tv LIVE BOS Rules Committee SFGTV January 26, 2017 11:00am-2:01pm PST
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done to reduce disparities in healthcare doesn't get old back. do we keep this fight up. that we don't let our people die in the streets. you know, one of the reasons i'm here is because i think i'm hiv positive. michael had talked about this historic moment that this represents. he talked about getting to zero. one of the critical point of getting to zero is no preventable hiv deaths. we've heard a lot in the chronicle about long-term survivors. and my brothers and sisters who have-who managed to survive this terrible epidemic-you know i can't tell you how lucky i am and really if you ask me the only reason i'm here is because of matt. >>[applause] you know, i
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didn't really expect to see 40. if you had told me that i would be in a couple months, 60, that i- >>[laughing] thanks. you turned 60 last year, right? that i would would have a husband it was unimaginable that we would be able to marry and that i would have a daughter . i mean, the [inaudible] we make it i know so many other people like jeff getty like hank wilson did not make it but i know so many people were still struggling and their isolated. the services are not there for them that they really need. and i'm committed to the survivor community because that is the best way to honor no preventable hiv deaths.
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>>[applause] so in 1981, beyond -and by the way i supported wilbert achterberg. i very grateful for the time mayor brown but back in 1981, when aids struck our community, and you know many places responded with hate. they said was god's will. they wanted to isolate us, quarantine us, put us away. laugh as we died. like ronald reagan. san francisco did something completely different.
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the community, the city, embraced us. people from all across the city came together to support us. you know i looked at the on and carol megan, lesbian sisters held us together. you know, through those years, supported us that so many of us would be dead without the incredible supports of the city of san francisco and that model of coming together has to be the model we embrace now, today. our challenges are likely to be just as great are some of the communities that are gimme impacted by this new administration. so i would like to end by saying, may we not fight amongst ourselves but come together to fight together. >>[applause] so thank you for this great honor.
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and- >>[inaudible] [off mic] you will wrap it up? great, thank you. >>[applause] >> thank you supervisor jeff sheehy. >>[applause] >>[cheerring] so this concludes today's performance. we all cannot sell present cookies and tea in the north light work and please, join us. thank you. >>[applause] >> >> >> >> i love teaching.
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it is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. >> this really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. this is very enriching as an artist. a lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. >> there are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. that is a really big draw. >> this is a signature piece. this is the bill largest darkroom in the u.s.. >> there are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. >> i think it is the heart of this place. you feel it when you come in.
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>> the people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. >> we get to build the community here. this is different. first of all, this is a great location. it is in a less-populated area.
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>> of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. it is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. the people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. >> we offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. we offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. we offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. there is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would
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like to spend the day on this program. >> hello, my name is jennifer. >> my name is simone. we are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. >> c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. >> actually, i have been here a lot. i have never looked closely enough to see everything. now, i get to take pictures. >> we want to try to get them to be more creative with it. we let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. >> you can focus in here. >> that was cool.
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>> if you see that? >> behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. the see any more hills? >> these kids are wonderful. they get to explore, they get to see different things. >> we let them explore a little bit. they get their best. if their parents ever ask, we can learn -- they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. some of the things they come up with are fantastic. that is what we're trying to
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encourage. these kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. >> a lot of people come into my classes and they don't feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. >> this is kind of the best kept secret. you should come on and take a class. we have orientations on most saturdays. this is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. >> ready to develop your photography skills? the harvey milk photo center focuses on adult classes. and saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes.
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your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you
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get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's
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least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake. >> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes.
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>> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. >> southern california is moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many
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of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to
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save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it.
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we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the
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bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat fo soon. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> greeting of peace brothers and sisters
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and esteemed guests we thank you very much for joining us here and society of san francisco during this critical time in our countries history first i want to thank the following city leaders for your work and commitment in protecting and advancing values we would like to thank our esteemed mayor, mayor ed lee, the city attorney district attorney george gascon, ms. sheryl davis the human right director of human right commission, human right commissioner, san francisco police department the city attorney's office are faith leader if in this city a
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special thanks we want to give a special thanks to mayor ed lee who showed up here the day after the election i thought out of the country he came to assure the muslims of this city they have nothing the fear we want to thank him a special thanks for his leadership of the diverse community in san francisco and like to say it him and unapologetic fight for the city's dignity and justice and civil right and renewed strength we believe for elected officials throughout the country so we would like to thank him thank you, mr. mayor and i saw one time thank you
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very much for our beloved mayor, we hope and actually prefer that he runs again (laughter). >> i hope so but it is possible we can keep the time so we can complete this by 12:30 by the grace of god mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, mohammed thank you for the societies warm welcome happy new year everybody and you know, i can't think of a better way to celebrate the traditional new year and also the upping lunar new years but with people of diverse background coming to the islamic society people i will working closely with particular this year and years to come and to celebrate the coming together of leadership in
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all our diverse community to protect and enhance and share the love the city has to continue to be the inclusive city we've always wanted to be i know that mohammed had already listed names. >> thank you to jeff adachi our public defender's office who is a great part of the coalition of the departments but also the sarcastic constituents community-based organizations that joined together in the education the legal education network in the legal defense and the legal rights collaborative in i did minority communities that are hard working to get the 50 thousand legal resident in our city into pathways to citizenships organization likewise self-help or the kind of groups that are standing
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behind me that represent our superintendant lee i think there are 3 board members here from the unified school district our incredible help community that everyday wants to make sure that people are not living in fear and can actually take care of their health and safety challenges and today today's announcement of the equity and rights and community education immigrant rights campaign is all about getting rid of and reducing fear in our city fear exacerbates your health fear prevents parents address kids from getting the education necessary need and president in in city fear drives people underground to create three quarters only underground economy fear stops
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people fear is what we contest against we want people that are in san francisco to live their lives freely and proudly and society themselves with the religion they wish to our orientation the way they wish to and the community of color and the community we wish to be in this is what san francisco is all about and mohammed we're here with the islamic society sang are part of dominates and certainly as the mayor i take it privileged not just to say that but to put the resources together to defend and enhance it today equity immigrant to the additional three hundred 8
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modified to protect the get together right and push this forward and work with the over one thousand plus bar associations leadership that is doing pro bono work in addition to the work we provide for the community-based organizations to enhance that by an additional one and a half million dollars to go to the collaborative to the network to pathways to citizenship the legal education and make sure that our city's family of diversities stays intact no matter what the announcements or the detail no matter what potential attacks there might be from the federal authenticities we'll be that city of refuge and sanctuary we'll protect ourselves and make sure that people boo live in fear i'll hear some individual stories from people and hear from the agencies that want to do even better and make sure we
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reach out correctly in all the 20 different languages of people that live in our city and hear from the leaders that is a not just protecting but to provide a pathway forward to citizenship this is what the city is all about not status quo but advancing people's lives and we're right here at the center that has the nameed but potentially elected officials being a target a target perhaps on a registry perhaps associated with a religion that some people may not have a correct more positive attitude about i know any ancestors that lived here wizards ago they're an a registry a registry that prevented them from voting and
