tv BOS Land Use Committee 12516 SFGTV December 9, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PST
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want to welcome you back to the this is the regular meeting of the this the land use committee i'm supervisor cowen chair of this committee and to my left is aaron peskin and our clerk ms. alicia thank you jim smith and charles kremack of sfgovtv to help us broadcast this meeting madam clerk, any announcements? electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the depth 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you could you please call item one. >> an ordinance 30 years the acquisition of real property from the state of california for sidewalks along van ness avenue under the jurisdiction of public works with the maintenance agreement waving fees and making
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appropriate findings ii was told ms. julian is presenting i don't see her in the chambers one presenting yes why not have the mayor's office staff make a recommendation i don't know is it finally. >> xavier for various reasons which we'll show you in a little - van ness sidewalks a desire so are the van ness sidewalks under the city jurisdiction for the apply for local codes like beverly and thanks of that nature public utilities commission performed on investigation about 83 sidewalk blocks that will be added to city jurisdictions that includes $2 million a little bit over on van ness from palm on the south side to lombard on the northerly
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end it is important to note that only existing sidewalks are being replenished from the state to the city at this time any additional sidewalk expansion will require a further relinquishment at this time it is should the sidewalks challenge hands we would go from state controlled policy and regulations to local public works code for this i guess i'd like to introduce ann marie from the city planning to give us the details for the van ness. >> welcome thank you supervising emery rogers planning department staff we're a thrilled this committee that considering this stem today this is issue that is with the planners for decades you're familiar with the efforts to work on the van ness right-of-way and make the
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changes for brt i'll talk about something else that contribute to the feel of van ness avenue that is how private development interacts with the right-of-way so since the 1980s the adaptation of having an r van ness plan the policies to constrain on van ness and activate the streetscape with more feasible - we have policies that talk about the development of acting that makes the sidewalks interesting in a lively urban place providing the detail on both the buildings through the use of aging & adult services for bay windows over the state right away and activating the right-of-way where appropriate with street furniture and sidewalk cafeterias that's been the city's vision since the 1980s
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the caltrain policy they have some more recent policy initiative that speak to recognized urban city's desire to have complete streets and mobile streets and have recently recognized the response to the dances of the county, however, there are specific planners that work on encroachment be preliminaries that are confronted with encroachment manual that was southern not issued for buildings or structures to extend into the state that is inappropriate gateway to private parties so i can show you although we have what typically happens when a project will extend over the state right away roughly here's a building on 19th avenue at noriega and self-had bay windows
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on both sides of the facade when the planning commission approved this and after the commission hearing caltrain denied the encroachment roughly for the bay windows the effectively it looks a cheese grader came down the side of the building and the andrew's is getting in trouble caltrain this is van ness ellis street with bay windows along the facades and after planning review and entitlement the caltrans ruled in a stripping away of the details and features the leaving of blank street walls no able to have the things for those reasons and with the new development pending along van ness avenue we would like to treat boechlts over the public right-of-way the same thing on our own streets and if you do agree with the measure before
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you that will allow dpw to review comboechlts on van ness avenue as they do throughout the city thank you. >> thank you. >> is there - all right. let's take public comment on this item >> at this time please come on up you'll have two minutes hearing a soft chime a second reminder that you have thirty sektsdz remaining thank you, welcome. >> thank you larry bader of urban planning i'm working with the conservatory of music on van ness avenue but i really want to focus my comments more on the experience i've had in the planning department working on is van ness avenue plan working on the downtown plan pr the sidewalk relinquishment will allow the city to create
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traditional san francisco neighborhoods we have seen through emery rogers good work some the buildings over the years that have been slaughtered by caltrans nodded blaming them that's what happened we're a city of bay windows and core news the ability to have gaps and variation on a facade makes san francisco what it is it is what brings people to san francisco for tourism there is a clear public benefit with no harm we urge you strongly to support this as ann marie said the downtown plan the market octavia upper van ness and the grand residential blasted as a vibrant commercial grand street you can't do that with legislation
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thank you very much. >> thank you tim colen, san francisco housing action coalition. i won't community-based beyond what larry said this is a terrific opportunity for the city you should grab it quickly the opportunity to have our rules on the design of van ness is simply too good to pass up so, please support this thank you. >> thank you any public comment? to speak on this item seeing none, public comment is closed. the matter is the hands of body mr. peskin >> one question for the financial liability for the city to dpw being accepting those what financial liabilities is the city accepting with them. >> currently oh, xavier due to
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arrangements with caltrain's little city is responsible for maintaining and keeping up the situation of the van ness so we're actually not take on anything new there is no reimbursement from caltrans to that will remain the same we receive reimbursements on the roadway and that will continue be thinking challenged from this legislation. >> drooment tom anything you want to add. >> good afternoon christopher's thomas with the city attorney's office i want to add in addition to what xavier said the responsibility and liability for the conditions related to sidewalks will be assumed under 9 current code by the private property owners for the implementation of our code and the improvement of our codes
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on the sidewalks. >> thank you counsel i'll be happy to move this this the full board. >> without objection that that item passes. >> madam clerk call item 2. >> item 2 is a resolution creating sdefrmz for the conditional use authorization for indoor ashen uses and at agricultural uses in the pdr zoning and making appropriate findings. >> leakage we have a request for a continuance from the mayor's office i believe we have a representative from the mayor's office of economic workforce development who can to this. >> hi from the office of economic workforce development thank you, supervisor for hearing us today with the controls designed to allow us to begin a thoughtful process around the ashen in the land use here in the city with that said we were aware from concerns i
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want to have a continuance for the january 9th we've got a long way to go e meetings we'll come back with a thoughtful process. >> thank you very much for the update let's take public comment anyone want to have public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you mr. peskin can we agree to have this on january 9th. >> so moved. >> without objection that be that motion carries all right. call item 3 please. item 3 an ordinance amending the planning code for the project sponsors to direct the affordable housing fee to the smaller projects and making appropriate findings. >> all right. the mayor and supervisor campos the dynamic do you supervisor campos i see you're here with thoughtful
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remarks. >> i have i'm not sure but i have remarks the mayor and i are collaborating on so many issues so as you, you know mayor ed lee on a serious note mayor ed lee and i did proudly introduced this legislation that we introduced together in its very important piece of legislation that allows fees from residential development of 25 units or less to remain in the neighborhoods where the new development is built the fees will be used to purchase buildings, for long term tenants are at risk of eviction once you, you purchase those unite turn them into permanently affordable housing the developer meets the affordable housing obligations by building the low income market-rate housing this is the
