tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV September 19, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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start time. just finished a gao committee meeting. i'm supervisor normal yee and joined by david campos and supervisor kim is unable to join ust us today. the committee clerk is steve stamos and the committee like to acknowledge sfg tv who record each meeting and are jim smith and mark [inaudible] before we begin , motion to excuse jane kim from the committee meeting? okay. any objection? motion passed. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> there are no announce ments. >> so, why don't we start with
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item number 2? >> alright. item 2, approve the minutes of the june 30, 2016 meeting. this is actioniteal. item >> could i have a motion, please? no objection the motion passes. >> take a roll call vote on this. public comment >> public comment on the minutes for june 30th? no public comment. public comment is closed. and- >> roll call vote. commissioner campos, aye. commissioner yee, aye. the minutes are approved. >> okay. item 3, please >> item 3, recommend approval of the resolution urging the legal of california cities to adopt and implement vision zero to eliminate strafic deaths and
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priorities safety throughout california. this is action item. >> okay. so, there will be a meeting of the league of california cities, right? >> i'll give background. league meets every year. they are meeting this year in long beach it is october 5, 6 and 7. >> your name? >> sorry, kate breen, director from sfmta. the meeting has only this ruzlution which is interesting and sponsored by the city of san jose with the formal support of san francisco t freemont, west hollywood, santa monica, sacramento and san diego. i think having the support from the transportation authority would be important and hoping but not assuming that something that seems-it should be so easily supported it isn't always a slam dunk
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when you take it to other arenas so ask for your support. >> okay. i certainly will be supporting this, of course and it is important that we have additional supporters to let the cities know that we have teeth behind this. so, at this point any questions? no questions. then is there public comment on this particular item? come on up. >> good afternoon. cathy delukea the policy and program manager with walk san francisco and here to urge you to pass this resolution, urging the league of california cities to adoptsition zero. we think it will go along way to support
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the local efforts here and think it is really important for san francisco to have a strong presence at the meeting so we can talk about our vision zero work and answer questions, so i know you are already going this way but urge you to support it. thank you. >> and for the audience that don't know this san francisco is a vision zero city. where we have passed this policy a few years back and the city has taken this very seriously and hoping that we can center the rest of california share this type of vision that is important to our pedestrians. um, okay--so, any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. motion on this? >> yes, if i may chair yee, i do think it is a great idea to get the league of cities to do this and i think i'm hoping
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that it won't be too heavy a lift and make as great deal of sense so make a motion to move this item with positive rementdation >> no objection the motion passes. item 4. >> item 4, vision zero communication outreach updailt. this is information item. >> okay. >> good afternoon. john nox, acting manager for sfmta. we wanted to come and give a quick overview of the communications work and education work we have been doing on behalf of vision zero. presentation. mument media will stop along the way to play a couple things as well. knowing we are a little--
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our communications campaign is really about culture change. it isn't just behavior change it is changing culture. san franciscos culture to one that embraces and demands safety. this takes a shift in public perception. seeing things in a broader perspective than just one belaveier to change but understanding that cultural change takes time and we need to understand a lot more about what it will take. at the end of the day, our current goals are to insure people understand traffic safety is a problem on our streets but it doesn't have to be this way and a result of changes we make personally and also demanding policy and change in the communities. we know what are the root problems
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that are data driven and look at and identify what is happening on the streets and know a lot of the solutions so there is a way forward. it isn't a hopeless traffic is a problem. helping encourage people to get to the point where death in the streets not only saves lives but see it a more livable place for them sevl squz place they like to be. just came from the prowalk, probike conference and there was a discussion about the happy city. place where people want to be and feel good being in there. is and we need to work together as a broad community to achieve this. i wanted to-sorry. there we go. just quick-it stops here, safe streets sf. we were awarded the an award by the tucademy of interactive and visual arts in the social responsibility category. partner ship with department of
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public helthd, police department and city of san francisco and many others. i want to take a minute to recognize the work and celebrate the work we have done. this slide represents a lot of work currently hitting the streets now. you may have seen some of it. i provided the new outreach cards that came in today. some of the first people to receive them. we'll drop those by your officers so you can use them as well. um, let's see here--3 months ago [inaudible] talked about the safe speeds campaign and we have created on the streets and want to take a couple seconds to ply the thirt second video. it is running in english, chinese and spanish. i will play the english here today. it is about 30 seconds
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long. >> my car will take all most twice as long to stop so once you cros the treat and didn't have time to stop. i tried. but i was going too fast. i caused this funeral. now i have to live with that. speeding is a leading cause of traffic deaths of san francisco streets. the speed limit is 25 for a resin. stick to the minute. learn more atsition zero >> this was the result of a focus group that really we thousand dollar people were very surprised to find out speed was a impact in san francisco streets. everybody like the children of lake [inaudible] is above average driver so they can drive faster and control their car s and there a lack of understanding speed as a impact on the ability to stop in a physics sense. this campaign is really rolling out with the idea of trying to help people understand that even 5 miles a hour over the 25 mile hour
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speed limit doubles the chance you kill somebody if you hit them. this is a difference between 30 and 25. it is is accompnied by visual banner ads playing in san francisco. people who have been identified as likely drivers and people who are physically in the city of san francisco on cell phones, tablets and computers clicking on that will take you to vision zeeree sf page. supporting a lot of the radio and playing as we start the enforcement that will roll out next-go back. >> commissioner campos. >> quick question. very powerful. is it the same concept translated into spanish and chinese? >> it is on this one, yes. >> where is it playing? sort
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of like how many stations? >> it is playing on english during the drive time so times when people are driving not just in san francisco but into san francisco. the total traffic network is the english network, i cannot list all the stations, kqd is one of them but spanish is the same and -i'll have to send the specific stations. >> let me know the specific stations that will be great. >> happy to coo do that. >> good for you to give that information oo all our colleagues. >> absolutely, happy to do that. this campaign is also paired with high visibility enforcement. we will have starting in october police officers doing 132 hours of speed enforcement on high injury netdworks throughout the city. there will be one high visible enforcement every week
