tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV November 24, 2016 8:20pm-9:01pm PST
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had 97 percent open that. >> wow. >> have you taken up anything unique or odd here. >> i've picked up a few things in napa valley i love checking chocolates there's a lot of types of chocolate and caramel corn. >> now this is a given right there. >> i'm curious about the customer externals and how people are richmond to this collection of cities you've put together not only of san francisco food in san francisco but food across the bay area. >> this type of market with the local savors the high-end products is great. >> i know people can't believe they're in an airport i really joy people picking up things for their friends and family and
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wait i don't have to be shopping now we want people take the opportunity at our location. >> how long has this been operating in san francisco and the late 18 hours it is one of the best places to get it coffee. >> we have intrrnl consumers that know of this original outlet here and come here for the coffee. >> so let's talk sandwiches. >> uh-huh. >> can you tell me how you came about naming our sandwiches from the katrero hills or 27 years i
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thought okay neighborhood and how do you keep it fresh you can answer that mia anyway you want. >> our broadened is we're going not irving preserves or packaged goods we take the time to incubate our jogger art if scratch people appreciate our work here. >> so you feel like out of captured the airport atmosphere. >> this is its own the city the airline crews and the bag handlers and the frequent
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travels travelers and we've established relationships it feels good. >> when i get lunch or come to eat the food i feel like i'm not city. i was kind of under the assumption you want to be done with our gifts you are down one time not true >> we have a lot of regulars we didn't think we'd find that here at the airport. >> people come in at least one a week for that the food and service and the atmosphere. >> the food is great in san francisco it's a coffee and i took an e calorie home every couple of weeks. >> i'm impressed i might come here on my own without a trip, you know, we have kids we could
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get a babysitter and have diner at the airport. >> this is a little bit of things for everybody there's plenty of restaurant to grab something and go otherwise in you want to sit you can enjoy the experience of local food. >> tell me about the future food. >> we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what our passengers want. >> i look forward to see what your cooking up (laughter) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> today we've shown you the only restaurant in san francisco
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>> commissioner low. >> here. >> commissioner anderson. >> here. >> commissioner bo knee ya, commissioner harrison, commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner buell dez does have an excused absence, just a few quick reminders for everyone, we would ask that you please turn off any sound producing devices that may go off during the meeting and that you take any secondary conversations outside. if you would like to speak on an item today, please complete a blue card, commissioner, will it be three minutes? >> three minutes. er >> so, each person will have three minutes for public comment on each item. if there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and is only the subject matter jurisdiction of recreation and park commission, you may speak under general public comment and that is item 4 and it is continued again on item 10. please address your comments to the commission during public comment on items in order to allow equal time for
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all neither the commission nor staff will respond to any questions during public comment. the commission may ask questions of staff after public comment is closed. last, if the fire alarms activate, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion using any exit, please note elevators will immediately return to the first floor and are not available for use. if you need assistance out of the building, please make your way to the closest area of refuge which is across the hall in the men's restroom inside the restroom is a speaker box, press it and city hall security will answer, let them know where you are a and they will assist you, with that, we are on item number 2, the president's report. >> well, the vice-president's report, i first wanted to acknowledge president commissioner buell, today he is being honored by spur at the silver spur luncheon
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award for all his dedication and generosity to the parks and open space, not only for san francisco but for the the entire region, so i did want to acknowledge and congratulate commissioner buell in this great honor. also i wanted to advise everyone that the december 1 operations meeting is being cancelled. i wanted to also say that tomorrow is the annual turkey cook at many levy ward, we have some celebrity judges including commissioner mcdonnell who will be there. follow his restaurant -- you definitely have to follow his restaurant recommendations as he's a great connoisseur of fine food. it's a fabulous event and it's a great community gathering event and i encourage all of you to
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attend. also, i wanted to acknowledge that last monday was a unity gather hating the mayor hosted that was a terrific event and with all the craziness that's going on in the country and in our region, it was a very inspiring event to remind us that we are all one city. i also wanted to wish everybody a happy thanksgiving, this is the one time you can eat and enjoy -- eat and enjoy the gathering with your relatives. and that includes the vice-president's report. >> is there anyone would would like to make public comment on item 2? being none, the public comment is closed. we're on item number 3, the general manager's report. >> that one is tough to beat, particularly since my first announcement is about the turkey cook, just to
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underscore what the vice-president noted, tomorrow is turkey cook at many and levy, we have staff and kids from 11 rec centers across the city and they cook for best side dish and dessert, so come on, come all, it's really a terrific and tasty event, and then after thanksgiving, next friday, we at the recreation and park department will be avoiding calls and joining rei in national opt out side day, last year, millions of people joined in this new movement to bring attention to the natural gifts of parks and outdoor spaces provide, this november, let's turn our black friday green by avoiding the malls and visiting our favorite park instead.