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preference for so many of us to build the units on another site or by paying a fee walk through it has not lead to more housing built in some of the places that need it the most 6 legislation the mayor and i offers a choice they can now under this legislation if you support it they can have their fees stay in the neighborhood where the project is happening where investing and those fees can you be used to be invested in the small program that will allow the purchase of small buildings that once again help tenants that are at risk at displacement and asking this within a certain area or goodic area of the neighborhood those
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small site acquisition fund was started in 2014 and stabilized many housing units i want to thank the stakeholder that had those conversations that was part of a larger that had several items 9 items and to the spent there of the disagreement we wanted to make sure this important item was there was agreement that that move quickly forward i want to thank the planning department i see the director of planning i thank the staff to move forward the mayor's office of housing and community development played a critical role and the rest of the builders association it approached us about this and it's a great thing to see the rb a and new seeking community members to some of them here that also were supportive i think this is truly
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a win-win for everyone involved i want to thank sheila in my office to help to put this together the two amendments that i have ask and let me hand out the amendment so that the committee has the amendments i'll pass them on to you commissioner peskin and one for the clerk the first amendment to require any fee collected for the fund be used within the neighborhood that the principle project is located the way it is right now it actually provides a distance of one mile of one mile radius and we've actually heard from community members and stakeholders that of the affordable housing to come online near the primary development to make sure it hazard income levels and heard
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from the small developers to appoint the benefits for to neighborhood they're advocating and you know the way the city works the very small geographic areas of san francisco the one mile radius could put the fee outside of the neighborhood we want to be very clear that when we are talking about a project in the a feesz staying within the vicinity it is the neighborhood we're talking about so that's one amendment that i will ask, the second an actual to clarify to create consistency between the legislation and prop c that supervisor peskin and commissioner kim put forward prop c puts the colleagues, can we take that without objection? levels and the second amendment clarifies that the eligible principle projects are those comprised of 24 residential unit
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rather than 25 or less again, we that want to make sure consistency in prop c with the affordability levels with the housing units this is reflected in this legislation and again, we are proud to have worked with the mayor's office the mayor's office of housing here in the district 9 office so far we've actually won and allotted for the pipeline on with one thousand units of affordable housing this legislation allows us to create more affordable housing on a permanent basis the next adjudication of san franciscans to live here we need to make sure that the development truly stays in the neighborhood impacted by the developed and use the fund to build affordable housing in the neighborhood >> thank you to everyone involved mayor ed lee, the
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mayor's office of housing, the community groups with the community housing organizations and again, the residential builders association the small sites e size project many are here and now i'd like to call ruby in the mayor's office of housing and she will be followed by diego sanchez and again many harris thank you for your our work and i have distributed the amendments for my colleagues. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is ruby harris owe manage the program for the moichldz i'm here to offer my mohcd support as was explained by supervisor campos the small sites program was established restraining order established in 2014 with the stabilization to the rehabilitation of tenants
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occupancy since the imi inception this funded the rehabilitation of 13 buildings throughout the city in doing so 78 units were preserved not only for current tenant but low income resident an additional 9 buildings are waiting for approval one in the upcoming months the program will stabilize many unit and affordable housing and commercial spaces there is one and 35 people stabilized offering tenant from 10 to 40 years in the resident and their experiencing eviction tenants in the small sites are those most vulnerable to displacement will i disabled and children under the age of fyi our tenants are an averaging 63 percent of ami and thirty
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percent of small sites are less than 50 percent of ami the small its i sites from a pilot program to an established program of 51 plus city investment nonprofit developers continue to work hard and identify the sites on a regular basis and have been assessing ios fund sites are identified by the district 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10 as far in closing the programs is the now a successful program in fulfilling the process of stabilizing the community those vulnerable to time displacement and mohcd supports this i'm having a available for any questions and ask diego sanchez from the planning department to come up next. >> supervisors diego sanchez
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of the planning department on november 17th the planning commission heard the ordinance and in support of proposed ordinance after dlooib on the matter the commission unanimously recommended to recommend this ordinance with a few mosaics they are reflected in the amendments so in closing i'd like to say this ordinance was very much well received at the commission and looking forward to implementing this thank you. >> thank you, mr. diego supervisor campos go to public comment. >> okay ladies and gentlemen, come up to the platform if you wish to speak with 2 minutes. >> good morning, supervisors and colleagues my name is tyler i'm an original director for the
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land trust i'd like to say i'm humbled to get the prestige to highlight this anorexia nervosa legislation with many of the family members in the communicated are mourning the tragic loss of families members across the bay i want to take a moment to recognize those folks that are part of the community and hope to move this along today, this legislation is a floorm the rare item in the hall it is truly a win for all involved we're grateful to supervisor campos and the mayor for their leadership around this and thanks largely to the effort of ms. harris at the the small sites program is a method in san francisco and the hundred and 75 san franciscans living in the
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land trust this amendment is an effective way to continue to connect connect the impact of the development in the neighborhood and the definition of neighborhood that posed by supervisor campos is consistent with. >> how everyday san franciscans view the community i want to use my last few seconds to talk about the two e-mails he got today that proves did importance just 5 minutes ago got an e-mail confirm to purchase the 13 property has been accepted and 5 unit opposed 12r50er9 the judiciously and filipino in the unit have lived offer one hundred collective years and that is a happy story and vulnerable tenant like them need the legislation to help to preserve their homes he got an
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e-mail from a gentleman from - >> come up times up thank you. >> next speaker >> game-changer corey smith on behavior of the housing action coalition so we're really a part of future coming together as stated wide support and made a comment anytime you come up you have a good deal for all involved we absolutely support of expansion to make sure we're working with prop c as well to the unit to building under 25 unit and then awhile we've not seen the amendment regarding how the neighborhood is extended i think plus a blert option and ask for consistency with the neighborhood to make sure that
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everybody knows what is going on thank you very much. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, supervisors you whitney director of the development for chinatown we feel this program a one important anti displacement program we've worked on although my focus supervisor peskin we disagree where current opportunity is scarce i live in the mission like that will benefit from this program the program is a way to expand the program to make sure that the community be benefit from the equal housing for small projects we support the idea that the communities are impacted to protect the residents from the displacement and support this program thank you.
