tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV September 18, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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for us to convert to electrical vehicles so first, we'll begin our conversation with the city departments i look forward to working with the department of the environment and the puc and our city administrator's office to achieve those goals and lastly i have a resolution today that has been a lot of busy trying buzz to have san francisco part avenue network of thirty other cities to highlight and bring education and awareness to the issue of our declining pollinator population in the world actually, i know that some of you wonder why it is important to panes to the bees and pollinators next your eating a blue beggar keep in mind the populated narrator are important so we are taking a pledge as san francisco to reduce the use of pesticides in
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our city properties courageously people to do landscaping that attract our policy narrators so the rest i submit. >> madam president the end of the introduction. >> our 3:00 p.m. special ordered call items 26 through 3 comprise the special order for the public hearing for individuals in the planning department from the environmental recur from the california environmental quality act dates may 11 for the proposed project located on 2000 through 200070 bryant street and next items are the motion associated with that appeal and
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items thirty is the part of public hearings of persons interested in the certification of a conditional use authorization dated june for a proposed project 2000 through 200070 bryant street and items 31 through 33 are the motions associated with that pole. >> thank you, madam clerk we have before us appeals for the project on 2000 through 2000 and 40 bryant street in district 9 there are two appeals relayed to the determination of the exemption for further environmental review and the conditional use authorization so we're going to hear the two appeals together then the board will vote on the determination of the environmental impact that takes 6 votes to affirm or reverse the board determination if it is
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rejected the conditional use authorization become mute no other actions can take place and table those items in the environmental determination is upheld we'll vote it i requires 8 votes to overturn the conditional use decision for this hearing items 26 and thirty will be considered why to approve the depreciation that the project on 2000 to 200070 bryant is exempt from further environmental review from a community review exemption and the conditional use authorization since we are combining the appeals i work with the city attorney's office to rise our normal hearing procedures to provide speakers with a bit more time without objection we will precede as follows: up to 15 minutes for presentation by the
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appellants or appellants representative up to 3 minutes per speaker in support of appeals up to 15 minutes from the staff and from the project sponsor or the representative up to 3 minutes per speaker in opposition to the appeal and finally up to 5 minutes renewable by the appellants or the appellants representative please note if you're here to speak on the 2000 bryant appeal now it the time to do so with that, we'll open up the hearing and i'm going to turn it over to supervisor campos if you have any opening remarks before we get started. >> madam president i don't have any we have a number of folks i want to make sure we get to the presentation so hear from all the members of the public that are here. >> okay. thank you supervisor
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campos and with that, we will open up to the appellants you will have 15 minutes. >> good afternoon, supervisors and supervisor president london breed's sfgovtv i have a presentation if you i can bring up the laptop here. >> thank you. >> so we're here for the bryant street starting with the community plan exemption appeal for the project at the 2000 example 270 bryant street and here to request on behalf of the
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beauty on bryant committee and the mission that you uphold the appeal for the plan exemption and require project level environmental impact prior to further consideration of this project and you all should have a handout of this great. >> conditions have changed significantly those eastern neighborhoods plan environmental impact report was certified during the great revision we are experienced a boom in housing in san francisco since the eastern neighborhoods plan eir was certified the significant population and jobs surge has been accompanied by the appearance of longer than reverse commutes to silicon valley and ride share cars
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citibuild the city for the working class families and newly displaced returning to the city accompanying the surge in population is a surge in housing development with social and environmental impacts there are currently 50 projects and 2000 united built in the pipeline in the mission this 2000 and 2070 is one of the projects with the cumulative impacts in the mission the bryant street project was granted an exemption instead of requiring the environmental review to be constructed on the lives environmental impact report and was excused from pits
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own environmental studies what's the problem with this the potential cumulative impacts of bryant street and other foreseeable projects were not considered in the ooermentz eir because this level of housing development was not considered you can see the mission housing openings studies option a, option b and the preferred alternative at the 1696 that my understanding is where policy it based on off of and up at the high-end option c with many unit the actual total including the bryant street project for for seeable is 2154 all options study have been exceeded are the planning department was in
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correct that the projects have been disclosed in the eastern neighborhoods the eastern neighborhoods eir forecasted a range of measures and studies that set ab preferred plan and c it considered mitigation to the impact levels however, no such studies were done for the current level in the mission including this project on bryant street there's no way to evaluate the bryant street impacts in existence against the eir because the cumulative impacts of this project and the other 50 plus in the mission were not considered so the yellow area as you can see will be options abc and preferred that we looked at and moved beyond that into new territories to the option and mitigations that were considered in the
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eastern neighborhoods versus the bryant street impacts that were not studied in the underlying neighborhood because their outing outside the scope we've exceeded the numbers in the eir quote the number of foreseeable issues may see the p eir by approximately 3 hundreds and 50 dwelling units there is an agreement we have exceeded this staff report goes on to say that residential totals along with an expected translation to a population increase somehow allows this despite not studied this impact from the case report again quote the total number of
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non-residential is well below the maximum evaluated in the p eir as the overall population increase population is not identified in those eastern neighborhoods plan as a measurement tool for cumulative impacts even if non-residential development as translated to population were considered a valid measure the forecast by the eir of 8 hundred and 35 thousand has been exceeded a decade ahead of schedule as you can see san francisco has gone up by the contentious bureau 8 hundred 64 compared to the forecast in the eastern neighborhoods eir and the eastern neighborhoods eir office space of the population estimate that is being used it off by 100
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percent in the density in the eastern neighborhoods the 2008 eastern neighborhoods eir planning estimate is one employee per three hundred square feet whereas co-authors to a london breed reality firm by 2017 office density should be at one employee for roughly half in summary c p can in the be grant because the underlying eir didn't support those exceptions foreseeable housing units was exceeded by 4 hundred units and they're not studied by the underlying eir population is not identified in the eastern neighborhoods eir because a central measurement for the analysis on housing projects the eastern neighborhoods population forecast for san francisco for
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2024 has been exceeded by 2017 office population is neither here nor there one hundred percent more dense than in the eir the bryant street check list for the contribution must be considered when granting a c pe quote not resulted in potential offsite or cumulative not identified in the p eir this confirms the board of supervisors is the appropriate body to rule on this project eir exemption criteria are the territory, the jurisdiction of this board the board of supervisors therefore has jurisdiction claims by city planning and the staff does not have jurisdiction are incorrect the ceqa appeals is clear section 21 plus appeals
