tv Fire Commission 62216 SFGTV June 26, 2016 10:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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process up to this point is necessary. >> great, thank you for doing that. >> all right. move on to commissioners questions or comments any additional comments or thoughts if commissioner. >> for those of you who don't know following any facebook page i'm stands with the events we can't say let bullies make us afraid i encourage everyone to go to pride and go this weekends and support everything don't be afraid i do know some contingency pulled out of san francisco pride parade condition sisters in new york begged to enter so i'd like san francisco to stand strong and come out this weekend and do be afraid.
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>> you're here and director kane a hotline for a we know - >> didn't mean to united states you on the spots given the heightened securities the police have an informant tip line for any member of the public you feel there is superb activities we don't want to make people appear people paranoid but could that way. >> lieutenants and following with our theme of what you were talking about obviously we're asking people to think safety if you see something say something we have our 9-1-1311 and
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non-emergency and (415) 575-4444 again (415) 575-4444 thank you great, thank you. >> yeah. we want to commend reiterate commissioner joseph's comments what happened in orlando's was more than tragic i think causing us to think about what are safe spaces not just for poor people but everybody that has to go out on friday or saturday night i hope people come out and celebrate we have a lot to celebrate and a lot to remember so look forward to seeing people in the streets any other comments commissioner perez. >> yeah. so many of you guys know last april the board of supervisors amazing approved a
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filipino cultural district and i believe that our commission is constituent as a mandate to create the strategy plan actually a community meeting 5:30 so 7:30 at the consulate i want to invite the staff to have a representative presents. >> great. >> thank you. >> commissioner lee. >> so is ongoing process where everyone can be safe i want to talk about the club owners are getting together with the captain to discuss the flts for safety this weekend so those club owners out there watching be there and show up and you know so we can have all the folks this weekend.
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>> all right. any public comment on our comments seeing none, public comment is closed. our last item on the agendas is new business requests for future agendas items any thoughts on that we are not having a meeting on july 5th so just mark your calendars we will be meeting on the 19 the agenda about go out but one of the items on that for two items one to elect a new president and another item is reconsider parts of bylaws for any item of president to 3 years but not repeat more than 3 years i'm planning to have a discussion with each commissioner
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individually about that to get our thoughts i'll be happy to serve as your president but i'll be happy to make a space available for another person should you want to have me the president's this is my third term that's where the abusing will have to change looking for a meanwhile any other things >> commissioner thomas. >> ask commissioner lee to give you a report of the station put that on the agendas maybe. >> sure good to hear with the club owners are thinking and - >> well, probably way after pride but usually. >> staff. >> jocelyn - i'll give my gut. >> put that on the agendas to
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discuss that. >> yeah. that would be great. >> all right. public comment on all of that seeing none, public comment is closed. the meeting is adjourned at 637:00 p.m. >> >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> under administrative quode
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67 a 1, cell phones pages and sound produces devices is prohibited. all pagers, cell phones to silent mode or turn the device off now. san francisco fire commission regular meeting wednesday june 22, 2016 and the time is 501. roll call, president covington, present. cleveland,print. commissioner nakajo, present. hardeman, present. mark gonzalez, present. public comment. members may address the commission for up to 3 minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the
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agenda. speakers shall address remarks to commissioners as a whole. commissioners will not enter into debate with a speaker, lack of response by commissioners or department of personnel does not necessarily support statements made during public comment. >> any member that would like to speak at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary, can you please go to item 4? >> item 4? >> yes, i dopet don't see the supervisors here. >> approval the minute. minutes on may 25, 2016. >> thank you. is there any public comment on the minutes of as submitted? no public comment, public comment is closed and will kboe to foalo
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commissioners beginning with commissioner cleveland. >> so moved. >> second. [laughter]. >> all in favor the minutes as submitted please say aye. thank you. >> chief of departments report. report from active chief of dw apartment mark gonzalez and issue s and activities since the fire commission meeting including fiscal year 15, 16 budget, academy 25 anniversary and special events and communication and outreach from the public. report from administration-report on the administrative division facility status, finance, and training within the department.
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>> thank you. supervisor tang has now entered the chambers. what we can do is go back to item 3 and then return to item 5. thank you. >> item 3, proposed legislation from the board of supervises. discussion and possible action. fire code disclosure of fire safety information. ordinance amendsing the san francisco fire code to require building owners and home owners associations to provide fire safety information to residents in buildsings with 3 or more dwelling units and annually fire safety information and train toog residents in building with 16 or more units making findings to local conditions per suntd to california health and caed and directing the board of supervisors to transmit the ordinance to appropriate state officials.
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>> thank you, madam secretary. welcome supervisor tang. >> thank you so much for taking the item so quickly. good evening commissioners. ka ty tang. the legislation is amend the fire code and there are 3 component tof. one is building with 3 units of more we like to require in common areas there be a posting regarding fire safety information. we am vision thill will be in the form of a map with symbol squz language when inspections were done to fire extinguishers and safety so it can be cultural competent. the second component is in buildings with 16 or more units scr the reason it is 16 or more is there is requirement that there be a resident manager living on site so in those buildsings we
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require there be a annual training with the tenants living in the building about fire safety and prevention. i think this is incredibly important because we have more and more people living in san francisco and together and more and more devices we are using there is so much more in terms of fire hazards we are all creating, so it is my goal to insure that through the trainings, the residents not only know what to do in the event of a fire, but also better prepare to prevent it in the first place. thirdly, for buildings we are also requiring that each year the building the lands lord or resident manager provide disclosure to each tenants about fire safety and prevention. it contains similar information posted in the common areas but can also
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contain information contained in the trainings as well. again, we would like to groiment document where emergency exists and are, last inspection squz how to access fire extinguishers and so forth. and if for the training portion, if the tenant does not attend, then we hope that the information in writing will help with the tenants. and so, just to take a step back, knroe there have been a lot of fires that occurred in the city recently and especially in the mission and so forth. we actually introduced theolog slaigz july lats year after the office had under gone the nurt training so after that i saw very inspired to work on legislation especially deal wg multiunit buildings and making sure people feel prepare squz how to prevent fires occurring. i think preparedness is the
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best way to go and most likely we will all probably-there may be a higher risk suffering from a fire incident than something else like a tsunami so after we had introduced the legislation i know the fire safety taskforce was started and had done a lot of work to figure what we can do to better prepare or residents in san francisco. we had waited until the process concluded to move frrd with our legislation but it actually ironicly had nothing do it r with it, we had gone through the nurt training and wanted to do something with fl city. it that is the legislation in a nutshell. if you have questions i can answer them. we went through all building inspection and cac and took recommendations such as any time the housing inspectors go on routine inspections they
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also look out for the common area postings that are required. >> wonderful. thank you so much for being here and thank you for being so diligent in introducing this legislation after your nurt training. a neighborhoods emergency response team is great and think it is fabulous that not only have you gone through had training but staff members as well. i should call for public comment before hand and i'll see if our commissioners have questions for you mpt . >> great, thank you. >> thank you. any member of the public that would like to comment on the proposed legislation? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will go to fellow commissioners and comments and questions beginning with commissioner cleveland >> thank you madam chair and supervisor tang for breeing here and introducing this legislation. i think all of us
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are keenly aware currentsly of a deficiency in the building stock in the city, particularly the residents. i would like to ask a few questions about the legislation if i may. first off, it is residential we are talking about and so i think in the top portion of the legislation ordinance amendsing san francisco fire code we should insert residential where it speaks to building so we are clear we are dealing with buildings people live in. >> we can make that amendments. [inaudible] >> i had a call today from one constituent saying does this mean that in residential buildings we have to have fire drills? i looked at this and nothing says we have to have fire drills like commercial office buildsings so nothing
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requires fire drills, correct? >> it does not require fire drills, it is really a information session. if they want to walk through emergency exists they are welcome to do that and may encourage that. >> was there consideration when thinking about this differentiateing between buildsings that are sprinkleed and those that were not ? >> the legislation can be achievable in any building regardless if you have splinklers or not. that is touchy subject because of thecast. >> the buildings that are sprinkled perhaps their set of rules can bree different, less of a requirement. just suggesting that as something to consider maybe as a amendment to your current legislation.
