tv Police Commission 61516 SFGTV June 19, 2016 5:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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but everything works out. at the end of the reading, everyone is happy. ♪ the room and please rise for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> commissioner president loftus i'd like to call roll. >> commissioner president loftus commissioner vice president turman is in route commissioner marshall in route important commissioner dejesus and commissioner mazzucco commissioner wong commissioner melara commissioner president loftus
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you have quorum and is chief of police tony chaplain and the director of office of citizens complaints. >> welcome to the special meeting on use of force supervisor president london breed ask here you want to start us off supervisor breed. >> good afternoon and london done breed the president of the board of supervisors i wanted to come my and talk the important topic of looking forward to hearing the discussion and the conclusion to exactly what we are doing with the department and the progress in the department unfortunately, i won't be able to stay for the entire meeting but understanding in particular topic i know the department is continuing working on and dr. marshall looking forward to hearing the discussion. >> thank you supervisor president london breed and thank
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you. we anticipate hopefully a large number of speakers on this important remorseful we've worked on for some time the sergeant killshaw will read the rules their decided in 2005 and how we have to proceed so before we start let me say this i'm asking for everyone's corporation in insuring the meeting run as smoothly the commission wanted to hear we've gotten strict feedback but important to hear from everyone so speaker during may speak their mind the commission didn't allow conduct that interferes that the meeting 24 the not to exceed all noises reflections an commission members or certain comments anyone that did is that will have to stop the meanwhile and the reason is to get the
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public comments and feedback so with that, sergeant, next line item. >> share the rules that are governor. mbes are entitled to comment on the action on an item in addition the agenda should provide an opportunity for interests under the jurisdictions and not the subject of public comment on other united items the president my set a reasonable minded alignment and the number of persons so speak on the item together public comment limit is two minutes speak from the poolroom and shall speak clearly and refrain from using pro fanned and yelling and screaming it is hard to address those tops members of the public should address their remarks to the commission neither the police or occ more commissioners are
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required to respond except when do to do so, if any, the wanting individual police should refrain from entering into date with the speakers go during public comment persons in the audience need not is - addressing the commission commissioner hasz and boeing are prohibited members of the public may not have signs that probably the meeting or endischarge meeting participant cameras and taping displaces maybe brought into the commission room but facials and other things that may abrupt of the meeting the president shall order and or more from any meeting any person who comments the following acts after being wonder disorderly conduct that disrupts like misses and speaking out of
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turn or reviewing to comply with the rules a breach to the peace and boss trust conduct during which the oldestly meeting and disobedience of commission that means an order to be seated and any interfere with the due and ordinarily course of meeting now we're going to go ahead and get started we'll hear from the proposed changes two versions you'll have and hear under the office of citizens complaints with their perspective on which policies to be adopted those two presentations and go ahead and get started seething sorry commissioner dejesus >> i'm here i have a commitment downtown at 7 i'm going to watch sfgov to see all the comments. >> thank you commissioner dejesus. >> sergeant, next line item. >> item one presentation of generally order use of force
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graft policies versions one and two discussions please note the energy devices will be agendize and public comment on item one one to follow. >> chief. >> good evening, everyone thanks for coming to the meeting tonight one of the big pieces with the new use of force policy we were seeking input from the policy and public comment is a huge part of that with that, i want to tell you about myself all the acting police chief of san francisco i've been here replacing gregory for a little bit over three weeks but involved in the use of force policy for a while facilitating the rewriting the policy and an old two decades policy that needed refreshing so from that with that, i'll introduce deputy tom and captain
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jack hart to do the presentation from input from multiple stakeholders an arrest warrantus process and that's why it is important to make sure we get all the public school public comment to weigh in important points of view policy for the san francisco police department 0 so with that, i'll call up to the podium dope chief tom. >> thank you chief good evening commissioner president loftus and police commissioners and chief chaplain and members of the public i'm deputy tom of the professional standards professionally bureau withhold to discuss the general order use of force and going to introduce captain jack hearst will talk about a brief history and timeline of the updated versions of those two generally orders to explain the three derivatives within the vertigos and how it has evolved
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from where it started back in december to what it is now i'll introduce captain jack hart. >> good evening i'm sorry captain hart one of the things i wanted to he'd with regards to the general orders that came up was just about the side a little bit history and backward only some of the things the general orders they're written with the order by the xooech their establishing the order of operations has the means to daily with the lauded asia we shall obtaining obey all the written communications as visions of any policy or directive for the written or verbal is subject to define or discipline up to and including
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terminates folks had problems with that it governs our general orders any violation of those orders results in a remained verbal and or written up to itemization so just because not written in this order didn't - there's still a punishment component is governs all and not written in all it is a governing body so this is punishment for non-compliance some folks said in the past i wanted to clear that one point up. >> good evening. i'm jack hart in the police department advertised that but if you and our public comments for a brief subjected a timeline and a psychiatrist highlight between version one and two those versions currently on the table to highlight in guiding some of the comments you might have those are the focus of the
