tv SFCTA Finance Committee 111516 SFGTV November 24, 2016 2:30pm-6:01pm PST
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heading to the mission. there was what raised my attention over a year ago is there was a homicide and a body was found right under that freeway overpass. i also get letters from constituents from potrero hill travel toog the bayview or going the dogpatch neighborhood and the bayview folks coming to northeast mission that ride the bike trail. also bike to work day, i have driven that route at least three times and it is truly-there is a reason they call it a hairball. it is scary and dangerous and have a lot of activity and trucks and cars and pedestrians and you have close to a park, the skate park and also have cyclist all traveling along this particular thoroughfair. a lot of work needs to be done so want to
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compliment the work you have done and acknowledge that we have come a long way, but i want to also recognize we have a long way to go. i'm curious-i saw there are other segments-we didn't talk about-we talked about m, n and o and i think a and g? >> f and g. >> as you saw in the earlier slide that there is a, c and e-there is a and d. there are several different nodes that all encompasses the hairball. from the big picture, what is the timeline or if there-what is the projected schedule to begin to dissect the hairball in its entirety? >> at this point the focus was
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to-tasked to look at these certain areas and the idea behind that being that start improvements is a catalyst for change. >> i understand you have to start somewhere and love the areas you started. >> those areas came out of that planning process from 2012 and why we started with those areas. >> you already started doing due diligence so building off previous- >> yes. there were 4 to begin and extended m, n and o because o is right there and makes sense to include and does not-also some improvements extend along gerold which is also out of the scope but very important in terms of bringing people in. and letting people come out safely. the
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priority-the reason those segments were looked at was because of the previous planning process and moving forward there is absolutely the recognition that the hairball needs to look at-we do also recognize it is a much larger planning process. right now our strategy is move forward with these key segments and coming years seek additional funding for a larger planning process where we need to go back out to the community and reprioritize the remaining segment jz what to do next and what to address. >> thank you. >> that is in our mindset. >> director campos. >> i think it is good that it is move frgward with mno and think that should move forward as quickly as possible, but everything else you said isn't acceptable and won't fly so happy to call for a hearing at
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the board of supervisors. i think it is great you are move frgward with the other phase but you need to-it isn't enough to come and say it is priority in the next few years and make it happen. i need to get a specific plan for how you will fund it and start as close to what you are doing with the other phases as possible. >> sure. she didn't necessarily initiate the process. i directed-i asked for this particular study, so perhaps what i can do is work with supervisor elect roanen to really begin to direct if there is new in-tip money. i don't know how that works. >> i dont think it should wait. i'm sure supervise r roanen
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elect is happy to work with you and will work with you, but i want to see something specific about this before. >> you mean like next month? >> yeah. i'm happy to call a hearing. i'll introduce a hearing request today at the board of supervisors but this has been a issue for a long time and i don't think i would be doing my job as the supervisor for district 9 if this project moves forward but only one part of it is funded. i think we need to make sure that there is funding for all of it. it is issue of equity. >> i'm happy to bring this back. we just wrapped up this phase so haven't moved on with the next phases so i'm happy to go back to my supervisor and maybe come back at the next appropriate meeting and have someone present or myself present on a path forward
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closing some of the loops with the funding gaps. >> we'll introduce a hearing request today at the board of supervisors so we can scr a hearing equest. >> thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. director cohen. >> thank. >> open up for public comment. thank you talia for the great presentation. anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> i'm for the next item. >> i was hoping you might be able to bring auditing up to a adequate level. >> sir, could you state your name? >> kenneth. hoping you may bring auditing up to a adequate
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level 6789 under the impression auditing declined by a full 1/3 in recent year jz may explain the >> are you talk ugabout item 5? >> just auditing, we were talking about auditing in general. >> we adopted the audit. >> alright. no problem. thank you. >> seeing no other public comment let's close public comment. i wondering colleagues how you want to move this item forward. >> information item? >> just file. >> great. thank you. mr. stamose, next item. >> item 6, state and federal legislative update. this is information item >> amber grab with transportation authority. we don't have a matrix because stailt session wrapped up but have a lot to talk about after the election. first at the
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federal level right now it is somewhat of avicium of information. there is big discussion of infrastructure package and investment which we'll be work wg our state delegation and mtc and other stakeholders trying to advance san francisco priorities at the federal level once we have a better understanding of what the projects and programs will be. at the regional level or the state level, we had somewhat good news at the projected failure of prop 53 which would have required state approval of infrastructure projects oferk 2 billion letting la vote on a project moving forward in san francisco. at the regional level we had more good news. the bart measure passed as did sales tax increase in santa clara county. unfortunately
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our revenue measure and the one in contra costa didn't move forward but there a few bright spots. other measures that were similar to ours but on a city level, not a conte level, the general tax plus policy statement for local streets and roads and affordable housing did pass and also pesage of measures that institute policies related to housing affordable to things like rent control so that was a positive aspect. osat the regional level this impacts the information we provided to the inmetropolitan transportation commission regarding adaupgds of plan bay area. i think it is this thursday, so it was a last minute-the measure did want pass, so what did we do? you take the revenue out of the plan and luckily we thought ahead to this unfortunate day
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and were able to remove the funding from plan bay area by reducing programs not having to strike any projects from plan bay area. we will be fine moving forward. with respect to j and k i think we are all thinking forward as far as learning lesson and what can happen. i just wanted to give you a quick few thoughts on its impact to the transportation authority and transportation in the the city in general. it means there are specific projects we will need to find new funds for and specific programs priority like state of good repair for roads and transit, muni forward and walk first. the specific projects will impact is cal train electrification, bart car, expansion projeblth, manage
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lanes so these are core component of the transit study and then cut to the funding we needed for preliminary engineering and planning for the next phase of the major rail capacity invest ement in the bay area. i think all of these deficits and especially the planning deficits putss at a disadvantage of attracting regional, state and federal dollars so places like la, contra costa-sorry, vta in the south bay are in a better position because they have money to get projects in the pipeline and line up to be more competitive so have to figure a different way to do that. looking forward, we-the mayor has triggered the policy option to cancel prop j, which did show a significant interest in
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transportation across the city. i think we are all looking forward given that interest to 2018 and beyond. we are also looking forward to mtc putting regional measure 3 potentially on the ballot in 2018, which would increase i believe talking about a $2 increase on the bridge tols over several years. with that, happy to answer any questions you have. start the matrix next month. >> thank you for krauss the positive in the been gg and challenge in the end. open up for public comment. anyone who would like to speak from the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you so much, mrs. crab. that was a informational item. thank you. mr. stams item 7. >> introduction of new items. >> i see no colleagues jump toog the mic. anyone from the
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public that would like to speak? public comment is closed on item 7. thank you mr. stams next. >> item 8, general public comment. >> thank you. good morning. andrew yip. in a progressive development of [inaudible] we are having new chapter of [inaudible] recording of a new stage in history. we must continue to take on mighty [inaudible] advancement and expansion of all realistic aspect of [inaudible] towards a great success for our people. one is having [inaudible] to practice a [inaudible] protection with love and [inaudible] personal, family
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and social values. with exceptional capacity of courage, wisdom, kindness and [inaudible] wisdom and [inaudible] we must protect traditional values of loyalty, parental love, integrity, justice, kindness, love, and peace along side with our mission [inaudible] having benefit to one self and others. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no other comments let's close public comment. mr. stamose, is there
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any other business before us? >> item number 9, adjournment. >> thank you everyone, yeah. >> city and county of san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> good morning fellow san franciscans thank you for coming to our asian pacific islanders this morning you know i've felt this past week with all of the thousand of young people that have come to city hall and marched in their way coming out of school with all the families and adults who marched to tie in how city
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streets expressing their frustration their anger, and more importantly their fear of what will happen and it caused me to think a lot about who we are as a city and we want to thank every single one of our elected and appointed officials stand behind me along with the gay men's chorus to have a session of unity with all of you that care death penalty about our city of san francisco and about state of california and our country we will always be san francisco. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> the san francisco that draw me and drew you to come here to work here, to live here and on
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many occasions to sacrifice in order to have a more diverse life and so i thought that was a net for me as well as all of you to think through what we should do as a city and i thought really one thing we've got to come together and got to stand as one one great city. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> and we know that there is a lot of people who are angry and frustrated and fearful your city has not been about that we've been and always have about a city of refuge a city of sanctuary a city of love that's what made us stronger.
