tv Health Commission 12616 SFGTV December 11, 2016 4:00pm-6:01pm PST
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>> good afternoon commissioner will please come to order and owe secretary call the roll. >> commissioner lloyd arrest commissioner singer and commissioner karshmer the second item the approval of the minutes of 2016. >> so commissioners the minutes are before you for approval is there a motion? >> move to adopt a second. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second are the corrections to the minutes. >> if not. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the minutes are adopted. >> item 3. >> the drortsz. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm not going to go through the court reporting in detail but answer any questions you may have i want to
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note that we have been doing a lot of work regarding responsive to post-election issues colleen our deputy director director of policy is here she'll give us an update but three staff to discuss any of the concerns they may have and let them know our mayor has made it clear we'll continue to be a sanctuary city and continue to encourage people to seek services in our packets we've sent out a postcard to all of the clients to make sure they know that it is safe for them to continue to get care copies for the commissioners we're also looking at this as a time to think about our future financial status of department so we're very, very mindful of
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coming budget and suhr we start thinking about reducing our expansion to really look at any vacancies we have today and realign those to try to start reducing our expenses so that over one thousand employees that we have brought on over the last couple of years we can continue that infrastructure we need and try to balance out our request of the general fund and to the city budget. >> colleen you want to set up. >> yes. please. good afternoon, commissioners as director garcia mentions 3 tells you held we've been preparing presentations for managers to use with staff so the information to decimated we
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did the first thing at town hall we focused on that no chances have happened yet been a lot of speculation and there's been a lot of discussion in the media but no changes and so people can continue to feel comfortable assessing their coverage and they do we talked about were there was discussion of changes that might impact dpw around sanctuary city and around the issues of ac a what we focused on in the presentations sanctuary city the administration potential to defund sanctuary city it is hard to know what that that means we had a little bit of education not a program we receive funding but a policy position not to use local resources to enforce freely laws so how that happens
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and the timeline and what federal fund we are talking about is not clear and probably it takes time at the federal level and to get to the local level around the affordable health care the administration has indicated to repeal and replace it and they want to keep some that is difficult to untackle those with the affordable health care there are things westbound the ability of the finding to do on his own or congress with the super majority and really what that means nothing will happen immediately and on a agreement workplace the administration and the majority party about what will replace the affordable health care so i think it will it takes time to really see any changes so what i want to make the message clear we're monitoring and working with the successors and lobbyist
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and in fact. >> round table that the mayor's office and the state and federal delegation this week but the message nothing has changed we're looking and continue to monitor it closely the update for the next round of tools that will how the manages use to help their staff about health care and about any new advances we know there is an appointment identified forces key administration positions secretary of services and doctor prices and georgia has indicated his support of a repeal of affordable health care act we'll get someone that worked as the appointee for director of cms for the medicaid services one of
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the architect of the indiana plans and places to implement the medicaid expansion and has experience around containing the medicaid costs and dr. ben carson for the hud secretary also as note the state appointment hobnobbing i didn't congressman from los angeles to succeed pamela harris a positive appointment for our position as a sanctuary city and so that will be included in the next update to staff as well as some self-care tips and when we had the town hall people were more interested in figuring out how the how to you talk about the election and we wanted to give them tools to do that that
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is less about the actual position positions and more about the interpersonal workers and the discussions so our next step to provide manages with the tools for the employees to have those discussions in an appropriate workplace. >> thank you questions yes so i'll be interested in i have my own opinions about the results the selection and burglary do policy with the cms and hud we're a city that utilities resources from hud i'll be interested in a health perspective if we could provide if appropriate the bullet points we're out there in the world not a as commissioner but helpful to have those kind of data points to share with any friends out in
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the community and so if this is possible if we can get them i'll be happy to have the bullet points. >> you raised an issue those resources radio available on the website we've put and make sure we send you to the link to the website because we want to make this tools available to managers and staff posted on the website a copy of the power point i mentioned along with the notes the person providing the talking points to make the presentation the second one in development will appear on the web page and flyers we've had posted at the time at the each of the centers that encourages people to assess here and the postcards that director garcia identified i'll make sure that you have a copy of that web page. >> thank you it will increase my computer skills by leaps and
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bounds. >> further questions on the director's report and on ms. charles report to us not seeing any, thank you very much for the update. >> next item. >> item 4 is general public comment i've not received any requests for general public comment. >> anyone we'll move on to the finance and planning meeting today. >> i note i'm here for the - >> oh, we wanted to note you're here was that what you said. >> i saw you when you entered commissioner pating and we'll note that commissioner pating is here late (laughter). >> report back commissioner president chow in place of commissioner chung i was asked to chair the committee and the committee heard the
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monthly contracts report which did include reviewing little work at rams and it's continuation of a contract and the merger of the barker places and emergency fund that will also have additional funding in order to help carry this ledger out and the third contract report we heard on catholic charities and their contract for another 5 years and we then heard also and the commission is asked to approve those we also heard a new contract to livable city to the contractor for the sunday program they had,
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in fact, a subcontractor and this will provide them the direct contract for that service the commission then reviewed the san francisco m r i update in our inpatients you, you can review those but we heard this was now the new program that will allow a subsidies on the part of those eligible for premiums payments for the covered california program and it is just starting getting off the ground beginning in november that was the program that was passed by the commission a few months ago lastly we then reviewed a draft of the 1, 16 annual report that will be presented next month that ends high report i don't
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know if any fellow commissioner has anything to add no? okay. any questions from the commission on that? otherwise to the next item >> this is a consent calendar and as commissioner president chow the committee recommended approval for the contracts report and for livable city. >> so a motion for acceptance of those are in order. >> actually a motion from the committee sorry i'm mistaken we're prepared for a vote if any further comments otherwise the vote now is in order. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> of the recommendations from the committee please say i. >> opposed? and therefore the recommendations all are accepted thank you unanimously. >> commissioner. an update opposite the sfgh for a ground leases and the development resolution. >> commissioners one document
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i need to point out in your packet in front of you the policy as distributed as note. >> so commissioners barbara garcia director going to do opening remark forces the new research center by the state of california it was an incredible process competitive government equity one building on city property and the city providing the ground lease want to acknowledge it because it 250k two years in the making and hundreds of hours of individual time wanted to take a moment to thank several individuals that are here today one is suing carlyle who really part of her vision of insuring one that the university has
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required schematic safety in terms of they're building and in addition trying to bring a research center that will provide not only just schematic state of safety but the retention of the world-class reaches that provide research for the trauma center in san francisco general so i wanted to acknowledge her and thank her to get that going thank you, sue and barbara one of the chancellors paula senior vice chair chancellor and came in the last ending and helped us close the deal on our side of the negotiation i wanted to acknowledge mark who worked on the ground lease with us and incredible process for us and really being able to help us with the negotiations but we had
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incredible city attorney we helped one retire and julia and as well as on the ending and progressing of this this was an incredible process again and you'll see by the volume of the work i think that does accomplish the important research center for the campus and really starts the process of how we're utilizing the campus of jacuzzi so i want to acknowledge all the parties. >> thank you commissioners for being supportive and it it takes time for the entities to come to discuss sometimes if so a great example of the staff keeping focus and every group had to negotiate away from issues for part of a state and part of city
