tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV July 31, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PDT
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>> good morning and welcome to special meeting of board of supervisors. today july 28, 2016. madam clerk, can you please call the roll. >> thank you. supervisor avalos. present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. have visor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar,
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absent. supervisor peskin, present. have visor tang, appsent. supervisor wiener, present. supervisor yee, absent. madam present, you have a quorum >> thank you. please join us for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you, colleagues is there supervisor farrell, asked to be excused. motion by supervisor cohen, second by campos. without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications? >> you just announced farrell would not be present. >> items 1 and 2. >> pursuant tew proved motion at july 26 the board of supervise uzgrud to convene
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committee of the whole pr public hearing to consider mments to the charter amendment item 2. transfer responsibility for the maintenance of street tree tooz the sate and establish the street tree maintenance fund to pay for such maintenance and maintenance the san francisco unified school district property and require annual contribution by the satey of $19 million and adjusted for changes in city revenues for election held november 8, 2016. item 2 amend the charter to transfer responsibility of street trees and establish a fund for maintenance to include maintenance for san francisco unified school district and require annual contribution to fund $19 million for changes in city receive news and election held november 8, 2016.
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>> supervisor avalos. >> thank you president breed. colleagues thank you for united together for the street measure. this is a effort going on many many years. supervisor wiener and myself have been working closely with resident in the district not just to plant trees but make sure the tree program is funded into the future and friends of the urban forest is a essential part of the effort and look forward to really be part of the future effort of maintaining trees looking forward. believe today we just have to continue this on to tomorrows meeting, is that correct? then we can vote for it for sending to the ballot tome. e tomorrow. >> thank you. >> at this time i will open up
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to public comment. any members of public who would like to make public comment at this time? >> tom gillbirty. two months ago [inaudible] appeared with 4 or 5 people and next week came with 4 or 5 people and next week 7 or 8 people. >> mr. gillbirty- >> isn't this public comment? >> no this is about the trees >> sorry. >> anyone else like to make public comment. >> in regard to the trees like to talk about what is in the paper and website. i assume the budget set aside will be in the charter. generally i'm not
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in favor of budgeting at the ballot box. the sales tax revenue is maintenance only and not goget of the urban forest by 55,000 trees contained in the urban forest plan. i stress maintenance of existing trees. two lessons learned, the 26,000 trees for tomorrow by mayor nusem with no funding maintenance was tip of the iceburg cost of $60 million and failed to recognize the maintenance cost. and also i have come to the conclusion the friends of urbb forest planted 50,000 trees and property owns are not properly informed to maintain them. this is from the planning departments urban forest plan stating the city trees are maintained in a better condition than private trees and with the overall degidation we are faced with the situation we are in. in
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conclusion i say proceed cautiously and perform your duties in adult supervision in the candy store. >> any members who like to speak at this time? >> are the trees going to include the sidewalk? i see a nod, yes. thank you kindly. >> good morning. thank you very much for coming this morning. i want to clarification that this initiative will only be for the care of tree jz not for the planting of the 55,000 extretrees but if more trees are planted there is enough money in the plan to take care of additional trees. it has nothing to do with planting tree. >> any other members who like to speak on the item at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. a motion to
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continue this to the meeting of july 29 at 10:30 a.m.? motion by have visor avalos, second by supervisor wiener. without objection this is continued to july 29, 10:30 a.m. the hearing is held and file. please call item number 4. >> item 4, >> we will take general public comment at theened. >> item 4 madam present and public comment is taken oen this item is considered for adoption without committee reference motion to modify time requires under board rule [inaudible] boards agenda of the charter amendment regarding the city responsibility for trees to be submitted to the november 8, 2016 election. >> one second. madam clerk,
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let's keep this meeting open and we will now since it is passed 8:40 go to our 8:40 special board meeting and i gue roll again. >> supervirez avalos, present. president breed, here. supervisor campos, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor farrell, absent. supervisor kim, absent. mar, present. peskin, present. tang, present. wiener, present. yee, absent. madam president you have a quorum >> motion to excuse supervisor farrell? motion by supervirez
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mar and seconded by supervisor avalos. take this without objection? without objection supervisor farrell is excused. any communications madam clerk? >> no madam president. >> please call iletms 1 and 2. >> pursuant to motion at july 26, 2016 board meeting the board will convene committee for items 1 and 2. item 1 is public hearing toconsider item 22, charter amendment to amend the charter to remain the office of citizen complaints gives dpa authority over the budge squt requires performance audit every 2 years of how the police department handled claims of officer misconduct and election held negative 8, 2016 >> any members who like to comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. this hearing is held and now filed. madment clerk, item 2,
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please call-supervisor cohen? >> good morning i like to thank everyone coming to the compromise and moving this legislation forward. on tuesday i believe [inaudible] to move efforts on police reform forward and bring accountability to san francisco. i like to thank the community organizations and residents who came up to speak and advocate what they believe is the right thing to do for police reform. colleagues i ask for your support and move the measure forward to place on the november ballot and want to recognize my legislative add [inaudible] for leadership >> motion to continue this item to july 9 at 1035 a.m.? motion by supervisor mar and second by supervisor tang. take this without objection? without objection this will be continued to july 29, 1035 a.m.
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madam clerk, please call item number 3 and 4. >> july 26 the board approved a motion to schedule committee of the whole for item 3 is the public hearing to consider item 4, the charter amendment 4th draft to create the office of pub lb advocate powers and duties and authorize the public advocate to review administration of city programs and authorize to receive and investigate whistle blower complaint and authorize public advocate to avoid the director of citizen complaint to provide for election removal and salary and set city policy regarding funding and minimum staffing for the office and sets dates for election held november 8 rkts 2016. >> any members of the bublic who like to comment at this time, please come forward? >> tom gillbirty. i'm
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curious-we have [inaudible] here, part of what i was going to speak about my two minute was they are looking for a ear. they are looking for a advocate. i kind of thought supervisor tang said that the best reason not to have a public advocate because that is the job of the supervisor. last tuesday night we had this room filled with [inaudible] after two months of obviously the situation not being taken care of. would [inaudible] gong be part of the public advocate? that is a question i like to have answered. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public who like to speak on this item? see none public comment is clezed. the hearing is held and filed. supervisor campos. >> just briefly, along the lines of what supervisor cohen
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noted. i'm glad we have a package so the voters have a option in november and want to thank shealy chung haighen from my staff working hard on this. thank you. >> supervisor campos you like to make a motion to continue to july 29 at 10 a.m.? >>iect correct >> second by supervisor mar. can we take the continuance without objection? without objection this item will be continued to july 29, 2016 at 10 a.m. madam clerk please call the committee report. >> item 5, considered by the budget and finance subcommittee at regular meeting and forwarded as a committee report. it is a ordinance to approve two agreements to enable the city to obtain access to fiber optic facilities. agreement between city and bay bridge for excess
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of 10 years and city and pacific bell for excess of 10 year contract and with respect to agreements waibing requirements of the administrative code prohibiting automatic provisions and contract. >> supervisor kim, absent. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. there are 8 ayes. >> this passes on the first reading. madam clerk can we go back to item number- >> yes, just for clarification- >> let's go to general public comment.
