tv Small Business Commission 10316 SFGTV October 4, 2016 6:00am-11:01am PDT
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and sf gov tv. members of the public take the opportunity to silence phones. pub luck comment is limit today 3 minute per speaker unless otherwise established. speaker are requested but not required to state name, completion of the sparking card will insure proper spelling. deliver speaker cards to the the commission secretary. additionally there is a sign in sheet at the front table for those that would like to be added to the mailing list. if you can please show our slide. >> alright. we begin each and end small business commission meeting with reminder the office of small business is the only place to start your newbeds in san francisco and best place to get answers about doing business in san francisco. the saufs of small business should be your first stop and have a question what to do next. so, if you need
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assistance, small business matters start here at the office of small business. thank you. alright. >> item 1, call to order and roll call. stephen adams is absent. dooley, here. dwight, here. ortiz-cartagena, here. u, riley, here. tour-sarkissian, here, zouzounis, here. general public comment. >> any members of the public who would like to comment on anything not on tonights agenda. seeing none. a men. public comment is closed. >> itedm number 3. discussion and action to approve legacy business registry application
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squz resolution. discussion and action item. the applications under consideration are the booksmith, dog eared book, green apple books, henry's house of coffee and zeitgeist. the presenter is richard kurylo >> good evening. richer kurylo legacy business program manager. i have a powerpoint presentation today. today we have 5 legacy business applicant before you. the legislation and administration code section 2 a rks 242 d says eligacy business is a business nominate bide a mb of the board of supervisor or the mayor and small business after a hearing determines and meets the following critee ur. one, the
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business operate in san francisco for 30 or more years with no break in san francisco operation exceeding 2 years. the business may have operated in more than one location. if the business operated in san francisco for more than 20 years but less than 30 yearatize may still satisfy the subsection if the small business commission finds the business criblt today the history or identity of a particular neighborhood or community and it is not included in the trejistry the business would face a significant risk of displacement. critearium two, the business contributes to the neighborhood history or identity of a particular neighborhood or community. the business is committed to maintaining the physical features or traditions that define the business including craft, culinary or art forms. the small business commission makes finds tgz includes the business and registry as a
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legacy business. today we have 5 legacy businesses starting with item 3 a, the booksmith. 1644 hate ight hate street in district 5. 3 b, dog eared books, address, 900 valencia street and 489 castro street and that's in district 9. 3 c, green apple books. address, 506 clumeant street and 1231 9th avenue in district 1 for 506. henry's house of coffee, 1618 nor ega street in district 4. zite gite in district 9.
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>> books, beans burgers and beer. that is awesome. >> have the applicant operated in san francisco for 30 or more years with no break exceeding 2 years the determination is 3 a, c, d and e. the determination is no for 3 b, which is dog eared books. has dog eared books operated in san francisco more than 20 years but less than 30 years. contributed to the history or identity to a eneighborhood or commune ity and face significant risk of displacement, the determination is yes. criteria 2, have the applicant contribute today the neighborhood history orioid of a neighborhood or community. determine is yes. all 5 applicant were recommend bide
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the historic preservation commission. the app competent committed to maintaining the physical features design including craft, culinary and art form squz the determination is yes. staff recommendation is that the small business include there 5 businesses listed in agenda items 3 a-3 a in the legacy business registry as legacy businesses. there are 5 draft resolutions for consideration by the small business commission, one for each of the legacy business registry applicants. and i'll entertain questions if you have them. >> it is another great group of businesses and i want to thank each of you for going all the effort to fill out your application squz qualify. this is a fantastic. i see familiar names on the list so delighted to have you join the registry. commissioners, any questions for richard or comments?
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>> richard can you elaborate on 3 b? >> dog eared books. >> 29 years rather than 30. >> the legislation allows to be included in the registry if they face a risk of displacement so they are trying to negotiate thait lease which is up in 2018 and having difficulty with that so we are thinking that the listing on the registry will help them negotiate the lease with the landlord. >> making a exception then? >> we allowed exsemgzs in the past. >> we have done that for one of the applicant in the first round and there are a few more in the pipeline that are also within the same category. >> thanks. >> you're welcome. >> any other comments? okay. well, thank you. we'll open up for public comment. do we have
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speaker cards? >> we have one speaker card. >> there are other additional cards. >> standard that you announce >> the first speaker is pete [inaudible] >> good afternoon commissioners. morning somewhere. first wanted to thank you for your service. thank you for volunteering your time to support smaum business in san francisco. green apple was founded in 1967 with a credit union loan. we opened a second store in the inner sun set so we support 38 employees. we did math and think we have done about 5 million transagzs actions in the last 49 years. if there is history in a few of them i think there is history in all. connecting people and
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books 5 million times i hope is impressive. the building is [inaudible] the book squz people chaisked over time but if you shop twnt or 30 or 40 years ago it would have the same feeling. books are important to every community. they help couples conceive, survivors grieve, kids learn to read, learn new perspectives. [inaudible] recirculates money nin community. [inaudible] pays cax out to customers which they respond in the local community. unlike our online competitors. ory books evolved with the times. we expand and contract sections based on what is selling. we have all most 1300 yelp reviews 12 hundred are 4 or 5 star squz say this to show the community support for the store. no other book
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store has that many. we have won a lot of awards including publisher weekly seller. we live here. my partners and i live here and xids glow to public school squz vaulten tear and referryed the basketball games around the corner and green apple is a source of stability on clument street. many merchants told us they opened near us because we were there. we also participate in the community and helped found the local first movement educating business and consumers about the value of shopping locally and active in the murnant association but humanity happens at green apple. wie had fires, earthquakes and death and also marriage proposals. new stores have grown from ours. at least 3 other green apples started their own store in san francisco. the only reason we
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are still here is 4 or 500 people every day decide they rather have locally owned independent book store. we thank you for your consideration and support. >> thank you. anyone else? >> we have mr. [inaudible] >> good afternoon. my name is [inaudible] third generation coffee roast in f is. the business was founded in 1965 but my fathers uncle andy and my father purchased in it 83. i remember being 12 years old woken up on saturday and dragged to work to help my dad with the business. i hated it and it wasn't something i wanted to do, i wanted to swatch scuby due. 3 years i made the switch from corporate world into the business. we
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are in the coffee business because it is part of my heritage not because it is a good business. i love what i do, i get to work with my father. i get to roast coffee and have conversations with the community and my hope is the legacy business continues and respect and honor what you are gibbing giving us and be around for another 50 yoors. >> and y hope that one of my children willp want to be in my business. >> next speaker is kat rosen burger. >> my name isicate roseenburger. i have a letter from my tax guy supporting our financial liability. that is something i can submit. this is nerve-wracking. >> you nervous?
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you are only on sf gov tv broadcast world wide. >> thank you. yes. late night. my name isicate roseenburg . we opened in 1992 at 1173 vulens lu. after a new land lady bought the build{moved to 900 valencia at 20th. we had 5 landlords since occupying the space. the new landlord is instead of renewing leases to long established viable tenant giving 45 days eviction notice and raising the rent as much as 5 timeathize current market rate. dog eared book saz financial viable business. san francisco has been a center of literary innovation and tradition. the
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[inaudible] our authors write world class fantasy adventer and [inaudible] robert lewis stephen [inaudible] ann rice. those are just the authors within international reputations. our current poet laureate [inaudible] another. we were once known as the city ofpo poets. neither authors or book stores or the city of san francisco operate in a vacuum. we have a benefital relationship. as recently as 10 years goy there were 9 book stores in 9 blocks. abandoned
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pant, adobe, [inaudible] forest books, [inaudible] modern time squz valencia books. now, there are two book shops in two blocks. dog eared books and borebder land. boarder land nearly closed shop last year due to minimum wage increase. they subscribed [inaudible] signed up 600 scribers in 4 days. the community support is here, our neighbors old and new love and support us. we are a international tourist destination. please allow us to be honored as a legacy business and what i call the little city that could beloved san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker card is kristin evans. >> i'm the owner of the third
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book store, booksmith. it was a treat to see 3 book stores on the list today before you. i am a relatively new owner of our store, 9 years. the book store was founded over 40 years ago and it was a pleasant surprise to be nominate frd the legacy business designation by our supervisor breed. we were hosting a 4th anniversary party in the store this summer and had a huge turn out and she came and said i nominated you for the legacy business award and said great! what does that mean? just a little about the booksmith, it was in the application gary frank and debbie [inaudible] met at the uc berkeley book store and they set out to establish what they thought would be a sustainable viable business to raise a family and they opened their first location on haight street
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in 1976 below the i beam club with the puchck rock scene and they were fortunate to be able to buy a building on haight street in the early to mid-80's. gary invested in library lightjug custom shelves which are there today. my husband and i took over the store in 2007. gary had advertise #d the business for sale starting in 2001 and hadn't been able to find a buyer. it speaks volumes to the change in brick and mortar bookstores acured over that period of time that we have been between the first and second dot com boom. frchinately he saw and trusted his legacy to my husband and i and we have been proud to
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continue offering a general selection of books to the local haight ashbury neighborhood made up of color people can makes it part of the intrest of going to work every day. thank you very much. >> great. thank you very much. zeitgeist is next to speak? you came all the way over. >> laura [inaudible] the daughter of the owner of zeitgeist. as you may have seen zeitgeist started in 1977 and founded by man names hauns [inaudible] embodied a lot of what you may recognize. a bit of a grungey dive bar that appealed to a wide group of people. what you may not know is he is home osexual so it was
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a place a lot of people could go which at the time in san francisco didn't have a lot of spaiss in the community. when he passed in 1998 my dad took over the bar. there is a mural in the backyard that is there to remember him and we tried very hard to keep that legacy in place. one thing that we are facing a challenge we might have in the coming month is there a development across the street which is 5 stories high that will shade our beer garden so wree doing everything we can do to maintain the business and be what is for the last all most 40 years so we really appreciate your considering us for this special legacy business designation and we hope we will be able to sustain that as it comes. >> thank you very much. alright. are there any members
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of the public that would like to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. any comments? >> i want to say it is a another great group of people and embody the independent small business, something that we all need to hold fiercely on to in this town and delighted to be here to help you in any way can and bravo to all you. >> yes, thank you very much. as i said observe, i appreciate you taking the effort to go through all of the application process and to be here tonight as well. thank you and thank you for your word. any other comments? alright. a motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> okay. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? >> welcome to the legacy business registry, thank you
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very much. [applause] >> that motion passes 6-0, 1 absent. >> now get back to work. [laughter]. what is next. >> item 4, discussion and axz to made recommendation on board of supervisors file 160960 planning code temporary homeless shelters in certain industrial and mixed use district. allow temp laer homeless shelters in production and distribution and repair the west soma mixed use office and service arts light industrial zoning districts subject to conditional use authorization affirming the planning commissions determination under the california environmental quality act making findings of public convenience necessity and welfare priority code section 101.1. discussion and possible action and our presenter is sam dodge, deply
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director department of homelessness and supportive housing. >> good evening. emily cohen and here- >> hi, emily. >> how are you guys? >> i assume you presenting the next as well. i won't call you sam dodge again. >> okay. i'm not sure how to make this- >> sf gov tv will turn it on. >> thank you very much for having us. like i said, emily cohen with department of homelessness and supportive housejug here with paul from department of public works and we can-i have a short presentation prepared about the navigation sent squr the legislation that correspond and paul and i can answer any questions you might have. um,
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so, san francisco faces- >> sorry for the interruption. so is in-just want to make sure-you will talk about the-is that file number 160961 that is the presentation is targeted to? >> both. >> mr. president should we call both items together? >> yeah, can you call both together. >> i need to read into report. discussion and action to make remation on board of supervisors file 160961 summary street vacation 25th street temporary navigation center for homeless rez dent. ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of portion of 25th street bounded pie assesser parcel block 4241, lot number 002, to seawall lot 355,. lot
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number 001 and assessers parcel block, number 4300 lot number oo 1 to the south. michigan street to the west and 356 seawall lot assesser parcel block number 1399 lot ooo to the east. to facilitate construction of a taemperary navigation center for homeless resident authorizing on 24th street pursuant to administration code section 106.3 b. afirming the planning departments determination under california environmental call act. consistent with general plan and the 8 priority policies of planning code section 1071.1 and authorizing official acts and connection with this ordinance. discussion and possibly action item. >> thank you. as i'm sure you all know san francisco face as
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straight homelessness crisis. we have about 6700 people homeless in san francisco on any given night so that's a single night homeless census and estimate it is between 14 and 15 thousand a year who experience homelessness. we also estimate there are about 3500 people unshementered in unsheltered in san francisco living on our streets. the navigation centers are a innovative approach to sheltering people coming off the street and proven to be successful in san francisco. we open the first navigation center in march 20 15 and the sect in june of 2016 and both have proven to be assets moving people off the street and into permanent housing. they are a interim place for folks to stay and with intensive case
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management connect them to permanent solution. we have one navigation in the mission district at 1950 mission squl the other at 12 and market. we are charged by the board of supervisors to open 6 sites in the next 2 years so the central waterfront location is the third possible navigation center site. just to go back to the successors because this is a big deal. the navigation centers are doing well. just in navigation center 1 alone we brought in 700 people off the streets since it opened last march and 80 percent existed to more stable housing so we are doing well in terms of reaching folks who haven't previously utilized shelter and on the veets as well as making long term solutions to their homeless ness. navigation
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centers are [inaudible] in a number of important ways it is important to understand. the target population is folks who don't traditionally use shelter jz on the e street more so we have done changing to atracktd them in. we are targeting in encampments and long experience of homelessness. we like to say we operate with hospitalality in terms of really welcoming people in and those who haven't felt welcomeed before and allow pets, partsners and positionerize 3 of the things we have found are barriers to traditionally accessing shelter so removed the barriers. we have on site services provided fwhie service manager as well as colocating other services on site. this is where people go to central office to get enrolled in public benefits, we bring the services on site.
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the sites are much smaller than a traditional shelter thmpt site for the navigation center at the water front is 70 beds. it has 24/7 staffing and staffing ratios and has a great village design public works created for us. we have gone through a fairly expensive community engagement process leading to this point beginning in april we began dialogue with the dag patch and outreach to small business, door to door and mailings to the community. mark is a big part of that effort and appreciate his leadership on this. the site that we selected for the navigation center is not the original site but based on community input and conversation with the neighbors business we opted to move one block over to a site that was more aligned with everyone in
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the neighborhood wanted from the nerks door neighbor business and community members. and then in terms of support we had tremendous support from the board of supervisors the port commission and dogpatch neighborhood association. the specific pieces of legislation that you all invited us here to des cuss is a pair of legislative proposal that allow the navigation sent toor go through. the first is temporary street vacation for the end of 25th street east of michigan and that would allow us to use that space temporarily to host the navigation center and the second is planning code amendment that allow temporary shelters in [inaudible] and wmou zoning districts so conditional use authorization required. this is the timeline, i won't go into .
