tv SFCTA Finance Committee 111516 SFGTV November 26, 2016 9:00am-9:31am PST
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hill travel toog the bayview or going the dogpatch neighborhood and the bayview folks coming to northeast mission that ride the bike trail. also bike to work day, i have driven that route at least three times and it is truly-there is a reason they call it a hairball. it is scary and dangerous and have a lot of activity and trucks and cars and pedestrians and you have close to a park, the skate park and also have cyclist all traveling along this particular thoroughfair. a lot of work needs to be done so want to compliment the work you have done and acknowledge that we have come a long way, but i want to also recognize we have a long way to go. i'm curious-i saw there are other segments-we didn't talk about-we talked about m, n and o and i think a and g?
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>> f and g. >> as you saw in the earlier slide that there is a, c and e-there is a and d. there are several different nodes that all encompasses the hairball. from the big picture, what is the timeline or if there-what is the projected schedule to begin to dissect the hairball in its entirety? >> at this point the focus was to-tasked to look at these certain areas and the idea behind that being that start improvements is a catalyst for change. >> i understand you have to start somewhere and love the
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areas you started. >> those areas came out of that planning process from 2012 and why we started with those areas. >> you already started doing due diligence so building off previous- >> yes. there were 4 to begin and extended m, n and o because o is right there and makes sense to include and does not-also some improvements extend along gerold which is also out of the scope but very important in terms of bringing people in. and letting people come out safely. the priority-the reason those segments were looked at was because of the previous planning process and moving forward there is absolutely the recognition that the hairball needs to look at-we do also recognize it is a much larger
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planning process. right now our strategy is move forward with these key segments and coming years seek additional funding for a larger planning process where we need to go back out to the community and reprioritize the remaining segment jz what to do next and what to address. >> thank you. >> that is in our mindset. >> director campos. >> i think it is good that it is move frgward with mno and think that should move forward as quickly as possible, but everything else you said isn't acceptable and won't fly so happy to call for a hearing at the board of supervisors. i think it is great you are move frgward with the other phase but you need to-it isn't enough to come and say it is priority in the next few years and make it happen. i need to get a specific plan for how you will
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fund it and start as close to what you are doing with the other phases as possible. >> sure. she didn't necessarily initiate the process. i directed-i asked for this particular study, so perhaps what i can do is work with supervisor elect roanen to really begin to direct if there is new in-tip money. i don't know how that works. >> i dont think it should wait. i'm sure supervise r roanen elect is happy to work with you and will work with you, but i want to see something specific about this before. >> you mean like next month? >> yeah. i'm happy to call a hearing. i'll introduce a hearing request today at the
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board of supervisors but this has been a issue for a long time and i don't think i would be doing my job as the supervisor for district 9 if this project moves forward but only one part of it is funded. i think we need to make sure that there is funding for all of it. it is issue of equity. >> i'm happy to bring this back. we just wrapped up this phase so haven't moved on with the next phases so i'm happy to go back to my supervisor and maybe come back at the next appropriate meeting and have someone present or myself present on a path forward closing some of the loops with the funding gaps. >> we'll introduce a hearing request today at the board of supervisors so we can scr a hearing equest. >> thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. director cohen.
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>> thank. >> open up for public comment. thank you talia for the great presentation. anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> i'm for the next item. >> i was hoping you might be able to bring auditing up to a adequate level. >> sir, could you state your name? >> kenneth. hoping you may bring auditing up to a adequate level 6789 under the impression auditing declined by a full 1/3 in recent year jz may explain the >> are you talk ugabout item 5? >> just auditing, we were talking about auditing in general. >> we adopted the audit.