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>> item 5 will be sent to the august 2 regular board meeting. >> thank you. and we will be taking general public comment, so specifically if you like to comment on the items for adoption without reference to committee including item 4 from the 8:30 meeting and item 7 from the 8:40 meeting. this is a time to comment during general public comment. mr. gillbirty, this is general public comment so you are welcome to come forward. >> thank you t is a little early. i want to emphasize the falen gong disaster we are having brewing here that isn't addressed. a couple weeks ago i started my comments saying i hope this issue gets resolved and the whole room was filled with young kids and folks and
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they sat 7 and a half hours. i like the supervisor who ever is handling the per aid route to address the situation. i'm kind of thought that the first chinese mayor of the city would step in and handle part of the issue here. there is a void of any interest, any involvement. i guess in the land of if fruand home of the brave we are searching for a ear. from the mayor, i can expect that because he is part of a political machine and their job is only to stay in power and not offend anybody with their any power sources. now, i presume-is there another public comment? no, so let me go to-on tuesday i dried to mention something about
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insurance policies because basically i have been living with a settlement for 27 years. i know something about it. a $5 million settlement for getting hit by a car or truck will land you probably $3 million after the lawyer and insurance take care of their share and hospital take their share. $5 million and that leaves $3 million to cover your ass for years. in the city that is a tough play. uber needs to center that. i cant finish what i wanted. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public who like to provide public comment? seeing none, pub luck comment is closed. madam clerk, on item number 4 of the 8:30 agenda and item number 7 of the
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8:40 a.m. agenda, can you please call the roll. >> madam president i just remind me-i believe we called for-i know we called 4 and called item 7 as well? >> can you please call the adoption without committee reference item. >> item 7 is a similar motion. modifys amoupd of time requires unter 2.227 between first appearance of the charter amendment for file 160586 regarding police accountability and boards ofordser of submission for november 8, 2016 election. >> you didn't call item 4 i believe. >> i believe i did. it was motion to motion time for file 160381 regarding cities responsibility for street trees for november 8, 2016. >> okay, call the roll. >> item 4 for the 8:30 agenda
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and item 7, supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor yee, absent. supervisor avalos, aye. supervise r breed, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. >> those motions are approved unanimously. with that colleagues, since there is no further business, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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>> complaints to authorize the director of office of citizens complaints and provide for the election removal and salary and to set the policy regarding the sufficient funding in minimum staffing for the public advocate and set the dates at the an election in november. >> thank you supervisor campos i have two things the first thing wish my colleague supervisor yee a happy birthday and second we know a point of clarification by the attorneys officer through the chair turn to our deputy city attorney john gibner, deputy city attorney. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. yesterday dhr met and confederacy with the poa about the charter amendment and the poa asked for clarification clarifications about the intent
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of section the types of complaints from individual members of the public that the public advocate will have authority to investigate and we clarified that it is the not the intent felt board this the public advocate will be investigating allegations of individual police misconduct that police officers scooted of misconduct will be investigated twice once by the poa and we asked to clarify our intent before the vote today. >> okay. just for clarity mr. gibner we don't have to amend anything for the public advocates and the police accountability. >> just a public statement expressing what the language of this ballot measure means don't
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safety net to make any amendments to clarify. >> okay. great with that, colleagues madam clerk on item number one can you please call the roll. >> commissioner kim h supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang no supervisor wiener no supervisor yee supervisor avalos commissioner london breed no supervisor campos supervisor cowen no commissioner farrell no there are 6ize with supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell in december sent this charter amendment been submitted madam clerk please read public comment. >> at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items within the jurisdiction of the board. >> first speaker. >> thank you
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good morning, supervisors chinatown missionary officer as a national leader one must seek the prosperity in general benefits for all the people as custom and tradition come to a degrading downfall tragic disasters are trend flow across every continental the loss of peace of nature and the corruption of human heart the misconduct and corruption of human heart is caused by the loss of wholly religion this is volumes of money and family this is attracting people's attendance from the values of humanity of holiness to put an end to all the problems of tragic disasters we must enforce the works with loyalty, encourage and humanity and
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justice especially human values we must spread the words of true principle to encourage people so put emphasis on cultivation solely for the purpose of holiness and expand the teachings of the decisions to be determined on right misconduct and deal with rightful behavio and take advantage of the public media for the world standards this is a true way of the civilization and health and safety be civilization the first one to make sure our people are imposed to amend so we firmly believe that we can impact a good conscious from the degrading downfall for the souls for all amen thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker, please. >> tom i've been bringing up insurance because a couple of weeks ago a second away from being rammed and just that car that didn't honk and start breaking was not there i said have watched a uber driver hit the people in front of me in the crosswalk $65 billion company the google buses represent wealth beyond imagination at this time they should have ever car ever vehicle a $5 million policy translates quickly to $3 million if you have to live the rest of our lives on $3 million for the rest of your life there are people that are worse than me 24 need for hospital care and $3 million will appear while we're on the subject of
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insurance company if you're a rent 55 or 65 in a rental unit what do you have the only what goes up must come down one you have to hope you die before your building is sold and so i'm proposed the fourth part of my 5 housing plan renter get a dividend everyone they're building is sold they get a piece of that that sale this is spreading the wealth not to the government not a tax that goes into the pockets that effect the people that are effected the most and in the few minutes left if you recognize a few seconds recognize that if you're involved with a gun all the time and you become little extent and
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want to you don't want to but use that gun you need to take the guns off the street thank you kindly. >> thank you any public comment on this item? at this time seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues this brings us to the end of the agenda mr. clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> on this item. >> that concludes the business on the agenda we'll go to the next special board supervisors meeting for 10:30 a.m. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener
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supervisor yee madam president about you all members are present. >> thank you, madam clerk any communications. >> none to report madam president item one a charter mainstreamed to amend the transfer of the maintenance of street trees to the city including only the san francisco unified school district property and to require an annual contribution of $19 million to be paid by the city justified for changes in the revenue and review the ceqa at an election november 8th supervisor wiener colleagues without repeating i i know that. >> to place the ballot for the
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city of san francisco take over the 5 thousand street trees to assume the responsibility for fixing the sidewalks for the damage and assume liability and relieve the property owners but beyond that at the being responsible and sustainable in creating location box that will fully fund the responsibility rather than taking backlight trees without funding attached so in addition creating a fund to plant an additional 50 thousand trees and have enough money to take care of them this makes our system fair and will make san francisco a greater and more beautiful city this is a huge step forward thank you for the many, many people who have been advocating for decades to
