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tv   San Francisco Government Television  SFGTV  September 22, 2016 2:00am-4:01am PDT

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provide the home-based care support which is very important with this population with acute affirmations happening over the weekend or after midnight. we are introducing our accountable care organizations to our care partners that have quality care programs within the homes, health, or hospital settings. and, those teams are being created between the two delivery systems. so, you have providers from both the hospice setting and the medical system like ucsf coming together. and, we are actually pulling that out of the fee-for-service
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structure altogether and providing a case rate. that then allows those teams to have flexibility and coverage for nonbillable encounters which is also quite necessary which much of this management is over the phone. in addition to our work in developing our network and in helping to expand the workforce through palliative care reimbursement, we are working on policies and advocate fees on the state and federal levels and making sure that we are removing barriers for care in accessing palliative care and supporting individuals with serious illness. for instance, we have signed one with our champions in the expansions for care at a home level and we support the palliative care education and training act which is currently up for legislation this month. we have also worked to change
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our internal structures. so as i said, we need to educate our customer service staff as well as our current review staff for what palliative care is so if a patient comes then asked if they can get palliative care, we have a team that can respond, they can respond timely and they can help our patients to navigate the benefit in the best way possible and maximize their benefits. and, we also have 100% of our case managers that will be trained in palliative care principles by the end of this month i am excited to say. and, that training is not only what is palliative care but how to how to deliver serious news
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or bad news or how to have serious conversations over the phone with members but also it is training them to find the best resources in the community if we do not cover those types of services. so, not only knitting together the medical system but also the social supports that are important for these patients and their families. we are also working on developing tools and member and patient and employee education and working in our local community in order to support events or trainings within the community that focused on advance care planning as well as caregiver support and grief and bereavement. on slide seven, you will see the eligibility criteria for home-based palliative care programs. we have actually made it so that we are working to build the capacity for home-based palliative care in all of our e ceos over the next
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three years. this is an aggressive timeline but i'm actually quite sure that we can nail that. so, we have been working with all of our aco's to assess what they have and what they need in order to support them and that is one that inpatient, outpatient and home settings for delivering palliative care. what you will see yet that for home-based palliative care that is a specialty palliative care model and that is for individuals with much higher of an acuity. cancer, and lung cancer and copd you will see and that will [inaudible] within the last year and that gets within your status criteria for home-based
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palliative care. for those who do not qualify for home-based palliative care we're working on changing the reimbursement for the structure so that outpatient height of care can be provided for all of our members. there are some results from previous home-based palliative care designs in with the on slide eight which shows that with home-based palliative care intervention individuals are less likely to go to the emergency room and less likely to have hospital visit and less likely to haveold nursing facility days. this really is an achievement of the triple aim where you are increasing patient satisfaction as director dodd was saying it you can call it willmar for all i care about people want
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palliative care when they know it is pain and symptom management they may not want it when it's called palliative care. but 90% of thepopulation that has had palliative care loves it and is happy that they had and they are also increasing the quality of life and quality of care. i have already went through a little bit about what our case management team is providing . we are providing a case management team for a special live a case management team with nurses and physicians and providers that specialized
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will work withwe will be monitoring patient and family cost of care as well as on wanted medical services which leads to documentation of directives to know what people want and the success of that. >>thank you for your presentation. are there questions and comments from the board? i see a commissioner from my right who is trying to say something. >>thank you. i see use the word nuance as a non-integrated healthcare system. my question is this. i will give you two antidotes because both of my
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parents are deceased. but, what are the two biggest obstacles that you see with this program. you have nicely outlined all of your attributes but i'm curious to know. my father died of cancer and when i talk to his primary e was not in the service area of the nonintegrated healthcare system and he was proposing palliative care and he talked to my parents and after their visit they told me what they talked about and then i called them up and i said what happened and he said they weren't ready. after he went home he was kept at 46 more weeks to regain his strength while . was dying and i asked my father what he wanted and he said hospice and that's what we did because he
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did not want palliative care. the provider had certainly dealt with people in need of palliative care all the time. in the case of my mother, she did not die of cancer, when i went to be with her for the last 36 hours of her life, she was in an assisted situation and the nurses when i showed up said go see your mom but when you come back we have a question and the hospice palliative care doc had written for sedation prn. and, presumably my mother was supposed to wake up from her lethargic, comatose state to be able to present with this and i
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think prn that means every two hours around the clock and i felt as a son, and as a physician, in both cases, sort of being the palliative care and initiator provider in a sense giving an order in the system for which i had no legal right to write an order or temporary water. so in both cases, i saw communication problems. i'm just curious if that is one of the obstacles that you see and if there are other obstacles that you might want to briefly mention that you have to address in order to make this successful in the blue shield network? >>sure. i think you highlighted two of them very well. in your first anecdote i think it is getting providers to refer to palliative care and in our palliative care organization that is not jazz provide a palliative care how
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to provide this properly to the patient. but we will launch on october 1 actually with hill physicians that all of the primary care providers will be provided with a panel of patients and we have respectivelyidentified as palliative care eligible and we will teach them to things. one is we will teach them there palliative performance score which is their functional status scale and the second is the use of the surprise question. would you be surprised if the patient died within the next year? primary care providers can actually answer that question with a lot more accuracy than if you ask them about prognosis. they are very hesitant to give prognosis
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but they are less hesitant to say, oh, i wouldn't be surprised. in that way, it allows them to have ownership over their patients and also understand what might be right for that patient. and so, we are working with our primary care physicians to incentivize the primary care providers to palliative care training. they want to be part of this but a
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lot of times they do not want to lose their patient. so the primary care provider even though they were further patient to a palliative care team, still remains on that palliative care team. that is the first issue. the second issue that i have seen especially in the nonintegrated environment is that all of the medical benefits that people might be receivingwith no centralized care plan for a patient. that actually gets to an overlap of services. it gets to the need for care coordination and what we have created is a shared care plan and whoever gets that patient will be the last entity. so whatever comes into the home and the health and the care of that patient with blue shield well track their care and their services so that the patient is getting confused and the family is not getting confused and that takes a lot of integration on blue shield side and then we have been working quite