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um, i'm curious about how we will communicate to tenants and if tenants are not responding to what they have in their tenant spaces, if they are unresponsive are you suggesting the landlord send certified letters to all tenants so their apartment buildings saying you have to smoke detectors in every bed room or sleeping area. you have to have co 2 detectors? if you have unresponsive tenant, what do and do? >> so, first to take a step back, we are not requiring the resident managers require anything of the tenants. this is simply information on prevention and so forths and preparedness in case of a fire, so there is nothing that says the landlord or residents
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manager need to insure yes, there is a working smoke detector even though that is already required in all units. so, there is nothing-no additional requirement for the landlord to check. [inaudible] >> even they are in the units and have been disabled for some reason it is not going to be the landslords responsibility to make sure that fire- >> not through this legislation. >>-is armed so to speak. >> not through this legislation, we encourage the landlords and building managers to make sure they are functional and working but doesn't require the lands lord to do that. >> i can see in the common areas it is the lands lords responsibility but in the tenant areas it is much harder to supervise. >> exactly >> you are asking the fire
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department to provide a lot more oversight, if you will on residential apartment buildings and to make sure that they are educating, if you will, the tenants on fire safety and make sure there are postings and what not. this will cost more money and take more time and wondering if you have done assessment or gotten any dollars and cents figures on just what it will cost to ramp up this additional inspection? >> so, so far what we are in am midst of the budget process as you all probably know so i know there is a request in terms of fire prevention safety particularly in the mission district so i'm okay if for example our legislation-if there a focus in the mission given so many fires have baracken out, there is the pot
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of funding we'll find out soon if it is in the budget and move from there. the in next budget process we will reevaluate whether more is needed. >> do you see the budgeting focused on certain neighborhoods like the mission, tenderloin and chinatown, areas that are dense and had issues? >> i think it should be city wide that we all have personal preparedness and so forth. now again, because what happened in the mission recently, i'm okay if we want to start there first and thing city wide >> some of the additional funding to go to create training materials, if you will, safety training teerms the fire department could dissiminate. it is great if it fire department had the fundsing and put the notices together, on line it could be downloaded and uploaded and
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printed out and fill in the blanks with the number of units and safety tips because they will be uniform a lot of time squz add ichb the ones particular to your building. i think it is a great idea and think your legislation is a positive step in the right direction, it just needs to be funded nchlt >> sure, and quee will know soon if the effort will be funded and can advocate for more once we enter the next fiscal year to broaden the scope of that work. and again, i think that a lot of our work does overlap with the fire safety task force recommendations as well, so i think that there is already talk of that funding because of that process. >> thank you, supervisor. >> thank you, vise president cleveland. commissioner nucauja >> thank you very much and thank you supervisor tang coming this evening and making a presentation on this change.
