tv Small Business Commission 112816 SFGTV November 28, 2016 10:00pm-12:01am PST
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share membership and certain measures measures you can do like realtime transit display not a lot of square footage on the ground that is flexibility when you look at the flexibility of the measures and the fact that small projects have a low the fact of the matter to beginning www a lower amount of parking they're providing and especially, when we the proposal we commute today to reduce the - this gives for incentive for the projects san jose reduce 12 parking spaces to achieve a lower the fact of the matter and opens up space for additional bike space it is flexible enough to accommodate the smaller projects as well as large projects if you want to ask -
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>> around the non-restricted accessory parking brought up by walk sf that included this as with the tdm an exemption for projects that are not seriousy parking. >> it is important to separate this into two separate issues just for the jargon when we say accessory parking under the code to be dedicated to a specific lowell high scho; right? this is a parking space the tdm program doesn't apply to the stand alone parking garages this is the sole purpose of the use you know if someone was proposing to build a parking garages who will they give the subsidies to why put a realtime
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display. >> did you have a conversation with walk sf. >> we had the conversation with stakeholders over time this is one situation that in happen often the other issue we've acknowledged when you have a project being built like a high-rise and have a certain amount of parking and request additional parking not accessory and technical it is supposed to function as a parking garage but when in the real world are they using it as a de facto and would this perhaps something to achieve a lower the fact of the matter we felt was an land use and enforcement issue we acknowledged if you have a project that is you you know mixed use project they're proposing to build a parking garage into this project that we
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would require any of the parking garages spaces up to the amount that is permitted for accessory parking to count taurd our the fact of the matter again, we don't feel this is a tdm issue as much as land use issue but wanted to aid that loophole and trying to discourage people from using that. >> and a discussion about traffic reduction goals question neighborhood and this legislation addresses that a huge differences in congestion and different parts of the city and are we drafting how do we account how we not to have a certain approach in a place of high-level of congestion. >> i'll let any colleague at the department. >> that's an interesting approach and a total different methodology
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this would you know we certainly can consider in the future it would potentially take at least another year or two years to develop all the data and work that through it is just not the approach we pursued and we wanted to build something that was enabled us to act now using the data we have now and the best practices and we can certainly consider that in the future but not we can act on in the near timeframe. >> the goal to be able to reduce vehicle miles traveled across town. >> kroidz /* /- across the
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city. >> so last question is related to the health and human services exceptions that was talked about here's a couple of points i have is how prevalent with the exemptions need to be made and how can such exemptions be formulated. >> thank you i mean this is a challenge that our department and other agencies in the city are working in terms of how to help a lot of our smaller nonprofits services agencies stay in the city and be able to operate i know we're working on that on different levels it's challenging within a metric that used land use we don't regulate land use based on ownership for profit or certain
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types of nonprofits in the city that is difficult to do that the southern here is that an exemption for nonprofit that will essentially be a forever if we consider a nonprofit this type of exemption for an office use therapy in their space for 5 years and had to leave no trigger to require that office space for the tdm use no change of use that is a concern not only for the program but other planning departments planning code controls how they may or may not impact the nonprofits we feel this structure by and large will rarely have impacts on the use because most of those services exactly for the reasons mentioned they don't have the
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capital or the funding to do new construction it is going into an existing space an existing building as proposed the change of use trigger for the tdm requirements anothers 25 thousand square feet and that's very large for those types of uses and if the use is that large they'll be having impact on the city and those types of uses the tdm measures are focusing on the employees if not more than the visitors and their trips to and from - more 10 thousand square feet. >> has there been an analysis avenue you know- sounds like not
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been in terms of nonprofit and vehicle miles traveled and how much employees and nonprofits actually commute by cars. >> i don't know if we have done it by nonprofit but specific types of use when it comes to matters of land use and transportation where nonprofit are for profit it functions as a land use we researched the data k59 how a service use differs from for profit. >> and you mentioned is there a way for you know hearing from the human services nonprofits in the community one of the hardships is the fee if they're a change of use from a nonprofit to let's say a
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business that has more revenue to add additional cost is there an opt in for a way for an exemption to be created for i know the ongoing fee you said a thousand dollars a year. >> that's the monitoring fee i understand you want to know a process as long as a nonprofit certain types of nonprofit they can apply and be eligible more than a fee reduction. >> exactly. >> that would be constructed and anytime our fees are based the analysis of the staff time to do the work and anytime we reduce the fee we have to look at simplifier else.
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>> but on the end of your tdm plan one of the menu options and more importantly to provide transit benefits for workers and residents that is something that nonprofits actually, the human services and nonprofits don't get money for and every year we go through this budget process that talks about the cost doing business increasing every year but the actual grants that human services and nonprofits get is never large enough to meet with the cost of business is and other additional costs way beyond or a menu item i think human services and nonprofits wanted to be able to you know check off and do but not the resources for it so i think that there are constraint that you
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know where the menu didn't necessarily address the nonprofits have. >> i think the scenario you've described a description of every projects all the measures have a cost society with the them they'll been different for a variety of factors that's why we have so many miles an hour and the flexibility built in so for whatever reason our individual projects whether you're a nonprofit or profit service provider or a high-rise developer you can take into account the constraint you have and select the measures that work best for you and those projects as mentioned they tend too often not have the parking and i understand you've not be able to measure who occupies the
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space there are differences don't believe are captured in this ordinance you've seen the hardship on more businesses or nonprofits that serve low income communities that don't have a larger profit for a menu of options with the greatest impact of reducing the miles traveled it doesn't have to be resolved yet but look forward in terms of modifying in the future to address this issue we have to have the greatest impact to have a greatest menu of options. >> thank you. >> thank you supervisor avalos is there anything else. >> i have an amendment as a whole i want to request the compete accept and one of them
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includes grandfathering in of listing project i'm open to a different level one that is - i'm open to what the planning department has put forwards in terms of grandfather in. >> that's good to hear what's a that's what i was going to propose as i ask you accept the amendment as a whole i'll explain in a second and later you can amend it. >> here's the amendment i have first on page 6 lines adding a word for vehicle miles traveled that demonstrates how the tdm more affordable housing is excellent on the level of affordability later we can look at those finding can be addressed how we can have a different approach for you know tenant opted out
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buildings that don't have a lot of office and the next one on package 9 the clues the tdm draft be presented any fee required for developers we have a chance for the public to a chance to weigh in on what is put forward for the measure the next allow the planning department to establish a phase in schedule for the tdm projects that have submitted the development applications before december 6th before the language provided by the planning department the fourth is page 12 addressing a clerical issue an amendment that shows that future reports on the tdm program are present to the board and how they're done so these are amendments to the whole i want to request.
