tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV September 18, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> president james? >> present. >> serina in >> here. >> commissioner itani? >> commissioner loo is absent. >> ow. >> here. >> roy. >> simils. >> present. >> please note that commissioner mcgee is present. >> could we have approval of the september, 7th, 2016 agenda. >> seconded. >> okay, it has been moved and seconded that we approve the september, the 7, 2016, agenda, all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? and the ayes have it and so the motion is carried. >> and approval of the september 7th, consent agenda, could i have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> it has been moved and seconded that we approve the september, 7th 2016, consent agenda. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> the ayes have it and so the motion is carried.
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item four, approval of the august third, commission meeting minutes. with some corrections? >> so moved. >> it has been moved. >> the corrections were a typo and just a name that was in the wrong place. >> yes. if you will look in the back of the minutes there are some corrections in linda loo will present and then she has, and i want to mention our names mentioned and so those typos corrections in the minutes. >> okay. >> second. >> okay. >> it has been moved and seconded that we approve the minutes with the corrections noted. all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> opposed? >> the ayes have it and so the motion is carried. thank you. >> and now, we will come to a report, the director's report. >> good morning, good morning. >> president james and commissioners. first i just want to apoll guy
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for shireen she is off on vacation, and meets in the commission. and i just have a few updates, first is our age and disability, friendly san francisco group. and in 2014, mayor lee, signed a letter with for the city of san francisco to join the age friendly cities and communities. and since that time, we have had a work group. focusing on the different areas of aging disability and friendly. and now the work group is moving on to convening a task force that will complete a base line assessment and action plan as our next step. the assessment and action plan is comprehensive record of age and disability friendly efforts in the city. there will be two co-chairs for this task force, anita as the mayor, and the senior advisor on health policy, and kelley who is
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the director of the ihss public authority have graciously agreed to be the co-chairs for the task force. and the task force will get under way, shortly in the next few years. >> and hireen has been asked for the california, association on the areas of aging to be education campaign committee chair. and this group, the goal of this group is to look at ways to promote aging, and change the conversation in california. they have a tag line, which is aging is all about living. and they will work on different educational processes to promote positive images, and different awareness on aging. and then the third thing is the office on the aging as well as our contracts department, and the planning department are working together to develop
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request for proposals schedule for the whole year. and our plans is to present that to the commission at the next meeting. so that you have the plan laid out for the year of what to expect. and that concludes the report, do you have any questions? >> any questions in commissioners? >> well, okay. >> okay. you mentioned that the city, is going to have a task force to study, we study at the aging population? >> so the task force is specific to the aging and disability friendly work group. which is a work group of the long term care coordinating council. >> when they expect to issue the report? are they going to have one year? >> yeah, probably in about a year. >> that is the goal. >> what is the objective? when you, and what can we expect from the report? >> so the base line assessment gives us a picture of the current efforts of how we are
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meeting the aging and disability friendly, initiatives, which are outlined from the world health organization. which i would be happy to send you if you want to look at it more closely. and then from that to develop the framework of how to move forward either, either in policy development or program development and it involves, representatives from all over the city, the different departments and the community based organizations and such. >> and including the non-profits? >> yes. >> and consumers. >> yes. >> yep. >> and if you would like, i would be. >> no that is all right. >> no i am not expecting worldwide. i am interested in san francisco. >> yeah, in the initiatives for that. all of the cities that follow. >> very good. >> okay. >> commissioner sims? >> just a quick question on the calendar for rfp, could you give us a sense of what that will have? >> well, not exactly, i think that the intention is for us to layout a plan for the year, so
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that we are issuing them throughout the year and not in a clump for the staff. and for the commission, and for the staff, and for contracts, and so that we can make sure that we are focusing on them throughout the year. >> okay. >> and that will be the public documents chl >> yeah, a public document and it will be presented next month. >> i just have one question. will this effect the people who, the contractors in terms of their budget lines and will they be notified in advance they may have to go longer in the year? will they be notified in advance of what their budget time line will be. >> yeah, definitely. once it is developed, we will make sure that they have it. >> and go from there. and it is, you know, it is not a hard, and it is not necessarily a hard and fast thing. there may be you know, changes that we need to make, based on what is coming on at that moment. >> okay.
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>> thank you. >> any other questions? >> thank you. >> next we will have the employee recommendations, the department of aging and adult services will honor silvia zhang from the public conserve tor office. thank you. >> good morning, everyone. so silviy would you like to join us? okay. thank you for being here. so, we are going to, this morning, we are honoring sylvia
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who is from the public conservator's office. before we do that, could anyone who is here in the office stand up and be acknowledged? thank you very much, for everything that you do. and so just a little before we get to sylvia, a little information for you about the office, the public conservator provides, mental health and service foz san francisco residents, for gravely disabled. and this means that they are unable to provide for themselves, food, clothing and shelter. the due to mental illness. and the found by the court to be unable or unwilling to accept voluntary treatment and so it is a legal process by which they are assigned as a public conservator. >> it appoints one that is responsible for things like
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reports for placements, and psychiatric medication, and supervision of treatment, advocacy and placement and case management. and if you have any other questions, about the office, i am sure that any of the staff would be happy to ask them. or answer them for you. so, now to sylvia. >> so, really excited that you are up here and that i go get to do this. so thank you. >> she is a senior transcripter typist is her official title. she has been in the office since september of 2011. she is, and so these are words of her peers. she is an intelligent, thorough and dedicated employee who rarely misses work. behind her humble exterior lies a highly skilled and efficient and dependent worse horse capable of completing complicated work among constant interruptions she is never too busy to help others and she is
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always open to share her knowledge and expertise. she completes vast amounts of work discreetly and is always, gracious, she is open minded and gets along easily with colleagues as well as clients and providers, due to her kind nature and professionalism and sense of humor. sylvia is one of i kind. that is nice. and her humility and elegance and quiet determination is other worldly, we are so lucky to have her on our team. so, thank you, and i would like to present you with this memento of our gratitude, thank you very much. would you like to say anything? >> no, i am okay. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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could we have the advisory council report? is there a substitute? okay. good morning commissioners. management has to be out of town and so they asked me to represent him. i have to say that i look these and, these are really the transdescription of my own note and rather than the official agenda and i have not been able to see it yet. but you will have it next month. and so you will be able to see it. so it is possible there are some
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inaccuracies in it and certainly some omissions. so, after this is the meeting of august, 17th. and after roll call and approval of the agenda and the previous month's minutes, president schmidt and the advisory council talked to our members including one former member long time activist walter devarn who had to resign due to illness. we discussed the partnered das, and ucff division of gereatrics and the mental and behavior service training which was held at mission bay on friday, july 22nd, the advisory council members and who attended including myself, was very good. >> and das director, shireen made her report, and das has
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received three awards, including the chance and restaurant meals, for seniors program and the road show, and the bay view hunter's point and the multi service, information program, and one for san francisco connected. and there were talks of pursuing the world's health organization, aging friendly city designation, which has led to the creation of a task force and we have already heard about that. and an rfp has been entered and requesting additional money for home care and housing subdies. and we noted the resignation of jones, and they are in the process and has hired a deputy director and an aging director and we are going to have the presentations and one presentation was from the tender loin, safe passages program,
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which uses volunteers and community partnerships, to insure safe walks to and from school for the children in the tender loin and the safe passage foz seniors, several agencies are involved, cooperating, and there is funding from saint francis hospital. and ucsf school of medicine, and there will be more if the fund proposition i, passes. volunteer corner captains who were very visibly dressed, monitored designated for children. and i was less clear on how they manage the walking and of the safe passage of seniors, but that will probably be in the minutes. a second presentation was a vision zero. and a proposed collaboration between the departments of public health and the public works and the safety planning and muni to reduce the pedestrian, and bicyclist and
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driver, accidents, and the seniors and the persons with the disabilities are especially at risk. and it was moved and seconded and passed to support the new needs of adopting vision zero, community reports. i don't believe that there was an official report from the membership committee chaired by ruso but i am pleased to say that i know that we have two applicants in the process of requesting appointment and both will be very good. beverly taylor from district ten, which i believe is supervisor cohen's district has joined the advisory council, rick apple bee and the stated that the education committee is working with ucsf on the geriatric workforce project and the training will be in october and future trainings and goal setting, and safety, and vision, and perhaps, another which i
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didn't get. rments from the field, and moxi, noted that the board of supervisors has passed the motion for data collection about older, lgbtq persons, based on a well designed and research survey form from ucsf. several city agencies including das, will be involved. as you probably know, marcy has been honored by the san francisco commission on the status of women for her work on behalf of lgbtq seniors. in survey and research and advocacy, especially on dementia. and for older, and lgbtq women and for co-founding project open house. we did not discuss any of the business, we postponed discussion of the by laws as this meeting ran long and there were no further motions that were moved, seconded or passed.