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confuses on december 9th of reminded commissioner president loftus directed the police department to draft an update use of force in january there were several meetings schedule founded third baptist church and bodecker park and that was organized by the commission and the youth from the community safety initiate for recommendations for the draft use of force policy february 10th of the mission the sfpd presented 3 draft policies effectual stakeholder was created and to provide written and verbal remedies on the 3 use of force draft policies it included the sfpd, occ are the public defender's office the attorneys from the blue ribbon panel and aclu and hearsay and
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community represents and poa and ofj and so on and so forth at the meeting the second university of california, san francisco policy was drafted it was directed by the bar of the san francisco they submitted a two 20 page document from that a second reverberation was drafted again, all of the records are available in the room and available online at the commission website all the verthsdz and notes from the police commission merging a couple of highlight what the bar associations has amended including language for other opening forgave and users minimal force and shall when feasible instead of should and roe vs. wade did proportionality and incorporating theth of a
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firearm that's been adopted in the department memorandum for think intentional plthd of a firearm adding a list of factors whether force was - portion to the policy and language to rove the inspire and adding stakeholder language about collection two days after that version the department of justice priority a memorandum and stewart comments on the 3 use of force policy it had overall comments with combining those a definition section to understand the terms and definition in the policy including a description of the levels of force with authorized impact weapons and roles of the supervisor language about physical controls against vulnerable population including elderly and so on and other
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policies to provide adequate like a one-stop shop and recommending the department review the report off 21st century on policing the doj had a comment of stewart's if the law enforcement community and overseeing recommendations there were different preserves the language was included in the policy but not like with only voice spoken and also all the subject matter experts agreed only suggestion for a consensus and again so version one with the conversion and version two are incorporated the languages from the bar association and both verlgs one and two were updated for from doj and cops office i'm sorry
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doj was at give us that's the copes and to provide input from the direction so if the may leveling they suggested commissioner president loftus announced the use of force subcommittee and may authorizing two version so far consideration based on all that i've discussed and the two draft versions have consolidate that was where we're at at this point, i want to glow quickly talking about version one here's some hostilities some language for version one and compare that to version two to give you the highlights of the differences opening paragraph the hoist officers should demonstrate that their interactions to serve and the department is committed to using the decomplication principled and the law enforcement police code of
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ethics requires all sworn officers to carry out with professionalism and never employ unreasonable force those are the factors would the community and safeguarding the community trust a invention of proportionality amongst the groups the proportion i would the department require the police officers use only reasonable force and the degree of forced use to the threat posed to human life the portion of promoter it's didn't require the officers to not owe overcome resistance this is reasonable force another thing in section 3 b-3 a list of other factors that may be determined in the totality of the reasonableness again in version one not in version two the number of officers verse the number of subject and the angle anticipate strength of the
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officers and subject specialized living arrest abilities to the subject like special m a psychological and fire contact and chauvenl and types of weapons to the subject and time available to an officer to make a decision that language comes if a chart from post learn to may 20th called use of force the peace officer standard and training come up with the statewide policies and also tyrone training for the basic police academy that's where that language specifically comes from in addition - (inaudible). >> mixed mash arts when if so go subtilely to use the firearm policy to protect himself or another with serious bodily injury are to pertinent the escape of a fleeing felon when is officer has reasonable cause
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the subject is using the threat of deadly force or physical harm to the officer from the apprehension is delayed it is necessary to pertinent that escape and some warning should be given under those circumstances so we'll see in version two remarkably necessary is substituted with a different term i'll go over that in a quick momentum and finally, the restraint is available but placed at the hoist level as a use of a firearm so quickly just a little bit so highlighted 9 differences in version two the terms shall or shall when feasible are used the term shall means mooned the language requires the officers to take the actions was no discretion and when it saws
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shall that's subject to discipline and the terms immediate and immediate tlooet threat and are out men, women, and children immediate means happening something that concurring so the language in version one is imminent that means at or about to occur and next it another various places the timers minimal force is used it is the least amount of force to bring a situation or subject under control and the standard that many of the stakeholders want to do use that's the debate that officers can only use a minimum amount of force that's the term theirs trying to settle on in the opening paragraph the sanctity of human life is the main thing in addition to version 2 from one the fourth line the department is committed to accomplishing the mission with respect and minimal