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>> next speaker >> good afternoon director of department of real estate with the corporation we are a small nonprofit affordable housing community vertical in the bayview and looking other property if district 10 and the neighborhood and have been successful 6 getting offices accepted i'll not repeat all the positive comments but to us we believe this is a norma like to thank the mayor's office and supervisor campos office for expediting this out of a larger piece and look forward to implementing and our support thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. with the housing even if community organization in support of this legislation i have a long history where this as come back in the early 2000 a
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group of us got together to talk about what kinds of structures to create for acquiring and preserving the existing buildings in 2009 we got then supervisor daily to pass legislation creating the small sites program as part of inclusionary housing and then in the last few years the mayor's office of housing has rolled out a program as you've heard quite successful for us as true this is the challenge has been getting e keeping a narrative about producing new affordable housing but preserving the house we have this small sites program is one of those anti programs to preserve the housing with over one hundred unit in the pipeline saving dozens of families from ellis act one lastly comment
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supervisor campos talked about the amendments that have been made i think that is others have said important to link those fees to the neighborhood that are experiencing displacement where development is a happening the planning department definition of neighborhood is an excellent way to begin inform think about this as neighborhood preservation and thank you very much for the legislation. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors peter on behalf of the mission economic development agency and i also want to echo support for in legislation i'll not repeat but highlight a couple of key points i think 24 legislation also introduces into the discussion and that is, we think this is an excellent flexible
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opposite for stabilizing the neighborhood those neighborhoods under a threat right now from displacement and as an example of the gentrification cycle that we're seeing that we hope 24 legislation will give nonprofits the ability to help disrupt so across the street from the access fulsome on fulsome as long as this project was introduced the landlord were alerted approached the tenants across the street that have teachers and elderly and said that she of the not interested in selling the landlord they expected to get a higher price as a result of this project across the street we hope this legislation will be an excellent tool to empower the nonprofits to stabilize the folks in the community in the building that
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have been there 25 years we also hope we continue in a direction going deeper with those policies and 2k07b to roll out the policies that look to increase the affordable housing at the allow ami numbers as well as stopping residential and business displacement so thank you for your work we appreciate it. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'd like to start by thanking campos and mayor ed lee and director rahaim two years ago the mayor put together. >> working group the r d organization with chu chu and other groups worked to establish a new way for smaller developers to satisfactory their bmr requirements unfortunately, this policy got rolled up with
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controversial things and sat for a long, long time currently as a smaller developer you have only two options provide the unit onsite or pay your in lui fee if you pay how in lui fee the units are generally not in the community and the occupant not from the community in fact, no guarantee and live in san francisco right now the unit a are delayed if you had had onsite you have no guarantee those occupant will come from the community and no guarantee they'll live in san francisco so we see this is a win-win it is a tangible benefit within the community and it really becomes a two to one as a overlay when you look at the buildings purchased and bought it is the same buildings that are subject to the tsf and the ellis act
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evictions you're getting more the units are in the community it is preserving the existing stock in the community and the units are online at or about the same as the market-rate thank you. >> thank you for share our perspective shawn. >> good afternoon with the residential builders i'll hear in support of this ordinance and the two amendments i'd like to thank supervisor campos and the mayor that he the project i wondered why it took so long to get here the most affordable stock the football housing stock if we preserve the housing stock we have and by working out this program we'll get a lot more units for smaller sites than onsite again, we
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stabilize the neighborhood i ask you to move forward with this legislation. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon thomas executive director of livable city we're happy to be here this is a great step forward more affordable housing in the city we ask you to look this ordinance and move towards implementation look at a disconnect between the small sites and another imperative within the city accessary dwellings especially illegal units this year we have a reverse of city policy and like to whatever those unions e units are found and brought up to code like to you preserve those unite that's imperative in the planning code and the other laws of the city unfortunately, the funding that is available through moe or the small sites program prohibits the use of grant in that program for the rehabilitation and bringing up
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to code the illegal units the unit have to be legal the only recourse to rove the unit we believe that is a conflict between too important areas one way or another with the small sites getting them into the small management and the new rules it existed are going to push people that are acquiring those properties toward the removal of property that's not the right approach we ask you work with moe so moe guidelines for the grant funding and our city's imperative to retain many housing units within the existing buildings begin to match up going in opposite drishthsdz thank you. >> thank you, tom any public comment on this item please do so at the time seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor campos any last
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remarks. >> yes. thank you very much be madam chair and commissioner peskin for looking at this i'll ask you amend the legislation along the lines that i described and again, i want to thank everyone that came out it is i guess a typical broad coalition that supports a supervisor campos piece of legislation i think the only ones that we're missing with the bayview renter federation and the 0e9 party but probably for the better i respectfully ask you amend 9 legislation with the two points i've outlined and thank you to everyone involved and ask you have a positive recommendation. >> the best part of legislation is that the small sites program provides low cost loans to the acquisition of
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apartment buildings losing their favorable to the regulations congratulation i applaud you supervisor peskin. >> i second that and would like to move the amendments and then move the item as amended to the full board with a positive recommendation recommendation and thank you supervisor campos for his parting piece of good policy. >> one question do you want it as a committee report to come out to be here tomorrow or no. >> no. >> all right. no committee report so the motion stands as supervisor peskin stated without objection that passes thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item 4 please. item 4 an ordinance amending the planning code for the citywide transportation to demand management that requires the development project to support the sustainable forms of transportation create an administrative fee and making
