tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV November 29, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm PST
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here for the launch of the sf can iron initiative you'll hear from other people momentarily by my first duty to introduce the mayor of the city and county of san francisco the honorable mayor edwin lee that will make a few remarks. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, very much. we are in san francisco. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and today it is another opportunity to announce in my lifetime one of the most exciting things we do and if we could just put our imagination active hearts and minds together and say to ourselves that we can actually cure cancer in san francisco with the partnerships
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that we have we're going to do that the best we can beginning today. >> (clapping.) >> i've always, always cherished this relationship that our general has with uc san francisco it's research abilities our ability to spoke to our communities for this together to say we can answer the call and the distribution of cancer for all our communities i'm here today to join dr hyatt and my good buddy arnold who is been in the community in the east bay for so many years working and all counties and he and all the doctors truly understand with barbara garcia
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and on her behalf to really forge f this partner in on old way and to say to all of our communities that if we do the right things we can actually cure this cancer that's why sf can is a very positive phrase this is one i really am happy to announce to be a part of years from now just like we've done with aids we're seeing the future the ability to stop new diseases ability to screen earlier particularly for our disadvantaged community members if we can get them in prescreening earlier to identify earlier that is half if not three quarters of southern california of the can do if this
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effort so i i sound enthusiastic i truly believe that science and doctors and communities efforts focused in the right way together put together we create in my opinion a bigger heart for san francisco the minds is the research but when we put it together the big heart of san francisco that will win out i want to say congratulations to this incredible start i know at the heart of that as well is the kickoff with a fantastic donation of someone who says we'll make a big effort here i know we're excited about it because quite frankly that's how things get started and navigation centers started with a big few moments ago from someone that's how big doomthsz
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come through and maybe san francisco general or zuckerberg san francisco general hospital or usf that has a bev i didn't have donors to be part of this and sf can attache case 5 historically problem death can you see cancers and then having people from the community identify and getting early care and attention and screening and predictions and people in to take care of this early many of the members of the community has not had the opportunity to be invited early to have this discussion early and by the way, we'll do that dooebs so congratulations, everyone and with that, i think we will have public health coming.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you very much for those inspirational words we're here because cancer is a problem worldwide and in our city that is the number one cause of death in san francisco it outweighs everything else but people are astonished we know how to prevent half of cancer but not how to implement we need of a to figure out and that's why this program is so exciting we cannot just figure it out as researchers and can't figure out as public health organizations or community we need to do this together it is very important that everyone understands this is a troy pinching a city that is the department of health it is the communities and the people of san francisco and it is usf providing the research
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felt facilities and the backbone of sf asking can coming together at an incredibly diverse way that's why san francisco is the right place to do this is the center of innovation when you come up with a new ideas people don't tell you to go away they embrace new ideas and have is a strong sense of social justice in doing what's right putting that together i can't think of that better place in the world to do this san francisco is a lightning laboratory we figured out things how to help people improve their own heartache in terms of cancer and teach others and good around the bay area and california it is for us to take up this challenge he know in the past we're incredibly proud of really san
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francisco playground in the aids crisis i building we can play a similar roll in cancer and making that huge impact i need to thank all the partners organization and now i'll put on my glasses to read the list of the partners the city and county of san francisco, san francisco department of health san francisco consortium the eastern cancer society and the medical society and northern california hospital council kaiser permanente and sf health and chinese hospital and the projects and lastly ucsf this is trying to bring as many people pot center this is to be routine by the planning commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote executive list we'll partner with anyone where we think this is value who think they can benefit and contribute
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to sf can having said that, i know move on to introduce tom of the san francisco that department of health. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good morning how are you doing one thing to recognize all of us are personally touched by cancer every single one of us my sister died of breast cancer when she was only 48 years old she had an uncommon - form of cancer that is more prevalence in latino woman and what is the diagnosed it is very aggressive
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and tends to effect latino women my mom died of lung cancer her on exposure was second-hand smoke okay. so for me this is very personal while we may not have been able to save may sissy know we could have prevents the lung cancer my mom had this is very important i've been with the health department since 1988 i was here at the peek of the hiv epidemic we want to commend ucsf at ucsf came together with the city and we worked with the city and we impacted the whole world okay and that's what i see ♪ initiative
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it that not just phone call focusing on doing research that adds to the general knowledge felt world but using san francisco as a laboratory to really fourth how to do this right this is a win-win san francisco wins the world wins we've produce amazing research that will be helpful the way we are addressing those complex problems no off the shelf solution none of us individually or as agencies have the specific answer to pull off the shelf we have to come together to put our best minds and experiment and the rat problem southern california how to do this together people bring to the table things they aspire to do when we align our efforts and communicate and coordinate we can really make a big
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difference this is what we call collective impact i believe for us this is a future avenue public health department but i think that is the future how we get things done a lot of health ordinances have social deternlts we say to work together and so i have a huge amount of gratitude with ucsf i get all my clinic training and born and raised in san francisco i'm proud that ucsf is doing this and we know they'll take a holistic approach with that, we want to introduce dr robert hostility who's the chair of the epidemiology will continue the conversation thank
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you >> thank you on exciting moment for me i'm a physician and taken care of of physicians most of my life and an epidemiologist and concerned about the population that led me working with allen and others which is other people have said really a unique initiative in the acceptance that that is bringing together all aspects of health interested parties in san francisco to do something that is really hard and complex and only done if we have a collective impact on the process cancer is the number one killer in san francisco as allen said by car more important as a public health medical on or about than other problems might maybe 13 hundred san franciscans