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>> thank you very much i don't know colleagues if there is any discussion i'd like to go forward and give a couple of remarks first of all, xhoimentsdz to the planning department and others based on the presentation it is clear and quantify a lot of work and thought into making this policy thoughtful and inclusive i know that is not he's a difficult job my compliments to you members here in the chamber and in the office not here on the presentation teem i know a lot of people made this possible and recognize the folks that came in for pub the comments i heard were thoughtful and hope they'll continue to be part of this discussion and we hammer out the tweaks for this important populate that includes the developers that are stand to be
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impacted by the some of the proposals so a couple of things first, i want to supervisor avalos has - we have a little bit of a difference the grandfathering clause and i think he indicated i'll be amenable to what i'll suggest my suggestion is from the planning department in a memo for i'll read into the record - let's see table for development projects that the development application on or before september 4, 2016, should be subject to 50 percent of the teetering for developments applications on or after september '57 and green befo201r
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the development application on or after 2018 should be subject to 100 percent of the the fact of the matter and 3 with a development application on or before september 4, 2016, should be subject to 50 percent of the the fact of the matter for development with a development application or other than after september 5, 2015, and before 2018 should be subject to 75 percent of the the fact of the matter and after january 2018 should be subject to 100 percthf the matter. >> you want to read that. >> i want to read into the record we'll be r be making
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amendment to the small section of what scombhoolz is proposing and if we can take that without objection colleagues without objection that item passes thank you, thank you this is a substantial and more and dense discussion we've had here today and i'd like to take a week to continue to work on this and continue to do our due diligence with the stakeholders is if we could madam clerk what in one week's time what's the date for invocation. >> that's december 5th. >> i'd like to make a motion to continue this to december 5th any objection. >> before taking the vote i have one other thing i want to express and we can look at between then and next week
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one of the comments was discussed how we are addressing - we're doing our parking tdm plan by units or but there are units we have multiple bedrooms and want the answer in our next week week it is a policy of the city we wanted to build family housing is there a way to have accommodation for this in this legislation or want to create that incentive for families housing. >> okay. thank you so colleagues i've made a motion to continue this item without objection that item passes unanimously thank you and before we adjourn madam chair it's been a pleasure serving with supervisor wiener our the land use committee for the last year and this is the last land use committee it's
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been a pleasure to serve with staff. >> thank you supervisor peskin for once again jumping the gun. >> it's okay. >> your forgiven. >> like supervisor peskin said this is at land use committee meeting our colleague scott wiener will be a member of he's joined me in the committee for 6 years our entire duration on the board of board of supervisors and scott that's been a pleasure to serve with you and for the most part we've seen eye to eye but you've been a worthy opponent and want to give you an opportunity to say a few remarks. >> thank you, madam chair and supervisor peskin for your kind words as well as the chair mentioned it's been
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an honor to serve on this committee for the topics and now recognizing those two subjects are intertwined to serve on the committee for 6 years you've been so lucky to for the immortality of my 6 years as a board of supervisors i've served on a committee i'm compassionate about around the house and transportation issues and in particular that are critical for the city's future and an honor to serve on the committee that committee is not an easy one to serve on issues have floated through the committee are unbelievably contention because they're important whether an individual project or whether a major, major issue in the city and it's been an honor to be involved and in those
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discussions and debates and madam chair you're correct you and i the minute we came into this board in 2011 it's been a pleasure serving with you and handing off leadership plaster colleagues i'm very, very appreciative. >> thank you supervisor avalos. >> you've spent a lot of time in this committee. >> i've been in the committee with scott and the whole time i was here you didn't say a single word i was surprised but i'm it was a rare meeting you didn't say anything i actually wanted to thank you for serving this on the board of supervisors we didn't always see eye to eye but worked on projects together but what
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you've contributed to the city and county of san francisco as a supervisor and probably i'll say tomorrow at the full board you brought engagement to each other and we worked harder to shift through the policies based on our work and tensions and creating the legislation that move forward the city forward particularly how we address development and transportation i think where but came in was a huge emphasis on transportation that actually moved you know and be for attention active to our transportation needs no mayor has done i believe that you're part of that and the city is better for it and didn't always agree on the right approach but we're in a better place we were
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before your tenure. >> thank you very much madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> that concludes our business for today. >> thank you, everybody, adjourned >> november 28, 2016. the meeting is called to order at 202 p.m. the small business commission thanks media service and s fgovtv staff
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viewed on sf tv 2, channel 78. please take the opportunity to silence phone squz other electronic devices. public comment is limited to 3 m mchbts unless establish bide the aufser the meeting. speakers are requested but not required to state names mpt completion of a speak er cars helps insure names. place speaker cars in the basket to the right the leck turn. speakers are called at the order cards are receivered. s frks fgovtv can you please show our slide? >> good afternoon, it is our custom to begin and end each small business commission meeting with reminder the aufs of small business is the only place to start your new business in san francisco and the best place to get answers about doing business in san francisco. theophilus of small business should be your first stop when you vaquestion what to do next.
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the small business commission meeting is the official forum where you can voice your concerns regarding policies and projoket squz issues that effect the economic vitality oaf of small business in san francisco. welcome to our meeting. >> alright. item 1, call to order and roll call. commissioner stephen adams, here. kathleen dooley, here. mark dwight, here. william ortiz-cartagena, here. paul tour-sarkissian, here. irene yee riley, not present. commissioner miriam zu zuns, not present. you have quorum. >> excellent. item 2, >> general public comment. allows members to comment on matters within the small business commission jurisdiction but not on todays calendar and suggest new agenda item fwrz the commission future
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consideration. >> any member s like to comment on anything not on our agenda today? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item number 3, discussion and action on legacy business registry application and resolution. discussion and action to approve the following application tooz the legacy business registry. discussion a action item. bay area video coalition inc. blew bare school of music. bo's flower stand. cafe du nord. cafy triste. cartoon art museum. castro country club. cole hardware. galeria de la raza. golden bear sports sportswear. sam's grill and seafood. san francisco heritage. the stud bar. the presenter is richard kurylo. >> good afternoon. before you
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today are 13 application for your consideration for the businesses to be included on the legacy business registry. i have a powerpoint presentation and not sure if sf f guv tv is able to show that. >> sfgtv can you please key the powerpoint? >> there we go. the applications were review said by my for completion and submitted to planning department staff october 3 mpt the historic preservation heard on the 2. each applicant contains a staff report from the legacy business program manager, a draft resolution, the application, a case report from planning department staff and resolution from historic preservation commission. there are copies on the table for had
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public. iletm 3 a is bay area video coalition inc. the business is a non-profit organization founded in 1977 that has become amunity hub sfr media makers in the bay area and across the country serving many low income unemployed and under employed teens and adults. bay area video coalition serves frelancers filmmakers job seekers activist and artist by providing story telling workshop jz diverse communities of makers producers services and resources. 3 b is blue bear school of music. founding in 1971. blue bear provides onsight program jz class and offers 20 offsite programs and