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is it a change or is it a clear addition to the building code? the reason i frame it that way, maybe i should just comment that -i want to be clear that we are looking at buildings with tenants with 3 or more or 16 or more and 3 and more is more of a education posting, i'm just paraphrasing, the 16 plus is rolled into integration of training by the individual tenants with accountability and some responsibility by the owner. i deem on the hearing that your inspiration came from nurt training i thank you for the participation and inspiration because you know as well as i do nurt training or the concept is city wide. it is preparation for everybody in the city and county of san
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francisco. it is volunteer mechanism. what i hear through this is we are triing to get the tenants of the building owners to join in education to the individuals in a language they understand as to information printed to advance their safety. that is kind of how i get this interpreted so when i ask if this is different than supervisor campos legislation it is vastly different because it focus on the similarities of fires in the community. in the mission it talks about fire systems and fire alarms in terms of cost additional responsibility for our personnel in terms of the question that i asked is the oversight. in this lard regard as i understand it, concept wale it sound like a great idea to educate tenants
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and have training. my question is you have all these levels, who will reinforce the participation because there is a point behind all this and if i may, supervisor, i can like to ask madam president, chief prevention as to as you introduce this maybe you can answer some of this too, introductions is there something within the buildings code that does want address these? i like to hear the fire departments take on this as it is adequate look at supervisors and chief gun jolls >> we are will toog work on this legislation. i spoke with [inaudible] fiscal impact on the fire department and i do agree that we should do it as a priority where we have to go
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first. i think that what my fire marshal said i can have him [inaudible] is that this could be a possibility potential 25,000 buildings and if that is the case i believe one fte full time employee can handle 2 thousand of those and that would be a impact to the department. we look forward work wg you and getting down to the finer details of a legislation if it does pass. dan, if you like to further comment on how much it might impact us, if you can-- >> chief gonzalez, at thistume i like to hear from fire marsing decossio. >> good evening commissioners, chief. we met today and in full agreement and think this is a good idea, the question is
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resources and what it take tooz implement this. i spoke with the plan check section. we do something similar with business and high rise buildings and with hotels and motels. basically those occupancy transient in nature. these maps and evacmaps and safety maps familiarize the occupants with their surroundings. that is why it isn't typically seen in apartment buildsings because they live there and there long term, however i agree we reinforce the notion to familiarize yourself with the building. having said that, each map compare today what we do now with office buildsings is basically over the counter review and takes about a hour to review. we can do each site in about a hour so one hour per
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map for each building for plan review and for field inspections it takes two tripsism wego out the first pass-usually you voosoft copy of the map you place for orientation and look at the layout of the building, is everything configured correctly and oriented correctly. once approved that goes for manufacturing and do follow up inspection. total of 3 hours-not talking high rise buildings, we are talking buildings 3, 4 stories in height a average 3 hours a building. the number of buildsings we have now, if we look at 3 units and more, approximately 25,000 buildsings so assume those buildings that don't have common areas and direct access to public way, this would be a non issue as far at the maps. i don't know
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how that changes the numbers, but it will be at least 20,000. 16 or more units now we expect 9 or more and thatd is about 5,000 a year. where does 16 cut off? i'm not sure what the numbers are yet for the training. i like to speak to the supervisor and get more detail on her vision oof what type of training involves and oversight or regulation, what role we play in that. again, concept wale we like the idea, just need to dig more and get better understanding and detail and also our resources that will be needed. >> thank you. mr. courseo, do you have anything to add and supervisor tang i'm sure would like to speak again. >> mark coursey. just to echo
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what chief decossio and gonzalez. to insure we have sufficient resources to undertake what is required. there is overlap on some of the functioniment the department does and there also is the evnew for revenues generated for inspection and plan review so don't think that is a issue, it is just dependent and working closely with supervises office on the details whether is phased or how the roll out will be implemented to insure we have sufficient resources. >> thank you mr. corso. >> thank you and one thing that would add is we have been in conversations for example with the department association and i think that is a really great avenue and even the small properties association as well to have maybe there are some forms that would be generated
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by the fire department and spoke about this at the building inspection cac meeting. the department association can turn arounds the information so we don'ts always have to go to the fire department staff so that something we discussed early on about so it doesn't overburden the fire department staffing. >> thank you. i'll go back to commissioner nakajo. >> thank you. i did want to hear from chief decossio and mr. corso. when the numbers come to me of 3 to 16 it covers everybody's. for myself when it was bigger residents or numbers there is a limititation or variable with that mptd the numbers we are talking about is everybody. so, for me if this is part the spirit of education, concept wale i
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support that. what i want to hear from the department is enforcement of this as the inspectors go to the residents what additional time it will take for us to do that and there is additional work and coordination between the department and various tenant. i think that is a lot of work but support it and think it is real important. i think that the whole spirit of nurt is get folks volunteer to the table to educate them sevl squz be prepared. i think the goal of this legislation the way i read it and educate as many people we can in terms of what to do in the light of tragedy or fire. to me it makes sense. every hotel room i go to as i close the door i look for the map where i am i look frg the star how to get the heck out of there if something happens like a fire. for me in terms of the
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tenant or individuals to create that preparedness i think is a good thing so just wanted to comment on that and make sure we have revenue reinforcement within the legislation. >> one of the things i would also note that not only is it about personal preparedness but the property owner or manager has to do that posting with information about when things are last inspected, i think it also serves as reinforcement they are doing their job to make sure just like we have to make sure the elevator permit is updated ever year, we want to make sure they do their job tooz have the inspections. one other thing i forgot tonote is this legislation has a new requirement where in those multiunit building there would be a visible place where the residents manager or the landlord have information reposted so if a fire inspector
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goes into the building for routine inspection they can easily contact the manager and this was a suggestion brought to me and thought it made sense because i live in the multiunits building and the fire inspectors came in and couldn't get a hold of the managers. they did come and found a violation and can imagine this happening countless time. my hope is it reduces staff time to come back to a building to access when the resident manager isn't there and don't know their phone number. i hope that will help. >> thank you. commissioner mardman. hardeman. >> thank you madam president and supervisor tang for taking this challenge on. and thanks for your demeanor. you didn't come and scream at the commissioners and all the chiefs about the fire on mission street again, appreciate that. it was a very
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tragic one. chicago and new york have legislation and sure they have similar legislation, anybody check with them? >> no, i did not personally. >> it seems to me they probably would have done this type of a legislation. just curiosity. i do appreciatetle is all positive for the fire commission and for the fire department because all the intentions are meant to help people and to-so the finances of it is something that has to be worked out but it is very well written, very thankful you are involved because just the way you carry yourself whether it is a committee meeting or
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supervisor meeting or here, very good demeanor and nice way of dealing with people. i just want to comp lment you on. >> thanks. i want to go back to commissioner nakajo question between the difference between what supervisor campos put forth and this before you. one key difference is the fire code supervisor compos such on the building and fire code. ours has more in termoffs the postings and trainings but both have intept making sure certain things are working in terms of fire safety. for implementation we have work to do to make sure we are coordinateed on both pieces and will follow up on the funding discussion and so forth. >> thank you. supervisor tang, can you tell me a little more
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about how the two legislations that are being proposed would be combined or joined? >> so, what we tried to do was at least tried to write it in a way for implementitation will be easier. i original had for building of 5 unit or more the postings in the common areas take place. because supervisor campos impacts 3 or more 1 why i changed my. i hope the way we structured it awill allow all the staff to piece the two legislation together and it is a streamline way of implementation. >> where does the legislation rest now? >> it will be heard by committee at the board for the fire commission decides to give some sort of recommendation today.
