tv Public Utiliites Commission 102516 SFGTV November 4, 2016 9:05am-11:01am PDT
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that should have fallen. that buzzer confused me. so, anyway-i'm sort of got lost in a detail there, but i wanted to come here and ask you to think about this is not just a gold rush, but you are throwing away good legislation in the process. the medical marijuana system that we have in place [inaudible] senate bill 420 did create a good viable working system and that is all going to be shevled just so some people can come in with legalization their view of it to raise taxes of about $1 billion a year. who will pay for those tax snz >> thank you, sora but your time is up but appreciate your perspective. anyone else that would like to speak in public comment to share their perspective? public
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comment is closed at this time. supervisor wiener last remarks. >> i want to thank again the taskforce for its work and all the city departments for their support. i'm optimistic about the recommendations and we can move forward from there. with that i move to file item number 11. >> thank you. motion is made by supervisor wean and without objection the mokez passes. any other business before the body? >> no birther further business. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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have the minutes from the october 11th any additions, deletions, or changes. >> i'll move the minutes. >> second. >> a motion any comment any any public comment? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the minutes are adopted public school item 4 this is a chance for people to talk about items on the jurisdiction and the first one is mr. da costa. >> welcome. >> commissioners for the most part i first and foremost i want to express my sentiments to our general manager you know his mother was not in keeping well and we always need to support our mothers you know because they play a special role
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no our lives having said that, i was watching the deliberations at the last sfgovtv commission and we have to be very mindful of how we conduct our business when it effects the communities especially a community that is the southeast sector unabout known that played an important role in contributing a lot to the city the hifrtsz committee was first formed in the southeast sector before the human right commission was formed which effects all the departments in the city and county of san francisco as you may know or maybe don't know the community played an important role in the 70's when
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it agreed that there would egging degrees things regarding the treatment plant and there was mitigation which was 18 oakdale so don't take the 18 oakdale one thing to stay something about dr. espanola jackson i talked to her daily and with her for a long time when they inspires me in my work. >> so don't take it lightly i'm watching i like a hawk i can promise whatever you want to or twhofr you want to say that and the another before you i know her intentions and some of the intentions expresses we're dealing with very serious issues
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with the infrastructure but for you, you all in the know we have a situation now we have to deal with a bubble economic bubble for those of you who don't know economic bubble i will suggest you read on it the business times you can start with the business times so a couple of months we'll face the economic bubble and all the talk will go by the way side like shaft and those who have real plans plans with the imperial data will stand the test of time thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. drake mire. >> welcome. >> thank you good afternoon peter with the tall river trust
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i was here a couple of weeks ago and expressed our concerns with the socio economic study on october 9th and since then is that i have been referenced in a presentation and they're included in a chronicle article yesterday i'm concerned it is putting us in an adversarial position we don't want to be there we've accomplished a lot working together and timed to share with you an analysis of the socio economic study and hope to get those to the two commissioners not here prototype look this and if you have questions i'll be happy to answer them or try i think there are opportunities to work together for example, really encouraging that my increased in stream is
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proportional to dpishgs walk the sfpuc it responsible for a 20 percent over the last seven years we can do that and i'm concerned that the socio economic study is using a workload the 57 percent with a determination per the fourth agreement and my sense that is putting sfpuc on the record as acknowledging that will be the share now in presentations with the 125i9 water board we reverse reserve the opportunity to challenge the fourth agreement every time those figures are used it puts us in a position the issue of krib8g9 if you once again stand by the socio economic study that's where we are now but if you think there are errors it is important to
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correct the record thank you very much. >> any is there any additional public comment? >> good afternoon commissioners eddy with bright line defense and sorry to i think data with you paper there's been 5 total letters that came out in the last week on an issue calaveras a state mapping tool that identifies the disadvantaged community in the need of investment through both green house reduction funds and whether that is workforce or environmental and others social justice policy making tools so the 56 letters are basically grouped into that as you can see first is the communities
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coalition out of bayview hunters point and pleased to see calaveras screen 3 point owe bayview hunters point is included one of the things that is highlighted rooechd the caucus and the city let them we shouldn't be focused on hunters point but the bay areas is underneath the tool and you'll see this repeatedly in the mayor's cover letter the sf department of health letter, the san francisco public utilities commission letter and finally, the bayview caucus talked about how the tracking of the number is underneath the versions tool from 4.2 from all disadvantaged to merely 2 had the 8 disadvantaged and it didn't make sense considering 19 percent in
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a densely populated area and 24 percent of green house gas emissions occurring this in the bay area and given everything this is said in the press by wraig income and quality when we look at the state tool we adequately identify the disadvantaged communities and are able to target the public dollars appropriately towards them so all communities can rise together thank you to 9 california protection agree so we could a look at other communities across the bay windows as include them appropriately and thank the san francisco public utilities commission for its leadership on the issue particularly harlan kelly and policy analysis
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yolanda and finally senior environment tyrone that is the commission is familiar with with making sure that the bay area can rise together thank you. >> eddy amazing work on that amazing work. >> much appreciated thank you. >> any other public comment? seeing none, moving on to communication any comments questions about communication provided to the commission? any public comment on communication? seeing none, moving on to other commission business yes >> i promised to the brief i wanted to announce that the mayor's prehit a home run in glen eagles but public works and rec and park will be graduating the ninth class at this point in time will be the winter so no
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classes in january over the course of the past weeks i've had communications with the folks at the public utilities commission and ask the chair to place an item on the agenda dealing with the workforce development to kind of have greater than arbitrate at the levels we often don't have an opportunity to have conversation with people in the field dealing with hiring practices but we've agreed on is this a career pathway especially for folks in the community with you talk about social justice can't just is that but what it means there is real transparency about what the exceptions are what the opportunities are and what the ended result when our successful so to my surprise there is still missing pathways in our own department that exist at rec and
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park and henry's - how with we can come up with the clarifications and create that missing step in the career pathway but to examine what guess underway in some of the divisions that are under the guise whose revolved and what their rules and the exceptions are how the organize works and the like i feel like if we're going to lead the way we have to lead by example and i think there is still there is still a lot more work to do and hopefully chairman you'll take that under it is time and work together in 2017 a very good i think that it is great idea and