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>> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> i had a chance to speak with my daughters i know many of you have spoken with our children as well i think that we must see a stronger city as a result of this challenge i know that in order to be a stronger city we have got to not only come together we've not only talked the talked we have to deliver on all the promises and today, we recess instruct and reassure a basic promise that to this city we promise to be a city that is always welcome no walls in our city; right? >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> as a united city we're able to help those that there think
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outside the box discouraged that have been hurt and victims we'll help our muslim brothers and sisters in the city. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> as. >> one city we stand united and help to protect all our immigrant families in this city. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> as a city united as one we will also protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenders and queer families in our city. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> as one city we will fight dremgsz like it's not been figure out before in our city. >> yeah. >> (clapping.) >> because our city is not just for us we have to speak to the next
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generation who are scared who are fearful of what will happen when there's a change and by the way, if we lose the friend in the white house we've had a friend of mine in the white house we'll finds other friends that's what we do in san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> so the message for me is very simple let's come together and stand together an unity as one great city for so many people let's renew the promises to each other this will be a stronger city it cares for each other that helps the poor, survive and have a decent leave that makes sure that we talk with each other and let's do the work that we always been used to breaking the barriers of
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shrines, bringing the people together and engaging the residents and neighbors to understand what that means and doing the kinds of things as a city before the budget work support so for the communities and fighting against discrimination or building more affordable housing or being a beacon to the rest of the cities and the country that we're still a city without walls, wall discrimination and an example to the rest of the country what true freedom see. >> (clapping.) >> i've been very, very proud of all of you who make that city so difference and so strong from the diversity and this city is a great beacon for everything else and we will not let
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deverifiesness come into our city we have to be alert and open with our dialogue and roll up our sleeves and do the hard work to bring the city together i'm overwhelmed by not only those of you who care about the city but your values not have our values finished we'll work together and stand as with an city we will stand in unity it and make sure we're dock all the things that make that city strong thank you very much for coming together today. >> (clapping.) >> buenas dias are buenare bueb
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welcome board of supervisors supervisor president london breed. >> (clapping.) >> good morning san franciscans i know your hearts are heavy today it is been almost a week and we have seen all over the country the sadness, the frustration over this election and what i want to say to you today standing behind me are your elected leaders of who have fought on different sides we stand here today united in so many things that san francisco represents, today, we stand united to doing everything we
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can to protect san francisco as a sanctuary city >> (clapping.) >> yeah. >> today, today we stand unity the place where universal health care took flight from all over the country we stand united to protect all citizens we stand united to make sure that discrimination is eradicated not only in san francisco but across the country we will continue to fight against discrimination. >> (clapping.) >> we will continue to fight for equal protection under the law we want to make sure that all lives matter african-americans in this city deserve a voice i've been that voice phenomenon is board of supervisors we will continue to work with the san
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francisco police department, to build bridges and build trust we have so much work to do we will continue to be the voice for the list and doing everything we can to make sure that san francisco values remain at the forefront of decided we make on behalf of the citizens of this city. >> (clapping.) >> and let me say let me say it wouldn't won't be easy those fights over the last couple of years have never been easy by the anything as a native san franciscan if this city has taught me nothing emotional it taught me a a san franciscan we're resilient and stand strong brown been through so much in the city and here today, we
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stand proud we stand ujtd recondominium to denmark to make sure we do not let san francisco values go to the wayside. >> (clapping.) >> so my friends we got work to do we got work to do and can't do this alone every single you are going to placing play an important part to make sure we doing everything we can to protect our city and continue to do what we can to make sure that we in san francisco set the example for the rest of the country of what it means to be a difference and inclusive a great city that protects all of itself citizens didn't leave anyone behind that
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stands behind and reinforces our commitment to our values we have work to do we're san francisco we have to remember that we are resilient and we together will get through this and be a better city for it thank you very much for thank you for being here. today. >> (clapping.) >> offender saturday night i received an e-mail from the mayor's office asking in the san francisco gay man's chorus will perform that is saturday night this is monday morning that was a trek he asked if we will perform we thought most of you if not all of you heard us when we've been
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here had a arc extra and cho's sentencing san francisco but we're going got to sing that today it didn't feel right your holding signs saying we stand as one right now we'll sing as one i'm sure you think i only i know sing in the shower this is worlds biggest shower you'll sound beautiful we have two short songs we want you to sing a round we were taught many of us as children and it says give us peace give us peace the men's chorus will sing it and teach it to you you /* /- how many of by
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it city if you're not willing to make this our own sanctuary i wasn't looking we're the elected oh, i'll turn around and continue (singing) one more time. >> (singing). >> it was almost exactly 38 years ago that something remarkable happened in the city because of this city's openness the san francisco gay means
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chorus was the first openingly gay chorus in the world that's true. >> (clapping.) >> 38 years ago this month the chorus had the first performance on those steps the night of the vigil for mayor moscone and harvey milk activists holly wrote is a song on a napkin and came and taught it to the chorus and the thousand who gathered so 38 years later wear here with the same dread and same fear i'd like us to invite you to sing the song that holly wrote 38 years we're an gentle, anger
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people. >> we are a gentle anger people we are sentencing, singing for our lives we are gentle anger people and we are singing, singing for our lives. >> black and white together and we are are together and we are sing, sing for our lives we are black and white together and we are singing, singing for our lives gay and straight.
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>> we are a gay and straight together and we are singing, singing for our lives we are a gay and straight together and we are singing, singing for our lives. >> there are so many versus you can make up in your own mind those were sunk 38 years we'll close but not angry wear gentle loving people. >> we have a gentle loving people and we are singing, singing for our lives
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>> just a few steps away from union square is a quiet corner stone of san francisco's our community to the meridian gallery has a 20-year history of supporting visual arts. experimental music concert, and also readings. >> give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. and lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] >> meridians' stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission, to
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increase social, philosophical, and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. >> it gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of any kind, in any discipline, creates change. >> it is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian. >> you want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. i felt like at meridian, it could do some good. we did not even talk about price until the day before the show. of course, meridian needs to support itself and support the community. but that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. >> his work is printed porcelain. he transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. each one, only one-tenth of an inch thick. >> it took about two years to get it down. i would say i lose 30% of the
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pieces that i made. something happens to them. they cracked, the break during the process. it is very complex. they fall apart. but it is worth it to me. there are photographs i took 1 hours 99 the former soviet union. these are blown up to a gigantic images. they lose resolution. i do not mind that, because my images are about the images, but they're also about the idea, which is why there is text all over the entire surface. >> marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just five years ago. its galleries are housed in one of the very rare single family residences around union square. for the 100th anniversary of the mansion, meridian hosted a series of special events, including a world premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. >> the birth of an american corporate fascism, the next to
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last free states radio, the next-to-last independent newspaper raising hell, the next-to-last independent bookstore with a mind of its own, the next to last leftie looking for obama nirvana. [laughter] the first day of the wall street occupation set forth upon this continent a new revolutionary nation. [applause] >> in addition to its own programming as -- of artist talks, meridian has been a downtown host for san francisco states well-known port trees center. recent luminaries have included david meltzer, steve dixon, and jack hirsch man. >> you can black as out of the
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press, blog and arrest us, tear gas, mace, and shoot us, as we know very well, you will, but this time we're not turning back. we know you are finished. desperate, near the end. hysterical in your flabbergastlyness. amen. >> after the readings, the crowd headed to a reception upstairs by wandering through the other gallery rooms in the historic home. the third floor is not usually reserved for just parties, however. it is the stage for live performances. ♪ under the guidance of musical curators, these three, meridian
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has maintained a strong commitment to new music, compositions that are innovative, experimental, and sometimes challenging. sound art is an artistic and event that usually receives short shrift from most galleries because san francisco is musicians have responded by showing strong support for the programming. ♪ looking into meridian's future, she says she wants to keep doing the same thing that she has been doing since 1989. to enlighten and disturbed. >> i really believe that all the arts have a serious function and that it helps us find out who we are in a much wider sense than we were before we
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experienced that work of art. ♪ thank you. >> thank you wow. per very well-behaved crowd i'm rob the executive kilroy reality pounl to welcome you to the groundbreaking you'll hear of folks talking about why this is trend setting and the changes to inform i've been blessed to be able to introduce mayor ed lee in the past i keep on trying to improve by the way, i know
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that trains go by we'll take breaks my promise to introduce mayor ed lee in the past and think of new intentions to say what demonstrate the changes to the city but he keeps ahead of us one of the key elements from day one when we became mayor the 17 point job plan you'll hear about one hundred uber the tenants we're going after and the partnership with the city of san francisco is a key cornerstone so i'd like to i'm going to turn it over to mayor ed lee and mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> thank you rob good afternoon, everyone is xooeft to be in city and county of san francisco any negotiating today, i get the pleasure of joining john kilroy and the group for more exciting news
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every time they do something in the city the implementation of imagination that people have yet to be able to comprehensive and today just imagine that we have a private sector developer who's willing to pay for, to create, manufacturing space that will be affordable and blaefr and maintain that characteristic we call is pdr none in the city understands pdr when i say manufacturing i'm proud my staff told me i have to wear a tie that is made mustards and designed in san francisco then you know what it's all about because as and go around telling people and johnny and so many others and kate and so many others why we're so proud of
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made in san francisco prostitutes we have to actually make them in san francisco someone can't put a label they'll be meeting with the patent lawyers we want things to be really made and designed 0 we want to bring to your attention when they have that label it is world renowned i have visitors from china tell me where to go to buy san francisco made products if they wouldn't return without them the quality in their hands and be able to buy and purchase whether caring erratics or wine or chocolates or ties they're proud to have that and we are proud as a city to more than protect they were not just protecting manufacturing space we're actually creating it creating it in ways in this they'll are part of the fabric the makers
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movement told us we're proud of label and the people the artists and the designers and people that come together and use that space the manufacturing i'm talking about the spaces we look around this area we see a lot of empty warehouses pdr space is not about empty warehouses. >> enlightened places people are making things and manufacturing things and while we're no longer having the silver melting pounded sword like game of thrones kind of manufacturing but thing that are advanced manufacturing like circa we visited why where the computers are on the line and all the people that the former garment workers are there seeing the accuracy of they're selling and online and then manufacturing selling to the rest of the world we're creating
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the opportunity to accept intentions to the entire world and it begins that the imagination that i know that john and his team will do with our oewd office of economic workforce development working with our nonprofits sector like made sfmade and we can do it in an economic strong way because we'll mix that with new office space that is how subsidies get created the brilliance of working with our financial developer team, our office developers that also want to join together to make sure that the heart of san francisco also gets increased there's we'll have many more conversations and introductions in the future today, if is about baking down on the next project that is exciting i always wanted to say uber that it would have remained
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what that was will not be that useful until now to blend technology and innovation with advanced manufacturers with some of the traditional manufacturing as well i know we identified tenant to be here this is all about making things and being proud of making things that will be substantial forever this is another heart of san francisco that we can be proudly display to the rest of the world john kilroy thank you for being a leader and a partner. >> (clapping.) >> let's turn some dirt rob get it going. >> so it keeps on getting better we've heard from one visionary i've introduced one that is my boss i have to make sure he get this right in all seriousness john kilroy our ceo of kilroy realty has changed the
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dynamic of the office in fact, the kilroy it is office space we refer to it as workplace that is a workplace environment that gets to the heart of creating spaces where people want to work and like hanging out after work or before and enhance their productivity so john has been a leader ♪ effort particularly up here in san francisco since kilroy was here in 2010 and extend that vision to seattle and other places without further detail john i'm going to turn it over to you >> (clapping.) >> is that on. >> okay. it is on great okay. the ferng i'll do probably, back to the microphone it is really hot today okay.
