tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV June 4, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> the public is welcome to address the commission on items not on tonight's agenda and please rise for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> commissioner president loftus i'd like to call roll commissioner president loftus commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route
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and commissioner mazzuco commissioner wong commissioner melara commissioner president loftus we have quorum and with use it police chief tony and for the decoration of office of citizens complaints sam. >> thank you sergeant. >> good evening and welcome. >> to the monday, may 31, 2016, first police commission we'll begin with the secretary of commission gloss the rules of order the public is welcome to address the commission on items not on tonight's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the commission. with respect to agenda items, please direct your questions to the commission as a whole which are the jurisdiction and not been suggest of public comment on other items on the agendas the president may set a reasonable time limit depending on the complexity and the length
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of the agenda and the number of persons present tonight's public comment will be limited to 2 minutes. >> speakers must speak from the podium when addressing and speak clearly and refrain from profanity and yelling and screaming commissioners find it difficult to address comments in such a pattern tonight's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the commission. please direct your questions to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or departments or occi personal. patrolling to the questions but may provide a brief response. not express vocal. >> vocal support or option made by members of the public
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applause and business legacy are prohibited members of the public not use the signs that impede the commission to see or participate in the meeting or endanger participants cameras maybe brought into the room, however, flashes and other things to disrupt the meeting the president shall order the removal any person that comments the the following acts disorderly conduct for the disruption has making noise and speaking out of turn and review refuse to behalf and tending to disruptive the orderly and disabstinence for the president that shall include an order to be seated any other unlawful
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with the orderly course of meeting naengs to effecting the removal of any person's from the room that has violated the orders and decorum the president asked persons under arrest for the section of the california penal code or any applicable law and cause persons to be held in violation signed by the secretary. >> okay sergeant, next line item. >> item one consent calendar receive and file action requesting the police chief for 7 electronic defibrillators to be placed in new patrol cars and assigned to the 10 district station with $10,000 plus. >> colleagues in your packet donation for mrs. linda
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regarding this any questions c0 can i have a motion? >> so >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> >> public comment i'm sorry. >> i'm withdraw any any public comment on the consent calendar to accept this donation. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> commissioners my name is francisco da costa if we are alive and kicking and being if san francisco for the last three weeks changes are happening and in order for changes to happen we have to build trust and in order for us to build trust our hearts have to be in the right place
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today. >> this is public comment on the consent we'll get to general public comment this is whether or not. >> i know i'm going to get there. >> the mayor today has released a document this document linked to our project shadows every action that will take place in this chambers or in this hall in our deliberations so i'm asking you said very well about your consent agenda items i'm asking all of you as the representative of the first people of this san francisco
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muwekma ohlone our ordinances and rules all matter but what really matters is to have our hearts in the right place. >> again public comment is limited to the consent calendar whether or not to accept the automatic defibrillators after that you have a right to general public comment. >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening from the foundation i noticed this is the second time in three weeks interest is a donation of the debe fliblz which i think is a good idea because in- we'll be able to
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apply the defibrillators we know that today, we're starting to discuss this towards the vote on june 22nd it means we're starting to increase the amount of defibrillator units this would potentially revise people killed by a police so we just need to stay alert here with the defibrillator useful tool but are we getting the remedy before the lethal weapon that's my question. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening i share the sentiment of my colleague except i'll not pose it as a question my firm belief
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this donation of the defibrillators to the department is directly intended to coincide with the introduction of tasers this is a against the will of the people and that issue should in the be expected accepted i grant that providing necessary life saving equipment to people involved in altercations that involves serious bodily injury are death is generally a good idea but i find in his try in the fact this donation occurs right he moment this body is considering the use of conducted energy devices that is a subterfuge and a vote to accept this. "question: vote against the people >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> >> peter this is not the defibrillator i'm speaking defliblz and welcome to the new chief financial officer. >> who will argue against a product being given to the police department but there is a very interesting kind of a contradictory reality going on here i handed out those packet and given them to some of you and one of these talks about cohort electroweaponry it is sophisticated and very available in fact, that article amongst pinpoints the tenderloin for having been used for this thing mind control through frequencies
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and a lot of this stuff stops your hearts it is used to stop people's hearts political people can't figure out and this is common knowledge i think common knowledge among editorials i saw research is conspiracy people get together and it is not mystical and so i've offered some of the articles and who you have and verified years those things are going on in the city and throughout the country but specific the tenderloin they can stop a heart and do so many things and on the other hand, want to have those defibrillators so is it like you'll pick and choose who you'll resuscitate and regarding the tenderloin it speaks about the association of those programs with the san francisco
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police department so i'm hoping since i gave one to the chief he'll address that one the department and make much needed changes within i'll read one sentence. >> it says the give everybody the same amount of time you can provide the material to the competitor. >> i understand. >> (inaudible). >> i have to follow the rules there will be other opportunities to speak thank you, sir i appreciate it >> next speaker. >> any other comment on this matter? >> good evening and welcome. >> let's be clear those defibrillators are an accessory to tasers no other way to look at it the facts their ordered the tasers are a lethal instrument people can kill and get killed for them for there's no way that the police can knows whether a person is sensitive to
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having their hearts stopped and by them i speak the feelingly of this having gone through triple bypass any kind of things are substantial to them your own documents say that this is the case it is shameful shameful your even talking about trying to sugar coat tasers with those defibrillators. >> okay. any future public comment on the request to accept those donation yes, sir. >> tom in the defibrillators
