tv Board of Education 12417 SFGTV January 27, 2017 2:00am-5:01am PST
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get involved be part of solution help san francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. >> this is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. >> get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. >> find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. >> (ship blowing horn in distances) today is tuesday, january 24, 2017, roll call
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please ms. casco. >> mr. cook mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase thank you ms. norton mr. sanchez mr. walton ms. ing thank you. >> thank you. please join me for pledge of allegiance for pledge of allegiance to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you it is good to see everyone here in attention this evening we will have a packed agenda we'll hear if our public first item a approval of the minutes from the regular board
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meeting from january 10th. >> i move adoption of the minutes. >> thank you roll call please. thank you ms. ing on the minutes mr. cook mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton mr. sanchez thank you and mr. walton thank you 5 i's. >> thank you ms. casco has been jounsz or announces members of the public are remind if he with wish to address the board of education an valid can complete and speaker card and presented it to the which you have been assistant speaker cards will not be accepted to be an item arrested before the board presentations to the board of education we have the sprint report superintendant lee.
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>> thank you, president walton i have a few events to report out one that is took place and two, that will take place soon this part saturday, i had the pleasure of attending a marin with the city and county of san francisco and goes to support the black students in the city of san francisco we choose the fifth black family day for the first day and willie l. brown middle school there was a great turnout roughly three to four hundred participants and over 4 hundred partners offered a variety of resource from 67 and summer programming to financial and wellness services additionally families workshops that were offend by the
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african-american parent advisory committee or apac and support for families thanks to urban ed and sanborn map pa and willie l. brown middle school for sharing space and partnering to make black family day a huge success tomorrow january 21st the arts fair at the asian arts museum on 200 larkin street from 4 to 6:00 p.m. with the arts corridors and administrators and parents a window to the wealthy of art education that schools can take vantage of since sfusd schools are beginning do sharp their 2016-2017 school budgets including how did they want to spend their art enrichment fund dollars this event comes at a
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good time and part of master plan, which is a blueprint from integrating the arts into students daily curriculum coordinated by the art education of bay area up to 50 representatives of culture arts providers will be on hand and our very own board of education president trump will be providing brief remarks they brief. >> so at the same time or offer lapsing time a lot going on tomorrow everybody from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and palace hundred on 2 montgomery street the sfusd high schools from the career pathways will be presenting hands on projects showing the technical skill and talking about their work experience to san francisco industry partners and community-based organizations and parent and peers the
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students are conducting market research to create angle ad campaign constricting a large than life game of mousetraps with designs and showing you how food travels from farm to table the technical education program represents 13 sectors from urban argue to bio technical and building and construction trades to marketing and finance offering two to three can classroom that allows students to meet professional and gain experience from a career path and learning about the training to get there and finally we want to remind the community that all sfusd are closed for lunar new years this friday gung hay fat choy thank you mr. walton.
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>> item c recognitions and resolution of the accommodations to. >> two rave special service awards the first, it lauren miller a teacher at the sf public monetary this will be presented by our principal. >> she's our second and third grade teacher. >> (clapping.) >> i have a few words to say about lauren she came to us she's forensic from austin,
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texas a thoughtful reflective teacher consistently shows care and a whole love of love it is because it she's an excellent model the students show care to their classmates she takes the time to get to know her students i appreciate she has a strong relationship with every single family parents and kids caregivers know when they drop off their students in the morning she cares for and treats them with the dignity and respect and loves them all for what they are she provides opportunities for each students to shown to do they're very best it brings me
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(laughter) good evening my name is mark i'm the principal of john o'connor school >> (clapping.) >> yeah john o'connell i'd like to welcome up amy our rave award wisp at the john o'connor school come on up here amy as a posse we role susan the principal at o'connell we all have one person in our lives we want went to school with and entitled us had us going and loved when that rough day came we went to amy is that person at john o'connor school she is the rock for our students
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she's the rock for adults regardless of what is happening amy will be there firmer and have you sit down before you leave she'll have you regardless of what is going on in our world she'll sit down with you and make sure things are okay. at a minimum have a plan to walk out that's why mr. ryan and i are unusual in her office and figure out what we're doing it is a great pleasure to introduce amy she's talented we're anticipating that amy takes the ranks this is how amazing she is the most amazing counselor in the world amy. >> (clapping.)
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>> congratulations. >> (laughter) >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> thank you >> (clapping.) >> once again congratulations to all the honorees and the rave honorees this evening great work we appreciate everything she does and item d student delegate report. >> buenas dias and mr. walton. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> the s ac c business february with the first of all,
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as a senior i want to tell all the seniors that are almost done in february the college applications will be finishing and once again college it next the journey to college is almost there work but we are almost there keep on going and next the undocumented resolution it has been sent to committees and students from different schools across the city will be coming to this to discussion on the resolution and have discussions with the board of education and district employees next will be our scc curriculum updates we'll continue looking at the sfusd dress code survey and help with the curriculum with our data gathered tomorrow and it will be upstairs everyone is welcome to see if they want
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to gather and see the data that we've collected and come back and report back and talk to the board of education on how what can we move forward with that. >> thanks maria the next is the 19 c crook health committee two projects one is the update of fellow students working with the philistine hearts with the shelter and arrange a potluck and in addition sfusd is discussing whistle project in the process another did you want is the sf cc special district committee update some of the reps are here we want to give
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them a shout with the young and future forum at the mix if you're an sfusd please raise your hand thank you >> (clapping.) >> essential what they did present and try to recruit more students and talk about our upcoming events called the youth submit on march 17 from 9:30 to 2:30 contract next meeting is monday february 17th in the board meeting room. >> thank you student delegate for all the s ac c members next the advisors reports to the reports by the board members
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the bunted of rose bud and lower resolution i'm in the 8 gated grade and the null appoint san francisco indian education tax representative good evening, everybody my name is melanie i'm a parent of pack committee and represent the nation from arizona i got two children in schools i represent 10th grade from the june jordan high school and the middle school. >> good evening. i'm amanda i am a parent of two daughters two go to mission delores academy sorry eight grade and second and i just want to acknowledge everybody behind us welcome i
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hope you enjoy the presentation and in turn at mentoring the staff. >> so tonight we are here to speak to the need of the indian education and how it supports the cultural needs of american indian in the san francisco unified school district now i want to take you through some highlights and i want to highlight a few of our 2016 accomplishments summer science is 8 to 10 days and cultural and family night partnership with national binders conference 2016, report a nation across the state and reservation participation expansion the staff and tutoring
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environmentalist to school and lastly we brought a youth designation to la for the international leadership submit in february between the 25 and 27, 2016 moving along as you can see the list is full i want to share a full of the intertribal community successes office staff has training for in coming families with an 8 increase in 506 forms allowing us to serve the new indian-american families expand the corridor positions from school term to full terms. >> pack and title vii working with the community the indian education title vii in
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cooperation with the community agency as much as the indian-american youth services and house of indian-american services to support our families and students. >> this bind program fourth the native youth leaders by creating opportunities for youth to participate and network by attend the world renown indigenous youth have attended the binders conference since 2013 in the addition has been a partner since the beginning witnessed the larger youth to every participate in the leadership program as well as the most comprehensive programming for and by native
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youth here's a snapshot of our attendees so you can get an idea would was represented and represent as well as seeing the youth in action. >> hi so this is a belief history i'm sure you saw it at the last board meeting of indian ed in 1972 the office of education was created and along with the indian education act the original act was amended in 1974 to include will teacher training and foreperson training in 2001 no child left behind we authorized as title vii so then
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in 2011 president obama created a working group to strengthen the connection to tribal and universities for native youth this is the 506 form that was previously mentioned the main funding mechanism for tindian program the newest version and has gone through many changes i'm told it is very important, important the program they be filled out to track the students and also receive the funding this is statistics on enrollment in the unified school district from the cd state data from 2011
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school year went from 200 and 84 enrolled native alaska and up to last year 200 and 44. to point out it is a low job in comparison to other ethnicity but for us it it represents around 20 families that may have been pushed out of san francisco and it just reinforces the service that indian tribes by supporting families in connecting with programming and different resources to stay within the city want to jump to the graduation rate of for native students as 53 percent compared to all students of 85 percent and we wanted that, of course, to be
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100 percent but compared to the job out rates from 2011 school year 21.4 percent to 2014 to 15 at the 15.8 percent seeing that drop dramatically is really currently for the program to see since they started the program this is a snapshot of some data that is requested by the program to see where they can to death especially high schoolers to see who is at highest risk of not graduating and so shows the different percentages based on if they're on track to graduate or not.
