tv Fire Commission 72716 SFGTV August 23, 2016 1:30am-3:46am PDT
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>> approximately okay so we're - this is now called to order this is the this is a reminder under the administrative code the ringing and use of cell phones and pagers and similar sounding electronic devices is prohibited. set all to vibrate or turn the device completely off. now. >> fire commission regular meeting wednesday, august 10, 2016, the times is 9 o'clock item one roll call commissioner president francee covington commissioner vice president ken cleaveland
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commissioner stephen nakajo has been excused commissioner michael hardeman chief of department chief joanne hayes-white here. >> item 2 general public comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when commissioners not to enter into debate or communication the lack of commissioners doesn't in the necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. . >> thank you madam president excuse me - any public comment? would like to address the commission on a matter not before us today all right. seeing none, public
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comment is closed. item 3. >> approval of the minutes from the regular meeting july 13, 2016. >> thank you will there any members of the public that would like to comment on the minutes as submitted? okay seeing none, public comment is closed. and my fellow commissioners, i did make small changes but none of a substantive notch >> move to approve madam president. >> i'd like to thank >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> thank you. the minutes are approved. >> item 4 briefly on jerpd analysis of the san francisco fire department briefly by policy fellow paula and emily murase on the status of women on the status of women in the san
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francisco fire department. >> welcome dr. murase. >> thank you, very much. commissioner president covington and good morning, commissioners and chief joanne hayes-white so legend to be here i want to recognize the leadership of commission and the fire department for really asking what you can do to improve that is a hallmark of leadership we this is not a got you situation they came to us in 2011 and 2013 in january 2015 m announced in the state of city address to look at public safety not just first safety but all of the public safety and some of the challenges that women in those fields in employment face we're
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lucky to have ethically she's received her masters and spent a year in corona trade and promotion and been with us since january of this year focused on that project as one of the policy fellows so i will let her go through it is 10 slides if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them at the conclusion of the presentation thank you, again for your leadership. >> good morning, commissioners thank you, again, for giving me the opportunity to brent our gender ever non-traditional occasions in the workforce i'm elizabeth and i was a public policy fellow at the time, status of women he ran the analysis under the guidelines and provisions of the workplace and legislative director.
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>> can we go to the overhead there we go. >> okay to give you a quick background it is analyzing the employment practices of observing the discrimination against women last year as mentioned mayor ed lee that provide tied the field of public safety information technology and skills to woman at the state of city address and comprehensively women to have great job opportunity that are cultural thought as ideal options for women it is critical to make sure that women have the opportunities to color and remove any barriers for women entering the field and fire
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department we bring our findings and first review the gender from 2011 2014 that were connected from the fire department and go into the information in 2016. >> in 2011 kim's recorded to conduct the study in the drop of the women applicant so after comparing the rates and genders several groups of women received equal if for the higher scores than their ethic nights 60 percent is african-american women and no shows ti percent have passed and so the biggest reason for those h the low turn outs for the lack of the exam information and required to sign up for the exams during business hours and several occasions of
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the data changes those were thought to potentially have strong applicant for men and women and allow the civil rights to change the came to create the diversities of the exam those were constructive for those two o who had another. >> can i ask you to slow down just a bit. >> i can you have a lot. >> inc. but you don't have to go so fast (laughter). >> okay. >> in 2014 the fire department have responded to the recruitment exam by allowing the option of taking the exam online and stated to be expanded as well as in terms of did they mention issues the fire department responded and working closely with the fire department on methods for the fire
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department had assured paid sick leave and was available for state and local laws including the transgender firefighters in 2016 our purpose to evaluate pedestrian safety and reviewed the demographic report from the department of human resources and the equal excitement from the years 2005 to 2016 and calculated the utilization to compare the females and city workforce to the available workforce in the lash market this is important it benchmarks the women in the population and whether or not other continuous for city jobs are created equally and finally we contributed the cooperation in senior management or krumentd to
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gain barriers interviews 40 women in public safety the biggest information were in the fire and chief and fire department the next slide i'll go through to highlight the proximate the san francisco fire department actually has the highest presentation of women in the fire department that is comparable to the new york fire department a similar environment and demand and one percent of women in fire department in has 200 and 44 women out of many officer positions whereas new york has 52 women out of roughly 10 thousand plus and los angeles has 53 and chicago one and 59 firefighters going back to the other slide i want to compare in 2007 the san francisco police
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department ravaged 7 out of 14 cities for women sworn officers compared to the other public safety departments and san francisco san francisco fire department is a london breed public safety department, however, in the labor force analysis we found in san francisco only 58 percent utility shut up not fire prospective for the potential female firefighters and enforcement workers there is more potential for women to be employed in public safety in the fire department before you i talk about the low percentage of fire i want to acknowledge the fire department towards the firefighters in the last thirty years one in 1987 women were entering police and fire department and have described feeling you
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unwelcomed and looks like what it is to be a woman firefighter and as mentioned rare to have women on the same shift and hardly any females in officers training cadets are here and - current women firefighters have expressed how there are two or three other women firefighters on the field at the same time as well as on the female public safety officers in addition several females achieving position of leadership within the traditional mostly public safety departments and kinlz and chief williams and so there is evidence of a great increase of female visibility the biggest highlight from 2016
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the difficulty 2, 3, 4 recruitment a low number of women depends on the physical ability the firefighters required a high-level of physical fitness for the job and seems to be a large barrier to entry on state note expressed the gender identification in the past not anymore the other informants had not had sdrimthsdz by the capitulated due to a their size or other female traits and finally for a recommendation following the gender analysis in 2011, the fire department made measurements to improve the transparency including the option to take the test online and several resources online resources that the pla to see what they entail to share assure
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that people are prepared and be strategy in reaching the veterans and women that have the cable skills there is a higher chance of popping that big barrier and definitely the fire department should change the stereotype so women can pursue public safety jobs and women and firefighters they're important to tuff role models and break the cultures in the pipeline thirdly, in in addition to the mandatory training at the higher level of the fire department should include nor internal diversities for the trust and transparency regardless of transgender and finally odd childcare services are recommended overall due to the
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nature of the police and fire and other departments whereas we've expressed the fire department - the police and sheriff's will be helpful for those two don't have the option and that's all i have to present. >> thank you for allowing us this time and dr. murase and i will be here thank you dr. murase at this time i want to call for public comment. >> are there any members of the public that would like to say something regarding the gender analysis of women in the non-traditional jobs seeing none, public comment is closed. i'll go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you, president and thank you dr. murase and ms.