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>> okay. and what about the buildings that don't have a traditional common area you know like a number of victorians, people have their own separate entrances so other than the stoop landings, there is no common area. >> so, we discussed this at the building commission meeting as well and removed language about what to do in those situation. the building inspection folks felt there are so few types of those buildings there is a way to post it somewhere. i did want to put it in legislation but that can be sorted out. just somewhere where people can see it. >> i think the legislation is good and think a number of commissioners have all said you know, we just need to make sure there is funding in place to be
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able to fulfill our obligations. you talked about a phased roll out, can you talk more about that? >> i don't think i mentioned a phased roll out, i talked about in this budget process we are trying to secure fundsing for fire prevention outreach in the mission and so hopefully that will stick and we will evaluate how much is needed for the program and get it into next years budget >> for this program and inspections that are needed, when would you expect all the buildings to have been inexpected? >> eventually once the ordinance takes effect and the date of it it is supposed to be annually, however, within issue that came up is the fact that with building inspection you got inspectors inspecting a certain number of units every 5 years fire department got 3
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plus units and every year-there is a gap in terms of inspections between the building commission commission-building inspector squz fire staff and so i think that is a larger conversation. i don't think we will be able to solve that with legislation but it is issue we noted and so again, that is why we actually wrote into our legislation that when a building inspector is coming to a building they can also look for this if sthra gap period at least the fire-hopefully there is a way the building inspectors can notify the fire department has been done. >> is there a task force or joint committee or any particular body that will be grappling with the details of implementation?
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>> there isn't a committee but hope to use the fire safety task force if we need to work out more details here. >> okay, because i think the details with a vore short timeframe coming up, the beginning of 2017 the details will have to be hammered out fairly quickly so getting all the parties slav involved in the same room to do that would help us in terms of implementitation. >> absolutely. >> thank you i see vice president cleveland has a comment and commissioner nakajo. >> thank you. i want to first thank you work wg the residential property owners association in the city to gauge their input on how they will implement it. my question follows on to our presidents question, you have 20 to 25,000 buildsings that need to comply
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with the ordinance and be inspected, when do you think all 20 to 25,000 buildings will be inspected for compliance? >> yadon't know that answer, i think had fire department is probably better equipt to answer that. we can look into a more phased in roll out if that is something you desires in terms of the workload but don't know how you would face it out or certain neighborhoods. i don't know if i want it based on neighborhoods, but knroi better than i how long it take tooz complete your inspections. >> you want me to-i'll differ to our chief. >> again phrvisor tang, we offer our cooperation and use a matrix and it isn't by neighborhoods but we have a lot of variables but would be a phase out approach and would look to find efficiency if we
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have to train building owners maybe we can create a module. we talked about maybe something on a website that they made sure they done this and every tenant checked it off. we are willing to work with you and want to find cost efficiency, we just know it will be a fiscal impact but remains tobe seen and don't expect it will be 25,000 in a year >> i can work to amend the language ifinacysary to accommodate your inspection schedule at committee. there is still wiggle room for that. >> absolutely and offer fire marshal decozeios services for that. >> thank you. >> thank you supervisors. i think with supervisor wiener codes legislation and campos and now with your legislation fire department is hit with a lot of new requirements, if you
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will and a lot more work, so we are not adverse to it, i think the commission supports all the initiatives of the 3 supervisors here including yourself, we just need the finances and ability to actually do it. thank you. >> thank you vise presidents cleveland. at this time it would be appropriate for a motion. put your thinking caps on and i'll go to commissioner nakajo. >> thank you madam president. i was trying to get a point of clarifyication with you supervisors as you would like to see as we had this discussion with the various recommendation squz suggested amendments to recommend and approve this this evening, is that what we are doing this evening supervisor?
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>> sure if you like to sends forth recommendations you like me to make by the time the legislation hits committee i'm happy to work on those. >> for myself i think all agree with it. i see it as a huge task and education task. as commissioners expressed to support it and see how it works out logistically is the key issue and don't think we need to repeat how we will function with that. i hear some kind of a possible amendment in terms of prioritys or roll out dependent on the priorities that occur within the mission all in the spirit of fire prevention and education city wide, so again, i would lean on the department to come out to when they think realistic to address the questions vise president cleveland put out, when do you think this would be
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accomplished? the other part is it is a huge education piece. nurt is such a big education piece so part of that is our department within the last couple years are growing and evolving into all types of services and legislation within the city. madam president, i like to make a motion to recommend we approve this legislation sponsored by supervisor tang. >> thank you commissioner nakajo. thank you for your second vice president cleveland. just reviewing the discussion that we had this afternoon, early evening. does your motion include making it clear that this is for
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residential buildings only? and also, the prompt of a phased out program. >> i'll let the supervisor responds to again the clear definition of what we are trying to target but the phase out concept i think you understand the spirit of that with the fire department is coordinateed discussion of how we will be able to implement this lined up with responsibility of budget revenues so we can realistically do this and figure out with-come out with supervisor campos as tohow politically and use that delicately phase out with the city in fire safety. i think we are all on the same page so supervisor- >> if you want to include that in the recommendation i think that is great and happy to make
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those amendments at committee. >> thank you. we have a motion on the floor, we have a second. we have acceptance of friendly amendment to the motion and all in favor please signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> we appreciate you as well. madam secretary. >> do you want me to recall item 5? >> yes, ifia could. >> item 5, chief of department report. report from mark gonzalez, report on currents iges as, actaveties and esuperintendent since meeting june 8, 2016 including fiscal year 2015-16 budget academies and 150th an zrsry, update and
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special eventsen communication and outreach to other government agencies and the public. rortd from administration, report on the admin straisive division of fleet, facilities, status and finance support services, home land security and training within the department. >> it would be a few weeks before we would address the fire that happened over the weekend but i did visit the site yesterday and chief suhr was very kind to show me around and talk about some things so i asked for a detailed report to the commission this evening regarding that and it will be part of chief gonzalez report. >> thank you. good evening commissioners. i'll start off
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the chiefs report with the 5th alarm in bruno heights saturday. i did respond to it. assistant chief suhr was assistance commander. he was present would a very challenging fire from the get go. it was a windy day, afternoon and warm day. a large amount of black smoke. it looked like it was coming from the hotel on the corner but it was behind the hotel and more than one building was involved. he had to make decision based on what he saw first and it was a changing environment and fire. i like to cu-mind all the units. they all did a great job. without the coordinateed fire tactic they did do they would have lost a lot more than 6 buildings. with that, i like to introduce chief to the
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presentation. >> welcome chief. >> this is a really preliminary report limited in nature based on what we know to this point. chief gonzalez asked me to hasteen my report to him and will try to get that done in the next couple weeks if possible. i put together some of the facts of the incident and videos i was able to download. if you look up on the screen over here--5th alarm the incident number phone call came in at 1419 or 219 in the afternoon. the reported address is 3312 mission street which is south of the corner buildings of 3300 mission