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the process began last spring with community out reach and conversation and hope to center open in early 2017. i have a few images here of what the navigation center will look like. so you can see it is a interior-the entire navigation center is built with monural unit on a platform above the street so don't have to turn into the street to deliver utilities. it is delivered under the platform. so, all these modular unit are built on top of the platform and all be ada compliant and folks will be able to utilize and have bunks, officer for service, showjure laundry facilities and paul can go into more detail if you have more question about the physical site. that's a overhead shot of what the campus will look like. j
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thank you. the only thing i would add is we have been developing this with the temporary street vacation and it is a innovative use of that resource. it is a deadened street and it de doesn't have through access to the site behind it so our impact especially use thg modular unit are minimal on the site and designed this in such a way that is very easy to put and remove and leave things as they were for future use so it is a temporary intervention but it makes the lives of these peachal a lot better. >> commissioners. >> thank you for the presentation. i have a question about the 42 months and so talking about temporary,
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why 42 months? what is the magical- >> so it was something-3 years was what was arrived in various discussion with the communetry especially the dogpatch neighborhood association. the fact it is temporary is driv bine the board of supervisors ordinance creating the navigation centers. they must be temporary. that is what the- >> it has to be less than 3 years or around 3 years? the temporary-definition of temporary? >> the building code has a definition of temporary tha& that isn't what this is. the 3 years was arrived at in discussion with the neighborhood group in specific on this site. other sites they may be 2 and others more, case by case basis. 42 months low as 3 months of set up and 3
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months of removal. we can't do work with human occupancy on the street without it being vacaitded so need the vacation period to allow us to construct and remove. >> you would budget 6 months frl installation and removal and >> and between housing that is 3 years. >> that is a achievement to finish construction in 3 months. >> one key is all the modular unit are fabicated off site so delivered in tact essentially. the work we do is construct the deck, put the fire sprinklers and hang the utilities that connect them so we have been working extensively to try to minimize the time frame of construction to get in and out of there as quickly as possible. >> it talks about 42 months from the effective date of the ordinance, what is the effective date? >> that is once it suproved by the board of supervisors kwr
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signed by the mayor. >> we don't have time to burn to immediately start your construction. thank you. good luck. >> thank you. >> anyone else? okay. i have been involved in the discussions about this for quite some time as both a resident and business owner in dogpatch and can vouch for the support of the neighborhood. i have been somewhat lengthy negotiation process but everyone i think has come to terms with it and think we are excited to be part of the solution hopefully to helping work the edges of the problem we have in san francisco. we'll open up for public comment. >> i want to thank you for having us and thank you very much for your support. >> thank you. so, any members of the public that like to comment on this item? yes,
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please. >> kristin evans from booksmith. i have been working closely as part of the member of the haight ashbury merchant association for haight ashbury and has been a up hill battle so kudos for accomplishing it. i can say i live in work in haight ashbury and know one of the biggest challenges we have is people that are basically have no place to go. through solutions like the navigation center and creative solutions like to the streets which basically gives young people housing in exchange for street cleaning service, i think these are the answers to us addressing the perpetual long term challenge of homelessness. again, congratulations to dogpatch for accomplish this and do hope your support this navigation model. it is so important because it does
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reduce all the bay area for getting long term homeless folks of the streets. the 3 ps, pets, partners and [inaudible] thank you very much for supporting this. >> any other members of the public that like to comment? seeing none, public comment is clouzed. we vaopportunity to support or not both of these of that particular street and the authorizing of navigation centers in pdr zones. motions? >> move to approve. >> we need to take each item separately. >> the first item is the allowing temporary homeless shelters in pdr zoned areas. >> i move to support. >> first motion. >> second. >> should i do role call. all in favor? >> aye.
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>> any opposed? okay, the aye's have it 6-0, 1 absent in favor. >> the second item is vacate 25th street to make way for this particular navigation center. >> i move to support vacation. >> alright. >> temporary navigation center for homeless. >> vecd? >> i second. >> okay, all in favor? >> aye. opposed? >> that motion passes 6-1, 1 absent. >> thank you very much for coming out tonight. appreciate it and good luck with the rest of your journey. alright. >> okay. moving on to item number 6. presentation and discussion regarding new office
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of small business departmental logo. discussion item and presenter is imgen speer. >> before you start commissioners this 15 long journey to finally get a logo for the office of small business, so pleased and want to thank commissioner dwight for his input and stewardship and so i think we have a-very pleased with the product we have today and so anxious to turn it over to imgen to talk about the process and how we came to the design and logo. >> thank you for the introduction. good eve chck, my name is imgon spear and contracted through lowercase production to help creation of the new logo. i also brought a powerpoint when chi tyke to take you through the identity
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development process that we did. everybody recognizes this. this is the logo for the san francisco business portal which is one of the departments that works along the side of the small business office and this is a great logo. it is fresh and modern and these were some of the things the small business office was looking for as they rebranded. they wanted it tobe clean, fresh modmodern and wanted to have governmental gravtaus. they need today integrate with the peer squz be a clun new -clean new look. without further ado let me introduce you to our new logo, which is a little on the screen. so, how to integrate-thank you. how toant great a unique identity with the other departments. the
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office of small business works in collaboration with business portal we thought it is a good idea to draw influence from their design. in order to do this, we kept within a blue pallet and also wanted to keep the intentional overall arch to the logo's shape. we have the inclusion of the city hall icon which of course is integrated to both departments and similar shape treatments in the buildings as well as similar type treatment and layout. there is also the additional of windows which makeatize more approachable and also [inaudible] so, i wanted to figure a way to design a image for the san francisco business office that had a unique id related to them. so, seems we
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are important to the representative thofz department as you heard earlier that is would be a starting place. it is first step toward running your own small business and it gave the impression of beginnings. we also cht it to have a strong sense of independents that the small business was one that could sur vive in the big city surrounded by the city as it were and make ing it on its own. we show this with the unique size and the lights are always on which draws your eye immediately to the business first. it also gives the sense people are always working hard there and it is a welcoming place. so, while it has its own indupendence we didn't want it to feel isolated and integrated with the community. weshowed this by having itstill connect
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today the other businesses on the block physically and not just leebing it on its own but integrating the other city horizons with it so it felt like it was still a part the city and not just on its own. additionally i wanted to give sense of the small business office in the role of support. city hall is always available to the small business as a resource so here it is in the logo in the background. while still allowing for the indupendence of the small business to thrive. also wanted to give a sense of possibility that while it was contained within the frame the community there is the sense of exspanseiveness and the exspanseiveness is representative of the potential. so, you can see that we have other treatments. there is a gray skill perched
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out in black and white and you can use this on your-as your letterhead or of course as your business cards. so thank you. that's the end of my talk. thank you fl opportunity to work with you and appreciate it. >> thank you very much. fun project. any comments, commissioners? >> i fiend the logo beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> i have a question, technical question. it is beautiful. just want to know why you picked blue? i think-i know maybe why but i want you to tell us why you picked blue? >> blue a calming and
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reasuring color. it is color of authority and already in the pallet of the other departments we work would and wanted to make sure it was all able to still be integrated and have the same voice. >> i think that is a good choice. the other thing is you have 3 shades of blue that i find beautiful. it is dark and then is that the horizon, is that the background? you focus on the business - >> exactly. we wanted the business to be the first that your eye is drawn to and the strongest in the foreground and proceeds to the horizon. >> great job. thank you. >> thank you so much, i appreciate it. >> i like it a lot. i have seen other designs before but i like this one much better because it really represents san francisco. not only you have city hall but big business and smaller business. the one in the middle i assume that is
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chinatown. [laughter]. >> thank you. >> when will we get our hats? >> the one and only embroidered hat at this time proud to say. put it on ebay tonight. >> there are [inaudible] in the packet as well. >> i also have a embroidering machine, so-- >> just one more comment about the lighting, i thought that was a ingeneerous yid to keep it lit on the time. i thought that was a >> [inaudible] an idea that came from him. >> tells you that the windows are supposed to be white and not a drop out because the first hat the windows were black and said that is so great. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> thank you very much. any
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members the public that like to comment on our new logo? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners any further comments? alright. >> i forgot to thank imogene and daniel from lowercase productions for their work and it fs a pleasure and so i'm very excited and very pleased and that we have our logo that we can work with now. >> let's a motion to officially approve the logo. >> moved. >> vecd. second. >> all in favor. >> we can't because it isn't ajndized. >> rules rules rules. cool. let's move to the next item then. >> okay. item number 7, final review of legacy business registry and business
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assistance grant program documents. discussion and possible action. presenter is regina dick-endrizzi. >> xhipgzers we will take some time to walk through-first start off with the registry, so, as i noted at last weeks meeting for proposition j, we have to submit the rules and orders up for the registry to the board of sfr visor squz have not done that even though we are operating under the rules and regulations and conducting the business so just again sort of reaffirming what we have and that is first is the instructions for the nominators, so zee the instructions for the nominators in terms of what they are required to do and providing a letter of nomination to the office of small business. they
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are also charged with insureing that who they nominate fall within the criteria established by proposition j and that there are no more than 300 nominations made within a calendar year. there is no for prop osition j no allocation for supervisor or mayor so first come on a first come first amtered so to speak. and just to-300 nominations within a year and then the legacy business program manager will contact the nominated legacy business, make sure that they are informed of the legacy business application and what the process entails and what is required of the application.
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so, and then for the process for the nominees we outlined the process for the nominees. again, sort of afirming what the criteria is to be a legacy business and then making sure that they ruwear that to be designated they have to be nominate bide the mayor or board of supervisors. upon being nominated they need to then submit their application and thir application and cover sheet. the nominees also to submit a non refundable application fee. once the application is deemed complete by our legacy business business program manager, then the application is forwarded for to the historical preservation commission for input. the
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historical preservation commission has 30 days to review and respond and then that-the application theoretically they get a copy and we keep a copy, come back to us withory input and their recommendation to you as the commission as to whether they are recommending whether it is advisory recommendation as to whether place that business on the registry. then after the hearing at the historical preservation commission then we have a notice meeting. at the small business commission and where nominees, the applications are presented and you hear testimony from the program manager and the businesses and any members of the public as to whether to place them on the registry or
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not. and then from there the commission takes action. once the commission approves the legacy business, then the legacy business is placed on the registry. so, and then lastly i want to review for the registry portion we have the application, so again the front sheet talks about what is required to be a legacy business and the filing fee that we identified there are 5 sections of the application that need to be completed and we are to snd the application. and who to contact in the avebt of question. section one provides the critical information, who is making the nomination, name of the owner
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of the business, kraes address of the business, business registration, if they are register would the state, what their state secretary ebtty entity number is, and section 2 lists the different locations of the legacy business may have been located in and the dates that they operated out of that location. section 3 is a disclosure statement where the business is affirming that they are curpt with all their obligations to the city and that they have no outstanding issuewise the office of labor standards and enforcement. and that they understand the information that they are submitting is subject to the public record. and that there is-we do have a clause in there we do have the ability to be
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able to revoke a business from the registry. section 4 consists of the historical narrative and this is where for many of those businesses that were not nominated in the first round are still working on their historical narrative so the historical narrative -needs to reflect and address the three points as part of the criteria established. and then we also-we have some guiding questions to help them address those 3 areas. we also recommend and then section 5 is providing historical documents. so, could be business registration, it could be-we
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had one business that you saw where the business provided the contract of which they purchased the business from the previous owner. we have a section for photograph's there are certain photographs required the historical preservation commission recommend being part the packet. also may show the historical narrative or suggestive. then zee instructions for submission is the last item for the registry. so, i think with that i'll ask any questions if there are any questions? >> commissioners. >> blessed by the city attorney, right?
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>> well, this is great. this is a culmination of a lot of effort on your part so much appreciated and now if any other city wants to have a legacy business thing they can look to us. >> next we are going move into the legacy business historic preservation fund rules and regulations. we do have some changes before you for you to be able to act on affirming in item 8 is a resolution which you afirmed the rules and regs for us to officially move them forward to the board of supervisors. i need to walk you through the rules and regs so if you could help with the handout. >> is this relate today item 8? >> this is related to item 8 but done under item 7. per our city attorney's direction i need to walk you through what
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the red line copy which is actually a blue line copy for your copy. i'm first going to -do you recommend doing--okay. our city attorney has advised to call 7 and 8 together. >> item 8, discussion and action to adopt resolution regarding final rules and regulation for the legacy business registry and business assistance grant program. discussion and action item. considering item 7 and 8
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together. >> number 8 is the resolution. so, for the rules and regulations the edits are relatively simple but there is a item of consideration so that i will give that to you at the end of going through the rules and regulations. just to talk through what we are-the changes that are taking, so for the members of the public and for you in your binder, if you want to take a look at what the publicly noticed rule jz reg jlgz what we propose for changes. we are striking the second paragraph under item number 1 scope. this is a little bit redundant. >> okay. >> then, under item number 5
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certification of full time employees in the first sentence we are striking the word employee hours after it says applicant must verify the number of full time equivalent employees employed in san francisco, employee hours as of the immediately proceeding june 30th sowe are striking employee hours. under item number 6, we corrected the word-instead of saying questions, questionary and then we rephrased that paragraph to read the office of small business shall prepare businesses assessment questionnaires for each applicant to complete as part of the grant application. solicit information related to financial status of the business and whether the business is receiving other grants, non-profit mitigation fund, sf shines or sf biz fit.
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keep individual questionnaires response confuadditional but may use responses to identify programs that may help businesses and in the regular reporting to the business and board of supervisors. we are striking item 7 which talks fwht business stabilization grant because that got combined into item number 6 and then for item number 8, which is now going to be item 7 we strike in the first sentence to approve applications to qualify legacy businesses. then on the third page under item which is now be 7 the second paragraph, when
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total grants are in a fiscal year collected by all qualified legacy business and then abbreviated office of small business, under items-this is-9 should be 8 so can you correct that? we received a grant payment is number 8. >> and reapplication requirement is 9. >> um, and then we modified that paragraph so it says, to be paid grantees must be b come a city vendor and legacy business program manager shall assist with requirements for becoming city vepders. applicants who cannot or refuse to become vittae vendors are paid through a third party y
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vendor and strike there may be a administrative fee. so, those are the changes. so, commissioners, there was discussion at the last meeting about the commission being the entity to a approve the grants and so since the last meeting manu identified for me proposition j does not require that the commission approve the grants through your rules and regulations, you can del ghait that responsibility to staff to do to the department to do. if you do want to have if you want to be the business that does the final approval we need to add into the rules and regs a-we need to move into-add into
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rules and regs a paragraph that stipulates that. so i just want to be mindful of the fact that probably the first time around we may have for this year we may have 30 to 40 grant applications but the next year we could have 340. we could have 150, so it may accumulate so you maith want to give consideration as to the time and what is allotted. of course we will definitely report to you what the findings are and what the grants are. >> i would recommend that we not make that a requirement because it wasn't in the
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original legislation. i recommend the first cohort of the grants comes to the commission before staff approves them just for a review so we can understand what staff is planning to approve. anybody have an objection? it is not mandatory for the approval, but i think just as a matter of practice for the first round so we can make sure that there are not any other considerations that as a group we might-just as we would hear or review any potential legislation. >> mr. president and fellow colleagues, this is just a question, would it be wise because this is fiduciary responsibility that we just randomly select maybe one in some kind of format just to see the process once in a while? >> yeah, i think on a periodic basis we should check in on the process. i think-starting out
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we are all going into this with flow prior experience, so interesting to see what happens and from there on we can maneuver however we think is appropriate in termoffs what the review process should be but don't think we should go for a-we should implement a rule about approval here at this session. >> do we have-do you have a anticipated time wise over the next several years how this will effect the office of small business time wise? your adminivating- >> so, for the first rules and regs to be drafted and submit today the board of supervisors in terms of not sure-i think in terms of doing some estimates,
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we will know what through this first round of applications we get, how many of the businesses that are nominated-on the registry actually submit a application and what they submit for. and then as after the application period new businesses coming to the registry we can start having early engagement to find out if their intection is to file for a application during the application period to understand and be able to project what that demand will be. so, i think part of our due diligence to you is continue to keep you aprized as to the demand of the work and the volume of the work. >> well, i think the number of applicants will relate somewhat to the success of applicant or
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not. if there is-if we do get people through the application process we give hope to others and provide a guidance as to how it is actually done. i think it is a wait and see at this point. i think this document is fine as it is. as it is modified. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena, did you have a question? >> sorry. just raise your hann. my thing isn't working. >> so, city attorney lee-with the commission not making a specific requirement but just as a informal presentation-not informal but not a formalized means of creating as a
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staneredized- >> not an approval process chblt we merely want review for purpose of understanding the process. >> thank you very much. good evening commissioners. matthew lee city attorneys. i understand why that make sense as a practical thing for you guys, what i would suggest is because as i think you know there is nothing in the ordinance that would make that kind of report preqec for approval. to aprovide having a special regulation there is just for the information gathering and something to make your lives easier and less
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cumbersome. rather to produce a new regulation for something that is really meant to make the process work more smoothly for everything wn could we structure it as just a a report from the office of small business at a mormal meeting and-that sound fine. i would counter it on your regular agenda as a report from the office of small business mptd >> that is my request. if anyone else has comments. >> graitd, so we don't need to add anything in specific for the rules of order. alright. great. now, moving on to the application. this is item actually has had some substantive changes, mostly in the ordering. so, what you have is in your binder you have
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what is posted, so for the public and on ourpublic notice. then at the top document is the red line copy and then a attached after that is a clean copy of the red line copy, so how it looks now. >> rather than go through in tedious detail-yes >> could we be aprized of major changes to thinsh things mpts >> we condensed on page i think 3 we are h a list of eligibility having the applicant say i'm current on all my applications but at the end of the application we ask them to verify that, so we condensed that and it is at the end orphthe application where they verify. then we have pulled out the listing of
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additional grants, stabilization grants and business assessment question squz the information on becoming a city vendor as a addendum since those items are not specific to the grant and specific to receiving the grant. >> alright. they merely effect how the grant is administered? >> no. we just did a little of language clean up as well. so and we took out the section on official use. figured businesses applying do not need 92 see that page and doesn't need to be part of their application document. that is just for our internal use to make sure the application is complete.