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the decisions subject to appeal in accordance and so forth in 16 the following ceqa decisions maybe appealed to the board of supervisors certification of a final eir is one and 2 adoption avenue negative declaration by the first decision making body and 3 the determination of the planning department's or any other authorized department that a project is exempt from ceqa. >> housing numbers are not the only eir pdr is happening at a pace of one plus forecast in the plan and nearing the maximum units in the urban mixed use zone and a considerable number of unourptd building not required zones how much pdr loss is unclear and calls into question the reliable of the ooermentz to address the pdr
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loss and it's impacts and as you can see on the schart for the mission we're looking a sum of proposed conversion up to 5 hundred plus out of plan adaptation of nine hundred and 15 thousand and we're concerned what is the missing layer between those illegal opted out warehouses where no loss of pdr was expelled at the time of the pdr. >> this community exemption must be upheld and the cumulative projects can't be allowed for the growth and impacts in the pdr have been overrun neither non-residential building or translation to population has been correct or a reliable measure of what the project can be assess based on the between the board of supervisors is the predicament body to rule on the appeal of c
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pe for granting threshold exemption the affirmative action it is important for the residents. >> bryant street conditional use appeal bryant street conditional use appeal we ask you to uphold the conditional use authorization for this bryant street project this project is not necessary and desirable, this project has displaced countless intermission a long-standing institution and tor actually restaurants on the site for over thirty years and all shops those two businesses a music studio and landscaping business this project will have an additional displacement for water residents will create for
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pressure on mom and pop's policies are needed to accompany those projects that limits their direct and indirect displacement effect in the community such as the mission design and affordable units the main concerns the centerpiece of this project may not be achievable some of the units are circulated as we understand a little bit under t capped minimum size additionally a variance is granted for the mid block alley surrounded busy 67 and 8 footed building this creates issues of light and that will - this will result in a loss of further affordable units the beauty on bryant the owner continues to claim he's meat the
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necessary plans not true the only thing the beauty on bryant plan that calls for 50 percent affordable and 100 percent union build the mission needs safe development policies before those large project are allowed to go forward and those protect the mission and it's most vulnerable community members mite policies such bryant street and displacement and other impacts associated with them the significant and ongoing financial investment and affordable housing for the next 5 years and consideration and mitigation of the cumulative impacts of development in our micro neighborhood thank you for your time and consideration we ask you to uphold those two
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appeals. >> thank you very much and is there any additional comments from any other folks from the appellants please come forward now. >> can you pause the time madam clerk. >> supervisors. >> have you here to provide public comment. >> so just a second. >> all right. >> seeing none, and at this point we will open up to public comment for any speakers that is here to speak in support of the appeal so, now is the time you'll have up to 3 minutes. >> okay love you guys see you all the time all i want to say that was news to me when i came up trying to usurp doing something like
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national you know did public comment thing and i just don't get it we're in a housing crisis and have environmental issues federal bureau what i didn't read but you're trying to get away from has nothing to do with public comment on environmental issues is it so against federal law i don't see how you guys can get away with not having public comment on any large-scale issue. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi supervisors i'm shannon i'm sick like hillary clinton i'll power through that coming out because this is critical you guys we have so many opportunities but we have come to you and said please that's not the same conditions under
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which the eastern neighborhoods plans were written those were written when we needed development this is a time we're in severe country's we've all seen massive displacement i'm one the artists my studio is around the corner we've seen hundreds of artists leaving the city and affordable housing lost and generations of san franciscans being forced to leave the area how many 67 us and you in the salaries we afford you can afford to relocate in the city now i'm concerned heard it is low as 6 percent can stay in the city if we're not in the homes we are in now it is essential in this huge structure this huge set of structures this huge former site of a major cultural hub of the
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mission of the then controlled small businesses that are here for generations i have a developer that is trying to skate in hope you don't require an environmental impact statement and on policies that were developed in a crash hoping you'll right thing to do that and the point the world is watching we were a cultural and diversity mecca of the world and creativity and our tolerance and diversity and support of each other as a community is something that the world is watching and it is incumbent on you as our representatives as our represents your it we don't are high powder attorneys if
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corporate place we care about our community we want to live here and see the generations we want to continue to be a place where artists and others come we have to demand environmental impact report that will stop the environmentalists and what we can demand as a community and society to prevent donald trump from coming in and putting in one of his towers let's stop and have a new plan where we are now thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> hi my name is - i work with the plaza 16 organization to oppose another large development in the mission thank
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you for your time and also want to acknowledge all the hard working folks it came a long way from whether it was originally i think it is problematic that there are is $30 million worthy of public money to make this project nor palpable to the community unless there is $30 million to build affordable housing on a large section of every in any development of market-rate in the mission i don't see why we're doing this that's all i have to say thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors mary lisa i'll speak about the people that are being left out of the conversation about the people that i walk past all the time on my way to city hall
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from the central station and the cheers and on crutches i'm wondering why there are so many when they were not here where are they coming from the sros for whatever else went into the sros he reason every time i see them i think of a friend of mine that is similarly situations smart not on the sidewalk his home was closed on in berkley had a single-family homes that was built for him a hand-crafted home with a for a man in a wheelchair and fortunately people cared to take care of him those people don't have friends hair out there for a reason and why are they out there where are
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they coming from their multiplying from no where their coming out of the buildings we're emptying to allow other people to move into i assume this particular type of project is exactly what we're concerned when we talk about gentrifying the neighborhoods exactly the kind of project we don't want to come into the mission particularly we are in a situation we are in and we're not only it turns out not only mom and pop sophomores that are having problems i found out that the local safeway is having problems in the safeway has to lock their together paste up inside of a located case you better building the mom and pop's are having trouble we're on the wrong pathway we need to change something about what we are doing and slow down take a break from this massive housing
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development that is going on and businesses i'm on the side of mayor of palo alto enough we need to share our wealth with other places in the country but as far as this particular space i wonder how many more people we'll see out on the sidewalk in wheelchairs and on crutches and we lie a allow those places to come into the neighborhood keep in mind. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm ass son healthy in july i urged you to support the 906, 16th street and today, i'm here to talk about the failure the eastern neighborhoods is not just a neighborhood issue it is flailing potrero hill and
