tv Whats Next SF SFGTV January 4, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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middle of the town and everybody can bring in their best wine and fill up the barrel and a line that 12re67d city blocks for people filling up the barrel and barely was getting bigger and bigger and finally the day of the wedding the entire village was there they tapped the keg and anywhere put out his goblin and water come out everybody thought i'm going to put my wine in the barrel all they had was water today is the today of announcing we're pitting our big communal barrel with that in mind i want to share a blessing over and over god of our mothers and farthest give us the ability to hear what perfect been called
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to fill you think our connecticut communal barrel to feel the pain of the mother that sings here child to sleep in the cold wet he weather evening knowing the outlet constant is her voice as ultimately give us the wisdom and energy to bring the best of what we have to fill up our communities barrel of san francisco so when we have it we see that is full we filled it up for brooerth life substance and shelter and the if you would potential of our children amen. >> amen. >> thank you rabbi so i started working on to issue many years ago on this campaign many years ago in hampton and while he was there i had the opportunity to meet with mayor
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ed lee i was nervous going both that meeting mayor ed lee but i learned a number of things in that meeting one that our mayor is a nice guy made me feel at home and got to the business of talking about family homelessness and incredibly knowledgeable about this issue and incredibly passionate having goon up in putting the cart before the horse and around housing advocate we really got to work and worked with the nonprofit sector with his own staff and i was deeply honored when he succeed to where you think this department of department of homelessness i could do more to help the vision that many people including the mayors helped to put together so please help me welcome the mayor of the city and county of san francisco ed lee.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you jeff for your leadership and rabbi thank you for that blessing question certain feel that particular as we approach the high schools good morning. >> good morning this room as. >> walk if it is warm and that's the incredible feeling warm is not be only about the room but the people that are sharing is that i recall warmth we have an incredible announcements to make and a challenge to ourselves you know the city has been trying to tackle homelessness so inform so many years and ways we can tell you the efforts over many, many years stretched and those that work in human services and health feel along with the public works and having
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spent about $35 million a year directly to try to tackle family homelessness has been incredibly helpful but certain not enough. and we're tested it is never particularly for mayors what you've done but about iowa explain and going to do and in this almost endless effort to tackle homelessness we've figured a few things that touching homelessness with 5 departments ain't good enough we needed a consolidated effort and to have jeff lead the effort and met him years ago and talked about family homelessness we have not only a leader but a huge department what is is a one
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and 20 people jeff that make their mark by joining me and the board of supervisors and other elected officials to say everybody that we touch we're no longer treating homelessness but end homelessness for them it is not about touching that is about a list of low month ever disciplined approach to ending homelessness we're not foolish enough to say we'll end owl homelessness but smart enough to say weasel do it better so i will want to tell you that a few years ago compassion hats always been the leading emotion we have on that issue while we can't do it on emotion you have to feel in the city a compassion for each and everyone if we don't care for each other the issue of homeless will not be touched or
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resolved for anybody well, i had in my myth someone who was willing to share her tears and her compassion about that be issue directly with me and you know lynn had that compassion years ago not only for reading it but from seeing homeless mothers in a shelter and saying to herself and to everybody around her and mark and ultimately to me that is not acceptable in our great city of st. francis i begin with that emotion and then we start talking about what it is that we do for each other because from that compassion comes a challenge and you challenge yourself first, you'll not accept this and challenge the people around you to say we can do better and ultimately you
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challenge the city and through lives on the line effort and through marks personal effort convinced me we say to do that better as an aide that's why we say singular department we need to lead to better ideas that began by saying resources and dedicated compliment to looking this had to be a joint collaborative effort that the experience the government was doing by treating this issue for many, many years was not good snuff we needed the discipline and collaboration of business leaders of foundation and philanthropist and community nonprofits that had for years been doing this to come together and while today, we're ending homelessness a whole concept we're taking sections of
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homelessness and trooib u trying to destroy that homelessness for sections of people and so family homelessness is one we know well, because of the hampton family self-center and working with the school district to identify those 18 hundred kids and over 8 hundred families that able to get to make sure we end homelessness for them in the next 3 years that's what the heading home campaign starting on personal conviction that challenged each other and brought together people had similar compassion and effort to want to work together that's why stepping up first an after the initial discussion some years ago was, of course, our friends and we had hampton identified
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people that were willing to sit down and talk about this then came across the foundations and, of course, hampton foundation stepped up and said we know what that feels like we're a family foundation that understands what this issue is about i know that warning and i talked about education and with the incredible work he's down the hampton foundation stepped up and goldstein with in their moonshot hey, we're there too i understand this is initiators we want to step up as well and then they were able to get together with nickel who him not only a good enterprise but loves the city and stepped up and said we
