tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV July 29, 2016 10:00am-12:01pm PDT
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director of office of citizens complaints and provide for the election removal and salary and to set the policy regarding the sufficient funding in minimum staffing for the public advocate and set the dates at the an election in november. >> thank you supervisor campos i have two things the first thing wish my colleague supervisor yee a happy birthday and second we know a point of clarification by the attorneys officer through the chair turn to our deputy city attorney john gibner, deputy city attorney. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. yesterday dhr met and confederacy with the poa about the charter amendment and the poa asked for clarification clarifications about the intent of section the types of
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complaints from individual members of the public that the public advocate will have authority to investigate and we clarified that it is the not the intent felt board this the public advocate will be investigating allegations of individual police misconduct that police officers scooted of misconduct will be investigated twice once by the poa and we asked to clarify our intent before the vote today. >> okay. just for clarity mr. gibner we don't have to amend anything for the public advocates and the police accountability. >> just a public statement expressing what the language of this ballot measure means don't safety net to make any
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amendments to clarify. >> okay. great with that, colleagues madam clerk on item number one can you please call the roll. >> commissioner kim h supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang no supervisor wiener no supervisor yee supervisor avalos commissioner london breed no supervisor campos supervisor cowen no commissioner farrell no there are 6ize with supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell in december sent this charter amendment been submitted madam clerk please read public comment. >> at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items within the jurisdiction of the board. >> first speaker. >> thank you good morning, supervisors
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chinatown missionary officer as a national leader one must seek the prosperity in general benefits for all the people as custom and tradition come to a degrading downfall tragic disasters are trend flow across every continental the loss of peace of nature and the corruption of human heart the misconduct and corruption of human heart is caused by the loss of wholly religion this is volumes of money and family this is attracting people's attendance from the values of humanity of holiness to put an end to all the problems of tragic disasters we must enforce the works with loyalty, encourage and humanity and justice especially human values
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we must spread the words of true principle to encourage people so put emphasis on cultivation solely for the purpose of holiness and expand the teachings of the decisions to be determined on right misconduct and deal with rightful behaviors and take advantage of the public media for the world standards this is a true way of the civilization and health and safety be civilization the first one to make sure our people are imposed to amend so we firmly believe that we can impact a good conscious from the degrading downfall for the souls for all amen thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> tom i've been bringing up
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insurance because a couple of weeks ago a second away from being rammed and just that car that didn't honk and start breaking was not there i said have watched a uber driver hit the people in front of me in the crosswalk $65 billion company the google buses represent wealth beyond imagination at this time they should have ever car ever vehicle a $5 million policy translates quickly to $3 million if you have to live the rest of our lives on $3 million for the rest of your life there are people that are worse than me 24 need for hospital care and $3 million will appear while we're on the subject of insurance company if you're a rent 55 or 65 in a rental unit
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what do you have the only what goes up must come down one you have to hope you die before your building is sold and so i'm proposed the fourth part of my 5 housing plan renter get a dividend everyone they're building is sold they get a piece of that that sale this is spreading the wealth not to the government not a tax that goes into the pockets that effect the people that are effected the most and in the few minutes left if you recognize a few seconds recognize that if you're involved with a gun all the time and you become little extent and want to you don't want to but use that gun you need to take
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the guns off the street thank you kindly. >> thank you any public comment on this item? at this time seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues this brings us to the end of the agenda mr. clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> on this item. >> that concludes the business on the agenda we'll go to the next special board supervisors meeting for 10:30 a.m. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee madam president about you all
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members are present. >> thank you, madam clerk any communications. >> none to report madam president item one a charter mainstreamed to amend the transfer of the maintenance of street trees to the city including only the san francisco unified school district property and to require an annual contribution of $19 million to be paid by the city justified for changes in the revenue and review the ceqa at an election november 8th supervisor wiener colleagues without repeating i i know that. >> to place the ballot for the
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city of san francisco take over the 5 thousand street trees to assume the responsibility for fixing the sidewalks for the damage and assume liability and relieve the property owners but beyond that at the being responsible and sustainable in creating location box that will fully fund the responsibility rather than taking backlight trees without funding attached so in addition creating a fund to plant an additional 50 thousand trees and have enough money to take care of them this makes our system fair and will make san francisco a greater and more beautiful city this is a huge step forward thank you for the many, many people who have been advocating for decades to get to this point and