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residence by using criminal and deesclation principles before resorting to force that's the additional language there in terms of be promoter outlet the similar language thankful altered more in the second mention if that was added it is critical officers apply the proportionality when encountering a person other than a firearm like a bottle or other projects and the other factors that are constituent in version one but not in version two's i've read you that list of other considerations if determining the reasonableness of deadline force and the alleged requirement the use of firearms we've put the list of imminent treaty of death or serious bodily injury and to make an
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arrest under those circumstances but here's the language add in version 2 number 3 boiled on the front at the top lethal force should be gender all resemble compressors are used that's the additional language in version two and it prohibit the cardio restraint so stems still open for discussion by the commission whether penal code should be included in into vertigos some certificate experts from the department of justice condominium no issued and contempt no comments about that taking it out sergeant for subject warmed a weapon should be handle in training the list of requirements is in both versions several awakes did commissioners brought that up and in determining wasn't the
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train for the police department whether the terms urban reasonable or unnecessary they recommend using unreasonable and the community groups unnecessary and reporting all physical cell over the use of force an alternative report all handcuffs whether this was a injury or complaint of pain currently a complaint of pain or the person is injured from physical control if so any time an officer puts his hands on a subject and experts recommend taking an office raising an inadequate women and men it teaches the officers that impact weapons at a- is it so outdated and that restriction is in both versions one and two this is a quick summary so obviously the
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commission we're looking forward to our comments if it you don't get a chance to comment and at home to submit up at the top is sf is passenger door dot commission and and recommended that option to make guess feedback and suggestions that concludes my presentation. >> thank you, captain hart sandra under the occ thank you, welcome ms. marion. >> good evening commissioners members of the audience i'm sam are i work for the office of citizens complaints we're an agency in the citizens have complainant again self-police officers what we do in nations we do a lot of
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policy remarks i'll make a few belief remarks along these with stakeholder have bang working and coming to those moseying and listening to public comment i want to talk to the commission and members of the public many of us from the aclu and the povrdz the coalition ever homelessness and the bar association of san francisco did i say the aclu we've been all aclu and putting together another draft version that is supplements 23 will entrance version two if you don't center a copy there are some speak the back we want to talk about what why we did that. >> what are the revisions the copies are in blue you can see exactly the new language what part of what we did as community
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shareholders how do we really see the community values that everyone is talking about how do we move from a few years ago when perhaps there reason shootings and perhaps not enough understanding of the alternative ways especially handing people that are million dollars and think about when individual razz have weapons so part of what we've done how do we view that standard and be explicit so one of the first things there was a lot of talk about the standards a case from 1989 a state of reasonableness part of what we want to do do what is the standard 5 and why we want a great standard part of language this department generally order adapts a higher standard of police conduct and it reflects
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the community values seeking alternative options to force and minimizing it's use whenever feasible so hopefully to see how we identify the community standard and part find it becomes using shall verse should when it is shall it comes down from the top downtowns train will be focused on deesclation and impact with people millennials and bring more resources to an incident and shall makes a difference from the word is should it means it is recommended no one is actually held responsible for should so that's the difference thaipts that's one thing we're hoping for the use of word shall and immediate in ways it is dealing with exactly whereas happening ♪
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situations it is even whether or not the u.s. supreme court go uses so again we're advocating for a standard that deals with what are the facts that did officers know whether right then and there are other things having a section on fair and unbiased the department is committed to providing that and so let's put them into this version another aspect has to do with where lethal force and again words make or make as different by having the language that lethal force shall only be experienced with all reasonable alternative transportation are exhausted or not feeble it shifts the balance and makes the officers trained and have to think about what are the other opgdz hero again advertised it is safe and feasible but it bracess the standard for all avenue us so the police conduct
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and the interactions with individual more opportunity to look at what are the other resources, 09 ways of thinking and demrairths circulation options so other aspects we included a decision making model that has been something that the police reporting recommended to go think through the options and language previously we wanted to identify that clearly we also included language about discipline it really is clear the officers don't abide by this policy the result is discipline many other aspects perhaps a little bit later we'll talk about language and the mentioned of the usefully and the bar association the working group on the blue working group they're here and a stakeholder in the coalition on homelessness they've been a part ever 24
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interested in answering any of your questions >> if i might say i ask they include critical decision making model it is something that the 2015 press report they trained the officer to testify it helped them to analyze the situation when they're on the sworn. >> we'll talk about that. >> go ahead. >> did i hear you say hates a burden by currently have. >> there's a version that came out could i i sent it i'm hoping you have a copy - you do have a copy. >> maybe i do it is include. >> it means there are 3 versions. >> okay our version 1 and 2 a version two with a heading the stakeholders added in addition.
