tv Planning Commission 121516 SFGTV December 17, 2016 12:00am-2:01am PST
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causes of climate change that fossil fuel consumption in a native wanted to clear-cut our parks the trees are not welcome those trees their dirty and out of control and employed against people of color since the discovery of this country by christopher columbus the call the trees invasive and even though those trees are difficult to grow clear cutting of the drought resistance trees is not only foolhardy i didn't by genocide you can't kill everything around you and hope to live. >> thank you, thank you >> next speaker, please. >> how does that turn on.
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>> jackie proximate take care this is how the parks looks now in this the program so it is pretty green our forest and the 10 acres on the ed's are grasslands now in the plan you see a huge brown area in the middle the 10 acre they want to convert by scrub areas those are the facts in the map from the plan the highlights are the trees from appendix f in the plan not phil concentrated remove let's be contrary that's
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the idea and also the appendix f in the plan warns against substantial clearing ♪ part of the hillside that is subject to extreme winds taking out the middle of the forest subjects the forest to wind this is also a fact in appendix f if you look at that as part of plan also a fact it is that the arborist opinion the trees poor condition are looking at 78 percent less than one percent along dale wood and - subject to a higher standard and parking near housing many of them have been taught by pg&e even so of the 78 stresses only 11 were recommended for removal their
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thriving would or not come in experts from uc berkley dr. joe mcbride and will last another within years what will harm the effort taking out a middle of the forest and peter come and look at the urban forestry manager and agrees the forest is sliding but the trees are recovering this is a gift from sutter he planted it in the 1880s as part of harbor day and opened the tree forests open to the public for hiking for the mental and fell health before a public park in the last remedy in advance on park city land response to comments confirm is
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a historic landscape and should be protected whether i he had presidio i urge you to adopt it or take the thirty acres forest out of the natural plan and return to natural park status it is on the grassy area thank you very much >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> (clapping.) >> thanks we'll appreciate if, if you don't show emotion on one side or the other not fair to anyone thank you for coordinating. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm sally with sf dog and urge you not to delay certificate the eir if you do you want the maintenance each time not addressing the areas in city parks nap calls closure of the - the dpa at mclaren park
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was created in the 70's none asked park if they went to be at dpa nap took control we'll not more areas not less the eir didn't adequately address this population change especially you added in the space which has a 90 persecute in access to the arts of - not adequately addressed in the eir fully 80 percent of the off leash is within adjacent to a natural area the eir didn't adequately address the impact of the potential closer of the 80 off leash if nap staff claims that dog's cause impacts on the natural areas given the nap and antagonism it is not an
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unremarkable concern they'll close 80 percent of that yet it didn't adequately address that issue nap has not talked e talked with people with dogs they say you can walk on leash not the same experience the eir says owl leash areas can be contemplated but no requirement that any new areas added in fact, over ten years no off leash areas in city parks created at all any new areas outside of rec and park essentially rec and park is going to trust us given the network offer the 10 years it is hard 25 trust the department it is not just the - the number of acres it is the quality of the recreational experience most
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are small you can throw a ball and socialize that's it excuse me. mclaren park and bernal two of the largest areas for dogs in the city areas that have parts of in closed any off leash areas must be in parks that people have essentially the same experience they have will be lost basically urge you to approve the maintenance alternative take the forest out of nap and keep the forest and stop the forest downsize and. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is ron a resident of park first to the planning commission please don't rubber stamp the eir four reasons you've heard more but here's four the eir use the wrong definition
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of bio exist hence, the eir is not objective all trees and plans whether native or non-native are part of diversity like people in different parts of san francisco like ourselves by addressing native any native tree is demonized our parks are a variety of san francisco and have been so for one and 50 years thank you to a deposit sutter the eir is inaccurate the eir claims native plants are more tolerant more adapt active to climatic change and require less irrigation no evidence is provided the fact over thirty
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species are non-native i despite being hit are peshz it is a gardening preference and one that is opposite of sustainability it requires constant application of toxic herbicides to maintain them number 3 the eir is inaccurate because that states that the blue eucalyptus is not invasive the eir makes many references to eucalyptus being inner 58 the california plant society says eucalyptus has a limited and blue gum trees are not causing heartache harm which is the standard to see invasiveness and eir is inaccurate abused 39 what occurs states that 39 encourages
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the growth in the forest health the response to comments indicates it helps impregnate but 39 is only beneficial when trees are young and vigorous enough to take advantage of the competition otherwise the benefits from 39 maturity tree is negligible so the rec and park commissioners i'm urging to support the maintenance alternative that limits the number of trees less than 18 thousand and discourages the herbicides to kill native trees and limit the trails closed to less than 9 miles and discourage rec and park from eliminating 9 acres off leash dog play areas and encourage you to remove the effort areas of mclaren park.
