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tv   Regular Planning Commission 121516  SFGTV  December 22, 2016 8:00pm-9:11pm PST

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allowable form of restraining so we can later on assess other forms of use of force forms that we can replace that with if necessary but at that particular point we're not leaving the offers an alternative the the statistics was interesting and the use of frequency was not
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used very often and the last point that's what it came down frankly here's what i'm worried about you know what the next option could be we don't replace that with or have something else that's what i'm more worried about and seeing scenarios that is what i have left to do and i don't want to get into that so i will agree. >> now i'll say that part of discussion oh, i'm sorry commissioner vice president turman. >> i just just to be clear it is stated the intent of the commission to eliminate the caroid but we need to look at other intermediate use of force
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options with the paid approach the giving you is okay with that i'm sounl in favor of eliminating this. >> it is also a question of under what circumstances to be authorized i'll take to commissioner mazzucco. >> we had the misconception the caroid was a choke hold it is different i see the doctor understands that and essentially had a demonstrated and saw videotapes actually, the caroid used by san francisco police officers responding to a domestic violence and to use it on a smaller female officer a so protected the superintendant as well as the officers and
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explained the practice prosecutes processing a complete host the training for all california officers a mandatory section whether or not we eliminate that the officers will be trained on it and have that as an option and can't precinct all circumstances but if a officer is in combat over a gun we went out to the station he when we were doing the chief selection process and we were assigned to stations i actually also was sufficed to terryville station after one of the officers was shot and the officer had candid conversations with myself and other commissioners and thought that until they get another under the influence of drugs
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tool in tenth the caroid is what we use as a last result for use of force and we heard from many of the officers they're concerned about their safety that is about everyone going home safely i know there was discussion so i think that until we get off option that option has to exist for the officers. >> just to be clear yeah commissioner dejesus this policy has to prohibit choke holds and prohibit choke hold inform question i think i want to make a clarification that remains ♪ policy choke holds are prohibited if so policy of the department and on page 7 we actually should be implicit about that under b prohibit use of choke holds
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>> correct. >> and do that in into places choke holds an section 3 i think that the point is to the extent in the minds of civilians we got dinged on this if you're going to make options on the force do you have to understand the different between the choke hold and a caroid we're sharing that now commissioner dejesus. >> yeah. of course. >> i'm a little bit confused i hear maybe not green from all of you, we should definitely eliminate caroid at some point that's a question i have is why. >> if some of us are resolved we should eliminate this at some point what was the basis for that conclusion or the basis for that conclusion. >> i'm happy to take that the
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basis of it what it is i would characterize it as a police practice that is falling out of favor as a best practice the concern of giving us in certain departments a caroid restraint could be a choke hold and if no training and certain departments are caused a serious bodily injury to the members of the public so the point the doj a training and execution question and how often is a used based on a general sense the caroid is on its way out we band it in the initial draft and in the process recognized the key banning the choke hold the caroid as we identify more immediate force options not the best practice i think the intention of the commission was eliminating it
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and eliminate it and have to recognize this policy about giving officers options they can use with the challenges they're facing and still we'll have that discussion and insert other options are we okay with leaving it for the time being but implicit it is the intent to eliminate it. >> before we insert 09 intermediate force options we are certain there are no other intermediate - generally chief i'll ask you to take that one. >> okay. >> i can speak right now. >> commissioner dejesus. >> one of the things the caroid is archaic we're one of
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the few that a caroid the department of justice recommends get rid of that i've had the draft and i checked for caroid that was here and a little bit disconcerting so have the arranges i knew that would have to be added. >> we don't have. >> i would have liked to add the caroid i didn't have 5 m i'm comfortable we decided and the department of justice agreed it shouldn't be interested and in the other force options i don't know what you'll talking about verbal expand and take downstairs the choke hold and impact weapons and batons and pepper spray spray and the dogs
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the dog unit for bites and vehicles for interference and impact trajectories and firearms so they have nothing they have nothing i'm not buying that and the public will not buy that i know one of the things the department of justice said was to look at with our stakeholders re-evaluate you know tasers this is a setup to say therefore we need tasers and i'm not agreeing with that i'm feeling disskertd it should be agendized or talked about adding the caroid i disagree with that 100 percent i don't know how they have other tools it is proper to say they have nothing. >> okay. i think what we're reporting back we shooter with us by the tack ice cream team chief you want to add something.