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appropriate finland's. >> good afternoon supervisor avalos is the author of this item i see his i'd jeremy his aid will be presenting a few remarks for us today welcome mr. pollack. >> good afternoon legislative aide to supervisor avalos who is unable to be here take into consideration and he appreciated the discussion last week he understand the planning department is reviewing some of the feedback from last week's hearing if the additional continuance to work out and supervisor avalos is open he'll ask continued to next week and to the full board next week i think we're encouraged there is a broads agreement on the tdm and this is an exciting program we want implemented seems like many details to be worked out that the ordinance leaves to the planning commission to the
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determination on the standards so we hope it be a responsibility decision u discussion in january and supervisor avalos we want to establish that with the current board and then you know leave to the advocates and the commission and mraech to work out the specifics in january thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you very much. >> mr. rahaim. >> good afternoon, supervisors john rahaim i'm pleased to be but to talk about this important ordinance the transportation to demand management ordinance is a third part of a 3 three-legged stool we've worked on there the umbrella of the sustainability plan the first is implemented the sustainability fee that replaces the impact fee and the second the change in how we analyze the transportation
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impacts in the ceqa documents or the change from level of service, if you will, those two pieces are in place in the the three-legged stool this is two years in the making we've been working closely with the transportation authority with the mta and the department of emergency management on this orientals an important piece of city's transportation to demand management but also part important part of the complifk action we thank the agencies for all their work and we have the before the planning commission acted we had a lot of outreach we spent a lot of time working with the developers ones the projects i'll say there is quirks to work out we think a few things that effect large and small projects not resolved in the way it is structured so i will is that as jeremy point we
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think that is valuable to have more time to work on this he stated the program standard which are the specific calculations, if you will, that developers will make with respect to those under the juris the planning commission and expect them to act on january 19th that is the the current on the advanced schedule it helps us to have more time to workout the kings we've identified with the developers so we'll ask we think that having said that, that work for the vast majority and broad support for the concept i think the developers that going to ask for additional work on this generally agree in concept with that ordinances proposed and the planning commission in use of force support this so with that, i'll i'm going to turn it over to wade that will go over the
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program in details thank you. >> can i have the overhead, please? >> wade senior planner with the department staff i know know that mr. teague and corey went over details i want to remind you and go over some of the comments we received roll call that programming received to the item before you will set the applicablely the exemption, the owl of the structure of the program ohio sets forth the all the reporting and compliance of the program below that is the tdm standards so on the left-hand side of the
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screen with the tdm program standards and that so forth the specification of the program and sfoefths the measures the number of points for those measures and how the monitoring and reporting will occur those along with the appendix the appendix owls the details for the measures were adopted but the planning commission in august and that the director said will be back before you in january the tdm technical striation document provides as the name applies the technical basis for how we assigned points to individual measures how we decided whether or not to include or exclude the measures from the memo so define those underneath the directive really the policy that in the ordinance
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before you today and good plo we think this is revised after adaptation and staff has filled that into the program one of the more crucial we think unique aspects of this the implementations of strategy staff will evaluate and refine the point values and measures in the memo to reflect the data collections this is out there we may also reflect tarts over time based on citywide planning documents that have either - the legislation and adaptation of the standard is an important fir step we acknowledge it is that a first step the standards are a living document and the
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implementation and finance of that had been the most existing part over a long period of time so the city can be nimble responsive and up to date so this next slide we went over a number of comments over the last year and more roll call last week here are some comments that have been received as director rahaim mentioned for a small number of projects at the margin of the project had will be subject to the program first we've received some comments regarding family-sized unit and their need attire private parking spaces we acknowledge that families trip considerations and addressing many of those is beyond the scope of the tdm program for example, transportation options save route to school and
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neighborhood based family resources can't be addressed if in program, however, owl measures in the program supports the families and some are focused at the challenges of family space and support the families car free lifestyles we want to make sure that families are not deprived of the amenities that building with smaller sizings will be able to have if their subject to the fireman therefore we're open to be further ideas grounded in research and the challenges and the goals of the program in addition we've received comments regarding programs at the margin i mentioned that will be subject to the program small projects and large projects and lastly we've received feedback regarding the more points or the
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inclusion of new measures in the program and again, it comes back to the standards and we can amend over time and doing that based on a level of security in any by staff to include them so we intended to make changes to the program standards in january of the as the director mentioned and articulated some of those changes last week in the memo that was distributed to the committee and potentially more based further outreach that we hope to do with various stakeholders so in conclusion that staff is available to answer question that you may have. >> thank you for the presentation mr. pollock did supervisor campos have amendments that call for walk sf from the concerns is
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walk sf and h f. >> i think we're reviewing that and talk with the city attorney hopefully next week to share. >> you thank you very much thank you for your presentations go ahead and take public comment on this item public comment is open please come forward we'll start with you welcome. >> hello. thank you supervisors josh with nelson consulting we're a transportation planning firm here in so and started by a couple of forms city employees 3 decades ago we've been a national leader on parking and transportation to demand management and i'm also a city resident in coal valley and have family going back a while and once fulfill enforcement endorsement on this ordinance i think that
