tv Planning Commission 121516 SFGTV December 16, 2016 10:00pm-12:01am PST
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of he'll we plan this plan that leads to sustainability and equality our staff has had the promise of working with rec and park department in the last several years on equality issues that is representative in the bonds you've passed the new policies your focused on equality and insuring that there's nature for all children and families we do realize this is a particular issue here in san francisco where neighborhoods are encroached by rapid development and many neighborhoods and bashgsdz don't have nature in their little area that particularly makes a plan to support the areas much more important and both of us in government realize the importance of student delegate report requires a plan in addition to the student delegate report and equality issues i'd like to applaud the process to
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have an opportunity to review the seven hundred plus pages of the responses in november and i applaud the process as well as the difficult task you have in the process that lays in front of you have the particular groups that very specific concerns for all concerns we support people who golf we support the health the people that walk dogs and we trust the city process of rec and park process and the planning commission process will include the voices in the future so thank you for creating this first ever plan and leading to strnt to protect the health of generations for many, many years thank you. >> thank you come up i'll call 2345i78z before you begin if you don't
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mindnames before you begin if you don't mind (calling names). >> go ahead. >> thank you i just first wanted to say in trying political and global times how grateful to have a formality to be able to support like bio diversity that can be swept under the rug i'm a consulting ecology and run the habitat potential and run a nursery we have a contract i do this kind of work professionally in san francisco and around the bay area i write plans and study this stuff i'm one of the leading wildlife ecology people
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in the san francisco bay area i want to mention right off the bat that i support the eir and support the message without the message used by the natural areas program that are controversial it needs to be done a necessary challenge and this is really part of maintaining the balance so i wanted to remind people, of course, we're all the commissioners we're, of course, in a global guest program that's identified by world leading ecologists the san francisco province we're located and san francisco has one of the top 10 bio diversity hot spots in the world so we can't choose to put those plant in another place that is why it so important to
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claim every last people of hillside and things we have lost species like the blue butterfly extinction and want to bring up a quote about a quote in the future soeshltsd we'll be genocide on what we decided to preserve and not destroy i'm reminded every single one of you all that is your legacy and this is not just a legacy about making doing something nice this is a legacy about keeping those species that are truly going to be lost if you don't make the choice to approve this now i wound want to say this kind of writer on the bill at sharp park is not good we have to scale back that stuff and at sharp park there's
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scaling another city that deals like san francisco the leading way of the future and should support the bio diversity and the natural areas program to help to lead the way for the rest of the world an unwarranted areas around the world thank you for your time. >> next. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is mike i'm a 33 year resident of san francisco and enthusiastically but bad golfer and a patron of the san francisco municipal courses i'm here to urge the commissioners to approve the final eir and the rec and park natural areas program that includes the rec and park balanced plan to save the 18
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hole sharp golf course and manage the frog and snake habitat in the wetlands i alcohol followed this story and spoke in front of the commissions and the board of supervisors over the last 9 or 10 years and when the plans were first being surfaced and this controversy is framed as far as it relates to sharp park framed
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and inveenvironmentalist - in san francisco rec and park some of the people behind me i've seen i'm out on the golf course i've seen them out there in the wetlands you know the monitoring the frog and being careful and world reconvene experts that have been hired by rec and park working with rec and park including karen and professor march our world reconvene sperlts on sharp park and the red-legged front to back frog through a whole host of commissions court dates whatever we've seen rec and park and the prozac and public works and the u.s. fish and license and the california water board and coastal commission and the san francisco and san mateo county supreme court and the district
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court for the district of california and the 9 circulating of appeals have valeted the report and study that showed that the frog and snake have doing well, in the stewardship of the rec and park so i urge the commission don't be distracted by self-serving claims of those who want to separate sharp park reject those arguments approve the final eir and the natural plan let's get something down let's move forward thank you. >> thank you next. >> my name is connie a san francisco native and here i have a lot of concerns about this program my first concern one of many is theville they talk about 2 being environmental we're decreasing
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our trees. >> decreasing the co2 and concerned about the impact of the soil stability and wind patterns in the city and this is the reason those trees were planted in the first place they didn't do it for no good reason i'm concerned about the mammals and plant that exist there now you talk about butterflies and smangz but there're raccoons and other mammals they're doing just fine they've adapted to the current environment also budgetary i concerns not just environmental and now going forward the price tag and san francisco is an urban environment and enjoyed by
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people and dogs and concerned about the access for off leash dogs and if in not considered plagueism this supports my opinion there's this is their words actually very little that is natural about n ap natural areas to kill non-native trees and plants and prevent them from resprouting and - rating of most hazardous and apparently there was an maintenance each time alternative in the eir with the management plan the maintenance alternative was being environmentally aspire i'm not sure where that fits in i
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think they allowed them to maintain the areas that are converted to habitat but impacted their ability to are destroy non-native habitat it is about revolution they tried to force the areas to be frozen at one - the rec and park should implement the alternative not the management plan thank you, everybody. >> thank you next. >> you good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to speak my name is terry i'm recently retired federal employee from the two agencies that have federal lands in san francisco t g r a i worked and the presidio trust an additional 15 years i want to see 3 things to accept the eir and approve the plan
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today, the first reason is everyone loves a tree and as i do and it is different when you're looking at the natural nature that 1ru68d in san francisco with the years of revolution are the dragon flies and the hawks and coyotes in the forest this underlying businessesing is sorntd with the eco systems involved and the second reason the human dimension we have and that is because if you evolution of nature involved in a dictate balance if you lose one plant it is a host for a butterfly you lose the butterfly here we teach the youth about the complication
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of ecology and teach it in your backyard and climate change show the kids as things evolve that brings to the third element which is beyond our boundary having worked for the federal agencies i'm aware of the key connections that the san francisco parks have with those federal parks and together you guys can make a real difference in the world the cities felt world will make our approach for natural resources in the future as people get into the cities and population groegz e grows on the artery a lot of people live in the cities these cities will determine what happens and the local ecology of san francisco is so rich as others have eloquently stated been identified as rich from the analyzed and international we can be the leaders into the
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future as john said the first rule of intelligent trickling to save all the cars and the cleelz and keep the pieces of the engines and work on the ecology and this is a great plan 2 should be applauded by you and applauded in other areas thank you very much. >> thank you next please. >> thank you very much my name is robert doyle i'm the general manager did east bay park and come from the opposite shore well, welcome and nevertheless, the east bay parks and the city and county of san francisco are two of the most systems we have in california if not the entire united states their truly marvel benefits to the urban populations we serve happy for i building a letter
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supporting in plan and eir i want to make a few additional comments i'm not going to take the time to read into the record you have it before i'm a 40 year veteran of park management both in rec and park and natural resource management i've lived in the east bay but my children came to san francisco parks and enjoyed the system in marvel system of urban parks for many years and asset to the residents and the entire i bay area and state we have one and 20 thousand acres in the english and 25 million users a year this is a wonderful benefit and a big challenge managing the people so as stewardess of land we have to think about the future will
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be and so many today in other parts of country you still hear the debate of climatic change in the east bay this is here we have drier hillside and more fires we have erosion on the shoreline and bigger storms and levies damaged we have 55 millions miles of east bay shoreline under our leadership and the challenge to manage those with a changing climate and rising sea level we have to golf course that's a concern eave be able to manage two popular government courses by stream restoration and increasing bird diversity and increasing wetlands and red-legged frog habitat in those areas it is possible using dog patch management techniques you can provide the appreciated
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recreation and also enhanced habitat for endangered species you're lucky we have hundred ensdushgsz species and the urban forest were planted by the u pa as a job program there are 80-year-old we will have montgomery pine and eucalyptus but have annually huge limbs dropping out of cars and ensdairgz people and finally if i may you need a plan i support that has the support of staff the support of commission and publ public adaptive and i support you you've done that thank you.