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and county but we find the pathway because of individuals so thank you so much commissioners. >> thank you director. >> also members from the department of real estate to answer any questions doctor sue carlyle i thought that might be helpful to kind of community-based to the 11 documents you have a link to a very massive eir and tells you halves doucht or approving to the power point is for review revolution 16 dash 12 needs ours approval the ground lease governs the development of the project and also i mean excuse me - the lbd a is the improvements for the research and the site it also identifies kind of approvals and permits and also
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has at least closing escrow which upon satisfied whether go into the ground lease that governs the occupancy use of actual facility so both needs our approval some ceqa finds that dpw put together those can be adopted by the commission, there's mitigation measures part of eir that needs to be adopted, then the uc regular detergents voted to improve the eir those two documents you have for your review talked about the lincoln to the eir and also 3 transitional permits to answer this site you have investigation also to actually construct the building a license to construct and a utility easement you'll need to approve those are the list of 11
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and the actions according to all the - so we were here this is our third time back we were here last year, we talked about a term sheet that went to the board and got approved we also contact in august and ghosts an update an october as bearing said reached a verbal agreement on the documents not dot all the i's and cross the t's the regents approved the eir along with the ground lease l d da in november those are some of the terms and conditions and those were based on a property both appraisals identified on granted street on the same side of entitlements about one and 75 square feet building there was evaluates to the rents to the accountability for the changed space and some other site
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conditions and just the graphics showing the new hospital between the old buildings and the red rectangle to the south is the site on the b.c. lot that is south which is bagging being the main hospital those are you think paul said one and $87 million with the one and 75 thousand square feet between wetlands dry and admin support 5 story building stepping down towards 23 those are the concepts height and bulk study then also, if you recall we're working closely with sfmta k5eg9 from the director office taking the lead on the parking we're
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putting together a tdm program or more robust tdm transportation to demand management that goes in to talk about the increased shuttering and bike and carpool lane any incentives to cut down on drivers coming to the campus we're working on that and still are ant work to do a tentative work meeting with the subcommittee and sfmta we don't have the tdm which is got to be considered we them we'll push that date a little bit here's some timeframe of today over today director garcia and a bunch of us will be talking to each time board member about the lease of lda start a series of hearing in january hopefully, they go well the mayor has 10
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days to decide he's allowed february if for some reason comments to regent we've built that in and some dates are from ucsf because a concept those are really the building is a conceptual phase those debates are squishy the building itself is a design foundation is a design super structure all those things effect the timeframe so we have an early and late start the procurement of the team the design and the close of escrow talks about the lda is incredible once that is satisfied we get into the ground lay they go back to the regents for approval for the contract goat h get into a contract whether those krifshl when the building starts the early start is january 2019 and then a year
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later and the buildings completion as you can see and after the completion then the 6 hundred and or so researchers come from the 9 buildings the 10, thirty, 40 relocation into the building. >> i know i went through that real important thing rather than quickly we're here for questions. >> commissioners before you begin to summarize the gentleman went through the documents cantonese all the brauflz one vote on the resolution that's f it. >> we have one public comment and that will be doctor sue carlyle. >> thank you engage commissioners i really appreciate you letting me talk about that issue as
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you've heard and heard me say many, many times the pinching within that the university and the city is absolutely essential to building inspector to provide the best care we possibly can be can for the insistence of san francisco this has lasted over one and 50 years and expect to last another one and 50 years on the site of the b f s g conducted incredibly important research of the b u this research has enormous impact on the resident in san francisco but global warming and refer to the work on aids and hiv and curing and treating but the transition of the stoppage of researchers at the general
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are very, very involved in we also venezuela have been very important in the work and decreasing the violence and injury worldwide as well as more modern work on substance abuse and have enormous impact on the chronology disease hypertension and doing the best we can as well as the diseases other diseases that are relate to increase served populations having those research facilities at the general is critical to being able to recruit and maintain the kind of positions to take care of our patients at the general and so with that, i urge you to really consider carefully supporting this 0 proposal it is absolutely environmental to our being able to maintain
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little trauma center as well as the faculty it does all the wonderful things i've mentioned to you thank you for your time and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you commissioners comments and commissioner singer. >> to break with traction and address a public speaker i want to thank you for your comment doctor carlyle in you have to make a list of the under appreciated and the contribution of the world you have to list the partnership continue ucsf and the general hospital as part of my another life i get to travel around the world and known worldwide for the types of clinical research thank you, very much. for your effort and
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for san francisco general and coming to talk with us today. >> thank you thrombins commissioner sanchez. >> i would echo what our commissioners said and vice president let me say that i've had the honor of being at sfgh for many, many years in 1969 and worked with a number of bar socialite deans and grossman and others elliott and sue and through the society deans office the link between our sfgh public unit and our ucsf those are really the critical
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perimeters on how we navigate to maintain excellence and quality care for our patients and during this time we'll built two hospitals and a lot of the folks with focused on that and i you know what the votes and outcome and the importance of staff they have known when doctor carson she had a different vision and shared 3 with a number of faculties and with us on the j.c. c and others committees sfgh it is not just about the quality of care but about the research base research that has outcomes and did all the work and visions to say that we need to build quality facilities for our academic positions residents
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post, etc. and never gave up and she was the only dean i can recall many, many years back and retired but focused on the fact of those facilities i think of a role of the facilities over 90 degrees and 85 degrees and general the old steam heat would con on the research lab wires and it was unbelievable how do our students do this type of thing all i'm saying i want to thank everyone involved lawyers from both sides and it is a challenge had you work with an institution that is covered by the california state charter and constitution and city and county and public hospital and academic but let me say again had 23 not
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been for the prime morph that had that vision and now. >> new hospital we'll begin in a few years ago to develop the quality research facilities that are a clinic faculties and the faculties desires in order to preserve the research that has been done at the general and all over the world chair farrell disease and latino america have been clustered a multiple of grant from the intrrld programs i mean they're having served on the emissions committee for many years ago the majority of students wanted to come to ucsf because of the experience of san francisco general put it together and talk about how you
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maintain that culture that excellence of this partnership between our public health department and san francisco general and usd's you have to have a prime morph and we have doctor carson thank you for the department of health and the citizens and patients and the faculties for many, many years of your dedication and dmts thank you very much and sorry. >> not all thank you. >> commissioner pating. >> thank you very much i'm in favor of that resolution we'd like to ask a clarifying question to make sure the environmental impact report and the mitigation regarding that so wondering if anyone might be able to speak to the environmental impact report i understand there is a few traffic mitigation issues and make sure that - >> yeah. most of the mitigation measures evolve around traffic
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and circulation flow around the faculty and brought up a good point the eir focuses on the garage expansion possibly expansion that's why some of the mitigation measures regarding the traffic calming measures but most of them deal with the traffic or what happens when the contractor when their onsite in terms of noise mitigation and emissions, etc. >> i see with regards to having the materials we looked at with regards to the building and the building design so we'll not be considering ocean initials at this point isn't that correct. >> hazardous material is included as part of ceqa analysis so when you ucsf gets sites control and excavates the building they'll be responsible for the safe removal of