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then moving right along into the holidays, on thursday december 1, we invite everyone to join us for the 87th annual holiday tree lighting in golden gate park featuring sledding, yes, sledding, snow, yes, snow, carnival rides, arts and crafted, live entertainment and a visit from santa. this is a free family event and it's become one of most popular events throughout the year and it's become a tradition, a long tradition for san francisco families dating back to john mclaren, this year's theme honors the san francisco fire department's 150th anniversary, and chief joanne haze white will be on hand as a special guest to help us light the tree. then on december 9th, the california coastal conservancy, the trust for public land save the bay san
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francisco estuary partnership, east bay regional parks and your own san francisco recreation and parks department are convening a regional leadership conversations on multiple benefit green infrastructure, it is on december thatch at the jewish contemporary museum, this is a half day event that begin widths a mayor's breakfast, sharing opportunities to integrate green infrastructure into planning and development. following the breakfast, national and regional green infrastructure experts, state and local policy makers, practicetysingers, community leaders discuss barriers and opportunities and develop strategies for expanding implementation of green infrastructure in the bay area. you know, green infrastruck klur and you're going to hear a little bit more about it, as soon as a critical strategy to impacting to climate change, protecting air and water resources, creating mobility options, increasing cohesion and public health and o as our
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region plans to incorporate our growing population, this is a growing stratd ji and envision the role of infrahave you beening cheer to share equitable development, including in the basin, i hope some of the sf hope work all focuses on green infrahave you beening khu, those interested in attended the event can visit attend to sign up. then on saturday december 3, beginning at 10 a.m., we invite everybody to join us, parks 94124 and our terrific partners at the trust for public land for the grand opening, reopening of hill top park, otherwise known as sun dial park, featuring music, food, ribbon cuting and the unveiling of the park park's new scale park, a thorough public design process inspired a site plan for amenities for all ages,
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a seating area overlooking the bay, picnic and barbecue area, fitness zones, including tolerant plants, stormwater retention are also imbed ined the park design. funding from this project included a grant of 5 million dollars from our state parks department, the california recreation and parks develop community revitalization prap, prop 84, a community fund of 200 thousand dollars, thank you, commissioner, as well as 500 thousand dollars in housing related park grants for a total investment of over 6.5 million dollars is being made in this bayview neighborhood park. it's really a spectacular project and also underscores the absolutely phenomenal partnership we continue to have with our friends at the trust for public land. lastly, and is she here? she's not even here. well, i had a brief amount
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of recognition, i don't know if any of you know, you may or may not know jamie hopper, she's leaving the department at the end of the year after six years with us, she begins a new life with her husband in oregon, and the reason i wanted to recognize her is two-fold, one, she was one of our first graduates of the san francisco state internship program, she graduated from state and was in i think the first class of interns under our ongoing partnership with san francisco state parks and recreation tourism program from which we hire many of our interns and she's been with us over the last six years, in that time, she's worked in our public affairs office, a accomplished photograph with a great eye, in fact, she was involved in many of our this month parks videos, she has planned many of our employee special events, by the way, including sunday december 4th which is i think the last one she's