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>> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm a 7 generation san franciscan i know big deal; right? maybe i'm representing my family who have lived one block if mountain davidson since 1959 and in a day and age city can't afford to play san franciscans pensions this is irresponsible to waste taxpayers money i understand the removal of dead trees is important but not harmful toxics sprayed we have two neighborhoods on our blocks with pets that love using mountain david son for their friends and families we don't want peshdz to harm the pets and vegetation and
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the mammal life existing at the park ultimately as a environmentally conscious city i struggled why we want to enforce many that will release tons of carbons into the air additionally removing trees destroyed had been at that time for wildlife and eliminate our windbreak topping of mountain davidson thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> my name is julie i'm a resident glenn park i was born and raised in the east bay and my dad and gather were born here in san francisco as well i would like to point out that i have first hand experience of what tree removal do to a neighborhood since the
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renovation of glen park and our house is in a constant state have been fixed dust when you remove the trees you get immediately a much dustier involvement that's why the trees were planted to be a windbreak and control dust with regards to the natural areas program it seems nun of the grarnd projects can survive without repeated and constant use of herbicides to keep the non-restricted native plant from spoiling their projects and i believe one case winding through the court of a woman that is susie the city because of the cancer fined on her dogs face in the park that was separate with herbicides on
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a regular basis there are toxic and unwelcomed effects if both removing trees and also from the natural areas policeman building no more than then taxpayers a gardening project thank you for your time and i'm done. >> thank you very much before the next speaker comes up i want to note the next speech on my card a vince courtney representing local 261 you have a lot of members i have a few people speaking before you if you could have all your members perhaps safety time rather than having thirty or 40 individuals saying the same thing let's keep the speakers coming. >> next speaker, please. >> hello
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i'm sorry patrick executive director of literallyy for environmental justice and i came out today to support the nature resource plan i've had the opportunity to work with thousand of youth giving them an opportunity to interact with the nature environment which is something that is precious for urban community and something that is often not available to urban community i can say through my experience bringing urban used to place by the presidio and east bay regional parks where they have sound nature resource management practices balanced with positive recreation policies it is just a better experience i
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think that the city is doing a disservice to people who want to be able to use parks and want to feel like they belong to the nature environment and not separate the way that the natural area program has pan handcuffed and unable to move forward with the implementation of that plan for in many years is a huge disservice to our future generations and our parks particularly for people i think that sound management practices can code that with dogs and bikers and joggers any kind of outdoor recreation experience and preserve the bio diversity i think there is a huge imbalance and misrepresentation of the severity of tree remove removal
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and the severity of toxics with some of the control methods used in natural areas their sound practices i work in ancillary justice community that has 365 toxics sites not a single resident of the bayview people are more concerned with the hunters .5 and the power plants and freeways the map of the development that is happened in san francisco and not garland thank you. >> thank you next please. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is mary i'm a resident of san francisco a past employee of the rec and park department and pc employee i'm here to ask to you adopt the management plan san francisco
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has been a nationwide leader in 0 many viral issues like reducing green house gas emissions and climatic change compost and recycling and get rid of of plastic bags and energy efficient on the topic of bio diversity so many more we can do our moment and your moment to be champions of diversity for the last two decades practical two decades there have been so many conversation about this plan and during that time the effort of bio diversity is sidelines and compromises made to satisfy the human interests with one and 40 species that make the natural areas their home? the moment
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take objection action to protect them what is described in the plan the bear minimum that can be done for those species i've heard a lot of conversation about the comments of the plan and the criticisms i have to say in my opinion so much is high blood pressure verbal we hear about clear cutting when is show 95ers of the trees will be untouched as a result of the implementation of plan have this is something like over 20 years 14 percent of the trees maybe removed that's a maximum results in less than one percent of trees all the trees will be removed between patched within
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the views to mountain davidson will be unchanged they'll be replaced at a one to one ratio so i want to in summary encourage you to preserve the bio diversity in san francisco to do right by the plants and mammals that have historically made san francisco their home and also know that by championing you'll be safety the recreational diversity thank you. >> thank you next please. >> my name is william murphy i would say my 65 years in san francisco i am here as the volunteer coordinator for the hash hours
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caters we're a running club and use the parks a lot in the last 4 years we've done over one hundred hours of volunteer service in the parks almost all of them with the natural areas program people and i'm here to urge you to approve the eir and to approve the plan and the major reason i don't have the scientific reasons not talking about science i want to talk about the people in the 4 years we've worked with a number of different people they are the most educated most experienced and month dedicated people that i've i've have i 5 of my brothers and sisters have
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been city servant he can only speak well of those people a lot of the questions people raised for you about problems with the plan those people will not let those kind of things happen they're not here to clear-cut things and things like that their dictated to species the areas they have and just a little example of the dictation their was a volunteer birthday last saturday at the mclaren park i had maybe 5 of my club members were going to come and do that it was wetter than today, i called it off and said don't show up well the 3 san francisco rec and park personnel went out and planted and weighed
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in the rain that day so i want to urge you to approve the plan thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm terrified of public speaking i was born and raised in bernal heights park had trees in bernal heights as a teenager my girlfriend's mother was the head larger than of the arre - my w and i bought a home in the park 25 years there is something mag magical about the trees i don't want to see those trees go i'm hearing a lot of them will be cut down i do want it to see
