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tv   San Francisco Government Television  SFGTV  July 31, 2016 2:00am-4:01am PDT

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of the meetings i wasn't writing them all down but maybe on the funds side one of the most relevant our commitment with the california high speed rail authority is a commitment with the state of california and the transportation entity we signed another agreement with them we brought to the caltrain board and scheduled to go the light rail board with the mou that commits them to providing the funds if they're not able to provide the prop a funds they'll find other sources they're like san francisco everyone may have their own unique set of challenges to providing the funds for the project but to date not one partner that committed fund not put forwarding their fair share on the capacity side i think that is another one that is just something not actually true with that project we'll be able to
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have more capacity than today and carry nor riders and get ios performance benefits we don't get with electrical trains for the ability for it to stop and start much faster than today you don't get that those are an antiquated stamp maybe the two most relevant and happy to address other ones. >> okay seeing no other questions or comments i'm okay with approving that with the understanding i'd like nor in depth follow-up but for the purposes of budget committee i will be fine with moving item 5 to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> a motion. >> so moved. >> without objection thank you our madam clerk call items 6 and 7 together and sorry
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supervisor yee. >> one minute recess. >> okay. a onerecess. >> all right. thank you we're back from recess and we're on asking our madam clerk call items 6 and 7 together >> the issuance and delivery of multi family in an aggregate not to exceed $32.1 million for the acquisition and construction of an 83 multi family rental housing on mission street within the city and item 7 approving the exclusion of real estate in connection with the acquisition of the parcel on mission street. >> thank you very much we have adam here from mayor's
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office of housing and community development. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm adam i'm the porlg for the mayor's office of housing and community development and here for the affordable housing for the mission street an issuance for a resolution for the revenue bonds and the purchase of the grounds at the site as for the bond issuance the transaction is not changed since mohcd prepared this and inundocumented to the committee and the issuance is a condo fuentes and all the project units will still serve families aribnb more than 50 percent and many of the units serve the families that are at risk of homelessness so very deep and not capping the tenants
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as we've mentioned previously as for the land disposition the purpose ground lease on the lp that is controlled by the tenderloin neighborhood development center bout the parcel in 2007 for $5.5 million with acquisition loans if the mayor's office of housing and all of the - importantly at that time, those loans were conditioned on the tariff of land for the construction and due to poor marketing the design were detailed until 2013 and some of the last 3 years the project was revised after a great deal of work with the mission gained the construction in the next few months, however, the poor construction had the transfer of the city that is contemplated in 2007 and hence a resolution
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before the sales price for the property will be the cost of the original loans $5.5 million that was the budget analyst will mention is a great deal for the city and favorable terms considering the market price is now $17.5 million and the term is also great for affordability 85 years with an option to extend for 14 years this will insure the deep affordability of the project as for a timeline we anticipate bond closings next no with the construction this september construction is to be completed by the end of 2017 by close mohcd would like to request the ground lease we've distributed the amendment to the clerk you know essentially is original
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resolution referenced the kashlg exemptions under ceqa and there was fabricate a negative declaration we went through an update of the resolution to rise the references to that fact so i'll be happy to read you know the amendments into the record or allow the committee to be provided whichever the committee. >> i think i see unless our city attorney thinks this so be read but it says it is analyzed and received. >> that's right. >> so in closing is chris a representative and on behalf of the mayor's office of economic workforce development we'd like to thank you and ask for your continued support and workers. >> thank you very much for your presentation. >> let's go to our budget
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analyst report at this time. >> yes. madam chair and supervisor yee on bottom of page 15 of our report we report that the total amount of rent by the tenderloin for worker's comp over the term of '85 lease is one million dollars plus shown in table 2 on page 16 of our report we also report that the proposed development at the 1036 mission street is estimated $50 million plus and that is shown in table 3 on page 16 we do recommend that you approve that proposed resolution this is consistent with the board of supervisors policy. >> thank you i know that you mentioned our report that the proposal is shorter than lout in the 3-d g
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downtown i wonder in the mayor's office of housing can respond to that why the proposal is basically that way. >> sure two things more importantly financial feasibility and they conducted a study that - they studied the possibility of increasing the height to the maximum and based on you know the increased expenditures this will lead to from you know a complex foundation system the addition of an emergency generator and life safety and all things motto mention the cost of the trades for a larger unit or a larger unit count you know they found that that will cost an additional $20 million to develop this rev r and only 17 units more importantly the
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additional cost is 3 times the amount of gap funding from mayor's office of housing and community development in addition in terms of timing it was entitled the design they incorporated a greater number of units in 2014 and you know the project received the building permit in june of this year, the project is ready to go and start construction in september of this year you know so any further details will setback a project you know 10 years in the making a great-uncle i appreciate that explanation all right. at this time then i will open up for public comment 6 and 7 seeing no other questions anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. so i'm very supportive of this
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project moving forward as we all know that affordable housing is the topic so the more we create now is better so and appreciate 40 units dedicated to our homeless individuals or household so at this time let's see if we can entertain a motion to amend item 7 as stated by mohcd supervisor yee. >> the amendment to item 7. >> of course go to those amendments. >> we'll take that without objection and send forth item 6 and 7 to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> thank you very much item 8. >> resolution authorizing the treasure island director to submit a grant application and accept and expend environment of
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$12 million for the state of california sustainable community program. >> i believe we have bob beck. >> chair and supervisor yee bob beck with the treasure island authority and want to talk about the grant application we filed with the affordable housing and sustainable communities grant program the program is a cap & trade program that was developed by the state and administrative code by the states strategic growth council for the transportation and infrastructure elements that connect disadvantaged community with green house low carbon transportation the application requires a commitment from the jurisdiction to accept and extend prior to acceptance this brings us here today the treasure island program is
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to develop 8 thousand new homes on treasure island 25 percent of will be affordable up to 5 hotel rooms and office and retail space and new infrastructure and sea level rise adaptations the program was entitled in 2011 and last may we accepted our first land transfer from the navy predemolition abatement began february of this year and demolition in an structural package are mobilized we're a co-applicant with treasure island community development the developer for treasure island and as part of disposition agreement tida are pledged to
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maturing look at grant opportunities to facilitate the development on treasure island we've developed this working with the tenderloin neighborhood development corporation that is filed by the interest rate and vessels the homeless initiative our current application is focused on the transportation elements of preamble and doesn't include the affordable housing we anticipate playing for this in future cycles our first affordable housing parcels won't be scheduled to start until 2018 and we'll not be able to complete those within the cycle but have many more transportation elements that can be partnered with affordable housing in the future the preliminary scope of the
