tv Ethics Commission 121916 SFGTV December 21, 2016 9:10am-12:16pm PST
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(shouting.). >> more and more city's high san francisco is committing to dislocate to end all traffic death that means improving safety for people walking and driving and safety on our streets is everyone's responsibility people can make mistakes but not result in injury or death all traffic collisions are preventable as drivers you play a large role that will give you the tools to drive safely on streets a recent survey asks hundreds of drivers about save city introduce
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driving what did they say watch for distracted behavior and slow down and be patient and check for people before you turn the facts about city driving shows how important to be alert most collisions happen in good weather allowance even at 25 mile-per-hour it takes a vehicle 85 feet to stop this is almost 7 car lengths slowing down makes collisions less savior when a person is hit by a passerby vehicle 25 minor the chance of death is 25 percent 40 percent that increases inform 85 percent slowing down didn't cost much time driving behind a person takes 9 extra semiautomatic and
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stopping at the yellow light takes only 30 seconds by hitting someone costs you hours and weeks of our time and maybe a life take a deep breath and take you're time cities cross america are being safely for walking and driving some streets are confusing here's what you need to know all intersection kroukz of novelist marked some are marked to make them more visible other crosswalks and intersections are raised to the level of sidewalk to actress as speed bump and people are maybe crossing be cautious and watch for people when you approach any intersection advanced limit lines and pedestrian yield signs
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show drivers where people walk and stop behind the lines at stop signs and for people crossing bulb outs where the sidewalks extends into the street make that tease easy to see pedestrians and remember to slow down whether making reasons and watch for people on sidewalk estimations extensions that maybe closer than you expect and bicyclists may motive to the left to get around bulb outs this gives people a head start allowing pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before transfer starts moving makes them more visible pedestrian scrimmage and stop the vehicles in all directions allow people to cross
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including department of building inspection scrambles are paired with no light restriction and rapid beacons you turn bright whether the pedestrians are there or the center is activated precede slowly as you approach the beacons especially, if their activated a pedestrian crossing light turns yellow before turning sold red back to flash red procedure after making a full stop as long as the sidewalk is empty and, of course, stop whenever the light is red traffic circles reduce conflicts you must stop at the strewn and precede around the raise your right hand of the circle watch for people in crosswalks and people in bikes coming around the circle
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arrows indicate where people with bikes share the intersections and people have ride to people on bikes have the right to use the lane whether or not in the sharing bike lanes are for people protected by parks e.r. parked cars and stay out of separated bike lanes unless an emergency dashed bike lanes are a shared zone four for vehicles to change lanes slow bike lanes allow the circles their unusually sprayed before me from other traffic some bike lanes are built to the level higher than the street but lower than the sidewalk they provide a
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safe separated space sponsor cyclists are around vehicles the box areas are marked with the stencil at intersections act as advanced limit lines for people to garter at a red light this increases the 1r0ir7b9 to drivers people will ride past stopped vehicles at the fronltd of the intersection give them room and stop short of limit line behind the bike without objection and cross only after the green light and people cleared the bike box bicycle traffic lights allow people on bikes to proceed while vehicles are stopped be unaware aware of those bike san francisco general hospital but stay alert and only skrans when the vehicle is cleared the intersection let's
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take a quiz to see what all of learned here we go number one when do month collisions happen did you say in daytime you're correct question two if an intersection is not marched is it still a crosswalk yes did you get it right great job one more before we go on what's one of the best things to do to avoid collisions? you can it take a breath pay attention and slow down city streets are crowded and chaotic so seeing everyone every single everything is difficult here's a test how many times did the white team pass the ball?