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that like twin peaks and bernal heights grass he is yes. i like the trees that's all thank you, thank you vince you want to come up and ask your members to stand or join you at the podium and give you the opportunity to reduce the meeting by one hours testimony. >> thank you, commissioner i want to make sure that the people outside sit in the seats i appreciate you give us 24 prestige to stand together and deliver a quick message for everybody in the room everybody up here. >> so don't let the orange shirts fool you not has nothing to do with with traditionally why we'll come before i this is a circumstance where the professionals your staff staff that reports to phil organize
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their union the reason they did that they have a message to move forward with the parks plan i get called in from time to time by union and the work they do is highly technical for those of you who don't know i want to uc santa cruz the horticulture department i stated uaw that was where the work ways (laughter) it is a pleasure to be here we have apprenticeships and horticulturist they don't joke about it, it is a serious business i think that the citizens should note that they keep us all honest and the commissioners honest and the elected officials honest and the management and the union hobbit that's why it is important to deliver the message but making sure you know that staff is in
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support of in program that even though you see orange shirt i'm hoping you see master's degrees and people that have given their lives to this system and their entire lives to the people they serve and on the option side of this issue respectfully i heard the sierra club a number of people we want to be really, really respect it is good for all of us when the workers are heard that's all we want to do to make sure that everybody despite where they work had a chance to hear from commission go we've chained the staff and raised the professional bar and state certificateed people take up notch in the system that park deserves to have topnotch professional stewards thank you
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for giving up the seats that is 22 people that saves us an hour and a half thank you for that let me call more names. (calling names). hang on so (calling names). >> let's stop there i can't read the next one. >> my name is drake i was a staff garden and supervisor in rec and park for 3 two years and since are retirement i've lived california native plant society
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volunteers with the natural program every wednesday for the last 26 years the program has not been existence that long but out there before the program began i know the department programs and this is i think the best run program in the city it has very good direction and the garden are keenly may find to preserve the natural heritage an important part of program 32 wild scattered areas staff must know 200 different kinds of native plant and do so non-native ate capable of destroying the heritage in addition they care for native mammals and be sensitive to their needs this is behind the garden duties and we are fortunate to have staff that on
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their own have taken the trouble to learn them and to how to manage them i was rays on a ranch and my whole life been in indication with nature i can imagine without that contact it is to me nightmarish that means we must preserve the bio diversity we have here once that is gone it can't be restored thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> let me call a few more names while the speakers are coming up i know that some people are downstairs.
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>> (calling names). >> go ahead. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is buffy francisco and i'm here as a learn eir i was informed by a friend there was plans to dematteo the trees on mountain davidson and she was concerned i did a bit of research not a whole lot but here i've learned a grateful this afternoon i'll advocate for that you educate a little bit more clearly he live near golden gate park and in the park everyday particularly i've seen a red fox and ccii yots and red tail hawks and know some of the garden in golden gate park they do is fabulous yerba buena
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the best gym in the city not good for activities for everyone but great views we hope my children and grandchildren children gets to enjoy the amenities in my granddaughters went to school near glen park? as much as what i've heard in the lines standing outside and here a major divide that partially that is due to the fact that note everyone has access to the facts and think 18 thousand trees are scot in mountain davidson some education need to be done here today
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thaiflz. >> good afternoon. i'm affordable housing you can't have work for the trusted for public land i'll read a letter from our senior vice president and director the city park development commissioners the trust for public land in in for the of sixth management plan this important document owls how we can manage the unified and support the bio diversity and promote environmental justice at the are form rec and park department and trust for public land i understand the assessable parks can have on communities i manage the natural resources overseeing the management of the 10 thousand acres of wetlands and i - one of the leading nonprofit focused on the natural
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resource management one the city the natural lanes of san francisco allow the people to experience it within the city of san francisco the trails and forests is almost unmatched in urban settings nation wide and the visitors deserve a environment by the bio - mitigation and air illustration reduction they support native habitats and species not found from the world one plus sensitive species plants and mammals historically known to the areas and some with state and federal protections robles maintenance of those lands will enhance the bio diversity and maintain the species lastly the plans guidelines for education research and std program those
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landscapes over a myriad of opportunities schools and colleges and children's programs for viral education and focus on viral justice so we urge you to certify the eir so those landscapes and you are ability to promote the forest by diversity within the city limits are not compromised but enhanced and insured for the generations to come thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. go ahead, sir. >> good afternoon my name is arnold thomas i'm a resident of san francisco since 1987 and west portal since 1997 i live west of mountain davidson our
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family goes for recreation looking at our backyard we used to be able to see the mountain david son cross now we only see a sliver so see the growth of the eucalyptus vegetation on top of the hill had they found wind and rocky things and vegetation humans came along and planted the vegetation for lumber again agency a garden knows i maintain a garden in my yard you have to maintain it you have to remove dead plant and replace those and hawk the offer grown vegetation we have a lot of overgrown vegetation and in fact, which it is windy and stormy out i advise the family members not to go hiking on mountain davidson
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because of the high winds we've had failing limbs in san francisco and the natural resources plan did not call for clear cutting as some characters it fire would natural send forest and maintains the trees for safety and other reasons obviously we scant start fires in town and few if in any bio controls to keep the eucalyptus and other invasive in check therefore humans must maintain the healthy efforts the management plan allows the staff to have a healthy forest therefore i urge you to adapt the plan thank you. >> next speaker >> while our coming up let me call a few more names
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(calling names). >> go ahead. >> hi good afternoon. my name is melissa i'm a nature san franciscan and with sierra club the bay chapter i'm here to ask for the eliminations of the development of the project sharp park from the eir the goal of natural plan is to promote bio diversity and to preserve the natural species by the redevelopment of this golf course didn't any degree follow the goals i have here three hundred and 25 letters from sierra club members and supporters demanding for the removals of golf course we hope you take into consideration those letters and the enar disagreed species before.
