tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV July 29, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> good morning and welcome to the board meeting of the treasure island mobility management my name is jane kim and chair of the committee and keith is our clerk i'd like to recognize mark and nona melkonian for broadcasting our meeting today mr. richie commissioner avalos commissioner london breed absent commissioner campos commissioner cohen
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commissioner farrell absent commissioner kim commissioner eric mar absent commissioner peskin absent commissioner tang commissioner lee commissioner yee absent we have quorum. >> thank you mr. clerk, call the next item. >> chair's report on information item. >> thank you this is our first meeting since january and i would like to recognize my committee members vice chair commissioner avalos and commissioner campos for serving with me on the timma committee there's been a ton of activity on the island and to see the infrastructure projects and mobility programs that the staff has led and coordinating it is incredibly exciting to see our transportation program take shape a commitment to the residents of the island over 10 years ago we're newly beginning
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to formulate what a new ferry and extended bus route and car share for the completely new neighborhood in san francisco the timma committee met last week i'm pleased to the side is responses including the feedback about setting a town hall hours of proclamation and affordability a particular those that live on the island prior to the development and the recommendations have been refined thoughtfully to address the town hall concerns concerns the low income residents and to stand and diversity the funding sources beyond the users fees in this phase i'd like was pleased to write a letter of support for the trlt application for cap & trade this will fund the pedestrian and bicycle
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infrastructure on the island that is exciting and support a new ac transit clean skilled buses to allow the residents to take public transit to the east bay it demonstrates a partner with local service-based businesses in this case the on time and on schedule initiative that began was we moved the residents and our commitment to housing both residents that residents families and vaernlz that are formally homeless and to provide vanderpool services to support our vulnerable residents finally i'd like to appreciate long time island becky on the transportation authority cac many of you you know becky active in the franklin delano roosevelt democratic club and ever seen is pedestrian safety advisory committee an update in
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march and the transportation authority community advisory board heard unanimously and endorsed those recommendations in june she serves on the advisory board and provides a link between our two citizen advisory groups and recognize bob the director of tihdi thank you to all the folks for your service and with that, mr. clerk, do we take public comment on this item. >> yes. >> at this time public comment is open on item number 2. >> good morning, commissioners my name is jeff kline and i'm a 17 year resident of the villages on treasure island and want to correct commissioner kim and
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director chang you keep on calling it a community advisory board that is a citizens advisory a project committee and the redevelopment law but you got a special tida a waiver to allow the establishment of the citizens advisory board and only 2009 before the 4 residents elected to that board out of 19 people on the board so it is not a community advisory board not represent the community and i'm friends are with becky but she's disabled and 61 of the households on treasure island have a vehicle and do drive including myself and i commented at the july 30th with an of 3 residents along
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with becky and betty makingy why yerba buena island who commented the only residents that commented any of your meeting community full board and i'm here again, i want to ask that when i make comments on island 8 and 10 you'll allow me a full 3 minutes to finish my comment i have in writing and glad to provide in advance thank you, mr. kline we'll provide the 3 minutes on those two items seeing none, public comment is closed. on this item. >> can we please call the item. >> director's report an information item. >> thank you chair kim tilly chang this month our report hospital a has several opportunities as chair mentions the cap & trade application was
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submitted in june and director bob beck and i 2r5689d to sacramento for the council staff when we were impressed with the overall application four the hub facilities and the vanderpool services we're keeping our fingers crossed there we applied for federal grants following the opening of this federal usda transportation management technology deployment program last week secretary fox was here for the vehicles symposium and many of the smart cities initiatives are moving forward following the announcement of the grant award going to cleveland and san francisco is continuing to develop other kinds of projects to put forward including on treasure island we're tracking regional grant opportunity and many of the
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parishioners serve on the district and tracking the transportation for the clean air program that is administrative code by the air district and the one bay area program they could yield demonstrates fund to move forward turning to the local issues on any report the plan bay area draft somewhere was realized by the staff and hoping is that i live support of the treasure island initiative in the second rating in a row of high tier performances with the high cost profile the draft transportation scenarios will be presented in september continue to work between now and then and come back to you all with the specific requests or recommendations in that regard
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ferry service i'll note is taking shape on august 4th this coming august the water transportation authority weda will present an update on the services for the transportation board both our agency and theirs have been working hard to seek a green ferry technology for the island service this is their hybrid fuel and we're also working to jointly get funding for the island service this cuomo meeting with tida and the potential start date for ferry service with the capital plan fund and subsidies that are required and finally your tolling system a concept of operations which describes the
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components of the toll system how it represents to the san francisco open bay bridge toll system with the completion of the funding we sic entity from experts and companies with the toll services and we're working with researchers at the uc berkley and others jurisdictions gone before us in the area we'll brick all that back to you and take eric for the capital projects for moving forward and in addition to your on time and budget and our bicycle safety he's e he's working with the toll authority to deliver i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you director chang any questions for the director. >> one question ii had as a foul of public comment and hoping all the members of the
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citizens advisory committee that that would be helpful to know who sits on it. >> my apologies to that committee for given the wrong i should have noted a citizens advisory committee at this time we'll open up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. can we please call the next item. >> approval the january 26th meeting onramp action item. >> thank you. any comments on this item. >> at this time we will open up for public comment on item number 4. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take a roll call vote. >> item 4. >> commissioner avalos commissioner london breed absent commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell absent
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commissioner kim commissioner eric mar absent commissioner peskin absent commissioner tang commissioner lee commissioner yee minutes are approved. >> thank you and mr. clerk, call actually items 5 and 6 together. >> item 5 approve the administrative code and item six the minutes of order and the fiscal and business reimbursement those are action items. >> any comments on items 6 and 5 at this time we'll open up for public comment on those two items seeing none, public comment is closed. on items 5 and 6. >> mr. clerk same house, same call? same house, same call? on those two items mr. clerk, call item 7. >> item 7 adapt a fiscal year 2016-2017 annual before you get
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program an action item. >> thank you. any comments on the proposed budget and work program surrendering open up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. and we can take that same house, same call? mr. clerk, call the next item. >> item 8 approval the treasure island action item. >> thank you is there any comments on this item. >> seeing none, open up for public comment on this item. >> and mr. kline we'll grant you the 3 minutes for public comment. >> i've used this before so -
