
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[laughing] >> i was wondering maybe that's something that can be considered. there is a dental spa. maybe -- there is a gym for the ucsf staff. maybe a gym or mens and womens sa lolling sing evewomens salon services. maybe. the community is growing. >> thank you. any other questions. any commissioner like to make a motion? >> i move to approve. >> commissioner mondeyear has moved. commissioner pimentel has second it. call the roll. >> commissioner pimentel. >> yes. >> commissioner bustos is absent. commissioner singh. >> yes. >> vice chair mondejar. >> yes. >> madam chair roseles.
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>> yes. >> madam chair, i have four is and one absent. >> thank you, the item has passed. please call the next item. >> the next order of business is agenda item 5d. authorizing the sixth amendment to grant agreement number 07-49-0947 and the fourth amendment to the grant agreement 0947--- 113 from the u.s. department of commerce economic development administration for implementation of an art and technology district in the hunter's point shipyard redevelopment area. hunter's point shipyard project area discussion and action resolution 22, 2016. madam director. >> thank you, madam secretary. commissioners as you know we have received through the federal economic development
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administration, the leadership of leader palosi. over the last decade $15 million in federal grants for a arts and technology district at the shipyard. it's been a long time coming since properties have transferred causing delays over the decade plus of having the grants. we have reskoebd to accommodate navy timing and sharpen our pencils to address the community needs. before you is a grant authorization for a rescope. it's being presepped by j. jennifer the shippard can't will stick manager somewhere. >> thank you, good afternoon and thank you for the introduction. i want toe walk through the basics of kpwrapbt amendment and talk about the reason for the meeting to day. during the course of the presentation i will provide an over view of the eda grant.
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summarize the purpose, the amount of funds we received. what we have expended. what is remaining and talk about the two aspects of the amendment to the grant. our current approval status and then how we intend to use the grant going forward. so to date since 2003, we have received five grants from the department of commerce totaling 15.5 million approximately. kpwrapbts 1-3 have been used for shipyard related activities. grants four and five are partially expended but grants remain. the purpose of eda giving us the grant is to promote the shipyard arts and technology district. specifically for planning, desaoeup and construction ideas
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for either open space or buildings in that district. our request today specifically is to authorize the executive director to accept the extension of the grant. the eda has authorized and repurposing of the grant funds from what is currently building 813 to building 101 on the shipyard. so just to give a context. can i use this mic instead? >> oh -- >> the context you can see pointing out the site. this is the area near the hill top at the base of the hill. the arts and technology depot district. and these are the various facilities. the second bullet point which points to the new and existing arts studios and plazas building 101 is just below that bullet point dot there and the planned
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new artist studio replacement building is just above it down here at the bottom is where the new commercial kitchen is under construction. just for reference building here in the blue to the left. within the dda phase two there are obligations related to the arts and technology go district. a, to prevent building 101. b, construct a new artist studio replacement building. c, construct a new commercial kitchen. d, improve land for future art center. the artist enclave on the shipyard is reportedly the largest on the western seaboard. roughly 300 as of now. the art enclave has been promoted and preserved to the shipyard redevelopment plan. within the shippard arts and
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technology district, a corelment is the shipyard arts complex at the center. the four billions within the complex are all going to be future assets to the city of san francisco. we will talk more about that in a moment. the key staked homers, our partners is the cac and shipyard trust for the arts. we have folks today here from star. so the grant amendment. in jan we did receive approval from the oversight board to accept the continued use of the grant funds. the department of finance authorized and we received a letter of approval from the eda in april. we're here today to just kind of, for your consideration. we can move forward with the approval of continuing to accept the funds. this chart provides kind of a summary of funds extended to date. our local match funds involved in the eda grant and remaining
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funds we would use going forward. there are currently five million one hundred fifty five thousand dollars left from the grant and the local match is five hundred thousand dollars approximately. so initially the remaining funds from eda grant number four and five were going to be used for renovations upgrades to building 813. the transfer of navy parcel d2 was significantly delayed. we got the property in november. in the interim we made the request to transfer the remaining funds from 813 to building 101. which we own and can easily accommodate the renovations in a reasonable amount of time. we do have a grant deadline issue. the eda did kpwrapbt us reallocating the funds from 813
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to 101. a little bit about building 101. we would transfer the funds to use for that renovation. the status of the property has been occupied by artists for many decades. a two-story building built in 1947. lots of improvements need to be made to the building. it's approximately 120th thousan120,000square feet and 1t studios in the building currently. in 2009 we had ventura partners do a property assessment. they identified about $10 million of rehab that needed to be done. we allocated an earlier grant, grant number two, million two* million dollars for renovation of the building at that time. it was a partial upgrade or renovation. there is about $8 million of work that needs to be done. would would like to take the
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remaining $5 million to do additional portion that had work. we haven't been in contact with the cac about the plans to use the remaining funds for building 101. we had a meeting in -- presented this concept to the executive committee and it was responded to favorably. we met with the shipyard artist. most recently the 13th of jan to present the concept of funds used and prioritized. in general there is a need for fire alarm and fire system replacement in the building. there is a need to address fire and life safety issues. so, in addition to the priorities we asked the arts community what was most important to address in the building. the input was we're not focused
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on an artist lounge but it would be great to have an elevator and address the ventilation system. we have added that to the scope and to under take with the five million dollars. so, the plan with the remaining grant funds has been to work out an agreement with the san francisco public works. realizing the public works does most of the maintenance of city facilities. this will become a city asset. we thought that public works having familiarity with the building is a smart approach. we have been in negotiation with them. member wrapped dumb of agreement and understanding. close to having a deal. both sides understand a five million dollar budget and there is nowhere to go for additional funds. as i said fire protection, life safety is a high priority and
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changing to a multi purpose functional room. if funds are available for the elevator and ventilation and those items. we expect to have the memorandum of agreement wrapped up during the summer and be back in front of you for consideration of the agreement, the scope and so on. today is really focused on the accepting the grant and understanding there is a local match involved and being able to move forward. give that the eda authorized us in april to be responsive with the 30-day period. that's why we're before to you day. to say the fact that this will be a city asset and that the public works folks are the entity to under take this work. all consistent with the long range property management plan.
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a plan diagram with the concept for reinventing the auditorium into a multi purpose room. you have probably seen these drawings before. and to recap like i said this is about reauthorizing the grant and shifting funds from building 813 to 101. the eda has already authorized that. there after once we move forward from today we finalize the agreement with the public works folks. come back to commission with that a tkwroeplt for your consideration. and there after we will prepare designs and get approval for construction of the renovations we have outlined today. with that i thank you for your time and i will take any questions you may have. >> thank you. we need to first see if there are speaker cards. >> i do have two speakers.
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>> okay the speaker cards first, yes. >> ms. marti mcgee and karen slater. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm marti mcgee the president of shipyard trust for the arts. i would like to thank executive director tiffany and her staff for the commitment and work they have put into trying to repurpose this grant money i'm sure nobody wants to see go away. we were happy to see it come towards building 101. the life safety and accessibility issues are extremely important. i don't have to tell you. that what i want you to know is that the shipyard today, we have a number of people with mobility issues, we have an aging population having a harder and harder time with stairs and
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other accessibility. there is one ramp for a huge long building. the money will be very well spent. not only for the folks there but for the future. the other thing i want to mention is this auditorium. it's about an 80 seat auditorium. it must of been built for presentations. it's on an incline. the seats some are ric rickety. but they're fixed seats. you have a great space with fixed seats on a incline which isn't good for anything unless you have a small bad or something. we don't have the electricity to support that anyways. bringing this room to a multi purpose room to be used as not only the artist studios but more importantly we believe that if this facility is managed correctly and exploits the full community benefit this is a room we can keep active all the time
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from community members that surround us from particularly bay view hunter's point this. is a great spot to have events, classrooms, workshops what have you. on that note i hope you approve this. thank you, very much. >> thank you. >> >> my name is karen slater i'm on the star board and an artist with a studio in 101. before that i was in building -- the former building 103 which has now been -- partially been destroyed. as an artist in 101 i can tell you how important the improvements will be. as marti said we have accessibility issues. a lot of artists have large work. there is just one ric rickety r. without a elevator is limits the
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ability to get work in the building for the sec floor artists especially. people work large, it constrains peoples concepts of what they want to work on. the safety issue such as the sprinklers is important to everyone in the building. as marti mentioned the remodeling of the navy auditorium will allow a lot of functions. classes, performances and meetings. it will be available to the broader community. assume can the buildings are man anged in a way for that to happen. i want to remained everyone that building 101 represents one of the very few low cost art studio locations in san francisco. keeping this building and improving it allows the city of san francisco to maintain
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artists to all hide ya contributing to the identity of the city. maintain ago fordable working spaces in san francisco creates the city that attracts residents and tourists. is a goodd investment for san investment for san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. >> mr. james. >> thank you, my name is oscar james. i'm a native resident. one, i'm in favor of this approximately project and support it a hundred percent. one of the things i would like to happen is building 101, that was a building that was used by swearing in different peoples who were going to participate in working in the hunters point shipyard. in the cities a gentleman carl
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kembels office was in that building. i ask this commission to name the building after this man. he was a significant person in my generation's life getting jobs for people in hunters point, south park and making sure we had summer jobs and didn't go downtown and tear up downtown. he was one of the persons, he was a community relations liaison. he made sure the employees of hunters point shipyard both minorities and majority were represented so far as unions and things like that. he is -- they have, i would like to have his bio put there with his picture in building 101. his history is in -- the san francisco library. i would have to come back and bring you the -- the information where you can go on-line and see
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the things he has done in hunters point shipyard. also a history of things happening at hunters point community since the 50s with doctor kohlman. i don't have that information with me today. but it's history about hunters point and the struggles we put up in. that i want to support this particular project. i want that building named after him. i will make sure it is named after him for people my age and older. to make sure we became the mens and womens we are today. thank you, very much. >> thank you. >> i have no further speaker cards. >> commissioners, questions? comments? >> yes commissioner. >> on slide five, will any of the new existing, new or existing studios will they have
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any programming for art education for use? to understand the importance of art, create art and express themselves through arts. i see the talk on the adults. i think we need to focus on the next generation. as a mother and art minor it's important for children to understand the creativity and not live in a box but what is outside of the box. i would like to see a type of programming for children in the community that's affordable for them. as i look through the summer programs for my son it's $600.800 a week. that's out of the price range for most working class families. >> in response to your question i haven't come across anything to this aspect. >> thank you, commissioner.
