tv SFCTA Personel Committee 113016 SFGTV December 4, 2016 4:00am-5:06am PST
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county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries
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but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc >> all right. good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the to the personnel meeting of the wednesday, november 30, 2016, i'm katie tang the vice chair and we're waiting for commissioner wiener and to my left is commissioner mar and steve and thank you phil jackson and leo mr. clerk, any announcements? >>
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no anonymous. >> roll call commissioner mar commissioner tang commissioner wiener is absent we have quorum item 2 please approval of the minutes of the december '40 meeting an action item. >> i move the approval of minutes why not public comment first on the minutes and seeing none, we'll close public comment is closed. and commissioner mar has made a motion to adopt the minutes and i guess we'll do a roll call vote commissioner mar commissioner tang p commissioner wiener is absent the minutes are approved thank you very much call items three and four together. >> i think item 3. >> i'm sorry item 3. >> recognize of the agency reorganization and job reclassification an action item. >> we have cynthia.
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>> deputy director for finance this is in relation to the reorganization for the transportation authority you may recall back in 2014 we came before in committee and asked for additional positions at a point we are that designated as a separate agency and we would come back in the future to ask for additional positions we may need to conduct operations for the agency after that approximately a year ago we contracted with a girl called h m tv they specialize in getting agencies like the ta in a startup role for tolling proclamations wisp wrapping up tow operation for riverside county they will they'll be starting collections and asked for an assessment of whether or
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not how the ta was ready for operations for to me wee they were used u using agencies occ as benchmark agencies as part of their assessment i'd like to call eric up to the podium to walk you through the results from h m tv analysis. >> thank you very much eric droopy have a real consensus presentation you can get and better feel for what we're dealing with now as the treasure island management agency and the aspects of the agency we collectively manage i'm going to start first, by just may be difficult to see
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what is in our organization chart has the executive director at the top level the chief deputy and the coordinating deputy director levels in that regard just for a quick refresher in terms of of the overall organization we have in place so i'm going to go ahead and talk about the revised structure as a relates to the addressing the components on the screen the aspects of the program we need to deal with first and foremost one of the more important things the toll collection has part of management tolling was mandated and ushering the logics and with the authority and caltrans to make sure we are installing and operating a tolling system is
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critical to this effort like a build out to $203,041,000,000 it is quite a bit of revenue we'll be tracking and other revenues going to be in play parking approximately $7.2 million as well as transit and an international part of congestion management plan to establish ferry service the developer will build a ferry terminal we need to work with the water emergency transportation agency go ahead and execute and purchase the appropriate vessels and get into the weeds and getting that up and you operated the target date for operating the ferry system is 2022 for the toll collection
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the target date to operate and flip on the switch will be 2019 there are other components that need to be dealt with parking management excited to talk about shuttle serve on the island so a new cleaver is specialized expertise working with the public and private sector currently no east bay transit services to the island this is part of island coordinating with the agency as a one executing a memorandum of agreement for starting the tolling in the 2019 area be numerous transit path and being able and all island tdm island services to be led by the department the principle planner richard and looking at
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affordability in a senate program and finally when it comes to tolling a fast track for a service center coordination with the egress and ingress to the toll bridge by way of the off and on ramps and opened will be a major point of the tolling when we approach that area there. >> in working with our consultant we came up with a recommendations staffing approach first of all, to make sure we were flexible as to the point we could urban design with the existing staff eliminating the staff on date to make sure we implement and good afternoon project managers with specific tasks that is required as and o we move forward with the program the first time with an operating
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agency that's a different hat from the prior experience with the transportation authority efforts we'll go ahead and require some motivation of different resources there are numerous agreement as you imagine that need to be executed with the agencies so our stout process to crack for services if we don't have the experience when the level of efforts requires not in house staffing it make sense. >> and then finally this may be difficult to read i apologize but in essence the thought process for the treasure island mobility agency some of the core functions under the capital projects the delivery group the group that i'm the deputy in charge of the thought process the support from the other