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>> alright. no problem. thank you. >> seeing no other public comment let's close public comment. i wondering colleagues how you want to move this item forward. >> information item? >> just file. >> great. thank you. mr. stamose, next item. >> item 6, state and federal legislative update. this is information item >> amber grab with transportation authority. we don't have a matrix because stailt session wrapped up but have a lot to talk about after the election. first at the federal level right now it is somewhat of avicium of information. there is big discussion of infrastructure package and investment which we'll be work wg our state delegation and mtc and other stakeholders trying to advance
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san francisco priorities at the federal level once we have a better understanding of what the projects and programs will be. at the regional level or the state level, we had somewhat good news at the projected failure of prop 53 which would have required state approval of infrastructure projects oferk 2 billion letting la vote on a project moving forward in san francisco. at the regional level we had more good news. the bart measure passed as did sales tax increase in santa clara county. unfortunately our revenue measure and the one in contra costa didn't move forward but there a few bright spots. other measures that were similar to ours but on a city level, not a conte level, the general tax plus policy statement for local streets and
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roads and affordable housing did pass and also pesage of measures that institute policies related to housing affordable to things like rent control so that was a positive aspect. osat the regional level this impacts the information we provided to the inmetropolitan transportation commission regarding adaupgds of plan bay area. i think it is this thursday, so it was a last minute-the measure did want pass, so what did we do? you take the revenue out of the plan and luckily we thought ahead to this unfortunate day and were able to remove the funding from plan bay area by reducing programs not having to strike any projects from plan bay area. we will be fine moving forward. with respect to j and k i think we are all
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thinking forward as far as learning lesson and what can happen. i just wanted to give you a quick few thoughts on its impact to the transportation authority and transportation in the the city in general. it means there are specific projects we will need to find new funds for and specific programs priority like state of good repair for roads and transit, muni forward and walk first. the specific projects will impact is cal train electrification, bart car, expansion projeblth, manage lanes so these are core component of the transit study and then cut to the funding we needed for preliminary engineering and planning for the next phase of the major rail capacity invest ement in the bay area. i think all of
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these deficits and especially the planning deficits putss at a disadvantage of attracting regional, state and federal dollars so places like la, contra costa-sorry, vta in the south bay are in a better position because they have money to get projects in the pipeline and line up to be more competitive so have to figure a different way to do that. looking forward, we-the mayor has triggered the policy option to cancel prop j, which did show a significant interest in transportation across the city. i think we are all looking forward given that interest to 2018 and beyond. we are also looking forward to mtc putting regional measure 3 potentially on the ballot in 2018, which
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would increase i believe talking about a $2 increase on the bridge tols over several years. with that, happy to answer any questions you have. start the matrix next month. >> thank you for krauss the positive in the been gg and challenge in the end. open up for public comment. anyone who would like to speak from the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you so much, mrs. crab. that was a informational item. thank you. mr. stams item 7. >> introduction of new items. >> i see no colleagues jump toog the mic. anyone from the public that would like to speak? public comment is closed on item 7. thank you mr. stams next. >> item 8, general public comment. >> thank you. good morning. andrew yip. in a progressive development of [inaudible] we
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are having new chapter of [inaudible] recording of a new stage in history. we must continue to take on mighty [inaudible] advancement and expansion of all realistic aspect of [inaudible] towards a great success for our people. one is having [inaudible] to practice a [inaudible] protection with love and [inaudible] personal, family and social values. with exceptional capacity of courage, wisdom, kindness and [inaudible] wisdom and
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[inaudible] we must protect traditional values of loyalty, parental love, integrity, justice, kindness, love, and peace along side with our mission [inaudible] having benefit to one self and others. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no other comments let's close public comment. mr. stamose, is there any other business before us? >> item number 9, adjournment. >> thank you everyone,
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>> welcome to "culturewire." today we are at recology. they are celebrate 20 years of one of the most incredibly unique artist residency programs. we are here to learn more from one of the resident artists. welcome to the show, deborah. tell us how this program began 20 years ago. >> the program began 20 years ago. our founder was an environmentalist and an activist and an artist in the 1970's. she started these street sweeping campaigns in the city. she started with kids. they had an exhibition at city hall. city officials heard about her efforts and they invited her to
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this facility. we thought it would coincide with our efforts to get folks to recycle, it is a great educational tool. since then, we have had 95 professional artists come through. >> how has the program changed over the years? how has the program -- what can the public has an artist engage with? >> for the most part, we worked with metal and wood, what you would expect from a program like ours. over the years, we tried to include artists and all types of mediums. conceptual artists, at installation, photographers, videographers. >> that has really expanded the program out. it is becoming so dynamic right now with your vision of interesting artists in gauging here. why would an artist when to come here? >> mainly, access to the
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materials. we also give them a lot of support. when they start, it is an empty studio. they go out to the public area and -- we call it the big store. they go out shopping, take the materials that, and get to work. it is kind of like a reprieve, so they can really focus on their body of work. >> when you are talking about recology, do you have the only sculpture garden at the top? >> it is based on work that was done many years ago in new york. it is the only kind of structured, artist program. weit is beautiful. a lot of the plants you see were pulled out of the garbage, and we use our compost to transplant them. the pathway is lined with rubble from the earthquake from the freeways we tour about 5000
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people a year to our facility, adults and children. we talk about recycling and conservation. they can meet the artists. >> fantastic. let's go meet some of your current artists. here we are with lauren. can you tell us how long have been here so far and what you're working on? >> we started our residency on june 1, so we came into the studio then and spent most of the first couple weeks just digging around in the trash. i am continuing my body of work, kind of making these hand- embroidered objects from our day-to-day life. >> can you describe some of the things you have been making here? this is amazing. >> i think i started a lot of my work about the qualities of light is in the weight. i have been thinking a lot about things floating through the air.