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>> indian ed offers k through 12 academic support to help the students with resources to support their cameras success cultural nights for medication bags and supply gave a ways a public safety presentation. >> some intertribal community challenges we are facing stereotyping of indian-american and native curriculum for students and historical drama and cultural competency. >> some top priorities for us are cultural competency with sensitivity training for the
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staff of the schools continued input into occur california ed with cultural barriers to the indian-american and assess excuse me - emotional support with continuing to expand staff support for indian ed and providing structure for native language proficiency to meet the a g requirements. >> continuing with top priorities policies and operations board adopted the policy that unified school districts follow the mandates of title 7 ed code and the united nation on the rights of indigenous people in october identification procure,
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i.e., training of e p staff at sanchez on - add scheduled in the coming months now the fun part to show off some of our cultural nights pride the it up right is picture that demonstrates our beneath we've night the top left the making of sweat dresses and the do it yourself making butter. >> continuing on to path to identify and success are students participate in the annual initiative heritage night at the city hall includes the dancers. >> path to identify and
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success those come from the end of the community selection the top right is the student that was comfortable to celebrate the bottom right shows our youth giving back to community and the top right array waiting patiently to get her gift bag. >> education and culture equals strength from the international indigenous leadership submit coordination with the migrate ed. >> now we invite you all to join us with the moving forward we'll be honoring the youth elderly and our graduating
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seniors on may starting at the 12:00 p.m. at the sanchez auditorium thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so much again for coming out tonight it is always a pleasure to hear from the indian education program thank you, mr. steel. >> we do have a people signed up for public comment on this item so before we mare from my colleagues let me call th
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(calling names) please note it that. is two minutes and the microphone is over here to any rig my right. >> hello, i'm shelly mother of gina she's from the standing rock and tribe in pine ridge in south dakota this year she began at the mission high school i picked up her social studies textbook and i was shocked to deliver discover that natives with not represented this is asian and african clults are
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covered the rich and numerous cultural have not covered except in anthropologists when ancient americans are described as a psychologist i know how for the confidence be elected in her school books evict the upper classmate i ask you rectify this with equality representation in the social studies course and reflect the ask we rename columbus to indigenous folks thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good afternoon my name is michelle i'm from the bank on nation i am a proud parent
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avenue a galileo high school graduate who's now off to college in minute police officers and i want want to voi lot of our students face many challenges have lots of barriers for them to be going to school and not have that cultural competency with their educators and administration is crucial to they're learning the success to move on and go to graduate and go on to higher education our community has one of the highest drop-out rates it are
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important we can't stress what is going on in our country our community was hit with bad news about the - that effects the kids how can they feel good and concentrate on school with stuff going on and teachers and administrators are not considered what they're going through sometimes a matter of looking at the students and looking at what their struggling with but, yeah they maybe late with their homework one day the fact they're turning in their homework and the fact they have summer and get the tutoring and more importantly the support our kids are looefrp to walk and balance with culture and mainstream society it is so hard to do in the city i want to
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stress the cultural competence. >> i'm this is my first time born and raised in san francisco from california soma county a graduate if galileo high school and here to support the native youth that is very important thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening, everyone so my name is vicky i'm a part of the my own education program a student mentor we want to say a few words in support of this presentation and shout out everyone that presented working diligently practicing everything, everything this was great to start off groping up as
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a at risk youth i know how important for reason indian education and needed and crucial to have call the roll. >> competent teachers and administration currently competent say can be said but takes the effort of an individual to gain the understanding and want to invest in native youth education another thing i want to talk about is indigenous people today how it is too important to be able to celebrate the original people of this land all the land that you see and all the land in sf is all native land and so curable to celebrate that beautiful history that was in the genocide that columbia created so those are just a few words i want to say in support
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of education program and proud to be a tutor mentor and hope to work and build our program thank you . >> (clapping.) >> good evening as a parent and a grapple i'm here again and we're here i want to read something to everyone it's not my words but words written by someone you should recognize native-americans have shaped the united states we have worked to protect the scald land and restored any acres of tribal homeland and report a greater representation of indigenous
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people before the united nations and called for further implementation of the declaration of the rights of indigenous people in recognition of the immeasurable contributions if native-americans have made we advocate for standing opportunity across the indian country we have supported tribal colleges and universities and worked to return control of education to tribal nations not only to prepare the demand for future employment but promote their tribal languages and cultures president obama we can't believe the lies it is hard for me not to sound
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political but right now our children are hearing lies and telling them those lies are true don't blame yourself please keep with our commitment and help us to live and thrive don't forget our people and languages don't forget yourselves the truth. >> (clapping.) >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is a better a schmidt i've been i was born and raised in san francisco and went to the san francisco unified school district attended san francisco state university and unfortunately, i of the unable to graduate due to financial my financial situation at the time but when indian ed came to the bay area i was one of the first people to jump on board i was
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raised without indian ed in the unified school district and had to fight everyday to let people know we're native-american i was in the beginning afraid and shamed to say my nationality but i'm wash 0 from nevada from carson city, nevada all the way down to auburn to mona lake and marysville in california to be able to see indian ed being in the unified school district is going full force really makes me feel to grateful to the school board for accepting us and accepting the fact that we
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are american indians and for the teachers and principals in our unified school district to stand behind this program to see it in 2015 still going strong makes the heart feel good i know your children are well taken care of and supported in the unified school district thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> hello, i'm debbie i'm wash so and filipino from california i am one of the first students my mother spoke that drive that came me the determination to finish i had many mentor between all the way down to see these parent watching the young ones
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go through that really touches hi heart with this education everybody in our native youth needs to continue forward into the future and now going through this program any son has gone through the program and going back to school for his masters. >> (clapping.) >> that allowed me to give back to the native community those in need in the friendship house who are trying to strive to get through their struggles of what they're going through i see that with the kids i try to help with that as of and when i can to deny any education or deny anything else to our children for the future would be wrong so i thank you and continue to support the indian education for the future and to the identity
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of who we are as people i thank you. >> (clapping.) >> okay hello my name is robert martin the kshltd consultant for the classes in the indian education program in title vii i want to encourage there are cultural sensitivities that allows us to walk between the native and non-native world i want to say thank you for this opportunity to speak on behalf of the native-american i'm from oklahoma and this person is structurally in bringing me into this program i don't live in san francisco but like to see that continue you know for generations to come in my
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language i say thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you so many so much for your kind words and support in the indian education program colleagues mr. haney. >> yeah. i first want to thank you all for your presentation and leadership i'm happy to see when this is progress made i know for a number of years a question about space and i'm so happy to see there is some sense of permanent around space that is for the for the most part not an ongoing concern not without a lot of fighting we try to make that happen thank you for your leadership and the school district to make sure that continues to be protected one thing that seems to come up again and again when we are here
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is questions around curriculum i want to ask our dignity and our curriculum department to partner with you all to make sure that we address some of the questions of the representation some of the you know would i would like to see us do this together to see what books should we have and materials to make sure those are in the classrooms and i'm this year just started with the curriculum department i'm sorry curriculum committee and that is something i'd like to bring for review so we can take into account up and down k through 12 how we are educating all our students about the experience the native-american indian and make sure that is reflected in the fifth grade and what is happening there the other couple of things i was surprised not to
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have commissioner vice president mendosa-mcdonnell i thought we renamed columbus day as indigenous day i looked at on the calendar it says columbus day slash indigenous day we need to take out that first part. >> (clapping.) >> a long time ago so you have my commitment i board members to address that so you'll not have to come back and talk about next year the one question and happy to see the training for staff around that to make sure that issue is addressed who people come in the last thing i want to address and let it go it is top priorities so learn a little bit more you say adopt the policy with the indian education title vii code declaration on the right for indigenous people can you talk
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about that in terms of how that impacts what we do in the district and why this is important to you this was one of the top 3 priorities i want to make sure we hear that. >> thank you matt haney for what. >> offered thank you for your time flores the corridor for title vii to address that matter you brought up around policy as of right now there was a long-standing history on how indian education was created there are certain mandate that requires unified school districts to work dribble with their native community their local community to align with the example of representation of american indians what a collaboration and goal now the
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united nations goal the in other things that disrupt the meeting are prohibited. people is an international policy we're asking through the support of the board you align with that policy which devolves into all aspects of education of providing indigenous food of insuring that cultural competency is not a question but it is a deeper understanding and we would love to explore working with i all to create what that looks like that is something that the relationship with our board san francisco unified school district and our leaguer indian education program are packed and the community in san francisco and the local tribes thank you for that. >> i hope we can continue it conversation it is something we
