tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV September 19, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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the discussion on the potential amendment to the legislation i know supervisor yee probably has concerns if an amendment is and so forth there be a similar outreach to our community to make sure they're still an agreement with that type of change and as one of the people that went dooerd to ma changes i'm willing and anticipating the difficulty it might be to explain the nuances of that type of distinction between what we will be zoned rhd-1 as opposed to to allowing the exemption to the adu program i'll suggest that you might take into account
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substance what difference the type of adu program under the state how if it is more restrictive or less restrictive than the city's program and substantively not that much different i'll urge you to see if the rezoning can occur and denominator that amendment is necessary and thank you for your time in looking at this and wanted to express my presentation to supervisor yee for this to get to the point where we're at today thank you very much. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i think that midtown terrace should be an rhd-1
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i also would like to mention that i don't see at this time a need for an amendment to accomplish you did a great job on one six 2, 16 and state law that is - an accessary dwelling in an rhd-1 zone district shall be loudly on mandated by a ordnance of the california government code basically this is a standard second units that include that are not limited to parking, height and setback and lot coverage and architectural review and maximum size of units and the adverse impacts on any real property listed in the california registration of
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historic places given that i feel there is no need for on amendment the supervisors had a chance to put those two opposing pieces of legislation and came up with one rhd-1 separate that is fine the city and community shall allow us to tie in our rhd-1 but given the state law and the reference for the state law no reason for an amendment at this time thank you very much. >> great, thank you. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, supervisors thank you for your work i'm gordon and been a resident a native san franciscan and been a
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resident of midtown since 1987 and in 1984 thanks to the health of my parents my husband and i bought a home i just i'm going to repeat would everyone has spoken about i think that is clear that the neighborhood want this zoning correction made i don't want to see it delayed whether or not it is an amendment tonight or today and gets approved forthwith the issue of the adu is really secondary to the issue of maintaining a neighborhood and nipping in the bud any application to have to fight people are not clever enough to see how to expand their homes without impinging on people's
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you privacy tell you that needs to be focused this is about continuing the rh1 character and the ada is an issue not important enough to delay this i spoke briefing with any friend of mine john rahaim and said that's an issue with the adu's is not a problem so i'm speaking this is not the right thing we need to get the zoning corrected and fixed and avoid people going to the building department and use the plan checkers time for the building mcmansions on the relatively few lots i want to thank the homeowners group i'm concerned not been active but feel horrible we're getting our
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15 - >> thank you. next speaker. >> (calling names). >> hi, i'm dana renter in the city and want to say that you should oppose this zoning the reason i want to see that because i look at the website and the main reason people are proposing they say the existing zoning will lower the property values in case you've lived under a rocky want you to remember the medium home value is one million basically 90 percent of the residents can't afford so what we'll be doing by down voting this ethic basically, let's wait for the hyper valuable urban space so for the benefit of a few rich landowners at the expense of renters who are disproportionately young and
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less wealthy i'm disappointed to see none in the room none from the affordable housing activists from low income like the mission or the bayview they normally show up to oppose the new market-rate housing in their own neighborhood they say the rich should live somewhere else this is rich with high property values and in so doing on up zoning for more housing to get built and absorb some of the people putting the pressure on the gentrification we have a down zoning and making it hard to have the pressures on protecting communities that's not right so, please oppose this down zoning thank you. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, commissioners korea smith on
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behalf of the three hundred members of the housing coalition i'll be speaking to this purely in terms of of the production of the accessary dwellings and took the thank you a long time to pass the legislation to allow adu's and not want to do anything that inhibits a person's ability to build flats on the property adu's are can he recall in the neighborhood and will continue to be there i'll seriously encourage the conversation regarding the amendment and induce as the staff report pointed out 96 percent of properties in the neighborhood will fall under the state adu laws it's okay to build a small, small percentage of land try to make sure everything is done the right way and wrap up in legislation