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colleagues, i ask for your support. >> thank you supervisor avalos thank you. i'll piggyback on the comments and say thank you to supervisor wiener for the years of work and joined with any office think outside the box that effort years ago and continuing with little people all over san francisco and thank you for your flexibility in joining our different efforts and want to thank all the supervisors who united on many measure as well and also for building flexibility in the budget we can find alternatives to the parcel tax not easy i appreciate everyone coming together open this i think we might a anonymous votes thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> i want to mention to thank andres in my office that put an enormous amount 6 work with dwp
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and the planning department and controller's office for many, many months to come up with the financial analysis and make sure we know how much money we needed to take on the responsibility and also annie who i was filling in our annie for her work in her absence to move forward. >> thank you, supervisor wiener madam clerk. >> supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor malia cowen supervisor farrell there are 11 i's. >> the charter amendment will be submitted madam clerk we'll
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take one public comment for the 10:305 and 10:30 meeting so open up the 10:305 meeting call the roll. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor malia cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee madam president all members are present. >> okay madam clerk any communications. >> there are none to report. >> please call number one. >> item one a charter amendment for the schaert to rename the office of citizens complaints as the department the
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police albeit for the direct authority to have a audit every two years how the police department human services use of force at an election open november 8th, relationship. >> mr. gibner restayed with you said previously in the profess meeting of 10:30 a.m. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. on the dpa occ measure the poa met and conferred with dhr on this measure and raised no questions that need to be addressed at that meeting and again, the new department dpa with handle the investigations of the please seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk can you call the roll. >> supervisor kim
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supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell there be 11 i's. >> the charter amendment will be submitted okay with that, i will open up for public comment for the 10:30 a.m. and the 10:305 a.m. meeting you'll have up to two minutes tom, i didn't know i was going to get another chance the police were after the transparent and independents and obviously i thought but we're trying to discovery the facts after the event i'm trying to establish that we need to take a vacation give our
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police officers a chance to remove tare gun belts and serve on the streets if you look at the televisions screens and seeing all the events of the police that are shooting people and you take that with the consideration if you wear a gun you'll use the gun and have a shorter fuse and expecting something an event to happen you'll use your gun if we can give our officers three weeks off without a gun a month and one on with a gun not taking away the guns i think they'll be better police officers and better human beings and better mothers and fathers husband and wives it is a heavy literally a heavy pressure to wear and if psychologically geared to
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use those guns our aide will be better off we'll be leading the way across the country and especially with trumpeting law and order without justice is tyranny so i believe we can do better as a city and i think we can start doing that without guns on the street and reducing it with the patrol thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners and supervisors holy leader and representatives of. >> size for long having great will have wishing for rescue in better good match with with the nature of traffic flow with the making success as long as trends with the position petitioners
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shall get credit the of destiny of residents and want to show ones escape and not by wellness of vetting but oneself in our stability for one in good measure serving two-way of the methodologies for bearing for public past such in making for one to be in charge of the leadership in establishing systematic expressed with good preaching to the people thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment that want to provide public comment at this time seeing none, public comment is closed. mirena burns any other business before us today >> madam president that collects the agenda for toengs
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existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 community opportunity and our capital improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. anthony's formed a club and john then the superintendent the golden gate park laid out the bowling green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was
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opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 san francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the parks commission paid laying down down green number 2 the san francisco lawn club was the first opened in the united states and the oldest on the west their registered as san francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is
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reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. >> make sure you see the one in to the corner that's me and. >> no? not bingo or scrabble but the pare of today's competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. >> play ball. >> yes. >> almost. >>
