tv Public Utilities Commission 11816 SFGTV November 12, 2016 10:00am-11:41am PST
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>>[gavel] >> good morning. welcome to the aging and adult services commission. can we have roll call >> james, present. dodd highly is excused loo is excused powell, present. roy, here. sims speaker please note executive director mcspadden is present >> because we have a very long agenda before we approve the agenda we are going to table a
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lot of the reports because a lot of these items require action and i know you want to see you are contracts approved. so we are going to table all of the reports until next month unless there's something urgent. with that will also table under new business item 7 cla six month report. we will table back also and i think that was about it that what we were tabling today. with that, i would like to have a motion to approve the agenda with those amendment. >> moved and seconded. >> it's been moved and
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seconded we approve the agenda with the following corrections. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the aye habit and the motion is carried >>[gavel] >> at this time could we have some general public comment. any public comment at this time? i am sorry. approval-before i go there let me go back to item 3. can i have a motion to approve the october fifth commission meeting minutes? >> moved and seconded. >> it's been moved and second we approve the october 5 commission meeting minutes. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. so the motion is carried. now item 5, we are
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tabling the reports and we are moving down to general public comment. are there any general public comment? >> good morning. thank you for having me get my name is barbara rose brooker and i'm here to present my age march. age march i'm the founder of the first age march in history in san francisco. age march is to celebrate age of pride for all ages, gender, race, sexuality and two and age discrimination and age segregation where we are often identified by our age and our number and age racism where we are often discriminated i losing our work, our housing and many other things. martin luther king had a dream to
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judge that people would be judged not by their color but by their character and i have a dream that some day age, all of us, will not be judged by our numbers were our age but by our experience and what we can do. the age march is going to be december 4 in san francisco on union street. a short walk, a big dream and people of all ages will be there. also the press is very interested in it and i'm excited as a native san franciscans that age march will eventually be global and yearly just like gay pride is and thank you for hearing my age march. flyers are on the table of this march and where it is going to be good thank you very much >> thank you. any other public comment? hearing none, we will close. now any old business?
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hearing none, we are under new business. this is information only. dept. of aging and services budget fiscal year 16-17 and 17-agent dan kaplan presented. >> good morning. glad to be here. i had wanted to do a quick update on the budget for the current year. we bring you a budget as we are working on it typically in late january or early february and then in the past we have not generally come back and reported where we have
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gotten from what i would like to do is do a quick report on where we've gotten to. they make some preliminary comments about he 17-18 budget process which we have started already. certainly what we've done so far is not ready to bring to the commission but we have started the process. so if we take a look at the first slide which is a comparison of the 15-16 original budget to the 16-17 original budget what you see is that the budget has increased about 8% overall. the percentages if you look at the various slices in the pipe, are similar in size from year-to-year. so in general, we've grown on a proportionate level way. we get a little bit more into the slices the office of aging budget has grown by about $6 million. this is a number of new initiatives to
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the biggest of which are additions to the new [inaudible] program and the introduction of a new program for support of home and home care pilot program which is in development but it's funded for this year and funded for next year and then we will go from there. in addition, you can take a look at the slide labels independent provider wages which is really what we call the ihss is i'm only remain [inaudible] effort payment if you remember back in 2012 the legislature approved a bill to recast the way the ihss program is funded. from that point on it worked until 13 on it works good counties had a maintenance of effort payment that they made. in lieu of paying for a particular percentage of wages and benefits for ihss. so the
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main maintenance of effort payment amount was set a store on 11-12 actual expenditures on the county by county basis and it grows at 3.5% a year and if you compare the numbers and 15-16 216-something you'll see they're all most 3.5% different from each other could then it is adjusted by changes in collective-bargaining agreements at the account. the county makes up collective-bargaining agreement that increases the low cost of wages for benefits that will increase the amount of the moe. now in san francisco we have not done that in the past year. what has happened instead is that the minimum wage ordinance has kicked in. before the minimum wage ordinance kicked in
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the ihss wage was a little bit about the minimum wage. as it kicked in and remember we are moving towards $15 an hour over several years the minimum wage caught up to the ihss wage and has started pushing it up. so i hss workers are now making $13 an hour, which is the minimum for the minimum-wage ordinance went into effect they were getting paid $12 an hour. next fiscal year their wage will go up to $14 an hour. but what we've had extensive discussions with the state about the impact of local ordinances local minimum-wage ordinances on me and will we and we have an agreement that at this point that we are minimum-wage does not trigger a change in the ml we. because is not the result of the collective bargaining process. it is something that
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applies to all workers in nature restriction. which is good news from a budgetary point of view because the ihss workers get a higher wage but the city does not come up with a higher general fund share to fund its. it's a good situation. we also have growth in the ihss public authority health and dental payments. another big category of the budget. there is medical inflation. certainly in the ihss how the workers program there is throughout the world of medical coverage and we are feeling that here.. that is being reflected in our budget that also doesn't trigger a change in the moe. and we are expecting that there will be some fairly significant additional inflation into the next fiscal year in this category. costs are in fact
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going up in the healthcare arena. so is there anything also want to call your attention to? the last is around ihss is service and county staff as you will note our costs went down there. that is actually an artifact of shifts of staffing within the budget. it is not a lower commitment in terms of staffing to the administration of the ihss program. in fact, we've added a significant number of positions on the social work and support staff side of the ihss program. what we have done in the budget is we've taken the eligibility workers were part of the ihss program on a budgetary level we combined them with our san francisco
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benefits net group which is the group that has medi-cal and cal fresh eligibility work. so the cost of those eligibility workers have slid off of the das budget into the dhs budget. if you are looking to the actual staffing was doing eligibility work for seniors and persons with disabilities you would see the numbers actually gone up. we have added sf benefits net eligibility workers systemwide and a larger share of those workers are in fact working on the aging and disability side of the program. so it's a budgetary move that reduces cost but if you look at where the actual staff are working there are more of them. just to add confusion. okay. if we look at staffing what you will see is that there are