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>> thank you. >> and i just have one question. >> sure. >> on the meeting regarding muni. so it was at a meeting of committee was going to look at safety for seniors, in the bicycle correlation? >> it is, and i don't believe it with me. and it is a proposed collaboration called vision zero. and we did not meet with muni but it seems like if it is ray proposed collaboration between the public health, public works, san francisco, planning department, and muni. >> okay, i am sorry, i don't have any more information. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> thank you. >> okay. >> thank you. >> next will be the joint legislative committee report. diane lawrence and neil sims. >> actually i will be making that report, we are without our
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co-chairman diane lawrence this time she was on vacation and so you are stuck with me. we talked generally about legislation at the end of the state cycle, and i will highlight one that i thought was subnative and that is, 80, 15, 84, by brown is the cola piece of legislation, unfortunately it has moved forward, but they have significantly lowered the awards from, so that the increases are pretty meager that are going across in that cola increase, i don't have the exact dollars amounts but i know that it is nominal dollar amount. and that and our meeting was sort of at the end of the state legislative cycle. and so most of everything that we were interested in was on the governor's desk awaiting his decision for the signature and we did not have a lot of conclusion around some of those, and the status of those pieces of legislation.
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and we talked about the funding for the california, legislature and the funding and it was passed through both houses and expected the governor's signatu signature. mrs. warren, first name? ann. try to make her diane. >> and was quick to point out, that it is a one time only, funding and the way that cso was listed on the california state tax return, continues to be problematic, and they were not successful in reaching the minimum threshold in the last tax cycle and so there is something about the future funding so that we are concerned to be concerned about that and focus on that. and we talked about the dignity fund and invited representatives from the dignity fund to up date us on that campaign initiative, at our next meeting.
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and we talked about the issue of homelessness at some length. talking about both the impact of homelessness in san francisco on the disabled community as well as the increased age, dem graphic for the homelessness in san francisco and so we, i am having a tough time and i am under caffinated this morning. >> but my colleague, richard al made a motion that we approve to invite the mayor's office zcar on homelessness to talk to us about the impact that that whole area, of interest in the city is having on our city population, and those with disabilities. and so we are looking forward to that. and our next meeting is september, 21st, at 9:00 a.m. >> i did receive a question about the bi laws of the
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committee and combining it and having the separate stationary and as i am still looking at that and seeing, that if not, that you will create another body in terms of who is responsible, for that group, in terms of who they are reporting to. and were they operate separately. and so, i just was not quite clear. so i wanted you to really have a discussion, not only with the commission, but as well as the advisory council. >> yeah, so. >> how their by laws will we
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will probably have more to discuss on that, once the staff has completed that analysis. >> okay. >> we will see. >> we are not ready yet. >> okay, all right. >> and just so before you just make sure that both the advisory committees, look at that, >> absolutely. >> as well as the commission. >> yeah. >> have it, and the input into how they have changed in the by laws, or might change the by laws, thank you. >> i will just say that it will be a coordinated effort. >> okay, thank you. >> and the long term care coordinating council? >> well, i will respond to that. so there was no long term coordinating council meeting in august so there is no report, and the next is tomorrow at 1 p.m. >> okay. >> thank you. >> next the tacc report, cathy
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>> she is not here. >> she is in sacramento. >> okay. >> case report? i'm dave, with the senior center reporting for the case. and i will just briefly, our membership meeting in august was our annual advocacy brain storming and you will hear more about that in a couple of months, and in other words, we look at all of our successes from the last year, brain storm and what we would think, and improvements in the senior service systems in san francisco, and what we want to propose for next year. our next membership meeting is this coming monday, where we are going to embrace the dignity firm, and we have sandy coming who is going to bring in the posters and the buttons and the slogans.
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i am mike, and i am from the office of on the aging and my office of the aging are excited to bring forward for the review and the approval, and a new program, for dos and this is our social, isolation, prevention services for lgbt seniors and adults with disabilities. a little bit of background on this program, to convene the lgbt aging policy task force, with a couple of purchapose to evaluate the needs, and in the city of san francisco, to assess the capacity of the current support system to meet the needs and, to make recommendations as
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to lgbt older adult and with the higher rates of physical disabilities and more likely to live alone and lack companion ship and have lower levels of social support and all of these factors that lead to significantly higher rates of isolation, and suicidal. >> and the services are available in san francisco to address these needs and found them to be lacking and resulting in the recommendation for the establishment of the new programming to address this need.