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tirelessly on being able to track these patients through our system quite accurately. >>does this include their patient information? >>we have this at the palliative care provider's disposal but it is limited. >>i don't want to derail your presentation but it gets back to this joint effort that has been declared in terms of health information being shared seamlessly between providers and someone in someone and i do not want to use this for this today to talk about this but we have opting out and all of the rest of the discussion that we have gone through and it would seem that this would be a
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justification for this type of intervention and i have not heard that said anywhere in this process. so, i will leave that right where it is. >>any more questions? commissioner's sass. >> i think it can work it depends on the family ran and how isolated the patients are and if you have a patient where the parent is the patient and their sick and the kids are in florida and the patient becomes depressed angry and stricken
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and that they have never been very good about caring for their partner anyhow andthey get very emotional and it's hard to care for the person in that situation but people ideally when they say they want to die at home, want to be surrounded by their family and then close their children and their grandchildren and that is what i consider to be a big part of palliative care. and, you can augment that and supplement that with either hospice care or a palliative care team but at the end of the day, it's really the family that needs to make that happen. i appreciate the efforts but in a non-integrated setting i think that the tendency to put
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someone in a skilled nursing facility and i will tell you that in my experience, the physicians do not visit that skilled nursing facility and visit those patients anymore. they are not visiting that patient and the team at the skilled nursing facility is not organized and the doctors aren't talking to the nurses or the dietitian and they are not giving them the kind of support that person needs at all. it just seems to me that that process of the end-of-life care is really kind of-- it is a disgrace really at the end of the day. so everything you are describing and talking about to me, as appealing as it is is almost the exception. and, the
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family support can't even really be applied. >>let me give you an example of a patient that was in a palliative care program this year. i think you are very right, palliative care, or end-of-life care, is the space where you need high, high personalization. based on things that might most often fall out of the medical benefits, right? so, one of our patients, actually was dying of liver failure in a rural area and his wife has developmental delays so there was no way that she would be able to take care of him as he declined. they had no children. his family lived outside of the state so he had no support. he ends up landing in a hospital 500 miles away from his home mostly because he is from a rural area and that was the closest hospital. he
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had a palliative care physician who is one of our contracted palliative care providers who is on an alternative reimbursement arrangement. so, a case rate per member per month. that provides an interdisciplinary team. the social worker contacted our case manager at blue shield where she expressed as part of the , assessment as part of a comprehensiveassessment of the patient he really wanted to die outside of the hospital so there is a concern there, right? so,after about three
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days this patient ends up in the hospital and we had done a benefit, an alternative benefit where we negotiated an inpatient hospice rate at the skilled nursing facility where that palliative care team visited that patient so that he had wraparound supportand the wife was taking care of and there were plans made for the wife so that she could get into the story bereavement support and social support with that kind of care team and, if the patient actually ended up dying in that inpatient facility but blue shield actually paid for his nonemergency transport home to the place that became his home for the last four weeks of his life. and that is what you would want to happen. and it needs to be highly personalized so if you are the non-integrated environment, you need to train the people that are doing concurrent reviews or
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providing a benefits lot as to what the needs of patients are that have a serious illness and what that trade-off is. ultimately, if he does not want to die in the hospital, it saves the health system money and it is what he wants and it is supportive of his family structure. that really is there. ultimately, that is what we knew the patient needed and that the patient felt supported because we had an interdisciplinary team that was actually working with that patient. >>is this approach and intervention, i guess i would gracefully describe it as a relatively new process for you at blue shield? >>i started at blue shield at the beginning of the year and so, it is a relatively new approach. we started our first
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home based pilot of palliative care in march and i was brought on just before that to really outline the strategy and structure of how we would move forward. >>thank you for that. any other questions from the commissioners? any public comment for either of these presentations, kaiser or blue shield? i do not see any. i want to thank both organizations for bringing representatives today to help us but, more familiar with these details of these organizations and we will look forward to additional information as the programs continue to develop and thank you both of you for coming here today. all right,mme. secretary. >>item 11; is an action item to vote on whether to cancel the
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october 13 is an action item to vote on whether to cancel the october 13, 2016 regular health services board meeting due to open enrollment.dir. dodd. >>you are welcome to come in. like this is going to be an opening while enrollment. >>all right. any questions do i have a motion? >>i motion >>second. >>any questions about the motion from board members? seeing none. any public comment? >>i would ask again, is it lisa? please convey our hopes and expectations with good work of your colleagues. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay >>the motion carries. the
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october meeting will be canceled >>[gavel] >>item 12; is an action item as to whether to cancel the november 10, 2016 board meeting and instead hold aboard educational forum meeting. president scott. >>that we were looking at the excise and catalytic tax and those variety of issues and we might have those issues in front of us but i think the agenda has been accumulating over the last few weeks. and so, director dodd and myself will ask other commissioners to weigh in and focus on the
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presentation so that systematically we are not only looking for a near-term issues that will affect the role and programs and work of this board but also the long-term trend, and that is the request of the board that we cancel the regular meeting and moved to an educational forum held at that same date and time. and so, i'm willing to answer any other questions from the board members and also to entertain the motion. >>so moved. >>is there a second? >>second . >>it has been properly moved and second that we cancel the november 10, 2016 board meeting and hold a board educational forum at the same time at this location. at this time, board
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members, do you have any questions? >>thank you pres.scott and and all of the board members.this time a year we have the updates on the finances. i would like to request that you consider providing some information with regard to our usual business in addition to the educational forum because i think is important for us to have those reports. i sort of miss the chief financial officer in giving a report today and so i would like to make that recommendation, thank you. >>all right, thank you for the comment. is there any other public comment all right,
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hearing none we are now ready to vote and all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay >>[gavel] >>the motion carries. >>item 13 is a discussion item a report on network and health plan issues [if any] >>this would be the time that if any member has a plan our representatives come forward with any issues and i would expect it to hear about the closure of offices but that would have passed being is that september is almost behind us but anything from the healthcare representatives? all right, moving two % >>we have got one. >>lisa garin ems. i would like
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to inform the board that as of this tuesday ebs was hired. >>who was hired? ebs? >>ebs. and they were hired by who/? >>career builders. >>career builders,okay. any others? >>while you're billing for
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these things we keep getting letters from the billing people think we are going to send you to collections. and have your credit affected by no-fault your own and nothing apparently due can do because i have tried. this is always on the other side of all of these billing issues. and so, as part of what i went through this time, having to come back to the city because i was threatened to go to collections for bills that i had no control over one way or another. so, that is just the caveat of what all this process entails to the person that is happening who is involved. so, i just wanted to bring that up. >>all right, thank you for that public comment. no other public comment? let's move on to the next discussion item. >>item 14 is a discussion item; opportunity put items on future agendas.