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>> so- >> let me make one other clarification. in the addendum we did put the business stabilization grants where we want listings of that is required and a reasoning but the section 2 where the business assessment section is optional and we made it very clear that this section is-the osb treats the following information as confidential and exempt from disclosure under the public records act and sunshine ordinance. that is a important thing to provide businesses who provide information to insure that it is not subject to public disclosure. those are the key changes. >> okay. commissioners, any comments or question about this document? >> thank you i was dreading
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today, but that was very condensed and clear and from a small business owner perspective this looks a lot more cleaner and more manageable. >> thank you. >> alright. well, so the contemplated action tonight is approve these, is it? >> to adopt the resolution under item 8, but since we called the two items together i guess we will correct me city attorney, be able to ask for public comment on item number 7 so proposed rules in order and the resolution as well. so, to adopt the rules and regulations in the application forms is through adoption of the resolution. >> first public comment. do we have members that like to comment on item 7 or 8? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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so, please advice the first action required. >> the the action requires is adopt the resolution approve thg rules and regulations for administrative code section 2 a.242 legies business registry section 2 a [inaudible] historical preservation fund grant to legacy business. >> do we have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> should we do roll call or all in favor? all in favor? any opposed? that passes 6-0. the rules are adopted. >> fantastic. there is a milestone. nice work. >> thank you. they think commissioners for your time and assistance with helping get through all this. so, now we
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will move on to item number 9. this is-i'm going rereview based upon last weeks meeting what is proposed for the rent stabilization grants. actually, city attorney matthew-not sure you got a copy of that. >> should i read into had record first? >> item 9 discussion and possibly action on proposed rules and regulations per taining to legacy business program, rent stabilization account program. discussion and possible action. >> okay. we have been through this in tedious detail already. >> so, just to-i provided a list and now just for the ease of for you being able to read
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it there are application rirems one that is stipumented in propersition j. we are still working on the definition of the landlord and legacy business, related. that definition. and then lease requirements and think this is i would like togo through the items on this one. leases are signed by the landlord intenant brf applying for the grants. the lease identifies the square footage of the business. leases with the option for renewal to meet-leases for option for renewal for 10 years and must verify it the tenet that initiates the option to renew. there is the lease contingencies so that if a landlord must show whether the lease does or does not contain
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a contingency clause that stipulates whether the lease is contivant on the landlord receiving a grant from the sate city they can have that clause but they need to-for it to be approved they need to demonstrate if it is in our out of the lease if they include it or not include it. if they do include it the lease does have another contingency claus that the lease must contain an additional provision that the clause not apply if the landlord isn't awarded the grant due to non paid financial or league obligationwise the city. the landlord fail tooz reapply or takes intentional action to disqualify the application. did that capture those 3 things? okay. that
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the landlord that does have a break in application will be considered the same as a new application for funding purposes as long as there has not been changes to the lease originally presented at the first application. additional requirements for emergency grants, just to make sure we are very clear for businesses that risk immediate displacement and insufficient funds in the rent stabilization account and displaced grant-displacement grount under the section, would prevent the business from being displaced. staff will bring to the small business commission for you to make determinations whether that legacy business does face immediate displacement and upon
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the sbc determination and the sbc find a grant will prevent displacement the sbc may request a supplemental appropriation from the board of supervisors. i'm not stipulating in there and mandating and it says may in the proposition j, is that correct? lee? so, and we'll verify that but i do not mandate you is to ask for the supplemental because it is not mandated in the proposition. um, and that upon the supplemental appropriation the osb will first pay the grant to had legacy business and that if the board-if the commission directs in the supplemental for
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the-to ask for additional appropriation more than what is needed by the legacy business then any additional funds will go to fund the next round of new applications. and there is gran renewals. landlord must reapply annually with a 30 day grace period. certifying no changes in the lease and it is current on all financial and league obligationwise the city. tonight we can't take specific action, but because we did have some discussion at last weeks meeting around whether with the rent credit whether it is hundred wn percent or to use as sort of a incentive to keep the renewal amount to reduce the-keep the renewal amount
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low, tont, i like to get a little bit of direction from you. i asked rick to put together a presentation just a little of review around a chart so that because at the october 24th meeting what i would like to do is have pretty much the rule jz regs finalized if you-we don't get a consensus tonight then what i will need to do is present a option a and option b or option ab and c dependent on your direction on how to how lan lords can use the grant funds. alright? so, with that rick can you just-- >> what is the purpose of this?
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>> so the purpose was to help incent vise in the lease renewals to keeping the percentages low as opposed to still going for market rate or a little more of market rate and still utilize it. but have the grant go to do atax credit >> the idea is if a landlord goes for a high percentage increase they will forefit some of the benefit as a threshold level which appears to be 4 percent. >> the idea is that the amount of the grant goes for rent credit. the higher the increase the lower the increase, then the property owner is able to retain the money and as it retain the
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grant because they kept the renewal low, which is one of the things that we hear from businesses is that it is about the cost of the rent increase and so we don't know if we-we don't know if we will always continually fund the rent stabilization grant, so would it be a good option to incentvise a lease renewal at a lower percentage for more of a stability for the legacy business. it is just a question and thought and so i'm having rick provide a presentation to think through this a little more and give finalized direction. we have talk today a few people and think it is a okay idea but we need the direction from the
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commission as to whether to flush this out more for a presentation for you to decide upon on october 24th. >> good evening president dwight, commissioners. richard [inaudible] legacy business program manager. i have a brief powerpoint presentation for you today. today we are discussing the use orphgrant funds for the rent stabilization grants. the administration code doesn't specify grant funds by landlords. it says the office of small business award a annual grant to a landlord that enters into agreement with legacy business that leases real property for legacy business for term of at least 10 years or extend the existing lease to at least 10 years. fm
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there were no restriction on the use of grants funds the positive is it create as strong draw tr land lords to apply for grants and result in 10 years for legacy business. negatives of not having restriction on the use of grant afunds is it does not discourage rent increase that are exsenseive or unfair squu wards public funds to landlord if they increaseerant by unfair amounts. gran funds for rent reduction is proposal that the small business commission is considering. that is 100 percent the grant is subtracted from the annual amount of rent oweed. positives for that is it lows the rent burden for the legacy business but there are negatives that i want to bring to your attention. eliminates
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or decreases the draw there fr landlords to apply for grants and will rument in fewer 10 year lease frz legacy business that do not support the intent the legislation and may encourage landlords to raise rents to benefit from legacy business program revenue which the legacy business are benefiting from. i have spoken to about 3 different legacy businesses and one landlord and they are excited about the rent stabilization grant and i am concerned that the negatives may factor into the proposal. >> you are referring to the grant being deducted from the rent as opposed to being paid to the landlord. >> exactly. there are positives and negatives with both. so, having a rent reduction tied to rent increase
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is something that the office of small business staff is proposing as a idea. based on the percentage orpherant increase between the previous lease and new lease of required percent the rent stabilization grant must be provided in the form of a rent credit. the methodology is that it is percentage of rent increase is 5 percent or greater. provision in the new lease would stipulate the legacy business receive a portion the rent stabilization grant in a rent credit as indicated on the table. here it shows rent increase on the left column for example, if the rent were to increase by 10 percent recollect 75 percent of the rent stabilization grant goes to the landlord and 25 percent would go for rent reduction. if was a 30 percent rent
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increase then 25 percent would go to the landlord and 75 percent to the rent reduction and so on. >> when you say to the rent reduction- >> it is rent credit. it goes to the legacy business as a rent credit. >> that is the rent. >> how would we-first what would be in the hybrid it seems heavily administrative and how would you follow up with the tenant who spends the mun atowards jebt not pay roll? >> we inform the legacy business about the amount and percent so it is part of that who discussion to follow up with the legacy business to make sure. >> so, when it started being given back and the hybrid to the legacy business who would
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be responsible for just gibbing giving the credit. the landlord has to sign something saying i returned 25 percent as a rent credit? how would that work? >> um, i think-well-similar to if we were not considering this proposal and it was just i think prior to just the assumption that what the landlord gets in the grant amounts would offset the rent as 100 percent rent in credit. if the rules and regs are passed and this is in the rules kwr regs passed this is publicly noticed and part of the criteria and just as the 100 percent type of rent credit consideration would need to be part of ahead of time between the property owner and the
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business. again, you know this- >> who administers this in your department? who takes the time do all this? >> it is part of the application process. >> part the application process would be that they would need to-which is not in the first part of the rules and regs because we need to make a determination if we go in this direction but it would be in the rules and regs that they need to stipulate the-if they go for a lease renewal or extension they need to stipulate the percentage of the rent increase and that would also need to see the old lease and new lease. >> i do not understand this concept of aerant credit. if i'm a landlord and want x dollars and want x amount of money in rent and we are-the original concept here is that i'm the landlord z want x
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dollars in rent and the tenant and can't afford to pay that much, i'm going to set a fund and the government will bridge the gap. landlord wants the money, tenant doesn't have it, landlord still wants the money and government says we'll pip in and landlord you will get your money and the city will takeput on the shoulder of the taxpayer s to help some qualifying tenants. the idea of a rent credit to me sound like funny money. nobody gets anything. the lan lord is a nice guy getting a credit no money go tooz the business or lamd lord. we can build a scheme on rent cred. >> i understand t it is dependent on the threshold of the intrees. this in theory would encourage landlords not to increase the percent object thferant that much up to 4 percent because then i landlord
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keep 100 percent of funds, but as i increase the threshold more i get less of the fund and somehow we actually give the money the difference if you get 75 percent the tenant we give you the difference to offset the increase. >> is that true? >> how it would be-that is where i'm getting-there other money changing hands; so your chart is if i increase on your landlord and increase by 10 percent i only get 75 percent of the potential grant money. the other 25 percent goes directly it the tenant through our administration. >> i would not say we decide at this point where wl it is through us or through the lease. it says i increase the rent by 10 percent, therefore,
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contingent on me being fully funded through the rent stabilization account your rent is less 25 percent a month. >> for me this is very confusing. it is heavily administrative burden sum and question for the city attorney, lee, my econcern with this is does this somehow constitute or employ in some way in hindsite we get sued because a tenant says you guys said you signed off on this and the business goes belly up and the tenant blames us for you approved that lease somehow and we held libel? we are getting too deep into leases and i don't like that. i understand president dwight says landlord you want
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this, here. go away. that seems easier because it is yes or no, but this-i don't know. it feels on the surface volved on our part with a lease. >> would it mean the grant would be literally dwighted like two checks, is that what we are saying? >> that is how i understand. >> that isn't what i hear the drether say though. >> can you answer my question first? >> just make sure i'm clear. the concern is that the city would be opening up to liability by approving lease between landlord and tenant. i'm not aware of anything in the scream that would amount to the commission of office of small business approving the substance of the lease in terms
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of it being a good business idea. >> but dauz it employ that? if we issue the grant it is implied we signed off on the lease and held accountable. >> we are not signing a lease. >> it is a term, i know we are not signing anything but just saying is there a possibility? >> i'm not aware of anything that sound like it expresses a view on the business merits of the lease. it sounds from what is described and what i read here that we would be-we are requiring the existence of a lease. i don't see anything in here at first glance that looks like-looks like us spressing a opinion on whether a lease is a good deal or not. >> so we require in some
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capacity like a 10 year so what i inback and say i failed because i on needed a 3 year lease but need thd grant to keep me alife and the economy is down and can move into the awesome building down the street but you made nee sign a five and 10 or 5 and 5. you made me commit to 10 because i need thd munhy money for the rent. >> speaking off the top of my head just to respond to that concern, this could be idea incorp raitded init rules and regulations and may be worth emphasizeing this is a volunteer program. no one is forcing any business to be a legacy business and no one is forcing leg as businesses to apply for this form of assistance so could be worth
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making that explicit so that is something to keep in mind during the drafting process. >> so, with this table i think what we are-what may not have been stipulated is this is all understood and somehow reflected in the lease. lit let's take this off the table and maybe we haven't had a thorough discussion but the assumption with proposition j is that the landlord-the lease is sign squd agreed to, the landlord then applies, gets the money and the assumption of that money is to help office off hp set the rent payment so it makes st. more affordable for the legacy business. this doesn't change that, it just sort of makeatize a little more
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detailed in the sense that the business will know when they negotiate a lease with the property owner whether it will be a 5 percent, 10 percent, 12 percent and so if this is codifyed in the least it can be codifyed in terms of what the rent stabilization grant will mean in terms of how much of the funds go to offset the rent. >> i think we are over complicated this. the ability for a tenant to stay in a location is exclusively dependent upon their ability to pay the rent that the landlord wants. that may or may not be market rate. the landlord can be a benevolent landlord and say i value the long evty of our relationship and think i
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have a stabile tenant so don't want to go into a period where i'm unsure of leasing the business or i have a tenant and don't know if they will be a great tenant sothey will strike is a deal and this fund is for closing gaps that may exist between what the landlord wants and the tenant can pay. or feels they can pay. we are in no position to tell a lond lord how to spend the rent. the mechanism of giving the rent credit to the landlord assures it is spent on rent and rather than giving to a tenant and say i just got the money. the fact is thenant has to pay the rent and other bills so it goes into the money pot but this assures we have done a deal with the landlord. right? it goes specifically to rent. but the business still has to make a
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determination whether it can meet its expense base even with this grant. they have to do their own calulous. i think any of-getting more involved merely makeatize more complex and frankly is a disincentive. the simpler the better because it is already too complicated and require application and annual application and most landlords won't go for that so we have to make this as absolutely simple as possible to assure that it has some hope of being effective. i would advocate we not go down a path of creating tables like this because that is just a big red flag. >> i agree. if i go to a
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landlord and say, here. they will be like--i'll get somebody else. >> i think that the idea of this is to incent the landlord to go for 10 year lease. so we stabilize the legacy business, but if we make it go through the chart the maex maximum they get is 5 thousand square foot is 22, 500 if you divide that into 12 months we talk about a couple thousand a month and we talk about percentage and as the landlord they may want to-you don't know what 2 percent equivalent to so you dont know how much the rent is and how much 5 percent is to. it could actually be more than 22, 500 they are getting so think implementing the chart will discourage the landlords
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extending the lease for 10 years. >> can i finish the presentation for the record? okay. so, we do have real numbers here based on the 5 thousand square feet. so, we have sample with real numbers based on 5 thousand square feet and as you mentioned the maximum grants amount is 22, 500. you see with the 10 percent rent increase example, the landlord would get 75 percent which is $16, 875 and the legacy business rent reduction would be 25 percent which is $5625 and you can take a look at the numbers to see
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how they work in the real world. >> in the real world at least for most small businesses we think about dollars per month in rent and we break it down into dollars per square foot. when i talk to a associate and we say what is your rent? i say, it is $4. we all know what i'm talking about. $4 per square foot per month. so, the basic math here is that this amounts to a maximum of 37 and a half cents per month per square foot because that is 4.50 divided by 12. 37 and a half cents may or may not be a meaningful amount orphmoney in a rent negotiation. >> let's-sorry. some of the positives with this is it creates the strong drop of
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landlordss to apply for grants which is very important and results in 10 year lease for legacy business which is the intent and encourage to minimize rent increase and lowers rent burden for legacy business when rent increases are higher. the negatives when which you are mentioned are more comment plex but that seems to be the only negative we can think of. some notes, the proposal only takes into account the rent increase between the last year of the old lease and first year the new lease so land lors and legacy business mutt negotiate annual rent increase. ovtimeatize is 3 percent or cpi. the percentage we mains the same throughout the grant timeline. fiver 0 percent for the landlord and 508 percent for rent reduction. if it is a 5 year lease with 5 year aumgz to renew the rent increase at the 5 year period would accept
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the percentage accordingly. and then at the meeting on september 26 commissioner zouzounis requested feedback on the proposal and the city attorneys office says consisten with prop j legislation. so far all the initial feedback is positive. staff recommendation is you would just still continue to consider in the rules and regulations the inclusion of this proposal and we'll look into it further. >> if i may, so the pro posal the rent increase between the last year of old lease and first year of new lease, i get that, however it is renewed every year so what hanned if i'm under 4 percent in my lease renewals so i meet the criteria and the following year i jack the rents up 10 percent?