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street. wish that was bigger for us to see, but some of the times-219 is when the call came in. at 1423 so 4 minutes later 4 units arrived and announced it was a working fire. upon my arrival observing smoke conditions, the potential for a fire and looking at the size of the building we requested second alarm which brings 4 additional engines and truck company and battalion cheap. went to 4 alarm. additional rest cue quadand another rescue captain. at the third alarm things were very dynamic, there were a lot of things going on and input coming from the interior companies and my observations and started to anticipate the need for the potential for setting up exterior operations so i called
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another truck company before asking for the forth alarm. it become clear additional resources will be required. 1441 hours which is 13 minutes later from the forth alarm, we started to have problems with water run off from the building and so a utility unit was called from station 21 to move water and dealing with the sewer and water department to deal with the run off and hose streams opraiterating in the building to prevent further property damage from water. at 1820 hours we declared the fire contained but it wasn't until the next morning when we declared the fire under control. the total resources we had on scene were 22 engine companies, aithd truck companies, both rescue squads, [inaudible] 3 rescue captains and number of specialized
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pieces of equipment for about half the on duty staff. preliminary estimate on property loss is $9 million. displaiss octpoints are 60. we had two civilians transported for smoke inhuilation and one other individual was evaluated at the scene and released from the parent and as far as i know the cause is still under investigation. we continued with operations at the fire. i did-i observed and clearly understood the original companies on the scene had taken energy and smoke and heat so it was my primary ub objective to rotate the companies to get cleaned up and take a shower and get rest and
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get hydrated. we continued with the fire watch at 8 o'clock working with [inaudible] at the communication center. in 4 hour increments we had battalion chief, 4 engines and 2 truck companies. we remained on site and released the properties back to the building ownersion at 2000 hours sunday evening. to give a orientation, this is looking south on mission street. mission street is the larger intersection here on the left and this is 29th street below. the corner building. --that is interesting the red dot doesn't work on the screen. let me walk over here. this is the
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building at 29th and mission and this is [inaudible] this is 29th street. this area behinds the building is extension or [inaudible] of the hardware store on 29th street and delivery access door and slopes down fl to the basement area. we have [inaudible] down 29th street westbounds on 29th street. when i first arrived on scene when we approached the scene i saw the smoke conditions over the corner apartment building, something all as chief officers look at and realize once it gets into the attic space we will have
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our hands full. the smoke conditions and put into my hard drive is i had a fire in the corner buildings. the smoke was over the top the building looked like it was coming from the rear. one reason i went for saecd alarm, i anticipated getting companies inside. the first engine company thought the same thing, the initial hose line going into this fire entered that property on the mission street side on the stair well that went up the stairs. i [inaudible] on 29th street as i walk into set up [inaudible] i observed 11 engines taking their hose line into the building. i think the primary fire is in the corner building. different perspective, this is now looking west. you see the
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corner building at 29 th and mission, the hard ware and store with the tarp on top. probably about the half mark maybe less than that became well involved in the fire and fire was-it appears the origin of the fire is in the triangular area at the rear the building [inaudible] if you look that orientation, it is quickly intathe corner building, [inaudible] this is westbound on 29th street. engine companies, engine 26 [inaudible] on the mission street side and coming down 29th street they noticed that that building the first building west was being
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impacted by fire and positioned there and informed me to knock down fire in that location. from a orientation perspective, this is a typical san francisco challenge for all of us because of how buildsings are laid out in san francisco. we have zero property lines. our buildings are very dense. i'm looking at the corner apartment building and of all the challenges and priorities that i had to think about, the time of day was to our advantage. a fire at 2:20 in the afternoon on saturday and put it at 2:20 in the morning i have different objective squz priorities. very fortunate at the end we have two minor injuries. to me it is a comp lment to men and women of the department how this was handsled. any questions about there
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orientation? we can come back to that if we need to. so, i downloaded 3 videos. this video here is probably one of the earliest videos available for this incident. it is someone on a muni bus. the muni bus is heading north on mission street. [inaudible] this is [inaudible] the smoke conditions are on the top of the building [inaudible] indicated to me it was potentially in the corner building. there is a short amount of time this bus sitting here [inaudible] becomes significant in a short amount of time. towards the rear of the building, if you remember the orientation that is at
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the-if you look that front of 3300 mission street is the left rear the building in the coal hardware area. this is probably if i was to be betting this is about 2 or 3 minutes after we are on scene. this fire has a significant head start and has energy behind it and there is a usual for that time of day but maybe more than usual wind blowing west toeast and can see the smoke leaning in that direction. so, this video is taken from across the street maybe just a little later, probably i'm geing to guess probably 1435 or 1440. one thing i find curious about this is that you can hear the wind. you can see the trees
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moving and how the smoke is laying down. [inaudible] you can see the fire coming out of the top of the roof. this is 10 to 12 minutes after on scene [inaudible] one thing i liked about the video is it shows the fire conditions and short amount of time and see the win conditions we are confrontsed with. the first engine company took the hose line up the coal hardware. they are going up a chimany with wind coming down at them. it is probably soon after i see the conditions changing in hearing report of
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the battalion chief i made the determination to remove the fire fighters and get into exterior operations for defensive operation. this is now the building next to the coal hardware store. it was under construction, so it was wide open and no sheet rock, it was studded up walls, the rear window was [inaudible] so it wasn't going to take much energy to get of the coal hardware store and into this building. that's the presentation up to this point from arrival on the scene at 1419, rapid progression to second, third, special call of 4th and 5th alarm. some unique challenges is we have dealing with hardware store and you center small propane tanks blowing and paint cans. the
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owner of the building talking about being furt ertilizer in the building. [inaudible] did air monitoring and had the department of public helths come out and support with water run off dealing with the sewer department. at some point in the early stages we were contacted by saint lukes hospital to the north of this location and they are concerned about smokegretting into their building. i worked closely with public nrfgz officer who contacted emergency communication to put out a advisory in a 5 block area to shelter in place because of the amount of smoke and potential of hazards in the air from this type of fire. between air monitoring, water run off, rapid advancement of fire conditions on the ground, once again at the conclusion of all this, very proud of the
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response that injuries were at a minimum and the potential for what it could have been is a true testament to the men and women of our department. >> wonderful, thank you cheer for that update and thank you for gathering the information for residents in such a timely fashion. we will go back to chief gonzalez report. you want to ask him now? okay. alright, chief the commissioners would like to hear you now, they can't wait. commissioner nakajo. >> madam president, thank you very much chief for your report. we again know that usually we wait for couple weeks for the report but because of the enormity of the fire and most recent and all
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the fires in the mission we thank you for the timely update and report. truly appreciate the way you described it chronologically as the engines and men and women responded. before i ask anything i want to echo the comlment to you chief and all the men and women in the department that respondsed to that fire. um, folks know i have been here for a little while but a 5 alarmer is a big one and just a observation how quickly it went from 2 to 3 to 4 again for us a lot of us in the department once you hit 3 and 4 you are really paying attention, not that you don't pay attention to the other levels. with it being in the mission is again in the mission. seeing how it fs and observation from the television crew jz such i know at one time
