tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV October 14, 2016 7:15pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> on sunday and commissioner wong marched but with the cultural heritage parade with the italian community i'm part of we the something different like we asked the officers to come with their families and again, the officers were very happy there was a lot of support from the folks in the crowd and there were cheers for the officers i think the chief was shocked his first parade that was very good for the families and the officers to see that i want to thank angela and lieutenant and captain a gold metal winner for safety lives at the airport a big hero in the italian community thank you and thank you to the officers. >> thank you commissioner mazzuco. >> sergeant, next item. >> item 3-d commission
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announcements and items for consideration at the future meetings action. >> so colleagues what we have with that road map we're calling it very contrary set of recommendations there are timelines so what i'll suggest we have our ron i can't our analyst working with the occ with the department put all this together and really mapping out when and where those updates will happen on the kraurndz so a lot of the policy efforts as we predicted will have a focus around the areas that we all agree the priorities the 5 areas so everyone know that is bias use of force and community policing and recruitment retention and hiring a lot of community how the background process works and finally accountability and so want to make sure that
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everybody knows never mind of how well make sure that commission is taking the action and various steps to make sure those are advanced with that, anything additional to put on we have not discussed. >> you mean the calendar. >> excuse me - >> pit on the calendars commissioner dejesus. >> so talk about eis not only that was a staff shortage in the eis none of the meeting governing board took place through the 2017 calendar year we got a presentation 6 months ago and since then thees the board has met regularly for 2017 and for the first two quarters and now we have - i have a specific questions i've been asking to look at the eis so what i did i put together
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questions that i think they should address so i want to give to them for their next presentation to address and understand that the occ has mr. alden gone to the meetings and up to date so the last question i asked for the occ to also to make recommendations regarding the eis project i know that it was 8 years ago recommendations that for eis none of those have been implemented and some are sixth i think they asked us to put one 48 in as a factor i want to get those questions answered and hopefully, the occ will comment on that. >> thank you commissioner mazzuco we asked you to take the lead you were part of it being
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in the advanced shaurth do we have a date scheduled for it. >> and thank you for providing these questions please do shaurth we should make sure those are available to the public as well i believe that you have mentioned maybe november 9th. >> so i think it is critical and need by the community thank you for providing our questions we had a general overview and time to get the specification on the program by anything further i'm sorry director hicks. >> yes. commissioner president loftus i'll push my bottom by my green is not activated and, yes the occ will respond as well and work with the commission specifically with commissioner dejesus and you are correct that occ attorney john
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alden has been going to the eis meetings. >> thank you. so, now we'll take public comment on items 3 a there 3-d. >> public comment. >> mr. gilbert. >> welcome back. >> thank you i'm wondering if the number of shocks fired by the citizens of this city were increased because of good weather we believe the we understand before you were not sitting here we have activity a lot of gunshots fired i'm presuming the police fired no bullets this week. >> on the number of bullets fired i don't know what the security cameras - i know there
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is a lot of previous security cameras on the street i'm wondering if a let me know and a hook up to the police commission you don't know which car will fire a bullet but on the home at the corner of a block you can see what cars have left that area at a point i'm wondering if there's a way for the police and communities to speed up of linkage joanne walker i want to reiterate just the talents that very few of us have maybe because she knows how to meander without threatening people but i'll encourage her to encourage the department to open doors for this woman and let her establish again, a mid way they'll the 0
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police officer will be there but other people i call ajdz not to a hospital a not to jail that is in two minutes i can't rough that one out and that's it thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening commissioners david san franciscans for police accountability myself and several members of the public pa were at the press conference we want to tell you the community is distrust of the cops their meeting were disrupted a strong demand a pattern and practice investigation on the other hand, the community has been supportive of blue ribbon panel the communities you know came to the board of supervisors hearing last week it was very engaged in
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the b rp process we haven't had time to vet the cops report our first take the assertion that are folded in the all the other reports we're not seeing that okay. let me give you two extremely glaring examples of where the cops report is a lot less substantial and - everybody is acknowledging that there is a tremendous audit problem with the san francisco police department and yet the cops report is calling to self-audit an inspector he general an different system you know the sfpd didn't have a good record of auditing itself not a good record at all the glaring difference he found in the quick announcement was the b rp had a
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very thorough investigation of racism in the racist cultural within ray marshall you know that was a central part of what he did nothing in the cops report going through that expiate for x training so we'll we're going to present that to you next week thank you. >> thank you is there any additional public comment on 3 a there d hearing none, sergeant, next item. >> >> item 4 discussion and possible action supporting vision zero and automated speed enforcement action. >> so we have nicole from walk sf coping up and chief anyone from the department here tonight on this no. >> come on this commission and
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the department under chief suhr early supporter of the city's vision zero approach to ending serious injuries and fatalities happening on our street by 2024 which is is big goal not only improvement but engineering all a across the city to save lives this commission as you may know from your quarterly update tracked the roll to make sure the driven policing for the 5 types of violations most likely to result in a collision all of that by the way, background we've been asked to create and pass a resolution to - we have a presentation a few weeks ago but confirmations want more time and edits to this to make it