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>> good afternoon a thirty year resident of the hate ashbury and - golden gate park is very walkable in recent years the hate is more chaotic and crazy especially with all the sewers and the noise levels i've found very personnel site and a wonderful sanctuary taking a walk into the park to sit off of fulsome and you can enjoy the beautiful the woodpeckers and a little bit of quiet of sanctuary and beauty 3 needs to be preserved it is our legacy to preserve this i urge you to adapt the management plan and thank you for the opportunity to say so.
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>> thank you. >> thank you, commissioners my name is alicia i'm lived no lived here my whole life i'm a friend of natural areas in the 70's i worked with a group in fact, successfully to say a happy place it a testament to that i currently work on saturdays occasionally to the trails - in the interior greenbelt but here actually representing a group of neighbors who have a very interesting window on natural resources areas i believe you've not heard about we're immediate neighbors to the internal greenbelt and as such we live with the natural resource area everyday for hours we get to
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watch it i'm here to tell you on behalf of the neighbors kevin had to go back to work i'm sorry we're here to tell you that our wonderful efforts are not okay some of the species we'll urge to let them be they'll be fine they are not we've had limbs and whole trees install on our property none has been hurt but property has been damaged thirty years ago i stood at the window and watched a fire start yes. it was a long time and, yes thank goodness the fire trucks came up but this year within 0 of our neighbors lost in their fire insurance because the fire wildlife reflex exceeded they're
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under writing we're privileged to be neighbors of the forest that is both a prestige and a risk so much we hired and i an independent arborist that came to the conclusion that are include in the environmental impact report that did foist is not well the presence of ivy and the spread of root fungus has killed many trees we're asking you to vote in favor of certification and the rec and park department to adopt the plan because delay is not an option delay is it's a decision we don't doubt the goodwill of those who want to lead did status quo or dot minimum amount in the maintenance plan but building that a balanced approach is important and support the plan thank you.
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>> good afternoon. thank you commissioner commission for thank you for the opportunity to speak as a native san franciscan i love this process and feel so grateful to have a voice my voice is one of a golfer he grew up playing sharp park and now teach a very diverse international group of women competitive golf we all start somewhere and pickup different recreation and golf was the one that i was fortunate to have access as a young child sharp park is not only a beautiful place for recreation it is also one of the most diverse parks that i think of
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both young and old people are out there enjoying the historic landmarks this is we're so fortunate to call as part of our city i current like i said coach a group of young women and divorcee want to thank the staff for all their effort as a san franciscan bio diversity and to be able an environment it and finding that part between recreation and the treasures we have here both i ask you to approve that eir and appreciated seeing all the workers here and
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thank you for your time thank you for your all of your work on this. >> i'm a 46 yes city resident small business owner and a park divorcee building the eir understates the impact of removing trees from specific locates that the eir is inadequate the response to comments of the eir states that all removed trees will think replaced the eir says arriving on to one to one not necessarily at the same location or within the areas the actual plan the s n or plan didn't talk about the replacement under story scrub in any case which a a tree it removed from a last week it impacts that area in the mclaren
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park the trees lie between the freeways and help to improve the air quality if over 8 hundred trees are removed replaced in golden gate park the impact will be significant mitigation measure is a requirement to keep a log of all trees removed tare locations and species height, diagram and date of remove and a log with the same information for all replacement trees he wish to endorse the alternative for the natural areas 20-year management plan as promote by the san francisco forest alliance this will limit the number of trees to be sold to the plus non-nature trees principally eucalyptus, montgomery pine and cypress that
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will discourage - will limit the trail closer to 9 miles and reduce or eliminate permanent fencing and will discourage the rec and park from eliminating 19 acres of office leash dog play areas i'll endorse the removal of mountain davis and the mclaren park from the natural areas program take into consideration. >> (clapping.) >> hello commissioner i'm amy i support the certification the eir and the approval of management plan for the improvement of our bio diversity
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facht is of great value and small business restored the natural areas are a huge benefit to the city and to be cared for i echo the statement without the healthy environment this extends to equality in our community so we need to maintain the management and care for all the parks within the city marry as a frequent open space users i support large investment in how future of open spaces for all users i believe the longer management is necessary to preserve our forest thank you for your time. >> hi, i'm the chair of sf urban writers and many of you have seen me advocating for cycling like mountain biking i'm here to support this and suggest that you pass the eir and the
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project plan some of the speakers are sharing their concerns the access of the management plan and that's one of our large concerns our members have been biking in those areas for decades that is for the needs of public and the snach to protect our hopes when this is in place will build our relationship are rec and park including the access to the city one of the reasons assess it is important when people have the chance to experience the beautiful nature areas they care about them thank you. >> greetings. i'm a member of the san francisco urban writers we support the plan but, of
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course, the the devil is in the details in particular we want to undermine the plan calls for multiple use trails and the performance our members spent thousand of hours investigating in the parks to insure that trails are safe and were able to all san franciscans access to trails in the natural areas is important for equality having trails in the city allows people to enjoy the natural areas without having - needing a car it allows folks to ride and hike and generally experience nature and environmentally for folks that have no other way to do that thank you. >> good afternoon my name is carol i thank you for the opportunity to speak today. >> i urge you not to approve the eir, however, if you do
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please approve the maintenance alternative further i would urge all of you commissioners and those who spoke in favor of the eir to visit areas in gleaning canyon where practices have been in place there's a discrepancy between the plan and reality that's the probably the reason you've heard so many speakers today with the kind of suspicious attitude. >> i lived in san francisco almost having years as a homeowner that lives adjacent to mountain davidson and concerned about the potential for e vocation and landslides and flooding with the removal of so many trees we ask you to slow
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down and monitor the sites on the mountain before more tree and plant removal is accomplished remember almost all san franciscans are non-native that didn't make us bad in addition to i'm sorry the maintenance alternative is the environmentally superior alternative it has less trees reinforcement preserves the existing plants distribution and enables less costly recreation it also requires the at least use of herbicides so again, i encourage you to approve the maintenance alternative if in fact, you approve the plan thank you for your time. >> (clapping.) >> folks we're going to ask that the public try to refrain from
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applause or booze will keep the hearing going smoothly good day thanks i'm osie gomez and lived in san francisco since 1967 a resident in mountain davidson for the last ten years this month in august - being around the activity i've seen the miss happens non-nobody mentioned went down the mountain a couple of months ago and anyway, i support the plan by the forest alliance instead of the eir - the environmental impact for natural areas thank
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you. >> good afternoon, commissioners pta patricia is my name is resident of san francisco for i refer to as escape i didn't from los angeles and been here my husband born and raised in the city i'm a member of prozac not the drug the commission or and so we've heard a lot about the natural areas plan and what it entails i think that as good thing it is a good thing from people like me that do a lot of walking not uncommon to put 20 steps on the merit a meter a day gives the city an opportunity to restore it's you have to maintain a garden this is an excellent way to maintain a garden we enjoy as san franciscans please support both the eir and the natural