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that's all that i thank you very much. >> harry thompson? >> hi my wife and i have been homeowners of the terrace and part of neighborhood were the trees and the deattached places we've seen two incidents i know of where this zoning has allowed people to build think both sides and created enormous homes around $3.03 times what the homes cost currently so this gentleman's argument it is not a
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down zoning but a zoning correction i'll urge supervisors to move forward was that this and again want to concur with all the people that spoke prior from midtown terrace for the zoning correction i would like you to view it as a zoning correction i think that is what it is and the sooner the faster we can stop people coming in and building enormous homes with run the risk of no detached homes what housing thank you. appreciate thank you for all your hard work supervisor yee. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> come on laura. >> let's go in orders i'm
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sorry i'm learning everyday you well know that i failed so hard the other day i just want to say that if this was a correction that was reflecting what the neighborhood actually wants not needing to rush this clearly people that want to building build and people in the community want to add nor floor space to their homes currently one of the ways that minerals their continually splitting single-family homes and packing as many people in as possible so anything that reduces square footage is not good and additionally this reduces the ability to split units so lots will no longer be split into two
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units to two separate saleable items i'm sure the homeowners don't want but is needed i want to add that we need to recognize that our physical built environment is going to change we're retrofitting our city and need to address the housing crisis straight on and recognize we can't spend a lot of time and ignoring maintaining the neighborhood character above the characters we wanted to live in the neighborhood we need to recognize that adrc floor space and units and we're going the wrong way from rh1 to rhd-1 we need to go the other direction rh1 to rhd-1 and pushing in the opposite direction i think this is a symbolic is important this is saying we're going to push us further in the wrong direction
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thank you very much. >> hi, my name is lena from the renters federation this is not a correction many of the lots are less than 4 thousand square feet and as people testified many of the buildings have autsdz so it was a correction we've already seen that you would zone many buildings to become non-conforming and in addition to the audience things might be resolved because of the state law but several lots of bigger 4 thousand square feet if their rh1 can be splitter into smaller lots but rhd-1 they can't and we can't afford to lose any opportunities for building units i want to point out that the mc mansions were that when built and people similarly thought
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they were gaud i didn't and awful you can't turn a 3 thousand square feet homes into a 3 thousand square feet unit more square footage for living is more square footage for living not turn it down but the main thing the planning department erred when they classified this is a not ceqa it is down zoning as projects there should have been an eir it is appropriate to see what the environmental effects are of the displacing possible future residents if we don't build here we wind up building further away and increasing emissions and making trips longer and not achieving the climate goal thank you very much i'm opposed to
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this. >> hello my name is vincent i'm and renter how about i have a philosophy point i think funning what is going on we've created a employment with high density building and turn around and use that's as a justification that the laws was wrong in this case we've down a difficult building in terrace and it was legal to build and using this as evidence this is to be heard in the future and keep it at the lower density this is a symbolic movement in a way who this down zoning succeed will trigger this whether this is a good strategy and use building housing to justify a
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three quarters to preserving the property value or open space or how to justify not building square footage i think this is a very dangerous idea might seem good we can argue about adu's or whatever the thrust is scary that's it see you around. >> thank you. any other members please come on anyone else to speak. >> hi, i'm bridget a native and here actually for another topic but in hearing this i'm going with the planning department i believe that shall i call the question? rhd-1 for midtown is to the benefit everyone is talking about increasing enlarging property and creating more housing but
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none has talked about the section planning code that requires the projection into the side yards up to 3 feet or whatever is the less and this is the public safety fire code the reason why we have side ordinance is for the fire code and safety this is a midtown terrace probable the same kind of subdivisions those were created for safety and having people egress and ingress this is throughout san francisco that is being built i believe that hour suburban area that is district 7 should be kept preserved and other areas that should be thank you. >> anyone else want to speak on item one public comment is
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closed. thank you very much so lowfat's supervisor yee anything you want to say in not we'll take the matter into committees hands. >> thank you to the public for coming out whether or not you support it but prairie thank the residents of midtown terrace for coming out, i have been working with the association for year to year if not over a year and some importance to support this as it is when we talk about the neighborhood characteristics this notion actually is a discussion in every neighborhood not just on the west side where it is about do we want one hundred story board of supervisors this is a discussion so for us neighborhood