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soma and failing the mission the city is enforcing the changes across the eastern neighborhoods overlooking the impacts overbuilding luxury housing and failing to provide the infrastructure and communities benefits it promised to support growth there are policy failures that must be acknowledged and addressed despite a number of goals in the mission plan a critical pdr is stripped out of the umu zoning at the last minute and as a result, the plan didn't have the teeth to achieve the deserved balance continue housing and pdr uses and provide good jobs for its residents the plan promised a significant percentage of new houses for people with a wide range of income instead the neighborhood is really from rapid gentrification and displacement while speculators are given a
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free pass to build for maximum profit meantime the city is approving individual projects for community exemption that are potentially out-of-date eastern neighborhoods plan eir instead of xhukt robust without an appropriate compensation of direct, indirect and tomb u cumulative significant environmental effects must i much to the detriment of the mission for those reasons i ask you to uphold those appeals and have an environmental review thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi my name is leah i'm here
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to speak on behalf of the people that would like the mission to be more affordable i have went through homelessness and have friends that are artists everybody needs a home it is a human right not a privilege and i think right now we have more than you enough luxury and market-rate housing and the mission is this is just one out of many in the pipeline we have to stop the beast on bryant if you have to build those gentlemen needs jobs i want you to approve the appeal of the conditional use authorization it is okay for them to build but have to build housing that is affordable you know has to be a dual requirement of a conditional use authorization it has to be necessary and desirable the very wealthy the
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people that use the luxury housing can afford to travel many times not they're only home on the homes in others 12iz this is a vacation home i don't like it when luxury places can be rented out but on or before and charge up to 12 thousand a month push more people out and be more homelessness please keep in mind the people that you would be serving with those items to i urge you to approve the appeal for conditional use authorization for 2000 to 200040 bryant street we don't need more homeless people or employed people because not enough for pdr this stands up for production distribution and
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repair what makes san francisco special remember the mission and remember what happened to the fillmore that used is to be the heart of west we don't want the mission without the hispanic cultural and artists we don't want it to be all gentrified and homogenous i lived in place like that i lived inburg gave him it is nice - to basically ask to retain the richness that san francisco is known through withhold or world. >> ray hart for san francisco open government. thomas teaches that lived here my whole life willful governance
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earlier during roll call supervisor peskin mentioned the building that is national news 16 inches sinking and now we'll hold a hearing after the barn door is shut and figure out what to do about this the special use district in the navy i know that one word uses a few expletives this is poor profrmg now you're hearing from the public how the eir that was used to grant this was in fact, not defective but up to date and out mooted basically your looking at a project that is based on irrelevantcy basically what needs to be done a full ceqa study it needs to be something that you listen to you have the citizens coming here i was in retail for a lot of years and every customer that complained 9
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didn't comblan took their business somewhere else i think for every person that comes to speak perhaps 9 or 99 feel the same thing but don't have the stamina to do that i question sometimes that board of supervisors actually listens to the citizens or the outlined case they have rotates in their pockets or checks in their pockets or attorneys you need to pay attention to the citizens that are telling you that using updated eirs and statistics that is presented in the appeal presentation is not right if you're going to do something do it right if the people that built the building sinking 16 inches did prior planning they
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won't be in the situations for the people that can't sell or give away the apartment are stuck now we'll have a hearing and figure out what to do a little bit late let's not do exactly the same thing let them get away using out 340e9d studies that no longer apply 3 are invalid for the situations that exist and especially that happened in 2008, when our country almost went did you observe into economic turmoil it is 2016 walk up listen to the citizens of this city they're the ones that put our backsides in those seats thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is thomas ray a
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resident of the mission district and a native san franciscan currently there are 22 luxury housing developments planned for that the mission for 2016 luxury units and only 200 plus affordable units everyone says those luxury units help to solve san francisco's housing crisis 2, 3, 4 reality they're not tax advisors reports show that many condos built since 2000 have ab at the owner's with silicon valley and executive director and corporations and some live as far away as new york city and hawaii and hong kong using them as rentals a third or second homes a - a number of these are listed on airbnb and v rb o up
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to $12,000 a month or $6,000 a night during the evening no lights shining out from the windows those developments are investment properties not housing their preceded value along with the properties increase 2 to three hundred rate causing to raise evictions around them and cause the displacements of thousands of low and middle-income workers new workers in san francisco including city workers, teachers, and even construction workers and many tech workers cannot afford to buy those units so who is that for the development on bryant street causes transportation and parking problems at the current
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rate of luxury housing and pdr in the mission and the it's already damaging effects of higher rates and evacuees is the mission district and it's cultural and latino heritage community and business will not be here in 5 years and will exit out of san francisco and will never come back it will become extincts like the former african-american in the western edition i encourage the supervisor to look at the effects of luxury housing development in the mission and throughout you san francisco the truth will shock you thanks. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi i work at the women's building today, i come to you as someone who is directly working with the mission community
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evidence he everyday i have women and families and children coming in to our building to ask more affordable housing everyday i have people that have been evicted and have no where to go and everyday refer them to shelters with long waiting lines and small areas to stay there and housing that is list 12 to 6 months and everyday i refer those people to resources i know full well, are not all the time able to accumulate their situation who is there everyday working with those people it is noting not only heartbreaking but wrong the mission can't afford to build for luxury housing and not take into account all the people that are long term residents of the mission we don't have an environmental review but i have is the stories that i get to
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hear everyday and the women and families i see crying and cry with them everyday in the office please i urge you to take into account the community members that are struggling because of the housing crisis that is going on here in the city thanks. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi i work with the housing committee and a native we're in full support of this appeal it is very important when we think about the beast on bryant we think about a block ray hart for san francisco open government from your community taken away we look at that we look at our says that a safe haven for the youth; right? what will happen there and
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seniors being evicted 80-year-old and one hundred years old seniors are evicted why not 100 percent affordable housing we live in a city where there is a city as proves that can be able to have a voice for now for seniors and families along that block there's a number of families that are long term residents what will happen to them and the community as a born and raised in the mission what will happen to the traffic congestion; right? we see the bus going down bryant street what will happen on our way to central nervous system to school what burglary happen a lot of commemorating and it is very for the seniors will be
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affected people with disabilities will be affected and the homeless will be affected would we rather see people on the streets and living in their cars we need after i hope you support this appeal thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi i've been working with the brilliant team and trying to figure out what to do i want to remind you, we got nothing at the beginning not one pdr replacement and figure out really, really hard to get some replaced we got half of the land which doesn't - means no building we've been meeting and talking with people and trying to figure out if the mayor's office of housing can actually pay and fund it what will it look like exactly how will they fund it because there are some measures