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areas plan thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello i'm gloria i'm not a horticulturist try trade i support the project no request that citimoving forward to prot the last pieces of the environment no question that san francisco needs to be right up there in front of and leading as a family we use the natural areas a lot we visit we go through there to see the changes you don't see in an orient mental escape but see the butterfly or bird that comes to a plant it is excited about the natural plant they have multiple
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relationships and their mysterious and wonderful some butterflies only live in and the plants they need to lay their eggs on is there it is important we continue to support the scrapers and especially in the eco system areas. >> the natural front is a very, very good plant it is deep and long and conceives based and if you would of maps and recommendations and created by the some of the smarter people working for the city today, i think that we have every, every reason to trust them everything is fantastic glen canyon is wonderful and the time they've been working without a mandatory and plan i urge you to confidently and proudly approve this excellent plan.
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>> good afternoon my name is linda schaffer i'm here to urge you to follow staff recommendations certificateing the eir and approve the project as proposed my reasons have been articulated by a lot of the others i'll say the eir is reliable and the analysis is scientifically sound meets the ceqa criteria for certification for the rest of my remarks i want to say involving a little bit of show-and-tell not another frog but something else i have had the prestige and like to do a little bit of traveling mention that eave had the experience of walking
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through a natural area in the city of paris yes paris that that was obviously lovingly maintained and that was also clearly being used as an educational resource for the school children in the local area an example of another city that understand bio diversity and environmental justice now to my show-and-tell i don't know if you can see this hello people this is called wisconsin naturally i'll be happy to have you look at through if this is my only copy in the guide to one and 50 of the 4 hundred fluffs natural areas in the state of wisconsin that was published this guide 14 years ago to mark
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the advocating anniversary of their state natural areas program so think about this wisconsin has been actively managing its natural heritage and preserving bio diversity for 64 years it is taken us 21 years to get close to approving a plan to managing ours come on folks if so san francisco we can do that well as paris as the state of wisconsin let move forward while there is natural heritage left to see thank you. >> is the overhead working >> oh, come on.
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>> now that i've taken 15 seconds i'm damon and a cross cigarette with the children's connection to natural and my co-chair spoke earlier i'm glad to be here an important moment it was a little bit over a year ago that phil ginsburg and i and hydra mendosa-mcdonnell and from the unified school district represented san francisco in a gathering of cities from across the country each considered to be leader in the realm of 1906 san francisco earthquake connecting kids and nature one
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reason has to do with with the social compton pack on the visible the san francisco children's bill of rights those of you unanimously endorsed that thank you very much that was had an effect gotten san francisco noticed that is a city that has a commitment to both kids and nature so following our endorsement that the board of supervisors declared a revolutionary whereas san francisco is home to more than one thousand children growing up in one of the most densely cities and it is a necessary component of a kid's cognitive development and whereas the children's bill of rights is a set of outdoor experiences that city agencies users organizations and schools and families representing all corners of the city agree every
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child should joy and whereas the children's bill of rights is a set of outdoor experiences in which children have the opportunity to develop and finally san francisco is a highly visible integral model of human endeavors he know i've gotten that message from other folks therefore, be it resolved the city and county of san francisco celebrates the annunciation of the children's outdoor bill of rights on october 2016 in recognition over child growing up in the city i'll call out two one explore all the president places in the city represent by owes do natural areas and city parks an unwarranted wildlife note urban wildlife and those wild places don't think the care of under a plan i urge you all to make the eir and the plan happen
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phil and les can and staff are as good as the staff are we've been colleagues for year thank you very much. >> next. >> (speaking spanish.) >> come on up we'll call a few more names (calling names). >> good afternoon. my name is sally roth i'm coming here to speak in support of natural areas planning and the eir on capital improvement plan the first part of eir i noticed that there was a great deal of time
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and effort put in for careful planning and impressive sorts of planning including remediation for anything that becomes an issue, and there is - furthermore, covers the idea there is much variation in the areas that will be affected by the natural e mp and the project will be lengthy, however, as the project move forward and the native planted increase percentage wise while the invasive plants one can envision the native thriving and moving into areas now they don't grow
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especially in the areas their killed off and/or the debris underneath the trees is toxic they can't possibly survive there. >> this is really progress in the in the right direction i come from the natural parks background and the willingness to front in and work with what you have do what you can to keep it in good shape and improve that is just very, very important i strongly support the n n p and strongly urge you to vote for it thank you. >> hello first thank you to
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the commission for proceeding this forum and opportunity to speak to the eir and the san francisco or the natural resource management plan my name is eric the chair and professor in rec and park and tourism at san francisco state university and media position not necessarily reflective of the university over the faculties but to support of the eir and the resource plan this is my research area i'm familiar with the eir and have been working with the national - natural areas program for 15 years and being past resident and having some experience in those areas walking with any family and the vast majority of parks move any other comments are restated i'll leave it i'm fully confident
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that san francisco transportation authority plans & programs committee. will be continuing to listen and work with community members thought as they establish this thank you. >> good afternoon. i've been a resident of san francisco over 15 years and i'm opposing the eir plan this plan is flailed it arbitrates 2 percent of golden gate park that is noting non-natural plants and focused on the local park which of total destruction last year of rec and park mentioned that herbicides were only necessary they need to retain workers that is strange to see see gardeners can't grow weeds to rely on herbicides
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on the report we read that rec and park has a document that record of tree maintenance i remember that one percent was killed in growth we wonder should the rec and park service trees concerning legal it's the blue tree is the only tree that can grow on sandy soil most disturbing an organized group has taken that uponism to remove the trees those plants were required by the city after the storm of 1983 to help with soil in the rock area it is time to
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be serious and san franciscans deserve a vote at the ballot box. >> good afternoon. i'm rosa resident of san francisco i would like in support of plan but as long as that includes side redevelopment of sharp park golf course and little rest it is daily impacting our endisagreed speciangered speciee those peas and you've heard earlier from the sierra club our esteemed organization that told you a simple solution i don't know this is part of natural areas plan you you know it is very simple plan and until it is resolved i stand opposed to a
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very sad day here in san francisco so thank you for your time. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is bob a board member of the trail counsel 15 miles of that mile trail goes to san francisco and connections with 17 of its windfall parks a number of times over the decade i worked side by side with the folks to insure the continuation of the green space in the park system found those employees a skilled and knowledgeable group of people to help the plants we need the natural areas program as he aide gets pressure on the few spaces left we need this as