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small additions to the number of staff in a number of programs. the largest addition to the to take account of his in the eps program where we added next team of social workers and as i said before if you look at the ihss group you can see the numbers go down but what this is is a number of new social work and support staff offset by a reduction of eligibility staff which is just a gadget budgetary change.then if you look at our funding mix from year-to-year what you'll see a percentage basis it's very similar. so the federal revenue represented, 30% in one year and represents 30% in the next year and so on throughout the other [inaudible]. so
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overall, it sort of interesting to look at the two bases of the budget process that are probably most important for us here. the first phase is the agency proposed budget and that is what we bring to you when we come to you in february. so this represents charlene's proposal supported by the hsa executive director. it comes out out of our agency budget process. in that part of the process we have tended to focus most on the departmental infrastructure. by that i mean, the people and systems that provide services within the das
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part of the program. the dos agency part of the program. when we get to the ad backs phase the mayoral ad back phase and the board at that faces, then a lot of money comes in typically for direct client service. that's where additional nutrition money would come in. that's where money for things like the home support program would come in. so when we brought to you our proposed budget it was not exclusively staffing and systems. but that was where the large body of the dollars went. most of that has made it into the final budget. there were some reductions along the way and typically what happens is we make a proposal. we will go to the mayor's office. the mayor's office will except a large portion of the proposal. not necessarily all of it and ate at in some other things. then when we get to the board phase of the process we work with the budget and legislative analyst who recommends trends
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to the mayor's proposal. and some of those actually get implemented and some of them don't and then additional money comes in but normally as i said before, it is for things like increased money in the nutrition program, increased money in the new initiatives. this year for example as we were developing the budget does a great deal of interest in having a new center at reiman street in the valley this a little bit of money second year of the budget for that. so that's the sort of thing that comes in in the second days of the process.if we look at this last five dos enhancements added since february, this is where those items came in. so you can see there its nutrition
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program money. there's housing subsidy money. this is where money on the dignity fund, which doesn't take into current this so your butt hits in the next fiscal year assuming passage comes in and then if the that proposition is passed next week opposition i then also be a little bit of staffing money for the dignity fund to do work, preparing and doing studies and setting up the analysis and the decision-making process. but that is a small piece of the whole. the big pieces the service these enough $6 million and it comes in the second year of the biennial budget. so that is just the kind of quick high-level records in the process and where we ended up. i want to talk a little bit about next year. the dynamics
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are going to be i think a little bit different next year from last year. so where we have had room to grow on the staffing side of the dos budget has really been around the ihss program. it really is an artifact of the i-h ss mo we which has basically hold the city harmless from general fund growth in that program. that will still be there but we have grown the program a great deal in the last several years. we have also grown the aps program and the aps program is funded largely with federal money and
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with 2011 realignment money. in 2011 we up realignment money, which is funded by state sales taxes and state vehicle license fees it has been growing relatively rapidly of we've come out of the recession and growth in that pot of money had actually slowed a good bit over the past year in sales tax revenues are coming in a little more slowly than they anticipated at the state level. so that is a source of revenue growth that will not be as robust in the future were not expecting it's going to drop but it's growth won't be as robust in the future. then on the dhs side and dos and dhs are sort of linked by their general fund, we had a lot of growth in the medi-cal program and cal works program and cal fresh program over the last several years which is allowed us to sort of free up and we leverage general fund money.
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the growth in those programs has basically stopped on the medicaid-on the medi-cal side. it slowed dramatically on the cal fresh side. actually reversed on the cal works cited cow works is very dependent on caseload and caseloads have come down as we got further and further away from the recessionary period. there's more employment and more people are able to get jobs. these are all a good thing. but it does reduce money in the cow works program. so that tends to tighten up our budget all around. so we will feel a tighter situation going forward into the next fiscal year then and the past. i don't think it's a situation where were going to be doing anything like dramatic cutting but on the other hand growth won't be as easy as it has been in recent years. >> thank you. any questions
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from commissioners? >> the only question might be the timing of dignity fund revenues into that budget. are you saying that the diminished revenues streams you are highlighting are not offset by dignity fund dollars in the next fiscal year? it will only be the year following? >> no. in the next fiscal year , 17-18 assuming passage next week will have an additional $6 million of service related money. which can be used to pay for nonnatural services. that is, that can be used to cover 100% of the cost of a new service or they could potentially be leveraged if we have a good way to leverage them. with some other federal stream. in which case the
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total amount would generate would be more than $6 million but $6 million of money that can be used as if it were general funds. okay? thanks. >> any other questions? thank you. next item, all these items below are action items and require a vote by the commission. the first item a the dept. requests authorize asian to modify dos grant agreement with nonprofit service providers the cost of doing business. funding during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30 2017. in the aggregate amount not to exceed $90,809 could deny the motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> good morning commissioner
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john john-director of contacts for hsi. the common request authorizations to modify the dos contracts for cost of doing business adjustment as you know these are funds the city provides to assist nonprofits in meeting the cost of doing business in the bay area. last year the dos commission approved the cost of doing business for both fiscal year 15-16 as well as the zero fiscal year 16-17. so this request is an adjustment of the 16-17 copy in its round total of $90,000. by comparison the total copy added to the last two years by last year's approval was $2.4 million. this is just kind of a change in methodology as well as applying it to funds that were not covered in last years motion. to describe the first part of the copy for this year there's a change in methodology about a calculated the cost of doing business. last year they took
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2.5% of all eligible base cost and added to 15-16 and then added an identical amount to 60-17. what they did not do is not applied the 2.5% to 15-16 god b. they did the base amount. so this is a compounding thing where the change they are doing is they are adding the 2.5% from last year. it's kind of that actually less than a 10th of a percent increase. agencies will get some funding but it won't be a significant amount. the larger part of this $98,000 is funds that were not covered by last year's motion is a that is new contracts that came in the year 15-16 as well as add backs that got baselined were not included so they did not get a 16-17 increase. we are applying that now. i'm available to answer any questions you have regarding this year's cotton b. >> any questions? it was his
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addition they did on a pro rata basis human of context by agency? >> what we do is look at the calculations from last year and see what the eligible base cost is over the 2.5% we would figure out what base and multiply the 2.5% to that 2.5%. some of these increases are like less than $10 for a contract because it's a small amount. for the cotton b for new funding it be a whole 2.5%. added as a card b for this fiscal year could >> agencies don't have to apply for these funds. you just distribute it as i can >> right it will contact each agency and let them know and allow them for the budget adjustments. >> okay. any questions??is there public comment at this