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is a draws on a model in cambridge massachusetts they saw an increase in the development awhile reducing the all traffic in a few key neighborhood we work with clients across the country and the best developers or thinking about those types of programs how to get people have envelopes duo into their projects and what they've found tdm is a win-win i think it y can help the neighbors that they're committed to reducing the negative impacts on them and the environment and survives the developers money at the same time and cities is getting into the games and has the potential to be a helpful model and in fact, we're using the framework with
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the city and minnesota already so i think this is the framework is quite flexible and i think that is helpful in getting developers to think concretely about the way we can reduce auto travel among people that are open to that and i think the data is a key thing that come out of that and then adjust the ordinances on the data that comes out of program. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello supervisors my name is william i live on 18 avenue in i've been a resident there for thirty years i'm a member of san francisco musicians local 6 for the legislative and play in the san francisco nutcracker blah
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will be 33 performances across the street there will be 17 performances of chris music and lectures for jazz center at the conservatory in the immediate neighborhood. >> sir what does that have to do with item 4. >> transportation and planning. >> in other parts a tremendously performances and movies and people drive cars it is not realistic to assume that all audience members and stagehand and band and bartender or security person will take part in muni or after for evening performances when our considering electricity please make sure that the discussion is driven less by ideological and more by scientific testing and concerns please make sure that proper consideration is given for traffic flow and parking so the great city of san francisco can continue to be a magnet for
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all the fun the great city has to offer and please remember those grandmothers bringing up those grandchildren to the nut cracker. >> thank you you good afternoon tim colen, san francisco housing action coalition. so livable city is since the inception been a keen advocate of transportation to demand management and worked with folks including supervisor peskin with the correspondence that make up this origin lice e like parking or eliminating millennium parking requirement so, of course, we're excited to see the city will take a tdm measure study but we have countered makes sure measures that are on the boxes that are ignored or you know the creation of huge amounts of traffic we're living
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that with we're suggesting in getting those so we reviewed the ordinances think there is strength but think this has a way to go before it is the tool we want it to be an effective tool for allowing the city to grow to allow more housing and resident to add new businesses and jobs awhile keeping congestion at is manageable level and preserve the environment one of the things we're concerned is loopholes non-sear parking be ignored in terms of the tdm aspects of this from other parking and this is a a leg fiction that there is no evidence behind we think will undermine the ordinance and we need to look at the management to match the existing development we want to make sure that the new development didn't overwhelm the roads that
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requires the neighborhood start that that might be tightener than and 234ird voluntary tdm we have requirements for minimum parking space requirement do away with those but law allow owl projects doing everything we can and keen to work with you and staff thank you, thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors my name is jan the advocate of the biocycle coalition how often do you have city departments and planners saying living documents and flexible i think that is the biocycle coalition best case scenario recognizes room to grow this is the last piece of
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three-legged stool a long history of getting us to where self-is and how much impact with the two other pieces of of the three-legged stool but there is urgency in moving forward and we are very strongly supportive of this to also come back to a planning commission and take a look at the - we want to see this move forward we know that now is where we have to pass programs like this to think about how the city grows and needs to do this sooner as all the developments come in and supporting this program and hope it continues thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm matt t gm to tdm san francisco has the lowest families and the city policy goal to increase the number of families living in the city our
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tdm supports that policy goal and recognizes the cars family need and have cars their unique parenting for working parents those include getting multiple kids from multiples schools for the most school programs sports and tutoring and others shopping for groceries and things parents do one of the main ways to get to those plays through sharing responsibility and using carpooling you can't be in a carpool without a car you own a car and need a place to park it parents need cars but the tdm didn't provide adequate parking and in fact, it sets the parking standards with no consideration for the number of bedrooms in the unit very simply more bedrooms equals for occupant equals for parking demand as
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drafted if treats the parking for san francisco's and bedrooms this result in a higher ratio of parking for bromdz and multiple bedroom unit the standards result in one stall per unit no such thing. a .3 means one in 3 unit unit without parking don't work well, for families parking standards should be set to work for the family housing as well the problem is compound by a cap on projects total parking spaces of 200 and 80 stalls that reduces the projects we want to encourage you to amend the plan to preserve the parking standards within the districts with a per importance - >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> from the human services appreciation to supervisor avalos and his staff mr. pollack and other members of this body for our consideration to have the staff human services from the tdm requirement i want to be clear that it is not a resistance to implementing things like bike racks and things like that but it is the fact that those organizations generate significantly few travel miles traveled and do not want to be burdened with new requirement that create new unfunded mandate address costs that increase the costs of providing services for the low income and 12k5uk9d population we want to work with the planning department and craft something appropriate for the organizations we have a tremendous problem in the city with nonprofit
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displacement look at ownership that may not be apply to that many projects that is fine if it is not that many projects then the city is giving up benefits but we hope in the future they will be more ownership projects we have prop x for the replacement space for loss of nonprofit and from the mayor's office to look at long term ownership solutions and look co-location projects with the nonprofit to develop so we thank you for your time and consideration and hope next will have something presented to address those issues thank you very much. >> thank you next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors deb director of san francisco department of the environment i'm here on behalf of the the commission of development r environment to express our
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support as you may know 50 percent of the green house gas come from the transportation sector we absolutely have to get people out of their cars tdm is probably my at least favored acronym in government it stand for is kresh8 important to have a better change we need to have the 3 elements this ordinance so lovrnt you puts together the the mooevenlgness the flexibility of the approach and finally the built in accountability that will allow us to proceed in a way to address any shortcomings of the miles an hour he know a constant evaluation we believe this ordinance will give us significant reductions to the