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if you answered 11 you're correct but did you notice anything else also be aware ever you're surrounded and remember that is easy 0 miss something if you're not looking for it here's some basic principles driving near peep e people from you're driver's seat it is difficult address our mirrors to reduce blind spots people on bicycles maybe be in our blind spot give yourselves plenty of time to react look out stay on the road from building to building not just curve to curve
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check driveways and behind parked vehicles for people that enter our path turning vehicles are especially dangerous important people walking and collisions often occur when vehicles are making tunnels when you turn remember check for people using the crosswalk before starting you're turn watch for people on bikes traveling in the ongoing direction always check our mirrors and blind spots patience pays off take a moment to make sure you're clear while it might feel you'll save time by driving fast or turning without checking you won't save driving only adds a few semiautomatic to our trip a collision can cost you, your job or someone's live here's important things to remember all
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crosswalks are legal and pedestrian have the right-of-way people cross the street anywhere children and seniors and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable think city strits give buses and streetcars a lot of the space or people returning to catch a train don't block the box this creates dangerous situation for people walking how are forced into moving traffic and people bicycling out of the bike lane and people on bikes most city streets are legal for bicyclists even without signs people biking can fall in front of you provide a safe amount of space when passing someone on a bike a minimum of 3 feet is required by law in california and people on
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bikes prefer to be in the bike lane in for the this is often to avoid accidents give them room people on bikes will stay away from the traffic or watch out for open doors whoops that was a close one expect people to go to the front of the light and pass on the right a tap of the horn maybe useful to make you're preservation known but avoid using the horn it may saturday night be someone vehicles anybody right turns are especially dangerous important biking always approach right turns properly signal early and wait for people biking through the intersection move as far to the right to people on bikes can
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pass on the left let's try a few more questions who are the most vulnerable people on city streets? children? seniors, and people with disabilities why do people on bikes ride close to travel there to avoid car doors what is one of the most dangerous situations for people walking and riding bikes? turning vehicles and what can you do to make sure that everyone is safe in any situation? thartsz stay patient and alert and, of course, slow down parking and loading a vehicle on
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accredit city streets is a challenge weather parking and unloading always check for people in our mirrors and blind spots and on the driver's side with our right turn right hand this causes you to look 40 on your left for bicyclists when passersby exiting the vehicle make sure about opening the door know where loading zones are if not loading zones available use side streets never stop in bike lanes or traffic lanes. >> bad weathering and visible rain and fog or low lighting make it hard to see you're vehicle is likely to slide or loss control in eye i didn't
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controls and create issues for people walking and biking they tried try to avoid pulled and umbrellas and construction get slippery for people the safety thing to do in conditions whether wet or icy or dark slow down and drive more carefully remember going fast may on this save you a few semiautomatic but speeding may cause you a life or you're job people walking and biking are vulnerable people can be distracted or make unsafe decisions as a driver the responsibility for safety lies with you a collision could mean the loss of our life or you're job and dealing with the legal implementations could take years
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relax ball games entertainment, recreation market, exhilaration a wide variety of contributions easily enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of san francisco manages 7 may have million dollars of waterfront from hyde street and fisherman's wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the ferry building is here for the embarcadero and a
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national treasure the port also supports 10 different maritime industries alongside with the recreational attractions making san francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and major repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of san francisco's waterfront this year the port is updating it's marts plan the plan working group to invite a wide variety
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of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and maritime operations the waterfront land use plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the biggest challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will
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cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things we've been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years scientists say we'll have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30/32 will be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our transportation system is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didn't have the financial resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for sea level rise. >> it is clear that the port can't pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the sea level rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of
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the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of sea level rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. >> as studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier activities, shoreline habitat, historic preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. >> we know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about san francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. >> the challenges call for big decisions now is the time to explore now and creative ideas to protect and preserve san
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francisco waterfront. >> now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. >> we need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. >> this is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help san francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. >> this is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. >> get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. >> find for in upgrading dates on the ports website.