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>> do you recognize this hi jeff kline a 17 year resident and good morning and thank you for hearing any comment as i mentioned one of the 3 residents that spoke in the july 2015 timma all four of the comments were critical all 3 residents had 4 comments critical of the proposal that charge the residents a toll and expressed concern of lack of affordability and residence by the way, we're the only resident to comment i heard you talk about the affordability i assume you know that the average transportation spending of protecting resident due to the toll nearly double by build out that slide was in our presentation page 29
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represent a graph but i understand how the timma missed this hesitate only the the screen for 20 minutes curiously in the grant i think it is responsible for you so i'm skiio approve those toll policies that double our transportation costs and specifically i demand you make all residents the villages exempt from this toll for 61 percent of villages household that have own or have access to a vehicle this tolls a huge increase and as constructive evictions and net profits comprise half of tida budget
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$80 million we pay for the ti project incidentally a million dollars to timma that's our rent money i don't need you to be remind the average to the income is ti households was that $5,000 obviously you must i present our looking for other funds for the ti project and instead of seeking nor money from the low income and middle-income people but i appreciate and ask you that you do not vote to double our transportation cots and exempt all residents from villages of the vinyls from this toll thank you. >> thank you, mr. kline there any additional public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. board community members board
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members excuse me - any comments on this item again, i do want to thank the staff timma and the transportation authority as well as the treasure island development authority for the work on the mobility plan and to fill out the robust transportation program for current and new residence of this island i i feel comfortable with the goals with the hours and pricing have not been set yet and will be over the next two years will be taking in more input from the residents as well as continuing the dialogue on this process i feel comfortable and take this item same house, same call? mr. clerk, call item number 9 and 10 together and item 9 introduction of new items and 10
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general public comment. >> are there any new items from board members today? seeing none, we'll open up for public comment on item 9 and general public comment as well. >> thank you good morning, commissioners andrew of chinatown officer of mighty virtue one will defend one policies of humanity and justice for the holy people political leaders and serves the society with loyalty and encourage on all good deeds with great virtues for the model of all of self-nature and preservation one follows the guidance of 20 between you principles to develop the apology for the divided missionary and takes a course of action with uprightness and
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integrity for the qualities of the leaders so one da can rescue being a perfect model and leader one coloration and progress could direct others to take on poverties in the same fashion of loyalty and courage and one can help the people to the outer state of peace of wellness and contentions oneself to use one genius for the good of mankind and cures for disease this is a good way to rescue the people from tragedies thank you. >> thank you next comment - commenter please. >> thank you, again, for hearing any comments commissioners
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jeff kline for the record i'm opposed to the because it the mistaken assumption the planners are ignored the shift to transit and away from private vehicles by the residents of the treasure island during the past 8 years this shift is due entirely to the muni bus service corresponding to the 2009 transportation plan one hundred of people own the cars compared to the san francisco average of 92 percent but the no idea. >> survey found 61 percent 8 years later of residents have access to a vehicle and thirty percent are car free residents are exceeded the accomplish tida goal we already mold o mode
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shifdz tar beyond the goal to 60 percent of people ride muni the access to the bay bridge and parking on treasure island is the fundamental and inflated assumption of at this time this is counter this the economic they are because it is essential by month household and - it is more likely that higher prices will not reduce the demand the demand for high income is by definition unlikely to be elastic since prices is not a factor for the wealth you, you should know where the program is cost effective to creates new openings for the ti project for the land limits of ferry services i urge timma to look at the reduction of green house gas
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emissions and capital improvement and construction time while greatly new year the urban condo system attached to the bay bridge i've prepared background information i've shared with supervisor kim office i hope you'll reconsider the failed timma approach and an urban gondola i have copies and be glad to give you the gondolas for the san francisco y b i upon request thank you >> thank you, mr. kline and we'll take our comments seeing no further items on item 9 and 10 public comment is closed. mr. clerk any other items item 11 adjournment. >> the meeting is adjourned w
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i'm tom ducaney and director of public affairs for city and county of san francisco, director of san francisco parks commission. on belandfall of my colleagues and commissioners it is a honor to welcome you all for the ribbon cutty for newly renovated bayview opera house and ruth williams memorial theater. [applause] the city of owns and operates 4 brick and mortar culturalsenter buildings, all of which provide affordable access to high quality arts and culture in communities across the city. built in 1888, the bayview opera house played an incredible role in the ist history of the bayview and beloved by all of us. i want to acknowledge members who are
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here today who are champions of the building over the e years and arts in the bayview neighborhood. in the front row we have family members of [inaudible] ruth williams [inaudible] children and grandkids and joined by marry booker. [applause and cheers] and mrs. doris [inaudible] and her family. [inaudible] welcome. on behalf of [inaudible] you are such incredible parts of making this a great space and arts qu culture hub and place for advancing racial justice in san francisco for years. [applause] we are thrilled to have mayor ed lee with us along with house
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democratic, nancy pelosi. assembly member david chui a great campion for the arts in sacramento. we have supervisor malia cohen. and i believe do we have supervisor scott wiener here today? no. president breed was going to try to join us as well. we also have [inaudible] george gas gone. i'm also joined on the stage by reverend calvin [inaudible] [applause] director of san francisco public works, mohammed nuru. bayview opera house vise president theo
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[inaudible] [applause]. and also our brilliant landscape architects walter hood. [applause [. i want to ocknowledge the san francisco arts commissioner is. we have jd veltram in the audience . i believe commissioner greg chui is with us. commissioner chuck collins. kimberley striker, thank you for all your work on behalf of the san francisco arts commission. i also see fellow colleagues here including [inaudible] department of environment. director elaine forbs joins by port commission vice president kimberley brandon and deputy director of [inaudible] civic engagement and immigrant affairs. police chief tony
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[inaudible] policy and government affairs for rec and parks department, alex randolph. board member and neighbor, hydra mendoza and parks commissioner eric mcdonald is here. thank you for coming and being supporters of this project. there are so many people to thank and so bear with me. we have [inaudible] to realize the transformation of the beautiful plaza and osaddress the less visible but improvement tooz the building itself. the project architects walter hood and paul cooper, amy elliott [inaudible] give them a round of applause. [applause] i also