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vehicle million dollars traveled and therefore be an important part of climatic change strategy thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> and good job i'm with the council of housing organization i want to congratulate this board in particular supervisor avalos for moving forward a comprehensive transportation plan i do want to raise 3 concerns a couple of which have been raised already number one i think this is extremely important to understand the city funded human services nonprofits should be exempted and that has to happen in the legislation not that hemispheres later who drives to a homeless shelter who drives to a clinic or youth store those are primarily uses that serve the pedestrians and serve transit users i think that is important that
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when the social service nonprofits develop new spaces a lot of that capital funding is coming from the city so this board just passed a nonprofit displacement fund of $4 million a lot of the funding will go into transportation funding of less uses are exempted and that includes you know not to say the social services might not have cars should we be doing something against meals on wheels that have 22 cars the second point around affordability there was a point given around affordability again, it is clear to us that folks earning less than 50 of area medium income don't drive but folks driving where i'm at one and 20 percent of area medium income those folks have
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cars and will be providing the miles so when deals with affordability there has ton science and understanding about the income levels less served and finally it is important for our tenants and clients most of them are pedestrians the way the tdm system has been set up is not prioritized pedestrians over other things one point to pedestrian improvements out of the whole feature the last items might be dealt with in the program guideline but important portio see the drafts of draft and otherwise the legislation is saying there's that big issues to be addressed but we'll wait until later it is important to see that now as it stand the community of housing organizations do support this legislation currently written
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until we work towards those. >> a quick question in our presentation i'm not sure you were quoting or your perspective you said something about people where low income levels don't have cars and people with madam clerk, any announcements? >> levels have cars. >> sure a number of studies were deny done i believe occ has repeating some of the tenants in low income affordable housing and car ownership within those buildings and so pointing out the affordable 50 percent of area medium income it is usually about 50 percent or less of car ownership and or. >> that is based on the report of the report occ not occ 10 years ago. >> i think this presentation
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by jeff white if ocii talking about a new project at mission bay there were dealing with this car overflow room issues. >> really quick the issue we're dealing with you said specifically to mission bay or all of san francisco in terms of- your describing the next inco likely will have a car. >> that's based on the surveys not citywide level look at affordable housing that is typically. >> do you know that public housing is part of a say. >> i don't know, we'll try to look at that up. >> i'll definitely appreciate that i don't know that data point but my experienced anecdotal people that live in public housing have cars the
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outer exemplary its from sunnyvale two buck lines go through that two they go through sunnyvale i think about at the top of the hill the 44 and potrero hill a lot of the public housing are in the southeast at the top of the hill with the largest public housing and sometimes in the conversations that affordable housing public housing is not considered. >> location. >> i thought i'd like ask the affordable housing experts to be continued we'll continue the conversation thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> speaking of continuance jim reuben of reuben, junius & rose i'm not sure with the supervisors are considering i heard one week we were here last week, we had a week continuance it that result in much in terms
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of changes or amendments to the ordinance what i'm hearing is a lot of the comments about the ordinance i'll suggesting a week is not enough to accomplish what i think needs to be accomplished i have no doubt but the tdm ordinance will be approved by the land use committee and sent to the board of supervisors i don't see the urgency to have it done in a week so i'll urge the supervisors to been a longer than continuance than that thank you. >> thank you for your public comment. >> next speaker, please. >> ilene district 4 resident i agree what fernando i think there is too many open-ended questions i believe those need to be resolved before that is this gets approved i'll urge a continuance past when the planning commission is going to meet on january 9th please
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also san francisco is a first time first not a transit only this is an important distinction another observation never the mta nor the planning department have answered a basic question how people live their lives if not this has unintended consequences another that last week the department said that was a focused outreach rather than a community outreach and why was this done and this has created a echo chamber result there were a number of comments by the staff one statement everybody is watching the city and if the tdm proposal exactly who is watching and what documents are there another approach that is a holistic
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approach tdm, however, which seem to take into consideration the increased numbers of lyft and uber closing the streets emphasis on the word cars the tdm didn't reflect the fact that the city aggressively pursued to have driverless cars in the city again, the emphasis on driver also it is holistic at the last meeting supervisor avalos referred to the tdm during that statement can be interpreted in a number of ways thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisors shawn rb a here to support the continuance before we have we've got a lot more work to do to get this done in one week i've not heard anything about the lack of options for smaller sites i have not heard anyone explain
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why are we're going out into the neighborhood and inspector the 10 to 20 units why are we going to charge them one thousand dollars and hope to learn if we're going to charge them the thousand dollars i hope the impact of that fee that will be done proportionately like the burden is heavy and one thousand divided by one units a larger than 20 units i have more example but time is rebe strishthd here why are we promoting a policy probation officer prevents us from having a code compliant project we will not be able to provide code conforming projects if this passes as is why are we ignoring the problems for the family
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housing and enforcing the fact that policy is ignoring the transit system it is built upon a ratio of unit to parking spaces and it ignores our existing infrastructure and to your point if you're on the outside of town not near the center of town you can't tell me that public transportation is the same as the middle of town this notion of kicking this voting on it and accounting the details later is not acceptable our only notification of that was when planning interrupted our 3re7b9 meeting with 10 or 15 mental illness we voiced our concerns they never got back to us that was the only outreach until after the commission and they - >> thank you message received.