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>> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is dee i'm president of the san francisco forest alliance i've been waiting for years to talk with you think you've been waiting a long time today to hear what i have to say i appreciate that and i will look forward to what you have to say after we speak i would do you see to a lot of green shirts in the audience if you have a green shirt or not and support the native alliance will be stand up thank you so i'd like to request how not certificate in document at this time and there are 3 main reasons the first is tree albeit it needed after mitigation annual documents of the trees removed including when they were removed
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we were theo they debated or diseased or removed for some other reasons what are their species and diaphragm and height of the tree the dated that was removed and the gps correspondence and a log with the same information including an unanimous inspection how many trees planted survived over the 3 years in rec and park didn't keep those kinds of records replacement is a meaningful less thing this as lack the accuracy and adequacy stored carbon and green house gas emissions, tree replacement on a one to what ratio or appreciable by the way, that tree replacement is not no the management plan only in the
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eir in the draft and final form issues around herbicides use, public assess limitation that were decided by appointed government officials and four significant and unavoidable impacts that are documented in the final eir have among those reasons the third reason the natural program has committed many ceqa violations i received a packet excuse me - which i hope you reviewed carefully in that packet we actually itemized and dlaebd on the violation please don't safety net 19 of this eir in you do i hope you will put forth implement rather the maintenance alternative last i'd like to see the word
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native was snefrtd spot 1997 plan and into the eir by local native advocates they used. >> thank you thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> speak into the microphone please. good afternoon, commissioners my name is janet this eir is outdated for bio diversity it was written before we having had ccii yots that is updated and inaccurate for bio diversity you can't have it when the ccii i do not is not considered with people and dogs from the park the ccii yots require the thekts be removed those i i've i was
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told oh, i know coyotes they can go anywhere right last year they appeared repeatedly in the neighborhoods this can be eliminated by the leaving the habitat intact they balance the environment and create bio diversity from the top down as in yellowstone called a perfect cascades they vicinity from the bottom up is misinformed not sustainable and uses toxic peshz our eir didn't address coyotes as the keystone place in the
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city >> the eir understates the impact to the natural areas that calls for removing or relocating 10 miles of trails in the natural areas calls for restricting all off trail use of the park adults or children who want to view a pleasure or bird and feel enjoyment in nature enter into areas that are off trail we want to go to our parks and see wildlife in the forest. >> we would like to take our
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pets and not feel we're shut out the assess limits in the eir have a huge impact as city owned parks we want our parks maintained not closed off i also does n i also do not support i want mp to stop using herbicides and closing trails and limiting dog play areas i pled you, you don't adopt the management plan rather that i adopt the maintenance alternative that will allow nap to manage those areas they've replanted but prohibit them from
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destruction of non-native habitats thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> again day commissioners and park passionate people it is hard to not take this personally when i do a lot of right of work and what it takes to balance the handbag at that time but i'm doing haste i'm here on my own time as a proud rec and park gardener and 4ri6 laborer i'm committed to providing criterion and safe open space for all park users and species but the point to keep as many species for the most amount of time far into future as many generation as we can we're trying to prop up the food it is hierarchical changing
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we can do that with a little bit of trust i'm urging everyone here to leave fears behind in recognizing our commitment at the rec and park department and to keep the natural areas criterion and safe over the pass 20 years we've worked under the management practices but without recognized guiding policy framework wow. we work with thousand of volunteers throughout san francisco in diverse community that want the heritage officially preserved san franciscans deserve reassurance as a progressive city that we actually make progress by roebs our investment in front line stewardship by certificateing the eir in the
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management plan you - you guys don't see how we balance the foist that is frustrating i'll say you know when you call a homeless camp a tree falls across the trail that is the liv that shows up okay. as a native san franciscan okay. i'm here raising my fourth generations daughter here okay. i'm the one that has to apply the judicious herbicides to make sure i'm save i'm the applicant we have strict rules we need to move forward safely with a balanced approach okay. i want my daughter and
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her daughters daughter to love the wildlife including the urban forest that has shaped by service i grateful appreciate you ford this plan and getting that moving loan thank you very much and i appreciate your support >> next speaker, please. >> as you come up i'll reads more names (calling names). >> for those persons in toverflw
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room. >> please proceed. >> my name is ruth thank you for the opportunity to speak i must say i was also expressed to see side turn out everyone that worked with the natural areas policeman from any capacity whatever turned out i would like in that situation to remind that you there are two petitions that are quite descent opposing the pesticides uses in the park that has 10 thousand signatures closer to 11 thousand and a recent one regarding mountain davidson we have something like that 5 thousand signatures in a period of two weeks so just the fact that a lot of the people couldn't make that to the hearing on a working
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day shouldn't stand to lose their voices i love what is described as the overall idea of the native areas program the problem is that is not what is in the plan it sounds like their drying to do the duty full thing to preserve everything this is there if it is the the plan they're cutting down 18 thousand plus trees and closing the trails and bay area not mentioned in the oust use the eir says that herbicides use will not change but if you cut down 18 thousand trees you'll need la jolla herbicides there is no at sharp increase the
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second thing i find - only native plants are good for urban species but the sensitivities don't recognize whether a plant p is flacht or not like the butterfly forensic it grows an nursery plants and without federal we'll not have the grocery store yellow butterfly we have on twin peaks not because they're happy there but were because every two or three years transported san bruno and with the population will develop is anybody's guess the eucalyptus is the flowering plant and a wonderful habitat for birds and mammals inserts
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insects nest and everything there ground things to - >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon. i'm dan i'm the executive director 6 friends of urban forest but here to speak on behalf of as the head of the urban forest plant urlt council several years ago we identified that the ramp and the eir were two critical issues that faced our urban forest we have a series of hearings ♪ very room i was seating where under commissioner president buell/rec & park was sitting and expensive hearings on this subject with the people speaking pros and cons now the urban forest council is compromised of
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people a heard the pros and cons and to create a document to understand how to deal with the problem so last friday in the room had a hearing on the eir and management plan and unanimously endorsed that we urge you to endorse this is coming from really good mind in san francisco that understand the complexity that face you all as you try to deal with only the urban forest issues we only dealt with urban forest issues now lots of talk about the losing of 18 thousand trees we didn't deal with the sharp park but in reality there's a lot of censure concern about mountain davidson and the loss of 18 thousand trees a letter written by peter i have respect for we
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went out and looked at it mountain davidson >> go ahead. >> a couple of days ago and the chief scientist for cal academy and a recent addition to the urban forest council she and i walked off that and attached our letter to that letter i want to read a little bit of the letter based on the visible inspection at mountain davidson trees were showing the blue gum canopy waltz showing die-off that's to say the condition of the trees is far worst than talked about the die back is drought or die back has been noted on mount sutro it goes on and on i'm close to losing my time you have to know a great
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deal of people understand forest they believe this is a great road map to manage the forest and we look forward to looming working with rec and park we strongly urge that rec and park look at a 3 to one ratio thank you. >> thank you. >> before we have the next speaker i've been made aware that the trans - i hate to see her collapse and end the meeting permanently so let me ask the secretary how long do we give her to recovery. >> how long do you need. >> 10 minutes please. >> 10 because i want to that make sure she finishes up a 10 minute recess thank you very
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco planning commission and rec and park department commission joint hearing for thursday, december 15, 2016, i'd like remind the please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to address the commission unless the commission that the proceedings. and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record.