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on one corridor so it is moving throughout the city all parts the city will see this. it will likely be sergeant and up to 8 police officers any given time enforcing people driving through communities at high-speed. i want to-we will also have signage out there that is telling people what is happening so when they see people pulled over people are aware why. one thing we heard in the focus groups is people don't think speeding is a problem in because no gets a speeding ticket in san francisco. which brings to a slight side but important one which is equity. wroo t i know issues around enforcement and equity and social justice have come up a number of times. we are doing community outreach to make sure that they are aware what we are doing and make sure as we have high visibility enforcement in the
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larger enforcement operations going into communities there is a awareness what we are doing and worked with the community so make sure it is done in a way that is received positively because we want to make all communities receive the benefit the enforcement and don't want to do it there but very sensitive there are issues. part of our communications research was to fund a white paper on equity and vision zero through the vision zero net work. the draft is in comment circulation but center that in the next week or 2 and circument. two items is insureing we are aware of the impact of safety enforcement done tin communities especially athround national conversation and local conversation relate today enforcement and also the impact of the citations and fines and fees that are charged when people get tickets and are work wg sfpd as a mart part of the program to make sure diversion
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programs and others are readily available and that people are aaware there are ways if don't want to pay the citation but have trouble paying the citation to pay off the citation and not have it-we never want a speed citation to be a trade off between feeding jour family and paying because you were driving too fast. on a higher level this is the first of our outdoor media, the kill with kindness, not with collisions. part of the broader vision veero plesage and it does rnt have to be this way message. this again focus groups were very positive on this image. they really liked the fact it seemed to talk about the vulnerability of pedestrians without blaming anybody for that. they also liked the idea of it being asperational. we have founds in all the focus groups people are very proud of san francisco and really-not a surprise, but we are a place that people want
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to be great and so the more we can not chide but call on san franciscans to stand up and take pride and make safer streets people react very well with that. >> are these the bus stops? >> yes. is this just in english? >> this is currently in english only. we will have a chinese and spanish campaign as well. i'll explain why we had the that in a second because it is very important to this. additionally, we have the second campaign which is more of a problem in making the human connection. i want to be clear this is stock footage, not san francisco and not a real person t is a model but we are working with a number of families. possible up to 3 to actually take photo's at intersections where they lost loved ones and developed these
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images and agreed to let them [inaudible] this is a very emotional and personal issue and so can't share where we are at but hoping in the next couple weeks to have that and we'll start to put those in the neighborhoods and around the areas where these collisions are happening. so, another campaign is the year of speed. the department of public health was successful getting a safety grant for antispeeding campaign. part of that program was some posters up and mta garages, reminding people that are out on the streets and had a good time, they are dribeing out of that neighborhood and returning to where they are and remember that there are other people just like them in the community wanting to have a good time. we are not just doing advertising, we are also in the community talking to people. this is one of our
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other-we are doing outreach in chinese, spanish and english. one thing we are doing is collecting video stories from people talking about safe streets to share through the social media outlets. this takes a couple second said s to load up. >> [speaking spanish] >> as our outreaches team erize out we talked to over 1500 people one on one how they feel on the street right now to envision streets where they feel safe and trying to envision if they are not feeling safe in the higher injury network streets what would that street feel like if it felt safe. trying to help
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people in vision not only there is a problem but there is a direction to go and they can think of places where safe streets exist and see it is possible. when you look at behavior change theory people have to really believe in their soul it is possible before they are willing to take the steps whether it is advocacy or slowing down. before they are willing to take the steps to make the changes. we are working oen partnership. we have a pilot running through this year and looking for small business partners who are going to be displaying vision zero and safe streets at their business squz hopefully also offering freebees. small tokens of gratitude while people meet the outreach team. everybody is getting a reflective vision zero sf things and so if you go to to
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the copy shops partnering maybe you get 25 cents off a cup of coffee. we are working hard that it isn't just about free stuff. we are scg the business partners to make some sort of statement whether it is putting our materials at the front counter so people are really starting to see, it is not just the government or the advocates it is everybody at every leevl. level. >> quick question. we have dozens and dozens of community based organizations we work with and it is not just transportation but all of the city agencies that fund many of these groups and work with them, is there a idea of actually having every 1 of the community based organizations that has a relationship with the city putting out information about vision zero? >> absolutely. i think we are
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two slides away from that. i also want to point out in the bottom slides, this is safe streets for seniors program, which kicked off this year engaging seniors in really becomes actively involved and advocating for safe streets in the communitiesfelt we are funding safe routes to school, bike education classes for adults and children, walk to work week, we do promotion around that as well. we are trying to engage in partnerships with private organizations. we talked to 1500 residents and the goal is talk to 2 thousand by theened the year and doing that in multiple languages and throughout the city. >> when you do talk to the 2 thousand people, is it to get information or to educate them?
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>> i would say the primary is educate them and engage in thinking about safe streets but also are collected feed back about what they are hearing which is sent to the communications team and if issued are raised we pass them along whether enforcement or engineering folks. >> is there a subhch sub-set of people you talk to that are young people like high school kids? >> i will say the answer is yes . we are not picking and choosing who we are speaking to in a given space. we are not going out specifically and speaking directly to youth groups. we are engaging them through some of the speakers training that we are doing. i think the youth commission had a number of people who went through that so looking to do that and work with public health and the school district.
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the school district sits on the education subcommittee and very involved. we have coordinating meeting once a month with mta and public health to get the vision zero language out to parents and students. alright. just a example of some of the social media we are doing. we are tweeting and putting things on facebook daily. we are trying to engage both in the there is a problem and are solution jz also celebrate successs the city has and increasing our partnerships throughout the city to tell the stories of the various agencies that are supporting vision zero work.