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>> and the primary to hear the shanty was formed in 1974 and was one of the based organizations in the world and through a variety of the service offerings and has worked to provide the individualized compassionate support to countless, lgbt seniors and younger adults with disabilities in san francisco. and through their years of experience, they have developed and refined, a service delivery model, utilizing the volunteers and they are the primary contractor here, and we will be handling the bulk of the work and meet thag care and navigation and the peer support and the development and the match i
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matching for over 40 years it has provided the lgbt, programming and this contract which is part of this and they will hire a staff person who will be dedicated to further normalizing the lgbt programming on site and expanding the capacity for the clients as well as doing education and out reach regarding this program. further. in development of this, it is entered into the letters of cooperation with a variety of partners, including the martin, health center and the project open hand, and the san francisco aids foundation, and the lgbt center and open house, of each of those organizations have their own service histories here in san francisco. and i think that what is great
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here, and through the collaborations and the program not only has a rich source of clients, and often who are hard to track down as they are isolated, and hard to reach, but also, creates a network of services for easy and successful connection to these clients to a variety of services including health services and meal service and social services and the groups support and housing services and there are probably many more that i just, i could list for a while. this program before you today has taken some time to formulate, but what i am presenting to you today, really recognizes the recommendation of the task force and represents a well designed program to best serve the target population, with that i am happy to answer the questions that the commissioners might have. >> okay. >> commissioners? >> yes. you indicated that you expect to serve 75 person? >> yes. >> and so, what is your estimate
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of the population that you could serve? much more than 75, right? >> yes. >> eligible, clients. >> yes. it is much higher than that, and this is a new program, and these clients are some of the hardest clients to reach. and so we have in the first year, we have 75, which is a modest amount, in the second year, it goes up to 90. certainly that is not the minimum amount of clients to be served but considering the circumstances this being a new program, there will be a lot of learning as it is implemented and we thought that that was a realistic number to start with. and you have been hired, three and a half people to serve this 75? >> yeah. well, it is efficient to the 3 and a half, and the paid employee, and the volunteers. >> yeah, so there is going to be a lot of people involved with this. there are certainly on the shanti program side there are three and a half, and at curry there are at least a half person or more, and then there is a
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recruitment of many, many, volunteers, to go out and provide a lot of the services that you know, in this program. it is really a high touch program, with the clients being seen almost on a weekly basis. >> what about the population in the city? for lgbt. >> and would you say? 15 percent? >> i don't have that number handy. unfortunately. yeah. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> commissioners? >> yeah, you mentioned open house, as collaborating agency. >> yes. >> i don't see the open house listed in the proposals, is that in addition, or --. >> they were, a late ad, and that information. in the past few weeks and it didn't make it into these documents. >> and it there a funding passed through to that agency. >> no. the letters of cooperation are
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non-financial. >> okay. >> there are no financial benefits to the open house. >> i just had a couple of questions, and i was looking on page 3, in terms of how they were going to be supported and who is going to finance. >> and it. >> and so, right, right, right shlgs and so this is actually going to be two different grants. and so, this, this item a before you, is essentially the non-pets one and this one is the lgbt senior younger adults with the disabilities, social isolation prevention, and this one before you today is not going to, and this item a is not pet related and i can certainly address the pet in item b, and it is a pet one. >> okay. >> all right. >> and commissioner, to the commissioner, and i think that the over all population is estimated at about ten percent of the city's population. >> okay.
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>> but the senior population is probably higher. >> the senior about 20 percent, or something like that. >> i think that the numbers that i have seen are between, 20 and 25,000 today. here and they are identified for the lgbt. >> and it is always difficult, and since many don't identify or don't reveal and it is very difficult to quantify. >> thank you. >> and any other questions? >> all right. >> commissioners? >> i just want the chair show know that i am going to recuse myself from the vote on this particular issue. >> okay, do we have a quorum? >> so it is just two people. >> we have to recuse themself on this issue. >> and the four. okay. >> any other comments from the, is there a public comment on the, is there any public comment? seeing none, i will call for the vote, all in favor? >> aye.
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>> aye. >> opposes? >> ayes have it, and so the motion is carried. >> thank you. >> item b, requesting the authorization to enter into a new grant with shanti project, for provision of animal bond and services to the lgbt seniors and adults with disabilities during the period of september 1, 2016, through june, 30, 2017, in the amount of $200,000 plus an is 0 percent for a total grant amount not-to-exceed, $220,000 could i have a motion to discuss. >> so moved. >> second. >> and indeed this is the one vofrling the pets. >> through the board of supervisors at that process, and in this fiscal year, 200,000 was allocated, on a one time only, basis. and to support the programming related to animal bonding for isolated lgbt seniors. and a bit of background on the
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organization. and in 2015, the organization, pets are a wonderful to support paws merged with the project. and background on the pets they or in ated in the 80s when the volunteers serving at the foundation, food bank noticed that the clients any gleted their own nutrition, and order to provide for their pets. and so it is a result of this discovery, those volunteers created the special, pet food bank to carry the food and supplies, and it continued as an organization, until that murg merger. and shanti believes that the human animal bond is the best support available, to medically vulnerable individuals and it is just designed for the services around sustaining these bonds. for many, having a companion animal can be central to their hel and this well-being, and we are seeing the evidence, indicating that one of the benefits of the human animal bond is improved health out come for the pet owners. and the pause programs within
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shanti, provide services to over, 500 clients and all of these clients are residents of san francisco, and the low income, and seniors or adults with disabilities. the current pause of the service and clients identified as lgbt. and there are currently over 700 people, on the wait list for the services. and many of which meet the criteria of this program. and looking socially, isolated seniors and young adults with disabilities who will benefit from the increased support. services within the new shanti, is similar to before, and we will start with the care and navigation, and the volunteer, peer support to assist with the clients, about you this will include a focus on the maintaining the human animal bond and so for this is means that they will identify the pet related needs to keep that pet, and that human with their pet. and working to match clients
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with volunteers, to help to provide some of those wrap around services just some of the services available under this program, include access again to the pet food bank, and the annual pet wellness exams and the vet service and then the volunteers providing many, supportive pet care services such as assistance with the dog walking and the medication and administration, and the maintenance and clean being and the feeding and transportation to and from the medical appointments as well as emergency, foster care for the pets during the client emergencies when we are unable to care for the pet. just like the previous item, on the agenda, and the goal of this program is to alleviate the social isolation, and also support and fund, and also to support, the human animal bond for lgbt seniors and younger adults with disabilities living in san francisco and with that i am happy to answer any questions, that the commissioners may have.
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what happens during that year, and what happens if you selectively manage that? >> so there is a primary point person with the paws who is in connect with the pet owner and is constantly getting updates from the pet owner and the volunteers about the status of the pet and as those needs increase, they are able to access resources within their program to try to meet those needs. that might mean that if a pet takes on the illness, and for the volunteer to get that pet to an exam and to get the care that they need. and if they are ongoing medication and the things that a client may be difficult to administer. and which can be tough having or i have had to administer the
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medicines to the cat, and the volunteers are there to help to support that process as well. >> so, this vet nar place that you pick would they donate any free time? >> my understanding is that the program has at least one wellness exam each year, with a professional provider in town, as well as perhaps, discounted serg ser services ongoing. >> thank you. >> thank you, michael. you mentioned this as a one time only. in yes. >> what if the program is successful. and how will you determine that? >> and b, what chances do we have of getting more money to continue if? >> yes, so we are measuring the success of this program, and shanti and paws are tracking a lot of data, and tracking not just the client coming in, but the fair plan and every single interaction with the pet owner, and the pet.