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all again visit overseeing persons in the overflow room the north light court downstairs to please make our way up to the room and remind the members of the public 3 minutes to address the commission. >> next speaker, please. >> okay my name is vic i'm a resident of mira loma park and rather than rehash what you've heard today, i want to raise a couple of points and a slightly different context and you've heard challenges to the accuratey i'll urge you considers challenges because if the eir is accepted as it stands i think there will be saviors and long term
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unintended consequences heart of responsibility of this commission to reduce the impact think such unintended consequences by addressing some of the flaws that are pointed out out to i think you may be able to achieve that. >> i think that these unintended consequences not a hypothetical they will occur with the best the intentions it always happens and if we try to unravel i don't know how many century i want to choose of human impact on the environment in san francisco there are going to be difficulties and i'll leave it to you to discuss how you think realistic to try to undo the natural accrues that is took place since
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human habitation that is present here with that, i'll just say please really considers flaws that are pointed out to i hope owl reject the either eir if you feel compelled to approve that, please go with the maintenance alternative thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is period of time jones i'm a 33 member the golden gate heights our organization helped to stay the red rocks and several areas from development we've aided the effort to save the green hair street butterfly in an 18 year dialogue with the natural area program
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representatives between the programs claims of effectiveness and the obvious example realities within the project areas the matter before you is a 20-year plan our question is where is the other how will we know 5 years down the line or 10 years whether the program has yielded the promised results without inclusion of a process for periodic disinterested evaluations especially in a time of restrict resources no eir no special city council meeting city program deserves approval
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thank you. >> thank you i'm john, i live in my family a few blocks sorry thank you my name is john, i live with my family a few blocks into golden gate park i don't opposed all aspects the natural areas proposal but have problems with the proposal as it relates to the urban forest the people in the natural areas project dislike plans 1492 and dislike the plans with a passion that approaches religious ferry our sometimes that ferry volunteer is good but for the as a relates to the urban forest golden gate park is a beautiful park before the removal the eucalyptus on the park particularly in the eastern portion i'm afraid that
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the proposal will provide an skews to remove large numbers of aesthetically important trees in the city like amounts of money have been wasted removing the trees between diementsd heights the natural areas plans released a proposal a different proposal related to mountain davidson that proposal said that will preserve the forest on mountain davidson when i read the proposal you found it it only things that remain is the largest trees that will drauchl change the porn's of the effort and put a definite limit on the forest life i'm afraid a similar defeat with respect to the urban forest in the natural areas proposal and ask you only approval for the proposal if more protects preserving the urban forest including our
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eucalyptus forests thank you very much. >> i live in the richmond and echo the comments of the previous speaker. >> i am here to speak for trees the compromise minced alternatives is acceptable it allows for the bio diversity that seems to be - i don't think that is right allows for the bio diversity that everyone seems to be so much concerned about i believe in bio diversity too about that should include what we have already. >> but i'm totally against further destruction of the trees
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obviously diseased trees may need maintenance by the way, we've cut down the practice of cutting down dead trees those are habitats so a lot of unlastly activity in the name of enlightened foresting the trees sequester more carbon than the mraptsdz wear replacing and an earlier speaker said that the those backyard i don't want trails built to limit any access to my own backyard part of my backyard is the mountain lake park and mountain lake was in the name of the same beautifications poisoned about 4
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years ago so all non-native species can be eliminated and the eucalyptus trees over towards the roadway were taken down although several years ago early seven hundred they're okay but the ones on the other side of the lake they took down the first with an and poisoned the lake 94 now no ducks no black birds used to be alive with red and black birds every summon it is no children there to feed the ducks people think this shouldn't be there's no duck to feed if it is going to be the example of what this sort of
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purification will produce go for the maintenance program that's fine but please don't cut down any more trees. >> next speaker i'll call a few more names (calling names). >> you got me. >> honorable commissioners ladies and gentlemen, my name is john burns i'm here to support the completion of the renovation of sharp park an award-winning affirm maker and golfer in 1973 i build the
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oldest continuance operating center in the united states i powder that with a wind generator i know about b a thing about ecology and building this commission knows a thing about the same things i taught golf for san francisco rec and park my one and 46 students came from ethic and religious backgrounds and one left me exhausted everyday and with an that i still cherish i taught the history of golf and through that i saw a fascination grip any kid's that is astonishing to them a game played in 1557 is the visually
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the same as golf that became blue and a great equalize that led harmony to my ragtag group great friendships and life lessons and perseverance provided any kid's with a key that perseverance leads to success in golf the same as in life you've already licensed to the argument i'll not bore you with the details i'm here to support the positions you've made and to reinforce how close with the environmental sound rules you've accomplished i applaud you as thousand of others that expressed pride in knowing the thousands and thousands of millions of dollars to update the sharp park will be good for children that love to
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play golf until the end of days on our national treasure sharp park i urge you to approve that thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> yes hello commissioners i'm glen reorganizes or roger a landscape architect member of the sierra club and also a member of california native plant society i think you know where this will go. >> i'm in support of nap program with the exception of sharp park the red-legged frog and the san francisco garden snake are effected by fertilizer and herbicides and the burn off caused by those of materials
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there is no environmentally sensitive golf course a barrier can't solve lawn mowers kicking off organism like the snakes and the regular legged front pages frogs in deciding mountain davidson with the carbon sequestration in one judge's 5 hundred years a thousand years there will be a fire releasing the carbon who ever thought there would be a fire in oakland san bruno mountain represents the vegetation that growing grew in san francisco historically those plants are under threat increasing the generic fist of overseeing planter of intending mountain is my goal a monocult doesn't encourage diversity
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let me explain lgbt about the legal when eucalyptus trees position poisons the soils prohibiting under growth a number of plants that have this california bay tree has no under story underneath the creek beds where it is found and that's very wet fertile area the leaves have 24 oil it makes it stellar and unlike the oak that supports over thousand of species the lips supports few if no species in my opinion especially with the - it at mountain davidson we rack the leaves so other vegetation can grow if you see