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get to this point and colleagues, i ask for your support. >> thank you supervisor avalos thank you. i'll piggyback on the comments and say thank you to supervisor wiener for the years of work and joined with any office think outside the box that effort years ago and continuing with little people all over san francisco and thank you for your flexibility in joining our different efforts and want to thank all the supervisors who united on many measure as well and also for building flexibility in the budget we can find alternatives to the parcel tax not easy i appreciate everyone coming together open this i think we might a anonymous votes thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> i want to mention to thank andres in my office that put an
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enormous amount 6 work with dwp and the planning department and controller's office for many, many months to come up with the financial analysis and make sure we know how much money we needed to take on the responsibility and also annie who i was filling in our annie for her work in her absence to move forward. >> thank you, supervisor wiener madam clerk. >> supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor malia cowen supervisor farrell there are 11 i's. >> the charter amendment will
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be submitted madam clerk we'll take one public comment for the 10:305 and 10:30 meeting so open up the 10:305 meeting call the roll. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor malia cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee madam president all members are present. >> okay madam clerk any communications. >> there are none to report. >> please call number one. >> item one a charter amendment for the schaert to
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rename the office of citizens complaints as the department the police albeit for the direct authority to have a audit every two years how the police department human services use of force at an election open november 8th, relationship. >> mr. gibner restayed with you said previously in the profess meeting of 10:30 a.m. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. on the dpa occ measure the poa met and conferred with dhr on this measure and raised no questions that need to be addressed at that meeting and again, the new department dpa with handle the investigations of the please seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk can you call
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the roll. >> supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell there be 11 i's. >> the charter amendment will be submitted okay with that, i will open up for public comment for the 10:30 a.m. and the 10:305 a.m. meeting you'll have up to two minutes tom, i didn't know i was going to get another chance the police were after the transparent and independents and obviously i thought but we're trying to discovery the facts after the event i'm trying to establish that we
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need to take a vacation give our police officers a chance to remove tare gun belts and serve on the streets if you look at the televisions screens and seeing all the events of the police that are shooting people and you take that with the consideration if you wear a gun you'll use the gun and have a shorter fuse and expecting something an event to happen you'll use your gun if we can give our officers three weeks off without a gun a month and one on with a gun not taking away the guns i think they'll be better police officers and better human beings and better mothers and fathers husband and wives it is a heavy literally a heavy pressure to wear
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and if psychologically geared to use those guns our aide will be better off we'll be leading the way across the country and especially with trumpeting law and order without justice is tyranny so i believe we can do better as a city and i think we can start doing that without guns on the street and reducing it with the patrol thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners and supervisors holy leader and representatives of. >> size for long having great will have wishing for rescue in better good match with with the nature of traffic flow with the making success as long as trends
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with the position petitioners shall get credit the of destiny of residents and want to show ones escape and not by wellness of vetting but oneself in our stability for one in good measure serving two-way of the methodologies for bearing for public past such in making for one to be in charge of the leadership in establishing systematic expressed with good preaching to the people thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment that want to provide public comment at this time seeing none, public comment is closed. mirena burns any other business before us today >> madam president that collects the agenda for toengs
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>> hi everybody, we down here at the /ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in san francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in san francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. we we're going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about san francisco. how are you doing kelly? >> very well, thank you for having us here. >> in front of us, we have a typical soft story building. when i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. a lot of people don't know these are problematic buildings. why don't you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings? >> soft stories are vulnerable in
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past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. when we talk about the soft story, what we're talking about is generally a ground story that has less wall or other /pwraeugs to resist the lateral forces that might be imposed by the earthquake. so we're looking for something that is particularly weak or soft in this ground story. now, this is a wonderful example of what some of the residential buildings that are soft stories in san francisco look like. and the 1 thing that i would point out here is that the upper force of this building have residential units. they have not only a fair amount of wall around the exterior of the building but they also have very extensive walls in the interior and bathrooms and bedrooms and corridors and everything that has a certificate
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amount of brazing yea it's significantly less country /srabl in those stories. now very often, we get even a garage or storage or sometimes commercial occupancy in this ground story. that very often not only has a whole lot less perimeter wall but it often has little or no wall on the interior. that wall is the earthquake bracing and so he see very significant bracing in the top floor and very little on the bottom. when the earthquake comes and hits, it tries to push that ground floor over and there's very little that keeps it from moving and degrading and eventually /paoerblly keeping it from a collapse occurring. so we know they're vulnerable because of this ground story collapsing >> is this only a problem we see in sentence france? san francisco? >> no, this is certainly a
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national problem. more acute in western but more up to california, washington, moving out into other states. this kind of building exist and this kind of building is vulnerable. >> when you're involved with the community safety, this is a different way of thinking about these types of things. we had a community group of over 100 people involved and upper 1 of them. tell us about * how that conversation went. why did we decide as a city or a community to start fixing these types of buildings? >> there were a lot of aspects that were considered well beyond just the engineering answer that these are vulnerable. and that effort brought in a lot of people from different aspects of the community that looked at the importance of these buildings to the housing stock and the possible ramifications of losing this /houbgs in the case of an earthquake. the financial implications, the
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historic preserve vacation s implication as you mentioned, these are very handsome looking buildings that are importance to the tourist city ask which make san francisco something that people are interested from outside in coming and visiting. >> it's such animation story when you think about the 10 years that the community spent talking about this /seurb but we actually did something about it. now we have an order unanimouses put in place to protect 100,000 residents in san francisco and retrospective in 2020. so on behalf of residents and employees in san francisco, we want to say thank you for the work you've done in pushing this forward and making people more aware of these issues. >> and it was a fantastic community effort. >> so in an earth quake, what happens in these kinds of buildings? >> what happens when an earthquake comes along is it moves the ground both horizontally and vertically.