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>> (ship blowing horn in distances) >> (speaking spanish.) >> i work as the director donor today i'll start off with why we're here today san francisco today stands as one against hate like to thank the police department and the human right and the immigrants or the and the city attorney's office and all the city departments here today. >> thank you to all the advocates community agencies and individuals that sits on the commission dedicate in their time day to day to the victims of hate crimes hate violence or the threat of violence of hate viewpoints is illegal it can be verbiage or written or
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physical assault or 25e789d assaults hate related graffiti disturbing of religion and vandalism that because of something that that is tear down due to race or national origin and any other sort of ethnic types of represents today we're standing as one letting everyone know we'll not tolerant the bigotry and racism in our city today we would like to let you you know we have tremendous leadership here in san francisco and san francisco stands as one against hate today i'd like to introduce to you some of the leadership here in san francisco that about speak to some of the contradict nichtsd and resources available for any victims enemy victims of hate during the holiday season
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without further ado, i'd like to introduce someone that has demonstrated leadership in leading the charge around ending hate in the city and county of san francisco i'd like to introduce our honorable mayor, mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> thank you deanna act welcome to the tolerant, compassionate, loving city of san francisco these holidays are just beginning there's going to thousands of people coming out our city the next few weeks to joy our city enjoy our diversity, enjoy our neighborhoods, enjoy shopping and shop and dine in the 49 we also want them to understand where they are this is a city of tolerance and compassionate and diversity and understanding we
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all stand together against hate and any of those incidents we want to do first and foremost educate ourselves, prevent them from happening but if if they do happen respond effectively and so i'm very proud to stand together today with the police department, that will be very protective of everybody's rights making sure that everybody is safe in the city and thank the immigrant and human rights commission their staff and commissioners making sure that we have good language to treat each other and programs and policies to allow for conversation but also to make sure that we treated each other with respect we will is a donna district attorney that will strongly set any acts of violence will be
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responded to immediately and effectively and even more going out to make sure that people are prepared so that they can report in and that we could prevent incidentss from happening more importantly i thank all of the people that live in our city together young people and families and immigrants and people in our african-american community you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenders and queer community guess so our of color and all the communities stand together to make sure that our tolerance and diversity are protected and values we've been on the forefront of protecting the values of that diversity the values of tolerance the values of quality of equal marriage, of abiding by the law but at the same time of making sure that we all the enjoy those frechlz
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equally all those neighborhoods and people are represented here i want to say thank you for coming together and especially our young people you will eventually inherent what we do and don't do. >> (clapping.) >> and i want to give you the most important megacity of hope for everyone and i want to make sure we all do our part together to keep this city tolerant and loving and compassionate that is what we have this is the butch beauty of our city today make sure to stand together as one against hate against message of hate and acts of hate and that we will not tolerated it seek it out and eliminate it the right way we do this altogether as one great city of diversity thank you for coming together today.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you to our mayor for overseeing power words and leadership he demonstrates i want to move on to another leader someone that has worked are worked with all the offices to be clear in san francisco despite the post-election we'll moved in protecting all communities despite the gender i'd like to introduce acting police chief. >> (clapping.) >> first of all, thank you all for joining us with that power message what we will not tolerate in the city and county of san francisco nationally hate crimes are up and signs are burning in san francisco and the bay area the san francisco police department has seen and 10 percent spike in the hate
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crimes from are a to this year a 28 percent from two years ago now i don't want to muddy the water we saw a nice drop prior but an uptick as in the newspaper the san francisco police department is taking pro-active measures to combat those crimes and putting officers like we did that the teams made it it the playoffs we're to do that in our neighborhoods so someone times to attack them because of their, their wearing they may be attacking on duty police officer put that warning out to the public and housing ability for prejudice has occurred and anti crime operations it is unacceptable and - simple crimes from challenging to fights more rigorous crimes or that's and a assaults will not
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be tolerated bias and hate have no place 2004 san francisco o or anything else we want to commend - thank you, thank you. >> (clapping.) >> in a moment you'll hear in the district attorney and we promised when we find those crimes we'll investigate and have prosecution to the district attorney's office for those who treat violence the person you may be altercating maybe an undercover police officer it is today, we'll be amongst the people walking reason i'll go anyone is invited to attend and as an incentive to come dinner is provided. with the officers buses at the same time be vigilante the sfpd encourages everyone to report hate based crime and we will investigate every incident and i say that to say this had with we have crimes people feel it not