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the speakers bruro training. we have a goal by the end of the year to have trained 250 community based organization leaders in how to talk about vision zero to engage in vision zero and to go back totheir group jz talk to their groups about vision zero. the idea is not bring people and tell them what vision zero is and hope they talk to people, but looking for people coming in spirfckly because they want to talk to their groups. we held i think 8 speaker bureaus training so far to date, we have one in chinese and spanish held in october and will continue a monthly training as we move forward to insure we not just get as many people in as possible but as new people come to the table we bring those people in. we are also using the training as a way to build communications networks so as we have calls to action or good information we can
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actually-we have a network to reach out to not only to share the news with but who have networks of their own they can then share that news as well. in addition, 19 agencies and departments in the city have gone through the trainings as well. over 60 city staffer were trained in order to talk to coworkers and also community groups on this. um, so lastly, we have our research and talked about berkeley media studies and used written media as a proxy for community conversations to determine how people are talking about traffic safety for the first time ever we have actually worked with them for their first time ever. they are doing a chinese media analysis. we just received our first nlsh report last friday, which will help us develop cultural comp tent creative for the
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vision zero chinese language campaign. it is very important not just to try to translate the english language, campaigns based on english language focus groups, we are findsing cultural differences in the way people talk about traffic safety. they did try to do analysis of spanish written media and think to everybodys surprise couldn't find articles about local traffic problems in the spanish media in san francisco. we are looking to fund hopefully research into radio and television to see where that is happening, the few storeies they found were much of a state and regional level and dealt with issues coming up in san hosay or the region as well. the subcommittee on education we talked about thampt there are cultural reasons for that, but we are planning to do more research to make sure we develop campaign materials and
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messages that are speak toog the people that they are hearing and not assume because we talk to 24 people who are english speakers that those who spend much of their lives speaking spanish that is where they are engaging and coming from the same place. and that --quick wrap up. we have the chinese and spanish language campaigns developed through this fall and hopefully launch as we go into the new year. we are updating awareness campaign so the its stop here campaign is continued to put out and continue to be put out and looking to developing new images around that. the education strategy has the pedestrian yield safe speeds and hopefully turning at intersections campaign will lead for years to come so we are really continuing to make sure people are aware of these issues and starting to take them in. we are starting new
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educational programs and materials. there is a new call for projects done for safe streets for seniors. families for safer streets. we are doing grassroots funding, mini grant contracts to fund groups to talk in their community about speed and effect of speed. and also we were successful receiving a new ots grant for motorcycle safety campaign which is the first time we have done education around motorcycle safety which is a very large prbl. more people die on motorcycles ever year than on bicycles every year in san francisco. we kill kick that off this fall. with that, any questions? >> i have a-just curious, the education written material outreach, are you-i don't know
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if this is a problem or not or-but with these what do you call the-they are like taxi. >> tnc >> it seems like sthra lot of the drivers and seem like [inaudible] would it make any sense to do outreach with these companies to ask them to also be part of the solution? like give the information to any new drivers they recruit? >> absolutely. we started those conversations. we have been in conversation with lift and uber about driver training programs . lift hopefully will roll out this fall agreed to offer all their drivers driving safely around people who bike
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and walk. the bike coalition helped develop the content and think it is good. uber is in the midst of developing that content and working i believe with bike coalition, walk san francisco and sfmta to at least get comments and also i know that they had a meeting with director riscon. i can't there so won't try to comment. it is on our radar and looking for ways to partner with them. >> another group might be tougher, but to maybe have discussion with the car rental companies also? >> that is on our list. we have so many things going we had to prioritize. we haven't-every time we look into issues where we think out of town dreeurfbs are a big cause, i mean people not coming from the county bay area, we haven't found a huge amount. we
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surprise ourselves when the cable cars who are stopped must be out of town because they don't know and it turns out the citations are given for people in san francisco. we have efforts with the rental car companies but prioritization and staff resources it is on the things to do but haven't started. >> one last thing, in regards to posters, are there any plans to-every driver-all most every driver unless they are electric will go to gas stations. will there be postings at gas stations? >> we have been looking to use the digital networks mptd it is a little more complicated than we initially thought but hoping next spring to be doing some messaging around that in those areas. definitely. a lot of
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the gas pumps have the screens that show commercials on it so we are looking to produce content possibly for that. >> or even having those signs put in their wall or whatever. >> absolutely. that is something i think we will-i'll go back after the meeting and make sure the outreach team is look toog do that. people who drive in san francisco, the digitalcome pains done one way that they can determine whether somebody drives is whether they are buying gas on their credit card. one of the creepier parts the technology companies out there but we are table to target our ads to people we know are drivering. we don't know. i have no idea who sees the ador what they are doing, i want to be clear about that. but, that is who will directly receive our anti speeding campaigns is people we have a high belief are driving in san
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francisco because they are here. >> okay. thank you. any public comments on this matter? or did-no. seeing no public comments, public comment is closed. thank you for the presentation and information. call item number 5. >> iletm 5, vision zeer a projects and initiatives. this is information item. >> mr. maguire. >> good afternoon. tom maguire. sustainable streets dreblther ota director at sfmta. vision where we put up a map portal showing all the high priority vision zero project frz the two year
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period. when we came in june we talked about prioritizing 57 projects that will reach mile stone squz completed in the next 2 years and will give a update especially things that got done and things on the horizon for completion this fall. talk about the next vision zero 2 year action strategy and maybe ask kate bren to give a update on the law enforcement. >> last june we have a on line portal mapping all the projects. per the request we got from you, we also put in a downloaded table so people that don't want to click through the map can download the procts and get the latest and greatest information about where the projects are. highlights that
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took place this summer. we began construction on the masonic avenue streetscape project. [inaudible] tame traffic on a north/south street and aprive muni connectivity and aortbig thing we completed this summer, we installedal and turned out 4 radar speed back signs in your district supervisor yee, [inaudible] finally we cuck pleated construction of a new road and east bound bike lane on golden gate avenue. golden gate avenue, while we fulfilled the mile stone we said we would meet we know from the first few months it probably will need more attention. we had violation of cars driving in the vike bike lane and continue to monitor that and look to make that more robust this fall. a few other projects in
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the interest of transaerns to talk about things we hoped we will get done this summer but in the fall instead. a few of the projects are slipping just most by a month or two, but will be done within this two year timeframe. broadway streetscape project we will break down next week. we hoped to get that started last month but will happen in september. the sutter street and webster street projects both are linked to much bigger utility and repaving projects as often the case in san francisco quh you try to fix utilities we pave the road and introduce traffic calming safety measures and sometimes find things under er the road you don't expect. we believe we will be a nunth or
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two behind butd will get them done this winter. this fall we have things on the list we are excited to get done. [inaudible] bicycle and pedestrian network will be putting in the bike lanes and pedestrian treatment and [inaudible] we will get that done early fall ahead of scheduleism we have safe routes to school in the tenderloin. church street between larkin and hide, two high crash locations and make the streets much safer and break glound on the polk street streetscape projects. as you said last time our list of projects is not just infrastructure. we have communications work john knox led us through. the most exciting thing happened in