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one of the reasons we mentioned the, you know, obviously we have our own agenda. how the facility is managed particularly community in the facility. the auditorium, gallery, open space that's part of the new arts complex is star believes very much it's part of our mission is to make sure these programs exist. i mean when -- everyone from the surrounding community has been locked out for years because of the gates. we have some programming. we are running a summer camp this year for local kids. what we want to do is use these spaces constantly all the time for arts and education. eventually there is the component that is art education center. we hope to do fund raising and be able to build. there is that space. during the interim we want to build, star wants to build
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strong programs for kids and education. it's a number one priority for us. >> i wanted to agree with what marti said. i have been very involved in the con cement you'llization oconce. it's a big part of the mission. the idea is that it is a multimedia kind of arts participation center. not just visual art but music, dance. you know ideally take the music and have lessons for kids and performance space, a recording studio and a small radio station. have a integrated opportunity for kids and young adults and anyone who wants to be involved. to offer like beginning, entry level opportunities for a lot of people. then if we can grow the arts
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presence into what is considered the research and development campus and create a true arts district we can have opportunities and places for people to go on if you want to get more involved in ceramics and something else. class work. you know there are places to go, permanent locations for veerious art activities that won't be chased out of the city from rising rents so often. we look at this being the foothold and growing out to create what san francisco could do, create a incredible art community here in a stable location. we have all of this that nobody else does. we have the land. with the will we want to do it. we're teaming up with the ymca to do a five session selection
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program for kids in the drew school over the summer. we're looking for funding. we need transportation for the kids. that's the biggest problem. we can manage the rest. getting kids to and from is a issue. we want to start bringing people out to the shipyard. the auditorium -- this is a good start at a programming location that we hope to grow out into the arts center and into the arts district. >> i would add through the chair in response to commissioner's question with an additional tkpwrapt, you know eda grants, approximately a million dollars. it's installed today. there are nine works of art. art work from walter hood to heidi harden her sees, stream of consciousness with two other artists for the installation and the process. we ran a broad process used
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consultants represented a consultant doing processes and consultation with the arts commission. we ran our own process. engaged the san francisco school district with calf lawyers for the arts. the nine works of art out there today there was a documentation process and involvement with bay view school children. even a video is on our website. we can forward that. it documented the process. working with school children. so even through, our primary, we're infrastructure. we're really the built environment to the extent we can partner through operating agreements or leverage other partnerships in the city with boys and girls clubs. they do opera house. we will with staff explore the partnerships wants we have the facilities built. at every opportunity i want to assure you this commission has
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consistently guided us to engage with the broader community and the importance of art. it's not just something that is out there in a brand new spanking museum but part of the community. >> yes, commissioner. >> i have a question. so the arts studios there is interaction now with those in the shipyard. >> is there interaction? yes. >> like events, invitations to visit the studios or and so forth. i was looking at the in gaugement of the residents there with the artists. many of the artists have been there before and been there a long time. do you have any programming around that? >> yes, thank you, commissioner monde skwr-fplt jar. so, the two main ways in which
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the residents currently are about a hundred occupied units out of the shipyard. about to be more with the grand opening of block 49. the main way those current resident departments are invite to the artist studios sthru the open studios program. fall and spring, an opening of building 101, and the artist stpaoud joes on parcel b. i know that several of the existing residents have gone and enjoyed learning more about the arts community and complex through that program. so that really is the two main events each year which the broader community is invited onto the shipyard. >> one last question. do we have an art consultant that coordinates all of the art, the public art or is that in coordination with the arts commission? >> we have an arts consultant. his name has eggs caped me. she is consulting on the installation and future
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maintenance of the nine pieces we commissioned through the previous eda grants and is onboard as a guiding factor for that. we haven't engaged her for kind of the visioning of the future arts complex. a future works program. future artist building is created and future arts complex is conceptualized and designed. so there is more work to be done. >> thank you, that's great to know. >> thank you. >> so i have a couple of questions. on the local match, maybe you mentioned it. i don't see it. who provides local match. >> the local match. we provide local match and it's tax increment. >> okay. >> that local match was identified on a recognized is identification payment schedule. the department of finance has a loved it the local match and
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continuation of the local match has been approved by the oversight board and state department of finance. we have the procedure hurdles to implement this and make the important improvements. >> thank you for. that did i understand though that the elevator may not make it in this round of improvements. >> we understand the importance of finding a way to get the elevator done. the fire, life safety and accessibility improvements are prioritized slightly ahead of the elevator. both of cac and the shipyard artists through our presentation made clear that's something we need to find a way to do. to dig into the figures there is about three million dollars of the budget for hard costs that is thought through assuming all goes reasonably well with the expenditure of the funds we should have enough.
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>> seems very important as well. and since, i would like the idea of dpw being the departments to implement the improvements. i think i know the answer for this. i may as well ask on the record. our sbc policy is implemented by dpw versus the local policy, right? >> yes. there are federal requirements, minimum that's harmonize with ours. we have done exploration to make sure they are harmonized and we can do that. >> great, thank you. >> commissioner singh, do you have a question. >> yes. how many people are artists that are going to be involved in this? artists? >> i mean the -- obviously your question is not the construction work, how many artists will be
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involved. the work done will be the main areas of the building. it shouldn't have a huge impact on the studios directly. we're not intending to do renovation of their spaces specifically. this is really about, you know, common areas and exterior areas to provide fire prevention, protection, life safety and accessibility to the building. it's about investing in an asset that is a city owns asset for a lost years. >> looks like a great -- >> there use to be artist faires there once a year. you still have that? >> yes, they have twice a year. the open studios. it's kind of a major event. one in the spring and one in the fall. where the artists open studios to the public. it's a pretty major event.
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via stepped in the past. >> we use to get the invitation from the artists to visit that. we use to enjoy that. we never had that for the last so many years. >> there should be a vip list. perhaps they missed the vip. >> no vip just general public for the commissioners to meet the artists. >> i understand. >> yes, i agree with you. we want to be invited and know. >> i want to see what is happening, you know. >> we will make sure -- >> ya. >> the commission and others are on the list. yes, it's a great event. >> i don't know. you know maybe.
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>> okay. yes, we need a motion. yes. >> i second that. >> we have a motion by commissioner mondejar and commissioner singh on 5d. call the roll. >> commission members. >> pimentel. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> mondejar. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> i have four is and one accent. >> please call the next item, public comment. >> the next order of business is item six public comment a non agenda item. madam chair.
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>> do we have a speaker card or speaker cards. >> i have one speaker card from mr. oscar james. >> first i want to say it's a privilege to see your face. i miss it did for the last couple of months. five weeks i was bedridden. i didn't think, for two weeks i didn't think i was going to make it anyways i say god is good. you know laying in the bed and when i did catch my senses i tried to get the ocii on the tv. it don't come on. you don't come on the government khapl anymore. i wonder what is happening.