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owning property outside this area call chinatown i know that first hand from the stories i've heard over and over over again by people that were victims of discriminations and in all aspects came to this country seeking a better life almost just obedient in every way living they're free lives and paying takes and doing hard work life is hard because of the barriers we face i celebrate those lives and again and again particularly this year with the additional resources because again, we will not allow our residents to be in fear for their lives or their families so this is the way i think we should celebrate the new year bringing all the families diversities together in the city and giving them the support they need and rising up out the fear that is real and potential we'll
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be together throughout the entire year if not more to make sure we campaign 80 communicate to all the residents congratulations and continue the strong effort to support everyone to make sure they can live their lives proudly thank you for joining us . >> (clapping.) >> hello my name is sheryl davis i'm the director of the human rights commission the human rights commission exists to support the acts the discriminations and help people filed complaints one of the areas we focus obsess the sanctuary city ordinance we are grateful to partner with our sister agency mayor's office of economic workforce development and the immigrant rights and affairs to highlight we're here to talk about the fear that exists and the things that are
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happening not just in san francisco but nation wide we want to provide a space for people to come and share what was happening and support them through the process we will be working with the collaborative opportunity to host workshops do you know your rights session to make sure that people know their voting rights and how to have access to the resources and working with the school district to do simple workshops to make sure that people know we're a place of love and not just a place to come to exercise activities and behave in a manner this not in like that with the goals of san francisco we're launching our eligibility campaign that is around immigrant rights we want to make sure that everyone understand san francisco is a city for all and everybody should feel
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comfortable if you feel your discriminated against finds us we'll help you feel safe and secure and included in san francisco i'm grateful to partnership with the office of city engagement and looking forward to launching and moving forward thank you. >> (clapping.) >> hi, everyone i'm adrian executive director of the civic engagement and immigrant affairs san francisco is one of the futile city's in the nation that has a department that is focused on policies and services for immigrants and monolingistic community we have an immigrant rights commission and together with a broad network of community service providers and legal defense organizations and city agencies we work to make sure that san francisco is a welcoming and inclusive and safe place for all providing a
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continuum of support from assets and legal services assistants for the young dreamers and citizenship and leadership training on civic engagement and a number of services we all seek to make sure that all have access to the critical health and society services they have opportunity to drive and parking lot participate in the city's success we face a new administration many demonstrated unprecedented disregard for the rule of law for basically human right and decency and respect or right-hand turn for all people in the coming years we need to w. to fight for civil and human right for justice and quality for all people not just some we have 3 courageous residence to share their personal experience
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i'll apply to be a u.s. citizenship this journey will be difficult and no self-help for the elderly leading a group of cso calling the pathway to citizenship initiative 6 months ago we attended a 7 day workshops and waited for a long time but got all the serial number application forms filled out for him and 3 members of his family and also got the fee waiver together he saved over $2,000 he's a very happy one of the family member already became a u.s. citizen and him and his wife have been footprint and filed out the necessary forms the advertising on a pro bono basis have provided and
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attending citizenship classes as self-help and some other agencies have provided fund and on behalf of the folks wanted to thank mayor ed lee for the opportunity thank you. >> (clapping.) >> okay. we're next going to hear from a client of the delores community services where attorneys provided legal assistants to her and her children and interpreting for her amateur from the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs. >> (clapping.) >> >> (speaking foreign
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language.) >> my name is ann actual. >> i arrived to the united states last i'm a single mother. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> since i don't have any relatives it became hard to get legal services and work. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> a friend of mine referred me to them and they referred me 2 to 3 the delores street services. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> when i went to the delores street services they provided serves fyi for people of low income and the services will be
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say i'm very, very thankful about the services that are provided like myself and many immigrant we count on the services and very thankful for them. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'd like to thank the delores street services and the mayor as well thank you. >> (clapping.) >> wanted to thank and pointed out that we have been enjoying our wonderful service naomi kelly who has been supportive of all those services we provide to the city we are honored to hear 23 dr susan a family member at ucsf judgemental was born and raised in north carolina she attended college and medical school following the hate killings of her family we
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demonstrated here wilt to clearly articulate the threat of islamic to be and results to phobia and hate we're lucky to hear from her today doctor. >> (clapping.) >> thank you all for thank you for having me. and thank you to those who shared their powerful stories we heard are not just examples or scenarios how this campaign may help we're talking about real people with real struggles members and interest rates of our society that rely on our leadership to protect the rights of all people unfortunately, we live in a time where hatred is very real my name is dr susan barry cot and mayor ed lee is touches me in many ways as a sister who
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lost her brother and sisters as we were murdered cooperation style in their home by their neighborhoods because of their faith and who works at jennifer lowe dedicated to servicing underserved with a mission of working towards social justice my family looked at different those photos were done as children of immigrants who were known that for their legacy of service and compassion that pains me they were taken at the prime of their youth by hatred my family is not alone and as a private attorney
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provider in the clinic many of the folks rely on the services we offer in a time of uncertainty i hear patient after patient share with me in their justifiable fear they hear they're not welcome their children are taught and bullied at school health and safety derates and not enough resources for the vulnerable those are people that with come to our city to find refuge a city that is complaining the underserved that is important now more than ever for the leaders a galvanize the resources and protect the right of all constituents i'm honored to stand next to our mayor and the entire team that does just that thank you.
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you, dr. bar cot and thank you to the islamic society of the san francisco for hosting us ♪ sacred space and all the partnerships and pathways to citizenship initiative the network that the immigrant and legal education network and the san francisco legal collaborative, the san francisco san francisco unified school district department of children, youth dcyf and public defender's office the mayor's office of housing and community development, the immigrant rights commission the human rights commission, the office of civic engagement and the zoning administrator office and to mayor ed lee's staff and the director of the violence prevention and especially to our leader mia's you've heard the threat of our human right and religion is not across the ocean
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in a far away land it is here and now nearly 17 years ago over one hundred americans of japanese descent were illegally incarcerated in concentration camps those camps exist could i so in the threat that lies before us inspiration hope and faith in the human spirit and in the undying belief that together we can create an equal and more just society to everyone this ended our event because this is a place of worship we ask you leave the stage as quickly as possible thank you very much.
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or
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innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc
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>> good afternoon everyone. the meeting will come to order. welcome to january 26, 2017 regular meeting the rules committee. i'm asha safai our clerk and derek evans and like to thank gym smith and jesa larsson at sfgtv for staffing the meeting. mr. clerk, do you have announcements? >> thank you, mr. chair. silence electronic devices, eating and drinking is not permitted.
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complete speaker cards and copies of documents submit today the clerk. items will appear on the february 7, 2017 board of supervisor uzgenda unless stated. >> item 1 is considering appointing member thofz board of supervisor tooz two year terms to association of bay area government executive board. >> great. supervisor yee would you like to make a statement on this first item? it is your appointment. >> i think i need to be recused. >> you do but if you want to make a statement. i will make a motion to excuse supervisor norman yee. can i get a second? >> >> yes. >> motion is approved. just wait a minute for supervisor
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yee. would anyone like to make public comment on the first item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. so, i think what we'll do is just seeing no names on the roster and so colleagues can we make a motion to approve the appointment of supervisor yee to the association of bay area government? >> absolutely. >> alright, great. seeing that is motioned and approved, the item is approved. is that right? thank you. congratulations, supervisor yee. [laughter] mr. clerk call the second item, >> hearing to answer appointing member thofz board of supervisors for 4 year term tooz bay area
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air quality management board of directors. >> any members of the public wish to otestify. anyone from the sfr visors office or a statement? colleagues i will make a motion to approve the item. seconded. okay. so approved. passes mr. clerk and supervisor hill row roanen is aopponent today the bay area quality management district. >> excuse me. is this a point of clarification, when they make the appointments do we announce the names 1st rather than after we vote? it seems we should announce the names first. >> yes, supervisor is there is in the board packet two memoes from the clerks office with poll of all the supervisors where the supervisors were acknowledged.