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die every year from some sort of cancer and 4 thousand plus new cases every year so in one sense it is is manageable number and a big number we shouldn't have a tolerant in a city with the kind of resources and expertise and willingness to work together and willingness to build something with a collective impact this is something where we are starting with cancers which effect the most people in the city their may not be one and 40 types of cancers but a small amount of cancer 50 percent of the dedicates overall we know how to prevent them and what to do there are individual efforts across the city and across the country to do that the most effective thing is patrolling
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tobacco use excellent expertise here to further our work with tobacco control for many other types of cancer we have expertise in the city for many teaches screening early detention for colin and breast cancer and prostate skrg secretary of interior and expertise in programs to detect and do something that hip it's and sustain our efforts over time we can make a huge impact sustaining the efforts over time this is it is a research project this is not something funded currently or anticipated to be funded by the national institute over a 3 or 5 year period and then over we intend for this to be sustained for 10, 15, 20 years to really see an impact
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over the period of time we need to have everyone's participation that's the idea of collective impact so not just ucsf or the department of health it is all the hospitals and the clinics and the community groups that all have an interest ♪ tomas has given a personal perspective that is important to remember if we look at it the community it is one of the biggest problems it should effect us personally the things we're focused on we see the slut numbers and reducing disparities tailor difference across the city and across the country with the groups and social groups and lgbt community members and geographic areas we have the data that allows us to describe
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cancer in san francisco very accurately in terms of numbers and disparities and trends, social status >> economic so those are the measures we want to impact over time and we have turn off all electronic devices. focused on every single one of those areas but many members in the audience currently working on this to focus what la be the steps to take to see progress down the line to join the collective efforts something we're esteeming excited people will heart of that effort and i'm just looking forward to next steps and really making a difference one of the key partners in this effort are community members and i'd like next to introduce arnold perkins a close friend of
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the current charger of our community advisory board and psa and arnold say a couple of words. >> (clapping.) >> mayor ed lee thank you for your partnership with the city ♪ effort it is good seeing you this is an important effort to be on the ground floor and sometimes getting in on the ground floor you have to have someone from the outside and say something is not right and allen came in if england and observed that cancer is not attacked as it should be within the community ambassador more importantly in the community that underserved so we talk about health it is equity that
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creates disparity and people have not been treated in an equitable fashion especially people of color within the last to be diagnosed and the first to die and this effort is an important effort to stop that one one-size-fits-all does not fit all this focuses on the cultural aspects of those communities and addresses where people sit and stand that is exciting we're building something new allen said be bold those words stuck with me my father used to say more said than is done i want to make sure with we do not just say this kickoff effort is a great feeling but a better feeling in time which i see the results of us serving the community that is
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underserved that year i've had - >> (clapping.) >> - 9 friends who have passed its from cancer 9 since thanksgiving and to me that is an outrage epidemic we have to stop and giving me to rest with all of us coming together we operate like this nothing will happen but to bring it together collectively we can do this and just like i've observed historically aids we've dealt with and controlled and people are obgyn with that we do the same thing with cancer but a commitment from all if we're committed to do this we can make and difference i invite and ask you all on behalf of my colleagues and the communities advisory board to pitch in to step in to put pettyness aside
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and take on the challenge and make a difference because every life counts thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you arnold for the wonderful words and did we have to do this together and 24 shouldn't be about talk but action don't judge us by what we did to set this up but judge us in 5 or 10 years thank you to everybody that contributes again getting this thing going and for attending there are excellent refresh times and look forward to chatting with you all thanks very
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been doing the past couple years, teaching myself. california college of the arts, illustration there has really great teachers. robert hunt, vance story taught me a lot. what i'm working on is a portfolio [inaudible] riding a donkey unicorn in the process. >> my name is dawn richardson and musician, drummer and drum teacher. i guess i would say i started my professional path quh i started playing in bands and teaching drum lesson when i was in college. they were definitely not that many women that would do what is doing. in 198 8 i graduated from cal state los ang and studied mostly classical percussion and music
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education but at the same time i was in hollywood so played at night in rock bands so was doing two different things. >> the reason i'm [inaudible] the people. there is a extremely vibrant art community especially arounds the red poppy art house [inaudible] as a artist in the past 2 or 3 years there is a event called the [inaudible] every 3 months a free art music festival that i usually play at and just met so many people. >> i was teaching a little bit and doing odd jobs like waitressing and going at night and playing in bands and meeting a lot of people. i chss in ban that had cool break jz get parts on tv shows or things like that. a friend of mine, we had mutual
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friends that got signed to a record deal in san francisco called 4 nonblaunds and i addition frd the bands and moved to the bay area. i think things are different now than 30 years ago, the world evolved a lot. it could be a challenge but have to know how to negotiate everything and sometimeatize is [inaudible] it was great to get to a point where i was just treated like another one of the people, a musician not a female musician and that is always what [inaudible] >> you don't hear stuff on the radio [inaudible] i need to write music [inaudible] be more conscious in their decisions and somehow make that poetic so they will be convinced. i think i will do that. [singing in
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backgrounds] drawing and writing music since i was a really little kid and fortunate enough to have a good education in art and parentss who supported me. i hope my life will continue to allow me to do both. >> for me now having all male, female girls, boys students it shows the world has changed a lot and people areope toon open to a lot more than they were in the past. you can get a deep satisfaction from responding a lot of year practicing in one thing and becoming really good at something. sometimes i think that it is better to get lost. you have to practice and become good at what you do, so if you have everything together then go out in the world and do what you do and then i and then i think people weal accept that.