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>> so we've got versions one and two that the outlined so the version we'll call that two a it is based on two edited i by the stakeholder so if our advocating would we'll make that clear thank you, ms. marion so let's go ahead and start is there any public comment so two minutes at that time, i appreciate he everyone's help so we can hear from everyone. >> good evening and welcome. >> like you said dealing with the moinldz i know that some of the police officers probable are maintenance problems too because when they go through the
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background check and get to where they get it takes a toll on them and thank you toll on them you know going on a street everyday and being in a evaluate everyday that is like drinking and driving and i think the reason why the police are doing what we are doing shooting us their fatigued and a lot of the mrofrdz do probably have millennial problems you'll not know until the only protects them you know then you have so said that a lot of mrofrdz that are under the table do drugs i don't you don't know it is like a job can you come to work and you're a professional so as i go to say i feel that the police officers need more training in dealing with the
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millennials and you need to have a training for themselves to check ups and stuff until you're clear both ways you're going do continue on, you know, mrofrdz on the streets and wouldly shot people they have issued and trigger happy and a person with millennials you it's like acting drunk you stab someone you don't know until the high come down the police officers need more million dollars xheshg chikdz for themselves in the police force and that way you'll fix it and go farther with that thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> >> good evening and welcome. >> very appreciative of all the work that has been going into the revised version two but one point of detail that keeps haunt me what are the defini definings and worked phenomenon this for 18 years and been trying to be included as a shareholders although we have all the experts we need but to defer the experience i'm not the only within think the apartment of people survived police officer or have lost a loved one to police enforcement we might be are be able to express our
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grief from the issues that are at stake i believe want to green building i can do it in the future it will be included. >> we'll follow-up>> next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening. i'm karen and i'm a member of the justice for mario woods kroirgs coalition co-founder of san franciscans for police accountability and a mom and mentor to hundreds of adult that have a lot in common with mario woods i can have apprehend mario woods are a hug because i love people like mario woods i don't believe view them as strarndz or less than me advocate so far the enhanced version but unfortunately even if you adopt version another police
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death is imminent in san francisco because the police officers association runs san francisco the blue ribbon panel and sfapd has no personnel policies background checks are gone by police officers association the police officer that killed a person is still on duty a police officer shot into a car and they opened fierce 2 two seconds of arriving on scene a police officer offer heard i transferred to bayview to shot anything a. >> gary went on facebook and i don't believe that all sfpd are bad but i know that if you do not
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increase discipline and remove bad officers and change training and protect whistle blowers and protect folks by - the violent poa will continue to determine the culture of sfpd and show chougs will continue. >> thank you. next speaker. >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and welcome. >> in my mind a rotd i didn't a 28 and a half year veteran of the san francisco 49ers and i came originally to talk about tasers but that's not on the agenda i'll have to come back i thought i'd get an education i heard the term words make a difference so i'll try to be educated and ask you the
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commission what is the diverse within acting and - does one have less responsibility and incidentally i don't know the xooech i've not met him and hope to melt him later tonight is the first time i have been in the same room with him i'd like to know the difference between acting and intern. >> yeah, so we are in this up i can provide a brief response if i have it acting is the term potential in this department i don't know what at definition between acting and darin intern but oil look at it. >> i assume they have the same responsibility. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> alice
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senior council and aclu the aclu in san francisco i had 3 precedes working on police reform issues since 1975 the consensus of all of us this is the most time with significant reform in the san francisco in san francisco to reform the police department and that responsibility rest with you all is as it shed i am wlor you to act above and beyond the call of duty e boldly and make a statement that things will be different and only the only version 2a does that accident most important sentences is a sentence we added it says the general order adopts a higher order of police conduct i think this is really for this is conducted to show that things
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will be different without that the message are mixed the responds is not hero and you really have it how to make a statement actually not just important to san francisco but what we hear he guarantee will be heard in other community that are thinking about those same issues that's all i want to say. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> my name is a may have been speaking of words this is once again we're referred to as the audience by mrofrdz and the woman from the occ and when we accept that i choose not to interrupt 1, 2, 3, 4 meeting but tid of giving a passive role as audience we're not will watching and passive we've you know didn't pay for this show we paid to participate also, we are the public
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so also my concern why no public comment on this meeting about things not on the agenda that happened at every other meeting i'll provide a brief respond this is one item and public comment a different for a moment. >> i have a mention orlando and the police not to have an assault and speak to an immediate threaded i feel it police officers psych not deal with being disobey bid stealing property no weapons if someone is running away not called for being shot in the back that happens over and over and the hands don't 0 need to be automatic there are protests that are non-violent i think we have we've got a lot more work to do and also i don't know what
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a happened about the 3 person committee for chief suhr's the xoech he feel like i need to put that in there if police officers are 09 obeyed didn't have a right to be violent toubt to the public. >> a i'll provide a response about the is a search for the chief and the commission will do a possible action. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> good evening. >> good evening. i'm kevin i'm from the law enforcement of morton on behalf of the blue ribbon panel on accountability and fairness in law enforcement the blue ribbon panel is here along with many stakeholder to express our support for the versions we're calling version 2 organization we firmly believe that 2a 5. 01 reflect accident