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scholarship programs which offer scholarship to the neediest students. item 3 c, bo's flower stand. the business is a independently owned flawer shop that opened in 1986 and serves downtown civic neighborhood. bo's flower stand is supportive of organizations, institutions and groups helping those living with hiv/aids donating flower tooz thoseantties and been a supporter of same sex marriage being so close in proximity to city hall. 3 d is cafe du nord. opened in 1908 making it one of the oldest operating bars in san francisco and wrun one of the few that survived
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prohibition. located on castro has a rich history of hosting events and group jz organizations and individuals. item 3 e is caf e cafe fè trieste. credited with igniting the espresso movement and known as the meeting place for the peat movement during the 1950's and 1960's as well as high quality coffee, italian snacks and hosting performance for opera, original music and orld world italian. ope chbed a retail store with glass glass and italian candies are sold. 3 f
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is cartoon art museum. non-profit museum founded in 1984 that preserves and exhibitss the history oof cartoon art and related art works. cartoon art museum hosts editorials, comics and weekend cartoons and the longest running museum of original cartoon art in the united states committed to preservation of this art form. 3 g is castro kuntly club. the business is non-profit clean and sober coffee house fonded in 1983 who was mission is provide a clean and sober gathering place in the castro neighborhood and help foster a . operates 5 programs including meetings, unstructured peer couns lsh, job training and
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skills building, social support and fellowsheps and fine and performance art. item 3 h, cole hardware. local hardware established in 1961. began as a one man operation and became one of the busiest hardware stores in the city spanning to multiple locations to san francisco and oakland. the business is known for their dedicated and personalized customer services as well as generous donations an nually to local schools through community partners and business programs. item 3 i is galeria de la raza. the business is a non-profit community based organization founded in 1970 in the mission district that promoteds, create jz preserves chicano and latino art throughout the decades and creates a new space where these pieces exist and
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be experience d outside a traditional art galery. the mission is foster public awareness and appreciate and explore contemporary eshis in art and advance interculture dialogue. item 3 j is golden bare sport sportswears. local outer way company established . golden bear sports started manufacturing dock wurbers jackets worn by longshoreman and letter or varsity jackets and band members oef the jait graitful dead, jefferson airplane in the 60's. the company made jackets for political luminaries throughout history and continues to make motorcycle jacket frz the san francisco police
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department. item 3 k is sam's grill and seafood restaurant. the business is one of san francisco's oldest seafood restaurants serving since 1957. one of only a few restaurants that thrived in san francisco since the end of the gold rush. sam's grill supportss chairable causes every first tuesday of the month in which a percentage of dinner saleerize donated to non-profit organizations. item 3 l is san francisco heritage. the business is a non-profit organization located in pacific heights founded in 1971 and who's mission is prurfb and enhance san francisco mfs unique heritage and cultural identity. redevelopment in the name of
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urban renewal in the 5 o's and 60's letd to san francisco heritage and became a icon of san francisco historic preserve movement. in 2013 san francisco heritage launched legacy bar squz restaurants, a ground breaking online guide of 100 restaurants and bars each 40 years old or older with distinth architecture or interior design and contribute today the neighborhood. item 3 m is the stud bar. the business is a iconic gay bar established in 1966 in the southd of market neighborhood. the stud hosted performances by musicians and performers and developed the reputation as san francisco, it spot for celebrities to experience
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queer culture. in 1994 the stud introduced a weekly party and drag show, trany shack that rose out of the aids crisis and brought together the san francisco night life scene. the stud bar is a crucial, supportive and welcome, asset to the gay community and anchor of gay bars along and near folsom street. all 13 businesses received a positive recommendation from the historic preserve commission mpt after reviewing the applications and recommendations from had historic preservation commission, stafffides the businesses met the three criteria to qualify for listing on had legacy business registry. there are 13 draft resolutions for consideration by the small business commission, one for each of the legacy business registry applicants. note that emotion and support of the businesses should be motion in favor of the resolution. this concludes my presentation
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and happy to answer questions and there are a number of representatives here today that would like to speak on behalf of the business >> what a fantastic and eclectic list we have this time. commissioners, any comments before we open to public comment? none, so let's start public comment. >> our first speaker- >> public comment is limited to two minutes and by the way, we don't mean to be rude but at 30 seconds you will hear a beep that means you have 30 seconds to go and when your two minutes is up we have >> to give you the hook because of rule jz regulation. however, we are thrilled to hear your stor ez. if you prepared something written, just read it. nobody is watching to give style points so really the mission here is to get things into the record and
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entertain ourselves. we have a grood crowd today and think we'll be entertained. >> i will read the first five speakers and then i'll do the same for the next five. mindy air nauf, billie lemon, honey mahogany, summer lee cushar, peter [inaudible] >> hello, thank you so much for letting us be here. i'm mindy from bay area coalition. i think one of inreasons we lasted for 40 years is because we think entrepreneur but we probably can't spell it. we sell class tooz the community, some people get them for free, . for example we sought sfgtv and the crew came and learned video production and post production. we do this all over the city and have
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for all most 40 years. we also sell time in our post production facility so if somebody needs to make a project and dont have the equipment at home they can come to bay vac. we run san francisco's public access television channel and so as a result of that we sell membership to make sure the people are in san francisco and we also help youth, age 14 to 18 and transitional youth as well . we are a high bread of criblted and earned income and we really appreciate the opportunity. >> awesome, thank you. i will giver you a proper shout out when we give our emmy nomination. >> good afternoon. billie lemon, i'm the executive director of castz row country club mpt since 1983 we
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are a non-profit and serve the lgbtq community folks looking to get sober. we started a a oasis for people struggling to sur vive and deal with the effects of hiv/and aids. now we serve about 40,000 people a year. we have about 40 meetings a week that cover the entire spectrum of is so brity and recovery. everything from crystal methto alcoholism to food adam squz oveater jz even have a buddhism based group. i am one of those people who's life was changed. i was addicted for 10 year jz started as a volunteer and became a manager and through hard work and diligence and support from a community that knows what it is like to
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recover, i was named executive director so absolutely blessed to be able to be here today and i think my time is running up so thank you very much. >> awesome, thank you very much and congratulations. [applause]. next up. >> hi, my name is kimberley [inaudible] executive director of the cartoon art mew soom. want to thank you for having the hearing for the small businesses here. um, we have been exhibiting original cartoon art for 32 years and started here, a group of collectors got together and started doing traveling exhibition before we found our first location in 1987 and that was the help of charles schultz who gave money for a endowment and sense we have exhibited cartoon art. this is something very few places can see these original
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drawings. we know cartoon art but seeing the art and creation and how animation or comic strips or your favorite comic book is created really gives insight to the artistry and historic meritoffs the form. we had lots of artist, very professional artist such as chuck jones on display. we had dr. seuss but reached out to the artistmunity in the bay-air area and have artist that can share their work. we have a a spot lithe to give emerging artist a chance to show they work and have lectures and presentation squz do classes for youth and after school programs that teach kids how to use technology and we love to sfai in san francisco and with this program it has been really a great help to us to be able to do that. thank you.