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we had a video recorder that would bring all the material to us and perhaps some day we can coordinate with the tv station tooz take advantage on that but this helps. can you tell what is geing on with the building? you talked about 60 civilians but in termoffs the fire department is the work done, are there stationed with personnel and turned it over so chief could i getd response? >> i can get clarity from had fire marshal but it is my understanding the hotel may be saved because it is sprinklered. [inaudible] under dbi at the time. >> yes, the corner building sro had a sprinkler system. also a
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fire alarm which functioned properly, arriving units herd the soundsing alarm. the buildings are in the hands of the building department, their jurisdiction and to my understanding they will demolish two of them declaring a emergency demolition within the next few days. that is all i have at this time. >> chief the other thing and observation, it seems there are tenants and businesses. as you go and do your inspections and make sure that fire is completely out, it seemed to me that a lot of the personnel or individuals that attendance on the streets, they needed more information or again, i express this and i was young but my family had a 4 alarm fire and say thank god for the red cross but folks want to know what to
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do, where to go, do i get to pick up my materials so it is there coordination between ourselves through the department, between the fire department and mayors office or building department that you knowx i think we talked about someone being there providing information to the public citizens as to what is going on and madam president, i also wanted to go and observe but because of that not knowing exactly what will be on i hesitateed not to put curious what is in place or what is not in place and what we might be able to do: >> i think president covington experienced some of it yesterday. 8 o'clock sunday evening the fire department officially turned the building back it the owners and outside agencies from the mayors office, dbi, are on sight and
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deal wg building owners. to your point when i stepped out of the vehicle yesterday the tenants of the buildings are seeking a lot of information and if there somebody on site from the city to assist, as a fire department we become caunds wit to get debi or mayors office involved. i think it would be in the best interest of the city for all of us if somebody remainled on site in a vehicle or information sentser people that are displaced and looking for pass ports and personal belongings and told they can't go back in the building and the owners are not being as responsive as they would like. i will say is the city family, mayors office, dbi, fire department needs to provide a presence for some period of time
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. i think it would help mitigate that and be the proper thing to do. >> chief did you want to respond? y i have a couple things. that day when the tenants did come back and saw the circumstances, there was a collection point for the occupant in the safe way parking law with red cross and mayors office and supervisor campos and our chief of department came back on duty for the fire and there was direction given to the occupants then. also what we are doing there is a meeting friday with the residents and the community and mayor campos, dbi and ourselves, so there is follow up. i do believe that this is the hardest thing, you lose everything. thankfully everybody is healthy but need
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direction especially a lot of the poor citizens in the sro, a lot don'ts have fire insurance and there should be something available to them. >> i appreciate this information but commissioners and colleagues, when the fire department goes out whether it is inspecting units folks gravitate to the department and want help. that is what is going on and if the fire department is there we try to provide as much as we can and it is lot of information we cannot provide. >> i think that is correct. there needs to be a collaboration of city agencies to work with each other and there needs to be a overarching authority and there are different types of occupants, so to speak and where to direct them for help would help. >> i will give a example, a gentlemen came by the fire house how he will get hiss pass port and the valivation army
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sent them to the fire house to see if we can help is so made phone call squz got him in the right direction. if there was somebody on site for a period of time, people just want information. >> i think at some point we should try to take this and real action. i like to collaborate with our commissioners on this department. again i know we take a lot of responsibility but something like this if it doesn't exist it doesn't have to be a 5 alarm fire, it can be any major incidence, if your house is there, you still go there. what do you do? i think we should try to come up with a coordination so i will put it up to administration and presidents of the commission and colleagues to try to do something about that and follow through the the department or mayors office or who ever needs
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to be involved. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other commissioners have questions for chief? >> i want to echo commissioners nakajos sentiment that i commend you and everyone involved fighting the fire and putting it out as quickly as possible, saving lives so like to commend everyone putting the fire out. >> commissioner hardeman. >> yes. another job well done. wisdom, that is what comes when somebody has been arounds a while and that is what you bring to the table. i like that you pulled everybody out of the building when you did. it was a good time. glad to hear you sent the earliest crew back, that comes from judgment
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being around. you knee the heat of that is the most--i was watching in sacramento, i was at my daughter in laws soccer game. [inaudible] anybody knows soccer been arounds a long time, she plays on the team sporadicly because she is pretty old and scored a goal in the 89th minute and the team won. but your judgment, quite often your name comes up. when you go to work you can count there will be a great alarm fire so it pays to stay home. >> that will be coming soon. >> we don't want you to retire. at least i want to encourage-- to do that. anyway, that was
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quite a-6 buildings, watching and listening to it and the sound was amazing hear thg water and wind and thought i heard a chain saw in the background, so amazing it didn't spread further and congratulations on a great job and made the san francisco fire department look good. thank you. >> okay. chief gonzalez did you want to say something? >> i just like to reiterate that [inaudible] did a great job as did the other units [inaudible] san francisco fire department. >> thank you. chief [inaudible] there is a lot to be said for the amount of experience that is needed to coordinate this effort when you have 6
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buildings ingulfed and involved and even-thank bauz god for a lot of things, the time of day and the fact the sro had sprinklers and alarms. that made a tremendous reason and one reason we are pushs for all the safety measures. i want to share with the commissioners that we know during the heat of the moment that our members are of the department are cool headed and efficient and very good at what they do but also afterwards. yesterday when i was with chief [inaudible] a number of people were standing outside of the building saying we want to get in and need to get in. this young man from france who could not have access to his pass port, it was
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the second day we was told you will be able to get into the building today so he lost two days of work and it seems as if he showed up at the fire station- >> it was a different person. >> okay. another story. people are not only hungry for information, they are des prit for information about how they can be reunited with their important papers and their things. to commissioner nakajos suggestion and i know chief sera guza and chatted about this yesterday, there does have to be better coordination, there does have to be a point person to make sure that when so many peoples homes and belongings are involved, that there is a person who can answer their
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questions and give them a time table, a real-time table, not a estimate well sometime this week, so again to commissioner nakajos statement, if we have to take the lead on pushing for such a person in such a process i think it is all to the good. thank you for your excellent presentation and thank you also chief [inaudible] you there? hello. alright. and now we will return to the chiefs roret. report. >> thank you. the chiefs report . june 8, 2016. the department had first round. over the previous couple weeks
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the department worked with budget analyst on proposed budget. the department aims for cuts proposed by the budget analyst including deletion of some ppositions. the department way able to come to agreement prior to hearing and doesn't have to return this week. in total the department agreed to 580 thousand in reductions that can be managed over the next year and allow to keep all position squz not include cuts to the fleelt which you know is one of our main priorities and equipment initiatives in the budget. on to academiesism 119th class graduate june 9, 48 recruits. 120 class 40 recruits began and joined by 49 members july 6. this is a 20s week academy with graduation held on november 4.