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divisions to help and support all the efforts and that's in essence a snapshot of the operations in the darker color newer function operations and then finally as indicated in the packet there will be a need for specific and this is even i'm sorry this is more detailed drilled down anything that is dark print is in essence new in that regard anything in light print with the capital projects group that we have to date the capital projects stays the same with additions and all the systems of technology that is required to support this effort
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those are in essence new types of functional operations that capital projects will undertake our ambulance is to go ahead and fill and get the appropriate experience in particular to make sure that we hire in essence what we're designating as a manager a job description and what we're calling a tim the technology guru from the technology stand point to make sure we are getting people involved in the back office tolling side of the house our proposed reorganization are a program manager and assistant manager but to the types of
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support business and financial tracking for the new revenue that needs to be accounted for cost and revenue and need to also go ahead and advance our communication to make sure the appropriate meg is there for everyone on the island to understand the options as it relates to transit and the tolling proclamations when things can be schedule properly and make sure that someone will deal with the public in that regard and senior program analyst will be a combination working with and supporting program manager and the assistant manager for all the analysis that will be required as part of the program. >> we potentially will need additional resources of human resources for procurement
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contract need to work out the details with the financial group and i'm going to i'm going to turn it over to cynthia she can discuss in essence the fiscal impact. >> thank you eric now eric has gone over 5 positions we would like to add to the organization there is a request here to reclarify two current positions you have each a copy of our current chart request the proposed classifications - to a senior program analyst and planner and this is an increase of 39
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thousand plus dollars get into the weeds each fiscal year the 5 are positions that will be incrementally brought on in 5 years for the operation we are looking in total of if we had all 56 positions up and going we'll look at a million dollars increase in staff costs in terms of funding the two positions that are reclassed will be prop k position the other 5 positions with actually will be funded request tim tolling funds opportunity with a memorandum of agreement with tida and grants with the staffing like the communications society with the senior planner and we also anticipate utilizing
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some prop k fund for the positions with that, eric and i are happy to answer any questions. >> thank you colleagues, any questions. >> okay. seeing none on item 3 is there - any additional presentation okay. great any public comment on item 3. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and a motion on or call the roll. >> please call the roll. >> on item 3 commissioner mar commissioner tang commissioner wiener. >> the item is approved. >> okay. and colleagues if i may can we go back to item 2 and vote on that can i have a motion to rescind the vote. >> second. >> without objection we'll take that to rescind and please
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call the roll. >> all right. same house, same call? >> same house, same call? without objection that will be the order. okay do we call 4 and 5 together but only go into closed session on item 4. >> call. >> public employee and approval for the executive director performances for 2017 and item 5 recommended amending the existing employment agreement for the executive director for 2017 action items. >> okay ms. chang. >> yes. >> we immediately go into closed session. >> we don't hear - we'll need a few minutes to get little room together. >> we don't take - no one is
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here but we'll take public comment when that everyone is out. >> commissioner tang. >> part of my decision is has to do with with the offerings on the moving forward are we're going to have a conversation but all in closed session. >> but all in closed session oh, okay. he throughout the director was going to speak to her comments accomplishments. >> we did not. >> i think in the scope of the agenda items to have it i mean - if it is a brief rae cap of for the benefit of the public. >> that would be that would be helpful thank you. >> good afternoon chair mar tilly chang thank you for the opportunity to present a review of accomplishments my
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accomplishment thank you to the tenant/landlord you should have in your packet a memoranda for the offens objectives and the attachment 2 and my memorandum of a list of accomplishments but have things i want to summarize for you the proposed for 2015 will be the last item it was a fantastic year of the transportation authority we were busy throughout the year again through zooming out the proposed obviously in the 7 goal areas of the transportation authority had