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adjoining for your report it was very, very interesting he am delighted to know that san francisco is the leading large fire department in gender quality we are doing well as it is and happy to here that some of the questions why do you think that new york and los angeles and chicago are so bad recruiting and bringing in women into the fire department. >> (laughter) >> do you have any idea. >> i'll take a stab i think san francisco values reflect strong commitment we are the only dependent on women in the country serving the strongest status of women in the country demonstrates that san francisco makes it a priority to have staff people who can focus on
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those issues i think under the commissioners leadership the chiefs leadership that's bang a culture change within the department about the exclusivity we we're seeing the gains from that that the communities are not i'll encourage the commissioners and chief to share this with our colleagues and others. >> you appreciate that and shocked quite frankly it cities like new york are so underrepresented and women under represented in their fire departments it is hard to believe really recruitment we can do better you said we have a small candidate pipeline chases our recommendations. >> i haven't are horde a recruitment unit maybe there are there's programs not like the
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team so perhaps not a huge team but some kind of dedicated effort to reach out to specific women the veterans and athletes just pubically trying to gage the whole women population. >> i mean would you recommend not a recruitment director and we can have that person actually interface with women's groups i will hope you can provide a list of organizations that we can reach out to as a fire department and tell them about the opportunity to be a firefighter or arrest paramedic in the san francisco fire department those recommendations and list of organizations will be helpful to us >> yes. i know that our system is corrective in this area but 25r9 for example, of softball leagues and veterans recruiting
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where women are but as safe way where women go to we would like to work with our recruitment director on brainstorming additional ways to outreach i think this issue the more information that gets out there what is expected the opportunity to practice - >> to become physically fit singularly. >> yes. but understanding the process altogether would be helpful and would be happy to help get out the information for instance, the number of african-american women that took the test pass it at high rates we want to encourage them to get through to that point in the process rather than women tend to self-doubt maybe not the right person but get people confidence to move on those
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exams. >> we welcome working with you dr. murase and the commission on the status of women in order to make your department of ever more welcoming to women. >> one last question on the odd hour chapter services is there any recommendations on that or is anything the department can do to cosmic that. >> it is a citywide issue i'm told during world war ii men were off at war there was twenty-four hour childcare and brought the children off and felt it is high quality childcare we've done it before we should be able to do it again not only the fire department but the probation department a citywide issue just a couple of bodies the office of pro child education we need to raise this issue and love for san francisco
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to be one of the top cities for childcare. >> i can imagine about the sheriff's department and the fire department and the police department we couldn't come up with a childcare service thank you. >> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland and chief joanne hayes-white thank you commissioner president covington i wanted to personally say thank you diagraming it is a pleasure to have you as a colleague introduce our years together i think you've been a presenter on the status of women and admire the work and our sensitivity and guidance also to eagle you have a bright future thank you for putting this presentation together and look forward to any further idea you have the commission should know we working closely with the deputy on the status of women and also our fire group has been
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a great help in recruitment and that's the only other point i want to say we have a recruitment person in budget i and go with what commissioner vice president cleaveland so on behalf of the department thank you and one other point i wanted to bring up we continue to be helpful for other departments not only in the united states the f m y their members and leadership multiple times on retention and then last week and this week i know that deputy chief williams have worked with colleague i've known throughout the year from australia regarding increasing women in the fire service not judge nationally but internationally we've continuing to talk about what our best practices are and
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encourage a workforce as resist of the community thank you. >> thank you commissioner hardeman thank you, madam chair and dr. murase and ms. yanking thank you for the presentation i want to say pat myself on the back but commissioner nakajo is not here but was involved in the commission with the chief those that came before the commissioners really laid the foundation and did all the work our job to say to carry forward i had the same difficulties in recruitment and re tension and as being in charge of a union for many years i know that how difficult it is especially recruiting women into affiliated jobs main reasons is childcare from mire union i was working a
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tremendous amount of overtime you can't get overtime for 6 we had children that was extremely difficult we had a problem with daycare i tried to get daycare for moscone center twenty-four hours but it is a difficult expensive thing to dry to do i'll support it i agree with commissioner vice president cleaveland i tried to get like i said during the negotiations for - another dilemma if you turn around and look in this room those are all applicant that want to be firefighters and that gave us a little idea if you like with any granddaughter she graduated from preschool four or five years old 15 children that described what they wanted to be 5 obesity sort
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of like the recommendation in this room that wanted to group to be firefighters there is so theme starting young that people have this deserve for this occupation firefighters and they this that is probably overwhelmingly men so that's another thing that starts young and continues if you look around the room as as you can see to anyway congratulations on our good work and appreciate it and thank you. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. >> and thank you dr. murase and ms. yanking for your presentation i have a couple of questions with i guess page 3 under summary of report your reporting 50 percent drop in the number of female applicant for the fire exam in
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2009 as compared to well - 2009 to 2001 do you know what the cause of that drop would have been. >> oh, i had it was they found a lack of sensitivity to the exam through were several testing changes and people were unable to show up there was a required in person sign that for the exam some people couldn't come in and no online exam at this time. >> so do how x plat the online sign up will increase the number of women. >> certainly before 2009 it was there were a lot of barriers to get to the fire department to sign up for the application and so a huge shift when the
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department went online and opened up the department not just for women but confidence building it is a non-traditional field with the exemption of the senior leaders not a lot of women that go into the shaped audience so i do think there need to be gender responsive recruitment strategies that women don't self-nominate i would be grateful for it just creating an environment their encouraged nominated, trained will go a long ways to improving the recruitment members. >> i like that encouraged nominated theme that's one thing and then on page 5 you have the number of women firefighters who are interviewed for your survey
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that were 4 would you say that was a representing same thing. >> no time limitations. >> want to speak into the mike. >> the abilities to have what i had available for time and resource i think that that would be helpful to consider a bigger sorry to collect a bigger response. >> i'll encourage you to do by think 4 people is not really a small sample and then also want to have a representative sample so women that entered the department some are getting ready to retire and many that have children and not children a more adequate snapshot of our department as it relates to women. >> we would like to work with the recruitment director on exit interviews i know the first
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class of women that entered firefighters is learning the - those focus groups are available and elizabeth did focus groups with other folks we ran out of time to do a comprehensive approach but happy to continue this work because we gained so much information even from the four women that are interviewed. >> good the recommendation for the use is a good one were i strongly believe in exit interviews people are leaving grumpy or happy they are very good to know as opposed that people have to show up for work the next day that's the good way to go. >> let's see what else do i
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have here. >> okay. the i see you have a solicited as having cadets. >> it says women cadets are seen and equal. >> okay. >> this is the departments are not my familiar areas so i've - >> okay. >> i think i pulled that from employees. >> recruits yes career recruits (laughter) all right. i was wondering if we had a new program we're not aware of. >> i've been corrected in every public safety department. >> yes. well. >> thank you for that. >> to have this overall of the public safety departments is very, very valuable i think that in the figures for large urban
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fire departments you have new york city another one percent i think you rounded up. >> i did. >> yeah. >> it is like .3, 4 or something, yeah. >> to make that easier on our icy take it out. >> thank you i know they'll appreciate the generosity better than in the past but this really shows that we're doing well and you know as you said in our opening remarks dr. murase even if you're doing well, you can still do better and want to improve and make sure that the women of our department feel valued and they're a lot of things that women can do that mendicant do and they're a lot of reasons for for instance, we don't have a health limitation because we have things we need smaller
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people to do that big people can't do physical access to places where people might be and have to be extricated and it is good to be reminded of those things thank you, thank you very much and of course, we'll be in touch with you regarding recruitment matters and one thing the chief came out to aid the girls of san francisco as commissioner hardeman said it starts young the effort of the fire department to do that outreach among the young people is really critically important and as you may know i have a second hat as the member of the public member of the school board and happy to partner with the fire department on the cpr and fire safety education in purchase we hope there can be a robust pinching in terms of exposing younger and young kids to what that means to be a
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firefighter i want to commend chief joanne hayes-white for her leadership. >> thank you to the commission for thank you for your time. >> and thank you, again. >> and congratulations on completing our research project. >> thank you. >> all right. >> any last comments from the commissioners okay next item. >> please. tim 5 resolution 2016 dash 05 discussion and possible action regarding proposed resolution 2016 dash zero 5 recommending the board of supervisors authorize the san francisco fire department to accept and expend the grant funding announcement of seven hundred and 69 thousand plus from the federal emergency management agency to purchase a new dive boat. >> thank you welcome mr. corso.