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>> great. thank you for all your hard work. >> honey mahog aef, i don't know if you are here. >> hello. thanks for having us today. want to tell you about why we [inaudible] thank you. in the after math oaf the mass shooting in orlando president obama made a statement about the profound importance. pulse was more than just a night club, he called it a place of solidarity and empowerment. for over 50 years the stud is our place of solidarity and empowerment. a place where creativity and innovation. a gathering spot for queers in the gayest city in america and beak to tourist traveller jz translants. the stud opened
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1956. at the time many of somas bars the stud stood out as a place for patronoffs all stripes. men, women and every person of every gender and between met and danced together on the dance floor. this continues today and evidenced by the words painted above the iconic front door, everyone is welcome. the stud has always served as a place where queer squz artists could come let their hair down and express themselves. it was a post night right where citizens angry dan white got a slap on the wrist for the murder oaf harvey mellic and george moscone went to release their frustration and cement the bonds through dance. at a time when so many queer people and people of color see the places demolished and priced out the stud remains a place where all is
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welcome. it is a place where everyone can dance, everyone can perform and all get a chance finding love. thank you. >> awesome. great speech. [applause]. well done. >> hi. thank you very much commissioners. peter [inaudible] from sam's grill and seafood rest raubt. we have been here all most 150 yires in the city so think feeling established at this point. but-first of all i'm so happy with this group. it is a fantastic group of businesses and we all share i think when one thing our love of the city and love of people and what we hope to provide to your community and hope to provide to the people who work with us to make the establishments that we have something that we are all very proud of so thauchck for the opportunity. we look forward to being here another 150 years and the support is greatly
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appreciated. >> great, congratulations. [applause] >> okay. the next five. idea jubey, renee richardson, david carp, joyce mcmen and matte ellen. >> good afternoon. edea joby and a owner and general manager at cafe treeest and like to introduce my mom sonya [inaudible] it is a honor to be a legacy business. [inaudible] he would be so proud to be a part of the program. want to thank you for developing a legacy business program that helps small business thrive in a rapidly changes city and vitedal to preserving the hitry of san francisco and again, thank you very much.
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>> thank you. [applause]. >> renee richardson, formally from k fog radio in san francisco, now the development director at blue bear school of music. wnt from one community to another. people look around like are you the bill collector or why do i know that voice? i came to blue bear very happily and blue bear has been in san francisco since the 70's and started by a group of musition who thought it would be nice >> student make music and also teach music and live their life in san francisco and be able to afford it so they start thd school in the 70's and continues on today and in the last 10 years we have grown so we are not just a school at fort masonment we brought our instructors into school that lost music programming around the
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city so in public schools, private school squz community centers around san francisco in the hope of bringing music to people and allowing anybody any age to play the music they love so happy to be considered a legacy business and i thank you. >> thank you, fantastic. [applause] >> hi. good afternoon. joyce mcmen and here on behalf of goldsen bear leather. ime a founder of gate way high school, a charter school in san francisco and have a after school study club entitled burl tuler scholars designed to encourage student to stay and finish their homework before they go home and one way we keep them is offer them a academic letter jacket so gateway student are been fishiaries of letter jackets created by goltden bear leathers so here speaking on behalf of
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that. thank you. >> fantastic. [applause]. >> david carp. >> my name is david carp, here today speaking on behalf of cole hardware. got started in 1961 when my grand father purchased the first store on cole street in cole valley and he and my grandmother ran it together, it was a two person operation and developed a close bond with the community. that continued with my father rick coming into the business in 1970's and he grew the business to what it is today with three stores in san francisco, one in oakland and in the process of opening two more stores and my sister are proud to continue the tradition and the legacy that cole hardware has and we are honored to be considered for the legacy business program and thank you
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very much for considering our application. >> thank you, david. [applause] >> and m att allen. am i pronouncing your name? >> general manager of golden bear sports sportswear been around since 1922 making jackets in all style squz tradition squz been a part of san francisco fashion tradition since our founding. one of the cool things that happened over the last few yearicize a lot of emerging retailers that are local and cool and hip have discovered our old brand and in the past few years have collaborated with them and creating new cool fashion which we hope in the future will become part of san francisco's rich tradition of style as well. so, i wanted to that thank you for supporting us because i think one of the things about
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manufacturing in the city with rising cost of labor, rising cost of rent and the specific nature of the sort of thing we do which require as lot of-it is very labor intensive so t is difficult so the recognition you have given is really helpful. thank you. >> thank you. [applause]. do we have more? no. anyone else want to speak? okay. >> david white with cafe du nord and a partner and operator in the building and most of you probably know cafe du nord it has been arounds over 100 years. 1907. it was completed in theprieve ysh of swedish american hall. we are on market street and surrounded by a lot of new buildings. it is a unique piece of architecture
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with history and speaks to what san francisco was like in the late 1800s and lot of immigrants. i'm a immigrant myself. as some of the other speakers have mentioned it is a difficult time to do business in san francisco. we greatly appreciate this initiative by the city and we are very grateful for your consideration and we believe strongly it is a very important part of the neighborhood and of the city at large and sincerely like to say thank you for considering our application to be part of this. >> thank you. [applause] we have any other speakers? >> good afternoon. matthew [inaudible] i was not going to speak but looked at my shoes while i was listening to other folks give testimony and saw the candle wax on my shoes from last nights harvey milks march. i was to support
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the legacy business designation of the stud. i have been going since i was 22 years and met my first partner and it was the it place. in 1989 it was a different kind of it place for those that terrifyed and needed community and solidarity. no one here wants to stop development or in-fill in san francisco. these are very important and just very pleased this commission is acknowledgeic we can hold on to the original delicious fruit filling and still add to the beautiful pie we have so thank you for this. >> i love your metaphor. [applause]. thank you very much. do we have any other poets that could like to speak? that was fantastic and want to thank you for going through the time and effort to fill out your application and
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ent to be here today. we appreciate it, this is the best part of our job here is the legacy business section of our agenda and we are just delighted every time we get a new cohort of companies and organization through here to remeend ourselves what a fabulous city we live in and how important these legacy businesses are to the character of our city. thank you for keeping on with the good fight. i'm a business owner myself in manufacturing and so i understand how difficult it is, but we got to keep on keeping on, right? so, anyway that ends public comment and commissioners you have any comments? commissioner adams. >> yes, first i want to congratulate all the businesses who are up for your recognition today. everyone of you is deserving and you are all awesome. i want to give a couple special
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shout outs to both cafe du nord as a member of the castro merchants. cafe do nord is a long time member. what they have done with the renovation of swedish american hall and cafe du nord and cafe down stairs is great so thank you. i want to congratulate billie from the castro country club because you have been involved there for a long time and what you provide for your community is exceptional. i can't say. you go by there, the steperize always full, it is part of our community and having you now executive director is awesome so congrat ulations and thank you for everything you do. peter at sam's grill and seafood. that is my lunch time place. your waiters are awesome. you do a laugh lot for the
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community and i just got to thank you for everything that you have done for the community. the last, the stud. i mean trany shack. for years and years i know they moved to another location, but my god that is where trany shackz home was for year jz where it all began. what can i say, they are the best. that is my community so congrat ulations and it is awesome. >> alright. commissioner dooley. >> once again, we have another amazing group of people that show that things that are already here need to stay. we need to keep our heritage together. special shout out to caffè trieste which is like our club house in north beach. everyone will end up eventually in the norlth beach area to stop by and say hi or see what is new. a special
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thaj thanks to cole hardware who is finally open a hardware store in north beach. [applause]. >> alright. commissioners, any other comments? alright. do we have a motion? >> i will go ahead and motion the 13 businesses for the legacy business resolution. >> we accept the resolutions? >> yep. >> second. >> we have a motion by commissioner adams and second by commissioner dooley. roll call vote. commissioner adams, yes. dooley, yes. dwight, yes, of course. ortiz-cartagena, yes. tour-sarkissian, yes. yee riley and zu zoons is absent. that motion passes 5-0 and that motion passes. >> welcome to the legacy business registry. [applause] you are
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welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting, but i'm sure you want to party elsewhere so thank you so much for coming. >> these are becoming like a big deal. i like it. >> yeah. >> nice meeting you. remember we are all filling. >> thank you very much, especially my father passed away in june, poppy johnny and he would be so happy for this day. >> he is watching us now. >> caffè trieste. thank you. >> thank you. bye. alright.