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even though the class just started there is update the deputy chief administration can let you know. june 26 the 46 annual pride per aid. the line up location is 105. we will be at hower and folsom. the per aid starts at 1030 hours and requested to be in place by 1000 hours. all commissioners and off deutare welcome to attend. communication and outreach. department presented before budget and finance june 17. in mu norian, president covington if you can close the meeting in memoryo dr. [inaudible] lubell and retired richard boferbry. dr. luvel passed sunday june
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12. he was hired in 2002 and retired 2008. he rerned to work in [inaudible] no service have been scheduled at this time. retired richard [inaudible] passed may 15. retired july 7, 2001 with 27 years of sunchs. a celebration of life is scheduled for [inaudible] i like to mention that acting lieutenant [inaudible] was one of the best fire fighters i work with. most time was spent at truck 3 and post. he was very humble, very comp tent, very strong fire fighter and he was very well respected. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners -excuse me, public comment on the chiefs report? okay,
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seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners have questions or comments regarding the chiefs report? vise presidents cleveland. >> thank you for your report. one question looking back on the last meeting it said the department is still viewing for industrial higenest, what is the status oen the departments hiring? >> i can call up deputy administration ramona williams. >> good evening. i was going to include that in my report, that offer is made to a industrial higenest so should start some time next mupth. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> anyone else? okay. thank you everyone. madam secretary. >> report from administration.
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>> good evening president covington and commissioners and chief gonzalez. this is my administrative report for month of june. i'll start with assignment office. currently the assignment office is busy working on the station 49 vacancy bid this months. this was following the selection of the 49ers who have since entered 120s recruit academy and they will implement the changes in july. the first assignment for the 119th fire fighters which as chief gonzalez mentioned graduated june 9 and the second assignment for the 118th for probationary fire fighters are complete and took effect june 11. i just want to add that some of the members of the
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119th academy were active at the 5th alarm fire so got a wide eyed welcome to the fire department. under home land security with assistant deputy chief fran cisco, he is participated in various exercises and workshops and preparedness training and he worked with the pd in port regarding the 4th of july celebrations. and worked in the planning of upcoming gay pride per aid this sunday. under investigative service bureau, they continue to conduct candidate background check frz the upcoming academies as well as random post accident and fire boat drug testing and alcohol testing. as of this reporting period, all results have been negative. under the
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departments position, they have continued to conduct candidate probrasionary and promotional physicals for the department as well as return to duty work related injury exams. as of this reporting period, 40 related work injuries were reported for may. under support service with chief lombardi, as you bow the 2016 health bond passed with 79 percent approval rating and look forward mubing forward with new ems building and additional size mm and other safety upgrades to the fire stations. construction continues at pump station one located at fire department headquarters. construction is estimated to be completed in october. support services division is continuing to work
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closely with the port on pier 26 of relocation of the construction and finalized drawings are awaiting permit. we also hired a new senior analyst and that person started may 31 in support services. here name is malingo conly and has experience working with city of oakland in their fire department and aufs of emergency services. logistics received the world trade center 911 piece which will be unveiled on september 11 of this year. we are currently working on finalizing the new lease between the fire department and titea and as it stands currently the details are the fire house lease which
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is including the fire house that currently stands on the island, the lease agreement is finalized, the treasure island training facility is not yet findized but anticipate a 3 to 5 year commitment. we are continuing to noish with developers and city agencies regarding the oak and market street project and the effect on emergency response in station 36 access issues. currently we refused the flow lane and awaiting new proposal from the developer. we are work wg the developer and other city agencies on the candlestick development phase 2. we are working on the unique parking garage and shopping space, which we want to include in those developments. the hydrant placement and fire department access, the fire lanes devoteed
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for fire department use. and we are reviewing the awss plan, high pressure hydrant, street widt and angles with developers and city agencies regarding the san francisco project, potrero hill and sunnyvale housing. as of this reporting period total 168 request for services were received and processed during the month of may. as i mentioned before we made a offer to the industrial higentest and the person should start later next month. moving over to the fleet. the department is currently working with oca on bid for new fire engine contract. the bid closes next month and hope to have a contract in place to purchase by the end of july. the department will be ordering
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8 engines at that time made up up from two of the current fiscal year, 15, 16 and 6 allocated for the mayors 16-17 budget. the department is also working on new specification for aerial ladder trucks to puffins 2 in the fiscal year 16-17. the department has also plans to order 9 ambulance and additional 4 in july. chief lombardi as well as member from battalion 5 met with tidea to discuss phase one construction plans and their effect on the emergency response on treasure island. the development is moving in 8 phases. phase one will start soon and chief
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lombardi met with titea to discuss our access throughout the island as far as making a route for us with the development going on. over in training, chief gonzalez mentioned our 119th recruit academy graduated and started 120 recruit academy monday and the changes i need to mention is we lost 3 members that will be replaced this week. two will begin tomorrow and one we anticipate beginning later this week. one was a family emergency, one was a preinjury prior to starting the academy and one suffered a helths emergency during pt tuesday. nurt continues to provide valuable neighborhood training throughout the city as well as
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conduct various outreach presentations. thank you. in service training, we continue to conduct below grade training on yeerba buena island and as of this reporting period 148 member thofz department participated in that training. we continued the construction of our bart station prop. it should be of use later this year following the active shooter training which we are close to completing and administering toory members. in service all continue tooz assist with recruit training and over in ems they provide on line training and bls and als to all
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the members. during this reporting period, chief [inaudible] responded to 3 working fires, 2 second alarms at safety one and a helpful resource on scene. lastly, the fire boat. president covington is listening intently. it was discovered there was a issue with valves on the fire boat and as a result new valveerize ord ered and installed which is in process. there was a time delay from this issue and the contract is being modified with oca and the city attorneys office. the new anticipated delivery date per the contract is july 15 with department working with the building for thrirfby the first week of july. [inaudible] trials are projected for the end of june