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and things they can do but don't have either architecture specs what that looks like light or like the children or enclosure on the back rear of the yard not a nearby park or anything else so we're trying to figure out what was actually promised and another thing the eastern neighborhoods report is updated it is about 8 years old a lot has happened in 5 years the community has changed within the last two years so, i mean i don't know know how much more to appeal i come here for housing appeals and police brutality haeshgz he can only say one thing that is excessively not safe in the mission i mean, i don't know that you guys are familiar this is alex and he
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would have not been killed not been gentrifiers how to deal with other people you know i'm from a city i know how to get along with different folks and different backgrounds we love it we come here to find our families and support a lot of communities came to the mission to rebuild their families formals war torn country's what do we do with people on the streets the police shoot them i'm trying to figure out how the city can support its people as far as the - when will it go up and why does the city have to pay for the biggest part of it our cultural is no the commodity you can't go into the mission and buy the mission you have to love the community not whitewash
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it the mission is the mission if you don't like it don't move there thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> before the next speaker i'll remind the audience the board rule no audible rule you're welcome to use our supportive fingers. >> with all due respect we're not the audience but the public. >> my name is magic since the majority of you are attorneys we want to see you take down this proposed development i'm concerned repeating witnessed zoning be twisted and just plan ignored to serve the rich you have a head start with all the work by the people given testimony i imagine if you're working for an international
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nonprofit for one thousand dollars an hour the conversation would be we'll shoot this thing full of holes let's start with allowing affordable housing is not creating or president the the vague neurons at a crucial minded more affordable housing doesn't show the intention it couldn't happen at all if this is watts the way it is approved those developers don't give a damn that about affordable housing we can august this is a time of cycling and tearing down building to be used we can agriculture a origin intent to build a none - the height of this proposed building not aligned with the character of the neighborhood and will offer shadows structures and nothing can stop us from demanding a new eir it is updated and not
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expected when in eir was worked on it will devastated the cultural beauty of this area and we can prove it we need to turn the jobs argument on its head in the long term the people that are employed will be without affordable living spaces exposing this for a greedy point can make a great media comment and have their songs played in tv and adds it is not a crime to stop those who motivation is profit okay. guys. let's take it down now let's hear it recent lawyers we not to witness our expertise i want to finish with a quote from supervisor cowen the soul of san francisco
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neighborhoods are on the line doing everything we can to insure local residents can remain in san francisco and the communities they live and grew up on thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> tom gilberty a sustainable equal for the growth we need a different ratios with the private sector new funding physical plans and housing plans for healthy communities it is obvious the neighborhood is up in arms and the neighborhoods will follow a
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plan of development that has lawyers architects and money they've got their presentation down pat and people in the neighborhoods are usually the businesses hey we can make money here, too. >> instead of letting the developers plan everything with their money back and their profit motivate we need to tail up our growth a new policy across the board something that does something with a bite into it we need to create less stress for everybody now let's see if i can make that work. >> the housing plan is absent different what if we start
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request 20 percent of community of protecting affordable homes veterans and for foster kids section 8 the homeless right off the bat 20 percent that will be 40 units what we save 20 percent of 40 units are teachers and firemen and nurses and sewer workers and community workers you know your community how about if we go up with 5 percent for seniors that have lived in san francisco for 50 years and seniors this way they can move out of their homes and people can move into their homes we're detailing this production for the people of san francisco to move in how about 20 percent of
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people in the local zip codes and then we'll let thirty percent be the open market you know this is where you ever been is free to pay as much money for this monster as they can the developers can make a little bit of their money not 60 or 70 percent of open market-rate we need a different policy sustainable equal lyritarian i attend all the schools in the city high school and - the
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project the developers got exemption without providing community benefits and we're concerned how this the city is going to pay for the other half of the buildings that is asked to build other than we're concerned that you know we're seen as folks that does not want the development if our neighborhood that's not true we want to have new housing we also want fair housing for everybody we don't believe that that again, when the plan was approved that under the circumstances without the policy it was approved so we like you and need your help in looking at
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this project over in support us and to the appeal so thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is kim i live in the outer avenue i'm here to speak in support of 24 appeal if we lose the mission what will happen the dumbest person know that the market-rate with the people of regular income will be displaced and rent will go up if you can't act on this what can you act on tuesday. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> supervisors today, we have heard the people speak the people have reached saturation point this appeal and many other appeals will come before the
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board of supervisors do not just listen to the people today in san francisco we have middle-class people slipping e sleeping with their families on the streets and here is the planning department and i'm glad you choose two new ones i think you should send this back to the planning department to see how the new candidates votes on this plan it is faulty it is faulty and the city has the audacity to invest $30 million without a check list you hear about the eirs and hear about sick workers and have intelligent people over here one of the things that
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happened in city hall is wheeling and dealing people pay to play and this crap must stop i represent the first people i'm for the indigent people for the poor for those who are hurting amusement for the developers and don't bring the union workers here who are absolute in understanding real understanding and that's why you'll get jobs you're not going to get jobs because by bringing the union people here they are creating a division and we are a force to be recollected with four times we shut down city hall four times the mayor is not doing due diligence all those colon i didn't see that support the mayor are not doing due
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diligence i want to praise all those who came here and were so articulate how they understand what is happening happening to this great city named after st. francis some of you supervisors have compassion but those who get all the money from the developers so be shamed of yourselves and the planning department i know some of you all i know you all mean well but somebody puts a gun to our head and your rubber stamp get real and help the poor thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello my name is mary mendosa and i'd like to
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to the fact that using a plan it was not specifically written for the mission district something that is updated is something that feeds to stop the people of the mission district need to be respected and addressed in those point in time so the community is heard so the community is respected they feel that respect recently, there was a collective of artists that presented at a film latino in their poetry was called upon by an artist and gentleman said published in an article i'm one of the artist who submitted work and the topic was the gentrification that so many people have been exercising saying the artists this is something the city is losing was attempting to express so i wish to share a bit of that poem.