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are in the purpose of resuscitate tat someone i'll recommend we don't get them i don't really agree with the tasers i think we need to back away from shooting people with anything or the. >> (clapping.) >> if we want to - resuscitate via a health unit then we should have the health units out on the street with the the defibrillators for heart conditions. >> any further public comment on this matter come on up. >> again? the acceptance of defibrillators. >> i understand excuse me. regarding the defibrillators first of all, i believe that is
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petra dejoe's while the other gentleman was talking you were talking with this other person i think that is rude you're speaking to something else when someone is talking okay. >> just a comment i noticed that you were speaking through the entire speech that's rude we want your attendance when our speaking as a former flight attendant defibrillators assist people are in having a heart problem and from the documentation is donation is for the sake of health purposes they'll be there they're in public places and seemed to be required in public buildings and
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i noticed them almost everywhere i go they're in airports, they're located almost throughout the city so why would we just happen to need a donation at the same time that we have on the agenda potential possibility of entertaining tasers the timing is uncanny and uncanny the very first item on the agenda therefore people could all be present just something i noticed and brought to my attention adding up the few things. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> and welcome congratulations chief condolences i'm not sure if you look at this audience behind us people have a visual dnr written
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across their foreheads and so had you had accept this gift i predicament you will i hope you'll condition that patient who need defibldz resuscitation are included with the police officers a police have causes the problem and this equipment will do no good racist mentality that determines how the police support each other when they do something wrong think of the dnr on some of the faces we encounter our police department and when you do it with training
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conditions some cultural conditions some conditions with equal opportunities and equal fairness in the application of these it is rampant throughout the medical response industry that people of color get slower responses and less critical care and you're going to put this in the hands of amateurs not health care professionals. >> any future public comment on this matter hearing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any questions. >> last public comment come on up. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> hello my name is tom i'm an emergency medical technician thomas a. swift's electric rifle
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give out 50 thousand volt shock by ad e give out a 15 thousand i find that difficult an a e d saves someone from a high voltage shock from my perspective that is not right i don't have much more to say i might give more when you talk about the tasers. >> public comment is closed. and any questions colleagues commissioner dejesus. >> i noticed the last time it was $10,000 so for the tasers. >> they're not tasers their adds. >> so i spoke but it is the paragraph the same company that ordered this in the past was save on securities and i guess
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the question how many a e ds 0 do we have in the patrol cars and the safety no longer has the ability to continue the program with the assistance with the chief to continue to raise funds to get a e d in patrol cars i want to see who is raising funds i got the expression it from the family trust but people are raising funds to get a e d i want to know about the purpose of this foundation and how much money have they raised and how many addieds and we have talk at the tasers is the weapon we want to include for support i will say that we try to get more
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information before we approve that. >> this is the from the police chief deputy chief chaplain more information. >> i'll try to get the numbers i don't have them but definitely get the numbers for this program. >> all right. thank you. >> i ask i move we postpone this if the consent calendar. >> you can't postpone that may go though the motion for decides to postpone it. >> there is a motion and a second sergeant who made the motion. >> commissioner mazzuco would you like to withdraw your vote. >> be postponed until we get more. >> we should precede with the vote because those are a donation and i can see why
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people are making the length to the tasers because of what we're doing offender use of force by from meaning has nothing to do with with the initial gift from the foundation was because their son died of a heart take on ocean beach before entering the fire academy they raised money to pay for those and the folks feel this is in the patrol cars the police officers are the first reading can help that's my understanding i think that is a good idea the more devices we have in patrol cars the better it is. >> commissioner wong. >> i have a question i remember there was one other donation have there been previous documents does it go back if time i'm asking the commissioners. >> the owner of john's grill
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depended on devices as walgreens in the tenderloin they respond to more kaufk than any other district these were depended on i'm not sure about the numbers we do not those. >> so there is a motion and a second on the floor we'll precede. > all in favor, say i. > opposed? >> i. >> so that item passes 5 to two sergeant, next line item. >> item 2 public comment the public is welcome to address the commission regarding the items not on tonight agenda but within the jurisdiction of the commission please direct your questions to the commission as a whole department, occi or commissioners are to respond to questions but may provide a brief response.
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the commissioners, occi, nor the police commission should enter into debates and please limit your comments to 3 minutes, please. 2 minutes. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> my name is herbert wiener i'm a civilian i welcome the new police chief i have a suggestion i think everyone in the room agrees on i want to see a resounding violation of law the police units as it existed 50 years ago under the commands of nancy it was fantastic work a seat to the community and asset others police force and everyone bend as a civilian i have some suggestions on how the practitioners could be carried out this from an outsider i'm e i'd like to to see a person from the person stations in each stations in each district and to
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there will be a core of police community officers at the police station itself that can be dloiptd in time of concern and those are the two suggestion i have and hope their conducive i want to see a resounding environmental it shouldn't have been suspended i think the problems the police department has can be au leftdz thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. welcome back. >> thank you so the greatest trick the devil pulled was to convince people he didn't exist but look at 24 country take a look at the city take into account this room those who seek to save their lives shall losses them and love
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one another was not a request the same people that are causing all this trouble on the streets that is why the young people are here with signs are the same people causing problems for law enforcement and just because you don't thinks where it comes from doesn't mean it's not true the one percentages they spend tremendous amounts of money i did my best to outline and glad to share the one percentageers are bankers and their minions can only handle for young people like this to understand what even law enforcement didn't fully understand and get together against them the system is thoroughly corrupted we're under marshall law
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>> (clapping.) >> and how many times has the media going to show us the beautiful blonde girl 10 pictures to push on agenda by the feds to take guns uaw from veterans and law enforcement i don't see paulette brown son on the tv what's going on and the fetsdz are the one that encourage and encourage illegal immigration and point their fingers other local cops they this includes setting up prer0i7b8gd scenarios with law enforcement guns stolen from government cars wake up we need - >> thank you thank you, sir thank you, sir. >> thank you, sir.