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it in its natural nothing growing underneath that. >> the natural areas program with plants species don't think them alone are found is my goal and what i would like you to support thank you very much and i hope you support the natural area program thank you. >> good evening, commissioners eric brooks sf green party/our city/sf clean energy advocates. our city first make sure the correct the record on a misunderstanding on the green party their appears compares to a golf course in a natural areas program, however, that didn't mean in ours is a member of the golf course was support the underlying plan i want to make that clear we don't support mass
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removal of trees and the use of toxic herbicides to control vegetation in our public places where children and pets and the rest of us and workers what about exposed only the golf course we said should be removed that's a couple of years ago so why not support the mass tree removed and herbicides what the herbicides it is office use i was with pesticides watch in 2006, we got strong laws passes to keep herbicides and pesticides out of public parks and the next the folks that are just fanatical about native plants came along and peeled back the restrictions on this incredibly toxic tier one and herbicides that is an unacceptable development in and of itself and need to we need to
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reject bans the ability for those folks to use those herbicides we want to refocus i know you've been sitting here for hours but bring up a new issue you've not heard that relate to the other statements of climatic change and the climate crisis and green house gas and the thing you have to understand those this eir and those plant do allow for the removal of up to 18 thousand trees that is the plan no matter what anyone says the plans nipping and edges of things like that people that support those native agenda want to remove all the trees an east bay plan that will remove hundred of thousand of trees rejected in court because that is a crazy idea why a crazy idea because when you
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cut down trees you release carbon from the trees and the soil in massive moiments that carbon realized takes one hundred years or more to be reabsorbed sweet spot forest the eir is flailed didn't account for the fact we're hitting climatic change crisis we cannot realize the carbon and wait a one year's to be absorbed i'll say i ask you reject of eir. >> i'll call a few more names (calling names) good afternoon commissioners
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thank you for your time i'm available to answer any questions you may have a doug i'm working with friends of urban forest and representing myself i'm a certificateed or not i sit on two boards one at chapter international society of the board cult and cal fires your honor, and forest advisory council but today i'm a thirty year citizen of san francisco in favor of the eir i'm if it is new to me honestly sharp park innovate include that our natural areas have under gone a lot of changes over time we're losing the forests the eucalyptus i would like to refer to a letter that was sent to you offered by the which i shouldn't urban forest counsel and the
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academies executive director where it was in favor of this plan i do think it has been discussed 3 to one replacement but i think we have to look at sort of this phased approach and we need to move this plan forward looking at healthy forest and native plants and bringing i say opportunity to teach you are young people and those don't come up that often i think that we know our children are hunger for those natural areas and people talked about problematic uses in them those are largest native areas from mclaren park that sutro and mountain davidson i feel touched when a my children recognize a
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small but the fragile nature i think the information you have is extensive and thoughtful and actually, well informed and scholarly look at some of the documents that have been submitted the to you, you have a tough decision good luck on that and so thank you very much with this opportunity today. >> i'm to reader everyone one of the book into the record is if is that a problem. >> go for it. >> thank you, commissioners i don't envy our job i give a talk on the topic 90 minutes i've done 3 hours on the time loaded the man that spoke is a friend
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conservative carbon and all trees on mountain sutro have you, you seen the tarps i lived near the st. patrick gone while when they cut down the eucalyptus trees the hills collapsed all non-native is going down no science i'm not an emotional guy by relying on the science so you see the title the wild - behind the war on east bay 58 do i o'ryan a horticulturist talks about the instant the fact of the matter but the eradication and viewing
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the use of toxic herbicides which 50 more than 50 years ago was taught to us how far have we come in san francisco we are environment itself it is okay in the parks with the children and the last one is poison which shows the and so on to you might conclude that i am opposed to the current eir for the tremendous inadequacy including pesticides and the destruction of thousand of trees of any species that's honking me, you guys are tolerate and putting up with that thank you how i want to end with a paraphrase from other authority that said the
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enemies of the environment used to be, sir. >> okay. thank you very much folks. >> well done in 3 minutes. >> and good luck with our decision. >> next speaker, please. >> hi and i might want to use the mike to your right. >> all right. >> hi, i'm rosalina resident of san francisco since late 90s i'm here to say i'm opposed to the natural areas management plan to cut down the trees and use the pesticides why think you need to be a scientist to realize how unhealthy those are especially for children
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contemporary those leaves and branches preserve the moisture according to calfire this entire city a fire risk that's they're lost rating other ratings are high and verified there are plenty of other reasons i oppose the eir that have been said i urge you to consider them and i also ask that you, please approve the alternatives instead thank you for your time and attention. >> good evening, commissioners my name is robert i lived in san francisco for over 50 years i'm kufrnt a board member and past member of the mclaren park and i'm sorry to interrupt you from
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the person who is alarm is going off it is disruptive. >> and a board member and the past the park is a residential community of 200 homes and will be impacted by the proposed plan but before you i speak on behalf of the club and 4 hundred members supports the restoration and the mira loma supports the best plants in the city we advocated for the plans in the general plan we work collaboratively with rec and park personnel in our neighborhood and, yes our forest management that plan before i is esteem with the focus specifically on the impact to mountain davidson the club detailed the concerns to planning on why the draft eir as inaccurate and inadequate and
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planning response was to all of the clubs comments with respect to mountain davidson in regards to cutting down 16 hundred trees the related impact the carbon wind and mammals do financial costs the tree replacement and closing 2 nine hundred feet of trails and 4re789 access to acres and users herbicides planning said our comments are insignificant not relevant and not supported in essence all the impacts the club cites were less than a significant impact on the draft eir the club absolutely disagrees and building if so imagine accurate addresses not obviously therefore not be certified to be put in place to address the comments in regards to mountain davidson, however,
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if it is approved we ask the alternative maintenance to the plan we supports as the superior alternative otherwise from the plan but is approved the club has asked mayor ed lee and the rec and park commission as stated in the correspondence on august 29th this year that certain parts of mountain davidson be returned back to rec and park forest the club wants to protect mountain davidson thank you for your time. >> good evening. i'm peter the senior environmentalist - i
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say was first editor of voice and in fact, learned that jerry thomas spoke my bosss boss allowed did editorials though they were edgy now a government employee he can't say be two edgy but a few brief comments on behalf of the environmentalists and restoring our eco system and providing access to the aide we're supportive of and in fact, and they anywhere our own goals 3r0e789 the eco system and strengthening community resilence i'm frame my comments in my really at the department one of the things i devote any time to celebrating all the great work in the city with respect to local nature and