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this who says san francisco is cold in the wintertime i had frost on any lawn and took my summer stuff and threw it in a closet he regret that i have notes thank you for being here. (laughter) thank you very much i was thinking mayor ed lee that is our fourth groundbreaking together in 3 years and i hope to have another one on a much bigger project on brandon street in a couple of years thank you for being here. today so here we have a 200 and $70 million on one hundred hooper 80 thousand square feet of pdr this is 3 add and 20 odd
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square feet class a office space it is always nice when our building things and they serve the community and we're very keen on that is equally nice even a little bit in your when but have tenants and we announced over the wire today and we announce formally that a date of birth he has 200 plus square feet of office space a rep with adobe and other cities one of the most outstanding companies in the world we're so proud to have you as a tenant here and it is wonderful for the city of san francisco adobe expands they have a presence drood if you know about pdr the next
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speaker will explain it i'll for the spent a lot of time talking about that we think hard and along about how our products not only serve the stakeholders but serve the community and the citizens of the cities we're ♪ san francisco we're so fortunate to have mayor ed lee who is under his leadership and the planning department and those folks have done a wonderful job in encouraging the developers to think about the great aspects of those projects so people can walk through them areas realty and otherwise people eat inside and outside and enjoy the walking environment i've looked around mission bay 6 years ago we had all the space and it had you know it's occupancy not that
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great a hospital was built there i thought maybe in 10 years it will be worth something and this is now 6 years i thought well mission bay will be coming in 7 or 8 years and now what the heck happened you go down there it is taken it is leased one hundred leased open space office space and you have more hospitals and billion dollar and billion dollars of dollars and throbbing r therefore, be it resolved we have the zuckerberg's and the conway's that contributed so much to make the area criminal i get teary-eyed i have a daughter that almost died she's not health and safety i have a wife >> (clapping.) >> and that is also in the other hospital that is in for a financial job she has a home
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share analyzed disk and thank god these facilities are here it is such a privilege to work with you and we look forward to having a celebration when this project is completed so with that, rob i'm going to turn it over to thank you. >> (clapping.) >> can you hear me i'll just is this live last but not least is kate who is the ceo of sfmade and this partnership between coiling roadway and sfmade where the rubber mee the road and expand our success to make that a work environment and kate and others have been tilly chang in eternity how to go out and perform outreach but outside of
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san francisco so i'm going to let kate talk about pdr we at kilroy are excited about the different types of uses we pursue coming to one hundred hooper with that kate. >> (clapping.) >> so i could talk about pdr which is the production distribution and repair it is a lot of what we think about at sfmade to support more than 6 hundred local manufacturers to start and grow and stay in the city i could talk about what incredible partners kilroy has been to us as we have worked to conceive and finance and design the buildings that you will see rising before you over the next 18 months and talk about the fact that the partnership we have had for the last seven
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years with this city of san francisco starting with mayor ed lee with supervisor cowen the supervisor for this district and the board of supervisors who unanimously voted to put in place the zoning thou may not release one of the most initiative policies in the country taking how we do affordable housing we have a market-rate and an affordable piece coming together we're now applying it for the first time to our knowledge in the country to figure out how to generate new industrial space in what is the most expensive reality market in the country this is the first permanently affordable manufacturing building that is being built potentially forever but certainly in the last 20 years and for all of you that mad this happen from the team to
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the architects to the developer to the mayor's office to the planning department and the office of economic workforce development we owe ourselves. >> huge round of applause so thank you. >> (clapping.) >> but i really most want to say in this crazy week we've had in the national landscaper we've powder i powder of i'm proud to be a californian and a san franciscan and want you, you to recognize that what we are doing what you are doing kilroy is you're creating a home to make sure this city is a city for everyone the people that will be housed in the office building and the manufacturing portions of this projects are the heart and soul of that city without a place to make we artists going to have
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local ties and artists going to have locally crafted product but more importantly we will not have the exist of people people from other countries veterans, young people like my daughter that autistic and may not - this is home we're creating right here the example we're setting for the rest of this country and i want you to recognize the significance of what we're doing is far beyond a building a set of tenants or even local making a model and we're all part of this and let's go do a bunch more thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you kate nice comments that concludes the speaking portion of our events today, we'll have a ceremony and please enjoy beverages and food
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we need to acknowledge a couple of people first and foremost from kilroy we want to knowledge psychologist and the team that made this happen and made that happen this transaction came together no august and had signed up by september typically and time of year people are on the vacation that is underscores the business we're in a fought what reflex when you deal with great companies they act swiveling and make all the difference in the world and on behalf of kilroy the brokers from colorado years international i can't say i have whiplashes on my back from negotiations and late of all our listing team michael and meekly monroe and a bunch of people blow them that whole team worked
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>> when the new california academy of sciences opened in 2008, it quickly became one of the top tourist magnets in the city. part of the cal academies' astronomical success is the weekly nightlife party. >> i am joined by helen, who is here to school me on all the nocturnal activities that are getting ready to take place here. tell us a little about what we can expect to see at nightlife. >> we open up the doors every thursday night at the california academy of sciences. there are certain things you can see every week you can go to the museum, visit the planetarium, and we bring in bars and a deejay or band. it is a different feel from during the day, something different every week. tonight , we have beer and music. -- tonight we have great beer and music. it is beer week. we have a dozen local brewers in
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african hall. we have a deejays to set up throughout the museum and a live performance at 9:00 p.m. tonight. >> what has been your favorite part as a participant or as an observer? >> my favorite part is to walk around the aquarium in to see people with a drink in their hands, getting to know maybe somebody new, may be looking for a day, or chatting with friends. there jellyfish. i mean, they are beautiful. >> the culmination of the animals. >> it is very impressive. we do not have this at home. >> tell us a little about some of the spider's we see here on display. >> at the california academy of sciences, there is a very large collection of preserved and live specimens, which are the evidence about evolution. we have the assassin spiders,
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which are spiders that exclusively kill and eat other spiders. they are under the microscope here. research done and the california academy's i rhinology lab suggests that the assassin spiders have been doing this for over 150 million years. this glassed in room is a real scientific laboratory, and the people in that room are preparing specimens of vertebrate, that is mammals and birds. the way they do this is to remove the skin, sew it together in a relatively lifelike pose, and ensure that it does not decompose. >> i am a really big class actress fan, so i am here to see them, and beer week. >> i wanted to learn something
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and have fun. >> i always enjoy it. i am not all is well -- always working as i am tonight. sometimes i come to enjoy the music and to dance. ♪ >> culturewire covers the arts in san francisco, and one of my favorite culture artists is here tonight. jason, thank you for being on culturewire. tell us about some of your posters that we have here today. >> most of the posters here are four specific shows or tours. i am hired by the bands or the venue. >> what is the inspiration behind these posters? >> no, disease of the related to the bay and, of course. music -- it is related to the band, of course the musical content or isn't related to the bed. album covers can come from anywhere. ♪
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♪ >> class actress was great. we have been having so much fun. i did not realize how beautiful the cal academy looks than that. what other events take place here? >> we do corporate events that night on a regular basis. but nightlife is your best bet to come in as a regular person pharmacy the academy at night, and visit with friends. we have details for the next few
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weeks. you can get tickets online in advance or at the door. >> thank you so much. thank you for watching culturewire on sf gov tv. >> welcome all of i'm more and more reign the ceo of had been coat in the city of san francisco and i'll be your mc today (calling names) i'm super proud to be an equation part to sfmade to help keep homes in san francisco i served as the president and ceo of goodwill in san francisco one of sfmade long standing work patrons before that i came to know and love sfmade work when i feels regional vice president of the foods the leading measures of heath foods for kids in the bay area and reaching millions
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of kids across the united states everyday (calling names) so with xooichlt and appreciation of the value of having a strong moufr that or manufacturing that creates world-class products and thousand of jobs for us in the bay area an honor to be our host for today, this is an exciting culmination of work we sfmade in partnership with the san francisco surfacing and fremont and oakland to highlight 89 facilities and talk about ways to be - work more diligently look around we're in a building with bones were built from manufactured and manufacturing is programs for the future as part of the work at pier 70 thank you forest city for providing 2, 3, 4 space today as i look out i see dozens of
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community partners who've made this possible from government leaders to nonprofits panders to our media sponsors the san francisco businesses a private sector partners that is an few minutes ago and releasing and technology and so many of the manufacturing that themselves together you represent the eco system in the bay area that can drive a powerful manufacturing sector in doing so create a platform for more inclusive and equitable economy to start our program i'm so pleased to bring to the stage one felt presenting sponsors the vice president of community service for pg&e. >> (clapping.) >> the vice president of customer service for the operations for local customers and customer service and
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customer relations in addition oversees customer account management and other sales as well as non-products and services welcome deb. >> (clapping.) >> hi, everyone i'd like to echo more and more reigns comments and welcome and thank you for supporting sfmade states of regional manufacturers in our world event i'm honored to be part of today's program and excited to continue the collaborative effort to support the bay area in the development of manufacturing jobs in california as more and more reign alluded to my role of vice president of pg&e has given me the unique opportunity to see the contribution of the bay area manufacturing sector bags or beer and tesla electrical cars