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>> (inaudible). >> next speaker >> next speaker good evening thank you, sir ingress and i bring you a message from the halfway from the aclu war invited as stakeholders of concern they're not able to i want to insure they can hear public comment i--i don't know if sergeant killshaw room along the walls or. >> sergeant killshaw do question are an overtime i'm the messenger make sure they know you're here and ready to speak i want to thank acting deputy chief chaplain you didn't have to volunteer or take this job i sure that is a perm says
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to you and your family and wanted to address this appointment and concern the practice the department has used no holding town hall meetings it is temporary suspended out of the concern those meetings have been i don't know disruptive and counterproductive we looked and not backwards in the department looks at backwards and not transparency that's not a good sign we need 0 more transparency and it is important to recognize the 21st century task force they recommended in fact, the department is doing it those sorts of town hall meetings they recommend in a neutral manner i'm suggest the problem with the
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members of the committee are mostly not knoll the information is selective and something inadequate and there could be a commitment to neutrality those have important peerdz for transparency sake and needs something the city as promised and the mayor out on the website i urge you to embrace transparency in this moment thank you . >> (clapping.) >> >> next speaker. >> oh, there's an overflow room and i think the gentleman made it in. >> welcome. >> my name is magic good evening i was at the last police commission and as a mothered and grandmother i was deeply disturbed and glad to see the police go out into the community and known and connected when a
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young girdle was used as a palm she made a speech preshl suzy loftus and gave praise to chief suhr fine but we've heard complaints from the communities but don't worry chief suhr we have your back she didn't know what that means she didn't know complaints are from families that lost their children and don't need to know that they can't be allowed to be pawns in a political game the next day jessica we've got a long ways to go was killed and what detailed those children how they felt over something they were meant to support when they were used voices and next a 13-year-old boy was given an award for running after a purse
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snatcher and tangibly him in chinatown a reward that captain lazarus said he stopped a violent criminal our young are go appreciated because of doctoring but not their job 0 apprehended folks by the way, if a latino or black child running in a neighborhood she could have been shot in the back assuming they were the criminals. >> (clapping.) >> you'll be going to grammar school in two weeks i'm going to make sure our children have not pawns in this game i'm appalled and hurt - >> thank you. next speaker. >> (clapping.) >> good evening commissioner commissioner president loftus and director joyce hicks and
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intern deputy chief chaplain welcome and congratulations and thank you for your service to our crisis e criticized i was at the presidio and trying to get to i have a point i don't have enough time first of all, reform that is the first one the new chief is saying the first reform it is coupling but one of the reforms and the third reform i heard you say reform plenty of other reforms that can be done this is not enough thank you secondly, i want to thank the commission especially commissioner fewer is not not easy i don't know what you did but willie brown and supervisor wiener were telling the mayor to keep chief suhr someone should to be it in room to do the right thing thank you if you did anything to get a new chief with district i will use that phrase
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i'll not yell we need a chief with unpeachable dignity the former chief was tenanted and had a lot of charm but despite thai education and years and training he didn't sutsd i guess as carefully he lacked ethics i have 36 seconds they should be in front of you the - patricia was the person that was responsible for going public with charles lindbergh in 2015 and turn out that chief suhr was in his last dying days to protect and punish people coming forgettable with the truth and at the highest level of reform, and, secondly, another article about nicholas buckley one of
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the persons that did me wrong a corrupt officer and chief. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> and i need to have something understood the reason for tasers being introduced by chief suhr was the cause of mario woods being shot i said an office they have tasers that mario woods would be still alive and that does that make sense and does that make sense now 7 officers are 7 tasers they all shot mario woods at the same time it i don't think the guy would still be alive this is something that chief suhr introduced why are we still talking about tasers he's no longer here this is the new sheriff what we have a new topic that was goth then and does that
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make sense can we change and let the tasers go thank you. >> thank you, sir this is general public comment so items not on the agenda come on up, sir. >> good evening and welcome. >> commissioners and chief welcome to the task i am here today i don't want to make a long statement i'd given to you an example of what i'm concerned with as you can see the introduction of myself i spent 10 years in the department i left as a few inspector and it hurts media it hurts me to hear the words to read the words and see the actions this department
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is engaged in at this time so my reason for being here i'd like in some way to be a support to the department and in my years as a police inspector i was in the intelligence unit wound up it in the police academy and i was picked by chief scott and captain to engage in two issues that are very similar to where we are in crisis today my job was to emilio rat is and when harvey milk was supervisor i was
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asked to help people to feel less intrament towards gay people and asked by those same persons to assist with dpz a new police examine had the police association had an entry-level driemgs i embryoi don't know when my time ends but evidence of success how you've been successf successful. >> thank you. we have your materials. >> thank you. >> thank you so much, sir. >> next speaker. >> welcome back. >> the gentleman with the why do we have to discuss this
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again, we see contract and go down and chief suhr round 5 with the same arguments behind it will your son be alive if i was tasers no, he would have been burned to death and people are exploding their - that's enough got two tasers and san francisco we intend to keep is that quasi okay. and also part of may was to welcome intern chief chaplain to your team, however, the communities is not losing it's critical thinking deputy chief chaplain i'm not to argue with you has there a conditioned
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social skills a well police but let's remember an emergency damage control measure that if something happens we have got an asian lesbian chief of color and high rank black chief that's good but let's remember you that wear high-level - let's remember you're probably involved along with dennis herrera for putting the name of mario woods on the existing of the junction so the public is watching he hope they'll exaggerate you but they're watching. >> thank you. next speaker. >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and
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welcome. >> i'd like to talk about the right disruption at the commission meetings are the commissioner really surprised because i'm not from the commission is not responsive to the will of the people then you, expect what has transpired i know the commission has specific police work that has to be attended to i also know that for a couple of years it there's been police killings of people that pose no treat to the cops and there's been inadequate or no investigations at all a crisis has existed the people are demanded accountability and not been heard but how can there be accountability in a system that is the custodial mass of one and 60 years for the existence of
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the sfpd there is not an independent body that investigates the police killings yet created instead of approximately the police have investigated themselves one hundred and 67 years the police still investigation themselves how can a police commission have the definition to oars the concerns of the residents of sf we know the seats on the commissions are stepping stones for higher office seeking those seated will be less inclined to refusal the features to further their boogsz we're concerned about the accountability in terms of investigations and indictments we also need to be concerned about the accountability of the police
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commission that has a severe conflict of interest. >> thank you future general public comment. >> (clapping.) >> welcome back. >> good evening and welcome. >> tom we need an exam team and the bluecoat and the police to be part of justice of our communities and need them to be mental health guardian too. >> we have a mess on the streets you have a major responsibility and the city has a responsibility to get the police living back in our city again or the goal of our police should be able to retire after 20 years never having pulled their gun and not firing a bullet 50 percent less guns on the street maybe every two man