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application is sustainable transportation infrastructure the amount of $10.4 million this includes the bus stops at the hub 3 new affordable health care transit i buses that provides service to the i'd like with the first occupancy in 2019 four miles of sidewalks 2 and a half mile of class 1 bike parking spaces and one class 2 bike parking spaces and a number of intersections improvements and bike share facilities and the plazas at the ferry terminal and landscape amenities through the phases of development that includes yerba buena island and the south western corner of treasure island that includes half a million dollars for tida to work with the mobility
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management tihdi to develop and implement the van pool shuttler busy business to provide a joint assess off the island to critical services and facilities that's the there is no city local match to this application the developer is providing an additional 23 and a half million dollars of improvements to match but i'll take any questions you may have. >> thank you for the high-level view it is important we're planning to build so many more units on treasure island but america's cup a transit installation as well so i know this is very much needed seeing
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no questions or comments public comment on item 8 anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. no budget analyst report for this so supervisor yee. >> i'll make so motion to pass this on with a positive recommendation without objection. >> item 9 and 11 together. >> a resolution authorizing the lease been between the city to be used for retail warehouse and related space on adam street and item 11 to consider the lease funds to the san francisco public library in an amount of $1.2 million for the fascination of several operations into one location. >> thank you. we have our library director here. >> yes good morning supervisor tang and supervisor yee it's my pleasure to present background
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to lease space at a location on grant street as a that have the background to recognize we've been looking to identify some space that will house some collections we have in bruce hall that is locally inadequate for the needs we have for some of the archiveal collections in the distribution program working closely with the department of real estate they've visited identified this as multiple functions for the library i want to highlight as you know the city collects materials that are important for you historical preservation purposes those materials will be relocated to the locationon 750 brannan street and in addition, we have
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ass also have the redistribution program a collection of materials that deselected in the collection and made available for nonprofits and schools and so forth to have those last year, we have 75 thousands of materials we donated for a good cause and the city ordinance required to make them available bruce hall is no the an ideal location this is a distribution point to relocate on brannan street we have a very active book mobiles and those are spread out two of them are house, if you will, at 39 oh, pier 19 and a half for the health fair we pay rents and the additional two are located at
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the main library so we'll consolidate this function at this location and make sense to have the staff occupying this leased space and finally there is the proposal that the friends of the library and is foundation will be relocated to be housed at the leased space and pay their portion of rent at this location so we're very optimistic this 10 year lease with options 3 openings options to lease for 5 years lease the space i know that john updyke the director of real estate is here to office specification and our director is here with that, open for in any questions and ask for your support in authorizing this lease beginning in december of
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2017. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> so this is a consolidation of several piece of your operation that is coming from different places or - >> that's correct. >> mostly from brooks hall. >> underneath or in brooks hall. >> any reason why brooke hall is not charged. >> it is inadequate in terms of preservation and to retrofit that space will be costly and in the future there is other potential used for bruce hall and asked to vacate that again, just not feasible not realistic to have staff work out of that space right now and again, it is cost proximately caused to assume we'll be able to make the improvements we've been looking
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for leased space that will meet the needs for the redistribution center in the assembly for the public and nonprofits to assess that again collecting and distributing the prematerials that are selected if the collection and the book mobiles and those functions will be part of the consideration. >> so the question would be since most of what you're the operations you're talking about of books hall not costing money to rent but costing about $10 million or whatever over a 10 year period. >> that's correct. >> what is the budget that your budgeted for . >> yes, it is and in addition to that through the budget cycle we are asking do release some of the money placed on reserve for the 6 months of rent in addition to the city share the tenants
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improvements but the commission has been aware this is a long term commitment they fully support. >> thank you >> thank you very much and, of course, there have been suggestions in the past we need to do more to improve how is it is we're maintaining the archive information and materials so certainly understand the need and as well as the cost increases for the friends of the library and the current space at the whim of the landlord at the time so at this time let's go to this budget analyst report on items 9 and 11. >> yes. chair and supervisor yee on page if the proposed lease results in net new costs for operating expenses of 8 hundred plus million dollars in the first year go $9 million plus over 10 years shown in
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table 5 on page 23 of the report so the total net new costs over 10 years with rent operating expenses and improvements of $10 million plus on page 24 of our report the library currently i'll add for years used boxes for the city archives and redistribution at no cost to the library and the use of pier 19 and a half a cost of $15,000 per year we consider approval of this proposed resolution as file 60 plus and the release of the reserve file 16 to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors because of the proposed increases results and significantly new costs of
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$4 million plus if the board of supervisors approves the lease of this number in the budget reserve the balance on reserve of $545,000 should be returned to the library fund balance. >> thank you is that something the library agrees with and, yes. >> at this time let's go to public comment on items 9 and 11 then. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. i will go so for that 7 brandon is not this is a museum where in fact, some of the materials are housed but it is a good spot for the redistribution program and so forth i'll be okay for item 11 to move to the lease budget
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committee reserve 1 pt million dollars we'll get a motion to release that and file item 11 >> moved. >> without objection and on item 9 if we can get it motion to send that with the budget analyst recommendation to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> move that two. >> without objection item 9. >> thank you very much all right. item 10 please. item 10 resolution authorizing the lease open 56 street to 309 with more parking stalls with the townsend option for the monthly rental of approximately $15,000. >> well mr. updyke. >> good morning director of real estate john updyke this is a lease really a
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renewable of a prior lease and the third floor of 56, street that is over 3 thousand square feet that takes united states out to 2031 it serves the needs of the jailhouse services and here with the doorstop to address why this is an important sites for them relate to the lease it is while it is resist of the marketplace and has a rather high price tag of $58 square feet the good news negotiated a fixed rate for 5 years so you're seeing the last item had a normal 3 percent this didn't have any there through
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2021 and additionally we'll pay all the additional costs beyond the base rate that is modified modest of $1 plus square feet we did do an extensive analysis of comparables urban reversals ernlz in a couple in particular thought were resist and a total of 12 that were televised our consultants ranging from 59 a square foot to $73 a square foot a couple of san jose are shown and completing an appraisal for the file given the ranges of comparables and the deadline to get to the board before your recess that item will be delivered before this is heard by the full board we have
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confidence that will support the item but 2, 3, 4 in the - >> one of the key things it's proximity to three or four and but the need for jails and what had means if we rebuild something those issues have to be sort of out but in the meantime, we need those to be sort of out. >> budget analyst. >> yes. as shown in table 2 the total rent to be paid by dpw under the property new lease will be 8 hundred plus and we note that the proposed annual rent of one and 77 plus that's
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the annual rent is $43,000 higher than the current rent and an increase of 24 percent but the proposed annual rent of $58 per square feet is lower than those looked at by the real estate division we recommend you approve that resolution. >> thank you very much and anyone speak on item 10 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> a motion to move forward with a positive recommendation. >> without objection. >> all right. let's see item 12 please. item 12 resolution for the termination between the bars of san francisco and the city and the reimbursement of 70 thousands >> thank you. we have kathy from the airport.