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involved in is our staff and play recognition event at the i academy of sciences, so i think you all have gotten an invite, we would love to see you there. she has overseen programming, the department's role in programming at boeddeker clubhouse where we had this great partnership with the boys and girls club and jamie oversaw the program that we ran and most significantly and we'll bring back jamie's supervisor to talk more about this, she's helped to grow our zumba in the parks program and you think you know about this but we don't talk loudly about it. our zumba in the parks program currently offers 35 free vao*um ba across the city in a week, we have a thousand weekly participants, including 34 of those
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classes are in our equity zoned parks, and this is a program that jamie really drove, it's a mix of volunteers and staff and there's a remarkable amount of coordination and the program has such a wonderful following, we have it rites of s*ifblg -- civic center, two of them are at noon, three will be at 8 a.m., every day we'll have a zumba class outside at civic center and i'm so sad she's not here. so, but i just wanted to sing her praises. lastly, our -- this month in parks, thank you, ryan kelly and el to*n pawn for the amazing work you guy do to make these videos happen. this is a focus on our volunteer appreciation party which we held at lake merced
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>> 190 thousand hours of volunteer time in 2016, so con gras to the entire volunteer staff and that concludes the general manager's report. [applause]. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the general manager's report? being none, public comment is closed. we are on item 4 which is general public comment, up to 15 minutes, this item will be continued to item 10. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on item of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items, you will have the opportunity to address the commission when the item is reached in the meeting and i do have two cards, linda and corinne, if you could both come up or one at a time, i don't know how
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you're going do do it, one at a time. come on up. >> our yearly meeting, yay. because i know you're really a lot like me, you bring the best of what you do to the city of san francisco too, which brings us to the holidays, i would say and i told sandra once again, i was going to jump flight, i told some unions is where i would prefer to stay and i would like to say that i will be proud to be performing, welcoming our children, feeling like an ambassador of the city of san francisco to every person that arrives. i hope to see you this year in union square, i'll definitely be there and keep the spirits high. >> thank you. happy holidays. >> happy holidays.
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>> corinne? >> happy holidays to one and all. happy holidays to you too. as part of the advanced force of santa, i'm here to wish you all happy holidays, peace on earth, and with that, i've been going down the union square for years from the h*es of sunshine, which i come and formally introduce myself to you because i do like to bring advanced balloon a art for everyone to enjoy and this is for you, and i look forward to bringing joy and happiness to san francisco despite all the things that are going on in this world, and just taking pictures with people, letting them know that san francisco is a wonderful place and it's a joy to be a native san
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franciscan and to make sure that the kids have a wonderful time too, so i would love the see you down at union square as well, like with el *fs, i'm all over the place, these are a little bit more about myself that you can pass out because i do private birthday parties and corporate events as well, so i'll see you around town. >> thank you. >> commissioners, make sure to invite both of them to our tree lighting, come join. >> yes, thank you. >> and maybe you should be there at 4:00. >> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> well, you should know the time because santa's going to be there. >> okay. >> so, is there anyone else who would like to make general public comment? okay, being done, general public comment is closed.