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bay area manufactured are not only making but making a difference by drinking jobs, resources and innovation to our community since the 1970's pg&e has worked to help companies save money by saving energy per capital energy consumption staying flat and increased by 50 percent in the rest of the country we know that companies that save energy that translates into more turned out for businesses and their future committees down the road pg&e working closely with all of our customers to design and implement energy efficiency programs and policies that allow businesses to do more with less energy saving money and helping to protect the environment we help local businesses mediated the energy challenges maximizing the
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return on their energy investment that's why we believe so strongly in the bay area urban manufacturing initiative linking together san jose san francisco oakland and fremont that will be a critical driver of the future of the bay area manufacturing and the jobs it provides in our business when the community thrives and grows our companies has opportunity to thriving and good grow along with that we don't succeed unless you succeed pg&e is proud to creating a more sustainable through local manufacturing i look forward to seeing all the great things that sfmade will bring to the by way of with that, i thank you for your
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suppo support. >> (clapping.) >> thank you deb and not we're not able to bring all the bay area manufactured we're excited to see what is happening in manufacturing and the leaders that are shaping it take a look at this so my vision for this region is a recentury equitable thriving region we have to have all types of jobs all types of people we have to have an inclusive equitable economy we have all sorts of opportunities we will not concealing chief this vision unless we grow and support our manufacturing sector when we're all thinking about how to make sure that our
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diverse populations get a chance at sharing prosperity in the region it can't be solely a discussion about the technology industry it has to be about what people not once you enter into the diversity you understand there are different groups and countries a lot of them of immigrant but fantastic people that understand how to make things the bay area urban manufacturing is the next step in the evolution of our regional manufacturing system they'll harness the collective pour across the regional each working to help manufacturing start grow and stay in their communities. >> employers a recognizing the proximity between manufacturing
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and seeing a lot of this in manufacturers trying to take advantage of that. >> you know fremont is not unique in the sense many all the employers want a well educated workforce i've seen first hand the college changes the curriculum they partner with the larger employers and basically is a what do you need our skills our students need to make sure they can work in great companies like you. >> with manufacturing it is to the best of my knowledge the workforce training is critical and that didn't happen in one decide but across the entire region. >> we are interimmigrant region so i really enjoyed working with my mayor in a fremont and san jose and san francisco we rails when is if job balance and transportation and infrastructure and just making sure that our reason as a
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whole is competitive on the international scale we have to work together. >> i know that is important to know how connected we are several companies have a factory in one city and corporate in other places and in another city not seeing the aide boundaries you and i see validated. >> you think there is a reputation in the world i've had people come off of their planes from china what do you make here he want to buy there there's a sense of high quality it is a reflection of the, fact that our reputation is as san francisco in the bay area is world recondones our innovation and quality there are many challenges for every city in a transmittal it make sense for us as we hear about companies from by the way,
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braid for us to be engaged with one another and important to work together we are offering the best in the bay area to employ our residents. >> we're in together join the bay area urban manufacturing and help us create a more equitable and prosperous bay area >> (clapping.) >> next i'm very exciting to welcome to the stage bob the director of city community development and inclusive finance. >> bob leads the partnership with the global and national organization in support of inclusive finance and community development through economic empowerment focusing on assessable finance financial coaching and sf this and neighborhood revitalization sees
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to college education and small business micro development with the city's micro finance and corporations and municipality working across the city's groups to expand access to financial services city was sfmade first institutional partner in 2012 and consisting been one of the lead partners manufacturing of accelerate programs as a presenting sponsor and incredibly amazing guy i i know you e bring you bob proud to support the region. >> (clapping.) >> i left it on my desk and can you hand media that times partnership hello, everyone it is a pleased to be here ♪
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fantastic location thank you. this wonderful venue we was taking with adam from new york and thinking brooklyn would be jealous of the potential to develop here in san francisco i wish you a lot of luck the city is involved in supporting sfmade and the whole urban manufacturing movement for some years and it is an exciting movement i know many of us watched the elections so alcohol know the loss of manufacturing job is not only one of lost jobs give you a political issue and within that concerns many, many of our community and how we replacing manufacturing jobs and not likely to be replaced in the forms they were like ben rosenfield steel supporting the navy arts but what can can be think internal work of many
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difference from small to medium enterprises the engines are growing and the way we've seen stunt and this region not just in the bay but we as a new yorker he speak about the bay area i speak about what city but we have four mayors offices an area that many of us look at the bay area will think of is h as progressive and entrepreneurial and this is what is so important that is a period of change were we worried many of us in terms of jobs and loss and creation this is a success that many of the entrepreneurs bring to our city is exciting for the jokes you create and exciting for the job recreation but for the stimulus you bring to the city and the ability to leverage so much creative talent in the
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areas that are specialized electronics to fashion to the micro brewery across the spectrum you work at to be part of glths one area we work on immigrations and again your cities all of them have a significant population of dynamic investment courses of immigrants a labor force but also nationally immigrant are amongst the largest suppliers and started small businesses that is a dynamic force that is combined with the internal work in the bay cities been involved since we met with kate i think in 2010 with my colleagues and since 2012 and it has been a number of years and an exciting growth funded as partners i think of investing sfmade nearly one
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million dollar and this last year putting the money into the work and the resources around the bay area initiative one and 50 thousand and like to call think many of you other companies that invested in the area similarly to make an investment today we launched another one hundred thousand dollars for this bay area initiative >> (clapping.) >> we think it is so well sports by the evident of having mayor ed lee and the other mayors an example representing mayor schaaf the municipalities here are amongst 9 months repetitive in the country that's an amazing combination to have expresswayship in the city and include the progressive mayors and have neighbors like sfmade i would say many years we've worked on sfmade a partner here
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adam from me man in building out the urban manufacturing natalie think that the city's work that is done in the bayer is being look at it and replicated in other cities we're involved in we call on more of you to be supportive and best of luck to the entrepreneurs and look forward to seeing this space recreated as a manufacturing place once again thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so much bob and next we would like to welcome to the stage the president and ceo of the irvine applied the grant making foundation for the focus on keep that in mind the opportunity for the people of california don joined the foundation in 2012 after years of serving at bridge group and became irvine's cross executive and led the
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organization to a change of focus breath making strategies he'll share more about welcome to the stage don howard. >> (clapping.) >> good morning, everyone what an awesome space great to see familiar faces ooze others great to discuss the role of manufacturing as an engine for economic growth it is relevant to the work at the foundation we're a private grant making foundation on expanding the opportunity for the people of california you may not have heard of us a tag line your work is 85 years in length and giving away resources to irvine that owned a portion of california we firmly believe that economic and political opportunities both
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a chance for living wage job and the chance to be heard in the applied process are defining ordinances of our time i think that last week made that important penthouse and for californians working and struggling with poverty as mentioned we refocused on the issues of economic and political opportunity and working for californians that one in 3 california families will fall below the federal poverty line and one of the 3 people in the community live in poverty and their paying together jobs and pay checks and living one unexpected bill emergency away from a financier burden i think work that many of us are trying to change that has embroiders and leader or government leader we at irvine are investing in
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organizations that are improving people's skills and strengthening their pathways to good quality jobs so to support families and allow the workers to participate in their community and supporting organizations that bring the workers together so they have a voice in the economic and political decision that effect their lives with the new work we're doing has a job agenda and workers agenda we hope we can serve in some preview way for collection between those two communities we're just getting started on our work gouged and see an important role for us to play for 09 philanthropists to play one clear lesson one public-private partnerships are essential earlier this year we at irvine recommended kate and
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sfmade oemsz with our annual foundation leadership award wro what stood out great the public and private sectors to help local manufacturers to create more good jobs for san franciscan the leaders your are about to hear from on a bigger scale we live in a region that is leading california and the nation in innovation, entrepreneurship and other areas yes many californians are isolated and struggle on a margin the economy so one of the reasons we're excited to see the leaders mayors and public representatives heel are pressuring challenges i look at the list and wonder if this is a good week for them to be here and great to see them
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come to talk about how manufacturing can play a greater roll in steel the economy and expanding opportunity for workers each of them warrant a panel discussion of their own it is a privilege to have them ladies and gentlemen, my distinct pleasure to introduce this outstanding panel joining kate this afternoon the honorable mayor edwin lee mayor of the city and county of san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> second the honorable bill harrison mayor of the city of spring. >> (clapping.) >> third the honorable sam the mayor of the city of san jose. >> (clapping.) >> and the honorable annie
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advice mayor of the city of oakland. >> (clapping.) >> i'll bring to the stage the amazing ferocities the one and only visionary from sfmade kate. >> (clapping.) >> great all right. everybody so we made a great movie together we're all done here (laughter) thank you, thank you all for joining us so you know really today, this is the beginning of work that we know lives on after we walk out of this incredible building this is the beginning of a sustained misrepresent year initiative to take the work that
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is already happening in each of the 4 cities in oakland and san jose and fremont and san francisco that collectively represents the 4, largest manufactured city's in the bay area what we really want to reveal for you today what is happening and more so how we can amplify the work we've all been doing to create more jobs and more opportunity, more diversity in honor rfp workforce and make sure the bayer is 289 forefront not just vicinity but made here so with this panel we want to take a few minutes and hear a little bit more what beer doing in the cities and hear idea what we may be able to do together i'll start with you next to me tell you a few thoughts what is special about oakland and what