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clear you'll have a couple of times this resolution is vertebral to the public as well as a report from the office of controller by automated speed enforcement i'll give that introduction and ask nicole to take it from there. >> i'm here on behalf of san francisco small business commission we've been working closely with the city of san francisco police commission and many commissions sfmta and the brokering to gather input and support for this important legislation what automated enforcement i'll provide a brief refresher what automated speed enforcement does we call safety cameras to take pictures of the license plates of directives who are speeding
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over the speed limit the exact number will be part of the legislation it probably between 6 to 8 miles over the speed limit a photo will be snapped of the license plate felt vehicle a citation will be issued not a civil or criminal offense but a civil offense no need to take a picture of the face not an opportunity for bias and another they know to note that the cameras will not be rolling 24/7 but only taking a picture when someone is speeding over the speed limit so they're not general surveillance cameras the way the legislation is written it is specific on how the information is shared it will be very you know currently the draft legislation has a lot of permissions for privacy this
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would be treat in the same thing with the red light violations they're not shared unless there is some sort of petition by the police department are another body to get that information so there they're very persist the biggest thing that is pretty much the most effective way to reduce speeding and really quick and easy to implement so we want to be able to implement that on streets there are no speeding related to traffic deaths in washington, d.c. they adopted automated speed enforcement over 10 years their traffic deaths dropped by 70 permeation we're looking at chief of police vision zero in the next 7 and a half years we've got a lot more work to do and use all the tools this is one of those tools so
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this resolution to urge or add the police department name to our list of supporter it requires state legislation to allow us to use this technology we have a long battle ahead but hope you'll lend our support and input nothing set in stone we're curious toe hear your input. >> thank you nicole the co-relation in this resolution studies show if a pedestrian is hit by a 40 mile-per-hour vehicle the pedestrian will be killed but 20 mile-per-hour 10 percent the pedestrian will be killed in chance i'm clear that you know probably many people know that speeding is incredibly dangerous to pedestrian on the streets so colleagues do you
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have questions for nicole on this resolution again, we're not adopting the technology it is showing as part of our vision zero that will help keep people save in the city and it will ultimately be up to sacramento commissioner dejesus. >> i understand the whole concept and some of the privacy concerns it is also what is underused if they're not able to sell that information that is important i assume that will be taken care of in the legislation one of the thing is points out is revenue that a lot of cities tends to eye 24 as revenue every 5 miles on the freeway another dmaerm is a fine you get 10 fines and used to generate revenue that's a concern because we see in ferguson that is one of the things that the
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police department did to the people citizens thought that town therapy forever in debt to the city court so that's a concern i don't know from the legislation - but need to know the perimeters of that. >> we thought through that i can address that we we are hoping to which kind of not legislation that is a certain time limit within that time limit. >> can't get more than one violation that didn't happen and the next thing we're working on the citations are issued similar to the parking ticket and mta as part that have they have a certification program if you can't afford it you can do community service in lui of that we're factoring that into our program in san francisco i don't know if that is spelled out in the legislation by part of the implementation in san francisco
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because this legislation could potentially include other cities that might not have that ability but that's definitely things we considered and definitely don't want that to disproportionately impact our protecting communities to create future or larger crimes out of certificatiocitation because our protecting folks suffer disproportionate. >> further questions for nicole before we get to public comment. >> i'm sorry commissioner wong. >> how do you select the sites for the camera. >> the dpw and others are foufrth the methodology but we want to make sure that they are on high injury corresponds so the 12 percent of streets that
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accountability for offering 70 percent of accidents we're trying to fourth how to integrate an equity component for instance, in the tenderloin protecting communities most of the people that are hit are not driving by in the bayview or mission that might look different to make sure we are equitablely implementing the camera is one of the questions we're you think ravel so we're - we're promising a community process before implementation and there will be approval and community engagement through that process and also awareness so before any cameras turn on and get placed people will be wonder and there will be a warning period so people know
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they're coming we don't want this to be a revenue janitor but not generate revenue if you guys have ideas please let us know. >> my last question all over the city or targeted areas. >> target areas well, we don't have a set number of cameras wear proposing at this point but the areas where speed is related to injure so you wouldn't see it for instance, on a slow residential street you might see it in school zones we have reflexes of crashes or history of crashes so it all depends on we're definitely not take into account one district over another over and over things like that. >> questions for nicole nicole thank you thank you for all your hard work and all your
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requesters years of partnering you factor into those things around equity and protecting kids and seniors i know you take it personal and doing everything we can in partnership with other folks bicyclist coalitions to keep your streets safe we'll go ahead and do public comment mr. gil gilbert. >> is there a possibility we can cross-file that camera work with stolen vehicles will that file be available to those cameras that are taking photos of 6 miles per hour speeding auctions get cross-checked with stolen vehicle files? will it help?