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characteristics is really looking what is there now and what we can do in the future that will not change the things radically i'm concerned stood up for the cancelled evaluation with the adu legislation was because we're trying to preserve those characteristics and here we are the author for them for the residents to be working on this for two years and their anxious to get this done for us to now have an opportunity to just make the correction and that's what that is about they have testified we're not talked about changing the houses the houses are there all we're saying let's make sure that is zoned properly and that's what i asked for in regards to
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supervisors supervisor wiener's amendment like advantages i'm open not to do due diligence beyond the people that came today, i know their leaders but like to be able to check on things so potentially one way to keep before the board i ask that you split the file and have one that can move forward of the amendment and one that you could either move forward or not move forward maybe in one week or two weeks to get more information to accept the amendments as present by supervisor wiener. >> thank you supervisor peskin. >> your name is on - >> i was actually going to suggest something similar to supervisor yee but i heard we
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had of the midtown terrace association assessing that liked supervisor wiener and other people saying they're open and heard 3 there are a number of existing adu's and that people were pleased to have them and have more of them i'm delighted that supervisor wiener has come around to any way of thinking and hive inclined to support supervisor wiener's amendment but absolutely respect the desire of the district supervisor to have more time to dialogue with his constituents why not send forward the weather we want to call it the rezoning or fixing of the code and keep the wiener amendment i'll
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inclined to vote for it after supervisor yee does his adolescence with his communities and maybe in a week or two forward that has a trailing piece of legislation. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, very much. and all the members of the public on both sides it was a rational discussion i appreciate that and really appreciate the candor from the midtown that is consistent with the e-mails that what is issue the 3 foot side setback and really not the adu's the adu's are not an issue when we talk about itself presenter some of the finances from in the union party weave sat together and fought many, many battles over thousand and thousands of battle and when you look at what
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is actually going to create more housing in the midtown terrace is accessary dwellings not adding 3 feet to the side of the building i completely understand we have more square footage and more people living there in terms of what will actually create more housing in the neighborhood having that remain legal for people to add accessary dwellings units i don't remember how many lots in the midtown terrace but quite a few of the there's a potential there that's why i offered the amendment he offered today it is an eloquent solution to truly a down zoning to say that accessary dwellings are not allowed under city law and appreciate the existence of state law that is 2, 3, 4 effect for thirty years maybe 35 years and not a single adu has ever,
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ever in thirty plus years permitted in san francisco under the state law that may change in the future and god speed but we have a local law we passe on a 10 to one vote that allows the adu's in rh1 district i don't want to take the neighborhoods that allows the adu's and say adu's are no longer allowed i'd like to move this all the time the oral amendment i'll reread it in a moment 8 days between today's meeting and the full board meeting if for whatever reason supervisor yee decides that he didn't want that amendment you can make a motion to the full board to strip it out i believe that that will be an appropriate motion to make if he wants to make it my request or i make a motion to adopt the
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oral amendment and that is quote for all lots proposed to be sdroend from rh1 to rhd-1 under today's ordinance the prohibition of adding after accessary dwelling pursuant to the planning code does not apply that's my motion. >> so relative to my earlier comment suction why not marry those ideas together and duplicate the file and amend one file and leave the other file unamended and i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> and give supervisor yee the ability to outreach and dialogue with his knits for the next 8 days and, of course, all of them have contact us we have lots of e-mails on this and vote one file up or the other. >> is that acceptable supervisor yee. >> that will be acceptable and
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the 8 days i'll have an opportunity to speak to quite a few of the residents and that's good to hear so - >> madam chair my apologies. >> if i may first to the city attorney who will forward this with the amendment and if the full board were to decide to strip the amendment the full board can adopt the legislation. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney. that's right to address your proposal or to take it out would not require a referral to this committee or to plan. >> so i don't see the need to duplicate the file if the majority of board decides they don't want the amendment strip it out and pass the legislation in the original form i don't see the need to duplicate the file but ultimately have to share.