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>> we should read it into record. >> wealer we'll do that. through the chair, mr. gibbener. >> deputy city attorney john gibbener, just for clarification, when the committee votes on these items the vote will forward the items to full board of supervisors for another vote two tuesdays from new so you will do this dance again where different supervisors have to leave the room and be recused but these will be the recommendation thofz rules commitee the full board will vote on. >> great. i guess with the next ones when we introduce the item we'll say the name. can you do that when you read the item? >> yes, mr. chair. >> thank. mr. clerk would call the third item. >> item 3 is hearing to answer appointing members the board of
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supervisor frz 4 year terms to the local agency formation commission. we have supervise r hillary roanen would like to be recommend frd the seat. mr. chair, we also have staff from the local agency formation commission here , jason freed for any questions. >> seeing there is someone here from lafco mr. freed would you like to make a comment? any questions from my colleague snz any members the public that wish to testify on the item? seeing none- >> make a motion to forward the names to the full board with positive recommendation. >> second. >> great. so moved. that item is approved. alright. mr. clerk would you call the 4 item, and hearing to answer aopponenting
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member ofz the board of supervisors for two year terms for golden gate bridge highway and transportation district bourd of directors. we have heard back from several supervisor jz thatd is supervisor breed, peskin and yee and shehi. >> make a motion to >> make a motion to move those-i reuse you. >> make a motion to rekoos supervisor yee. so moved. any public comment on this item? yes, okay so--please approach-speakers have two minutes state your first and last name and speak into the micro phone. anyone with a prepared statement is encouraged to leave a copy with the clerk to include
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a official file so please begin. h >> as a current appointee of the golden gate bridge district and like to welcome the supervisors appointed. we only have 3 and need 4 and look forward to your appointment. >> would you state your name? >> burt hill. >> thank you. >> i'll see you in a few weeks or a few days. thank you. >> wonderful, thank you. anyone else like to testify before pub luck comment is closed? seeing none, we will close public comment. wait for supervisor yee to return. i don't think we need to. make a motion to approve. >> second. >> thank you. seeing it is unanimous, so approved.
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thanks, come on in. congratulations, you are getting appointed all over today. >> more work, great. >> thank you, mr. clerk please call the item number 5. >> item 5 ishering to answer appointing one member for 4 year term to metropolitan transportation commission. we heard from supervisor kim's office she expressed interest in the appointment. >> is there any departments or anyone in the public want to testify? anyone like to make public comment on the item? seeing none public comment is closed. i entertain a motion cht >> motion to pass this recommendation with positive recommendation to full board. >> second. >> great. so that is approved. mr. clerk item number 6.
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>> item number 6 is hearing to consider aponting one member of board of supervisors for two year term to reentry council. we have heard from supervisor-vice chair fewers office she would be interested in this appointment. >> make a motion to excuse supervisor sandy fewer. >> i like to make a motion to excuse supervisor fewer. >> great. before you like to make a comment? >> thank you very much. the reentry council is a council that can have great impact on the lives of our most marginalized residents, those incarcerated. as a former board of education members, i was shocked upon visits charter school and the county facility in san buno, the mens facility and learn 60 percent of the inmates attended san francisco public schools. this is a issue i'm deeply concerned about and very interested in. there is
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something terrible wrong when our educational system fails this amount of people and so many of them. i think that as a city we must work across departments and eeben with the school district to provide young people the opportunity and to end the school to prison pipeline. the reentry council can work to insure those who are already incarcerated are provided are economic and skill building opportunities upon their exist from prison or jail. i would be honored to serve on the committee and would be honored to have your support. thank you. >> thank you, vise chair. >> i like to make a comment as she is walking out. i think supervisor fewer would be a great great aopponentment for this council. there is a lot of good council members in there. >> thank you, supervisor yee.
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can we take this motion without objection-excuse me, anyone from the public like to comment on the item? seeing none, public comments closed. any department or staff like to say anything about this item? seeing none- >> make a motion to pass this item out with positive recommendation to full board. >> great. so mr. clerk the motion passes. congratulations supervisor fewer. >> thank you. >> quee bow you bring a lot of experience and perspective to this important body so we appreciate you putting your name forward. >> thank you, supervisor. >> mr. clerk call item number 7. >> item 7 is hearing to consider appointing one member of two year term to park recreation and open space advisory committee. there is one seat and one applicant, seat 19, which must be
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nominated by the district 5 supervisor. >> great. and see someone from supervisor breeds office. can you state your name for the record. >> good morning- >> sorry-i know that the author of this is supervisor cohen and see her staff here. >> this is item number 7, not 8. you would probably do a better job then me. >> good morning supervisor and chair. it is great to see you and congratulations supervisor fewer. supervisor breed's appointee cat men del joenz is unable to attend so will read statement. i'm unable to attend because i'm at the california climate change symposium in sacramento which i attend as a public grants
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manager at the trust for public land. at the trust for public land i seek public grants for creating parks and preserving open space throughout the bay-air eye and across california. i live in coal valley in district 5 with my husband, two young daurfts and a dog. our family spends time on suit row forest and playground in coal valley and golden gate park. i have ba frum duke and jdu c hasteings. i apologize she can't be her but on behalf of supervisor breed i ask for your support. >> thank you, mr. johnson. any members of the public that would like to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues, can we take this motion without objection? >> yes. >> great. seeing so mr. clerk this motion is passed. please call the next item, item aithd. >> item 8 is ord nrns amended
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the administrateb code to set structure function terms and administrative support for dignity fund oversight advisory committee as required by the charter section 16.128-11 adopted as part of proposition at the november 8, 2016. >> i appreciate supervisor cohen for offering this item and see a member of her staff. >> good morning. i am you you chan legislative aid to malia cohen. as you know during the november 2016 election voters approve prop i which was a charter amendment offered by cohen yee and mar which created the dignity fund to fund programs for seniors and people can disability said. the ballot member created a 11 member oversight body commit tee a moniter and participate in the
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administration thf fund. aopinioning authorities and timing it also authorized the board to draft a follow up implement ordinance to outline details regarding membership, structure and terms and this st. the ordinance before you today. we consulted closely with the dignity fund coalition and department of aging and adult servicess to develop the details in the ordinance and have one amendment we like you toanswer. i bleechb you have the language before you. if you dont i have copies here. it simp ly clarify that who sit on the advisory committee are current and act rfb member so they would automatically lose their seat if they are not. the appointing bodies are aging and adults services, the [inaudible] long term care council. happy to answer additional question squz have melissa mu gee the program manager for the
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dignity fund available for questions today. thank you for supporting the amendment and item overall. >> great. thank you mrs. chan. any members of department staff who would like to speak oen behalf of the item? supervisor yee? >> i want to make a comment before we get into public comments. >> thank you, sir. >> first of all, this is really an important fund for us to implement moving forward. this is something that i'm glad supervisor cohen was involved with this and thatd i had a opportunity to work on it with supervisor mar at the time. as you-maybe not, the both of you are new so i have been working on these issues with seniors and popeal with disabilities for 4 years and made it a priority in
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particular in my district, which had very few services for them. i had also authored a study to be done of existing senior services that is already completed and was waiting for a opportunity to work with the dignity fund folk tooz have a hearing on that so that everything would be lined and timed correctly. i already made a request for hearing from this, so looking forward working with people that are involved with the dignity fund and seeing how this could be helpful for the way we implement the programs. >> thank you supervisor yee. i just say that as somebody who libs in the city and work with aging population and know supervisor
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fewer has as well i like to thank supervisor cohens office for putting this forward and staff ready to implement a important part of providing dignity and services to a aging population here in san francisco. any other comments from the public? or department staff? if not will call member thofz public who wish to testify. hold on one second. speakers have two minutes, please clearly state your first and last name and speak into the micro phone. if you have a written statement please submit to the clerk. thank you. >> my name is wade woods a member orphthe dignity fund coalition and i'm just here to ask for your support so we can make sure that we have a good advisory board and oversight committee to make sure the funding is distributed among the various aging populations in the city. thank you. i urge
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you to support this. >> thank you, mr. woods. any other members the public that wish to testify? >> good afternoon supervisors. ann [inaudible] with meals and wheels san francisco and member of dignity fund coalition and work so hard to see this pass with supervisor yee and staff and sfr visor cohen and staff. we are in support of this of course excite frd the oversight and advisory committee. it will insure accountability and transparency with the community and will really push us all forward so we recommend certainly that you support this. thank you. >> thank you, very much. any other members of the mublic wish to testify on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor yee. >> like to make a amendment as outlined by supervisor cohens