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should do thank you. >> commissioner thank you very much i really appreciate the presentation it gets better and better he wanted to also want to go on record as supporting the change in october to commemoration to the indigenous people's day mr. flores how do people found out about when the pack meets. >> that's a great question and to respond to your questions are we directing it towards side larger community in san francisco so we had a general mail out monthly to our indian ed families that are engaging and enrolled in the events and the programming but we would like to start offering to direct the e-mails our calendar the monthly
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events and event in general around the community to make sure we have you all on our radar and come and join us one of the upping event will be in may the youth and elderly honoring and the graduating of the graduates we'll be honoring them we have board members attending that event this is a great time and i assure you you'll have a good time we say will releases the upcoming event in the spring and summer in our path meeting is every first tuesday of most and we hold those meeting another indian ed center around 325 assistance street in bungalow two. >> student delegate. >> i want to second what the
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board member said spoken for your people i want to thank you you guys and honored to have you guys tonight and be honored to have i think we have more to learn you guys bring to learn from the elderly you make them part of the process and history because interesting to date i use one of the civil rights activist like kind of like talking about history like want something crazy happens in the country we have to organize they get lost after it is going on and then nowadays we have to organize you guys keep this to the side and hopefully one day your youth what - one of the board members to create- so i
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want to thank you guys and extend the sfusd and i really appreciate you guys work and keep on fighting never will be over and i definitely know that i just want to repeat what commissioner haney said about accountability for the board members but you guys keep them accountable we can put the history but in the meaning the real history the people putting part of this but so much to history in the short amount in the books that's never enough but making sure like real history of the people nobody want to hear from me not you know know your history will make you proud and also about cultural what's
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the word. >> yeah. sorry because it just going to keep on increasing in the school but again, we have to be there and the work will not be ending so thank you guys for doing the work and keeping - welcome to the task and thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, maria commissioner vice president mendosa-mcdonnell. >> thank you and i'm always excited to hear the updates with the community that you've been building i have a couple of questions with regards to the data that you provided that is helpful for us so the graduation rates for any student is 53 compared to the district at the 85 is this the current rate of 53 percent from last year. >> yes. what's been recorded to the california depth of
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education. >> do you know if the students of native americans go to particular schools are across the district. >> our students have spread out k through 12. >> spread out okay. and then looking at the status of several of students and looking at page 11 the 10 percent off track up to one year and barely off track another 10 percent of students want to make sure we are providing support you have access so the programming we offer up and then curious if our students are taking advantage of that we should be thinking about to make sure they're getting the information and actually able to follow through with the credit recovery support we can provide or any other mechanism that
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enables them to have a chance to graduating if you're not tapping what are we providing through you know whether through the center or through manipulating or whatever other means that we work with our families and students. >> we work directly with the stepchildren to juniors who are several off track we look at the night schools options and the programs they need to make sure they can get back on track we work directly but with did school sites. >> i want to make sure you have assess to the embodies that we have in our schools as well and that are particularly in the
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high schools and perhaps we make sure there is a direct outreach to your community to make sure their tapping that great resource a lot of the organizations that are funded by the city preprograms for the students and enables them to be sure they're on track and following and getting support for the college applications there is counseling that is available 67 and any of the organizations are based on in future community so their assessable to our students and find ways to make sure your tapping those organizations two and then i just have the events on my calendar now i'm looking forward to celebrating with you in may thank you. >> (clapping.) >> so thank you, ms. flores for bringing out the team and thank you to the parents i had an
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opportunity to visit a couple of times last year so thank you for welcoming me i had a great experience getting do learn more about what you do i know every time you want to keep me coming we were watching closely in terms of what that administration will do and the effects on the program we'll be fighting to make sure you get the level of support you need so so much we're paying attention. >> thank you shamann. >> (clapping.) >> we have youth representing representatives can we have them stand if you came to support the indian education can you please stand to get the community
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elderly. >> (clapping.) >> thank you colleagues are there any appointments to the advisory committee this evening. >> commissioner sanchez. >> to the peace came back. >> thank you commissioner sanchez item f public comment on consent items no one is signed up this evening and item g consent calendar i need a motion and second on the cds. >> second. >> thank you. any items to be withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent. >> for once there are none president trump. >> any items severed by the boards superintendant for discussion and vote a roll call
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vote will take place under section organization item h superintendant proposals there is none tonight. and board member proposals there is none tonight. and item j public comment on general items >> (clapping.) >> so a few things to note before we get both public comment. one i want to thank everyone for coming out, i know we have a lot of working families and people are commitments thank you for spending your time at the board meeting and coming to speak out we're going to take public comment in a couple of sections and time limited let me read this special please note that public comment is an opportunity to hear if the community on matters within the board's
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jurisdiction we ask you refrain from employees names if you have a complaint you may speed limit submit to 9 supervisors as a reminder boards rule and california law don't allow us to respond or attempt to answer questions during public comment we hear you just not an opportunity to respond in appropriate the staff will follow-up with that said, we'll take public comment the speaker cards that we have tonight who want to speak on concerns or questions of items ref to grattan elementary school we'll time this 15 minutes total public comment 15 minutes total public comment my hope you work together to make sure that everything has an opportunity to be heard with that i'm reading
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it is national compliments day >> (clapping.) >> and the grattan community looks amazing on january 19th we decided to involuntarily transfer mr. phillip when you did that you hit my kids you hilt any friends kids and neighbors you hit our community you hit our pta and sight community and principal our teachers you hit our volunteers you hit us really good you got us in the gut it hurts i read your e-mails and you need our attorney present but you made that a black and white issue not enough credit to the our students and
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teachers and community making decisions out of your ballet blocks that limited our liability and cover your by the hidden in limiting your financial liabilities this is safe such decisions are safe your placing this safe i challenge you to consider just consider changing our decisions consider our decisions that ultimately has our students needs first and by the way, that is. >> (clapping.) >> - >> by the way, that is one of your core values students centered be fearless under guerrero be fearless mr. lee another one of our core values when reviewing the status as grattan be united be united
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one of our core values united with our core community that community that come out here tonight. >> (clapping.) >> be united be indian with our community not auditor attorney be united with our community not our attorney stand with those most vulnerable in our community social justice i read it on the website as one of your core values stand with the children and teachers and know when i send any kid's to grattan i feel safer when i saw mr. phillips greeting us every morning. >> (clapping.) >> i want you to be mind fill we have 29 speaker cards to 15 minutes total. >> i'm christine a parent at grattan three children i want to
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speak from a health perspective from the mental health it is resonated one of your core values making the decision bans what is best for the student and for the school community because of this is the shocking to me and to our community to learn of our abrupt decision to transfer mr. phillips without any thought to how it effects the health of the students that depended on on him everyday so let's look at it from from the mental health from the social development perspective for children to feel safe they need stability transferring a teacher that is involved in their lives before and during and affordable housing school is
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destabilizing and jarring the instability for the mental health diverse like depression i have three children that proclaim their activities with mr. phillips are the reasons that they love grattan this is decision has caused anxiety they've asked who have their teachers will be next studies are clearly linked increased anxiety to decreased performance in school so this action is a anything but student centered our children deserve better what you are children deserve the stability ate richness that mr. phillips brings to our
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community. >> (clapping.) >> hello you all sorry to pull that up - but, but i want to refer to your own letter when you describe our regard for your actions and how you pay attention to due diligence i appreciate that due diligence you mentioned that you xoultd various departments and come to those decisions not easily i'll notice in our quest for observe activity one department you missed us you decided what was best for us that comes off as a little bit blind and for us a whiplash momentum we know what we have that feels like you're
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taking the substance away from us and so i wanted to double down on what was said thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening i wanted to thank you for thank you for your time to listen to us this evening i appreciate the turnout it is inspiring >> (clapping.) >> there is a question we ask our children when they come home from school what did you learn about african or multiple table or maybe our child talked to a bully on the playgrounds or learned virtues of sharing or listening to the person that is talking with you a book written we roger all i needed to learn i
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learned in kindergarten academics is a fraction their attending practice to learn to become better people. >> (clapping.) >> at which will help the world be a better place any child soaked his pill these in tears with the dark reality of injustice and feeling the anger that comes with unfairness from his perspective watching a teacher getting punished two we admired in 3 common decency no good deed goes urban punished did mr. phillips break the policy or protocol i know how to spot a good man mr. phillips is
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a good man. >> (clapping.) >> i don't think for a second he was acting on any other impulse rather than than to help a person so rules and regulations what are we teaching the children what will the students take away what will i explain about their perspective of fairness with the goodness and care challenged do you know to know if keeping mr. phillips at grattan is the right thing to do just ask the children. >> (clapping.) >> hi i'm not a parent at grattan and i just wanted to make sure you don't take it lightly when we say we love mr. phillips and he sees us we fills
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us with enthusiasm and learning and love i would love if i could urge you to reconsider your decision to transfer mr. phillips because we don't feel there is any replacement for him, i hope you can let him come back home where he belongs thank you. >> (clapping.) >> so before you talk i want to make sure that i want to make sure i called the state's names on the list and, yes shepherd (calling names) i apologize if i mass criteria you're name you have 5 minutes left for the whole group.