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(clapping). >> the size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is you'll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. >> we're about a yard long. >> aim a were not player i'll play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in i'm right-hand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i
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extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. >> (clapping.) who one. >> nice try and hi, i'm been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in san francisco golden gate park ever since then i've been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the people's and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. mayor the san francisco play
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lawn bowling is in golden gate park we're sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log. >> a lot of water heater in san francisco look like this may be yours doesn't too do you know it is the post earthquake problems we'll show you to brace our water heater hi, everybody i'm patrick director of quarter safety for the city and county of san francisco welcome to another episode of stay safe today, we'll talk about bracing water heaters water heater failure is a leading problem with
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earthquake fires you have a a single source you'll have in our home. >> how are you. >> so what are we looking here. >> this is a water heater 3 weighs from 200 to nine hundred pound during an earthquake that weight will try to move sideways we need to secure is. >> we'll brace the water heater our model home in south of market we'll use a simple kit interest the hardware stores from $20 it the the clean up itself single thing to do what necessary look like. >> this is what you'll find in our kit a inch and a half wide strap to attach to the wall around the water heater and so
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you want to compare this in some garages around the city and state which is called plumbers tape innovate as strong and we need to brace the water heater if you find this you'll want to replace it with a streetscaping kit. >> we've put blocking so that way we streetscape the water heater a nice fit it is important and important probation officer mention you need to move our water heater to strap is it talk about to a license plumber they'll come out with a firm once we streetscape those obviously we want to follow the manufactures instructions. >> typically the instructions will require the strap one strap be installed to fit the top third of the water heater and the bottom on the bottom 1/3rd away from the controls if it is
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above a certain size 50 gallons a third train e streetscape in the middle of the water heater. >> a lot of time i see older water heaters on the ground obviously explain why this is required and the mr. chairman is required if you pa a water are hereto in the garage gas fumes can accommodate and the pilot light will ignite the fumes so you want to above the grouped level. >> so why not go ahead and he get started with the bracing. >> we're joined with peter from construction he'll help us
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cutting and community preview for there bayview opera house, ruth williams memorial theater. [applause] everybody wants to go ahead and grab a seat or find a place to stand. we are so thrilled that the sun is shining on the bayview today. i'm tom ducaney and director of public affairs for city and county of san francisco, director of san francisco parks commission. on belandfall of my colleagues and commissioners it is a honor to welcome you all for the ribbon cutty for newly renovated bayview opera house and ruth williams memorial theater. [applause]
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the city of owns and operates 4 brick and mortar culturalsenter buildings, all of which provide affordable access to high quality arts and culture in communities across the city. built in 1888, the bayview opera house played an incredible role in the ist history of the bayview and beloved by all of us. i want to acknowledge members who are here today who are champions of the building over the e years and arts in the bayview neighborhood. in the front row we have family members of [inaudible] ruth williams [inaudible] children and grandkids and joined by marry booker. [applause and cheers] and mrs. doris [inaudible] and
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her family. [inaudible] welcome. on behalf of [inaudible] you are such incredible parts of making this a great space and arts qu culture hub and place for advancing racial justice in san francisco for years. [applause] we are thrilled to have mayor ed lee with us along with house democratic, nancy pelosi. assembly member david chui a great campion for the arts in sacramento. we have supervisor malia cohen. and i believe do we have supervisor scott wiener here today? no. president breed was going to try to join
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us as well. we also have [inaudible] george gas gone. i'm also joined on the stage by reverend calvin [inaudible] [applause] director of san francisco public works, mohammed nuru. bayview opera house vise president theo [inaudible] [applause]. and also our brilliant landscape architects walter hood. [applause [. i want to ocknowledge the san francisco arts commissioner is. we have jd veltram in the audience . i believe commissioner greg chui
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is with us. commissioner chuck collins. kimberley striker, thank you for all your work on behalf of the san francisco arts commission. i also see fellow colleagues here including [inaudible] department of environment. director elaine forbs joins by port commission vice president kimberley brandon and deputy director of [inaudible] civic engagement and immigrant affairs. police chief tony [inaudible] policy and government affairs for rec and parks department, alex randolph. board member and neighbor, hydra mendoza and parks commissioner eric mcdonald is here. thank you for coming and being supporters of this project. there are so many people to thank and so