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>> yes. good afternoon chair tilly chang kathy with the san francisco airport the airport is seeking our approval for modification number one to an existing lease with the legion bar, llc to reimbursement $70,000 in unamortized construction costs this modification will allow for an early termination for the ongoing redevelopment program the lease had two one year options to extend this was exercised and extend the term to december of 2017 the airport will not like to terminate this and reimburse the tenant for the last term the budget analysts recommends approval i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you budget analyst report. >> yes. madam chair and supervisor yee on page 31 we report that legions paid 6
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hundred plus to improve the lease space and airport the proposed authorization to pay for the unamp it's costs and legion has paid one million dollars plus to the airport for the 5 year over 2011 to 2015 in table one on page 31 we recommend you approve this resolution. >> thank you very much now we'll go to public comment on item 12 any nope nope members here public comment is closed. an item 12 a motion on this item. >> i move with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> great without objection. >> item 13. >> resolution for the determination the fee utilities between hudson and the city fatalities for the $1.3 million
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and reimbursement the hudson company for construction costs. >> thank you we have a slider here. >> thank you supervisor tang kathy with the san francisco airport this item seeks our approval for the hudson copy company to reduce the lease by a amount of square feet for the gift shop locations in term one of the air traffic controller under the proposed amendment hudson will lease 2 thousand plus to operate and combine a news stand and pay the airport a minimum guarantee of $1.3 million as the airport closed the terminal one gift shop in 2014
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also to accommodate the construction in terminal one we have been unsuccessful in understanding on alternate space for the tenant the airport closed the shop and proposes to amend the lease and allow for the reimbursement of one thousand plus in unamortized construction costs the budget analyst recommends approval i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> okay. what was that about you worked with 3 years to get the space and wanted that. >> as you may know our terminal one redevelopment project has changed over the last two years and expedited portions to accommodate the growth in traffic a human issue as we closed down the boarding this is less and less space to offer the
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tenants where we've taken away space not an opportunity for what they had before. >> thank you, mr. rose. >> yes. and supervisor yee on page 33 in table one hudson paid one million dollars plus which exceeded the total minimum guarantee of $7 million by one million dollars plus that's between 2010 and 2016 the promotion amendment as you may know will reimburses hudson and that is the unamortized for the month from the date that hudson vacated the gift shop in 2014 to the lease date of 2017 we recommend you approve that resolution. >> thank you very much so at this time we'll go to public comment on item 13 seeing
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none, public comment is closed. >> move it out with with a positive recommendation to full board. >> great without objection. >> thank you thank you very much and supervisor yee go back to item 11 to rescind the vote we need to take the appropriate action. >> without objection so i heard the amendment was item 9 but the budget analyst recommendation the library director stated for the record to reduce the over turn of certain amount left back to believe the general fund. >> the library fund and mr. rose state for the record i think that is was 5 hundred something. >> that's correct $545,000
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plus. >> no 54250. >> i wrote it down wrong we'll make the motion to amend that for 11 and release the reserve can we do that without objection. >> and then item 9 send to the full board with a positive recommendation as is without objection. >> thank you. >> okay. so item 14 please. item 14 ordinances approving two agreement to enable the city for other authority owned by pacific bell on the oakland bay bridge and the bay bridge come summer for potentially in excess of 10 years between pacific bell and the city for 10 years. >> thank you thank you for your patience and david if dpw.
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>> good afternoon. >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the united states. from the department of technology i'm here to ask the move this quickly to treasure island with the bay bridge consortium and there is only a limited amount of fiber available across the bridge they have made an agreement for half of the available amount plus their applications are two did not of the department of technology this overall agreement will cost more than $25,000 a year and move this as quickly as possible it out before the board resolution on august 2nd. >> thank you supervisor yee.
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>> there's a request for a committee reports for tomorrow what's the urgency and a total of 85 fibers on the conduit on the bridge and reached out 40 and have applications for the rest so this if we don't get this through quickly and get our purchase there this opportunity to see bring go high speed fiber will be laid to rest. >> so the difference between getting this approved is either this week or next week is a factor. >> i don't understand. >> the consortium agreed to wait while we get this to the board. >> why did it take so long to
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get to us. >> we completed the agreement with them two weeks ago. >> so mr. gibner. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. i can't speak to the timing but i can explain why the mayor's office this go to the committee report for tomorrow this is an ordinance two reading before the board it passes and the mayor's signs if this was on a regular schedule and went to next tuesday board meeting for tdr or first reading the board will not approve the sex offenders until cement 6 the idea it get it finally approved on next week. >> my question if he were to request does it have to be
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agendized it is less than twenty-four hours. >> my understanding tomorrows agenda includes this is as a committee recorded in anticipation this committee might send it out if you don't the board will not consider that but today it can consider it tomorrow. >> thank you. i read through the materials and certainly understand the desire to do this quickly before other implies assess the fibers so i'll be supportive of sending this forward as quickly as possible at this time in budget analyst report so public comment on item 14 seeing none here public comment is closed. is supervisor yee if we can get this to our special board of supervisors on july 28th and 8:40 a.m. >> so moved. >> without objection. >> thank you. >> thank you
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item 15 please. number 15 here we go on the sea level rise coordinating committee sea level rise action plan with the physique impacts and requesting the coordinating committee to report. >> at this time we have a request to continue this to the call of the chair so i'll open up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. if we can continue to the call of the chair. >> so moved. >> without objection and any other items before us madam clerk there's no further business. >> we are not talking about w
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did you know that many buildings in san francisco are not bolted to the foundation on today's episode we'll learn how the an earthquake. our foundation in >> hi, everybody welcome to another episode of stay safe i'm the director of earthquake safety in the city and county of san francisco i'm joined by a friend matt. >> thank you thanks for being with us we're in a garage but at the el cap center south of market in san francisco what we've done a simulated the garage to show you what it is like to make the improvements
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and reduce the reflexes of earthquake we're looking at foundation bolts what do they do. >> the foundation bolts are one of the strengthening system they hold the lowest piece of wood onto the foundation that prevents the allows from sliding during an earthquake that is a bolt over the original construction and these are typically put in along the foundation to secure the house to the foundation one of the things we'll show you many types of bolts let's go outside and show the vufrdz we're outside the epic center in downtown san francisco we'll show 3 different types of bolts we have a e poxy anchor. >> it is a type of anchor that is adhesive and this is a rod
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we'll embed both the awe hey that embeds it into the foundation that will flip over a big square washer so it secured the mud sell to the foundation we'll need to big drill luckily we have peter from the company that will help us drill the first hole. >> so, now we have the hole drilled i'll stick the bolt in and e post-office box it. >> that wouldn't be a bad idea but the dust willnt the e post-office box from bonding we need to clean the hole out first. >> so, now we have properly cleaned hole what's the next step.