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>> we are look ing at the last year and they to negotiate that. >> so when they come in for renewal which they have to do every year and the tenant says i was over a barrel last year and wouldn't have made it to this year had i not got a grant and face ag10 percent increase and can't afford that. you signed a lease. yes but i was looking at my immediate survival not long term. >> any lease regardless of the [inaudible] >> so, then we are in a position where potentially the-we may say that is just not sustainable why would we give you a grant if you face a 10 percent rent increase and you tell us now you won't sur vive? would we not grant that grant? >> then, again that goes back now we are like reviewing leases in some capacity.
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>> i know, i'm just sayal >> i don't like that >> i don't see why any landlord will into into this agreement accept purely looking at the grant and saying, that is enough for me to satisfy my appetite for rent today. based on all the considerations i have for this particular tenantch >> it seems like the appeal will be somewhat limited. in this hot market they will i think-i don't want to say mu churty but many landlords would review this and say i would rather raise the rent to 40 percent. >> yeah, or whauv i raise it. the landlord will look at what i want the rent or need the rent to be. >> can i add for all the landlords or small business
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owners watching this, we want to make it simple and get that money as fast and simplest way possible to the landlords so this has bite. everybody in the small business world knows the more complex you make things, the harder for small business and like aevd in here says landlords will be like i can get somebody that will 40 percent without reading. >> time is money and so the more time you spend working on the agreement, time is money. >> what do you think it is in our due diligence looking that economic viability of the business in requesting the actual percentage that the new lease is going to-we will review the lease and if we award a grant to someone who is lease is going up 20 percent shouldn't that also be considered for us in terms of
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how- >> so, again, when the landlord goes to apply for the grant the lease is already signed so it is agrud to. part the business assessment that we are asking when the legacy business applies for the business assistance grants but we offer the business assessment to all legacy business and don't have to apply to the grant it is to get a insight into their financial health so that if there is other assistance that we can provide we can do that. we ask the question in the business assessment, are you coming up for your lease renewal? thinks of that sort. we can ask them do they want some help negotiating their lease and we work with legal service for entrepreneurs who can provide that assistance. we are trying to sort of flush
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out any maybe asisance assistance for the business through the business assessment if it is needed, but fl rent stabilization if a business says my slees coming up and need help with this, we'll provide technical assistance but when that-when the landlord applies for the grant that lease has to be signed and those two parties have to have agreed on what their financial relationship is. so, when we ask for what we are looking for in the lease there will be very specific things like we have to see the square footage documented to assure that we are-somebody is not leasing a thousand square foot space and the landlord saying it is 2 thousand. we have to-there is some things we will ask to see
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in the lease to verify. >> i guess what i'm not understanding is how can we levolog a lease that the percentage of the increase is already signed and how many will be- >> it would be saying you-how can we levolog this? the same way taz is leverages with the rent stabilization grant that the information is out there and the tainl is out there and known ahead of time brf before the negotiate the lease. >> the catch 22 is you have to show up with a signed lease and negotiate a lease-the purpose of this legacy business in distress so how do i seen a lease saying this- i with work with this if i get-if you-if there is 450 dollars coming from city hall and i can make
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it work and sign a lease and come here and say i can't get you that. i'm obligated to the lease count toog get the 4.508 and not happening. >> you can sign a lease with contichant city approved your application. going back to the thing is--staff, you have done an amazing jobism in theory this is a beautiful thing. if the landlord plays hard ball we give the credit to the business owner so they can play. in the real world and especially in san franciscos real estate market they will be put off. this puts you off and gets too complicated. we want smj like the landlord is this cool acan you sign? as seizee as it is for the landlord. that is the realistic facts small business
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face. ideally this would be awesome but not in san francisco. in north dakota landlords take their time to sign a lease like this. >> my assessment is it doesn't matter which hand the money is in so i am kind of not sure i agree with the notion that giving the money to the land lod or tenant it is maximum amount of dollars. it is 4.50 and it is all in the rent equation. so, in fact there is probably tax implication why i don't want it to come to me. the landlord wants it because the cap rate on the building is dependent on the rent he can charge. but that is only if you go into sale or borrowing money against it but many landlords borrow against their property. >> very early on the landlord
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it is not to their benefit. this is only for a landlord who is neroli ar nice and says i only plan today raise your rent 40 percent or up to a certain amount, up to maybe 10 or 14 percent but any landlord who contemplates over 10 years it would be-they want to ask more why would they do this? >> rents go up so dramatically in the last 10 years i can't fathom a rational landlord wanting to lock into a demin ms increase. i don't know- >> can we just think about this? >> we don't need to debate any longer. >> the question because i would like to as much as-unless -at the october 24 meeting my-i
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would like to have rules and regs that we can adopt and move forward because we need to get those to the board of supervisor for the 30 day count down. so, we can continue to sort of-put in the rules and regs an option a and option b, which is considering this or just considering that it all go towards the reduction in rent. >> personally, i cu-mind staff on their effort and having seen what this looks like in all its glory, i recommend staff spend no more time on this because i think this now-now that we see it, presents a level of complication that will be a disincentive to carry out the program. that is just my opinion and so i don't know whether the other commissioners feel the same way or would like to see more effort put into it but i feel like it is-we have
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seen-enough effort has gone into see what it looks like -- >> we have one option the scale option and i guess like somewhat ree agreed like what is the simplest way to get the landlord the money type of option. to your point regina there is a ab, you just have to very simple somehow just drafting it. >> for the sake of moving on i think if we go with the simplest way so we can in the future if we feel there is a need to go into the percentage and all that can we add that later on? >> uh-huh our city attorney has said that rules and regs in the future can be adopted and changed. we still have to do the public notice, 10 day public notess, then adopt and have to send to the board of supervisor for the 30 day.
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>> i would save this for year 2. >> where will that leave us if we don't adopt of this? >> it all go tooz the landlord. >> dinner at 8 o'clock. >> in terms of people applying now our new crop, our >> right >> nobody can yet. >> only impact the landlord? >> right, so where this leads us now which is why i'm-the 1024 is where i would like to get the final rules and regs adopted then we have that 30 day before the board of supervisors then we start taking applications. now we can't take applications until we finalize rule jz regs and know whether the board of supervisors will not take action on them. >> have you run some of this by some of the supervisors? >> yes. >> they like this? >> they like the concept of it. i think the concept incent
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vising the initial percentages and renewals are low, people support. >> have we plented in the full detail? >> of course they like the idea that we would come up with a scheme that restrict rental increase but that pie in the sky. now you dpet down and are like this doesn't accomplish that. no supervisor has studied this yet and say this sounds great. limit the percent increase that is fantastic, go for it. that is not approval. >> we can't the lease is already signed when it gets to us. >> we can't. further more we can't impose that because that would be commercial rent control. that's illegal. so, again, i would advocate that having seen what it looks like and in the interest of getting to the starting line as fast as possible that we table this for
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a later date to get to the starting line of this program with the simplest structure possible and see if that is of any interest to any landlords. >> that could be option one, which is just the grant is hundred percent given to the landlord. >> i just cht want to make sure that it is clearly understand, the hundred percent amount of the grant goes to the landlord in this option. it is just that we are saying based on the percentage increase that percentage doesn't have to go to offset the rent. so, it is all of it go tooz the property owner, it is just whether it is hundred percent offset or graduated offset. >> we can talk about this all night, but so they only get 75
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percent because they raised the rent some percentage but where does the money go? it goes back to the renter? the business? >> if the rent is $100 a month so if the renter get 5 percent so25 percent goes towards $100. the tenant only pays $75 but the $25 is offset to the difference between the [inaudible] >> so who gets the 25? that is what i don't understand. >> the landlord gets it as a rent credit. >> maybe we didn't clearly-this proposal would say is that if it is 10 percent the landlord keeps 75 percent of the grant for whatever they want to do, 25 percent goes to offset the
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rent. >> that benefits the business. >> that businesses the business. >> who's bank account does the 25 percent go into. we cannot talk about a credit where there is no money. i take $100 out of my wallet and divide it up, if that money does want end up in someones pocket it doesn't make sense. we are talking about unless i'm completely miss thg point here, that credit evaporates because you just told me it doesn't go to the tenant it go tooz the notion oof a rent credst. it has togo in someones bank account and they use it. it doesn't. it goes to the thing call adcredit and the landlord has to get the 25 bucks. >> we are saying credit in the sense it offsets the rent that the business owes to the profit owner jerks r >> so you center to give to the
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property owner. >> it all go thooz property owner but we say what the proseal says if you raise the rent 10 percent then 75 percent doesn't have to go to offset the rent only 25 percent goes to off set. >> it is just money. >> so-my understand sg now the commission is suggesting 100 percentf that go to rent credit. >> this commissioner want tooz know how the landlord gets $100 percentf that go to rent credit. >> this commissioner want tooz know how the landlord gets his hundred dollars . i get 75 bucks from city hall because it says so and somehow i get 25 percent in the form of a credit but it does want come to my bank account and go to the tenant bank account so how did i get my hundred bucks? what we will do-so, when a
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legacy-the landlord apply frz the grant the grant is approved and we have the full 450, say for the business is in a 5 thousand square foot and we are able to fund them, we will write a check for 22, 500 to the the property owner. under proposition j right now the assumption is being made that $22, 500 the landlord receive from the city is deducted from the rent that the business owes to the landlord. >> my understanding is-to do what they want. >> i guess- >> what is the intent of all legislation? and y think intent is it was offset the
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rent. >> it merely influences a negotiated rate. it says i get 4 and a quarter, whatever it is, i get my 4 bucks from city hall instead of the tenant but still get 14 dollars a month instead of $10. so the minute you start saying-now i get $13, where do i get my other dollars? i'm going to get $14 and extract it from the tenant directly or get it in a combination of tenant and payment from city hall and so when we start obligating it with credit making my number that i get go down and then telling me that somehow there is a credit in there i don't get that at all. i want my 14 dollars a square foot. >> the commission is suggesting 100 percent go to the rent credit. that is what we are
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hearing. >> the intent of the legislation is be able to offset the rent increases that businesses were experiencing. >> the legislation actually says there are two buckets. one bucket is specifically for rent, so just-- >> uh-huh. >> give it to the landlord because that is- >> you get your 10 bucks period. >> rent is rent. how you spend the rent is--we are not hear here to talk about that. landlord rent build{get paid gent buy food and whatever they buy. >> and staff and anybody watching we are all experts in lease negotiation squz look how confused we are all here. we help develop the wording and it is confusing. take to a landlord and especially if
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president dwight was a landlord, oh man! >> we are used to reading this stuff. >> anyway. --sorry. and just dont understand it so can't make a determination. i'm frustrated by it because it is standing in the way of keeping it simple and getting to the starting line. we are not at the starting line and criticized for not being at the starting line. >> forget about this whole chart, the third option. the landlord gets the money, can they do whatever they want with the money or do they have to go a certain thing? >> it is rent. it is part of the rent equation. >> if they don't stipulate as rent credit not just to the landlord. >> yeah, but it is just money to the landlord. the fact is
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it has to be influence the rent-it has to influence the rent offered to the tenant to make that rent attractive to the tenant. so, yes, if i say i was going to charge x and now will charge x minus the grant that is fine. >> it is influencing the lands lord to enter? to agreement with the tenant by saying you st. the grant money and do what you want. it is already signed, how are we influencing the leasing by offering grant money? >> that is what happened is a couple businesses have signed leases knowing this is coming up. >> contingency based upon approval of grant. i get it and know what you saying but
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what is confusing is give the money and the landlord doesn't reduce rent but the legislation this is supplemental. >> what i hear from you in the rules and regs that we definitely have to see sections in the lease that the amount of the grant goes to offset the rent amount? >> i think the lease would read your rent is x and x is this plus this. but it still is x, so if this goes away you still owe x. it is the base rent plus the grant but i want that total amount and if that grant goes down or disappears, i still want that total amount so the contingency-i can't imanlen a landlord thinking anything other than that.
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>> how is this written, intend to incent the lan lord to extend the long term list like a 10 year lease or is it supposed to be the money go to rent credit or offset the rent? >> my understanding is the policy proposalthality we are talking about are consistent with the goal with the goal of proposition j. a goal of prop j is to incent vise these longer term leases but how you achieve that goal is more a policy question and i don't- >> the law did not say that money has to go toward the offset the rent, right? >> in theory i'm a landlord and because i gave a 10 year lease regardless whatever i wanted i get the $22, 5 because i signed
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a 10 year lease. >> we should get verification on that because in terms of the initant of the legislation and how it was marketed and promoted--so, we'll work with manu knows this a little bit. shall we consult with manu and get back to the commission? >> so, i think my understanding of what we need tonight is really just for sense of the policy direction the commission would like the rules and regulations to start to move towards. i think from a legal perspect ive it sound to me like any of the policy options that we discussed are
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consistent with the law we have and which policy option the commission feels is the best way to achieve the policy goals is less a legal question and more a political and policy question. >> i would apply both because if i'm a strong soled business and 10 year lease is what i want i don't need month to month and get $22, 50 it works for someone business but it offsetathize square footage per month. if rent is 14 and only pay 10 the city backs for 4 but you still center to pay $14 come rain, snow or shine so it is both ways. >> right. the >> the other complication has two tenants. city and the
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tenant. is this a one time payment? >> it is one time payment. i think just to make sure that you're comfort is one of the things that has to be clearly understood in the grant application is it is demonstrated the tenant knows that in the event we can't meet our obligation with either the full amount or partial amount or there is no funding put into the rent stabilization account the business knows that they-this is not guaranteed, that they are subject to paying the amont that negotiated. >> so, i agree with president dwight: i want something on the next meeting but can we see iterations of this prayer prior to give feedback so when we do meet here is approve and
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get the ball rolling? >> yes and i think with the one week window was a little challenging with trying to get grant applications through the process, so yes. we have three to the 24th so we'll get to you a week ahead of time. >> i welcome a explanation about credits that i can get my head around and will study it more. >> maybe we need to just remove the word credit from our discussion. alright, i think we have enough direction to work forward on to present to you for the next meeting. and think with that we will conclude item number. >> do we have members of the public that would like to
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comment on item 9? seeing none, and having exusted myself public comment is closed. any other comments? let's move to item 10. >> okay. item number 10, approval of meeting minutes. this is for the september 26, 2016 and february 8, 2016 draft regular meeting minutes. >> any comments on either of the minutes? okay. we have a motion? >> do i have to move eech one or just one? >> the two together. >> move to approve. >> second. >> all in favor. >> any members that would like to comment on item 10 before we vote? seeing none , public comment is closed. >> i move again. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye.
