tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV December 21, 2016 12:15pm-1:01pm PST
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center is our first development in san francisco where building this operate and mixed-use property that comprises office residential hotel and retail. it is important strategic component in our global portfolio. our vision for real estate is relevant, is creating a new urban life. thank you. our goal is to create high-quality mixed-use real estate in downtown and establish our brand. we dedicate nearly half of our site to public open space. we also restored to buildings that are over 100 years old. helping conserve the city's
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architectural heritage. ocean wide center aims to achieve leed leed platinum supplication for the first hour and gold certification for mission tower. it is a great honor and responsibility for us to deliver a high quality iconic asset to this beautiful city. finally, i wish those the best in the construction phase of this great [inaudible]. i look forward to standing here again with you ladies and gentlemen to celebrate the successful completion of ocean wide center in the near future. thank you. >>[applause] >> thank you mr.- >>[foreign language]. next i'm happy to invite my boss, mayor ed lee. >>[applause] >> good morning everyone. this
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is a wonderful day and let me congratulate chairman lou four ocean winds holdings and their investment in the city. let me thank our counsel general in his office for helping us guide a lot of the discussions and relationship building and let me also personally think supervisor kim for her leadership as well because her office was directly involved in discussing for at least a year, year and a half with all the representatives of ocean wide on establishing this project. you know, you look in the back here and you will see a wonderful top of a skyscraper and we can probably talk all day long about the new skyline and how this represents the second tallest building in san
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francisco. but, i want to talk about how tall the benefits are for this project because it has never been an issue never be, that projects such as this are just discussed with respect to its design or to its brick and mortar. by the way, we have fantastic design on this building and fantastic contractors that will help us do this and do it well. >>[applause] so of course the jobs in the design and when you look at these concepts of a platinum building for the first as mr. han said, and a gold standard for the second, when you look at the design of the new urban room that will connect up a lot of different open spaces, when you look at all that, you're probably going to appreciate this as one of the finest design skyscraper buildings that will probably
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match any of those but i've recently seen, especially in sable in beijing where i just returned from. they have fantastic buildings as well. but i do want to spend a little more time talking about more than just the building because what has happened particularly in the last year is that ocean wide, through the leadership of the counsel general's office and to all the representatives, created more than historic preservation opportunities, innovation in the design,. they created a partnership. a partnership that i believe after meeting with the mayor of beijing and many federal officials in china, that they seek all over united states. it's a partnership that says that because we have these opportunities in san francisco ,, like this site, we can create a weak relationship right in the immediate area with everybody else so that we
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preserve valued buildings. that the increase open space, that we build more housing for city that says we are in a housing crisis. that we also say, to those that are most in need, we are going to make a tremendous contribution. in fact, a $44 million contribution in housing to make sure that people within the mile can benefit from this actual project. that people in chinatown can see more of their open space preserves and enhanced. there we build communities. this project is more than the skyscraper. it is a partnership that reflects a loss of sensitive discussions over the last year and a half good that reflected in almost $130 million of fantastic benefits to our city. so i want to say today, standing here before you is the mayor of san
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francisco these are the kinds of projects that are more than just the concrete and the skyline. it is about building relationships among people. that is what i believe ocean wide came to do in san francisco. that came to build strong relationships. so that when you see these benefits i don't want anybody to ever regret that these benefits make our city stronger. make our state stronger make this whole area stronger. while the jobs will start out with great construction companies and great design firms working together the number of [inaudible] for the building and maintenance of the building, for the parks, for the housing that is part of the contributions, will be sustained over many many years. including, even nonprofits like the african-american the aspera
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exam that is a direct benefit from the people here. they sought out so many great relationships to establish and create that i am so proud that it's raining today because as darlene says, does a good luck charm that we break ground under time on which water is seen as a great fortune and particularly for northern california. we also use this as an opportunity to again, break ground with a partnership that has demonstrated particularly with vista belmont, a relationship building that will go on for many many generations. this is what i'm most proud of. i'm proud of all the different agencies that got together whether it was our housing office, are recreation and park department are municipal transportation agency's among our partner with the transbay transit center and
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all of the different advocates including our supervisors to say let's do this right. let's have a development that is a model development that touches upon so many things that we constantly want to make sure progresses in our city. i am happy to see the official-go back up again on the site. that is of course, the claim but i am also happy to say that with that comes a foundation for a very strong relationship building between the company that is well respected in china and now is going to be because of these contributions, well respected right here in san francisco and all across our country. this is what we strive to do in great cities. like san francisco. is to make these partnerships benefit thousands of more people for generations to come and have those programs