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>> looking at any rear window dr. priscilla chan out the sky the soul of the palm leaves a curtain sets the stage i feel burnt-out by death and loss showing so much has gone wrong my heart is heave of heavy i can't breathe i wake with the morning do have and draw any bedroom curtains to dance with the trees my mind remain clouded by fog by the merry range the
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vibrant colors dance the dedicate back to life spray by spray drama enfolds with the images of the past the - lights the way for the aztec warrior to lift up the day rise with the sun larger-than-life and strong and beautiful ground and rooted and skin standing at all my window becomes my looking glass the round circle of sun transforms by moving cranes that build them of them up or tear them down the story is not yet over we're still here thank you. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> hi my name is julian an organizer with the group ace we
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are work with low and moderate income communities in the missions, bayview, excelsior and other neighborhoods and one thing our members have seen throughout the city is developers getting special exemptions to be able to do whatever they want sometimes there is a forgiven leave that's what is happening here a dedication of space by the city that in front of tens of millions of dollars to let the developer get out of his obligations to pay for affordable housing you know lennar another big developer just got away with building three quarters of l housing and some of the affordable housing buildings are out of reach flow income people
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lennar is also getting away with putting something on the ballot prospering organization to get out of it's obligation to the community it's time to say enough is enough and we can send a message here today and reject nicks bound for approximately treatment time to say not to delay this development and not to delay beast on bryant. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> thank you san francisco native first want to appreciate supervisor mar for bringing this initiative it is critically important and it is bound to what we're talking about today, we're talking about gentrification while we're talking edition u
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gentrification lost 10 thousand latinos and housing skyrocketing an issue they're putting community against each other the carpenters can't afford to live in the building but they're here defending i guarantee the majority are not from san francisco but the biggest issue the issue of this city selling out we're not selling out to the highest bidder we are selling over 5 hundred that's the most you can give to a supervisors campaign we're selling out to the lowest building nick is a vulture someone that says a piece of lands i can afford but no one else can i'll take it i'll extract whatever he can and find a way to make money at the expense of a community i don't care them at least at the very
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least he get my money i'll go what is the issue the issue with that he gets the time to leave whenever he wants when my father was displaced from his home over 40 years he didn't have the choice it is gone as elected officials the duty and responsibility to fight for our people our people are dying in the streets gentrification killed alex wearing a 49s jacket someone said i'm scared of the hispanic with the red jacket on and supervisors on this board want to kick this outburst because it's not appealing to the human eyes guess what you causes that issue i'll ask you to please for the heart of the
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city the hood that i grew up in have bravery show you may sell out to the highest by evidence but you have people that are accountable to you thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello i'm louis i was here last week but you closed thank you supervisor mar for supporting me and helping me understand where i've been in this struggle of so many years i was a lead person at geneva towers when the mayor was the headed of the human rights commission he never supported me then even though he was sexually harassed and almost choked to death when a white man
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was in my apartment and not wanting the off duty police with a gun to stand in my door. >> i heard about this in the mission i don't think that we should be selling out everybody or everything interest the people i'm in a a lawsuit with the international reality company they discriminated against me i tried to apply for the community right here 50 feet from any church i've been and been in the bayview all those years until he was evicted from geneva towers we've seen what happened with black people he heard people talking about we were the people harlem of the west in the fillmore and the same thing in bayview gentrification is killing bayview the people around there they can't get jobs and housing we have those ab u
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guys very nice guys want to work and help people get jobs don't get help from your or our supervisor in district 10 i feel like i'm put on a trial not to get support david who is a ceo of the how are you development corporation my daughter spent her hard earned cash to pay for a unit harassed me and he takes over the meeting and have the president going on against you he sat in the meeting ma'am, ma'am, i'm pawing your times please bring our comments british columbia back before the board. >> this the same thing i don't want to see the same thing
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happen to the moishth and in the fillmore and still going on in bayview hunters point my people are forced out the churches are there we come before the church later on so bad things happen when good people step back and not do something that's how hitler did because the democrat parties runs this city thank you. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> this is about the appeal of the determination of exemption. >> okay. thank you. >> yes. >> i want to say san francisco supervisor good afternoon as i'm risen for i'm here on
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behalf of any building to give to give thanks to supervisor jane kim supervisor jane kim thank you very much for bringing hocking hospital near our room as you may know i survived 9 times heart attack i tell you like many other people if you can put your hands on the new building to take it down one thousand one van ness in the theatre movie you're going to take it down and make a new one you're responsible for that our - not only that you're responsible for low income people low income can pay rents still three or four thousand that's bull people coming 80 try to give you
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something else and make it something different you have time before they take the building down and the building another building new for all of us or for people that need it please make it new to protect the low income protect the poor people because nobody has 3 thousand for one bedroom shame, shame to have that you must understand you have great supervisor around i building none of them going to say not to delay support you all of them going to be with you and before. >> what you do in the future thank you. i tell you one thing god bless you supervisor jane kim god bless you.