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- working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city that's on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. after all, we're at the meeting of land and sea. - our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world- class style. it's the birthplace of blue jeans, and where "the rock" holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. - the city's information technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors,
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developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring patient safety at san francisco general. our it professionals make government accessible through award-winning mobile apps, and support vital infrastructure projects like the hetch hetchy regional water system. - our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. but most importantly, working for the city and county of san francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the city's future. - thank you for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> thank you very much i'm on and on the and have the distinct honor of being the executive director and ceo of the
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california historical society a true, true guarantor us chance to welcome you to the magnificent looker-on honor to be here i'm thankful to you for joining us during the week that giving thanks i'm grateful for mayor ed lee and senator mark leno and assembly member tilly chang to my team and volunteers our board of trustees particularly mike ourth president that the president of another company joined by tony gonzales and board president from la thank you and truly an honor to welcome the members of the press and the cultivate and business communities in 1865 alfred the specifying
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architect of the treasurer took a trip to san francisco ideas for a second u.s. mint the state of california was 15 years old acquired in sight for the federal government in 1868 fifth and mission was an unlikely site two wars okay a lot of bars (laughter) a few schools and some hotels chosen for the sandy soils it can bear the weight of the magnificent foundation and construction was in 1869 and finished in 1874 of $4 million in 1974 and around this time really important events changed not only the course of the building but the course of history san francisco had quarters in 1865 and across i bay the big bonanza
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silver streets near carson city nevada and the great chicago fire yielded the fire proof technology and it is powerful to think of the hands that made it large pail freckles and many shades of brown that was truly a work of a lot of work and effort the mint was immediate scuffing in 1819 more than one million gold pieces valued at the $25 million were coincide since the new mint if you know where that is opened in 1937 this building searched for a future that will fill the volumes and restore it be the
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anchor true my pleasure to mark a new dawn for the united states mint and creating a center for learning and acquires for conversation for history for cultivate here in the heart of downtown san francisco and on behalf of all of us the california historical society is grateful to partner with the city and county of san francisco i applaud the leadership felt marries the office of economic workforce development and other leaders for recognizing the deep significance of this project and here we're dedicated to ban together to advance to the next expiration it is truly an honor to give thanks for the state of california to senator mark leno and the assembly member and the last one for providing a one-million dollar grant to the historical society yeah.
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>> (clapping.) >> that will advance our efforts here and provide critical funding for the planning and the due diligence that we will now undertake from capital campaign financing to understanding the buildings needs and renovations to problematic design to assure the rejection of this treasurer will be a latin moment to the city it is with great pleasure i introduce our mayor, mayor ed lee throughout his tenure he's a champion of the city's infrastructure and throughout his dedicated career and public services worked in the lives of all to improve our parks and open space our libraries and public transit and cultivate art capacities he's made record investment in san francisco public schools and health and
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you human services that continue to make san francisco one of the greatest city's in the nation and probably one of the greatest cities in the world his devotion with the historical society and his support and encouragement have help to write the next chartered for that building i'm honored to introduce mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> ann they thank you, thank you very much this is the week of thanks for everybody i want to begin by saying thank you to somebody that has meshed me and supported me from day one that is, of course, the person that helped us buy the building for $1 dianne feinstein thank you to her and thank you, very much.
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to not only good friends but great leaders if san francisco that's, of course, senator mark leno and assembly member it's on the tip of my tongue both of whom got the message when we say we needed help and every time we come in here i followed up with that place you mailer at how many years ago that was put together she is still a rugged granite lady it represents the history of the city and state and to put it together senator and recognize how valuable this is and say look we've had fits and starts but we still need this mint to be fully representative so people that come here can enjoy all of that with our state library grant and work with a wonderful director
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and an incredible board of the historic society the california historic society special thanks to every single one of the members you'll be a great partner i look forward to working with you closely because this i think is going to be that synergy that links the history of not only our city but the entire state of california that vflthd in our city for so many years and to link that and to make sure that history is known so that we can use it as a foundation to move forward as a city and a state this is going to be a collection of so many stories, so many artifacts, so many people who have lead the city and state in the past and have that recognized in that wonderful place and modernized and i can't forgot to say thank you to
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jordan for activating that place so beautifully during this temporary time and to continue doing that while we have this wonderful planning this grant to be used but also creating and identifying all the new partnerships moderating we can never do those kinds of great things by ourselves even as a city we call upon the citizenry those who love the past and link to the future we call upon our philanthropists and our business community to come and join the city and make that place a place for everyone to be very proud of so i'm excited to work with the historical society and excited their partnership with the city and all the agencies will come together but today, i'm very thankful for those two gentlemen to my left saw the vision and felt it we get to act on it
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congratulations to everybody we look forward to a reenthused sense of purpose but a resurrection of the history brought to life in a modern way for everybody to participate in thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> good morning. i'm mike ann they mentioned i'm the president of the historical society and the president and psychoof ecology in that part of my life thriving to be involved with a recycling project for this building (laughter) that will bring to a fresh start it is my honor today to introduce you to our california state senator for another week mark leno been in sacramento fighting for better schools assess is a higher education and
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safer streets and quality for all californians we're grateful to senator mark leno for his effort in helping us to as a great advocate for this project to help us achieve and secure the funds to allow the california historical sovereignty to continue collaboration with the city of san francisco and the library and others partners to fully explore the design and rejection of this building senator mark leno thank you for your presence today. >> (clapping.) >> welcome everybody to this historic reasonable building which we all here have agreed is our responsibility to preserve, and to protect and finally to restore to its original grandeur so the generations can recognize and enjoy the treasurer it is
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and wouldn't have been possible leadership of the mayor and his office and, of course, ann they and her staff of the historical society keeping in mind the only thing older is the california historical society 3 years older. >> (clapping.) >> but when we were approached assemblyman it's on the tip of my tongue and i let me say it is a good thing when the folks are from san francisco that is our challenge because there are one and 20 legislators and through the budget progression will be one and 20 ideas as to how we can best spend the very few consideration dollars or maybe jvtsdz to fit a particular purpose our cage is so much of the best and the greatest in the state happens to be in our