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>> good morning mark corso to present on the next item which is the acceptance of a grant for 2017 port security program this grant project that was approved the purchase of a dive boat for the fire department this will be an asset for the marine are a dive platform for seven hundred plus funding a requirement after a city match of 200 and 56 thousand for a total project cost of one million dollars plus the grant match up of 200 plus was included in the budget that was signed by the mayor last week, we respectfully ask approval for the full board and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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>> on the grant and chief france is here if there are questions regarding the boat itself. >> thank you madam president would you, please read the entire resolution into the record please. >> resolution recommending that the board of supervisors authorize san francisco fire department to accept and expend port security grant refunding announcement of seven hundred plus from the federal development to burn a dive boat whereas the san francisco fire department rent-controlled units to over one plus incident with fire and medical emergencies and whereas due to a geographic lay out and others factors the sfpd is confront with unique challenges in responding to the incident and whereas one of the
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challenges captivities of departments responsibility for the protection of the port of san francisco and the san francisco bay and whereas the sftv was awarded a fiscal year year 2017 grant project from the the federal emergency grant for a dive boat and whereas the use of the grant fund allows the department to pretty much a new dive boat for the water assets and whereas the grant requires the city to supply matching fund for 25 percent of total award or 200 plus dollars and whereas the sftv wishes to accept and expend the grant for the marine operations for the protection of the san francisco bay area and port of san francisco now therefore, be it resolved that the fire commission recommends that the board of supervisors authorize the fire department to accept and expend port security
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grant funding if fema in the amount of 4 hundred plus to purchase a dive boat to enhance the capability and increase the port protection. >> thank you, madam secretary. >> are there any members of the public that would like to speak on that matter. >> there all right. public comment is closed. >> i will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> i say move to approve the resolution. >> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> that's okay. >> i'll second then i can talk. >> you have seconded and now can talk. >> madam chair so chief you were not at the last meeting so i spouted off how your time has come to order a second fire boat
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so i didn't do that because i'm - i had the power to do if i did it bach because the commissioners can't talk amongst ourselves so i threw it out it came out at the last meeting and chief francisco that is responsible for this came out to me was tentative saying we have not approved the dive boat he was nervous to certainly didn't want to address the importance of this we love this is terrific i was just unaware but hadn't done the survey probably should have brought this up it is terrific and adds to the arsenal of protecting the san franciscans and modern equipment sometimes a matter of minutes saves lives and good job
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francisco and staff great. >> thank you commissioner hardeman mr. corso i noticed this resolution is dated you know this year we're in august already but this goes all the way back to september of 2015. >> correct when we applied for the grant last last year after the budget went through its approval given a significant grant match we did not, the approval - know the application prior to the budget going through the process so we working closely with the mayor's office we didn't have an extra 200 and $60,000 we worked with the mayor's office during this
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year's process to include it not a time issue they've extended the grant to 3 years so it expires no august of 2018 so given that we move forward and incorporated into this year's budget now over two years to execute the project i don't think there be any time delay. >> will this boat be built to our specification or something we can readily acquire. >> i think a mixture of both probably specific equipment and characteristics of the boat included in the migration application not directly off the shelf but the model of itself or the basis not as in depth as the specifications we did for the fire bustos simpler than that. >> it is good we need to be
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definitely within the timeframe. >> certainly. >> how many dive boats do we have currently. >> currently not a dive boat. >> this is our only dive boat. >> correct. >> any additional training required i'll let chief. >> we can dive off our current boats we have now the fire boat is not ideal the rescue boat is easier to dive off and we anticipate this is more efficient at that. >> chief gonzales what you tell me is it accurate that we are now doing more rescues on water than on land. >> on land rescues you you mean as opposed to fire. >> no rescues. >> it depends on what you
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consider a rescue. >> i can get you the status. >> all right. >> abolishing is the technical chief the moose boat the that on continuance are higher - that's my take you might be able to delineate. >> commissioners to clarify currently our dive operations are done off the police moose boat this boat requires a similar design to the police boat it's not staffed 24/7 there is a hang up we need to bring our rescue squads and transfer the equipment and have the golden hour for a dive
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incident you can effect a rescue and burn the majority of that meeting up with the police boat and getting on it our safe boat we can't dive off it difficult not a lot of space and not easy assess it is a jet driven button a verse a narrow a stable platform on this one and finally we are the only 24/7 dive team on the bay we're called upon for mutual aid when we have to give mutual aid kwofrpt with the pd to oakland or whatever it allows us to support our obligations as a dive team. >> very good thank you. >> okay that's a nice overview so i want
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to make sure that i thank everyone who worked on the grant this is one of a number of grants we have received the grant writing team that has done a wonderful job and again, i think we do need to have a couple of people in the department who are dedicated to grant writing and so i will be placing that on the agenda for a future meeting and hopefully plans will be made, you know, to get chief francisco additional personnel but this is just wonderful i'm glad to know that and when chief said the perpetual that was operated that way my heart asked him a beat that's dating things
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everyone america's cup and beyond are doing more, more indicating machinericatamarans public comment. >> i did call that there is none thank you, madam secretary making sure all right. all in favor, signify by saying i. >> i unanimous please call the next item. >> >> sf f d grant parade and history days september 24th and 25, 2016 retired deputy chief will highlight the events for the one and 50 grand parade. >> good morning commissioner
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president covington and commissioner vice president cleaveland and commissioner hardeman and especially chief joanne hayes-white. >> good morning coach. >> i would like to with the hundred and 50 anniversary the fire department your task last year to come up with a committee to you put together an event in many of the events of the city and along with billing and jim lee the captain and like to introduce the americans of the san francisco fire department museum and the trustee of the guardian for the city and pretty much the go to guy for historical events i put together a power point presentation i'll show you and the rest of the commissioners what the process will be on september 24th are 25
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for the history day let me bring that up. >> go to the overhead. >> commissioner president covington. >> yes. >> okay chief joanne hayes-white. >> while retired deputy chief sets up i appreciate very much the presentation and the participation both the privilege of working with lieutenant billing as well as deputy chief coach my second deputy chief of operations and those are two men that had a great career with the department don't need to do that that only on a volunteery basis and great to see you back here. >> great, thank you chief. >> is this mike on. >> okay so this is a presentation of the
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one and 50 parade exhibition at the fisherman's wharf on september 24th and 25 and to announce that we have developed a flier of the event and this is the latest event flier back over here - >> i'm a little bit routy it's been 8 years currently the sftv one sate board sites as events for the year and for for the event september 24th has a flier it currently needs to be updated we'll work that i apologize for going back and forth but i'll see what i can do this as flier that will be hard copied and distributed plus on the website at the guardian the city website or the sftv website explaining our event now the goals for the provision
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of the recreation how san francisco operated in the 1800s and 19 hundreds was the apparatus of weeks ago and ladder trucks and motorized equipment and provided statistic display during the two day event we're going to provide if you want to call that a pop up booth with tables and chairs with different community organizations and or fire prospective training recruitment, so on and so forth and there will be a way to show the public how to sign up for that or the actual groups and we'll provide a space for display 5 inch portable hose for disaster preparedness and in any
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additional pop up we'll include with the apparatus conducted on saturday from 10 to noon with pumpers and motorized equipment and you'll see that in the slide the actual location and unit finishing up the parade will stage to statistic display or read ready for they're light exhibitions a car show and apparatus and live entertainment with historical periods conducted on the embarcadero street the red and white fleet you'll see later on we're not encapitulating the public you can going come and go and we'll explain that better we'll have incorporated the water from the
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fire boat and the viewing stand are a perfect backdrop of the bay and alcatraz so it will be a great event area pardon me and i want to make an important policy here not policy - you can tell i'm rusty that is done with public donations and corporate sponsors no public money only public donated if you visualize the fisherman's wharf the little embarcadero that is called an area by the francisco restaurant with the training and parking space that the port of san francisco has grant us permission to use they've been tremendously helpful with acquiring different locations at the port and working with us to make our process easier to comply to the triangle area with
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the yellow display markings is showing the apparatus we'll have the booth for the fire department and community location that want to be there and whether those to e rek9 a debentures on the other side of the booth and possibly vip seats to the right the slip where the fire reserve will set up a display of private shows and a bicycle parking venue at the location. >> the parade route will be basically larger than the slide down jerking up to jerking to las vegas worst and back down to beach and over to the start aar
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this is a view looking south on the little embarcadero we got permissions for part of day both saturday and sunday the cars parked on the right-hand side the bleaches and on the lend the announcing stand if you can viable lists someplace this will accommodate about a thousand people free paid it is free to the public no charge for staff and we anticipate people coming and going 5 thousand seating right now is this will be northbound with the francisco restaurant this is what you'll see they come up and start doing a nice demonstration this is pier 43 the old days they were railcars by the ferry
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and came before the bridges anyhow the shows set up and to the right is bicycle that concludes my remarks this is pier 4 so the the main part will be horse drawn vintage apparatus the stabilize for the horses a large number and bill can probably give you the information on the right-hand side is the area where steam fire pumps and equipment will be stand that's where they fire up and get prepare for the presentation on the street this is menlo park a little bit over a month ago with the one anniversary with the fire team put on a presentation as you can see with the number of trailers that is a fairly large event to house and stage horses are hired and operates with the steam pump that is the
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constitutional california steam pump we'll have our museum piece not certified to operate it is like if you went to the california's 125i9s museum this is what operated back then and so to meet the standards to operate you have to be certified aboard tested and trained this is the apparatus one of them on both saturday and sunday so the website the gardens in the city website has all this information available and once you get to this particular fire department sheet there is a lot of links that can be viewed to either get more information and where to sign up we've incorporated that so that all the information is available on the computer with a link to the bs one 50 site.