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diversity i'll put up, up a slide. >> and celebrating in could be a full-time job and in fact, today, we're celebrating rec and park work in natural stewardship and the natural areas plan are situated from the slide amongst the diverse programs kaktd to connecting san franciscans to hereby nature san francisco has benefited from conservatism of local nature in our nature state and local parks it continues the progress to moving forward and plan recognizes the continued threats to where you are natural environment and should be stewards has the restoration and
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stewardships amazing 4 hundred plus native plant out of the 7 thousand in the state over 3 thousand species of birds 5 hundred and 50 in california and the plan does makes the film contribution to the mitigates e mice of the crisis those places within san franciscans with the ongoing potential for relationships with nature and nature trails provide the opportunity forever autumn san franciscans to have connections to nature where they live in recognition of those important goals and the exhaustive position i ask you to approve the plan on behalf of the
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environment and. >> next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> hi my name is al i'm a city resident and i'm a - i'm of california plant society this he is kind of fun i'm 73-year-old and never been called a fanic kind of appreciate that. >> i'm very much in favor favor of keeping the tiny land as native as possible and i'm
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doing if is selfish point of view i'm 73-year-old not as easy to get out to places like marin and down into the city the ability to take a bus or short walk and go to a place like for example, the oak wood lands in golden gate park and see something that still approaches what was here one and or 200 years ago or whatever? important and probably be very important to a lot of people who have experienced for one reason or other not the mobility they had before i'm a gather any two grandchildren live here we want to make sure they can without investigating to get carted out in a car or bus somewhere they
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can see a natural area or mostly natural in the city itself and, yes we're going to have to do stuff to keep it as natural as potential i strongly support the eir and plan that will for what i've seen will do stuff to keep those areas as natural as they possibly can be thanks very much. >> next speaker, please. >> hello i'm sorry robert and i'm here a concerned citizen and representing myself and several neighbors in the davidson area i'm a parks lover where soccer fields for the kids tree covered housekeeping trails are part of city i think the rec and park for the good work what's lost in the noisy debate
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over when species deserves priority in san francisco are some very significant well, concerns that need to be addressed and have not namely the damage to the human heartache concerns of the impact think the water supply and changes to the landscape for erosion and run off purposes i've not heard anyone talk about i'm shocked you know what the use of herbicides where do they ends up they don't breakdown they accumulate in the environment starting in 2017 the san francisco water supply we'll be mixing in ground water into the taps to underscore that was ufo some you know health issues this week just from some
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contamination in the water and didn't include tap quart they can't filter out with the biological issues what can we have for filtering of test chemicals and the second issue looking at the viral issues around mountain davidson 200 and 5 houses are be touching are backed up to the perimeter of mountain davidson so if you talk about water run off and erosion will be impacted by the removal of the cutting down of the trees has clearly more run off than the odds it as graze tons of run off and they've adapted planning the odds of the mountain mass a
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much lower level of run off a recent case you know the $5 million settlement forebear or for the how's that slid down the hill in mountain davidson doss or because of an accident of a water main i am if their recreating this area watt u without a significant report to tell us what the ramifications are and injects just a few how's your talking into the tens and million dollars in liquidate those are things that should be explored so is that over. >> that's over. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i recommend against the current cannabis dispensary. >> thank you, thank you, thank y you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello. thank you i'm marshall i'm a biologist on
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the board of sequoia audubon society i'm not going to repeat what is said about sharp park maps and so and so, i appreciate you're great patience and stamina in hearing many of the arguments and points repeated but the public utilities commission promised that sharp park redevelopment plan would never be included in this one and i don't know why that promise was not kept why i don't know why did they make the promise because the golf course had significa significant environmental value and in the context of its location this area should be an
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arbitrary that is replaced for the environmental location and bio diversity will be impacted two endangered species as we know we're in an accelerated time of destruction and elimination of species doing everything we can owe urge you to remove sharp park as many said from consideration of the eir. >> the people of san francisco the public utilities commission the board of supervisors, and the people have been environmental leaders that recognition the importance of preserving the environment we ask you not suck culp not to put the golf course without the
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consideration that is due that makes sense no viral sense or economic sense excerpt for private interest any question to you is when will we have the sense to stop unnecessary habitat destruction without full consideration of species extinction like sharp park and up to each of us including i hope you'll do the right thing. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon or evening i'm karen i'm from the mira loma and a delegate from the twin peaks council for for those of you who don't know they represent about 22 neighborhood associations around mountain davidson west side of the city i have a
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resolution i'd like to read the important parts of that embodying be it resolved that the rec and park department the board of supervisors, the planning commission, and the rec and park commission to remove all forested areas from mountain davidson and give management controls for the everest and for the rec and park department trained arborists and removal trees except for construction of buildings and therefore, be it resolved to all of those move to have the maintenance alternate identified for the, sir and therefore, be it resolved to prohibit all tier one and tier two the most toxic herbicides
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uses to insure public safety in all park areas so they claim they're less moving 16 hundred trees when i read this section of the eir it says the first to existing trees like mountain davidson and adding the long term goal of forest management in m a-1 and two areas that compromise most of naps argues to convert those areas to a grassland notice this sounds like deformatiestation i don't how anyone p can advocate taking down trees but the herbicides use there's a preschool not a
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preschool but a grandmother school where in any grandchildren go they're in the neighborhood and take field trips i mean i've seen posting of herbicides how can you have children touch or feel everything in the parks they open and do that without problems once the trees are gone their gone and what i heard he read once that 2re falls that carbon going and mental illness into the air not only the tree not there but ads 3 to i recommend anyone that hadn't gone interest you should all the trees dead people. >> you're out of time. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi commissioners, thank you
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for allowing me to speak the audubon society and speaking on behalf of the thousand members we've submitted a letter i encourage you to read that letter carefully please we put a lot of thought we've been working with rec and park on the areas plan a thoughtful plan for the most part got a lot of understanding of what needs to happen to maximize and save the eco systems in the city this city is a treasure i come into a different part of the country san francisco is a treasure what is missing in our city may be able more education for folks to understand what the sdefs is between a litigate to make a