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i know you're doing a good job but it's great to see. i would like to you look into that to make sure the public is able to look at your pretty faces and your strong minds on what you do to better our communities. the other thing i want to bring up. i was visited people in the jail houses. the older people. a lot of those men -- it's the mens part i go to. i'm not fortunate to go to the ladies. the mens who come home want to get employment. we talked about that. i told them i would bring it up with the ocii. there is a strong participant in helping people get jobs. because to me it's hard for us
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to get even though we have the things set aside for the young people through mission hiring hall and young community developers and what have you. what you districts and boundaries have now, it's not like when we were coming up. you go work in the mission. you go work on bart. hunters point. anywhere in the city, you wouldn't have to worry about being shot or beat up or anything like. that these young people have to face. that me personally i feel some of these people coming home have the opportunity to get jobs. it would free up some of the young peoples to go on these jobs and have mentors on the job to help them and to try to change the mentality about this is my community and you can't come here and all this and all that. our group, i belong to a group called hp unit. we grew up in the various
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communities. we started an organization called hp unit. august the 14th we're having a dinner, free of charge. we're asking all of the communities, the young peoples, brothers against violence and guns to a free din tore sit down and try to discuss this and come up with solutions on how you know we can knock the guns out and people can get these jobs and opportunities that they have that you commissioners set up in other parts of the city to set up to make sure people in san francisco get these jobs. they're not getting them. the reason they're not getting them they're scared to go on jobs. they're scared to go to west point for example. people from western edition. even people from hunter's point won't go to west point who live on harbor road or oak dale. it's a shame. you talk about feeding your families. it's a shame they have this
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fear. >> you know they want to feed their families. they can't go to certain places. we need to do something about it. i think if we get these people coming home from jails and the bring sons who thaeupbg their lives they could be a mentor to change other peoples lives. the reason i bring that up older people changed our lives. i grew up in clubs in hunters point. egyptian and vanguard. older people like youthful service and a guy named smitty came to mentor us and carl whoeu mentioned before got us summer jobs. they talked to us it changed us to make sure we cared about other people. you know in the 60s there was a lot of love in this city. everyone had respect for each other since that time the crack came in and what have you, we don't have that no more. we need our generation to mentor
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the younger generation. they have no identity what they r what we have done in this community as a city. i'm talking about. i started a club in the mission called the marques in the 60s also. we mentored people. we weren't like today running around killing and trying to harm someone. we got in fights. the next days we were friends. we need to bring that back to these young people. you know we are our brother's keeper. what we should do is make sure everyone benefits, all races in this city. we are all as one. with that i thank you. i may of been rambling a lot, what have you you put what i'm saying in the right perspective. thank you. >>thank you. >> can you please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 7 report of the chair.
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>> i don't have a report. >> the next item of business item 8. report of the executive director. >> i don't have a report this meeting. commissioner, we are looking to potentially canceling the june 7th meeting. the number of items for your consideration will likely be pushed. we certainly will follow-up with you, the commission secretary in the event we need to have a meeting to make certain deadlines that we have a quorum. we will follow-up shortly, thank you. >> the next order of business item 9. commissioner's questions and matters. madam chair? >> any questions or matters from the commission? can we -- can we have input on the comment of sf gov. do we know we're live or not live? >> we certainly will look into
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it -- we should be on replay on sfgov. we're not live unless the mta -- sf gov doesn't have the capacity to broadcast three government entities at the same time. given the order of events. the board of supervisors then sf mta. since we're the newest commission we're third in line for broadcasting at the same time on tuesdays. we will follow-up. we will work and follow-up with sf gov and follow-up with mr. james as well. >> okay. >> next item, please. >> the next order of business ten, closed session. no closed session items. the next order of business is item eleven, adjournment.
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james is absent excused commissioner serlina commissioner itani commissioner loo commissioiner ow commissioner roy commissioner nelson and executive director is present. >> may i have a motion to approve the agenda that was modified a few weeks ago we have a copy. >> move forward second. >> thank you narrating approval of the minutes of the consent calendar agenda. >> so moved. >> second. >> any questions or comments thank you. the motion carries next item approval the april 6, 2016, minutes has everyone had a chance to review them any
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changes or comments from did public comment public so moved. >> seconded by. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> that motion carries. >> employee of the month aaron perez. >> yeah. (clapping.) so it's a great occasion to honor karen perez as the employee of the month of may we usually like to honor kearney want to talk about the dodges i think the commissioners are familiar with people from the office on aging he hear them present but not honoring them
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here in the people prosecute the office of aging if you can stand up so we can recognize you (clapping.) department of aging & adult services does the work for the department of aging & adult services without them, we wouldn't have all the contractors to bring to commission but we also want to thank all the people in the back it support of office of acknowledging the contracts unit and budget and mr. haney planning and everyone a group effort to get these out of the door one of things that karen has done since the day she got here provided excellent support any of us who have done any work anywhere know that the
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administrative support is one of the more important functions thank you karen and read when the colleagues wrote about that better than anything i can say from the first day karen race demonstrated excellence if in all aspects she's the saufbt of the baggage for the monitoring more than 50 community-based organizations in san francisco the staff members are compromised of nutrition i was and karen has supported them with the new dine design to make them work effectively if you imagine o o a as a machine cesarean is that one guarantor that may not be mower powerful but essential to keep the machine workers her can do so attitude and covers a vast of handing calls from customers to
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corresponding with the cd a to make sure the proper work is collected assumed a lot of the administrative requirements that they execute their jobs and karen has gone above and beyond the call of duty and truly o o a renaissance person a bright and happy smile a karen smile. (laughter) that sounds like denise a model for professional staff her supervisors have received accommodations for general information and to quota recent comment daasw is lucky to have a person like karen congratulations you did a wonderful job and thank you thank you for all you do (clapping.) >> so karen on behalf of daasw
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you're the employee of the month (clapping.) (laughter.) >> thank you, very much. >> oh, i think we had one more picture. >> oh, (laughter) closed-captioni picture. >> thank you in he and the next item is the director's report sherren thank you for the opportunity to congratulate her on behalf of all the commissioners thank you, commissioner (clapping.) thank you very much commissioner serlina and all of i appreciate the support and happy this process had an b has been completed and it is been a
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great thing to be intern director i look forward to working with everyone here as the director thank you. >> so there are a couple of things i want to talk about here's the mike yes, he guess a couple of things to talk about this morning the first is that last week i was in washington, d.c. with coalition for the national association on aging policy briefing and visit to capital hill i was there with a number of folks from california and formed the california coalition as a team talked about a lot of the issues no california specifically concerns about social security and what will happen in the future of social security we talked about medicare we talked about housing and how we might building that
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housing is part of health care an interval part and talked about being a nutrition and the food security and things like that to it was an interesting especially with the people when it was an interesting conversation he in particular is very concerned of the issues with the aging and department of aging & adult services and sent me materials that he is work on how to engage people gave me the american public in raising concerns about working with you know kind of the needs of older adults and sfugz his concern not enough attention 0 those issues we feel the concern it was interesting to here him and take on that issue how we might have
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better confusion with older adults an interesting visit and i've done this in the past with ann was not able to go and not always that hopeful on the other hand, there was a lot more talk about kind of funding streams and funding integration things that we're starting to work on in california a lot more conversations about those medicaid and mentioning with the national levels it was hopeful a lot more talk about in the past about elderly justice and the protection of the database so we know really, get a better understanding of the issues of elderly abuse in the country that was hopeful i will be running for a seat on the board of the national
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association of aging and the election will happen in july there are two seats from california i was asked by some southern california and the california association to apply to run because san francisco such an important player ♪ california we'll these how that goes >> when's the election. >> july. >> next thing i want to talk about supervisor wiener has put forth on ordinance to draft the language for lgbt data collection and the lgbt senior task force is involved in promoting the concept of data collection around lgbt demographics we can better serve the lgbt population in san francisco there will be battery on the language the supervisor
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thought all the departments that collects certain demographic information we'll collect that if our prospective since we've been down the road and thought about what that means milking how easy to get the information and the training needs and those kinds of things easier for daasw and on the departments to figure out the cost and the time commitment will be especially, when people are in the field working with clients there's certainly some training issues especially probation officer people that be inspector duffy rather than checking out the demographic information we as a city wants to make sure when that demographic information is collected it gets collected sensitivity so the staff understands what it is they're
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asking and the inspection and there will be adequate affiliation work to be done it is exciting and moving forward and certainly something that the lgbt senior task force has undertaken. >> one of the things i forgot to say about being in washington the president obama finally signed the oldest americans act and that was really a big celebration something that used to be rather performa but not in the paved if you years ago a lot of work on the hill trying to get legislators to really get on board it passed unanimously and went to the president but it was very hard i think that for those of you know the older americans
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act is the backbone of the speaks for itself the national funding and priorities for older adults that is important for us it gets passed and it did that's great the department has been working with the dignity fund coalition and the mayor's office around the dignity fund i'm sure there will be someone that will talk from the coalition prospective about that but interest is a real time crunch in terms of the language and i think that is the end of may that needs to be in so the department has a certain prospective on the language should be and the coalition side and the supervisors are weighing in and the mayor's office and the city of attorney's office there's a lot of there's a lot of moving parts to the
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legislation but hopefully getting closer to finalizing that and then want to say this afternoon at 1 o'clock is the adults budget hearing so it will be hsa and daasw and office of early care and education and presenting daasw budget it starts at 1 o'clock and the final thing i want to talk about the fair labors standard acts sanctions we talked about that you know the f l s a went into effect a couple months ago i asked staff they're working and getting information to people that have questions and progressing the information but this week the town hall went into effect people that violate the fair labor standards act by