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>> is there any additional public comment? >> before we take a vote it is on this item ms. brown do you want to provide a brief response? >> we have thought about how you know could this data be used for other things and given the privacy concerns it is likely it wouldn't be used because we want to keep this information confidential but all of that is sort of occult we're consulting with the aclu and keep you posted. >> thank you all right. is there any additional public comment on this hearing none, so i'll ask
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for a automated speed enforcement. >> so moved. >> is there a second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that item passes. >> all right. thank you everyone sergeant, next line item. >> item 5 public comment. >> address the commission on items not on tonight's agenda within the jurisdiction of the commission. the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or departments or occi personnel. department, occi or commissioners are to respond to questions but may provide a brief response. the commissioners, occi, nor the police commission should enter into debates and please limit your comments to 3 minutes, please. please limit our comment
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to 2 minutes. >> any public comment not on the agenda so - >> before i start i want to clarify we are also going to have an opportunity to do public comment on the closed session; is that correct. >> that's correct the next item. >> award to the excessive at the press conference the mayor was asked how the candidates building we don't say a cultural problems and have transformative change the mayor didn't answer a ramping statement by the process and we're hoping that you guys are even at that late date open the process and release who the 3 candidates are when the mayor makes his choice it is not have a you know have the problem with
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the communities. >> is there any additional public comment? >> general public comment. >> mr. gilbert welcome back. >> this is why we come issues open file i - when a person applies to be a police officer in san francisco their file is open their performance is open file and an event they're involved they're open file cameras i like cameras if a police officer is involved in an incident where a camera needs to be viewed and seen i'm believing that the public needs to see that within twenty-four hours after the patrol man sees it his or her and things in the
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unrest release the video across the country twenty-four hours is good it gives the ois to review it and gets the citizens involved and instead of having lengthy drone out investigations people need to see that and crisis intervention team needs to be a mid way 3 young gals were here at the platform and talking one says the uniforms is for the approachable and another one where's the 21st century policies and another one a policeman is not - a gunless policeman will have a natural-born deesclation to back
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away salons we can get police officers to a scene relatively quickly we're okay community policing, neighborhoods need to center their kids become mr. chairman and we need to have our mr. chairman living in our neighborhoods. >> thank you, mr. gilbert >> next speaker, please. >> hello, everyone i'm back again and i'd like to use the overhead here to talk about my son again his name a aubrey abrakasa murder august 14, 2006, to a semiautomatic gun thirty rounds of bullets left that gun into in any son i'm looking for justice and as we say justice detailed
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is justice denied i believe that because it has been 10 years for me even though we have investigators on my sons case now i spoke with my one of my investigators james last week and he did tell me a little bit of different things that i appreciated to hear from him but with that, i can't stop coming here and keeping my sons memory alive and to keep talking on sfgovtv television this is just not for the commission itself but for the world to see that the pain is still there and the paper will continue to be there for me want the world to know to share that note just my son but all the children dying out there
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daily i'm not standing for just my son but other children i want people to see what i have to deal with and what he go through everyday i want people to see my son at large lifeless on the journey and people ask me why i need to do this is my therapy i need to do that i tell you that all the time not just about my son but about all the children diego and at the senseless violence gone all i'm asking is is justice i don't want justice detailed is justice denied that's it. >> come on up young man.
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>> immigration police commissioners i'm silva a youth commissioner from district 10 i'm also a youth of a formerly incarcerated are parent your recommending a new chief for the mayor i hope the general order which is the protocol that supports children at the time of apartment are arrest and 48 percent of youth witnessed their parents arrest and recorded witnessing violence or abuse and a police officer the youth commission 2015-2016 budget policy that is here just released this year in june and budget policy no. 9 and 5 also talk about this protocol we
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recommend you the expansion of training on the general order and insuring tell her regular evaluations for protocol and there is also on number 9 talks about how a training on how police officers should interact with folks and training on the deesclation and that you should be involved in those trainings those trainings provide the youth so the youth with sfpd can be enforced and highlighted. >> thank you along with the new chief being elected we want to instate the mou committee has students seated in the community and make sure that he - make sure the ucsf std collaborates
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with arrests and train to officers to work with youth we - we recommend the committee to have seats on the committee so basically - >> thank you. >> thank you. >> by chance did you run for vice president or secretary of our school i saw your speech it was great (laughter) you did a great job and talked about your role on the youth commission you - did you find out in you won. >> you've got a bright future. >> i have a question on the report you've giving us on page 9 and 5 or 95. >> number 9 and the one the department general order on budget number 5 so yeah yeah.