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so we will look at those, and the maintaining of that pet, and animal bond, and see that as leading towards the successful program model. as far as addressing both the funding, and it is correct, that the funding is set at this time to sunset. and you know, june, 30th of next year. and in that interim, it will be collecting the data to look at how this program is working. and we can then either departmentally, try to advocate for additional funding or the program can advocate for the additional funding or whether it means. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> commissioner ow? >> yes, this appropriation where already approved by the supervisors and sign-off by the mayor, right? >> these what? >> these appropriations, the money. >> yes. >> all were approved by. >> yeah, >> i just wanted to make an
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observation, you know, the board of supervisors and the mayor, and higher than us, and we are confirming the appropriation. >> sure. >> well, they do offer it here to ask the questions, and prode and poke >> and i think that it was for the program not for the contractor. >> correct. >> correct. >> and so, i see, we we will view the contracting process. thank you. >> thank you. >> so, any other question that i had was this program would the pet lovers can be duplicated like with the african american group? for longer than in terms of that group. >> sure, i don't. >> it is smaller. >> sure, i certainly, there are a number of, and this is not the only pet service provided by paws and they noted that they have many people waiting for services but i don't see any
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reason why it couldn't be modelled in other, you know, communities where there may be a gap in services. >> okay. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> point of information. >> okay. >> are you commissioners? >> i think that --. >> okay. >> i have a con fliblth on this. >> all right. >> any other questions? >> well my question, will be to the assistant, director. we just heard that you know, that the supervisor and the mayor with the budget and modified the budget and located the budget and it is third and some, and the thoughts, and recommend to the supervisors and the mayor to you know, funding for the program? >> i think that so, and i think that i think that to answer your question is that through the annual budgeting process, as it
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builds up steam, certainly there are methods for dos and to provide the feedback to the mayor and to the board of supervisors as to what we see as needs in the community. correct? >> yes. >> that is correct. >> all right, then you will give us a fairly clear idea. >> yeah. >> and so we will have a channel in the thing. >> right. >> we do have an input to the budget process. >> yes. >> okay. >> in the public comment? >> any public comment? hearing none, i will call for the votes. all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> opposes? >> ayes have it and so the motion is carried. eitem c, requesting to authorization to enter into a new grant with the light house for the blind and the visually impaired for the provision of the transportation service and via the taxi vouchers program to the seniors and adults with disabilities and for the period of july 1, through 2016, to
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june, 30, 201 #. 9 in the amount of 68,028, plus a ten percent for a total grant not-to-exceed, 74,890. could i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved. >> second. >> second. >> okay. michael? >> hello, again, commissioners and this item before you is a contract to provide a taxi vouchers to the seniors and the younger adults with disabilities and the purposes of this grant is to increase transportation, access options and to the seniors and younger adults. and with the disabilities and by doing so, trying to maintain or enhance their well-being. and for elbility for this program, the clients participate in the intake process, with the contractor, whose light house for the blind and visually impaired, and the client must be able to certificate by a physician that they are unable to take public transit, once they have been accepted into the program, they are then able to
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request taxi vouchers, and the destination for which the taxi vouchers can be used are limited and must be within the spirit of maintaining the health and well-being, and so primarily, we will see them for two and from, the medical appointments and with also some occasional appointments for the legal services and the benefit services and the meal and nutrition services. >> it is relatively straight forward program. and happy to answer any questions. commissioners may have. >> the commissioners? >> thank you, obviously this is an important program and given the over all difficulty in getting the taxi service in the city. can these vouchers be used for uber or lyft which are more accessible. >> they cannot at this time. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you know, for what it is worth, i will just add that the light house and this is significant, and yeah, it is a good amount of money, and the contractor and the past years
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who has been in the light house for the blind have man taned a good relationship, and the vouchers themselves certainly can be used at various taxi providers in the city, if the client has a preferred one, but they have found that there are a couple in particular that seem to work particularly well with the client. >> okay. >> yeah, i just have a question. >> commissioner ow? >> what is the discount for the seniors with the disability coupons? when they pay the taxi fair. >> so this is free. they get a voucher that is good and they get essentially vouchers one way each direction, and the ride is free. >> all right, so they go to the medical appointments and any of the other places? >> yeah. >> they can use, and they used those vouchers to visit friends. >> no. >> the spirit of this program is to get them access primarily to health related services. >> yeah. >> so social visits is not
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included. >> were alternatives to the taxi explored, uber and lyft? >> at this time, no. and i think that. >> i think that some of the reasoning there, is that this program, this program itself has been in effect for since i think 2005, 2006 and it has been quite successful, you know. >> that is another good reason. >> i think that another reason would be, we have seen this model work with them. and i think that there, perhaps there are questions to be answered regarding the ride sharing companies in there. and competency regarding seniors and young people with disabilities. >> you know, i just think and i have met some bad too, and with the uber and all of those
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companies, and they are unsure that i will be very concerned myself and i can see going out, and i am just saying, i guess that i would respectfully disagree. >> yeah. >> and i would, and that is has been my experience, so. yes. >> i am not an expert, but i will throw this out there as a possibility and my understanding is that there is issues with the insurance and the taxi and the government form of commute, verses the ride sharing, which is not. and a liability that could be held for the provider of the voucher. that is my understanding. and another thing is that there is certainly with the part of
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the taxi, and there are things that are required of them that are not required of the tnc $, i think that they are call. >> another option is silver ride, which is fully insured and fully capable of dealing with seniors. and very reliable. >> and the city has used them. >> yes. >> if so, and perhaps at this point, they might be considered as well as an alternative to taxis. >> >> any other comments? >> is there a public comment at this time on issue? any public comment? okay. >> hi, i am a with the senior and disability action and i
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don't have a comment specifically on the funding proposal, but i did want to make a comment about the conversation about uber and lyft, there is tremendous concern about how it and any of the tncs are not at all acceptable for the people with discal dphysical disabilities, for those who are blind or visually impaired there can be advantages but there are no wheelchair accessible, uber and lyft vehicles in san francisco or none in the country, it is just not an option, so not only is that an issue, but that is hurting the tax company and that is making it harder to get wheelchair accessible taxis which was already impossible. and so, it is really a huge concern and so, i would just urge us all to act with some caution as far as how we support with uber and lyft given that. >> thank you. >> any other public comment?
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hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> opposes? >> ayes have it, and so the motion is carried. >> thank you. >> and item d. last item. >> requesting authorization to modify the grant with the curry senior center, for the service during the period of july, 1, 2013, through june, 30, 2018. in the additional amount of $60,000 plus a 10 percent, for at total not-to-exceed $754,059, could i have a motion to discuss in >> so moved, second. >> okay. >> mike? >> and this item before you is $60,000 in funding, and divided into $30,000 per year for the current fiscal year and for the next fiscal year, and there is money allocated to fund the
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security guard at the senior center, and this is something that has been funded, and at least in the prior year, if not the year before that. and i have appeared before the commission on it. and due to the location, in the tender loin, the curry senior center has needed to take the steps to insure, the safety of the client and staff. there are incidents where they have been assaulted or in tim dated by the people congregating on the nearby corners or neighboring businesses. and curry has adopted a number of practices to try to increase the safety. and one of which is the full time security guard. and which is on site. and the security guard has been in place since august, 2014. and we are bringing this today on the community, services contract but really this will benefit the variety of programs, at curry including their case management program and their medical clinic and their congregate, meal program and the senior housing on the site and
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monday through friday and then a half day on saturday and a half day on sunday. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> and is it public comment? >> public comment? >> and hearing none, i will call for the vote, all in favor? >> aye. >> opposes? >> ayes have it and so the motion is carried. >> and any public comment at this time? hearing none, announcements? >> there is nothing to do with the commission work, if any of you are interested in ceramics and the gift from the museum to the legion of honor is currently on display, and it is in my name, and it is halfway down into the room and so you may enjoy it and a collection of 18leth century, from the factor in france.