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want to thank project consultant deborah [inaudible] other members of the project team is [inaudible] elliott who i believe is here with us today. i also want to acknowledge john updike from department of real estate. he is a incredible partner. [inaudible] vision of access to quality, words spoken by late colleagues carla johnson for mayors office of disability. [inaudible] the mayors office of disability was a champion of the project from the beginning and carla was here every day by our side make tg happen so today we remember her. [applause] i want to thank
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[inaudible] colleagues also from mayors office of disability [inaudible] john paul scott. [applause] next i like to thank colleagues at the capical planning committee for all your support for all cultural centers [inaudible] brian strom and staff from john updikes team [inaudible] i want to thank the city partner recollect public works and san francisco municipal transportation authority, mayors office of housing [inaudible] economic and workforce development. clearly the project was a city wide family effort and could want couldn't have done it with all you. there is generous support
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from kaiser permanente and [inaudible] here to celebrate. next and bear with me, this afs very big team work ong this project and can pass it [inaudible] executive director of bayview opera house, barbara [inaudible] [applause and cheers]. thank you barbara for everything you do every dayism we look forward handing the keys to you next month and you can come and open the doors every day [inaudible] lastly i want to thank colleagues at the arts commission who couldn't be here today because he is celebrating her daughters wedding back east, judy [inaudible] does a incredible
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job. [inaudible] which wh i came on board 4 years ago and it was [inaudible] judy has been the greatest champion and all the arts commission staff that are such a honor work wg every day and [inaudible] of the arts in san francisco. thank you arts commission staff, can you please raise your hand? i know many are here today. thank you. we made it through the thank you's and i assure i won't be [inaudible] it is my great pleasure and [inaudible] reverend calvin jones junior from [inaudible] thank you again. [applause] >> [inaudible] let's hold hands. thank you god. god we
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thank you for the time together and ask you to bless this occasion and lord, work and people that have put time in down through the years, we just thank you god for your grace and mercy. let this be a time where we can come together during the god times in our liferbs and even during difficult times in the city we can come together and see what god you have in mine for each one of us. continue to bless those in leadership and god, ask that you touch those that are being locked up, too many young people going away. help us and let us use our creative energy [inaudible] >> amen. >> god bless you. >> and now it is my great honor to introduce a true champion of
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the cultural center, somebody who made a great investment in the city over a life time, mayor ed lee. [applause] >> welcome to the bayview! well, i am so glad to join all you on this moment. i know today is a soft opening, but walter and mr. cooper gave a walk through of this restored gem-you have done a magnificent job. the whole entire team-i know tom went through all that, let me say thank you to everybody but most especially. -you know how much we spent on this center? it is serious money! serious money! like $5 million. that is serious
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money. why? because this is a serious center. it is a bit of historicsenter. more than community history, it has been family history. i can just imagine a few decades ago [inaudible] running around listening to the [inaudible] get sent out here and say, one of these days i will work at hrc and be a part of the city. i know tim said that because he was singing those songs when we were working at hrc 25 years ago telling me about the history of the community and how much his mother and family were contributors to this. it is family history along with community history. that's why it is serious investment. we are also making serious investments in the entire
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bayview along [inaudible] thanks to the leadership of malia cohen and others who led the way to inform us about the linkage that we have. this is a center of seriousness because i have been here when it was locked up. when it was-you have to go through locked doors to get from one place to the other. now we have a floating canvas where the kids go from the theater, from the historic flooring that have above it some really nice historic play house theater type of lights. you can say i can sing here, even though i can't sing. you want to be here to perform because this is where the youth will be really inspired with what the board is doing, what the directors are doing with the programming that is about to come forth
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hopefully in september when we officially open this up. you wim be proud of this investments. we are making investments not just in buildings but the people of the neighborhood. as i often said, we are not making new promises, we are all together carrying out promises of investing in the neighborhood. this is the bayview and promised when we built [inaudible] we will invest in more. this is another part. you have a new branch library and have more to come because the commitment we made investing in people at a important time because we can afford the investments and need to make it now and build more affordable housing and prevent evictions and help the homeless and make sure the police department is working for the community to do all the right things in public safety and da included. all this works
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together so this investment means something for people. that is why i'm here today to show my gratitude for the entire team from the board to the director to all the groups working together and to officially declare on this day july 20 to be bayview opera house, ruth williams memorial theater day in san francisco! [applause and cheers] ruth williams [inaudible] with this i take incredible honor and pleasure to introduce the next speaker. you all know her. she is a champion for our city, a champion for bayview, someone i know that if we got a chance in this country to bring her back she will be our dem
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ocratic leader, nancy pelosi. [applause]. >> thank you very much thank you for your time and for your great leadership of our city and focus on the bayview. i am very honored to be with all you. i was really looking forward to being here but didn't realize it would be on the very day. i always say, why don't you tell us earlier in the day so we can park around here without getting a ticket. [laughter]. anyway, it is really wonderful to be with all of you and to pay tribute to ruth williams. [inaudible] official family of san francisco. [inaudible] ruth williams family thank you for sharing this enthuse amp
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asm. carla johnson [inaudible] judge people not-[inaudible] what they can do not judge for what they cannot do. the physical accessibility is something very very important and it really is a example to the world when you see the accessibility here. that accessibility is one part of the accessibility. the accessibility to the yung people of this area to demonstrate what is inside of them in terms of the arts. that unleashes them with who they are to be who they are and not to be judged by who they are not. so many moms in bayview and hunters point and all over, when i go places,
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they say police support the arts for our children. it is a place where they gain confidence and enjoy work and learn they can do other things, where they find their creative spirit. that contribution is so important. this place is not only physically accessible, but spiritially accessibility as well. i'm very proud of [inaudible] the mayor put $5 million and we put in the first $200 thousand and barbara told me without the floor nothing else [inaudible] some of us were together 10 years goy when we celebrated [inaudible] i can say to my colleagues in wash ington it wasn't just about transportation but economic
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growth of the community and now the spiritially and intellectual and cultural life of the community. this is really a cause for great celebration. it is a recognition the arts are central to who we are as a country. [inaudible] over and over again, but more importantly and more personally to everyone here, lets the art sing to the community. [inaudible] every time we come here, one of the [inaudible] always say our community has the word unity in it. it brings us together. a person who works very very hard to bring us all together newly wed supervisor [inaudible] she is a champion for bayview hunters point and housing and fairness and safety in the community, the list goes on and on.