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ask that staff work with commissioner courtney to make sure that the specific agenda addresses the particular issues we've had within the last 6 months anyway some presentation on office of economic workforce development buses the specification of the additional discretion. >> thank you commissioner moran but your private sector pathways it is prematurity for us to criticize what is going on in the private sector especially in the nonprofit that environment when we don't have our own house in order not to be unduly critical but to motivate us at the top; right? but then you have an opportunity to examine had is go on in the private sectors specifically with the nonprofit that the agency is funding and what their
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mechanisms are for success job placement and training and fields supervision what have you so i'm looking forward to having a robust communication to make sure we tight things up and tighten the screws where they need to be tight. >> any other commission business any public comment on commission business seeing none, the report of general manager completely mr. kelly. >> thank you. the first item an sfpuc update barbara hale. >> good afternoon barbara hale assistant general manager for power i want to talk about our cleanpowersf with respect to enforcement and on the procurement regulatory requirement first on the enrollment our program continues
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to successfully service customers over 8 thousand customer location we're actively serving 74 hundred locations have had a few converges opt out since the may enrollment period so we are now at a 2 percent opt out rate for the may enrollment group our fall enrollment efforts through way are experiencing a very low opt out rate as well 1.2 percent we received an additional three hundred and 67 upgrades to supergreen a result of one of the roach community thanks to the communications go group and to our partners in the stakeholder community that is up from 200 and 42 upgrades to supergreen on october 11th
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customers continue to sign for the future enrollment owl recall that we are totter the first quarter of calendar year 2017 for the next round of enrollment 200 and 92 exercises couped u cued up that's the enrollments report moving on to the procurement i have been reporting at those session procurement efforts to meet the regulatory requirement i'll report out when we have commitments and today, the progress we've made to meet the long term contracting requirement of the state renewable portfolio standard we're required under that state requirement to procure zero 3925 percent of electrical sales is from the renewable compliant resource for 10 years or more
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so that's the regulatory requirement we face given our electricity needed we are required to procure at a minimum about 40 megawatt hours a year that's a as small as amount, in fact, we don't have interested counter parties we've determined the best method to meet the requirement for cleanpowersf is for cleanpowersf to procure from the favorite counter parties hetch hetchy power we propose that cleanpowersf purchase in hetch hetchy a small strip of the generation from the sunset solar generating facility and we will bring that transaction to you for approval by our december meeting that's my report i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you, commissioners any questions.
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>> any questions from the public. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, commissioners good see to see you eric brooks sf green party/our city/sf clean energy advocates. as well as the green party and local grassroots group of our city it is good to once again hear we've got an opt out that is basically one percent i think the main reasons for that we're martin this program as a clean energy program not a choice program and a clean energy program that will build logically we're looking forward i believe next month to get a preliminary report if staff about what they're looking at for rolling out local build out
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excuse me - on the hetch hetchy matter i think you might have that on another agenda item i heard this issue of hetch hetchy was coming up i think that is a good idea because of way the particular hetch hetchy reservoirs operates and is already in existence to draw on hetch hetchy power and to draw on hetch hetchy facilities, of course, to put up solar panels and sell energy to cleanpowersf i think that is very important though for folks to understand especially with the new science that is merging that lapsing ohio power is not carbon neutral it releases meth and carbon dioxide you have a large body of water encouraging bio logical activities for mick crows kroebz and other animals that releases
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methane a lot of reservoirs in temperate compliments didn't have that problem new study you shows it has that problem that traumatic trap ice cream the carbon if dams is added bad as coal we need to make sure we're mindful that there is a green house gas from the reservoir and the reservoirs and that has we go for an exemption for example, to continue to be allowed to use hetch hetchy power that is important as a transition we're not subscribing as carbon free or carbon neutral it is not i'll encourage you to have staff use the way they describe the request for that so that they're not saying carbon free or carbon neutral it is not true thanks. >> that's an interesting point
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and come down to which came in first, the waters for reservoirs and generate electrical as a counterpart what you contribute to that methane to say - mr. kelly. >> it is interesting for to say dams are as bad as coal interesting. >> i'm sorry. >> eric mentioned that water stored by dams is as bad as coal i think that is pretty oh, okay. >> okay. >> okay. thank you back to you for additional general manager. >> oh, i'm sorry any more public comment i see i in the back mr. freed.
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>> next a drought update steve richie and you took the words out of my mouth for water i've been pga on written reports for several meetings but we've gotten storm activity it is good to present to bring up the slides please a familiar chart of reservoir storage level it shows storage at the hetch hetchy is 77 percent and water bank 86 percent and total storage 78 percent so we're doing good on storage this is definitely above the levels for this time of year for hetch hetchy below the water bank but there is water coming in as a result of the storm last weekend and the storms we expect this week briefly statewide doma pedro is close to it
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lake showcase at a doing well and others not doing wells certainly people are arguing if we're in the drought it xoornt what we do we'll operate the 1345u but concerns in the southern half the state there is little precipitation this year and we're not, true out the drought and certain the governor and the administration will be acting that way we'll following that closely and this is our precipitation chart we have on the lower left a beginning of a red line above where we are in normal times and blow the 1983 for a few weeks this is the wettest year we've had that may
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change rapidly our - we have a wet october correlates fairly well with a wet year it didn't happen that way every year this is a happenstance so no show pack the roads are closed by the storm a sprinkling of the elevation nothing more than that here's the precipitation index and i saw results if yesterday and actually for october we have more than twice the normal precipitation for october up to 3 had the 6 inches with the precipitation so it doubled what we normally get in october with this the storm and the storms this week to come and the same in the bay area twice the amount of perspiration for the
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whole month of october that was a productive storm the last weekends before this one. >> and then on the demand front the demand is tracked down this time of year where starting to drop with the curb of demand as we enter the fall reduce the fall in the irrigation and again, people are still conferring not quite as low as last year so the demand is still well below 2013 levels and that's all i have. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioners, any questions? comments? any questions or comments from the public? thank you mr. richie >> so the next item is the water bond sale results.