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you're most proud of that oakland has been doing for the manufacturing. >> absolute thank you so much kate and sfmade for the opportunity to be here i'm representing mayor schaaf in the city of oakland the thing that is excited about oakland is how divided our manufactured sector is in oakland what you'll see even today in or neendz our one and 10 year old company ab fundy that applies 200 people in oakland and food and o who candy and food you'll see metal fabricators and what i'm excited about in oakland right now is the opportunity that we have to build real carrier pathways for our young people in oakland last week, i violated two manufacturing
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companies with one and 50 young people this is the 6 manufacturing company in oakland last week to expose them to what it looks like to work with the manufacturing sector right now how can we go ahead exist and see that right now these are jobs that involve technology their creativity and can build things with their hand and how can we can build the gives me economy we're talking about. >> thank you, kate great to be here and real estate on amazing site with mayor ed lee and supervisor cowen really their leadership in making this happen i know there are big plans ahead but in the meanwhile great place to hang and meet and offers a low cost option for the manufactured working with free air conditioning we had a strong position manufacturing stand today and
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really around initiative products a century ago it was around food and sfo's invented the ego waffle if you didn't think san jose was cool but ask your kids we are, of course, much more focused on vance manufacturing we'll hear from companies like western residual around the haven't technologies they're doing a lot of prototypes and eventual at some point that process will be offshore we know that a significant amount can be made here and benefit enormously from obviously all that is happening in the valley 5 thousand people in the city of san jose that are engaged in
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manufacturing today and a great resource of highway jobs out on the average and a great pathway for middle-income so we'll bullish on our tech great and a pleasure to be up here and mayor ed lee that looks like the beginning of every one of my sons video games it is existing i'm waiting for the killer to come out of one of the walls keeping an eye on on this i think the thing that makes me proud of our fremont with the manufacturing road is not where we are right now but where we were a few years ago just a few years ago 4 seven hundred people lost their jobs businesses closed their doors it is growing and producing those autos you may have heard of testing last and 6 thousand people working in
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that manufacturing this shows where the manufacturing is strong. >> (clapping.) >> my friend daniel from tesla we're very proud is to be the home of tesla those numbers make that the largest manufacturers in the state of california but not just that the companies that are around that exciting into the tesla phenomena we have golden gate you've met them this is the companies that are feeding into the tesla and produce the jobs of future talked about numbers in fremont one out of every four jobs in fremont is connected to manufacturing this is huge that is good paying and middle-class jobs income grow we're excited about one of the things that makes us unique is that that
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ability to grow we done a pretty good job of preserving going forward pressure on that i know my colleagues did the same one of the things going forward we cherish and have that room to grow to make sure you can solve tomorrow problems with stricken out ways to so jobs. >> great to follow bill i was told in i came here each of us mayors and x mayors will get a tesla (laughter) daniel has the max ma kate thank you for being part of this i want to add my thanks to the sponsors that are here putting this together and acknowledge supervisor malia cowen is malia still here all right. >> (clapping.) >> how. >> now she's the mayor of
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district 10 i can say that has a second term mayor change the title i want to say thank you to every single mayor this is the first time we've literally broken bread together. >> but anyway, and for good reason when i been these mayors i think about urban savings account i will say that we're all going both struggling and vanls the cities when it comes to job creation and manufacturing in particular i think we're not building citizens and villages it is job creation it is about people and i look around this room we've got the people in finance, city, foundations that are trying to help us with our vision and you've got people who are trying out things and
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companies that are but making things as the maker movement but to put them in the context of more than manufacturing how to support each other and more and more us mayors in the entire bay area will be working closely together we have to understand the skies of supply change of manufacturing not do everything in one city anymore but require a bay area approach what we recognize i can't manufacturer cars i have no room unless a really, really small car. (laughter) but we're going to be proud of our breweries and our chocolates and proud of our tie i'm wearing in particular because blue is mustered and designed and made here in san francisco and we
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could be selling products as i said in the video that the people around the world would love to have when we put our city label that are on things made here an international constituency i think some of the other brands out find europe 19 are meeting their course and people buy something here that has san francisco made label on it they'll feel proud of that is high quality whether the fashion industry that we are trying to resurrect we used to have a lot of fashion here it didn't disappear but gone on hiatus we're doing not mass manufacturing but designs with fashion like the accessories movement sincerely erratics and
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world-class stuff made very we have over 6 hundred manufacturing companies in san francisco they're looking for the talent that can coming out come out not net of the university but talent from the college and city college where we're making tremendous invests of people that don't have to have 4 year degrees job creation is about a village coming together to make sure it happens land use issues we have to deal with we're going to go into more detail >> that's a great cigarette way at the end of the day my whole staff and most of my partners thinking about manufacturers are the opportunity for people it really comes down to the people the people that work in those companies it is the possibility of shared ownership and diverse ownership of those companies one of my farther i love sharing
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when i travel east for the belt where i'm from more than 50 percent of the manufactured in san francisco are owned by women and i think outside the box as a bellwether. >> (clapping.) >> that's a well weather inform what we're capable of in the bay area one program i heard about i'm excited to learn more as we talk about sharing mayor is the san francisco works one of the real opportunity and challenges in the data we collected ask that we both struggle with legacy manufacturers whether environment or food having amazing workforce and not net the next generation coming up behind them and manufacturing with a skill so tells you more about what you guys are trying to do to address that. >> actually certainly i think we recognize the economic issue
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how we address the growing gap between rich and poor not more acute with the cost of living here in san francisco for the opportunities to provide a path with jobs and manufacturing we launched an effort with la jolla partners and with the future being a key participate and, of course, your manufactured our employers and seeing how we can focus on both retraining adults and getting to our - for them not cool to be a manufacturer and we need to demonstrate to them there are great opportunities and great careers not just about amy there is cool stuff out there and so far we've had great success like some have participated in hiring over the summer and ultimately offering some of the young adults permanent jobs that is great for
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them for the future work program one hundred folks trained and employed in advanced manufacturing and really know that requires great and greater skills not the manufacturing line they need to have advanced skills around understanding computer and using advanced technologies and their skills are demanded at the assembly level so we wanted to partner with a community private sector to get folks on the assembly line or folks into the assembly line the skills for the advanced manufacturers there is significant growth one of the things we also learned even if we talk about the work of assembly line it is different than it used to be and working on an assembly line is working with 20 people not necessarily 2 hundred people one thing that is similar across the
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city a broad range for the two and three person shop and old oakland is a better example of having that in the same city i know that you have done and personally as the leadership in kind of external lists the food manufacturing and connect it back to the community as we think about how to make it easier for folks to understand what's that journey been like. >> in oakland the food and beverages industry has allowed us to what i think we all need to do is make this an enticing field for everyone to understand how different the industry is now so we've used it as a creativity marking tool to fill the notch around the food and beverages in oakland and created a food trail along the waterfront to have a mc-2 over 50 sites that people can come
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and ride their bikes - >> how many people have done that. >> by the next time next year. >> we're on it. >> (laughter). >> you can bike along the food trail 50 sites and see food and visit our urban wineries a trail as well and it allows us to market oakland in this very specialized way and also talk about what a restauranteur industry we have in oakland been a creative way i think to talk about the manufacturing sector in a different way. >> this whole initiate wouldn't have been possible self-we hadn't had the blessing of our own mayor sfmade is progressively in san francisco and a leader that hadn't only spider us but gourjd us to see
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what we can do collectively across the region why would you do that (laughter). >> first of all, i grew up in a family were any mom was a seamstresses used to someone as a head of the 40ur8d making things seeing the delight in her eyes she used to do sky jackets with the do you think she was proud of stitch if you got the right stitches that don't cough the details like that effect our whole life i paid attention to a lot of the details because you train hand to use coordination with the speed and when they're sold their seed well, you take pride in the brand that's what the workforce in the
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manufacturing industry feel they feel they own the product where it is sold and resold they get this product so a personal aspect of that kind of drove me to pay attention particularly when it came to fashioned so many other things are happen that cause our space to be reused in a productive way when you think of obesity when you think that i know restaurant - they're doing skateboards now the overlay of technology cat boards are not made with just a material but an overlay of electronics like at circa in the film you look at that assembly line and the neat part of it they have new types of machineryy that guide provision of cutting, that provision helps
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because when you have a whole piece of laefrp and you're making a belt there is a lot of center unused leather with the machinery they can position that belt design into the leather to get twice as much out of one piece an overlay computerized accuracy of that belt so switching 19 stitching it is still part of manufacturing of that apparel but overlayed by great level of technology that helps with quality with the design, with the environment for the use of those materials there are incredible tributes of state of mind we have to wrap up i'd like to hang out but how often do we get four cities together
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it is looking at we need to connect each other capabilities together we have garment manufactured in oakland and san francisco but not the electronics manufacturing and scale for example, you might have in san jose that's one opportunity so the workforce which resides all over the bay area and we are excited about the bart station in fremont i think is one of the countries first transit oriented industrial elephant taking the development to a whole new level and, yes we can clap for that. >> (clapping.) >> so let me ask in conclusion, this may be one the harder requests of the recognized people in 3 words - >> not possible. >> each something that you would most be existed about as we looked at a