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[inaudible] how beautifully she spoke about the opera house inside and we'll hear that now. it gives me great pleasure to take the opportunity to recognize the leadership of your supervisor, malia cohen. [applause] >> well, by god, if you take a moment and take it all in,-- [applause] you think about what
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[inaudible] it is more than just a day of celebration that we are recognizing in san francisco. for those that grew up here, you know what the opera house means. [applause] the opera house was a safe space for people when they were rioting. the opera house was a safe space for school kids to come here. the opera house was a safe space for seniors to come and congregate. you know what the beautiful thing is about today? is that it bayview opera house will remain all of this. this is tremendous. you see the people on the stage before you? this is our gift to all of you.
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when i look out here you know what i see? generation upon generations of people that raised their families, that have been champions fighting [inaudible] i want to take a moment and pay the respect to the [inaudible] to the beautiful namly family of ruth williams, thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible] given us more than just a name to put on a historic building, she gave us a vision and she gave us a place where we can continue to teach and pass down our culture and pass on that vision. i want to recognize mary booker who kept [inaudible] alive and
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strong. [applause]. taught people how to act and how to project their voice and have stage presence and having stage presence is more than just being center stage. when you walk into a room you walk with your head held high and that is what mary booker taught us. [inaudible] that was right there with her. when i look in the audience i see so many service providers people who dedicated their lives whether working through the bayview hunters point foundation or [inaudible] or ministry on the plaza. [inaudible] everyone has a continued role making bayview hunters point more than a point on the map. this is a destination and home and
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community with real culture and traditions we will pass on from one generation to another. we are here to celebrate a wonderful day and historic absolute beautiful building and want to recognize the many talented people who made this come to fruition. it is always important to respond and respect and acknowledge those people who contributed beyond cht we need to recognize carla johnson who is still giving from the grave. she passed in the completion of the project and donated a sizable portion to the opera house. she was a city employee. [applause] [inaudible] bar people with disabilities to having access to this building and so this building is so center-center piece of the entire community.
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when you think about the construction we facilitated here in this building. ang leak thompson, belva davis are in the audience and facilitate being healthy. there are tremendous amount of people that deserve to be recognized. i want to recognize sister linda harrison who is [inaudible] [applause]. it is absolutely important we connect the dots of once people have left a [inaudible] it is how [inaudible] we are connecting the dots and make sure bayview hunter point get a piece of that action. we will build a
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program to connect [inaudible] right here to this building so we have our own state of the arts arts exhibit right here. you already heard recognition from barbara occul and bayview opera house board of directors but you know who else was pushed to the way side? i know you know him? how many know [inaudible] i don't know where he is but this is the man who opens up the building and closes the building and walks you to your car and cleans up what is left behind. this is a true gentlemen that had our back in this community. he is a unsung hero and asks for very little recognition. [inaudible] [applause] this
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opera house has been a place where people have come together to advocate for issues, important issues impacting our communities and that is what this opera house will symbolize from now for the next hundred years moving forward. we will be stronger and blessed by this and our responsibility to keep it in the community and keep it for us. thank you. [inaudible] supervisor of district 10. [applause] >> thank you supervisor. i want to acknowledge supervisor cohen fl her ongoing support. she committed a number of [inaudible] for the operation. third on third and continuing to make sure the programs here thrive. thank you so much. [applause]. next is great pleasure to introduce a city partner we could not have done this without who works in all
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the cultural centers to make sure they are up to code and community ready and that is director of public works, mohammed nuru. [applause]. >> i am very excited and proud to be part of this project as public works director and long time resident of bayview. this is where i raised my children and where i start my day, this is where i end my day. i'm right up the street here so i'm very happy this project has come to fruition of many years of work we have all been putting together to get to this stage. the bayview opera house is a community gem in our community. this is our neighborhood [inaudible] if you can feel the excitement i have, [inaudible] when we talk about
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san francisco, those from bayview this is our spot right here! [applause]. the work we have done here in san francisco will continue to make this building serve many more generations to come. as our neighborhoods evolve, it is important to preserve buildings like this to remind us of our history. at this time [inaudible] from our team, one of our partners with sfmta, director riscon, [inaudible] they were very instrumental helping bringing this project to fruition. please give them a hann. from public works, city architect, [inaudible] lopez [inaudible] who is on site every day. [applause].