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next item. that is a tough act to follow. way to t it up. >> we go from drag queens to-honey mahogany to jocelyn and conor. >> alright. item number 4, discussion and possible action to make recommendation on board of supervisors file number 1610764, administrative code new hotel and motels near places of entertain. amending the code to authorize the entertainment commission to hold a hearing on noise issues for projects for construction, new hotel squz motels or conversions of existing structures to hotel or motel uses to be located within 300 feet of place of entertainment and provide recommendation to planning department and/or department of building inspection regarding such project and
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require the planning department and commission to consider noise issue reviewing proposed hotel and motel project. determining the california environmental quality act and making findings of consistency with general plan and 8 priorities policy of planning section 101.1. >> good froong, conor johnston, staff to board president london breed and i'll speak briefly off the cuff. you had so much fun on the last item i thought i would bing this down to government speed so that is what i'll do. so, last year this commission unanimously supported and the board of supported passed board president london
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breeds night life preserve vision which is protecting san francisco's music venue jz preventing conflicts with neighbors. the legislation fundamentally i like to think as a three legged stool. first prevents venues being sued if they operate within the terms of city permit. second, it requires landlored and realster tooz disclose to new resident before they move in there is a venue near by and may be noisy. third, the law empowers the entertainment commission to hold a hearing with both the developer and the music venue when a residential development is proposed within 300 feet of a music venue and it requires the planning commission to consider any recommendations the entertainment commission provides about how those two uses can co-exist. that last one, fundamentally is the most important of the law. we created a structure to help the different land uses coexist in dense mixed use
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neighborhoods by working toord on the fronts ends rather than against each other after the fact when people are unhappy and changing things is more difficult. the law is as far as we know and like to brag about this, the first of the kind in the country and the amendments today will strengthen it further. we established the entertainment commission authority to work on residential development near music venues but realize the commission should be vaubed with hotel development near music venues as well. the entertainment commission is dealing with conflict between campten place hotel in union scare and love and propaganda night life venue. likewise ish use with new hampton end on jessie street and the neighbor the mezzanine. hotels are complaining to the nrtd tainment commission and having to refunds guess rooms and upset because ratings are going down. the commission is having to manage the
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problems and testing to make sure in compliance with the permit and work wg management with the hotel but force today do this after the fact when we could have had these conversations and done the diligence on the front end. empower the entertainment commission to exist coxishance concern with night life and proposed hotels before those hotels are approved. according to jocelyn kane who sits behind me and here to answer question you may have, there are a dozen hotels in the pipeline and most have night life venues near by. there are 3 hotels within 300 feet of at&t park and infusion lounge in union scare. most hotels have night life nearby because the neighborhoods are more mixed use and denser but also because hotels by nature want to be near the action. the we have oo make
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sure both parties are good neighbors. noithd life and good music wring over $1 billion to the local economy and support thousands of jobs they help define who we are as a city. ben blieman the cochair oaf california music and cochair association and small business owner himself, said of the 20phony 2015 no single piece of legislation helped sf night life more than this in decades. it was landmark. thank you commissioner frz being a part of that and with these amendments today we can make it stronger. the legislation before you is supported by sf trachbl and jocelyn and i also made sure to reach out to the building owner squzmanagement association and the hotel council before bringing this to you today and happy to answer question as is director kane. >> just curious, hampton place has been around a long time so is that a situation that applies here? i
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think we are-a lot of this deals with new construction, correct or new establishments? so, how do you negotiate when the hotem and club are araund a long time and it changed in such a way or cline tell changed in a way they complain? >> we can only fix the thing weez have the capacity we can fix and should work on new use whether it is construction and conversion and establish a process for that. the ones that are having the issues frankly fall into more a management role with the entertainment commission but like to legislate a process fl those we can catch on the front end. >> commissioner adams. >> this is common sense legislation. i heard some of the complaints from others around-something is too
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close or whatever. i think this will address your prm in the front instead of what you deal in the back so this is a very very good piece of legislation and it is common sense, so i like it. >> okay. commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> i was curious, i agree with you commissioner adams but curious what the hotel council feedback was? >> what we got from the hotel council is a e-mail along the lines of have no objections. is that a accurate-- >> jocelyn kane. i met the with the committee and hotel council and are more supportive sthan just no objections. it was a while ago but the woman who i have been dealing with at hampton place hotel was there as well and understanding and
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supportive of this. had this she wouldn't be dealing with what she is dealing with. >> awesome. any other comments? >> thank you, i have a question about the disclosure that is required and i like to sort out what disclosure is required. could you just for the record explain that to us? >> that disclosure exists under the law pursuant to the it legislation in 2015 and effectively requires a written notification to the potential tenant or purchaser of a residential property there is a permitted place of entertainment within 300 feet the property. we have circumstances where people visit apartments or con doughs on a tuesday afternoon, sign on indotted line and come the first friday night when there is a concert they call the police or the venue or jocelyn and creating unfavorable living circumstances for them and unfavorable situation for the small business as well.