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hazardous material. >> and that's all the questions i have at this point in time. >> yes. supervisor carson. >> thank you for your all the work it was amazing and the details and all the things that needs to be considered kudos to all and the efforts i have one very minor thing when you talk about the resolution we talk about the concept. >> we talk about the reduces he resolution because in attachment one not merely medical students and residents that have 24 long term relationship with the general hoping that under 1, 2, 3 a paragraph 4 of the resolution more than physicians in terms of residents and medical students and could you discriminate ♪ document to those medication and pharmacy and fellow i'll urge you to - us to change that to
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be more inclusive and recognize this relationship is really, really a very integrated one >> commissioner president chow is there a motion. >> commissioner karshmer in order to get that we expect for dates. >> document one. >> okay. >> okay. >> yes. commissioner singer. >> thanks very much for your work i have a question for the city attorney's office and it goes - i know in talking with my fellow commissioners most of us spent a good deal of the we understand weighing introduce the documents trying to bridge the gap between the legal skills and the words on the paper and rather than take us down a worm hole i actually want to ask the one question really and it
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relates to the now therefore 0 therefore, be it resolved part of the resolution the top of third page that relates to the eir and so this asks us to resolve we read deeply the eir and covers everything this should and therefore comfortable adapt it i guess having tried to read that i don't feel incredibly confront making this judgment personally i can't speak for my fellow commissioner and i was wondering were you donna could give us a sense how we reviewed it how in the process of bringing it to the commission we are comfortable we're okay with that
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to give us comfort. >> commissioner city attorney's office this is a fairly standard provision and a fairly standard process where commission is being asked to vote on a project and make to decision in order to make that decision the law requires that you have reviewed and considered whether the environmental impact report having looked at the environmental impact report i trust you've seen a lot of summary information with that summary information many people can be comfortable with the ability to take in deeper and a as they did. >> but the reality is under law you need to make the ceqa findings all these. >> i get it the law is asking you to say and the okay. not approve or disapprove it. >> i understand the options you're about to take.
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>> right so who can tells you hey we're the experts that looked at this and it's okay. >> you're the person charged with knowing what the environmental impact of the decision and going to the regent board of supervisors usual being asked to approve a document and your approval is conditioned on you being aware of the impacts of this project we've provided the information you need to be aware of the impact. >> commissioners. >> so my question was and maybe not the city attorney's office but who can give us an issue of how to weigh the various things in the eir. >> i thank you very much i do understand exactly what we were doing. >> this is similar to what.
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>> this commission did for the hospitalization rebuild we have the same kind of revolution an eir brought to the commission the commission made the findings regarding the ceqa findings. >> yes. >> i'm asking a sub testify question about the irrespective. >> director garcia. >> you have mark you have someone here and commissioner singer. >> diane is read every page the erica probable give us some comfortable comfort on her side. >> thank you. please. >> introduce yourselves. >> diane with the university of san francisco and the viral corridor coordinators for the office i is can give you a summary the university of
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california worked with the san francisco planning department to determine who will be the lead agency since two projects involved in the use of force it was decided the university of california will be the agency and take the responsibility for preparing the eir and the city is the responsible agency the eir was to ask the proposed research building and evaluated the garage expansion horizon expansion at the request of the city the eir also look at several variances for the garage it looked at slightly larger garage expansion from an additional story on top of the garage and let's see - >> 5 hundred and 27 person spaces it also looked at a variance that included retail in the garage 5 thousand square feet of
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retail and that will reduce the number of parking spaces to 92 spaces and it also looked at a variance in which a story it added to the garage as well as retail nine hundred and two we looked at the construction the research building what low happen in no garage expansion 4 variance and a variation so the conclusion of the eir i can go through a summary and mitigation measures. >> so i can review simply the mitigation measures there were impacts if this helps you under air quality there were impacts that were concluded as
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significant but reduces with the mitigation measures and those relate to construction air quality sorry my glasses here. >> on that one in particular. >> yes. >> when i read it that conjured up images of the candle stick stadium and challenges can you give context and what happened with the site here. >> yeah. i mean, i, tell you myself to that is that that was knocking down the stadium. >> of an established old building and part of our role environmental health to the construction to manage the contractors to make sure the air quality is meeting the needs their watering down that was a
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very deficit type of facility but air quality was an issue our emphasis on built on the city departments who have the requirements whether that is camtc or the environmental health and reviewing and inviting that site to make sure that meets the air quality requirements. >> that was the only these piece i'm concerned about your comfortable this is like we've lowered the risk as much as we can given what we know about the project to avoid. >> we'll be very much involved in the construction process as building our own hospital and our own staff to make sure they're doing their monitoring of the project that will kick in automatically a little bit different from the facility
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being brought down. >> for the patterns i get it. >> don't ignore the lesser. >> we'll be sensitive to the neighbors and i'm sure part of this whole process we've been involved that the neighbors and meet with them on a quarreling basis. >> ucsf and the aide will follow the bay area air quality for construction. >> those are identified as mitigation measures so the site is within a historic district there are mitigation measures that we invested that the historic preservation commission to establish the design guidelines for the new research building since it's not been fully designed those are mitigation measures identified
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there are also mitigation measures fairly standard mitigation measures relating to the architectureal part. >> burglaries a mitigation measure related to construction noise and mitigating that so the levels are not two problematic for the neighbors there is traffic mark mentioned traffic measures one relates to the establishment of a traffic control trucks are established and communicating with neighbors and a contact if there's a problem and the main mitigation measure that the environmental impact report found there would be a significant traffic impact at
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the emergency of potrero and trourt that will be determined significant and urban avoidable for use of force not one our controls miethsd to the city's control to mitigate there are several mitigation measures related to traffic in that regard. >> again, there is also another contradiction related mitigation to - just to control the flowed light no spiej and one last mitigation measure two more one is related to bird nesting protection measures there are trees in the vicinity and establishing a sub surface investigation work plan to
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insure compliance with the ma ordinance and evacuation management plan to make sure that any soles that are targeted for off hauling are properly disposed of in a nut shell any other questions for the eir. >> thank you thank you, commissioners those are in some of the attachments and documents the public knows we have those onsite commissioner loyce. >> i don't very specific excuse me - specific questions when i saw some of the language is a significant impact we reduce that to less than a impact and the mitigation - there the the devil is in the details i don't know what significant means and don't know what less than significant means
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for the mitigation process i don't know that you can answer that question those kinds of broad statements are telling me something their evaluating the terms i hated to say that i'll support this that the resolution but this will be helpful from the language was more codified or quantity if i had excuse me - than less than significant didn't mean anything to me. >> right. >> thank you. >> also he note right are you according to chapter 5 of the report the mitigation monitoring and reporting. >> there was a monitoring reporting program yes. >> it was in the architectural it is extremely expense. >> i can over the burden of
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health insurance. >> maybe that their nesting maybe maternal instincts. >> clearly on enormous amount of work into the 3 years first, the concept and then creating all the documents that have all of the little t crossed and the i's disclosed ground leasing could we ask those documents certainly were created and know the director garcia has been involved in those that those are satisfactory invested 39 city officials; right? >> absolutely the city attorney has spent hours and worked with real estate the mayor's office, planning, and continue to since the beginning of a several year project and if
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you like commissioners we'll come and give you an update i'm sure we'll be happy to do that it has been in the past and we have to working closely with uc we'd like to be building on that campus and having conversations how we'll be matching the construction projects. >> potentially because that is a campus project at the jc c they continue with the mitigation issues because at a time we worked on construction in 2019. >> we will have all the capital reports to the commission so the whole commission can hear it. >> i'm personally hopefully, we don't have to hear about the project again until it's opening (laughter). >> we promise you that commissioners. >> good. >> next thing you know you'll be a ribbon cutting.