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where the department will send out representatives to assist with the trials. that i believe concludes my report and welcome any questions. thank you. >> thank you chief. are there any members of the public that would like to comment or ask questions of chief [inaudible] seeing none, public comment is closed and i will go to vise president cleveland. >> thank you madam president and thank you chief williams for your comprehensive report. had a couple questions and obviously i think we are all delighted that proposition 8 passed and now the department has $58 million, 44 dedicated to a new ems headquarters, badly needed, glad it passed. how quickly can we get that ems
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new headquarters built? >> i will have assistant deputy cheap lombardi elaborate. >> um, hopefully 3 years. the conservativeinate when the bond was done is 2021. we hoped to have it done by 2019 year. we had the knhiment commitment to the mayor and to stroomline this we had commitment from director of pubhook works and which chief is commitmented to getting it done. one of the smart things mr. corso did is we put in the budget a little like for lack of better words, cash advance to keep the process moving now. the bond passed at 79 percent that doesn't mean we get the money
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right away. we would have had a gap between now and december but put in the budget to advance money to continue with design and when december comes we reimburse that money but our progress continues to go ahead. >> that was super smart the department. thank you mark. one final question, the new lease with treasure ilen for training facility, it is 5 year lease, crecktd? >> we are trying it negotiate 3 to 5 years, but it doesn't change anything as far as vacating the property. >> right, but we are tay paying to be there, is that correct? >> um, mark can clarify. we provide cuv overage for the island and think washes out in
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the end. how that is written up mark can clarify but we are not out of pocket >> that is quhut what i wanted to hear. all my questions. >> thank you. commissioner nakajo. >> thank you very much madam president and chief williams thank you very much and chief gonzalez, thank you. if we can have chief lombardi to provide all the information. he is here all the time and appreciate that as long as we have a budget allocation, super smart mr. corso and very gratifyed for that. by the time chief lombardi ems new headquarters is built, is that within completion of mayor lee's term, is he still in aufsh by the completion date? >> optimistly, yes. >> i okay. i need today hear
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that as well because i am in a similar path as well so [inaudible] the forsight and fortitude of vise prez dependent cleveland thank you very much. how many members are part of the 120 now that 3 dropped out, what is the total number of the class of 120? >> currently in the 120th academy 42. >> 42 is without station 49? >> that is correct, we will have 12. station 49 is joining in two weeks >> the 3 members will be replaced? >> two tomorrow, one later this week. >> i want to express how gratifyed i am to hear that explanation, not that i'm looking for tidbits, i'm
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looking for information so 3 candidates not there and there are various reasonings it helps to understand that but also it helps that we have 3 other candidates ready to go. when does the class graduate? >> friday november 4 and the 121 is anticipated to begin that monday, november 7. >> you anticipated my next question chief, that the 121 >> 121 >> will start on november? >> monday november 7. >> okay. what is the anticipated numbers of h 2's on that november 121 class? >> it will have the same make up. 42 h 2's and 12 h 3 level 2. >> 42 are basically off the list? >> yes. >> i wanted to at this time express my appreciation as part
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the commission to chief [inaudible] and your training officers chief. we participated at graduation and seeing the members that come and know the commissioners attended the h 3 graduation. the training [inaudible] are working very hard and we the commission appreciate that. there is a lot of wear and tear on the training officers mpt to be fair and on top of it is important. i look at it as a great achievement if members are asked to participate in the academy. i want to say that and when is-i asked that question about 121 starting november the 9th. >> 7th. >> okay. that is all my
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questions at this present time chief williams. thank you very much chblts . >> thank you commissioner nakajo. commissioner hardeman. >> thank you madam president and thank you for your lengthy report that shows you are working pretty hard. thank you. i echo the statements of commissioner nakajo that the best day as a commissioner is when graduating class h 2's and all those smiles and happy families. somebody said the best day of their life as a fire fighter will be that day and fondest memory so that is great. the fire boat is too bad it got set back but it is minor step. >> yes >> the two ladder trucks, did you give us a approximate delivery date on those?
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>> the two ladder truckerize not ordered yet. the anticipation is get the speck hopefully by end of july and goes through oca out to bid and will order them but we were allocated money for two ladder trucks within this fiscal budget. >> okay. on the 9 ambulances chief williams you said 4 will be added in july, are the other 5 ordered already? >> 9 have been ordered already and within this new fiscal budget we got another 4 so it is total of 13. >> wonderful. thank you very good news. that was it. >> i just want to add commissioner if you notice behind me it is lights in numbers because a lot of attendees are in the 120th
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academy. >> commissioner nakajo has an additional question. >> one more additional i forgot to ask. is it possible if we the commissioners can beprivy to the information on the class that just came in 120 in terms of gender and ethnicity? is that something that can be provided later on? >> it can be provided at a later date. tomorrow i can get that information to you. >> i appreciate that very much. >> thank you commission. >> i apologize for not having that information tonight. >> that's alright. i wonder if at this time someone can give us a little more information regarding the open market street construction and how that is going to impact truck 6. >> you are talking about the building going in on oak
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street, correct? >> yes >> after kicking around the idea of a contra flow lane it was clear the chief was not in favor of it and so we had a meeting with the other city departments, the planning department, mta from the fire department and myself and battalion 2 was there and voiced our concerns. all the other city departments believe it or not had the shame concerns just took us coming to the table to voice our concern so all the city departments were in agreement. it isn't our position to go back to the developer it is planning department and told them a contra flow lane isn't acceptably are trying to come unwith alternative. we would like to continue our response down oak street to market
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street and battalion 3 was at the table gave concerns of the choke points for traffic and so as far as-i left the meeting feeling good all the city departments are on the same page and understood our needs and waiting to see a clean proposal come back to see what the developer comes back with. >> thank you. maybe we can get an update at a later time. thank you for your report chief williams and anything to add chief gonzalez? >> that is it for me. >> thank you for your report as well. madam secretary. >> iletm 8, agenda for next fire commission meeting. discussion regarding ajendsa for the july 13, 2016 meeting. >> okay, i would like to add something-at one point we were going to have a presentation and update on street changes
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