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established in 2014 actually advancing the colloquy work program and promoting efficiency in conferring more importantly collaboration with our community at large and providing leadership and building awareness of the transportation authority program and opportunities this is opportunities as well as agency and staff development can we have the slides please establishment in 2014 and remained in pa place the list of accomplishment begin in attachment 2 and respond to the objectives you approved for me in 2015 that's attachment one negative impact each of the areas and 7 we were able to meet or steady those oufshz in terms of the key work program areas
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we broke down that program into 3 functional areas planning funding and delivery pursue the planning and funding are the core functions of the project delivery we began to ramp up excuse the pun with the wedding rams but for the funding we administrative code over 8 hundred and 50 thousand with the prop k with the sales tax from programming to the planning and allocation as well as the oversight and reporting we've also were able to advance the work to seek the revenues and get the approval not always successful with the prop j but did ground work and in fact,
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we're very happy to see the bart program approved and worked hard with the local measure and the regional measure i'm hopefully in 2018 and supporter vote not sure we wanted your feedback for the items new year but i'm prep to have a group to better understand what the voters are trying to relate to us we have a sense of it with the outcome of november election but in greater detail regarding the new revenues and go back in 2018 theoretically with the regional measure 3 on the bridge toll with the counties working in
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collaboration. >> sporting the regional planning is a huge we've adopted with our support thank you to chair wiener and commissioner mar on increasing abag that was a big effort this year we were able to get all of the objectives met in that project in terms of actually making them eligible and maintaining the projects through as a region not fully to meet our objectives especially with fundamental with the metrics with the planned area and continuing to work with other regional agencies on the action plan that the region adopted one thing we were not able to do. >> commissioner mar. >> i want to thank you for spending the time on the regional planning committee i think your voice in the leadership you provided there and many of the members on the
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committee really it is valuable inside point of view you bring to that. >> thank you it was my honor to serve on that with you and others in the region now, one thing we were not able to moot with the transportation authority was the funding of the vehicles we'll continue to work on the project with the regional partners and to keep moving forward on the downtown exception with the area region and a number of other objectives in the transbay area regionally we spent a lot of effort and established a nice working partnership with the santa clara and this is looking at whether an hov car lane on the transit side in the transbay corridor we move forward with
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the mtc and bart with the planning department and caltrans and meeting to on the study so again, our emphasis is as agencies to really spearhead and coordinate that to the east bay transbay corridor moving on existing plans as well as creating new ones regarding the long term and finally in this category of regional planning we're excited to launch our initiative program you as other methods and marketing strategies to engagement bart rider and encourage them to shift their travel in non-peak travel hours in the inn bound in the morning and out bound in the afternoon bart has the second part of
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program funded in part by bart and the better highways administration and in the sector their effected by the pro tem results moving to the project delivery west side ramp project was a tremendous milestone for the agency led by our capital project and the entire agency helped to prepare that over many, many years and generations dating back to 2007 with the newsom's administration with the support of the leadership owing that and very much appreciate the confidence of the city and state and tida to develop the west side and the east side ramp this year as part of that celebration we were able to support opening of the bike touched down the to the
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yerba buena island and vista to point and to come in the early part of 2017 now the neighborhood transportation improvement program a program you'll recall was implemented by the quality funding in the county wide plan the neighborhood transportation needs to be geographic and in the pipelines across the city we wanted to move up on the recommendations to launch in two areas the neighborhood transportation planning and canal project program with the arresting gull and bike projects but really, truly excited to see a lot of these take off multiply things funded by prop k and led by the planning department and the mta as well as ourselves and
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the other by the way, equity program by the s p analysis was be able to make progress and finally advancing the program we appreciate you in the treasure island adapted the policy and putting forth an importance guidance to have a great foundation on which to develop that toll policy and although we were only short listed and not win the city grant we're grateful to receive a followup grant the lovingly million dollars advanced technology grant eric mention will help to fund the toll system and the shuttle demonstration project on treasure island moving to the next slide here additional work program and