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>> good afternoon john residential business i'll for the continuation to that item the legislation is not ready yet we were very late getting to this discussion it was approved by the planning commission before i guess corey teague got involved and corey we've met himself a full-time and a lot of the items we need to look at here there is issues with condo associations and so i'll ask you continue this and continue this give us enough time to work out this thank you. >> thank you anyone wish to comment 4 okay public comment is closed at this time. >> supervisor peskin any thoughts. >> madam chair no, i greatly appreciate the collaboration
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between the 3 agencies and supervisor avalos office i think that you're getting there but i have to say i don't think you'll get there by monday given the diversity and angle array of interests serious negotiations have to ensue i understand that time is of the seekers for our colleagues supervisor avalos but don't want to end up with a job we're looking at next year this is supposed to be a flexible area but get off to the best start i'm happy to continue to work with supervisor avalos after his tenure and staff that will not be far away but it is a little
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bit unrealistic to think that everybody will buy in and everything about get resolved in the next week so i say that with all the i'll condominium to work 0 on it but i don't think we'll get it done by monday. >> meaniy understanding their working i agree we need more time than one week i want to make a proposal supervisor peskin that we continue this item until january 23rd can i have a motion on that. >> i think that would really - given you guys have been working
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on it and some of the issues might not be resolveable as supervisor avalos spoke about the issue raised in and around the difference between multiple bedrooms and that will require thinking and creativity and as well as 9 comments we've heard from chu chu and h s n and mr. dulavich i support that and say in all several have supervisor avalos involved in this process it has his name so that was a motion. >> all right. we'll continue this to january 23rd without objection thank you >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, get back to work on this item can we call item 5. >> a resolution urging the city
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and all agencies to monitor the development proposals to insure a comprehensive eir that excludes owl impacts and asking for a land use plan that includes workforce housing. >> we have the gentleman who is representing supervisor kim that is the project sponsor commissioner kim is requested a continuance and she's here to make that public for the record. >> thank you. i'm here to ask for your consideration to continue this item there's a scheduling conflict the supervisor concerned about you housing and the comments previously was when the impetus for this resolution very appreciative and director ramos to provide the land use committee and our board with the memo that is excluded in your packet we're approved with the
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conversation that started early this fall has resulted in ongoing conversations about the bay land and the appropriateness of housing i understand housing is still on the table for this project i appreciate your allowing to continue this item to accommodate future scheduling. >> thank you take public comment on this item you have two minutes thank you. >> clay city manager first, i heard a request to talk about that we wrote a letter to you earlier this year and continue to object to the paragraph in the resolution request that be taken over off the table as quickly as possible with regards to the previous comments to the previous speaker i'll note that the quest for planning was made
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for housing by the developer that was always been in the study from the time they made the placates this is nutrition new and here to answer any questions. >> i have no questions but state pubically for the record the mayor and i have been trading phone calls and intend to sit down and invest between now and the holidays so - i'm sure he's looking forward to that. >> any other members of the public that want to speak on item 5 all right. public comment is closed. at this time thank you. >> okay. is there a date certain. >> why not continue charging without objection that passes par madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body? >> that concludes our business for today. >> thank you, no further
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business we're adjourned . >> (clapping.) >> thank you very much i'm on and on the and have the distinct honor of being the executive director and ceo of the california historical society a true, true guarantor us chance to welcome you to the magnificent looker-on honor to be here i'm thankful to you for joining us during the week that giving thanks i'm grateful for
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mayor ed lee and senator mark leno and assembly member tilly chang to my team and volunteers our board of trustees particularly mike ourth president that the president of another company joined by tony gonzales and board president from la thank you and truly an honor to welcome the members of the press and the cultivate and business communities in 1865 alfred the specifying architect of the treasurer took a trip to san francisco ideas for a second u.s. mint the state of california was 15 years old acquired in sight for the federal government in 1868 fifth and mission was an
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unlikely site two wars okay a lot of bars (laughter) a few schools and some hotels chosen for the sandy soils it can bear the weight of the magnificent foundation and construction was in 1869 and finished in 1874 of $4 million in 1974 and around this time really important events changed not only the course of the building but the course of history san francisco had quarters in 1865 and across i bay the big bonanza silver streets near carson city nevada and the great chicago fire yielded the fire proof technology and it is powerful to think of the hands that made it large pail freckles and many
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shades of brown that was truly a work of a lot of work and effort the mint was immediate scuffing in 1819 more than one million gold pieces valued at the $25 million were coincide since the new mint if you know where that is opened in 1937 this building searched for a future that will fill the volumes and restore it be the anchor true my pleasure to mark a new dawn for the united states mint and creating a center for learning and acquires for conversation for history for cultivate here in the heart of downtown san francisco and on behalf of all of us the california historical society is
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grateful to partner with the city and county of san francisco i applaud the leadership felt marries the office of economic workforce development and other leaders for recognizing the deep significance of this project and here we're dedicated to ban together to advance to the next expiration it is truly an honor to give thanks for the state of california to senator mark leno and the assembly member and the last one for providing a one-million dollar grant to the historical society yeah. >> (clapping.) >> that will advance our efforts here and provide critical funding for the planning and the due diligence that we will now undertake from capital campaign financing to understanding the buildings needs and renovations to problematic design to assure
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the rejection of this treasurer will be a latin moment to the city it is with great pleasure i introduce our mayor, mayor ed lee throughout his tenure he's a champion of the city's infrastructure and throughout his dedicated career and public services worked in the lives of all to improve our parks and open space our libraries and public transit and cultivate art capacities he's made record investment in san francisco public schools and health and you human services that continue to make san francisco one of the greatest city's in the nation and probably one of the greatest cities in the world his devotion with the historical society and
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his support and encouragement have help to write the next chartered for that building i'm honored to introduce mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> ann they thank you, thank you very much this is the week of thanks for everybody i want to begin by saying thank you to somebody that has meshed me and supported me from day one that is, of course, the person that helped us buy the building for $1 dianne feinstein thank you to her and thank you, very much. to not only good friends but great leaders if san francisco that's, of course, senator mark leno and assembly member it's on the tip of my tongue both of whom got the message when we say we needed help and every time we come in here i followed up with that place you mailer at how
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many years ago that was put together she is still a rugged granite lady it represents the history of the city and state and to put it together senator and recognize how valuable this is and say look we've had fits and starts but we still need this mint to be fully representative so people that come here can enjoy all of that with our state library grant and work with a wonderful director and an incredible board of the historic society the california historic society special thanks to every single one of the members you'll be a great partner i look forward to working with you closely because this i think is going to be that synergy that links the history
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of not only our city but the entire state of california that vflthd in our city for so many years and to link that and to make sure that history is known so that we can use it as a foundation to move forward as a city and a state this is going to be a collection of so many stories, so many artifacts, so many people who have lead the city and state in the past and have that recognized in that wonderful place and modernized and i can't forgot to say thank you to jordan for activating that place so beautifully during this temporary time and to continue doing that while we have this wonderful planning this grant to be used but also creating and identifying all the new partnerships moderating we can never do those kinds of