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janet [inaudible] they were all part of so many people coming together to make this project. please give them a hand. a couple things about the project. while we sit out here and enjoy the garden and stage and all the other places, there a lot of details and work that went into it preserving the building. an the other side from the ground level to the top was rebuilt while trying to keep the building together. the building is no very accessible and has 3 bathrooms, all of them are accessible. the stage is has a ramp that you can go in and someone in a wheelchair can actually be on stage and many many of the [inaudible] garden and hear a lot about the guard squn what
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the design of the garden is and how it came about. you all know, behind every successful project team there is architects and electricians, fire marshal and all kinds of people, so today [inaudible] i want to send all these people, so many of them for all the great work and contributions they have done to make this preservation possible. at this time, i t is also my pleasure to introduce a board member vise president of bayview opera house. she was born and raised in bayview and served on many city commissions and volunteer groups and serves as director of public affairs for our own golden state warriors, please welcome [inaudible] [applause
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and cheers] >> thank you. i was expecting [inaudible] good evening. this is great. i woke up this morning and was thinking about what i would say and they said i have two minutes and i was going to come up and say it is about time and walk off stage. many of you have seen this building transform, many have seen the neighborhood transform, but i'm excited because i can officially welcome to the bayview opera house, ruth williams memorial theater. [applause]. i want to particularly thank members of the community because this is your facility as much as it is ours on stage. as malia mentioned this is gift to bayview hunters point and the rest of the city of san francisco and i'm proud to be a
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part of that process. so, there has been a lot of build up to this event and as i was reflecting on this i tried to think of my earliest memory of the bayview opera house. when you talk about history and preservation, one person that comes to mind is my grandfather who raised me. he migrated from the south, punchsed a property on third and [inaudible]-you remember? and he put all his family in the property. the one vivid memory i have is he would walk [inaudible] pick me up from the opera house and save me from ballet class and [inaudible] it
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is those moments that shape me. if you look where we are standing to my left you have [inaudible] you have joseph lee jim, 3 strong institutions, cultural institutions, educational institutions in the physical fitness recreation center. 3 vital things i think the community needs and 3 vital things that shape the community and 3 things that we need to thrive. all that to say, that we all have-we take the personal responsibility to make sure that there is arts and culture in the facility and not only preserve the long standing history of many folks who come before me but also welcoming the new folks moving to a
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neighborhood and embracing bayview hunters point as their home. this journey will officially begin-i will say this date, september 17th. you can hold us accountable. [applause]. [inaudible] if you are on the board of directors for the opera house, please raise your hand. [applause] [inaudible] who works tirelessly for this moment and will continue to work tirelessly for the program and for this community. judy [inaudible] who is not here today. she is for the past 10 years has made this her top priority. supervisor cohen, when she speaks, when she says she is for the community, she means it. she walks the walk each and every day and we
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appreciate that. mayor lee, continuing on the promises that he addressed and i appreciate that and [inaudible] leader pelosi, you are absolutely right it started with 200 thousand$200 thousand investment and built this from the ground up and appreciate that. how many people with a show of hands are ateneded event or taken a class or participated in a program? keep your hands up because i have another question. this is not the end, this is just the beginning of something special and we need your commitment and need you to volunteer your time. hands are going down-[laughter]. we need donations. we need board members and staff. this is the beginning and hope all you can
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come on this journey with us and i appreciate it so much. [applause] before i leave, i need to introduce walter hood. walter came to had bayview opera house about two years ago? three years ago and i remember the first meeting. it was chair and microphone. a meeting with chairs and micro phone in the bayview is unpredictable to say the least, but walter listened and carried the vision out that was for the community and you don't get that all the time. walter, you appreciate you and we thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone. don't hold it against me, i'm from oakland [inaudible]
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[applause] the next thing i like to say, [inaudible] do fantastic things. i just saw a young man on a scooter come up the stairs and come along the ramp and he came [inaudible] all of our kids should be able to experience all these landscapes. hopefully in his mind this is not something [inaudible] i like to thank [inaudible] [applause] [inaudible] this takes a village to make these projects. we only have 5 or 6 good
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projects [inaudible] you think 5 projects in 30 years and i loick like to say it will be great to have this project [inaudible] i want to come back and [inaudible] i want to see performances out here. [inaudible] the building does not [inaudible] thank you for giving us that mission and allowing us [inaudible] [applause] >> just one step away from the big moment of the ribbon cutting. i want to show a couple acknowledges. supervisor wiener has joined us. [applause]. and i believe
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[inaudible] give a big round of applause for all [inaudible] thank you so much for your leadership. i want to do two things, there will be tours available for [inaudible] are going to give tours. if you are interested after the ribbon cutting [inaudible] there will be tours for community members and get information about the accessibility features. the new bathrooms on the downstairs level will allow young people to go to the restroom without going all the way around. this is a [inaudible] at the bayview opera house. i like to invite some the neighborhood young people that are here today to come on stage to join us for the ribbon cutting. can we get some the young people here?
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come on stage. [applause and cheers]. this >> if you are a bayview opera house board member please join us. our elected officials hydra mendoza and [inaudible] join us up on stage, please. i need you to help us count down from 10. are we all ready? alright. please join me counting back. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [applause and cheers] please stay and enjoy refreshments.
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>> welcome to "culturewire." today we are at recology. they are celebrate 20 years of one of the most incredibly unique artist residency programs. we are here to learn more from one of the resident artists. welcome to the show, deborah. tell us how this program began 20 years ago. >> the program began 20 years
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ago. our founder was an environmentalist and an activist and an artist in the 1970's. she started these street sweeping campaigns in the city. she started with kids. they had an exhibition at city hall. city officials heard about her efforts and they invited her to this facility. we thought it would coincide with our efforts to get folks to recycle, it is a great educational tool. since then, we have had 95 professional artists come through. >> how has the program changed over the years? how has the program -- what can the public has an artist engage with? >> for the most part, we worked with metal and wood, what you would expect from a program like ours. over the years, we tried to include artists and all types of
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mediums. conceptual artists, at installation, photographers, videographers. >> that has really expanded the program out. it is becoming so dynamic right now with your vision of interesting artists in gauging here. why would an artist when to come here? >> mainly, access to the materials. we also give them a lot of support. when they start, it is an empty studio. they go out to the public area and -- we call it the big store. they go out shopping, take the materials that, and get to work. it is kind of like a reprieve, so they can really focus on their body of work. >> when you are talking about recology, do you have the only sculpture garden at the top? >> it is based on work that was done many years ago in new york.