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>>any public comment on future agenda items futurehearing and seeing none next item. >>item 15 of opportunity public comment on any matters within the board's jurisdiction. >>seeing and hearing none we see in adjourned until about 2 of this property put this building up for sale. i talked to the owner, i said please, give us a chance. maybe we can come up with the funds to be able to have this building for our children and families. he
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is here today and i want to thank him for not keeping the building for sale. [applause] i had no idea what i was going to do if the building was sold. 224 children and 32 employees, where would they go? where would i-i didn't have no place to turn to. there are no childcare facilities available in san francisco for this many children. what was i to do after 45 years providing child development services in the community. this didn't just starbt 2 years ago to get the building, we started over 10 years ago trying to gret the building. when i heard mayor
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lee was concerned about mcc, he called me to his office and then had hope this would happen. mayor lee is here today because he cares for children and families. he has shown-he told me we will get it done and i am very proud of him. i also want to thank [inaudible] who is the community advocate for his help. he started 10 years ago to help me try to get this property and worked with our board of directors and families. we will never forget the mayor for making this possible for today. today is a great day and it is about children and fmlies and nothing else, that is what it is about. and want to introduce the mayor oof our
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city of san francisco, our great mayor of the city of san francisco. [applause] >> thank you. thank you joe. you know, you said just a minute ago that if you lost the center you wouldn't know what to do, well i need to make sure you know the same thing that if we as a city lost the center we wouldn't know what to do. you don't have a center entire city that serves 224 families and want to thank supervisor avalos for being here today as well. this is happening in his district. this is a jewel not just of the excelsior but the entire city. i have made a promise a couple times in the past year, year and a halfism . one is when many individuals and family leaders,
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organizations and elected officials stood with me to say that when we passed our proposition c a couple years aknow for family youth and children, we made a promise to make it easier for families to more than sur vive to actually succeed here in our city. and, in that reflection it was our education, our unified school district working in consert with all of the organizations like first 5 and foundations and partner ships that we wanted to create to welcome our families. i made another promise this past summer when we hosted the womens summit and i stood there on the stage with mayor libby shauff and proclaimed things we would do for the cities. she made
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promise to make micro loans to women owned business squz she did that in front of everybody on the phone. i didn't have that technology with me at the tame because i promised to make childcare expanded in the city and more affordable but didn't have a app to do that. i made the promise if i have any opportunities to expand chile childcare facilities particularly for working families i will make every effort to do that. so, today it really is to help me fulfill a couple promises that i have been making throughout the city family, but also to suggest to you that, this particular promise is a lot more complicated because while we have provided the owner of this building who is by the way, housed this childcare facility for many decades and it is in
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that appreciation we came to the opportunity that it did take the city family with supervisors working with my office, to took a lot of other department heads from our family youth and children, to took the hellman foundation to stand up and know the hellman foundation is here today and will speak about the gaps we are identifying do make sure we are able to dothis. it took organizations like first 5 and low-income investment fund to help figure it out with all the other different departments. but it also took a history of how people in families out here that were committed to this center working with us to say how important this was to them and to the entire city. all working together we figured out and today we are announcing that mccc the mission childcare
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consourceium is the owners of this building by years end. [applause] and i look forward to when the owners hand over that little deed that you have been holding on dearly, that you know longer have to receive propositions from other people who may want to buy the building , but you can rest assureed the city and you, we did the right thing and it is always about doing the right thing and that is to preserve this center for hundreds of more families. this is not only a childcare facility, it is actually the go to center for preschool probably throughout the whole city. people love it here and guess why it is great facility
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and safe. i was welcomeed in by all most 50 kids singing in spanish and in chinese. a welcome to the center and this is what working families are in need of. i can now say more confidently that not only has this village of folks that come together to procure this building, what it mean tooz the families for years but i also can say that our city will be there for more families and this gives us the in ursha what you have done at the center and non-profit bord of trustees have done. if you can make sauch such a commitment to by rg the building, we have been trying to teach that to a lot of historic non-profits ipthe city. take to the opportunity to work together with the city
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and not a victim of our own success, let's be a recipient of prosperity by figuring out with the non-profit partmers and city agency squz board and mayors office how to make sure we can own these buildings forever so that the programs we value are no longer being subjected to the economy, we are actually part of that economy for many families. and, you don't know how important it is, because i think that as a mayor helping to try to create more jobs, people cannot accept the job responsibilities unless a few things happen at the same time. affordable housing, transportation and childcare. these arethis that must happen for a family in order for them to work themselves beyond poverty and into a success and
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this is what we are trying to do with all the ajepda for the city is have the agenda for the entire thing take place. so, childcare is a intgle part of it and really happy that this happens but we got to do more and will do more and this gives us that foundation. with that, i want to say thank you to the randy, the owner and joe, your leadership and someone eged me on, more than egged me on, he is a strong advocate for this to happen and xoe why. and that is [inaudible] thank you for be aggood resident of the city and activist but more importantly for being a steward of this particular building and making sure it happened. in my office he has been advocateing this for a long long time because he knows how important
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this day might be and it is important not just for the families here, but i think it is a foundation where the way we have to do business. if we are a job creating city, we have to help people get those jobs and maintain those jobs and that means, at the same time, we will build more affordable housing and get that project up and going hopefully supervisor with your leadership as well for the next few months up there at the balboa bart station next to it , we need that and more land to build more housing. maybe that vacant thing next door could-joe maybe we can start talking about that. we can't have vacant buildings in our city go untouched with all the needs we have to have, so i want all you to promise to work with me. let's go for the next one and do the right thing and do the good things of affordsability and mead the
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challenge head on especially at a time with the prosterity is strong, let's get to every family that deserves it. with that, let me introduce the guy that is bugging the head out of you and now gets to bug you [inaudible] >> thank you, mr. mayor. i will be brief. in many ways i can't fwleev we are standing here. joe, thank you for your continued effort and dier-we were in dier need. if this building had been sold, if the rent had been increased, you tell me where in san francisco you can fine 25,000 square feet for 224 low-income families? so, i'm holding these petitions because we started this and many people in the crowd here today, neighborhood leaders, i'm not going to name you because i would probably forget somebody but will name some of the organizations. the
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excelsior district improvement, outer mission merchants and resident association, the two lindas they are part of multiple groups. cathy, , alharris, may wong. avenue wn was a part of this and in the tradition of the excelsior district improvement association when they had a neighborhood revolt they started a petition. we are a neighborhood of petitions and having our voice heard at city hall so we gathered hundreds of signatures and said help us save this building and took them to the mayor and the mayor listened and he got the hellmen foundation and northern california loan fund and low-income investment fund and office of early education, part of hsa rks mayors office of ecujnomic and workforce
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development. a lot of the folks staning boo r behine us here. this institution is the largest subsidized childcare center in the entire city. the largest. and this man and this owner came together, we negotiated a final purchase price and here to tell you we have a signed letter of intent. we signed it yesterday afternoon. thank you rea rudey for agreeing to sell this building to this non-profit and thank you mr. mayor for your leadership and support. there is one other person i want to point specifically and that is a candice wong. she is in the fight for 10 years specifically staying consistent with this building and her support. i thank the parents and all the children and that is what this day is really about. thank you, mr. mayor. >> thank you, joe. [applause]
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>> thank you mayor and thank you ausha. i want to present-we have to fill the gap and rather large gap. it took a lot of people to help and i want to present susan hursh from the hellmen foundation. >> [applause] hi everyone. i'm susan hursh and ceo of hursh and associates. we are really honored to manage the hellmen community philanthropy and this is what it is about. i look and think about the issues so important to this foundation. the leadership, children, community and clabilation and so joe, mr. rudey, mr. mayor and all the departments who preely work to make this happen, it really is a micro
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cosm of what can hap pen in san francisco. our future is so important and investing in this early stage, early care and education in a quality way makes difference. to have this [inaudible] families who care it really should be a beacon for all the things we in the city can do so thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you for those wonderful words, we couldn't have made it without this foundation. now i want to introduce a parent who has worked very hard with me for over 7 years. she is on our board of directors. she attends all board of directors meetings. she attends parent meetings. we have a great parent. very well organized parent meetings i should say.