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>> opposed. that motion pass es. 5-0, two absent cht directors report. update and report on office of small business and small business assistant ser, department program jz paults legislative matters and announcements from the mayor and announcement regarding small business arkativities. >> we are a briefing on article 7 planning code. the small business commission will hear it on the 13th. so, as of the 13th they may approve those changes. there may be additional changes and i'll get that information. so, if the planning commission approves it it will be introduced at the board of sfr visors and come back before the
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commission asaficial item for you to hear. on october 27th the-i mentioned a couple times that we are working on a space at 1650 mission to house the small business development development center and have a satellight office for osb. initially we thought the hearing would be in january, but it is actually now scheduled for october 27 so we are pleased bet thabecause it will be able to move up the timeline to start working on the space. what men cupassed out to you is she has been atunding task force meetings around proposition 64 which is the adult marijuana act. the
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legalization for cannabis, so it is pretty complex. the implication of it should it pass, so we have been discussess providing informational briefings for you to start wrapping your head around all the potential implication and what will be-what not all about a good deal of potential ledge slaishz that will come before the commission as the rules and laws need to be adopted and put into action. so, this schedule is here, we put together a schedule to kind of help sort of-we took a look at the different categories and to understand the implication so that schedule is before you. we do have the list of the new business items that you have
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provided us and so i'll provide once we get our rule and regs passed for the legacy business grant then i'll be providing you with a list of when we will provide those presentations as well. and i think that that's it for right now. unless you have any question? >> are you prosing we will hear presentations in this order for cannabis legalization? is there a reason to hear anything before the election? >> um, it will be a pretty fast escalation process starting to work on the rules and regs. >> it f it passes >> i think fl business owners that are trying to do business planning this would be helpful. there would be just one presentation prior to had election and everything else
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can be canceled if legislation does not pass. >> okay. >> and also we do not have-i think the next meeting we only have 4, rick-we only have 3 legacy businesses, so this would be a good meeting to do that introduction because the future meetings we may have more applications. >> lots of time to talk about pot. alright. >> that concludes my report so we can call public comment. >> any members of the public that would like to comment on item 11 directors report? >> seeing none public comment is clozed. >> item number 12 commissioners reports. allows president, vice president and commissioner tooz report on small business activities and make
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announcements that are of interest to small business community. >> dogpatch business association the newly formed dogpatch business association had its first mixer last week and so we are officially getting launched so have a new business association in san francisco to join the cdma. i'm a cofounder of that. >> i have been working extensively with aaron star from the planning department on the proposed changes to the mcd's and trying to go back and forth between the general planning code, how those would effect with these changes. some are fairly substantial but we have spent lot, many hours working through all the changes to make sure they line up and
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will be working for the mcd's. >> thank you thank you because the planning is not fun. [laughter] >> i think it is kind of fun. [laughter] >> any other commissioner reports? lths. we have public comment on commissioner reports? seeing none, public comment is closed. on to item 13. >> item 13, new business. lows commissioners to introduce new items for future consideration by the commission. >> this is not new but just reused business. again, the tablets-look at all the paper we just spent. >> uh-huh. >> we should get tablets. i go to many board meetings. >> the terminals are dying and may soon have tablets.
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i have no objections. >> like to propose staff do a analysis how much the cheapest tablet and benefit. it is better to get on a constant basis and uploaded easier. >> is there a legal reason why we could not be our binders couldn't be- >> we just center togive the tablet back. >> they e-mail all this stuff to us. >> we can specifically present items out. >> you can have a tablet and one of these and these. >> in the mean time we could allow a opt out system. >> let's investigate what is involved and report back. >> i would be thrilled to go
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binderless. >> unless we have paper boat making competitions in the city that i don't know about. >> alright. we have other new business? any members of the public like to comment on commissioners ortiz-cartagena suggestion? seeing none public comment is closed. next item >> could you please show our slide. we begin and end each small business meetic with remipeer the office of small business is the only place to startd your new business in srf is and best place to get answers about doing business in san francisco. the office of small business should be your first stop when you vaquestion about what to do next. so, if you need assistance with small business matters, start here at the office of small business. thank you. >> okay. our final item, number 14 adjournment.
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>> i move. >> i second. >> all in favor. anyone opposed? the meeting is adjourned at 758 p.m. >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government
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that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to
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the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter
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behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. >> good evening everybody. can you hear me? fantastic. it's great to see you all here. participating in the political process. it's a wonderful thing to see but that's what we do in san francisco isn't it? this evening you will be hearing from candidates for the district 5 board of supervisors. they will have a chance to present their views on issues affecting the city and to answer your questions about those issues. to submit questions for the candidates look for volunteer. look for a volunteer. who will be handing out index cards. we will collect all questions by 7 pm
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as actually indicated the candidates will answer questions you in the audience summit as well as questions that have been submitted by the league of women voters. the timekeepers in the first role will hold up a yellow card to signify to the candidate that they have 15 seconds remaining and will hold up a red card when it's time to stop. all candidates have agreed to ask their supporters to be respectful of other candidates and the audience and to maintain quiet during the forum. i ask you to respect the commitment. you have many important decisions to make on november 8. today's forum will give you an opportunity to be heard. now, let's begin. we are going to start the questions with supervisor london breed and will start off with the one
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that's on many of your minds probably after hearing how many propositions on the ballot for this coming november, there are 25 propositions, 24-on the fall ballot. some say this indicates a failure by the mayor and supervisors to do their jobs. what do you think? >> well i have to agree with that. but i want to be clear that not one of those propositions that on the ballot is something that i put the lead on and put on the ballot other than the police accountability ballot measure. specifically, the police accountability ballot measure will take the office of seven citizen complaints out of the office of the san francisco police department. put it in own separate apartment and give it broader independent investigation our studio with
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officer involved shootings as well as other issues that continue to plague plague our police department it that's really important about measures while you consider it. as well as proposition i the dignity phone. that's an important ballot measure in proposition c which will add almost $250 million of new money for affordable housing. so do you want me to continue or stop? >> okay thank you very much.. >> i wanted to go faster >> mr. preston >> thank you and thanks everyone for organizing this event and for all of you for turning out tthis evening. there are too many measures on the ballot anyone who's received their handbook looks more like the old yellow pages and its main value for some people as a door stop. it is huge. a lot of those ballot measures should not be on the ballot there should've been resolved by the board and frankly some of them like proposition q which always comes up in election year, which is the anti-homelessness measure, or really should not
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be there. i do think it's something with the board president supervisor brinkman president of the board has some control over her colleagues and should have made sure there were fewer measures on the ballot. i am in favor of for measures that would control and limit the mayor's power that i think are extremely important in all be voting for all of those good in my understanding supervisor breed is opposed to those good eggs >> thank you very much. that goes to our next question and you can continue on with your thoughts on this because the next question is, there are four ballot measures on the november ballot that are described as a check on the mayor's power. what are your positions on these oppositions and why? >> i'm 100% supportive of these four measures and i think these measures will shape the future of the city right now the mayor has too much power and we are seeing the results of that. i think that the mayor and the moderate supervisors on
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the board including supervisor breed i've taken us down the wrong path in san francisco and these measures will dictate what kind of transparency we have at city hall and particularly, interested in the measure about what happens when a supervisor leaves their seat which is going to happen next year. right now, the mayor gets to pick that supervisor and then we are stuck with that pick four years so essentially the mayor will get to dictate who controls the board of supervisors in san francisco did i think that is wanted i think people deserve to vote in a special election when there's a vacancy. i support that measure. in the other three that control the mayor's power the was thank you very much. supervisor breed >> is the current system perfect, no. the mayors had three opportunities to appoint supervisors and two of them lost because i know that because i beat one of them. the fact of the matter is, if the mayor had the ability this
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proposition gives more power then takes his power away. he will have the opportunity for up to six months to potentially appoint someone to staff member or whomever he wants to do exactly what he wants to do because there's no accountability to any voter. i don't understand how we would allow something like this to move forward when in fact, as far as i'm concerned, it does add additional layers of power to the mayor. that's one particular issue that i have an and again i say the current system is not perfect but it's working g into cases an i don't support this not because i support american idol support because i don't think it's fair but also tell them when they can run for a seat when they're in a seat. i don't think it's going democratic. >> thank you very much supervisor breed. our next question has to do with public transit. if you are like me you took a bus or a train over here today and i'm sure we all have different experiences with that.
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but the question is, supervisor breed, how will you address rush-hour overcrowding on the intuitive [sp?] and to go on with that, do you regularly ride public transit why, or why not >> so going up growing up in the city i had no choice but to use our public transportation system. for almost 30 years of my life regularly relying on unique and more recently, i don't catch nearly as much as i did when i was growing up but is gotten better and we of course need to improve it more. what i also notice is there are so many people in our city who rely on muni which is why i led the effort to add for additional trains that basically are used to help alleviate overcrowding and the
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injured. i also sponsored the legislation to replace our entire train the fleet. we expect new trains to be coming online next year. we have hired the train over 700 new muni drivers could visit about our neglect unfortunately our system but i been leading the effort on the board of supervisors to increase capacity so we can deal with those particular issues. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> thank you for the question. san francisco is a world-class city and we deserve a world-class transportation system. i have been in every day muni rider for the last 23 years and i been living in san francisco. and i, as with many fellow muni riders have been passed onto trains and when we passed more and more people into the city without adequately planning we end up with overcrowding that i stands on a daily basis. i want to pass a muni riders bill of rights something that's never existed. increase our fleet to provide event overcrowding. great new rail and rapid bus lines and work toward it transit
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muni recommends 30 min. guaranteed trip anywhere in san francisco. i think it's very important that developers pay their fair share. one of the areas where supervisor and i disagree our-is around the transit impact development feet and i believe we should require developers to pay for it. toward muni and supervisor breed voted against increasing the transit impact development feet. depriving muni of $30 million >> thank you. our next question having to do with our streets. to mr. preston, drivers running stop signs in the sunset due to lack of police patrol. out would you improve enforcement and pedestrian safety? >> the huge issue and literally a matter of life and death for pedestrians and four bikers. enforcement is key. this also relates as i said to the increased congestion. i mean traits that you take 5-10
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min. now in san francisco take a half-hour. regardless of how you're doing it whether driving or going by muni or another form of transportation. so we've got to make sure the streets are safe and enforcement particularly, against violations, seating, running red lights. other dangerous driving. is where we should start and not going after pedestrian and bikers unless they are violations that endanger safety. >> thank you. supervisor breed >> thank you. i want to clear up something that my opponent has said about my support of making the developers pay their fair share. just to be clear them i did not vote against my own legislation. i was one of the sponsors of the legislation which were the first time as required developers to pay their fair share. bringing in an additional $20 million for
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public transit. number one. number two, what i voted against was the night amendment by supervisor avalos that was not discussed that came in at the 11th hour and that is what i voted against. the second thing that i want to mention about transportation, i was the deciding vote on proposition b last year that adds an additional $20 million to public transit and also i'm supporting right now our quarter cent increase sales tax that's going to add another $100 million to our transit system. creative ways creative solutions added billions of dollars to our public transit system. >> thank you supervisor breed. thank you very much. did you address the improvement of safety? enforcement? >> no. would you like to give me additional time to do that? >> no. speed >>[laughing]
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because good we address the question? i understand what you're saying but we would like to get these questions answered. for the people who asked them here. thank you so much. >> thank you >> okay. the next issue that is really captures the imagination or should i say, what most san francisco talk about is housing. so the next question will be to you supervisor breed. it will be, what have you done to expand and protect truly affordable housing for those making between 30-$100,000 a year? specifically, those working in our world-class restaurants, our tour is him industry, and service industry jobs? >> so number one, i was a part of the proposition c just on the ballot that would add 25%
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additional affordable housing requirement on private developments. that 10% of that increase would include people making up to 7080, 80, $90,000 in increases the ami. we have to make sure and one of the pushes that i've had since i've been on the board of supervisors is trying to make sure that we are looking at not just low income housing, market rate housing, with happening to everybody in between but secondly, my neighborhood legislation make sure that we give folks who live in our neighborhoods people of either been ellis act evicted or owner elected when we go this affordable housing the problem
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is in the past there's been no real linkage between the people who actually need this supportable housing and the affordable housing by we build in the city. so i led the effort to make sure that there's a connection between that. he was thank you very much. mr. preston >> thanks for the question. we have a crisis and am amazed out unwilling city hall is to recognize the crisis we are experiencing with on affordability. the people you mentioned between 3000-100,000 are the ones being hit with incredible rent increases across the disk. people like kate-in the haight got 175% rent increase. in examples of folks were getting priced out of the cities. what have i done and will i do? protect rent control housing. what i been doing for the last 16 years, fighting to protect rent control housing and believe me, real estate developers and real estate speculators were all too close to our mayor and moderate board allies have their sights on rent-controlled housing and are trying to convert it. so i'll continue to) control housing and make sure that folks have a right to counsel so they can fight to stay in the rent-controlled homes.