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>> the next step to use e post-office box 2 consultants that mixes this together and get them into tubes and put a notice he will into the hole and put the e post-office box slowly and have a hole with e post-office box. >> now it is important to worm or remember when you bolt our own foundation you have to go to 9 department of building inspection and get a permit before you start what should we look at next what i did next bolt. >> a couple of anchors that expand and we can try to next that will take a hole that hole is drilled slightly larger marathon the anchor size for the e post-office box to flow around the anchor and at expansion is going into the hole the same
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dinning room we'll switch tamet so, now we have the second hole drilled what next. >> this is the anchor and this one has hard and steel threads that cuts their way into the concrete it is a ti ton anchor with the same large square so similar this didn't require e post-office box. >> that's correct you don't needed for the e post-office box to adhere overnight it will
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stick more easily. >> and so, now it is good to go is that it. >> that's it. >> the third anchor is a universal foundation plate when you don't have room above our foundation to drill from the
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top. >> so, now we have our foundation plate and the tightened screw a couple of ways to take care of a foundation what's the best. >> the best one depends on what your house is like and our contractors experience they're sometimes considered the cadillac anchor and triplely instead of not witting for the e post-office box this is essentially to use when you don't have the overhead for the foundation it really depends on the contractor and engineering what they prefer. >> talking to a qualified professional and see what (clapping.) the airport it where i know to
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mind visions of traffic romance and excitement and gourmet can you limousine we're at san francisco inspirational airport to discover the award-winning concession that conspiracies us around the world. sfo serves are more 40 million travelers a year and a lot of the them are hungry there's many restaurant and nearly all are restaurant and cafe that's right even the airport is a diane designation. so tell me a little bit the food program at sfo and what makes this so special >> well, we have a we have food and beverage program at sfo we trivia important the sustainable organic produce and our
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objective to be a nonterminal and bring in the best food of san francisco for our passengers. >> i like this it's is (inaudible) i thank my parents for bringing me here. >> this the definitely better than the la airport one thousand times better than. >> i have a double knees burger with bacon. >> i realize i'm on a diet but i'm hoping this will be good. >> it total is san francisco experience because there's so many people and nationalities in this town to come to the airport especially everyone what have what they wanted. >> are repioneering or is this
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a model. >> we're definitely pioneers and in airport commemoration at least nationally if not intvrl we have many folks asking our our process and how we select our great operators. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the food option in san francisco airport are phenomenal that's if it a lot of the airports >> yeah. >> you don't have the choice. >> some airports are all about food this is not many and this particular airport are amazing especially at the tirnl indicating and corey is my
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favorite i come one or two hours before my flight this is the life. >> we definitely try to use as many local grirnts as we can we use the goat cheese and we also use local vendors we use greenly produce they summarize the local soured products and the last one had 97 percent open that. >> wow. >> have you taken up anything unique or odd here. >> i've picked up a few things in napa valley i love checking chocolates there's a lot of types of chocolate and caramel
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corn. >> now this is a given right there. >> i'm curious about the customer externals and how people are richmond to this collection of cities you've put together not only of san francisco food in san francisco but food across the bay area. >> this type of market with the local savors the high-end products is great. >> i know people can't believe they're in an airport i really joy people picking up things for their friends and family and wait i don't have to be shopping now we want people take the opportunity at our location. >> how long has this been
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operating in san francisco and the late 18 hours it is one of the best places to get it coffee. >> we have intrrnl consumers that know of this original outlet here and come here for the coffee. >> so let's talk sandwiches. >> uh-huh. >> can you tell me how you came about naming our sandwiches from the katrero hills or 27 years i thought okay neighborhood and how do you keep it fresh you can answer that mia anyway you want. >> our broadened is we're going not irving preserves or packaged
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goods we take the time to incubate our jogger art if scratch people appreciate our work here. >> so you feel like out of captured the airport atmosphere. >> this is its own the city the airline crews and the bag handlers and the frequent travels travelers and we've established relationships it feels good. >> when i get lunch or come to eat the food i feel like i'm not city. i was kind of under the assumption you want to be done with our gifts you are down one time not true
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>> we have a lot of regulars we didn't think we'd find that here at the airport. >> people come in at least one a week for that the food and service and the atmosphere. >> the food is great in san francisco it's a coffee and i took an e calorie home every couple of weeks. >> i'm impressed i might come here on my own without a trip, you know, we have kids we could get a babysitter and have diner at the airport. >> this is a little bit of things for everybody there's plenty of restaurant to grab something and go otherwise in you want to sit you can enjoy the experience of local food.
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>> tell me about the future food. >> we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what our passengers want. >> i look forward to see what your cooking up (laughter) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> today we've shown you the only restaurant in san francisco from the comfortableing old stand but you don't have to be hungry sfo has changed what it is like to eat another an airport check out our oblige at tumbler
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support
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the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco
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so, same time next week? well, of course. >> this is a reminder under the code this is a reminder under the administrative code the ringing and use of cell phones and pagers and similar sounding electronic devices is prohibited. set all to vibrate or turn the device completely off.
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now san francisco fiction and the time is 5:00 p.m. commissioner president francee covington commissioner vice president cleaveland commissioner stephen nakajo commissioner michael hardeman acting chief of the department ignoring and item 2 please silence all electronic devices. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole not to department personnel not to enter into the date with a speaker the lack of a irons by the commissioners didn't necessarily constitute an agreement with or support of statements during.