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it is the only kind of structured, artist program. weit is beautiful. a lot of the plants you see were pulled out of the garbage, and we use our compost to transplant them. the pathway is lined with rubble from the earthquake from the freeways we tour about 5000 people a year to our facility, adults and children. we talk about recycling and conservation. they can meet the artists. >> fantastic. let's go meet some of your current artists. here we are with lauren. can you tell us how long have been here so far and what you're working on? >> we started our residency on june 1, so we came into the studio then and spent most of the first couple weeks just digging around in the trash.
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i am continuing my body of work, kind of making these hand- embroidered objects from our day-to-day life. >> can you describe some of the things you have been making here? this is amazing. >> i think i started a lot of my work about the qualities of light is in the weight. i have been thinking a lot about things floating through the air. it is also very windy down here. there is a piece of sheet music up there that i have embroidered third. there is a pamphlet about hearing dea -- nearing death. this is a dead rabbit. this is what i am working on now. this is a greeting card that i found, making it embroidered. it is for a very special friend. >> while we were looking at this, i glanced down and this is amazing, and it is on top of a
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book, it is ridiculous and amazing. >> i am interested in the serendipity of these still life compositions. when he got to the garbage and to see the arrangement of objects that is completely spontaneous. it is probably one of the least thought of compositions. people are getting rid of this stuff. it holds no real value to them, because they're disposing of it. >> we're here in another recology studio with abel. what attracted you to apply for this special program? >> who would not want to come to the dump? but is the first question. for me, being in a situation that you're not comfortable in has always been the best. >> what materials were you immediately attracted to when you started and so what was available here? >> there are a lot of books. that is one of the thing that hits me the most. books are good for
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understanding, language, and art in general. also being a graphic designer, going straight to the magazines and seeing all this printed material being discarded has also been part of my work. of course, always wood or any kind of plastic form or anything like that. >> job mr. some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. -- taught me through some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. >> the first thing that attracted me to this was the printed surface. it was actually a poster. it was a silk screen watercolor, about 8 feet long. in terms of the flatwork, i work with a lot of cloddish. so being able to cut into it come at into it, removed parts, it is part of the process of negotiating the final form. >> how do you jump from the two dimensional work that you create to the three-dimensional? maybe going back from the 3f to
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2d. >> everything is in the process of becoming. things are never said or settled. the sculptures are being made while i am doing the collages, and vice versa. it becomes a part of something else. there's always this figuring out of where things belong or where they could parapets something else. at the end goal is to possibly see one of these collage plans be built out and create a structure that reflects back into the flat work. >> thank you so much for allowing "culturewire" to visit this amazing facility and to learn more about the artists in residence program. is there anything you like our viewers to know? >> we have art exhibitions every four months, and a win by the public to come out. everybody is welcome to come out. we have food. sometimes we have gains and bands.
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it is great time. from june to september, we accept applications from bay area artists. we encouraged artists from all mediums to apply. we want as many artists from the bay area out here so they can have the same experience. >> how many artists to do your host here? >> 6 artist a year, and we receive about 108 applications. very competitive. >> but everyone should be encouraged to apply. thank you again for hosting us. >> thank you for including us in "culturewire." ♪ >> hi. welcome to san francisco. stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban
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center on mission street in san francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i
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read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake.
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>> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the
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ocean is not real. >> southern california is moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of
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magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover
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and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use
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the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in
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'89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for
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so, same time next week? well, of course. this is the regular meeting of san francisco small business commission he would say on monday, july 25, 2016, this meeting is called to order at 2:05 p.m. tonight's hearing is trillion dollar thank you for airing live this meeting viewed an sfgovtv channel 2 or city government members of the public please take this opportunity to silence our electronics devices and public comment is limited for 3
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minutes otherwise established members of the public requested not required by need the specializing of the names and please deliver the cards prior to the lectern additionally a sign-in sheet to be added to the mailing list please show our slides sfgovtv. >> good afternoon (inaudible) this meeting is the official forum for discussed the projects that effect the
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the only place to start your business and the best place for getting the answers with your new or existing business. office of small business is your first stop when you have a question about what to do next and it is the meeting. >> call to order and roll call commissioner vice president adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner tour-sarkissian commissioner yee-riley commissioner zouzounis is absent today, mr. president, you have quorum. >> all right. item 2. >> item two discussion and possible action on this board of supervisors file planning code medical service sacramento street neighborhood commercial integrity ordinance for the planning code to probably a change of use from a professional use to a medical use on the first floor on the sacramento commercial district affirming the declaration in the
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california environmental quality act and making findings of consistency with the general plan and the 8 policies of the planning code section and finding of the public convenience and welfare under the section discussion and possible action item are presenters are liv legislative aide at the office of supervisor mark farrell thank you. >> one moment let me turn on your microphone. >> okay. go ahead. >> good afternoon commissioner president dwight and members of the commission i'm a legislative aide to supervisor farrell the item before you is an ordinance by supervisor farrell it is a planning code engagement to prohibit the change of use from a professional service to a medical use on the first year or below in the sacramento street sacramento mcd a small-scale
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commercial districts with medical uses it runs among sacramento street from spruce to lion and medical officers and concerns that wralt and more active uses are replaced by medical uses they're prohibited on all floors except the business or professional services converted to medical at the going once, going twice with the u this change is in effect and the legislative fact to stop the active use use streets for the professional to medical services is essentially a conversion from office to office and not detrimental to retail active on the center the this is problematic as now the neighborhood is experiencing some businesses that are attempting to become business and professional services only to then convert to medical services that creates a pathway
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for the medical services not the intent so at this point supervisor farrell introduced to legislation to close the loophole and working with the city departments for the future neighborhood commercial overall to look at the right balance all over the place and better way to regulated what kind of uses phenomenon the commercial district this ordinance a neighborhood driven and hope we can count on our support thank you for having me. >> you mentioned neighborhood support for this is this a neighborhood initiated. >> it is. >> what, if any opposition has there been. >> there has not been. >> yeah. >> based on the one person. >> does this preclude medical cannabis medical cannabis is a spirit used by the proximity of schools
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yeah. >> commissioners any questions or comments no? okay. seeing none anyone wish to comment on item number this item please come forward >> yes. ace on the case and talk about this that is have parallel to other things i'm from the fillmore we call is the feeling no more than more with a cvd or other things that the community has we don't have neighborhood black businesses now i came to the commission maybe six or eight or 9 months ago four or five months requesting you to come to the fillmore to find out what i'm saying we have one individual well, i may be one individual but speaking for any community i may be one individual but i am the czar of the out exhibition i