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statement in the gone are about bio diversity and as commissioner today you have an important opportunity and responsibility to make sure that there is a prioritization on bio diversity with that said, there is a problem with that plan and that problem is called sharp park golf course not managed as a a natural area not blinking in a natural plan in san francisco for that matter their impacts for two species in this place in the golf course and it does not make a statement about bio diversity to sweep that under the rug and really it is a golf course with a fig leave and posing and recreation i'll ask you to consider yourselves in 25 years look at
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our gridlocked in the eye and say yes. i was the one that pushed that garden snake closer to extinction i as i understand that plan they destroyed thwetld if you can't do that that's on you that's why today's decision is important pass the rest of eir as it should be and. >> next speaker. >> (calling names). >> my name is jerry risk and i'm
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a retired teacher tact for 34 years i don't agree with that eir whatever it is and i want you to know i have a couple of problems and one of them is i understand from the philosophy they have about natural plants what i do have a problem with the that it seems to have to be done with everybody in our city and i don't understand why they don't make exceptions and for instance, i'm very much involved with mountain davidson my wife and i have visitors that come to stay in our house and welcome them to live with us
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their students and all ages come from all over japan switzerland and whatever we take them the first place they're up to it we take you them up on mountain davidson they like the trees and will have the eucalyptus tree because some come if country's with eucalyptus trees their seeing different variations and so forth so they're right at home we love this place we we see a forest it is not only beautiful everything about it is beautiful we see a forest that is not a fire hazard it is not a fire hazard and never will be somebody must have thrown a cigarette i lived here
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since 1968 never seen a spark i know one thing we go into that place it is like a rain forest i wish worry about fires i want to ask if a your bent on killing trees and 6 or 18 thousand i want you to hire mr. peter or mr. joel be mc bride i'll get their phone call and put them on the pay thing and every time you cut down a tree you ask them to check it like a human being before you say is it dead
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anyway, thank you. >> my name is jan risk i'm a retired teacher with san francisco unified school district and sierra club outer leader on this issue i don't august what the sierra club hoourns lived on mountain davidson for 44 years we love to work walk in the woods to enjoy the peaceful setting back of the forests in the midst of our noisy city and introduce our children and now grandchildren to this natural area the program or nap plans to cut 6 hundred trees in the heart of mountain davidson
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we consulted two expert arborists to study the mountain davidson forest he peter who is the chief forester and joe mcbride professor of urban forestry from uc berkley in the words or both of them concluded the trees on mountain davidson of good vigor that cutting 16 hundred mature trees is clear cutting that the removals will increase the pocket of winds through leaving the remaining trees sub able to breaking limbs and failing over in the words of peter the removals are are not forest management one does not manage a forest by
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removing the forest leading edge for habitat conversion nap proposes to convert the heart of mountain davidson forest to scrub and grasslands those are in the words of the plan we ask you to save the money davidson forest please take the forests out of the nap control and transfer it to the rpr arborists who will care for and nurture the trees thank you. >> next speaker >> hello my name is steve i'm a residents of miralu loma we'r
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in favor the maintenance plan basically, we find the forest to be wonderful and enchavrnt place and feeling this plan might actually change the atmosphere of the whole place very soulful at the moment and there's a lot of love for the eucalyptus trees which quite frankly when you look at just simply aesthetically we were looking over art books the other day of california history california native art movements like the society of fix and
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others and the ubiquity of the eucalyptus tree is such a motif around the indecisions arts in california that the idea of vital phil ginsbe vilifying them - i don't want to go though the statistic of the number of trees that will be removed it is shockingly high and basically, when you look at the way people enjoy mountain davidson the forest part that is rifled in and the grassland part is simply flouted through in order to get to the forest to enjoy the wild a wilderness area and it is i don't think we want
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to a manicured type of scrubland to take its place thank you very much we're basically for the maintenance alternative thank you. >> okay. >> next speaker, please. >> yeah good evening commissioners i'm ron a resident of patrick can one of the neighboring city i'm here to speak about sharp park the golf course first to let you you know, i want to see if you, you would separate the eir from the golf course in the plan i like to see a thorough job with the la gone and to give history of patricifica one from
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1895 and one - 3 lagoon was one of the first land features they came down in 1769 other 31st as a matter of fact on halloween but at any rate came down and in the pacifica they indicate in their diary a big march to the shoreline of the sea interest which is a beach the other lagoon if not preserved as a golf course that lee lagoon would be built and
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the third lagoon means the high la gone in 6 or seven hundred feet in the southern part of the pacifica we have a lagoon i'll appreciate that very, very much if you guys can make a concerted effort and says that the expense and do a great job on that lagoon within that i think something utilize the convertcy for the mentor and the type of work they could be helpful in guiding that but at any rate please once again separate the eir from the golf course remodel plan and thank you very much. >> hi my name is victoria resident of pacifica since 1992
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this plan maybe fine or not but contains a poison pill a sharp park course is definitely not a natural area adding changes onto the golf course invalidated the eir this is a against the planning process and to mitigate golf changes to make the golf course survive the rep between the golf course and the lagoon wetlands is complex to be included with the other natural areas plan to the san francisco rec and park management the importance of wetlands as a home to endangered species needs more consideration than for golf here's the problem raises the
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height of the fairways you restrict the law gone thgoon th will become to salty the salt intrusion b will occur as sea level rise if you approve that eir you'll permanently place the lagoon in mortal danger by creating had been tablet two close to the ocean endangered the species a you're trying to protect areas their moss more at risk the long term effects on the lagoon and resident will be disastrous the communities of the golf course are too
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important to be hidden within an eir please extract the renovation plan from the final eir thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon early evening i woken one block if mountain davidson park in a home i walk in the forest areas almost daily the thing that is so wonderful about the forest none has mentioned it is so dense you can't see another building or hear traffic can't hear or see cars only the greenery and forest the javpz called that been proven to say a calming up literally effect on people that's what it side to you i'm
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against the cutting of 16 hundred trees in mountain davidson and don't support of eir everyone has talked about the 82 plus trees fell and the horrible release of carbons i have to say because i live a block if mountain davidson i've seen them putting on the herbicides and signs posted that is a do not apply in wet weather i've seen it apply that millions of times and their populated to stay on the while it dries they never stay on sited when is wet it is super dangerous people are walking up there. >> so i ask the commission again, please respect the will of the people not to contributed if combroernl and not