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great things by ourselves even as a city we call upon the citizenry those who love the past and link to the future we call upon our philanthropists and our business community to come and join the city and make that place a place for everyone to be very proud of so i'm excited to work with the historical society and excited their partnership with the city and all the agencies will come together but today, i'm very thankful for those two gentlemen to my left saw the vision and felt it we get to act on it congratulations to everybody we look forward to a reenthused sense of purpose but a resurrection of the history brought to life in a modern way for everybody to participate in thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> good morning. i'm mike ann
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they mentioned i'm the president of the historical society and the president and psychoof ecology in that part of my life thriving to be involved with a recycling project for this building (laughter) that will bring to a fresh start it is my honor today to introduce you to our california state senator for another week mark leno been in sacramento fighting for better schools assess is a higher education and safer streets and quality for all californians we're grateful to senator mark leno for his effort in helping us to as a great advocate for this project to help us achieve and secure the funds to allow the
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california historical sovereignty to continue collaboration with the city of san francisco and the library and others partners to fully explore the design and rejection of this building senator mark leno thank you for your presence today. >> (clapping.) >> welcome everybody to this historic reasonable building which we all here have agreed is our responsibility to preserve, and to protect and finally to restore to its original grandeur so the generations can recognize and enjoy the treasurer it is and wouldn't have been possible leadership of the mayor and his office and, of course, ann they and her staff of the historical society keeping in mind the only thing older is the california historical society 3 years
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older. >> (clapping.) >> but when we were approached assemblyman it's on the tip of my tongue and i let me say it is a good thing when the folks are from san francisco that is our challenge because there are one and 20 legislators and through the budget progression will be one and 20 ideas as to how we can best spend the very few consideration dollars or maybe jvtsdz to fit a particular purpose our cage is so much of the best and the greatest in the state happens to be in our district whether we're talking about social service or health programs or important historic projects like this and our job was to communicate to our colleagues that, yes this is treasure is in san francisco but the million dollars we're requesting introduce the budget
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process for the state of california for the california historical society so 24 has benefit to the entire state the good news we were successful in convincing our colleagues of that but indeed feed anyone we've got a lot more work to do but because of work the mayor and his office has put in place through the partnership with the california historical society that make sense we pursued that million dollars to now invest it and leverage it and lay out a plan for other implementations of that plan he learned a long time when ann they and her chair comes to my office just give up (laughter) acknowledge that if you don't say yes now they'll be back again and again but i'm so glad they've been that way and take -
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it will take and continue to take that kind of spirit and determination and certainty this must get done we're all in that together it to the best of my knowledge the village is here and we have to continue to spread the word and i'm committed and dedicated myself to make sure that our vision and the vision of the historical society along with the city and county of san francisco finally comes to reality. >> (clapping.) >> it did take more than one visit to get this going and with us assembly member phil first elected to the states legislator in 2012 and before that san
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francisco's assessor-recorder to be the assembly budget committee member and phil worked the city and state and historical society to secure the funds we're talking about today to secure this next phase a critical champion of helping us to preserve the history and educate future generations phil thank you for being here today. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, thank you mike thank you, ann they as long as mr. mayor and senator mark leno has been a wonderful team effort we need a reminder how important our history is we need to know looked past what happened last week by the way, we often know that those who don't learn from our history are doomed to repeat it i can think of no prouder symbol than the historic society
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and the building to insure we as kablgz acknowledge your history understand our history and again proud of our history if you look at what the voters said in the country versus what the voters said in california the voters in california seem pretty happy we've been able to balance you are budgets and be able to grow our economy and at the same time, we have really enforced a strong equivalent eco system throughout san francisco but literally throughout the state and volunteers really doubled down on the efforts efforts in sacramento not only sent most of us back more democrats back but really saying they're proud of the leadership of what is really going on in sacramento i think as we go into uncharged waters and urban charntd teller
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territory a time we as californians should stay the course and do more of what we do more in san francisco more of what we're doing i recall the efforts about 20 years ago when willie brown, jr. as renovating city hall and how much criticism he got why is this so most money into a government building why really make sure that that building was renovated people called that a waste of money and really didn't see very much value what is interesting today you watch you know when i used to work another city hall i had to fight the tour buses to get if so many people not only in san francisco that are proud of that building and the structure what that stands for as a beacon for the city but people from around the world come and now as long as going to the golden gate bridge and walking through the
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financial district, walking interest our ferry building and the piers and chinatown people come to city hall not only as a symbol of san francisco is but was it embodies i hope we can be here very, very soon at some point to do a ribbon cutting and talk about how this building really personifies the incredible history the incredible value so again, i'm so proud to play a small roll in securing the one million dollars grant i was joking with the mayor that would be a matching grant right mark and make sure the monies get real leveraged well but excited about seeing all the work that has been done and thank you, mark and ann they for all the hard work.
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>> km. >> thank you, gentlemen so very much as my dear friends and the preservation community knows p stand for patience and perseverance i'm grateful to you being here and from the time of the folks this place we call san francisco has inbatsdz pioneers and artists and others your rich history has many lessons and importantly the lesson of hope for one of the most eloquent voices rebecca writes i write happen hoping is about the history and lies in the recognition of our past we can tell the pa thought that was nothing but dekit and recruits and injustices or a past what lovely gotten angel now lost or we can tell a more complicated
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and accurate story one that has room for the best and worst for atrocities and liberations and grief and jubilation to the complexity of our past and the whole cast of parent and a memory that included the power and produces that forward directed power we call hope so i invite you to share go amongst yourselves to enjoy coffee and conversation to take a tour of this afterward and our educators in the grand halfway to share about s sf or easily walk two blocks to the ferry building east right here on mission to see the current selections that we've laid out from your research library i'd like to ask all of my dignitaries on the stage this is
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an edward mia bridge some of you know the work famous for the motions studies as well as landscapers one he was asked to festivity of the construction of u.s. mint so this is a side reproduction from one of mia bridges photos we love it is active the cones not erected yet so we would like to have all of us sign self-as a way to remedy this day and celebrate the next phase of mint thank you very much and we'll sign and you guys can sign but please enjoy the other side of the building. >> thank you,
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>> hi. welcome to san francisco. stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special?
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>> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no
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relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake. >> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something
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that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. >> southern california is moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy
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challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco.
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>> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity.
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>> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the
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duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey,
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thanks pat for >> >> please, standby. >> >>[gavel] >> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday the summer six 2016. mdm. clerk please call the names >> thank you mdm. pres. avalos, present. breed, here. campos, present. cohen, present. farrell, present. kim not present, >>[inaudible]
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