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>> eric cfo commissioner moran and commissioners, i have a brief presentation on the results of our water bond fund on october 6th the pricing index closed this week and delivered tremendous savings to the rate payers may i have - just a few details the signs westbound $890 million a large issue and funded about one quarter of all our outstanding water bonds the average term was 13 years the sale date was october '64 weeks ago and were that funded outstanding resale and non-resale bonds one of the things we do as part
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of a bond transaction is seek the credit rates from standard and moody we talk about that when i showed you the wastewater transaction on the rights of this table shows the investment grade ratings and you'll see triple a is the highest investment rating and the b minus is the second to lowest grade rating we are in the middle low double a if standard and poorest and moody and the reports cited operation and management and rate setting and physique expanding they needed our debt koefshlg rating and we'll be bringing idea in february when we are talk about financial policy one of the things that we
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calls answering questions from credit analysts historically interest rates are very good which is why we saved so much money here's a graft of triple a that is over the last 10 years m m.d. is municipal market data for highly rates with a 25 year term this guess the index as you can see what it's been from 2006, 2016 as you can see where rates have been and rates are actually never historical lows since 1990s the m m.d. is only one .5 percent of the data not only through the past 10 years we had a good interest rate market
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so pricing the bonds was interesting great attractive market sails some interesting trends that made it challenging but we're successful treasurer bills are rising with the u.s. election from rumblings will execution of exit led to rising us treasury yields a those yields ton to revise and historically level of supplies everyone was trying to get into the market before the election trying to take some of the savings off the table and the uncertainty off the table from perspective ordinarily $5 billion we priced with it was a short week and $15.02, 3, 4 debt price significant we had a lot of competition a two-day
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order wednesday october 5th the retail order period received just over one hundred and $50 million from one and 88 investors has to do with with the strength of our local outreach program and most of those investors were in california and a good share in the bay area on october 6th took the deal and priced the institution we had over one billion dollars in orders thirty investors and a lot of the high diversification in the bonds issue and one .5 over prepared and adjusting the yields and ended up with a cost of the contribution with all the expenses of 2.85 percent and just a perspective the excessive deal on the wastewater enterprise from the spring was that .21 with a slightly
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longer-term but very expensive rate and a money slide the refinancing generate one and $36 million in debt services through 200039 when you look at that on a basis one and $7 million or just under 12 percent thought as part of that that was refunded a tremendous savings and avoided the increase in cost that bend our wholesale and retail customers. >> just in closing he wanted to congratulate our financing team charles rick, mike brown and others for doing an outstanding job and nun it done in isolation steve richie working hard to make sure the disclosure was correct and great
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presentations to the rating agencies and communication team as i mentioned pitched in as well as the number of at parts of organization so great team effort >> congratulations any commissioners comments any public school comments on this cola. >> i want to take the opportunity to thank mr. sandler and his team for their efforts to reduce the overall costs and we move to the future we certainly know that wsip they're not the end of what we have to do for maintenance in the system and as everyone we can save a little bit here and there so this is a significant percent and makes a difference
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appreciate that. >> any other public comment mr. kelly. >> next item is the sum improvement program and communication update oh, charles. >> good afternoon commissioners charles acting director of the communications for the sfpuc i want to introduce a new employee that started in our department is christopher going to be giving a presentation he's our new communication manager when we think about all the public engagement the education, the media that we produce over the past couple of years leading up to major construction on projects we're kind of at the pivotal point talking with the communities, the team has been designing and planning the project and even though headwork is beginning negotiation and
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after that we're excited that christopher is here to build on the foundation we put together over the past couple of years from planning and design to construction because that is definitely a communication pit so he'll talk about where we've been all over the place where we're going i'm going to turn it over to christopher right now thank you. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> slides up mr. great, thank you commissioner moran and commission that is i'm honored and happy to be here today as charles indicated i am coming out of a kind of very interesting and transitional time for the sewer system just a
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brief backward for count last 20 years been doing communication training for bay area companies and spent several years doing nonprofit social services work i've a long term resident and existed on this project both for the puc and the residents of san francisco so let's see so my permission today is actually in response to then commissioner morans communication effort with the long call of the sewer improvement program but also the short term need for repairs for maintenance, and some of the quality of life issues coming up and have over time with odor and odor management and smaller construction activities around when part of system fails or malfunctioned so
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i've actually being new to the team had an opportunity to review the outreach to date for the foundation work the team has put in place and looking for opportunities to provide a new perspective and some approaches as we move out of the bulk of planning phase and into some of the construction activities today my agenda i'll be as brief as i can i've review the overview goals with fulfills on the sources elements in the southeast i want to walk through through the strategies the essence of our communication activity and explain had you we manage the community exception through the course of our exception and talking about the milestones and
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the key updates in early 2017 and beyond. >> so a permanent communication goal as you may know to engage and good afternoon with the stakeholder and neighborhood partners to help implement the overall sewer program to do this we must provide a wide variety of opportunities for meaningful and timely participation in those planning and implementation projects we also have to be sensitive to community values and local community issues i'll touch on that over the next few minutes in my presentation and i think that is important you you know one of the things i've picked up in talking with staff and getting a deeper understand you have a sort of philosophy of being a good neighbor we work and live in the
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communities in which our facilities are sited or operate and being a good neighbor means we are acknowledge and respect the communities in which we work and operate we continue to build lasting and meaningful relationships that allow us to carry those communications beyond just the sewer system improvement program to help to revitalizes the communities we work in and we have to be responsive on a day to day basis to the quality of life both short term and long-term with the projects we're implementing so how do we integrate those goals into the day to day activities we have sort of identified or laid out strategies we use to guide the actual tactics and delivery of the outreach and this allows us to provide
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those meaningful opportunities and manage activities over the course of action and for the most part that is what we focus on engaging people at the point of discovery going to the stakeholders and not making them come to us and traditionally hold and meeting and expect everyone to come to our event that makes it easier for stakeholders to be participate and allows us to better prepare for the engagement a better idea of what information to bring and what questions to prepare for so have that deeper dialogue with the shareholders i think an example of every time we get out whether to a hoermsz group or businesses socialization to have a briefing or a dialogue of a particular project we know the audience we have historical relationship
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with them in most cases that allows us to prepare our presentation toe provide context the larger citywide challenges we face within a local context it allows us to bring in information about what is heaping locally maybe odor issues historically have challenges with or local construction in the neighborhood we're prepared to discuss that when we meet with the shareholders we track those engagements to refer to them for future references or items that need follow-up we fellow the folks immediately and use this approach with green infrastructure projects, with the southeast community efforts and with all the southeast projects we're currently working on another crucial strategy that we