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time? any public comment on this item? i will call for the vote all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> the next item, b the department request authorization to modify the grant agreement with next ability san francisco for provision of the village model program during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the amount of $50,000 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total amount not to exceed $283,250. >> denied a motion to discuss? b was moved and seconded. >> good morning. executive director of [inaudible] this item for you today is board of supervisors one-time only at back funding to support village model services in district 3. the contractor next village is a
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-provides a village service in district 3. they have been around since about 2010. we've seen significant growth from them over their short existence. they are now approaching 300 members total in their bills. this funding today will be used towards going towards increasing the program capacity to meet the increased service demands of high membership. largest chunk is going to be going towards an increase in staff time. we will see about an equivalent of .5 fte increased. as well as an increase in hours for to have a contractor who's providing chinese language translation services. we will see more of her time helping with the program as well's expanding role just beyond translation we also will see some funding towards operating expenses such as production of their monthly newsletter database costs and other program expenses such as space rental for e vents. with
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the increasing were also busy in the scope of service increased course funding increases in service units including client serves new memberships and volunteers. with that happy to answer any questions the commission might have on this item. >> any questions? is there any public comment at this time? please. >> good morning madam or madam chairman emeritus of the committee. i'm the executive director of next village san francisco. michael did the highlights present i'm here to answer the questions you might have. did you mention we were part of the most diverse village in the [inaudible] >> i don't think i did
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>> we are somewhat proud of. we just attended the national village to village conference in columbus alive. we are one of the bigger villages in the country but we also discovered we are the most diverse. we have the highest concentration of ethnic diversity, income diverse city, and by the way the highest concentration of seniors in the city are in our district. so we work very hard to make sure that our membership reflects our neighborhood and that we don't turn anyone away because of income. so we are pretty proud of that. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? hearing none, i will call for the vote. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the ayes have it. the motion is carried. >>[gavel] >> item c request authorize asian to enter into new grant agreement with south stone
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sound family ymca writer many services programs to seniors and adults with disabilities in the neighborhood of san francisco the time. beginning november 1, 2016 and ending june 30 27 and in the amount of $75,000 plus a 10% contingency of 75,000 7500 per total not to exceed an amount of $82,500. can either motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> you are on. >> thank you president james. i'm linda-office on aging. commissioners, i seek your approval for the grant award to [inaudible] to facilitate committee services in the park merced area of district 7. park merced housing is on 19th ave. near where 19th and [inaudible] cross. there are it's about 115 acres and there are 3000 units
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of housing there. the department park merced management estimates in those 3000 units of housing about 2500 older adults who live there. this is a great location to start some community services in district 7. the grant will fund a 30 hour a week on site activity coordinator at park merced will correlate services to a minimum of 110 new consumers. 375 hours of activity and 100 hours of social services. park merced management plans to have a shuttle service driving around the property. this is going to happen within the next few months. the ymca is also going to buy something in service to its stone town facility to take individuals from park merced to activities that stones down. the lunch program there for example. as a great drumming class. there's also sf connected computer lab. the director of the family and senior programming at the y has
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been doing her job at the y for about 14 years. she has been overseeing senior programs for about eight years. she's going to oversee ultimately this program. in partnership with park merced. can i answer any questions? >> since i know that area, it's in my area i was just wondering, are there where they'll be a site within park merced. are you transferring-it's a small center over there at stones down. are they going to use both to establish one? >> the goal is to have actual services at park merced. there are i believe 11 towers of their in the community meeting rooms in each of the tower areas. so there is space. we also want some services are there. we don't want to transport everybody down the street to
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the why. we want something happening at park merced. >> okay. commissioners? >> i know there's some budget for the driver. i don't see any cost for the vehicle. is there an existing vehicle of their extending service? is an handicapped enables? yes. i would expect it is, yes, circuit i don't know that for sure but to be compliant it would have to be. >> any other comments? we can always look at muni for the transportation, right? we do have a transportation to take them shopping. we hope that- >>[inaudible] [off mic] thank you. public comment at this time? any public comment? hearing none, i call for the vote. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the ayes have it. the motion is carried. >>[gavel] >> next item requested d
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requesting authorization to enter it into a new grant agreement with san francisco in-home supportive services public authority for independent provider mode in-home support services during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2020. for years, okay. in the amount of winner and $50,000 plus an annual 5% contingency for a total of amount not to exceed two winner and $63,220. could either motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> okay. megan? >> good morning commissioners. megan cannot here be today so i'll be presented. my name is
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[inaudible] i'm a manager in the home support service services program. so i'm here to ask your approval for the public authority administrative budget. which runs from july 1, 2016 through june 30 2020. it's a four-year budget. public authority performs a wide range of services. among them they maintain a registry. when clients are not able to find someone to hire the registry dispatches a list of potential providers from which our recipients interview and select and then they notify the county. so that is one key service that the ihss public authority provides. in 2009 the state of california required all providers to go through the enrollment process which
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includes fingerprinting. this is a criminal background check. so the public authority receives the results of the fingerprinting and when people are cleared they share that with the county. so then the provider become eligible for employment. also the public authority maintains the health benefits of all providers and any provider who works 25 hours in two successive months of which in one month if they were 25 hours, they qualify for health coverage and that is provided through san francisco healthy workers. so that is maintained by the public authority as well. one of the key services that the public authority provides is the
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mentorship program. this is when clients returned from long-term settings such as laguna honda. they assist them in successfully transitioning into the community. so that is all i have. if you have any questions i will be happy to answer. >> commissioners? >> my only question is i don't see a lot of capital costs. most of this is salary. so do we have another way of equipping these people with computers and various costs but it appreciated somehow? >> i would have to the assistance of the budget people.