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>> this is just being an event description of the more information on the website there. >> few historical pictures the guardians of the city has a great library of photos both photo sites borrowed a few the 1909 battery hours drawn that operated for major sires as you can see if you don't put the key in the initiation it looks different that will be there and this was the display of the high pressure batteries this could be a high pressure water system after that was brought into service for the fire fighting purposes we'll not flow water looking like loop it can get
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people wet but demonstrations of water flowing and the steam pump you think about the history of san francisco and push a bottom and button and go to the event and you went down the hill and up the hill with the horses pulling this is a great picture of after the turn the century with the fire pump it it takes time to operate a different time another picture of just a fire with several steam pumps going and handheld ladders a different era we're trying to make people aware and let them see what was back then with some of the presentations and large water tower they have the master stream monitor operation and no big deal back
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then a special piece of equipment no aerial ladder trucks this was a 65 foot water tower hours driven can you imagine trying to back this into the firehouse the houses did this is a 1927 max water tower and currently have our revenge in the cityvintage in the city very - you see the difference how to is adam and stored outside a valuable piece of equipment is beat up good 1929 the aforementioned pump shown in way back and currently have this will be hopefully at the event if he can get them
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completely tuned and running correctly and it is your both a jet engine apparatus 1960 the city had it was dmrertd the engine to a gallon engine and still in the museum collection and it was reluctance refurnished and that will be there, too and this is california state fire pump that's pretty much for the presentation and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you, chief lieutenant did you want to add something. >> no at all i'll listen to your questions. >> laughter okay. >> just to what we're doing for the actual displays we are recreating fire alarms from 1990 the gold rush from sacramento it was coming down and there will
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be a rescue as in 1890 with the horse drawn equipment and saw the ladders not much different than we are doing day we'll arrive with horses and recreate a fire alarm 3 steam engines with menlo parks horse carnival about that was built by a company and pump into the horse drawn battery unit and be careful not put a lot of waters into the street we're following all those regulations that are currently in the city so it will be just that show you how this works and - the - than a 19 thirty fire alarm we'll use the apparatus a demonstration pumping into the 19207 making 35
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watertank so we have - we're going to do a big public relations and having flyers for all the storefronts and fisherman's nd perhaps that will reach outside the fisherman's wharf district and working backwards we'll building the horse corals with 18 horses coming to san francisco for a work vacation and build them a cadillac corral inside of pier 45 and on friday invite you to a public relations press conference for the horses for the steam engines and everyone coming in we're setting up for 11 clock in front of pier 45 on
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friday and cordially invite you to watch or take part i'm sure that tv stations will be glad to talk about that a huge gathering and we're getting ready for it. >> i'd like that - i didn't mention the sponsors this is a donated pg&e and boston property and the port of san francisco a pat on the back for helping us out on this and amr and fisherman's wharf huge on making this i telling us the ambiance will be great and the location we've had the weather for that day is perfect and looking forward to having everyone and it will be memorable for san
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francisco and can't wait one of the biggest thing was that putting this into that fisherman's wharf we received a tremendous outreach for the fire department and the community because we are working with the benefit group there are 3 different groups in photographers and the group that does all the work the fisherman's wharf merchant associations and the restaurant association they've bring in the port also and through that group the word is already spreading out we've heard bad actor indirectly mayor ed lee knows this event is coming and thrived about that we're happy to be- we're out there presenting the fire department service aspect of this and received back a tremendous response from
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fisherman's wharf association and our purpose everyone that is coming into town we want them to go out into the fisherman's wharf community and benefit those restaurants hotels and, etc. in the area so a big combination we we've received a tremendous response from what we're doing so our little steering committee we can't wait to get into the events. >> thank you very much please stand but for any questions and at this time, i'd like to ask members of the public, members of the public to come forward if you have any comments on this presentation. >> no okay seeing none, public comment is closed. i will go to admit fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner hardeman. >> i was going to push the button thank you, madam chair
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and it was a great presentation both you gentlemen are dedicated yourselves to this project like the chief said without our volunteering we staff it and no dollars glad you recognize the doors and how about tom from red and white fleet has he been he loves the fire department as much and anyone in the fisherman's wharf. >> the it steering committee we have the combine with the city's with one 3 c organizations and monies flowing through the guardian to make that happen and tom can into want the board of trustees and owns his own fire engine will be in the parade. >> that's great to hear i was
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a port commissioner he was active in trying to support everything the fire department so i'm sure he had no problem getting the port to come forward with their support. >> i'm marking my calendar and looking forward to alls days to celebrate thank you, tom good job. >> thank you commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> gentlemen thank you very much for what you're doing to help us celebrate the one and 50 thank you for all the hours out of put into this and your heart and soul i know that will be a great event and look forward to it a couple of questions one on the responding can you have more an opportunity out there in the public for other companies or to come forward and be sponsors.