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>> thank you. >> okay. >> and any other announcements? yes? >> thank you. >> and i can't skip making an announcement at the commission meeting. i want to make sure that everyone knows about the senior and disability annual celebration, it is this friday ink and i hope that some of you commissioners and the folks in the audience are attending and it is at the arc, on the corner of eleventh and howard from 6 to 8 this friday and it is really a chance for us to come together and celebrate some of the accomplishments in the senior and disabilitying community and so for the continuing effort and we will be highlighting the funds and talking about the new supportive home program and it is a lot of fun and we have a drawing for a stay at the russian river and a silent option with a lot of art and items and the food and wine and so we look forward to seeing you there, thanks. >> and i will leave some out here as well. >> could we get the tickets at the door. >> yeah. >> any other public, or any other announcements?
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supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim not present supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee madam president we have quorum. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> ms. short madam clerk any communication. >> i have none to report colleagues, any changes to the september 6th board meeting minutes sienna.
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>> madam president that's the minutes of the september 15th and august 8th and that's july 15th. >> and 2016 and august 8, 2016, is there a motion seconded by supervisor peskin colleagues without objection, without objection those meeting minutes will pass after public comment. all right. madam clerk can you please call the next item. >> you. >> the policy decide between mayor ed lee and the board of supervisors the mayor any provide comments up to 57 manipulates and from supervisor wiener up follow-up questions are in order not exceeding that 5 minutes per supervisor. >> mr. mayor any opening remarks. >> thank you supervisor president london breed and good afternoon, supervisors and, of
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course, to the public thank you for being here today supervisors working with from the break i hope you enjoyed your time off reflecting on 2016 i'm proud we passed a balanced budget for the priorities for the residents public safety and neighborhood services and, of course, our work is never done and today, i'm happy to announce we have maintained one of the key services that are vital to our excelsior nauseated and the working names with the childcare nonprofit with the helmet foundation and our mayor's office we have security funding for the purchase of a building where mission and caregiver consortium is locate for nearly 50 years 24 organization has taken care of of generations of children and helped working
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families thrive in the city when local nonprofits face issues of displacement we as a city are committed to helping them find creatively solutions every time we invest we invest in the future success of our city we were able to secure $5.58 million to purchase the building so 200 and 24 children that attend the mission caregiver consortium everyday will get the early education that is critical in their development this permanent home allows the staff to get services and provide caregiver to the bilingual and neighborhood families this new partnering is part of a my larger investment to contribute $720,000 foyer children, youth, and families over the next two years like in the budget season let's between to work together to
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insure our money and energy energy is improving neighborhood safety and the quality of life and first supervisor wiener to ask proposed questions to the mayor. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, very much. make and mr. mayor welcome to the board chambers mr. mayor we continue to see crime take into account people of english limited proficiency how to encourage more bilingual abilities to prefor and join our city's public safety team as police officers, 9/11 dispatchers and firefighters we can better prevent crime through efforts and assist the residents if their victimized by crime.
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>> thank you for that question supervisor about 22 percent of san franciscans are limited english speakers and because of this our city invests time and resources in marking services available in multiple languages when the next earthquake or event happens what the people need the police all the residents must have the ability to interface with the city departments our power rourgs that is our people our city workers we have done a going down of recruiting workforce three hundred and 76 members of fire department and 4 hundred plus of the police department identify themselves as proficient in a second language and in the development has 29 dispatchers will fact of the matter 22 percent of public
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contacts are bilingual. since fiscal year not to exceed and 2011 the total number of bilingual employees has increased by 58 percent this is a good foundation we are still trying to improve we use social media and radio and community newspapers and community centers and events to do outreach and child remunerate f tables at the festival to hour the festival and the others festivals and we recruit through media outlets like the newspapers and radio station importantly the city provides bilingual premium pay that helps us to track a workforce affluent in many claungz user languages our office of economic workforce development continues with the
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testing so candidates can take the firefighter proficiency examines had someone calls 9-1-1 we use the largest translation service so a language didn't stand in the way of him or her getting help and the immigrant affairs with one of the futile in the nation that provides assistants with is in house of certified language specialists we have on demand document translation assistance whenever needed especially in crisis situation through the obamacare we have an ambassador program for a high crime area of the city where rational tensions
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will have been high in 8 languages our city employees that grew up in the neighborhood and speak if languages of the community they serve and finally i'm concerned drishlgd our department of human resources to center a recruitment plan to make sure we maximize our target of multi lingual candidates supervisor wiener those are some of the programs with the recruitment of the language workforce if you have suggestions i'll be open to hearing them and make sure we implement them >> thank you, mr. mayor and madam clerk move to our regular agenda with the first item. >> or the next item. >> item 2 an ordinance for the intentional streets and the respect public services within
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a-1 ab of the project area with 5 plus acres in the lake merced reversing the easements rights with the utilities and authorizing the department of real estate for the vntdz by the actions of the furtherance of this ordinance. >> roll call vote. >> on item 2. >> supervisor wiener. >> item number 2. >> no. >> i'm sorry supervisor yee. >> thank you supervisor president london breed. >> so this is a pretty straightforward legislation and what i want to do is introduce some language for further amendments for further clarification and if maybe city
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deputy city attorney can read it into the books i'll appreciate it. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. so last week just right before the vote on first reading the board received a letter it from k g and e and the project sponsor has discussed with pg&e and met with the departments and the sprofrz and came up with page 11 lines three and four this amendment will think deleting the words revocabulary and replacing it with easements and next adding a clause that will read other convenience structures equipment and fishgsz for the operation of such utilities and cut down trees and brush that is a hazard to
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utilities and macro similar amendments on in section 3 on pages 10 to 11 and replacing with that easements and adding another reference to cut down trees and brush that is a hazard to utilities. >> thank you so this is a clarification language as amended so i'm asking my colleagues to support this. >> so supervisor yee has made a motion to amend seconded by supervisor peskin colleagues without objection without objection the maemths that motion carries unanimously madam clerk call the roll. >> on item 2 supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen
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supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang there 11 i's the ordinance as amended finally passes is it on the first reading passes unanimously on the first reading item number 3. >> item 3 is an ordinance to levy property tax at a combined rate of one and $1.18 on taxable property with the san francisco unified school district and the community college the bayer rapid transit and the air quality management district and pass through rate of approximately $0.08 per residents pursuant to the administrative code for the fiscal year year ended june 2018. >> colleagues, can we take that same house, same call?