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>> commissioners, there are not very many capital cost. this all passed through funding from the state. it was chartered by the state that we have this program and there are few items. possessing three computers, a couple of laptops, minor things. they don't really require that. >> great. thank you. >> i had one regarding training because for these in-home support services workers. what kind of training do you have for them in case there is abuse or something like that? is there training program for them around that? >> basically the public authority coordinates with home bridge. are other contractor. they provide basic personal
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care service training which includes cpr and it's around 40 hours of training. >> okay. what happens if there's abuse with the provider? because i am hearing that in the community. what kind of training do you have in case there is a case of abuse? do you dismiss them or how is that happen? do they go to train because i asked about that before. one of the items >> one of the items the enrollment [inaudible] talks about his abuse of clients or clients with disabilities. basically we come to know about this through aps reports. when that happens it's investigated and then as you know, i hss the
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employer is the clients. if the client doesn't agree with us to terminate the provider because of these allegations we are really-we are not empowered to just tell them we can terminate this provider because usually they have the right to go to a hearing and the administrative judges sometimes amuck most times, agree with them. basically. >> okay. well we will talk about that. sometimes they feel dependent on that person and so you need to really look at that and see what happens because as a dependency there. right but that is my concern regarding that.
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>> president james? president james i was can add to what he said good basically say the adult protective services workers are really knowledgeable about that very issue. i think there is some pros and cons to the way that in-home supportive services is set up and i think most people feel it's really a pro that people can choose their own worker and manage that worker. when we run into situations like you are talking about with the person is dependent upon the other person and at the same time abused at the hands of that person then aps is really trained on working with a person to try to working with
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a person in potentially working with a family member to change the situation. but as he mentioned, we don't-in ultimate because were working with adults would have the ability to make their own decisions, it's very tough. you know we are doing with essentially state laws and peoples rights to make their own decisions. so what we do, though then his work with them and continually try to support them as much as we can. >> okay. there's a little thing called dementia and their >> there is and there is also and with that comes in that creates a different scenario. >> it does. it does did i just want to make sure this training regarding that. any other questions? public comment at this time? any public comment? if not all called for the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the ayes have it. the
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motion is carried >>[gavel] >> next item, e requesting authorize agent to enter a new grant agreement with san francisco in-home support services public authority for on-call in-home support service during the period july 1, 2016 through june 30 2020 in the amount of $1.1 million plus an annual 10% contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed $1.2 million. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> okay. >> i will be presenting this one as. when of the key services that public authority provides is the emergency on-call program. the emergency on-call program assists clients who providers are not able to be
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in the home to continue providing services due to illness or family problems. in those cases, we make referrals to the public authority and they dispatch an emergency on-call person. it's not unusual for hospitals to discharge people on fridays and we get calls to send someone and this is when we use the emergency on-call program as well. >> any questions from commissioners? public comment. any public comment? hearing none, i will call for the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? so the motion is carried. hearing the motion is carried.
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>>[gavel] >> with item f i'm going to turn it over to my vice president seriiñà >> they can. item f requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with bayview hunters point of the purpose center senior services for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of ticket 1007 or $76 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $503,638. >> good morning president james commissioners and executive director mcspadden. before sarah actually prevents present bayview, we wanted to give very quick and brief overview of the nutrition presentation. this morning. so
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again my name is tiffany kearney and i am one of the nutritionist at the office on aging. today my colleagues sarah chan and i will be requesting authorization to modify 29 nutrition grant agreements with multiple community and nonprofit providers. for the provision of nutrition services. the modification total over $3 million and these funds will be allocated among several types of nutrition service programs both for seniors and adults with disabilities. all of these original nutrition grant agreements were presented and approved for this fiscal year by the commission, most in june of 2016. all but one requested modification is for july 1 2016 through june 30 these contract modifications will have
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positive and by enabling nutrition contractorsmeaningful impactsof 201to collectively provideclose to 400,000 more needed meals for seniors and adults with disabilities get the contract modifications whilst on hands food pantry home delivered groceries and food outreach programs. thank you. >> sarah chan, thank you. >> good morning commissioners. executive director mcspadden should my name is sarah chan nutritionist from dos. today a man up present the bayview hunters point elderly nutrition grant modification. bayview-hunters point as you know in june this year actually opened a new facility and for their senior ctr., doctor george davis senior center which has three times the
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bigand a lot of new seniors an adult with disabilities. so with the continuous [inaudible] in district 5 which western addition senior center is, we are recommending ad back sums to additional amount,, to additionally proximally 9000 meals to this site. so we ask pending your questions we ask for your approval of this grant modification. >> thank you. any questions from the commission? any public comment? hearing none, i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item g requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with centro latino san francisco for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals for the period july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in addition amount of $46,100 plus a 10%
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contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed $383,000. thank you, sarah. to have a motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> sarah >> centro latino provides american with keynote food cuisine for seniors. we see a very strong demand continuous in district 5 and district 9 and the recommended ad back sums were adding additional 7000 meals to help the agency do continue to meet the needs and to also help to start a saturday meal program starting in spring 2017. at veterans common and centro latino [inaudible]. site. still pending your questions, i will ask seeking your approval for
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modifying this grant >> thank you. any comment or questions from commissioners? any comments or questions from the public? thank you. >> good morning commission. correa-executive director of center centro letting good i just want to express my appreciation to staff for doing such a great job in supporting me centro latino in doing the-doing are in preparing our requests. to you and i want to express my recognition for the -the recognition that the staff , for the status recognition that centro latino program are growing by leaps and bounds and
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that the caliber of services that we are providing our exceptional and just would like to ask for your support. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? hearing none, i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item h. requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with-for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $64,561 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed 547 $589,000. sarah? motion to
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discuss >> moved and seconded. >> the elderly nutrition congregate meal grant.. part of this ad back money is one time only and basically it is district supervisor allocated for district 5 nutrition program. as we know-is facing a rent increase crisis for their senior center sites. so part of the one time only money the-choose to use to help with the relief. another part of this ad back is he will be able to add additional 6000 meals to the site. as we know the site is a very popular site for district 5 and so we pending for your questions, we will seek your approval. >> thank you. any, sore questions of commissioners?