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>> sure guardians the sf museum and anyone that wants to donated is very, very welcome. >> my second question will the fire apparatus and 34u7kz those historic things will they have the day they were built or whatever and the name clearly identified on each of them i think that is important so people know what they're looking at. >> most of inviting fire departments bring our own sandwich boards and the members of the departments with them on the statistic display doing that and certainly we're going to be doing that with our own apparatus also. >> or the education process for the public hope and appreciate quite frankly that the amazing fire apparatus and the engines we've having had how we've progressed over the years i'm excited about it myself and being the entire city will be
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excited where will the parade exactly start from. >> at the jefferson and powell. >> jefferson and powell. >> we're going to be advertising the bleaches on powell and beach street at 9 o'clock an hour for staging and start another 9 o'clock with the guardians of the city with the police department we're going to have a unit of the police department be the leading color guard for the parade and so they crossed the street a few steps to the reviewing stand and then to fisherman's wharf. >> one final question the press conference do you have any idea of the location and time and in front of pier 45 at
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11 o'clock. >> 18 horses coming and the steam engine will be running we're setting things up time and time and time and putting the schedule together bang, bang bang but holding the press conference we might make noon news but more importantly they run it throughout the weekend so tremendous press coverage. >> i'm glad to see you're here and news savvy thank you for your leadership and the entire team you pooled together to make that happen and look forward to it thank you very much so much gentlemen. >> one thing i failed to mention the volunteers we have
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jimmy the captain and city college chief and city college for having their students and fire reserve and the volunteer side being a success so you know things sometimes things get over looked i know that bill and i a retired members are part of a very regarding can we over a number of years and to give back i mean, i like to work on the apparatus i get my fingers dirty can you handle this chief and you know you can do this. >> anyway a huge pride in being a san francisco fire department member and you see that live and other departments muni that sun shines has no vintage brought by volunteers it is huge to give back for something that is so rich in our lives and regarding i guess this
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is just really an event for us to enjoy and just bring people back and say hey the history of the city. >> it is terrific what you're doing and thank you. >> gentlemen, i just want to echo you know the thank you's this is a tremendous undertaking tremendous your presentation as the most recent one hundred and 50 anniversary steering committee meeting just the amount of love and the effort that you're putting into this project along with you know you're quite wonderful team of people is really that expensive and exceptional and greatly precedent it is such a family
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originated occasion for two days it takes a year of planning did you say there will be 75 different companies represented? >> hopefully. >> okay. >> yeah. a large between the outside agencies and currently san francisco fire department and antic equipment not the exact applications but we'll as we get closer to the end of august should know and at this point we'll do all the logistics and thank you to the chief they sent out the invitations the virginia have city fire department is sending their steam engine and other steam engine in washington it is a
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1899 frays metropolitan that engine was in service from 1999 to 1922 so this will be the first time this engine is back in san francisco a little history tweet that one of our old units is coming home only for a weekend and someday if he wants to do not it we'll be happy to accept if thank you, chief in getting this out and any connecting with everybody we know where the antic apparatus and going back to get them to us. >> okay. yeah like i said it is going to be a grand occasion and i really encourage everyone to go to the website www.sftv one
2:43 am as well as the guardian of the city website for more information and for volunteer opportunities chief joanne hayes-white. >> thank you commissioner president covington and thank you for the presentation again my personal thanks i learned a lot from both of you throughout any career as the second probationary office in town from presidio and learned from bill in 1990 you and all the members of the station you're willing to take our personal interest in training me i'll never forgot that and same with rich and captain and i were like two peas in a potty learned a lot from them mechanically orbited and organized as well and so you've had a natural selection the deputy chief didn't think so he has the
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qualities and respect he deserves in that position i believe that we have a lot of volunteers but we have a roster today that will be circulated for is capture audience for 4 hours increments and that roster will be available at the end of today's meeting and thank you to the members of the public that have signed up i've seen the pad going around much appreciated and thank you very, very much we will have you back about before the event. >> i'd like to close with something that is connected to us that the apparatus collection of the museum there's 11 hand drawn and horse drawn pieces at the museum are other locations 22 units for the last 5 years have been stored at the academy
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of art jerold street warehouse we've been inside most of time but in the process and would like to mention that that is all been donated to us what a huge documents to be allowed for that storage there, however, they have decided that they'll be users the building for different uses and currently all our apparatus is outside inside of the gates not the best situation we're going to lose the outside space within a few months we are looking at different locations in the city and i only calling your attention we need storage for the motorized apparatus collection at the museum so any help you can give us on that realm will be wonderful and keep in touch with that and calling your attention thank you. >> one question.
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>> most certainly. >> on that note can you send a memo or write a memo what you need and approximately so we have a better idea and get it out to people he know there maybe people have space to do not to the department. >> specifics how many square feet. >> 15 thousand square feet would be wonderful for us. >> okay. >> thanks. >> and that will be a donation to the guardians of the city. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, again all right. next item. >> please. item 7 distribution on the draft strategic plan update from mark corso. >> good morning, commissioners mark corso to give us a brief
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update on the strategic planning process first some backward background last year the chief put together a planning committee made up of members of the department and pretty much all ranks and disciplines but including the fire commission represented from other fire departments other city departments and the private sector and the goal was to establish a fraction and deputy a strategic plan that outlines and sets the basis for the needs of department moving forward for example, for a future budget request they can all have a document and a plan to look at the group met a few times lapse to develop a strategy that was decided a number of groups etch focused on a subject matter and
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those working groups got together and interviewed folks without the committee and provided input that input was vetted amongst the entire committee and additional follow-up was completed saultsd of the meeting the formatting subcommittee was formed and tasked with consolidating all the input from all the various working groups and sin the i's have it. into that one document the challenge also have a lot of overlap between the teaches that were discussed one of the tasks that was assigned to the planning subcommittee this was done and submitted to the committee as a first informal draft back in may i believe that was distributed to the commission in our pathways last meeting that was the
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discussed and vetted at the overall strategic committee in may at the meeting additional feedback and direction from that report or draft that was given back to the formating committee with a narrative to be added and additional language i think overall a consensus after doing research on other plans and jurisdictions a general consensus on the overall formatting and how it was laid out and gaps identified as a result of that meeting additional native was requested as well as interviews from the various working groups to get the phil of the gaps our analysts reviewed those members we had an analyst that followed
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up with those groups and comprised of the notes to incorporate into the report unfortunately, our analysts went on unanticipated leave a delay in the are incorporation of that but that is currently going on and in the process of incorporating those notes as well as the other feedback and requests of the committee at the last meeting intoeg an updated draft we're looking to schedule an overall strategic planning meeting at the end of this month or neshlgs next month to discuss the draft and after that incorporate the feedback and presented to the commission for a full vetting before moving forward so overall we were also asked ousted that our process the chief was asked by the mayor along with the department heads to put together the departmental strategic plan we're in line with ahead of scald by the due
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to submit our plan to the mayor's office overall the mayor's office request from all city departments and long term once the plan is established an update to the fire commission not necessarily an update of the overall report but an update the initiative that are outlined in the report and most likely an update done to the report with that, i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you mr. corso. >> will there members of the public that would like to speak 0 on this matter seeing none, public comment is closed. and i will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner vice president cleaveland >> thank you, mark so much for this draft and i think that is a good first to having a strategic plan for the department we'll
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need for a long time its been a long time coming i'm delighted to see that move forward i wanted to know the mission assessment is firm at that point or can be amended in any way at this point. >> i'll let the chief respond this was discussed at the committee levels i think in general, i think that is not set in stone by any means but there was a little bit of resistance of changing it. >> i think one important component to think of the fire departments responsibilities to enforce you know enforce fire prospective we are guardians of the city and so through i'd like to see us add to prevent fires through prevention to prevent fires through prevention and enforcement programs.