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we'll take that without objection. the ordinance passes unanimously. >> item 4 a resolution to authors the approximate 6 thousand plus lease on cap street with cap, llc for a 5 year term two 5 year options for approximately 200 and 40 thousand. >> same house, same call? >> madam clerk items 5 through 7. >> to approve the treasure island development authority to extend the term for 2016 for total term through november 30, 2017, and amendment for the caregiver and item 6 for the master lease and item 7 amendment number 41 for the land and structures master lease
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colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? without objection the resolutions are adopted unanimously and madam clerk call items 8 through 22 together. >> items 8 through 22 are resolutions that authorize the illusion and delivery of multi housing revenue notes not to exceed one - item 9 is $35.4 million for sacramento street and 95 i 18, 15 street and .1 million for 711 and 895 pacific avenue a unit project and 88.4 mental illness for pacific avenue a 200 unit
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project and next for turk street a 200 and 3 unit project and item next is for harvard road a project and item 15 is $47.5 million for sutter street a project and item 16 is $69.3 million for clemente street a 200 plus unit and next is a $41. million for ellis street and item $1834 million for mcallister street items 19 is $29.4 million for bush street a one and 8 unit project and item 2018.3 million for california a 4 unit project item 21 is for 34 mental illness
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for yoirth street and 22 for 50 guerrero street a one and 10 unit colleagues, can we take that same house, same call? without objection those resolutions are adopted unanimously and item number if you. >> to authorize the department of health forceps and expend a 200 and $71,000 from the california rehabilitation to participate in a rehabilitation services program through jun june 2019. >> same house, same call? that motion carries. >> the acquisition of real property from the housing authority to afford to the general plan of preserving and
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enhancing for the purchase price of $1. >> same house, same call? it is adopted unanimously and item 25. >> a resolution to respond to the presiding officer judge on the finding and recommendations contained in the 2016 civil grudging entitled auto burglarize and cause the findings and recommendations through the department heads. >> same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. skip over the 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. special order. >> item 34 was considered on monday, september 12th it was forwarded as a committee report recommended an urgency ordinance to approve a prohibition on storefront mergers grandchildren seven hundred plus square feet
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in the quatro special use district for 12 months in the government code section this item requires 9 votes madam president. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you supervisor president breed and colleagues today's vote to extend the prohibition on the quatro street something we as a board passed in july 2015 this control has allowed this commercial corridor to receive much needed services to preserve 40 small storefronts and unique character of this corridor and to do so awhile respectfully entry-level businesses we're asking an extension of what we approved this will give us the necessary time for a special use district and working with the planning department and my office and the communities to
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do that that special use district would zoning is something we'll work to protect the mom and pop shops and make this corridor such a unique place and that also to protect the cultural institutions that currently characterize the quatro with that, i respectfully request your support i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> supervisor cowen. >> thank you supervisor avalos i have supervisor campos i want to enlightenment you it is an excellent idea i supported if the land use committee yesterday and i have been very enthusiastic since the day i introduced this measure it is an interesting question your course of action to we're aware of the gentrifying forces to do business in san francisco it
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doesn't make sense to do the storefronts in the mission and possibly other locations small so that they are remain affordable i'm concerned about the super sized merchant vendor be potential restaurants and businesses so i like and i like the fact the buildings were created very small storefronts and i think that is part of richness that makes the mission the planning commission mission i'm happy to support in and love for you to add my name to the legislation thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. >> thank you supervisor cowen. supervisor wiener >> i mean, i'll be voting against it for the same reason i'm enlightenmenty of the work
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that quatro did with the community and as i stated when this first came to the board whenever it was this year or last year this was simply a conditional use for a merger i'll have no problem supporting it you about i have concerns about a ban it asking can have benefits in any view not enough flexibility i understand where why the legislation is moving forward but i'll maintain any original position. >> thank you very much madam clerk on item 34 supervisor wiener. >> no supervisor yee. >> supervisor avalos. >> supervisor breed. >> supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar
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supervisor peskin supervisor tang there are 10 i's with supervisor wiener isn't descents. >> the motion is approved unanimously madam clerk call i call the next items. >> they were considered by the rules committee on thursday september 8th and forwarded as committee reports item 35 was recommended as amended a motion to appoint dionne, scott and others waved and kendrick terms ending 2016 to the municipal of accident terms efrnd 2018. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you supervisor president london breed i wanted to express my support for those four individuals that come from organizations that have been working closely with supervisor avalos and my office on how we can rethink municipal finding
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our community has a partnership coalition for civil rights and have helped guide our two offices how to best address those issues we first, of course, more pubically talk about this when our two officers in krungs with supervisor peskin worked to lower the fees and help with the locking provision we want to continue that apply creating this task force for the municipal fines we collect money with a balance that the public for the public good that of the moving our residents into poverties or contraction we shouldn't have anyone in the jail because they can't pay the municipal fines i'm excited about the appointees and particular alicia that 0 wrote this is not a ferguson problem
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how traffic courts drive inequality in california and enforces our concern with the protecting residents that excessive fines can lead to consequences for people with damaged credit and unemployment and homelessness. >> thank you, supervisor kim. >> seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk can you please call the roll. >> on item 35 supervisor wiener. >> supervisor yee. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed. >> supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang there are 11 i's. >> the motion it approved
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unanimously madam clerk please call the next item. >> a motion to approve the president of the board of supervisors london breeds nominee for the term ending july 1st, 2020. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you madam president i know sometimes, we do a prohibit job of criticizing when things are not done but sometimes, we, recognize when go good things happen i wanted to thank the president for the nomination of imelda to be on the braid this is a mission but many members of the latino communities have been combais with the need and importance of having someone from the communities on the planning commission especially consider countering those are
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the neighbors impacted we so much of the displacement that happens in she's an excellent choice. >> thank you madam president. >> supervisor kim. >> i wanted to add my words as well and thank you to merna for agreeing to be nominated she'll be an excellent paternity with the deep-rooted competent and we know her work at the jamestown she served as a executive director and with office of economic workforce development i'll be translating your work into a commissioner it can be difficult but seeing her work on the department of building inspection shows her ability to find common ground with competing interests i look
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forward to working with commissioner mondejar on the planning commission. >> thank you supervisor mar. >> thank you supervisor president london breed for a great appointment i'm proud like supervisor kim and supervisor campos to support commissioner mondejar not only an expert along the 9-1-1 former mayor's office on housing lead on homeowners i know that she understands the fears of displacement and gentrification going on in the neighborhood i think it was she was described at the rules committee as she can w be funny but has a tremendous heart and others lens she seize land use is productive and economic excellence us u but as a mom raising three children i think that was said something
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that generations said the - someone stood up for her and her work empowering union people to be the leaders of future at jamestown in a number of organizations also popped out like joel we'll hear in a moment i think that mirna will make a wonderful circus and thank you to wu as a chair person but commissioner mondejar will bring the voice of community and wisdom and a heart to the planning commission so thank you supervisor president breed for in the meantime, her i'm proud to be a supporter. >> supervisor avalos. >> i want to add any name a supporter and thank you to supervisor president breed for