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can join this effort today of course, all there that i was talking with life on the line and mark and mark saying is it fair to say foundation, of course, we're doing in you have us involved in education that's directly because how could we succeed with our school district in ante our kids better when they can't learn in the environment when their homeless and families they stepped up big all and all this all came together as a $5 million commitment to match the cities additional $5 million effort to come and create a collaborative effort in doing so well when this effort starting revealing itself and the school district was saying yeah, we'll do a little bit of work here
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mark and life on the line said that still is not enough not worthwhile of what in campaign needs to have this campaign ultimately needs to be about $30 million worth of effort so mark and life on the line stood up and said you know the city can be better and philanthropic community and the foundations can do amber light the business leaders of the city can do better why not challenge each other and share our convictions challenge ourselves and challenge each other in doing it better to today, we launched that challenge with a foundational effort about $10 million i've described with the city and the individual foundation efforts that have been going on but also to say with the 8 hundred families we have in mind and the 18 individuals family
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members we want to make sure they're off the streets not in shuttle but a solid warm environment why not make this a $10 million challenge so that we ask each other to step it up so ultimately the 10 that we have and another $10 million challenge from mark and life on the line will cause us to get a total of $30 million and today's launch not b about the celebrating of the heading home campaign but a launch of a challenge to each other i can do that we're in a warm room (laughter) >> in a room of people i look at who know this issue well who have touched families who know that you can't learn you can't be the talent of workforce
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and think cinco de mayo desk and google and others unless we'll create those conditions here in san francisco i want to explain this to you, you how it evolved so you know how great things get accomplished is never about the mayor simply now and then something about years of effort that began with individual compassion and conviction and turning that into a multiple level in a collaborative effort with so many other groups to say let's that challenge each other to do even better this is how serious solutions a had in the city of san francisco and i want to say to my friend but also i think a friend to the city that is it fair to say and
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manchester are at the helm of so many good things why is it natural they'll not that challenge us to do better what has become a difficult challenge for the city let's lift everybody up to present this challenge to the entire public to all those other companies that have yet not. >> weakened to this particular effort and to say to ourselves a city we want to do better we do want to end homelessness for families as we will do for veterans by next year we'll take sessions of that challenge and create an opportunity for everybody to come together and this is what i think mark has been so good at in challenging me he's always, always ended every conversation by saying what do you really want to get done in the city in
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my heart of hearts i've opened up not out of politics but who we or what kind of character and running our businesses and talking with people what is that we feel every single day that won't go away until we'll made more efforts in doing that's why the araby and council are here it is about our morality the kind of city we wanted to live in i don't think he, be successful politicians and successful business leaders successful philanthropists unless we tackle that challenge us the most and read all the series of articles about homelessness and see that on the streets you can talk to people whether a neighborhood be cafe or squash shop having pictures
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of the things that he disagree with but describing the problem having a compassion about that is a great beginning but it didn't do anything unless you go into the action that's why i'm appreciative of mark and lynn they lead us with the foundations that are here today let's take that concerted action and bring more people in and unify the city to make sure that goal in a disciplined quasi is attacked to we can say we do feel strongly about this issue but we'll act on those convictions and make sure that things happen for the families with that introduction and description i say mark please come up and talk about our passion for this issue issue but
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thank you to you and lynn having the leadership and conviction for is it fair to say and telling the city you have to do more and better and this is why we're coming together today with all you are foundations and friends to launch this heading home campaign introduce to you marking ben how have of is it fair to say. >> (clapping.) >> okay. that was my microphone up a little bit how's everybody doing okay. all right. well, i remember it clearly about 5 years ago my wife lynn is right here and we were in the kitchen on a morning much like this and she's reading a beautiful story by jill tucker
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thank you jill for that story jill's story in the chronicle was a good story about homeless families and children in san francisco and how i think that was story talked about one and 20 children in ucsf are homeless i think that lynn said how can that be how can this be in the process pursues city is amazing leaders and visionaries can one in every 20 children in ucsf be homeless this cannot be possibly we must find a way to fix this and we have to get the word out to every citizen of san francisco we have to get the word out to every company in san francisco to every nonprofit, ever n go and church and mosaic and
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synagogue in san francisco that we need to take a new approach here and need a new focus and need to rebirthday you are motivation and excitement it is possible to get every child that is homeless in san francisco into a home so that was quite a call to arms from lynn and i think that what lynn said clearly is that each and every one of us have to do something to i remember clearly you know when they said we'll have a program called home for the holiday and get every child both a home and we began our journey those these stories of these families i think perhaps the best example of this is a program that lynn
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has personally she wanted that is the star of home on geary and i think geary and 8 maybe geary between 8 and 9 but if you go out to the star of the and the church took a building next door that was empty that was a former convent and they said we'll dedicate this for homeless families and for families that are led by mothers and here we are 5 years later and if we take our cameras and reporters and all of us and head over there to the star of sea home we'll hear how 200 and 40 families have ended up in housing that's amazing that's amazing. >> (clapping.) >> that's a point of evidence that is a point of evidence that