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>> thank you very much. mr. preston the next question goes to you also. airbnb another subject in here in the city of san francisco, eight 2015 study indicated that between 32-43% of vacant rentals in district 5 haight aren't airbnb-the rbl with commercial listing. how would you crackdown with those with multiple commercial listings run airbnb and the rbl? >> yes. this is part of the housing crisis. it doesn't just come out of nowhere. airbnb is a huge contributor to the housing crisis. they have converted rent-controlled apartments from homes to hotels. they have fueled you vegans and frankly, the city has let it happen. this could have been stopped and it still can be by standing up to
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airbnb. they're making millions of dollars, converting homes and changing the character of our neighborhoods. i've been fighting against the conversion of rent-controlled apartments for over 15 years. this is an area where the supervisors record is very different than mine could would be. she is refused for three years old airbnb accountable only back industry regulations, refused to go back airbnb for back taxes voted against that. again and again the mayor and the moderate supervisors have simply turned the keys to our neighborhood over to airbnb i would go over strict enforcement and ramp-up that enforcement immediately >> thank you very much. supervisor breed >> so i believe an effective regulation of this housing platform and just to be clear, just recently every member the board of supervisors voted to make sure that platforms like
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this when they list anyone that they must have a registration number. that is a step forward and that's exactly what we need to be doing with this particular platform. it's making sure that step by step by step we hold him accountable. that's exactly what i been doing on the board of supervisors. >> thank you very much. the next question would be about our local businesses. there are empty storefronts on haight and the visit arrow straight. how will you support the current local businesses and help them stay open and encourage other local businesses to open? that would be supervisor breed >> one of the great things that we recently have done at the ballot is passed legislation for legacy businesses. passing legislation is one thing but making sure we provide the funding to support those particular businesses is another and that's exactly what we've done with this past year's budget. the other thing that i would able to do is put money in our budget, $100,000, to work with those particular
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storefronts in order to look at attracting and working with companies to rent those areas that where we have high numbers of vacancies. specifically, in the lower haight it's a real challenge and it's a real challenge sadly because limits want a lot more than some people can afford. so urban solutions is working with us to bridge that gap and about our relationship between businesses who want to occupy those particular spaces and making sure that we get help them to negotiate those rents so that we can begin to fill those particular storefronts. >> thank you very much supervisor. mr. preston >> well the contrast between how the city deals with companies multibillion dollar companies like airbnb and small mom-and-pop businesses could not be more stark. i'm a former small business owner myself. the co-owner of café dune or
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the music venue on market street open till 2013 and it's a struggle running a small business in this city. small businesses absolutely need help. i was one of the leaders in the effort to establish restrictions on chain stores going back more than a decade. to make sure that neighbors had a boys when we are moving chain stores into neighborhoods could as an effort to protect small businesses from being wiped out by big chain. i am proposing is part of my platform if i'm elected supervisor, a vacancy tax. i believe that the commercial landlords that are working units are getting a tax write off for the vacancies that are plaguing our neighborhoods should be taxed and that money should go to helping with our critical issues including our small businesses. >> thank you very much. we are all going to go into campaign finance. how would you mr. preston, how would you strengthen the kind campaign financing wills in san francisco ? >> sorry i don't have a minute for this one because
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>>[laughing]-it's incredible the role that money plays in politics and i will tell you as a first-time candidate running against frankly a political machine in this city, the deck is stacked when it comes to campaign finance. the loopholes that are exploited in order to bring in large donations. were all limited to $500 donations, each toward our campaign but what happens is that our loopholes. for example, supervisor breed ran for the democratic central committee at the same time and was able to take five-$10,000 checks from donors. i'm not allowed to do that and running for this seat and i would not do that because
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i think it's wrong. i think it gives too much influence do these large companies and we need to get serious about campaign finance reform. i felt not just supervisor breed on this could even my allies even career politicians are not done enough to stand up to these useless campaign financing the was thank you. thank you very much supervisor breed >> thank you. there's definitely a lot we can do. vector twentysomething over voting on at the [inaudible] tonight that would limit or were asking the california democratic party to look at statewide legislation in order to reduce the dollar amount that any candidate can get for the triples the rate for the limited amount is out for the deep $500. from my perspective, what i do is i offer rates with the contact of the law. all of this information is public. where my money comes from, who is getting it it to me an event is online if you went to look it up. but that does not mean because someone gives you money that you're beholden to that particular person. i mean if i were wealthy like my opponent i would use my own money but instead he's choosing to get
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public finance. so from my perspective, i'm really proud of my ability to come in and to raise the kind of money i'm able to raise in order to launch an effective campaign. on the projects to the powers that be, that's pretty amazing so thank you for i guess a compliment. >> thank you very much supervisor breed. the next question will also be for you supervisor breed. how we you ensure that open government laws are enforced? for example making sure that city officials and employees accurately retain and release their calendars? >> so this particular thing came up at the board of supervisors and i do not have a
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problem could i voted against it just to be clear. i do not have a problem with providing my calendar as it relates to who i am meeting with, what time i'm meeting with them, the subject matter, and who was in the meeting. when i had a problem with with this particular legislation is my whereabouts and my concern as a single woman who goes to meetings at night and looking at my calendar and establishing a pattern of my whereabouts. so i provide my calendar under the sunshine ordinance or whatever that thing is that were required to provide our calendar whenever it's requested of me i've no problem with doing that. but i think it's wrong to write and-i think it is wrong to force me to provide the locations of where ever i am in that particular calendar so i have a big issue with that. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> i think too much happens in secret at city hall and strong proponent of open government laws. supervisor breed now provides her calendar because the law passed requiring her to and was a 10-1 vote at the board of supervisors and she was the lone opponent and while she's entitled to have her
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concerns about that legislation, the other tenant supervisors thought that it was worthy of passing that law to require folks who are paying salaries of our supervisors and you are supervisors or representing us to know who they're meeting with and when. that's a basic right that this is a basic for anyone who believes in the sunshine and openness and city governments did i think that law was a no-brainer and as i said it past 10-1. so while the other supervisors agreed that it is eight essential to have a level of disclosure. >> thank you very much. now, for clarification, we further terms moderate and progressive used in many elections. so also in a recent column and this is where this question comes in, a recent column in the chronicle said supervisor breed is a moderate and mr. preston is a progressive. do you agree with-how you were categorized and why? will start with mr.
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preston. >> i agree with that characterization did i sit it on the campaign trail. i'm an unapologetic about progressive. in the best sense of that word. i hope. i do believe, lead supervisor breed the first opensolaris look at her voting record on the board and are siding with the moderate colleagues on the board, and the mayor in vote after vote, believe it's accurate to characterize her as a moderate and i think this is a key issue in this election. there's a number of seats that are open and the future of this port are we can have what we have with the mayor and a board moderate majority for three years which i believe cost a lot of the proms that we have, or, are we going to have a board that identifies as progressive and willing to tackle the issues that matter most to the people and the city. >> thank you. supervisor breed
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>> as far as labels, again, when i ran in 2012 i ran against the mayor's appointee who was a so-called progressive. from my perspective, what i try to do as a legislator is due i believe is right for the people that i'm here to serve. so i don't consider myself a progressive or a moderate. i'm not going to put myself in a box did when i first became a member of the board of supervisors, i made it clear that i'm going to review every policy. i'm going to make changes if nasa. i'm going to explain my position am going to do what i think is best for the people i represent and i'm not going to accept the conservative people in my district on not going to act out the extremely liberal people in my district. i think drunken typing it does people a disservice. because of someone who brought in the neighborhood for many many years i felt asked out by a lot of progressives neglected public housing neglected the african-american community and so it's important to supervisor
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but inclusive of everyone who i represent. >> thank you very much. the next question will go to you supervisor breed. when the subject of increasing theft in the city was discussed at the last step of according to this card a young man said, get us jobs. what you plan to do about getting jobs for underprivileged youth? >> what's great about what we've done when i first got into office i made the position neighborhood access point which is called the success under my number-one priority because i had so many people even before i was on the board of supervisors that was a lot of the work that i did was to help people get employed. it was definitely really a challenge. we put money into this western addition neighborhood access point. which basically is this incredible resource that is provided over hundreds of jobs
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for young people who did not know the first thing to do about getting an employment opportunity. whether it is trying to get put the resume together, whether they need support or understanding of what it means to show up on time. this center has become a great wraparound support system that has provided the kind of resources the kinds of comprehensive resources, to make sure that young people can get jobs and they can keep them. on the board of supervisors, we got about which is incredible because what that means our people who may have made a mistake on the life and paid their debt to society and get a second chance. so those are the kinds of things have been able to do on the board of supervisors. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> we spent a lot of time disagreeing is the nature of campaigns. i think that some of the work supervisor breed has done and talk about in terms of job training in terms of certainly banning the box were in agreement on that. i think one aspect of employment issues that tend to not to be focused on relates to an earlier question around small businesses. whenever employment comes up it seems like were always talking about employment
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at either big tech companies are some big companies where really, the driving engine of so much of where folks can get entry-level jobs are often in our small businesses. some of the issues we are talking about about supporting small businesses i think our job creation issues. i would also say that the employment and housing issues we discussed our directly link and if you get both jobs and you can afford to live in the city at the end of the day those jobs are not going to last people are not able to afford to stay in the city right now. >> thank you very much. the next question. some feel there's a disconnect between local governments and constituents. what is the most efficient way for district 5 constituents to raise concerns? regular town halls, phone
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calls, e-mails, how will you increase engagement and responsiveness? echoes to you mr. preston >> absolutely regular town halls and those involved in our campaign know we've done over 50 community meetings and it's at the heart of what this campaign is about. the approach right now, all too often, from our mayor is to cook up ideas in city hall and to roll them out in the neighborhoods and then insult anyone who stands up to it by calling them scuttle that's the playbook in san francisco writenow. we need to put that script entirely. we need to be planning from the ground up is what we did with affordable the coalition that responded to supervisor breed's decision to the zone the visit arrow as a massive giveaway of density. to developers without consulting the neighborhood and we held committing millions and responsiveness that is good we will contingent of meetings if i'm supervisor while the monthly meeting different parts of the district throughout my term. >> thank you very much.
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supervisor breed >> thank you. actually we did attend several community meetings with the north panhandle neighborhood association, with the alamo square of hope association there were meetings the planning information was in my newsletter. we get a lot of outreach and when i stood and announce the highest affordable housing requirement for private development in the history of san francisco maybe many of those same leaders stood out in front of the harding theater with me to make that announcement. so there is communication with my office and the community and there was in the case of what happened around the rezoning of the visit arrow. so at this point, i feel that a lot of the work that i've done is try and be in terms of communication, be responsive to many of the neighborhood groups by of course attending their meetings announcing their events, holding housing workshops, and other things throughout the district and again if anyone is
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interested in getting on my newsletter list am happy to add you as well. all this information is also online on the sf cup website >> thank you very much supervisor breed. as you may guess there's many questions regarding housing that are coming in. we have another one. regarding affordable housing. we start with supervisor breed. what will you do to increase the construction of non-luxury housing in district 5? what is a reasonable percentage of affordable units in any new housing developments? >> so what i'd like to see is i like to see us do of course 100% affordable housing. i want to make sure that everyone wants to live here in any income level has an opportunity to live here. the sad reality is, market rate housing hopes to pay for low income and affordable housing. so part of what we have to do is make sure that there's a balance. there has not been a balance. because of the mostly push to build
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really high-end housing really low income housing and leaving everyone else out in between. not only do we need to make sure we develop a plan to build more affordable housing but more over the housing for middle income residents. secondly, we also can't forget the we've a lot of low income and affordable housing developments in district 5 that are falling apart better in a state of disrepair. we can't neglect those could so that's what the work of a doing since i've been on the board of supervisors is making sure we protect those units. we preserve those units and we do everything we can to rehabilitate those units. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> thank you that were in an error when i call trickle-down housing here. those who lived through the 1980s with ronald reagan know what trickle-down theory is all about. this is how
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the mayor and the moderates the new housing. build luxury condominiums and things will trickle-down to those who are low income or middle-class. this is where some of these labels we were talking about earlier matter. the progressive supervisors are standing up to the developers could go to go with the developer saying if you want to build in our neighborhood and make a fortune off our beautiful community you are going to provide more affordable housing. as opposed to the other view which is just come on in and build it. the right. just come on in. that's what happens with on visit arrow and supervisor breed,, and is a little off. she stood with community leaders after we lobbied and fought with her for five months to force her to get more affordability in what she has given way to developers. >> thank you very much. our next question, also going to housing but for on the side of i guess, of the landlord, the question comes in, some small property owners think renting out a property in san francisco is risky. how will you encourage rental property
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owners to keep units on the market? this goes to mr. preston first >> so, i don't think landlords in this city need any more incentive to rent out anti-units than the current market price of a rental unit. i had talked to a lot of landlord's wife think appreciate other property has appreciated and appreciate that they're doing quite well even within the regulatory scheme of san francisco. but i don't have a lot of sympathy for landlords that claimed to be holding rental units off the market. frankly contribute into our housing price. because they are complaining about that they are too burdened by the current system. again, they're allowed to charge for-$5000 a month. the property taxes are not risen accordingly because of prop 13 innocent we don't have a lot of sympathy for those that hold rental units off our rental market the was thank you very much. supervisor breed >> thank you. as someone who
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is an actual renter without housing security and a building that just sold with a roommate, i'm really concerned clearly about what's happening all over our city. i know there are a lot of properties that are empty and property owners who are saying, i'm just not going to rent in this market. we are talking about senior citizens who have anxiety who are uncomfortable who don't know what to do and i think that what we need to do with the cities look at how do we work with our senior population to try and allow the city to potentially maybe take ownership somehow, rent out these properties, and allow them to be somehow used for individuals who need them. take full responsibility of paying the rent your i know their section would outline of his house in 70s did i know this creative ways that we as a city can try and figure out a way
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and get control of these units and work with a property owner who may have anxiety with making this unit available to someone and take that particular unit and put back on the market potential. >> thank you very much. when you are responding supervisor breed dimension section 8. this question is, currently, all section 8 recipients are only partially covered under rent control. there protections for just cause eviction's but not price controls. what are your plans to address the addictions and displacement due to rent increases? >> so that definitely has been one of the biggest challenges that we've had with people who have come to us and have just struggled with this particular situation. the first thing we try to do is we work with for example the housing rights committee and they been really helpful in facilitating a process and work with the san francisco housing authority to try and get additional support or additional subsidy. in most of the cases that i personally
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doubt with with tenant, but not been put out. that accepted the money that they were getting due to section 8 vouchers and we are not able to work. they were able to force the tenants out. the been a few instances that we worked on personally to try and protect them. it's not just in district 5 with section 8 vouchers but in other parts of the city. so we want to continue to that work and make sure that people have the resources they need in order to fight with the situation and help with the city side of providing additional subsidies if necessary because we do that now. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> i've a long history of working on such a naked including at the state level where we have been pushing against the real estate industry that refuses to ban section 8 discrimination. unlike in word on weasley would ban section 8 discrimination
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california has not. the huge problems in section 8 is one of the most successful housing programs despite the federal effort to keep cutting the funding. per section 8. when it comes to the specific issue raised by the question around folks who are fighting against rent increases in such a property, i think that the best looking thing we can do to protect those sentences to pass a robust right to counsel. so that the people who are facing those kinds of editions basically an rent increases that are exploiting a loophole in our local law are represented not just when they go to court but from the moment they get their eviction notice did we can provide a full right to counsel in san francisco. it will not cost that much and it will stop those kinds of evictions. >> thank you very much mr. preston. the next question. what is your position on proposed grocery tax and how can voters be sure the tax will not spill over to other grocery? mr. preston >> first of all congratulations to the beverage industry and their lobbyists. >>[laughing] rebranding the