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aid, yoyo. to make a motion to make a amendment. the oversight advisory committee member amust be a active and current member on the body from which they are appointed and representing. that is the language i got. was there anything else? >> the city attorney john gibbener drafted more formal language which i have if you like it but it is essentially says the same thing you just read on the record. >> are you submitted that? >> adjust for the language but that is the intonet. >> thank you. >> submitted. is there a second oen that motion? >> yes, second. >> so the motion is approved. excuse me, the motion to approve the amendment is approved. >> go ahead and make a motion
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to move the item forward with positive recommendation with the amendments. >> okay. so the amendment is approved, now we make a motion to send it item with positive recommendation to full board. second. both motions pass and will send the item to full board. mr. clerk can you call item number 9. >> item 9 is resolution confirming the nomination of sergeant dorian j carr united states air force retires as county veterans services officer. >> wonderful. are there any members of-any department staff that would like to speak on this item? yes. >> good morning supervisors mpt serenemic spaden the department of aging adult services and the county veterans service office
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sits withinory department and this is really exciting for us because the county veteran service office position has not sat within our department for a long time and think it makes a lot of sense to have the officer oversee the office, work within the office and we really look to join car to help us expand our services to veterans. help coordinate with veteran serve services and it is really a big priority area for us. the county veteran services office serves older adults and adults with disabilities and what they do is work to make sure people with-veterans can access their benefits because it is really hard for them to accessthem on their own through the veterans administration so thank you in advance ce for your support of sergeant car r. >> supervisor yee. >> sergeant carr here?
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>> he is here. >> would you like to say anything? would you hike to knh up and say a few words? >> sure. >> you sound like a wonderful person >> good afternoon. my name is dorian carr. i appreciate my office and supporting me fl the nomination for county veteran service office. this is long time coming for me. i have been in the business doing county veteran services work for like 9 years. i moved over from contra costa county looking for this opportunity to become a county veteran service officer and so really looking forward to taking what i learned and how it is mentored in contra costa county and bringing it to the city so i appreciate any type of support. >> thank you, mr. carr.
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supervisor yee. >> thank you sergeant carr and thank you for your service. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. any other members of the department or staff that would like to comment on the item? seeing none. any members of the public that wish to testify? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can we take this motion without objection? >> yes. >> thank you. mr. clerk this motion passes. >> mr. chair just for clarification that is motion to send to full board- >> motion to send to full board with positive recommendation. >> thank you. >> thank you. mr. clerk can you please call-no-that's it. okay. seeing no other items before us today, can i have a motion to adjourn? we are adjourned. thank you. [meeting adjourned].
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>> it seems like everyone in san francisco is talking about housing san francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone million dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the $207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher it's more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san
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franciscans can afford it so why it housing in san francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an all-time 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, it's grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the city's history and it's not only san francisco it is greek the
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bay area has $2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403.9 million people unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing that's been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we don't pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents san francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides
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the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout san francisco those plans developed by years of community planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and non-built affordability housing that majority of housing in san francisco as well as throughout the country market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1/3rd the medium income for a 2 percent
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householder is $70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than $7,150 to be affordable san francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the inclusive program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you can't afford a million will home
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you're not alone in response san francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now e-mails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the san francisco ethics commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels we're working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions we're commented for housing needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway good afterno
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item. >> the first order of business roll call commissioners, please respond when i call your name. commissioner pimentel commissioner bustos is absent commissioner singh commissioner moore madam chair rosales commissioner bustos is absent and all other members of the commission are present madam clerk, any other business before this e the next order of business the next meeting will be reeled held at city hall room 416 b and announcements of prohibited electronics at the meeting please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, code are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c in a moment of time nominate
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to address the commission unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item. it is strongly recommended that any member of the public any member of the public wishes to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit it to the commission secretary. the next order of business is item 3 report on actions taken at a previous closed session no reportable actions the next order of business is matter of unfinished business no matters of unfinished business madam chair. >> thank you at this time i think it would be appropriate to take one of the items out of sequence we can hear from our executive director and have her present a report to the commission. >> please. thank you, madam chair good afternoon, commissioners occ staff and members of the
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public thank you for being here it is bittersweet commissioners that i report to you and the members of the public after 17 years of serving this incredible city of san francisco both as a staffer and a redevelopment agency at the at office of economic workforce development and after 5 years of your city i'm leaving the city to purview other opportunities i've been just accepted a position as general manager to head up the san francisco development office will purview the urban revitalization and public-private partnership with the work i love and have loved being here in this great city we've accomplished so much together and i look out at the members of the public and the public and
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the great leadership from the commission great times of uncertainty what the successor agency will mean we've collective wus of our hard working and our colleagues a number of colleagues that have moved on and the hard work with the redevelopment agency and this commission to led us and help to contribute this this incredible city with the incredible affordable housing and providing great stabilization and accelerate shotgun the staff collectively working very, very hard to extend the great community in mission bay and the south of market and the hunters point to make it something that everyone can be proud of and we're doing it together because of your leadership housing people that need to be housed why their
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certificate of preference holders or people 0 displaced or people struggled or putting the cart before the horse residents we are do doing that collectively with your strong leadership those who work on the job and permanent end construction side really lifting people up and helping to list of san francisco i look forward to bringing that spirit to lend-lease and working many this capacity with all of you there is an exit report that certainly is here available for members of the public and on our website really talking about our key activities in all the areas in each of our major projects the millions and millions of dollars for small businesses and contractors and professional services to this leadership from this commission and the great work of the staff to make that
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happen and allow me to be up here representing them we have grown as an organization and i think grown for the better and you all although i'm leaving the current capacity you're all the future of the organizations and have learned so much from every single one of you and look forward to working with you if a breeder new capacity so i'm certainly available for any questions a couple of other core announcements we have warriors groundbreaking today, many of you were there and happy to report this morning the lawsuit brought by the mission bay alliance is done the california supreme court 0 threw it you'll we're truly done sow thank you for your hard work and a that
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concludes my report. >> thank you first of all, the protocol we need to request if there's any speaker cards. >> no speaker card. >> any member of the public at this time - yes. >> mr. washington. >> mr. washington yes. >> coming forward and speak on the executive director's report before we entertain yes go ahead. >> (inaudible). >> good afternoon, commissioners. >> good afternoon. >> my name is oscar james i put a card in on a; right? >> uh-huh. >> but anyway, it is sad too see you go and ms. bowie i've
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been here since you came i've seen commissioners and directors come all the way down back to justin herman over some 45 years plus in 1964 when we first came i seen a lot of them come and go you're one of the jewels to this agency and have been whoever gets. >>the company that got you they're lucky they're really lucky jim morales was a jewel was a director but you topped a lot of the directors who have been on that in this seat and your doesn't to the did community has been i'm going to us you've been a blessing to us like i said wherever you going hunters point if you have any
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problems and we don't mind standing on different tables we'll sit on your table thank you very much >> thank you please state your name for the record. >> certainly madam chair michael i actually operate the ship office and for the record thank you very much your leadership tiffany a joy going back i don't know how many years before you were at this post and your diligent hard work at the mayor's office just want to say thank you thank you for all your hard work and been consistent and fair and sad to see you go but glad for your endeavors thank you.