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>> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is spike i live down the block from the supposed development and heard dozens why to vote yes to support of eir and the appeal the planning department doesn't duo do their due diligence do know what the true impacts using a scaled eir they wrote the recommendations that concludes my report. the project without including any community concerns regarding increased traffic with a bedroom communities for commuting tech workers and congestion with 83 cars parking coming out the neighborhood and reverse the displaced residents driving in and out of their schools and cultural centers that are effected due to the project legally this project needs a new eir that goes would you any question this project is better
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than the original proposal from back in the day but that's not due to any benefit advance this out-of-pocket by deputy city attorney a sliver of land it quality under 18 percent of affordable units he's on this building 3 the city is building the rest on our dime not his how does he get away his college bud why a finances the project nor his liability wife works for the mayor's office of housing she was supposed to keep her hands off a complaint was filed this project shouldn't go forward watt an investigation into the mayor's office of housing and until that investigation is complete there are questions into the affordable units in the sliver of dedicated planned or
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lands did t rules only allows i'm sorry one and 18 units to be built this is by adding two additional floors and increasing the construction costs but the mayor's office of housing didn't had had market they accepted the developers numbers that one and 33 affordable units will fit two vicinity he arithmetic say that is not true per ethically and legally please uphold this thing appeal and look at this project when there is smoke there is usually fire send 24 for a eir and let it's been investigation move forwarding of this project i have a copy of the complaint i didn't make 8 thousand copies but i'm sure you'll get it. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is rodney i happen to live down the street from the beast on bryant what we're looking at affordable housing wasn't what we're looking at diminished dropped services for individual in the city when professional people start to have to leave the city, teachers, artists whatever people that support of infrastructure of the city that keeps our kids who are doctors and nurses people services workers starting leaving the city a diminished drop if services my colleagues are leaving the city dedicated to teaching but dedicated to obgyn living comfortablely they're looking at the quality of life living with
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4 to 5 roommates you can't afford anything and working 45 and 50 hours a week weapons is those people leave in terms of the education it drops it diminishes so by having this beast on bryant by having this man move on and take over the patch of land and no regards for how people are living what the neighborhood needed or the city needs you're creating a void you're creating a void you may not recover from so, please take the this project and think about what we need not right now not for the immediate future but the long term future of the city and
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what that holds for people that come here and invested and worked hard not looking to get wealthy in the terms of a bank account but they're trying to contribute to thank you. >> thank you next speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisions or commissioners with the latino cultural district we're here in support of both appeals the latino cultural district was created was the eastern neighborhoods plan was not working i've been hearing about the lgbt cultural district and been hearing about the african-american culture district and not have to do this in the eastern neighborhoods plan was working we appreciate what we're doing now with the protection side of but not enough and not knowing if it
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will be working the eastern neighborhoods was from 2001 to 2008 it is 8 years old and not capturing the number of people displaced and pdrs we're way over the numbers in the eastern neighborhoods plan map 2020 we'll be working on that if the eastern neighborhoods what about ambulance was working we need to look at the plan to redo make a new plan happening now and do the internal revenue for the development when the eir was completed in 2008, didn't apply for what is going on today so, please uphold and support those two appeals thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi my name is marie sorenson would the quatro i want to know who sold-out the
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mission because it seems like the mission has become a free-for-all anyone can come to the mission and build because we're doing inform grandfather you in well it's a wrong the mission is a place where people are lived for a number of years and it is a very culturally diverse area we really do need to protect it let's go on to the - i'm going to throw the words about the supervisors spoke up about sam lee's and not want to happen in the mission that happened in the fillmore you need to put up or shut up we need an eir for the mission not done since 2008 the projections are already of what
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is in line to be built are over the 2025 predictions the mission is a mess we need an eir the eastern neighborhoods plan is updated but guess what it was never followed anyway they only took it into a document they can change on a which i am the fact of the matter the beast is a perfect example and lennar is too of and about how the eastern neighborhood plan was mark farrell a suggestion not really thought of the eastern neighborhood plan stated from the get go that transit rich corridors should be reserved for housing fwrrdz the
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beast on lennar the monster in the mission all those apply yet they were all grandfathered in so that argument just went out the window why do we have plans and meetings that set zoning regulations they can be bought and changed at the drop of a hat or i should say several thousand dollars a pause on the mission we need to have an eir done because the mission is slowly fading into the sunset and the mission will be just like san francisco is like every other will fresno there's no culture left well fresno has culture we're pricing everybody out
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smobd. >> my name is rick hall i disagree with the prior speaker the mission is not slowly fading into the sunset but driven there at a rapid rate i'm here to ask you to support both of the appeals that absolutely clear that the underlying eir is obsolete since you consider just look at the world we live in today versus what was projectionable or in the minds of the people that wrote that eir you know it was - 80 how could they takes into account this stuff you can imagine you you
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know what the warriors stadium there and pier 70 yeah. maybe they've countered a bunch of numbers but no idea of the impacts of what happened since it is both the cumulative impacts and change circumstances absolutely require this thing public school declared obsolete and stopping used for exemptions secondly, we do need a major new policy because part of what we've part of our problem is that we are just overhead please - >> we just not following (inaudible) we've over built above moderate
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income compared to the renée numbers by one and 57 percent and only built 12 percent the renée affordable housing, of course, the world will be so different all we do is build for the rich and let them on an "x" batted basis replace the poor and the rest of the culture it is clear to me this appeal is timely thank you thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> sorry and the other thing i'll say i've been to a lot of hearings about this stuff and kind of anxious to hear with planning has to say today, i call it the eir improve bans i heard them camtc with changed numbers and after supervisor peskin did some calculations he
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said god you've within one - >> thank you very much. >> it struck me repeating on and on over the last few weeks about a link between climatic change deniers and those who fail to recognize the failure of the eastern neighborhoods plan we don't understand how the denyers despite all the facts the facts are in the eastern neighborhoods the goals were 60 percent affordable to low income to moderate not even close we're off by a factor of 5 somehow the sacrificed cow can't be slauthd pdrs we've lost pdr
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at a rate two to three times that was anticipated in the eir the eastern neighborhoods plan had a goal of diversity in our neighborhoods and preservation of our businesses that's not happening either so when you have a business and your plan is not working or in your life in a life plan is not working what do you do do you do the thing that is unskilled you no. you reset you reevaluate as in eir and replan that's what we have to do here we've talked about some of the numbers planning has been going to con tomorrow's trying to explain how we're somehow 24
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units with w is not more than 16 hundred units the pacing is two to three times the rate of the eastern neighborhoods plan because testators up to 2025 so why this failure let's assume the people that put the eir together knew what they're doing i'm not going to question their knowledge of motivates ceqa requires that we redo an analysis or an eir analysis of those issues the economic changes in the price of housing since the look at the 2007 nexus study it is doubled the price of rental and hours is actually more than doubled will change 17 percent