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it's mostly the horizontal that we're worried about. it starts moving the building back and forth and pushing on it. when you see i'm pushing on it, the upper stiff of the wall stay straight up but the lower floors, they actually collapse just like i did there. >> luckily, we can put this building right back up where it came from so it's a lot easier. now kelly, obviously these aren't real frame walls here but when you talk about buildings, what makes the property for stiff? >> the easiest and most cost-effective type of bracing you can put in is either put in a brand new wall or to potentially go in and strengthen a wall that's already there where you don't need to have an opening is where you maybe have a garage door or access to commercial space, you might go to a steel frame or
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other types of bracing systems that provides the strength and stiff if necessary but at the same time, allows continued use of that area. but some combination of walls or frames or other tools that are in the tool kit that can bring the building up to the strength that's required in order to remove the vulnerability from the building so that when ground shaking comes, it in fact is a whole lot more resistant and less vulnerable. ideally, this story down here would be made as strong and stiff as the floors above. >> if i'm a property owner, what is the first thing i should do? >> the first thing you should do is find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that
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retro fit might look like. and third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. >> well kelly, i can't thank you enough for being here today. thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in san francisco. and you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website >> welcome to "culturewire." today we are at recology. they are celebrate 20 years of one of the most incredibly unique artist residency programs. we are here to learn more from one of the resident artists.
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welcome to the show, deborah. tell us how this program began 20 years ago. >> the program began 20 years ago. our founder was an environmentalist and an activist and an artist in the 1970's. she started these street sweeping campaigns in the city. she started with kids. they had an exhibition at city hall. city officials heard about her efforts and they invited her to this facility. we thought it would coincide with our efforts to get folks to recycle, it is a great educational tool. since then, we have had 95 professional artists come through. >> how has the program changed over the years? how has the program -- what can the public has an artist engage with? >> for the most part, we worked with metal and wood, what you
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would expect from a program like ours. over the years, we tried to include artists and all types of mediums. conceptual artists, at installation, photographers, videographers. >> that has really expanded the program out. it is becoming so dynamic right now with your vision of interesting artists in gauging here. why would an artist when to come here? >> mainly, access to the materials. we also give them a lot of support. when they start, it is an empty studio. they go out to the public area and -- we call it the big store. they go out shopping, take the materials that, and get to work. it is kind of like a reprieve, so they can really focus on their body of work. >> when you are talking about recology, do you have the only
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sculpture garden at the top? >> it is based on work that was done many years ago in new york. it is the only kind of structured, artist program. weit is beautiful. a lot of the plants you see were pulled out of the garbage, and we use our compost to transplant them. the pathway is lined with rubble from the earthquake from the freeways we tour about 5000 people a year to our facility, adults and children. we talk about recycling and conservation. they can meet the artists. >> fantastic. let's go meet some of your current artists. here we are with lauren. can you tell us how long have been here so far and what you're working on? >> we started our residency on
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june 1, so we came into the studio then and spent most of the first couple weeks just digging around in the trash. i am continuing my body of work, kind of making these hand- embroidered objects from our day-to-day life. >> can you describe some of the things you have been making here? this is amazing. >> i think i started a lot of my work about the qualities of light is in the weight. i have been thinking a lot about things floating through the air. it is also very windy down here. there is a piece of sheet music up there that i have embroidered third. there is a pamphlet about hearing dea -- nearing death. this is a dead rabbit. this is what i am working on now. this is a greeting card that i found, making it embroidered. it is for a very special friend.
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>> while we were looking at this, i glanced down and this is amazing, and it is on top of a book, it is ridiculous and amazing. >> i am interested in the serendipity of these still life compositions. when he got to the garbage and to see the arrangement of objects that is completely spontaneous. it is probably one of the least thought of compositions. people are getting rid of this stuff. it holds no real value to them, because they're disposing of it. >> we're here in another recology studio with abel. what attracted you to apply for this special program? >> who would not want to come to the dump? but is the first question. for me, being in a situation that you're not comfortable in has always been the best. >> what materials were you immediately attracted to when you started and so what was available here?
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>> there are a lot of books. that is one of the thing that hits me the most. books are good for understanding, language, and art in general. also being a graphic designer, going straight to the magazines and seeing all this printed material being discarded has also been part of my work. of course, always wood or any kind of plastic form or anything like that. >> job mr. some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. -- taught me through some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. >> the first thing that attracted me to this was the printed surface. it was actually a poster. it was a silk screen watercolor, about 8 feet long. in terms of the flatwork, i work with a lot of cloddish. so being able to cut into it come at into it, removed parts, it is part of the process of negotiating the final form. >> how do you jump from the two
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dimensional work that you create to the three-dimensional? maybe going back from the 3f to 2d. >> everything is in the process of becoming. things are never said or settled. the sculptures are being made while i am doing the collages, and vice versa. it becomes a part of something else. there's always this figuring out of where things belong or where they could parapets something else. at the end goal is to possibly see one of these collage plans be built out and create a structure that reflects back into the flat work. >> thank you so much for allowing "culturewire" to visit this amazing facility and to learn more about the artists in residence program. is there anything you like our viewers to know? >> we have art exhibitions every four months, and a win by the
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public to come out. everybody is welcome to come out. we have food. sometimes we have gains and bands. it is great time. from june to september, we accept applications from bay area artists. we encouraged artists from all mediums to apply. we want as many artists from the bay area out here so they can have the same experience. >> how many artists to do your host here? >> 6 artist a year, and we receive about 108 applications. very competitive. >> but everyone should be encouraged to apply. thank you again for hosting us. >> thank you for including us in "culturewire." ♪ ♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has
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an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco.
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and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over.
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>> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard.