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>> thank you. >> well, well, well. >> everybody is so cheerful no, but i'm just happy to be here to witness ms. bohe she's been around so long i'm here indefinite to give her all the act madz as a person that goes back to the director we give him hell mr. hell and the rest of the directors but for the record since ms. bohe has been here from occ but redevelopment agency it's been a wonderful experience this is her day and my name is you have my stamp of
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approval if you need someone i'll try to get on the case but commend you for what you've done because you've been here in san francisco i've seen you in different agencies to where you are now, one for the record want to say god bless you and whatever very lucky and blessed to have you on broad. >> correct. >> you answered me that's the first time. >> thank you very much thank you. >> any other speakers seeing none, commissioners don't anybody want to offer a comment or question since we have a report commissioner singh.
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>> like yesterday when i saw tiffany you know we met you and me and it was fantastic you came to work here with us and we're going to miss you a lot. >> yeah. >> commissioner pimentel. >> thank you thank you for all your hard work we're going to miss you commissioners i'm happy for you moving into - >> commissioner mondejar. >> well tiffany wow. it's been 5 years and with me on the board and 5 years i've known you and thank you for basically guiding me as a commissioner in understanding the language of our commission from block whatever to parcel whatever
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(laughter). >> and all the other projects that were confusing in the beginning for me want to thank you for helping me understand our role and also for shepherding the project under our jurisdiction and the personal you you know gowns and feedback that you've given us as a commissioner being more effective and thank you for doing that and thank you for all your work for the deputies and contracts and partners in this project ii think you've done a great job in making sure this commission is a no drama commission and wish you the best in ours next career venture with the officer said earlier that
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lend-lease will be lucky to have you, your bringing this water of background and experience to this organization so hope you're still available for us in some capacity you'll be on the other side if you do come back thank you and good luck with our next venture in your career. >> i know we'll have other items but echo what the commission has said and i think that commissioner bustos were here he would have a longer experience with you, of course, but thank you for always being available always being creative, problem soefrlz in the early years as i was learning the ropes, if you will, no question
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was dump you were always there and provided i think the kinds of support but also the understanding of our role and as commissioners to help guide all of the us to protect the policies but at the same time support you in your role as a manager so i think unfortunately, your leaving but leaving the commission i think in good hands over the course not only our general council will continue to guide us but i've said the staff is one of the harder working staff in the city commends you and them for working hard for the agency i think that not only do we honor you but have to recognize that no manager is can do everything
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alone like the staff that allows the manager to shine that's my experience i want to thank you and the folks not here and wish you the very best in you're next job and career. >> so we'll continue this love festive in the next item. >> most of questions have substantive questions. >> sometime she can come to help us you know. >> i said, "yes you've heard me speak about the rain trust and i do think that there maybe times we may need to come back to understand something i'm sure so, yes. >> that's good. >> okay
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(laughter) yes don't worry. >> let's give her a hand. >> yes. to everybody. >> (clapping.) >> so this item didn't require any action we can continue to the next item, please. >> the next order of business is item 5 matters of new business consistently of extent no items next 5 a commending and expressing presentation for director bohe as the executive director of the investment and infrastructure decision and action resolution one 17 madam director. >> gosh i'm quite honored but were i won't say much i'm a little bit tongue-tied being here and but i'll defer to the
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chair the commissioners. >> thank you. >> we have before us a appropriately long resolution because someone with the years of experience and the accomplishments as you tiffany can't leave without the record reflecting all the accomplishment of the book it was reduced to 3 pages so do the commissioners have - now is that appropriate the commissioners to read the resolution okay. >> so can i ask it would be nice rather than one commissioner reading it they take turns to read through that. >> it is a few yes, it certainly.
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>> (laughter). >> it's up to you you're the vice chair can kickoff. >> okay. so i'll wait to turn on any - >> so this is a resolution number one danish 2017 commending and expressing the appreciation for director bohe upon her depart time from the san francisco museum of modern art in objectivity 2011 the redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco appointed tiffany bohe as the executive director by anonymous vote she was the first woman of african-american and filipino heritage to head the agency in san francisco history on february 1st, 2012, sf r a was dissolved by exponentially
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and to the successor agency now money as this is community investment and infrastructure or occ this demanding and transition facing the agencies throughout the state of california was skill at the shepherded by ms. bohe ms. bohe steadier the agency to the economic development solution protecting the disadvantaged community recently she announced here resignation in occ to be general manager for development in the san francisco land leans one of the world's international property and infrastructure provide
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providers. >> you want to skip and whereas throughout her tenure has great compassion and a vision awhile public defender occ community and investment and infrastructure and physical development in the community worked diligently for policies to uplift san francisco with jobs and connective development and ms. bohes reflected in her 17 years of service to san francisco first in her capacity with sf r a as a project manager on the south bay and the office of economic workforce development as project developer responsible for the negotiating of the hunters point shipyard candle stick point and hallmark contribution the most expensive community benefits in sharing
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mall moth projects more than 4 thousand unit 1/3rd will be sold and millions of commercial space to the southeast portion of the ci city. >> you can speak. >> whereas ms. bohe committed to occ mission with unwavering she vigorously purified the preservation of progress under her leadership occ received inclusive determination by the state of california that occ has an impossible obligation to pursue the completion of the project and furthermore led the effort for the state system to
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recapture $314 million in funds that ocii had dedicated to community economic development and housing projects and programs including one and $10 million in affordable housing fund and $204 million in other community development funds accommodating in the state $303 million of those funds should arranging retain with occ in order to fulfill the community economic development and affordable housing commitment. >> whereas ms. bohe to equitable development is rehabilitated in our stewardship over the last 5 years that the organization in san francisco never would bring much needed
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affordable housing to fruition under her leadership ocii affordable housing program has delivered one thousand one hundred and 91 affordable housing units providing homes for more than seven hundred san franciscans in addition ms. bohe commitment to affordable housing has exerted in robust and inclusionary housing with the occ and other one and 58 affordable units under construction and another one and 46 units in predevelopment and - and madam chair may i ask deputy oh, general council and deputy director and brea to read
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help us read the many whereas. >> jim you want to go next. >> whereas in candle stick point mr. bohe oversee the approvals of the france as a catalytic with the revitalization project and the infrastructure work necessary to support that incredibly important project and ms. bohe directed the approval for the construction of the candle stick that allows for the candle stick point park into a residential development and - >> whereas at at hunters point shipyard mr. bohe had the first transfer of navy land that will be transformed into job generating uses and parks and other benefits she championed the homeowner and individuals and families that were displaced
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by the sf r a in the 1960 and other low income residents and - >> whereas in mission bay ms. bohe has assured the hi equality mixed homes were bringing the development under ever or along the infrastructure to the thrilling neighborhood and led ocii to bring the golden state warriors in the mixed use projects that in the groundbreaking on that day. >> whereas ms. bohe lead the development of public parcels in transbay was generated over 4 hundred millions in critical funding for the city transbay transit center and will result in a dynamic new mixed use
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community down in san francisco and - >> and whereas bohe spearheaded ocii for the mission project and government and innovative mixed use high-rise residential projects with xauf new homes of the mexican museum and that yerba buena island the urban mixed use space will approve the properties cultural and performance a child development center and public open space will remain tlooifrlt place for residents and visitors for many generations to come and .