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>> thank you. i good don't see the need to duplicate the file while i don't support the carve outs but should the districts 7 supervisor as well as to the residents that came out and written e-mails historically i'm concerned not supported an carved out in the rhd-1 but show in indifference to supervisor yee with that said, the indications do we duplicate the file or just - >> put it to a vote. >> let's see supervisor peskin. >> so we don't need to duplicate the file i think that supervisor wiener is right what i would second is that if we take the amendment we send the matter to the full board without recommendation so the
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board can release this has been discussed down there. >> i'll take a motion to that. >> the motion to adopt the amendment and for the record the item as amended with no recommendation. >> without objection. >> thank you - >> excuse me - >> i have no objection. >> thank you, thank you thought you were stepping on my toes supervisor peskin. >> all right. (laughter) supervisor yee before we take the vote go ahead. >> have no objection. >> all right. this motion as amended that item passes unanimously this is coming out of the committee and to the full board as amended without recommendation. >> yes. >> all right. all right. thank you >> all right. ladies and gentlemen, did you get if did everyone follow that good madam clerk item 2. >> item 2 urging the ordinance
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for the interim moratorium to prohibit 5 or 6 or professional services in the west portal commercial district for 45 days. >> thank you very much this is afghan interesting topic supervisor yee is also the spore of this item i believe supervisor yee will request a continuance on this item; is that correct, sir we're on item 2. >> sorry. >> that's okay. >> thanks for hearing this i'll make this quick we're undergoing on ocean avenue and west portal having a discussion about the commercial zones and what we want to see the existing code is updated so the issue before us proves there a be
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confusion when items are not well defined in the code particularly around the code this is an interim moratorium there was currently a lack of clarity in the planning code that led to code compliant interrogation of the law and a lot of things how to best - therefore to provide more time for that dialogue of the shareholders i request the committee to continue this item to the call of the chair and hope to bring it professional businesses to the corridor. >> i'm happy to honor that request we have public comment cards here sure before we distinct to take public comment we'll take supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much supervisor cowen this is an issue i know that supervisor yee
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is dealing with and i'm concerned grappled in noah valley and castro upper market when you have enough non-retail non-office type of ground floor space in a commercial district and eventually you reach a tip point it really undermines the vibrancy of that corridor i'm concerned offered multiply pieces of legislation both in noah valley and castro upper market for the conditional use for ground floor office touch uses i authored that legislation to require the conditional use and also now recently authored legislation in noah valley and adopted the interim controls in
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castro to require ground floor medical used to begin at some point to reach a tipping point i'm supportive of the change i'll - my personal view is that i think conditional use is a very flexible and powerful tool i hope that will be part of the discussion and hope that at some point citywide controls to deal with this issue it is popping up in a lot of neighbors. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> yes. >> supervisor wiener thanks for making those comments that's what i'm grappling with that's why i'll asking for a continuance not to jeopardize anything because of moratorium. >> thank you, supervisor. >> supervisor peskin do i have something to say no all right. let's go to a public comment i
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have quite a few a stack of cards (calling names). >> go ahead. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is stephan i a registered lobbyists in the city and consultant to peter and ellen we'll hear from today for the most part like to agree with the supervisor for a continuance today i think there is some clarity that needs to be given and on the best way to step back for a minute and one thing too is business that professional services in west portal area there maybe you quite a few of the that be not code compliant and may recommend a study the goal to make sure we have all