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bear with me. we have [inaudible] to realize the transformation of the beautiful plaza and osaddress the less visible but improvement tooz the building itself. the project architects walter hood and paul cooper, amy elliott [inaudible] give them a round of applause. [applause] i also want to thank project consultant deborah [inaudible] other members of the project team is [inaudible] elliott who i believe is here with us today. i also want to acknowledge john updike from department of real estate. he is a incredible partner. [inaudible] vision of access to
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quality, words spoken by late colleagues carla johnson for mayors office of disability. [inaudible] the mayors office of disability was a champion of the project from the beginning and carla was here every day by our side make tg happen so today we remember her. [applause] i want to thank [inaudible] colleagues also from mayors office of disability [inaudible] john paul scott. [applause] next i like to thank colleagues at the capical planning committee for all your support for all cultural centers [inaudible] brian strom and staff from john
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updikes team [inaudible] i want to thank the city partner recollect public works and san francisco municipal transportation authority, mayors office of housing [inaudible] economic and workforce development. clearly the project was a city wide family effort and could want couldn't have done it with all you. there is generous support from kaiser permanente and [inaudible] here to celebrate. next and bear with me, this afs very big team work ong this project and can pass it [inaudible] executive director of bayview opera house, barbara [inaudible] [applause and
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cheers]. thank you barbara for everything you do every dayism we look forward handing the keys to you next month and you can come and open the doors every day [inaudible] lastly i want to thank colleagues at the arts commission who couldn't be here today because he is celebrating her daughters wedding back east, judy [inaudible] does a incredible job. [inaudible] which wh i came on board 4 years ago and it was [inaudible] judy has been the greatest champion and all the arts commission staff that are such a honor work wg every day and [inaudible] of the arts in san francisco. thank you arts commission staff, can you please raise your hand? i know many are here today. thank you. we made it through the thank you's and i assure i won't be
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[inaudible] it is my great pleasure and [inaudible] reverend calvin jones junior from [inaudible] thank you again. [applause] >> [inaudible] let's hold hands. thank you god. god we thank you for the time together and ask you to bless this occasion and lord, work and people that have put time in down through the years, we just thank you god for your grace and mercy. let this be a time where we can come together during the god times in our liferbs and even during difficult times in the city we can come together and see what god you have in mine for each one of us. continue to bless those in leadership and god,
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ask that you touch those that are being locked up, too many young people going away. help us and let us use our creative energy [inaudible] >> amen. >> god bless you. >> and now it is my great honor to introduce a true champion of the cultural center, somebody who made a great investment in the city over a life time, mayor ed lee. [applause] >> welcome to the bayview! well, i am so glad to join all you on this moment. i know today is a soft opening, but walter and mr. cooper gave a
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walk through of this restored gem-you have done a magnificent job. the whole entire team-i know tom went through all that, let me say thank you to everybody but most especially. -you know how much we spent on this center? it is serious money! serious money! like $5 million. that is serious money. why? because this is a serious center. it is a bit of historicsenter. more than community history, it has been family history. i can just imagine a few decades ago [inaudible] running around listening to the [inaudible] get sent out here and say, one
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of these days i will work at hrc and be a part of the city. i know tim said that because he was singing those songs when we were working at hrc 25 years ago telling me about the history of the community and how much his mother and family were contributors to this. it is family history along with community history. that's why it is serious investment. we are also making serious investments in the entire bayview along [inaudible] thanks to the leadership of malia cohen and others who led the way to inform us about the linkage that we have. this is a center of seriousness because i have been here when it was locked up. when it was-you have to go through locked doors to get from one place to the other. now we have a
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floating canvas where the kids go from the theater, from the historic flooring that have above it some really nice historic play house theater type of lights. you can say i can sing here, even though i can't sing. you want to be here to perform because this is where the youth will be really inspired with what the board is doing, what the directors are doing with the programming that is about to come forth hopefully in september when we officially open this up. you wim be proud of this investments. we are making investments not just in buildings but the people of the neighborhood. as i often said, we are not making new promises, we are all together carrying out promises of investing in the neighborhood. this is the bayview and promised when we
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built [inaudible] we will invest in more. this is another part. you have a new branch library and have more to come because the commitment we made investing in people at a important time because we can afford the investments and need to make it now and build more affordable housing and prevent evictions and help the homeless and make sure the police department is working for the community to do all the right things in public safety and da included. all this works together so this investment means something for people. that is why i'm here today to show my gratitude for the entire team from the board to the director to all the groups working together and to officially declare on this day july 20 to be bayview opera house, ruth williams memorial theater day in san francisco!