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accomplishments we didn't anticipate those are additional work projects were not called out but during the course of the year with the parking study lead by a michael from the staff utilizing existing capacity and moving to use technology and pricing to further approve the utilization of parking and west side hub this was supervisor tang asked for this report we delivered in the earlier part of year leads to other rerouting the study and the lines thank you for that leadership commissioner tang and subway division thank you for that assignment chair wiener and partners are bart and candidates moving forward to that's an
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author of our long-range project with the city connect sf i'll talk it that in a minute in terms of the other alamany and late night and the hub study fanatically and challenging assignments given to us in the partnership agencies and delivered on time and good results advances caltrans electrical stations mo' magic to another category of oversight and delivery this is something that anticipated but i think we're not sure how far to get terms of the circulates and high speed rail we wereably to make a lot of progress together with our
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partners approving supplemental agreement with caltrain to do more robust oversight the lessons from caltrain and even central subway we're funded and see the end in sight of the delivery of caltrain with an aging project conducting oversight continues on the central subway and those protocols are similar and based on the effectiveness of the oversight approach with the sfmta we are forged similar relationships and protocols for central subway and south van ness bart brt brt that will be a bit of a challenge in the next couple of years but doing a lot of work with sfmta and the business and the corridors to make as is workable as possible
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and we're excited to see rainy-day funds surpass in 2019 and again, a shout out thank you to the deputy director finance cynthia thank you. appreciate the comments from supervisor yee beyond any doubt and recognizing that work and the intentions the double a plus rating this year we don't have a firm 100 percent plan yet but anticipate that maybe the year we go out to capital market value to take up the longer than term bonds with the mta and may need to trigger you know our first bonding in the coming calendar year and the second category the providing support in the project reporting - excuse me - okay in terms of the broad support i'm eager to hear our feedback
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we work hard to even work effectively to support you in our roles on the ta as well as on treasure island and all our regional roles you play on the mtc and abag and to the bart colleagues, we met to coordinate this important year for bart and be able to also hoping respond to the request we've gone over the s r and looking at the transportation study and report to the board later this month as well as a host of other neighborhood transportation projects moving to efficiency and conferri customer service we've continuing improving our systems and computer and technology systems to help us to track the
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projects from a to z from the close out and this about benefit not only our sponsors and your internal managers but also the same database that powers the external facing my street sf but members of the public that will benefit they're using it we see the clicks of that tool so minute in the community can pop-in our address ron on my and see the projects that are funded and not completely and the ones funded and ongoing and the ones programmed in next slide, please we've seen people use this tool to contact project sponsors when they want to see the project and the this how much the project costs and the status and the contact person for this project
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we've got a lot more work to do we want to streamline you prop k you'll see in my proposed oufshz for 2017 we want to streamline not only the prop k to put that on line and the partners from the bart or public works or mta they can do an online form that is more automated and accurate instead of having a manual q and a but we also want to look at our memoranda and make sure they're the most of the helpful and efficient and clear to understand what is it that the action we are seeing each month we come to you with the memoranda and documentation so - >> moving to the fourth area of the partner agency i've referred to some of those the connect sf an initiative of the core agencies you've heard about that thank you chair tilly chang
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and this is the idea we would like to vision our long term transportation system with the subway parts of taking that piece off and followed by the the transportation plan of the 2017-2018 this will be wanted to corridor with the measure 3 and the completion of the next planned area update we've talked about the 101 corridor and the 101 corridor for the freeway side and the rail side with the high speed rail and there the work this year and going to there focused on the rail yard and this is led by the planning department as the reading about it and had a hearing as well with the tenant/landlord this year really an important study
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for the in terms of the might - to continue to stay in line for federal funds for the dtx and bring to the transbay terminal on the transportation to demand management those are sort of sorry kind of transportation to demand management, of course, the category of lower cost very cost effective treats of transportation system to help to move us toward the sustainable with the walking and biking and transit performances we rely on cars particularly private vehicles and we're doing that in many ways just yesterday had a hearing thank you chair mar at the land use committee on the ordinance and we have accomplished with the passage of