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of people can afford to buy those luxury units that will disrupt the neighborhoods we're not anticipated in the advances gentrification and the redevelopment money will be gone the redevelopment money was gone in 2012 as opposed to 2008. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is jackie i'm with the cultural action network want you to know that nick has sdroitd a thriving neighborhood that was home to arts and neighborhoods serving businesses all of which helped to define the spirit of this neighborhood and now he seeks to claim credit for sclaen up the messy created the environmental impact report is essential and should include
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the environmental impact of what this project so big dwovrd to have on the community as part of environmental impact report a study should be done been the open space issue not enough open space on - in this project the intercourtyard that comprised the open space doesn't meet the codes that require a 45 degree from each ended the courtyard in terms of not big enough and it is not going to be migrated by the private terraces located on top of the building so many of this project modifications that should be
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studied under the eir rely on siamese with the affordable limousines despite the fact that no final design even exists for the project so we're appealing to you to the board of supervisors to order an eir in this - for this project. >> and lastly instead of a poor trying to do something for the neighborhood what nick is doing is segregating the rich and wealthy people in his proposed project that should be studied and this should be again part of the oz impacts should be
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part of environmental impact report that's what the i in the e eir. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello my name is ivan i'm with justice and - for alex i'm here to wholeheartedly request you stop the beast on bryant until you the supervisors demand that an adequate environmental impact study be done for the effects on the latino community and other people of color in the neighborhood i'm here on behalf of the
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justice for alex coalition and alexs parents because they lost a son after a new comers to the neighborhood called 9-1-1 because they were afraid of the latino wearing a red 49's jacket and baseball cap. >> they racially profiled him the police raced up the hill to racially profile him and then the thirty seconds from the moment they arrived two officers shot first 23 bullets between the two of them followed by another set of bullets 11 for for no - a total of 59 bullets
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shot by sfpd because a white newcomer was front yard of a latino man so, please consider the impact of those projects when you don't have any consideration for how those communities are going to intricate and respect and support of working-class communities of san francisco youth are profiled and discrimination and also part of justice for pat coalition he was shot to death also a homeless man sitting on the ground when the police officers approached him you'll see on video less than 7 seconds killed him before shot with 7 bullets shop the
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beast on bryant thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >>. >> are are tell you any public comment on this item? who'd last week to speak in support of appeal please come forward. >> my name is a sincerely advert and he was part of eastern neighborhood plan and we spent years putting that plan together i was also part of mission area plan that was put together and honestly tell you after a decade of that that was she felt literally ignored not used by planning department and by the city of san francisco and it is painful because that had that these plans been followed we would not be where we are today so i want to read a
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little bit of an article because sometimes it is like when i say things people don't get it may be a writer from a newspaper to do a little bit of research they'll it is fact here we go. >> we heard it over and over as the high price of housing in the city the serious applying if apply to san francisco reality market in the south of market and particularly the mission have experienced development adding thousand of development of rent-controlled units and basically a tennis maeshthd today; right? that's what the reality market is saying and all predicted over one particular unit building a developer created currently 80 vacant units usually at a time like this they're really busy but now people are not snagging things
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up and not getting the multiple offers an enmistakenly soviet union of the rental market in the rental developers and bending backwards to attract renters demand is the same but the supply shot up dramatically hundreds if 0 not thousand of empty units in lecturer development an individual at the ebay was shopping on the market and currently lives in the mission bay high-rise she's lived there 10 years and now looked 2 henry adams that has 23 hundred and 41 units and guess
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what her landlord is dropping her rent to keep her there landlord are dropping rents and green house one month free rent and free parking and can't fill up the units do we need today at with the crisis more lecturer units that's the question where are replanning - >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> my name is silvia johnson. and these all these that we're working on affordable housing and the police department has been all set up for that advantage the police department didn't realize you know natural that - because i've been taking
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medical classes those medical classes are - with the art and this is where. >> ms. johnson we'll pause your time not general public comment if public comment for ceqa appeal so if you can keep. >> that's that's what i'm talking about i don't need co-finding from the audience please refine our changes to speak thank you. >> ms. johnson continue. >> the written anti schedule that has been through and happening not put affordability how long in the world i mean this is been totally ridiculous an appeal and explained for court haeshgz as he lived in
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federal court and been in the obama administration the judge threw me out of court that's ridiculous 415 where's the real process in san francisco of houses and there are dozens of there but bad poverty and suggestions that we needed to ride out where this process in building the houses and being in you know different classes and proceeding this has been really worldwide and to be issued and have gotten
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a lawyer to look into that because george my name and sent the check back i asked him to reschedule the court hearing offer in oakland this is a bad process for this the police department make me forced to do that i know who is doing the enforcement who our human society and our awards this is planning to get people sick and stuff where is - you know in the medical reports really being vandal for this process is really living a normal life in the city for the police
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department too. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm here to ask to support of ceqa appeal and the conditional use authorization do we need really any more luxury units in this town probably not will they highway money not in the crisis gets worse and effect the moderate and protecting people no quite the contrary doctors as i said several times doctors have shown in san francisco the construction of luxury housing over the last decade since 2000 has resulted in increased displacement and increased housing costs burdens for low income renters and i'll point out their study they believe that'll their
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displacement is underestimate now if you have any further doubt probably talk to the tenants that gets threats with the evictions every time a luxury development is announced in the eastern neighborhoods yet we're talking about studying the maximum number of housing units are foreseen by the eastern neighborhoods plan undercover of an eir that only studied the construction of that units and really the question is how? first of all, how do we know how is this possible the luxury promotion of displacement necessarily or desirable for a neighborhood that has lost tone thousand people and counting since 20008 thousand latinos and
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counting since 2000 and culturally estimated that among other things that is because of mess and the murder have to people in the neighborhood to witness alex actually in go brunn 0 because of gentrifiers it is inchiefable not to promote the further gentrification and displacement with some ohio such a unstudied commute by the displaced none knows about the study we know they're not good and a hurry ride sharing in the mission car ownership went up 79
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percent this is crazy the underlying plan the eir i'm sorry are obsolete please support of appeals. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon make and members of the board of supervisors a native san franciscan born and raised and lived in the city all my life i want to first of all, take a moment to thank joshua and others for really coming together i'm here to ask for your support for this appeal are i want to inform this board this honorable board that when we fill up the board rooms in the planning commission with what is supposedly construction workers from san francisco nothing is further from the truth 90 percent of brother are not part
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of one and 34-year-old labor institution san francisco's carpenters local 22 which is one and 34-year-old outlined we had 74 construction - and yet local 22 lost 11 hundred members so your families are not going to work and san franciscans are not going to work it is commendable the community is sporting labor labor has supported the community i ask you to remember that jay the organizationer that owes one plus didn't live here and adrian didn't live here not been part of community and richard the executive secretary doesn't live here and care about the stakeholders we're the