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evan that has been working diligently on the investigation in this case and thank you for your efforts part of my responsibility as city attorney to protect san francisco residents and taxpayers from unfair or lawful business practices my office filed a law enforcement over the tower the reason for the action is simply because of the facts in the case are so clear but not make them any less my office investigations shows the developer mission district, llc knew for a year before they began selling condominiums to the 58 story residential building was sinking faster than expected yet they went ahead and solid accumulated without telling the buyers about the situation we were legally required buyer be aware didn't
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cut it smol someone selling real estate must disclose that when construction of tower was completed in february 2008 it had already settled a lot of 6 inches 6 inches was a a maximum amount of engineering appreciated it would sink it had reached the point a year again, the developer began selling the condominium by february of 2009 just before the condos went on the market the tower settled 8.3 inches more over the maximum amount predicted by the geotechnical engineer on may the developer had data showings the tower way continuing to settle at different rates in different parts of property that leads to the building tilting now the building has sunk 16 inches and
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news report say it is sinking at the base before they sold a single condominiums mission street development, llc knew they're building sunk more than it was supposed to and that was still sinking yet doesn't dell the homeowners they're required under the law mission street, llc turned over 19 hundred packages of documents with the disclose information about the property as a result of the subpoena that my office issued in september these disclosures documents discussed everybody from color and marble to noting the size and types of of the plans in the common area change but they left out of most important detail no where is the city aware of mission street, llc disclose that the building settled faster
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than it was designed to do that's not just a bit of information perspective homeowners would like to know the information the developer is legally required to provide and at the heart of the case the homeowners have filed define the transportation authority and the city and county of san francisco my office is bringing this lawsuit to a cross complaint against the mission street, llc they filed it today in a case of a number of millennium homeowners have sued the joint powers authority and the san francisco city center they're building a tower next to the site san francisco is one of the members of the authority the authority is a separate legal entity and our cross complaint we are seeking damages the court feels is appropriate in 2013 when it closed it's for sale
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millennium brought in what delighted quota massive 78 hundred there are no thousand dollars it was one $.8 million my office has a duty to protect the taxpayers of 70 spot sit by and allow a developer to gunshot themselves by hiding information in their required by law to disclose that gave the developer in this case an unfair advantage and cheated the homeowners out of the information they needed to make an informed choice that's summarized the information and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> go in order. >> (inaudible). >> no do not. >> was there a choice to file
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a criminal complaint. >> this is a civil complaint i don't have the power under the law to file a criminal action this is a can i feel complaint we're not seeking reference nor have i made referral to the duo district attorney or any other entities that makes that inquiry yeah. >> is the filing a cross complaint. >> that's correct. >> the homeowners that sued the transbay joint powers authority and the city and county of san francisco. >> well, it is depend on what the findings is in this case, the damages according to prove and in the event there was a finding against a city an indemnity against the developer since their the party at fault.
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>> (inaudible). >> monetary damages yeah. >> (inaudible). >> well, i think that that's right what everybody - that should be the primary concern of everybody we're protecting life and safety i know there's a review going on by other city agencies to make sure that that the building is safe from everything i'm told the building is safe and would perform in an earthquake that's not the focus of my inquiry at this point but i know the city and the mayor and the department of building inspection and everybody has focused on assuring paycheck and
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safety. >> (inaudible). >> well, i'll disagree as a matter of fact the department of building department dbi didn't have information about the current settlement until the past july so that's something that will be discussed in litigation. >> (inaudible) you've already said in some litigation the homeowners waited too late to file their filing against the city you said they've known about it since 2015 and should have settled sooner you want the
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- now your intervening that goes sg against the millennium developer and then he going against the developer and they don't have any money they're out out of luck your public health they're wrongly suing the city and on the other hand, you're saying it is millenniums fault. >> the as a matter of fact jackson i think what you're referring to a lawsuit that was filed against the city we filed and refiled today but we've been clear the vocal point of this needs to be on the responsible party that's the developer because if you accounted a lot the claim before us and the complaint against the city it is basically for a condemnation and the claim of the value it
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because what has occurred there was a loss of value not an adequate disclose made to the purchasesers by the developer at the time of the arbitration it was completed that's what cause the loss in value has occurred from my perspective the vocal point is on the responsible party the developer who has known about this all along and not disclose the information that was required to disclose to their purposeers or pro seismic purchasers. >> i'm sorry. i'll come back to you. >> certainly i do absolutely i think that you know this is every homeowners worst nightmare a lot of people go through this they know what happens when the
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investment it is to go and purchase a home or condominium sometimes you have people's entire savings they put forward to purchase something that's why this is egregious and the california raw is to district and expensive whaven when it comes you must throwers for the purposeers the reason for the law in this area is to that people don't get ripped off and they're protected and in our view what makes that egregious when you look at all the disclosures and the marble eloquently goes to the heart of what one considers had making an transaction yet i have compassionate for the folks that's why we're stepping in to make sure the developer that the city is making sure that the
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responsible party here is paying for their misdeeds. >> you have a question. >> (inaudible). >> it is it is. >> (inaudible). >> okay this gentleman here. >> (inaudible). >> i'm sorry (inaudible). >> we received 19 hundred pages of documents in respond to a subpoena we issued in september. >> oh, okay. >> (inaudible) 2011. >> yeah. >> do you think that although it is millenniums responsibility aren't you you embarrassed the agencies didn't bother to tell nobody that the city's job for safety obviously they can step
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in a do the right thing in 2009 including those are by all measures the presented measure of settlement is he watched and the city knows the millennium is not telling you it is readily apparent or the. >> at least be careful with the words the gentleman asked about criminal activity i'm not sure anyone is committing a crime no doubt that dbi knew about settlement in 2009 but it wasn't until this past july dbi had additional information about the continuing settlement accordance of differential settlement they didn't have all the information number one but number two the second part of our question you - who's the
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one that is dealing with the purchaser the city is not in a position of knowing what the developer is disclosing to pro seismic purchasers we're not in a contract the city didn't interjefferson county themselves into all transactions we don't know what in their disclosing to the purchasers it was as a result of our subpoena that we preserved the disclose and went to the purchasers and saw what was and not disclosed if we followed the logic the as a matter of fact of the matter the city being sure on all home purpose in san francisco stepping in and trying to monitor and interjefferson county themselves in that to see in profits are made or not made its simply -
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>> your city is a aware of the position and let them get away with it and actually nobody recorded a crime so nobody recorded it. >> we didn't release or know that millennium was not living up to its obligations the second we got the information we were not aware they were living up to their obligation we taken steps to address that so i'll say you know we operate laws are on the book people expect their live up to the obligations we become aware they're not we'll take action and be aggressive about that that's what we're doing today and (inaudible). >> i'm sorry in my office i have a code compliant office division. >> (inaudible). >> somebody from city building
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look at this and you start talking about you have this building we talk about the fact that may not be seen - a big earthquake was a threat i mean the city just walked away under the table. >> as dbi has gotten information the department of building inspection that's who i presume you're asking about they're involved and making sure that the building is safe and i don't think that anyone is walking away and trying to say it is not anyone's problem the city is aggressive in the health and safety and the terms of discloses to make sure that millennium their obligation is up and that's what we're talking about today. >> (inaudible). >> i can't speak to that
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that's something the department of building inspection will be continuously working with the developer as it processes and not anything i can speak to - yes. >> (inaudible) to fix the problem and what you know what is the next step that building is still - >> i can't speak to a criminal inquiry that is something for the district attorney or something else i have - we're unaware of at this time but if we become aware nushgs we thought darned a criminal inquiry we'll make that referral but i don't have any indication. >> yes. it is about monetary damage; correct. >> no according to prove the courts democrats as we go
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through the case. >> (inaudible) that are it is urban precedent have you not necessary developer. >> we sue people and entities all the time. >> this is obviously i don't think - this is obviously a very, very serious case and a big case in a high-profile case but you yufgs one case is more important than at a homeowner feels their safety is threatened even though this is not a high profile this is a big case and a big development this is unprecedented case (inaudible). >> (inaudible). >> i can't will you at this point. >> (inaudible). >> well, we obviously directing your attention of this litigation looking at everything
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obviously we'll have to in terms of handling this case. >> part of our toufbz about the disclosure (inaudible) part of our objectives we should be more scrutiny and will be scrutinizing this and the developers be wander and i'll not is that actually, i think that here in california basis there are such robust and protective disclosure laws i'll find in most incidents in purchases of hopes and development there is a lot of disclosure a lot of disclosure because buyers are sophisticated and sellers are they know what the law requires that's what
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makes this particular egging gregarious you have a very, very sophisticated developer but be assure if someone is not living up to their legal responsibility we'd like investigate and take action where appropriate i'll not say this is sending a message i think that most sophisticated developers and purchasers are aware of their legal responsibility and live up to it. >> yeah. >> (inaudible) the stores you've done can you talk a little bit about more about the development. >> that's the developer of an affiliate that was wraeshl for the sale of the condos in the beginning of the marketing of that. >> (inaudible). >> an affiliate, an affiliate.