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sustained. but you are going to see a fine example of urban development and design and environmental contributions. but i think just as important is the human contributions that are made here to make sure that we have relationships that go for many many generations. so congratulations to everybody associated with this, to all the leadership, we are proud to break ground and we are proud to turn over the start in front of us. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you mayor sleight. the next i'm honored to invite counsel general-please, to the stage. >>[applause] >>honorable mayor edwin lee and
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i would like to congratulate you . very successful visit to china. >>[applause] mayor sleight paid a visit to beijing and he came back yesterday. supervisor jane kim, chairman of china ocean wide, mr. --distinguished guest, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. it is my pleasure to be invited here to celebrate the groundbreaking of the ocean wide center. on behalf of the consulate general of in san francisco i would like to express warmest congratulations
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to ocean wide holdings and the city and the county of san francisco. in recent years the china-us trade and investment relations have become much closer [inaudible] bilateral trade reached us$558 billion. china overtook canada as the largest trading partner of the united states in 2015. chinese companies invested us$8.4 billion in the us up by 60% from 2014. this year the
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two-way investment achieves even greater growth from january through october. investment in china by us companies increased by 79.8% while investment in the us by chinese companies increased by 173.9%. those figures demonstrate that businessman are confident with our country's markets. [inaudible] industries us real estate market, the california real estate market, is one of the hottest fields by chinese invested lots of jobs. lots of
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job opportunities are also created because of the investments. in 2015 chinese buyers surpassed canadian buyers as the biggest buyers of us homes. the report of the chinese investment in us real estate published by asia society and the rosen consulting group just last may showed that over us$110 billion were invested by chinese into the us real estate between 2010 and 2015. more than one third went into california. a lot of
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it went into san francisco so mayor sleight again, congratulations. >>[applause] it is well-known that san francisco is a city of [inaudible] hotspot of investment in a new center of renovation. it's name in chinese means >>[foreign language] old gold mountain. which is derived from the gold rush and with good hope of fortune creation. today we are here to witness groundbreaking of the ocean wide center. when it is finished it will be the second [inaudible] building in
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san francisco and it becomes a good model to show the city prosperity and the relationship with china. today, when i entered this i saw the model. this model, i think it is wonderful. it is a well-designed. the architecture is very beautiful. mr.-, at the beginning he would wanted to build the building, the height, much higher. it would be the tallest building in san francisco. but during the negotiations, there was a restriction because another building in the contract said in the future goal buildings should be taller than that one. so he was unable to build the
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tallest one could i said, it is okay. the second one is good because china is the second largest economy in the world. >>[laughing] >>[applause] really it's a good model to show the city's prosperity and the long relationship with china. ocean wide holdings is a famous private enterprise in china with several successful real estate projects in top-tier cities like beijing, shanghai, etc. i believe that because of its personal expenses and [inaudible] in the quality control measures, ocean
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wide holdings will be able to build ocean wide center has a high standard landmark of san francisco to benefit the local community. congratulations, to ocean wide holdings again. we wish you a very successful business in the future. thank you, all. >>[applause] >> i always learn something when i hear counsel general speak. always. thank you. may i please invite supervisor jane kim to the stage, please. we are so delighted to have you here today. >>[applause] >> good morning. when i was
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running for office in this district in 2010 i would meet with residents in this neighborhood and they would ask me, when is the promise of the infrastructure and the parks and the office and the restaurants and all the many things that the city had promised us, when is that actually come to fruition? when i began office in the midst of the recession along with mr. mayor ed lee we had seen the slowest rate of construction and development at the city at that time. we were excited to have the groundbreaking of the transbay terminal, where for the first time, many construction workers were finally going back to work. i don't think many of us could've predicted what would follow in that year. i think that over the last six years i been really proud to preside along with the mayor over one of the fastest growth and about here in san francisco's
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history. every day i'm driving through san francisco, walking through, and seeing the skyline, it is outstanding how much this neighborhood is changing. and how we are finally bringing the promise of jobs, housing, affordable housing, parks and open space are actually coming to reality. i want to welcome ocean wide get becoming a partner and neighbor in this what i call the newest and most exciting event in san francisco is the transbay terminal. now ocean wide had many challenges in coming to a city like san francisco. for those of you that too many development projects here, you know there are already obstacles if you're already a well-known player and even a homegrown developer to getting approval and the support of our communities here in san francisco. but ocean wide doug in very quickly and they said, we want to build a project as soon as possible. i was a bit skeptical. i'm still