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misstating their overtime the vision sanctions will go both effect we are waiting to see what that looks like we're haven't clear information how to handle those we'll know more but right now the staff a nervous we don't know how to handle that so more to come if that. >> i think that that concluded my report. >> any questions or comments. >> commissioiner ow. >> congratulations you are a commitment for what is it the july - >> oh, for the board of the national association of aging. >> how can we as a commissioner and you a nonprofit organizations to fund you and they're working with you for
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yaers and years incorporated how what walking can we lobby with the association. >> thank you, commissioner for that vote of support i think basically up to the board a national board so i don't think there is a role i wanted to let you know that is something i'll doing and so i'll just report back to you on how that goes. >> the the nonprofit can write a letter. >> in this case it is not i think that is not necessary but thank you. >> i tried. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> the next item on the agenda is the advisory report by smith. >> good morning and executive director congratulations they choose the right person (clapping.) >> the advisors council met on
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wednesday april 20th, 2014, and introductions were made to the council of our 3 just advisory council members taylor and william. >> also in attention what mr. ma angela rajas by supervisor campos a calculated detailed presentation of the daasw 2016, 2020 by staff john the executive director mcfatten and voted on and approved by the advisory council also the council voted to support 184 to raise the allotments for ssi p and the
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california lover has a vote to support that we'll ask the commission to support that also a discussion was held on the better system for the site visits i'll have more information we'll have more information to revamp the onsite i can report, however, that a site visit was done at the jewish community center an outstanding detailed report by one of the advisory council members the committee had the last training on the institute of aging around the issues of elderly abuse we want to thank them for their support for allowing us to be there the next training is usf campus on
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july 22nd with a possible presentation a mental health and aging the daasw the council would like to thank the daasw staff with apple bee and others for making this possible and last but not least may is senior month there is a large rally being held in sacramento on may the 11 and we have flyers and information about that i think i know that the department is really wanting people to go and support them that's the end of my report any questions. >> any questions or comments. >> just a question on the letters of ab 1584 those will come to us for next month is that -
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>> yes. we have a reason to write the letters (inaudible). >> in our packets yep. >> any other comments or questions thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the joint legislative report. >> director i'm going to make this short you have a long agenda and the area plan needs to be voted on the end of life options legislation takes place into effect june 9th and usf did a workshop no restorations were due on tuesday there was one bill that i missed tracking that went into folk january 1st thank you apple bee for keeping us
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updated and commissioner making my job easier the hospital and caregiver it requires the hospitals to designate the caregiver and informed on discharge plans and make sure the caregiver has the instructions to safely provide care with the patient transitioned i'll update you on the bills that there's been change since our april meeting i will not address the oldest americans act director addressed that and so the c s l legislation the first bill that was referred to we want the letter of support that would address the cost of
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living adjustments and increases in the monthly allotment for ssi and s d sent to appropriations things are moving along the sb 1015 a new piece of legislation the domestic bill of rights next month the long term - the bill that will stash statewide aging and cooperating council moving through the committee as a result of state senator carolyn we've talked about last year director mcfattening talked about the district fund i'll not talk about that a piece of legislation in the senate 2015 which is on an alzheimer's and
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autism bill that calls for $2 million annually over 5 years it is passes through the judiciary committee by 15 to 4 vote that will address the needs of children with autism and other very well disabled those who wander and expand the program that provides assistance for people with alzheimer's who wander and make - with the disabilities that have a tendency to wander with the bills for law enforcement to pay for tracking devices and in addition the funding for training and outlet efforts to address the issue hobo available and this bill is submitted in 2014 as a result of death of a child who had waufrnd with autism any questions.
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>> thank you very much any questions or comments thank you very much for a thorough - >> the long term care cooperating report. >> hi members of the commission and director congratulations again i'm jeremy i'm the new at large member the l t cc a very brief report if april 1, '32 presentations one from the one post key report the senior health planner with the department of health presented on the key report that was requested last fall sf dph working with the providers to research the post care needs in san francisco to look at the impact of beds on the needs
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supply sorry to assess the impact and reduces the nursing skill on the beds supply and gap in the services in san francisco we had a presentation from joanne the dph a leading nonprofit in the a.m. space presented on their pathways initiative that aims to foster state reform and support the needs and some of the more pressing matters has to do with came up at the l t cc meeting we finally listed our 2016 budget fractured from the contents priorities and we the members find l t cc will be setting up meetings with the board of supervisors in the coming weeks and sending a malia cohen with the mayor also during the 2016 budget priorities and the next meeting on may 12th
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we'll hear a presentation on the dignity fund so more to come on that and i'll keep it brief thank you very much. >> commissioner. >> a question on the supply report is that underdevelopment now or a concluding report you guys reviewed. >> sure actually have the finally, i think that is a concluding report it was for a resolution with the health commission. >> i'll be interested in assessing that report. >> sure. >> we can make sure you have it. >> yes. you do have a priority for current budget; right? >> yes. >> can you send you know a priority to our secretary so we can have a copy it will be our guidelines too. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> make sure you have it sure thank you. >> thank you.
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>> have a good day. >> you, too. >> report kathy russo not here case report. >> good morning, commissioners director mcfasten greg with the st. francis reporting for case first, let me say we echo the congratulations to director mcfatten a quick update on the efforts towards the 2016 advocacy campaign on monday a contingent met with the mayor's office and the white house and spoke about our efforts including the postcards we're going delivering to the mayor tomorrow and later 24 month and next month postcards to the supervisors i have example if you care to see them they have good questions we have provide
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good answers and actually conducted a preliminary word we'll be advocating for dignity fund as well so a good meeting tomorrow as i said the seniors with disabilities on the steps of city hall at one p.m. with a good crowd and good speakers to motivate this will be fofld by christopher the postcards to the mayor our effort for the next 4 to 6 weeks. >> questions. >> thank you any questions or comments. >> any other questions or comments okay. thank you now time for general public comment that comment directed not at specific items on the
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agenda but general. >> oh, thank you. >> hello commissioner and congratulations to director mcfasten want to give an update on budget items in addition to these that kate with working on i think you know by now i apologize. i can't remember about the new support at home program the home care a coalition of us have been working on it is looking good that benefits people with a little bit too much income ever assets to quality for a benefit that don't have the kind of money to pay for in-home care we've met with the supervisors in the mayor's office of budget and hope the commission will
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support it we're working for elevator and commissioner sims is helping to elevate it so we're hoping to get more funding allergy was asked r asking for you to help with our conversations with the mayor's office about that and i have flyers about the budget rally tomorrow i'll leave on the table if anyone can take a stack of them we have them in english and spanish and marie arranged for chairs for seniors with disabilities and people with disabilities we don't have to worry about that i want to mention donna on the sedating action you probably worked with her she's retiring we are happy she'll be able to have time to enjoy you'll see things but i'm sure we'll see her a retirement
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party coming up i'll leave the flyers on that as well. >> thank you. any other. okay. next item any old business? new business first item is not an action item a review of the community living fund six months report for july through december thank you karen >> good morning, commissioners executive director mcfasten i'm kari with daasw and pleased to update you on the last 6 months report an overall over the last 6 months from july 2016 to december 2016 as you may know the c l f fund supports the aging in place and alternative transportation for individual that my otherwise require care
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in an institution and using a two 3r07kd approach are case management and purchase services this program provides needed services not available through any other mechanism to prevent premature institutiontion specifically for adults with disabilities so during this six months report a couple of new items we want to direct your attention the first the lgbt demographics that will we asked about the last time period during this period it was a new field we were polling on at 8 percent and the 3 percent is a typo it is 8 percent of this time period and half of the referrals were missing the sexual organize data we are
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working trying to get this we're looking at a different way to don't there will be cleaner next week and the two performance measures we're reporting on the first one the percent of the clients with one or fewer planned acute hospital readmissions within a six months o month period with the ouch the money management cases and the goal of 80 percent for the 6 month period we exceeded at 93 percent of clients having one or fewer admissions this is the first time we've reporting the measure we'll monitor to see from the threshold needs to be raised or evaluate the second performance the care problems resolved on average one year
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after enrollment and exclude the clients the goal a 80 percent it was 55 percent of the service items were resolved or transferred after one year and substantive have less than one hundred of the care plans with the ongoing care needs this is the first time we're looking at the indicator it shows we need more training with staff what happens the care managers will update the care plan the year after during the reassessment wear pulling this data we're asking staff to kind of do it on an ongoing basis to so 6 months will accurately show what was going on that's sort of the main two highlighted with this period any questions you can ask now. >> any questions or comments
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commissioner loo. >> on page 2 oh, page 4 the paragraph submit the changes effecting the co s the second paragraph for 2015-2016 the money didn't come before december do you have to spend the money can the money be carried over if you have to spend it what kind of programs. >> the money can be carried over so right now the past couple of months building the infrastructure to manage the money effective and building contracts so one of the main things if so down the scatter site housing was updated in february of 2016 so, now there are 12 unit for those and not a lot but we're doing specifically
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targeting this and really looking at the people that have the highest needs for the skaufrt housing for example, and the other thing ear doing a care coordinator position that is looking for people having a purchase only need that don't need case management that one person is kind of managing all the purposes and doing it expedited segment so we can spend the money like the whole modifications so we're looking at ways to spend that money efficiently we know in this year this was an increase of threshold funding we have in the next 4 years to kind of manage this money so we expect a down curve we needed time to ramp up and time to ramp down after the contract. >> commissioner loo.