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necessary to report many people are painting over the graffiti and saying continuation something that happens it is not we need to document so because if may end in a finally violence and any hate a wrong and track it and hold those accountable thank you. >> (clapping.) >> our next leader is someone that, of course, has been shaping the prosecution to move forward in san francisco please welcome our district attorney george gascon. >> (clapping.) >> thank you first of all, i want to thank our mayor for your leadership in this area mayor that is a dark side your leadership means a great deal thank you to the police department and the entire city family the commission and everyone last week the federal bureau of investigation report an increase
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of 67 percent of hate crimes against muslim-american last year 67 percent and the law center recorded last friday that as long as the election seven hundred crimes of hate to veterans in this country monthly be targeting immigrant community today as you hear from the mare and police chief we stand together and join forces to send a message that hate will not be tolerated in san francisco we stand together regardless of race and our gender regardless of ethnicity and religion or sexual orientation to say a crime against one is a crime against all of us we have no tolerance for hate we starting here to say not here,
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not now not ever thank you for your support please make sure that you report. >> (clapping.) >> we you'll have several hotlines my office has a 41 b 5511919 a multi language hotline and enactment we tasted activated the arabic but make sure you call 9-1-1 let's stabbed together and say it will not be tolerated in the city of san francisco thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you da again and again i want to reiterate if there are any emergencies are victims hate crime please, please do not he's tattoo call 9-1-1 our next speaker is an individual that did tremendous
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work and we've been fortunate to have been appointed to the human rights someone that worked tirelessly throughout the western edition and the community here in san francisco please join me in welcoming our new director the human rights commission sheryl davis. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon. thank you to my partners here the mayor chief of police and also the district attorney george gascon we really want to make sure and we have those hotlines and make sure today, we have the parts to raise awareness and how to talk about to deal with the violations and people are committing hate crimes bureau pasturing many people know the support in place we're excited to be able to partner with the school districts, with the mayor's office, the district attorney's office and the police to actually do a workshop in the
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community as well as working on complaints people are fully supported today we want to highlight the face and it is office space so important we address this together this is a about how we as a community find the strength low love and hope this final side not only today we've seen up ticks in the schools happening in the transportation and seeing it on the streets and making sure we are doing preservation and not just had had retroactive trying to deal with that after we had a young man he's the bayview hunters point gregory as well as another gentleman from care to share as well about the impact of hate crimes and why we should be doing something about that and thank you for being here. to raise awareness we're a city
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of one working together to make sure that everyone is important and valued thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon as a young man of color i sometimes feel targeted because of my age and color i know i go to the hsr or the college track or even college 100 percent college those are programs of advocacy so with this i'm glad we have those - ultimately i hope they help any community. >> (clapping.) >> thank you all so much no more being here i'm the executive director of san francisco bayview office of care we're the largest mum civil rights organization you've heard the numbers and the need for everyone to report what is going on i want to share a story with
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you the day after the election we received a notice in our office that a young woman at a local university was xhofrtd in a parking lot by a man who in broad daytime pulled at her head scarf and took off they were unable to find him she encouraging came forward and talked about the trauma, the physical pain of what she experienced and the fear she had for so many 09 others in her community in the week after the elections we documented over one hundred mum incidents across the country including many in california and several right here in the bay area the caveat we share about the number is that for every person that come forward and reports we hear of so many that post on facebook who tell their family pay friends by not you file an
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official report the support we see today no, from the city leadership is critical they can only serve us if people are coming forward and providing the data of what their experiencing otherwise, it looks like there is no trump effect we know in un2ku789d and light and muslim communities 9 trump assess has changed the way we will our daily lives people are looking power their shoulder a not walking alone at night the data critical we need the numbers and story thank you for being here. and thank you to the leadership of the city and county of san francisco for saying we will stand with everyone that is targeted that we will not let our rights be stripped way and we will provide additional resources to protect each other thank you, again. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so much for the
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power stories and resources i want to highlight we actually have cards that are distributed around our support the support we would like to go forward in joining force to see that the combat against hate and the the san francisco hiv has gracely produced the cards we'll produce more and the resources are all the departments some of the resources they offer and again, you, calls 9-1-1 in case of an emergency reminding remind everyone today is about san francisco standing against hate we'll not tolerant hate or support hate we'll stand as one and continue supporting all the exists community here in san francisco so i'm going to ask our partners the criminal leader the president of the interfather basis council to lead us.