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>> take two more questions aj has not had a chance. >> (inaudible) we thought that was the best deal for the case and knew we had to file an answer and orderly in a case like this if you going to file an answer you have a cross claim choose to go to this group two more questions. >> obviously in terms of our case the millennium will be i should - just to be clear mission street development will be served and with the complaint and they'll have an opportunity to respond file an answer and we'll see where that goes. >> (inaudible). >> said an obligation to disclose.
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>> yep. >> (inaudible) i'm kind of confused those guys profited millions of dollars for failing to disclose a serious problem and walk away with the money that is why isn't this a crime and there - when you file a criminal action i know that makes for a sexy sounds like bidded owl crimes very specific elements and as we reviewed this to date we are obviously i'm not a criminal lawyer but reviewing this and we see a violation of civil lay in the event we thought this was an element to the crime we referred it but does see any element of criminal
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activity we filed an action of a lawsuit i don't throw the word out criminal crime willy-nilly without having evidence i don't have any evidence if i did i'll make the information to the appropriate party. >> okay - >> (inaudible). >> no, that's - we're going to have to see where this goes if there is liability we found a contribution or who is held responsible for the payment of damages - >> we'll have to see where things go in this case at this time it is premature to talk about that. >> but - >> but if you think about damages yeah. i don't know what a mechanism would be because of the early stages of the litigation thank very
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get fed. ♪ [applause] >> this san francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. she was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990's and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi it's ic in the mission. >> although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho. people writing poems about being jerks. beatty their chest onstage. >> she was energized by the scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. touring the country and sharing
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gen-x 7 as a. her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. theses san francisco public library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. >> a lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. they're just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way. coming in to the library is awesome. very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. at first, people were like, you want me to read at the library, really? things like that. >> as a documentary, there are interviews -- [inaudible] >> radar readings are focused on
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clear culture. strayed all others might write about gay authors. gay authors might write about universal experiences. the host creates a welcoming environment for everybody. there is no cultural barrier to entry. >> the demographic of people who come will match the demographic of the reader. it is very simple. if we want more people of color, you book more people of color. you want more women, your book more women. kind of like that. it gets mixed up a little bit. in general, we kind of have a core group of people who come every month. their ages and very. we definitely have some folks who are straight. >> the loyal audience has
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allowed michelle to take more chances with the monthly lineup. established authors bring in an older audience. younker authors bring in their friends from the community who might be bringing in an older author. >> raider has provided a stage for more than 400 writers. it ranges from fiction to academics stories to academic stories this service the underground of queer fell, history, or culture. >> and there are so many different literary circles in san francisco. i have been programming this reading series for nine years. and i still have a huge list on my computer of people i need to carry into this. >> the supportive audience has allowed michele to try new experiment this year, the radar book club.
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a deep explorationer of a single work. after the talk, she bounces on stage to jump-start the q&a. less charlie rose and more carson daly. >> san francisco is consistently ranked as one of the most literate cities in the united states. multiple reading events are happening every night of the year, competing against a big names like city arts and lectures. radar was voted the winner of these san francisco contest. after two decades of working for free, michelle is able to make radar her full-time job. >> i am a right to myself, but i feel like my work in this world is eagerly to bring writers together and to produce literary
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events. if i was only doing my own work, i would not be happy. it is, like throwing a party or a dinner party. i can match that person with that person. it is really fun for me. it is nerve wracking during the actual readings. i hope everyone is good. i hope the audience likes them. i hope everybody shows up. but everything works out. at the end of the reading, everyone is happy. ♪ >> hi. welcome to san francisco. stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban
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center on mission street in san francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i
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read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake.
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>> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real.
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>> southern california is moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7.
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>> so small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover
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and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we
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use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as
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>> good morning, and welcome to the government audit and oversight committee for today, november 17th, thursday. i'm eric peskin joined by supervisor katy tang who is sitting in for vice chair supervisor nor man yee. we'll be joined shortly by member and president breed. our clerk is dash -- derrick evans. >> do you have announcement. >> speaker: make sure all electronic devices and complete speakers and it should be submitted to the clerk. board of supervisor agenda -- >> thank you, mr. evans. supervisor tang, can we have a motion to excuse supervise yee. >> so moved >> that will be the order. and
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mr. clerk, could you please call item 2 out of order. >> item number 2 is hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending february 1, 2017, to the park, recreation and open space advisory committee. (rules committee)vacant seat 4, succeeding heather fuchs, resigned, must be nominated by the district 4 supervisor and from district 4, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending >> item number 2 is hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending february 1, 2017, to the park, recreation and open space advisory committee. (rules committee)vacant seat 4, succeeding heather fuchs, resigned, must be nominated by the district 4 supervisor and from district 4, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending february 1, 2017. there's 1-c and one applicant >> supervisor tang. >> thank you for considering this item which would go through rules committee, but we have an eager appointee who would like to start in december. i would like to invite mrs. dylan to speak. >> thank you for your e-mail. the floor is yours. >> hello. thank you for having me today. my name is natalie dylan. i'm the native of san francisco. born and raised in the mission where mission play ground became my second home. it was there where i formed character, i formed friends and i formed a
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community. and i was introduced to my first tennis classes and it was through tennis that i got my scholarship of standard. i was able to play for 4 years and study urban studies. my honor species was on the relationship between graffiti and crime in san francisco. so it was addressing the broken window theory which was has been spoken about in qualitative measures in new york and chicago, but much of the research has hasn't been conducted here in san francisco. so back to kind of pro sack. i think parks and open spaces have always been a -- had a special place in my heart, particularly because of my child and how kind of intra gal mission play ground was for my development. and secondly, as someone who has studied urban studies in urban development cities, i think
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open spaces is a powerful mean if build community at great and enormous scale. that's one of the benefits in san francisco is for us to be concentrated in one place, and to really build community, so i hope you accept my candancy >> any members who would like to testify on item number 2. seeing none. close item 2. thank you ms. tang. >> i think you're going to be a wonderful asset to this committee. i would like to move forward natalie dylan to this seat. >> without objection, we'll forward item number 2 without recommendation to the full board which would be considered on the 29th. mr. clerk, could you read item number one, please. speaker: item number one is
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tanghearing on the city's electric vehicle fleet, to determine what would be required for the city to commit to procuring 100% of its light-duty fleet as electric vehicles by 2020, and how to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles for our medium- and heavy-duty fleets; and requesting the city administrator, the general services agency, the department of the environment, the mayor's office, and the san francisco public utilities commission to report. >> supervisor tang has brought this hearing to us. supervisor tang. >> thank you so much. and a colleague, as you probably know i rarely bring forth hearings to the board of supervisors, but i do so when i feel an issue is morning and one that our city should take a leadership role on. today we have a hearing before us where we'll hear from sf environment and city administrators office and representatives from puc and our public works department to talk about how it is that we can collectively achieve our goals in reducing greenhouse gas admissions and to moving our own internal city freak towards a greener fleet. and this interest really sums from my personal interest in
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pursuing the ability to drive an electric vehicle myself, but live nothing a multi unit building, it's difficult. after working on this initiative with our city, i really do hope that we can expand how it is that san francisco as a whole and our private market can adopt other markets to encourage the use of electric vehicles or other improved technologies so we can collectively achieve our client goals. with that, i'll have more to say and ask later during the presentation. let get started. i'm going to call up jesse for our sf environment. >> good morning. >> good morning. is this presentation loaded? thanks. terrific.