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we keep our parent involved. i want to introduce andrea panky. [applause] i'm stand up here with you to give you support because of all the support you have given me. >> thank you. hi everybody. i'm going it keep this short and sweet. i have been on the board for 7 years and i have watched countless grants go out, countless fund raisers trying to raise funds for school squz community, as a parent and as a community advocate i'm proud to have a home. i'm proud we dont have to no longer look for places for our kids it go. we are no longer struggling. we are at peace in a way. i want to say thank you mayor ed lee for all your support and i just on behamp behalf of the kid, the
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families, the community, dist licate 11 i humbly thank you so much. >> thank you. [applause] thank you so much. we have a yellow sheet going around thanking those who were part of making today possible. when we first joined first 5 preschool for all, it made a big difference in our program. i'm so proud of lisa who is here today. she has helped us tremendously. we have a great coach, casey. and our consultant jacob, is over there. i can't forget how much they have done for us with first 5. and now, to conclude
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and end this session, i want to present the mayor a child would like to present the mayor an official mission childcare t 37 t-shirt. [applause] one at a time. one for the mayor. and one for our community advocates asha, who has been working hard. [applause] it is amazing how much children learn and we
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also learn every day. i want to thank everybody who has been a part of making today possible. it is a dream come true. thank you. [applause] ------------------------------- did you know that many buildings in san francisco are not bolted to the foundation on today's episode we'll learn how the option to bolt our foundation in
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an earthquake. >> hi, everybody welcome to another episode of stay safe i'm the director of earthquake safety in the city and county of san francisco i'm joined by a friend matt. >> thank you thanks for being with us we're in a garage but at the el cap center south of market in san francisco what we've done a simulated the garage to show you what it is like to make the improvements and reduce the reflexes of earthquake we're looking at foundation bolts what do they do. >> the foundation bolts are one of the strengthening system they hold the lowest piece of wood onto the foundation that
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prevents the allows from sliding during an earthquake that is a bolt over the original construction and these are typically put in along the foundation to secure the house to the foundation one of the things we'll show you many types of bolts let's go outside and show the vufrdz we're outside the epic center in downtown san francisco we'll show 3 different types of bolts we have a e poxy anchor. >> it is a type of anchor that is adhesive and this is a rod we'll embed both the awe hey that embeds it into the foundation that will flip over a big square washer so it secured the mud sell to the foundation we'll need to big drill luckily
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we have peter from the company that will help us drill the first hole. >> so, now we have the hole drilled i'll stick the bolt in and e post-office box it. >> that wouldn't be a bad idea but the dust will prevent the e post-office box from bonding we need to clean the hole out first. >> so, now we have properly cleaned hole what's the next step. >> the next step to use e post-office box 2 consultants that mixes this together and get them into tubes and put a notice he will into the hole and put the e post-office box slowly and have a hole with e post-office
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box. >> now it is important to worm or remember when you bolt our own foundation you have to go to 9 department of building inspection and get a permit before you start what should we look at next what i did next bolt. >> a couple of anchors that expand and we can try to next that will take a hole that hole is drilled slightly larger marathon the anchor size for the e post-office box to flow around the anchor and at expansion is going into the hole the same dinning room we'll switch tamet
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so, now we have the second hole drilled what next. >> this is the anchor and this one has hard and steel threads that cuts their way into the concrete it is a ti ton anchor with the same large square so similar this didn't require e post-office box. >> that's correct you don't needed for the e post-office box to adhere overnight it will stick more easily. >> and so, now it is good to go is that it. >> that's it. >> the third anchor is a
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universal foundation plate when you don't have room above our foundation to drill from the top. >> so, now we have our foundation plate and the tightened screw a couple of ways to take care of a foundation what's the best. >> the best one depends on
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what your house is like and our contractors experience they're sometimes considered the cadillac anchor and triplely instead of not witting for the e post-office box this is essentially to use when you don't have the overhead for the foundation it really depends on the contractor and engineering what they prefer. >> talking to a qualified professional and see what
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>> good afternoon. today is
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thursday, september 8, 2016. welcome to the public safety and neighborhood service committee of san francisco board of supervisors. my name is john avalos, the vice chair the committee and we'll joined by the chair supervisor jane kim and david campos to my left and the committee is clerked by erica major. >> make sure the silence cell phone squz electronic devices. cards should be submit today the clerk. iletm will appear on the september 20 board of supervires agenda unless other would stated >> todays meeting is broadcast
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by sfgtv staff. madam clerk and believe there fss request to call item 5 first but since that's supervisor kim's we'll call item 1 until she gets here. >> item 1, hearing to consider that the transfer of a type 48 on-sale general public premises license from 451 bush street to 447 bush street district 33 for sffsre, lcc dba fluxus, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> very grood. thank you we have a presentation? police department. >> good afternoon sergeant kenny, san francisco please. alu has giver an presentation on this location and we stand by our previous answers. >> great, thank you. okay, open up public comment on this item. item number 1, 447 bush
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street. we'll close public comment. dwoo ehave the applicant here today? let's keep the item open and we'll go to item number 2. >> item 2, hearing to consider that the issuance of a type 48 on-sale general public premises license to 482-488 hayes street district 55 for burgers 355, llc, dba brass tacks, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> good afternoon supervisors i'm sorjant george from the san francisco police department alu yubt. you have a pcn report for burgers 335, llc. they applied for a type 48 license and if approved will allow to sell beer, wine and distilled speernts. there are zero
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letters of protest, zero letters of support. they are located in plot 558, which is considered a high crime area. they are in census tract, 162, which is considered a high saturation area. northern station has no opposition. alu approves the following recommended conditions. number 1, sales service and consumptium is permitted before the-between the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. each day of the week. number 2, sales sunchs and consumption of alcohol beverages in the oughtdoor patio areatial be permitted between the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day of the week. number 3, noise should be not be audible beyond the area under the control the licenseee
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depicted on abc 257 dated 12-185. loitering is defined as stand idle about linging aimilously without lawful business and prohibited on a sidewalk or property adjacent to the license premise under the control of the abc 257 dated 12-1815 number 5, the sale of alcohol beverages are off sale consumption is prohibitsed. number 6, the licenseee or know emp ployee monitors the outdoor patio area at all times. number 7, signs shall by posted as a conspicuous space at the intransand exists of the premise as depicted on abc