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until i started chen wu in any chain at every event i went to. >>[laughing] i was started wearing they were trying to run for my seat. >>[laughing] they were every nonprofit banquet at arts galleries, visits, united players are clubhouses youth violence prevention work in the south of market and i knew they were serious. they were serious about being a new neighbor, demonstrating their commitment to wanting to be a long-term partner here in san francisco. so this project comes as many think besides being the second tallest building here in san francisco skyline, they have made a huge commitment to open space here in san francisco. i want to thank ocean wide for working so closely with our park and rec commissioner alan welcome in chinatown community develop center to make sure that as we build the high density neighborhood but we
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also ensure there is healthy and active open space for residents and workers to plate and recreate injured because it's not enough that we live and work oh we also need to be able to recreate in the city that we love to live in. second, without any type of the goucher should, ocean wide came to my office and said they were committed to doing 33% affordable housing on-site. i have to tell you, that made my job incredibly easy. so i want to thank ocean wide for that commitment as well. her charming ensuring we build in san francisco we are ensuring a diverse neighborhood in a proud that here in transbay neighborhood that we will be building to 35% affordability and ocean wide is a big contributor in making sure that working-class and middle-class families will be able to continue to live here in san francisco. finally, we would not have a great city if we do not invest in the arts. so i want to thank you for working with one of our key museums and
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arts organizations here and with linda harrison, director of the new museum of african diaspora by making an investment through your arts the to ensuring that we are a city that is truly great because we love our arts and we invest in it the right way. so ocean wide, congratulations. welcome to the neighborhood. i look forward to working with you or counsel general, thank you for talking about the importance of building these types of relationships. we don't have the type of high density development that china does. not just one city but multiple cities. throughout the country and so we are excited to have you a partner here in san francisco as we continue to build. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you supervisor kim. next i like to invite jeff heller of heller manner to provide some background in this process. >>[applause]
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>> thanks to everybody. i really am pleased to be here with so many friends and colleagues. this is a great day . i thought that the best thing i could do for all of us is to talk about how we got to today. this is a wonderful day and people talk about how some years ago this project started and all of that good this project and the very existence of the transbay district started 20 years ago. if that had not happened none of us would be here today, none of this would be happening. it happened because san francisco realized that true sustainability was high density development around transit, and that shifted the city into
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understanding the need for high density corridor like this and it moved the politics to make this possible. then from mayor brown to our mayor lee now the evolution of the plan took place , in a really started in about 2006 i'm sorry in 1996. so about a decade after that, the plan once again changed and developed to the plan that we have today. the heights and densities and the linkage of that to the transbay terminal became the core piece of making this all possible. that was the only path for which this could have happened because the thing that helped that was that san francisco changed from a local provincial pretty tourist city to a global city. the global
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city also became the piece that drove this and this process to where we are today. so in about 2012 the plan gets approved. in 2012 the site that we are on was a complete real estate disaster. it was broken in two parts. there were holdouts. there were lawsuits. there were people fighting about this, what was the largest plot in the transbay and png and michael--were able to somehow pull off the impossible and assemble the site into existence. without that, we would not be here today. then, after that, png directed a
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design process and i went to foster and partners because we are friends and we are colleagues for a long time. it was the natural choice. we think totally eye to eye on the philosophy and so in 2013-2014, the plan and the concept developed. then after that, in 2015-ocean wide comes and sees the opportunity and they see the vision of probably the greatest private project in the city and the headquarters for them in the united states. in doing that, they've created this fantastic edifice in this fantastic plan. you know, i can't think chairman lou ann chen wu enough for bringing
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vision, professionalism, social consciousness and the overriding sense of quality to this project. it is clearly the finest project that most of us have come in contact work will. so with that, i'm going to introduce stefan billings, from foster and partners and i just want to say, on his coming and please, seven, >>[applause] that the wonderful part was that from day one we simultaneously totally got about the potential of the site. the way to do this site and execute on it and it has been wonderful, smooth, fabulous commendation of effort and almost effortless getting to today other than the really
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hard work. >>[applause] >> thank you very much. that was very kind. hon. mayor's, counsel general, chairman lou, ladies and gentlemen on behalf of foster and partners, i'm and norman foster one 420 cannot be here today because he is not well. i would like to thank you for having us today and also tell you how honored we are to be part of this incredible transbay transit center develop plan. we think it is one of the worlds unique projects in pushing high density and mixed-use next transit send it very much some thing that we believe in as a company. i would like to thank our client ocean wide especially chairman lou, for being incredible artist with a fantastic look