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two components of the transportation sustainability program that is a large program of the tdm with the sustainability fee and the change in the ceqa measures over from the level of service to the more consistent measure of vehicle miles traveled with the transit first policy again, a very large somewhat - complex area but ultimately important so we can be a as cost effective with the transit first plan and policies in the city it was a very big year for that project. >> sorry for skipping too far head with the leadership at the state level an exciting year we had the first c m g david chiu
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was able to pass the ash 4 is the general contractor authority and initiative way to partner with the private contractor in the design phase and that design phase is a maximum price we feel comfortable we can move into the phase that saves time and leverages the expertise in those phases and something that can be used and the sfmta is using on the van ness as we speak so we were keen given the complexity of the piece side ramps to tap into that delivery method we are grateful to david chiu for objecting that legislation and on the implementations it is something that will this year we
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were able to continue to advocate for bart and muni was for example, to get the 42 grant from the expanding and our agency provided important analytical information from the federal government. >> in addition you'll see in the memoranda on the state and regional our continued to press forwards on the automated speed enforcements on vision zero and hopefully new measures chair wiener will provide that but fortunately unfortunately, it didn't happen to fall but
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hopefully next year - wisp excited this year to expand our social media presence it had limits but we were mindful of the basic outreach at the grassroots level to make sure we're in touch with the partners and doing things on the ground and with the outreach when necessary and appropriate to compliment the social media but an engagement to bring in the community such as though targeted outreach to folks in the high school and community college and local universities and high school students to a fun day they shadowed several members of our agency and eric
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cordova brought them to the island and, of course, the engineering focus program in sfusd high school and able to lecture and bring the folks into state university henson cal uc berkley and cal and the institute for san jose an important generation to hone and expose them to some of the board range from a programs and policies or community engagement and engineering sciences and make sure that kids young adults are exposed to our work and engaged with us early on in their careers promoting the sdaemgd for the
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ongoing commitment to continue a workshop i'm excited to say we're moving forward not only on citibuild but perhaps the professional services version of citibuild as you recall citibuild is the program that was following the third street light rail to try to develop the building and construction trade vocational trades through the programs citibuild with the office of economic workforce development runs that program there's not been a recognition and a desire to potentially build the citibuild not only for the building trade and construction but for the professional services type of clarifications those are planned checkroom and early contracted administration types of functions and it would be nice for us to work on that we began working on that with oewd and
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sfmta contributed to the effort i look forward to reporting more on that next year and this is an important element i was pleased to be able to fill our deputy positions that were open which was jeff hobson a deputy for planning who joined us from transform that was rounded out our team and promoted amber for the deputy for programming and now with eric in place eric cordova we have joe who took modeling and technology data analysis position and then amber to report in a policy and programming we have a full team and cannot tell you how fortunate to work with the existing management team from the admin our chief deputy so
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we're excited we led an organizational assessment with eric recorded urban forester that began with an idea for the treasure island role but became a much broader exercise we talked about the prioritization of our resources we wanted to have a deeper sort of internal conversation about workplace excellence and turnover for other reasons and wanted to dive into that were we not providing the supportive environment or making sure to have advancement a matrix that a working as we move towards matrixing and that
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resulted in making sure wisp empowering our staff and training them to so that's resulting in a whole hoecht of actions and excited to report good progress and we are definitely continuing new year next year to make sure we have a workplace of excellence and finding that harder and harder for folks into the city and they're moving into the east bay we've lost folks to the east bay agencies and the private sector want to make sure we're staying as comprehensive and with that, that will conclude the accomplishments side of my report you have on our report the get into the weeds obviously i don't know if you want to pause. >> why not keep on going. >> sure. sure again those are
