tv [untitled] October 5, 2016 5:01pm-5:30pm PDT
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of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay. thank you very much madam clerk number one. >> authorizing the department of health a continue to receive funding for the emergency relief from the health administration and to request approximately $16.5 million in hiv emergency podium relieve funding for a period of march 2017 to february 2018. >> okay. thank you madam clerk so do we have shawn from dph please come on up and speak. >> good morning any questions for you at all. >> you want to give a quick overview but for the members of the public. >> over $16 million. >> if you would - >> sorry about that to hiv
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positive folks in the city and county of san francisco for medical care transitional emergency housing and so forth. >> thank you thank you for all you do on this topic seeing no questions and no budget analyst for anything mr. rose thank you for being here today open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number one? seeing none, public comment is closed. we are joined by supervisor yee so >> all right. through the chair i know this is just a resolution to submit an application so. >> it is. >> yes. i'm happy to motion i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> okay motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor cowen and take it without objection. >> thank you very much. >> thanks madam clerk item 2. >> resolution retroactively the shefrz to enter into a 3
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month contract with global tel* link for telephone services to reduce the phone calls to modify the paid sheriff's this will result in anticipate revenue to the cadet welfare fund of $34,000 per month. >> thank you very much i saw sheriff vicki hennessey so whoever wants to do a good morning. i'm christopher the cfo for the sheriff's started last week and here to talk about the fourteenth amendment for telephone services been through a second amendment to the contract was just the cost of calls by about 38 percent and this fourth amendment resolution a call by 4 percent and also sets up for a new contract to be
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signed in late 2016 that will maintain the current rates which are 20 which are 34 percent less than what we were this proposed contract establishes the reduced rates and eliminates surcharges and reduces the cost of an average call by 34 this is 68 percent of our toll call volumes and reduces the regional in state calls by 41 percent that's another 24 percent of our call volumes the fcc has recently taken action this amendment shows the sheriff's department in support of reform for calling rates and as i mentioned it lowers the in
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state rates that is 92 percent of volume the announcements the third amendment we were operating up in june the cost of an average local calls $2 plus that come down to $1.54 for the regional interlot calls the average was 37 now, $1.98 and likewise our fourth street sets the interstate rates what is blow on this slide so for interstate collect calls caps at 250 our rates $1.10 and interstate prepaid fcc rate is one 10 and now, $1 this next
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slide shows quite a bit of data we've get rid of the surcharges and now have a permanent rate which reduces the cost of average calls and with lower costs we have increased volumes it allows people to be able to connect their loved ones with less cost and as a result of increased volume we executive the less cost the budget analyst has reflected that. >> thank you very much colleagues, any questions. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you i don't know if this came up during another contract amendment previously but i know that some other supervisors had spoken to their concerns about charging the cadets for calls i wonder if you can speak to that what the fcc
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released in terms of calling reform. >> there are a couple series sheriff vicki hennessey i think there are different kinds of calls made when cadets are arrested they have a free phone number and calling rates historically have been very high pause of the private destroy and we get a percentage that that comes into our use for the cadet program but and the fcc has traditionally as recently begun lowering it we're lower than any other county in the areas in terms of our phone calls and cadets we have credentially reduced those we need an infusion into the general fund money if we want to see this money recovered i want to talk about we're in the process of
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doing working on providing free phone numbers to parents to their children while they're no our custody through our one child program we have that and provide calls also cadets pro per get a number of free phone numbers provided through the court through are different things that happen. >> and then on average i don't know if you have this kind of data but i guess how often are calls made every year and . >> we have aggregate numbers but really what happens generally is cadets when in their out of their cells are allowed to use the phones at most of fats only the old sterile jail we don't have the ability and cadets are limited to 15 minutes each pause of the number of people so at
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the get 1 minutes and if more time they get back in line with another 15 minutes and sometimes there's none using the phones they can use the phone as much as and want. >> supervisor yee. >> i'm glad we're changing the rates because we've heard about the rate and how it is actually stopping inmates from making calls i'm glad we're reducing that i think you answered any question that is since we were going to get fewer revenues from this it would impact somewhere and the answer you need more general funds to offset the impact. >> at some point if the - we move to continue to reduce calls
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yes, we'll be looking at that we're okay now we budgeted for this we knew we know doing this in june so we - so i believe that it is not a big problem but if we reduce it further we'll are look at it in terms of supplementing. >> what's the impact less revenues for the general programming? >> yeah. we're getting one half a million dollars annually from this program. >> thanks. >> it goes into our inmate welfare fund can only be used for the penalty code. >> my preference is going into this direction where inmates