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policing one not wearing a belt that person will feel i don't want to get myself in danger we want them to retire not pulling a gun we need to reduce the militancy we need the attend to vet that never pulled a gun to write new policy we need new procedures we want examship teams and examship city i heard the tv that have bit about some guys get it and should some can be trained and hold out hopes thank you. >> any further general public
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comment coupling up. >> good evening commissioners for some of you it's been a while since you've seen me i had a stroke in may or 2015 and open had a right surgery on may 2015 and returned to the please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, where i'm living on june 12th of 2015 i have been recuperating and thinking about you and had a lot of time to reflect on the difficult job that the police officers have, the defended job that the police commissioner have in evaluateing those policies on the part of police officers frankly frankly you
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exhibit think incredible amount of patience i was a guidance counselor and i had a lot more to do with how my council people conducted themselves without oversight because i was able to police myself when it comes to police training i believe that the police officers need to be trained in how to police themselves i don't want police officers with the attitude of my ex-husband when we were going to the shopping mall to get a dress for me to wear for the birth of our first son i you is saw he was going the wrong way in the
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parking lot he said nobody here to stop me i said you need to stop yourselves. >> any, any further general public comment welcome back mr. miller. >> terry miller with the police project and represent of san francisco to the board we the people accept no selection for the police chief that in go beyond a reasonable doubt and individuals and demands a public receive yum and in addition a legitimacy of this policy is not happening by not having executive officer with the legitimate demand red cross by grocery store and mayor ed lee to push for any new weapons and here i'm referencing tasers without enforced forgot mechanisms tufrts are furthers this perspective we'll follow
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the careers of people by voting and block any further raising prirsz to the ac deputy chief chaplain we're not accepting of token in place if you wish enforcements by the people you'll reopen the officer-involved shootings killings and have the interpretation for all overlays in the killing of mario woods and (calling names) and remove officers from our communities immediately. >> (clapping.) >> thank you any further general public comment? coming back general public comment welcome back >> commissioners you know i've been coming here for more years than most of you commissioners have been on this commission during public comment it is wrong when somebody starts to
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speak that they interrupt them and tried to get them to see what they want to say having said that, i'll say something we have deliberated and community policing a whole way of how to do community policing in san francisco this is san francisco and i was telling you i represent the first people of this area the muwekma ohlone so when we have some people that have some are on your police commission they should change their ways you better change our ways there are people coming over here and telling you and their hostile but you have to find out why their hostile and must found out why our heart has to be in the right
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place to the commissioners can know have we done right just ask for the video on the pav past climaxed you can't due diligence stop being on the commission. >> (clapping.) >> and remember that are people like me in the trenches who want to do right even when we had the process and the people were starving and putting their lives on the line people that trying to make sense you you'll didn't know what was happening behind the scenes this is san francisco do right and have your heart in the right place thank you very much . >> (clapping.) >> thank you >> next speaker. >> thank you, again
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i'll try for quick i've community by e-mail to some of you as you can see some points if we had a long time i'd like to have you consider the history of police say important someone said let's not look back we need to have the police departments that were slavery catchers and enforce's a great book it relates to this calls when the irish became white your that police department has many ethic cultural why is that black police associations and lgbt association and asian police why? because there are tensions inside that department that need attention and recognize that how the irish became white they dominated the origin of the
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police department in the united states of america focused on black folks starting with catching slaveries we need that and talking about the training in the academy training stops at the academy poa currently rules once the doors close in the training academy now the killer sergeant role models a season sergeant that did the last killing do as i say not as i do that's what the sergeant was saying and expands on the watch and learn a lesson lie in vietnam when soldiers stopped on the other hand, other soldiers from killing other civilians and the standards must be included annual fitness for duty evaluations and fitness clarifications for using weapons
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shouldn't have a gun on if you can't pass a psychological test. >> thank you, sir any - thank you. >> appreciate that any other general public comment? thank you >> good evening and welcome. >> how my name is darrell rogers a residence for 70 some years i was born and raised and one of the things that bothers me about what's happening with the commission as well with the police officers in this town is that has longer as officers feel like they have no accountability to anyone but themselves they not going to change innovator how many changes you put in place that is not going to
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happen until accountability is the first action rather than the last action you'll not change anything by just changing the words and in which their supposed to be following that didn't happen and in fact, what is going on as for what i see is that every time police officers kill brown and black people in the city they get a vacation and paid vacation every time they kill brown and black in this city they get to coming back to work with no accountability for the actions that they took i get to see for a period of time after the killing they get to have a nice desk job and get to sit behind a desk for a period of time rather than taking the actions in which their sweet spot to be doing
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this says no accountability nothing so no matter what you guys radio doing you're not forcing those overlays to be accountable and until in their accountable all i'm going to see more brown and black people killed only the streets of san francisco and that's a fact. >> no matter what you do there will be more brown and black people killed on the streets of this city until you make them. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> is there any future general public comment >> good evening and welcome. >> commissioners why was chief greg suhr removed from office because was it to an attempt to build trust with the communities here you have tasers on your agenda
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what ever little steps to build the trust it so socializing lacking isle you'll losses this trust new approve tasers they're a weapon of escalation a lethal weapon many of the people in the room looking at a documentary called killing them safely in this documentary the producers went to great efforts to document how the founders of company lied miss you may step down that weapon of torture and have sold it to numerous police department in the country it is a weapon of escalation your conditioned trgs of it
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tells the public you have no desire to deslate no deserve to follow all the rhetoric you've been putting forward for years to get the - i urge you to take it over the agenda and not approve tasers for this police department and look at the facts and the record those weapons kill people and that you are not facing that fact you're not letting the public know what a horror you'll be perpetrating on us thank you. any further general public comment. >> (clapping.) >> general public comment good evening ms. brown. >> good evening, i'd like to use the overhead as usual i'm
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here concerning any aubrey abrakasa murdered august 14, 2006, shots thirtyments with a semiautomatic gun and to this day his case is not solved as the man said where is everybody when in any child was shot down none was around i'd like to have that support i i don't have i want my sons case solved to have closer i come here every wednesday to talk about my child and let alone other young men that have been murdered with unsolved vase case in san francisco there are severalty unsolved cases and looking for those cases to be solved we hire the private investigators to come in and solve those cases i'm tired of getting told this
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will happen this will be 10 years since my son was murdered 10 years i've been coming down when some of you weren't up here i've been in several homicide investigators former gavin newsom said i know who killed our son the police know who killed our son with the exception no witnesses there are witnesses the witnesses because you have all the names of perpetrates that killed any son and yet they're walking the street to kill again this is what i have left of my beautiful, beautiful 17 year-old boy that i'll never have again my only son i had to walk across the stages to representative his diploma i'll come down here for