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all right. today, myself and the city administrator's office are going to give you an overview of local, state, and federal policies that apply to electric vehicles across the country. al turn tifsh vehicles and charges general 101, what are we talking about when discussing electric vehicles, general admission vehicles progress we have made through this last year around electric vehicles, both within our fleet operations and city wide. city administrator office is going to give you an overview of the current city fleet. fleet initiative and then discuss next steps around the question that supervise tang has asked regarding our municipal procurement. this represents 40% of the city's greenhouse gas admissions. today there are over 400,000 vehicles registered in
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san francisco, and more than 100,000 inbound vehicles via commuters. transportation is a key strategy that will help san francisco meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals, and stick with our city wide renewable energy goals which of course in 2008 was established via the board of supervisors to have 100% renewable energy electricity supply by 2030. just a reminder our other municipalities are -- they're delivering 100% greenhouse gas free electricity to the vehicles we have. any expansion of electric vehicles we have in the fleet is 100% reduction in greenhouse gas admissions from that component of our foot print,
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and in 2015 mayor lee signed a west coast mayor's fleet initiative that established a 10% procurement goal annually for electric vehicles in our municipal fleet. locally the legislation that -- implements this is 10% -- this applies to fleet vehicles that are 800 bounds and less so these are light duty sedan and trucks. this is is safety vehicles like police, pursuit and fire. as well as some exemptions to enter prize. they have -- that includes fleet management, vehicle selection, with some
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support from sf environment. and really what the city administrator's office is achieving through hacto is mandatory fleet reduction fleet requirements so they're exercising the fleet and how to use fleet vehicles appropriately and how to size the vehicles so they meet the needs of the different departments. and also to select vehicles via a vehicle selection list that are the highesty -- the highest efficiency. it's aligned with the greenhouse goals around fleet operation, which is a 4% reduction in greenhouse gas admissions by the end of fiscal year 2017 and a reduction by end of fiscal year 2021. sf environment within hacto has
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alternative field vehicle infrastructure and i'll talk about what we're doing on that in a few minutes. but this includes looking at how we expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout city to -- we apply for grants from the state federal government, and foundations which i'll discuss as well. a quick review of california policy that applies to electric vehicles. in 2012, governor brown established an executive order that mandated 1.5 million zero mission vehicles that are on the roads by 2025. when we talk about zero mission vehicles from the state's perspective, this includes plug in hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles and fossil vehicles. s -- it
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established a 50% renewable portfolio goal to ensuring inveters and utility was delivering 50% of their electricity portfolios throughout the state which is sinner jess tick of the state with the 1.5 million zero mission vehicles and we need another outlet for that renewable energy generation. besides the built environment and that is they lek tri cajun of transportation. just this month, state of california also issued the zero admission plan which established a new procurement goal for state vehicles so they'll be working to ensure that 50% of the state's annual light duty procurement is zero mission vehicles by 2025. and then the federal government, they have their procurement goals which were established last year
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which requires 20% of the federal fleet to acquire electric vehicles by 2020, and their procurement goal of 50% electric vehicles by 2025. when we talk about zero mission vehicles just quickly, battery electric vehicles only run-on a charge that is electric. this is a fully plug in vehicle that has a battery on board to store that energy. plug in hybrid electric vehicles use an electric motor for short range trips, and then after that charge has run out, there is a hybrid gasoline engine that kicks in for the extended range. and hydrogen electric vehicles are electric vehicles that use hydrogen as the fuel to power an electric engine through fuel cells. primarily what we're discuss is the plug in and hybrid vehicles which are plug in
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electric vehicles. what we're not discussing is cng and hybrid simply because they don't fall under the definition of zero mission vehicles from the state of california. so what is the range of some of these vehicles, battery electric vehicles we see that full electric capacity having range from anywhere to 80 miles to 115 miles currently on a charge. there are some possible options here that could be integrated into municipal procurement including the ford focus, kia, the nissan lease which is what we have and smarty remembering trick drive vehicles and you can see the varying range of these cars, plug in hybrid electric vehicles. they have a shorter range on the fully electric component of their power system with extended range, hybrid engine that can be in
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access of 30-mile and we're familiar with the different hybrids that exist. coming soon and not -- when i mean soon i mean next month are the long range electric vehicles which are battery electric vehicles that have a higher range than the electric vehicles we have seen on the market to date. this includes the chevy bolt which yesterday was named motor trend car of the year. this will be a 30,000 vehicle that gets over 200 miles of range. we have the tesla model three which gets 200 miles of range with a sim particular price range that has -- and then the hydrogen fuel vehicles, we do have the hydrogen fuelling station near ssfo and a potential for pro hydrogen stations to open in san francisco in the next
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couple of years via a couple of energy grants that are pending decision. there are fuel electric vehicles including the honda tusan and the honda clarity. the san francisco bay area is already a leader in electric vehicle adoption. and this is consist at that point with -- california is one of the world's largest mark hes for light duty zero mission vehicles with plug in electric vehicle ownership exceeded 230,000 vehicles by the end of the summer. californians drive 40% of all the electric vehicles on the road in the united states. and california electric vehicle market represents 1/3 of the world's easy market. in san francisco, there's approximately 5,000 electric vehicles registered to residents and businesses. and in some areas of our city, this
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represents 2 to 3% of the registered vehicle totals in those neighborhoods. so what this image represents is the darker green is where we have higher up take of electric vehicles throughout the city. so this shows how many vehicles are actually registered in these neighborhoods, and how many electric vehicles are registered in those neighborhoods as well. new sells of electric vehicle in san francisco represent about 4% of those -- of the sells of vehicles in this city. and in the bay area, we see in communities and the south bay, new sells of electric vehicles representing 20%. so san francisco and our early adopters of technology and throughout the bay area really are driving the market transportation for electric vehicles. but nationwide,
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worldwide, electric vehicles still only represent 1% of annual car sells. but this is going to change and it's going to change really soon. what this image represents is electric vehicles that are coming to market. i mentioned the chevy bolt which of course is being released in december that will have better range and lower pricing. so in addition to the chevy bolt, we have the tesla which has the lower price point and the nissan lease is going to have over 250 mys -- miles of range and we have those entering the market who have promised, this week at the la auto show to deploy multiple models of electric vehicles by 2020. so electric vehicle adoption, i cannot be
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successful without implementing accessible ev charging. there's three primary types of ev charging bases on use case of the vehicles, so a level one charger is what you think of when you think of a wall socket. this is the lowest cost for charging. this is for charging over night at home or in the case of our that municipal fleet when vehicles are not used after work hours and they can charge all night. level two charging is common at work places. the chargers that we do have installed through the city of san francisco are mostly level 2 chargers. a level 2 charge enables you to recharge that battery to gain about 25 miles of range per hour of charge. this is when you think of when you install a
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234 vault driver socket if the -- and the range can level for level 1 and level 2. if we needed to install for example, a run to support a ped stool for level one at a municipal facility, that could require trenching and require labor cost, so we do see that this range of cost could vary based on the municipal facility and the use case of the vehicle, and how we pair a different -- a specific type of charging to that vehicle's use case. and in san francisco, of course, our cost are generally more expensive than what we see across the country, and these averages that we see here - they're average from a cross the country. we want to ensure moving forward in the analysis we conduct of how much it will
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cost for us to support municipal vehicles that we're really looking at appropriate levels of budget for that charging. with level 2 charging, one of the important components that we also want to look at when assessing municipal facilities and the appropriate types of charging for vehicles is the electrical capacity of the building and make sure there's in the electric cal facility. one way for us to manage that is to through manage charging because they can be expensive. load control strategies, these technologies that enable fleet recharge management through an integrated computerized system can really help accelerate deployment of electric vehicles
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without requiring those electrical upgrades and they sequence multiple chargers through an automatic process so you don't have all the cars charging at one exceeding that building. and also it helps to reduce cost for labor, for fleet, staff to be managing charging of electric vehicles. and reduces those, again, those electrical infrastructure needs. likely what we're not looking at for dc fast charge. that's going to be applicable in the private sector when meeting the needs of business and -- transportation network companies like uber and lift, and how we work with them to electrify their fleet of drivers. city does have one of the highest per capital rates
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of electric vehicle charging infrastructure vehicles in the bay area. at municipal across -- about 20 minutes of post facilities we have 217 publicly available charging ports. 111 of these are located at various municipal facilities, mainly concentrated around mta garages and lots, and then there are over 100 at sfo as well. 25 of these charging ports are dedicated to municipal fleet vehicle charging. you can see there in the green box, the september statistics for use of these municipal public public available charging ports, so they're being utilized
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frequently. city wide we have 200 charging stations deployed. these points on the maps representing charging station that's can have multiple ports, so what you see here doesn't look like necessarily 600, but there are 600 here with multiple ports at each location. and then there are also dc fast chargers throughout the city. not all of these are publicly accessible. some are at hotels and other locations. but in general, we have one of the highest per cap rates of charging infrastructure in california and san francisco has done a great job over 5 years of leading the charge of integrating charging station, but we see the private sector
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picking up this, and i think that as much as we can work with the private sector on public private partnership on how to deploy -- that would be great. just quickly, and just -- >> if you don't mind, looking at the various maps and the up take within the city for ev, it -- once we expand into talking about the private market, really there's so much opportunity as you can see visually on the west side of town where we have more single family homes and probably more availability in terms of charging infrastructure, but there isn't a level of uptick as we would want to see, so i think again in the few just focusing on outreach efforts would be beneficial. >> yeah. when we put together the green square illustration, we were really surprised actually to see the opportunity that exist in these areas that
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have single family homes, that have actual dedicated parking spot and garages and we also know our places where people are driving a lot compared to the center of the city where we have public transportation that's available, and what not. it's definitely an opportunity. just quickly on what we've been up to in 2016, the city of san francisco of course was one of the 7 finalist for the u.s. department of transportation smart city challenge, and through this process, we were able to, in a very quick period of time, develop a strategy around ev deployment in the private sector with internal and external stakeholders. we of course were not successful in winning the dot smart city challenge, columbus, ohio won that particular grant opportunity. but from that particular -- from that experience, the city and the other smart city
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