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appointing commissioner mondejar for the board of supervisors she has an incredible amount of experience and understand the planning issues from a lash perspective and used to work as a carpenter and understand it it into a insider and worked with the homeowners actives and she knows it really well planning issues from the community side she is running her lastly job is running a nonprofit for children and families who are really impacted by the housing crisis in san francisco and her appreciative will be invaluable so i want to say thank you for the selection i want to say thank you commissioner mondejar to take on this role this is a tremendous amount of work and your service is greatly appreciated to accept this very challenging position
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writing the volunteer text of the issues in the mission i know won't be easy you have my support. >> thank you supervisor avalos. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you. i want to thank you supervisor president london breed for selecting mirna not only is she a residence but her being apparent and having the sensitivity of people that have been displaced understand many of the challenges we face with people here in san francisco and particularly those children the children so as you, you know i've been trying to push the discussion around housing children and families and i think she'll be a good ally on the planning commission to understand this so anything else i totally agree with and will be
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totally supportive of. >> thank you supervisor cowen. >> colleagues, i had the great opportunity to itself is the rules committee and listen to not only the testimony in support of mirna but had an opportunity to listen to her presentation and she entertains questions from the body and i too want to acknowledge this is a supple candidate she has the healthy blends and the efficacy understanding of the know how of planning and land use issues and understanding the housing crisis for the mayor's office i mayor's office of housing so we're fortunate to have her in one particular person and a strong leader and able to execute through the noise of proving bull it often stifles the
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conversation not only in the chamber but in the planning commission discussion she's an incredible human being and we're fortunate to have her we want to recognize the leadership that cindy wu brought to the planning commission so my compliments to you thank you. >> thank you supervisor cowen supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam president i'll supporting mirna today and i'm concerned known her inform quite a few of the and she's incredibly smart and thoughtful and supervisor cowen she really is able to cut through some of the ideology local stuff that permeates land use decisions i'm confident she'll be a good planning commission commissioner. >> thank you to each of any colleagues for your willingness to support this appointment i
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remember when i met with mirna last year before i reappointed her to the dbi commission one of the things she said to me stuck n my head what is happening in the mission we need someone on the planning commission that understands that and willing to step up up to make sure we're providing the kind of leadership and providing the right decisions from the planning perspective those positions have negative consequences on the community and i know that that's why many of the folks that push for the mission moratorium we were compassionate they wanted to see change and us make better decisions and not allow what is happening in the mission what happened in the western edition to actually happen in the mission community and that really stuck with me that's why
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over the time developing of don't relationship w with mirna i feel good and confidence is she'll be the kind of person that would be a great planning commissioner she has a rare mix of understanding planning and understanding housing. >> united way what it is like to be a parents an immigrant all of these things in one person a graduate i'm proud of more importantly she has a heart of gold and cares about the community and doing good things for people and been an advocate for doing the right thing i couldn't be more proud to have brought forth a great appoint and glad many of my colleagues votes for her it demonstrates she's the right person for the job and thank you to commissioner wu so for her
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service on the planning commission and think in this particular case we definitely got a great respect and proud of that and looking forward to mirna service on the r on the planning commission with that, colleagues madam clerk can we colleagues, can i have a motion? >> without objection the motion d is approved unanimously. >> call the next item. >> >> a motion to approve joel to the planning commission for the unexpired of the term ending july 1st, 2020, a thank you supervisor katie tang. >> thank you since a lot of festive with the previous item i don't want to speak to mirnas appointment but those two commissioners will be doing a wonderful job as part of planning commission and speaking specifically to mr. cop he lives appointment as we're losing
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commissioner representing the west side of our neighborhood commissioner antonini i think that is important to have that west side perspective on the commission and joel is saying there is a lot of development happening in san francisco but neighborhoods especially our outlying neighborhoods there are more opportunities for that development especially with the transit and commercial corridors i think that having that kind of perspective on the commission is really important secondly, of course, mr. cop he lives background in the labor communities and attending the planning commission and so forth other hearings and understanding how the process fshgz will not take him long to understand the workers of further as a commissioner, i think that again both commissioner mondejar and cop yes, ma'am e he will will be fine replacements and thank you
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to the commissioners for their service. >> thank you supervisor tang supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam president i want to thank the mayor for this nomination i have known joel for quite a few of the and i worked with him for many different issues he's a you thoughtful person and also i think has a perfect temperament for this role being a planning commissioner and adhere will hear many people with different preserves will do a good job. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> supervisor cowen. >> in the rules committee i had an opportunity to listen to the testimony of folks in supportive of mr. joel cop he will and he is a leader when the
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cameras are on and off he's benefit consistent and has the labor in the forefront of his mind and a champion and when people are petitioning and not he's been consistent and also experience has taught me people's values don't change 4 this is a person that values the hard working of men and women and he'll be an excellent enlightenment and opportunity to have labor sitting as a planning commissioner my enlightenments to the mayor. >> thank you supervisor mar thank you to the mayor for appointing joel cop he will and building major projects from san francisco general to even
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analyzing the building block at the burning man a wide rage e range of living for planning use and his experience of labor management and the apprenticeships for young people to come up through the industry and green jobs his work on sustainability and sustainable building and development will be valuable to the planning commission go i want to thank darrell honda for being mr. cop he lives friend but introducing him to my office i know that mr. cop he will will be a good planning commissioner and building projects from the bayview to 9 lower hate to other projects i know mr. 0 cop he will will be valuable i can't wait to see him in action and a
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lot of things from a - was acknowledged i know that joel will be a mentor to others he's been and appreciate of the mayor to appoint him i'm proud to nominee him. >> thank you sociosupervisor campos. >> i didn't support the prior to the mayor but i'll be happy to support him those kumba moments don't happen at the board of supervisors but this is an individual that will make sure that everyone that comes before the commission is heard and will keep an open mind for the issues that come before us i want to thank the mayor for the
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excellent choice. >> thank you supervisor campos and supervisor farrell. >> i want to echo my colleagues comments and particularly our role of labor will be truly valuable go congratulations and look forward to years to come. >> thank you and i want to also lend any voice to the choir and sing our praise thank you joel for being an excellent example for what that means to be a true leader and work with people your heinecke program with i b w was provided job opportunity along with the work you've con to give back to the community specifically with the church in our community and in the springs baptist church through rehab and bring people together has changed that
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community along with the peacock lounge and other things i know you do you're a native san franciscan and do it from the heart i know you went to lowell high school i'll not hold that against you you made it out when you did want to usf and thank you for your service. >> thank you for your advocacy, thank you for your lou gehrigness to serve in the capacity you know you'll be an excellent choice the second best choice next to the one i made so it's all good congratulations. >> and with that, madam clerk can we take this same house, same call? without objection the motion is approved unanimously congratulations. >> all right. roll call.