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257-dated 12-1815, no alcoholic beverages beyond this point. sign-hat shall be no less than 7 by 11 and lettering no less than one inches in height. i spoke with the applicant who agreed with the above listed conditions. >> great. very good. thank you for your presentation sergeant george . any member of the public like to comment on this item, please come forward. >> my name is jim [inaudible] and i'm going to read a letter written by [inaudible] president of hayes valley neighborhood association and signed by jason henderson who is transportation and planning regarding brass tax. supports brass tax in the proposal to expand the commercial space to include 482 hayes street. the neighborhood bar which replaced
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the [inaudible] has been embraced by our community. the owners have become a part the neighborhood and accepting opportunities it support community activities. the current bar location at 488 hayes street is a place of business that provides a place for neighbors to come together to meet and enjoy each other companies. by expanded the business to 482 hayes street, partners have plans to allow community use of this space for neighborhood functions as wem as their own functions. the owners of brass tax are good neighbors fwraum the day they opened honoring the [inaudible] please approve the expansion to 482 hayes street and that is gale [inaudible] and jason henderson. >> any other member who would like to comment? is the
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applicant here and like to speak? okay. we will close -okay. you will make a presentation? we'll close public comment. thank you. the item is live before us so motion to approve. >> i move we move the item forward with a positive recommendation. >> take that without objection. let rr go to item 1 per request of the supervisor where this license would be situated. we continue the item. he is taking a tour of the site tomorrow so motion to continue to the call of the chair. >> so moved >> we'll take that without objection and madam clerk we had public comment on it. yep. thank you. sitem number 3, please >> item number hearing to consider that the transfer of a type 48 on-sale general public premises license from 177 eddy street to 50 mason street district 66 for pandora karaoki, inc. dba pandora karaoke will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san
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francisco. 3 >> good afternoon again. sergeant kennedy san francisco police department. you have a pcn report for pandora karaoke. they aplide for a type 48 licegence lows to operate as a bar or tavern. there are no letters of protest, no letters of support. they are located in plot 178 which is considered a high crime area. they are located in census tract 176.01 which is undo concentration area. tenderloin station does not approve. alu approves with the recommended conditions. sales service and consump son
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permitted from 11 a.m. to 12 midnight sunday to wednesday and 11 to 2 a.m. thursday through saturday. the sale of sale off the premises is strictly prohickted. karaoke studio room constructed on the premise shall have the falling characteristics. a, a viewing window thin door or wall. b, the view through windows shall not be constructed in any way nor shall any physical ubinstructions planters partitions or decor placed in front of or behind or atatached to the doors or windows. all doors will remain unlocked and shall not have any form of locking mechanism atamped at or near the doors. the studio rooms shall be equipted with
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audio and video equipment sufficient for the performance for karaoke entertain. karaoke must be available thin room during all hours of operation. 4, petitioners make no changes in the premise interior without prior written approval from the department. 5, nofe employee or age want shall accept money or any other thing of value from customer frz the purpose of sitting or otherwise spending time with customers while thin premise. nor, shall the licenseee provide or permit or make available gratuitous or for compensation male or female persons who ask as escorts compainians and guest for the customers. no agent shall sulistant alcoholic hoar non
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alcoholic beverage while on the premise. 7, loitering, loitering is defined as standideally about without lawful business and prohibited on sidewalks or property adjacent to the premise under the control of the licenseee deticketed ochb the abc 257. number 8 rsh no noise shall be audible beyond the area under the control of the licenseee depicted on the abc 257. the petitioners shall utilize electronic surveillance that is able to view inside and outside of the premise and actively maintained and recorded. the electronic surveillance is in place during operating hours. set electronic recordings are kept up to 72 hours and made available to the department or police department upon demand. at no time shall a customer have direct access or self service access to self services
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beverages and also [inaudible] shall go through a employee of the prem toos the customer. the petition is responsible for maintaining free of litter the area which they have control graffiti removed from the premise within 72 hours of application. if the graffiti occurs on a friday or weekend day or a holiday, the licenseee shall remove the graffiti within 72 hours the beginning of the next week day. monitor the interior of the premise at all times the alcoholic beverages are served or consumed to insure operates with all applicable laws and conditions. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you madam chair. thank you sergeant. just a quick question about the
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electronic surveillance. wonder if you can talk more about that. want to understand sort of what the reason for that was? >> keeping surveillance on the property is for their safety and if a crime occurs it is good for the public as well and can refer to their video surveillance and help the public as well >> is this something where we had this discussion before in committee because there are privacy rights that also implicateed so is this something where it is like you do this for everyone is there is a specific reason why you are doing it here? >> good question. we don't do it to everybody but it is definitely good for society to have the cameras out and we can refer to this for any other crime. >> i think that is the problem for me. i think that-i don't
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think it is a general rule we should require this type of surveillance. i think if there is a reason why it is appropriate here i'm fine with that but we have made it clear in the past and i made it clear thin past that i'm not comfortable with the general rule you have surveillance of every business. i just don't think where we as san francisco should be or want to be. if there is a public safety reason specific to a business to have surveillance, then i'm open to that. but i think there is history of that and part of it for me is as a gay man, the way that this kind of surveillance in the past was used against the community and that is not going on here but want to be sensitive to that. i'm not against giving it to the department where appropriate, but i am not comfortable giving it a blanket rule. >> if i can find my quick notes
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here really quick. at 50 mason street calls for service within 500 feet are 8932. police reports generated out of there are 1090. calls specific to that address are 13 calls with police reports are 2. if that may help you. >> thank you. that helps. >> okay, thank you sergeant. so, if there are no further comments members of the committee we open up for public comment on the item. any member that would like to speak on the item. seeing none--sorry. please do come up. you can stand by the wall if you like to speak. >> hello. my name is kurting lamb and speaking in support of pandora karaokes move to 50
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mason street. i currentsly operate the chairman food trucks and restaurant out of the tenderloin district and have been doing so for the last 6 years and through the last 6 years i have seen the tenderloin go through many transitions. some fwr the better and some still for the worst. yet, through often the darker side the changes the tenderloin has seen, sthra constant on eddie street between taylor and mason that consistency is real a the lights provided by pandora karaoke. if you are not familiar with the 600 block of eddie street, just giv me a second to paint a picture. during the day when pandora business is closed a mix och professionals walk through the area of drug deal squz people
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sleeping on the street and resident that call the tenderloin home. at night it turns into a darker place with a different walk of life but a different version orphwattio sign it day. that is until pandoras lights come on. that sign seemingly insignificant brings back light to a otherwise darker place in that part of town. also whenia hear music and voices of the singing patrons through the front door it takes away from that grimyness that you see in the neighborhood. i know this because i work next door and there from the morning until night. i see the difference in the neighborhood on the days pandora is open for business and when they are not. and when they are open for business, the neighborhood feels a lot more welcoming. pandora attracts a lot of