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combhuntd standards and the 21st century standards and this was in process late last year and the comment to minimal force and unbias policing our 21st century and verlgs 2a has guidelines for use of force and reflection for those are socializing noted and as noted version 2a makes it clear it operates as a floor and the community is taking conscious efforts to act i mentioned last week 4 members of the commission for the public record our open letter that provides in more detail our support for version 2a over one or two our support for 2 in the alternative and it consolidates the details of the recommends why question building that 2a is
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the best option and it easy the open issue on captain hearst for the doj jourdz and whether or not the use of force is okay with that, i thank you. >> thank you, mr. benefit dick thank you for all your hard work. >> good evening and welcome. >> i want to thank petra for doing the right thing for voting against letting the police department review the body cameras that mary's makes no sense he applaud petra for doing the right thing and standing up up against the poa and second everybody that karen said as long as these bad police
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officers maintain their jobs it is not good enough for us and never going to build trust between the community and the police department and we're going to keep on fighting and keep on coming whether at the police commission merging or the fight to the shady poa who you know enactment wrote a scathing letter of juvenile letter in fact, about the fiscal hungers attack that was fabricated and marty needs to keep that on the plate and so yeah we were all adults we have common sense and i really hope we really exercise it the whole body cam thing i don't understand why any of you would
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vote under oath of the letting the police department look at the footage petra did the right thing to do they stood up migrants poe no reason i don't know who benefits in any way and who is being protected along it continues is to be be us versus them will 34e7b89 it will be obvious we have no choice. >> i'm happy to talk about the body cameras officer are not able to view the footage without a statement then after 33 that they can view the fathom. >> my name is jack i didn't a co-founder member of san franciscans for police accountability and i am in support of version
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2a of the use of force policy i'm here to talk about the early interference for those of you who don't know for the early intervention system a policy of the san francisco police department to create accountability for officers in the stations who exhibit explosive forces or for whom excess numbers of complaint so accident e i s has little in any impact because san francisco police department supervisors ever identified explosive use of force behavior patterns more initiate acts to change the behavior so foe eis interventions hundreds of officers have been identified as out liars those that use excessive force you need to if
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you do why sprifrpz should not say when interventions took place they identify who the outliers are and yet the department rare lee intefrpz not in the most simple and impugn active way even in the 2015 there were only 8 interventions 8 interventions ambassador and only three of those only 3 h has to do with with xeefg force the rest were about court cases why hadn't there been more interferences with the out leaders the 5 officers that shot mario woods an december 2nd, 2015, had any of them slapped by this eis how many times.
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>> thank you thank you. >> well did good news an upcoming meeting of eis panel on june 29th at 11 open to the public and commissioner dejesus is representing the commissioners and identifying issues for the commission to address any members of the public or eis the early intervention discussion thank you your time is up. >> thank you for your comments. >> good evening ms. brown. >> hi, everyone i'm glad my name is paulette brown i'm glad to hear that i do agree with the officers not viewing the footage before they write what is happening i don't agree with them viewing that they should give your statements before that he view it i'm
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dominoed that is happening but actually here because of my son his my name is aubrey abrakasa murdered august 14, 2006, i'm hearing investigation on it and looking forward to what will happen with the urban solved homicides there is use of force on the street usually in the community black and black crime i know they're talking about police killings and mario woods it is orthodontist and i hoping for resolution on my sons case and i where i know that up all the time the mayor gavin newsom said i know who killed your son and others who know with no witnesses what do we do how do we change that law i don't just fight for other cases here two
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of mothers like mitchel fighting for just the and still looking for closer and asking again concerning my son aubrey abrakasa as his mom and i know that it is special meeting but i come to those things and can't not speak about my child i'm looking for resolution on that for my sons case and mothers other cases i fight for other cases for children in homicides so and i'm glad you bring up my sons case if you can say what you as an amendment i'll appreciate that if you or anyone you know has information to the murder of aubrey abrakasa an tip line (415) 575-4444 and ms. brown your right we advocated for additional resources to be devoted for homicides we'll ask
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the chief to give us an update. >> next speaker. good evening and welcome. >> many serious concerns are looking for affordability clearing stipulated in clauses governing the violation of the general order this is lacking i read 21st century with the mention ever penal code section for officers that as a result citizens there's absolutely not a single clause detailing the consequences for police officers that violate the direct suspension and i take note the intern chiefs earlier comments on punishment bursa but those punishment are seemingly a bunch of promises so where's the accountability here and now
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the investigation of those several police killings over the past year and a half where's the investigative body to insure the citizenry justice will be done i am patiently i noticed proposition d making the office of citizens complaints that body but role how is the occ independent it is part of the police commission and didn't did recent blue ribbon panel that concluded my report. state the occ mayor ed lee reports rarely result in disciplinary consequences and when they do the discipline is million dollar it is also been pointed out in 2012 out find over 2000 complaint brought to the occ not one has been sustained