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august is for the first time sfpd was able to meet the focus the 5 goals. in august 50 percent were issued for the 5 violations. that cause the most injurys and fatalities. it is great to see sfpd upping their game. we hope they will be able to continue that. couple other updates here. i won't go through all in detail, we have a few things coming up this fall including a motorcycle education campaign. motorcycle safety is a important part of vision zero. disproportionly motorcycle riders fatalities and injurys considered how small a portion of traffic they make up in san francisco. backbone data and
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analysis to update high injury network and get the injury surveillance system up and running so we see the all those injurys coming through and understand the full scope of the safety issue. skip this slide and ask kate to come up in a moment. this is updating action strategy. hard to believe two years ago we came here to tell you about the first two year action strategy that kicked off in the spring of 2015. stwing of 2017 is coming up so need to refresh the stratany. we will meet to refresh the list in the fall and have a new list to bring in early 2017 and make sure we have engagement with folks outside the city family. it is important it doesn't knb come a echo chamber among the agencies so will discuss at the vision zero task force meetings where
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we meet with the city agency squz hold a public meeting october 11 at city hall and that is a opportunity for anybody to get involved in san francisco. can you show up, share views where the city should put their injury and what ish oo ish issues to take on and have a opportunity for people to participate on line. next week we have our task force meetding where we meet with non city stakeholder jz get the publics view on how things are going with vision zero. october 11 is taskforce meeting and another meet ging [inaudible] >> thank you for your report and also want to thank sfmta for doing projects that are not
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on the list that are completed i guess with these interactive speed radars in district 7. people are really happy about those. >> glad to hear it. >> okay, thank you. >> can i have my colleagues talk about the [inaudible] >> you may. >> good afternoon, kate breen, sfmta. we talked about the topic at veryious time squz think it is a good time to reflect at the end of the two year session that changing state law takes time and it is really only with sort of constant leadership and unwavering support on this particular issue from both the transportation authority, the board of supervisor jz the mayor collectively we are able to continue to make progress. so, i thank you for that. really the work that we are doing on this and i'll just take this afternoon to share we are at, it is a campaign. we are guided working with the
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transportation authority staff and our own organization along with the advocates we meet on a biweekly basis to stay on track with the campaign we developed thmpt campaign itself is framed at with a solid understanding where historically the opposition on the use of cameras for enforcement lies and having those conver sations now. having those conversations obviously we started this last year, but we were not able to get a author in the past session. the session is over and looking towards a new two year legislative session and despite the fact august was a busy time for members of the legislature there were organizations we chose to sit with early enough so we can hear their concerns and issues and do we have a place to reach an agreement and despite that busyness they expressed gratitude we were starting this
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early. when i say this early i feel i have been doing this a long time but resetting the clock toward the next session. i note as a side the transportation authority staff shared with us their tracking of vision zero interest and note there is complete alignment with the san francisco municipal transpor tation authority and over the past session that fall into the category of vision zero. looking forward we know the legislature has a macro interest in better road safety and safety for road users, it is trying to fit our efforts on vision zero and particularly on automated speed enforcement into that framework rather than having it seen as a out lier proposing. the action that you took earlier today relative to support for the league on vision zero is a example of the kind of state wide effort we will need to establish a
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foundation of support with organizations that are either neutral or already in our camp so when legislation does come forward that is vision zero supportive, we have the ground work laid to go back to the the organizations and get them to weigh in. i'm happy to share more on the campaign. >> on that note, a number of us san francisco has seats on regional transportation agencies that also have their own legislative agendas, mtc, golden gate bridge and others are we talking to them to make sure they are making the issues priorities as they push in sacramento and dc? >> we are doing . we asked for including support for vision zero related legislation in
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their legislative program and will do the same again this year. i like your suggestion about golden gate bridge. they run the bridge so have highway interests as well. i will make a specific point to reach out to that organization as wem. thank you. >> thank you. >> there are 4 that sit on the board. >> on golden gate bridge. ? great. thank you. >> your out reach to discuss the speed- >> automated speed enforcement? >> yeah, what are the concerns you are hearing. >> you know, it is interesting, palot of the concerns are ones that sort of follow this iges issue. they center to do with privacy and data collection. those issues seem to be not as the forfront now and the at
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mosphere has changed around priferbacy. the fundamental issue tooz responds to is this a tool that proven that is about changing behavior and not about raising revenue or generating revenue for the general fund or for any other purpose other than covering the cost of the program and the to the extentd above and beyond put it [to safety investment. i would say that is number one. it is dependent what organization you are talking about, but traditionally motorist organizations have not been supportive, but if you sit down and talk about where those concerns lie, you start to peal back the presumptions and preexisting positions that are not necessarily founded in fact. it st. the work to be done is the education that we have to do that is i think starting to make a difference. >> appreciate your effort and
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ever time we drive across the bridge and use fast track or whatever there is the same information that is collected anyway. >> thaurng. thank you. >> did i ask for public comment on this? come on up. >> good afternoon again commissioners. cathy delukea from walk san francisco. um, we are excited to see all the projecktds that are breaking ground and all the amazing communications work that being done around vision zero. i didn't speak about that but we are excited to see the vision zero message getting across the city and raise aing awareness and hopefully change thg culture this is in our control. on the flip side, disappointed to see projects are delayed
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still. we have no time to waste, we are not getting closer to goal. disappointed we haven't got ase passed and worked on this with the city and still working hard but we really need this tool. we are look frgward to the two year action strategy. hopefully it will give a chance to change course and adjust what we are doing to pick things that are really having a impact so look forward-the department of public health is evaluating vision zero so looking what we are doing and what is working and not and hopefully we can use that data it be effective because we got to move. i would say anything you can do to help us move in your districts or as a city, we really need your leadership. >> thaurng. any other pub luck comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item number 6. >> item 6, mayors executive
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directive on achieving vision zero. this is information item. >> good afternoon. luis, montoya the liverable streets director with sfmta. i want to talk about the mayors executive director. 19 people lost their lives on san francisco streets so far this year. june 22, we experienced two particularly horrific deaths of two woman bicycleing. one in golden gate park and one south of market area. in response to these ongoing the persistent traffic deaths we see, the mayor issued the executive directive to refocus our efforts to give us specific goals to focus on in the near term and also make sure that we are focusing on the areas where the two women were killed. there are 13
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areas and range from safety infrastructure on the streetss to also the education work you heard about today as well as making our city vehicles safer and making sure we educate our city workers. i want to talk about the various infrastructure measures in the executive directive. starting out the mayors has really set the bar high for us. saying we should be installing the highest achievable safety measures on the high injury networks. the high injury netdworks are the areas of san francisco where we know we have collision problems and we really need to make sure we are investing in the insfru infrastructure. the mayor asked to increase the annual goal of mileage of saelft infrastructure on the streets from 13 miles to 18 miles.