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outlined in the eir one that is gentle on the earth that the birds and butterflies and humans can depend on on the past since the eir was conceived time for the city to permit that vital machine to continue thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners rachel norton intern ceo of the parks alliance we support of management plan and the certification of the eir we think that is plan strikes a reasonable balance between all of the ways that people use the parks and our responsibilities of stewards of natural lands of san francisco we'll urge you to certify the eir and approve the ambulance now i want to take off my parks alliance and put on my
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other hat the experience that children can experience in the fall areas are so unique and special you heard from patrick and heard if charlotte and now from me if no we have some a unique resource and in the natural areas and an opportunity for skids to interest incredible experience that is incredibly important to preserve those areas for the kids for the future thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hi good afternoon my name is annie work an, an viral educator and here to support the management plan and eir everyday i take students of all ages to teach them about the native and had the opportunities to see the positive impact those natural areas have on the youth and maintaining those areas is
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important from an educational perspective the parks residential design the only closure and allows them to learn outdoor and have a place of ownership of san francisco natural habitat thank you. >> hello, everyone i'm amy wilson from the academy of sciences and read a brief letter on behalf of the executive director and head of science i'm also the society director of the government religions on behalf of my colleagues, we urge you to certificate the eir this will restore the city's natural resources the plan designates some of the highest quality and critical habitat as significant
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resource areas this i think i didn't bit of land preserves the last history and unique heritage of san francisco today more and more people live in cities and less access to natural areas those areas are critical to fulfilling our needs for experience and fresh air and recreation natural areas have a connection to nature and help us appreciate the diversity of wildlife that is california's history the few parks with designated natural areas will be much more than human plants and bonds and effort many schools and universities and summer exams use the local parks and natural areas for leaning and conducting our science we believe that people will explore them and learn about them and fall in love with them thank you
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for your attention to this matter. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is franklin and i'm a resident of the outer you sunset and a educator in the city i believe that we should support the management plan for both the natural division because those natural areas are a critical educational tool for the youth growing up in new york city not have access to the green areas your fortunate to have i know the importance that those natural areas play in shaping future generations by protecting them requires management that's why i believe we should support this management plan >> good afternoon. i'm rachel
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a inspirational educator i grew up enjoying this as lucky enough to take children out into the natural area with the children i see the children connect and look at this connection to the history in a larger natural history in san francisco an amazing u amazing outdoor classroom of habitat of plant to mammals and kifrj you to support this thank you. >> hello my name is carter republican robin's grown up in the berkley and san francisco. >> i'm just disturbed bye bye
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the sequestration and that's with an of the main reasons i'm not in support of eir further that we're not looking tree cutting as destruction disturbed that is happening in the parks and happening on the streets i think that send a message to people and children that things can be destroyed just that and i think that we should use that language when we talk about those matters that's my main point. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. and
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(calling names). >> good afternoon my name is aerial i'm a transportation policy society with spur spur is a nonprofit oxygen that promotes good planning and government in the bay area for research and advocacy spur urges you to adapt the eir of the resource management plan and to approve the management plan spur strongly believes that will help us to sustain this into the future it is unique and total one and 40 seems to me are sensitive some of the species have stated and federal protection responsible maintenance as outlined in the plans will help them thrive the
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natural resources plan is geared the adolescence and hard working and careful attention to detail put into the development of the management plan it provides a thoughtful plan to manage the restoration of the dignity and provided for the restoration well 1w09s future spur cares about the opportunities for education research and restorative programs and schools and museums and children's programs use this for viral education that promotes this as a call to justice spur a passing has been a long time is supporter and recognizes honoring the program manager was a good government award and recognizes this vision problematic staffing and volunteer management and stewardship of our natural areas that is in the plans today a
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great deal of energy into developing the management plan by certifying this we can insure the valuable landscapes seize the - we strongly urge to adopt the management plan thank you. >> hi my name is tom i'm a mechanical engineer and run a material science business in san francisco i want to say if or this decision is being made in the dark eir fails to talk about the limitation you haven't notice but if this is implemented we'll lose access to 95 percent of the parkland it will limit the public access to trails that is the m m-3 if you
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don't believe look at the maps in 2015 requiring we stay on designated trails and threatening $1 plus fines trails cover only 5 percent this is a drastically change from the free access we enjoy today, the eir show people contained but the drafter chiu's choose to duck the issues if we close 95 of - in other area regarding did carbon sequestration the claims you don't have to be a scientist cutting down 18 thousand trees
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and planting grass will have an opposite check that results in a net loss of metric tons of c02 storage and didn't mean for the planned implementation and maintenance the green house figures presented in the eir where will fully miss circulated let's looking an example in sharp park 56 acres every effort will be replaced with grass land the sequestration fingers of c02 stored in a arc of forest and c02 stored in an acre grassland this result in a loss of 6 thousand c02 a back to the
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atmosphere the eir claims that will sequester more grassland than the forest this is incorrect, those are my main too comments from an emotional stand point everyone that talking about children and wonderful for children they're talking about programs and things from adults for children to experience that i really think kids should be able to play in the woods thank you. >> (clapping.) >> >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm a residence of san francisco and the patrick field director for the natural
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parks association the leading advocacy group for the protection of naturally - we oppose the eir and urge you to remove it i'm surprised and astonished we have to be here as part of rec and park plan to ask you to oppose this plan unless you're able to remove the sharp park in 2006 when was was property this was the pan area on the map shows boundary clearly no golf course element included back then the sierra club were supportive of progress on this plan. >> in 2009 when the scoping
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report was released it stated quote because of eliminating the sharp park golf course is a separate it will not be evaluated as part of project in the eir should changes to the sharp park golf course they'll have a regulatory review with the california environmental quality act review that separate study produced this golf course redesign which shows various additions and developments to the sharp park quote raising the fairways to raise hole 18 for - here's a map that is before you right now in the final eir and if it looks strikingly
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familiar that is last week the plan that rec and park implicit stayed with a trust a promise to the public that would not be included and this new plan says we'll quote raise rates and reduce the flooding this project never got the benefit of public scoping inserted in the draft eir we support other parts of plan and folks met with staff but unwillfully to fulfill their promise in the scoping report so we have to ask you unfortunately but for the benefit of conservatism this plan, rejected until the sharp park golf course redevelopment project is removed thank you for your time and