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stakeholders we want to remain here and fought for construction jobs and cia for must have us is a laughing stopping stock they're the carpetbaggers in alameda didn't stand for carpenters the carpenters know we're part of community we've built generations of carpenter local 22 have built this city for generations as far as the eye can see anywhere you look at our brothers and sisters built it city let's take the place of stakeholders it is shameful and you should bring them to task for them please uphold this appeal thank you. i appreciate all you do for the city we're the city thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> okay
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really, really, really tired and in cultural shock flew in this morning from standing rock in south dakota north dakota i'm sorry i've been camping and cooking for the people and i'm a water protector and paper doll that is the erltd in the camp who great, great grandmother figure out and asked me i was from san francisco she said oh, san francisco is the baddest place in the world. >> can i ask the question do you think about the water and the infrastructure when you keep on building on this land do you think that what that will do to the by the way, all the water and the plastic and people
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that don't care in this city i feel sick coming back and he only want to get out of this hellhole that i'm in front of the right now that is called city hall you should be shamed of yourselves but okay. that didn't matter does that because the fat takers take the fat that is what paper doll calls them and the pipeline at this moment have the streets blocked and the swat are there with it rifles and facebook has blocked the live streamers the life streamers have been arrested my friends are arrested and i stand here do you think about proprietor when i hear well, we need algebra in eight grade school but put for police in the
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that was when the department of justice came in. >> thank you very much thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm a mechanic of the justice for mario woods and for accountability i come here in support of alex parents in requesting that you create a permanent memorial plague in brunn 0 park and if queer honest. >> ma'am, i'm sorry we're going to pause your times this is the ceqa appeal we're not a general public comment. >> no. we're finishing up the
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ceqa appeal. >> oh, when is. >> we'll be in this particular hearing for another thirty minutes or so sorry about that. >> any other members of the public that want to support specifically the appellant. >> i live nearby i don't know if all the enlightenmenty was focused on this project but i would say that i know it would be nice to shed nor light on the problems created by those kinds of project. >> a looking at any notes for clarity we're talking about at least maybe 45 minutes before minimum before we get to general public comment just one more accurate time period okay any public comment on this
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item? provide commissioner kim in support specifically the appellant seeing none, public comment is closed. for that position. >> and we're now going to go into the presentation from the city departments starting with we're going to start with planning okay ms. ann marie rogers welcome. >> oh, excuse me - i'll pause on the city's time and ask supervisor campos. >> any apologizes this issue was raised during public comment and even though not raised during the appeal presentation i want to make sure that excellent from the substance the presentation this issue be addressed specifically the fact that was through the chair an ethics complaint filed about the role that was played in this
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process by a member of the mayor's office of housing who has a spouse that was involved in the project that i want to make sure that before we get into the substance of the response to the appeal that that issue be addressed by the mayor's office of housing so if i may through the chair. >> would you like the city attorney to address. >> i'll begin with them and ask the city attorney. >> good evening a question of protocol is this part of 15 minutes. >> kate hartley with the mayor's office of housing and community development i welcome the chance to respond to the undo influence by sophie hayward any colleague the mayor's office
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of housing and community development of policy and legislative affairs and established a protocol marina ms. hayward provides the senior management with a list of all the projects that her spouse works on when we have that list and it is changing with some regular it we set up a firewall so ms. hayward can't influence the acts is that pertain to that project that means no sitting in on meetings regarding the activity no strategizing no letter writing or work products no activity that in any way influenced the okay of mohcd involvement in the project the specific request was specific
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relevant to 2000 bryant i was the main staff person from mohcd working from the gibb i can attest that sfgovtv sophie hayward doesn't participate i'm concerned read the ethics complaint and there were several e-mails which sophie was copied on the content were procedural only when i picked up this project at the potential land decade project several months earlier the first lands dedication project i remind open and needed guidance regarding how a land dedication move forward there the lotta's fountain earthquake process and sophie respond that is was procedural only and her
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response was a very generic - so i wanted to suppress that again sophie didn't participate in decision making anytime 9 project came up she go up and executed heifer our analysis was done by the book for the section of the planning code we followed the perusers we evaluated it as prescribed that's the way we came total outcome we did i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. >> through the president i
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want to ask through the chair the city attorney we want to make sure we are following all the ethical requirements and to the extent that 0 there was a question raised about whether it is appropriate for that the board to proceed with this appeal in light of the issue that was raised i want to hear from the city attorney and if you can give us our guidance in terms of the complaint that's been raised and the response are if the city the mayor's office of housing what is your view in terms of the tournamentness of the board continuing with this appeal. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. speak up. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. that's the first anyone has asked me to speak up my office has conferred with ms. hayward to make sure she's
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taking the appropriate steps to avoid any conflict of interest based on any conversations with her today after receiving the e-mail mentioning the ethics complaint and the presentation that appears there are - not participated in or made any decisions or thought to use her position of the mohcd or in the other city department related to this project there's no problem with the board moving forward with the decision today one side note related as well the e-mail that was distributed i received this morning i believe the rest of you that the city attorney had dictated this matter might be continued because of the ethics complaint i think that is just made up the
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city attorney none in my office or none in the public information office made in any such statement. >> thank you mr. gibner i want to make sure if the contrary or are concerns that are identified by the city attorney i'll follow that and not precede we want to make sure i asked that question about we heard from the city agencies. >> now opening to the city agencies you for the city departments you'll have up to 15 minutes by no means needs to use the entire time. >> thank you very much supervisor president london breed and good afternoon. i'm emery rogers today is couple of ceqa appeal statement led by thomas and the are project
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planner and on the cu been continued by rich and also let the board know in in addition to the people that are here for the specific questions we have additional staff to address the policy that transcends the project important to the community and our department we have claudia flores and matthew schneider claudia is leading the plan as you may know planning related issues likewise displacement are 29 first and foremost for people living in the moishth and our department has been working with the community including mohcd, oewd on the mission action plan many works to create and have
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affordable housing and bring stability to the mission a variety of strategies under review including the changes and that go beyond that to address the issues for the protections and housing preservation and economic development not specific to the appeals the project before you is the demolition of 6 buildings with 3 dwelling units and new construction of 6 story building with mixed use one and 69 market-rate housing and 3 opponent below-market rate unit and approximately 12 thousand pdr space and 840 parking spaces the project provides an open space for the mid block alley and dedicated lands to the city and mohcd as certified this land can
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construct up to 98 dwelling units as of right and i'm going to turn it over to lisa to discuss the connecting appeal. >> thank you, ann marie sxooepd and members of the board i'm lisa the question you're considering today is whether the community plan exemption that was issued for the 2000 bryant street was prepared no longer to ceqa and the ceqa guidelines it was raised on the 16th street environmental impact report that was heard on july 26th the familiar issues specifically whether or not the growth projection and eir remained value for the subsequent projects the board denied the 16th street appeal affirming the
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