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may be one individual but i'm the fulsome corridor ambassador but i'm here to say if this commission has failed us mysteriously and had the aau sedate to hold this speaking 13 hundred. >> ace that is about. >> i'm speaking particularly if you let people go to the board of supervisors and let me continue i say i'm speaking in parallel. >> and i'm here to say what the hell is happening to you all when i come down to the this the director the last time we don't have the minutes you say you don't have the staff what the hell with you in the business it
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if you don't have the moments about used to be your commissioner she was the vice president only two businesses on fillmore one not paying a damn dime and over one thousand dollars where in will world to do what she's done with our commissioners there was one of your commission what is going on with this city my name is ace and i'm on the case and i'll be speaking when i get a chance but now i'm talking particularly you're taking about cvd we don't have a cvd or a cac nothing but me, i'm the fillmore corridor ambassador if you don't want to recognize that thank you for allowing me to speak i created the government channel and be at every meeting and let
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the world know what is happening in the fell no more the mayor counted out in 2011 and after that business that clotted do you think they were black i'm representing the black community. >> thank you. >> anyone else like to comment on that particular item please - thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner president dwight and commissioners i'm tracey i'd like to speak to the top us. >> in parallel so i'm a small business owner in sacramento street and had a business antics no problem for 5 years and president of the sacramento street merchants association and
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have been pour the past 3 years my goal in the business community to bring together the merchant and promote safety so for everyone including the people that come to the neighborhood and trying to create for o more traffic for the district and more appealing for anyone to come and visit us things come and go and businesses close for different reasons we have a charming business district one of the strengths we add to the city what we have to offer, however, i've been challenged i had to leave any business to come here in the middle of the day to actually try to promote the very viable needs to protect small businesses you would think that is built into everything we're trying to do but 23468 i think
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that because reality is so challenging in the city the small business district are appealing 09 types of businesses we find ourselves having to occasionally be challenged and protect what those neighborhoods are about so as a small business owner as someone that is trying hard to create a great a business district that you know maintains part of viable for years and years to come we need to make sure this little loophole is closed so that i don't have to find myself constantly defending the commercial district with great retail businesses a lot folks that common i'm a pro change but i find myself not wanting to have the gaps of lack of traffic and businesses closed because of
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traffic we're seeing more and more of and to such a degree that people are disappointed when they start seeing and longer a longer gap so i just wanted to put that in front of you and also a member of the neighborhood board the association neighbors and your current president bill is away on family vacation so couldn't be here our former president charley he's away as well so just one quick note just our goal with the presidio heats association to have only businesses and services on the ground floor we realize that's a simple statement we're hoping that you'll support us and close that loophole thank you. >> thank you. any anyone wish to comment on item number on this item seeing none, commissions.
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>> any comments. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena i'm familiar with the corridor when i used to be in parking at the laurel land i know sacramento street and the corridor i understand there is a lot of medical facilities large medical facilities and axiliary medical supplies a natural fit you can't compete with large institutions like this so i commend you and thank you for taking time out of your day to come here. >> commissioiner vice president adams i wanted to second this is straight up legislation i totally will support it tracey you've going done a great job with sacramento and wanting until you came and opened up your shooting shop you made an different especially on saturday
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a thanksgiving. >> serve as an example for all business districts cvd are organized by the citizens in them so not falling on the government to formulate the businesses do we have a motion. >> i move second. >> in favor. >> i. >> i. >> that item passes 6 to zero one absent. >> thank you. >> awesome thank you for coming out appreciate it. >> may be one less time you'll have to do it. >> keep on doing it. >> all right. item 3 presentation and possible action on the board of supervisors file initiative ordinance tax regulations and administrative
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code on the taxing of the affordable housing and homeless services business registration and reductions motion submitted at the voter to be held on november 8th and ordinance amending the tax regulation code and administrative code to reduce the business registration fee on persons with one million dollars in gross receipt and impose a new one .5 percent in companies dwaengd in the city with affordable housing and homeless services and increasing the decided appropriation limit by the amount of tax from november 8th to section and discussion and possible action nicholas of the office of supervisor mar but due to family emergency not able to attend commissioners you're welcome to have discussion. >> it's not clear if this stem
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will end up on the ballot i think that is worthwhile for us if we want to discuss it and perhaps make a statement policy statement from this office so i my thing is not working commissioiner vice president adams. >> if anyone for public comment or make a motion. >> okay so open up for public comment if anyone has any public comment on the tech tax please step forward. >> yes. circle on this item parallel to what you're talking about you're talking about the cvd and all the extra things in the community i'm here to say parallel the fillmore which i call the field no more have none
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of those entities the city and county you started a cvd and close it for corruption we closed others businesses for corruption and now have nothing but me myself and i ac e the fillmore ambassador i want you to respect that i'm not one african-american standing up talking with shades on in any community over thirty years anticipate served it before this department was put together your current director was ross and she know dog on right what i'm talking about that's why i'm frustrated i came to her and trying to find out what the heck is going on you have a board member ms. white not only that the vice president but the vice president had all the information so you all going to tell me as a
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small business administrator how does one open up a business when you have a corrupt business across the street where is that in america only san francisco so your commission is responsible for everything i'm bringing up here every week until you come to the western edition to the fillmore and do a tour with a business meeting my request as a fillmore corridor ambassador come to the western edition and hold a meeting and the talk about small businesses and tell you and show you without a doubt we have nun they're corrupt that is run by the city and county of san francisco now i am spanking you on your wrists but then in writing and above our head what the hell is going on you have a director that knows and x commissioners yet we in the fillmore don't
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have no black businesses every other business is flushing and as in fact, we don't have none to work and that will stop under any regime anyone that is listening to the tv station i helped to create the san francisco government channel due forgot it my name is ace and i'm on the case and i am the fillmore corridor ambassador and speaking whether you like it or not. >> any members of the public that would like to comment on that item seeing none, commissioners. >> i'd like to make a statement i'd like to sense this is going to the board of supervisors i'd like to to say the small business commission opposes the lobbying of payroll tax and any businesses in the city and
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county of san francisco and 2012 san francisco voters approved a replacement of payroll taxes with gross receipt taxed for all businesses and that's in the middle of a 5 year transition plan not writing implementation of the selected payroll stations is inconsistent with the legislation approved in 2012 so i'd like to put that forward as a motion saying that i know we should be opposed to it. >> as a policy statement thank you. >> commissions any comments thank you sorry my thing is not working. >> no comments. >> okay would anyone like to second that motion. >> i'll second. >> okay. >> okay. >> read the motion back again.