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use that yes, ma'am buys the lower than processes that idea of inclusive planning process we sit down with neighbors and shareholders around maps and other project information it allows these community members to participate in the planning process we get a much better informed community they feel a sense of belonging buy in the ultimate product and at the end of the day it is a better product with the collaborative engagement it allows the stakeholders to get a deeper understanding of the complexity and give us an opportunity to talk about the challenges in short term operation while seeking to have thought in the sustainability of the program in these less formal settings we move beyond the u.s. versus them situation that occurs there is a
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rates representative in the front of the room and everyone else is in chairs we're in at table and allows us to get to know each other and those relationships that we build throughout the processes can be carried forward to fatally additional discussion about leveraging those investment to revitalizes the neighborhood an example would be the civil right one of the most important where do we cite the facility now we got relationships with the folks in the community they know many of us by first names and in construction thooel they'll work with us knowing full well the digesters to operate we have many years to go
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before the in any solid digesters are in place and, of course, technology is racing by and all new things are coming up virtually everyday how to engage with stakeholders we're continuing looking to leverage technology it make that interesting and to create that two-way communication in realtime in realtime. >> it is also technology is allowed us to expand our grow grandfathers that is the most obvious and kids and students have been rather difficult to reach and technology helps us to extend our reach with the community an example -
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>> we're also leveraging our arlts and education programs this is another way we're reaching a different demographic and united health care workers those ways to reach youth and other folks not interested we have expanded the tour program over one tours with students and youth programs and one and 50 tours in total and those tours give us an opportunity to talk to really a captive audience engages them around the challenges with operating year
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around twenty-four hour system they can see the sort of the stwaugs search warrant much of our equipment and many of of our facilities the aging infrastructure, they can smell the aging infrastructure and so i give them a challenge of maintaining the current situation and creates a deeper understanding of the need for the major investments and technologies for the long term and we also have an incredible community benefits with all sorts of existing things we've continuing to get our arms around and particularly in the southeast those communities benefits initiative are ways to reach our audience and get in touch and have a dialogue about the pucs relationship to the community in particular in the
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southeast and also creates another way to have a dialogue how we invest and leverage those overall investments infrastructure dollars to revitalize the greater community again, i think the perfect works is more recently around the south community in the last meeting the level of the excitement that brought to the community and as charles mentioned i mentioned at the beginning we're an important transitional phase particularly particularly in the southeast plan there we see really a transition happening from planning to construction when requires a different level of engagement much more pro-active from a driven approach it gives us a chance to plan for construction that will be happening in the springish time of 2017 i'll talk about that in a moment but allows us
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to build on the collaboration through planning those projects we'll be going back to those groups and giving them update and how they want to stay in touch with communication in construction and gives an opportunity to maintain that dialogue around our desire to address current challenges and continue to monitor odor for example, continue to work on more of repair type of projects at the same time investing so for the long term and think with the transition to construction underway there is a lot of projects in the planning phase so we need to be monitoring and engaged again with the collaborative level with the community in which their planned or cited i know you've seen this schedule graph a lot of time but this
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give us a sense of belonging from the consumption perspective how i look at those types of schedules or timelines i'm always looking for opportunities to bring new opportunities to the table we talk about project milling that's what i'm looking at each has an underlying component for example, in 2017 did southeast plan will have major milestones you know the draft eir the environmental impact report the digesters project in the spring that will be a major milestone and doing quite a bit of outreach london breed to that so they understand what that is in relationship to the mr. larkin and how to provide meaningful input to the formal comment pictures the head works project will be a major milestone
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breaking ground in the spring and the two phases of the project with major milestones in early 2017 that sets the stage for early dialogue with the projects through the course of 2017 and a lot of areas where continue planning as i mentioned there is planning and construction going on inside of the plan southeast we'll share that with the community we're doing the seismic upgrade to reduce the odor and all that is happening many of those are underway in the final stages of planning and each project has its own project level outreach and engagement we see those and leverage those for the overall program and how we're responsive to community issues and managing odors being responsive to concerns
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about upcoming construction but we talk about it in the context of a large specific effort to build and invest in our infrastructure that creates additional opportunities to revitalize communities in which we live and work and traditionally a timeline another visible tool we use to convey the long term nature the capital improvement we don't want to lose site about the many years ahead of us to fully implement the program but seek all of the various opportunities to bring to the table and to the discussion our efforts as a good neighbor with the community benefits initiative and generally speaking the overall story about the puc involvement in our commitment to the communities and i hope this helped to give you a perspective what we've
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been doing and some of the path forward excited to be here and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you, mr. coal wick any commissioner questions or comments thank you seeing none, any public comment? seeing none, thank you very much >> thank you mr. kelly. >> any last item is one water sf steve richie. >> if i might have the slides stylish assistant general manager for water i'm going to talk about a relatively new one water sf and starts with general manager kelly about 6 months ago challenging the organizations to have a with only water approach i'll talk about that what that
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means in the industry and us we bridged that challenge that is with you with the information document so in the industry one water is described as an integrated implementation approach to managing finite for long termy sit up for community eco system needs that comes from the water research foundation throughout the industry hope have been talking about thinking of water as one whole thing not different types but one resource that is something of value to all of us so the benefits of one water maximizing the efficient use of our resources and financial encouraging collaborative thinking with the boundaries to develop new ideas for solution and the equipment of utilities to address the challenges before all of us so one water in san francisco actually is something that has
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we've been doing for quite a few of the and how we think about how it evolved to be more disciplinary in historic times real estate the opportunities for clean power and looking at and hydro on the calaveras pipeline from the water treatment plant and using biproducts for bio gas and collecting water onsite for section golden gate and lastly using the kr50ir78d water and golden gate for getting the right water for the right use so we talk about one water sf we tried to form lists this in two phases the first one we're talking about the one sf water vision a vision in guiding
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principles with one water sf and phase two is an implementation rolled back what it means to cavity this in our organization so the vision statement we've developed with our with only water sf approach san francisco will optimize the finite energy resources to balance the eco system needs creating a more resilient future there is a lot of work but doing the work better, smarter and creating a better future as a result guiding principles a set of 8 their laid on the page i'll not go through all of them about first and foremost matching the right resource to the right use in terms of water quality but means in terms of water quantity and other physical aspects and