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>> no, just that i think on the table here it was bought up earlier you don't want to get a point with the firearms that goes to the lack of knowledge about the tools on the mrofrldz tool in the tool belt the baton and pepper spray tools don't work on this and the caroid has shown to work on everybody letting be clear band in other department that is slipped to a choke hold but the train in san francisco is adequate police officers they've engaged it is used very judicially in san francisco most of folks that came up in closed session planned what the scenarios were and where why it was used i
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think outside the box disingenuous to say on the doj to get rid of of that and recommend strongly to remove the tasers so we're going to if we are take it we need to take it all and not piece out from the doj that is a strong represents to look at that and it is also a recommendation to immediately stop of use of it and if we look at it we need to look at all of that but as far as using that tactic in san francisco i've heard people talk about nation wide and san francisco is there a situation that resulted in a fatality that question can be posed to my knowledge has not. >> multiple voices). >> take a breathe the police
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commission should look at the top experts didn't say we recommended tasers we strongly recommend st. mary's but look at it experts. >> just to be clear that's off topic not what we're discussing. >> commissioner. >> the issue here is where we're use it there or not and so i suggest that instead of arguing what the you know what we're not going go to argue tasers we take a vote and leave
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it there as a option eliminating choke holds and then if we leave it in there we vote on the totals package we can i believe the attorney will allow is to insert language in there. >> ma'am, city attorney we are allowed to insert language before we take a vote. >> deputy city attorney mirena burns. i want to make sure i'm clear a couple of things from a legal stand point the agenda item talks about the action items for the use of force that encompass all number 2 you can insert and you can take things out as they fail within the agenda item itself so use of force is a insert or retract. >> there we go. >> dr. marshall.
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>> well again, i go to any big concern it is out and i'm looking at the scenario of the officers that is out i'm hearing from you and others officers seems like their ill-equipped i saw some of the situations that came up and the tools that you decided commissioner dejesus were not sufficient at that point to deal with that to me about having tools but if that out one less tool and the situations that you talked about and i rising and deemed in front of me meaning that person kaurnt be dealt with unless went to the next option i'm glad for the next option joking i don't care what the next one is i want you to have the option and the absence of
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another option it is marred to have that taken out and leave you all the officers without something. >> so thank you dr. marshall so just so sort of put stay where we are i think the question is whether the intent of this commission to eliminate the caroid restraint when we want to do that immediately or give ourselves time to the point that commissioner dejesus is making that is possible after a full assessment we are satisfied it is possible we're not dr. marshall and so do we want to leave it as an option my issue would be for what situations and i will not be comfortable with it used for anything less than a officers by a lavj officer with
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an officer who has his or her life's threatened particular officers that are smaller or female officers that found it to be a tool that helped them so that is a suggestion that i have the group. >> commissioner vice president turman. >> i heard i think commissioner dejesus said it was in here where it caroid in here and it's page 7 prohibited from the following caroid and choke holds we have. >> i thought you were saying that was in here that's a prohibition. >> to make sure that none added it. >> i thought it was out so i came here with the understanding that was out and you guys are
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talking about a demonstration in closed session by the police commission the public didn't see that we're talking about educating ourselves with that but you know a question at this point that was appropriate to do that in closed session that was not something that was confident i got it 8 days ago it doesn't say putting in the restraints i heard what the attorney is saying there is potentially and add caroid or change it not a prohibited use and change that as as prohibit use i think that so be called out so. >> so we want to clarify we've satisfied all the notice requirement it is here and up
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for discussion i think that certainly no intent to sandbag but discuss commissioner dejesus it is up to us to decide wonder and commissioner. >> one other thing remind me how we got to this point i was through the impression that we got to this point over a a lot of hard work and many, many months maybe more than a year or more; right? and that there was a working group that was seeing by this body. to operate in good faith and that at one point that body voted to adopt this document pretty much the way it is today and so i am disturbed that a