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>> staff question may be good i'm surprised there's rent world into a nutrition program. is that a common thing for us to do? >> normally the event is been calculated into the meal rate and both for this is the case the-their rent lease actually expired and that during the negotiation with our landlord and on a month-to-month and basically every month they pay an additional $6300 approximately in their rent to compensate that gap. so it's additional. we hope the lease agreement will be negotiated successfully and if that is the case-they will use these funds to build out their capacity or other infrastructure. >> okay. >> any other, sore questions? any, sore questions from the public? >> one question. otherwise it would interrupted the program
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very much >> correct. because it's very significant increase. the staff is working really hard trying to negotiate a better rate with the lease. >> any other comments or questions commissioners? any comets or questions of the public? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item i requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with the episcopal community services of san francisco for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 56,004 $96 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed two and her $55,220. leave a motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. spews just note on the record i living episcopal services
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community property not affected by this and so i will recuse myself if there's any need to both. thank you, tiffany >> hello again. this call community services first-quarter the old numbers indicate there continues to be a high demand for senior meals at senior center located south of market district 6. the additional requested funding to provide 8400 more meals will result in episcopal community services being able to meet this high demand noted. pending any questions i seek your approval for approving this agenda item. >> think. any comets or questions from the commission? any comments or questions of the public? hearing none, i call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? >>[gavel] >> the motion carries. j
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requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with glide foundation for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period of july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017 in addition amount of 39,006 seven $31 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed 206,006 and $74. once again, tiffany. whether motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. he was glide is one of the nutrition contractors that provides a congregate wreck test meal program. like most of our other providers, their first-quarter meal numbers confirmed the need and seniors desire for a practice meal. adding funding for nearly 12,000 more meals will allow glide to serve at the same capacity as last year and provide more meals to meet the consistent and you are outgrown the need for seniors
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in the tenderloin neighborhood district 6. pending any questions come i seek your approval. for this agenda item. >> thank you. any comets or questions from the commission? any comets or questions for the public? hearing none, i call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item k. requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with jewish community center of san francisco for the provision of the elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the amount in the addition amount of $14,562 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed $145,590. tiffany kearney will present a motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany? the jewish community center of san francisco is the only kosher nutrition meal site in san
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francisco. jewish community centers first-quarter meal lovers demonstrate an ongoing demand for kosher senior meals. the additional funding for over 2100 meals will allow jcc to not only meet the demand but also provide the meals that are michael and concert of the cultural preferences of those seniors served by jcc senior meal program. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> any comets or questions from the commission? any comets or questions of the public? hearing none, i call the questions it all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item l requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with gay services for the provision elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the
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period of july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $21,938 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant not to exceed $615,187. july the motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany >> they've 600 meal sites in several neighborhoods across multiple district. their first-quarter meal numbers revealed an increase in demand for senior meals the additional funding for a little over 3300 meals will enable-to continue to serve at the same capacity as last year and will allow them to meet the increased demand. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. spews thank you. any comments or questions from the commission? any comets or questions from the public? hearing none, call the question. all those in favor say, aye the course opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item or mike requesting
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authorization to modify the grant agreement with project open hand for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period of july 1, 2016 to june 30 wendy 17 in the addition amount of 197,008 at eight and $65 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed 1,000,007 or $48,000. whether motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> project open hand is another one of our meal providers that serves a practice meals as well as traditional senior lunches. their first-quarter numbers for this fiscal year demonstrated an ongoing demand for their senior meal programs. trading well above their current monthly allocation. among other programs could the funding for
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38,000 more meals will enable project open hand to serve at the same capacity as last year and further assist project open hand to meet the high demand in many of your mill sites that are located in multiple districts throughout the city. the contract modification also provides for additional $19,390 to cover additional costs that they will encourage this year at the john king senior center. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> thank you. any comets or questions from the commission? any comets of questions from the public? hearing none, call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item n? reservation to
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modify the grant agreement for the russian american committee service for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during the period july 1 20 16th of june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 2007 at $20 +10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed two and 55 two and $59.832. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> russian-american community services provides authentic russian meals at its meal sites located in the richmond neighborhood district 1. russian-american communities first-quarter numbers indicate they will meet their current contract and likely can serve more meals to meet consistent demand if funding were available. the additional funding for 1000 more meals will allow russian-american to meet the ongoing demand for congregate meals and also allow them to modestly expand mail service at their meal site now.