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looking holistically with the water and power and develop the public policy and working with the cross the traditional boundary we are thinking outside the box every time we're facing the challenge and the last one the state of the art technologies with new best practices so get smarter about, about how we do our business that is the guiding principles how to approach thinking and work as one water sf we put this together as our one water system it is really everything from snowfall to liquid materials is part of a one water sf and shows here but also shows energy come outs of the system with the hydro power at the wastewater treatment and
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the solar panels developed here and there and a good way that is one thing together it cuts across the 3 enterprises not just water not just power or wastewater something we are doing creating and collectively it is thinking about how we view our work in the guiding pertains how the project is designed for the appropriate use my favorite example there is questions about converting too much water our sewer system is to the operating properly we need to think about the system as a water displaced to transport waste what kind of water to where it be recycled water but not put you pure drinking water we can do lots of
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things think about 9 good ways to do that and to the better utility all the projects opportunity to impact and benefit other resource areas how can we work across the regional boundary with the puc to provide the misrepresent benefits and how we partner with the private sector and again pioneering technologies not on the bleeding edge but close to it get out in front of new ideas to expanding that over time as i mentioned we've got the approach and identifying one water sf opportunities we want to develop the tools to help to expand the one water sf it officers to
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enhance the work we're already doing we meet our resilient future for san francisco but thinking across the lines and thinking outside the box and being creativity in everything we do and this is not a water i'm the water enterprise but not a water effort that is across water and wastewater and power and barbara and others h e m united health care workers the organization and the staff led by paula from water but they've been engaged in this as well this is an exciting future for us and we're moving forward into it >> the one thing i'll add that we are now seeing a lot of effort not only within our own organizations income tax but with the board of supervisors with the management of storage water and diversely our water
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system and looking at the decentral station approach and this effort will help us kind of get auto all that and at the same time looking all the rates and the reduction of water how it effects our water and w5ir7b89 rates and impacts our water if we look at the logo it really, really spells out one water one drop represents all 3 of our enterprises so i'm very excited about that effort paula led the team and folks from wairnlt a power and steve richie this is speaking we're passionate about and wanted to talk about that we can work across the boundary water and wastewater and power to work together owe r on how we can produce a better product to our
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customers working together so really excited about that system. >> the idea of the sources from the water demand is intriguing. >> a fact of life. >> i'll have to think about that for a while thank you very much any commissioner questions or comments public comments? mr. brooks are you rising to comment >> yeah. comment. >> eric brooks sf green party/our city/sf clean energy advocates. i'm going to make my annual pitch i think it maybe a year so first of all, it is great to see this this is integrate systems approach to all these wastewater water and power systems that is crucial integrated network that is what the future is about this is good to see this materialize with our
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staff on the last note that you spoke to commissioner moran this issue that the sewers need water well, here's my pitch again, a few years ago i got up here and state your name for the record for it and tom did a study on compose and toilets if you reduce the stuff that is going into the sewer system you need less water to move if you redesign the sewer system interest i want to remind folks if you crunch the numbers in the study that tom ammiano and his staff did if a one hundred of the toiltsd were changed to composite it would save 5 billion with a b 5 billion gallons of water that's probably unrealistic but if we replace a fifth of our toilets more than
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composite toilets save over 5 billion gallons of water a year and that prevents waste from the system we're hearing new pilots i want to pitch we need to have a pilot of 4r5e9s two or three different models of urban composite and toilets to see how they work and hopefully in building golden gate and then i wanted to add previously to my comments the reason i'm saying that is important we not market our hetch hetchy power when there is carbon release not necessarily because we're doing ♪ bad using the power it is a net benefit but if we market it aggressively that will encourage new reservoirs be built that's a problem we need to avoid thanks
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>> any other public comment? mr. kelly >> that concludes my report. >> okay. thank you very much. >> next item is the bcould roster. >> thank you commissioner moran nicole ceo with bosca can i have the slides so i wanted to take my time today to provide you with information i gave to our policy committee earlier this month they find helpful in light of the figures about what we're seeing with reductions going on throughout the state and drought so this information is reflecting the report data for the agencies that have recorded to the state this is 22 of our 26 customers 4 of them
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are of such a small size report in a different manner that is chart is showing essentially the reduction that these agencies their customers achieve from the mandatory period from june 2015 to august 2016 reduced an average of 26 percent over that period and i'll remind you, you during that same period the mandatory reduction they were under was 15 percent across the board so nearly the doubling of a mandatory reduction through 3 period. >> in the last month we've heard the state and others in the press are we letting our foot off the gas too fast for customers this slide shows the savings basically june july and
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august 2016 since the state put into place the new certification requirement over that most the savings reductions were 74 percent not letting off the gas but still a significant number and call that state through the process allowed did agencies or required the agencies to self-certify through a specific formula how much are you required to save moving forward and for those 22 agencies you know railway recall for the cut back of the 22 agencies only 3 of them have required cutbacks following the formula for specific reasons o reasons and hacking with your issues but
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local supplies issue and collectively that represents less than a one percent required reduction across them as a whole again, we're operating in the situation where there are customers that are achieving 24 percent reduction in the face of less than one percent reduction for the region so to me that represents a significant savings we're seeing a different way to put it as you recall we were using a graph through the mandatory period the chart the column on the left is essentially what is required savings again starting in june and what is achieved is neither here nor there 6 billion gallons over that 3 percent above what is required a significant amount of savings
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and lastly one of the question is often how did we achieve those savings we don't have a full analysis what we know is residential customers really step forward in the service area prior to the drought the average use in the residential use in the bosca area was around 78 gallons per capita per day it went down to 60 as an average four residential customers and in fact, 9 agencies less than 35 gallons fiscal year 2015-2016 so this is a very different figure and different set of results on per capita in the residential in many parts of california it is critical for us to remember we saw we see the 3wru7b9 find
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drought and who step forwarded and were able to save the reductions and shield us from other impacts so with that, i'll conclude my comments i'm available to answer any questions. >> any commissioner questions or comments? thank you that is a it would be nice visualization of what is going on i appreciate your bringing that to us >> good you're welcome. >> any public comment? okay. seeing none we monarch to the consent calendar madam secretary call the item >> item 9 is the consent calendar and we won item approve the beach corporation with the award number for an amount not to exceed $2 million plus over a duration of 4 years. >> thank you anyone on the commission like to remove this from the consent calendar? >> anyone from the public want to remove this from the consent
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calendar seeing none, can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> thoekdz any public comment there. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the consent item passes moving on to the regular session please read item 10. >> authorize the changes to go solar and authorized the general manager to submit to the board of supervisors an ordinance making changes to chapter 18 of the environment code. >> hi commissioners barbara hale assistant general manager for power about two meetings ago we discussed the fact we need need to integrate the cleanpowersf and go solar the item before you performs that sdwrags via an amendment of chapter 18 of the environment code consistent with the earlier conversation really focuses on 4