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critical part of this is alternated tonight >> all right. >> commissioner vice president turman. >> first of all, i wouldn't say this document it is what we voted open it was inserted ta you had a discussion just moments ago on the preamble so and like anything a document what can amended with further information so - we're trying to come to a document that embodies certain use of force how we want use of force to be catered out and consider all the use of force there is nothing wrong is considering that and if there's additional information
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to bring it forward. >> commissioner melara. >> yes. this document as gotten a lot of input over time and also went through you know the human resources process so a lot changes that have taken place when was initially proposed one of the things i was surprised was that tasers were out out of this document and someone who would want to discuss the issue i feel very uncomfortable that was not part of discussion to when caroid was eliminated he was concerned we were not giving the officers an option so you know we've all gone through that. >> commissioner dejesus. >> i want to go back to that night we vote the public was
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against the caroid restraint and that was. >> unanimous decision i know that we had the meeting unfortunately in closed session with our personnel people with the statistic bargaining unit and we talked about the private deems but the public didn't weigh in that and not see the caroid restraint in closed session i was sitting here the same way with the body worn cameras and that's what you're doing here is a very important issue and important to the public and needed to be changed and this didn't do that. >> if i may. >> dr. marshall. >> commissioner dejesus i understand that again for me it is every other city that doesn't have caroid has something else they have something else
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we had it policy we'll not have something else what i'm hearing the police can put their officers at risk that's the other side so we have to decide in the absence of something else for me is do you want to put on the recommendation of the chief them at risk that's it maybe for 10 or plus years that's difficult to do do but that's the reality of things everyone has something else that's my only point that's all i'm saying. >> i like for you to entertain a motion and take that out. >> take what out. >> as (inaudible) out and look
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at it at a later date. >> okay. so at least some other folks that want to talk did i get you commissioner vice president turman. >> dr. marshall, commissioner dejesus. >> i'm done. >> commissioners hinge is that chief. >> the last thing what option does an officer have in a small room you don't use passport spray because you might passport spray yourself but what tools like we are called to an call what tool will you be able to use in a small room where you're fighting for your life that's my question if anyone has a
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question as you named you can't deploy your fight someone with superior strength what force other than your gun to stop that individual commissioner hinge and i totally respect that and hear with the other commissioners are saying my question is still why didn't you raise this easily during the process i was presented i was presented with what pretty much represented why weren't those concerns raised in the process. >> they were. >> was it if they were were they got dismissed. >> you asked me i was clarifying. >> and they were voted down. >> commissioner dejesus. >> so i appreciate everything you say chief but a discussion amongst the commissions and can ask you for stuff i don't mean
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that in a disrespect way point out you know shush i want to say one of the departments is that things need to be a separation between the department and the commission i'll jump in dialogue like that it proprietors that perception not in a disrespect way all the issues raised and known. >> i want to say this we're all on this body nothing is changed nothing it done where we colleagues and professionals can agree if we can't we can voted our conscious but somehow, i don't think we should evaluate that sxhaj is there anything anything i'll be concerned about
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the idea i think that commissioner vice president turman brought up is since there were discussed that we got through this process it is important that we share them with the public not important we necessarily all august but not doing is service if we didn't share that pubically doesn't mean that will be successful or not but a lot of input to suggest that even considering some of the new information we had in a public way is anything after arbitrator and designed united states to get us comfortable how we'll vote that's my position oar other comments commissioner melara. >> i think you were asking for commissioner vice president turman a suggested amendment i'm clear. >> go ahead. >> you're going to propose. >> yep.