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>> i have two minutes. >> - >> you're taking time up from the meeting right now. >> you have 5 minutes and you're taking up time. >> my name is christen shield i have three children that have been lucky enough to have mr. phillips he's a role model and speaking on his behalf he was too overcome with emotion to come here and give up my time for the children to speak (calling names) it will be nice if you train a teacher to be like phillip he is eir replaceable he belongs at the school he built.
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>> (clapping.) >> i'm a fifth grader and grattan i heard the news that mr. phillips was going to be transferred i love mr. phillips he's kind and feign all say mr. phillips is the best computer lab teacher i look forward to the computer lab because mr. phillips is funny any class in the middle of a big project and computer lab and if he leaves we may be be able to finish i have a little sister in fifth grade i feel bad for others not xefrnts the lab teacher like mr. phillips he treats students fair
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and you can ask him questions and overall he's the greatest computer teacher i've met i hope you let him back thank you. >> (clapping.) >> hi, my name is nobody i didn't in a fifth grader and i at gradually i'm here because we need mr. phil he is willing to help any child every morning i walk down the halls and may not be in the best of mood but mr. phil is there to crack a good joke or a simple smile that makes a big difference in my life everyday we love mr. phillip. >> (clapping.) >> hi, my name is tallying i can't i'm a fourth grader at combraulg i'm here before mr. phil is being transferred to
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another school he is so joyful and ready to teach knows how to handle every situation and pulled together so many fun things at grattan like the election and keeping the eco club and more it is not right to deparagraph us of that i'm confused why he is transferred especially in the middle of the year if you were a granddaughter student they're the ones punished can you please consider mr. phil stay thank you. >> (clapping.) >> i'm a 3rd grader at grattan i believe - i want you to tell to tell you why i love mr. philly love him he's funny and he's smart i love mr. phil he's
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strict and asked me to try a warm cookie and love mr. phil he made me happy when i was sad bottom line is i love mr. philly told any mom and dad, i know that mr. phil will not doing anything wrong on purpose he always teaching us to do the right thing i'm asking is that you do the right thing and keep mr. fill at any school thank you for your time and listening to me. >> (clapping.) >> i know you guys get a lot of the same message are hear me out i'm a proud fifth grader and came here to support our beloved teacher mr. phil we're not just kids but we matter our voices
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have thoughts and opinion in my opinion mr. phillips has quality none has no teachers teach but he teaches with joy and grit community-based organization at a pace just right for everyone and slows down or speed up for you and help you in the right way things for the community. >> has the hardest job and needs to know everyone's name he has to teach and do this he's a man with steering wheel ability you have to be attended and electric for whatever emotion he'll be through to help he's improved any elementary complrns we have a colorful and smart and
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cheerful school. >> (clapping.) >> hello my name is matte a third grader and grattan i can't believe the news mr. phillips will be gone he's the highlight of my day and i i can't imagine a week or day without him he's the best teacher i could ask for, thank you. >> (clapping.) >> hold on one second so you know we'll stop public comment after the last student i do want to make a statement that we do - read all of our e-mails and pay attention to the information i responded to everyone to let you know i've read your e-mails we're getting this information hear from public comment or via e-mail he want you to understand we'll stop after the last young lady with the black i think -
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>> hi, i'm sky letter he's one of the most mr. phillips is one of the most desirable teacher taught me with film and so much more a former grattan student mr. philip is that person want to build a secret habitat at least do that want to go and put sometime things in a stir frier let's go this year i'll speak any inspiration to help others a strong quality he's taught me i'll not make that much of an impact if he was not only helping me but all grattan
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students he's the reason the grattan community thrives it saddened my heart students will not get in great experience we hope you reconsider this is in the words of lucky a nora please let mr. phillips come to school he's one of the favorite teachers if you don't we will loss our hodgepodge and beloved things it is unfair mr. phillips has worked at grattan for 17 years and make learning fun we've lost faith in the sfusd sorry sfusd if you take away mr. phillips we'll lose our faith in the school citizenly.
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>> i'm and then i graduated into gradually last year, i know that mr. phillips is a very good teacher and i had class it is very confusing but much more confused if i hadn't have had him as a computer lab teacher for 6 years more than a teacher organizes so many special events and makes so many kids happy but more than just kids he makes everyone happy thank you . >> (clapping.) >> i'm the mother of chasing i didn't and she'll like to give her spot to one of the wonderful teachers at grattan i'm not happy we were cut off we were told very different things .