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visiting tourist and groups and friends >> thank you. we only give two minutes for each member but thank you for your comment and thank you for having your business in the tenderloin neighborhood. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is putact and am here as a resident of the tinder loin. i have been there forever. i want to talk about 3 things one displacement, work in the community and safety issue. i believe pandora is being displaced and kicked out and the riseen he is request the new one. while he is there he participated thin community take back the block. all the actirfbty moved to eddie streets and worked with the merchants and non-profits to make sure they decrease the amount of time happening on the 100 block so as the gentlemen
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mentioned earlier during the day they clean the streets and make sure none of that happens and during the night time there is security there and they present all these things from happening in their space thin fronts. i feel sair walking at night when they are around. the last part is they-i actually live further down but i'm will toog walk around in front of their store front to get home because i feel more safe with them there. if you imagine them moving to 50 mason, that will change because they will by there and presence and there will be security and will walk that way and not go on eddie because they won't be there because they are getting kicked out. i think i have 30 seconds left. >> thank you so much. any other members of the public that like to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. someone who has been to pandora myself i want to thank you for
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being dedicated and responsible small business owner in the neighborhood and look forward to continuing to work with you on increasing safety as well as working with us to help continue to activate the neighborhood particularly on this block of mason street. colleagues at this time can we take a motion on the iletm? >> i think the folks the applicant are here to say- >> if you don't need to hear from us . they said there were no letters of support and don't know if i can give them to the clerk but have 8 letters of support that were sent to abc and police department including one from tend r loin safe passage which states they never support a liquor license [inaudible] and just finally, there are 13 conditions that have been prooffered by the san francisco police-
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>> i'm so sorry because i would call you up if we had questions. so the applicant at this time the committee doesn't have questions mptd we just have a long agenda and think this committee will move forward with the item if that is okay with you. i appreciate you being here. in the future let our office know you want to make a presentation. you are also welcome to speak at public comment as well. but if the applicant would like to say something becauseia made the trouble coming down here--jeff, thank you for being here. >> jeff i'm the owner and operator of pandora. as stated we are trying to move to 50 mason street and love the neighborhood and put our heart into the neighborhood and are part the block group to insure safety ure in the neighborhood and feel the scurpt staff is
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with me for 6 years. the same staff and have gotten to know whether the resident and a lot of people feel safer when we are open. we are trying to keep our doors open and later to help the public, to help the neighborhood bring good folks in. there is a lot going on in the area and we like to encourage that type of growth and think that karaoke is good for that and good for the neighborhood so hope we can stay. thank you. >> i believe karaoke is also good for the neighborhood and for all things so thank you. >> thank you. >> so, at this time- >> where is walter [inaudible] when you need him? >> we have a motion to move forward with positive recommendation to full board? we do that without upsition. thank you for the applicant and for the members to be here on the item and appreciate the
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patience. we vanumber of public comment as well. at this time madam clerk if you can please call item number 5. >> item 5, ordinance amending the police code to provide a process for the removal of encampments when housing or shelter is available for encampment residents, and authorizing the department of homelessness and supportive housing to develop protocols governing the removal and storage of personal property when removing and encampment. >> thank you madam clerk. we have moved this item up in order for staff to present on the item. i believe that the chief deputy of the department of homelessness is here today, sam dodge. jeff [inaudible] could ntd make it today. we wanted to hear from you about the ongoing tent encampment mapping and dismantlement process. i did want to ask you to come and present on what is
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ongoing today. as we know tent encampments is a big public issue and something thin discourse particularly over the course of the last 8 months. we have a number of different legislations trying to test t
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>> the mission to become this place and what we have understood from the very beginning is when it comes to clearing encampments moving people out of a specific area without giving them a place to go is not a solution. it doesn't work. in fact, what we see in terms of the problem that is out there, is that some
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of the folks that are camped out are peachal who had been previously moved or pushed along from other encampments and if you don't give people a place to go, they just move down the block or come back to the same spot, which is why we focus in my office on legislation with this board to create more navigation centers so people actually have a place to go. and so, that is what we have been focused on for the last few months and we have been focusing in the last few weeks with the new department of homelessness on actually implementing that policy. clearing out these encampments because we recognize that people companying out in these tents is not a solution and it is not something that works for them on so many different levels and it is not something that works for the neighborhood. it is not what we want to be and what we want
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to do in san francisco. we have to do better than that. i want to make the point because i want to thank the residents of the north mission especially who have been sort of dealing with the brunt of this and want you to know that we are working on this and want to thank mr. dodge and jeff [inaudible] because in the last few weeks we have been working to make this is a priority and are in the middle of that. i just want people to know that there is a way that we can be humane but also pragmatic in dealing with this and that is what we are trying to do and we already actually have cleared out a number of these encampments and the rest is in the works. but this idea that simply clearing them out and throwing out the belongings doesn't work. we won't do that because it does want solve anything so look
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forward hearing more from the department and i want to thank all my residents who are here. i see some of them here for what they have been going through. with that mr. dodge, thank you. >> thank you supervisor, sam dodge department of homelessness and supportive housing. i want to echo what you said. like you said, we are in the middle of this and the department is up and budget authority since august 15, relatively babies but doesn't mean we are not working on this. i was asked by matthew dorty to help the drafting of the dialogue document they pub lished around resolving encampments that were referenced by supervisor kim
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and they have been great assets to our community and talking about best practices and look for us and see what worked for us. i just say the local context the homelessness in san francisco is quite a challenge. you know, in 2005 we had a homeless of 6248 people. 2015 we had a camp of 6686 but given the context of the extreme housing crisis and the rate of families living in poverty that is be seen as a success even though we don't see it as a success. half of our homeless population is sleeping on the streets every night. they are in crisis and challenge and our sister cities are facing an even higher crisis where we are able shelter 50 percent, in
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california 70 percent find themselves unsheltered on the street and 1 in 5 people homeless in the united states are homeless in the california. it is a very specific crisis we are facing in california with our street homelessness. some of the measures we have taken thin past few years is open the navigation center from street homelessness. it is successful for over all most 700 people but that is a demonstration of the fact people want to leave encampments and are ready to muchb move on with their live jz it is not a fun or safe place people find them sechbls and given the opportunity they are more that willing to give up tent and living on the street corners and come into our system of care to try to change their lives. and even with the successs of the