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>> another one section one one i'm looking at the average monthly climb to donna and look at the december 15th the number is its that number but down there it is a donna $908. >> are you following me. >> no. i'm not sure where you're at. >> all kind of dollars near the become. >> uh-huh. >> when you look at across december 15th is it $908. >> i had the 55.
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>> no commissioner. >> other people am i looking at the. >> the spreadsheet the bottom right corner almost to the bottom. >> almost to the bottom actually. >> at the bottom. >> okay. so what's the question. >> why the number is to high compared to other months. >> good morning planning with the human services agency the number has increased because in this reporting period the transitional care program is no longer active that served a large number of clients and in prior months that reduced the average program we have a smaller denominator and that's why it is increased from nine
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hundred to $900 a month. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any commissioiner ow. >> yes. this program initially giving the patient in the laguna and transfer them to a community home setting now that this program run for quite a few of the years there's not many laguna honda evaluations into a community home setting my question is where is our patients come from you know you taking care of so many patients where you pick up them. >> so the few look at 31 percent of the referrals are from laguna honda it is a
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different population the folks the population demographics are different and extend to other places to look at kind of the highest across the board and focus on one specific facility. >> you just answered is it thirty percent of your patients come from laguna honda. >> 31. >> 31 then where's the other 60 percent. >> good morning. i'm laura from the director of the community living fund we transitioned 4 to 10 patients out of the laguna honda to serve those clients we get a large number of referrals so aps and adult protective services and others organizations that have the current clients that need a higher level of case management
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that's where we get that number. >> does that answer your question. >> commissioiner ow. >> i wanted to remind everyone that so the criteria for community living fund is that someone be at risk in an institution or at risk of institutiontion so the living fund accepts people from the community as well from a setting like laguna honda or not skilled nursing facility. >> thank you i may be one of those patients (laughter) in the future. >> any other questions or comments? thank you very much the next on the agenda item a an action item requesting the authorization for the grant agreement with the community living for the provision of the aging and disability ad f c during the period of july 2016 to june 2018 from the amount of
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wolfed and $22,000 plus a 10 percent contingency not to exceed wolfed and $34,000 plus >> commissioners executive director mcfatten i'm linda the newest program analyst with the office of aging the services i asked you to approve with the amp and disabled friendly community program for the grant of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 the services appropriated by community i'm sorry the list ration is too much but the connectors include a local resident a program connector and coach and outreach coordinator and cheerleader in the neighborhood the aging activities 3 always exercise classes a week it is very, very
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popular they can't the classes are so popular they can't allow all the people in it occurs at a church it is fuel preservation and emergency preparation training and mandated recorded training a lot of itself off in the ccii ago - some of the kids helped to clean out a garage it earned the number empowerment neighborhood of the year award i have for show-and-tell a copyright here i recently had an opportunity to visit the neighborhood and saw what was going on with the community contractors and there
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were a line of people from the class one wanting to talking about talk with me 10 to 15 people and wouldn't let me go without talking about the great experience one man told me he lost 20 pounds was very excited and reverend linda took her neighbors to take care of her and visit her not hospital and take care of her dog and brought food to her that's what the neighborhood is creating for people to age in their home 20 percent comes from services we provide the other 80 percent comes from our community neighbors and friends we use a lot of words we we talk about the people we see clients and seniors and participant and citizens it expands our language
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thank you. >> thank you very much do i have a motion to approve for discussion purposes. >> so moved. >> any questions or comments from the commission? >> just one mechanical one i nodded with this describes it as a paid community connect our \s and one person does it for someone that lives in the neighborhood and focuses on the neighborhood. >> the way advertised phrased one local program a local resident serves as a paid\that's a simulated worker. >> any other comments or questions from the commission questions or comments from the public hearing none call the
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question. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries item b requesting the i'm sorry did you have a cutting-edge. >> thank you for the award you gave to the kiya and i'm 80 years old a homeland security and widow it's typical of people that are served i want to thank you for supporting it we do believe we're developing a new motto for aging in place we have community service and no senior centers in the neighborhood we prerequisite out of our homes and have meetings in nearby church we recently have helped one of the 83-year-old woman it fell victim to identify athlete and man 82 who said i was settleed
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how inexpensive this model is no facility to support and community living campaign does our admin work thank you. i want to invite you to the june potluck we'll be sure to let you you know but you'll have 60 or 70 people bringing food ranging from sponge cake to homemade food attach for supporting this program. >> i'm in thank you very much (clapping.) item b requesting the authorization to modify the curry senior centers so far
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july 1st, 2015, to june 30th, 2016, invite up $35,000 for 10 percent contingency for not to exceed $688,000 plus michael thank you. >> good morning, commissioners and executive director mike dodd with the office on the aging the the item before you is adding $35,000 into the current year contract with theeri senior center to boost their subcontract it is not discernable but i'll point the commissioners attention within the operating expense detail page line item i st. francis living room for $67,000 plus that was a combination of 22 thousand plus which started that subcontract in late 2015 we're
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here to boost that by another $35,000 the reason we're looking to boost is it today is to continue support for services and programming provided by st. francis living room as a working cooperation with under the curry senior center contract quickly on st. francis living room for those of you who don't know at 350 golden gate and they're complex with the 8 housing alliance a stepping stone built a health center their daily hours are 8:30 to noon each day a small breakfast and activity until noon they are acquit busy to usually between 50 and 75 people each day
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the thooiz dollars purposes an fte that will be spread across 3 human beings and money for fringe for staff as well as the insurance costs related to maintaining the program liability insurance of the building so with that, i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> the commission might have. >> may i have a motion to discuss. >> any questions or comments from the public? hearing none, call the question >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you the motion carries thank you, michael. >> item c requesting authorization to modify the grant with the neighborhood centers for community services from july 2015 through june 2016 in the all the way down amount of $35 with a 10 percent contingency invited one million
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dollars plus and linda on on and on core. >> commissioners i ask you approve that $35,000.01 time only the mission neighborhood centers will provide seven hundred and 50 hours of enhanced outreach and increase their consumer base by 5 percent their 4 hundred and 75 people their cast center and looking for 25 thousand it is working with 3 housing senior housing development in the area near the castro senior center those housing sites don't have an activity for the disabled individuals that live there the mission neighborhood centers want to remedy by going to the site and bringing activities to them some tablets or computer classes
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they have a popular life coach they want to bring people from the housing types to mission neighborhood centers the mission straddler and cat street location is an old building with a sunny courtyard i was there reluctance and watching cinco de mayo detrimental and eating popcorn the mission neighborhood center in the outreach is planning to do cultural and cultural outreach and just a couple of minutes ago the bayview mission center were talking about what it is going to include a number of people in the mission street may not have been to golden gate park or the museum this is a way to connect people to their neighborhood and it to their city as well thank
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you. >> thank you very much came in for discussion purposes. >> thank you. any questions or comments from the commission? any questions or comments from the public? hearing none, call the question >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you that motion carries item d requesting authorization to enter into a new contract with merced during the period of july 2016 to 2018 in the amount of of -- not to exceed 200 and 11 thousand plus bill neuson thank you. >> good morning executive director my name is jill nelson the director for the city protective adult services program pleased to request the authorization to enter into a contracted with merced
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residential care currently we the difficulty protective services doesn't have a contract with any type of emergency placement services the funding that goes into the contract provide two placement beds with residential care 3 licensed residential care facilities for the elderly here if san francisco and the contract would allow us says the bed on an emergency basis and this is really a service the adult protective services project programming is in need the situation that comes up for the clients might include family violation one of the female members needs to leave the home and on a temporary or emergency basis into a place they can assess care those situations come up when we are
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working with older adults in particular that have a some i've dementia and live alone not connected to support services and comes up in situations involving eviction we're excited to be working with merced housing and the vendor has extensive experience providing care for older adults and sfubdz that are a wide range of care needs i'm feeling confident the vendor will provide comprehensive high quality services for our clients can i answer any questions for you. >> thank you came in for discussion. >> i have a how long would the person remain in this emergency
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- this is a new contract a new service for the adult protective services program sow what we're envisioning ideally that clients will stay for thirty to 60 days maximizing and working on discharge planning ideally to get our clients to their own home with the issue we have many clients that thai might live in a rental unit hesitate there's a situation of hoarding and clustering we may assist them to avoid eviction to e eradicate violations with the dph and sometimes, we need a place to move a client on the temporary basis to restore their unit to a