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we are on item 5 which is the consent calendar, is there any public comment on the consent calendar? you want to speak on the consent calendar, come on up, you need to come up and speak. thank you. if you could please come up here. >> i have a question, does this include the strategic vision presentation? it's item 5g? >> it does. >> okay, then i would like the make a public comment. >> great. >> and i would like to hand out copies of materials to the commissioners and the staff. okay, your strategic vision includes a bunch of objectives including objectives 4.1 and 4.2, 4.1 is conserve and strengthen
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natural resources with plant 2 trees for every tree removed. er i propose changing that to a plant two trees for every tree that must be replaced due the natural forces and maintain the health of existing forest such as mount david son through maintenance and iv removal to limit need for replacement. i don't like the term removal of trees in objective 4.1. in 4.2, you have increase biodiversity and interconnect which is jargon to me, i propose change hating to maintain existing natural areas and habitat consistent with public use with performance indicators, number of trees that make san francisco park over three inch diameter over prior year for each park area and native number of plants introduced
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when maintenance requires plant replacement. and one of the reasons i'm commenting on this objective and vision is because you have an eir coming out on the significant and natural area resource management plan and the second page lists the reasons why the maintenance alternative is the preferred alternative including greenhouse gas emissions, heavy equipment use, water use and noise. the draft eir notes activities under the maintenance alternative would be smaller in scale and therefore greenhouse gas emissions would be less than those under the proposed project because they would be reduced use of motorized heavy equipment compared to the proposed project, this alternative would require less water, particularly for establishing new vegetation and we're still in a drought. the maintenance alternative would be environmentally
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superior because it has fewer potential environmental effects. >> you've got 30 more seconds. >> it would not create new trail and is would preserve the existing distribution and extent of biological resources including sensitive habitat, and in the remaining 20 seconds, i'll note, this works with what's going on because if you drive up dale wood on mount david son, you'll see at least 16 trees tagged for removal, so they're going to remove 16 eucalyptus korkt the city right now, all along gail wood and you can replace those with whatever you want if you have to remove them. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else would would like the make general public comment? being none, this item is closed. commissioners, you would need a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded, all in favor? aye. er any opposed? so moved. >> we are now on item 6, san
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francisco zoo. >> powerpoint, please. good morntion vice-president low, commissioners, [inaudible] gaines berg, thanks for having me here today, a few updates from san francisco vao*, we have over the last several months have been undertaking a renovation of the historic lion house, i'm sure many of you know this is one of the original buildings on the property of the zoo that was originally opened in 1940, so after those nearly 80 year, some of these buildings do need some renovations and we're excited about this. a will the of our patrons
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love come tog the zoo and haven't been able to go into the lion house for a period of time. with these renovations, we are updating some bathrooms which are very need ined that part of the zoo, as well as completely renovating the roof, skylights and some paint. what you see here on the left side is a complete removal of the traditional bars that you would see with full glass where our patrons will be able to have better observance of the big kat ins that area. we've also install add partition with the sliding door so that our patients will be able to come in and out and use the restroom facilities while the keepers are able to attend to the animals on the inside. we've also added some enrichment features for the big cats as well, here you see a picture of the renovated roof and skylights which is very needed.
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next i'll move on a wonderful conservation program which speak tos what san francisco zoo does locally, many times you hear about these incredible global initiatives about rien nos rows and the ivory trade elements, bhiel we are involved in that, there are hometown stories of such as in the last couple of months, the regular willing pond, the [inaudible] and now this, the damselfly, we've released 900 of the dance sell flies to mountain lake and this type of insect is only known to the bay area which was this fly was nearly did mated so we are seeing a relassoers januaries of this beautiful creature and happy to be working on this conservation local program. zoo mobile, i think if you
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were going through school and you were a kid in the bay area, you probably had a zoo mobile come out to your school. we're happy that we've add added a second new vehicle to zoo mobile, the zoo mobile goes out to about between 30 and 40 thousand kids every year with these fantastic programs, we have two new programs this year, this vehicle's smaller than the ones we've had in the past so much better to drive around the city and much more energy efficientbacker efficient as well, we just finished boo zoo, tla was part of the enrichment, it was fun to watch how they interacted with the pumpkins and this is how he had fun with his pumpkin, after nearly two days, we had 10 thousand people come out to the zoo, we had 400 kids take part in the costume parade, there were 200 thousand pieces of