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>> supervisor wiener your introducing new business first. >> thank you very much madam clerk. >> go colleagues several items but i'll mention 2 of them the first is a resolution to support a proposed regulation for the health and human services federal agency to stop and prevent states from stripping title 10 health funding from planned parenthood title 10 provides funding for that family health and preventive health services helps to fund 42 health services around the country for low income people all sorts of health services 14 states at a minimum have sought to cut title 10 funds to planned parenthood
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not for any actual merit basis but rather due to politics and the irrational hatred to stop the planned parenthood we help the low income people in this country so this rule would ban states from cutting title 10 funding unless it is bans a providers ability to actually deliver the services this resolution will put the city of san francisco on record of support for this proposed regulation and would direct the 0 clerk to submit the resolution as part of federal rule making process and in addition i'm introducing today with my co-author supervisor tang a supplemental budget appropriation of 70 thousand to help protecting
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children afford eight grade algebra one course as you recall the school district eliminated eig eight grade algebra one so children that are ready for algebra no longer have access to algebra in eight grade i along with supervisor tang have expressed disagreement with the school district we want our kids to have access to every resource to be many a position to assess 21st century jobs in biotechnology and children that you are ready for algebra in eight grade should have access to algebra the unified school district has not reversed its decision to eliminate algebra one our families are spending money to have their skids have a private
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eight grade algebra one course ready for geo try in the eight grade, however, low income families can't afford the cost of having their kids with a algebra one course this supplemental of $70,000 will provide one skips of $700 each so their children what access algebra one it is my hope the school with reinstate algebra one and this supplemental what about a temporary bridge but for now make sure our children have access to all of the resources they need to have the rest i submit. >> thank you, colleagues one in memoriam today, i wanted to adjourn in honor of merry resident who passed away on
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august 16, 2016, she lived in san francisco for over 20 years and will find the city for her represented beauty and firemen of expression and future an advocate for the environment she worked for climatic change specifically sea level rise while she was a member of the san francisco grand jury she gathered the injuries for the investigation of the ocean waters and interviewed government officials and experts and developed addressed civil grand jury report no action has been taken the city has development across the department committee and hsa has issued a report moving forward she exemplifies how the civil grand jury can make a difference and one person influenced the at
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the city officials she'll be dearly missed by 20/20 children her sister and colleagues and the former and current members of the civil grand jury that admired and o done or said her may she rest in peace the rest i submit. >> skip over supervisor campos and go to supervisor cowen. >> thank you supervisor farrell. >> supervisor kim. >> okay. >> and since supervisor campos is back in the role do you have roll call? >> thank you very much madam clerk. >> colleagues today, i have an item that relates to the very important issue of public safety and including public safety has been top priority for me in any office since we were elected i know that for the residents of
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district 9 this is something that these very much at the top of the list in terms of what government can do for the neighborhoods and you say that i paid it from the momentum we passed legislation for the codifying of at large any experience on the police commission and as a supervisor nothing is more effective than public safety on the law enforcement side than having a police presence forefoot patrols that to me is something that is a during the time to many activities we want to void in the neighborhoods this is foot patrols have to be a key component of any policing
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strategy community policing is not an abstract ideal is requires hands on commitment to make that happen so i want to begin by acknowledging the work of our acting chief tony chaplain as i'm concerned gotten to know him in the last few weeks because it is clear he gets it in terms of the portions forefoot patrols and policing and based on our conversations and discussions around this issue i'm happy to report today that the chief has agreed to any request to bans foot patrols in any district specifically to enhance foot patrols on 16th street and mission an area an issue that
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had issues actually way before it became part of district 9 when it was part of district 6 i know that supervisor kim working hard to address those issues the work continues i want to thank our acting chief for agreeing to increase foot patrols on the court ord corridor in bernal heights he understands the pro-active in public safety so to the people of the mission and to the people of bernal heights i'm happy to announce there will be additional resources that will be provided by this acting chief of police. >> thank you chief chaplain for his responsiveness and willingness to work with us on this important issue having the officers in our community that radio familiar and understand
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the neighborhoods are critical and that vibrator get out of cars is important you you know the biggest importance is having the relationship with our communities that only happens if there is a person attachment so i want to thank the chief for that and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you colleagues first of all, i want to say i appreciate a lot of us participating in the san francisco transit riders transit week we kicked off yesterday's morning we focused on some key issues in the district the 5 rapid that is my straight line for beach to city hall has on a tremendous improvement and thank you to the mta and the interest
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rate or transportation authority today at 7:30 amy was on the bart with the transit riders and many others promoting the 38 geary line the most wildly travels line west of chicago many people ride it everyday as a cal system but thank you for promoting this week and throughout the week for improving transit and also one of the star residents of the richmond district lives in gg park an al bin and an alligator he tlieflz in a place in golden gate park and supervisor farrell loves claude but he turns 21 today or this week and the
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academy of sciences is celebrating his birthday one of the iconic residence of the golden gate park and the autism is a stark place with the beautiful academy of sciences and in the academy in 2008, he arrived shortly before we reopened the academy of sciences and he's led many children and families to love him and helped to educate millions of museum visitors and car share mask you can see him blow and below the water claude is nearly 200 and 50 pounds in honor of his birthday a night life on thursday and unfortunately for adults 21 and over but a great opportunity to worry about a happy birthday to claude i'll disrobe for one second and say
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that the 46d defensive thank you to collin and eric ready are you a soccer team and artists and rappers and a ground swell from aaron losing a member of a contract also maurice the kansas city chiefs and devon from the patriots and germany relay and others from the titans of the rams and other 46d and eli held up in support of racial justice and equality and thanks to all the high school and professional athletes that are looking at the
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lead of collin but especially historically giving thanks to john carlos and others from the san francisco state university and mohammed ali for helping everyone the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor mar. >> supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk and colleagues this morning i called for an investigation into the review and approvals of the millennial tower in support of district 6 supervisor jane kim as i think you're aware last month know the news broke the millennial tower has been sinking from 16 inches far more than the 4 to 56 inches of the estimate that was presented in the geotechnical reports done
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and anticipated to sink over thirty niches as the clay soil continues to compress with its friction piling system at the nbc said that was a clear lack of education between the city and millennium and between the millennium and the purpose or purchasers of over 4 hundred units we have a duty to get to the bottom of it and figure out who know what and when both so we can address the financial impacts as well as psychology impacts of the individuals living in the building and make sure we know the right thing to do is going forward to that end we'll be holding a special meeting in the oversight committee to have the investigation he next thursday on 22 at 10 amy am introducing a
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resolution and i apologize. i didn't refer to them wards to the preservation of the lamp fishgsz along van ness 200 and 59 that are slated for removal a historic part of city and can and should be refurbished i want to thank the coalition to save the lamps of van ness avenue for their efforts i promise the e-mails will cease and cordially visit you and constituents to the world premium premium of a documentary town you, you may have read in the chronicle day viewing october 9th in the film festival and the changes and policy matters that we have been debating and addressing here at the board and could co-stars
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joel rodriquez and later on be a the recognition i didn't and it was fun to participate the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor peskin. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you so today, we are in the middle of national drive electric week so one of the things i'm doing is introducing a hearing request so we can get information yuptsd from our city departments as to how it is that we can reach the goal of securing an all electrical vehicle light vehicles by the year of 2020 in san francisco an issue that i car about in terms of the city but on the following step to fourth how it is to better support our private citizens to drive electrical vehicles are especially someone many lives in a multi unit building whether it is from or market availability
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for us to convert to electrical vehicles so first, we'll begin our conversation with the city departments i look forward to working with the department of the environment and the puc and our city administrator's office to achieve those goals and lastly i have a resolution today that has been a lot of busy trying buzz to have san francisco part avenue network of thirty other cities to highlight and bring education and awareness to the issue of our declining pollinator population in the world actually, i know that some of you wonder why it is important to panes to the bees and pollinators next your eating a blue beggar keep in mind the populated narrator are important so we are taking a pledge as san francisco to re t
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