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the representative of my life and none will tell me how to grove more in any child. >> thank you ms. brown. >> (clapping.) >> anyone watching at home if you or anyone you know has information has information with the aubrey abrakasa killing (415) 575-4444 a 200 and $50,000 reward any further general public comment good evening jeff adachi. >> i know the commission will be discussing a number of policies and is use of force tasers and the body cameras i will urge to speak boldly and direct the policy make it clear and not compromise when it comes to policies that will make a difference because often if you strike a compromise at a
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position you're not going to see the change in cult i culture we need in san francisco i don't have time to go over the fine points but there are a lot of people in the individuals and groups that put in time you can see when the city has a policy i hope that is not forgotten and obviously when it comes to words like shall or should or minimal force or reasonable force has huge implications going forward i want to clear that from the stand point of a public defender geoi don't support the use of tasers i want to mention is that there's been a recent report about the disproportion of use use of force with people of color i ask you to take to heart
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regarding the body worn cameras i think that the fact there is an agreement is a huge step forward but there are a lot of fine points that needs to be worked out with that but one thing that surprised me the now, one the proposals put forward today language that would essentially allow an officer to make a brief statement and have the - >> thank you public defender jeff adachi any further general public comment. >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and welcome. >> hi, thank you i wanted to say a little bit about the body cameras for those in the audience unaware the police officers association reached an agreement with
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possible body camera policy the media reports body camera as soon as august i want to ask the commission to hopes o hold more details on the body camera but beyond and besides the question of when officials get to review the footage but the other for overlays killing people to trust the body cameras are suspicion to meet those goal is not realistic and if everyone keeps their minds, however, they may provide a small measure of help without the attention to the details of the body worn camera they'll not increase the other or transparency and invade the citizens privacy and a drain on the budgets i don't really have time more preempted to talk about that in detail i hope some of the aclu stockholders can talk about that in the future but some aspects
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of this i'm concerned is the basic portfolio who will wear them and the overlays turn them off we have this footage of the video and - privacy there should be prohibition of bio metrics amongst other issues accountability we need a clear accountability in this system when cops don't follow the body camera policy and we need to do this in. >> what to address accident loopholes it allows for discretion and cause the policy will not function in a meaningful way at all thank you. any further general public comment for items phone number not on the >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening and welcome
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commissioners director - oh, i can't building i'm doing this director joyce hicks how many times have i do think that to you generic e joyce and acting deputy chief chaplain and chief i look forward to your work on culture change considering our experience in the department being an african-american member of this department i look forward to your work in this area there has been so much going on in the last two weeks around the police issues the public defender submit last week as an amazing meeting i also went to a meeting at uc medical center about the hunger strickers and
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the experience of doctors that helped them okay. >> an amazing presentation by doctor maria mississippi are i think is her name about police officer vision a public health issue what happened in the city in the last year is an issue that on my way here together i get to hear and cbs from the poa wanting and said the poa is looking forward to the changes if the department but that the poa needs to agree having worked under as a police -
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>> thank you very much any further final general public comment come on up. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> >> as we see we have a new acting chief we have going to watch you like flies on stuff because we're not going to allow any more cover ups even with captain saying that he was carrying a gun when he wasn't we'll watch the mainstream media closely as well not helping that cover up now the issue what those officials officers you want to
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supply them with the right tools those tools need to be mental tools in their head that they're capable ever assessing the situation because anyone what about carrying a knife and you can all there a lot about a cover saying that he was carving a gun when he wasn't like kenneth hardy not carrying a gun and one of those commissioners i'll prove that to you and that's how they covered it up and utilized that's coming so i want to see changes in the city and see the officers charged thank you .
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>> (clapping.) >> >> next speaker. >> welcome back. >> thank you i did have one other thing about the tasers i wanted to submit that perhaps you can consider the tasers might be actually can you see more damage because in the news today, it's on i believe the gentleman who didly reached for his real gun instead his tasers then we're confusing the issue i mean, i realized evident a volunteer but it is happened numerous times and printout something with numerous cases officers puts their firearm instead of their tasers and it seems to me that every time on officer is on trial the accuse is oh, i was rushed and not
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thinking clearly i you know everything leads to the thinking and the quickness and at which they had to respond we're adding another weapon in the mix it can do more harm and also an accused to get out of killing someone if there were the case it adds more in the mix we've gotten mouths and voices and if their employed they can use is that wouldn't cost any modern e money and communicate with people better i believe that will help a lot and the train on that will be a lot less inintensive and not require retraining are - and if
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i might submit i didn't bring copies i was not prepared this is my first time appear here. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. any further general public comment? >> thank you. >> good evening hi welcome new chief. >> yes. >> good evening welcome new chief good evening san francisco communities i'm mother i have copies of issues i'm trying to be quick to bring up everything at once about cameras i believe that tasers i hope you are familiar maybe you're not but i believe that my sons case
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made everybody convince it is not on this the issue of police officers camera it is also the issue of neighborhood camera because the cameras officers have been off and only because of the neighborhood camera we having the chance to have my son alive and we're having the chance to prove what happened so it is actually not the issue to raise the issue of police officers having the camera on his chest and taping you are you having a chance to tape him when he is public health the
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camera who is watching him awhile he is doing at the moment if you remember the 2 book road it is called watchman so, now we are in a situation to develop the creation and set the watchman about the watchman. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> it's two minutes for everyone your time is up. >> thank you. >> i understand they'll be another opportunity for public comment about tasers any more general public comment public comment on items not on anothers agendas. >> good evening and welcome. >> welcome back. >> so the people of san francisco had 4 opportunities to weigh in on tasers and they've
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said eventually four different times we don't want tasers so, now you're considering another times trying to ram it down our throats and there are nationally known experts on the legal aspects of tasers of the medical aspects of tasers, of the associate aspects of tasers your refusing to let them speak it their nationally known experts what this says to me is that you the commission have notices legitimacy whosoever about being able to discuss this your determined to make that happen your surrounding the audience with crawling with cops and
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sheriff's and in order furbish make this decision without interrupted and no liquiditycy you don't deserve to exist. >> well. >> (clapping.) >> any further general public comment or end on that note >> good evening and welcome. >> my name is mary ann educators two years experience in education i want to take into consideration the effect that the violence it is happening towards this citizens of the city by the hands of the police the effect on the children especially in the communities of color the children are frightened they're really frightened and that's something you have to take into consideration you know in the situation of alex 59 bullets is not considered extensive force that
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is unconscionable those officers need to be charged thank you. >> thank you . >> (clapping.) >> i'm sorry two minutes for each section i, invite you back i'm sorry ma'am. >> they'll be another opportunities so the city attorney is here i have to apply the rules to everyone i'll make sure there is another tuesday night for you to speak. >> a two minute times limit that's rules is set by the sunshine ordnance and little brown act i'll let you you know what there is another time to comment thank you for understanding>> good evening and welcome. >> >> good evening. i'm the co-president of the young latino democrats i came here in opposition for the tasers for