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>> like commissioner sanchez we've followed the saga of trying to get the research on campus not just sue but several mayorss and others trying to figure out ways to finance and/or to get the project on line and so i will have to say this has been a really important and tremendously accomplishment for today in a complicated worlds between several entities and you've already we're not down with the parking authority but have the ability to move forward and move to the board a recommendation to proceed and to activate again, the next level of planning that is required so a motion is before you
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and that would be in order to make that motion any amendments that you would like and in just reading this commissioner carson maybe another whereas in you wanted to speak to the issue of students. >> i think i get it. >> i believe that there be able to add that. >> it is consistent with iowa was given in attachment one. >> like to most move the motion. >> i'll move with the addition of the language. >> to indicate that the strength of the marin or partnership in regards to beyond the training programs of the different programs we demonstrated with the pharmacy and so forth. >> i have a caption commissioners i'll make a adjustment. >> so the motion for this
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resolution with a final whereas that will indicate the attractiveness of that facility for various schools and also training. >> do you need a second. >> okay and another second further discussion or further amendments to this resolution. >> inform not seeing any, we're prepare for the vote. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that item passes congratulations to everyone for very hard work we look forward to the opening day of the research center. >> (clapping.) >> thank you move on to item 8 a resolution that the board of supervisors approve the lease agreement for its installation of necessary equipment for the paging at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. >> good afternoon you have the item before you going i don't
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have a presentation but the resolution was short essentially, what i have 23r067b9 a draft resolution that will recommend that the board of supervisors approve any lease agreements negotiated by the department of real estate to enhance the cellular on the zuckerberg san francisco general hospital campus essential some of the buildings in the general do allow for adequate cellular services to reach all parts of the building 72 hours essential between the providers and visitors and staff claudia the assistant director for the department of real estate is here to provide additional information and answer any questions you may have. >> there are resolutions we're. >> yes. on the backside. >> the resolution under item 8 is very short. >> i have this topic discussion that was brought up
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with the j.c. c so in the hospital that will also normally come up in the finance committee before coming here and i'm sure i'm missing some fundamental thing. >> sometimes items don't come through the process one and two due to timing it is a question whether you want all financial issues to come to the financial committee that was not thought of and for the future maybe we can do that note intentional to have a process of looking at the full commission so if you like we can - >> i'm trying to understand the process under which we work so and commissioner i'm sorry to interrupt you at times there are a bottleneck around agenda items
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and sometimes who many agenda items at the end of the year if you recall we have to cut the meeting short and bombed several items some of the issues pauline and i discussed and tried to mitigate sometimes, we have a one time resolution that comes up. >> so did you clear that decision not to have this go through the chairman of the finance committee. >> i talked with doctor chow and felt this was what should be done. >> right i thought that was really not a fence on or about but the move to obtain the permits to proceed with the cellular network we thought that was urgent enough not a dollars item at this time with the
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enhanced movement with general we thought that could come directly here we can review that in terms of you know whether all leases should also be reviewed at the financial committee. >> i move we accept this second. >> second. >> are there further discussion. >> if not. >> no public comment on this item. >> no public comment on this okay. we'll precede or vote. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the motion is adopted. >> thank you very much. >> item 9 commissioners is it update with mr. criticism. >> good evening, commissioners been a while
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commissioners before i start i'd like to note there is a slight correction to the timeline actually, the error was no did in the document 2 it was sent out but regretted the reality it was the timeline in july so it didn't, however, i want to be transparent and let you know there is a change for any clarification to you for solution selection there was a approximately months we were working on part of solution selection as you recall the board of supervisors approval in march but have been working on
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that in july we didn't know that and also the contract in due diligence it does show in the july document we were doing contractors with approximately, six most discrepancies i'll be correcting in the document but will reflect the july but more than happy to talk about that further now i'd like to go ahead with the presentation and highlight where we are today specifically around the u.n. if i had electronic health care first of all, you as you may know we've been in due diligence with our partners ucsf medical center for approximately 8 months after many months of joint due diligence the department of
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health in conjunction with ucsf have agreed that the possibility of shared electronic health record is not possible two major reasons number one the shared model can't be accomplished actually, the conclusion it can't be shared accomplished primarily due to 2 items that are cost and the operational burdens which will be prohibited for both organizations it should be noted, however, we are going although we're not pursuing dpw o dpw is committed to the heartache records they'll continue to collaborative towards the operations one of the major significant goals and the impact original and it should be noted pursuing the second option which is actually,
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one of our original options in the timeline the impacts of the original timeline it approximately, six months. >> we will be real estate an rfp which is based on the due diligence in december of - the final copies of the rfp has been provided for the contracting office to be reviewed as well as with legal we are expecting to release it to the public in about a week at most two weeks. >> it should be noted this will be an open and competitive process in the meantime, i'd like to brought to your attention while we're going through the rfp process we need to do a tremendous amount of work to meet the timeline number one we're working on completing a staffing plan including the
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means of procuring subject measures and workflow professionals we are actually working currently embarking about how to combine the medical records to eliminate the duplicates before the h.r. is built and put in place more significantly one of the things we need to have in place as you may know it will have a profound impact to the way we do best we'll be rising and creating standard work using the new methodologies across the organizations but specifically we'll be working focusing quite a bit on appointment scheduling and registration that is significant not only for the workflow but the way we own the work itself here are the timelines if i may
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i will go ahead and walk you through this briefly one thing you'll know i will walk you through from top to bottom in improving and perps business that includes the infrastructure and staff originally if you look at the based line i've estimated we should be done by the beginning of 2018, however, having done 8 months due diligence we've concluded i've concluded with the conjunction with other shareholders we agree that two aggressive because it was discovered we have a significant amount of work in some areas how we do anticipate everything will be completed by 2018 and staging and training folks in
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the second half of the year a new add in terms of the timeline for the infrastructure and the ready organization part of this is the reworking of the standard work for the organization to train every single employee that actually will be working and if i may i'll give you an example today environmental health services didn't touch computers, however, in the future every environmental services cleans the room will now assess the equipment the next row is the solution so originally the selection was to be we said we'll be done in 2015 that's the baseline, however, we know that