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grocery, the soda tax good as a grocery tactic brilliant maneuver and we will see if it works. so i am in favor of the soda tax good i think it's a public health basic public health issue for me and that it's important. i view it very similar to like cigarette tax and other efforts to try to actually influence, to provide funding or public health and to go after some of those things that are rising up a lot of the cost. i understand that's an issue where a lot of people a reasonable minds disagree but that's where i stand on supportive of the soda tax >> thank you. supervisor reed >> i don't support it. >> okay. >>[laughing] okay. that's it for that one. the next question will go to supervisor breed. what can we do
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, what have you do, what will you do, to promote and encourage women and people of color to be involved in politics and government? >> wow. i actually do a lot. there are a lot of young women -i was mentored by a lot of amazing. my grandmother raised me good kamala harris was a great mentor. the late gloria r davis was a great mentor. the reason i am even here as even a supervisor for district 5 is because of people like willie b kennedy and doris ward. they raised me in this community and am so grateful for it and so the work that i've done, i've so many little sisters and young people that i'm really proud of that i've worked with for over 20 years good many of graduated from college good are working full-time jobs. i mean, i consistently make myself available to them and i spend
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time with them and am available when they call me or reach out to me. i make a mage is one of the things that i consistently have done for the majority of my life because i would not be here they were not for the folks who raised me. >> thank you very much. mr. preston >> so in my work and in my history both running at state rights tenants organization and other professional endeavors, i have always recruited and mentored women of color and women. it's absolutely essential in our society. i'm proud to be back in a lot of candidates among women and women of color who are running for various offices including kim at a rental from district 11. hillary ronan from district 9. sandy--in district 1. but i will say that it's important, as strong as i believe in
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supporting women and women of color, for elective office. another position that also matters what their positions are. the boat survived endorsed are strong supporters and fighters for working-class people in the city and for affordable housing. i think that is essential. >> okay. we will move to education. we will start with mr. preston. how would you fund, or how do you see funding be made available for perl dems like universal preschool and would this be done through a new parcel tax or sales tax? or neither? >> thank you. i'm a parent of two young girls. one in preschool and one in public elementary school, both here in the district 5. what
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educational issues have always been important to me but taking increasingly personal importance to me. i am rolled out as part of my proposal, if in office to move forward with a universal preschool program. new york has done that i think san francisco absolutely should do that. we should be guaranteeing four-year-olds the right to go to preschool and families the ability to actually afford to be in san francisco without paying a fortune just to educate their children. it's also an equity issue ensures everyone starts kindergarten with the same opportunities. i see a stop sign being held up a happy talk about funding but-- >> thank you. supervisor breed >> i'm proud of the work that's been done already in the city round first pocket either one of the biggest challenges we have is we have robust
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programs for low income families. the biggest challenge is sometimes connecting those families to those opportunities. that is number one. then the second issue we have is those families who are just right above the threshold against qualified which makes it difficult for them to access preschool. so creating a fund is something supervisor trainees in legislation this past tuesday to create a specific fund that could help support funding for preschool legislation that i support he's been incredible advocate around this particular issue and supported him on every step of the way. >> thank you dennis. according to my little list here, this is supposed to be our last question although i have many more questions here. so i encourage all of you to contact the candidates and contact your supervisors and ask those questions that we do not get a chance to ask here. but the last one, i thought would be would give us a chance to see what you think about what's coming in that coming years. what is the most difficult decision you will have to make
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in the next year and what forces will you balance to make that decision? supervisor breed >> let's see. i might need a minute to think about that. there's so many different difficult decisions that i know as supervisor i mean every single day when you make a decision sometimes from the outside it makes seeing is. you go this way because this is what i believe because we vote that way because that's what this person believes that these decisions have consequences on people's lives. so making sure that i'm doing everything to wait both sides and keep think about the lies am going to impact is really important to me. these been challenging decisions and i think coming up -i can't think of anything off the top of my head in terms one might be difficult but i have really a great housing
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blueprint am working on that my opponent is definitely waiting for me to release. it'll be released soon. it talks about the past present and where do we go from here. the decision is going to be what we prioritize as it relates to developing new affordable housing. whether it's going to be the new offered about housing, the- >> finish your thought >> so whether were going to look at the newark affordable housing and focus on really low income, middle income get what can happen with that whether we neglect that continue to neglect public and affordable housing. so balancing all those things and making sure the limited resources we have that we are concentrating our efforts on doing those things simultaneously is something that could reach really challenging. i'm putting continue to push for it. i get criticized for pushing for rehabilitating public housing because it's not new development. but on the continue to push that effort
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along with all the other things i'm doing on the board he was taking very much. mr. preston >> well we agree on anxiously awaiting the promised housing blueprint good we will see what's in that. i think the most difficult decision quite honestly is going to be what we move forward with first if i am fortunate enough to be elected supervisor. i say that--i think it will be a difficult decision. we are out on the campaign travel talking to you about the things that are most difficult for us right now. on day one and people can talk what their first 100 days or some period of time. what are we going to move forward? we've identified some things on this campaign that i think are essential. we have to do it right to counsel for tenants. we absolutely need to move forward with some kind of agency tax to do all these commercial vacancies and protect small business. we talked about universal
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preschool. the list goes on. the hard decision and as you mentioned the balancing of interests, is what are we moving forward with first year and i will welcome, if elected supervisor, the input from folks who open not only involved with this campaign, but even folks been supportive of supervisor breed and or did not vote at community meetings and really decided what the community wants to move forward with first. but that's no easy decision. we will have to be realistic about how we face in and what were doing and when to address these critical issues. >> thank you very much. now, we come to the candidates closing statements. but me first remind you that if you are not registered to vote, please do so right away and urge others you know to register. the actual deadline is october 24 and if you moved
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you need to register again at your new address. we will do the closing statements in reverse alphabetical order and remember, you have 2 min. for this, so candidates, mr. preston closing statement >> well, thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to be here this evening. as i mentioned earlier, i think we are facing a critical problems in the city particularly around housing right now that are not just the result of the natural order of things. they are the result of decisions that have been made at city hall and too often the decisions in the last handful of years have been to favor big-time developers, multi billionaires and folks who have tremendous influence in city hall. i believe the mayor has been far too accommodating of those interests and believe he has that assistance from the moderates on the board in not
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standing up to those folks and not standing up for the people who are struggling day in and day out in this city. i am very proud to be endorsed by the san francisco tenants union, by the sierra club, the league of conservation voters, the california nurses association, the harvey milk club the latino democratic club, tom on the arnold max gonzales, david campos eric j mark, john avalos, hillary ronan, kim power ranger [sp?] scuttle the reason i mentioned some of these folks and we both have endorsements right the muppet these are some annuities folks are people within fighting the fight that i hope to further and take the torch from them and fight for the progressive values that are so important in this district and for the future of this city and i believe we are not only have
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women going down the wrong path , but we're at a critical juncture where control of the board is at stake. the future of things like rent control, affordable housing,, the issues that we care most about here in san francisco are really at stake in this election. whatever you do, i just urge you please, to go. thank you i love to have your support >> thank you very much. supervisor breed >> thank you and thank you to the league of women voters for this great opportunity or i appreciate being here. you know, this is an incredible honor to serve as a member of the board of supervisors, to represent district 5. what is
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so great about that is i know that a lot of the work that i'm doing may not make every resident, every single resident, in district 5 happy, but i know that many of the folks in district 5 support me if they reach out to me. i've been a response of supervisor in a jar to make sure that i'm closing my ear to advocates in focusing on the district residence for the people who elected me to be here as a member of the board of supervisors. so what i hear is what is a big concern clearly is housing, homelessness, transit, the environment, all of these things in some way or another, since i've been on the board of supervisors i have been a leader. i've a comprehensive record of delivering so much for district 5. specifically, ron homelessness. 179 empty public housing units at an rehabilitated because of the work that i've done and 179 formerly homeless families. now house because of my work. clean power sf. good people have been working on that for years. i made sure that was delivered. working on completely replacing
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all of our buses and train fleet from muni and hiring over sen. new muni drivers. by bush continued to make sure were getting the resources we needed i took the ambulance crises head on and out response time are a lot quicker than they have been in the past. on employment i make sure we have the right kind of center to work with many of the folks in our community with consistently been turned away or employment opportunity did not with just big businesses but with small businesses in our neighborhood like taskbar. i understand there are-am i done? okay. i was just getting started. >>[laughing] >> but thank you and i appreciate your support on november 8. thank you >> thank you and much ladies and gentlemen please give them a great roundabout clause. >>[applause] it takes a lot to stand up. i can tell you. >>[applause] and answer questions to you their constituents or prospective constituents good so you all did a great job on it too, for
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being here so we think. now for my closing statement so don't run off. >>[laughing] on behalf of myself, the league of women voters and our partner organizations are thanks to the candidates for participating. thanks to all of you again, good thanks to each of you again and again for taking time to inform yourselves about your choices on november 8. ladies and gentlemen, have a wonderful evening. thank you. >>[applause] >> >> >> one of the major tasks i
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was asked to do is water system improvement program and one thing i looked at is about the 4.8 billion dollars wurthd of work and a lot of the work was regional. we looked at how can we make sure that we provide opportunities for san franciscan's and people in the region and so we looked at ways we can expand our local san francisco lb program. so, we thought about it and worked with general manager at the time to form an advizry
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committee to talk about how to include local businesses in the region. >> i was on the first committee back about 10 years ago and the job changed over time. in the beginning, we just wanted people to know about it. we wanted to attract contractors to come into the system which is a bidding system and bid on some of these projects. our second job was to help the sfpuc to try to make themselves more user frndly. >> i like that they go out of their way, have contractors trying to teach and outreach to small businesses and lots of creative ways. help the community as well. there is so much infrastructure going on and repair, new construction that i think is helping to get construction back on its feet.
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>> my faiv rlt part of the committee has been that we have played a opportunity for many small businesses. [inaudible] women owned business to come in and [inaudible] sfpuc. it is a great opportunity because some are so small they have been able to grow their companies and move up and bid other projects with the sfpuc. >> everyone i was talking about with any contractor [inaudible] and super markets and things like that and i realize the transition was on the sfpuc. he got that first job and knows about the paperwork qu schedule and still works on this type of job, but he works with general contractors that also did other
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things. pretty soon it is like he did that one and that one. it completely changed his business. >> my name is nancy [inaudible] the office manager and bid coordinator for [inaudible] construction. worked on 10 plus puc, lbe contracts. today we are doing site maintenance on the [inaudible] chr site and currently the gentlemen behind me are working on every moving and basic specs of plants. in order to be success you need to work hard, bid low and keep a look at the sfpuc website for future bidding opportunity. >> this is a successful program because it provides opportunities to regional communities that might not have opportunities to work for large
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scale projects. the sfpuc is a fortunate agency we have a lot of capital program that span over 7 counties who also to see how some businesses like [inaudible] and bio mass started as small micro businesses grow and expand and stay in the program and work on several projects before they graduate from the program. that is what warms my heart. >> my name is college willkerson, the principle for bio mass. bio mass has been in business since 2006. 3 partners. small businesses fill a niche but apply and being a part of the program helped us be more visible and show the city and county of san
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francisco we can also perform services. >> this program had tremendous impact to the region. in fact, the time we rolled the program out was during the recession. this has h a major positive impact and certified over 150 firms in the rejen and collectively awarded $50 million in contracts, and because of the lbe certification it open many opportunities to work with sfpuc. and, i significantly helped the business. it is one of the major contributors to our success.
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supervisor wiener and our faithful champion supervisor peskin our clerk clerk victor young and recognize jim smith and nona melkonian assisting in broovrtd today is e today's meeting madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee. devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the october 18, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you supervisor wiener is the sponsor of this item and he will present and lead the discussions. >> may i read the first item. >> yes. number one the established the lgbtq night life and cultural why were your time is up and encouraging the office of
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economic workforce development to convene the preservation and preserving lgbtq night life. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam chair so madam chair quite frankly i don't know why we're here for this hearing we had a hearing that actually produced this resolution we had it severalty guess so a robust discussion about the critical pornls of lgbtq night time and the pressure it is under and he had need to off the record our the cultural and heritage district that is launching but russia but he, of course, we know that lgbtq night life is critically important to the lgbtq for providing a safe space also heard that our night life is under pressure we've had a
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number of venues at risk or closed down particularly in the south of market area we also heard was a few years ago we were supposed to move forward with a cultural heritage for the lgbt community that particularly centered in the south of market not moving forward no forward motion so we held 24 hearing and it was a very, very helpful hearing what we heard from the members of the public and the planning department in working group has been convened to move in process forward a workshop that would be helpful so the next week day i introduced a hearing calling for the convening of a working group moving forward supervisor campos sent that resolution to the committee i thought he'd be here today he's not what i know we held a great robust hearing on this issue that shows a need for a working
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group the resolution is pending in the committee we have our departments here that made full presentations i don't see the need to waste of time maybe another presentation they gave a great presentation last time we have members of the public for public comment. >> public comment there it is all right ladies and gentlemen, this is the special time when we open up you'll have two minutes to speak thirty soft chime with 30 seconds at this time anyone to come up to speak on item number one that is the urging the establishment the lgbtq night life and cultural working group. >> come on up mr. chair (laughter) thank you for joining us today. >> thank you my name is jonas and pardon me i spent my medical
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cannabis task force preparation meeting thank you for taking up this important topic it is important to those of us in our 60s with with spent many decades in san francisco especially south of market that something beyond a plaque something beyond a notice in the newspaper remembers the sacrifices the fact that i met my first husband in front of the stud january 21st he didn't make it but we need to remember those stories to us thousands and thousands of thousand of more just like that i know when it becomes political it becomes challenging to see the path forward i ask this body look towards the citizenry that were involved in the phase the citizenry that heshts the city
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and together i know that we can forge a path forward that will recognize our history and will find a way to show that history to those that are coming behind us and show it with dignity so - let's, let's put some of our immediate parts of the city resources i think we can do this is a perfect time the that's to the places like the stud u stud it brings the topic to the forward i thank you for listening to me a bit out of breath thank you. >> anyone else that wants to speak come on up. >> good afternoon. supervisors my name is angelica and i'm with some cam i'm here to speak on
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the process of establishing the lgbtq counterpart district i think that is a great idea but i want to acknowledge the process that our neighborhood had had in the community to make sure to establish things like the latino erect in the south of market we've been working a lot on making this strategic plan to present to you by the end of the month this is a resolution this body actually supported since april so we would like to coming come back and present that i do have a comment in regards to the planning department staff considering to put a lot of the resources from central soma to
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about having proper community input and not have the opportunity it out with the community how those funds will be allocated in the south of market and the whole city for it to be allocated somewhere else is an issue not only are we tied in with a lot of displacement and gentrification we're also here to establish and filipino to make sure the filipino history and cultural didn't get displaced so what bothers me the different pending of different communities together versus having a process where we can come together and be at the table and figure out how to have the different interests really balance that incentive. >> thank you and angelica i want to comment on your comments
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i can definitely see your perspective how one community that pitted against another how to communicate one of the ethic the african-american community as well i think this hearing we're talking about right now frames begins to set the foundation and serves as a model to continue to build with the organizations with the community we can duplicate and have that level of register bans and cultural sustainability i want to acknowledge your racks and let you know i'm in agreement anyone wants to speak in public comment come on up. >> hi there guys i'm from san francisco eagle we're here to
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round up hopefully, we can participate in the - have you guys consider the lgbt district and allocate funding for all the spaces that are being displaced like our neighbors the stud for example, and other lgbt community is little by little displaced south of market we think that our partnering can be served as a model with the previous developers to have a self-allocated development funds to that the resources can be allocated for the area the south of market and consider the historical lgbt district that's all i have to say. >> we urge you to support it.