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things insures that recipients of sgrar and either the cleanpowersf or hetch hetchy program, improves the protecting and environment justice incentives perimeters. >> it steps down the incentives in order to reflect the lower cost of solar and extend the dollars and it allows for us to develop a additional distributed energy programs incentive programs specifically for investor of ample system for storage and for electrical vehicle this item if approved will then move there the board of supervisors legislative process to make the amendment to xhaert 18 of the environment
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code with that, i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> commissioners, any questions. >> i have one barbara can you caption what the outreach process has been with the various community of interest where they stand on this. >> we have prior to the last conversation we had a number of outreach events through the solar task force that was the organization if you will where go solar sf was born and it includes both stakeholders that you see before you here on a regular basis as well as fuller installers and representative the programs the state administrative code program for protecting patients for solar and installations a broad range of folks and 3 separate sessions gopher we we
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saw a possible possible changes and understand those are comfortable changes for strikes the right balance and improvements for the programs for sustained the actual language to the resolution and agenda item before you we expect will be powder over and put back together in between and the legislative session. >> okay. thank you and this is something that we've been talking about for sometime, i on the tying of two programs together is timing and quite important so i appreciate our bringing that public comment? mr. brooks >> good afternoon again eric brooks sf green party/our city/sf clean energy advocates. california cal's for empower choice so i didn't get a chance to read
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the faculty document but hopefully it is prioritizing customers of cleanpowersf it not excluding other customers that might want an incentive especially nonprofits or low income especially, since we're not rolling in all the customers at once and maybe be as much as a few years before all customers are in cleanpowersf so it is hopefully as that moves forward we've keeping mindful of that and then i want to reiterate a pitch i made earlier about incentive siding solar it is a limited part of a much bigger divided portfolio and i think that is time to evolve this program we're providing at the same time incentives for solar and incentives for efficiency and maybe small wind and most
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definitely incentives for barratry storage because where the transition of knock it out of the park battery storage were more accelerate customers taking us up that the ability to getting incentive for solar when their adrc the batteries at the same time right now the batteries are too expensive we need to add those and observer we should add energy efficient measures when most installers install solar it is automatic they set up energy efficiency in the home at the same time so let's start evolving this we're integrating battery storage and efficiency at the same time and
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providing an incentive across the board for all the things integrate together on a home business system. >> thank you mr. fried. >> hi jason fried, executive officer. i've stated many times this is a good idea good expect moving forward and integrating cleanpowersf and other programs together i encourage you to move forward having said that, i agree with mr. brooks we should creating a said before creating go battery sf and combrsh for lack of a better name and going through those programs and creating sflefz to do that he and not the one thing stepping out out of my role not cutting off the po u customers in their
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your energy customers we should be looking at ways to integrate not on through camtc but keeping in mind you'll potentially creating mia grid i know there is a fight with pg&e how electrical to for example, the shipyard or future treasure island development we should be looking at how to integrate that and giving the incentives could give the building great incentives not only for solar but doing the battery storage on that side to create for energy and store it onsite and use it and going across pg&e wires less a lot incentives for the po u that benefits the po u customers and pg&e customers at the same time. >> yes. at the risk of 74th
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annual memorial day like a broken record i'm disappointed to say the at least when you talk about those kind of changes no discussion that i've been a part of relayed to the workforce and the task and related to the exceptions any training programs any certification hirsch's i'll be that broken record and talk about i'm tyler of hearing social justice in connection with workforce development and creating pathway not getting a definition of that and if we want to be leaders we have to actually put putting your money where your mouth is and incorporate those kind of key programs into our programs we're funding it no training, no outreach no communicated outreach no community workforce at all as we move down the road
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and using go solar we've had that model for quite a while i don't know if there is someone with us that is a workforce expert or i can't figure out how this conversation is not take place. >> what i can say is that as you know go solar we have worked with the mayor's office of economic workforce development y cd we have sort of a quasi pathway to the go solar and used to hire from goodwill but now hire the mayor's office of economic workforce development i'm not saying that's a perfect path we're talking about now is not modifying the actual hiring
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- well, i think in some sense we are talking about good save source as because one of the challenge was that a lot of the vendors didn't want to participate because it was difficult to keep an employee for a long period so we had a good faith i agree when we start looking batteries and 09 things we have to see what the workforce is but this is related to the go solar i think that maybe when we give the presentation that you requested that we can probably sit down and maybe talk about what opportunities that may present themselves because we start doing what type of you know renewable projects and where
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they're located then we can define what it is and the workforce to build it we've done a jobs report remember we did the jobs report rae radio try to implement that and try to determine what jobs and type of training programs we'll do a deeper dive to do the things you've talked about you're right so many opportunities to do apprenticeships programs and we're on board we'll do the things you have been asking about. >> thank you thank you any other commissioner comments? public comment? can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> >> there is a motion and a second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries
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madam secretary. >> item 11 authorize the memorandum of understanding between the transportation authority and the sfpuc. >> mr. carolyn. >> deputy general manager it is straighter we're renewing our contract with tida. >> any public comment. mr. brooks. >> good afternoon one more time eric brooks sf green party/our city/sf clean energy advocates. ink this is just the renewable of a memorandum of understanding it is important for the commissioner and the staff to understand some dynamics with treasure island development authority board and also on bayview hunters point projects it is finally come out after oath pressures from grassroots organizations and company called
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technically are technical that is doing chemical test was falsifying it's tests and records to make it look that was not toxic chemicals and maybe pressured to stop using technically are tell the jury and so for is claiming we that they and a half they're still doing testing for chemical they were criminally falsifying data and doing bad work with the sfpuc comes in is that your staff and workers need to be mindful if so a problem that is not fixed to put it bluntly the district 6 supervisor that is in charge of treasure island and
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the district 10 supervisor in charge of bayview hunters point has not done anything about this and so this puts it on you as an agencies to make sure your staff and workers know there is an issue with those tests and there's an issue with potential for danger to workers and the public and what if you're doing construction work and installation work i want to put that on the radar screen that issue is a real issue recorded in the press and your staff and you should incorporate understanding that as you move forward with services on bayview hunters point and treasure island. >> one thing supervisor kim and supervisor avalos notified it is kim and not avalos but kim and cohen supervisors i have to
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be honest for many years i mean at least 5 years probably more members of the public have been repeatedly going to public hearings saying don't approve those projects they're still radiation danger now the evidence is coming out more evidence is out there is radiation danger and especially now that at the time are tech was falsifying it is easier to get transaction so i'll sailing we've been take the opportunity if that is obvious because of the criminal problem causing part of the problem and the supervisors not acting on it we need it agency to doing everything we can to keep the workers save and understand what is going on with the toxic chemicals and other things on the sites we've not readily.