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are we being lead down the vague path of unaccountability . >> (clapping.) >> >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening i fully support of section verse the red line version and everything that jackie and karen said the last speaker was dead on right about the consequences of what we're doing hero not only are we all in doubt this commission will actually carry out those measures in the field they've not done in all those years the last gentleman said very questionable shootings and many we call them murders by police officers what you do with those incidents will tell us what you will do not future with
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those new policies those new red lion policies if you adopt them so this is the great challenge this commission has before it and actually brings some teeth and enforcement some discipline some consequences to violations of use of force violations of human rights, murders of people that many people think happen by the police department we stand on the brink that deciding whether you can do it you've not done it so far it looks good on paper but in the field and people's lives and people's lives lives are lost you're responsible in the end you're the body that we put in power to enforce those policies you haven't done see will you do it in the future i have my doubted. >> one quick clarification not
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the jurisdiction of the police department but one way to evaluate we do a quarterly report on the website going back to 2006 lays what the officer was a charred with and the discipline based on stale wire not able to put the name of the police officers but this commission is looking at how we can share that information on the front end and when it comes in and go out but to clarify charging anyone with a crime outside of jurisdiction of this commission. >> next speaker. >> hello. thank you for having us today, i think i'll to echo some of the comments people said that xhundz or consequences and to offer some interpretation about immediate the analyzed rifle association has a slogan the way to stop a
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bad buy is a good imply with a gun the question has been the bad guy with a gun is the police officers that stops him i'm saying him few woman mrofrdz contempt these acts who stops him the bad dbi with the gun wearing a blue uniform the question not on my watch i'd like to compliment did department for creating that theme so police officers can have a basis on which to intervene not. >> (clapping.) >> after the fact mrs. williams and mr. woods is dead and someone in the room will be deed in a month bow now i've told you before identify offered you my pilot train when you're in the your an emergency small business better do something now
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not after the crash i'm currently you to put in any version some encouragement to officers to stop it now the video of mr. woods killing slow down i don't know if you've seen it showed any officers didn't draw their weapons some drew a club but they were overrun by the quick herself conveniently latin racism hyper fearful officers that positions themselves to create a threat they blamed him for i hope you will consider something along those lines the last point poa please go to the webbed. >> thank you, sir if you want to share any written document please do okay. thank you. >> thank you .
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>> (clapping.) >> good evening shawn welcome. >> i'm julia from the bar association and formed a task force when a number of shootings occurred in san francisco i've become part of stakeholder organizations that worked with the aclu and sat through officers meeting and listened to you obviously i support version 2a along with a bunch of other people words you matter and also want to speak to karen what karen said it is important this is a piece graeng it is the center piles get the policy right and i hope that you understand that there is a lot of work that is being done around looking at and we'll be coming to you in the near future with a rotator from the
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subcommittee that actually then commander chaplain we're looking at building department's and jurisdictions definitely looking at all the recommendations has to come with policy is training data collection and analysis without out academics looking at that analysis in addition to the police department it must be toyed to risked management it must be to do to believer venture systems we have target a number of terrific software companies in the cutting-edge i'm missing something i wanted to hear dr. jennifer the leading expert on policing is presenting her work with the city of oakland tonight as part of motivators meeting where oakland and we're hoping to partner with her in the future to benefit from all of the work she's done
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she's been waiting for sfpd to get cameras we can use the camera footage as way of training and make sure this policy is not just - thank you thank you for all your hard work. >> hi will good evening jennifer coalition on homelessness fingertip first, i want to thank the commission sxhufdz for removing frazer this discussion not only because i'm sick ever talking about how tasers increases and that i really, really grateful to be able to talk about an important issue the use of force well our community is hit hard by this issue the last officer-involved shootings involved people that are experiencing homeless we're
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insist they pass the edited version two and one important note is it states wears adopting and higher standard with an updated standard as an employer i expect more from my employees telethon following the law i expect more and more from the police department than simple following the law in the moment for change this is the moment for transformation having a doj that adopts anothers 21st century of please carry on conversations out in the hallway. that conveyed shall and minimal and bars xoefb and language that will save lives and language that is the feed to grow that change question call on you to demonstrate vision and fortitude and call on you to pass this
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edited version 2. >> thank you. next speaker. . >> (clapping.) >> guessing and i'm john jones i favor version 1 the reason i do been following as closely as i can the prosecution of police officers in baltimore i think that version 2 and version 2a lends itself to easily to that kickoff abuse i was at the june 8th meeting and i listened to what people were saying that was the medium force you president was in the meeting where y are people so angry it has to do with with the language you use and the language they object so it the purpose language port commission craze it is will criminal you used the word sanctity a theoretical term in the dieshg
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all the independence is survival proceedings as a matter of constitutional law it is beyond your confidence i think you irritate people by using the languages they know you're putting them on that's what we sensed that's why they're so angry and need to stop it here's what i suggest the purpose an amended definition of purpose i will send you on i'm that says a little bit more the department exists to enforce the allow laying not a agent of social change that will irritate a lot of people in the room but at least it sfoith the issue and august it in real terms you wanted that. >> thank you, mr. jones. >> next speaker. good evening and welcome. >> yeah hi, i'm from out find