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this is specific goal in the executive directive around protected bikeways to implement 3 projects in the near term for producted bikewaysism we are shooting for a number of more projects . this shows 13 miles of existing protective bikewaysism we have projects in the pipeline in soma, on the boarder with the mission, and these are really the-air eyes where we see a lot of craushs and growing bicycle in volume and want to take quick action to get the protective bikeways on the streets. here are updates on projicts we hope to take to the board this fall. they are under interdepartmental review. we are haveic a public meeting for 7th and 8th street promect later this month and work with neighbors on the rest the projects in the next coming
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mupths. >> can i ask a quick question? how do we get-i'm interested getting more protective bikeways in district 9, how do we do that and encourage you to make sense to so many people the mission and district 9 and bruno height saz priority, how do we make that happen? >> we is a plan here and don't have a slide on it for investment in bicycle infrastructure throughout san francisco especially in the mission where there is a lot of bicycleing and collisions mptd our approach is to pick the corridors where we know want people to bicycle and go corridor by corridor and work with neighbors to figure the most appropriate solution for those streets. i would say we will come to your office with our plans for investment in your district and have the conversation how to work with neighbors to figure how to get
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protective bikeways on the streets. >> great, we look forward to doing that, just let us know when i reedy to go. >> great. thank you. aums the silet also site of a tradagy june 22 is golden gate park. golden gate park is a tresh frr san francisco. a place for people bring their families from all around the region and the world. but the streets there are designed to allow speeding in many cases. they are overly wide or where there is not parking on the week days or evenings we see folks speeding through. we want to work with park stakeholders and neighbors around the park and rec and park department on a hol istic plan to reduce speeding throughout the park and also reduce it as a attractive cut through for folks who are maybe cutting between the richmond and sunset
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or going east and west. as a near term measure as we kick off the larger conversation for safety in the park we will move forward immediately with a plan for speed humps on the western segment of jfk. where mrs. mills was killed. this is where we know there is speeding and we can do something because speed humps are very effective and proven to reduce speeding. we are doing what we can and hope to have the speed humps installed in november. >> how many? >> ten. >> where would it be again? >> we are focus the first 10 speed humps between transverse and the great high way. and then like and said, through the communeky community process we
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will diss discuss if speed humps are appropriate for other parts of the park and other measures we can do throughout the park as well. also, as part the executive directive we are directed to do special analysis about the vulnerable street users youth, seniors and people with disabilities. where do the folks get hit and what can we do to help them? this will dove tail with programs we are doing with outreach. safe streets for seniors program which is ongoing and has funding thanks to add backs from the board of supervisor jz safe routes to school partnership which works with the school community educate children and families and school stakeholders. this analysis will-along with outreach from those programs will advise the capital projects. where to do the safety invest ment, how to
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direct the safety programs to address the specific need of these vulnerable users. and lastly for today, just that the mayor calls to make sure we are transparent and that we are irk work wg communities on all these initiatives, so we will give regular project updates through this committee, but also on our website, through our board, making sure we give regular update ons the near term initiatives we are directed to achieve but also to give folk as chance to weigh in and share how we can do this better. thank you. >> okay. commissioners campos? >> quick question. i know i have >> to run quickly, but i thank you to the mayor for the
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directive-executive directive. and that covers all city and countyagys and employees but doesn't cover all the government agencies, so wondering whether or not we have approached superintendent of schools, 115 schools. they have transportation and a number of things as well and also city college, the chancellor of whether we have asked them to issue a similar directive? >> yeah, that is a great idea. we have been work wg other like the port and other related groups but you are absolutely right, working with those groups is great. >> thank you. any public comment on the item? come on up, jans. >> commissioners thank you so much for putting this on the agenda for today. obviously
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the event of june 22 were very difficult for everyone who lived in san francisco and there was a out cry of anger and frustration and lot of feelings that came out that i was copied on and you should have seen my inbox, about 1500 e-mails including 200 hand written letters to the mayor and so after a month long of conversations with the mayors aufs along with sfmt a and orelt others we are thrilled the mayor has taken a step but we know the hard work only begins now and incumbent on all to make sure the commitments are seen through and very pleased at what luis presented to hurry up the projects. i think that is what we hear most is there a real need for the city to be more nimble and more responsive so we are glood glad
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to hear there is very data driven effort to make sure there is a comprehensive and strong way to make sure our streets are changing for the better and not just small changes but thinking about next generation of what our street design infrastructure can look like. so, i think here is the trying to figure out where the ta and commissions or board of supervisors can move the pieces forward and insureing [inaudible] are taken care of whether through legislation [inaudible] we appreciate your xhilt and the discussion here. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello again. cathsy dulukea from walk san francisco. i was reminded walk san francisco and bike coalition are partners in the safe routes program and another partner is the school district so the person in the school district can talk to had
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superintendent and make the link so we'll work on that. in termoffs the mayors executive director we are excite today see the commit. no time like the present. we really need this. we are thrilled to #150e see the seniors and folks with disabilities prioritized. we started vision zero coalition to focus on these issues with the trashes on [inaudible] we will work with the city on identifying these hot spots and coming up with improvement said. the part the directive we are really really interested in is sth high quality safety infrastructure. we want to see that happen in real life. now we are not seeing that and a good example is the eltaraval project which includes a pilot portion where boarding islands will not be included mpt . instead of that the city proposed painting some word on
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the travel lane that says, yield to pedestrians. that is not high quality infrastructure and won't keep people safe. that isn't in lie with the mayors directive so the city takes this directive seriously and builds robust projects that keep people safe. i always think my time is up when that happens, but it is not but i'm finished. j thank you. any oretd public comment? seeing none. public comment is closed. item 7. >> item 7, introduction of new items. >> none. any public comment on no items? seeing none public comment is closed. item 8. >> general public comment. >> any general public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. item 9.