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>> no language. >> you didn't - >> you just wanted to say. >> into the microphone. >> i wanted to say that commissioner dejesus and i'm talking to you not the public it is important, important us to think of our chief whether it is intern or the department in chief we take him as someone who got instituted insulted and knows the operation of the department that's why he's the person that reports to this commission if we can't hear the person that knows the everyday work of the police department then we can't do that we don't have any information we are citizens and of this body very part time considering all the resources that the person sitting in that chair binges to us we should be respectful. >> i'm respectful you may not
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take it as respectful it is not a member of the commission we should ask for advice and information. >> a discussion we are having it flies in the displace of the department of justice and no separation between what the departments wants all i'm saying we need to keep that amongst ourselves that's your opinion i have my opinion. >> commissioner vice president turman. >> i'm going to request in a form of a motion okay. i'm going to do that in the form of a motion that we amend this draft to include
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first in rome numerical 5 caroid restraint and the first paragraph add did caroid restraint and paragraph in sections roman numerical of add language to the extent something like it is the intent of the commission to eliminate the use of the caroid restraint as a use of force option however, it will be maintained until and acceptable alternative intermediate forced option can be identified and implemented
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and then also in roman numeral of section b-3 prohibited use of choke holds take out choke holds. >> and i also think because to eliminates confusion between what is in effect between the old policy and this policy that the - we should and do hereby direct the chief to issue a departmental bulletin along the line of eliminating the use of specific in a way that you described give me the language. >> it was eliminated to sflanz where officers are facing
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assault or life-threatening situation. >> the assaults or life-threatening bafrlz that will be effective on the issuance of bulletins and honor your commitment to the respective policies. >> under section b the permanent use of choke holds and cross that out and cross out section a the police officers will not use the following a. >> that's correct. >> okay. >> so maybe what we had to make that a workable is ma'am, city attorney tell me what
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you're advise i have would it be best to do overseeing separately or altogether. >> it is really given the discussion my advice to do it separately because that seems like there may be some disagreements to be clear i would advise separately. >> we have a there's a motion on the floor to make the changes as commissioner vice president turman and seconded by and go to public comment particularly on that motion the discussion colleagues so public comment on this motion. >> sure. >> commissioner vice president turman do you want to reread our motion. >> that we amend the current draft to include use of caroid
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restraints in the following ways section 6 a following section section 6 we will include a section that says that is the intent of the commission to eliminate the use of the caroid restraints as a use of force option, however, that will be maintained until an acceptable alternative between the use of force option can be identified and implemented in section 6 b-3 change controls to choke holds and section 5 b we would add the term caroid restraints in section 6 introduction paragraph we'll add the caroid restraints and eliminate the language that that will prohibit the use of
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caroid restraints and direct the chief to issue a department bulletin along the lines of eliminating the use of the caroid restraints and also strike b to a i'm sorry b-3 a that will prohibit the caroid restraints. >> i said that. >> it was clarified by the language - choke hold. >> (inaudible). >> have the chief do a department bulletin that's not added to the d go. >> both of those thoughts in one motion. >> if i understand the
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question correctly it is legally acceptable to have the motion and direct the chief to have a department bulletin no legal law that says you can't have that and i'm not asking if it is legal i'm asking - >> that's the robert's rules of order are governed by the commission i don't offer opinions on that. >> order to make his motion and include as much as you want. >> you're a public - >> thank you for that question. >> okay good evening welcome. >> good evening commissioners let me give you my reaction to what you just done i've been in the process for the beginning of the working group and i've been coming to those meetings this is a good policy
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i was going to call is a transformational policy but what you done is so flabbergasting and at the last minute exactly with the body cameras but more than there has not been a lot of changes since june 22nd it was fixed two go things that will be part of moot and confer the poa strongly opted the caroid restraints and shooting at vehicles you stuck to our guns. >> caving on the caroid marty said he'll run he has unfinished business with the office uses policy that feels like that i'm not accusing but we knew that the caroid versus choke hold
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marty gave us a demonstrates in february we knew the commissioner president loftus said to the commissioners statements it is antiquated and fallen out of favor that is dangerous that's why the department of justice said immediately immediately prohibited and we have been waiting a long time so you're going back on this this is the first recommendations of the department of justice that commission is rejecting you can say that is office use to everyone that the option is tasers everyone know that and intermediate use of force we looked in in the working group i'm just shocked. >> okay. thank you. >> next speaker. >> my name is richard i live on geary street i spent state and federal years