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>> thank you, madam secretary is there any member of the public that would like to address the commission on a matter not on the agenda seeing none, public comment is closed. please call the next item. >> item 3 discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes of regular meeting on june 22, 2016. >> thank you. any public comment on the minutes as submitted? >> all right. no public comment public comment is closed. and i'll go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> move to approve. >> second. >> thank you hardeman second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> of approval of the minutes as submitted all in favor, signify by saying i. >> i >> item 4 update on
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street design and traffic calming changes and changes facing the fire department from challenges facing did sftv r sf f d welcome chief lombardi. >> it's been a while a lot of progress i'll go through that since the last time. >> good you need the overhead. >> that would be great. >> overhead there we go. >> just an update on the street design and traffic calming and changes that come to us this is a review of the
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challenges we face everyday responding to fires and medical emergencies we have typography issues and wood fram construction and a lot of overhead electrical wires align zero lot lines the buildings are touching no space it was an the buildings and narrow streets that continue to get narrower with the wooimgd of sidewalks and we always have delivery trucks double parking and a lot of uber and lyft directives and muni wires overhead and buses and traffic high winds, the threat of rapid fire and the earthquake so possible conflicts points traffic kaivenlg measures obviously response times and pay attention alisa miller issues when the street is narrow not as much room to operate and
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equipment limitations of what we can and cannot do in the city of san francisco. >> this a lot of stuff on the slide but basically our vehicles with mirrors are over 10 feet wide with the width of mirrors once we put out the jacks on our aerial trucks the trucks are wide as 17 and a half feet we need a lot of space to operate we have a there's code in the city none of the streets should be narrower than 20 feet but with that it would if we took a round we'll go into traffic and that's how big the vehicles are. >> so you're working with the bureau equipment captain
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reservoir went and studied rigs and decided to write a speck that will make our vehicles as tight and styled as possible very proud of the spec worked on 2 over a year the bid has closed and under the bid evaluations at the end of august purchasing 8 new engines all will have the streamlined smaller bumps. >> bigger windshields to see when our on an intersection see someone stepping off a curving hair reducing the profile of the riggs rigs and a lot of safety stuff involved. >> one of the more recent issues we had operational issues delores and clinton park bulb
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outs higher than spec so some 11 inch curves responding and the pictures are a little bit dark but the chiefs is taking pictures during the incident to show us what the operational issues and as 33 these got rid of not a lot of 6789 implementations done this is new to the city so you know something might look okay. on paper and have a fire so we brought these back to the planning and the mta and working collaboratively to correct the issues. >> so one of the issues every time a plan comes from the city planners they'll put in an su thirty template that mirrors one of the engines a w b 40 template that mirrors one of the aerial
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trucks what we do is look at a set of blueprints and put the turning template on oh, the rig will make the turn then build whatever project and we have hoof big projects hunters point and treasure island all those things are plugged in go all of a sudden get feedback hey our rig didn't make the turn only on paper we fought with the templates were be generic and weren't adam representative of the vehicles so working with the mta and the bureau of equipment weighing we've come up with the templates with a custom turning template designed for the fire engines more accurate and the next page we used a w b 40 the
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typical trademark tailor so we're hoping this helps on the plans so we don't have to physically do cone test at every intersection plug those in and say okay. that will work we're hoping those are brand new and this is the standard when a developer comes before us. >> working collaboratively with president covington and is members of 798 and with the members of the our department we've come up with and with the city attorney come up with language that we're trying to measure all projects by and i can read to you briefly it is hard to read on the slides they don't support the existing
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conditions whether non-conforming and enforce the driver to encroach in traffic some turns we go into ongoing traffic by the way, not add a bulb out and the traffic caging measures should request a variance need to be offset thank you engineering measures several ways to do that daylight instead of cars up to the corner you take about 2 spaces out and come back about 20 or thirty feet and paint that red so what happens it those streets are narrower we used to have a lot of beginning bus lanes in the city not bus lanes. >> bus stops market street a lot of buses stop in the middle of the street in the bus stops
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the put the accident islands into the street now they go straight that makes the bus lines faster what happens with you do that they take out the regular bus stops on the corner with our sirens people are a way to get out of way into the bus stop the bus stops don't exist so obtain those tight streets of people want to go out of the way florida no place to go if it is a tight turn we'll get a minimum of 7 by 20 to give us to make the turn both someone's lane but a car can get out of the way working with the fire preservation we've seen those have these we used the mat at
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the park merced and park merced we went through every turn and matches what we put they were concerned but we literally turn by turn through the park merced and everything falls infrastructure the gm to seems to be working out the new templates we requested they be tested at 10 miles per hour that is realistically to stop and test something when responding to an emergency vehicle is not realistic. >> this is what we're kind of talking about if you look at the turnout of california dmv handbook okay for a car to do a right turn we don't want to make that worse that's what we're referring to. >> this next shot from an mta
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presentation previously in the year and as you can see the big rig taking a right clearly into oncoming traffic we would like to pack that the exemption and not the norm so we're talking about daylighting so up before the hunter o apparent that used to have parking now the parking is cleared out we talk about making a round putting the stop bar for the oncoming traffic back further with the red truck this is back further enables us to make the turn and go into the traffic without disturbing anyone to get out of the way we developed a check sheet we take to cone test
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before we go do a cone test 3 agencies out there everybody it out but cone test was successful and now we were all standing there we watched it and came back with different views when we are out at the cone test have everyone sign off we're on the same page when we leave the city. >> so before when we talked about the traffic calming we talked about bulb outs now, one of the things that's hitting the planning design is traffic circles not a lot of them in san francisco one of the new topics that was in the excelsior district it puts a circle in the middle of the intersection as you can see we either on regular traffic have to take a left turn
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in front of the kitten that is going against traffic or if we took a right all the way around to make the turn we'll not make that turn under the normal conditions transitive kauvenlg didn't work but they create an issue the other issue is operationally if we have a fire there on the corner that makes it tighter when our parking your rigs once we put a vehicle at the fire hydrant we don't have the whole intersection weeshs working with the mta to figure out a way and mountainable circles then they work it is been a work in progress one that was just tested today with the bureau of equipment and the mta was out at euclid and
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coming down the pike listens arrest parker avenues the circle will be the potential island that yellow square if we had a fire engine makes it tight this one i talked with any captain the bureau of equipment this one works so some of them work and some don't on the tighter streets if that is a mountainable island we'll make it operational that's good news. >> another issues that comes before us sometimes not just a bulb out of e or traffic circling but a new building and all of a sudden a plaza out front or a lane change this next one is a literally a market street project but impacts on