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district whether we're talking about social service or health programs or important historic projects like this and our job was to communicate to our colleagues that, yes this is treasure is in san francisco but the million dollars we're requesting introduce the budget process for the state of california for the california historical society so 24 has benefit to the entire state the good news we were successful in convincing our colleagues of that but indeed feed anyone we've got a lot more work to do but because of work the mayor and his office has put in place through the partnership with the california historical society that make sense we pursued that million dollars to now invest it and leverage it and lay out a plan for other implementations of that plan he learned a long
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time when ann they and her chair comes to my office just give up (laughter) acknowledge that if you don't say yes now they'll be back again and again but i'm so glad they've been that way and take - it will take and continue to take that kind of spirit and determination and certainty this must get done we're all in that together it to the best of my knowledge the village is here and we have to continue to spread the word and i'm committed and dedicated myself to make sure that our vision and the vision of the historical society along with the city and county of san francisco finally comes to reality. >> (clapping.) >> it did take more than one
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visit to get this going and with us assembly member phil first elected to the states legislator in 2012 and before that san francisco's assessor-recorder to be the assembly budget committee member and phil worked the city and state and historical society to secure the funds we're talking about today to secure this next phase a critical champion of helping us to preserve the history and educate future generations phil thank you for being here today. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, thank you mike thank you, ann they as long as mr. mayor and senator mark leno has been a wonderful team effort we need a reminder how important
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our history is we need to know looked past what happened last week by the way, we often know that those who don't learn from our history are doomed to repeat it i can think of no prouder symbol than the historic society and the building to insure we as kablgz acknowledge your history understand our history and again proud of our history if you look at what the voters said in the country versus what the voters said in california the voters in california seem pretty happy we've been able to balance you are budgets and be able to grow our economy and at the same time, we have really enforced a strong equivalent eco system throughout san francisco but literally throughout the state and volunteers really doubled down on the efforts efforts in
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sacramento not only sent most of us back more democrats back but really saying they're proud of the leadership of what is really going on in sacramento i think as we go into uncharged waters and urban charntd teller territory a time we as californians should stay the course and do more of what we do more in san francisco more of what we're doing i recall the efforts about 20 years ago when willie brown, jr. as renovating city hall and how much criticism he got why is this so most money into a government building why really make sure that that building was renovated people called that a waste of money and really didn't see very much value what is interesting today you watch you know when i used to
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work another city hall i had to fight the tour buses to get if so many people not only in san francisco that are proud of that building and the structure what that stands for as a beacon for the city but people from around the world come and now as long as going to the golden gate bridge and walking through the financial district, walking interest our ferry building and the piers and chinatown people come to city hall not only as a symbol of san francisco is but was it embodies i hope we can be here very, very soon at some point to do a ribbon cutting and talk about how this building really personifies the incredible history the incredible value so again, i'm so proud to play a small roll in securing the one million dollars grant i was joking with the mayor that would be a matching
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grant right mark and make sure the monies get real leveraged well but excited about seeing all the work that has been done and thank you, mark and ann they for all the hard work. >> km. >> thank you, gentlemen so very much as my dear friends and the preservation community knows p stand for patience and perseverance i'm grateful to you being here and from the time of the folks this place we call san francisco has inbatsdz pioneers and artists and others your rich history has many lessons and importantly the lesson of hope for one of the most eloquent voices rebecca writes i write
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happen hoping is about the history and lies in the recognition of our past we can tell the pa thought that was nothing but dekit and recruits and injustices or a past what lovely gotten angel now lost or we can tell a more complicated and accurate story one that has room for the best and worst for atrocities and liberations and grief and jubilation to the complexity of our past and the whole cast of parent and a memory that included the power and produces that forward directed power we call hope so i invite you to share go amongst yourselves to enjoy coffee and conversation to take a tour of this afterward and our educators in the grand halfway
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to share about s sf or easily walk two blocks to the ferry building east right here on mission to see the current selections that we've laid out from your research library i'd like to ask all of my dignitaries on the stage this is an edward mia bridge some of you know the work famous for the motions studies as well as landscapers one he was asked to festivity of the construction of u.s. mint so this is a side reproduction from one of mia bridges photos we love it is active the cones not erected yet so we would like to have all of us sign self-as a way to remedy
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devices. the first item is roll call. >> mccarthy, here. clinch, here. gilman, here. konstin, here. lee, here. walker, here. warshell, here. we have a quorum and the next item is item 2, presidents announcements. jrkts good morning and welcome to the november 16, 2016 bit meeting. because of the-i want to read a few long detailed information into the record here on behalf of the president announcement. because of the unusual circumstances presented by the millennium tower situation the department works with the mayors office city administrator and board of supervisor tooz take step tooz improve department policies, processes and procedures to
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provide additional scrutiny when reviewing high rise construction of 2 40 feet or more especially when located in the seismically vulnerable neighborhoods. that is why director hui announced last month effective immediately the department will select all fuper peer review participants. those outside experts dbi calls for reviewing 240 feet or higher and building design is performanced based rather than previous practice participated in the peer ruview selection process. in addition, per my more recent discussions with director hui and also with effect v immediately the director will work with staff in key areas of building code compliance to develop request for qualification for professional and academic
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experts to advise department in tall building design review. the new rsq process will create a dbi pool of skill sets that may need to be be a part of department review of tall building projects 240 feet tall. the department will pay the participating experts for review services as needed basis to support the department staff in analyzing designs where the department lacks such expertise or the comp plex modeling required to verify the building performance. the pool of experts may supplement or replace the existing peer review process as the department would have its own qualified experts to assess independently the design performance modeling and other information the project sponsor submit as part of building
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permit review process. such a project in a area with size class f or the [inaudible] in a high risk seismic zone and subject to liqueication, project requires one or more engineer for expert panel review. additional experts in specializing fields also may be identified for specific project if the director determines that to be necessary. with that, congratulations to director hui for the holding his 4th annual states of department all dbi and planning meeting auth 24. at the meeting attending my most department 280 employees, i stress 280, director hui stated priorities to continue the memorandum to to construct more housing unit. strengthsen the seismic safety through ongoing implementitation of the soft story ret row fit program.