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navigation centers and the expansion that we are taking, clearly we are struggling with street homelessness in san francisco. we track homeless camp with tents and see between 70 and 80 locations. best practice the department convenes a weekly encampment resolution team meeting with representatives from the homeless outreach team, department of homelessness, public works and representative from our local homeless coordinating boards to coordinate efforts. the goals are to learn and refine the best practices by following a basic framework. prepare, coordinate a cross sector and systems, perform intensive outreach and engagement. provide low barrier pathways out of the encampments and into
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shelter and housing and prevent encampments from being re-created. we have seen success but we clearly have not refined the practice to the point where it can be codifyed. we ask for your time to identify lesson that can strengthen the communities overall homeless crisis we sponse system. we met repeatedly with the coalition on homelessness and aclu and lawyers committee on about evolving of the law when it come tooz encampments i people on the streets and how to work with possessions and their own civil rights while also helping to address health conditions and disease vectors as we can. of course we kill comply with any
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legislation passed by the board of supervisors, but as we go we need to continue to improve our practices and i think we are all unified about from the homeless on the street to advocates to xhoo unty neighbors is that the current state of encampments is unsustainable and not desirable and want to make steps toward a system that we want that helps resolve the homelessness and not forced to live on the street. our recent practices have included [inaudible] with the good advice from advoicate squz other communities is the addition of bringing in portable bathroom and dumpsters to help people take time to sort through their positions and be be able to have access to toilets. that encampment was at a high walter mark of over 50 people and were able to
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resolve it and offer all people access to shelter that were there. there were no arrests. we did in the final clean up remove over 20 thousand pound of debris and i think it is a nice success and the first time we are using our newest iteration of what we learned in the encampment response team so our next efforts as supervisor campos was talking about is move into the mission and know there are large scale encampments in the mission. it isn't for lack of trying or lack of trying to bring in resources, and trying to coordinate but need to do better and that is our current efforts there. we don't have the perfect prescription yet and need to keep at this and lead with our heart and understanding that these are
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humans and people that are homeless and need to-do our best by them. again, it is just not okay to keep going the way it is going right now. it is dangerous for those homeless and dangerous for our communities so those are our next steps and that is how weem we will try to move forward. >> thank you mr. dodge. just a few questions. is it helpful to have legislation on the books in terms of how to administer the process of addressing tent encampments in the city? if so, what would be helpful to have on the books that would giv the department more tools or help you be more effective in the process? >> i mean, just open book. i would love if there was a income eeligibility for section 8 voucher or eligibility for housing in some way. i know that is hard to opraigdsalize
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in a city like ours but that would be a asset that would make a game changer. we are regulated by a number of laws and codes and court precedents. it isn't as if cities are low aed to do anything when people find themselves homeless. it is a constricted and contested place >> do you think it is helpful to have legislation that dictates how tent encampment removal occurs? >> um, no. i don't. i mean i think the best it is to point to a northern star and keep iterating and finding the best practices. if we were able to have a best practice that was good in all context, then that would we the place. i just dont think we are there yet. it isn't just san francisco that is struggling, all our neighboring communities and
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talk to a lot of other communities, dallas recently and helping them take down a large encampment. i don't think anyone has the magic thing. >> i think because this is homelessness is a issue that frustrates all of us on so many different levls. one, there are people without homes, two that housing is so unaffordable even for those working full time that the streets are the option of housing for our residents. three, seeing your neighborhood with traish and feses because people have no where else to go is frustrating. it stirs up a lot of emotion jz everyone want tooz act on it somehow. we struggle with from the legislative bodies perspective because one of the main functions we have is to write law jz that is how we respond
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to constituents concerns is say we'll write a law on that. i think the bigger policy conversation for us at the board is think about whether that is the best tool to address encampments and eliminating homeless thin city. i think that is a larger conversation and have this legislation before us and legislation going before the voters this november and thing we should focus on the fact that we all want the same outcomes which is house and provide service to as many people struggling on the streets as possible and really think about what is the best pathway sfr us to go. legislation could possible be one, we can pass a legislation that is at this committee before us today and say that we are doing something about homelessness but i really want to push our body to ask whether that will get us the results we need to and there is
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administrative flexibility we should give in trust that we have the best folks working on the issue. so, thank you for your comments in terms of providing us context in terms of what the department of homelessness is thinking about right now and the vision as it gets started. it only kind of transspired in june so there is a patience we need to provide but it is helpful for us to understand from the department how we can best support you. whether it is around looking and examining a section 8 option, perhaps there are enough laws around. i'm not saying there isn't because i'm the sponsor of the legislation but i want to put that forward and hopefully can continue the dialogue. i know there are many members of the public who would like to speak. colleagues comments or questions for mr. dodge? thank you for being here.
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>> thank you. at this time i want to open for public comment. any member that would like to speak on item number 5. >> jennifer freedenbalk, good afternoon. realally appreciate we have this discussion. i think from our perspective it is unacceptable there are so many who are forced to sleep on the streets. the health is disintegrateed quickly. it is thousand times worse than
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myself as a neighbor in the mission. that isn't to displiss there are concerns about that but i think thin center of the conversation has to be homeless people and what it is for them that is so much worse. they are forced to sleep on the streets, they have no choice. we have over today over 900 people on the wait list for shelter. we have people trying to get shelter every day that are turned awayment we have 8 thousand house holds that are homeless on the wait list for public housing. i can go on and on t. is impossible to get treatment, getting mental health treatment is difficult, it is impossible to get well because you are traumatized over and over again and being treated with a high degree of hate. the realty is when we are trying to resolve encampments we can't move people quickly within 24 hours. it takes 3 days to get
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a tb test. it doesn't make sense to do like housing not tents when there is now housing involved. we need to do change and invest in actual solutions to move people from the streets and into housing. thank you. >> thank you mrs. freedenbalk. >> hello supervisors and my supervisor david campos. i'm [inaudible] representing here the northeast mission business association and we believe we are ground zero for tent encampments and i see our supervisor is agree. it has been a very serious health and human safety issue with theitant encampments that are up squ dounand down 16th street, folsom, harrison. we must have a solution for this.