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>> whereas ms. bohe contracted the employment and construction contractors to do the part of ocii economic community and affordable housing development work during ms. bohe tenure she spearheaded economic benefits for the small business community with one billion dollars posh small business and over 5 thousand construction jobs and . >> whereas ms. bohe has a latin and monumental housing for the building in san francisco through her leadership and support and serving the legislation simulate bill one 07 from gosh to provide ocii with a financing tools more affordable housing commitment across all the major development projects
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as well as funds for ocii open space park in transbay and prior to the pga the senate bill one 07 the bonds for the critical work programs faced lightwell uncertainty, however, ms. bohe worked tooels tirelessly with mayor ed lee to make sure that ocii would have the tools it needs to deliver on the candidates to san franciscans now and for many years to come and - >> jim the last whereas. >> whereas ms. bohe has been a effective and dedicated leader and public servant her depth of knowledge and dedication and collaborative spirit along with her good humor has served her
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well and makes her highly respected and therefore, be it resolved. >> the community investment on behalf of the san franciscans and the recognition of her services to the investment and infrastructure does by this resolution express that tiffany has the sincere appreciation and best wishes in all her future endeavors. >> (clapping.) >> before we can entertain a motion this is an action item any speaker cards. >> yes. oscar james and corinne woods. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners tiffany jim my name is corinne woods i chair the mission bay citizens advisory committee i have known and worked with tiffany for 17 years. >> jesus. >> when she first came in as the project manager to mission bay she's been a terrific asset to redevelopment and ocii and she's been a stall warmth champion of mission bay all along we didn't know what we were doing we never done anything like this and learned as we went along and tiffany learned a lot and learned quickly she's leaves us with a very good project team and good back up on
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the ocii staff we're grateful we still need help and have to integrate the warriors into mission bay and look at the eliminator management of mission bay park and need the help and this just seems like every time we turn around there is something new like the school in mission bay we have to work on and we're going to be very, very sorry to see you leave i think as i say you're leaving us in good shape a lot of people here knows what that is about and the best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> any other member of the public would like to speak -
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yes state your name for the record. >> thank you sally deputy director tiffany there is so much i can say so valued our time together with the true collaboration and heard a lot today at the amazing ceremony for the warriors and you had a dream and vision for the agency we had no idea what our future would be i felt your confidence we'll be okay we'll get through it and we did i also learned from you it takes more than a vision but the energy to do it you have be a doer and get in and roll up your sleeves everybody loves to say the the devil is in the details but that's where the greatness is
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you're a true friend and i value our time together and look forward to you're next venture and share that with you thank you . >> (clapping.) >> okay. we cannot do this i cry but (laughter) yes. >> deputy director of finance and administration as the finance deputy words will not fit in this spreadsheet my 3 things i love about tiffany in the spreadsheet i love the fact your could not have and can think really, really big i blame this crying on sally - >> (inaudible). >> (laughter). >> so i love the fact you always
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have an incredible controlled details but can stretched and not a doer not that many people can take us over the finish line and put the nail in the coffin i appreciate your dedication that's what public service is and something else he started a year one half going ago i think this place is crazy before i got here the day i started had i not known the difficult history i thought you he was on a perfectly. >> right ship and goshgs and
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someone felt the smooth waters it had nodding that all the years prior so thank you very much for setting the ship right so all of us can continue sailing in the right direction. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> okay. here comes another cryer i'm the h.r. manager at the ocii i like to thank you for the opportunity to share a few thoughts from the moment i started at ocii in august of 2015 you tiffany provided mentorship in my role and challenged me to do my best and our history exceptions pushed me to excel he had my first project for that i'm thankful how we
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grow we have a duty as public servants to do our best for the community person thank you for your support during lives up and down from marriage to family challenges your care and support given me means the world to me thank you for your services to the city of san francisco and i know you'll do great things in the future. >> (clapping.) >> another. >> okay everybody has to keep it together otherwise i'll not keep it together when i started at the agency when it was the redevelopment agency in 2008, tiffany was part of my working relationship i worked in the bay area and she worked on the entitlement for the shipyard and meeting went to 1 afghanistan or
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midnight and intense meeting and actively you can't say i didn't was amazing to watch during the entitlement period of the shipyard i worked on two projects you previously worked an mission bay and shipyard and this was a big task i think that i mean a lot of people have reiterated paying attention to the detail and it is amazing i can walk in the office and she'll say did you look at page 27 of the redevelopment plan with a photographic memory i know she's close by and great working but all the years and made the staff greater employees holding yourself to high standards and everybody else to those standards thank you.
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>> (clapping.) >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is april senior sensual in fact, i met tiffany in 2000 i don't know where to begin i'll start off by saying thank you, thank you for not being just a colleague but a friend you were a colleague at the my wedding and baby showers and advised me to earn my degree and congratulated me when i got it you became the executive director you were a person that took me under your wing that's because of i serve the position i have today throughout any career two organization to the exit interviews and now we'll do one of the harder this is the last exit interview with that said, it is hard to say good by
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to a colleague i'll miss you and sad my enjoy ride working with you has come to an end thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon executive director bohe and commissioners senior project manager for the hunters point shipyard and candle stick point on behalf of the hunters point shipyard team tiffany i wanted to let you know how they've we are that you have lead by example with the office of economic workforce development and ocii showing how development really can be community driven and on the shipyard we take that to heart we're looking forward to implementing and delivering some many of the community
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projects and make sure they man's for the bayview and making this project shine i want to speak for myself for a moment i got into the work because of how transformative work can be with a community led and it is so much easier to come to work and an honor when that spirit is reflected in the leadership of an organization from the top down alters ocii so thank you for making our job easier out of respect and we appreciate your leadership and commitment i know you'll do wonderful things and incredibly happy you're not going far and take up your generous offer you'll help us at ocii thank you. >> thank you.