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expand education and communalty outreach to insure more san franciscans are prepared and know what to do to protect themselves and families when the next big one strikes. and continue to deliver better and better customer services in the department ongoing teerft review plans, issue permits and inspect work to insure structureerize code compliant and to pursue code enforcement to insure improved building safety for everybody and all san franciscansism we also want to absolute dbi technical service staff, particularly kirk means and david leon and deputy city attorney judy [inaudible] for steadfast efforts to keep the very difficult code cycle on schedule. this code updates occur every three years and critical to building safety and require a lot of work from staff and department code advasery committee. the board of supervisor jz now-they have
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now approved the code updates insureing we are ready to go again january 1, twnt 17 so well done there. finally, we want to welcome katie [inaudible] >> sureping. >> a new small business acceleration business program to 1660 mission street where she is assisting small business, narfbigate the permit review and approval process. strongly supported by the mayor offense office of economic and workforce development and katy tang the focus is on small businesses who want to start restaurant. dbi looks forward work wg her and all small business owners to make this program a success. that concludes my announcements. >> thank you. is there public comment on the president
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announcement? seeing none, itedm 3, general public comment. bic will take public comments on matters within the jurisdiction not part of this agenda. seeing none, item 4, election of the bic vise president. >> obviously the seat was vacated by the mubing of commissioner melgar to the planning commission, where she works for a living and have the vice chair. with that and ask for commissioners who would have a nominee, please. we have commissioner konstin, commissioner walker. second by commissioner lee. is there any other nominees? seeing none,
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can we call? >> so, the motion was set by commissioner konstin and seconded by commissioner lee to elect commissioner walker as vice president. is there public comment on the motion? seeing none, i'll do roll call vote. mccarthy, yes. clinch, yes. gilman, yes. konstin, yes. lee, yes. walker, yes. warshell, yes. thank you, motion carries unanimously. congratulations vice president walker. [clapping] >> were you ever vice president before? >> i was many many years ago. >> were you president before?
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>> ya >> how many year ago was that? the moral of the story is stick around long enough. >> thank you very much commissioners. honored to serve as the vice president. i'm honored to reptd our commission and staff so thank you very much and hope i do you proud. look forward serving with you. >> thank you. item 5, election of nomination subcommittee member. >> on that, i would call for nominees on that. i think commissioner warshell would be a great feet. if i great fit on that. is there any other nomination from any other
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commissioners? seeing none, call the question. >> there is a motion by president mccarthy, seconded by vice president walker to nominate commissioner warshell for the nomination subcommittee member. is there public comment on this item? seeing none, roll call vote. mccarthy, yes. walker, aye. clinch, yes. gilman, yes. konstin, yes. lee, yes. warshell, yes. motion carries unanimously. congratulations. >> thank you. >> [clapping] >> item number 6, commissioner question and matter. incommissioner may name inquiry to star for document policy
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practice and procedure of interest to the commission. >> seeing none. >> item b, future meetings and ajendsa. discuss and dake action to set a special meeting or discuss items placed on the agenda of building inspection commission. the next meeting is december 20, 2016. >> what date? >> december 20. >> i might not be available december 20 so don't know if there is anybody else missing on the 20th. >> i'll be in contact if you like to keep that date or change it. >> okay. >> commissioners have any items to discuss regarding the upcoming agenda yod could e-mail my if you dont have anything at this time. is there public comment on item 6
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a and b? seeing none, item 7. discussion on the accela permit project and tracking system. >> commissioners. sean bouleen with department of technology and hear normally henry presents and not available this morning so will present the update. um, i believe you have the write up delivered as part of the package and have it in advance. let me go through the update. what we accomplished over the course of the last month we finished requirements reviews, detailed requirements review with assistance of gardener and we accela and 21
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tech represented throughout dbi. they were detailed and very productive and i think very successful series of discussions and meetings. and also following those reviews we had written sign off fraup deputies through dbi and sign off from the project owner, ron tom. we got all the sign offs that we would like over the course of the last month and think we are very successful on that front as well. the next thing we are working on, the plan called for proof of concept to look at areas of functionality in the gardener findings were read and needed attention. the proof of concept, we have been working othen plan what toprint and how toprint it and insure the
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solution can be sweet to meet our needs and that process is underway. expected to deliver the proof of concept to dbi over the next couple weeks. the last item i think is of high importance is the civil service process. of course to get funding to continue there is fairly long series of things that we have to do. we need board of supervisors approval before that we need cisc service approval, and union approval and have to give 60 days notice and so on. there is a little bit of the ankle bon is connected to the shinbone going on there. to keep things moving we submitted that paperwork earlier this month to get it started while we are working on other things like more detailed plan and proof of concept and proof of concept plan as well so pushing on all fronts and parallel to
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make sure things move forward in timely a fashion as possible. there are other things we are working on as well. one is there governance model and do we structure it. low does the business participate and steering and decisions made from aerfblg from policy decisions to governance to differ cult design. there is governance model worked on as the currents effort and in review now and will gather input on the new guverance model as well. the big things coming up, proof of concept and expect a detailed plan from the vendor for taking us to go live and review and vetting that plan. negotiation
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to make sure the plan is real and realistic and we are all in alignment and that's where we are at. there is a lot of progress made over the last couple months and we are right there in terms of these deliverables. any questions? >> commissioner walker. >> thank you for this. it looks like we are on schedule like milwaukee next menth to look at path forward? >> i actually don't know indetailed plan is ready before next months bid but should be close. >> okay. i am understanding that the head of department of technology left the city, who interfaced with us about the project to give us assurance that we were moving forward and i also understand the
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leadership of accela changed. i wonder if you can tell us how that might effect what is happening or say it isn't going-we are still on a path. >> i think we are still moving forward on a proper path. i think thanks to miguel he was instrumental pointing thinshs in the right direction and dont see a significant risk posed by miguel leaving. we plan on get-there is interim cio assigned and getting the individual up to speed. i haven't met him myself but i dont think there will be any risk posed by that turnover. the turnover within accela i think it has been aassureing and positive. ree reached out
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to ron tom and tom hui and said let's work together and very positive. >> our vendors are fully committed to the partnership. we had issues that led us here i think? >> yes >> okay, thaurng. >> anymore questions. seeing none, thank you for the update. >> any public comment on item 7? >> jerry gra dratler. i want to cu-mind the it department for putting in place the foundational documents that had been missing for the last 4 years and look forward to continuing progress. thank you. >> thank you. >> any additional public comment? seeing none, item 8, discussion and possible action regarding a modification to
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administrative bulletin ab-032, site permit processing to remove section regarding planning department routing. >> kirk means from department of building inspect spection technical service division and here to bring to you modification proposed to administrate a bulletin number 032. site permit processing. it is got a fairly long history with the department at least dates back to the mid-80's when san francisco adopted the california code. it is very unique. i know no other cities that have a site permit process, but it serves us well in coordinating between planning and building. the changes proposed are fairly minor. we have done a update to get ready for the next code referencing the proper years codes and proper code sections.