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the san francisco police department give you a little bit of background i was a graduated with the police academy and fresno graduated at the top of my class and i threw my experience was able to do the tasers training and when i did the tasers training - sorry when i can is through any experience is that it is a house can i explain that note - pertaining to real life scenarios you know it is more have a right do it as a right of passage people that are holding you down you get tasered and fall to a matted ground that is safe people are watching you and with you and laughing with at you whether you can take it like
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a man that type of thing when i think about how the training is trivial listing the unpunt of brown and black people i can't stand that there is not enough emphasis to really i guess to really show folks that - i'm sorry trial struggling i don't know why i mean, i guess i'll say that's not right and not enough training and not okay thank you . >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> good evening i want to speak in regards to my son ms. short
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in 2000 still an unsolved murder what that back and forth with the district attorney and the police department back in 2000 that was then they said the homicide the district attorney's office said that the police department was not given them the information and the police department said we give them the guns from the homicide of your son but did nothing when was when hal was in office the reason they didn't do anything the fingertips westbound robert mcmills the police officer in san francisco so back and forth and did absolutely nothing until they transferred to robert making million - i want to piggyback on any sons murder he had a
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4-year-old son lost his mom the year before, no closer or closer now 21 but still has to live with no closer who happened in his life that causes confusion and difficulty for him to foundation looter in life it is trying to solve the homicides make that easier on the children that be coming up in the future to keep with life and you know general so - i just wanted to say i can say many police chief capital plan chaplain tried and he was one person fighting against a lot of people to get my sons case solved thank you. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> i think chief chaplain have someone foul. >> this is general public comment on items not on the
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agendas any further general public comment. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> any further general public comment seeing none, justifiable homicides. >> there were people in the hallway wanting to give public comment. >> we have to give them a chance. >> we can't bring more people in than the sheriff's will allow us hello we're still on general public comment if we can find folks that want to do general public comment in the line we can swop but. >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening a friend of mine spoke earlier about the police commissions and actually, two of the - police
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stepping stones and you know that's been a reality you know, i know that all of you are here to do a good job but that's a reality in politics for a long time i want to make you aware the current modification the mayor is a thirty percent approval rate and that's for a lot of reasons one is the police issues and want to make you aware that there are a group of us who mounted a recall the campaign will be serious that may have some serious political implications for anybody that is considering you know moving forward you want to make sure you're on the right team if in the case so putting you on notice that is happening and you'll be hearing about that in the near future thank you . >> (clapping.) >> any further general public
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comment come on up. >> oh, hello, sir. >> good evening and welcome. >> i present you having a black face here representing our police force and i pointed out at him and said him and thankful that you got a man because i know what it is to be around paddies and oklahoma he's an from oklahoma i lived there i make him smile he's a brother and good people there. >> i spoke of a tornado that ravaged nothing and bigger than any other tornado and would make people not racist anywhere he plead to god again and he thank him for what he does for me here
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today san francisco police force had to take me out of the zoo i'm more afraid of a guerilla and i want to shake his hand not that little low lands but the little one the little kid was scared not scared the guerilla he was having fun we all have to be more scared of things here on earth and i thank you for being around you you know when san francisco policeman went by the cage i was laid outs on the ground and every time that car went up and down he ran for the car nothing in between him and us that is in between us and him, i thank you for because i this where i see
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today and he can where he is with each of you he loves i thank you for this day. >> thank you. any other further general public comment. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> >> good evening. i'm here to speak begins the tasers i saw the movie killing them silent last night at the theatre, i.e., was visibly shaken and horrified they're using tasers on people and in the hands of police and not only that the movie tends state there are 5 hundreds deaths contributed to tasers used by the police officer so i have being concerns i don't want tasers in san francisco and thank for the commissioner that are against the commissioner and hopefully the other commissioners will take a look at joe marshall and victor
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waning we voided e voted you in we're hoping you will look at we need to live we don't want police officer having tasers or lethal weapons not in san francisco thank you. >> thank you. any further general public comment. >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening, commissioners and thank you for having me. and welcome to our new intern chief i'm tammy everything else in the western edition and grandmother i want to speak on the tasers irk i'm very, very opposed to tasers their largest and dangers and the deesclation going on we need the deesclation you have is to use use not a battleground we're not invading another country those are citizens we come as citizens he oppose that i wanted to mention
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i've been here before and talk about how fearful to call the police officer last night i was walking home and saw a person with the police and i called the emergency team they wouldn't take the call i'm scared is call 9-1-1 i don't want to help someone get off did medium on van ness that is dangerous to have our arms sticking out obviously not in his right mind can come to something don't approve tasers their lethal and dangerous we need deesclation and learn to work with people. >> thank you, ms. bryant . >> (clapping.) >> me further general public comment on items not on the general public comment any further general public comment?
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>> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> >> good evening suzy i was one the people in first could 5 that a lot of people thank you people overlooked i'm here to say a few things my first slogan is make it happen chapman you know what i mean you seen the people power and deny some of the supervisors saying we've not done nothing and joe marshall what look away. >> i'm warning. >> certain changes make it happen jack we can't get in here and talk that's not rights not community involvement if you want to gain the trust from the community and not no more meetings with 4 people representing the communities we
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need the students and peers 3 grew up in san francisco if so significant a lot of us are born and raised and make sure that things happen that's a part of make it happen chapman he know that is a new thing but the same people new man you've been here 26 years and not said anything that is a sense of like not speaking up when you're not speaking up enjustice is going on and corruption in the sfpd and hopefully changes but transformation you know what i'm talking about. >> next speaker . >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and welcome. >> also one of the hungry strickers and part of the part of a lot of the police reform
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work going on and the bar association task force and some of the members that are on the turn off all electronic devices on this commission we shouldn't allow tasers to be operating in the city and county of san francisco one proven to be lethal t you can be a 29-year-old healthy like myself die from cardiac arrest from being tasered and two studies have been proven? from a report i know the bar association has voted to not implement tasers this is a big vote disproportion use of tasers on brown and black people across the country and so i don't want to allow a police department to
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have an extra tool to disproportionately harm people of color we need to focus on the deesclation practices to focus on this practices that will not harm or cause injury to the people your approaching or arresting so to suggest we need tasers to be part of the defendant circulation before we implement in the general orders of demraigs circulation shows we've not exhausted all the possibility and have to work through those practices and have to have the training and the mayor is committed $4 million to the police department i think that is sufficient enough to actually have non-lethal deesclation practices didn't include tasers. >> thank you. >> >> (clapping.) >> thank you, sir.