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>> (clapping.) >> hi good afternoon jeff white housing project manager tiffany i have fond memories in 2006, we shared a cubicle wall that's when you were 13 years old (laughter) and yeah had lots of fun and conversations and other doors opened for you, we were no longer neighbors at this point and recently ocii has been helped from our amazing support from the affordable housing program and relent less dedication and hard work and much of which has already been said but phenomenal to work with you with that vision you're
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always on the prize the strong negotiating skills and also on behalf of the permit holder affordable housing staff just gratitude for that leadership that you provided and like hanson said i'm glad you're not going far we know where to find you thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners ma'am, executive director. >> my name is gabriel ross i've been outside council with the candle stick point shipyard for almost my entire career from the beginning tiffany you've shown me to serve the public to have both the commitment to the ideals and the care for all the details that are required to
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take this giant 20, 30 year project and move forward every single day and every page of every document matters because it matters to the public and always maertdz to tiffany and i couldn't do the work i do now if tiffany hadn't been teaching me that every day of my career the idea that tiffany is leaving the agency and i just don't think this is right i don't think that every time someone opens their front door and comes home and walks to one of our parks and open space and walks along the waterfront tiffany brown will be in the neighborhoods and parks and she'll be throughout the city that she served for all this time she's not going away
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and we should thank her everyday for that. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon. mark aim the project sponsor for mission bay do we have anything here you've been incredible and for mission bay making my life easier i really appreciate everything you've done and also kind of time for me to change the career but the team you put together when you gave our announcements you were leaving the amount of people that raised their hand you've brought on this is a pleasure to come to work thank you very much. >> thank you . >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon,
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commissioners and executive director bohe tiffany i want to say a heartfelt thank you for your leadership and combines over the last 5 and a half years especially during a difficult time with the solution and to say that you'll be missed i wish you all the best thank you. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon, commissioners i know you'll be surprised about me i never speak that's why she'll be surprised i thank you for the opportunity. >> your name. >> rosa the accounting supervisor for ocii so want to take the time and thank you for taking the challenge and leading ocii or redevelopment solution it was a
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hard time and time of hard decisions and very so many i've known and through her strong leadership you made it through i went through the resolution so i can is how hard it is and for her position it is probably ten times or one hundred times harder thank you for being there during the turbulent times and your strong leadership brought this agency to flourishing and the agency focusing on comforting the community and thank you for that and god bless you. >> thank you. >> i get to speak pubically i like to do that but basically for ms. bohe an honor mostly our people and staff as i as a
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historian i had to come up with eyeing on the cake i was here when you had the transition to ocii in my 10 year history you have such a good history of it so don't feel bad although i'd like to interview you have so many history in 10 years my memoirs was a 10 year review and the only one that sat close to you was the governor and this is part of my interviews with the redevelopment agency so to historical i'm just tickled back right now but so glad to be here and if this means mo' magic as an advocate on redevelopment agency mr. morales can testify
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to that i have to say you and fred blackwell have been the ones that i deal with in the capacity with our community so i do this more information so if that means anything i'm here to say that again and good luck to you and you're going to be in the city; right? >> right. >> thank you. >> cheter with the community programs in the bay area and ms. bohe i've not met you but heard a lot but it is extremely positive as a federal developer i developed was the developer
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that dealt you, you should be a higher level san francisco is blessed to have you, your sound-proofed the organization and what it takes to run a massive program like this it amazing i hope you'll continue to advise them they need our help and the community even though a lot of people don't know about you, they be respect what you have i'm hoping this body will have a way of putting your face out there you know you don't need a statute you don't need to have some big thing but need to have something when we talk about that 20 years if now your name comes up and oh, yeah. i know who she is and what she did good luck in you're next endeavor we may run into each
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other thank you. >> director bohe i'm the manager of the planning and design at the investment and infrastructure tiffany i'd like to say thank you for being a role model and i know i'm saying this on behalf of everyone on staff and particularly the preparation of the planning section but from a personal stand point i've phone number known you for many years and knew you when you arrived and an assistant park ranger you were smart from on your work and when i saw how hard of a worker at the mayor's office the living testimony you
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provide to us of the fruits of commitment, of just pushing things through just making sure that everything is done correctly and i just echoing what was said about they're being to balance the focus on the details but also to balance the big picture i think this is something we all appreciate that we're all learn from when at first, you leave that is a sad thing for us but had to be said i think we'll keep you as an idea that's what i mean of a role model and in the future when we come up against something different what would tiffany 0 bohe do.
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>> (clapping.) >> good afternoon, commissioners director bohe. >> enabling contract our. >> tiffany and i go way back and worked in mission bay back will 1999 i a.d. mirrors you then when i come through the years to recognize sometimes, people have opportunities and watch them go by. >> but tiffany was one of the people you know you learned as much as you could and continued to learn when you went over to you know work at the mayor's office of economic workforce development you know, i knew something good
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was going to happen you come back to the agency that was a difficult time and personally thank you for your support. >> wow. >> (laughter). >> so, now thank you for your support personally i want the community to know the commission will push that envelope to make sure the folks in the city have access to housing, jobs, professional construction contracts and this city you know is an economic has economic challenges i want to thank you for being here you've been here for us i get to watch you as a black
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filipino shine and continue to shine and we've had our conversation you'll do well and help to continue to push the envelope making sure that it is inclusive thank you actively just. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> any other speakers. >> madam chair. >> may i. >> absolutely. >> well, i'll follow-up on a few of the comments made i'm one of the few agency directors in my time and i know that you know each one had to face many challenges and significant ones major projects, protests and things that i'm sure have continued to haunt them and continued to effect them in some way i believe that nothing
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compares to the experience that tiffany has gone through that is beyond imagination to think that we as an agency would be dissolved at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012 and that we would come this far in rebuilding i want to remind people those who lived here and worked about the struggles of those that first year tiffany was the director not something we brought but dealt with but we went into this period of uncertainty a period where we became a city we were like a de facto to city department and had a situation we had to deal with a tremendous loss of funds and staff just the pain
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that tiffany went through and the staff went through to get through that period and then all the contracts that we had to both catalog and the process of trying to define what projects would survive we worked tiffany worked very hard to in a creative way to expand what projects we were allowed to do unlike any other former redevelopment agency in the state this agency through her leadership was allowed to continue many of the major projects she had to deal with concerns and questions from the community and exceptions reinforcement promised a lot of things in the dissolved state no longer able to perform to deliver some
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thought it would never deliver that maybe more difficult a period of time no commission and then a new commission and you pointed out madam chair rosales a learning experience with commissioners and directors tiffany throughout this project took the job to a new level allowed us to maintain our position of strength as an agency that can get things done and make projects succeed and one of the harder things that to rebuild starting almost if scratch throwing out the play book and basically rebuild an organization to that the where we can and have been for the past several years delivering
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projects on time and in a meaningful way that helps the community and so you know, i think when the story of redevelopment and successor agencies it told tiffany's role will be a significant and prominent if not the most important one in maintaining those special powers of redevelopment the powers to fund projects to approve projects, to respond to the community, and for that besides the fact she kept me on i'm eternally grateful. >> thank you, jim. >> (clapping.) >> these have been some pretty powerful word i've mentioned earlier meeting of some days ago
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i've gone through 14 contributions with the city i don't remember this much love in my one of those transitioned so speaks the world about you tiffany so thank you now we need a motion this is an action item. >> so is that possible to have a co-motion amongst all the commissioners. >> so it's been made and seconded by everyone pretty much with the commissions permission i'll ask our commission. >> yes. thank you. >> commission secretary. >> extraordinarily commissioner pimentel commissioner bustos is absent commissioner singh