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the deesclation is on policy no. 9 yeah. >> i want to thank you guys for coming we need a youth commissioner liaison. >> you'll get it next time. >> good evening and welcome. >> sergeant come on up. >> good evening, commissioners and chief i'm sorry we're late we finished - and the director of the occ i'm sorry excuse me. i'm kind of half still on the wrong times zone been out of town for a while but i want to say we're late this evening we met with the doj we are now in the meeting
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additionally we have the national attention and the u.s. frequenting looking at us the chief is going to be the vocal point what needs to happen at this time and we should insure that when we select our chief we make sure that will be someone who can insure we meet the 200 and 72 remedies made by the department of defense and we must recognizes that is a cultural and systematic situation that requires drastic chances and must occur swiveling and make sure the chief will know how to draw the line with those who oppose the reform that must occur because it reserves more temporary fixing this is going to have to be something you'll leave as our legacy as the police commission's of the city and county of san francisco
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leadership is key and going to require money the technology that is going to be necessary to deliver the data that is required to insure we're meeting the objectives and goals request again, i want to turmg courage you to remember this is a thinking congress city so the nation knows that san francisco knows that is the finest throughout the united states. >> throughout the universe. >> i do want to say universe we'll be the finest in the universe. >> sergeant. >> i'm not mad at all >> good evening and welcome. >> good evening, commissioners the occ department heads i came here late at the last minute want to echo what sergeant williams said we'll have a chief not afraid to take objection
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action on is remedies and changes in the culturally cultural i can't get over those racist text messaging and you don't think i don't care if you're on the personal phone your personal time i'm concerned about the poa to push back in the reform their desperately need and he hope you'll take into account an that independent - do well by the public and citizens thank you. is there any additional public comment general public comment sergeant, next item. >> item 6 closed session including items to hold in closed session. >> pertaining to the closed session including our vote to
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hold item 8 in closed session any public comment on this. >> good evening and welcome. >> that's 3 bias of an this never happens the use of force got off attention that was noted 6 months went by before the vote and now tied up meet and confer people expelled it in july it is now october and still not done it needs to get done now ron davis said no way that co-authored or shooting at cars is acceptable under the 21st century policing blueprint and mayor ed lee said all the implementations will be implemented inform longer than any need to coddle the poa for the use of force there is no longer any need to continue negotiating and the poa is obviously now in negotiation
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with bad faith i'll ask you to lower the boom on the poa pushing back against the poa is within of the challenges this commission and you know the entire city needs to live up to there will be a first opportunity now that ron davis said what we said and mayor ed lee about back him to say not to delay the poa as the blue ribbon panel said the birds between the poa and sffd must be a bright line and meet and confer is not meet and agree thank you. >> the brief response on june 22nd it was naefbt that commission that abundant the carr rotted and prohibited shooting at car when not a weapon in the vehicle that was
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anonymous and back on june 22nd thank you for your comments is there any additional public comment on this item hearing none, public comment is closed. sergeant, next item. >> item 7 vote on whether to hold item 8 in closed session san francisco administrative code action. >> colleagues a motion to hold item 8 in closed session. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that item passes ladies and gentlemen, we're in thank you. >> commissioner president loftus we're back in open session we have quorum thank you sergeant, next item. >> item 9 vote to disclose any or all issues in closed session action a colleagues a motion not
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close >> i. >> opposed? that item passes sergeant, next line item. >> percentage item 10 adjournment action item. >> colleagues, i ask we adjourn in memory of 3 fallen officers october 5th and 8 were killed in the line of duty the practice of the commission to explore those meetings in honor of their services the first first is steve owen of the los angeles killed in line of duty october 16th after shot by during a call in lancaster, california sergeant owen was involved in the community there 2014 was awarded the highest award of
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valor for arresting gang members was able to rescue a hostage awhile bringing the suspect in alive worked in lancaster and survived by his wife and mother and son and daughter we would be adjourning in memory of two palm springs officers officer jose and leslie we are he killed in the line of duty when they responded to a call officer was 63 years old and secondary the palm springs paperwork was to retire in december he was the father of 8 children's office 27 years old
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has been with the palm springs police department. a year and one half a windfall dedicate female officer that pressed forward to make that bart for everyone she returned to work after give birth to her daughter and her husband is a riverside deputy sheriff in memory of those 3 fallen heroes i'll accept a motion so moved. >> >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> that item passes we're adjourned
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