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safe condition and move them back in. >> any other questions commissioner sims. >> what's the previous model how do you handle situations before this contract. >> we currently do place i'll see three to four clients a month on a temporary basis in licensed we don't have a contract we do it on a purchase price basis the problem with the framework when our accounting department prefers we enter sweetheart contract and through the rfp process we need a relationship with a vendor so we can handle places on emergency basis because the vendor we've been working with although they try to be accommodating they don't have a bed that is reversed we're in a mode to find
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vendor it is have not focus and self-produce effective outcomes for the client. >> does that effectively reduce the cost for by these on the model. >> yes. the price we've negotiated with the mercy housing is fairy we'll be charged $4,000 per bed when a bed is opted out and negotiated with 3 thousand hold rate i'm not anticipating a vacant bed so, of course, this is a new contract we'll be monitoring and tracking and report back at a later date. >> last question my six include a frail senior in a housing authority they can't
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assess their home. >> if we're working with a client in an assisted living but they receive help with the detail living with personal care we might pay and use our emergency services for that individual to be in a hotel for example, or their certain hotels that provide meals or different other services that we can assess if they don't need that level of car they're more cost effective. >> commissioner loo. >> this is a new program how many beds. >> the funds will be up to 2 beds per month two beds okay. and what is you have more so you need more so are there money to help out. >> the adult protective services has on an annual basis
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wolfed thousand dollars allocated for our emergency special payment fund the welfare institution code requires counties to have what they call tangible services available although they don't state a threshold that is up the discretion and availability of resources at a local level we have wolfed thousand dollars and this would be additional funding we can use in the events we have other individuals that needed the emergency services if mercy housing has - they'll allow us to use the additional fund and pay them blouf the scope of the contract. >> so the wolfed thousand dollars is for emergency. >> correct. >> explain to me 98 point 63 percent for a bed held but not
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occupied. >> so the vacancy rate for the beds is $3,000 per month i'm not sure where you're looking. >> i'm looking at the last page trying to understand. >> sorry i don't have appendix b with me. >> thanks john. >> good morning. i'm john director of contracts what we're trying to do show a daily rate thirty are 28 or whatever days we took the annual rate and divided into 365 days does make sense based on $3,000 dollars a
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month. >> i recently read that an average rc f bed across the state is $3,700 a month i feel confident this is a reasonable rate that merging will be charging us. >> thank you. >> thank you. any other comments or questions just to clarify so from the bed is not opted out they're still charge that rate. >> they'll charge 3 thousand a month versus $4,000 a month. >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the public that is hearing none, call the >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> next item is item e requesting authorization to enter into a new contract with american telling source inc. doing business as during the
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period of june 2016 and june 2017 nouchld of three hundred told us applause a 10 percent contingency not to exceed 200 and $16,000 plus welcome. >> good morning, commissioners director mcfadden i'm megan the evidence program director in morning i'm excited to present the new contract for subcontractor active voices and integration what is many and why are we are excited about it you may know in san francisco we have over 19 thousand ihss providers vicinity providers
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they call us most of them are asking questions about any employee of any company if they didn't get their paycheck basic employee questions like that this new contract would give us two major new technologies that will assist providers and consumers with those types of questions the first interactive voice they'll add this to the existing i was provider assistance call center and it would be able to respond to a computerized voice that would ask questions of the
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caller and would be able to assess data and answer the caller the second piece would give us the ability to look at basic employee information like on online account at our bank or any other place you do business so assess it on the computer on a tablet a smart phone and it would be used both of these the call and the telephone and the computerized system will assess the database and give us the answer for the providers assistance did you get my time shoot has my payment been made they're waiting for their pay as consumers this is something
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would allow them to find out who their social worker or status those systems will with 24/7 availability and will be available in 7 different languages currently when people want t ask those types of questions they to call the call centers not open 24/7 and have to wait for the appropriate answer as opposed to have the live person look up the data callers will be able to speak to a live person not as if this replaces the ability for providers to speak to a live person it will reduce our need to hire additional staff in ihss
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provider overtime ihss violations for providers are coming through and that is creating a very big new workload for the county to have this technology available to answer simpler more repetitive question is really going to be an asset to us so i ask you for your authority to enter into this new contract if you - do you have any questions. >> can i have a motion? >> for discussion. >> in a competitive job market a great deal of difficulty tricking ihss providers it is critical that we make it as easy as possible for them to continue to serve their clients because if we lose them the clients with
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without someone they established a relationship in any of the individuals live from paycheck to paycheck and any confusion has a huge impact so anything we can do to resolve their anxiety it is a wonderful idea thank you any other comments or questions. >> commissioner loo. >> on page one you would 7 languages okay english, chinese, marijuana and russian and spanish i want to make a correction mandrin and cantonese are dialogues not two different languages. >> literally tons of dialogues in china this is it the other thing when i look at
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the last page the total is one hundred and 97 plus and then they didn't include the contingency costs so would they be rising the budget or what. >> the contingency is put there in case unforeseen cost over runs not to come back to the commission for this. >> okay. thank you. >> uh-huh. >> thank you. any other comments or questions for maggie. >> a general question so the american source was there another alternative in terms of - >> yes. there was a competitive bidding process i think we had two bidders this is the one we selected. >> thank you. any other comments or questions any comments or questions from the public
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hearing none, call the >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you that motion carries thank you very much. >> thank you. >> item f the 2016, 2020 area plan for submission to the department of aging staff rose john's will do presentation. >> good morning, again so in march you received this binder written area plan for 2015 to 2020 last month director mcfattened and i recorded on it we're here to answer any questions and seek approval now the advisory committee has given us recommendations. >> can i have a motion? >> for discussion. >> so moved and any comments or questions on the area plan before it is submit? i think i'd like to say that it
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was an extraordinary comprehensive document very, very well-thought-of and clear so i want to - any questions or comments from the commission any from the general public comment >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you that motion carries. >> thank you any announcements? >> any more public comment? thank you. >> good morning . i'm maria the operation director anothers mission neighborhood centers here above the executive director sam and first, i want to pubically congratulate executive director mcfattened for her assignment well deserved i want to say thank you for approving our grant of augmentation it will
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enhance the outreach and we have plans on the way for enhanced outreach that includes bringing outreach to residentials of mission housing development apartment who are currently not ref any type of service so thank you. >> thank you, thank you. >> i missed a call for announcements first of all, thank you for the supporter of the neighborhood and also there are a couple upcoming events one we work with the sf collective and tomcast over a opportunities to sign up for low cost events for friday from one to 4 on valencia street where we next to - we hope about
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one hundred seniors in multi languages helping people to expedite their registration 95 a month and includes no installation charges and as an infrastructure bonus tomcast is giving away 10 laptops for people sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; up we invite you to stop by. >> thank you and again, i want to say in terms of the the updated on the dignity plan we've been working hard and appreciate the input of the department and looking at the legislation for how more smoothly and so we have submitted all of the changes and suggestions from everyone to the city attorney to get a final draft our hope to introduce into this next week and the
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commission will play a strong role we look forward to the opportunity to get it introduced and will sit for a month and people can give feedback any questions. >> thank you any other public comment? >> first giving honor to the lord jesus christ and commissioners and staff that are doing great work on behalf of citizens of the san francisco the work you do is tremors you're helping the most vulnerable in our community my name is jackie wright i have worked in san francisco community services since 1990 working with the american red cross and san francisco unified school district and also did public relations for cbs and c w b area little did i know in 2007
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i was laid off in a position where i will need social services myself and being one of the 20 percent offer 60 and among the 20 percent with disability and senior disabilities i know of the struggles of most vulnerable sentences or citizens i am i'm follow-up on a request in february for a statement to be read concerning any situations being the daughter of a veteran serving the country and yet in san francisco when i had my father's remains and my mother move to arlington national cemetery i had no resting placing place in san francisco and have no resting place this is something wrong when there
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has been dedication i was taught and raised two of any silks as a result of my parents dying and with that no place for housing in san francisco for me, i think there is something terribly wrong i'm among the people are the folks we'll be talking about their needed to be things done especially with the rising number of elderly we have in san francisco and this document i called for public hearings on housing issues for san franciscans and increased in the funds for stabilizing homes for seniors and the disabled especially those that own their own homes they can age in place and the combined efforts points malice and so there is great work done
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>> this is a 10.30 meeting of the recreation and park commission and the planning commission. would the secretary please call the roll. >> okay, so for the recreation and park commission, commissioner buell, here. commissioner low, here. commissioner harrison, here and commissioner levitt upon, here. >> for the planning commission, commissioner fong, here. commissioner richards, here. commissioner antonini, here. commissioner moore and with you. we do expect commissioner johnson and hillis to be absent. >> if you can turn off any sound-producing devices that could go off during the meeting. everyone will have 3 minutes to speak during public comment and neither the