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candle di distributed, almost like at my house it feels like and it was a wonderful event falling on the heals of a very successful event at scare grove. the entire month at the zoo was zoo overbear fest, it was the reshaping of the program that was taken in the past but this lasted for the entire month, zootoberfest brought in over 40 thousand people, thousands of kids came out and a nearly 6 thousand square foot hay maze and it was a fun event. we know last week there was a big event on tuesday, election day, so what the zoo tried to do was distract people, so we partnered with fire fox, if you know, their little lodging goe is a red pan da, we worked with them and did the red panda election day cam, so we thought we could district people for an hour or so, take them off the focus of the election and we live
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streamed the red panda from san francisco zoo, so everybody thought it was fun until the web started exploding websinger had over 206 thousand views on fire fox, 4400 shares as well as nearly 40 thousand views through the facebook of san francisco zoo, it was covered in media and press from seattle spoex hand, san francisco all the way to norway sh we were happy with the effect this had. last friday, veteran's dpai was a really special day for us at the zoo, you may know uulu, she's our polar bear, the oldest bear in captivity, she came to us nearly 33 years ago at about the age of 2, she had and her sisters and mom were getting into trouble up in northern canada, and she was going to be euthanized, the san francisco zoo saved her and she's been us for 33 years so last week, she had ten tons of snow shipped in and she was able to roll around and
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have a great time. this was sponsored by a wonderful partner of us abode and we had 8 thousand peel on-site that day for a great veteran's day. starting this sunday, no, saturday, is the rain beer romp, santd ta is lending three of his reindeer, they are being tracked and should be be here arriving on saturday morning at san francisco zoo and come on out and see our three wonderful reindeer which leads into zoo lights, december 16th, we start zoo lights which is a wonderful program that's been in the making for years at san francisco zoo, it will run the 16th through the 30th, filled with lots of music, lights and sounds and sights of the holiday season, so with that, that concludes my report and happy thanksgiving. >> thank you, happen thanksgiving. >> is there anyone would would like to make public comment on this item? item number 6?
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being none, public comment is closed. this was discussion only, commissioners, item 7, the deferred maintenance budget has been removed from calendar >> we're going the bring it back in january. we identified the project that we brought in committee which was -- we were going to use the money to -- at pole low to remove the reefers which became a health and safety issue. we identified a fund that is limited to use in golden gate park, by using that fund to do that project, it frees ufp our -- some of our deferred maintenance contingency funds to do a project, to do something else. >> this will come back to us in january? >> yes. >> one quick question? >> sure. >> so, when that comes back, what will be helpful because i would have had this question with this project as well, just to see what else was considered, just where we landed, it will see all that was considered? >> sure. >> thank you. >> okay. so, we are on item 8,
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potrero hope sf development agreement and shadow on potrero hill recreation center. >> good morning, commissioners, jordan harrison with recreation and park department, i'm joined here with other city staff and the may yr's office of housing and community development, oawd, economic and workforce development and mranlbacker planning, the item before you is the potrero hope sf project with two considerations, the potential acquisition of a park within that new development and second, the shadows that result from that development on to the recreation center property. before we discuss those item, i would like the turn it over to fu miller from the hope sf initiative, he'll go over the hope sf project as well as potrero. thank you. >> thank you very much, good morning, commissioners, good morning, mr. general manager. hope sf, it is a tremendous
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day in the stay to be in front of you, really, you know, hope sf is one of these things that the city understands is long overdue, so i'm here before you today, we'll be at planning later, go before the board of supervisors in january to put forward on initiative that's unlike anything in the country, this is the nation's first public housing transformation and creations initiative designed to interrupt intergenerational poverty and to build vibrant mixed income communities so we have done -- and i use the phrase reparations intentionally, we are repairing what our city by public policy -- we have tremendous friends in the audience who will be speaking on behalf of hope sf, i'm going to go through this briefly, i wanted to start with, again, my name is theo
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miller, mayor mill who's in pittsburg today just wanted me to say this is part of the mayor's vision to end public housing, this is no longer the other side of potrero hill or those swamps in sunnyvale, this is our community, this is our san franciscoer, this is an initiative that is designed to build on the assets and the strength and the resilience of our residents to rebuild communities that we've created. just to give you a sense of the context, hope sf is four neighborhoods all in the southeast, all in district 10, about 5 thousand individuals, 2200 households, some of the most incredible views, incredible household ins the city. we're well on our way with hunter's view and alice griffith, there's at least 150 new households who are in hunter's view, alice griffith folks will go in in february and in march, the
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