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the merchants meeting for the city requirement and they serve the public well, we want to make sure their code compliant we would like to ask an exemption if we could hear that for 360 west portal a i don't believe that 3 professional mod pose a threat to the vicinitycy of the community 3 half a from o'connell and swausz above the ground but not meeting the 6 foot thresholds therefore they're on the paulths for a conditional use permitted and this moratorium has a read earlier proposed open bring your attention to the pathway we want to make sure they get an exemption if possible and in addition to get more community outreach to the merchant and the residential group we have not
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been able to present yet as of today and don't have a planner assigned to the case and mediation is the way to go get everyone in the room and work towards the best possible outcome my outcome allow the merchant to go though the cu and the moratorium to pass in a sharp or form. >> hello supervisors my name is rick shawn i'm part of west portal group that is being directing impacted by the moratorium proposed as stephanie mentioned we were directed by the planning department to follow the process filing the c u p and trying to take the steps and given to us to proceed to
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the path of being approved in our space we were caught by surprised we were not on a second story location 8 stairs to reach our office we're just under the 6 foot cut off where this would problem would have not started our intention to comply with all regulations we're being derailed our day in the c p hearing by this moratorium i mean we're being i'll call the name witch hunt by the neighborhood association who disagrees with the findings the planning department yet not talked with anyone of us to see what it say we do thank you. >> i supervisors i'm tom the
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current president of the are west portal association we're from the 1975 with three hundred plus members and regularly engaged with the issues we know the rezoning has been tough you're trying to make sure and protect the community and want to see growth and responsible ways to do that i support supervisor yee's request for a continuance i believe you'll find most of the community supported that so all stakeholders can be heard the neighborhood association had not had this issue presented to us not a witch-hunt in my understanding we will be looking at it at the next meeting thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm
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beverly i'm a long time resident of san francisco my husband and i moved here in 19897 and eliminating the businesslike peter's from the west portal business corridor didn't jive with the continued character of that corridor i'm a client of peter my financial advisors for 17 years and he and i share family stories their daughter is grown into a young lady and my son a father and husband used peter as their financial advisors peter and ellen didn't move in west portal and hang a shrink and say we're open for business there's been a mom and pop operation since the beginning they carefully choose a space and decorated and upgraded and assured the
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adequacy of their clients by keeping them informed of the status and involving them, they were proud of they're new office when it was completed they had a celebration party i know peter and ellen appreciate the 3 block walk to their office peter's office suits west portal my sons are attracted to it for the health of the neighborhood young families like theirs should, encouraged my personal story is meant to illustrated this small hands on family rotunda business provides of down home quality service that west portal seeks to fosters some of the businesses on west portal are becoming outlined and tired their service is not friendly and their storefront are duty i don't frequent them
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peter's office provides the local friendship - >> thank you. >> i have a couple of more speakers i'd like to call up (calling names) male come up. >> thank you very much good afternoon, supervisors my name is lee my family has been a long time client of many chins peter became my financial advisors 3 years and 3 months ago he's the financial advisors to my children i completely related to and agree with what beverly said about a family run business i want you to know about peter and ellen when they choose this business they were
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looking specifically for an office in west portal that is near their home and hearts and community allision lice not logan for a convenient storefront but sought out west portal i know they reached every law to find a building they could call home and assessable to their clients many are elderly and they spent months of the the building and thousands of dollars renovating it and the commitment to the west portal community is significant when i came here 3 years and 3 months ago period of time gave me a tour of west portal he said this is our home because of that i know personally over 17 businesses in the west portal i brought out of town friends and my san franciscans and i believe that the vibrancy of west portal