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consideration. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is juliet and i'm here to oppose the sharp park golf course redevelopment portion of the natural resources or the eir i urge you to remove any golf course elements from the eir or if it didn't happen and urge you to please oppose the eir this is the same map 2006 with the public process and was this is the portion of sharp park looks to be restored again, the boundaries around are not within the golf course within the wet lanes not effecting any of the golf course this map was the one waltz the
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scope process of the report that specifically excluded any golf course development from the eir this is a separate proposal not evaluated as part of proposed project analyzing the eir should changes to the grovel course they'll undergo a california environmental quality act the study they're talking about is this one. >> this includes to raise the hole 14 not listed the removal
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of the hotel removed somewhere else but this has been criticized by scientists however, when the - this specifically was not to be included as part of the eir, however, when the draft eir was published that included this map again which is identical raise fairways to reduce the flooding and for hole 14 noble a golf course redevelopment a new addition and was never subject to public scoping that contradicts what the department promised to treat the golf course as a separate project and separate it to ceqa review please remove this portion of sharp park from the eir thank
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you. >> next speaker, please. >> thank you, commissioners my name is jill i am here to voice now option to the eir today, i'm a long time resident born here the mother of two children that utilize the park on a daily business i volunteer with any sons preschool i'm shocked by some of the people who talk about the bio diversity the issue of whether or not children can get into parks is an important one i believe strongly i work within the outdoor school to bring kids every single day into the parks but that issue is an issue of programs and assess and bringing them to the parks the parks are open and assessable to children
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but spraying peshz in the parks and cutting down trees makes that less assessable my kids had to relocate where we do the programming in the morning on several mornings because of peshz because of bio diversity already my preschool class watched the owl family that used to nest in the top of the eucalyptus and into comblaen canyon watched the owls that was an amazing experience and then my sons class including my son found a dead owl by eating grass
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and i support the bio diversity and support of environmental justice i think everyone in the room does i don't know that is any disagreement peshz do support environmental justice i urge you to endorse the maintenance alternative instead i think the parks needs to be maintained not through peshz and chopping down the trees thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm scott taylor i come here in support of plan and the eir on behalf of both the city as a member of blue phil's a native grass
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leaked in the bayview as a ecologist and a transport from here and as a public health official from there with all the combined san francisco to me as an abundance of urban ecology that chicago doesn't only has what happened if this plan didn't go through it is invaded and do away with that it is not profitable or prosperous or sound so chicago right now is going baugsdz e backwards trying to get native spaces didn't have any left within our backyard here glorious hills that have a view of the entire city on the worst days it is surprising how
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is city that has so much as hand realize that oh, we should preserve those spaces and do we we can to make sure the communities around them as and assess that is often meaning restricting assess while a project is done that has to happen so i'm all for this plan and program moving forward because that is something that as an outdoor cider can only service to be a benefit to the city in the long term maybe not in the short term a lot of disagreement but under the long term one of the best looking programs that will not effect the city as a whole as a an outsider thank you for letting
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me speak. >> hello commissioners thank you for having me. i'd like to make 3 quick points first, i'm here representing thousand of moms who are very concerned this plan threatens public safety you've heard it requires the use of toxic herbicides like round up and garland in children's play areas those are bio chooment if you don't spray. >> eucalyptus with a herbicides that will resprout two this plan also heard hurts public safety the city will be liable for slides and increases the risk that a tree will fail on a hiker from the wind and the city will be liable it poisons
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ground water with herbicides for people and frogs the frog sorry no frog. >> number two in the eir i would like to direct your attention to page nine hundred and 2521 the impacts on forest resources is the same and less than significant from the most deforesttion to the least deforestation that's the same i find that be to very preperplexing and everyone here is obviously passionate about nature as am i i dedicate any life to the environment i wish we could go back in time it is the climatic change in the 17 hundred no climatic change sadly
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we have it and the large trees are playing you are best defense as you may know they absorb 3 times the carbon as young tree and fourth absorbs ten times the carbon of grassland ever tree we cut down and replace it because that's a eucalyptus brings us to disaster the airport everything is at risk if we want to be a climatic resilient city then we need a plan from a phoney one to one plants to a real 3 to one replacements of actual trees if not that causes climatic change and everyone will be responsible i urge you to vote no please do
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use to your powers to fix that thank you for listening. >> next speaker we'll do that a couple of times mower e make sure that everyone has an opportunity to speak those who have been here a while i'll ask to who are in support of eir and those opposed to the eir or the plan okay. thank you very much. >> and we'll go ahead and read more names. >> it's okay. thank you very much yeah they'll get to chance to come up
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(calling names). >> go ahead, sir. >> thank you, commissioners my name is aaron frank from the founder of california wildlife center and teach environmental law at the time san francisco state university and here to speak on my own behalf and oppose the sharp park portion of the environmental impact report. >> you've seen this map already that's the 2006 restoration plan that was put forth as you can see and other speakers have said all of the restoration program took place outside of golf course portion of the park and during the
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scoping plan the city said clearly in their report the cause of eliminating sharp park is a separate proposal being studied not included or elevated as part of s n r portion of the eir should changes to the sharp golf park they'll under go a separate report including the environmental impact report should any changes to the government park that is needed a separate environmental review that is the map of the property that is ♪ environmental review this is iowa the city said there have a separate environmental review and noted the changes that takes place in the golf course that is the redesign it moves the holes
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from one place to the next changes to the golf course i'll repeat the city sunshine said any changes to the golf course requires a separate environmental review with the ceqa process at the heart of ceqa is public participation and transparency to put this into the plan after the city made a statement they wouldn't undermines the transparent of that plan you know about the enar disagreed species the san francisco gard snake ivy urge you to you exercise many part of the portion of the plan otherwise
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the environmental impact report is faulty and should be rejected thank you very much >> next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm a student of the san francisco state university in that my first public comment i'll make it brief we want to raise an issue with the sharp park redevelopment plan i irregular that the commission remove the golf course from the eir i have a letter this letter was written by the ohio draft that provided the data for the golf course he sent this to rec and park department and in this letter he writes completed a
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study and feel our work is credible and accurate question and participate in the proposed restoration for this study he feels the proposed alternatives don't optimize the potential want site and the report didn't have a fair and balanced conclusion the sustainability of fresh water in the laguna be evaluated and the proprietor for the freshwater be secondary in the context of sea level rise. >> since the scientist that contributed you criticized the report clearly requires further study political remove this from the eir or oppose the eir thank you. >> go ahead, sir.