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pending any questions i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> thank you. any comments or questions of of the commission?, for questions from the public? hearing none, i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item o requesting authorization to modify the grand agreement for the self help for the elderly for the provision of elderly nutrition program congregate meals during that period of july 1 22nd to june 30, 2079 $593,000 plus a 10% contingency for rise total grant amount not to exceed $2.1 million to have a motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> the additional funding for nearly 75,000 moore's will enable self-help for the elderly to me in these demand
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especially for chinese style food that is served at many meal sites located in multiple districts throughout the city. including to camp meal sites. the sites will have be allocated over 40,000 additional meals with the additional funding in the grant modification and also with the intended goal of opening one more meal site. the additional funding also enables self-help to continue to serve at the same capacity as last year and further assist self-help to meet the high demand of their observed at many of the meal sites while accommodating the cultural preferences of those they serve. the contract modification provides for an additional $20,000 to cover the startup costs that were involved in opening a new meal site in visitation valley. so pending any questions, i seek your approval
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>> thank you. any comments or questions from the commissioners? >> only this looks to be the most significant increase by percentage of the budgets proposed it is that largely because of the additional site? >> no. i think it has to do more a lot of the meals are going towards champs meal program. about 65% did so out of the six ashley six percent of the funding is for the champs meal site. >> any other comments or questions bequest, took questions from the public? i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item p requesting authorization to modify grant agreement for the jewish family and children's services for the provision of elderly nutrition
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program in the addition amount of one point 714+ a 10% contingency for revised total grant not to exceed $89,652. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> tiffany. >> jewish family and children's services provides home delivered meals to seniors who have a preference for kosher style food. jewish family community services first quarter meal numbers not only confirmed the need for home delivered kosher style meals for real higher demand, a higher demand than anticipated. the additional funding for 200 meals will allow jewish family children services to meet demand for kosher meals kosher style meals. pending any questions, i seek your approval. >> thank you. any, so
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questions from the commission?, for questions from the public? hearing none, out call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item q. requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with russian-american community services for the provision of elderly nutrition program home delivered meals during the period of july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $1041 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant not to exceed two and a 66,000 interval $51. by the motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> tiffany. >> there continues to be a strong demand for russian style home delivered meals and russian-american community
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services first quarter meal numbers confirm that. the addition of nearly 200 more meals will ensure russian-american ability to meet that demand. pending any questions i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> thank you. any, took questions from the commission? >> i just have one. because the african-american partnership meets at one of the centers and they have a large russian population. i am just wondering, to look into that for connecting. they don't have meals served there so that may be a site. i'm just asking you. the was i will pass that information. that is in bayview? >> no. western addition >> okay. >> they had requested some of the clients while we were meeting their were requesting. >> i will pass that along to neck. >> right would you? >> yes. thank you.
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>> any other, so questions from the commission?, took questions from the public? hearing none i will call the question all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item r requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with central latino san francisco for the provision of elderly nutrition programs during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $85,000 plus a 10% contingency provides total grant amount not to exceed two and $81,000. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> sarah >> for central latino we see a very strong demand in the district 6, nine, and 10 and 11
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for the home delivered meals. almost 40% of the waiting list is in this district and last year central latino serves up over 24,000 home delivered american-style latino meals to clients. with-but they are actually at their capacity. so with this recommended a back fund we are recommending 30,000 one-time only funds to help the agency to build up capacity. they'll be able to build up one additional route to inner and outer mission single residence occupancy locations. and to provide additional about seven 800 mealsseven 800 meals to clients. so pending any questions i seek your approval. >> thank you. any, so
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questions of the commission? any, so questions of the public? hearing none, i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> it seems we have a duplicate of the letters for the next items while referred to the necks one as q-one request authorization to modify the grant agreement with-for the provision of elderly nutrition program home delivered meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the additional amount of $37,000 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed two and at $77,000. motion to discuss bequest >> moved and seconded. width thank you. sarah. >> again this is a one-time only add back and to help to relieve the rent increase prices for the agency. with the successful pending successful lease negotiation they will be able to use this one-time only
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fund to building their capacity. as we know last year they served over 31,000 meals and also they are so high demand for the cuisine on the waiting list. so pending your questions, we will seek your approval. >> thank you. any, so questions from the commissioners bequest >> i am confused but we divided this one-time increase >> one of the reasons we do this is to maintain the flexibility that the-building up their capacity for their congregating meal sites and also building up capacity for the home delivered meals. they are looking for funding to building up a additional route for their home delivered meals. so we think this is will be the best way to divide the funds and if they need to use it unfortunately, if that is the case, but if they would be able to negotiate a successful lease
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and those funds will be released to building up capacity for both programs. >> thank you. any other, so questions? any, so questions for the public? hearing none, call the question all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item for the purpose of discussion will be r-one requests and authorizes you to modify the grant agreement with meals on wheels for the provision of elderly nutrition program home delivered meals during the period of july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of excedrin $2000 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $6 million . motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. sarah. >> meals on wheels home delivered meals provides two meals a day with various diet