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certificate the eir as required thank you. >> i provided copies of comments to the record to melanie hugh she'll provide them to the commissioners, i have a long version of citations and what the summary of table of impacts i just want to comment about well unfortunately, i'm a lawyer i have to tell you the problem (laughter) you have a big problem with a problematic eir for a bunch of projects miss marched together you can't
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have a problematic eir you've heard the people say sharp park is one deal the problematic eir did work the discussion of the vifrl superior alternative says well the reason maintenance alternative is superior didn't have the habitat what does the lagoon restoration have to do with the highest point in the city of san francisco the other problems with the eir are the fact that contrary to the table 21 agitate unmitigateable impacts in at least 4 areas culture and battalion to logical shown on
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table 21 the maintenance alternative and the eir didn't consider the hybrid maintenance the maintenance alternative says you'll keep the distribution and install live oak whenever i remove the tree fails or whatever you want the response to the comments also is asking you to bet on the com can you'll do at the bottom of my comments have 54 metric tons of carbon sequestration from cutting the trees one and 77 in sharp park and amortized plus one and 85 metric tons of carbon from the heavy construction well what happens you cut down the trees what happened if you don't
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complete the project you don't center any guarantees finally conclude by saying 3 things that the eir did not consider the drought one reason the maintenance alternative is preferred because it didn't require water to maintain for the life of the new trees we're in a drought you might not building that looking outside we're in a drought. >> okay. >> next speaker. >> and (calling names). >> hi good afternoon, i'm a stan i live atsdz at pacifica we're truly concerned about sea level rise and the loss of our homes
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nothing in the either addresses it and in the last election all 89 couldn't passed the tax to increase the size of wetlands they're one of the best way to stop the flooding into rising assess and didn't have to contend that the bay action at the same time the f eir is suggesting razor the golf course that traps the lagoon wetlands between the golf course and others rising ocean with this plan have our wetlands will shrink and disappear san francisco is considering arming with magnificent puvenlg a agency a responsible solution to protect the golf course with the existing berm and continued penalty of perjury and salt intrusion salt participants
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are replacing the grass other than little northwest side will cost $30 million with the arming to protect the beach the sand need to be replaced with the cost in essence of $50 million a lot of money to protect one business a self-study cost analysis stated if you leave the wetlands alone they'll essentially be no cost future in allowed the beach and lagoon will exist by retreating natural naturally and only 4 to 5 feet levy in front of the realistic homes those homes will be better protected than by an armed wall sfpd will talks about protecting the wetlands this can be
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scientifically shown to be stripg them your preserving a golf course and destroying a eco system i'm being dramatic but everything can be shown to be scientifically proved i've lived there 2 two years and wachld that lagoon disappear and a healthy lagoon will not only impact the golf course blue realistic infrastructure and businesses in the area so i strongly, strongly urge out to please, please pull this thing in the f eir and do that right thank you. >> hello my name is frank in my association with the
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natural areas policeman began when i volunteered to plant plants on billy goat hill 20 volunteers and dedicate park employees spent half a day planting dozens of native plants we felt good about that, however, within 6 months many of the plants had begun to die within a year seems like all were overtaken by the other vegetation at the time owe wrote it off and participated in the second planting a software firm put in a lot of plants the result was the same equip for two oak trees that i thrived over that period everything else died for a plan to be successful a metabolism of representation and a mechanism for available
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bans my experience i looked for and found little almost all the projects recommend planting native plan but what you wouldn't finds restoration plant will be revisit to determine mortality of the species verify the establishment of feed banks and look at it guidance for future planting simply this on billy goat more life vegetation a lot of people talked about the forecast i have problems i'm in support of maintenance alternative and the one for one replacement is pie in the sky it assumes zero mortality because of this kind of program have performance statements as much
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as replacement trees will be recame down over 5 and 10 years integrals and this is such after 10 years one herbicides and pesticides are dangerous some more so are dangerous can't apply the chemicals to dangerous they require special protective clooekt this is in crack to kids and cats and births and other wildlife after the specialist left the area in short the plans lacks the accountability i don't see how you can certificate this document until accountable standards or excluded to insure that pursuant use of taxpayers resources thank you. >> thank you and. >> next speaker, please. >> calling -
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>> i'm hi doctor victor as i said in the overflow room and left hand to all the comments i noticed that in general those who support the natural areas program tend to be government employees, a.m. r academia or political connected nonprofit many oppose tends to be long term san francisco resident like myself people that use the parks everyday and walk amongst the trees those are the people that can't afford to lose a day earns the bathroom, is no popular with
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the common san franciscan about a year and a half ago my dog go into the round up that was freshmen separate in glen park and consecutively i'm against the use of round up on our public land and opted to the eir as it is currently written it does still you know let those things be used and if you have to approve it please do the maintenance option instead mr. and mrs. please stop that destruction of trees and please stop spraying in the name of nature area a study by the stanford university conducted concluded that grasslands are doomed in the warming trends they hope to find that
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grasslands can safe us sequester the only answer to global warming to reducing the emissions and planting for trees in a plan to replace carbon sequestering trees what shrubs and california oaks to a certain extent this is a species dying off in california it is a different environment than the 1800s please don't pass that plan thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is paul i'm a president of the pacifica historic of historical society i want to address the sharp park
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question from a historical perspective i'll leave the science that is discussed for many years to others in 1929 when the san francisco city father's were looking for someone to build the new golf course on the coast of the san mateo couldn't they hired the greatest living golf architect in the world alastair was in the process of revolutionizing the way the game was played and now considered one of the most influential architect in the history of the game the course he designed agency sharp park is an absolute jewel a showcase of his touches the
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magnificent sightlines of horizons the wide fairways and rolling hills like all mckenzie courses that offers a game enjoyable so for the average player challenging for more talented golfer this remember is a municipal course open to all players not a pampered private country club course for over 80 years sharp park has been the most democrat graphically diversity if i had recreational opportunities in the bay area sharp park is now in the best shape i've seen it in years the work having been done on the course is successful and i might add that the frogs are thriving.