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>> from more information, visit >> all right. good morning, everyone thank you for your patience welcome to the tuesday, july 26, 2016, meeting i'm katie tang and to my left is supervisor yee and chair farrell will not make it we'll make a motion and clerk linda wong and thank you jennifer lowe and march. >> completed speaker cards and documents to be included should
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be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the august 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. can what he get a motion to excuse our chair farrell today. >> all right. without objection thank you item one please. item number one reduces for the rec and park department to accept from the how administration a design and development services for approximately $1.7 million for the ocean beach trail. >> thank you very much and just a few brief comments i supported this item and thank you to the various agencies we're working with on we're dealing with the severe erosion facing at the great how south so we're excited about an update project in conjunction as the vital issues with dealt with with that, i'm going to turn it over to rec and park for this item. >> good morning supervisor tang and supervisor yee
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my name is tony the grants manager for the rec and park department capital improvement division and on behalf of the department to request our recommendations to accept and an cycling grant if the how approximately, $1.7 million the administration authorizes the general manager to enter into the grant agreement for the project the federal how administration grant will handle the trailed project and administrative code by the federal lands how division with rec and park oversight the project located on the western lanes of great how between skyline and sloping those will be permanently closed as part of how reroute project
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by the public works the rec and park department has jurisdiction over this portion of great how and has been working with the national park service and spur and several agencies to develop a plan to provide assess to the parklands to this end the rec and park department proposes to create a pedestrian bicycle trail on the completion of the reroute project the project will include the surfacing and 8, tenth of that mile for asphalt a 12 foot wide pathway that will provide two-way multi use transportation between slope skyline and the removal of one and 60 square feet of asphalt the revegetation of one and 69
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square feet with nature plant and to manage the soil and erosion and bicycle parking and automobile parking upon approval the grant we'll move forward with the environmental review and design and expect it to begin in 2018 and completion will happen around july of 2018 on hand i have the project manager who what o can answer any questions i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you for your presentation can you talk a little bit about about the matching fund. >> the grant match is requires 11.4 percent of the entire cost the grant if prop k that was approved at the yesterday's -
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san francisco transportation authority board meeting we have a match in place. >> okay. great thank you very much seeing none, no questions at this time and no budget analyst report public comment on item one. >> any member of the public wish to speak. >> i'm from the bicycle coalition we're thrive to see i'm happy to see this today, the biennial transportation and ocean beach master plan thank you for usual long dedication for the ocean beach really open space for people we're seeing this throughout san francisco before the closer of the openly up for people biking and walking and ocean beach has particular serpz with tsea level rise we'r
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glad significant public benefits with the trail and your commented to this over the years. >> thank you very much. is there any additional public comment on item one please come on. >> i'm the district congressman for jackie spier and this is a, long time collaborative process between the community and the city and it is a wonderful project we hope the board of supervisors will reenter into the agreement thank you. >> thank you very much is there any additional public comment on item one seeing none, public comment is closed. if we can get a motion to send this with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> all right. without objection. >> thank you item 2 please. item 2 resolution approving the amendment to a contract with al stone transportation to manage and extend the contract for an
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additional amount of 45 plus million. >> i believe we have john haley from the sfmta. >> good morning, supervisors thank you for the opportunity to address you on this topic back in 2012, we started a very focused program with our support to renew and rebuild our fleets that led to a number of procurements you've helped us accomplish to make the service better and today, we're asking you to continue the support for management initiative called the vendor managed inventory is somewhat unique to our system where the needs are unique in terms of our fleet we run a very
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diverse set of cars we run old cars many of which have suppliers and sub suppliers gone out of business and so what is put before you two years ago a management initiative to use a vendor management to allow us to improve our service and to improve our best practices and what i hope to show you this morning that the efforts we've made have been successful and we ask your support and experiencing the option in the last that two options in the contract going forward. >> the focus of this management effort to improve the rail service that is critical just to direct your attention to this this is the distance the
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flare this is our fleet of cars what is interesting over the last 5 years a steady increase in reliability this despite the fact the cars are running more miles a focus of the maintenance effort of which this is a part when we came to you 5 years ago and started asking for approval for money for our fleet renewables one of the things you as the board asked show us your maintenance we need better maintenance that is something you need to focus on we've been doing that religion rigging and throats help of looking at the maintenance practices and the staffing levels and looking at how we get a parts on a timely basis to your vehicles so in the case of light rail vehicles our reliability
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continues to improve and these are the reasons he mentioned this is how we've done this with the focus today how we've been able to address and long standing problem making sure we have the right parts at the right time to support doing our preventive maintenance as well as our repairs on a timely fashion vmi fills a gap from the structure that is bringing on a firmer with knowledge of the industry an expert that works with both materials management staff and our maintenance staff to inu unify the industry and someone if we have a difficult part or concern about quality how do we get this part in
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i won't go over the issues some of the results we've seen i'll show you in a minute are availability of parts has improved from the service perspective that enabled our safety to improve by doing complete and on time inspections as we run nor miles on the cars because of the increased demand and special event from a business perspective it is lead with the 3 three-legged stool to better forecasting and planning and resulted in psychologist efficiency and in the system this chart simply by showing the consumption huge increase in part consumption this the level of maintenance we need to be doing this will keep the system safe and reliable and justin the best practices to hope to
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support this is key this is really a dramatic increase over a period of time period of years and we need to do this at this level to sustain and make improvements in the system this is the focus of this has been on the pause but we get help and support with the pcc and historical. >> mr. haley on that chart the huge part increase due to the fact the trains are older or from another reason. >> no, it is not because their older it is because the part consumption is in our maintenance prevented active maintenance program are based on the mileage this show you we're doing all the inspection on time and a complete inspection with the replacement parts ahead of time at regular integrals as called for by the manufacturer
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not just wade for something to fail part of it has been a problem here with due do lead time and complexity and so the consumption a combination of highly availability, better, more miles run and the other thing about the consumption that allows us to utilize the cars one of the things we've done over the last two years in particular is stabilize the availability if rush how are you don't have two car trains think is l and m and enough cars to schedule the services that's been an issue so the parts consumption is really a combination but really about us developing and growing into the kind of maintenance program that we need to do at your you know we looked at the challenges you gave us to improve the
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maintenance and we've done that 0 through looking at the practices and staffing levels and the kind of work we focused on campaigns or over halls of components and systems that fail all the time all those things have lead to the improvement and the parts consumption does that answer your question. >> okay. thank you. >> on the by his side we have for years struggled with virnd as one of the other side of having a difference fleet is having parts from one type of vehicle that didn't fit on another vehicle our practice to rotate or turn the inventory over one of the things we've seen no more now the expectation rather than the rule when a mechanic has to make a repair fills out a card and walks to the window as has the part that
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was not always the case this is something to be focused of a better planning effort so we know the parts we need that means both business economics and service and reliability when we look to extend this we look at other alternatives to not extending the option, however, we think this extending the option builds on the success that is, established and the best alternative to right now we are asking you to you to exercise two options the budget analyst recommendation was to extend those two options we embrace that we asked originally for an additional two years in their report which we continue
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to support they suggested prudent to exercise those two options right now and wait to see what the marketplace looks like in two years with the additional completion that's a wise recommendation we'll endorse that and pledge to do with that time is i mentioned is a model that fits outline unique circumstances of new and old i think what we'll want to do at the sfmta work with other transit systems to develop a market i mean right now not a lot of people that provide parts for equipment no longer made maybe opportunities as our new l l v to work with additional concerned we support of recommendation and ask today fewer approval to exercise the last two options. >> okay.