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herman and laguna so the lower hard to see in the pull up the lower long street is market street and they're doing 0 project and the fire department didn't have issues by doing that project on market street they're taking a lot of parking now they want to move the parking to herman street that is up on the top left-hand side corner that is what affects us this is currently the way herman street this in front of you the parking is parallel parking up and down the block to accommodate the parking off the market street they want to take the parallel parking and make that 45 degree parking that all of a sudden makes the street narrower the cars are in straight as you can see in the green top bar 31 feet or greater across it gives us operational room on the street
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the proposed plan is this one you can see the parking is at at angle to nor cars will be able to park on the street the green we went to 25 feet 18 feet are 25 feet so we met out there a week ago and can't go under 25 feet a building with 40 feet we need 26 feet we're working together and supposed to be coming back with a proposal of 26 feet but they'll have to change the parking so those are some of the challenges not just bulb out or circles. >> this last thing so when we put in the angleed parking a one-way street instead of a two-way not a big issue you notice the big yellow that is a
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13 foot bulb out 13 feet that is how far the cars is all of a sudden laguna we can't take a right we'll have to go to market street and down the street that creates an operational issue i relied to it to them the long line is an island they'll came back with a new bulb out slung to laguna we can take a right and respond to the fire everybody has an agenda for parking and wider situations and get somewhere and do our job together that is been good now the next project a topic that's brought up a few times this on franklin and the reason that can about a project on oak streets right now station 36 goes to
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market street and a right on market street that's how the assess the area the project on oak street wanted a big plaza and no cars coming down and they permitted a lane an franklin avenue after talking with the chief and the operations chiefs and so forth a bad idea franklin is 4 lanes in one direction and us in the opposite direction no barricade a tough turn on the firehouse we met with the planning and the mta and looked at it this several times that will not work for us we have the meeting in two weeks they understand and so their meeting with the project and they're going to widen oak street to go done down that way that is the
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picture of oak street plaza that was can you see the contra flow last but not least one of the challenges that is now arising throughout the city is speed humble applications so the mta gets application for those speed humps the speed humps slow down traffic we have to stop before a speed humble it takes a white to get the heavy piece of equipment especially on the hill and a speed humble they have speed humps and speed cushions. >> cushions are speed humps with cut outs a car is not wide
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enough will go bump bump but a bigger bus or engine can make that so there was about 20 speed utterances e cushions put in we sent them out the addresses to our field members and we are okay with the speed cushions but, glow them with the cut outs, however, the speed humps don't work i asked the mta how does muni work with them, no speed humps on muni lines why is that and they told me is slows down the muni response time and (laughter) this is true and it is uncomfortable for the riders when you go over speed humps it is uncomfortable for the patient we see have the same problems as the muni but the muni on a set
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route they can handle that we don't know our routes this is tough but the speed cushions but found out we're okay with those so we will be advocating for speed cushions but still be against the speed humps and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> that's the update on the latest thank you chief lombardi. >> any public comment on chief lombardi presentation on street design and traffic calming seeing none, public comment is closed. beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland >> thank you madam president and thank you for your very good report chief lombardi as always your on top of that i have a number of questions number one the 25
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minimum width for us is that in state code if so is that local code. >> we'll have to deter to my colleague on that one. >> good evening, commissioners. >> dan. >> chief. >> that is right out the fire code a state code, however, not adopted by the fire marshall but through the amendments. >> could we make it 25. >> we could we can make it as wide and necessary for the operations in the city and i think we have i think we can agree 25; right? chief lombardi. >> in the current subdivision is what we state if there is no buildings over 40 feet 20 feet wide is okay over 40 feet we'll put our aerial operations we'll
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require 26 feet. >> 26 feet as we descend if i our city and build higher buildings to accommodate the populations we need the wider streets in any personal opinion i think getting to a fire is very important. >> consideration. >> on street closures do you get consulted when there's talk about closing a street even if temporarily closes. >> i'll have to defer to the fire marshall on that one. >> what's the rules on street closures is the fire department needing to respond to the fires rallies in the streets are closed what do you mean. >> we have temporary closure and permanent through our tasks and basically we look at the main thing enforcement of fire
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code and operational needs and then access to the structures and the buildings directly impacted by the shut down. >> are there exceptions. >> are there exceptions you close the streets off permanently not getting through that a fire engine. >> there are general rules or guidelines in the fire code we can be more reflective and can't be let's be restrictive if an existing condition anyone restrictive we can get allowance if that way by allowing a permanent closures. >> timely for instance, you want to create a park. >> yes. >> all right. where the fire department come down. >> we will look at the access to the buildings that will be
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effected by that closure and that's number one if we can we look at is there anything unique any characteristics of those believes that you know though you meet the requirement you know it wouldn't be wise to do that we go case by case and work our way through the final step to consultant with operations and to make sure we're everyone buys into that proposal. >> if you say no who trumpets trumps you, you pardon the phrase. >> we have competing local ordinances that's the question we put forward to the city attorney and have yet to get revolution. >> however, i'll say to the best of my knowledge i don't think we've been over rind it is a struggle in negotiation at times but ultimate to the best
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of my knowledge we had maintained it was definitely necessary. >> a problem between you and sfmta who is the mediator the city attorney says the fire department wins this one or - >> in my opinion or the da. >> in my opinion we consult with the city attorney we haven't had to do that it takes a village. >> what happened in the delores park i mean it they'll spent multiply that motives of dollars and built curbs too high for the fire engines to make the corners or whatever. >> i don't know the specifics but we've said not a curve higher than 6 inches some of the curbs are 11 inches that is
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double. >> who talked to you did the rec and park or dpw or sfmta who consultants with the it fire department when they do the massive redesigns of city property beautiful parks but when they did that work they should have had the fire department at the table. >> some things we are consulted on and some not we have a task but i've cockamamy to realize not all the tasks come to before task then it never comes to the fire department. >> so who is going to fix it will they fix it. >> it specific instances i know they're looking at it. >> amazing, amazing. >> i'm really happy to here the custom turning templates and have the - you do this in
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consumption i assume with sfmta and correct and you seen down at the bottom of the templates sfmta made the template we worked in clofbs with them and it was a lot of good work. >> so sign off on both sides. >> yes. that's important. >> i wonder why we can't get you know take more the sidewalk off of market street in order to have more for emergency vehicles. >> the islands have made a difficult one lane of traffic and a muni bus sitting in the middle this is it you'll forced into oncoming traffic to get around it so that is happening more frequently and more frequently and absolutely competing interests the city is growing they want to make the sidewalks wider and safer but something has to give the