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>> (clapping.) >> greetings and happy board appreciation month thank you for working i'm diane first grade teacher that situation pro revokes fear during our political compliment has to few can negatively impacting impact if i make an error with one family they get one handful of families i going could lose any placement and position i feel milking my job stability is in danger every minute of everyday this is the time i'm sorry this time is a nonpunitive next time
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termination our reputations could be destroyed i'm end up with a quote and the quote online with page 21st it is page 4 of agenda i quote sfusd we know that people matter in our connectivity impacts on the students employing top tenant and the services of families and students 0 how we deliver our promise for a world-class education for every student we must attract the right people in the right role and in san francisco unified school district and proactively create conditions for them to thrive to stay with us for the
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(calling names) we here to read the staff and teacher statements in public comment. all right. here we are again (calling names). >> my name is jen i'm a paraprofessional and union building representative for walling even burger high school and i want to make sure we don't mention students names. >> absolutely i'm here and
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incidents on november 21st the incident lead to the students shouting match between his sister and another girl many multiple personal videos a teacher with a positive relationship with his sister stepped in to make verbal confusion before it got physical and the teacher pushed her away when the teacher returned he did it again, when a student tried to intervention our dean walked in when we pulled them away from the physical fight. >> refrain. >> when the dean walked in and pulled the students sister away he was then pinned against the
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wall by the student in question who was yelling verbal threats the students blocked his body and turned putting the girls behind him to face the dean and two security guards joined pulling the smaller security guard by the next to the ground two times this indicates that the student was not protecting his sister from attacking but allowing the attack to continue the teacher recorded that several students saw the incident with the reporting spread like wildfire they continued to be concerned. they are safety and the safety of other staff involved students and staff were shaken before i the incident one struggling to do his job and avoid crossing paths with the students month staff expressed no matter what district support will be provided we will not feel safe
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to return to work many of the united states also felt that allowing the students to return to the school will be rolling back exceptions on the rest of the students and have a numerous impact on controlling the classrooms we're here in the columbia's and hallway by providing assessable access to quality education a disservice not to provide reasonable boundary our students body they may better understand the society exception as at the continue other into the adult world and have to make the decision to step back and take a breath or lash out it is a disservice to the students that look to us and rely on us to provide a safe place where we can receive on
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education and service to 3 idea teachers and staff of wallenberg high school excuse me - >> you're actually over two minutes and other speakers want to speak. >> sorry. >> my name is jamie i service wallenberg as the 9 and 10 and 11 grade teacher i've had to intervene in student fights and educators we can't stand by when students fight we have to keep them safe students have not approved me or threatened me by permitting the student by expulsion to return to
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wallenberg we are not preventing but helping and to revolve and threaten them if the try to do their job to keep the students save i'm concerned about the limit if the next fight is outside of my classroom will i be pushed or swung to the ground by permitting the student to return what we now say is permissible behavior we ask the school to be going to a different school sites this hurt our morale as they have a close relationship with the students and the teacher, however, we can't allow his return and make acceptable his behavior is challenges our classmates safety as a senior and as a young man 19 years old a role model to the
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young members in the community in respect many photos taken care of that fight and the videos were shared with other sfusd schools demonstrates the students enrolled from the sfusd that students what profit a fight and students can assault teachers how are we prep young people to solve problems if we accept back a student protecting a fight from being broken up we've not pressed charges and don't want him expelled but enroll in a different sfusd school to reduce the threat we work hard to help the students to resolve problems and can't make permissible his behavior in the interruptions of fight.
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>> 10 minute total left for public comment. >> i've taught san francisco unified school district for 34 years and wallenberg for year see have questions what's your obligation to provide a sofa environment fewer employees and your commitment to the san francisco students to provide a safe learning environment for your students and families thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening i'm simon i found out the students want to return to the school where i'm employed that was a shock i told myself that was impossible how can this happen with the 48915 code what option do i have i ask myself i have two or three options i can
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get a restraining order or call of sfpd and get a lawsuit against the board of education i'll do that if this is happening i give him leniency not to precharges at the moment so we - you send wrong message you give a license to kill not right to do that when you guys make a decision based on the fact evidence video, statements, reports, and keep it to yourselves make that a bond issue it is bans the evidence we have and i strongly recommend he - you he gets assigned to a different school he deserves the
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education he needs to to graduate but when he returns back into the school where i work i could not accept that okay. thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening my name is jacob i'm a senior class wanting at wallenberg we want to bring up a short belief point when a student places his hands on a staff member and allows them to come back to the school as if nothing as happened that plaza big worth on a lot of the students shoulders and it disrupts the learning environment so i find if extremely hard to accept we're supposed to go on in the learning environment without taking into account this effects a lot of the students and staff members at the school
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yeah. thank you. >> (clapping.) >> hi my name is kevin i'm the dean at the wallenberg high school a graduate from k through 12 with sfusd and been working in the district for 10 years as as council and a head council at wallenberg think outside the box that day the incident happened i was one did first responder i stepped up to the plate in the middle i was could go any job trying to break up the fight in the process i was pinned up against the wall or lockers and threatened in am imitating way by students i was pinned with a body weight i couldn't move or do any job that was traumatic for me and also for 3 other colleagues that work richmond
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and also were hurt in the incident and assaulted i had an opportunity to press charges but i refused to give the student a you know put him up for a felon and i had a good relationship with the student but in that moment i was prevented that doing any job as a dean it is did to the continue to protect students and keep discipline in the student returns back to the school i think there will be more problems and people will think he can get away with montgomery anything especially assault four adults at the school to i don't want the state the to be expelled but go to another school i think we it will be very, very difficult to go back to the school with the
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student that will retraumas me some people say we should restore the practices in this case when you do restore active practices both parties want to make that happen i'm not ready i'm emotional over this my wife was a teacher in the school district for 11 years and has to hear from meow heart breaking and traumatizing we have too young children any son will be going to kindergarten invocation in the district hopefully, i want want to make sure my peers and colleagues and fell students and everyone is safe it is difficult to be in this situation and difficult to come here and decrees this to all those people that is not my native but choose to come here to stand up for what i feel is
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right. i hope you guys make the decision to uphold the expulsion that the panel recommended and do the right thing for the 6 hundred and 50 students and the 40 plus staff members in the city hall and for the whole school district in general thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good work distinguished board members and intern superintendant lee i'm ann attain the treasurer and the person for the united - i'm regarding the decisions that wallenberg had last fall every student deserves an education in a secure and supportive environment with that my name is we need to look at the safeguard
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for the students and 0 others like this can be avoided at wallenberg and another other school site in the form of a unified school district sentencer in the way of restore active practices we need to hear from you before something worse happens thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening all i'm shawn richard the executive director of an organization for people against guns i come forward on behalf of this young man, i know him personally he's a gentle giant so for you folks that speaking on threatening i have seen worse at different schools i've worked with in the community in the schools for 21
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plus years i've seen young men and women kick teachers fire off on teachers and disrespect teachers and have the teachers do the same thing to the students we sit here and exclaim i seen a different video with no violence all he did was press begins in gentleman and told him to back up off my sister for us to get an "x" public utilities commission to get a kid kicked out of school is no acceptable please understand there is more far worse in the san francisco unified school district i am a graduate of the san francisco unified school district from blood sample high school one of my teachers sitting there everyone deserves a chance to reform in a fashion to do the
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right thing so, please let this young man go back to school he's been out since november she's not a threat from what i was told this young man also what about appointed by the school to help break up fights if fights occur let's check that situation before we start pga judgment thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you now we have (calling names) >> and that will conclude public comment.