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>> great, thank you for your presentation do you have any thoughts about the contracts for the bus fleets as well. >> yes. we have we're on our 8 procurement for rubber tires for the including the option we've exercised and going to look at that with new flier that is manufacturer of both buses and trollies we think that is a concept that will work and summit our best practices we're going to look at that over the next several months. >> okay. and then i know that you had a chart that showed the average distance between breaks down and maintenance requirements and that has obviously in terms of the miles traveled increased over time that's a good thing in terms of translateable terms for the muni
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passengers what are they seeing for example, reductions no details and set forth what other metrics do you have to show this system is helping to improve the turn on or near time when you have an issue. >> i think that on a daily basis now with vehicles we have bus and rail between 50 and 60 details on average the chart i showed you called mean distance between failure mentions how long the cars run before a mechanical defect and that mileage goes up it causes not to delay that is a symptomatic less details i can provide you if you request specific numbers of details we have right now versus back to 2012 on the rail system for the power but this number
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the viability will not look like without a reduction. >> great we would like to see this information. >> supervisor yee. >> in regards to your i think what you're talking about is consistent might make sense but maybe make sense but wonder if you have factored in the fact that we have been purchase a lot of newer vehicles and i would think you - when we were purchasing new vehicles that was about oh, won't breakdown as often not old and we won't have to maintain them as densely as the oldest ones so when you talk about spend less or being more efficient in terms of breaks down is it due to the
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maintenance of older vehicles or are we factoring in the fact that newer vehicles don't breakdown as often. >> let me try to make sure i understand your question, sir. >> i think that the details in the breaks down inherently older vehicles breakdown more in the case of the vehicles we showed here i would suggest that they were probably under maintained for a number of years for a varieties of reasons that's not so what we've done as we began to look at the fleets to improve the maintenance practices so the fact we're able to get older vehicles to one vendor is a combination of making sure we do our inspections on the mileage cycles so the training the
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mechanics part of it is understanding those part that have been difficult to get so frequently parts we're not replaced on the integrals they were supposed to be so those things as well as part of it is we focused on the day to day servicing my name is if the vehicles have a problem while in service can you recover quickly those kinds of things that is a combination of things and having the what this bmi practice provides is the ability to get us the parts that we couldn't get before - >> i think i'm convinced that you are thinking about all those things i'll actually, the question comes from commissioner sanchez thoughts in terms of how
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we measure the effectiveness of the way we're this system you have versus the old system and it will show that we will have smaller breaks down when i see the data i'm suggesting the data should be apples to apples we shouldn't for instance, when include the maintenance records of last any new vehicles we purchased in the last two or three years because in the past we had a lot of older vehicles we should compare the data with older vehicles. >> understood and on the bus side we have that data and we will provide data right now we have no new rail vehicles we will later this year have them
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and, of course, start that practice i agree i understand now thank you. >> thank you very much so at this time go to the budget analyst report on item 2. >> yes. madam chair and supervisor yee we report the actual contract expenditures of the contract from september 1st, 2013, to august 31st, 2016, are $29 million plus the contract budget to be for the remaining for august 2018 is $25 million plus in a subcontract of $55 million plus that is for the 5 year contract and an option on to basis to august 31st, 2020, will increase the contract by $25 million for a total amount of $80 million plus and this is shown on page 3
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of our report. >> on page 4 we note that the sfmta originally decided my understanding it concurs with our recommendation we report they decided not to issue an rfp for the management services for the parts and instead to expand the contract from cement first 2018 to august 2020 to it is provided the services that resulted in efficient and cost effect purchase of parts and sfmta has not identified other contractors to provide the services for sfmta l r v we conclude on the bottom of page 4 to extend the option for additional two years through august 31st, 2020, is two years into the future the availability of contractors to provide the
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parts for the management services could change no our recommendation on the bottom of page 4 we recommend you amend the promoted resolution as the same data as august 31st, 2018, and reduce the contract not to exceed by $25 million plus and $80 million plus to $55 million plus if you accept that recommendations this will eliminate the $25.5 million for the two soltice in order to allow a new option for 2018 and recommend you approve the recommendation as recommended. >> mr. haley sounds like you are in agreement with that recommendation? >> yeah. >> great so why not public comment for item 2 anyone wish to comment on item number please come up seeing none, public comment is closed. >> now a motion to adopt the
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budget analyst recommendation. >> i make a motion to adopt the budget analyst report with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> without objection. >> item 3 resolution authorizing the department of health to accept and expend a gift of a collection to the laguna hospital and the rehabilitation fund. >> thank you. we have deanna chang from the laguna honda. >> good morning. i'm here on behalf of the laguna honda and we're grateful to the lady for her generous donations nostrils a need with the laguna honda hospital we will provide fund for disabilities for a high-level of injuries or mropz or strokes the technology it had
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any tool that helps individual to their environments and help to gain independence with a meaningful activity so example of the use of those are voice activeed and communications devices we are currently in the process of developing the program plan to meet those residents of greatest need with those devices and lastly a new code with laguna honda gift fund with the donors to sustain the program. >> great, thank you and supervisor yee is the sponsor of this item. >> oh, yeah. i wanted to thank you for being here laguna honda hospital is right in my district and one of the places i've - i seem to be visiting all the time i want to make some minor amendments to
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this and i just passed out the amendments to you so i would like to make a motion to amend the title to accept and expend the gift of molly frencher one thousand dollars and assistant technology equipment and services and then i also want to motion to amend the description for an authorization for the department of health to retroactively accept and expend the gift from ms. molly fefrner to the laguna honda hospital found fund for the equipment for residents at the lounld where otherwise i - >> thank you. we'll take that after public comment on this item so at this time we will go
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to public comment on item 3 member of the public want to speak seeing none, public comment is closed and so there was a motion to adopt to clarify the donation from ms. flefrn in her if technology and excitement without objection and want to send forgot with a positive recommendation without objection. >> item 4. >> item 4 ordinance for the police code to make the technical parents lastly with original intent. >> thank you i don't know if anyone is here to speak from supervisor wiener's i believe elena is here. >> sorry ellen had to attend another meeting we've worked closely with a supervisor
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wiener's and the city attorney's office no change in the intent of the original legislation that is simply to help to coordinate the paid leave and mostly just procedural. >> supervisor yee. >> i'm a co-sponsor and looking at the technical amendments and respond. >> want to appreciate our local office here all right. so at this time questions or comments in budget analyst report item 4 anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. and move that with a positive recommendation to the full board >> without objection item 5 please. item 5 resolution approving the 7 parties supplemental to memorandum of understanding regarding financial candidates to address the financing for the
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corridor e ;line indication so if you want to just identify yourselves on the record. >> i'm with inhabits and speaking and giving you a short presentation. >> i thought i'll give you a context first of all, we want you to orient you to $7.80 miles to gi roadway from san francisco san jose we're talking about the project it is really take place in an area of the corridor that caltrain runs this slide really tells a picture what we're seeing on the system dramatic growth year by year and the last 6 years