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each and every one of us can make this successful that is a point of evidence this program will uccessful and this is a point of evidence we have the opportunity to get every child in san francisco into a home all we have to do is focus on this this is very straightforward so that's why i'm so excited to partner with the city, and jeff your leadership has been incredible not only at hampton but now our homeless leader in san francisco thank you and mayor thank you for everything you're doing and leading the city and hiring jeff that was your best move in hiring yeah. >> great job (laughter) >> and also thank you to the
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nonprofits and n gos that do the heavy leader and peers and business leader i see some my friends from google and many other tech companies that have come in some were in the room and some not let us say this to every citizen and company in san francisco now is your time to come forward and to get every child in san francisco into a home now this is the time for us all to go home for the holidays thank you lynn for inspiring us now we have to take this challenge and execute it and get on the word it will take every single every citizen in the city say company to do one thing that is how we'll make a difference you, you
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you know you may know that is it fair to say is building a new building inspection close by here and hope when that building a built and the light is on at the top of building that what is it fair to say represents is a reminder to all of us when we see that light that we can do something and that we can make a difference we can make a change and i see that everyday in the city as 1 to 2 get better and better whether homelessness or whether the great work at ucsf or the intern superintendent myong leigh what is more important than the health and education of our children what is more important than the health and education of our children nothing is that's why we have focus on them and now are the good times we can do this thank you, thank you to all
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of for being here and the organizations that are supporting this effort i'm exciting about this incredible future ahead thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, mark and lynn fewer generosity and our incredible come out pushing us to think beggar bigger and go further on behalf of the children in the sfoichlthsz i remember we were around the corner the first time we spoke about that at a dedication site future housing for homes veterans and families and mark asked trent in the hms and the mayor and i were talking about
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how we shown maybe 5 are 10 reduction in the homeless shelter he said that is great but not in view of what will it take to gets us over the finish line and we're on that journey that is nice to be close by where that all happens we're blessed to have so many generous donors that are part of campaign as the mayor mentioned google was an early investor and helped to fund the pilots that we ran with the unified school district and as you sit here now desk the salesforce and emmanuel and the giants are part that have a list on your program but i want to invite the first donor to say a few words the
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hell man family has done so much we were happy things of that nature step forward, please and please help me to welcome the president to say a few words. >> (clapping.) >> thank you. i'm reminded by mark remarks and mayor ed lee and jeff that every single good thing that exists in the city and our society exists is not one time exists it exists because someone looked at a problem or something needed to happen they imagined it and had the will and the ability and organization to go out and get it done at the beginning, it is a daunting task thank you for your vision and will and you know i'll get into more thank
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you's as we get further uniform representing my 3 sisters and the hell man foundation and you know that is we're very honored to support heading home that is exactly the kind of thing we like to do and you know we see the value in coming together different organizations who bring a deft set of skills and resources so solving a problem one of the things we've realized over many years of philanthropy is that most complex problems can't be solved by a group of individuals but in a collaborative way so you know really he suppose he wanted we're so honored to support this thank you, mayor ed lee and the
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san francisco unified school district and the hampton family center and other nonprofits that have engaged with us as well who are getting involved or have been involved and crucial to help to solve some of the complex problems thank you bev i didn't hoff for carrying forward and being that force that makes things happen and looking forward to thanking everyone in matching the generous matching grant that the ben hearing officers have proposed hopefully weep be back that he podium thanking those people also want to thank susan his or her for our windows on the world helping us find things like that to make happen so thank you guys. >> a funny thing many of the
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people in the room had families been in san francisco for a long time ours is not an exception an observation there are hard times and period of prosperity the curious thing about prosperity gaps develop between those two are able to participate and we're focused and we love about this project is findings ways to get to those people and try to figure out how to have them participate in the prosperity and not be left behind in the community this is very much fetus that perspective on what additional to see accomplished in that community. >> it's a short window with children to get involved in neither lives and change that you have a period of time to
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intervene and help them get to the right place this accomplishes that obviously and i guess my final point we see the opportunity for cross section collaborative's that as phenomenal one to start with that is actionable and the population we're dealing e dealing with is so vulnerable that's all i have to say we're excited to be involved and thanks very much so for everybody to bring us to this point and look forward to bad actor skwooef concluded jeff do you come up or. >> (clapping.) >> we're blessed to have great schools in san francisco and could we hear it for the san francisco unified school district. >> (clapping.) >> i feel so lucky to live here my wife is a teacher in the school ri
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