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>> item 9, adjournment. >> thank you very much everybody. [meeting adjourned] >> well, good morning everybody welcome to the transit hub in san francisco that is reeling hub i wanted to say good morning to everybody our san francisco city and county conducted a study and a recognition part of our local and regional transit report
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viewing 2030 what we all had to do to help the residents our regional would it be fair to say and businesses all succeed using the great notion of increasing and improving our entire public trappings system one of they're very specific recognitions that i had the privilege of focusing on with supervisor wiener's leadership has been our night life late night and early public morning transportation system you you know we have a great economy in good a great part the 15 thousand people that need to use public transit that are part after a $50 million revenue stream for you will have our night life proclamations hotels, the bars, the hospitals and all
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the workforces there and everything this is open 24/7 we understand and know that the workforce is not just limited to people to live in san francisco in fact, because of the increasing expensiveness there is for housing and by the way, this is going to be a site of a 100 percent affordable housing in the near future where we move own over to the transbay center we're trying to build as much affordable housing in the city we need to know where people are living and how they need to get to work and by the way, in this 2030 transit study we had made we knew the workforce regional probably going to be people that are working second jobs and sometimes third jobs question we cannot simply force them to use air cars to help or force them to buy vehicles that is a
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workforce that needs our support and recognize to make sure that they can get to work or have visitors or all the kinds of things this 50 thousand person industry and $50 million world of revenue stream needs our support on i am especially thankful to the regional transit agencies that we've had the privilege of working with ac transit and bart and golden gate and along with our own san francisco muni transit agency all ushering together under the umbrella working with the mtc, our municipal transit commission finland funds to extend the services like our outline service i think our drivers are going to be proud of and i know we'll talk about in a minute
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that's what we're going locally but all the agencies working together have fund funding to reach where workers and people live and those extended hours of operation 4r0k9 routes throughout the bayview and the east bay has been credible part of 24 service to support the late night shifts and the early morning shifts of you're working folks i get to announced this effort because part of our 2030 vision plan for san francisco was to make sure that we give attention to the programs that we're creating and that the reasons why we're treating e creating this is because we need to sustain this workforce and recognize they're working all hours of evening and supporting their effort through public
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transportation public transportation throughout all the modes i've identity one of the grandfather equalizer in the prosperity economy we're doing if we don't do this we'll leave a lot of people out of success of our big economy being so hot we've got to get people to work and again, i say a great equalizer those are working families second and thirds jobs their probably doing and making pretty good money i'm increasing nor night life activities whether mid market street day and night life and all the housing in the city that want to operate at all hours i'm very proud of the agencies the regional transit agencies we're working with and get that bar bonds passed; right? but we need support i need to be out
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with ac transit and golden gate our own sfmta to make sure that everybody knows we're going to cover those gaps with all levels of transit extensions along with helping bart and helping your regional transit centers with a great transit center we're building and completed in the next few years ago at this time and right now it is about many workforce and the visitors that use late night transit we have to give them a very affordable addition to the way they get to work and the way they get back to their families safe at night and have is extended you are hours make sure we publicize that a great system with that, i get to introduce someone that is a little bit reason turn around me literally on all things to do with transit and small businesses by the way, i want to
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make sure i mentioned that our small businesses with the great beneficiaries of this this is their would it be fair to say we're talking about but supervisor scott wiener has been a point person on the vision the 2030 pain and suffering with me on vision zero projects partnering with me on the mtc and all the other agencies that kind of help with the bay area discussion around our transit needs and making sure that we're do know all the right things in the city let me traffic introduce a great supervisor supervisor wiener >> (clapping.) >> great. >> thank you thank you, mr. mayor this is really exist today because it brings together two of my absolute passions
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transportation and our night life economy our night life for people having fun and working and two areas that are often been neglected and i have the honor of service on the board of supervisors and sharing our community transportation authority and also representing san francisco on the municipal transportation commission. >> thank you to mayor ed lee for appointing me to the mtc and for years and working on night life issues what we hear over and over both from business owners from workers from patrons is that that is just two hard to get around at night that our transit system shut down even before the shut down serve becomes incredibly inadequate until ridership came along good luck getting a cab at the
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2:00 a.m. when the bars shut down and it was good hard getting around i held a hearing we started to hear from workers that we're talking about how do i goat home late at night with 200 or $300 with tips in my pocket without getting robbed and the anthsdz of getting to bart before that is closed we started hearing from business owners and from aprons and people in night life and so i authored legislation to create a late night transportation working group to require a planning process a wonderful, wonderful group off people came together for a year it is actually still functioning and putt together a great road map thank you to the entertainment commission and your community transportation authority and the office of economic workforce development for reilly clovis on that plan and recommendations a
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lot of things including the eventual prize the second bart service that but in the meantime before we get to the promise land dooekd one of those thing is better overnight bus service and make sure that people know about the in fact, habituate and thank you to golden gate transit and stem tram for coming together to say that is one integrated network we need to move together to expand that overnight bus service and i want to thank the metcalf's forces stepping up to support the martha campaign to promote to late night service to the public to help to fund but but also to provide tens of millions of dollars to help the transit agencies expand they've over night bus service we've seen all
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the transbay routes create and muni has capacity it's overnight outline services making it easier and easier to get around at night and give people confidence had the bars close at two or three or 4 or 5 in the morning they're actually able to get around that is exciting we need to promote this marketing campaign that will permanently hope people don't know i thought to housing unit to 511 in helping the public it access this information about the transit service with that, i want to call up people the president of the board of directors of the ac transit one of the key partners in making sure the people could a get across the bay in the middle of the night. >> thank you, supervisor wiener and mayor ed lee my name is chris i'm an elected at large
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director of at transit and the president we're pleased to be part of the effort to encourage the late night work and play in san francisco and oakland question he provided some service but because former senator included us in measure 2 had service with was inadequate i want to absolute supervisor wiener's lairp in putting together the late night working groups that vastly increased the service bart paid for it and bart tom who is president of the bart board is the director for the mission area and he was very revolved in that my former colleague now the ocean boulevard city council
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rebecca helped we have pretty good service on the west side of the east bay we had some problems in the some of the routes that went further out but i think this effort this publicist effort is very important so everybody thinks whether you're coming to pirate or work over here, whether our cleaning up after people that need to get home at 3:00 o'clock in the morning there the transit available and absolute supervisor wiener for all the work and this publicist effort means many more people will permanently be aware of the possibilities of getting around after midnight. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so one of the things that we when we started to project we were first focused on patrons