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actually can make phone numbers for less and not just have these inmates making phone calls offset. >> i understand i understand the desire to continue to move downward in the costs i understand that that's why when we came in january i started to look at it and made the decision to continue to reduce as we go along. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you sheriff. >> supervisor katie tang. >> one more question so this will be a month long contract or - i couldn't tell based on the document. >> it was month to month we were waiting for additional fcc rulings so we wait until we chiu knew what overseeing were and began this in june of this year we reduced the ratesthanasia then so at the rates that were
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asking for in the coming contract i believe this is are a 3 year contract to are you new a 3 year extract. >> i'm going to let christen talk. >> the item before you to approve the fourth amendment on a month to month it will be riding with that so we get the new contract in question expect to be signed by the ends of this year we'll be coming back with a new contract to reflect the same rates. >> okay. great. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. colleagues any questions or comments okay move on to public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 2 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'll make a motion to pass this out of the committee with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> motion by supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor tang without objection madam clerk call item 3. >> resolution approving the second amendment to the revenue agreements for the automatic
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public toilet and public kiosk program for a term of august 2nd, 1994, through october 2017. >> okay thanks we have dph here to speak. >> good morning julia from public health department we are asking for an approval the second amendment that expends the term to one year and have a few other kind of technical changes that adds the prohibition on tobacco and alcohol advertising that was passed after the original contract was negotiated and approved updated insurance language and updated language i thought the board will be interested to know we have issued a proposal request and have supplementals and in negotiations of what will be a new agreement we don't believe
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we need is another year but in the case the negotiations take longer. >> supervisor yee. >> so how long proposals were submitted. >> just one. >> same company i suppose. >> yes. >> colleagues, any further questions. >> comments? okay move on to public comment wish to comment on item number 3? seeing none, public comment is closed. go ahead and i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> >> motion by kneeing seconded by supervisor tang without objection madam clerk madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> there's no further business. >> thank you, everybody we're adjourned november.
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>> hi, my name is josh i'm running for the san francisco board of supervisors in district 9 representing and running for supervisor because city hall has failed our neighborhood we've seen rising rents and residents suffering on the streets and lack of communication between our police and folks and loss for businesses i believe we've seen the best and we defer get behind the eight ball i'm the product of immigrant any great grate worked in the fields to
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have a better leave nearly 20 years ago i moved to san francisco and became an civil rights he attorney for people of victims of police brutality i formed my business and we shut down a dirty power plant and served on the affordable housing nonprofit making me the only candidate that is actually built affordable housing with those on hand and went on to work with the proves leaders to pass the local hire program green house thousands of construction jobs to local residents and had the opportunity to serve as the first latino president on the commission on the environment and passed solar panels on all new construction and increase inner architectural for me, i think about inner development
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and hunters point and save community. immigrants and raising kids in the neighborhood and those who are engagement with the law enforcement to pass meaningful police or more those part of democrat, etc. part i supported gun control and increasing affordable housing to me based policing and mostly he live in the heart of mission district on harrison in a regulated apartment we spent a decade with my wife and seen first hand sdpoipt and an action if the recommendations has done to our community and decade of no affordable housing has lead to a homeless especially department of emergency depg if he serve as our supervisor we'll shake-up the status quo number one to build affordable housing
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that's why i announced a new proposal not only to build much needed housing but to build a random station the plan to delivering housing for etch and to the tenants we 3450ed to push to remember the ellis act and the costa-hawkins for the homeless residents to get them into permanent housing we need to build more housing i'm in support of navigation center model and this model to expand it throughout the city we have to fight by sherry that local and engaged workers is where access to housing as i mentioned he championed the local jobs confusing formally incarcerated english speakers as supervisor i'll work with the technology and health care sectors and in addition to proposing the brand new bart station to make sure that
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pedestrians and bicyclists and cyclists can get around you have a choice between maintaining the status quo that has been running city hall for years or electing a progressive democratic who can hit the ground running our neighborhood deserves change in city hall and with our help we can turn things around thank you for watching the video visit and hope you'll joan governor newsom's and pro tem kevin and broadside he willtion and f in a and john burton and firefighters and lgbt democrat, etc. club and 09 as well as husband's of community leader that or supported my campaign on november 8th please vote for joshua as supervisor thank you