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the biggest change was deleting a planning routing section that was in there and it doesn't change any of the existing processes, we just is a different document, g 20 which ask informational bulletin that describes all the routing between departments required by department of building inspection. that's pretty much the nuts and bolts. any questions i can answer? >> commissioner walker? >> no--deputy director sweeney, if you have a second, please. just looking here trying to punch holes in this here and can't. basically this is-i
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will break it down. want to do a site permit. the old days i went to planning with that, right? >> you still do. >> still do. okay. >> site permit approved by planning and planning gives most-of your entitlements when the building department okays a site permit, there is normally no structural. there may be more-may not all mep's are in. if you do high rise your curtain wall isn't in. quite a few things left out. if you are doing larger projects. the basis for a site permit is give the developer or home owner the option not to throw so much money up top in a process that isn't always crystal clear. planning can take half a floor away and tell you to set backs,
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there are a number of things that could come across with planning and this--so instead of having to go back to the structural engineer and mechanical engineer twice, you only do that once. i like to clarify one thing, the county of los angeles came up and look td at our site permit and have a version of it in los angeles now. >> we are clear there is no change to the site permit process? there is no-we are not going backwards we are just tightening up a process where we are saying we don't have to go back and forth to structural engineer? >> the only thing you go back to planning is your first architectural adeneda has go back to planning. 6 months ago
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they wanted quite a few thing jz got backloaded and had discussion and they were happy snding anything back that is required. we have a information sheet kaul called g 20 and it is on paper and tells what goes where. >> the site permit would sit in line and wait for a look because planning had to sign off, right? >> most the work on the site permit does occur in planning. site permit designates how high the building is and long and use. when it come tooz building we are nuts and bolts. >> the upside here is exactly what? >> i'll have-them g 20 information sheet is continuously updated and modifyed every time a piece of legislation passes we have to route to the health department
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or not health department or back to planning two or three times, whatever it is, the legislation forces us to redirect things accord toog the legislation. those things have to happen on an effective date of the legislation so those are updated by various departments as they happen and we get the information out to the customer right away. >> my understanding is this is just getting rid of redundancy? >> that is what we are trying to get it spelled out like we are a 4 year old child. it is streamlining this? >> yes. >> it isn't undoing any existing site permit policies? >> the silet permit policy and g 20 are like living documents. we change them as needed. for
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one of your projects you really control how your site permit will look. your adeneda process will look and that is most important thing is what happens after the site permit. >> so, somebody who is a very seasoned veteran like yourself, is there any uninteneded consequencess we are overlooking here? >> i'm all for streamlining >> none i can see. >> okay. thank you for that. >> a motion to approve? >> public comment >> public comment on this item ab 032? seeing none, is there a motion to approve it? >> move to approve. >> a second? >> second. >> do roll call vote.