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the solution selection go would be ucsf we'll be completed if we go with ucsf prior to the board of supervisors approval that's what we asked for we know we're not be able to go forward we'll have to do on rfp and we estimate the rfp will take seven months including december once we complete the rfp we will be going cerebrodue diligence contracting not due diligence we'll be done that that with that contracting for 6 months that will bring us to 2018 where e h.r. will start at the time, we need to have our program office management and team and our ability through staff criminal number one criminal and it and business we believe and
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the team buildings we'll not will take much time that coincides with - phase two will start we believe will be straddler because of staffing requirement we'll be reanticipating in order to be successful we must have the significant amount of services when we go live and we've not ruled out anything. >> if you look at the timeline looking at phase one and phase two you'll notice that really we're behind in staggered fashion 6 months that's a problem for us that was a problem for us, however, we have verbal
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agreements from our current vendor to extend our contract out to 2020 as opposed to the 2019 to give us extra room. >> i wouldn't go through the next two slides i believe you do have those and ask any questions there are many questions brought up during the due diligence regarding the ability of dpw to implement the h.r. alone. >> so fortunately for us the environment that currently is the dpw chart h.r. manpower many things are changed that allows us to actually really seriously consider and accept the fact we can successfully implement the dhr alone the garner consulting
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group as well as the consulting firm we've brought in that does the h.r. and dpw with the current budget we've estimated is adequate and in terms of secretary in implementations and disposition is veadoption is ve i'm happy to go to any slides and answer any questions. >> public comment. >> thank you, commissioners comments commissioner pating. >> can you start off with i think for me, the biggest item i would like you to explain a little bit more about the stared model can't be accomplished we're in contingencies because of that i hear our timeline seems reasonable we want to make sure i understand the first
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contingency on this new pathway on the new schedule can you speak to that a little bit more. >> yes. i have a lot of details and numbers but i'll try to stay high-level when we basically did the due diligence and created a cost model we take into consideration to purchase the software and costs to support that in the 10 years t co came out 70 to one hundred million dollars over what we each of the as you recall it was based on the number that dpw and ellis jointly created with the help of dell consulting services two years ago so having said that, that that was number one concern we can't have a bucket that is one hundred million dollars offer before we start we understand exactly why we're one hundred million dollars over
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would you like me to touch on those points. >> i'm sure my other commissioners will come up with that but trying to understand the implementation it at this point, we're looking at we'll go to the vendor directing to work jointly with ucsf a joint deal with the joint service savings now not part of the design nor our financing scheme. >> commissioner pating that's a lot of questions i'll try to answer our questions number one i want to focus on the most important we will work together the 2k59d liquidity to send the data back and forth is of utmost importance we are already embarked i have an agreement with the new h.r. program
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director to start working towards that goal the first step really is understanding the data model that ucsf has for regardless of the vendor we will actually have a competitive model transfer the information back and forth between the two organizations more research and not going to be i've been terribly alone and forgotten in manhattan two systems were going to build 3 with ucsf in mind they're our partner and second question the original assumptions we were going to save money by working with ucsf is true and untrue at the same time it is true we can save money if we work with ucsf but we're a civil services organization the people that do the work at the ucsf we can't let go of the will
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same people that are here those people our people will stay we'll we are leveraging the people at ucsf as you may know this is a double standard that will be a problem for us so to our question of savings we won the problems we can't realize that savings we were planning on using our people. >> is that a union contractal problem. >> that's an issue i want to get to the point of what you asked for and still mr. emphasis we have to go into a competitive bid now. >> right. >> so, now an rfp that puts us into a competitive bid. >> we're on plan b. >> exactly. >> because of the vendor and costs. >> because of the costs that contact from ucsf both entities
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made a decision that will not be affordable for them and us in terms of what our budget structure was and yes, ma'am committed to the board went we have highly, highly not what we do we're required to go to the competitive process the board allowed that under a budget you know under a structure how much we can spend because we're not able to spend within that bill has explained now have to go into afternoon rfp process. >> my last question director is so i like the y6d ucsf your partner we're married we are cousin sharing the same thing but at the same time because we are looking at this more from a ground zero perspective looking at the other costs of
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partnerships that were presented in the psa past for example, los angeles county partnerships interbay area collaborative prirpz or partnerships can we leverage large purchasing power and maintain our ucsf connections and get the best of both worlds we're thinking - and the rfp requires us to put an rfp out and wait for the responders so it does we're not in the last i have to tell you bill has conversations up and down the state with collaborative groups but right now in an rfp process. >> if i may clarify commissioner pating we are looking at to tops the procurement of the h.r. that must be a competitive rfp
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process now the second question is really based on what the rfp yields if it give us brand x i can look at that we have organization to collaborative whoever has that solution not our intention to customize it that someone has a new charge to customize la who has one brand of h.r. or ucsf another brand of the h.r. we have partnerships with many people's and we'll be laefrj they're learning and prebuilt systems such as we can otherwise our costs can go up. >> the rfp will take would you mind repeating one more time. >> from an rfp perspective
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have a completely open process that means any vendor can actually bid as long as they meet the minimum requirements which we are absolutely clear on what we are considering 8 months of due diligence in terms of our needs we're not going out with a general like an h.r. we know exactly what we want. >> i'm looking that will cost us - >> the process will take 6 months but we've been working on putting together rfp for 8 months now. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner singer. >> yeah. >> so i think one of the highest level lessons to me from this angle that with our closet partner a two body collision didn't work so 09 people
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organizations will be outstanding this is important i encourage you to keep it as simple as you can and get it done with the partners maybe review what we have to do or anyone what are the federal rules about when we have to have a modern h.r. and the consequences of having implemented open a certain timeline or not so - >> i think commissioner singer from where i'm sitting or standing having an h.r. in a timing fashion is about regulatory requirements but that regulatory requirement didn't tell you if you don't have it we'll constituted you what they'll say you'll be pernld financially it could be in the
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million dollars to me not stick that the federal government is 3wu9 in front of us but caring for the patients unformerly across the continued care today, we have so many h.r.'s we can't do business one of the driving factors the other driving factor our current h.r. was - we pushed that out to 2020 that helps us a little bit i don't have the exact dollars amount but calculated the penalty i can share that with the commissioners and just to be clear you want to put a fine
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point that is middle 2019 and the current dhr configuration didn't meet that we're likely to be subject to penalties isn't that correct. >> that's correct. >> i wanted to explore a few things i find it interesting part of our presentation you talk about how successful we've been about hiring key professionals and then at the same time in your response to commissioner pating you said we're double counting with it professionals and can't us ucsf beyond be that dynamic why we went and hired so many people in the midst of a project we knew we can draft those guys and contact and say that was two expensive what am i doing. >> that's a great question