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[applause and cheers] ruth williams [inaudible] with this i take incredible honor and pleasure to introduce the next speaker. you all know her. she is a champion for our city, a champion for bayview, someone i know that if we got a chance in this country to bring her back she will be our dem ocratic leader, nancy pelosi. [applause]. >> thank you very much thank you for your time and for your great leadership of our city and focus on the bayview. i am very honored to be with all you. i was really looking forward to being here but didn't realize it would be on the very day. i always say,
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why don't you tell us earlier in the day so we can park around here without getting a ticket. [laughter]. anyway, it is really wonderful to be with all of you and to pay tribute to ruth williams. [inaudible] official family of san francisco. [inaudible] ruth williams family thank you for sharing this enthuse amp asm. carla johnson [inaudible] judge people not-[inaudible] what they can do not judge for what they cannot do. the physical accessibility is something very very important and it really is a example to the world when you see the accessibility here. that
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accessibility is one part of the accessibility. the accessibility to the yung people of this area to demonstrate what is inside of them in terms of the arts. that unleashes them with who they are to be who they are and not to be judged by who they are not. so many moms in bayview and hunters point and all over, when i go places, they say police support the arts for our children. it is a place where they gain confidence and enjoy work and learn they can do other things, where they find their creative spirit. that contribution is so important. this place is not only physically accessible, but spiritially accessibility as well. i'm very proud of
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[inaudible] the mayor put $5 million and we put in the first $200 thousand and barbara told me without the floor nothing else [inaudible] some of us were together 10 years goy when we celebrated [inaudible] i can say to my colleagues in wash ington it wasn't just about transportation but economic growth of the community and now the spiritially and intellectual and cultural life of the community. this is really a cause for great celebration. it is a recognition the arts are central to who we are as a country. [inaudible] over and over again, but more importantly and more personally to everyone here, lets the art sing to the community. [inaudible] every time we come here, one of the [inaudible]
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always say our community has the word unity in it. it brings us together. a person who works very very hard to bring us all together newly wed supervisor [inaudible] she is a champion for bayview hunters point and housing and fairness and safety in the community, the list goes on and on. [inaudible] how beautifully she spoke about the opera house inside and we'll hear that now. it gives me great pleasure to take the opportunity to recognize the leadership of your supervisor, malia cohen. [applause] >> well, by god, if you take a
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rioting. the opera house was a safe space for school kids to come here. the opera house was a safe space for seniors to come and congregate. you know what the beautiful thing is about today? is that it bayview opera house will remain all of this. this is tremendous. you see the people on the stage before you? this is our gift to all of you. when i look out here you know what i see? generation upon generations of people that raised their families, that have been champions fighting [inaudible] i want to take a moment and pay the respect to
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the [inaudible] to the beautiful namly family of ruth williams, thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible] given us more than just a name to put on a historic building, she gave us a vision and she gave us a place where we can continue to teach and pass down our culture and pass on that vision. i want to recognize mary booker who kept [inaudible] alive and strong. [applause]. taught people how to act and how to project their voice and have stage presence and having stage presence is more than just being center stage. when you walk into a room you walk with your head held high and that is what mary booker taught us. [inaudible] that was right there with her. when i look in
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the audience i see so many service providers people who dedicated their lives whether working through the bayview hunters point foundation or [inaudible] or ministry on the plaza. [inaudible] everyone has a continued role making bayview hunters point more than a point on the map. this is a destination and home and community with real culture and traditions we will pass on from one generation to another. we are here to celebrate a wonderful day and historic absolute beautiful building and want to recognize the many talented people who made this come to fruition. it is always important to respond and respect and acknowledge those people who contributed beyond cht we need to recognize carla johnson who is still giving
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from the grave. she passed in the completion of the project and donated a sizable portion to the opera house. she was a city employee. [applause] [inaudible] bar people with disabilities to having access to this building and so this building is so center-center piece of the entire community. when you think about the construction we facilitated here in this building. ang leak thompson, belva davis are in the audience and facilitate being healthy. there are tremendous amount of people that deserve to be recognized.