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>> hello my name is garrett i'm an great graduate also at the university of california, san francisco university of san francisco i urge the planning commission to remove the golf course from the eir this was written from the ecology and coastal engineering they wrote a letter to the board of supervisors in response to the draft eir in opposition to the golf course the letter says the san francisco recommendation for sharp park was to maintain 18 holes worthwhile making changes in the course to address the virgin censure is seawall and invest millions dollars in improvements there will effect the handbag at that time a
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potential for flooding and results to costs in the city's budget tomato misses golf opportunities and further conclude that the current proposal is inadequate to allow the guarder snake and threatens the red frog that inhabits the site clearly the golf course deserves a separate review to insure the best decision is made for the project and others that oppose the wild enlightenment institute the skooesh and chapter of the suffer rider and the natural san francisco tomorrow and he golden gate adu been society and save the frogs and the san francisco green
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party thank you very e golden g been society and save the frogs and the san francisco green party thank you very golden ga been society and save the frogs and the san francisco green party thank you vergolden gate been society and save the frogs and the san francisco green party thank you verthank you ve >> i believe you may not certificate the eir unless you eliminate the government course redevelopment project at sharp park the reason it is see our role to provide oust of the ceqa process to insure that san francisco gets the best range of 5e689s presented before development decisions are made and even though best science is used and because of way the golf coursed project was sferntd into the ceqa you'll not have the
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opportunity to complete those duties again in 2006 there was a proposal that the community unanimously supported down at sharp park including the wild - separately the 2009 project that came out of this document a white paper prepared by the rec and park called the restoration alternatives report came looked at 3 alternatives for the future of sharp park and concluded this project our friends disagree jackie spier's office bryan told us again and again during the comments the golf course rae alignment project was selected as the proposed project for the city and county of san francisco completely outside the ceqa process this was criticized heavily as
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the previous speakers said by scientists including do ohio draft that helped to prepahydro prepare the report and this creates and allows for a new kind of golf course to be built at the sharp park once this is conducted and if in any doubt and that's perhaps the unintended consequence the city is negotiating leases that san mateo to carrier the managed of that property and in the versions of those leases that they intend to develop the golf course pursuant to the alternative that was has been jammed into the eir process down
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at sharp park and created maps that connecticut inspecting stick to the areas that have been studied in the process there - this ceqa process has been certified. >> and nancy pelosi. >> good afternoon. i don't support the eir for the main reasons there is a low profile on the impact of the herbicides sorry a low profile on the impact of the herbicides on the environment and not only the natural environment i herbicides as you may know have superintendant but known to cause cancer and cause autism
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and others problems but i do not support the disruptions of healthy adult trees mainly pines eucalyptus, acacia and i don't know the others because their non-native simply because non-native and important parts of environment rafter require the eucalyptus they need the system otherwise they can break their wings the birds don't have the capacity to move well, so those trees are absolutely necessary and as for the others i personal adore monterrey pines their sacrifices but that's personal and something else i
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wanted to say great deal of talk about taking children into the areas toxic areas are not healthy for children or adults my understanding that that maybe part of the reason why a lot of the areas will not be assessable for assessable only on the travails but not in the other areas i don't support eir and the destruction of trees bye bye the recommendation of the forest alliance so thank you very much for this comment period and for looking at our hearts you know that no commission is monolithic there are some of you with doughs please listen to the doughs thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello my name is doctor
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i've lived in san francisco since 1993 i'm urging the commission not to certify the eir i believe that a plan burn of intolerance and promotes bad things i ask the commission to endorse the maintenance alternative my buddhist said the creation of basis of every nation and every village and try to remove those differences you must respect the harmony and peace i'm wondering why healthy trees are targeted at a time of catastrophic climatic change when humans are living on the lip of extinction those arguing for the eir deny basic scientific facts the 18 thousand
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plus trees in question are silence filter against catastrophic distraction can't be removed watt the degradation flooding and soil erosion and rising levels of carbon dioxide those trees are skas schizophrenic r large - the developers call those non-native i'm curious they're not native americans themselves this week the american geographic conference took place in san francisco naomi satellites i quote the primary
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causes of climate change that fossil fuel consumption in a native wanted to clear-cut our parks the trees are not welcome those trees their dirty and out of control and employed against people of color since the discovery of this country by christopher columbus the call the trees invasive and even though those trees are difficult to grow clear cutting of the drought resistance trees is not only foolhardy i didn't by genocide you can't kill everything around you and hope to live. >> thank you, thank you >> next speaker, please. >>
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