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as a caregiver and more cab driver killed than police officers every year to say that there are no intraeshth use of force is just a lee a lot of bull when i was a caregiver i had great relations with the police and they've helped me when i had a weird passenger let's look at the mario woods murder for example, you got a guy with a knife everybody nonsense us a blapthd or tamper they surrounded the guy with guns and murdered him you can say oh, they had no choice i took karate lessons you know how to fight and studied mash art you can't use our feet and the
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butt of your gun only choke people or shot them that's a lie that's a bunch of bull anyone says no intraeshth methods of restraint and it full of it i mean how can you say different you're getting me looks like i don't know what i'm talking about everyone knows but you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you, welcome. >> thank you. >> we were doing so well, we just supplement he felt what was good we were talking about sound judgment it was about care about the person not what the tools on the belt to hurt someone for gods stake i sake thank you
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commissioner dejesus for calling out this is a cover to get tasers in we know the chief wants and you know they still the public is not forgiven the officer for killing eric garden he didn't know we can't do this we can't go back from where we were to talking about compassion and caring about life and all the work those people are done it is just you know and also keep asking the city attorney i filed a complaint about the public - the city attorney said that was ridiculous and should be dropped immediately they didn't think that way and ruled in forgave now the public was excited i thought a whole night and chief we like and cit policy those reports we're going to the
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motions we talked about that and really this is happening how can you do this to us we've been through the process the public caring about and thinking we were all one night together in one night i'm exhausted and sad i wanted to wish you all a happy holidays the darkest hour is just before dawn but none can hold bye back the dawn i thought wisp having that right now i can't believe it. >> good evening, commissioners david san franciscans for police accountability i came here tonight to commend the commission for the great work in getting us a new chief but your sandbagging us sands bagging the public we can only guess what is going
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on behind the scenes that all seems orchestrated and staged and prerolled how we make a deal with the balanced emmy's and did someone tell you the commissioners who will bring that up and support that their sandbagging the commissions one is outspoken our newest commissioner. >> you may have satisfied the narrow legal lyric but not done our duty in allowing the public the time to weigh in a last minute deal that has been done and flies in the face of use of force as it stood out before this was made the idea point caroid restraint and the tasers are bog intermediatey use of
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force is an absurd context in terms of maybe the book value similar but tasers are expanded off weapons and caroid is close contact they're very, very different in the commission is voting to leave caroid in only for female officers or officers weighing less than one hundred and 25 pounds that's one thing but not all about the train in new york city eric was killed by a sad ethic cop that ignored his pleas he couldn't breathe and it became quickly a choke hold. >> next speaker >> ace washington and all the new commissioners i'm not new
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but true to this i've not been around the process it be redundant the mothers were crying the black people have been lied to and now you have the policy to change everything i'm so confused here so as a person that i like to be in the know i suggest that you have round table discussions with community people that have input before you do anything because the people that work and the closet i'm sure they're doing the hard work i'm not public health the finger but supporting supervisor cowen in fact, a year or two ago everybody was migrant or against her when they came out with that
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policy this was this seemed ridiculous. >> now the support of our supervisors and happen to be african-american and that's why i'm here to see what you'll do with the african-american blacks have been drizzling out of the city mainly because of police department not by the chief but right now we are here tubbing specifically about african-american a black have been spot and 8 years ago i love marvin gay that said certain things that trouble is coming here and police shooting and stuff like that i'm harden i want to get my quotes together but to the point you need to include the community a little bit more so - >> thank you mr. washington.
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>> next speaker. >> hey i think everything else said things better than i can but this is real bull. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening and welcome. >> thank you karen san franciscans for police accountability i was there when mayor ed lee promised to implement all 200 and 72 recommends of the u.s. department of justice you were right behind me as you commissioner vice president turman and so i'm dismade to see we'll start picking and choosing which recommends to implement he commend commissioner dejesus and commissioner hinge for speaking up for the interests of the people of san francisco we have don't want tasers in san
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francisco we spoke tonight 3 thousand calls per month from people in mental health duress we know that tasers are particularly lethal and used on people in mental health classes there is a reason why san francisco has no taylor's we have a high-level of intoxicated people and don't want one and 50 units of broelts through people's bodies we need you commissioners to stand up to the police department and prevent those deaths from concurring that's why - so, please keep the caroid restraints the ban on caroid restraints in the policy as we
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agreed on months ago and vote to adopt the policy and thank you. >> thank you further public comment. >> good evening. >> i'm julie from the bar association we want to provide context to the central meetings this is something we discussed and this is a green collar between the captain and chief chaplin and captain thought that was an important tool to her given her small size but the chief said that is too often can slip into a choke hold the department of justice as recommend against it i think that's why this body addressed not to use it is a complicated