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>> that will conclude many portion of public comment. >> yeah. i want to thank everyone here students and parents and commissioners in engaging in a public debate about taking care of all our students i believe that everyone is committed to the same goals provided the best quality education i'm going to speak about a different speck of the equitable i come on behalf of the schools where kids are trying to learn in cold classrooms they're not able to play their schools are floated significant improvements in the sfusd response time to the maintenance we heard a report a couple of weeks ago still room for positive change after we've heard a glowing report where
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schools had a classroom of 65 degrees and at moscone elementary school third graders were without heat a former stunt asked us if we send a kid to a school that is freezing when it is cold and raining out you wouldn't so we want to see those schools and i have to say the schools were on the east side of town the complaint were from the west side the complaint would have been dealt with in a different fashion and one school yard was flooded sweet spot rain after that stopped raining last friday the district finally sent out a crew and now the lower yard is floated that's not acceptable we want to see all
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our kids you can't learn if our cold or teach we would like to see the improvements by the school east side and west side thank you >> (clapping.) >> good evening, everybody we would like to thank you for you are continued support of african-americans in the sfusd we would like to congratulate walton and mcdonnell of wanting and vice president and graduate commissioner vice president mendosa-mcdonnell and lastly congratulate assistance and on they're new appointments looked look forward to the continued support for the african-american and reminder we celebrate like 3
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months excuse me - although we celebrate black history 365 for the black and african-american is a quickly approaching the apac want to make sure that the celebrations are well executed additionally, we encourage you to have our family members to the rich history and those contribute both apac. >> hi, my name is tiffany from taylor elementary pardon me okay. i guess right now, i'm feeling deeply saddened i've been a school teacher for
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17 years and hearing both sides of coin the families are in trauma i told david i should be talking to mayor ed lee right now but can't and the best i can do is advocate for my staff and students more than ever we need to be safe and looking at reverse active justice i'm not sure we dismantling our workers to a team of two if we want to have reverse active justice we need to allocate resources for the family and staff and students and community largely safety is paramount to our happens and political climate currently feels very unsafe your housing is unsafe and our jobs teacher in sfusd are not safe
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currently teachers have been hit i was assaulted four times there are by a first grade student not in my class and hair pulling and kicking and biting and there have been i've been suggested to get a restraining order because the parent is un125ib8 we don't have proper mental health services for the patent and staff required to do that so the idea around setting perimeters for discipline is unruled we need to address it seriously and not just oh, we're doing it because we're not that was clear by the conversation that walling i believe in units especially we're looking at a
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cabinet that want to dismantle our schools and make them save and much more i can say i urge you to advocate on our behalf. >> (clapping.) >> good evening my name is a richard i'm a retired public school teacher and first of all, i want to thank the commissioners on the board and the student delegates this is a hard job obviously we see tonight and thank you to intern superintendant lee i wanted to talk about the public education and people are being referencing our core values we consider first, we consider we
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persist and build only each other's strings and stand with the vulnerable in the community i think that you know a lot of ways we're doing that tonight we respect and seek to understand each person let me add we're humbled when we have successes this is an important thing to be is humble we learn from our mistakes paraphrase michael learn we need a new bottom line for when it focuses on students lives as human beings that will son at the political and social responsibility of our shared local, national and global community to be an exemplar unified school district we're moving towards a model to train and enable and retain our teachers the chefs the facilitator of our chemistry to assure the success
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implementation we must move forward together the process of teacher affirm nation needs to simmer the structure for the mandate for the strategy plan of 2025 but without joyful teachers in our classroom so to close to maintain the continuity and future optimistically thank you for all of you to do your best. >> (clapping.) >> had to get that in (laughter). >> thank you my name is benefit i'm the executive director of the scrape and appreciate this chance to meet some of you for the first
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time and say hello and thank you to all of you and in the spirit of national compliments day i want to say you all are looking maneuver lose as a director of scrape i feel we're remiss in two areas one is satisfactoryly acknowledging the value - the support we've gotten for nearly 40 years from the unified school district and thank you to tell you will be improving our communications as i've spoken with some of you over the lass
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past year and a half i that scrape has from history of letting you know what we're up to and where we've been and how we've helped the teachers and students of sfusd so i provided a belief written report i'm not going to do it read it in two minutes after 40 years scrape a strong and growing we've been 16 idea years added tom less than street and appreciate that space and make incredibly dense use of that those of you who have visited we work hard to keep it clean and we're proud of the workability program we're thirty
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young students with developmental disabilities visit us every week to learn workforce skills that makes them didn't as they grow older and move into the world we're proud to be able to help the teachers through our free teachers combauz and through which we provided over $200,000 to teachers and proud to help the city and unified school district meet the zero waste goals you've set thank you very much i want to say as long as kids need supplies we'll be here and thank you very much have a good evening. >> ricky are you here if not - >> sorry.
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>> i'm jake a counselor at george washington high school i don't have much levy thank you i'm talking about heat the question to have heat or not have heat that's the question you know we go introduce the process it is very you know it it takes time but now it - i filed a complaint on friday i couldn't take it i'm talking about most people that the school i'm talking about the staff and students i'll give you a few things the process did work okay. i'm giving you the process to get heat in the schools didn't work okay. so work order on 11 slashing 21st
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plus they're still preponderance of the evidence on one 17 an e-mail to blah, blah, blah chief engineer for sfusd outlined the withhold but the response from him our app spoke with blah, blah please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, to find out the name of our new station engineer we're looking for names in january we are looking for names on one 19 our app followed up with blah, blah, blah the director the new station engineer will address the heat problems the station engineer never came in on one 24 from my principal contacted the assistance superintendant mr. bill to ask for assistance our kids don't shop at r e i so sitting there in the cold the
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teachers are there cold is this a learning environment basic stuff running water and electrical it is insulting to come down here this is just hearing the final this is the ending this has been going on for months one time they showed up and ask had had arts department where do i go they said don't you have blueprints they left and never contact it is i'm not trying to be funny this is the process you have what do you do >> (clapping.) >> thank you if any colleagues don't have an issue i'd like to move up to
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item 2 i know we have students who want to speak on behalf of that and item 2 is a motion and second for the suspension resend the policy of asian ancestry from sfusd and promoting education and outreach on the adversary by dr. murase any concerns or issues moving up that item roll call vote for the suspension of the rules. >> thank you ms. ing. >> mr. cook mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton mr. sanchez and mr. walton 7 i's. >> thank you ms. casco we'll have a reading of the resolution commissioner murase and commissioner cook.
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>> yes. before i read the resolution i want to thank dr. murase and the partners for all the heavy lifting i have the honor of making that my first resolution i supported yeah. for me (laughter) and given the deep ties with the san francisco i'm a generation san franciscan and finding graduate and to celebrate the community that are diverse and people feel equal with that, i will start the reading the resolution rescinding policies excluding students of asian ancestry and promoting inclusion whereas while the san francisco unified school district honors side lawyers as an important celebration among asian the sfusd must recognize the history
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and struggles the asian-american in addition to housing and whereas the early history was married by anti asian actions including in 1871 with superintendents james closed the night class and offered the inclines students he questioned quote the legality of spending the public funds to educate those chinese and whereas the sentiment in the centuries grew culminating in 1882 chinese inclusion act and in further entitlements at chinese and korean students and whereas the asian-american figure out discriminates in the 1818
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successfully challenged other chinese children and whereas shortly after following the case in the same year sunbathed schools were approved by the assembly bill for children with their migration of white children and led to the segregation the white school and legal challenges with the so 02 walling even callahan they petitioned for his 12-year-old daughter to attend the public school on al gore student instead of the segregated oriental school and whereas the city lay in ruins with the
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aftermath of the 1906 san francisco earthquake the policy passed restricting children of china's and japanese and corp. to the oriental school and when the same year the board of education decided to the oak family that protested the perusal to immoral the 12-year-old child the james government lodged a formal complaint with the u.s. ambassador that was a violation of the 1894 japanese treated of the non- school policy for japanese immigrants to the u.s. those actions lead to a diplomatic crisis in with which fdr summoned the folks to the white house one and 10 years ago to allow the integration of the
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chinese into white schools that was a gentlemen's agreement that japan impose migrates challenges and allowed the japanese ancestry to attend and whereas the 1906 instigation was changed to allow japanese but not for chinese and others it is time to rescind the resolution and whereas those students come before his the largest ethnic group 40 percent of 55 thousand public school students in san francisco and many teachers and staff and principals and administrators of asian-american including formerly intern goldstein chang that is chinese-american and the superintendant lee who is korean american and whereas the board of education has board policido
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blooichld prohibit including ancestry and angle integral part of a literacy program to have a library with multiple culture fix in a wide variety of formatted and the giles for the libraries recommend that classrooms have a exists background the student and asian-americans have contributed with the books only comprise 65 percent on the reading list to an audit conducted by the association of china's teacher in january 2030 and whereas the san francisco board of education voted to provide every high school students with the opportunity to enroll in an