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commissioner singer we've been holding off on hiring the h.r. people we have 40 vacancies in dpw approximately hired significant other areas regardless of whether we work with ucsf or other entities for example, we have to stand up the clinical stand point for that p mo the people i'm speaking to normally work on h.r. are the current people working on current dhr those people have been here many years. >> so if i can give clarity what happened when we were negotiating with ucsf we had planned on using the staff as part of stand point of the system ucsf contact and said we
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can't use those folks one your union in his we're not union and so then that became a double counting of costs of established staff we've incorporated that in the commissioner conversation and the first cost analysis that changed the role that became an extra costs. >> that makes sense i'll encourage you to think about what training you have to do for the staff they can actually have the skills if they don't have them to help us implement the dhr. >> the other thing the battle liquidity is sponsor but an important part of care packets we'll have clinicians that are working in both systems and my belief and the belief of the people i've talked with if you have clinicians working two systems that have different
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pathways and different coding the risk of clinic errors goes up i'll encourage you to instead of b about adopting l.a.'s care pathway that exist for clinicians. >> if i can respond to that commissioner i've had a long conversation with the gentleman that runs the medical center and we concluded this conversation we'll work together that is so important what you just said and exceeded the fact a win what we thought we remember doing and the win the commitment and you know our medical centers have not worked together we've worked with ucsf clinicians i mean, the specialist care but the director of health in fact, he said that
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was the first time he came to my office not been in the health directors office that is a big win with building the relationship with the folks i know our physicians are engaged but from that leadership i think this if we got something out of this negotiation was a better relationship that the medical center a commitment we'll work with them closely in the process. >> that is super encouraging but not parents working with la or other systems. >> that's the question that sxhats brought up we were trying to share in the findings as we were going through the process for the last year we had conversations with all the systems throughout. >> the state. >> so what's united states useful likes of this system. >> we're estimating 10 years.
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>> currently. >> my last question the question how do we have confidence in the timeline from this side august of 2014 are r a prediction called our way forward that talked about in december of 15 you have a new dhr rfp selection your words in the mid 16 d h y new implementation and the original timeline was july 16th to june 18th would be phase one of the project and phase two would be august of 18 to june of 19 for phase two full
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implementations that makes sense because that's when the penalties start kicking up and i guess 10 months later in june of 15 you judgment us and the update was the project moved from phase one from july 17th to december 18th what france and phase two you had had something that overlapped and august 18th to june 19th. >> right? so you are able to compress it and learn more about that. >> right you a is your original here that baseline is what you presented in june of 15 not august of 14 i guess my - so we comment we don't have the
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benefit of seeing 2 if everyday and sometimes helpful and sometimes that can be problematic because you're not appraised of subtilities but deliver the health care to people so what gives us confidence that we're going to be able to hit this timeframe. >> i'll answer that question so i believe you have i heard to questions number one, your comments from a question of confidence perspective we have been flipping and changing courses over the last two to three years i totally understand that now, i'm not going to not go into details, however, one of the
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philosophy approaches we were going to approach looking at working with the ucsf and that really changes the course because as you recall that's not the approach we had initially okay that did cost us sometime, i strongly belief that due diligence did exactly what that was populated to do into gone into the effort would you tell us the due diligence you're sitting here i'll explain will cost one hundred thousand dollars more from a business perspective i think we did what we had to do and did what was right now the question of why confidence why today let me explain a couple of things chained changed in the dhr in the past dhr vendors not all of them some of them didn't have professional services where
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they'll build the dhr that's a dig problem for people like us that we know have we're concentrated constrained in hiring people with the right skill set. >> are there more than two vendors with skill sets. >> in my opinion 3 approximately 2 can fit into our wide range of services only one of them actually provided this type of service a year ago now we have another vendors who can provide the service not only provide the built of the service the program management but the ongoing support now with that in mind we have now ability to our team potentially give people the
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opening competitive process one thing one reason we believe we can do this internally another reason what we can do that based on the cost estimation we estimated high scenarios and low scenarios not only from dph they came and gave us the numbers our low - dollars amount we think a $70 million contingency built into the model was still within the budget to me having a 70 millions or 25 percent contingency we need to do this on time. >> now what the ucsf model we were one million dollars over with a slim contingency now, when you add those and then add the fact the organization is
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now combais liens owe cost improvement i believe we are ready not only financially but the industry is ready but our organization is ready i don't think our organization was ready three years ago and working hard to make that happen. >> we didn't have the financial wherewith all now we can i think that's one of the most important consultant i'm confident where we are right now and think that the rfp will veiled was it yields in terms of the competitive process i believe that we be potential vendors vendors who see us as the last market we will be transparent as accountability to the commissioners i'm holding
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staff accountable to us to myself and to the executive leadership this is the most important thing to building and it is so essential for us and so this rfp is very important for us i can say to you i'm a little bit nervous we need to keep this as objective has possible to keep this rfp hat on not to get into you know vendor and what they are because we have to allow i'm trying to keep it away from any appeals that didn't keep us i don't want to stop the perspective we're stopping you from asking questions. >> i think you were right to try to make that work with ucsf
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it is what it is i hope you're right that we've learned enough to make that go feasted this time because when i look out in the audience i see the head of the hospital and think god how will she meet her ambitions for patients care they actually came here without that it is shocking and wonderful. >> she has a lot of faith. >> and i i get it but i think we are coming into a world the budget is going to change and the only way to naeng that have a clear one hundred you'll have is this i'm personally skeptical the internal team will have the skills necessary to implement this on time at the cost that you need and your - i believe
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that you will end up using the vendors that have been around forever to implement whether the one vendor internally or the other the services is available and the best measure their hundreds of hospitals around the country is implemented the systems so i'll encourage you as your budgeting to realistically make sure you have enough money in the budget to cover the it costs for external heartache and commissioner singer that $70 million that is part of cushion. >> okay. so i do believe what we asked for an update to where we are there is an rfp process underway with an informed it will be a 7 month process i think. >> right. >> during that peter continuing to do work as they have in terms
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of maintenance of what we have now and the best we can in order to meet some of the requirements some will not be met on the other hand, we're looking at under the previous situation agreements between both parties that will be a one hundred million dollars over budget not affordable with the laborers two items but from the point of due diligence on the part of 24 commission in terms of understanding where we or are there further questions to either the director or manager of our it. >> may i ask one last question. >> director garcia with regards to budgets for the next 5 years is the rfp structured do we need to reconsider the budget as you last presented it a couple of months ago or pretty