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has been increased since the advent of peter and ellen i think any kind of a moratorium will really unjustly punish a family that made their life in west portal and i currently you to go whatever you can too keep this wonderful family thriving business going thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is john i've been a resident of forest hill for the past years and consulting with peter over 20 years i highly respect him as do many people in the west portal community he's an outstanding citizen and patronize many of the local businesses and restaurants i don't thinks why this legislation is proposed and against it. >> peter's operation is their
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livelihood and needs to continue would the trurngs i consult with peter and frequent the west portal restaurants peter attached any well-to-do clients from west portal and those people spend money in west portal i prefer as do other clients peters office is convenient i don't understand why the merchants association filed a complaint they seem to be out of touch as most of the other residents and merchant of the west portal have in favor of peter and his business beyond why the moratorium needs to be taking effect immediately and currently you to find speedy resolution to force peter to move at the time will be an
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interruption to his business and potentially his clients and causes a vacancy and an additional cost to the landlord i don't understand why this happens in summary i'm against the legislation not only it is unfair by the merchant of greater west portal not what they want i urge you to vote against it thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors we'll do this together i'm bryan and this is my wife i'm a native san franciscan we've lived in the west portal neighborhood for over 33 years we are very familiar with that district and we're here to oppose the moratorium on the businesses i remember are peter was moving to
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the distant block said specifically oh, by the way, is on the second floor i want to point out it there's an elevator to take handicapped people from the street to his business and i don't understand how it is considered a 5 or 6 or ground floor business i understand the concerns about having a thriving vibrant west portal corridor my son and his wife lived in barcelona it is wonderful to walk to the grocery stores and be able to walk to pick up the vegetables and see your friends and say hello to their children the neighborhoods shopping district are terrific and with respect want to see that continue this legislation is specifically is misguided i
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would recommend you oppose that thank you. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is and ellen my husband peter and i started our practice that so many clients support 2 and a half years ago and about a year and a half we moved to west portal those are the facts we been working diligently with the planning department during the 16 months and countless hours trying to get our store up for our daughter or participate in her school activities instead in order to bring our business into compliance was he spending countless hours to bring our business to compliance and not
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to mention the legal fees incurred the zoning administrator said this is a significant amount of time did his due diligence and made the - stated in his findings clearly and repeating in his notice of violation in front of the board of appeals and requested the l l o b letter of determination his determination was consistent we were instructed bit the board of appeals to employ for a conditional use permitted which filed in early june now this is nearly over 3 months and the next thing we know there is a new moratorium property that will completely block the progress of our conditional use
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preliminary i don't understand why the newly improved planning code should apply to an application in process that is grossly unfair and an obstruction to justice not only to our business and family lives. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors my name is ashley a resident of district 7. my parents set up their business in west portal and over 16 months we've been living in district 7 for 8 years and been to businesses every saturday, i go to an art place class and one block away a tutoring class and 3 times a week to marshall arts
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class and eat on west portal all the time west portal is our home and having an office close to the things we love i hear we'll be forced to leave the community and my parents love my participants are so busy those past week we as japanese we eat local i sincerely hope this is not dragged on >> thank you. next speaker. >> i won't try pronouncing the last name. >> (calling names). >> my apologies on the names.