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commissioner moore. >> madam chair rosales. >> madam chair the vote is i's and one absent. >> the resolution happens thank you tiffany. >> (clapping.) >> okay. >> couple of other items next item is public comment call the the next order of business on non-agenda items any speaker card. >> i have one. >> i also have a speaker card of - i don't know anyone that wants to speak. >> oscar james. >> seniority is that what you said. >> he's the old it. >> (laughter). >> oscar james again, i was kind of upset he heard that the
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agenda was closed i didn't get agenda yesterday from staff and i understood what was going on i know this meeting was supposed to be held in hunters point i have a lot of community that was getting ready to come out i had to turn around and call sunday and yesterday and this morning to let them know we're unable to have the meeting there you know i'm still touched by you tiffany leaving this last agenda from the last program like i said you are a jewel i don't know not showing who will replace you and that's a big concern to me because it will be hard to fill our shoes but i would like to
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get our information where you're going to be and like to hope you be in contact with whoever becomes the director here i'd like for it to be jim morales (laughter) or he's been a history of the thought various communities and what the agency stands and a has been about and will be about that's a plug for you jimmy just hope. >> they'll put someone with his status someone we can trust again, we love you in bayview hunters point and whatever i can do to help you don't hesitate to give me a call you'll truly be missed i'm glad the people's
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came out and supported and spoke to you i know the commission had the highest respect for you but it is good to know people were out in the world has terrific respect for you and with gods blessing thank you. >> thank you. >> (clapping.) >> fantastic get to talk this many times and expression is up and everybody is happy this is the regular part of meeting; right? >> yes. >> and gave all any accolades i have the same sentiments keep up the shoes but whoever will be jim morales knows where the skills are at anyone that is on new will be like mr. ma again -
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speaking of eras this is appalling and scary all - i can, give advise with the supplemental have to each out to the younger generations the only thing is people like yourselves and others look at what you've done to history and carry on from there as someone mentioned hope this is mentioned in the books in my books and therefore try to continue it on but i have a minute and a half here like to extend any expertise any way to help out to capture those moments i'll take pictures anyway are you going to plan on
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taking pictures sure okay. i have one minute and 20 seconds left obviously the business concerns you've gone a wonderful jobs and kept me i'll and for the record i met with ms. bohe from the redevelopment to ocii he was like a bulldog ready to come on to redevelopment but said i'll help out and she did my requests to have the redevelopment come out to the fillmore i had a meeting with bohe and ready to do it and up from upstairs queen bee london breed you've done a wonderful job and want to know if this agency will continue on your good works and work with the
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addition the deal we've talked about every district and every area of the western edition so after ms. bohe who seats in the seat we'll talk about the financial seat ace on the case congratulations thank you chester one concern ace brought it up ace you did well the realty it will be very important that as commissioners you do look at who will be taking her place because i think if you're going to look at having days of negativeism and other things against you in your decisions you, you may want to look at
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someone that can take they are item let tiffany has item let you i'll leave it at that i think the community will hopefully, will not react from a go negative view on that thank you. >> do we have any other cards. >> no other cards. >> i have a card the individual couldn't come he's the mayor the city (laughter). >> and so he's busy but his office issued a proclamation and since none from the mayor's office is available to do this i agreed to do this and so lemon
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read into the record a proclamation of the city and county of san francisco the whereas the city and county of san francisco traditionally roekdz the achievements of notable individuals to tiffany for her extremely 17 year service for the residents and community and whereas in 2011 tiffany was unanimously pounded and executive director to the redevelopment agency for the city and county of san francisco she's the first woman of african-american and filipino heritage to head the agency and whereas the transitioned to the investment and infrastructure in 2012 this demanding and con in front of transition was she wanted heeptd by ms. bohe for the sustainable development is reflected in her 17 years in the capacity of the the development stratus and with the manager as the redevelopment and with the
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office of economic workforce development as a project director and final as director of ocii and wrasz throughout her tenuous how far compassion and a vision awhile pursuing the ocii mission of the economic and physical development in many of san francisco most important communities and whereas many boo is commitment is with the preservation of many important programs and throughout her career and whereas as her leadership ocii has a determination by the state of california that ocii has an impossible obligation to pursue the completion of the projects and whereas she's a dedicate public leader and guardian of the public and her department of knowledge of economic
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development and dedication to the wellness has served her well and made her highly not amongst her colleagues therefore, be it resolved that i mayor edwin lee mayor in the city and county of san francisco in recognition of her 17 years of service and wishing her autumn the best in her future endeavors declare tuesday, january 17, 2017, as tiffany bohe day in san francisco >> (clapping.) >> does that mean free parking. >> (laughter). >> you do get free parking. >> as a commitment of our mayor, i think we have a little bit of business please call the next item. >> the next order of business. >> madam chair. >> no report. >> next is commissioners
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questions and matters madam chair. >> does any commissioner have a question to bring up this is your last opportunity. >> yes or no. >> did we skip number 7. >> we just did that so you have a question or matter. >> no, i don't. >> okay please call the next item. >> the next order of business closed session. >> so i will call the closed session pursuant to the government code subsection b-1 the commission will convene regarding the appointment of an intern executive director i need to request all the members of the public and staff at this time to please leave the
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>> hi. >> i called them. >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> that's great, thank you. >> okay the commission is convened in open session at 5:11 p.m. >> can you please call item number 11. >> the next order of business item 11 report if any on closed session. >> i'm deferring to commissioner singh who has a motion. >> i move we should hire nadia
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an interim decoration and commissioner singh or commissioner mondejar would you last week to read the proposed resolution. >> yeah. >> whereas the successor agency of the implementation agency of the city and county of san francisco commonly known as the office of investment and infrastructure desired to appoint nadia as an interim executive director now therefore, be it resolved the successor agency of the agency of the city and county of san francisco appoint nadia to the position of interim director of the agency effective. >> january 24th. >> 2015 and foofrpt authors
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the agency and manager in communication with the general council to take all the necessary steps consistent with applicant law and policy to complete the appointment of her as the interim executive director. >> that's the proposed resolution there is a motion and a second counsel do we need to take any public comment. >> you've taken the action but certainly do it again in open session. >> okay. so please call the roll. >> commissioners, please respond when i call your name. commissioner pimentel commissioner bustos absent commissioner singh commissioner mondejar madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 4 i's and one absent
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the resolution as executive director is approved. >> congratulations. >> (clapping.) >> very momentous day yes. >> the next order of business item 12 joint. >> yes. the meeting adjoined at >> neighborhoods in san francisco are as diverse and fascinating as the people who inhabit them and today we're in the western addition in
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district 5, where we'll hang with supervisor london breed and experience firsthand the renaissance underway at the buchanan mall. buchanan mall was connecting city blocks from grove to turk street and once besieged by violence, today it's revitaling community spirit with an urban garden. this is where anyone who grew up in the neighborhood and spend out any time outside we spent time at buchanan mall and we hang with one another and made it work. we had fun together. the good news is that it seems like the activation is bringing the community back to the area. this garden, i think, can do a lot for bringing the community together.
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my hope is that with these cooking demos, that will bring folks out and they will start talking to one another when they probably normally wouldn't do that. crystal jem started cook as soon as she could start and the coordinator for community grows an organization that teaches cooking and nutrition, sanctifying growing spaces and nourishing communities. >> it was to have a sea of calm for pause and congregating. i see more people out. if they are out here playing, it's still safer. it's a beautiful spaces and people are less inclined to mess them up. it allows them to want to instill some sort of ownership over this good thing. before we did this buchanan mall project i had walked through
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here -- hadn't walked through in ten years because of the dynamics of the neighborhood. >> for residents who kov founded green street a local business that offers re-cycling for the properties, activation took opportunity for the environment and community at-large. >> it's the but thy of the whole mission north and from the prison yards together and now we stand here today pushing good energy for those people around us. i learn businesses through this and now i can share business with my community.
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