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and low-salt diets. sold last year they actually served 1 million, over 1 million meals. that is over served their contract by 10%. so with the recommended at that funds we will be able to add additional --about 147,000 meals to this program to serve additional clients and also provide additional units and pending your questions, we seek your approval to modify this grant. >> thank you. i have one question. you said over served. how do they fund those over served meals. was it private donations? >> yes. meals on wheels every year they have a grant fund raising event and is successfully fundraising for a
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lot of the meals funds. >> meals on wheels for steve and thanks for asking the question i was cannot remind us that we match every government dollar practically. so last year but 46% of private dollars went to conflict this program in order to do the two meals a day in the commentary volunteer services that we add on to the program. >> thank you. and it of, took questions commissioners the quest when he comes of questions of the public? hearing none, i will call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item s, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with bayview hunters point multipurpose senior services for the provision of adults with disabilities congregate meals during the period of july 1 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $7308
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plus a 10% contingency per a revised total grant of not to exceed 101 eight of $85,000. sarah chan. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you, sarah. >> bayview hunters point with a new center opened in june and attracted a lot more people and adults with disabilities as well. so with this recommended at back fund we are adding additional 1100 meals and to meet the service demands and the needs. last year they served about 12,000 meals for adults with disabilities pending your questions, all seek your approval to modify this grant >> thank you. any comments or questions bequest mission or james >> they operated two centers out there, they viewed the
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george david and still operating about multipurpose center? >> note. they basically relocated to the new site. that's doctor george see this site is at the new location at the new complex. there is a rosa park and there is some other site. western addition. >> president james we switch from senior meals two meals for adults with disabilities could maybe you're wondering why we've seen bayview again but that is why. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. any other comments or questions for the commissioners bequest comments or questions from the public speakers hearing none, all call the question. all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item t requesting authorization to modify the grant percent of latino san
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francisco for provisions with adults with disabilities cognitive meals of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 6003 at $85 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $40,540. motion to discuss bequest >> moved and seconded. >> thank you, sergeant >> again this is adult with disabilities congregate meal site in central latino. we recommended the at that funds to add additional about 1000 meals to this site and pending your questions all seek your approval to modify this grant could >> thank you. any, took questions from the commissioners bequest >> yet. your population, is it younger more younger or older adults were combinations bequest do you know? >> it's a combination but it depends on the site central latino because they do have a veterans, and site and that attracts additional adults with disabilities who are not living
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in that contract. i would say maybe younger there but i can definitely if you need to see the demographic profile. >> because i am wondering with the type of meals maybe with older people it may be more softer,, different kind.. is it more [inaudible] something like that where the younger adults with disabilities may not need that or no problems with that combination? >> central latino serves latin american style food and regular food. not substituting because [inaudible] so it's a regular cuisine. >> okay. he was to add to that what we see in the congregate
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meals sites where traditionally they've served over older adults they tend to serve younger adults who are getting close to the quote seniors. they tend to be an older population of younger adults with disabilities. i think one of the things we are looking at that we might serve a much younger population but right now that's what we see in the sites we currently have. >> so it's not younger late 20s >> right. generally seen that's what we are seeing. >> okay. okay. >> thank you. any other, took questions from the commission?, so questions from the public? hearing none, >>[chorus all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you get the motion carries >> >>[gavel] >> item u requesting the authorization to modify the grant agreement for project open hand for provision of adults and disabilities congregate meals during the period july 1, 2016 through june 30 27 in the addition amount of 41,000+ a 10%
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contingency for eyes total grant amount not to exceed $176,000. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> there is a great demand for adults with disability meals in the various districts where project open hand provides meals and their first-quarter numbers this this courier confirmed that. each month of the first quarter project opening exceeded the target number of meals. the addition of over 6500 meals in naples project open hand to meet the demonstrated demand and serve the adults with disability population. pending any questions i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> thank you. same question i had with meals on wheels. is this excess from the contract being funded through private donations to project (? >> yes. at this point in time i mean they still there funding
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per month is not blocked off. so they will get all the money in their contract until it is gone. >> i see. think of and intercoms of questions bequest hearing none, and he comes of questions from the public? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item v requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with russian-american community services for the provision of adults with disabilities congregate meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of work thousand $674 plus a 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed 10,000 hundred $68.
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motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany >> russian-american community services also serves the adult with disability population at their congregate meals site get the additional funding for 750 meals will aid russian-american community services in meeting the est. demand for adult with disability congregate meals. their first-quarter numbers are consistent with this request. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> think. any comments or questions from the commission?, took questions from the public? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item w question the authorization to modify the grant agreement with self-help for the elderly for the provision of a adult with disabilities congregate meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 name
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out of $17,509 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed 37,503 and $55. motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> self help for the elderly reported first-quarter adult disability numbers also confirmed the ongoing demand and need to provide meals to the adult with disability population. that may also have a preference for chinese style meal. over half of self help for the elderly scholar. neil site serves this population adding additional funding and meals to this contract will allow self-help for the elderly to continue to serve and meet the increased neil needs for this population. and expand its service to include a new meal site recently opened in visitation valley. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. disputes thank you. any, took questions from the commissioners bequest and he comes of questions from the public? seeing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed?