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>> i that it is important as part of fire department to enforce code compliant and to enforce fire prospective refgsz to i think that is an important consultant. >> i'm happy to bring that up at the next committee meeting. >> thank you for all your hard work i look forward to the final - >> commissioner hardeman. >> i'll be very quick madam chair thank you, mark i know you've been tuff in this and i've spoken i've been at the meeting i've kept my mouth shut because all the work is done and high ranking officials the fire department and down to the lowest ranking sitting around the table got to say what they wanted it is a great document and hopefully not too many changes a very good job thank
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you. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. >> mr. corso, unfortunately, i'm not as enthusiastic as my fellow commissioners about this document with the strategic plan it is whole fully absent of - this is a snapshot of what the vision is how to get us there step by step and this doesn't do that this is a listing almost like a - just a starting point
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i will say that a starting point it is the bear bones of a strategic plan in my opinion. >> so i'd like to know from you and the chief of the department what are the next steps do you feel there this is just completed as it is or is they're going to be a more robust presentation. >> there absolutely will be a more robust presentation i do want to highlight this was the first stab at some type of fraction and 23r0789 as a result there was additional input if the strategic planning committee overall what is missing and a lot of those things not nerpd or incorporated but is narrative
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some go additional detail and context so one of the questions the strategic plan is not specifically- how do you communicate our message of the strategic plan that of someone that didn't have the background of the fire service why some aspects are necessary in support of goals the department that was identified and currently worked on incorporated into the plan there is additional information and detail i will agree that is kind of an outline or a skeleton thereon been a lot of discussion as a result of the meeting discussed about the additional information will be brought in a more formal capacity to go over the section. >> i'll say that thank you. >> this not final. >> chief is there something
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you want to add. >> thank you commissioner president covington and mark for your presentation and overview tidal echo that it is not a finished product we did here loud and clear this some of the representatives that representing the ranks that were selected by then president tom o'connor and myself the contentious we didn't want a huge document in a binder open a shelf a living document not very long but certainly more detailed than the draft you're looking at i'll suggest i know that commissioner hardeman has joined in on the committee and we're appreciative of that a spot for another commissioner as president evans before they left was very involved in the process and has checked in once again
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she's no longer on the commission but you're welcome to join the committee or periodically vista committee meeting and mark corso said in early september we would like to have your feedback and your presence there. >> for your consideration. >> thank you i have been attending task force meetings and been attending one and 50 anniversary meetings actually i've attended all the one and 50 anniversary meeting and also attend this one that is very important as i go out and about visiting the various firehouses that is one of the things that comes up it is like where are we headed as a department and people do want to see
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something in writing that says this is where we are and this is where we are going and this is how we'll get there and have a chance to give feedback certainly i agree with chief that has a strategic plan shouldn't be put on a shelf but it can be a big book it can be a big book and everyone that is responsible for you know chapter two can defer to chapter two after going through the whole binder as you alluded to we're on the right track warranty have another meeting to attend in september. >> any last comments. >> the commissioners want to know what the meeting is by. >> speak into the mike and all
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the commissioners want to be informed about the meetings it is an important process i concurring concur with the president more meat on the bones. >> as a reminder only two commissioners present and looks like we have two if commissioner hardeman continues to attend and now commissioner president covington. >> all right. the vice president and i can switch off. >> but i'm happy to update all the commissioners on the time fracas of the meetings and any supporting documentation no issues with that. >> thank you mr. corso. >> okay. >> next item. >> please. item 8 chief the departments report report on current issues activities as events one the department since the fire department meeting including the academy strategic planning one and 50 anniversary update and
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special events and outreach to other governmental agencies and report from operations on overall greater fire alarms and mutual aid and emergency medical aid and investigation and airport division. >> thank you, madam secretary and chief joanne haynes-white's. >> thank you commissioner president covington and commissioner vice president cleaveland and commissioner hardeman this is a report since our last meeting on july 27th that was delivered by chief gonzales in any absent thank you for that regarding the academies the one and 20 academy is in their 8 week with 54 members and at the training i'd like to acknowledge them under 9 deputy chief williams and others it is quite a commitment to have an academy they're doing the best they can
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with the recruits thank you for that and one and 21 academy is budgeted we had planned for that 42 members off the eligible list and 12 members if station 49 at this time were considering we're looking at the start date it search warrants was scheduled no november and we're contemplating whether we shift into january for various reasons i'm happy to discuss later we're having to those discussions now but we plan on having one and 21 class towards the end of the year or no longer than january 2017 i'm in the process and is it so as lengthy process selecting more members off the list that was we - i'm looking at an
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eligible list for members taking the test and select additional members for background for consideration of one and 21 and beyond classes and my goal this month notifying additional members of selections of backgrounds you've heard from mark corso an update on the strategic plan with the one and 50 anniversary dwrupt there was a meeting on july 28th i believe the next is august 25th at 10:00 a.m. and the main events i'll cover briefly on august 23rd there is a volunteer event schedule as washington park from 3 to 5:00 p.m. arrest on 9/11 the 15 anniversary and all stations
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will be participating since 2004 in a commemorative ceremony 9/11 falls on sunday at the saint moniques church and a ceremony near station near the public safety building a dedication and unveiling of something we're proud to eventually display at san francisco headquarters an artifact or a piece of the structure and steal from the world trade center we were able to obtain through the port authority. >> thank you linda she worked for us it was kind of a dream of having and it was i had been in contact to kind of push it across the
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goal line i've assigned it project we were able to representative that a will be proudly displayed and headquarters we'll officially unveil it at 9/11 in the public safety building during the com ration you've heard from - the parade at the fisherman's wharf the week of october 9th through the 15 is fire preservation week we educate hopefully with the goal of preventing fires and other emergencies and it will be that ended more because it is the one hundred and investigating year our fire marshall de cossio and his team and captain for their participation and all the great
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work they're doing to commemorate the fire commission and - the anniversary of the lotta's fountain earthquake your goal to commission the fire boat on the property of airport and a naming contest children in san francisco to participate in naming our fire boat over we received over three hundred responses and applications there's a committee of 6 of us that has not met yet but made our selections of 10 up to 10 i envision early part of september convening the committee to name the names they've been narrowed down in making that selection. >> so that we'll be able to
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unveil that on october 17th commissioner president covington has been working diligently on the film festival at the public library that takes place on november 5th and 6 and all films has to do with with the fire service including films for children and i know you have more information you've been attending overseeing meetings and then on december 3rd hats off to the official anniversary of the department we envision having a delivery of some sort of made to each station our ideas behind that every member will be able to participate that is working and that evening we're off duty members there will be an event we're scheduling at the san francisco zoo to have members
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interested come out address celebrate our one and 50 more to follow on that and like i said the next meeting is at the end of this month for the one and 50th committee with regards to special events our department ems and fire preservation were involved under 9 direction of deputy chief of operations making sure that a lot of the activities weekend particularly outside the music festival is a safe event that was and worked in collaboration with you'll agencies rec and park and san francisco police department and department of emergency management so once again a safe event attend by
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thousand and thousand of people recentab able to be enjoyed. >> communications and outreach on august 1st, i attended the mayors signing of the budget again, we're pleased with how the budget turned out out not all of our priorities were funded it includes the early commissioner president covington we had a priority grant provision or grant personnel we will continue to be persistent by highlighting $14 million for equipment over the next few years 8 engines that are an order 9 ambulances and 32 by the end of this year and grateful for that and a collective team effort and then the other thing to highlight is the restoration of the staffing that will be restored after the first of year in january all good news the budget is signed and move
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forward and then yesterday director chief gonzales and the fire marshall de cossio and another lady and i met with the latino quality coalition downstairs on the second story to continue our discussions on efforts related to fire preservation education, outreach we look forward to the receiving the fund from department of building inspection to have additional resources available for the entire city recognizing that sort of our most densely populated areas chinatown will receive immediate attention from an additional fire inspectors dedicated for an outreach person and a fire investigator to work to be out there in the community
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and be as responsive as they can more responsive than we have the resources for that's all good news i conclude i'd like to ask commissioner president covington for consideration we lost two - 3 members dedicated service to our department since i last recorded and want to acknowledge and horn their memory one firefighter louis battalion achieve patrick murphy and i had the privilege of lennar a lot of retired deputy chief olsen appreciate our consideration that concludes my report. >> thank you chief joanne hayes-white. >> any members of the public that has a comment on the chiefs report. >> okay public comment is closed. i'll go to commissioner vice
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president cleaveland. >> madam president and thank you, chief for your report always comprehensive and appreciate a couple of questions in terms of eligibility list currently how many people are on that. >> 3 thousand plus. >> 3 thousand plus well, do you think from 6 thousand; right? >> the graduation of the one and 20 academy happens on what date. >> november 4th. >> and will be at reardon. >> to be determined chief - to be determined no location yet. >> and the name of the fire boat will be announced i assume on the 17; right? at the event it is commissions with a bottle of champaign. >> that's the plan i don't know about the champaign.