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>> it does not apply to hotels and motels? >> no, we didn't want to legislate a requirement every guest of the hotel be notified there is a venue nearby so that provision largely does not apply. that leg of the stool of the original legislation doesn't apply on the e hotel side. >> in a real estate transaction the seller has to disclose there is such a thing? it is part of the disclosure requirement in residential but also applies to commercial propertys? it applies only to residential? shaking her hands in the back. >> are you asking if a multi-unit property sells or if a hotel sells? >> let's make it clear for the record. say somebody is selling a residential property, this is part of the
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disclosure requirements, correct in the city? >> correct t is recorded as a restriction on the deed >> we are talking about residential property in the neighborhood t. why dont you clarify who is disclosing. >> in the circumstance you describe where a multi-unit residential building within 300 feet oof a plis of entertainment is being sold to a new purchaser, there would be a disclosure that they have a responsibility to tell perspective residents about that venue because that exists as what i believe is a notice of special restriction is what it is called on the titem. title. >> who's title? >> on the multi-unit building. >> if there is entertainment 300 feet from the property there is restriction on the deed? or recording that will eventually notify the public
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that in fact there is music and entertainment 300 feet from that property and has to be disclosed in any real estate transaction involving residential properties? >> correct. >> whether it is single family dwelling or multi-unit? >> yes. single family, yes i believe so. >> there are changes. proposed project for a residential use, so you added a new condition, is that what it is? i'm reading from 116.9. can i read it for yoi? >> sure. again, this is the original and then be are adding hotel motel use to this original year and a half old rej slaigz. b but you add a word at the time of proposed project and see additional termsism for residential use is approved and notice of special restriction must be recorded
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with the recorder that states-just trying to sort out what the change is. >> i think i can address that. i believe in the original legislation project was a defined term and would be specifically a residential project and the reason why that is now bifurcated is to make clear the distinction between a residential project under the now amened legislation and hotel project because a hotel project is subject to different requirements than a residential project. i think that is the distinction you are referencing there. if that makes sense. >> thank you. >> okay. >> commissioners, any other comments? alright. >> this seems like common sense and anything that makes thingz more clear is a good thing. >> great. we'll open up for public comment now and do we have any members that like to comment on the
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item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, dowy have a motion? >> i'll motion to approve. >> second. >> commissioner adams motion to approve? >> yes. >> and second by commissioner ortiz-cartagena. roll call vote. adams, yes. dooley, yes. dwight, yes. ortiz-cartagena, yes. tour-sarkissian, yes. yee riley and zouzounis are absent. that motion is approved 5-0, two absent. >> thank you both for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and thank you jocelyn because i want to say something about jocelyn. she gets a lot of the people who complain and stuff. she gets-her office gets that and got to tell you, you have nerves of steel and what you do is a thankless job. i have seen it
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first hand. everywhere in the city whether it is norktd beach, the castro, south of market. one of the venues especially in the new buildings where under cc and r it says you are living in a entertainment zone and people dont read the ccnr. jocelyn has to deal with that and you do a very very good job and i just got to say you do a remarkable job what you do there, so thank you. >> thank you very much. alright. you are a good guy too, conor. next up. >> item number 5. discussion and possible action to make recommendation on board of supervisor file number 161014 planning code exempen certain historic lands marks from november 2016
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to replace production, distribution and retear interstugz community and arts actaveties. amending 202.8 included in the november 8, 2016 general election as proposition x to exempt certain historic land marks from obtains commissional use authdization to remove production, distribution and retear interstugzal community and art uses and providing replacement space affirming the planning department determination under the ceqa act and making findings of consistency with the general plan and the 8 priority policyoffs planning code section 101.1. discussion and possible action item and i need to make a correction to the listing here. the presenter is april ang, legislative aid at office of supervisor jane kim. please exkoos the error. >> hi april. >> good afternoon commissioners thank you for having me here. before you on
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the follow up to ballot measure that supervisor kim and the boardf supervisors put on the november 8 ballot. no rest for the weary. we did win by 60 percent. the voters have affirmed the measure to prerfb preserve space for pdr businesses specifically, arts and non-profit organizations, institutions that exist in developments where they may otherwise be demolsished. the legislative intent with the measure was to preserve these types of spaces. there was a concern sthees these types of business and organization could not complete in the market against particularly housing development and also office spaces and so the intent here is to preserve these types of spaces in those places where
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these spaces were being demolished and specifically in the south of market and mission neighborhoods in the eastern neighborhoods where this is allowed. the concern was there was about a million square feet in the pipeline of projects where this loss of space would occur and the ballot measure for those pipeline projects required a 40 percent replacement and also created a incentive for developers to provide below market rents to these spaces by reducing the requirements by 25 percent if the developer committed to providing rents at 50 percent or below of the current market rents. so, through the legislative process and through the drafting process, we had a allowed for the board to make changes in
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the future with a 2/3 vote and in the drafting process there was a option for an off-site replacement or in' lieu program but decided to hold that after the election should this legislation pass, which it did and so this is one of the first cases of making a amendment to the legislation. we didn't want to and don't want to incentvise the demolition of historic buildings, but we-for this piece of legislation we had a very high threshold so buildings part the historic-national historic register should be exism from the requirements if they agree to preserve 50 percent of their space as pdr arts or non-profit. they can convert 50 percent to
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other use, probably housing or office to help off-set the pdr use that generally comes at a lower rent, but in a way that will preserve the historic nature the building. i have-this legislation specifically speak tooz high flesh threshold national registered projects of which a few, the armory is one, the mint is another but asked the planning department to prepare a list of buildings that are contributing to historic district or locally locally historic to assess whether or not this sort of exemption should be expanded by a threshold of national register. this is going to be before the planning commission on december 8, so you are hearing this item prior to the hearing at the planning commission and so this
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is the intent of the legislation to allow historic buildings to not have to have the full replacement requirements if they can commit to 50 percent of their building to be pdr, production, distribution repair, non-profit or arts space. that's in short a summary of the legislation. >> so, in the case of the mint for example, there is no activity there presently, so does propersition proposition x require in the redevelopment of that site there is some accommodation for pdr? >> it would be pdr or arts or- >> even though there is no displacement of anything like that today? >> correct. >> that's a pretty ownerous requirement for a development that is currently vacant to require that it have
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some use other than what might be its best use. >> i understand that the meant also mint also has a museum plan through the california historic society which is within the current framework of the legislation. >> okay. commissioners, any comments? >> i just want to clarify for myself, so if someone doesn't agree to this amendment and doesn't want to convert 50 percent to pdr, is that allowed or is this saying under this designation that is the only way to go? >> no, it-if they don't want to change the current use they dont have to change it toophilus office or housing, but if they are interested in redwening the property for the purpose of something other than pdr, arts
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or non-profit use they have to preserve 50 percent of the space as such. >> if it is already pdr? >> or if that was their last allowable use, yes. >> okay. any other questions, commissioners? open up to public comment. to our gallery here. any members of the public that would like to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners do we want to take any action? or have a motion? okay. >> i'll second. to support the legislation. >> okay. >> ortiz-cartagena made the motion and commissioner adams seconded adams, yes. dooley, yes. dwight, yes. ortiz-cartagena, yes.