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much the rfp will stay that we've outlined. >> i'm going to let greg responder respond to that. >> greg wagner competitive financial officer we've planned over several years for budgetary amount that is a projection not necessarily tied to a single scenario we've built our projections around the ucsf partnering but in a place based on little due diligence we've gone through prior to and during the discussions with ucsf that we have our financial plan in place and think this will be on the right order of magnitude we'll have to see what the proposals returns through the rfp processes and evaluate but
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your plan to continue to go forward with the budget plan we've adopted in the prior years projection. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner loyce. >> yes. i'll be interested to know when you'll think an appropriate time to come back and tell us about the work that has been done seven months to do the rfp and probably another 6 months to one year to have something online do you have a sense when you can come back. >> commissioners the rfp will take seven months and not come before that, however, as you can see our infrastructure we've been working on this for 3 years i can definitely come back in 6 months we'll talk about the infrastructure with the plans we
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think the reality is not good enough to have been an rfp done we as an organization has to be ready otherwise we'll go through the money. >> commissioners we've already planned that you will get a quarterly update through our it director. >> thank you the entire scope. >> i would like an update on what t what incremental costs what the penalty range is likely to be for us and really encourage you to look at whether you should continue to hire on it given you're not sure what you need and may be able to contract out i think like this is very skilled dependent i urge i urging you to hit the brakes but
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given what has happened that africans to me and we've started to make that transition i want to make one clarification the budget difference to what ucsf come back to our - where we are is not solid one hundred millions it is one hundred million dollars and ucsf has an incredible amount of pencil sharon if you recall originally the range is 70 to one hundred million dollars but i can imagine and shearling your pencil and have a low tolerance in terms of your conditioncy your risk all of a sudden gets very large so when we have a discussion one hundred a number and 70 is a number to you, we working hard further questions
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if not we'll continue to get an update of our results but where we are and we've taken the questions and distributed those for example. >> commissioner singer asked for several issues commissioner singer asked questions regarding cost and also and the staff so we'll make sure. >> penalties and staff. >> i understand okay. great sorry i want to make sure we understood the questions. >> okay. thank you. >> all right. >> commissioners next item is other business. >> is there any business this the commissioners would like to bring forgot otherwise on to the next item.
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>> the joint conference committee report and commissioner sanchez. >> commissioner sanchez. >> all right this is the lujd j.c. c of november 8th committee met in open session and heard the administrator's report that covered many of the achievements and activities of both our staff and the training and measured outcomes in a number of areas we look at health and safety and heard the reviews on that and also the annual surveys and planning during the course that
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were submitted those were reviewed in details lastly we heard the true north goals and the staff training and the fact this is been going very well given the number of other activities we've been involved with with lonld and the committee reviewed the hospital wide programs and policies and then in closed session reviewed and approved the credentials report therefore i'll leave it up to i to approve and . >> no need this is an update if you've accepted the credentials report that's an informational. >> okay. >> right at a time we didn't have the closed session equip.
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>> right. >> questions to commissioner sanchez just to remind people we'll be and a at the the lunld at the next meeting. >> while we're speaking of dates move on to item 12 the agenda setting on december 13th those of you on the j.c. c your meeting that day the second tuesday versus the fourth tuesday you know and also on february 9th some of you will be sitting in a joint commission meeting. >> right of course, owl commissioners are welcome on february 9th we took at least the minimum of people that are in town to making sure we didn't have a quorum and meeting with the planning commission not
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embarrassed with a joint committee not have the quorum and make sure we have enough people about their early 2017 schedules to say that date was free we've committed with the planning commission with that. >> it in cement. >> very good. >> i have word from the goats to the sheep of lujd we have burden with san francisco general. >> is that an offer (laughter). >> that's a wvrm thing for me, i'm worried about that. >> (multiple voices). >> with that, now time for consideration of adjournment. >> motion for adjournment. >> move 1yr789. >> is there a second. >> absent objection this meeting is adjourned. >> thank you,
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> i work as the director donor today i'll start off with why we're here today san francisco today stands as one against hate like to thank the police department and the human right and the immigrants or the and the city attorney's office and all the city departments here today. >> thank you to all the advocates community agencies and individuals that sits on the commission dedicate in their time day to day to the victims of hate crimes hate violence or the threat of violence of hate viewpoints is illegal it can be verbiage or written or
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physical assault or 25e789d assaults hate related graffiti disturbing of religion and vandalism that because of something that that is tear down due to race or national origin and any other sort of ethnic types of represents today we're standing as one letting everyone know we'll not tolerant the bigotry and racism in our city today we would like to let you you know we have tremendous leadership here in san francisco and san francisco stands as one against hate today i'd like to introduce to you some of the leadership here in san francisco that about speak to some of the contradict nichtsd and resources available for any victims enemy victims of hate during the holiday season without further ado, i'd like to
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introduce someone that has demonstrated leadership in leading the charge around ending hate in the city and county of san francisco i'd like to introduce our honorable mayor, mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> thank you deanna act welcome to the tolerant, compassionate, loving city of san francisco these holidays are just beginning there's going to thousands of people coming out our city the next few weeks to joy our city enjoy our diversity, enjoy our neighborhoods, enjoy shopping and shop and dine in the 49 we also want them to understand where they are this is a city of tolerance and compassionate and diversity and understanding we all stand together against hate
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and any of those incidents we want to do first and foremost educate ourselves, prevent them from happening but if if they do happen respond effectively and so i'm very proud to stand together today with the police department, that will be very protective of everybody's rights making sure that everybody is safe in the city and thank the immigrant and human rights commission their staff and commissioners making sure that we have good language to treat each other and programs and policies to allow for conversation but also to make sure that we treated each other with respect we will is a donna district attorney that will strongly set any acts of violence will be responded to immediately and
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effectively and even more going out to make sure that people are prepared so that they can report in and that we could prevent incidentss from happening more importantly i thank all of the people that live in our city together young people and families and immigrants and people in our african-american community you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenders and queer community guess so our of color and all the communities stand together to make sure that our tolerance and diversity are protected and values we've been on the forefront of protecting the values of that diversity the values of tolerance the values of quality of equal marriage, of abiding by the law but at the same time of making sure that we all the enjoy those frechlz equally all those neighborhoods and people are represented here