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thank you. the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item x requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with russian-american community services for the provision of adults with disabilities home delivered meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 20,000 hundred $81 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed two and $28,000. motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. tiffany. >> russian-american community services first-quarter meal numbers for home delivered meals to the adult with disability population confirms the need to provide meals in
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the service area covered by russian-american community services. the addition of a little over 3400 meals will enable russian-american community services to meet the known demand for meals in the district they serve which includes one, four, five, and seven. pending any questions, i seek your approval for this agenda item. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the commissioners bequest hearing none, any, took questions from the public? again seeing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item y requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with inst. on aging for the provision of adults with disabilities home delivered meals assessment services during the period july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 118,001 at $13 plus a kid 10% contingency for revised total grant amount not to exceed three and $22,000. motion to discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. sarah
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>> inst. on aging a disability assessment. this piece basically they provide citywide adult with disabilities outreach to the citywide adult with disabilities waiting list for the home delivered meal monitoring to manager the waitlist and they also do intake the assessment and coordination with the home delivered meals with adults with disability clients and providers. so with the recommended ad back funds we actually will be able to add additional 313 additional units to allow to address the strong increase and the demands for this program. pending any questions, i will seek your approval to modify this grant >> thank you. and he comes of questions of the commission? commissioner sims >> only an observation this is a sizable increase to the
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original budget >> correct. what we experience with the past three months there is a very significant increase for referrals. so the agency not only needs to do referrals. they do annual reassessment for clients. that's why we see the need to increase the units. >> thank you. any other, took questions from the commission?, took questions of the from the public? seeing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item z, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with meals on wheels for the provision of adults with disabilities on delivered meals during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the additional amount of two under $69,209 plus a 10% contingency provides total grant amount not to exceed $888,000. motion to
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discuss >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. sarah chan >> again this is meals on wheels adult with disabilities on delivered meals and witty increase for the referrals and we see an increase for enrollment for the meals on wheels adult with disability meals they serve citywide and with this fund we will be able to add additional 62,000 meals and to this program. so pending any questions i seek your approval to modify this grant >> thank you. any comfortable questions from the commission? and he comes of questions from the public? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item aa requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with meals on wheels for the provision of emergency home delivered meal services delivered meals during
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the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 31,006 and earned $85 plus a 10% contingency fee for revised total grant amount not to exceed $153,000. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> sarah >> meals on wheels emergency meal services service citywide and provides consumers with within 2-5 days after the home emergency delivered meal eligibility been approved by dos intake. with this recommended ad that will be able to add additional 8000 proximally 8000 meals to this program to meet the increasing demand. pending your questions about seek your approval. >> thank you commissioner james >> this emergency, how many approximately how many meals
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are for people with disabilities and how many how can you separate that from senior? and for how many days? what are we talking about? >> for the emergency meals in general it's up to 60 days and in dos we actually have the transitional care program which allows 14 days. so normally if clients are admitted into the hospital or a facility in being discharged and there is a transitional care program with ihss working together to provide 14 days meals. for the clients in the emergency meal we see both adults with disabilities, younger ones, under 60. we also see over 60. so it is a compounded for both. after the emergency meal, if there's a continued need and there will be
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enrolled into separate programs. >> thank you. mister james >> further, what is the emergency? i mean they get admitted to the hospital and they have to have a discharge plan? >> the transitional care program is specific 14 days after discharge but in general the emergency meal home to home delivered meal can be referred by aps. could be referred by other resources that the client acting identified as an urgent need for that meal. though the service is well connected quickly within 2-5 days. that's how it goes. >> okay. >> thank you. any other comets or questions? and eight, sore questions from the public? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of
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ayes] opposed? the motion carries >>[gavel] >> item bb requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with chinatown community development center for the provision of chinatown single room occupancy sro food outreach program during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2020 in the addition amount of $21,600 plus a 10% contingency for a revised total grant amount not to exceed one or 26,000 seven or $64. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. sarah. >> chinatown community development center food outreach program actually is a four-year contract starting this fiscal year just presented a few months ago. original contract was approved in august commission meeting and since the original budget if they pass through super subcontractor presbyterian church. so with
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this ad back funds we recommend about 5400 annually to the contractor to do important administrative work including client intakes moment and data entry. so this is for years contract. pending any questions from icq or approval to modify this grant. >> thank you. any consequences from the commission? >> to be clear this is for administrators were not for meals? >> this is actually a home delivered grocery program and food outreach. so it's food bank dropping off the food bags at the site. the provider of this grant actually distributes the bags to eligible clients. so the modification of this grant will be able to capture the client information to have the staff being able to do the
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assessment and enrollment and put data in our system. >> so it's an administrative >> administrator. >> thank you. any other comets or questions? any comets or questions for the public? earwig all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion carries. >>[gavel] >> item cc requesting opposition to modify the grant with community living campaign for provision of food pantry and home delivered grocery for the period july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of $66,039 less than 10% contingency revised total grant amount not to exceed four and 22,006 or $50. is that correct is a july 1, 2014? >> correct. >> it is, okay. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> 80. sarah
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>> community living campaign food pantry on delivered grocery program actually is a three-year contract starting 2014 and this is the last fiscal year for this contract. so we be at that fund it will enable dos to add additional 2000 at fax into her store the service level. also be able to expand the program to a weekly on delivered grocery delivery. right now there are deliver biweekly. so the back funds also help the agency to fill a shortfall in the budget amount existing for their existing services. pending four questions i will seek your approval to modify this grant. >> thank you. any, so questions of the commission? any comments or questions- >> yes. because that program is in my community. seniors do
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appreciate the home delivered meals. they put them in the basket and their volunteers to put them together. then they deliver them to the homes good so it's really very much needed and they are very vocal when the quality is not good. so i approve. >>[laughing] >> thank you. again, i will call the question is did i ask for public comment? is there any? hearing none, all those in favor say, aye >>[chorus of ayes] opposed? the motion passes >>[gavel] >> item dd requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement golden gate senior services or the provision of food pantry and home delivered grocery during the period of july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017 in the addition amount of 153,003 and
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$60 plus a 10% contingency revised total grant amount not to exceed 237,009 or $66. motion to discuss? >> moved and seconded. >> thank you. sarah >>: gate senior services home delivered grocery and food pantry program actually one year expansion. we have 416-17 in having resented and proved in this commission meeting and the ad back recommendation is to supported by the district supervisor specifically for district 1 for security to improve and to outreach the needs. the food pantry-fiscally in this monthly grant this to peace. there's a food pantry piece and there's a home delivered grocery. the food pantry program is a target eligible ambulatory seniors and adults with disabilities who can pick up weekly supplemental
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foods. the home delivered grocery program serves low income and frail in unable to access healthy food choices and unable to come to the pantry site. so for this ad back funds we are allowing golden gate senior services to expand their program and to serve additional seniors and adults with disabilities. be able to add additional service scope for volunteers and recruitment and development. as we know volunteers have been a critical important piece in this program. for the in the presented budget you can also see that there is a 138,000 actually goes to the subcontractor,, richmond district neighborhood center who actually operated a home delivered grocery program and food pantry program.
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