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town and spent with martin says i care of about people being murdered and justice and i am new to those meetings i try to said and listen in i could make some recommends about when you guys are speaking if you could explain what the acronyms or pass out you know a paper that and also when people are speaking not speaking like this indicating i don't know what they're talking about and i know that people are limited in their time to speak and doing a power point presentation i was trying to fouling follow there was creativity it difficult to read and wonder why the chief is not up there chief suhr was sitting up front is that have to do with intern i wanted to see the new
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chiefs face as at the community meetings the chief sits in the audience. >> the other issue people are saying words are important homing people use the n word not fiscal year an racism. >> they're not. >> in the text message they were. >> homing that is bias an elephant in the living room and on page 13 in the impact weapons number 3 restricted use b use of impact weapons for the body meaning i think you should add breakfasts to that state size head neck face and spine and groin and kidneys breakfast something in there for female not going into dilator i believe that to be a fact it is very important but i have injuries from
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something that happened to my breakfasts by police officers okay. >> so i didn't 0 go into is i want to hear about the unborn baby - >> thank you, thank you. >> next speaker >> hello noichlz noah born and raised in san francisco and work with kids and feel like this is my home it is sad too see what is going on no accountability san francisco police are, am i correct? harry's people and biggest and murdering people none has gone to jail they've gotten a paid vacation we saw on
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the racist texting officer none in jail this panel that's your job to hold people, accountable without criminal consequences it is only a addressing lee pr campaign we deserve accountability you can spend million of dollars but why would he have seen our trust violated when murdered before i police what about the victims without videos i'm waiting for the moment we forgot to record i lost it didn't turn it on mshtd victims and in their families are has and treated like foreign enemies are with their medical history planned in the media by police and charges beginning officers are rarely brought by fellow officers and
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not counted we need an century prosecution and bright lights on the records of past officers and not let them hide like criminals behind the poa san francisco police department protect and serve who, who does this commission serve who does the oracle serve i demand that the police serve the trust of everyday - >> thank you. i want to make one clafrpgs regarded the text message sometimes one fact monday with an was 8 officers executed of changing home forgive message the san francisco police department asked for the terminates those cases were assigned to the full commission that case the lawyers proeth brought a claim now the california court of appeals is
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outside find our jurisdiction they may a peter o'toole to come back to this commission we're the judge nicole and not able to talk about our feelings are what thoughts we have we have to proffer our right to be fair judge in those matters if it comes it will come to the commission - and the last batch of cases 3 out of officers are no longer with the department and one officer has charges pending in terms of the rooich conduct it is found for the last chief overseeing cases are immediately brought to the commission thank you. next speaker. >> it is nice to see you that the use of force is being addressed but what amazes me why do we have to do it now back in the 70's we didn't have those problems as young adult
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treated with respect back in the 80s same way in the 90s, the same way and even in the light early 2000s cops treated people where respect how did we get hero and why did that he get here is unbelievable you know why is it somehow we can't adopt things like in the 70's things were peaceful why is it that san francisco is got an army of cops what the hell for i mean a frigging army get them out find hero and safe the city money and as you 0 it for the homeless that's the real problem is it so out of control liquor a cancer address it get us back to
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the 70's. >> thank you further public comment there good evening, sir welcome. >> nickel and dimed a darrel rogers a resident of san francisco i'm 70 years old and born and raised in the city i'm also a property owner in this city and my question to all of you is one i've been trying to avoid asking when when are you going to see that you're sitting in the midst of history you stand at the point of real change you can be the leaders this country needs right now you can century did standard that will change the to do of
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broult against brown and blacks throughout the nation you are the backbone of change can you step up to the plate if so when that's the real question is when. >> thank you sir, thank you mr. rogers. >> is there any additional public comment? >> good evening sergeant welcome. >> i wanted 0 make a comment it is refreshing to see that we are truly moving forward towards reform and transparent but i also want to san francisco transportation authority non-not on my watch was exaggerated by me sergeant yolanda williams in response to the texting situation is a way to power those with no voice not just meant to beat up accident
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beholds with not ones my watch but meant for the public as well it was supposed to be a uniformed campaign that were citizens and police officers pledging to not on my watch unfortunately, the program explicit roll out that way i've already been speaking with the new chief chief chaplain and ask them to let's renegotiate and relaunch this project and the way it was meant to be so we can start to rebuild those trusting relationships that snowed is to be re-established not on my watch must be dlieshlgd by every sense of this great city we can be the examine this program was may not to be a national program starting in the sfoifkdz i'm looking forward those o those to those sins that will take the pledge and take it
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to heart thank you for that work and is there any additional public comment? >> okay. he hearing public comment is closed. >> colleagues, we can use this time to discuss any issues or we can the next step for you to know we're onramp for june 22nd for discussion and action we do have before us 3 versions we also have ongoing getting feedback from the public possible another version can come with that said, any issues from the stakeholder. >> conversion. >> thank you, everyone for your comments and want to do thong the stakeholder for working on the red line version that's at best version i'll be supporting what i like to see before we go into voting and further voting a presentation
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from the city attorney or our attorney to advise us on what happens with combaermdz and obtain a front to what we can legally pass as policy and not renegotiate and recare of with the poa tidal have clear boundaries what things are the policies that the police commission can pass and subject to negotiate a message i'll have i'm ant concerned the poa is not present i think outside the box my message to the offices of the poa those standards are not in conflict where each other we're talking about apples and oranges 3 things we're talking about one is criminal liability that's what the issue goes to one is civil liability that's the connors versus and we aspire to