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buildings are not getting smaller it shrinks the streets and we should have a dedicated bike lane up and down all of market street but something has to give i mean yeah. i don't know why we have to have the sidewalks as wide we can take 10 or 15 feet off it doesn't matter. >> contra flow lanes what an awful idea. >> i ago with you and wherever proposed we should say absolutely not. >> it would be nice to have a dedicated lane but the opposite lane like franklin is dangerous agriculture that's a ridiculous idea absolutely. >> so when they - i like
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speed cushions that's what they should put in not speed humps but speed cushions so emergency vehicles and buses can get through so do you get consulted every time you put in a speed humble. >> we've met a few times with the sfmta i think they'll consult us before they put in a speed humbp we've if they do a speed human they'll call us. >> you have that in writing. >> no, but thank you chief lombardi that's all my questions. >> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland
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commissioner nakajo. >> thank you, very much. madam president thank you, again chief lombardi for your comprehensive report i always enjoy listening to you, you have concise information. >> thank you this package is 26 pages i'm glad we showed because of references i paged it myself starting with page one if we didn't have a comprehensive presentation like this this kind of a handout as well i don't think we'll have the valuable kinds of specific issues that speck us today part of this discussion is presentation is policies that happened previous and policies
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logical operational issues that pertain to us and the vice president pointed that out i'm researching to the page on page 5 the new specs reduced profile the page specifically made reference to captain rivera and the building of equipment i specifically appreciate this kind of input it has the expertise of the department i'll always listening to and the good thing chief you have the accountability with the colleagues, i see things in pictures it enforce that because of the new bumps or the grab bars and the handles those are things i can see comprehensive and see how much of a difference it makes with the creative discussion in terms of the
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street north america's in terms of it shrinking and the next is delores park and if i don't read and the commissioners don't see the pictures ma of the colleagues are good another going to the scene you go to the scene and see things you don't see what is on paper how it effected operationally when i see specifics on data and operational issues and identification of delores and clinton park on page 6 and then come to the presentation that is clinton referred to as s thirty and w b 40 terms that kind of what didn't work or what was an example in design bit equity commissioner vice president cleaveland that doesn't have the input of the department that is
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a preliminary example what i like about you chief your tone is a coercive nature and the inclusive an item period but to the point of a result we're trying to work this out is a challenge and the scompleblths of that city and department as examples we can name the mta or variables and have policy effects and changes and if we're not part of that that cause operational problems for me to hear it is we helped to design it it works you know rather than go out and put out the cones those are the things that are important for everybody to hear especially the commission in terms of how and a these effects and page 9 called the traffic calming measures again, it is really helpful for myself to be
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able to be hear this i made refrnlz on the brt of the boulevard and many of our seniors and physicians have to understand that the corner used to wait for the bus stop for ever is no longer the corner and you have to what go to the middle of the street my question how do you get to the middle of the street and muni wants to be on time and fine and dan i didn't in terms of that response i hear specifically if the bus is removed how do the folks in front of us goat out of way i've before on ride along these and i don't know how we reach the designations i've seen circus stuff but we get there we criticize and sometimes, i think that is a dual education but you
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have to have a measurement where you'll go if we don't - >> some of the other pages i've marked with a number i earmarked and again page 1 is traffic circle and maples and russian street you give examples of u - i go by agriculture division streets and curious what is heck is going on and to answer our question it goes back to the concern of the vice president of the consumption and cooperation by the departments and the communication or non-consumption or non-consumption what i'm beginning to hear and gratified we the fire department are part of the discussions and it makes me aware after a
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administratively level to pay attention to all the projects in the city and let alone have comprehensive i don't know the difference between a hump and speed cushion i know i see cushion i'm going (laughter). >> i go a little bum but i go and the hump i'm worried about the guy paying attention but again, i know about citizens and neighborhood when they have a concern the want something done and the city and county has to respond some kind of administrative policy it is important and the other pages to franklin contra flow lanes i almost asked for the address of the market street and other
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project i'm amazed not in san francisco how different the projects effect us all so again commissioner vice president cleaveland and colleagues all of the incases i think you posed it well the competing interests similarly with the bike lanes and pedestrian walkways and adopting the programs we're getting a handle on traffic and besides all the other issues i appreciate very much your comprehensive report chief lombardi i said to share the comments with the commission thank you. >> thank you commissioner nakajo commissioner hardeman. >> thank you, madam chair chief lombardi good job as usual we appreciate it and good to see them on the monitor. >> nice i think we've
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commented on this this is nice to see the new bumpers - it protects the drivers from a ding you barely hit something that don't good when our rubbing against a person or pedestrian to protect the firefighter from a simple one inch in makes a big difference those are terrific the templates that you have for turning item lasts terrific your dealings as far as the dedicated lanes everybody spoke about that that didn't seem to
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be a good idea on oak street the safety zones stop at the crosswalk when the ones you have here that showed them going out into around and it is the opposite you see where it will be difficult for the big vehicle fire equipment to get around so good job on dealing with that. >> parking and bicycles those are two things we have to deal with so your problem on herman street with the parking we have to it is a fire department have to try to keep the public happy with the parking but it was so
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unremarkable the other thing those rubber lanes separatesers for the bikes and the assessors the fire equipment can go over those are there are several types of bulk and mass those are if you notice when you leave here tonight and look to the right of city hall you'll see a 6 inch curve that makes it tough for operations. >> you referred to that so very good great report really appreciate all your efforts. >> thank you. >> and i appreciate being able to rally this to the reference. >> thank you commissioner hardeman thank you for your presentation
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chief lombardi my fellow commissioners as we go forward we're going to have more presentations like this at our last meeting the captain bomb is on the task and goes to the large meetings but chief lombardi said not everything goes before the task i think the more we're informed about those issues and challenges that are coming up the more we can lend our voice to helping create sidewalks chief lombardi can you please go over page 2 challenges of san francisco that you gave us the headlines but not the story. >> those are operational challenges we have and depend on any given night or day where the fire is at you
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know you know the typography we have hills hills are dangers the whole city were flat it would be better to do the operations and turns. >> before you go on for the typography there is a push for people to try to convince us we need smaller rigs but because of the hills. >> right. >> it is true it not we have to have a rig of a certain size. >> great point because of the hills very we have to have horse power to get up the hill our engines carry 5 thousand gallons of water to get up the hill is certain type of motor with the small conditions and everything else those vehicles are bigger so you might go to another city
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with something smaller their innovate casing the same type of equipment and the same terrain we've gone to the manufacturers out after a major city with 24 terrain we have some of the smallest custom trucks around believe it or not there they are so big with major cities with hills have bigger rigs with this last we worked long and hard to get those as tight and confined i'm excited this order is out next month and get the rigs. >> thank you continue, please. >> yeah. so the wood construction very unique obviously we're heard about the fires in the mission district over the past most the city is old you know and it is built of