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issue not as much as shooting at cars is our killing fold and tasers will be our killing field but you don't have to put that back in and about the language promoted is that it does so many to open the door to bringing in other weapons here's what i really want to say is that all of us that approach that work and spent merriam and i meet with the poa we spent 6 hours on the first couple of paragraphs for the preamble and the focus to bring a new day and reform to this department so i think what is troubling for the public is that we're now talking about weapons and sort of a list of weapons and where do you go to next and the prior conversation was about deesclation so that's what is troubling people i don't have an
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answer or a strong opinion about it but you understand what is troubling with that i wish i had a magic wand but i don't. >> magic has one. >> good evening i don't have a very long opinion about caroid or tasers but figure out if things are lethal if it is tasers if it is non-lethal use that the sanctity of life is the prominent issue for the policies you - the same thing it's of life not the sanctity of no pain those are non-lethal tools i'm not a scientist or police the police know their job better than we do i'm like the rest of
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the public think you should be using any tool that is number one lethal including the tasers and not lethal i don't know apparently some people behind me think they know and some people in front of me think they know figure out. >> hello, again tasers is an electrical device let's be contrary on that on the issue of alternatives dr. marshall raised a question about alternative that is right after excuse me - governor brown got petra - made
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a whole list and it is interesting this commission didn't have a list of weapons rode as to small rooms i will suggest looking at the county jail where prisoners are restrained in tiny, tiny rooms without choke holds and look at small status populations in korea and japan the police officers don't use choke holds but other mash arts as to the point about the populations vulnerable populations a slide on vulnerable populations ask you to look at data to determine what else belongs in that category because in this city populations are not young
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pregnant women and may not fit that category of impaired so ask you to look at defining those populations they're young and people of color mostly men not disabled who are the vulnerable populations. >> thank you, sir is there any additional public comment on that matter gentlemen tndc. >> david mental health board this is a really troubling issue job want to see in any officer have their life put in jeopardy but the department of justice what is kind of i see convert agency has come up with a set of recommendations and our own wrfrz has come up with recommended i hope you'll honor both in our decisions thank you.
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>> is there any additional public comment on that matter. >> okay hearing none, public comment is closed. >> i wanted to address a couple of things one is that i have often said reasonable minds can differ but my approach he really want to reiterate that i i don't think that is a mistake for remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals. to think about the right thing to do especially before a decision that's the right thing to do and that there's so many people that care deeply about this issue i understand the emotions and frustration but ask all of us to remember that in this process you know we replace the use of force has was not changed since 1918 and on a number of issues that is important in the process to
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remember that that commission is designed and intending to keep the public safe and preserve life and keep the officers save so we are consciously sort of our motivations and other tactics i think we're as a city we need to come together and where we disagree in our disagreements we be respectful and say if you're biggest or my question to myself and what i ask moist what the right thing to do here knowing everything i that know and i trust that and colleagues feel the same way colleagues anything you want to
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add. >> okay. let's call the question. >> sergeant killlshaw. >> on the motion as read into the record by commissioner vice president turman commissioner president loftus no. >> commissioner vice president turman no. >> commissioner marshall just vote guys vote our conscious what is the right thing to do? >> marshall yes. >> yes. >> commissioner dejesus. >> i wasn't here but maintain was no. >> no. >> commissioner dejesus no commissioner mazzucco.
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>> yes. >> commissioner melara yes. >> commissioner hinge. >> no. >> the motion fails 5 - 4 to 3. >> okay. so the second issue that i will bring up the language with the commissioner earlier in the preamble. >> i move to adapt our language. >> second any any public comment on this the preamble. >> >> i want to take a moment we hard working on the first two paragraphs and i don't think that the language changes the intent of the paragraphs i think that to the extent and
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the additional explanation was needed i watched the poa and the focus of those ads i watched what happened to the small family i've spoken with that family what happened to that family and the damage that was revisited on that family and thank goodness for vivian remark investigative reporting i don't want the city seen in my way with the response but the extents that rank and file officers thought different than commissioner president loftus said on television and said any officer would be not disciplined for do the right thinging to the extent that language helped i think we support that language