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>> next speaker. >> tammy scott are you here. >> hello supervisors my name is tammy the vice president of the west portal merchant successors association i've been the leads on this complainant that we filed back in june of 2015. i'm mark farrell here today to say that we are in support of the continuance of this zoning issue that that will continued there's you know much that needs to be discussed many misinformation those folks and the planning department and their failure to you know do their job essentially but period of time and ellen i'm sorry we're apologizing we're talking up the
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adversaries peter and ellen knew that was put as a continuance directly from jan low from supervisor yee's office they're aware and setting up a meeting with the stakeholder and the city the planning department and we can sit down face to face for a time suitable for all thank you for your time >> supervisor yee. >> like to say i don't nobody needs to apologize in terms of making public comments this is right. >> all right. >> next speaker. >> that's fine that's fine. >> sam good afternoon members of the board and supervisors this there's no need for really emergency moratorium on the west
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portal avenue for a professional business offices i was involved with that project early as ellen and peter asked me to look at the condition of the building whether it is considered a first story or second story and the investigation of the history backward of the permitted the building what this was first built everything on the building was a second story only until later when planning department have a new definition what first story is that all the way down their floor became a first story nevertheless, the situation that's created and need by the zoning administrator to ask them to fight for a conditional use permitted they've diligently done and in process to get this
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thing reviewed, however, this moratorium will impact them and as you heard from many speakers effect their business this avenue is very vibrant neighborhood that needs to have continued businesses we shouldn't have legislation that restricts the business development and i'm here to oppose this moratorium thank you. >> thank you got a few more cards to call up (calling names). >> if i'm concerned missed anyone feel free to temple up. >> my name is betty jean wise i am last week reached any one
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hundred birthday. >> congratulations >> (clapping.) >> i'm concerned lived and been a homeowner in district 7 for over 45 years. >> and lived in san francisco since the beginnings of world war ii today, i'm speaking for peter channon west portal avenue my late my husband and i started working with peter over 35 years ago on west portal avenue where i have conditioned continued to care for all my business affairs recently an interim large
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project that will exclude exclude peter chins business from west portal i'm very, very concerned about this action and i trust that the moratorium will be removed from the docket thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> thank you thank you for your time supervisors i'm new to san francisco a year ago my my husband and i quit your jobs to the south bay and moved to san francisco so my son can go to school with learning disabilities in san francisco we love the city i was able to still work part time at peter and ellen's office to work with
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west portal that is close to any home in noah valley i spent a lot of time in noah valley and west portal and bring my clients and friends over to the area and so basically this whole legislation and the moratorium we've - we feel a victim of the whole thing so you know we like to request for an extension of the moratorium not a bad thing we have to have to consider some special circumstances thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is edward my wife and i are a long time residents. >> pull the mike to your mouth. >> we're long time residents of san francisco i moved to san francisco san francisco on
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april 1969 and soon decided to make that my permanent home and lives here for over 37 years my wife and i vote in elections we're strongly opposed to the proposed ordinance on september 2nd my wife and i sent an e-mail to supervisor yee and gave the reasons we you couldn't asked why who proposed and who will benefit to date none has responded the e-mail is in the packet of the communications you've received on september 10th my wife and i attended the candidates forum by twin peaks i submitted a question asking candidates to address the proposed urge ordinance in my opinion supervisor yee's ones o response was totally inadequate all people proposed the proposed
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legislation i think the committee should consider the reasons for the property ordinance whether the planning department should make an determination on the conditional use permitted prior to any proposed legislation the benefits if any are the proposed legislation and if their benefits do they out weigh the disadvantageous thank you for the opportunity to make those comments. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello my name is bridget from the homeowners association he first heard of the moratorium last thursday and ellen reached out and we heard this the board was my braid boarding was quite concerned first of all, ellen listened we support your manipulating and their business
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especially locally in west portal and having a lot of vacant storefront and we don't understand why this moratorium is coming towards the financial institution bans 4 inches of questionable second story level and if you're talking about financial services in west portal president sophie wanted to suggest why we're looking this mail places in west portal we want to have retail space and look at that as a whole rather than scaring off people that have been there a year plus we hope you support ellen and her family it is an arduous process she's been working with the planning department for a long
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time. >> thank you. >> my name is diane i've been a resident of san francisco since 1964 no, i'm sorry 68 and i have been in this district in the same home since 1974 and we are long time clients of mr. peter chin and moourns are extremely disturbed by the capricious nature of the planning process and this legislation that effects only one single office years ever since we've moved into the west portal district i have - generally looked down on that has an area to shop or has