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it is also very windy down here. there is a piece of sheet music up there that i have embroidered third. there is a pamphlet about hearing dea -- nearing death. this is a dead rabbit. this is what i am working on now. this is a greeting card that i found, making it embroidered. it is for a very special friend. >> while we were looking at this, i glanced down and this is amazing, and it is on top of a book, it is ridiculous and amazing. >> i am interested in the serendipity of these still life compositions. when he got to the garbage and to see the arrangement of objects that is completely spontaneous. it is probably one of the least thought of compositions. people are getting rid of this stuff. it holds no real value to them,
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because they're disposing of it. >> we're here in another recology studio with abel. what attracted you to apply for this special program? >> who would not want to come to the dump? but is the first question. for me, being in a situation that you're not comfortable in has always been the best. >> what materials were you immediately attracted to when you started and so what was available here? >> there are a lot of books. that is one of the thing that hits me the most. books are good for understanding, language, and art in general. also being a graphic designer, going straight to the magazines and seeing all this printed material being discarded has also been part of my work. of course, always wood or any kind of plastic form or anything like that. >> job mr. some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. -- taught me through some of the
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pieces you have made while you have been here. >> the first thing that attracted me to this was the printed surface. it was actually a poster. it was a silk screen watercolor, about 8 feet long. in terms of the flatwork, i work with a lot of cloddish. so being able to cut into it come at into it, removed parts, it is part of the process of negotiating the final form. >> how do you jump from the two dimensional work that you create to the three-dimensional? maybe going back from the 3f to 2d. >> everything is in the process of becoming. things are never said or settled. the sculptures are being made while i am doing the collages, and vice versa. it becomes a part of something else. there's always this figuring out of where things belong or where they could parapets something
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else. at the end goal is to possibly see one of these collage plans be built out and create a structure that reflects back into the flat work. >> thank you so much for allowing "culturewire" to visit this amazing facility and to learn more about the artists in residence program. is there anything you like our viewers to know? >> we have art exhibitions every four months, and a win by the public to come out. everybody is welcome to come out. we have food. sometimes we have gains and bands. it is great time. from june to september, we accept applications from bay area artists. we encouraged artists from all mediums to apply. we want as many artists from the bay area out here so they can have the same experience. >> how many artists to do your host here? >> 6 artist a year, and we receive about 108 applications. very competitive. >> but everyone should be
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encouraged to apply. thank you again for hosting us. >> thank you for including us in "culturewire." ♪ i'm derek, i'm hyungry, and ready to eat. these vendors offer a variety of the streets near you. these mobile restaurants are serving up original, creative and unusual combinations. you can grab something simple like a grilled cheese sandwich or something unique like curry. we areher here in the average eight -- upper haight.
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you will be competing in the quick buy food challenge. an appetizer and if you are the winner you will get the title of the quitck bite "chompion." i am here with matt cohen, from off the grid. >> we assembled trucks and put them into a really unique heurban settings. >> what inspired you to start off the grid? >> i was helping people lodge mobile food trucks. the work asking for what can we get -- part together?
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we started our first location and then from there we expanded locations. >> why do think food trucks have grown? >> i have gotten popular because the high cost of starting a brick and mortar or strong, the rise of social media, trucks can be easily located, and food trucks to offer a unique outdoor experience that is not easily replaced by any of their setting any worlwhere else in san franc. san francisco eaters are interested in cuisine. there adventuress. the fact theyuse grea use great ingredients and make gourmet food makes unpopular.
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>> i have been dying to have these. >> i have had that roach coach experience. it is great they're making food they can trust. >> have you decided? >> we are in the thick of the competition? >> my game was thrown off because they pulled out of my first appetizer choice. >> how we going to crush clear? >> it will be easy. probably everyone has tried, something bacon tell us delicious. >> -- people tell us is delicious. >> hopefully you think the same thing.
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>> hopefully i am going to win. we're in the financial district. there is a food truck right there. every day changes. it is easy and fun to go down. these are going to be really good. >> how are you going to dominate? >> i think he does not know what he is doing. >> i was thinking of doing [unintelligible] we are underrepresented. >> i was singing of starting an irish pub. that was my idea. >> one our biggest is the corned beef and cabbage. we are asking people what they're thinking in getting some feedback. >> for a lot of people i am sure this combination looks very wrong. it might not sound right on paper but when you taste it to
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or have it in your mouth, it is a variety. this is one of the best ways in creating community. people gather around and talk about it and get to know different cultures. that brings people together and i hope more off the grid style and people can mingle and interact and remove all our differences and work on our similarities. this creates opportunity. >> the time has come and i am very hungry. what have you got? >> i got this from on the go, a sandwich, and a caramel cupcake. i went with home cooking. what de think? >> i will have another bite.
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>> sounds good. >> that was fantastic. let's start with you. >> i had the fried mac and cheese, and twinkies. i wanted to get something kind of classic with a twist on it. >> it was crispy. >> i will admit. >> want to try fieried mac and cheese? >> was that the best twinkie? >> would you say you had the winning male? >> definitely. >> no. >> you are the "chompion."
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