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>> go ahead and read back. >> the proposed motion is the small business commission opposes las vegasing a payroll on any business in the city and county of san francisco in 2012 san francisco voters approved the payroll gross receipt for all businesses and that 5 year transition plan is now in process implementation of a selective payroll is inconsistent with the payroll in necessarily shall we roll call vote. >> okay. >> commissioiner vice president adams commissioner dooley no. >> commissioner president dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> commissioner yee-riley commissioner zouzounis is absent okay this item passes 4 to two with
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one absent. >> all right. on to item number 4 >> item 4 discussion and possible action on letter of support regarding the preservation in valencia and discussion and possible action item and your presenter will be commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> commissioner president dwight i request to obtain stain from any possible action since i'm presenting and on the advisory board with the sfmta and all the stakeholder. >> so we need to have a motion and second and a vote of approval for - well, not an abstention but a rule i motion we recuse commissioner ortiz-cartagena from this presentation is since he's presenting. >> second. >> and we need to take a vote
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on it. >> to recuse commissioner ortiz-cartagena from voting on this item okay roll call or. >> in favor. >> i that that item passes. >> at the time of the action to remove of us and and for the passage in favor commissioner ortiz-cartagena and the number that passing 5 to zero one absent and one recused and then well, he wasn't recused - actually he takes action on this he's not officially recuse. >> the motion passes 6 to zero one absent. >> all right. and then also for additional information from the sfmta is here in case nor detailed information you may
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need on that particular topic. >> all right. susan. >> commissioner president dwight thank you for having me. i'm here today representing representative as a small business owner and long rent born and raised of mission district and have a letter drafted as our president says have it in writing so drafted a letter hope you'll agree how it effects small business and let me start by reading so i would like to urge that we support a process to make an informal process when was middle parking with the delores to be a form process let me even if review the letter we support memoranda parking with the mission corridor after a year the stakeholders reached a contention to allow for the
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continuation of memoranda park with agreed on modifications, however, the new residents not familiar with the route of the culture traditions of the neighborhood have so you get to accomplish the process one stakeholder which was by the way, myself was absent given the parking with the majorities voted against the agreed upon proposal not only an additional obstacle for those who come to the neighborhood for gashthsdz by the small businesses in the corridor will be harmed the longtime organizations if the mission are chord tenants with the regional shops and before returning to their homes outside the city with gentrification and displacement few have opportunity to visit the mission and not found in chain stores -
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the memoranda parking has been more difficult for customers who rely on private transportation to complete such shopping trips particularly for consumers and those who purchase a large volume of merchandise and medium parking is an inconvenience but people are being displaced from the neighborhoods because of nutrition u gentrification those preserve the traditions the ability for customers to revisit and transport the good idea to their homes is essential for the connects of longer customers given the skaters of the public parking it operationally is a viable option in essence i want to say look those institutions were expanded in a commenced neighborhood and been the anchor tenants when the mission was
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dangerous new residents have a right and now have been adapted the mission district and the small business corridor is a regional corridor with a lot of ethnic businesses and medium parking constitutes a primary reason those people traveled into san francisco and the mission district not only this is a gentrification but to small businesses small businesscan't you to agree the reason that was vote against i the equalizing vote had a familiar emergency and this is public information where the minutes were recorded and are posted on sfgov website.
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>> has the mta in - are they in agreement with our plan to i mean have you worked a plan to accommodate their need. >> for over the year they were the facilitator and everyone in the community came and this practice is an informal practice that let the stakeholders to make it a formal practice those institutions understand that the committee was an inclusionary they know what the residents wanted and say we've been here before california existed some institutions were here before san francisco were so they tried and we did come up with a process and sfmta facilitated letting us know you know given us idea for a strurtsd process
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so as a result what you're asking for it is median parking that is permit during a timespan on a sunday or - >> correct we came to the contention come up with a formal process that is something that is happening informally to make everybody happy on all sides. >> commissioners, any questions. >> this is going on as long as i remember in the mission and always worked and . >> and it happens in other neighborhoods that are more influential i would like to say politically perhaps so it is funny that a community that has been gentrified out and small business english as a second language are targeted that's the greatest impact regarding this proposal. >> i have a question has been
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the case for many, many years on sunday's; correct? >> yeah. >> specially on van ness when did this practice stop. >> it's not stopped. >> so the same an delores street; correct? >> correct. >> does the present practice violate parking code. >> not enforced. >> so, yeah. >> so instead of making again an informal process we're like hey stakeholders make that formal and listen to everything whether you live here two or three years a lot of the oldest stakeholders want to view the community and urban design part of the process there was a consensus that was reached to formalize the parking and the business community is in favor
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