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mccarthy, yes. walker, yes. clinch, yes. gilman, yes. konstin, yes. lee, yes. warshell, yes. the motion carries unanimously. item 9, directors report. >> 9 a, update on dbi finances. >> good morning commissioners rchlt taurus madison deputy director for department of building inspection and before you is october 2016 financial report. it provides data on expenditures and receive news from jm twnt 16 through october 2016 and i'll go over a few highlights. for revenues remain strong. we collected about $21 million in revenue and see that on page 1. page 2
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you see that while revenues remain strong they are lower than they were compared to the same time last year and that is to be expected. last year in fiscal year 15-16 that was the highest collection in the department. overall, reserve news from last year to this year have gone down about $2.7 million. if you look at innext table it shows the number of issue permits and talked about this before and you can see that both evaluation has gone down about 37 percent and also we are also seeing fewer number of permits issued. if you look that first table you see the largest decrease in the number of high value permits want down by about 19 percent. but overall revenues are still fine. we expect to meet our budget or exceed the revenue
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budget but just compare to last year you see things going down and anticipated that. on the expenditure side we can continue to increase compared to year over year. you will see we are about 8 percent this year and that is primarily because salaries have gone up more this year than last year and that is reflected in the last meeting of gearing up and hiring. so, overall if you look at the first page again, you see the projected revenue is at budget and the reezten is there is because it is too early to make real adjustments and so just projecting that budget but as we get to the 6 month mark we'll look at if we see trends and information and try to make actual projections. i'll happy to answer question. >> seeing none. thank you. >> thank you. >> item 9, b, update on propoz said or recently enacted state
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or local legislation. >> good morning. bill strom, legislative and public affairs. i call attention to a few of the items that i submitted in your packet. the fire safety requirements that supervisor campos and others supported and took effect after labor day, we actually had a first working group meeting with some folks in the mayor's office about a week ago. essentially still working out data assistance with the fire department so we can improve transparency and make it a bit easier for people to track these types of investigations following a fire and/or when citizens call to alert us to a possible fire hazard so that our cardination
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efforts are improved. i would say that is moving forward. we also have sfr visor farrell and peskin making adu city wide. you are probably aware the governor also signed just recently a state law that essentially facilitates and encourages owners to do adu's by waving the utility cost for connections. that does save substantial amounts of dollars so whether or not this actually leads to more adu permits, we'll have to wait and see. as of right now dbi issued 29 of those permits, we had about 134 applications filed. there are still 116 of them under review
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at planning and another 17 under review at the fire department. so, we are trying to coordinate with planning to see what some of the review issues might be on adu. they continue to be a potential source for more affordable housing, but i would say the process is still relatively slow. i think mentioned earlier during the president announcement the triannual codes have been passed. the board passed that unanimously on consent yesterday. we made arrangements with the mayors office to try to obtain that signature soon in the next day or two so will make our january 1 deadline and as thez president said we owe a lot of thanks to mr. means and the technical services staff who keep that on track. i guess the final thing i'll mention is
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i think i mentioned supervisor peskin proposed a tall building advisory committee and expect that to come to the land use committee and possibly also to the budget committee possibly around thanksgiving or immediately there after. there are responsibilities dbi will be involved in relative to that and working with the supervisor and mayor prfs office on those. with that, happy to take any questions. >> seeing none mr. strom thank you. >> iletm 9 c, update on major projects. >> good morning commission. tom hui. as you can see compared to last month the [inaudible] go down by.77
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percent. any question you have? >> item 9 d, update on code enforcement. >> good morning commissioners. deputy director inspection service. here to report the code enforcement and dbi update. building inspection performed for the mounth of oct, fiver 184. 1 err complaints 328. [inaudible] 284. complaint with first notice of violation, 61. complate and abated without notice are 258. abated complaints are 27. second notice of violation refer to code enforcement were 6.
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hazard inspection service, performed with 1081. complaints received 341. complaint response 24 to 72 hours is 334. complaint with notice of violation 129. abated complaint of notice of violation are 266. [inaudible] 41. routine inspection, 352. code enforcement services number of cases sent to directors hearing is 54. number of order of abatement, 11. number of cases under advisement, 13. number of cases abated, 46. code enforcement inspection, 210. number of cases referred to city attorney, 1. over to the right we have a total column we added to see the total for the year along with the graphs provided. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> any public comment on directors report item a through d? seeing none, item 10 review and approval of the minute of regular meeting of april 20, 2016. any discussion or a motion to approve? >> move to approve or second. >> second. >> there is a motion and second to approve the minutes. any public comment? seeing none, all commissioners in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? the minutes are approved. on to item 11, discussion and possible action on the annual performance evaluation for the director. 11 a, public comment on all matders per taining to closed session. is kna therepublic comment on the item? seeing
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none-- >> john [inaudible] city attorneys office. i just wonder for the convenience oof the commission in closed session since we there are two evaluations whether you want to call both items together so you don't have to come back into the public after the first one and return. >> dually noted. >> if no objections? >> i'll also will be address item 12 rsh discussion and action on the anual perfornlance evaluation of bic secretary. 12 a, all matters per taining to closed session. any public comment? seeing none, we are addressing both item 11 and 12. 11 and 12 b possible action to convene a closed session. is there a motion to convene? >> move to convene in closed session for agenda items 11 and
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12. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second. all commissioners in favor? >> aye. >> we are now in closed session. it hello, this is the building inspection commission. we are reconvening our session regarding ajendsa item 11 and 12. is there a motion to reconvene in open session to vote on whether to disclosez any or all discussions held in closed session regarding 11 and 12? >> i move >> and second. >> there is motion and second and now in open session. >> thank you for the
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commissioners for very detailed discussion. regard to item 12, commission secretary and the big unanimously approve the performance evaluation for sonya harris who is our dedicated and long serving commission secretary. we congratulate and thank you for the job well done and look forward work wg in the future. >> thauchck. >> with regards to director, we accept the evaluation of 15 and 16s however we amend that will follow three priorities for 16 and 17. these evaluation will highlight the three policies that we would like added to this memo that we will probably introduce in sometime around december. if i miss spoke please commissioners add. >> i want to emphasize that we
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moving forward we appreciate the extensiveness of the evaluation process the city and county of san francisco has you do and we do appreciate that, we will focus on 3 pritorties. they will be the most important looking at performance. we will issue that memo at december meeting. >> thank you. next item. >> next item is item 13, adjournment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> we are now adjourned it is 129 p.m. thank you. [meeting adjourned]
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as a society we've basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people don't have any of those i'm mr. cookie can't speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. >> open the door and walk through that don't just stand looking out. >> as they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country
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this is a huge pleasure i'm david one of the co-founder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didn't know how to cook. >> i heard about the cooking school through the larkin academy a. >> their noting no way to feed themselves so they're eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. >> as i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. >> particle learning the skills
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and the food they were really go it it turned into the is charity foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this charity foundations and she said, yes. >> i'm a co-found and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday they're really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city they're our stand alone cola's we had a series or series still city of attorney's office style of classes our final are night life diners. >> santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and
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this is one the owners they help us to socialize and i've been here about a year. >> we want to be sure to serve as many as we can. >> the san francisco cooking school is an amazing amazing partner. >> it is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. >> i'm sutro sue set i'm a chief 2, 3, 4 san francisco. >> that's what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like
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it's there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. >> hi, i'm antonio the chief in san francisco. >> the majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. >> i like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like it's a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. >> i go for vera toilet so someone can't do it or its way out of their range
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we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they can't use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me you're not successful. >> we made a vegetable stir-fry indicators he'd ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen i'd cook more. >> some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasn't taught how to cook. >> i have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids
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food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. >> the more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify they're not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. >> it is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. >> we'll have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg
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at the end of this summer 2014 we're really excited. >> a lot of the of the conditions in san francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the san francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. >> we'd never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case that's something people are 2rrd in doing. >> you can't buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids don't have this you have to instill they can do it they're good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for you.