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i want to recognize sister linda harrison who is [inaudible] [applause]. it is absolutely important we connect the dots of once people have left a [inaudible] it is how [inaudible] we are connecting the dots and make sure bayview hunter point get a piece of that action. we will build a program to connect [inaudible] right here to this building so we have our own state of the arts arts exhibit right here. you already heard recognition from barbara occul and bayview opera house board of directors but you know who else was pushed to the way side? i
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know you know him? how many know [inaudible] i don't know where he is but this is the man who opens up the building and closes the building and walks you to your car and cleans up what is left behind. this is a true gentlemen that had our back in this community. he is a unsung hero and asks for very little recognition. [inaudible] [applause] this opera house has been a place where people have come together to advocate for issues, important issues impacting our communities and that is what this opera house will symbolize from now for the next hundred years moving forward. we will be stronger and blessed by this and our responsibility to keep it in the community and keep it for us. thank you. [inaudible] supervisor of
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district 10. [applause] >> thank you supervisor. i want to acknowledge supervisor cohen fl her ongoing support. she committed a number of [inaudible] for the operation. third on third and continuing to make sure the programs here thrive. thank you so much. [applause]. next is great pleasure to introduce a city partner we could not have done this without who works in all the cultural centers to make sure they are up to code and community ready and that is director of public works, mohammed nuru. [applause]. >> i am very excited and proud to be part of this project as public works director and long time resident of bayview. this is where i raised my children and where i start my
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day, this is where i end my day. i'm right up the street here so i'm very happy this project has come to fruition of many years of work we have all been putting together to get to this stage. the bayview opera house is a community gem in our community. this is our neighborhood [inaudible] if you can feel the excitement i have, [inaudible] when we talk about san francisco, those from bayview this is our spot right here! [applause]. the work we have done here in san francisco will continue to make this building serve many more generations to come. as our neighborhoods evolve, it is important to preserve buildings like this to remind us of our history. at this time
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[inaudible] from our team, one of our partners with sfmta, director riscon, [inaudible] they were very instrumental helping bringing this project to fruition. please give them a hann. from public works, city architect, [inaudible] lopez [inaudible] who is on site every day. [applause]. janet [inaudible] they were all part of so many people coming together to make this project. please give them a hand. a couple things about the project. while we sit out here and enjoy the garden and stage and all the other places, there a lot of details and work that
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went into it preserving the building. an the other side from the ground level to the top was rebuilt while trying to keep the building together. the building is no very accessible and has 3 bathrooms, all of them are accessible. the stage is has a ramp that you can go in and someone in a wheelchair can actually be on stage and many many of the [inaudible] garden and hear a lot about the guard squn what the design of the garden is and how it came about. you all know, behind every successful project team there is architects and electricians, fire marshal and all kinds of people, so today [inaudible] i want to send all these people, so many of them for all the great work and contributions they have done to make this
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preservation possible. at this time, i t is also my pleasure to introduce a board member vise president of bayview opera house. she was born and raised in bayview and served on many city commissions and volunteer groups and serves as director of public affairs for our own golden state warriors, please welcome [inaudible] [applause and cheers] >> thank you. i was expecting [inaudible] good evening. this is great. i woke up this morning and was thinking about what i would say and they said i have two minutes and i was going to come up and say it is about time and walk off stage. many of you have seen this
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building transform, many have seen the neighborhood transform, but i'm excited because i can officially welcome to the bayview opera house, ruth williams memorial theater. [applause]. i want to particularly thank members of the community because this is your facility as much as it is ours on stage. as malia mentioned this is gift to bayview hunters point and the rest of the city of san francisco and i'm proud to be a part of that process. so, there has been a lot of build up to this event and as i was reflecting on this i tried to think of my earliest memory of the bayview opera house. when you talk about history and preservation, one person that comes to mind is my grandfather who raised me. he migrated from the south, punchsed a property on third and
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[inaudible]-you remember? and he put all his family in the property. the one vivid memory i have is he would walk [inaudible] pick me up from the opera house and save me from ballet class and [inaudible] it is those moments that shape me. if you look where we are standing to my left you have [inaudible] you have joseph lee jim, 3 strong institutions, cultural institutions, educational institutions in the physical fitness recreation
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center. 3 vital things i think the community needs and 3 vital things that shape the community and 3 things that we need to thrive. all that to say, that we all have-we take the personal responsibility to make sure that there is arts and culture in the facility and not only preserve the long standing history of many folks who come before me but also welcoming the new folks moving to a neighborhood and embracing bayview hunters point as their home. this journey will officially begin-i will say this date, september 17th. you can hold us accountable. [applause]. [inaudible] if you are on the board of directors for the opera house, please raise your hand. [applause] [inaudible] who works