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ethics class and exposure the course work as a requirement for graduations in the future and encourages the middle school for multi ethic throughout the curriculum therefore, be it resolved that the board of education rescinds all resolutions excluding all aligning e asian from the ancestry schools and ask the superintendant to partner community effort inform commemorate the schools progress from one of inclusion to becoming a district that values and teachers diversity in 2017 and beyond by the following means number one consider a mural project progression from the anti asian history and number 2 challenge all sites to have asian-american structural courses and books to match the democratgraphies the population
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and a is that they review the american books toilets present in the recommended reading list in the classrooms and libraries b the staff work with the castle groups to identify the books about asian-american and c the district staff including the librarians low pull back annually during the asian pacific islanders with data that shows how schools are approaching boichld but listing the materials reviewed when they were reviewed and summer data for example, outreach a number of participant pre and post intervene data number 3 collaborative with the community educational organization likewise the association of chinese teachers and the association of asian-american administrator to promote yearly opportunities for teachers and in coming staff an
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recommended reading and community concerns of the asian-americans and those include but boichlgd to workshops in the day. >> thank you commissioner haney and mr. cook i'm not dr. murase and mr. cook any apologizes we now have public comment on the resolutions. >> (calling names). >> you have two minutes at the microphone. >> just one. >> julie as well. >> great
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thank you. good evening intern superintendent wanting and vice president and commissioners on the board i'm the president of the chinese association excuse me - the chinese association a in time organization made of retired teachers and council and college professors we work tarts the inclusion of all students through advocacy education - educator and community collaboration our group was fount during the 1960s and is available over the years apac shapes the policies in affirmative action bilingual education and currently rich education and tonight dr. murase and mr. cook present a resolution that not only about welcome but honestly overdue and an example of recognition is
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our publication of sfusd the i'm sure you guys know this the strategic plan didn't let you know that in this it is a single picture of an asian-american student parent or teacher spent the asian-american population is over 40 percent in the district a district that values inclusion how can the demographic be highly contributed publication after the curriculum looked at this we found 9 titles of asian-americans out of nine hundred and plus titles furthermore, no book recommended in the botanical about any asian-american tech didn't believe those omission were intentional but the lack of representation is hurtful we want to acknowledge
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the importance and recognize the diligence and showcase the need we need to work together for continued process take is made up of teachers and others that volunteer their time outside of school have the deserve to work in with all members top to bottom on the week of lawyers symbols togetherness and symbols the future it is fitting for dr. murase and mr. cook to present the resolution with future students let them read books representing asian and let's tell them they matter and their people matter we are here today as fellow educators planning coincide and a student for the great deal we hope you'll hear
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them with your areas and heart. >> good evening my name is irene i'm a retired teacher and tonight speaking as the curriculum chair of the association of chinese teachers thank you, commissioners commissioner murase and knomr. brooks this is the precious right to attend public schools a gradual right and in the coming years ahead battles loom still last john jan our organization brought over three hundred books to a preprofessional event the titles are in the document we are san bruno to you right now this is a small sample of many, many great books about
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asian-americans there are many, many more those are titles that belong in our classrooms and library we didn't pick obviously books out of thin air by people on the committee college professors and retired teachers and working teachers to select these i'm sure many more toilets in line shelves with our teachers and in the - we need to move forward to include more books about asian-americans contemporary to a previous teacher this curriculum didn't mention asia but this is different from where we are today what was disturbing about us we only found 9 titles out of nine
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hundred plus titles at the elementary level ironically where the explosion of really great books has happened in the last year's we've met with davie and her staff and made great suggestions as to how we can implement some of the toilets we gave her some of our ideas when they knocked on the door in 1887 may i come in the answer was no we're again knocking on the door of the san francisco unified school district and the question may we be excluded in future publications about san francisco unified school district may we be included in abstains and
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recommend reading lists me we be included in special development may we tell new teachers about the needs of our students about the needs of of our community and about great books and history that we have experienced in this country so thank you very much commissioners come back and dr. murase for bringing forward this resolution. >> (clapping.) >> good evening thank you commissioner murase and commissioner cook for the resolution aim lauren chu i'm with professor in the department of the asian-american studies i can't count the time and
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community members attend the board meeting asking for more chinese inclusion, of course, i'm in support of resolution and i wanted to give a couple of points as to why it is monthly important but how the city is moving backwards when i was working on any dissertation in the 80s focused on chinese-american stereotyped there were 60 books total for all asian-americans nationally available for public schools and public school libraries i slejtd 15 of them it was on code compliant in 19 san jose and 80s, 15 books on for chinese-american and not that
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they were any good those books where the library i knew that that that the schools i have a botanical teacher then - there's at least 7 groups and i survived the 9 titles like one .3 books for every group doesn't make sense i think with that data now i kind of understand why the students and asian-americans studies asked why you taking the course well, well in k through 12 i was not taught history in the united states or don't recall any books more information regarding how we contributed to the building
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of america and i've not heard of any struggles we had with this in the united states. >> and most damaging of all they're all struggling how to deal with the whole image of us being a minority that topic is so open mind for me but not the kids constant. >> thank you, ma'am. >> i'm almost done long-winded as a professor but today what is interesting i feel that the lack of understanding our students have permeates to the fact how they don't understand your struggle is based on the roots of struggles of other people color in this country and especially asked questions like will we see the large number of
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aliens without the migration laws in the mid 60s with the institutionalizing with the immigration laws have all the asian-american students at lowell high school with us affirmative action and desegregation that allows them in entry in 2021 i believe we confront new fears and racism the way to divide and conquer is well on its way we're becoming more and more intolerant. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> leadership in the white house that will promote that. >> thank you, dr. chu. >> i want us to be more visible rather than invisible and greatly support greatly
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support your and encourage you to support i'm sorry this resolution and implementation thank you. >> (clapping.) >> (laughter). >> superintendent lee and president trump i'm leann i'm the principal of alice alternative school the nations first chinese immersion public school i also serve on the board of asian-american administrators tonight i am speaking on behalf of the association in support of this resolution brought forth by commissioner murase and commissioner cook in
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addition to the historical facts you've heard on this resolution i'd like to call your attention and share with you the history behind a namesake of my school ms. alice was born - was san francisco's first chinese-american teacher she overcame much obstacles to be a teacher in san francisco to born in america told by many to return to china they she was told none will hover here e her he is italy china after struggles and persistence hired in 1926 as a speech therapist ironically people didn't think she could
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speak chinese on behalf of the permit holder asian-americans administrators i want to thank sxhuchl and commissioner cook for this resolution we support this resolution fully because of it's relevance and importance as state by the commissioners this resolution aligns with san francisco unified school district core values of being students centered diversity driven and social justice all of our students in our district deserve and need to learn about the history and sdrulgz of different go ethic groups we administrators are requesting the support of department when we gun implementation as from our exercise setting up the implementations of any policy we hope to continue to develop policies will will assure
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inclusionness for chinese-american students our board applause this and supports it wholeheartedly we appreciate the opportunity to share our position and urge the board to pass this resolution thank you very much . >> (clapping.) >> thank you all and both sponsoring commissioners my name is ken and i began this research into the issue through any long and appreciated relationship with the japan national historical society and the chinese historical society with the help of the school board and i've come away from this research with to very moving and i'm hopeful important opportunities
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from my own self-worth and also try to ask your inindulgence first quote from robert 1946 novel all the kings men if you can't accept the past and they say burden this is no future without one can't be the other and if you accept the past you might hope for that the future only out of the past can you make the future the second thing that i learned from this research was the incredible opposition of the community to the inclusion of asian-american students in the school the parent at francisco school thaenld in the chicano-american students were not removed they would close
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that school not only an issue but the school board in 1906 gathered national and international that results in the gentlemen's agreement one other thing beyond not beyond but in addition was that the very first school board minutes that i found for 1906 was april the 24 6 days after the 1906 san francisco earthquake and reading through the minutes for the next year's the challenges were simple to what the city faced in rebuilding displaced people lack of property, loss of records, i would like to encourage not to over shadow this issue before the commission today, i encourage support of but encourage the board to begin do