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>> mckenzie genus is for equivalent than ever we congratulate the city. the historic national treasure and encourage you not to separate sharp park from the natural resources management plan thank you >> okay. i'll say is good evening laura paw my name is tim i'm a homeowner up on mountain davidson in fact, my property line touches the natural areas program part of mountain i'm very concerned of the cutting of the trees up on mountain davidson and urge you to go the route of the maintenance option while other cities are planting thousands and thousands of trees
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all over the world our city choose to cut them down to try to bring down the mountain prespanish i think we can't go back the trees form like many others in the audience have said that is a recess pies from city knowledge even if you're in the in the forest you look at up at the cross and the trees it is calming. >> i want to bring up that nap has been less than transparent they've not reached out to the citizens up on mountain davidson what they want to do with the forest and with our new
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president we'll be spending a lot of money on cutting down trees one agency rec and park that is cutting trees down another agency spending a lot of money to plant trees what's wrong with that picture not good to rush into judgment you're probably under a lot of pressure to pass that i want to say to you what looks good at the moment and all the experts i've been here since 1 o'clock pass this pass this what will the people in 20 or thirty years what were they thinking coming out u cutting down trees to plant shrubs back to the 1950s
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the double deckerer we had experts saving this is the best thing since bread this is the total sloth under urban rule those railroad excellent ideas at the time and pushed by a lot of people but look what they did to whole community and vic arena homes torn down for urban rule i ask you think he go into our cells and minds is this 9 right thing to do thank you. >> good evening, commissioners i'm rudolph for the record live in coal valley and go the internal of the belt i'm not a government employee not employed by and nonprofit but urge you to
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vote to certify the eir and approve that plan i believe that people have a sincere love of in each, however, you've heard obligations that the natural program is jen phonetic or racist well, i'm an immigrant i love the wildlife in california i understand the non-native species have here eucalyptus and blackberry will not be - we don't have to ignore our native areas chugging that didn't comply i hope you'll reject that hyperbole this is managed to the rec and park test
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management program that has a regular refuse with the extensive public input not to manage that 240 the management plan or the eir itself very little san francisco original landscape has thrived in the state and maybe 3 percent of city still retains representation of the bay area that makes that a diversity hot spot 20 years ago the city began the approach to preserve and restore those for san franciscans to experience the fall environments in the city that management plan is very well-thought-out and it is for school children's and all the vs. that work in the restoration project i urge you to approve
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the management plan and thank you for all the time you've spent here today. >> mc-3 my name is matt i think i have a perspective that might be laboratory unique i've spent hundred and hundreds of hours the last 6 years of my working with the nap and the urban forestry department and i agree with the last speaker this is not a clear-cut issue of you know native good non-native bad and this is isn't a radical mission to x mat all the trees many trees will be left for you
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to enjoy i'd like to there that there are a lot of species on mount davidson less chars masklike the wildflowers you may see for 3 months out of year that are persisted and the most threatened and that we we knew about them more there is more common ground we appreciate nature i think more outreach and thoses those places will be used as an educational space there's a lot of passion but they'll remain open as multi use areas i would say that a lot of the trees on mount davidson are old
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they have lifespan of around one and 20 years and these trees are aging impacted by drought and disease and they didn't receive maintenance as they were growing so they're not very structurally sound they're on trails which put people realistic i hope you tree lovers don't go up there they - whether or when windy roots not structurally sound i had a lot of time working in the presidio that was very hideous when that happened removed hundreds of healthy trees and replaced them with plant it took
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ifd thousand plants i was able to monitor what was there and keep statistics over what happens ether time it is successful and mammals use that thank you. i've been here for 5 hours i took the day off work we all care thank you. >> hi there i'm rachel and i first became aware of the plan on bernal hill a student at university of california, san francisco any gut reaction because the hyperbole about how it will curtail access for folks with dogs i was directed by professors at the university of san francisco to the rec and park for internship and respected to rec and park and found that the plan is modest and works the edges to try to
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preserve what we continue to have in terms of bio diversity and the department engaged me as a young person in the commercial dog walking community and actually had me do my research project on engaging the dog-walkers within the most contiguous places for dog walking he it thankless work but i'm standing up for 2 1/2 years i walked dogs i vufk thought that should be my lives work in allergy us and became a staff member and 5 years served the land despite the deep concerns
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from the compassionate people the department worked well, that the department of the environment the san francisco puc nonprofit last week audubon and the california native plant society and group the department is trying hard to get this right. i hope you move that forward understanding that project specific public process can continue to happen as these plans move forward so this big picture eir provides much needed guidance and xrienz for the department and still allows for us to move individual projects like mount davidson that involves the community process that's one of the nice things this is not an end stop but give us a nice a framework and something to look at it and take into consideration with each action and i'll say in my time
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working for the department i worked with a program very dedicated to reducing reflex with pesticides to in protecting trees with the ones not native and protecting the land in general, i hope you'll moved this plan thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners. i'm dennis the president of san francisco since so 50 with the forest think mount davidson was 70-year-old that forest in mount davidson area has not been a nature area since 1980 and try to turn that it probation officer a scrub lands i put it into the category to tear down hetch hetchy
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