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working relation with mr. wu and the team and it is a true collaboration. everything we do is not us. it is all part of a much bigger piece. hopefully, it will create an amazing project. i think ground breaking ceremonies for us architects is an incredible milestone because you realize it's real. we are now going to do this building which is an extremely exciting get other working with something for three years you know projects can stop and start and when the groundbreaking starts and the diggers arrive on site, you think this is going to happen. so designing a tower in san francisco is actually fantastic but also daunting task. the horn of the most beautiful cities in the world with an incredible skyline that everyone knows all the way around the world. the wood is very smug very difficult and it's a huge responsibility to get it right. we have actually
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had some incredible dialogue with the city with mayor lee with john hwang rahaim the planning department have been exceptional partners, again in working with us on this project. it is all in the theme of teamwork with the city with the client with how you create a project which i think in this case would truly be for the people of san francisco. the big image on the sign about the urban room that some of you have mentioned, to us is probably one of the most important achievements of the project. this will be a room that on a day like this, or on a hot day, everyone in the city of san francisco can gather and enjoy lights. it is actually a little out ways, here you just see one of them. on that site is another one which will still exist good they will help these unique visual network of alleyways get even better than it is right now. because i think it is very unique to san francisco with its big urban grid and has a unique little
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network of alleys which we love right from the very beginning. i think would offer great facilities for the neighborhood. you will have restaurants. you'll have events. not different programs. the of a lush landscape and art and i would think it will truly make life in the city a tiny little bit better. you obviously have to mixed-use towers. that is very important to realize how the mixed works that you're the mission street tower with the hotel, the waldorf hotel, which are very honored that they are part of the project. and beautiful residential units and then you have first street tower, with its incredible external structure which again is mixed use with offices, with an urban room at the base offices and then residential units at the back. you have all heard sustainable is an important part of this project. i think
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it is the only way to build buildings in the world and i'm very proud that ocean wide are also 100% behind creating such a energy conscious and sustainable building. platinum rating for a superpower is actually not that easy to achieve. we worked with great engineer could again the teamwork. we have a huge team of extraordinary consultants. the external skeleton of this building, which is a unique feature of the first street tower, will make it 30% less waste. total use 30% less material than other towers. which makes it a lighter tower which ultimately, in this city where you all know the ground conditions are not the greatest in the world for towers, is very important and in this particular case, the piles of this tower will go down 400 feet, all the way down to the bedrock. that means it's the deepest bylaws anywhere in the
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west coast in america. so with everything that technology and all the brains and working on this project no, this should actually be-well hopefully, the best. i think it is important to mention as jeffrey said, a very close collaboration with heller manners. interior designers and i think at this moment i need to thank our team. the of an extraordinary teamwork on this project as the spokesperson you realize you are just a voice with our many people dedicated their lives to this project and work day and night with us. the model makers or whether it is the people designing the interiors were the rest. it is a fantastic team effort and thank you all very much. i think it is also very important to mention we breezily been joined by-web core fantastic contractors. we worked to some degree further down in the bay area and i
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think we are all looking very much forward to a fantastic team effort for the next phase of this project. i would like to now just to tell you how privileged we are to be part of this effort and we are humbled by people who say that the design is adequate and we hope at the end of the day that this will be a worthy addition to a wonderful city. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you. most important, please sent our best to laura foster but i'm glad to get out of it now we can sense is bill we have a foster [inaudible] in san francisco to make sure the project is big bill well we knew good content i'm delighted to invite jeffrey hoops [inaudible]. >>[applause] >> so some people call this a
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rainy day. as a builder in san francisco, because a beautiful day. we call it heavy fog and we tell our craft workers, work fast. get it done. i name is jeff hoops and i'm in the chairman of-builders based here in san francisco. i'm representing the swinton and web core organization today and am very excited and honored to be part of the ocean wide project team. it's an amazing team that's assemble to build this project. first and foremost, i want to extend my thanks to ocean wide and the chairman lou for their strategic investment here in san francisco. this is one of the largest, in my estimation, and possibly the largest
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private real estate investment in san francisco in downtown. it's amazing what is happened here. there's also two people i really want to thank for being part of this team and they probably don't want to be recollected i'm going to recognize them so they'll probably get embarrassed but chen will and kevin lee had been here from day one working diligently, hard, and ringing it to the start of construction which doing that in san francisco, as supervisor kim said earlier, is difficult sometimes but we are here and jen will and kevin will have done a superb job and i really appreciate that. >>[applause] i'm still thrilled were gathered here to celebrate this investment and what i'd like and this partnership, and i would really like to do, again is thank ocean wide from both swinton web court for this state you have in san francisco and the trust you have in us as your building partner. i would also like to thank foster and partners, heller manners, jeffrey, the ggf are designing