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>> thank you. any other public comment. can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> >> opposed? the motion carries. >> madam secretary. >> item 12 authorizing the memorandum of understanding by and between the sfpuc and the science center not to exceed seven hundred and 73 thousands plus and with the total duration of 60 months. >> mr. richie. >> steve richie assistant general manager for water this is a mou to allow us to engage in a historic ecology wastewater study like in the alamed waterfront to make sure we have a deeper understanding the history of the natural history of water shed to make sure that we are taking the right actions to protect the actions and
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interpret the water for the public and the other folks out there so it is very straightforward item to accomplish that about seven hundred and 75 thousand dollars who is the aquatic. >> they're a j pa between the state control board and the bay area clean it is an adjunct of the original work they've developed in the last few years it is managed under the aquatic science center. >> commissioners, any questions. >> any public comment? thank you. can i have a been seconded. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> item 13 approve on meantime
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to the generating program to license public utilities commission street light poles to approve the conditions and authors the poles in a master form of pole license subject to the board of supervisors approval of each master license. >> thank you barbara hale. >> barbara hale assistant general manager the item before you takes an existing authority that you grant us and amendments to have distributed antenna installed - previously you grant us the authority to work with the communication carriers to allow them to put the facilities on the steel poles that allows them to put their facilities on the concrete poles as a condition they'll need to
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replace the deteriorating poles with the newly fabricated poles that matches the poles that remain on the streets that support our street light but the described antenna system equipment we have about 7 three hundred concrete poles in san francisco this will allow the carriers to continue to rent that, if you will, space from us for those facilities with that, i ask for your support. >> thank you, commissioners. >> any public comment? seeing none, can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> and motion and a >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries item 14 i believe we have a replacement resolution that is provided to the commission and available to the public and we will be hearing that replacement
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resolution. >> madam secretary. >> item 14 for the the termination of sewer easements within park merced near 19th avenue approve the terms and conditions and authorize the agreement and approve the temps transferring the interest in the easement to packard owner, llc. >> the title says it all so move it. >> i'll second. >> there is a motion and a second any public comment. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries thank you madam secretary. >> item 15 approval for amendment increasing the agreement up to $19 million plus and with the time extension up
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to 3 years. >> ms. happening. >> good afternoon, commissioners assistant general manager for infrastructure and in march of this year, the commission adopt the schedule and budget for sf and the 2.9 in phase one that was presented by the program management and in phase one were pushed out anothers a few we are eliminated and projects that are reduced scope and others had scope increases and scope refinements has part of those changes staff provided for detail and revisited it in house and consultant resources necessary to complete the projects that have scope increases and refinements and looking at those projects we identified the headwork project needing additional public utilities
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commission and consultant design and design support during the construction services the original contract for the planning services and design services for a smaller scope of work on head w we're asking for additional services for the larger scope of work and design support during construction we are asking for the amendment to the contract with the engineers by 19.5 for a total value of 33 point plus million dollar we've not completed the review of all the consultant contracts which are either environmental or design related contract but will be continuing to do that and coming back with you with other requests to amend levels necessary to complete the projects that were adopted in march and one of those are bio
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solids. >> thank you though this is in a way implementation action for commissions already taken. >> yes. >> and other items coming down of a similar nature can you make sure their identified that way so we know this is not new business but basically a rebaseline we've reviewed as you've done or done her keep that going forward in the same manner i'll appreciate that commissioners questions. >> public comment. a motion please. i'll move second. >> moved and >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> item 16 approval of amendment to agreement flaring the agreement up to $250,000 for the time extension up to 5 and a half months.
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>> ms. happening. >> this item is necessary to complete the negotiations we need ore work c m to resolve the outstanding claims by the contractor. >> thank you commissioners i'll move the item. >> marcus book store any public comment? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> item 16 finding forever the california public utilities commission for the contingence in the amount of 4 hundred plus in a corresponding contract duration contingency of up to one and 34 consequence days and authorize the future modifications to the contract. >> thank you, ms. hap.
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>> you've approved the construction budget for calaveras dam this is the contract that goes with that and this contract amendment for modification will follow within the baseline. >> commissioners. >> any public comment. motion please. i'll >> >> marcus book >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> item 18 approve finding declaring and 59 thousand square feet portion of roger park on napoleon and caesar chavez street is surplus to any sfpuc utility authors a memorandum of understanding with the public utilities commission for the transfer of napoleon site for
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the public utilities commission to the sfmta of the 64 thousand plus square feet property under it's jurisdiction located on 1801 jergd avenue and authorize a request to the board of supervisors and the mayor to approve the jurisdiction to the terms of mou. >> thank you mr. carolyn. >> this is a very simple item we're actively changing our napoleon for the site this is at the request of the public utilities commission to expand and it is actually beneficial for us it is asphalt next to the southeast plant we want more flexibility in the future. >> thank you, commissioners. >> i'll move the item. >> second. >>
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>> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries. >> madam secretary the closed session items. >> item 21, public - employee personnel evaluation for the general manager the infrastructure public utilities commission 22 an existing exclaim of martel and from the litigation for corporal and incorporated versus john martin eastal with the construction series the sfoivengs et al and item 24 anticipated litigation as mr. davis and items 25 through 30 will not be heard today. >> any any public comment? for the items calendar for closed session seeing none, can i have a motion to assert the
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attorney/client >> next year is here yeah. >> okay. we're back in open session an approval of a settlement no other other action can i have a motion to disclosure. >> i move not to thorough any public comment? >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> the motion carries item 31. >> item 31 adapt a resolution authorizing the yerba buena gardens general manager for the position of just a minute general manager for kathy republican howe. >> commissioners
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marcus book store >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries other new business? i have one item could super bowl 50 look at what it takes to replace those lousy screens that is an embarrassment >> you have to look at that one. >> you can see someone 20 feet away rather than something that is in front of us and a status report and some way of feeding it into the ipads that would be helpful. >> we're using directors desks so if you look at directors desk you can see the slides you can zoom in i mean, you, really see it on the screen so, yeah those - >> there's the ability to have
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someone take control over what you're looking at i don't know the best way but please dear lord give us relieve. >> we've look at the screens two problems the xrn cuts off the bottom of shades and in case you haven't noticed the coloration certain colors is awful you lose a lot of the of the imagery we identified that is as a server issue not a material but between the two and they need money to replace that we're looking for those screens we've not dealt with those. >> and some of these are wavey lines that's my new business anything else. >> report on the chairs. >> yeah. and remember those
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support things any other vitally important business before the commissioners this meeting stands adjourned good afternoon recruits! i'm going to be very short, because i am -- [laughter ] >> okay, i should start off with a joke -- you have to laugh. anyway, first off, it's my pleasure to be with the chief and with our department of public health director to welcome you into the finest police department in the country and i know that because that is what you have chosen to do and i'm very gratified i could be here in front of you as you ago