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>> the marching alley. >> they're on duty but the unveiling of the name that's the goal it will be a few people had know the name prior to the 17 we're going to try to keep it under wrap and acknowledge the name of the students that day and offer them one of the inaugural lights. >> the third we're at the san francisco zoo what was the - claesht. >> first of all, three hundred and 50 members working i want to acknowledge the members working that is one plan that we have
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during the afternoon probably during lunchtime and the evening event we want a fancy celebratory event the location of the zoo was one of venues that was discussed in the early stages we were able to secure the zoo free of charge notwithstanding some of the catering and lights and logics cost i've attended and other members have attended and did he very nice job and offered to us at no cost we're looking or looking forward to a celebratory event and up to 8 hundred moab's members we don't think outline members will attend we're fine tuning the details not a
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sit-down diner but an evening event with dance music probably from 7 to 11 events and we're going to finalize those details in the next few weeks. >> thank you very much. >> uh-huh. >> thank you, mr. president. >> commissioner hardeman. >> thank you, madam chair i don't have any comments any comments on the presentation good job i want to is awhile i remember on vacation the article about your son shawn it is interesting because you have to be careful like sfaushg everyone is quiet you don't want to get in trouble but nice to see you that come out about your son how
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your family was coping with it and how it was interesting i thought that was very well done and the people that came around to support him was fantastic i want to say god bless shawn and great to hear he's doing well. >> thank you, commissioner we're revved and i'm proud of him. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. >> we're happy everybody worked out for your son. >> ready for chief gonzales and the operations and good afternoon commissioner president covington and commissioners and chief director chief gonzales operations any operations report for july during this period we had one great alarm this was a second
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alarm at gate to the current 5 o'clock a.m. 6 minutes after 5 o'clock a first story above one blow two stories 5 single-family residences and the cause of fire was accidental start from a wall mounted gas heart while responding to a 9-1-1 call of the fire on gays and anything 32 recorded a working fire the fire building again was second story the house is mid block of bernal heights their long and barelyly accommodate the width of a fire apparatus as we approached we saw several units positioning to manipulate their apparatus to
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avoid hitting parked cars heavy smoke once the second alarm was struck and flames on the building on the rights and endorses and responding vehicles were a detailed because of the street conditions once the back up hoses applied the water the fire was contained and prevented further disadvantage they were save the units were posed with the multiple difficulties in an rats placement other items weekly pass public service announcements with hyperthermia and, etc. the psa to go swim with the life guards no life guards an ocean beach we
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pass out the fire preservation materials out in the public doing the drills and coastal companies have education to the community out on calls are in the public and like to remind the public as during my report to sign up by texting alarms to 888777 fire work public service announcements safety announcements were given on television and radio and printed in multiple languages if july 6th to the fourth on the operations on july 1st, 2016, we and the sfpd held a event to talk about the safety measures and 4th of july responded to multiple calls for fireworks related issues and worked with the police to make sure that the
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citizens that called in not overloading the 9-1-1 system and few minor fire alarms and on 4th of july a female required a road rescue to rescue her from the cellist after going after her dog over the cliffs she was not injured on july '52 fire alarms with no displacements with the 519 ellis those fires were quickly contained on july of a car ran into a home on second avenue and resulted in one fatality the driver the fast responses and swift actions saved over half of the mansion that the car ran do into the building lit up quibble when the car hit they saved a dog and
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contained it to two states one section of the mansion itself on july 7th we respond to cellist nut for a working that fell off a ledge this is the area where the cliff is to prevent erosion the victim will recover on july 8th we worked with the national parks service and the u.s. coast guard for a flats for a rescue the victim was taken into the surf and the cavern where the water meets the lands the cruise located him within the can have - on july 8th fire alarm to the bravo building and
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the victim is expected to recovery and they contained it and kept to fire alarm i want to commend baxter on july 11th he observed a san francisco police officer in depress and become injured structurally with a perpetrator and trying to apprehended this person after injuring the officer they ran towards the injured office fearing for the officers safety the firefighter helped and they placed the male in handcuffs did a good job. >> on july 11th the drills of the members of the rescue squads worked with southern marin and the stockton and the army corp of engineers this allowed the
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members to work with other teams while diving underwater and simulating other types of rescues on july 13th the fire alarm was cleared on 28 street and the displacement of two adults strike team as you may know mentioned last rotator went on, on july 2, '34 engines wosz one strict team baker respond to a fire the crew spent 11 days successfully saved multi homes and prevented a sense of belonging security during this event and the strike team returned home on july 22nd the oes to the strike team captain along with 4 other engines from
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four agencies in the region on july 24th it was i'd like say a magnificent display the fire boat arrived that was touching to see everyone did a great job and on july 26th single engine was sent to the fire we had to replace engine 7 they joined a strike team from contra costa preservation and education some of the responses we got back on social media a shout out to sf fire for helping with the fire i i believe they're receiving to the fire on top of a steep hill in the city most a backfire but on the scene did a good job without u puts it out quick
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on d ms they did a good job under 10 minutes and 92 percent it was expressive and right now 75 percent market share in july 5 thousand 4 hundred trorpts the field marine corp c to be held this month the controlled substance for the review phase continued with the ems dashboard created by the mayor's office negotiations are undergoing right now president o'connor is away but should be back technique and we anticipate the negotiations to continue then on to the preservation of fire investigation plan check the
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warriors arena is there review by the team and the project sponsors have dbi and the project includes the review of the marine platform and also the central subway and moscone are under review the bureau fire investigations reports this month or the most of july excuse me - one and 6 44 of which are structures. >> also attached to any report the division response summary for the san francisco inspirational airport thus that concludes my report. i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you chief gonzales. >> is there any member of the public that would like to comment on the chiefs report. >> report from chief gonzales. >> okay seeing none, public comment is closed.