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for inspiring and out this is a beautiful structure. it really is. i'm here to speak to you as a builder. i will start with that. just think about the privilege we have a building these skyscrapers and these public spaces for the future of san francisco that all san francisco can be proud of it's really an honor for us to be here and we really appreciate that. our two companies came together that we have deep roots here in san francisco the of 173 years of express right here in san francisco. in fact my first job here was to build that property right there. which is called 101st st. that was the tallest building south of mission 30 years ago and i though that. it is 27 stories and now it looks like a midrise. it's amazing what happened here over the years. so right now this winter to web 14 is building several projects here in the transbay transit district. we just finished i
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35, 350, block eight and now were currently building the court the transbay transit center itself. which is a huge project and what is interesting about the transbay transit district is that this district will change the way people live and work in san francisco. this project will be the jewel of this entire district. it's an amazing project and great statement as the mayor said, and i really want to share this with all of you, it is more than just about the buildings here. there's a civic duty to be a developer in this community and to be a builder and live and work in this community it's a huge civic obligation and this project provides the funds to mayor lee supervisor kim to revitalize our neighborhoods, for art, for parks, and most importantly,
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the supervisor kim said is for affordable housing which we sorely lack in the city. this project will bring a huge opportunity for us to fulfill our civic duties and continue to make and contribute to strengthen san francisco as a world-class city. i want to thank you for that. again, it's the future and this project all about san francisco really the place we are honored to go home. with all make great financier today, bold visionary commitment to making this happen. i think we need to continue and deliver this project for the people to live here so they creep out of this for the millions and millions of people that visit here every year,, and i want to thank you for that commitment today and or think ocean wide for making this project a reality. thank you. >>[applause] >> thank you so much. last but not least, one day we will have our own walled off the story of- i'm excited to invite mr. john
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[inaudible] to the stage. >>[applause] >> thank you, darling. first i like to thank ocean wide holdings and ocean wide center for this fantastic event and mostly 40 10th. on this little day. thank you to our honored guest. mayor lee counsel general--supervisor jane kim and most about chairman lou. also our new partners. he was made to me when i walked in the room and everybody talked about the teamwork that's going on between foster and partners, swinton, my new friend, as well as heller manus would help the vision in getting us all here. you know, you all are sitting
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right now in what we call peacock alley. peacock alley restaurant that is part of the waldorf astoria brand as a matter fact the people in the back are at the bar. some really happy that you are here. >>[laughing] it wasn't a century ago we put the first hotel of its kind in new york. since then, our name has become synonymous with elegance, style, and perfection. for those of you that are new to the waldorf astoria brand, we are global portfolio with 26 properties about the globe. i just got off the plane last night from a big luxury show in france and the growth of the waldorf astoria is a buzz in the industry. we also have projects under construction and we actually were in places like berlin, beijing at amsterdam shanghai and dubai and we are under construction in places like beverly hills, which will open in april, chengdu, bangkok, and now san francisco. those of you in the press pay
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very close attention over the next few weeks. because we will be quite honored to offer a few new destinations with some very close partners. what was once the world's most iconic hotel is now the most iconic portfolio of hotels. you know, each and every guest that checked into a waldorf astoria gets their own personal concierge. while the astoria was a luxury brand before luxury brands existed. there was no standard until we set it. now, it seems like the perfect match for san francisco and ocean wide to the waldorf astoria brand to set the new standard for san francisco. i
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thank you for joining us this morning. i hope to post with the future of the waldorf astoria brand and really, the future of ocean wide and really the future of san francisco. what a fantastic day. thank you very much. >>[applause] >> thank you so much, jump back includes the speaker series for this program. however we have two more parts that one is of course the shovel part and then i last we will have a photo op. i would now like to invite the following people up. please come out. as i call your name to mr. jeff heller, stefan billings does everyone have their shovels? we are done. go. >>[cheerring] >>[applause] thank you so much.
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1:12 p.m. and this is the regular meeting of the commission on community investment and infrastructure and successor agency commission to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday, december 6th, 2016, welcome to members of the public. madame secretary, can you please call the first item. >> thank you, mall chair, the first item of business is roll call, commission members he please respond when i call your name. >> commissioner pimentel. >> present. >> commissioner bustos. >> mere. >> commissioner singh. >> vice-chair mondejar. >> here. >> chair rooses. >> here. >> all members are present. the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on december 20th, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at city hall room 116 and announcement of sound-producing electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones,
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