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i want to say thank you for coming together and especially our young people you will eventually inherent what we do and don't do. >> (clapping.) >> and i want to give you the most important megacity of hope for everyone and i want to make sure we all do our part together to keep this city tolerant and loving and compassionate that is what we have this is the butch beauty of our city today make sure to stand together as one against hate against message of hate and acts of hate and that we will not tolerated it seek it out and eliminate it the right way we do this altogether as one great city of diversity thank you for coming together today.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you to our mayor for overseeing power words and leadership he demonstrates i want to move on to another leader someone that has worked are worked with all the offices to be clear in san francisco despite the post-election we'll moved in protecting all communities despite the gender i'd like to introduce acting police chief. >> (clapping.) >> first of all, thank you all for joining us with that power message what we will not tolerate in the city and county of san francisco nationally hate crimes are up and signs are burning in san francisco and the bay area the san francisco police department has seen and 10 percent spike in the hate crimes from are a to this year a
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28 percent from two years ago now i don't want to muddy the water we saw a nice drop prior but an uptick as in the newspaper the san francisco police department is taking pro-active measures to combat those crimes and putting officers like we did that the teams made it it the playoffs we're to do that in our neighborhoods so someone times to attack them because of their, their wearing they may be attacking on duty police officer put that warning out to the public and housing ability for prejudice has occurred and anti crime operations it is unacceptable and - simple crimes from challenging to fights more rigorous crimes or that's and a assaults will not be tolerated bias and hate have
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no place 2004 san francisco o or anything else we want to commend - thank you, thank you. >> (clapping.) >> in a moment you'll hear in the district attorney and we promised when we find those crimes we'll investigate and have prosecution to the district attorney's office for those who treat violence the person you may be altercating maybe an undercover police officer it is today, we'll be amongst the people walking reason i'll go anyone is invited to attend and as an incentive to come dinner is provided. with the officers buses at the same time be vigilante the sfpd encourages everyone to report hate based crime and we will investigate every incident and i say that to say this had with we have crimes people feel it not
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necessary to report many people are painting over the graffiti and saying continuation something that happens it is not we need to document so because if may end in a finally violence and any hate a wrong and track it and hold those accountable thank you. >> (clapping.) >> our next leader is someone that, of course, has been shaping the prosecution to move forward in san francisco please welcome our district attorney george gascon. >> (clapping.) >> thank you first of all, i want to thank our mayor for your leadership in this area mayor that is a dark side your leadership means a great deal thank you to the police department and the entire city family the commission and everyone last week the federal bureau of investigation report an increase of 67 percent of hate crimes
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against muslim-american last year 67 percent and the law center recorded last friday that as long as the election seven hundred crimes of hate to veterans in this country monthly be targeting immigrant community today as you hear from the mare and police chief we stand together and join forces to send a message that hate will not be tolerated in san francisco we stand together regardless of race and our gender regardless of ethnicity and religion or sexual orientation to say a crime against one is a crime against all of us we have no tolerance for hate we starting here to say not here,
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not now not ever thank you for your support please make sure that you report. >> (clapping.) >> we you'll have several hotlines my office has a 41 b 5511919 a multi language hotline and enactment we tasted activated the arabic but make sure you call 9-1-1 let's stabbed together and say it will not be tolerated in the city of san francisco thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you da again and again i want to reiterate if there are any emergencies are victims hate crime please, please do not he's tattoo call 9-1-1 our next speaker is an individual that did tremendous work and we've been fortunate to
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have been appointed to the human rights someone that worked tirelessly throughout the western edition and the community here in san francisco please join me in welcoming our new director the human rights commission sheryl davis. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon. thank you to my partners here the mayor chief of police and also the district attorney george gascon we really want to make sure and we have those hotlines and make sure today, we have the parts to raise awareness and how to talk about to deal with the violations and people are committing hate crimes bureau pasturing many people know the support in place we're excited to be able to partner with the school districts, with the mayor's office, the district attorney's office and the police to actually do a workshop in the community as well as working on
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complaints people are fully supported today we want to highlight the face and it is office space so important we address this together this is a about how we as a community find the strength low love and hope this final side not only today we've seen up ticks in the schools happening in the transportation and seeing it on the streets and making sure we are doing preservation and not just had had retroactive trying to deal with that after we had a young man he's the bayview hunters point gregory as well as another gentleman from care to share as well about the impact of hate crimes and why we should be doing something about that and thank you for being here. to raise awareness we're a city of one working together to make sure that everyone is important
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and valued thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon as a young man of color i sometimes feel targeted because of my age and color i know i go to the hsr or the college track or even college 100 percent college those are programs of advocacy so with this i'm glad we have those - ultimately i hope they help any community. >> (clapping.) >> thank you all so much no more being here i'm the executive director of san francisco bayview office of care we're the largest mum civil rights organization you've heard the numbers and the need for everyone to report what is going on i want to share a story with you the day after the election we
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received a notice in our office that a young woman at a local university was xhofrtd in a parking lot by a man who in broad daytime pulled at her head scarf and took off they were unable to find him she encouraging came forward and talked about the trauma, the physical pain of what she experienced and the fear she had for so many 09 others in her community in the week after the elections we documented over one hundred mum incidents across the country including many in california and several right here in the bay area the caveat we share about the number is that for every person that come forward and reports we hear of so many that post on facebook who tell their family pay friends by not you file an official report the support we
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see today no, from the city leadership is critical they can only serve us if people are coming forward and providing the data of what their experiencing otherwise, it looks like there is no trump effect we know in un2ku789d and light and muslim communities 9 trump assess has changed the way we will our daily lives people are looking power their shoulder a not walking alone at night the data critical we need the numbers and story thank you for being here. and thank you to the leadership of the city and county of san francisco for saying we will stand with everyone that is targeted that we will not let our rights be stripped way and we will provide additional resources to protect each other thank you, again. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so much for the power stories and resources i
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want to highlight we actually have cards that are distributed around our support the support we would like to go forward in joining force to see that the combat against hate and the the san francisco hiv has gracely produced the cards we'll produce more and the resources are all the departments some of the resources they offer and again, you, calls 9-1-1 in case of an emergency reminding remind everyone today is about san francisco standing against hate we'll not tolerant hate or support hate we'll stand as one and continue supporting all the exists community here in san francisco so i'm going to ask our partners the criminal leader the president of the interfather basis council to lead
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