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discipline before the council that's when you hire an employee you don't tell them home to do a reasonable job but were excellent job that's at policy we're trying to pass nothing about the policy we're trying to pass fliendz grand versus connor it deals with the standard when pollens can be used under the penal code when offends can be criminally processed ross are 3 things mixed the policies i don't opt officers to think 80 encourage people that if they didn't take time and distance we're not oil changing the state law that's the kind of language i want to clarify and want officers to understand we're not trying to take away from their rights under the criminal and
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civil service we are laying out what wet expect them to do in the city of san francisco. >> i will talk with the dhr and the city attorney's office to give us a presentation by next week you know at the end of the day the police commission seats the charters and while the question is what areas are subject to bargaining and other areas aren't i think regardless of this commission would have a neurotic options to pursue whatever policy we finally lists and we ultimate want to see so i think more information will that would be helpful and happy to schedule that for next week. >> i support that i think that it is two premature for me to say which version i support unless i know what hurdles we'll overcome at the point i thank
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the public addresses stakeholder for taking the time to do we what they did and hear from the city from what things we're confronted with before we make a discussion. >> i agree commissioner wolfram's or commissioner president loftus and others worked on the subcommittee working on the versions we want to commend thank did stakeholder and thank the public thank you for your meeting it was nice to have a meeting people give us constructive advise without any interrogate active comments towards the members of the commission we take into account but look at all this and the law and looking at the department of general orders and as captain hart told you i agree a lot of the terms overseeing are the folks from the united states department of justice who are
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experts and ghosts information folks from across the country mini police and other source of high ranking officers involved in criticize we put it altogether but it as delicate balance between the law and following the law we aspire for the officers to have a higher standard and we balance that with the law and balance it with the need tore officers to return home safely after their shifts and that's another parrot of balancing the men and women you see here tonight when we hear negative things about the police department they cringe we need to work together with them and have a delicate balance and be respectful to the sanctity of human life things not changed and thank you sergeant formal
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not on my watch last friday night a class that graduated in the plod i saw 4 eight hundred young men and women sometime were older said that pledge of allegiance from the bottomed of their heart so change it here thank you. >> thank you commissioner mazzucco and other colleagues dr. marshall. >> i wanted to say thank you madam president for guiding us through this process and he know all of us particularly the hours you've put in probably the most difficult thing to where we are yelled at shouted at closed down and continue to work and move towards the goal we want to get to which is have a different department and i really want to say thank you for keeping our i'd say open
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crime we have more to do we'll get there i think you made the comment i don't know that people maybe they do - this is a processed a process and work with young people their understand a process and you could do one thing and another thing the real - we didn't have combaermdz now your ass is on the radar we're 0 moving purposing with only thing at a point and with with you'll our comments we'll come up with a much strorngz points of view legislation and we have a witness test i'll not say but were i will when we get to that. >> chief chaplain anything any remarks before we close out the meeting. >> i also want to thank the
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public for this process getting input from the public and you mention i don't care what spectrum whether you completed the process or love us to death the reality we're at a point in my 27 years in the police department we have the aclu and other bodies we've never sat around the table with and this is the centerpiece where all the issues and 0 troubled spring from the public comment is honorable and the input is welcome you know we take copious notes and talk about those things they're important and i know sometimes you know think or think that sometimes we're 0 not looking you it is all relevant and everyone that gets up to the podium we listen and at the end
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of the day we take it in we'll give ourself our view you ultimate u ultimately up to the commissioners and applaud them for taking in the issues and all of a sudden a new policy is under the table this is not a unique process you're talking about a policy in effect over two decades it was put in place my first 44 years in the police department and now findings a scrip time to require change and the laws if the aclu and thank you to sam from the bar saeshgsz are association all people spechd and the same with the police commission no one is taking this stuff lightedly you're not waste of time one thing we rap indicate and be
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respectful and that's how this that's the only way this process move forward we shut down those moseying people are not respectful we can't win we have a whole bumper of people from the first time lopez who what is said let's tdm and thank you all for participating ♪ process it is not easy on my officers or o on me are the commission and definitely this public we have to go through a painful process it is net thank you for you work >> thank you chief before we wrap up i would like to change captain sanford and the grattan elementary school and thank you for all the fact or facts folks from the park station and sergeant, next line item. >> adjournment action item. >> do i have a motion to adjourn. >> second and.
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>> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> we're adjourned thank you very much >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you
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wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in
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investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www.
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>> good morning, it is thursday june 16, 2016. this is rec and park commissioner. >> commissioner low, here. commissioner harrison, here. commissioner [inaudible] commissioner i think you have something we start on the presidents report. >> yes, good morning, commissioner beel is out today and i'll stin
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