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droubld the riderships we're over 60 thousand riders everyday on the corridor there is a lot of these ways to measure the ridership one the seating expanded we measured under trains northbound and a lot of people are standing when we took those in the low ridership this is higher in the months we see more folks on the corridor now i think that the picture tells a thousand words as you can see from an average day looks like on the system we're seeing train is not only northbound but southbound we have a directal route that is unique and it breakdown to 60 percent of ridership northbound and 40 experience southbound the services toughing community and key areas throughout the corridor
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we hear a lot from rider we're hearing from businesses a tremendous economic activities that happened on the corridor a lot of commuters don't think this to get to their jobs 75 of caltrans are talking to to work and 60 percent have access to a car but choose caltrain so 60 though plus riders were pushed on the 101 we'll see nor congestion that make people's lives difficult. >> now we're doing stems for the short time capacity if you look at the train you'll no some of the cars are is a different color diesel cars to out on the system a short-term fix what is needed a few transformation of the system an aging fleet and can't stack more cars there is
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performance and infrastructure concerns. >> so would what we want to move forward this is how we'll add it with the caltrain modernization this is two systems a signal we finished all the construction and in the testing phase there is also growing pains with a project that is one that has been mandated from the federal government and systems across the country are implementing that on the front edge of implementing and i'm available to answer any questions but the focus the presentation is on the corridor electrical indication that is driving the desires for the funds to move forward with that critical project and other projects to come so again, the - the infrastructure will be overhead
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contact and compatible with high speed rail now electric trains and we will be replacing 75 of our fleet of the diesel and the services is 79 mile-per-hour but able to increase the services this is really important for our riders in the community along the corridor to add trains per hour and change the pattern i've got to get is that in the next slide and in the intern a - they'll continue to serve the corridor so this slide gets to the service benefits and so again, we're increasing the number of train per how are they start and stop faster and one of the popular train the baby bullet in 60 minutes from san francisco to san jose and electrical trains
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in 45 minutes or keep the 60 minutes it is driven a lot of the ridership we can with 13 stops and set out the number of people that are riding the system and make sure that trains that a lot of people are interested in and increasing the ridership supervisor yee. >> just as a quick question so no so confused when you say 5 versus 6 trains are you talking 5 cars or 5 local moves. >> 5 trains in one direction on this slide we're highlighting the benefits when you replace a diesel with electrical when green house gas emissions and cleaner air but also one you may not have been the engine enjoys the electrical are quieter than
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cars with gas line and this shied the funding we wanted to highlight that it has been a partnership to put this together 17 cities and a federal regional and local level to have this go forward our federal partners have worked with us with the core capacity and the obama administration loaded $73 million and an additional $25 million and we'll be working with the caltrain and along the secretary of transportation and committed over $7 million and our partners combined we'll have the support to move forward with this project. >> and what you are addressing today a that party supplemental ms. an agreement that builds on the 9 party agreement that
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started this project from here we have a lot of partners as part of this and again that support is clearly demonstrated owe the anonymous support and thank you both for your votes for the part of transportation authority to vote on the end understand of june those make up the backbone and oversight protocol our partners are vetted in the project and understand where we are we already have san francisco attending the meeting for both promotions and look forward to continuing that update and we don't give you this update but happy to come back as we move forward with a project this slide again reinforcing we have so many support people are asking with the capacity we have and the needs not future we'll
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continue to grow and how quickly can we get this project right now it is environmentally clear with the funding agreement we'll be able to hit the key milestones to have in 2020 an electrified vehicle and one and 50 years old so we're looking at to 21st century my slide the electrical indication is the foundation we can do more in the corridors without that we can't get to the downtown transit center we want to see and serve the business community and let the all the way down improvements as the system to have the fully electrified fleet and high speed rail not a partnership to get to downtown san francisco if we didn't put in place the electrified system as part of the project and in
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the middle of the environmental so thank you for your time and we appreciate your support and wanted to move forward and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> if you have any. >> thank you very much for your high-level presentation on this i'm actually ask to go to the budget analyst report first, i think i have questions on the funding mr. rose pointed out. >> madam chair and supervisor yee on page 9 of our report we note the revised cost for the early strategy projects for the peninsula of the system for the caltrain and the higrail is $2.21 billion one billion dollar for the peninsula electrical indication and 200 plus the communication based overlay signal system and the
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proposed budget for those two projects on page 10 we have a table two which shows the funding sources for the projects and on page 11 we note the city has not identified funding sources for $16.5 million for the new contribution of $20 million ultimately that goes up do $80 million with respect to the $20 million $16.1 million has not been identified and for that reason we consider approval for the policy matter for the board of supervisors because that funding sources has not been identified. >> thank you very much so there were other information as well in the report you know, i saw for example, that part why we're here with the supplemental or summit to
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the mou the increased costs of peninsula interpretation project going from 1.225 to one plus billion dollars some of the reasons in terms of i think that was increased costs to the project so i am wondering if someone from caltrain can explain. >> absolutely our cost estimate was bans 2008 from that alone there are some solution but done the due diligence to scrub the numbers and this is pretty old when we updated in 2014 we did a deeper dive and looked at it what that means to build this on is an tuff railroad to make sure we have the 60 thousand bus rides and
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help them and scrubbing the numbers and consistency the federal and the fta asked us to put for contingency into our project. >> were there me issues with the project itself or so forth or just those two reasons. >> no, i mean caltrain has had on the books to electrical, if any, the system for thirty years so the idea and the scope of the project hazard remained it is bringing it up to date and getting the bids that's the last one the internal numbers but just a couple of months ago bids were in place until the end of august we mean to center the fund for the funding partners to hold the bids if they lapse we could - more there to the project. >> given the funding that mr.
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rose identified and in terms of san francisco share not identified 16 point one million dollars of the contribution i don't know if it should be a ta question or - mayor's office question but i would like to figure out what our plan is here to identify the fund gaps. >> good morning, supervisors anna deputy director at san francisco municipal transportation agency of the million dollars that is to fund the mou and prop k has sales tax program we've received the funding request if caltrain and we'll present did request to the transportation authority in september but following execution of mou certainly the additional funds are
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eligible for one of the regional transit categories that is in the revenue measure that will be on the ballot in 2016 in november funding from the general fund set aside so for transportation and homelessness this is part of expenditure plan proposed in the new revenue measure. >> just for the record will you stayed how much is amended in the tax proposal for november. >> i believe 16.1 the difference between the 20 and the prop k funds we've identified. >> supervisor yee. >> just a logical question what if then what. >> meaning what if it didn't pass. >> certainly i mean san francisco will need to provide the funding and we would need to work to identify funding sources. >> oh, have you started doing
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that in a contingency plan. >> you know the one thing i want to add to this conversation a commitment to secure the funds we're not on a timeline once we find the mou we expect the $16 million tomorrow or the day after the ballot measure the mou didn't specify where the funds come from i understand the desire to know where the funds come from and work with the city administrator but the $60 million if for the project we won't expect that on day one it's just a little bit of helpful information. >> my feeling if we make a commitment we should be committed to accomplishing i'm just wondering you know what is the reality accomplishing this.