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a few weeks ago we counted on a walk around just one block, 42 needles discarded so along our street we have children running back and forth to catch the bust to go to school. the tent encampment situation has to be imealierated as quickly as possible for heblth and human safety. our hearts go out to the people who are homeless and want to do what we can to help that, but to have tent encampments in front of our businesses is very very serious matter. so, as a gentle woman i'm not going to describe the illegal business that goes on in these tent encampments because we all know about it, so i want to ask you to please be realistic about the timeframe for moving the tents. thank you.
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>> thank you, so much. >> good afternoon. patricia [inaudible] representing san francisco travel. i'm going to emphasize on 3 point why san francisco travel is going to support measure q as a alternative to supervisor kim's measure. number 1, the city should not geeer tee affordable housing to anyone who sets up tents. number 2, the permanent housing component will just incent vise more tents on the neighborhoods and sidewalks and the 7 days to 14 days notice for removal of tents we think for public safety reasons it should be sooner than that. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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jim [inaudible] san francisco chamber of commerce. i looked a that handbook for the 1986 election and there was a bond issue to build a mental health facility and that argument said we had ofern 6 thousand homeless people on the streets of san francisco every night. that was 30 years ago. we have 6 thousand people give or take today. the difference is, we had an agreshive shelter program until 1988 through the sro's and through shelter facilities and there were not encampments. why do we have encampments in 2016 with a portion of that over 6 thousand population of homeless that we didn't have then? public policy has changed. supervisors before you mayors before you have defunded programs, have reduced the amounts of available shelter
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and turned to the streets in front of peoples businesses and homes and these are not all people who just happen to lose their housing last week and got a tent. there is illegal activities of every type and crime occurring in the mission and throughout encampments. this should not be allowed in any civilized city and it is chronic problem on the west cost of the united states i recognize. the chamber wants to work with you on a solution to put people into shelter by our standards of humane streement and not the standards the homeless people want us to abide by. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. [inaudible] president of the san francisco council of district merchants. like to thank supervisor campos for calling pee back about the
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encampments [inaudible] i want to point out a few things, one is, there are homeless people all over the city. noe value, castro, [inaudible] all over the place. but you don't see encampments everywhere. encampments there were some under the freeways that are no long there and businesses have encampments and these effect the businesses. don't we care about our businesses? that's what we should look like. when it comes to housing i asked others about this, i believe on treasure islands we have empty weir houses that can fill housing for them. supervisor kim, you do a great job with portable toilets and all that, we could place those on treasure island and provide housing for them. wouldn't that be a better place to live
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rather than in the streets and effecting the small business? it isn't fair we are not lookic into this. i have not been [inaudible] but i think we will need to look at it. my concern is how these encampments effect small business. when i look at others areas of the city where there are no encampments, over on th castro and 24th street there a couple people that are homeless and really nice folks and really am concerned about how they live. at least they are not taking up a place on the street where people can not come into the businesses there. thank you very much. >> madam chair, i would ask sf travel given the statements may make without solutions means they have the decency to stay for the remainder of the
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hearing so actually hear-they are about to leave it seems, so at least have a chance to hear from the rest of the community who come here and make these grandiose statements and just walk away, i hope you are better than that. >> thank you and thank you mr. colonel woods. >> my name is [inaudible] been working as a social worker and a advocate with homeless people in for 11 years in my career for 20. within that time, within the past few minutes i heard some the most disgusting and disrespectful comments about homelessness i heard working here and in new york city. i have to say ignorns intolerance and nasty public
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discourse like this hurts us just as much as the current state that we have where we don't have enough resources to help the vast number of people who are suffering oon our streets and want nothing more than a safe place to sleep and live where they are not subject to violence and not subject to ridicule and not treated like pieces of trash. we have to decide how we will respond to homelessness in the public sector and as public conversation because it effects all of us. unfortunately when that happens we often have to fight against the myths and the misinformation as hard as we have to fight for the resources for our people that have been taken from us, that have been seen as unimportant based on political whims. i'm here to
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say, i've been fighting for real solutions. we need to work together and do something real and something respectful and understand the people that we are talking about. encampments are made of people. human beings. if you have trouble believing that i suggest you go out and introduce yourself and talk to your neighbors. >> thank you. >> kelly cutture a human rights organizer. i was out of the encampments and going out on a regular basis and the other day there was a sweep going on and we went to the police officer and said, where should they go? he said, i dopet have a answer for that. he knows just like everyone else there is all most 9 hundred people on the shelter
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wait list and don't have the housing. everyone i talk to want housing. they are like, how can we do this? it is this whole myth that people are choosing to stay out and don't want housing, it is just not true. i thipg it is really important-we are making progress and having to deal with a measure going the ballot which is frustrating because i felt like we were making progress. it is important to be looking at strategies that are effective. the city has done and been effective. such as when the encampments on 4th and king we had addressed and it took time. they did the encampment and i was out there the other day, [inaudible] creek and you have great people working down there. they are doing really good work. they
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did need a little more time because this takes time to make permanent and real solutions to get people into housing. based on the federal guidelines. we know the tools, we need to just say on that path and-i also definitely support what collin said before me because it is frustrating after doing this for so long and hearing this stuff it is like--thank you. >> thank you mrs. cutler. >> good afternoon. jordan [inaudible] davis. formerly homeless. i'm a few formally homeless people here. i just want to say nobody in this room i'm pretty sure wants to live in a tent encampment. i know i didn't want to live in a tent encampment but let's face it, there are not enough exists to tent encampments and those
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exhibits that are there are substandard. shelter, we have been through this thousand times before and why we had to do the navigation center and why we are expandic the concept. all the housing are usually non-profit hotels which are lack of safety. there is a lot of vandalizing rules. a lot of like health hazards that are probably worse that encampment. it is a haaseal environment for lgbt like myself. you live with rapist and pedophiles and arsnist and deal with health issues. i'm not saying we are spoiled but unless we give a safe, decent affordable place to live people will reject this. i'm sure a lot of people if they offered what they were offering utah, they get the heck off the
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streets. of course what we are offering right now is often triggering the many people not to come. basically i just want to say to everyone that you know, that standing with us that's want to listen to us, that you know very much and for those people who have no idea about what it is like to be homeless and no idea-you think you know what is best, just sit down and shut up, okay. thank you. >> thank you mrs. davis. >> my name is [inaudible] i represent [inaudible] for the homeless, which is mainly homeless [inaudible] i have been homeless activist for 30 years in san francisco. i have seen this criminalization going on over and over and over. it does not-it makes peoples lives more miserable. it does