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and i want to make laser how damaging that ad was and how unfair to rank and file off file and insure the rank and file when this general order was written and drafted and adapted that we take into consideration everything we listened to all the advice voices and want not be to frightened what they saw an tv and their conduct will be genocide and the appropriate way and what we need to do is the training to make sure their supported in their training i support - >> thank you. is there any additional public comment on that okay sergeant call the vote. >> excuse me -
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>> on the motion as read into the record by commissioner president loftus for the preamble commissioner president loftus i. >> commissioner vice president turman i commissioner marshall i commissioner dejesus i. >> commissioner mazzucco. >> i commissioner melara i. >> commissioners hinge. >> i that item passes unanimously 7 zero. >> okay. thank you and then do we need to do ma'am, city attorney the entire policy with that latest addition i'll ask for another motion to approve with the amendment that was passed unanimously and want to
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include we prohibit the use of choke holds the prohibited use of choke holds as opposed to 0 holds with the policy and intent ask for that motion to approve the entire policy with those two changes. >> second. >> okay any public comment on this entire policy anything you've not covered already. >> david san franciscans for police accountability we frankly, we're not 100 percent happy with the use of force when it caught in june as it currently stand not having the caroid i can live with that but canned speak for my group he
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want to commend everyone that working hard and how much that will pass and the training move forward thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> this is embarrassing but i'm not 100 percent sure as to whether the policy you're voting on bans caroid holds. >> it only includes the policy that was unanimous and strikes out choke holds and replaces choke hold in one section. >> there is a section that is caroid okay. >> yes. >> i take back everything he said (laughter). >> and if only that are
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possible. >> next speaker >> i come here prepared to say something i have no idea what was going to happen and confused my understanding is that you are into the vote on implementing the use of force policy i want to thank to the commission if in fact, you go forward for including the prohibition at shooting at the vehicles as any which would friend was shot and killed by a cop in 1998 and her case has been sited by this as a reason why the inclusion of the prohibition was necessary for this policy so thank you for keeping it in and please go forward and vote on it her family and friends really appreciate that and everyone who will not die as a result from
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being shot at in moving vehicles will be appreciative too. >> next speaker >> quickly you have the cam to do that as you're about to do the use of force i like the old chief but we're building momentum for reform keep it up. >> next speaker >> good evening. i'm lauren i am hoping for a unanimous vote for this motion and i would like to thank commissioner dejesus for speaking up i really appreciate that and this commission i understand you do really hard work i couldn't do that i couldn't do that but it's the right thing to do to keep others
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san franciscans no matter who they are safe from bad guys and bad cops thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> now i'd like to say happy soltice. >> thank you all. >> go ahead and thank you all for coming to this conclusion makes the public feel we've been listened and heard. >> further public comment i'd like to acknowledge supervisor cowen is here and thank you for your leadership throughout the process. >> (clapping.) >> okay hearing no future public comment commission this is a hearing that is a process
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we want to make sure we're watching that we're voting on the entire use of force policy we've been working on it does include as discussed the prohibition on shooting at cars it does eliminate continual to eliminate the caroid position and has clarifying language in the policy with that, sergeant, next line item. >> on that to adapt the use of force with the amended preamble and striking out control hold and using the language prohibited use of choke hold commissioner president loftus i. >> commissioner vice president turman i commissioner dejesus i. >> commissioner mazzucco i
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commissioner melara i. >> commissioner hinge i and commissioner marshall i want to make a statement while i'm concerned about the available lethal option in this new d go i hope we'll visit that soon i want you to have everything this the department to protect the offices and don't want to hold that up and with a resounding i. >> (clapping.) >> d go passed unanimously everyone thank you we're going to go ahead and take a break before we move on to the next
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>> we're back in open session. but you're right. >> no, i go christmas shopping. >> you have- commissioner
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dejesus is here and commissioner dejesus we're going back into discussion. >> okay. >> commissioner president loftus we're bad actor back other than the record in open session. >> great so colleagues given the late hour and the significant progress we've played all take item 3 off calendar that is a number of reports we can get those in the new year and that moves to us general public comment on agenda not on the agenda if any general public comment. >> public comment the address the commission on items not on tonight's agenda within the jurisdiction of the commission. the commission as a whole under police commission rules of order neither the police
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department, occi or commissioners are to respond to the questions prooebz the questions prooebz the questions prooebz the questions prooebz police commission should enter into debates and please limit your comments to 3 minutes, please. 2 minutes. >> good evening and welcome. >> i really want to say this with the room was packed you we have only it minutes i didn't want to use up that time we need to thank toney chaplin for stepping up i think the city owes him a lot of gratitude. >> (clapping.) >> did close session owes him gratitude and stepped in to a difficult situation i think he's kept us save and officers safe i'm honored to call him my friend and thank you