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through this invaluable academy and training. really two points i want to raise. one is to thank you for making that choice. you can join any other department in the whole bay area, but you have chosen our city and i'm grateful for that. second is that today i especially appear before you to make sure that you understand what we are trying to do as an entire city with our police department. we're undergoing one of the biggest reform efforts in the history of this department, and our chief is leading that, and one of the reasons today is that you will undoubtedly be involved in many of our confrontations that other police officers do probably on a daily basis. and the trend has been that there are more people that are
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victims of alcohol and drug abuse, and will exhibit in many occasions a danger to themselves or others and you will definitely be called upon to intervene in those situations. one of the principles of our police reform that is going on today, one that i greatly value is the principle of the sanctity of life. you probably already have been receiving training on that. but you also will be trained in the practice called "receiving time and distance." that is when you are called upon, i think we'll ask you to do your best to create that time and distance for the purpose of preserving life. in that, i want you to know that the rest of the city is not simply asking you to carry the entire burden of
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that. ; that we're going to be partners with you the best that we can and one of those strong partnerships that i am and this administration is funding with the full cooperation of the police commission, your chief , all the management staff is to say that when you are asked to intervene and if you can create that time and distance with everybody's safety in mind, we'll then have mental health and public health experts to be at your side. so that they can do the specialty crisis intervention that you create the time and distance in order to have. we have got to work as a team. if we're going save more lives out there, we have to make sure that we have the ability to get some professionals to work alongside with you, so we can intervene in the sometimes very tragic circumstances
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and if we can get the mental health expertise with the people standing behind me, the crisis intervention specialists, they are referred to as our entire team train by our public health department to work in these crisis situations, we're going save more lives and ultimate ly that is what you seek to do in your profession and we want everybody's lives to be here. you will get crisis intervention training. you will be introduced to the sanctity of life principle, but in the real-street situations that we have, it's your ability to implement that in an effective way with the chief and all of the managers crisis and all of the trainers that are here. that we want to do it with your safety in mind and with the immediate people's safety in mind so we can gain that valuable, sometimes minutes
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to be able to introduce a professional. so that we can go on and perhaps save a person's life even more times than we have in the past. quite frankly, it has worked in no less than probably five situations in the past several months. and i was with the chief on one of those occasions, almost three to four hours in those negotiations and we saved everybody's life and everybody walked away. we need more of those opportunities, because there is drugs, there is drug abuse, there is a tremendous amount of mental illness and you can't do it all. we don't want to tell you to do it all, but you have an invaluable part of that process. so those are two messages. again, thank you for choosing the city and county of san francisco to work in and we'll be there to create more
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classes as more of our officers decide they want to have an even better life and retire and at the same time, we need to get enough officers to meet the challenges of population, and the needs of every one of our neighborhoods. thanks for being officers in the city and county of san francisco. chief . >> first of all real fast i'm with the mayor every wednesday and the joke you heard i have to hear those every wednesday when i meet with him [laughter ]so the sympathy should be flowing my way. the incident that the mayor was talking about wasing at market and jones and it was a support armed with a firearm and the officer showed incredible restraint and saves that mans a life. i have since met with the mother and father of the man's life that was saved and they are incredibly grateful to the san francisco police department. they spent about two hours praising our efforts, and
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giving us kudos for making sure that resolved the way it did. that is what we're trying to push forward and we all understand it's not always going to work out in our favor and things that happen that are well beyond the control of anybody wearing that uniform and we need to make sure we're crystal clear on that, but at same time, to approach every situations a life-saving situation. the department is moving in a different direction and we're trying to be at the front of this and not the back of the line. i just sat in an awards ceremony, voting process for department members to get silver medals and awards and most of the recipients came up in situations that they tracked about what they did and talked about using time and distancing in deescalation. one an officer was stabbed in throat on the freeway on-ramp and went for his firearm which he reholstered to baton because he recognized that the situation changed and
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the individual no longer had the knife and he had presence of mind to think about it as it unfolded. another situation a gentleman was sharpening a knife and had residents holed because they were too afraid and they formulated the plan of creating time and distance and they subdued him and took him into custody without shooting him. arguably a year-and-a-half, two years ago the officer-involved shooting scenarios pure and simple. that is what we're trying to preach and push today and the group standing behind me are meant to give you additional tools in the tool belt when you have those situation and the san francisco police department is proud to partner again with the department of public health on mental health services to the community and the san francisco police have worked with department of public health for years including mobile crisis teams providing assistance to child crisis services which helps youth in
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crisis. this new team of clinicians standing behind me isa valuable to san francisco police officers to support negotiators in the field and conduct crisis assessments and debrief persons involved and affected by incidents, and consult with victims and provide crisis services. they are going to also assist with our ongoing crisis intervention training program to help our officers improve their ability to recognize people with behavioral health problems. this program is part of an ongoing reform system that the department has undertaken over the past year and again, i'm talking about the san francisco police department being the lead, not following, not picking things up from everybody else. we were using a model that is still effective, but there is say better model. and our people are now researching that model to bring it to san francisco with dealing with people in crisis. that is part of us taking the lead. we're under a collaborative reform initiative review by the department of justice right now that we invited in. because again, all of these changes are meant to make us
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better. so i want us all to make sure we embrace it and look behind me at these white jackets with another tool for the san francisco police department to use to enforce the sanctity of life on the streets and save people, because that is our primary mission to preserve life. i want to introduce director. >> thank you you and thank you all of you and i saw you standing at attention to so long and you are so fortunate to be part of a city and part of a police force that are going to be at the head of many police forces in this country in terms of really understanding the impact of substance-abuse and mental health on many of the individuals that you may meet. behind me is a team that we have been over the last decade working very closely with the police, and coming to any incidents of violence and providing assessments and support to family members. we're going to be expanding this team with three
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clinical psychologists and social workers to work deeper with all of you and give you training how to engage and meet the needs of many of these individuals. and also, i have been on the calls and some of these interventions that the police chief talked about, and we believe we can really give you really important information about the background of an individual, who you may be negotiating with. and so we're very proud. i'm very proud of the team that is behind you in the white coats and i'm very proud of the team in the blue. and together we're going to be really providing you, i believe, some essential training and also support. and we believe that doing this together, we can reduce -- improve the health of many of the individuals who you are going to come in contact and reduce the incidents that we have at times when we have to be more forceful with individuals. so we look forward to this. we're going to be quickly hiring these individuals, and the police will be involved with this in hiring. so we
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have the right type of individual who will work with us closely and by the new year, we'll be really working closely and responding. in between now and then, this team behind me will be taking that place until our new staff is expanded. we're 24/7, and we're located in the bay view, but we travel throughout the city in order to provide these services. so i want to thank you for your attention today and we look forward to working with you, and proud to see all of you today becoming new police officers. [ applause ] >> we're going to conclude this and any questions that the press may have we'll be outside in the hallway for you.
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