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getting home on the bart and the clubs closing at night and started focusing more than on workers when they get off work late another night one thing we've not focused on originally but know an issue a number of people that are going to work early in the morning to help you city activate and come to life and the challenges people face getting to work early in the morning i want to bring up karen the owner of mission pie one of the neighborhood businesses that is baking early early in the morning and talk about she's a great participated in the task force and like to say invite her up. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, supervisor wiener and mr. mayor i've been listening to everyone speak i've
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been stressed by how much u how much has happened not last couple of years this is not a new problem but a problem rooted in historic planning in the region that has maybe only increasing low needed to be inclusive and co- hey a lot of the transit systems are really great individually but we're designed and envisioned at a time when service workers lived in their community as the affordability in our region changes and the demographics follow that change more and more and more people are traveling longer danced to get to work our records center in our shop coming from vallejo the mission district and unlike large cities like new york that built unified systems we're struggling to overcome the
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legacy that once made sense and not now i'm so excited we hear other people talk about early morning needs which is sort of a recent quiet voice at the table actually not quite - to reflect on the change that you know a year ago i couldn't tell the people that work in our business without with who vision i won't function i couldn't give them an answer and the people this they're first week of work uninvariable were late on the weekends and shocked to discover there was no way to get if the east bay to work on time and now there it is a so concrete and incredible but but every relationship including the
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relationship between a worker and they transit provider is a relationship of trust that may sound strange we have to keep the cheer on about these changes because it will permanently take people some time to really have faith in something not been there before and fundamental issue in the region of economic justice that everybody in every kind of working job has access to their job at any time of day or night thanks to everyone that has been working on this. >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> okay. so thank you, everyone for being here today and great step forward and not the last implementing those recommendations until we get to a truly twenty-four hour transit
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streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the san francisco public utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and they're even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 percent less energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and
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repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every san francisco street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious as day turns good morning. [in san francisco department of emergency management and we are excited to be here today for this event. today is bark at the park. we have a saying the first time we exchange a business card shouldn't be during a emergency [inaudible] san francisco fleet week is sth only freet week in the nation that combines the [inaudible]
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with disaster response training. we have military, public service and community suvs dogs here to demonstrate their capabilities. rescue demonstration, bomb detection. we also have community suvs dogs here from can 9 compan jn [inaudible] have come back from over seas [inaudible] you will see a wide range of activities. >> this is seth and he is [inaudible] into my person >> my name is nob naib this is my military working dog fredy, she is a search dog and that means he has the capability to work on and off the least to locate [inaudible] he will be doing basic obedience. >> we have [inaudible] moving around, going around going
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around [inaudible] you have to center have the dog that says i smell it but where is it now? [inaudible] boarder protection agriculture special ist and work out of san francisco international airport with my dog floid. floid is a 6 year old beagle trained to [inaudible] inbound international flights. today boid floid will do a demonstration what he does at a airport so we'll have [inaudible] see if he can find them in the busyness [inaudible] floid is what we call a [inaudible] response dog so while we search passengers arriving floid will sniff bags and sit on a bag if he thinks they have fruit in the bag. floid as been on [inaudible]
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wiener and commissioner peskin we're joined by supervisor yee i want to recognize the clerk is clerk victor young also want to get a shout out to the nona melkonian and others for 0 broadcasting madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the september 27th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> great, thank you thank you. can you call item one. >> ordinance for the planning code for the rezoning ever midtown from the designated designation as residential house, one family to residential house attached detrimentally. the zoning map for lot number 8 from the designation as public
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to rh1 >> thank you supervisor yee is joined us he's the sponsor of the item and lead the discussion did i welcome supervisor yee. >> thank you chair cohen and thank you for having this item before you you today the midtown terrace homeowners association over a year ago talked about the incorrect zoning in the neighborhood current was zoned as rh1 the homes are detached and fit rhd-1 and we encourage the association to conduct comprehensive issues to make sure the zoning amendment r amend was agreeable after month long outreach the association was ready to move forward with a request the planning department and the commission unanimously support
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the decision to correct the zoning of this neighborhood so today, i hope you'll support the request to rectify to accountant the midtown and the retain detached homes thank you very much and . >> i have a number of speakers a staff presentation supervisor yee. >> oh, welcome. >> good afternoon, supervisors aaron starr, manager, legislative affairs. this fits the zoning map error by the single-family homes homes public and this changes that to rhd-1 the different between rh1 and rhd-1 that allows the setback of 25 feet and wider and one unit in a lot area with the
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conditional use authorization rhd-1 for one unit no matter how large the lots theirs excluded the properties have the rh1 with the program the planning commission heard this and voted to recommend approving the proposed ordinance it fits within the rhd-1 district because the neighborhood was developed as a single-family dwelling development with single detached homes the commission found the zoning towards the frontage will eliminate the possibility of two unit per lot with more than 6 thousand square feet and 28 property are 38 percent to take advantage and finally, the commission found there was significant support and that concludes my remarks
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i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you for your remarks supervisor yee any other questions. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much so regarding this legislation we've received quite a bit of community feedback the only question in terms of whether homes are detached or not and rh1 or rhd-1 for deattached is not the main issue right now before rh1 or rhd-1 single-family home i know for a long, long number of lots the issue of 3 thousand square feet that impacts almost no lots the bigger issue is around a recent adopted accessary dwelling legislation that supervisor peskin had offered a verse and supervisor farrell and i offered a version and moving forward with harmony and in that
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legislation rhd-1 is not covered whereas, rh1 is so right now as we sit here today midtown terrace was included in the accessary dwellings legislation if it is rezoned as rhd-1 i don't have an issue with it would take mid town terrace out of the accessary dwelling legislation that's a concern that i have i understand that in the legislation we adopted it references rhd-1 the state accessary dwelling legislation i believe and says it applies, of course, it applies for the stuart local law regardless of what we said my understanding please for the planning department correct me if i am wrong i don't believe any accessary dwelling has ever been permitted in other 125i9
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aau law. >> you're right not that i know of any proposed under status and not entirely sure how to permitted those but working on those now because of ordinance. >> i believe the adu laws has been in effect in 30 or 35 years. >> since 1980 and zero permitted under that measure and planning department sitting here is not sure how that works as we have legislation that that board a 10 to one vote passed that creates a process building on local legislation throughout the adu's you'll be interested in i have i'll read this now and will be an oral amendment to address that issue and basically mroudz provides the rezoning district