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commission nor staff will respond during public comment in order to allow equal time for all, but once public comment is done the commission may ask staff to respond to comments or questions. and, with that, we have one item before the joint commissions today. it is item no. 2 on the recreation and park commission calendar and item no. 1 on the planning commission calendar, which is case no. 2016004634cwp, it is the downtown park fund allocation, willie wu wu wong parken -- renovation. >> the item before you today is the allocation of $4 million from the downtown park fund for the renovation of the willie wu wu wong playground. dawn
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efficient is going to make the presentation. i want to make one correction. the staff report, under the environmental review, it is not structurally exempt, it is categorical exemption from ceqa guidelines under section 15301. we'll make that edit. so attached and included in your report today is the staff report from the rec park department as well as for the planning commission, a resolution. so at the end we will ask you to vote on that resolution, commissioners, planning commissioners. >> right, just to clarify it's just the planning commission that has an attached resolution. okay. >> good morning, commissioners, dawn evans, director of planning capital management for the san francisco recreation and parks department, here today to provide you with a very brief presentation on overview of the
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willie wu wu wong playground renovation, which is use we are proposing for this $4 million of the downtown park fund. just to review, sorry this is a very old map but it was the one we could find just showing the c3 use district. the downtown park funds are eligible for any use that provides park use for the c3 zoning district downtown daytime population. so you can see willie wu wu wong is right on the edge of the physical district but definitely we feel like still serves the daytime population of those users as open spaces are generally hard to come by in these neighborhoods. just a little bit, a few photos of the existing conditions. willie wu wu wong playground is an extraordinarily dense part of chinatown, about 2 1/2 blocks walking distance from portsmith square at sacramento and stockton. you can see from a few of these photos that the facility is very outdated and
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it's actually only about 6/10 of an acre. it's a very small space that we try to squeeze as much use out of as possible so it's noted for having different types of courts, it has a playground, it has a clubhouse and it's all occurring in this very tight space. so what we've tried to do through the proposed renovation is think about ways that we can still continue to have all those existing uses but in a way that feels more integrated at the site because it's very fragmented right now. the design which we have come up with in response preserves all those uses and it adds both ada access and also to improve the functionality of the site, a bridge that kind of would connect from the top of the clubhouse across the site to the courts on the other side that border the alley the thought here is that there would be a playground underneath that sprawls, they call it discovery play is the
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scene that would really incorporate a lot of sculptural elements, both our standard playground equipment plus some custom items that would create a strong identity for the space. this takes the bridge off so you can see what it would look like as you look through the site. kind of active recreation sports on the top and the bottom being focused on use and top play areas. so you've been to the clubhouse, the clubhouse is a very awkward space. it's a tall nay row box without a lot of functionality inside and that's been one of the challenges of the space. in
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2011 when we were scoping the project we only allocated $2 million to renovate the space. there's been push back from the community so we tried to take account of that feedback as we developed the bond. however, as we started the community process a few months ago, we heard the opposite feedback from chinatown neighborhood residents and their community partners saying there was very strong support given the scarcity of community facilities in chinatown to continue the clubhouse and to really try and find a way to make a substantive renovation of that clubhouse to continue to serve seniors and youth in the area. we were talking about how to reconcile that with the fact we only had $6 million available for the renovation and if we were to use those funds it would mean you would barely do anything to the rest of the site. in brain storming with stake holders and
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commissioner cindy wu she recommended the park funds. this clubhouse concept again is much more integrated with the rest of the site, it takes away that bunker feeling that you have right now if you are inside because there's a very tall thin strip of windows at the top so it's quite dark inside. so this opens it up to the street on waverly and lets more light in and still has a large space at the bottom but also has bleacher kind of seating on the interior to allow folks to have spectator seating for ping-pong and also allows a place to hang out. we find the bleachers are one of the most attractive uses at our sites. we also have a top level that can be partitioned so we're increasing the square footage inside the clubhouse while we do this. so our hope is, again, we have
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$6 million from the 2012 san francisco clean and safe neighborhood parks bond. we're asking for another $4 million, which is our most conservative estimates what it would take to deliver a clubhouse at this site. you would have a combined budget of $10 million. if you sdaid to allocate it we would go back to our community meetings and start construction in november. >> ready for public comment? >> november 17. sorry, just wanted to add that. >> we have from supervisor peskin's office connie chan if she would come up and then we are open for public comment. >> and a distinguished former employee of the recreation and park commission. >> thank you, good morning, commissioners, my name is connie chan, aide to supervisor peskin. he is chairing the
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government audit commission therefore he could not be here in person but he wanted to make sure i brought this letter of support from him. >> dear commissioners, it is a pleasure to represent district 3 which includes one of the old eftd largest chinatowns in the united states. willie wu wu park, formerly known as chinese children's playground, is located in the heart of chinatown and has been serving our chinese american families in san francisco for many generations. it is one of very few public space and recreational facilities in a neighborhood that has some of the highest density in our city. in 2012 san francisco voters allocated $6 million to upgrade willie wu wu wong park. while the community is delighted to have the frp needed repairs to
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a deteriorating park, we know this budget would not allow any improvements to the clubhouse which provides expensive free services to children, youth and seniors living in the area and many of them are low income families and sro residents. without additional funding for renovations, the clubhouse would continue to be neglected. therefore, with the support from our chinatown residents and community advocates, and many you can see behind me, i support the allocation of $4 million of the downtown park funds for the renovation of the willie wu wu wong clubhouse. i thank you in advance for your time to listen to our community's concerns and for your consideration to meeting their needs by approving the allocation of these funds. >> >> pars3 thank you . >> anyone anyone else. >> good morning, commissioners, my name is mike
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newman and i'm the chief officer of wu yee children's services. with that said we represent not only children but the families who have other children and what we have here is an opportunity to polish a diamond which is in the rough. so wu yee completely throws its support behind this and we hope you do as well. thank you for your time and consideration. >> next speaker. >> good morning, everyone, i'm henry. i want to share my thought about the park. i grew up in chinatown, i always hang out at willie wu wu wong, now sometimes i go down and do outreach. every time i went down there i saw a lot of senior and little kid using the play grupbd and a lot of little kids only using the area outside, they don't want to go
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inside the clubhouse because the club is too old and they don't have air conditioning and no heater and no sunlight. it's really difficult for kid to stay there for a couple hour for summer program and stuff like that. each day i believe there is light people drop by willie wu wu and chill with friends and play basketball it's so important you remodel that. i understand a lot of different parks in chinatown people, easy to go there, but willie wu wu kind of in the middle of chinatown, it's easy for seniors and disability to go there. seniors can go up there but on stockton is really convenient for them to take the bus and everything to go there. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, everyone. i'm a staff from cuic community
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youth center and i apologize for my poorly english skill. i just wanted to share my opinion about the park and hopefully to get the fund to renovate the whole park. i work there almost every day from 10:00 to 6:00 and i saw a lot of problem or issue that we could help it. recently one of the ladies rooms, the toilet board is missing. someone took it home or whatever. so we only down to one toilet from the two and a lot of children using the clubhouse and i mean the park and a lot of people playing ping-pong in the clubhouse because the clubhouse is leaking if you can see from
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the picture and a lot of people requesting more space to use a lot of children playing there with the sand and, yeah, i hope you can pass this and we can get the money to renovate. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> hi, everyone, my name is linda leal and i am a staff from chinese affirmative action. we are in support of additional funding for the willie wu wu wong playground. there's high density, a lot of businesses and housing and specifically sro's and these sro's have a limited amount of space where families can do activities therefore they would bring their children and family
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members, seniors, to go to the playground to do activities. this park is a community resource for family members to gather to do activities and whether it's little kids, adults or seniors they would go there to do different activities and to mingle with one another. it's also important to make it accessible, ada accessible, so please vote in favor of this additional $4 million dollars. thank you. >> thank you. >> very new breath, everyone. how's everybody feeling? >> good. >> are you appreciating your breathe that's sustaining your life? because i am. my name is eddie zane, former employee for cyc consulting for cyc baby, also with cyc as a
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commissioner, it's a privilege for me working with the staff for cyc in the past 9 years and willie wu wu is one of those places that a lot of young people hang out. especially in the upper deck of the basketball court, when i try to engage with police officers i always point out to them if anything happen up there nobody can see it because that's a blind spot up there. you don't get this beautiful view standing on the upper deck, just breathtaking. that's why a lot of family and children and elderlies are there to enjoy the space. having open space and public space in the park and having maintenance for them is crucial for the nursery environment they need to find outside their homes, especially in chinatown. even the sand area in the back on the ground floor is also blind area that
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you can't see unless you are on the top. children love to run around and play games. it's not just for chinese, even though it's in chinatown. tourists, we saw many caucasians, african americans, latinos , they try to scale the wall. one of the activities they do is try to scale higher. with the new design i feel it will not only improve the infrastructure but also help more family members to come in and become a safer community and that's how we're going to keep people from littering, keep people from not take ownership of the spaces we need to have in san francisco. so thank you very much for your consideration. a yes vote is a vote for you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to speak?