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wood and with the zero lot lines that is also on this we don't have the luxury of pulling up to a big and stand outside and hose it to down it that spread and spread and spread we have to carry our water with us to do that and it is just. >> tough fighter when wood construction overhead electrical wires we have regular electrical wires that makes it tough to throw ladders and an aerial spot we have a lot of muni wires that a carrier d.c. voltage so always when you know it is not like our traditional suburb all wirings wiring is unknown all wires is above ground it makes it difficult to fight fires in those situations the narrow
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streets a lot of narrow streets that exist in chinatown and alleys in other parts of city to start narrowly those streets is a double-edged sword yeah, the sidewalks are wideneder and should be safer but less of a distance to across from one corner to another would that for us operation needs it shrinks the street and you know making a sidewalk bigger shrinks the operation but on new developments even if the buildings putting them closer together this city has burned down 6 times natural firebreaks designing those neighborhoods i'm not seeing the natural firebreaks with a 40 or 50 foot street if a neighborhood burns like van ness is a natural
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firebreak for us and it is tough because you are doing the urban planning and make the streets cozy when the wind or fire kicks up it spreads fast and makes it challenging delivery trucks and double parking flo i don't know if it is as crazy as now and adrc the thirty thousand uber and lyft drivers we have two lanes one way and two lanes the other very soon that will be one lane in each direction one delivery truck stopped at any time of day on second street traffic will be stopped it is challenging the citizen not paying attention citizens hear the sirens and wanted to do the right thing and get out of way no where for them to go that makes it defendant
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difficult to respond and the spread of rapid fire ultimately we'll get another earthquake not a matter of if but when. >> thank you for going on over that list of challenges you presented at the beginning you know we've talked about a number of things here at the commission meeting and it is always good to have visuals especially, when it comes to things like the new vehicle spec reduced profile you know that is really prove with the existing bumps sticking out you know quite a bit and the new bumpers a few inches out the new grab bars and handles this is prove that the department has
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put on its thinking cap to figure out how to reduce the profile of the vehicles without reducing you know the vehicle itself so those things are no longer an impediment and the operational issues that delores and clinton park i agree with both commissioner vice president cleaveland and commissioner nakajo regarding those issues i mean a 9 inch high curve is also challenging for people with mobility issues it is very difficult to handle some of these these new ways of doing business in the city
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i'm glad that there are new item mates i know that last year, we talked about last year maybe earlier this year when i attended a couple of the meetings at headquarters good to see those turning item mr. metcalf's plates correct me if i am wrong some of the early templates were based on business vehicles. >> yeah. there are generic templates their based on a bob tailed truck and using that for the engine and a semitrailer for the aerial ladders so they just standardly plugged those in once a project is done, huh? we're not manning that like i said the mta worked with us in a great collaborative effort and got the templates. >> very good i'm very happy to see that because it is what we
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need to have in order to make the decisions and do what we need to do which is get to people when it is necessary so you talked about cone test i know but please. we tried to use the templates but in certain situations we go we don't know if this will work and the templates work with flat say an incline and everything effects if if we don't on the templates will be a great reflection we literally go out with the mta and bring a fire engine and truck and then the mta sets up cones to what the do you believe will be and set up a set of cones and go to the turn or where the island will be we physically run our vehicles
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there that challenge and then we'll park an engine and fire hydrant as if we had a fire and can we get around that we'll do that kind of stuff like i said this is a great way to do it. but that takes a lot of man-hours and a lot of people involved if into agencies so when necessary we do that but try to simply to we're not taking a company out of service the other thing we developed that sheet because a lot of time we go out and oh, it worked no, it didn't work off it worked so everyone is on the same page 10 miles per hour and left turn and right turn everybody signs off on the sheet it make it clearer for everybody involved >> that level of detail insures that everyone is on the on the same page you know when
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you have this emergency vehicles and this is sheet one of 55 days is long this really helps everyone in terms of information gathering and decision making a this is a wonderful improvement. >> now the traffic circles they seem to be becoming more importantly and unless you've been in places that have lots of kiblz like england and other places people just don't know what to do when they come to a circle in san francisco. >> i agree. >> chaos did he go when did i jump in. >> we don't center them in the city is confusing you know people are born somewhere or where they had circles i
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remember last year up to oregon with a lot of traffic circles i personally like to think i'm a good driver but you have to jump out at the right time we're not familiar with them here so we'll see how they work i mean operationally it closing up a street so it is a challenge. >> why is that an impetus so o to have more. >> i can't speak for planning i don't know it is aesthetics the one we did in the excelsior there was doughnuts in the intersection to people spin doughnuts and wanted to put a stop to that they put something in the middle of an intersection i don't know why this was the reason for that one we're working with supervisor farrell's office and that maybe
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a speed issue they may want to slow down the cars i'm not sure. >> those concerns are valid people making doughnuts and sideshows you definitely don't want that but being able to know well in advance that those are planned so the department can give feedback an essential do you feel that is happening. >> i think on these two instances with those circles plenty of knowledge and tested like i said, the excelsior one so for the size they proposed didn't work met with the supervisor after he's willing to go with a smaller to get something into the intersection that would work and working with the supervisor they gave his plenty of no and mta was working with us we tested it today and like i said getting the initial
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feedback from the captain of the bureau was positive. >> it is helpful to have it and be able to see this table and discuss those things before it is you know that oh, my goodness when did the circle august president i have to tell you you sat on the vision zero task force with us and a lot of these things originally were put forth and the fire department didn't responds or know about it and i guess that's a yes and things went in since we've been telegraph hill involved in the last 6 months the communication before the fire department and mta have been much, much better getting more notification and it seems to be working for everybody that's the reason we started it task force not always the case but working better. >> it sounds like the kings
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are worked out and for everyone's benefits especially, when it comes to safety matters anything you want to add regarding herman street or - let's see so much paper. >> herman street we met the planner out there for that and like i said again, they wanted to know our operational problems and issues again, we don't have an issue with one way to two-way but operational when it is - they're redoing the plan and we'll workout everything that will be positive. >> and laguna. >> laguna that's the laguna one was they wanted to put an extra island and taking a round he's like you can drive over the island but human nature we don't
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drive over islands that makes it tougher if the island was not there they seem to be receiver to the needs i think that will should tell. >> you're saying they are repetitive to our needs oh, it is joyful. >> i love it when people are receiver to our needs seconds count and not - this is serious business very, very serious business. >> so the oak street plaza where does that stand. >> the oak street plaza. >> this is right at the. >> between van ness and franklin on oak street. >> across from the