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>> (clapping.) >> this city is about love you have a cowboy standing up here on city hall and be able to play we'll do ourselves good dear friends let us love one another love comes from god everyone that loves is born of god and loves know god is love that's love our city thank you >> (clapping.) >> thank you, again we'd like to go forward and thank you to everyone for making their way and before bacteria to you to our human right and the san francisco unified school district the city departments including the san francisco police department for taking leadership thank you,
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today. after working closely with the opposition team was two years ago to scare the project. you also the model what the site will look like once it is completed. that was in the front when you all walk in. first of all, i would like to mention that we are very delighted to have the following vips here today and are even. of course we start with mr. chairman lou chairman and founder china ocean wide group. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] of course we also my boss. mayor edwin lee city and county of san francisco >>[foreign language] >>[applause] counsel general [inaudible] counsel gen. of the people's republic of china >>[foreign language] >>[applause] we were expecting
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mayor willie brown but i don't think he has arrived yet but when he arrives i'm sure you'll see him. >>[laughing] we are excited that mr. [inaudible] is your senior exec the power of foster and partners to >>[applause] scuttle executive board director and vice president of china ocean wide holdings group good >>[foreign language] >>[applause] we also -executive board director and chairman of china ocean wide holdings group. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] executive board director and president ocean wide holdings company limited. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] next we have-chairman of the supervisory board of the china
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ocean wide holdings group. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] vice chairman of supervisory board china ocean wide holdings group. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] board director and vice president china ocean wide holdings group. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] board director and vice president ocean wide holdings. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] economic marshall counselor of the chinese consulate. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] we also have mr. tom-director of
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the san francisco department of building inspections. >>[foreign language] >>[cough] >>[applause] were also delighted to mr. todd rufo my other boss director of the opposite economic workforce development. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] we also have john update, dir. department of real estate. he is here. yes, he is here good i'm sorry. i was looking for you. >>[applause] we have -chairman of industrial commercial bank of china, usa. >>[foreign language] >>[applause] of course we have mr. jeffrey heller president of heller manors architects. >>[applause] jeffrey of ceo of
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fullerton in corporative. >>[applause] jeff patterson of ceo of web court. >>[applause] mr. john vanderslice global head while the story of hotels and resorts. >>[applause] mayor rossini ceo oh western region of tishman construction. >>[applause] in addition we are delighted to have 11 top executives of the ocean wide. join us today from china during >>[foreign language]now i have the privilege of introducing mr.-from ocean wife holdings. >>[applause] >>hon. mayor edwin lee, counsel
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general-chairman lou, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. good water morning. >>[applause] the groundbreaking ceremony this morning marks ocean wide center setting into constructing it's an important milestone for san francisco center district developments in on behalf of ocean wide holdings group, i would like to thank you for taking the time to join us today for this momentous occasion. i would also like to thank all of you to supporting and helping ocean wide today to reach this important milestone. see fran has enjoyed strong
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economic growth in recent years and has great potential to continue attracting investment from all over the world. the groundbreaking ceremony today is symbolic step represents our confidence and inspiration for the city of san francisco. ocean wide center wishes to place an active part in economic and cultural development of this great city. since our founding in 1985, ocean wide holdings group has grown substantially and become a multinational corporation with a remarkable arctic influence and social contributions in china and abroad. we have established an integrated platform that consists of finance and other business in multiple industries. currently, we have operations
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in major cities in mainland china, hong kong, the united states, australia and indonesia. ocean wide seeks long-term strategic partnerships with local businesses, communities, and governments. the statement from the society for the society, reflects our core values. since we acquired ocean wide center project we have been listening to the concerns and comments from the local communities. various governing bodies and the city departments. in addition to supporting a formal housing, ocean wide center we are happy to create a number of permits and local job opportunities. i truly believe that the success of ocean wide center will have a positive and lasting impact on the future of san francisco. ocean wide
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center is our first development in san francisco where building this operate and mixed-use property that comprises office residential hotel and retail. it is important strategic component in our global portfolio. our vision for real estate is relevant, is creating a new urban life. thank you. our goal is to create high-quality mixed-use real estate in downtown and establish our brand. we dedicate nearly half of our site to public open space. we also restored to buildings that are over 100 years old. helping conserve the city's
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