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tour-sarkissian, yes. yee riley and zouzounis are absent. that mokez motion to support passes 5-o, two absent. >> thank you. have a good proon. afternoon. next item. >> item number 6, presentation and discussion regarding legalization of xhrmsh cannabis sales. discussion item. our two percenters tamar todd and khurshid khoja were unable to attend. >> since it is on the agenda we will take public comment. any members that like to comment? seeing none public comment is close said. we'll reschedule that one. >> do we have to dea motion to- >> no because it isn't a action item. >> okay. item number 7, directors report. update and report on the office of small business and small business assistance center, department programs, policy and legislative matters, announcements from the
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mayor and anounssment regarding small business activity. >> good afternoon, commissioners. so, i want to let you know last week-last monday mayor lee kicked off our bilocal initiative for the holidays, shop small, small business saturday and-shop small, shop small business saturday, shop and dine in the 49 at the assembly hall on the fillmore and the great thing about the assem blie hall is there are retail stores that retail all locally made products. it is a really good-it is an amazing place for clothing, non-food items made in san francisco and it is great to see the store like this if we didn't
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have our sf made initiative would not exist and so it is exciting. >> and a reminder november to remember for the council of district merchandiseant holiday initiative is in place and still encouraging individuals to shop at local businesses, take a photo of themselves and submit to the sweepsstakes. week before last after our last meeting supervisor tang and peskin held merchant walk in district 4 and 3 for ada outreach. we are having more-uptake in businesses receiving letters, so it was a opportunity to work with the supervisors to educate the businesses again on our subsidized cast program and get them engaged in
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it. and then at our next meeting we will fooinlize the rules and regs for the rent stabilization account. i will be presenting the final draft rules to you. legislatively, last week the board of supervisors did not meet and then-but the meeting prior to that on 11-15-16, two pieces of legislation that came out of the tax and treasurers office due to the small business leaders who meet with the mayor met with treasure sis narose and so these two business and tax regulation codes are working to make some adjustments to removing a hundred dollar minimum penalty fee and also working to make some changes to late fees
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unpaid in regards to administrative penalties, so that's a positive fine that has come out of the small business leaders taking the initiative to work directly with the reg yultory department. on your report had some additional pieces of legislation that i reported out last time on that will be coming before you. policy matters, i have work would department of building inspebz, the access appeals commission and planning department and public works on the implementitation of supervisor tang's legislation. again, just a reminder that this legislation has a 4 tier building-dwids buildings into 4 tier jz there is a 4 tier compliance schedule and starting january 1 we will conduct
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outreach meetings and workshop frz the business community so they understand their potential role in deal wg the entryway compliance and how this might effect them. the first properties that are to report are tier 1 properties in may 2017 and those are properties where the entryway is compliant. our office has been asked to participate in the aging and disabilities friendly taskforce again due to our work in leadership that we worked with with supervisor tang on the ada legislation. the crv and mentioned at the last meeting will schedule with the business community early december to put together a couple proposals before them of which then once we have that sort of solidified will take it to the state to
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work with cal recycle on. and then we have been participating with supervisor tang who is developing lactation accommodation policy in the businesses, so we have working with her on that. i just kept in the information arounds the helths care security to reminder january 1 the health care security ord inance is 100 pert irrev recable and new rates and applies to businesses with 50 or more employers and if there are businesses out there listening to this, i encourage you to go to office of labor standards and enforcement website to get full details. so, that is the core component of my drecktders report and happy to take questions. >> any questions? we have
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member thofz public that would like to comment on the e directors report? seeing none, public comment is close said. next item. >> iletm 8, commissioners report. allows president and vice prezderant to report on small business activities and make announcements that are of interest to the community. >> i did atoned the mayors's kick-off press conference at assembly hall and had a great turn out. it was great and nice event so that was well done. this last weekend i attended the fc holiday fair at pier 70. they are taking space for events and community events and it was saturday and sunsomeday and seemed to be well attendsed despite the weather saturday. hopefully that is some up squ and coming new small business. all the etsy folks
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are generally doing arts and crafts products as side ventures and hoping they will be their own bosses one day. that is all i got. knee other commissioner reports? commissioner adams. >> if anybody want tooz do something this evening we are doing our annual castro christmas tree lighting on the corner of 18th and castro. i know director dick an dreezy will be there. we have santa and it is getting to be a big event. at 6 o'clock and last year we had over 500 attendees and we have a feeling it will be even bigger this year. >> awesome. anyone else? alright. do we have members of the public that would like to comment? seeing none closed. >> iletm 9, new business mpt
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ilows commissioner tooz introduce new agenda items. >> any new business proposals? no? any members like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> sfgtv ov tv could you please show our slide? >> just reminder that the office of small business is the only place to start your new business in san francisco and the best place to get answers about doing business in san francisco. the office of small business should be your first stop when you have a question about what to do next. so, if you need assistance with small business matters, start here at the san francisco office of small business. >> item 10, adjournment. >> i move. >> commissioner dooley moves. >> second. >> commissioner
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ortiz-cartagena, seconds. all in favor? >> aye >> opposed? >> that passes 5-0, two absent the meeting is adjourned at 510 p.m. >> [meeting adjourned] . >> (clapping.) >> thank you very much i'm on and on the and have the distinct honor of being the executive director and ceo of the california historical society a
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true, true guarantor us chance to welcome you to the magnificent looker-on honor to be here i'm thankful to you for joining us during the week that giving thanks i'm grateful for mayor ed lee and senator mark leno and assembly member tilly chang to my team and volunteers our board of trustees particularly mike ourth president that the president of another company joined by tony gonzales and board president from la thank you and truly an honor to welcome the members of the press and the cultivate and business communities in 1865 alfred the specifying
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architect of the treasurer took a trip to san francisco ideas for a second u.s. mint the state of california was 15 years old acquired in sight for the federal government in 1868 fifth and mission was an unlikely site two wars okay a lot of bars (laughter) a few schools and some hotels chosen for the sandy soils it can bear the weight of the magnificent foundation and construction was in 1869 and finished in 1874 of $4 million in 1974 and around this time really important events changed not only the course of the building but the course of history san francisco had quarters in 1865 and across i bay the big bonanza
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silver streets near carson city nevada and the great chicago fire yielded the fire proof technology and it is powerful to think of the hands that made it large pail freckles and many shades of brown that was truly a work of a lot of work and effort the mint was immediate scuffing in 1819 more than one million gold pieces valued at the $25 million were coincide since the new mint if you know where that is opened in 1937 this building searched for a future that will fill the volumes and restore it be the anchor true my pleasure to mark
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a new dawn for the united states mint and creating a center for learning and acquires for conversation for history for cultivate here in the heart of downtown san francisco and on behalf of all of us the california historical society is grateful to partner with the city and county of san francisco i applaud the leadership felt marries the office of economic workforce development and other leaders for recognizing the deep significance of this project and here we're dedicated to ban together to advance to the next expiration it is truly an honor to give thanks for the state of california to senator mark leno and the assembly member and the last one for providing a one-million dollar grant to the historical society yeah.
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>> (clapping.) >> that will advance our efforts here and provide critical funding for the planning and the due diligence that we will now undertake from capital campaign financing to understanding the buildings needs and renovations to problematic design to assure the rejection of this treasurer will be a latin moment to the city it is with great pleasure i introduce our mayor, mayor ed lee throughout his tenure he's a champion of the city's infrastructure and throughout his dedicated career and public services worked in the lives of all to improve our parks and open space our libraries and public transit and cultivate art capacities he's made record investment in san francisco public schools and health and you human services that continue
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to make san francisco one of the greatest city's in the nation and probably one of the greatest cities in the world his devotion with the historical society and his support and encouragement have help to write the next chartered for that building i'm honored to introduce mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> ann they thank you, thank you very much this is the week of thanks for everybody i want to begin by saying thank you to somebody that has meshed me and supported me from day one that is, of course, the person that helped us buy the building for $1 dianne feinstein thank you to her and thank you, very much.