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>> double? >> double the time. >> i also am translating. everyone, good morning, how are you? had us name is jing song ten. he lives in a chinatown sro he has two kids, he loves to bring his kids to the playground and enjoying the clubhouse. he also has actually attended the playground renovation community design meeting. chinatown has a very dense
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population. because the limited budget for the renovation budget, therefore a lot of features cannot be included. but with the $4 million then perhaps a renovation and a design will be much more ideal. thank you, that's all. >> >> pars3 thank you . >> is there anyone else who would like to make comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner wu. >> i want to thank rec park and staff and all the public that came out. this is a great opportunity to improve this public asset. 40 percent of
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housing in chinatown is sro's, there are families living in sro's, i think it makes open space even more important, it's not just recreation but acts as living rooms for these families. willie wu wu is a very well used, well loved playground and deserves to have the best caliber of design and amenities for the community, so very supportive. >> commissioner richards. >> thank you very much everybody from the public for coming out. it's great to hear from you. i think doing, not allocating this $4 million only gets us halfway there. we do the exterior, the playground, yet we have kind of a white elephant in terms of a clubhouse sitting on the site that really needs to be brought into the modern era and opened up and filled with light and filled with people who want to go in there. so absolutely very supportive of this. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you. very supportive, wonderful project. just have a couple of brief questions.
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the first question is i know some clubhouses throughout the city have been farmed out during the week for other private uses and i would assume this is not going to happen at this clubhouse, it's going to be open to the public at all times. is that true or false? >> i think that in terms of our clubhouses, our clubhouses are not being used for private uses right now. we have public uses in them in terms of community partnerships and i think the molds we would pursue here would be similar to that we just accomplished at bodecker park where we have partnerships with the ymca and the boys and girls club. they have programming at the site. it's yet to be determined precisely what combination of partnerships we would be using. >> thank you, commissioner. just so everybody understands, we have about 42 clubhouses which are distinguished from
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our larger recreation centers which are multi room, multi program where most of our recreation staff has consolidated because of the diversity of programming we can provide. we are programming a number of clubhouses in the city with afterschool enrichment programs. we also really worked with community partners who are in the community that are providing a specific certain. all our clubhouses are very much open for public use. some uses are focused on teens, some are focused on tots, some are focused on seniors but they are important community assets and very much available. >> thank you, just a follow-up. i know one particular clubhouse you have to, in order it utilize the program, some kind of language thing, but you have to pay to get into that program and for other children or other people in the neighborhood it's closed during those hours for their use. >> yeah, there's a language immersion program in one of our clubhouses. they have a very
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robust scholarship program and they target a certain community but that clubhouse is also open for community use and special events on weekends and evenings. that program is extremely popular. >> no, i'm not saying it isn't, but the concern that i have heard is kids used to be able to go in there and they had directors and anybody could go, you didn't have to pay to get into a program and it kind of focuses on only one group and one language thing that not everyone needs to take advantage of. >> again, like we do throughout all our recreation centers, all our programs have certain focuses and certain subject matter and certain competencies and target certain pop places. if you look at our entire system we are focused on program and services for all neighborhoods, all ages. this is one particular program that is a language immersion program for tots. it's one of our 42 clubhouses.
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>> my only concern with regards to this was to make sure that this particular facility is always open to all and would not be closed up for a particular use, not allowing other members of the community to get in there for certain hours. >> okay. >> and the second question i have is -- i should know this -- who was willie wu wu wong and why has he got the wu wu in him? >> he's a basketball player. >> famous basketball player who played at usf >> usf >> i should know that, i'm kind of familiar with the usf history. >> he's more famous than the president of our commission. (laughter). >> ouch. >> actually on that --. >> some order in here. >> on that topic since we introduced the subject of basketball, i don't know if commissioners are aware of this, at willie wu wu playground on the basketball
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court was a, was filmed a very incredible basketball commercial featuring the one and only jeff curry very cool. >> commissioner low. >> all right, rodney, you could name the beach volleyball court somewhere. i just wanted to say that, you know, since this is a high needs neighborhood with a great need for open space and recreation by youth, seniors and families. and since we've reopened the clubhouse it has been an amazing success. there are ping-pong players, kids, go visit the clubhouse on a wednesday morning. there's over 300 residents using the facility. it has been a tremendous success and i participated in 3 workshops and the designs have really evolved and this, the architects and
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the landscape architects have really taken into account the community needs and have come up with a design that really accommodates the needs and services for the community. so i think this $4 million dollars will go a long way to achieving a lot of the community's needs in this area and i believe that when the clubhouse is built seniors, families and youth will come and use it and it will be a thriving hub for the community. i'm fully supporting this. >> commissioner moore. >> i am in full support of it, partially because i have walked by this playground for the last 40 plus years, at least twice a day, and i always wondered why it was so stark and minimal in expression. there is no green, there is no nothing but there is an enthusiastic and very, very large population using it. and particularly when you come to the intersection of sacramento and stockton waiting at the bus you watch people playing tennis and doing all
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the different things with the cycle of the day. it proves it being a viable spaus for many years, it lacks in maintenance and attention for the entire time. i believe now with chinatown ymca renovation, business long overdue bookend across the street because the two facilities where people are in one and walk across to use the open space is basically, doesn't take an einstein to realize it's necessary, desirable, and requires full support, support i believe is long overdue. i long the idea to reaffirm and manifest the vibrant neighborhood and i am very strongly in support to see the alley, which is at the west end of the open space, bk a more active passage and transition between sacramento and clay and grand and the rest of chinatown. i do believe that stockton in that block is too busy but that tourists and
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locals would be very comfortable, really embracing the area alongside a more beautiful open space. so cunningham to all of this comprehensive effort and i am delighted to support it in every day. >> commissioner levitton. >> i just wanted to add a note of thanks to commissioner cindy wu for using the downtown park fund for this purpose and this is a very appropriate use of those funds (applause) really that $4 million gets us over the finish line in this. we thank you and parks and rec. >> i just want to add obviously in support and i think what commissioner low is joking about, i actually spent a lot of time on this playground. this was my clubhouse. what folks know and some don't know is there's a very large international volley man competition called 9 man volleyball which rotates to different cities, toronto, because stun and san francisco so this was our home court when
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san francisco hosted these games and san francisco teams took great pride in hosting them. so for 15 or so years we used those tennis courts as volleyball court, the cage, we used to call it. commissioner moore the waverly alley may be the original green wall in san francisco with all the bok choy, it's used by so many different piepl. when you are there you hear kids playing, if you close your eyes a second you hear kids playing, you hear mahjong tiles upstairs in the alley, i think it's great that stef curry used that as background, it's quintessential san francisco park and i'm proud to be in support of this. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'd like to move to support the allocation on support of planning.
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>> second. >> moved and seconded. is there a vote by --. >> separate. >> shall we move forward on that with all those in favor? aye. >> go ahead, sorry. >> we just do things slightly different. >> but on that motion then commissioners to allocate funding to the willie wu wu wong park, commissioner antonini, aye. commissioner moore, aye. commissioner wu, aye. commissioner richards, aye. commissioner president fong, aye. that motion passes unanimously 5-0. now the rec and park commission will entertain a motion for approval. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded, all in favor, aye. thank you very much and cunningham to everybody involved. (applause). >> do we need to adjourn, margaret? >> we do. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor, aye.
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