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to do with it is languished all that time and now the supervisor yee legislation that will hurt a man and his office which has done england to - block the process we hate to see the capriciousness in the city. >> thank you. any other speakers seeing none, public comment is closed. at this time. >> so a motion that is made to continue this item to the call of the chair. >> yes. supervisor yee. >> again thank the public for
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coming out as i said up front my intent to ask for a continuance of this legislation and hope you'll be honoring my request. >> yes. thank you very much so the request we continue it co-chair can i get a motion. >> so moved. >> without objection that passes unanimously thank you. >> thank you supervisor yee and good luck to you and your neighborhoods madam clerk call item 3. >> ordinance for the planning code for the exclusion about the housing units by all means including owner move-ins. >> so from supervisor kim's office to present on this item. >> game-changer supervisors my name is april and i'm here to introduce a legislation which is a technical clean up to 9
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housing balance report legislation that we introduced in 2015. >> the planning department requested we clarify the intent of our legislation in collecting the data particularly regarding the unit that have been removed from protective status it's been published 3 times and included the four categories that is owner move-in evictions and decisions and lblgz evictions those are all stated in the administrative code and this is just technical and clean up legislation to specific that we indeed desire to have owner move-in evictions as part of data collection for the legislation. >> this was heard owe planning commission and the planning commission request some slight modifications to our legislation
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which we have prepared or the city attorney's office has prepared thank you, john and just to walk through the legislation and the requested changes page two line 17 and 18 the housing balance calculations less the amount of back and forth's status adding that language and the other requested amendment from the planning department and the commission also approved was related to the timing of the dates for the hearing and the report the planning department has requested that we attempt to sync up the current reports if the planning department is widower or required to do and
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move the bye annual report from september to october 1st and from 345ishg to april and the required hearing from april 1st to the 15 that's the introduction and diego sanchez so here to answer any questions if there are any. >> thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin do you have any questions. >> i did not i'm concerned read the information seems straightforward and sensible and commend the department and the sponsor for continuing to refine our housing balance reporting requirements. >> okay so we have amendments supervisor kim has her office scheduled we'll take these up after public comment at this time we'll open
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up to p.m. i don't how many cards but the public comment is two minutes. >> thank you, supervisors my name is is compatible with the housing simply to state our support for the amendments and our support for this legislation that is contributed so itch important information about how we are achieving our housing balance in the city and creating new affordable housing as well as counting the housing we lose in a time gains the rr8d through adu's and other things that many of you are working on so thank you very much. >> okay is there any additional public comment on item 3 seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor peskin can i have a motion to adopt those amendments as property by supervisor kim. >> so moved. >> >> without objection the maximums are adopted and then can i have a motion to i move we
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send it to the full board with a positive recommendation without objection that's at the order. >> item 4 hearing on the interim control controls in the district 10 between fulsome, harrison and svrtsz. >> this is authored by supervisor kim and april is here from her office. >> this item before us is a hearing to seek the boards support for the six months report on the transbay interim sign controls those controls were impacted on november 10, 2015, and this is our six months report the tint of supervisor kim is to request to the city attorney's office with planning department support to make those controls
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permanent and emery rogers is here for any specific questions on the prepared report from the planning department and thank you to the planning department for your of most report. >> okay seeing supervisor peskin appears no questions or comments. >> a straightforward report. >> we'll move to public comment any public comment on item 4 seeing none, public comment is closed. and this is a hearing so i guess have a motion did you want this filed >> it says required vote action to be considered public hearings and the board has the option of accepting or r50eg9 not a motion in front of us in the packet but as far as we're
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concerned, we should no action for the phone number but i for one accept it and fort coming permanent legislation. >> can i get a clarification on the action we should or shouldn't be taking today. >> you could initiate a motion in committee i believe this is what we did the last time if you remember initiate a motion in committee to accept and forward to the full board for adoption. >> i'm sorry this the interim controls i'm concerned not had an experience of accepting a 6 month report but - >> why not make a motion to file and precede are with permanent legislation. >> to the author is that
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acceptable. >> i believe so that the planning department we should accept the error file. >> supervisor kim and supervisor cowen h supervisor peskin has made a motion to file and i did public comment already. >> yes. >> so on the motion to file item 4 without objection madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> that completes the agenda we are agenda
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