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>> i would say that we'll identify the funding sources i mean this is a extremely important project for the city and county of san francisco we have been able to fully fund the 60 commitment to the mou in 2012 that was prop a had not passed on the go bond fund that funded the $39 million or so towards the $60 million so we were in a similar boat at this time but we'll identify as a city and county the remaining amount. >> thank you. i guess i have a followup question about it seems the larger investments we have that requires some time to get to it by the time we get to
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it, it is going up because of what you stated a unknown factors i've seen what happened to many of our infrastructure cost in san francisco there's not even going 5 or 10 percent doubling in a lot of cases are you anticipating any more increases. >> i'm not. >> (laughter). >> you know, i think we understand that the importance of maintaining the schedule and budget we have in place and accept e especially with so many other partners in place we have an oversight protocol in place all the partners that are contributing the fund can be part find process and you know identify issues before that he become issues we're doing everything we can in our power to make sure this stays on time and budget i know one project in
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san francisco that is meeting that we're working with all the partners that have been successful in making sure we learn from them and have them and stay on track. >> so this is sort of changing direction but the trains that will be electrical will it be able to go to transbay. >> only the electrical trains will go to tb and the diesel will not that's the reason to get this project in last as quickly as possible. >> that's good news i'll support this. >> thank you supervisor yee you mentioned the oversight and building on supervisor yee's previous request about cost increases certainly i know every time not just this project but many large projects that come before us
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asking for increases whether a contract or amend an mou because of the unanticipated are you know unforeseen circumstances can you talk a little bit about about the protocol what was it put in place and exactly what that does. >> i believe a copy was in our report but put in place because we meet on a regular basis with the funding partners and had monthly meeting we bring together the stakeholders and realized it is more important to have them individual the protocol what in the last 3 months in place and being active we know our funding partners wanted in order to support this mou this is what we have the support from the partners what it does it let's the staff come to the meetings we can come to the project team and the
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schedules meeting and the budget ones i think we have almost a dozen meetings we've opened up to the partners. >> that's kind of the high-level but make sure they're part of project. >> okay. i think that i know that this is incredibly important project i think that just in putting on my ta hat perhaps deeper dive in terms of the project management for all the components that combats is embarking upon perhaps schedule something which i chair or at the ta board that had been important. >> yeah. >> to do a deeper dive. >> this will be more important to keep the partners involved and know wherewith we are with the schedule i'll be happy to do >> at this time then do we have anyone wish to comment on item number item 5 if so, please
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come on up. >> good morning bryan from jackie spier director she supports the project and ratifying this proposal this project is eligible for a little bit over one billion dollars with the historic events that bought us to this today all over the place senator obama was electricity president he is a supporter of government programs that's where the billion dollars or so is coming when you start to look at the made up of this it is a time sensitive problem we have if the combats folks are not able to get if full funding signed by the government then this is possible the obama and g don't know the commitment to the next president of the high speed rail we urge the board to
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go forward and fully participate and enjoy the benefits of electrical indication thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> hello, i'm bryan i'm a member of the friends of dtx we urge you to support this agreement because of the development going on in both near the transbay center and even with the future plans for the central soma corridor south of the freeway we have so many buildings going up we need to get people to downtown and to soma and without the increase with the electrical indication and the new vehicles we're going to have an assess problem with getting people to downtown and as mentioned earlier this is obviously a stepping stone towards getting rail into the tb sooner that is a critical project for both the
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city and the region thank you very much. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> good morning peter straus for the san francisco transit riders our board has not taken the position on the electrical indication but consistently sports the downtown extension of caltrain and go eventually high speed rail to the transit center we think that is the most important major transportation capital priority for the central subway and feel this is something that should say expedited by all means the electrical indication is letter of the law as stated several times one of the projects that is essential about we contemplate extending caltrain to the terminate we believe they're a a number of funding
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sources that can be utilized hopefully, the sales tax weasel pass in november that's the those obvious using the progression that can be utilized you have already sponsored this once as sitting as the transportation authority and i would hope that you'll support it again as sitting as is of supervisors thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> hello, again i'm an advocate director for the bicycle coalition on behalf of the 10 thousand plus members caltrain our members care about and as we know with the numbers themselves caltrain has historically been one of the worlds leaders in providing this - people actually have more options where jobs where they're going and hope that you now you're wearing the board of
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supervisors hat and mou move forward we know that san francisco every transportation network is add it's limit so electrical indication is important to make sure there are more options in the future that are sustainable and we as the city are reducing auto congestion on the street and appreciate the comments around the further cost increases we agree that san francisco can't continually find now revenue measures that the costs might change but echo peter's comments there are new options and hope that mou can move forward thank you. >> i'm curious can you ask you a question. >> supervisor yee. >> what are your thoughts about the option. >> pardon. >> what's the thoughts about the revenue other peoples money. >> i'm pleased to say that this san francisco bicycle
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coalition is endorsing the bart measure and the three quarters sales tax measure that decision was made last night those measures are important when we - it comes to the holistic transportation in san francisco and the bay area they came out of the mayors 2030 task force we were members of. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors my name is restraining order lane i wrote to you a couple letters on the issues i hope you had time to read them i live in south san jose you may wonder why i'm not in support of this project in its current form a lack of capacities on the cost of mous how can anyone stand in
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front of and ask you to spend $6.75 percent of the fleet we have bike capacity reached over 50 percent when you put that into the the capacity of the train by 25 percent of the entire fleet with $200 million less the second issue with the time and the cost of the electrical indication nothing wor electrifying it doesn't make sense spending more money than the world electrifying something we'll get later and i'm requesting a no vote for the administration who first job will be to complete a full analyzed starting with awkward passenger and i got 30 seconds
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left of the funding more serious than you think $600 million of property bonds that can't be employment caltrain to introduce legislation that will modify the bond language because currently this project didn't qualify didn't make it possible to go the the transbay in the thirty- thank you. >> thank you very much. >> any other members of the public wish to comment on item 5 seeing none, public comment is closed. i'm wondering in caltrain or any other entities could respond to some of the comments from the last commenter i know if you wouldn't mind addressing as many as you can >> you know rolland comments well, i've seen him at the a lot
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of the meetings i wasn't writing them all down but maybe on the funds side one of the most relevant our commitment with the california high speed rail authority is a commitment with the state of california and the transportation entity we signed another agreement with them we brought to the caltrain board and scheduled to go the light rail board with the mou that commits them to providing the funds if they're not able to provide the prop a funds they'll find other sources they're like san francisco everyone may have their own unique set of challenges to providing the funds for the project but to date not one partner that committed fund not put forwarding their fair share on the capacity side i think that is another one that is just something not actually true with that project we'll
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