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commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you, very much madam president and chief for your report very good report one thing at the last meeting i talked about the difference between speed bump and street cushions and have the fire department reach any building in the city as as quickly as possible without going offer speed bumps i've sent an inquiry to the sfmta ed reiskin asking him if 9 sfmta slash department of public works can convert the speed bumps that we have in the city to speed cushions that allows our ambulances and fire apparatus to get down the streets without you know damage to the engines or you know any kind of disturbance to the people that are driving the
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apparatus i've not heard back from the director acknowledged any request questioning requests and as soon as i get information ii bring you into the conversation this is very important every building in the city needs assess by the fire department and not interrupted by speed bumps you can easily turn those speed bumps into speed cushions my inquiry is out there i'll let you know. >> also i'd like to commend po baxter he probably saved that police officers life by intervening so i'd like personally to commend him for putting his life on the line to get involved so much times we see things happening in the public but don't do anything we ignore it we run and i want to commend him for
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his courage in getting involved to help that police officers. >> dealing with the fire do we have unit out assisting in that. >> all the units are back i have a narrative from the stick team if you want me to go over that what they did. >> if you can quickly i'd like to know i think we want to be cognizant of your mature assist, you know, roebltsd here. >> just an idea on july 23rd as mentioned that strike team was formed 2803 a for the request from the fire for region two san francisco provides the strike team train and the strike team leader chief rubinstein was the battalion chief and the
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strike team leader assistant position was filled the engine was - the firefighter 3 firefighters and joined by 3 engines san mateo and pacifica and colorado ma and the incident is very large and complex over 5 thousand responders were sponsored by 3 large-scale base camps the first line waltz successfully defending several homes as the fire front moved there the northeast flank of the fire the next assignment was prepare and defense and supported a fire operation next we were moved to the western flanks to support the construction and fire operation they used every piece of hoses because more to have a layout stream i mentioned that a long
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leo row of steep hills more than we responded to nevertheless, they parked the type of one engines far away and located a spot fire and make an attack catching the head and beat it back with hand tools and made a hose lead up environmental impact report rough hill the next assignment moved to the southeast flank of the fire in advance the fires expected movement an august they were demobilized and back to the city safe. >> thank you for that. >> i also am very excited about the 92.5 percent response time under 10 minutes that is something we've been seeking and moving towards for months i'm delighted really delighted to see our response time up there as it should be the controlled substance policy is in review can you give me
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detail who's involved in that. >> myself, doctor yeah, and the assista the assistant myers we have a proposed system i think is much more secure and robust in place we have to come to the final agreement on it. >> we'll still building the room more secure only have to put the final touches on that. >> i hope you'll share with with the commission when you have something in writing and the h 23 update i know we're in a holding pattern on that i think that is a very important thing and all the commissioners tomato see that happen as quickly as possible and he hope that will be the president of the local 798 first priority
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when we comes from vacation. >> thank you commissioner hardeman. >> thank you madam president. >> as usual chevy wonderful detailed report very good, sir. >> the eliminations a lot of questions i notice 16 single alarms and one, two alarm do you know how many hundreds of thousand there are a lot of structures in that town a lot of different individual residences within resulting 17 fires is pretty remark so addressing the point that commissioner vice president cleaveland stated earlier about you know enforcing reaching out to stop fires i mean something it working i just it seems to me that is a relatively low number for all the old buildings we
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have they can ignite that is a terrific number and only 2, 2 alarm is great i had a question but than for the public 4 thousand other types of things the fire department responded to and the airport respond to 4 hundred in case the public is listening. >> we stay busy. >> the other question he had chief lombardi i don't know if it is fair to ask you this question just something that come up as a recent problem our recent situation on stockton street once the project is finished the new terminal is
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finished talks about closing stockton street down permanently for traffic has the fire department been involved. >> i permanent haven't been it is a hot political adverse it is done through christmas and this area a adjusted from the construction i can ask fire marshall de cossio. >> nothing new. >> stockton street. >> that's all this looks like an item will will pick up steam. >> controversial item and wanted to make sure the fire department if they have an opinion. >> that's a hot button issue i feel like i'm on the hot seat now. >> thank you for your great report. >> thank you, commissioner. >> thank you chief gonzales
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for getting united states off the hot seat. >> i have a couch codify comments this is to the general public comment regarding july 4th commissioner members did receive a letter from one citizen saying she'd called repeatedly about the excuse me - the illegal fireworks going off in her neighborhood we respond to her the department of emergency services that's the entity that answers the 9-1-1 call the fire department didn't answer those calls personally and even some news reports saying they've been grossly understaffed on 4th of july so long as they give us the information we go out. >> i think this is important for
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people to know. >> all right. and i certainly do agree with your comments southerner public information officer baxter and his stepping in and really, really being of assistance to that police officer so good job very good job there i have a question regarding cliff rescues i see a number of them in july and also want to thank you for getting this document to us in our packets it is very, very helpful so are people once their rescued are they sent a bill by the city. >> no. >> so if i call you and ambulance comes you send me a big bill. >> yes, ma'am.
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>> but if i'm hanging out on a cliff. >> if they're not injured we don't transport or bill them. >> you rescue them. >> yes. >> oftentimes they're just hanging there are their scared by the person that fell down the cliff that perch will be billed they were transported. >> thank you. i wonder about that it seems to be happening are greater frequency is that my imagination. >> sometimes people what i've seen cliff rescues their dogs go down a cliff and finds themselves in a bad position can't get up. >> more seasonal as well. >> thank you for that. >> anything you like to add chief no.
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>> that's it thank you. >> next item. >> please. item 9 agenda for next fire commission meeting on august 24, 2016. >> all right. i would definitely like to include mutual aid i mentioned it last time around so we can have an overall report on aid and as well as the strike team important to have one of the strike team leaders here at this time kim's you had something. >> i wanted to clarify to make it responsive to you when you say mutual aid do you want the history of the agreement with the state of california how it was initiated like specifically what kind of detail do you want or want some of the typically how often to employ or the nuts
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and bolts how mature aids works. >> the nuts and bolts of our responsibility to others and their responsibility to us the number of people that are typically deployed the apparatus that is deployed and your coverage you know once excuse me - our where is our back up. >> what our minimum thresholds to keep the city prevented. >> i get it. >> thank you let's see also madam secretary the end of year calendar we should go over that as a whole commission base think we are currently scheduled for a meeting the evening about thanksgiving so we'll have to adjust accordingly so that's something and also the
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civil grand jury report. >> commissioner hardeman. >> yes. madam chair this is not on the future agenda but something i found the chief was not here at the last meeting discussing the next class whether or not you should when you should start it and make comments you don't know it but your staff in training is really been under the gun a lot of work so i was stating my opinion to those who were here it take into consideration your staff having relaxing times around the holidays whether thanksgiving or christmas new year's that get a chance to relax that would be i hear you thinking about doing it
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in january now i'd like say i wanted to give you my comments today, we're lucky to have them i know how difficult to get trainers to come forward this is a a tough job in the fire department you know from doing it and make our your decision on their interests. >> thank you. >> currently. >> thank you, commissioners that's a factor we're weighing a lot of things including you know the idea of it make sense but weighing it with the number of retirements we're anticipating this year in the fiscal year 37 represents and anticipating upward of 50 to 60 in the next fiscal year we believe that will hit triple digit in 2018 i want to see there's a slip over the
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two or three year period and most definitely if we delay it i'm concerned about perhaps increase in mandatory overtime the timing is sensitive that we do anticipate a very large number of retirements in fiscal year 2017-2018 but an excellent point you're making we're weighing it and come to a decision. >> yes. thank you, chief and thank you excuse me - commissioner hardeman. >> commissioner vice president cleaveland. >> thank you madam president just a couple of things i appreciate the fact you want to put mutual aid on the agenda this is a subject we need detail on and i agree we need to review
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grand juries recommendations and the committee needs to respond to t to the jrnlts investigation and the updated at the next meeting if possible and in the status of project to build a new ems headquarters where we are on that timeline and any good news on that appreciate it thank you very much. >> thank you did you get all of that madam secretary. >> okay i want to adjourn this meeting in honor and in memory of excuse me. former members of the department firefighter louis, who was with the department if may 1971 until
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january 1999 and passed away on july 16, 2016, battalion patrick murphy who was with the department from october 1946 until june 1978 he passed away on august 2nd of this year. >> excuse me - >> and deputy chief james olsen who was with the san francisco fire department from june 19th63 through january 1996 and passed away august 4th, 2016. >> this meeting is hereby adjourned in their honor thank
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