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from rh1 and rhd-1 will not impact the applicablely accessary dwelling legislation but will provide this neighborhood with what it is seeking based on the e-mails i'm concerned received to preserve the side setbacks and for people not following that adu a long widening pathway this provides for owning an existing envelope i'll read for all lots proposed to be zoned from rh1 to rhd-1 the prohibition of all day long an accessary dwelling is for this and apply that allows for the rezoning of rhd-1 to maintain the setback with side setbacks rirmentsdz but maintain fully intact the local allowance for accessary dwellings that
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currently applies in the town terrace to maintain today's status quo for adu's in the town terrace so that's an amendment i would to put on the floor and listen to public comment and discuss other things. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> supervisor peskin to supervisor wiener this may be 6 and one-half a do so of the other the state provisions not with standing i guess two things popped to mind first of all, i do believe that you are one of the authors or co-authors of the legislation that was put on the ballot and we worked out in the chambers that actually created the rhd-1 expectation to interesting enough the two competing piece of legislation
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one that covered rhd-1 with adu's and you are the author i believe or co-author of the piece of legislation that ended up we marked them with the provision that says controls on construction that is accessary dwelling in the rhd-1 shall be modify bids the california government code so, i mean if this is your policy rational relative to adu's i'm not sure why something that is being - i don't want to say rezoned district as the proper zoning nomenclature it 14 have been rhd-1 ultimately i don't care i was those the other side of adu's i wanted them citywide but didn't matter of political and
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community protocol as far as it is the midtown terrace association that brought this to the district supervisor i'll ultimately defer to what the association that has been through this year along process and gotten an unanimous decision wants and the districts supervisor that represents them wants but doesn't matter. >> through the chair absolutely i'm concerned had a good relationship with the rhd-1 relationship i'm respectful of those working relationships how have this is different this is expanding existing rhd-1 neighborhood and an argument should have been zoned many decades ago it was not and zoned rh1 i was willing in terms of
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the existing rhd-1 neighborhoods we're 20 percent of the overall housing stock to work with the neighborhoods but have concerns about expanding the adu local prohibition i understand your point but think this you know with respect my perspective is a reasonable one thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> yes. what i like to do supervisor wiener's is to give time for me to look at your amendment language that you're proposing i understand the concept and the argument that again, this is something that is a correction was always buildings have not changed they're pretty much an rhd-1 i'm going to be open to our
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amendment but need time i want to go back when i worked with the midtown terrace association they did a good job in reaching out to people to say ask them do you want your supervisor to work and pretty much was a yes to allow for them i want to allow them to make the decision but this is difficult to just make an amendment today and i think that we reach out to the residents and the on problem with this one can make the argument in one of these neighborhood associations zoned rhd-1 hey this changes this changing for us and so that's opening the door in the other direction there is
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a possibility that we'll start seeing that will be inconsistent throughout the city in terms of what we're saying and depend on what category may be different that's the danger of what we're representing. >> supervisor wiener. >> through the chair i appreciate that and i will continue the dialogue on this i guess you know in the end this is about not down zoning in terms of the and the existing that neighborhoods where adu's and sitting here accessary dwellings new ones are allowed in the mid town terrace i have a concern taking that away i'm concerned received a number of e-mails from the midtown terrace the jest of the e-mails is fairly consistent about the side sergeants and the concern a
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good-sized single-family home will be turned into a bigger single-family that property line to property line instead of the setback that's the concern i read xresdz in the e-mails and the rezoning with the circulation this is not taking away the existing adu allowance i think that accomplishes what i seen in the numerous e-mails but look forward to the public comment. >> all right. with that said go ahead and go to public comment ladies and gentlemen, two minutes to speak you'll hear a soft chime a reminder you have thirty seconds remaining i have a stack of cards i'll call names
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(calling names). >> david you can start. >> my name is david a 9 year resident of midtown terrace and former member of the hoefrmz association and one of the preliminary proponents of this action our neighborhood is primarily interested in preserving the character of the neighborhood and found in the recent years a threat a number of applications coming through recently that have property development not property line and on the planning department and said we oppose this they said our hands are tied those applications are meeting the zoning designation so that was our impuss he and your primary impetus and say that note an
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issue on the adu not a part of plan to effect the adu's in any way so i guess the only thing that i would say in your neighborhood is rhd-1 then i will say we should apply the appropriate zoning and then apply the outlet regulations as they apply to the zoning, however, it is much more important to me that we chuch the protection of the detached character of the neighborhood than for me to argue if we're under state or city regulations i've had conversations with the planning department with members of the planning department that are i'm told are experts and assured me that applications will be approved under the state
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adu regulations they're working on how that will happen and whether or not they have the support so personally representing midtown terrace it is important to have an amendment - >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is rick president of the mid you town terrace homeowners association wouldn't go back into the saurments they've been eloquent want to assure you we've done extensive outreach our primary position to preserve the character of the neighborhood and one that goes every sunday to the all the open houses to make sure that the realtors know about the
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association i have to tell you they don't go to houses not having adu in the garage having said that, again as please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, ma r mcadam said it is about the setbacks and the character of the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm joits lived in the midtown terrace since 1997 and i want to thank supervisor cowen and supervisor peskin and supervisor yee for supporting us and thank to supervisor wiener for thinking about this in terms of the legislation i think when we started it over two years ago and in the last year worked with supervisor yee to bring together the information that adu difference for our rh1 and rhd-1 didn't exist at the time, we
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were putting this together and it was through supervisor wiener actually responding to any e-mail that i became personally that will make a change and many of the homes in mid-town terrace have in-law units and no intention to stop them but the intuition to stop the construction for lot lines and logging our green space we want to retain our dwe attached character i'm perl very much in favor of the amendment in that again, when we started this no discussion about changing the freedoms of the homeowners with respect to adu's and i think that is new legislation that you put-down before into zoning and caught us by surprise and really
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thank you for an ability to be flexible and think of a woo to help us with the rhd-1 and still hell the owners and city with adu's. >> thank you i called up - norm great and followed by (calling names). >> if anyone else who i have not called please get in line thank you. >> thank you, supervisors my name is norm and my husband and i have been over 25 years of mid town terrace and joined with the previous speakers in their arguments and to approve the proposal to correct our zoning i want to mention one word on
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the discussion on the potential amendment to the legislation i know supervisor yee probably has concerns if an amendment is and so forth there be a similar outreach to our community to make sure they're still an agreement with that type of change and as one of the people that went dooerd to ma changes i'm willing and anticipating the difficulty it might be to explain the nuances of that type of distinction between what we will be zoned rhd-1 as opposed to to allowing the exemption to the adu program i'll suggest that you might take into account
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