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>> what do you think about working at an airport and i love it is busy all the time. >> we want it to be an those away was this is a venture if i didn't love it i'll be an accountant. >> we want the experience that is a non-airport experience the negative stigma we're trying to erase that. >> everything is in a bad food to excite them about the food and they have time to learn about us. >> people are imitated by
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traveling and the last thing to do is come to a place fill of chaos. >> telling me how the extent of napa a farms came about. >> it was a vision of the airport director he had a suspicion of a really cool gourmet speciality market locally friendly products this market local flavors this is the best. >> can we get a little tour. >> absolutely (laughter) ♪ ♪ >> so first on our tour. >> we have the clock we like to call it. >> this is coordinating it is made in san francisco. >> what about the customer presence. >> we like to get the permanent
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farther i love the cappuccino and you have to go to multiple places for the cupcakes the cup a cakes from kari's people want to live here they're longing phone call for one thing in one spot in you know anything about san francisco the cheese the most popular cheesy think a lot of the people from the west coast say so this the real san francisco sour dough and they're curious. >> you find people respond to the idea of organic and absolutely. >> this is autumn. >> thank you, thank you and there's a lot of personal touch. >> i see san francisco. >> it's very hands on. >> what's the most popular items. >> this is quite surprising our fresh jotting this is the
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chronicle special a bowl of warm oats and coconut that's mites farther. >> and speaking of drinks tell me again the cocktail scenes is that one, the things your known for . >> the cocktails are fantastic. >> really. >> fresh ingredients we don't have a mixture it to order this is our marcus bloody mayor. >> farmer's market bloody mary the bloody marys in the airport are great shikz it up. and then we're going to garnish it with olives.
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and some lime and a fresh stalk of selly. right on. >> we like (clapping.) the airport it where i know to mind visions of traffic romance and excitement and gourmet can you limousine we're at san francisco inspirational airport to discover the award-winning concession that conspiracies us around the world. sfo serves are more 40 million travelers a year and a lot of the them are hungry there's many restaurant and nearly all are restaurant and cafe that's right
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even the airport is a diane designation. so tell me a little bit the food program at sfo and what makes this so special >> well, we have a we have food and beverage program at sfo we trivia important the sustainable organic produce and our objective to be a nonterminal and bring in the best food of san francisco for our passengers. >> i like this it's is (inaudible) i thank my parents for bringing me here. >> this the definitely better than the la airport one thousand times better than. >> i have a double knees burger with bacon.
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>> i realize i'm on a diet but i'm hoping this will be good. >> it total is san francisco experience because there's so many people and nationalities in this town to come to the airport especially everyone what have what they wanted. >> are repioneering or is this a model. >> we're definitely pioneers and in airport commemoration at least nationally if not intvrl we have many folks asking our our process and how we select our great operators. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ the food option in san francisco airport are phenomenal that's if it a lot of the airports >> yeah. >> you don't have the choice. >> some airports are all about food this is not many and this particular airport are amazing especially at the tirnl indicating and corey is my favorite i come one or two hours before my flight this is the life. >> we definitely try to use as many local grirnts as we can we use the goat cheese and we also use local vendors we use greenly produce they summarize the local soured products and the last one
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had 97 percent open that. >> wow. >> have you taken up anything unique or odd here. >> i've picked up a few things in napa valley i love checking chocolates there's a lot of types of chocolate and caramel corn. >> now this is a given right there. >> i'm curious about the customer externals and how people are richmond to this collection of cities you've put together not only of san francisco food in san francisco but food across the bay area. >> this type of market with the local savors the high-end products is great. >> i know people can't believe they're in an airport i really joy people picking up things for their friends and family and
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wait i don't have to be shopping now we want people take the opportunity at our location. >> how long has this been operating in san francisco and the late 18 hours it is one of the best places to get it coffee. >> we have intrrnl consumers that know of this original outlet here and come here for the coffee. >> so let's talk sandwiches. >> uh-huh. >> can you tell me how you came about naming our sandwiches from the katrero hills or 27 years i
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thought okay neighborhood and how do you keep it fresh you can answer that mia anyway you want. >> our broadened is we're going not irving preserves or packaged goods we take the time to incubate our jogger art if scratch people appreciate our work here. >> so you feel like out of captured the airport atmosphere. >> this is its own the city the airline crews and the bag handlers and the frequent
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travels travelers and we've established relationships it feels good. >> when i get lunch or come to eat the food i feel like i'm not city. i was kind of under the assumption you want to be done with our gifts you are down one time not true >> we have a lot of regulars we didn't think we'd find that here at the airport. >> people come in at least one a week for that the food and service and the atmosphere. >> the food is great in san francisco it's a coffee and i took an e calorie home every couple of weeks. >> i'm impressed i might come here on my own without a trip, you know, we have kids we could
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get a babysitter and have diner at the airport. >> this is a little bit of things for everybody there's plenty of restaurant to grab something and go otherwise in you want to sit you can enjoy the experience of local food. >> tell me about the future food. >> we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what our passengers want. >> i look forward to see what your cooking up (laughter) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> today we've shown you the only restaurant in san francisco
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