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>> they'll be - an opportunity for public comment on the tasers when we come to to that any further general public comment general public comment on items not on the agendas come on up. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> good evening. >> directly to our intern chief i think you sent a message to the public by canceling tinseltown meetings after someone was murdered you said their unproductive keep in mind what kind of message to the public whether or not you feel their productive or not i mean to speak to the public and let them have a chance to speak to have a public statement in
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regards to wasn't is going on with the public has always wptd to have more cycle with the department and the form chief and not having town hall meetings when someone is murdered is a step backwards and reforms and training you can't train somebody not to be racist you can't train someone not to be a bigot you can't train personal issues out of somebody the hiring process needs to be reformed and i want to see which one you have has the balls to stand up to the poa and the peace officers bill of rights this is what gives the impunity and power to the system you know and we know that and
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we're going to fight that . >> (clapping.) >> okay are other general public comment is still general public comment come on up, sir. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. >> >> i guess i want to start with malcolm x and richard provider talked about black police officers how they're more violate to prove in their part of 24 system now we have a black police officer chief i want to keep in mind if anything we need to hold the feet to the fire if anything i just very distrust full from all the violence from the police department and want to say the
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black alleged leadership you went to they don't represent the black people or the communities, the naacp this black community form of if anything they represent how much money they can stick in their pockets so figure out where the black community and i'll speak with them. >> all right. my question did this ofrlsz who killed jessica williams, she was pregnant those other weapons you're not supposed to be shooting pregnant people but people in the front you're basically supposed to shoot them in the back we need to keep in mind and not the weapons it is not the weapons that are the problem is the information that those officers have those whites sub premise - and
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the meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. in the 8 percent of holding officers accountability this is more like a racketeering scheme than holding officers accountable >> thank you. any further general public comment >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening, commissioners i had public comment but give my time to edmond. >> unfortunately, we have to give 2 minutes for each person. >> really quickly i'll briefly is that the police and the city and this commission has lost the trust of people because we have not seen a sign of accountability and lastly go i'm here to say
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an, an advocate against the use of tasers i invite you when you make our decision to please look at the scientific data not there this manufacturer but everyone else. >> any further general public comment there's going to be further general public comment after each item but general public comment. >> two minutes per person that's the rules so thank you any further general public comment hoondz and sergeant, next line item. >> >> item 3 reports to the commission discussion 3 a commissioner president report and introduction of acting police chief tony chapman with the permanent chief and report only who have on the one or two patrol officer with the doj's and the cops office commissioners report. >> colleagues we've not we've been dark the last friday we didn't meet and you'll things
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happened we have not compound since the change in police chief as you may know may 19th chief suhr recess signed and acting chief i'd like to introduce acting deputy chief chaplain to you in a moment but first, i'd like to is this that such a suddenly shift in leadership can be jagger jarring i want to thank greg suhr for his leadership in challenging times he recognized we have an opportunity to make real change and not able to finish the items on the agendas we have a chance to roll up our sleeves and chief suhr said it is critical we work to build and rebuild the relationships that suffered over
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the past many months and someone is chief chaplain give you a little bit of background chief chaplain joined sfpd in 1990 as a parole officer in the central in the taraval and at lieutenant at the station as a day watcher commander a police officer and in charge costs and promoted in 2000 one and promoted to sergeant in 2005 and then selected to be the head of homicide in 2014 and joined the expanded staff as the commander of versions in 2016 promoted to the new bureau of the professional standards and privileged policing bureau to oversee the collaborative reform with the united states department of justice that's his
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recent assignment before the acting chief please help me welcome colleagues, any questions. >> (clapping.) >> chief he know you'll give you your report later on but anything you want to say you're welcome to make remarks. >> no, just some of the folks i've worked with before pursue one of them on a subcommittee and i've ot a doesn't the to the city and county of san francisco to the people we serve, sir robld peel said the people are the police and the police are the people those are some of the things i've heard and plan on addressing some of the things some are out of my realm but i promise you i'll do the best to address them i work for you, you are the people so i'm doing the people's
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work. >> go back. >> the next item a report on the creation of a subcommittee to manage for a permanent chief many addresses by charter they're charged with providing the mayor to choose the chief i created a personal subcommittee consisting of commissioner mazzuco sea commissioner melara and myself the process will go like this with the dhr to conduct a national search and invite internal and external candidates to employ within the department and across the country and proposals are submitted to the dhr and the by the has met and forming a process for february on the qualities we're looking for in our next chief that is critical
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we mare from many voices from across the city to bring forgot candidates that reflects the deserves of the entire city we'll announce in the coming weeks with updates and commissioner mazzuco and commissioner turman for your willingness to serve anything you want to say. >> no. >> no okay commissioner mazzuco. >> i'd like to get abdomen more information about the subcommittee i mean even though you're the president what action has been taken as a collective decision or commitment by the majority of members the commission and we exercise our power as a body and i have sat on two searchers for that police chief and we've not had a subcommittee doing the worker we've done it together i this is the first time i've heard about it the basis of a question
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subcommittee and exactly what the subcommittee is good evening to entail and the other members of the commissions involved with a commitment candidates we sat down and went through the candidates and is the subcommittee going to side that that will exclude the other commissioners and go back and look at the charter i don't think this particular item is really right for a subcommittee but a vote from the commission whether or not to participate. >> (clapping.) >> and to what extent we'll do that. >> so thank you compacts. >> as you may know the rules of commission were adopted in 2005 gives the president the ability to form 0 subcommittee and identify who members are serve likewise you served on the use of force subcommittee we're endeavoring do do a number of
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larger body cameras to searching for a new chief a significant amount of work that that goes with that i'm committed to suhr the process allows for full participation from commissioners there are certain aspects of decisions that can be made by use of subcommittee as you may know from the use of force process so i'm i know that commissioner mazzuco has participated in the past and you've participated in the past what my commitment we'll take the lessons and process that worked well in the commissioners has the time to go to the application inform desire to include the commissioners commissioner mazzuco. >> dr. marshall. >> you didn't answer my question what is entailed the subcommittee g will do and report back to the full commissioner. >> i'll be happy to answer that the details the first item
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deciding iuoe on a process probation officer identify the recruiting firm we'll get the information and bring that back to the commission there are decisions the subcommittee will make we'll come back to the full commission. >> commissioner mazzuco. >> with two chiefs i want to thank the commissioners to to my left is and to my right is for stepping up both the subcommittee i'm confident we'll be involved as in the past and worked with subcommittees on various things so commissioner president loftus thank you you picked two great people in implementing those so god speed and let's get it done thank you. >> commissioner mazzuco. >> with references to the subcommittee just to be clear to the public i've been through two of the searchers that is worked in the past you pick a search
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firm and with internal and external we get a binder of every person that applies in closed session the entire commission goes through every applicant and meets the criteria that's what we do criteria is you know a level of education a level of expand we received the applications from people that were in charge of a police department with 10 officers we want to have someone that expanded a large organization so retirements as long as the commission is doing the the subcommittee we go through each one and decided who gets an interview the commissioners get a say the people know that the commissioners are working with you and commissioner president loftus will tell you we do community outreach and community meetings you can tell us way you're looking for in a chief