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>> great thanks guys anyone wish to comment on item number all right. public comment is closed. i see that supervisor campos has joined us supervisor campos is there any racks you want to share. >> sure. sure thank you, madam chair and thank you chair cohen and members of the land use committee i want to make sure we had a just a more in depth conversation about what in working group looks like it is important to prioritize night life especially within the lgbtq community and i wanted to make sure as we put together a working group there is a reflection of the diversity of the city within one geographic area or group that is actually controlling the process or who gets to be on the committee that includes everyone and one specific group i think needs to
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be constituent i'm glad my executive legal is the lgbt communities of color i think needs to be represented in night life and quite frankly some of them have lost that representation and so one question i have i don't know if it is a question posed to supervisor wiener or whoever else is working this is what is the involvement of some of the groups and establishment that perhaps have commissioner kwon out of business the sandwich as an example you had the only establishment that was serving the lgbtq latino community and then how do we have geographic make up of the working group. >> yes. >> thank you supervisor campos for that question he agree you,
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you that is critically important we in doing this represent the diversity of our community overall including geographic diversities including all people's with backgrounds and income you know that night life is not a model many, many kinds of night life within the lgbtq community to me that is very important that we represent the various neighborhoods we have lgbtq night life including the soma and the mission and castro and polk street and others and that we also are reaching out to owl community i agree that people who are represent bars and clubs that no more than exist but have a great perspective should be part of it is my view this process should be an steel on one we want as many voices to be at the table
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that makes it a stronger process and there needs to be good outreach to make sure we're reaching you all the corners 6 our community to pull people in and solicit and supervisor campos in addition i'll definitely it is important for you and me to make recommendations to the departments about who might be appropriate and could, helpful. >> thank you and i'm happy to work with you and your office to do that. >> and i think that you know there are so many pieces to this i think that is an important thing but i think the more inclusive the better i'm commit to why you and look forward to the next steps. >> look forward to. >> madam chair if i may thank
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you to everyone it came out and the department for their great work with that, i'll make a motion i make a motion to send it to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. >> >> motion made without objection, without objection that motion carries. >> thank you mr. clerk. >> okay. mr. clerk call items two and three together. >> item 2 ordinance for the planning department to allow the homeless shelter in the production and repair of the western selma refuge office and light industrial district subject to the conditional use authorization and item 3 the ordinance for the street portion of 25 street to facilitate a temporary navigation center for homeless and operation of the vacated portion of 24th street for more than two or three years. >> thank you mr. clerk i appreciate that i believe that we have sam dodge here from the
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department of homelessness to present welcome mr. dodge. >> sam dodge department of homelessness and supportive of housing i have a brief presentation if i can switch to that. >> okay. great so the central waterfront navigation center i'm here toe present has two legislation with - i think that everyone is familiar with the challenge we're facing in san francisco and even though we know approximately 35 hundred people living in disinherits on the streets each night over the year touching all the services 14 thousand people are facing homelessness here in san francisco we found some great success with the navigation center over seven hundred people have been served
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as far and 80 percent of exit in the stable housing we've been expanding 24 and the civic center navigation site with the second and hopefully, this will be the third - to help people understand what the new approach the navigation center has for the system there is many aspects we've presented to this system the navigation center to help approach people not served for so for previous to this navigation center including adults couples and people able to come in with a threshold setting and as they are and looking at benefit services a relatively small capacity and a tranquil setting
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this prospect of opening up the navigation center in the central waterfront is meant community engagement with the dog patch neighbors and businesses immediately adjacent it's bnsz a really good process we've been from the spring to the summer been able to present advisory groups and bodies and that is resulted in unanimous support from the port and the advisory body, from the dog patch neighborhood association, and the planning commission. >> so this legislation two allow us to temporarily vacant a dead end street that the port owns between the muni yard and the back of yard on 25th and
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michigan 42 less 36 months of operation plus construction to return the street to its current condition when we vacant a street it inherence the zoning to that's why we need the authorization for that our timeline is aims towards trying to open in early 2017 hopefully february and there's many pros process steps we've gone through this is part of 18 for that ambitious target here's renderings from our architects and public works about what it will look like on 25th street we've taken a lot from 1950 mission and looking at
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how we can do this we're using trailers with a solid deck where our underneath which will be the plumbing a electrical and not pulling up the street and the whole sites is assessable here's part of a look what it looks like in the inside an emphasis in the coast guard it is helpful and on overview with a mix of offices and dorms and community spaces throughout the project a i really hope for all your support and our architect from public works is here for specific questions to talk about that. >> thank you. i appreciate the presentation anyone wish to comment on item number - sorry planning department. >> i have a quick presentation the planning commission heard this on september 22nd of this
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year and voted to recommend approval to the full board thank you. >> thank you okay public comment come on up. >> thank you, supervisors my name is mac i'm here i'm a member of the dog patch neighborhood association board of directors i'm a member at large and formally represent the dog patch association in this matter first, i want to commend and thank you to sam and others for the outreach to the neighborhood since mark since march they've met with us ten times and they've been incredibly attentive and in those meetings it seems like there were 10 anger members for
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every navigation center supporter and things sometimes, the loudest in the room was not always the majority voice sometimes, the cranky people when it came time to vote on the navigation center we approved it 24 to 6 this is a 4 to one margin i'm proud to deliver this message on behalf of the dog patch we endorse is it and ready to give our help to the people for exit from homelessness to permanent housing i want to say thank you to supervisor cowen's office and others who was deeply engaged and keeping from the bay area station it - and port staff and everyone work hard. >> thank you, mr. allen do you
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have people that want to comment. >> no okay. all right. i wanted to make sure we don't deny anyone a right anyone else that wants to speak in public comment now is your time public comment is closed. >> i have a couple of remarks i'm to want to go through first recognize the tfa fact if so an incredibly long process for the city and the dog patch unauthorized unit u community and at the dog patch community includes i includes the residents and business owners in the area we know there is a large existing homelessness population in district 10 and specifically around the central a southern waterfront my hope the navigation center will add for the opportunity for people to move from the streets to more stable long term homes in the environment so mr. will this includes the department of
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homelessness and the ports, the san francisco police department as well as public works we've all working closely with the community on that proposal and come to an interagency agreement that all parties agree with that is hard and challenging to achieve i want to recognize the number of hours we've put into moving this conversation forward i want to acknowledge the city's willingness to lay out the accountability they would honor including the encampment response time and the performance measures are critical we're thinking about when we bring social services to the residential neighborhood we've seen the successes and the results the navigation center and they've delivered with an positive impact to those who have welcomed them into the community particularly the
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mission neighborhood and applaud this for the city in being smart and diligent we provide more solutions i want to make sure we're doing our due diligence in managing homelessness it is important we keep the equity it is unfair for any neighborhood to shoulder the maximum load of the heavy responsibility of homeless crisis we're seeing it is a crisis that is really perverse in districts 8, 10 and 6 they take the role of the navigation center but encourage more members of the communities to seriously seriously consider staishl ♪ other parts of the city this is our neighborhoods are taking responsibility addressing the citywide problem of homeless i
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want to recognize the incredible volunteers that run the dog patch association under the leadership of bruce it is incredible negotiations leading the conversation northridge community members that were ann apprehensive into a place to support this and thank you to the city for the first proposed city-state site and accepting the neighborhoods recommendation for the second site and the captain is incredible and his team in the bayview not only being a part of discussion but working with us and we break down the encampment and want to recognize our tireless staff to help move forward the conversation and my staff i don't i don't chang and a host of folks from the department of
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homelessness emily has been incredible with that said, thank you i don't i don't and emily and sam and everyone that is involved at this time i don't know if there's any discussion skim supervisor campos >> thank you, madam chair i wanted to sit in on this item because we have been working on this for quite a while and i'm grateful to any colleagues for supporting our ordinance creating requiring the staesht of more naikts h o navigation centers and watching in closely and grateful to mr. dodge and his staff the navigation center is a right to open a navigation center that you insure it is successful and requires community engagement he was proud to hear from the boskovich neighborhood and their approach to this i think this is one of
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the things for sometime the loudest voice is the one the people think actually reflects what the community is that's not always the case. >> thank you supervisor for the district malia cohen think that can happen without the leadership of the supervisors i know i've been through the process you have to work with the department and make sure they're talking to as many people as possible and very challenging not an easy thing to do i wholeheartedly agree with you supervisor hopefully, there will be other places you know including places like district 2, 8, all. >> 3. >> 3 that open up their spaces because the bottom line is that we those people are not going anywhere and i would rather have
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them in an navigation center than camping out on the street the other thing i want to add i've been for the last week going a few times a week that with the team the encampment resolution team and gotten to see how they interact with individuals is it so executives a challenging thing to do we worked another harrison street and fulsome street today and you know you never know what you'll combrnt smoking gun sometimes it is dicey so kudos to jeff and his staff for the work they do i think we'll continue to push for that and monitor this the one area that kind of stood out from the last few days i've been going to the encampments when you have families with
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children how thanksgiving open challenging it becomes that was one of the hardest things a family with three children we don't have spaces for them we'll have to figure out as an aide but anyway, i'm proud to see that and proud of the work that the department is doing and we have to continue to push through so thank you very much for all your great work. >> thank you thank you supervisor campos. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam chair i just wanted to express my strong support for it legislation and expanding the naikts in san francisco we know this modeled works i refer to a modern approach to good morning, and welcome to the regular meeting of the people off the streets in this way is it works for people we remove the barriers for people wanting to be in the shelter system this is
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a terrific next step and thank you to the neighborhood association for working with the city and supporting it this can, challenging as we locate those around the city i agree geographic equity and make sure the navigation center are up on the services to give helpful processes thank you. >> thank you. i want to thank one more team that's the hot team the homeless outreach team they do the real work we don't thank them enough for their hard work supervisor peskin. >> i think everything has been said but not everybody has said it congratulations to you supervisor cowen and to all the folks that made it happen particularly the community this is a perfect example of what happens when the city affirmatively reached out and not shove things down the
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communities throat i'm delighted and thank you to the planning department and the commission for their review sometimes process takes a while and is painful but we get better results for it that people can live with and embrace and finally as mr. dodge knows with a few weeks of being in office we actually been and gotten close to getting a site for a navigation center in the northeast corner of the city in the district i represent that project ultimately that site went to some condo developer we're actively looking. >> is there a motion. >> i'd like to make a motion i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> all right. thank you how about with a positive recommendation and yes with a recommendation in the affirmative. >> excellent without objection it passes
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>> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco
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this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming you don't want to - one of the great things of san francisco it
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is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own- that'scoming. >> (clapping.) >> good morning and thank you for joining me i'm jose cisneros the co-chair of financial and powerful coalition i want to acknowledge a number of people including beven duffey the mounting evidences about san francisco hometown bank is shocking it reveals that wells fargo used personal information about their clients to open without their permission and transferred funds as treasurer i'm responsible for keeping the city save and 10 years ago i started the bank an inform program i believe that
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everyone money is safety in the a banknote held in cash or under a mattress when i learned that protecting people in the city if have basis assess he worked with bans and credit unions to create low-cost accounts without barriers to assess now thousand of san franciscans every year opened their first behind the eight ball through the bank on san francisco and bank that programs in dozens of cities across the country and last year, we annunciations bank think standards for save behind the eight ball with no overdraft fees so after hearing about the actions of wells fargo i met with an executive to find what information and advise to provide to the san franciscans he couldn't give me basic information including how many san franciscans were effected
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had they been notified how much recess stews this is unacceptable i'm outrageous on behalf of all customers but for every on bank resident to keep their mean in cash instead of a financial institution given their widespread egregious and potentially criminal action i'm 13u7bd wells fargo from the bank an san francisco program effect immediately >> (clapping.) >> and we can't wait for wells fargo to help people through this terrible experience that's why the balance the community partners offered free one-on-one coupling for anyone effected started day they can call 9006006 and speak to a qualified
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council to run their credit report and found out what to do next we want to thank balance for stepping up their phone call will be on the website just to be clear this is a free serve service and anyone will semi you anyone that's why balance is our partner in the program and i give you my word they'll be trusted with our financial information next week i'm headed to washington, d.c. to talk with the powerful coalition at the financial bureau and with members of the california delegation and i'm calling on my all my colleagues to stand request bank on the other hand, on san francisco police commission we've been the leader in the nation and continue to stand up against financial institutions that breach our trust there are many unanswered
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questions he want san franciscans to know we'll get answers from wells fargo to resolve negative impacts on your finance now next i'd like to invite andrea if the cancel reinvestment code violation to join me at the podium andrew. >> thank you there are go many san franciscans without a safe bank account spends husband's of thousand of these dollars buying money orders and paying bills and icon all over town and they need to conduct a financial traction the comboufrt through the treasurer's office and nonprofit have worked to hard to make bank account more
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assessable to all families including low income and spanish families and another new immigrants who are not familiar with the banking system or historically left out of the bavng system we've made progress as a treasurer mentions last year the national bank on coalition adopted the standards to make those accounts save so people will never face an overdraft fee and low monthly fee can be waivers those are the accounts that people use that work for them and meets their interests wells fargos actions are undermining our work now is the perfect time for them to not only express sorry and say this is never going to happen again but step forward and do the service for the clients and help them to repair
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in any damage to their credit we shouldn't have to do it they should be doing it but were thank you to jose cisneros go leadership two many people don't know they've been treated with this way now it is the time to call balance and feud have you paid fees has a new credited been opened without your knowledge and impacted our krrdz were you offered a higher interest rate that question also at our o are calling open the bank reshthsers to restore trust in the work query doing to really for the banks to step forward and say that wells fargos didn't speak for us we don't look at our consumers and potential fee revenue we're trying to karate
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this to pad our bottom lines there are so many banks and credit unions that offering those truly save accounts and working hard to meet the needs of protecting families across the back and forth we applaud them and ask them to step up and reassure they are commissioners what wells did will not happen to them thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, andreas and introduce shawn the head of our empowerment office and introduce lee phillips the great partner in san francisco and at this time introduce katherine president and ceo of the balance to explain how their staff is ready to assist folks. >> thank you for being here this obviously been a lot of news in the media on this incident and the biggest thing
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that concerns us no information for customers and last week to applaud the city of san francisco for step forward and recognizing that consumers that have been impacted may not know what to do and consumers don't know they've been impacted we've set up a town hall free number and help them get access to they're free credit report consumers still don't know how to assess their report and let alone get a free serve a credit report review walk through with that consumers to help them understand how to clean up that up one of the things that concerns about this situation it is not the credit produces at wells fargo but a consumer opens a product with other institutions did they receive
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other is recreates has in their credit been impacted we want to work with our consumers to resolve that we, of course, will provide a assistance and resources in terms of how they contact wells fargo we know that consumers don't not review their bank statements so more to look at balances we want to remind and encourage folks to review bank statements where you get them online or paper another piece and in closing to echo this is so unfortunate that we still have so many folks unbanked and those that place their hope and faith in financial institutions we believe the piece of our job to make sure they understand the process and have the confidence in the safety of working with the financial institution so thank you very much i applaud
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the city of san francisco the treasurer and my fellow nonprofits that do this work every single day. >> thank you katherine he'll repeat 8007066006 we're handing out a flier with the information that number will be on the sf i canned is enough about the great work and they'll help people going through this difficult time that may have happened in the wells fargo account i'm existing to introduce supervisor campos david. >> (clapping.) >> thank you good morning buenas dias and thank you to the treasurer he knows the thing again what wells fargo did the damage is beyond the impact on
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anyone that has been impacted by these accounts those fake accounts it is on the issue of trust because we have been working with the community that has been very distrust of banking institution for a lot of reasons and the so we had to do a lot of work in putting your money into the banking institutions and now we have to redo that work and sort of sea you know what we were not completely right about wells fargo see let me say.
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that. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> (clapping.) >> thank you very much supervisor it is great to have our partnership we're trying to let everybody in the city to make sure they, keep their money safe bottom line we want to make sure the city is here to help and our good friends are vertebral to make sure in their money is safe let me repeat number 800706006 please share that information with everybody in our community anticipate your family make sure we have a safe account to keep our money and we're successful financially thank you for light for our ci
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streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the san francisco public utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and they're even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 percent less energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every san francisco street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious
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as day turns >> this coffee memory i remember having coffee with any grappled. in the old days myelogram ma get together >> i was six or seven i made a faces a good face. >> when i was younger i know it did something to my body. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i've been drinking coffee since i was 17 really the only
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thing i'm good at i was trying to find out what i was good at i got a job at the coffee shop i decided to do that the rest of my life. i like the process of the coffee and what are those beans where do they come from oh, they come from a fruit. >> the coffee stays with me since i was a kid i grew up and opened coffee shops everybody. in the 8 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops maybe more to see why people go to coffee shops >> we're searched the beans all over the world from east afghan and tokyo. >> when i wanted to do was get
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into aspect of the personal coffee and the processing and everything else there was multiple steps in making coffee and we did have a lighter roost because of the qualities of the keep once you roost it it home gisz the coffee. >> one thing about the coffee they were special blends and i spent seven years on one blend so that's my pleasure. each bean they were all chosen and blended with each with different cultural and beans is like people and those people give me a reputation i can't buy.
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people love you my clients love me they take me to the moves movies. >> fell in love with coffee and went to the coffee shops the community aspect i really enjoyed. >> i think it's important to have a place for people to show up and talk to their neighbors and recorrect. your surrounded with all those behalf communicated i communities >> i love my city san francisco has a good name my has every cultural in this planet living in san francisco it's a small city 7 by 7 but it's huge.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i really like the idea of staying in the neighborhood and living in the mission i've lived here the whole time and the community really stick to it people talk about seattle and portland now they talk about seattle and san francisco. or portland and san francisco but san francisco is definitely on the cutting-edge of the coffee scene in the entire nation. >> there's so many romance in coffee is surrounds the sourcing of that and thinking about where it came from and how and coffee is wonderful. >> i know for a fact i was born to make coffee. i have a notice from the dad let
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