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to not only good friends but great leaders if san francisco that's, of course, senator mark leno and assembly member it's on the tip of my tongue both of whom got the message when we say we needed help and every time we come in here i followed up with that place you mailer at how many years ago that was put together she is still a rugged granite lady it represents the history of the city and state and to put it together senator and recognize how valuable this is and say look we've had fits and starts but we still need this mint to be fully representative so people that come here can enjoy all of that with our state library grant and work with a wonderful director
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and an incredible board of the historic society the california historic society special thanks to every single one of the members you'll be a great partner i look forward to working with you closely because this i think is going to be that synergy that links the history of not only our city but the entire state of california that vflthd in our city for so many years and to link that and to make sure that history is known so that we can use it as a foundation to move forward as a city and a state this is going to be a collection of so many stories, so many artifacts, so many people who have lead the city and state in the past and have that recognized in that wonderful place and modernized and i can't forgot to say thank you to
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jordan for activating that place so beautifully during this temporary time and to continue doing that while we have this wonderful planning this grant to be used but also creating and identifying all the new partnerships moderating we can never do those kinds of great things by ourselves even as a city we call upon the citizenry those who love the past and link to the future we call upon our philanthropists and our business community to come and join the city and make that place a place for everyone to be very proud of so i'm excited to work with the historical society and excited their partnership with the city and all the agencies will come together but today, i'm very thankful for those two gentlemen to my left saw the vision and felt it we get to act on it congratulations to everybody we
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look forward to a reenthused sense of purpose but a resurrection of the history brought to life in a modern way for everybody to participate in thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> good morning. i'm mike ann they mentioned i'm the president of the historical society and the president and psychoof ecology in that part of my life thriving to be involved with a recycling project for this building (laughter) that will bring to a fresh start it is my honor today to introduce you to our california state senator for another week mark leno been in sacramento fighting for better schools assess is a higher education and
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safer streets and quality for all californians we're grateful to senator mark leno for his effort in helping us to as a great advocate for this project to help us achieve and secure the funds to allow the california historical sovereignty to continue collaboration with the city of san francisco and the library and others partners to fully explore the design and rejection of this building senator mark leno thank you for your presence today. >> (clapping.) >> welcome everybody to this historic reasonable building which we all here have agreed is our responsibility to preserve, and to protect and finally to restore to its original grandeur so the generations can recognize and enjoy the treasurer it is and wouldn't have been possible
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leadership of the mayor and his office and, of course, ann they and her staff of the historical society keeping in mind the only thing older is the california historical society 3 years older. >> (clapping.) >> but when we were approached assemblyman it's on the tip of my tongue and i let me say it is a good thing when the folks are from san francisco that is our challenge because there are one and 20 legislators and through the budget progression will be one and 20 ideas as to how we can best spend the very few consideration dollars or maybe jvtsdz to fit a particular purpose our cage is so much of the best and the greatest in the state happens to be in our
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district whether we're talking about social service or health programs or important historic projects like this and our job was to communicate to our colleagues that, yes this is treasure is in san francisco but the million dollars we're requesting introduce the budget process for the state of california for the california historical society so 24 has benefit to the entire state the good news we were successful in convincing our colleagues of that but indeed feed anyone we've got a lot more work to do but because of work the mayor and his office has put in place through the partnership with the california historical society that make sense we pursued that million dollars to now invest it and leverage it and lay out a plan for other implementations of that plan he learned a long
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time when ann they and her chair comes to my office just give up (laughter) acknowledge that if you don't say yes now they'll be back again and again but i'm so glad they've been that way and take - it will take and continue to take that kind of spirit and determination and certainty this must get done we're all in that together it to the best of my knowledge the village is here and we have to continue to spread the word and i'm committed and dedicated myself to make sure that our vision and the vision of the historical society along with the city and county of san francisco finally comes to reality. >> (clapping.) >> it did take more than one
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visit to get this going and with us assembly member phil first elected to the states legislator in 2012 and before that san francisco's assessor-recorder to be the assembly budget committee member and phil worked the city and state and historical society to secure the funds we're talking about today to secure this next phase a critical champion of helping us to preserve the history and educate future generations phil thank you for being here today. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, thank you mike thank you, ann they as long as mr. mayor and senator mark leno has been a wonderful team effort we need a reminder how important
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our history is we need to know looked past what happened last week by the way, we often know that those who don't learn from our history are doomed to repeat it i can think of no prouder symbol than the historic society and the building to insure we as kablgz acknowledge your history understand our history and again proud of our history if you look at what the voters said in the country versus what the voters said in california the voters in california seem pretty happy we've been able to balance you are budgets and be able to grow our economy and at the same time, we have really enforced a strong equivalent eco system throughout san francisco but literally throughout the state and volunteers really doubled down on the efforts efforts in
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sacramento not only sent most of us back more democrats back but really saying they're proud of the leadership of what is really going on in sacramento i think as we go into uncharged waters and urban charntd teller territory a time we as californians should stay the course and do more of what we do more in san francisco more of what we're doing i recall the efforts about 20 years ago when willie brown, jr. as renovating city hall and how much criticism he got why is this so most money into a government building why really make sure that that building was renovated people called that a waste of money and really didn't see very much value what is interesting today you watch you know when i used to
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work another city hall i had to fight the tour buses to get if so many people not only in san francisco that are proud of that building and the structure what that stands for as a beacon for the city but people from around the world come and now as long as going to the golden gate bridge and walking through the financial district, walking interest our ferry building and the piers and chinatown people come to city hall not only as a symbol of san francisco is but was it embodies i hope we can be here very, very soon at some point to do a ribbon cutting and talk about how this building really personifies the incredible history the incredible value so again, i'm so proud to play a small roll in securing the one million dollars grant i was joking with the mayor that would be a matching
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grant right mark and make sure the monies get real leveraged well but excited about seeing all the work that has been done and thank you, mark and ann they for all the hard work. >> km. >> thank you, gentlemen so very much as my dear friends and the preservation community knows p stand for patience and perseverance i'm grateful to you being here and from the time of the folks this place we call san francisco has inbatsdz pioneers and artists and others your rich history has many lessons and importantly the lesson of hope for one of the most eloquent voices rebecca writes i write happen hoping is about the
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history and lies in the recognition of our past we can tell the pa thought that was nothing but dekit and recruits and injustices or a past what lovely gotten angel now lost or we can tell a more complicated and accurate story one that has room for the best and worst for atrocities and liberations and grief and jubilation to the complexity of our past and the whole cast of parent and a memory that included the power and produces that forward directed power we call hope so i invite you to share go amongst yourselves to enjoy coffee and conversation to take a tour of this afterward and our educators in the grand halfway
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to share about s sf or easily walk two blocks to the ferry building east right here on mission to see the current selections that we've laid out from your research library i'd like to ask all of my dignitaries on the stage this is an edward mia bridge some of you know the work famous for the motions studies as well as landscapers one he was asked to festivity of the construction of u.s. mint so this is a side reproduction from one of mia bridges photos we love it is active the cones not erected yet so we would like to have all of us sign self-as a way to remedy this day and celebrate the next
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mosquito they breed whatever this is water no water no mosquito mosquito feed on good blood the eggs hatch and stay near the waters san francisco to breathe and the adult underlying mosquito waits on the as many until it's sexuality hardens water pools in any areas and creates places you'll not normally think of budget and any container that holds water and hidden in bushes or else were dump the water and do it over soil not into a drain the larva can continue growing in the pooled water is sewage disthe first of its kind the area if the sewage is two extreme have a
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licensed plumber assist water pools in rain gutters and snaking and cleaning out the water when keep the water from pooling and keep in mind that mosquito breed in other waters like catch balgsz and construction barriers interest crawl spaces with clmg is an issue you may have is week to cause the water to collect this is an sour of mosquito so for buildings just fix the clean air act drains and catch basins can be mosquito ground it will eliminate it as a possible location keep shrubbery and growths estimated any water to can be seen and eliminated birdbath and fountains and uncovered hot tubs mosquito breed but it is difficult to dump the water out of a hot top
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can't dump the water adding mosquito finish rids the source of mosquito there are also traditionally methods to protect you installing screens on windows and doors and using a mosquito net and politically aau planet take the time to do the things we've mentioned to eliminate standing water and make sure that mosquito are not a problem on your property remember no water no mosquito
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