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and having done this twice it is beneficial we reach out to rank and file a long process and involved one that involves the entire commissions trust me we'll be involved in determining the qualifications and resumes all that with our input i'm a correct commissioner wong i'm torn we have a lot of work we need the efficiency if i'm hearing you'll handle the background with the full commission to make the criteria and the search for that the next chief and review the applications that makes me feel more confident things are decided and done brother this commission meeting it appears on the agendas and get calls from the public well, what is it the
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subcommittee that is happening or you know how come the commission has sent a letter i got that supervisors called me and said why did the commissioners send this letter i've not seen that letter that is what concerns me because i don't know what went on between the meetings i appreciate the efficiency aspect we can't wait until a commission meeting but concerned it seems to me to be happening a lot i don't know about the commission meetings. >> commissioner mazzuco. >> right so i think i agreed to a process and agree that earlier that we would send out the craft for the subcommittee without knowing what is the use of force now the tasers i never agreed i want to know the process before i agree to it or i bring that up to the city attorney whether or not this is fair. >> (clapping.) >> i need to know i mean -
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one thing about making executive decisions on the agendas this is like this is the whole body not one executive director and i hear commissioner mazzuco saying offering he's assume we'll be part of this i don't hear that i hear you send outliers i don't know from the commissioners will be meeting with the community members and in the applicant i don't know from the entire commission will review which recruitment process the 3 people your selected have never done in we have issues with some of the groups that have helped us select a chief before none has experience with those issues that we need to raise we should raise bra put them in the process to be o to be voted on i want to know exactly what is going on and i don't agree with the executive decisions. >> okay.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you so i'm happy to address a couple of those concerns as we noted we were dark last week this is the first that we are able to update on this process and so i appreciate that the concern that you raised commissioner mazzuco and so i think what we can do gordon's thorough regular updates on what happened i can speak to there are bruno heights issues admonish 3 commissioners do anything so in the interest of beginning the process for an national search the form was reviewed with commissioner melara and commissioner turman and we were all comfort moving forward that no decision was made but the notification for proposals was put out there in the publics interest but i certain can assure everybody that the limousine of this subcommittee is mark farrell to
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assist the commission in a very important job not to take away the decision from anyone i don't know if sxherm or commissioner melara want to add anything. >> we've dealt with the brown act so i don't think that is a problem. >> but the only letters going forward have to recognize recruiters from the city to the city and county of san francisco and it is asking them for proposals to begin the search process so no major decision has been made no decision will be made without the full committees input the purpose of the selection committee to harvest information, categorize and raise it and bring it back to the commission to review it that's what the role of this subcommittee is
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commissioner melara. >> just for your information commissioner dejesus i work for the city for many years i know that the h.r. progress i'm condominium to following the criteria this commission established to select at next chief so i'm assuming the criteria will be development before we go forward and deciding who that person is going to be so rest assure i have a little information under my belt i know what i'm doing. >> i'm not criticizing this commission acts as a body and as sitting on two other searchers we've felt it our duty and responsibility to participate fully in the selection of a chiefs this is an executive
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decision and there's ways we can decide but informed and concerned i don't want to agree to any proposal if i don't know the details of the proposal. >> i think i agree with you completely i think that the issue is we have so many things on the table right now than being able to work and being able to excuse me. being able to work through subcommittees really makes it a lot more efficient and nothing it decided unless it's brought before the commission we're only doing the background work. >> that's with the individuals are interviewed and individuals will be called back for interviews a discussion of kwchgs all of that. >> i don't understand you said that everyone will be interviewed by the subcommittee or the few commission. >> make that clear.
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>> i'm really disappointed the way it is going forward. >> (multiple voices). >> there are processes to be put in place to move forward. >> commissioner marshall. >> my only frame of reference the way we've done in the past we've been included in the process and the purpose before i have no doubt we will again. >> i don't know that - and i want to stay on top of it and xhulth the city attorney it is not appropriate. >> i'll continue on the white house meeting with jack from the principle policing bureau participated in the department of justice collaborative reform team working in san francisco to attend the meeting and white house with the president 21st century go report and diverse
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and credible group of police departments came together in prostitute of prelims from that report it was critical thank you, chief chapman lane that sfpd joined in the national community practice and moving through the issues across the country and looking forward to hear from captain hart and that that concluded my report. colleagues, any reports from any individuals commissioners. >> yeah. >> this is a a commission reports i wanted to report i did those two tuesday to that movie and saw the tasers killing. >> (clapping.) >> there are so many aspects everyone on the commission go is ones here we think we know everything we don't i've sat through two commission meetings the film was instructive and history
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regarding tasers not only do you hear that but visually see it for us that are visual learners that was a good explanation of progress and i thought that was a film done well and obviously and focused on go not only tasers not only the leg litigation and the exposure that the liability exposure that puts our officers up for they drank the cool aid and told that was killing people and tasers turned on them they don't call is warnings but go recommendations like cities in the dark that don't protect them and officers saying they have indeed they're putting people's lives in jeopardy they get rid of the cases an educational experience i think this commission niece to
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see the film and sat through the expert witnesses and any visual aids or read any of the studies or fully understand the studies one thing the film was clear about is doubt and lightened tasers to the tobacco industry for 40 or 50 years cigarettes don't cause cancer and didn't show that was causing cancer but funding the studies they cigarettes cause cancer they were phil doubt and it continues to fund people that didn't capture the heart and didn't kill people and create things but didn't do that on the other hand, everything that the independent experts say they can't shoots the face or chest
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not a practical weapon and tasers leaves the officers open to liability many of those that was a great film i also went to the justice the public defenders justice i forgot what it is called the justice submit and it is on tv you need to see that tasers were there and talked about tasers international talking about both sides of their mouth people will die anyway and that's misused that's the communities problems on the other hand, they're it so they're not responsible for the liability and trying to say that officers kauntd use their weapons in the way their seeing it in the public you need to see it, it is on netflix i would like to invite consider to sims
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to come in and talk about his independents testing that shows tasers captures the heart and a lethal weapon that is used in a manner that is intended to be used but also i believe in his study if i recollect shooting after tasers were introduced i think our new commissioners understand or know that i'd like to have him not to exceed to speak on june 8th and that's what i'd like to do put on the agenda and recommend you see in this movie it is obviously and it was not one-sided. >> thank you commissioner mazzuco commissioner wong . >> (clapping.) >> before last commissioner meeting with the symposium and
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capacities 3 had side folks in attendance he mentioned the tenants are skshdz with safety issues and housing developments in particular in reference to a 74-year-old woman was assaulted by a younger man and captain lazarus they raised security improvements concerns and thrilled to captain lazarus the chief will have a chance to address i attended the public defenders symposium the speaker was excellent speaker i thought in general there was a police practices exert that testified or cross police station by jeff adachi gave a good commentary mr. williams said one thing the san francisco police department didn't have deesclation practices in place i believe any
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