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tirelessly for this moment and will continue to work tirelessly for the program and for this community. judy [inaudible] who is not here today. she is for the past 10 years has made this her top priority. supervisor cohen, when she speaks, when she says she is for the community, she means it. she walks the walk each and every day and we appreciate that. mayor lee, continuing on the promises that he addressed and i appreciate that and [inaudible] leader pelosi, you are absolutely right it started with 200 thousand$200 thousand investment and built this from the ground up and appreciate that. how many people with a show of hands are ateneded event or taken a class or
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participated in a program? keep your hands up because i have another question. this is not the end, this is just the beginning of something special and we need your commitment and need you to volunteer your time. hands are going down-[laughter]. we need donations. we need board members and staff. this is the beginning and hope all you can come on this journey with us and i appreciate it so much. [applause] before i leave, i need to introduce walter hood. walter came to had bayview opera house about two years ago? three years ago and i remember the first meeting. it was chair and microphone. a meeting with chairs and micro phone in the bayview is unpredictable to say the least,
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but walter listened and carried the vision out that was for the community and you don't get that all the time. walter, you appreciate you and we thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone. don't hold it against me, i'm from oakland [inaudible] [applause] the next thing i like to say, [inaudible] do fantastic things. i just saw a young man on a scooter come up the stairs and come along the ramp and he came [inaudible] all of our kids should be able to experience all these
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landscapes. hopefully in his mind this is not something [inaudible] i like to thank [inaudible] [applause] [inaudible] this takes a village to make these projects. we only have 5 or 6 good projects [inaudible] you think 5 projects in 30 years and i loick like to say it will be great to have this project [inaudible] i want to come back and [inaudible] i want to see performances out here. [inaudible] the building does not [inaudible] thank you for
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giving us that mission and allowing us [inaudible] [applause] >> just one step away from the big moment of the ribbon cutting. i want to show a couple acknowledges. supervisor wiener has joined us. [applause]. and i believe [inaudible] give a big round of applause for all [inaudible] thank you so much for your leadership. i want to do two things, there will be tours available for [inaudible] are going to give tours. if you are interested after the ribbon
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cutting [inaudible] there will be tours for community members and get information about the accessibility features. the new bathrooms on the downstairs level will allow young people to go to the restroom without going all the way around. this is a [inaudible] at the bayview opera house. i like to invite some the neighborhood young people that are here today to come on stage to join us for the ribbon cutting. can we get some the young people here? come on stage. [applause and cheers]. this >> if you are a bayview opera house board member please join us. our elected officials hydra mendoza and [inaudible] join us up on stage, please. i need you to help us count down from 10. are we all ready?
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>> herb theatre,open rehearsal. listen to the rehearsal. i think it is fun for them, they see our work process, our discussions, the decisions we make. it is good for us. we kind of behavior little bit when we have people in the audience. msk (music) >> we are rehearsing for our most expensive tour; plus two concerts here. we are proud that the growth of the orchestra, and how it is expanded and it is being accepted. my ambition when i came on as music director here -- it was evident we needed
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absolutely excellent work. also evident to me that i thought everyone should know that. this was my purpose. and after we opened, which was a spectacular opening concert about five weeks after that the economy completely crashed. my plan -- and i'm absolutely dogmatic about my plans --were delayed slightly. i would say that in this very difficult timefor the arts and everyone, especially the arts, it's phenomenal how new century has grown where many unfortunate organizations have stopped. during this period we got ourselves on national radio presence; we started touring, releasing cds, a dvd.
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we continue to tour. reputation grows and grows and grows and it has never stopped going forward. msk(music) >> the bay area knows the orchestra. you maybe take things for granted a little bit. that is simply not the case will go on the road. the audiences go crazy. they don't see vitality like this on stage. we are capable of conveying joy when we play. msk(music) >> any performance that we do, that a program, that will be something on the program that you haven't heard before. string orchestra repertoire is pretty small. i used to be boxed into small repertoire.
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i kept constantly looking for new repertoire and commissioning new arrangements. if you look at the first of the program you have very early, young vibrant mendelson; fabulous opener and then you have this fabulous concerto written for us in the orchestra. is our gift. msk(music) >> and then you have strauss, extraordinary piece. the most challenging of all. string orchestra work. 23 solo instrument, no violin section, now viola section; everybody is responsible for their part in this piece.
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the challenge is something that i felt not only that we could do , absolutely could do, but i wanted to show off. i can't tell you how aware i am of the audience. not only what i hear but their vibes, so strong. i have been doing this for a long time. i kind of make them feel what i want them to feel. there is nobody in that audience or anywhere that is not going to know that particular song by the fourth note. and that is our encore on tour.
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure
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that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. >> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an
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opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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>> good morning and welcome to the board meeting of the treasure island mobility management my name is jane kim and chair of the committee and keith is our clerk i'd like to recognize mark and nona melkonian for broadcasting our meeting today mr. richie commissioner avalos commissioner london breed absent commissioner campos commissioner n
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