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the 7 goals we've gone over as part of our organizational the recognition of our treasure island role that has a recommendation to add a role prompting inclusive public engagement you'll see 8 goals for 2017 the same 7 as before and an eight one so folks at home here's the slide at home advancing the activities the top of the list to make sure that our brt are certified our san francisco transportation update for 2017 will benefit from an earlier stage of work we did this year but completed next year with the transportation paper we're working on this is some policy work we wanted to do
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shared mobility and the tdm and the vehicles accepting that director reiskin and i what we are doing that alcoholic doyle drive was open to the public last year again, the final fine thing will happen in 2017 with represented to landscaper work we're going on with the partners - we want to hire that guru to manage some of the procurements we want to do in the fall and the freeway management study will be pled to move forward with san mateo into the next phase with the board approval and supporting this downtown extension of caltrain with the rails boulevard study will be very important moment a milestone for the city and
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heading into the regional measure 3 approvals we hope will happen in 2018 there will be a year of 2017 of developing that expenditure program it is r will be a local and regional conversation and have an initiative to the treasure island as well as our internal initiative and, of course, begin to reengage on the rfp conversation i mentioned i'd like to recommend we accept the focus groups and wanted to see what they add to explanatory outcome of the measure as well as thinking about different ways to come together and identify the potential revenue measures we again try to seek the voters approval in 2018
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in terms of broad support i'll speak simultaneously 4 new commissioners as well as many of you will return i'm excited to reengage and learn ways to engage everyone and bring folks together around transportation the regional roles that will be needed to be sort of out in january for ta leadership but also mayor ed lee and the board will need to select new representatives for the mtc the municipality and bart members a heavy agenda to get our priorities in the plan to make sure that the mtc transit core capacity will move us along with the transbay corridor and we want to provide the support to you with your vision zero commitment excuse me - the committee and the committee and
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making sure that our broad communication and memorandum are the most useful and efficient as they can be and promoting customer service that continues that the prop k forms and we call the prop k portal and certainly want to as we move into the treasure island customer service will take a on the meaning of having customers that may have particular need we want to make sure we are ready for the partner data that run the fast track from - item 4 to work collaboratively with partner agencies and going to incapsulate part 2 and the downtown extension work around
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the boulevard initiative and the - 5 is the prompt inclusive public engagement goal he mentioned a new goal that come out of our internal conversations was missing from the 7 prior goals promoting inclusive public engagement is many things to make sure our internal proclamations are not suffering from things like racial bias to make sure that our operations can be enhanced frontals in the areas of human resources and - and training to continue to do our best in the area of equal assess and really prompting the participation of small and minority owned businesses we as i mentioned are looking to reach out to the workforce on the professional services not only the professional trade side but need
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young adults and older workers into construction and management professions i'm excited about next year with the occ and again inclusive public engagement in those areas but also in our outreach making sure that our outreach is even more effective and people what about engaged without crossing the digital divide or gave me in typical methods 6 for leadership this will be any number of things from looking to the new revenues at the state and federal levels and trying to capture those by the new administration and governor jerry brown hoping to lead a state transportation
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funding package and the next planned implementation and we again want to contribute especially in the building an intersection of state and local that will need some exposition and will benefit from a scan of what others are doing in the u.s. we look forward to your feedback on that and facilitating the agency and organizational staff recommendations as i mentioned will be a continuing focus and moving towards the ability to hire some of the positions that we were able to get our recommendation that's and priority and integrating the management system and promoting even more of the ability to have online and efficient systems will be part of this progress and finally with the external
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and internal limitations will be the initiative of the communications plan one of the outreaches of the assessment and this enensues at the agency level and the sub agency level and developing. >> community approach and capacity not sure we'll be able to deliver a relations now but the goal over several years to ramp up our ability for a community engagement and separate and apart from any particular project so 82 thank you for your time i hope that was a i'll have overall of the objectives for 2017. >> thank you commissioner tang. >> thank you. i absolutely think that was helpful we're