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>> hello my name is ma illegal list i'm a democrat running for district 8 i was born and raised and a daughter of an immigrant i'm the first generation of my family to be born in the u.s. and the first generation to go to college i also come from a kwaishg family my tad was lucky enough to get a union job in an engineer part of local 39 and worked in a boiler room for over thirty years it is tough physically demanding work and his body had the wear and tear media brother is a stationary engineer my mom has burn the heart of our family protecting my sections and i from the gang
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violence in the politician she's working are for on open terrorist my excess is an emergency room teacher and i'm running because any family and i are given an opportunity i them i need to give back a proud person of the public schools as in the mission i was lucky enough to get into lowell high school my experience at lowell was life schaj as students numerous opportunities and variance programs however, i was seeing my neighbors didn't have the same opportunities i lead a student group as uc berkley to increase the number of last but not least shaeg if lo staek in college he graduated in political conceives
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i'm - my opportunities was not given to everyone for the low income communities so i moved to sacramento to understand the policy making process and how it works i was a governance with the state department of the education and saw offhand the government and programs and people we serve it became clear to me we needed people to advocate for policies that bend vulnerable communities i fooinl u foundationally building in mentoring the next generation in 20122012 he skatd indicate my vote and in san francisco 87 delegates to the parties in those roles i fought for is exhibition of women and
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people of color morph we've been an education advocate fighting a broken and unequal system 0 that our kids can release their potential and live out their dreams and be free in my work at the national center i advocated the stiffer for 40 thousand students sxantd the state budgeted and roefrmd the thirty-year-old program i also successfully expanded in accreditation with the english learners and other students i know how to build a coalition and get things done there is so many to do i see december parties not only in the education roles but in our daily lives i see the inequalities in access to jobs and access to healthy foods as supervisor i
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will fight to build affordable housing and fight inequality in our city and make investments in education i'm the only candidate born and raised in the city the only candidate who's family is in the district my mom and dad and sections live in this community and every decision will effect everyone i love i have dedicated any scare in upcoming left underserved communities and how many of us i'm here to listen and be a voice he know is important to be heard every community deserves more and better and here to make that happen and hope to earn your vote thank you.
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>> high my name is hillary running for district 8 supervisor it is the district serving mission bernal heights and other neighborhoods of san francisco i always last week to give you a little bit of background that has put me on the path i grew up in los angeles, california my father was an immigrant that scam to this country without speaking english 0 and no. much money and my up bringing in more ways he often falls discrimination and stood up for his coworkers that touch interaction in the workplace for an immigrant worker impacted who i am my mom was a school teacher in the los
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angeles skauthd u unified school district a leechlt union member and had a stable job and kept food on the tangle during the hard times any parents live in the same refrpdz apartments been there 40 years and because of my mom the tension they are nationally not live with me in san francisco those teaches laws rent-controlled unit and workers rights legislation union pensions those teaches policies have impacted any life for a long time and partially responsible why i'm engaged in fwloft and running for office today i've seen through the back and forth at the uc berkley outlined schools law school in the u.s. bancorp when i graduated and moved to bernal heights and worked at an
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organization in mission district mostly with low wage latino workers i worked there 6 and a half years recovering hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid wages for the workers and while wrote the first version of the bifurcating that zuvenl came state law and there that experience of writing the law together with the communities impacted by that law that got me very engaged in local government so i applied for a job and received it and cabin working as legislative affairs and that's an incredible experience over the past 6 years helped to she said and write laws if making muni free for low income and
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protecting women for health care services and planned parents 0 hood to rehouse all the few weeks in the mission from fires and made that the city contractors are paid equally and countless laws to protect people from eviction and displacement and putting seven hundred and 50 units new units of affordable housing in the pipeline for the mission and running for supervisor to continue doing this important work with impacts the few weeks in district 9 and making this decide was marred i have a 31/2-year-old daughter but it is my responsible to double down in san francisco and exciting to be supervisor to accomplish the tape priority fwrirment affordable housing navigation center a bludgeon to build 5 thousand affordable
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housing in the district court in 10 years i simply don't know any on the way we'll be able to retain the regional diversity of our city without building more affordable housing it is ambitious doable and create a preschool program. all 3 years old and tackle other things that have reached crisis in district 9 we need to make sure that people have not living in encampments but have dedicated place and want to sxandz the navigation center i'm proud to have the endorsement of san francisco democrat, etc. party and hope to have our support as well thank you very much
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