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talking about the upcoming item i'm sure there are other things with we'll think of but this is good for moving forward what we've been able to accomplish so far one of the questions that was included for upcoming objectives for 2017 the opening the geary brt. >> so i don't want to get into a lengthy conversation but given where we are at the structure and turnover on the board we want to know where you see that going. >> yes. yes. >> early 2017. >> very, very that's a great question we've been in communication more recently on this because of the we are heading into that finish line earlier this year our goal to bring that approval action forward to this body in the fall we related heavily excuse me - on the federal transit
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administration we could document our project response to comments moving back to last year, we did a draft document and get feedback from the public and there the summer and spring and as we documented that from the faa they would be willing to have us do an errata format in the fall the guidance they gave us alternative advise to see more fully documentation of that back and forth with the community and the ultimate outcome we achieved many we were able to resolve blake the webster bridge in japantown similar is an idea of the cook from local stops the want to
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keep or in the area of some gas station businesses for example, we were able to really work on the parking loss and we were able to minimize but 20 percent unfortunately, the way we documented it was the more sort of streamlined way and it turned out because of those ongoing xhufksz and we introduced some vision zero pedestrian safety feature that was a new scope we added a couple of dozen obnoxiously or bulks or crosswalks it changed how we should document the changes and unfortunately, we got it rather late in the september, october timeframe so more recently, we looked at ways for the giensz and one idea that seems to have
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taken hold is that their comfort within the city attorney advice us to separate our documents into two pieces you'll see potentially the brt, the geary brt document come to a form if the eir for local approval and gives us time to in the coming months to respond to the document on a separate track the approval item for the geary bart for this body it to come to this body in 6 to 8 years and will be grateful that's what i'm hearing from the board they wish to take action, an the documents given here we are in the thanksgiving period we're working on a schedule we'll bring that to you in eight hundred 2017 before several of you term out.
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>> thank you for that update. >> commissioner mar. >> can i ask splitting it 20 in two the bart certification of the bayshore and could be happening in 2017 by this body and that would be still consistent with the same content and presented in the federal document because of the formulating requirements we'll more time to do that. >> thank you very much. >> sure. >> it's time to go into closed session i need a motion to do that. >> yeah. >> no, we don't? okay for the agenda we will not move into closed session limited to item number 4we'll call 4 >> okay. we are we're back in
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open session. we conducted a closed session we discussed contract extension and terms for the director and we well, now report out ms. wong do a report out i'll affirm. >> mr. chair should i first give the rating that we. >> so why not do that first, we each of us went through the ratings on the various performance categories and we provided a rating that is between outstanding and exceptionally good this is a a rating of last year with that we did azusa various terms we'll
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hear those and then entertain public comment. >> this is recommending the annual compensation for the annual director for 2017 to extend the contract for 3 years with an increase of 4.5 percent there's a clause for termination without good caused by an employee for good reason a term of 6 months we want to remedy the 9 months another term of relocation a $10,000 allowance only a portion has been spent and the recommendation to have that over to 3 years and the next term adding a 15 thousand salary budget to the current agreement those are the. >> over the course of 3 years.
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>> those are the recommendations of the committee before we take formal action open up for public comment i see ms. tilly chang. >> thank you. i really appreciate that wonderful recommendations i really failed to thank you for your support and guidance throughout the past year it's been a tremendous honor your support made us feel your support has westbound administratively to all of us and your recommendation and your reorganization of our performance collectively. >> thank you for your work. >> is there any public comment on items four and five.
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>> seeing none, public comment is closed. and then we - for items - now tefrmgz of forwarding this is the 4 and 5 or just - >> (inaudible). >> okay so on item 4 again forwarding it to the be full authority yes same house, same call? that will be the order. item 5 forwarding it to the full authority with a recommendation same house, same call? without objection that will be the order. and item 6. >> item 6 instruction for new items. >> instructions seeing none,
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