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look at the potential and the eventual challenges again in the future as we had in 1906 thank you. >> thank you >> (clapping.) >> good evening board of education and i'm a current senior and vice president at the academic the science and technology tonight i'm here with the which ones family and teachers to support in for for the conclusion or inclusion of the history in our schools i came to the united states in 2013 and entered galileo as a freshmen that was two ordinaryy we have over 60 percent asian-american students and more than any other aligning heritage that can be seen in the school
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community i walked around on campus and asked this randomly the aimentd do you know who kim mark lion was do you can who - what i got in response was what? who? this is pathetic your asian-americans don't know about the ancestors that pasted the way for you our future generations we don't know about the fight it's a been in for obvious to be a interval part of society outside of our own community simply needs more knowledge in our school to educate our generation and future generations of the chinese-american and a public school in a difference and
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inclusive city that san francisco unified school district has the application to make the students realize we're not oriented but chinese-american students with a heritage to be proud of and the heritage should be something he know by heart we need the books for our teachers and students and need to make our culture known to our own people and proud to go to school everyday and the true meaningful of what is to be to be a asian-american asking student in san francisco thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening. i'm cynthia a teacher at the francisco million dollar we honor the lawyers as a school holiday and many of the will celebrate and participate in various activities and most of is living in san francisco
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will share some knowledge of this holiday how many san franciscans are knowing beyond those not to my knowledge celebrations how many of us know about manny and how many of us know that 70 years before the famous supreme court brown versus the board of education joe and mary sued the san francisco unified school district demanding over education their daughter was barred from the school how many of us know in january of 18 thai the california supreme court decided no favor quote to deny a child born of chinese parents entrance to a public will be a violation and the constitution of the united states and yet
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when her parent tried to reenroll her the school mind they've over enrolled and man and woman i didn't didn't get ore vaccinations in time the school pushed through an assembly bill under an urge provision that established separate separate quote/unquote mann gotten when schools are established chinese must not be not limited to to any other schools mann i didn't see pattern were if you are us but sent her to a segregated school this happened in our city - yes chinese and other asian-american children had the right to attend public schools and, yes, that a chinese family
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dared to take the district to court back if 1885 this is history we should know our children should know pack is not only interested but making families linked to such a federal case mendez versus westminster that said that mexican-american children school is unconstitutional to the landmarks to the brown versus the board of education that established the sprat was not equal as a person that attended 4r0u8d i went through sfusd without knowing any of that will the westminster this resolution is so important reading the boxes on history and diversity of asian-americans in this
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country our districts commitment to the ethics study not limited to the second grade level and infuse all classrooms i have we have here letters of support from for this resolution from cynthia who is the president of the latin-american teachers association and from the president of the san francisco vocabulary of bilingual education. >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> hi, thank you for the opportunity to speak not to exceed a leann taylor a second generation educator and teacher at elementary school was formally coming donor stockton my grandfather which went to when a boy in chinatown i can imagine the difference in his
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life if he had the opportunity to see his face rehabilitated in the books he was reading at school in the sturlgz are growing up in chinatown and feel that is was a segregated community i can only wish that resolution had been passed contaminate so i think boxes are magical they give the students an opportunity to understand their difference in a safe way a freedom to ask who are my classmates this allows our youth to learn how we are connected to one another beyond the differences earlier this school year i introduced a book to one of my reading books a chinese-american entrepreneurial and i could see the eyes of one
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of my students open wide and barely contain her excitement in which a girl that looked like here is a main character this shy student was the one with the most to say they took joy in guiding her students through the nuances of the boxes and the connections to her alive i have a experiences those torches connections will not only empathy but the basic hunt and citizens with a voice as nelson mandela said no one is born hating another person because of the color of their skin and background people have to learn to hate if they can learn to hate they can learn to love so, please let us do as much to provide the students with the opportunity to learn about
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themselves and each other and i'd like to ask all in support of this resolution to please stand thank you . >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> hi school board commissioners commissioner murase and superintendent lee i'm roslyn the executive director of the national japanese-american historic society i want to thank you for rescinding this it has historic ramification this happens over one and 10 years ago it is important to know at a time to instigating the 93 jachz students had saviors /* serious
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- the school board decision of 1906 proficient the japanese labor with the hawaii canada and mexican children of japanese face the inclusion when europe put in a concentration camp in 194 two to four 6 in 1945 they changed the service station in the county and in 1992 during the anniversary that led to the massive incarceration
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of one and 20 thousand japanese-american with the school board we produced the japanese-american world-class experience that was able to be disseminated throughout the school and recommend the lesson be updated with its relevance and for the teachers about the publications that are available to shed light on the important issue thank you for your repeal for the segregation order and for the multi cultural history. >> (clapping.) >> one more after me greg a member of the san francisco chapter the chinese-american citizens phase come here a number of times and thank you to the board for the material that the chapter has
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presented to the school board to make available to the teachers in the directed we attaining the school board for allowing joint working groups that were conducted during the time when the teacher had an opportunity to have a learning day i want recommit the chapter commitments to work with the board in terms of providing some thought and increase the titles from the to nine hundred that can be utilized at the libraries i want to keep it on the complimentary side that is the day for national compliment day laura >> (clapping.) >> non-complaint a judith the parent avenue an asian-american and white students soon to be two students and delighted they'll be able to see
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themselves reflected and others as aligning students in the district i hope we make sure that is extend to black and native students what i'm confused about and disappointed it that we're concerned about segregation in 1906 we do seem to be disappointed in designation in 2017 my son was at a racial segregation and an ad hoc committee that - yet we've dliepd do ask for the modeling that allows us to do that i want to ask to make sure we are working to make sure we have the literature and history that reflects the rich diversities of students in san francisco if we work together to integrate the students in 2017 not just repeal the ordinance
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from 1906 thank you. >> thank you, everyone >> (clapping.) >> comments from our colleagues student delegate. >> i want to say i'm in support of this resolution as asian-american student i only became conscious of reading or not reading will asian-american authors last year when i read a ton in addition to african-american authors and latino authors i think that needs to be pushed forward and have more call the roll. >> relevant material not only in the high school i feel like i was more exposed to it but in elementary school and middle school too. >> (clapping.) >> commissioner vice president mendosa-mcdonnell thank you i want to thank commissioner murase and commissioner cook bringing this forward i have to
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admit when commissioner murase was introducing this and was sharing that was we were preparing for gender review i couldn't believe we haven't done something on this before today, i wrote her and note and said are you sure that has not been overturned especially concern with an asian superintendent and had asian board members over the many years and i suppose i was surprised we didn't do anything in response to this very racially driven resolution that actually passed i'm sad that as taken us this long i'm sure there are others since 1906 we probably wournt have agreed with i appreciate that is coming before us today as a asian
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pacific islanders i'm glad that will be taken off our boxes and i hope you will be open to having us sign into the resolution thank you. >> commissioner haney and that is wonderful i want to thank commissioner murase and commissioner cook you commissioner crews a good resolution as your first one here i think everyone agrees with that and appreciate the association of chinese teachers i chatted with a couple of teachers now commissioner vice president walton in preparing the materials and pushing for this so much of the work that needs to be done in the district
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you've already done we need to work with you to implement that and grandfather it into the curriculum i want to appreciate you all for that i hope we see this forward and all of us want to have a school system and in particular a curriculum that reflects the experiences and cultures of the community we serve and of the students we serve i know that asian-american students are a large population to hear the numbers we have cumber in terms of the number of boxes and just really i think not doing any near the level we should so hopefully commitment resources to this and effort in our curriculum department i know that is being done and suspension of the rules this is fantastic but hope we can bring
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to the curriculum committee foreperson for an update on the progress to know if we are seeing progress we're held accountable for it i know this is critically important we should be partners with our teachers and librarians so many have done this incredible work you have any full support and thank you all for your leadership i this is total in line with what we're about and great to see the leadership of the educators and students coming down sailing we need to have this happen and the board responding to thank you. >> (clapping.) >> you definitely have admitted support but fight hard to get more books reflective of the asian-american experience in our schools and i was noting
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that we only have so few so you have any personal commitment to work with everyone and make sure that expands commissioner cook. >> i want to thank everyone for coming out and the diligent work and the research to bring this forward and especially shout out the president of the student body the great deal the com pell remarks. >> (clapping.) >> we're focused on systematic change and the agency of having more books the reason why words are important because the rescinding word is important we have to have an institution that have words that are hurtful as
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an institution take ownership and act like not just an issue but diligently trying to make right you guys are an example i want to see that before any harmful language with the leadership and commissioner murase leadership i look forward to continue to work on that. >> (clapping.) >> commissioner murase and superintendant lee. >> a number of folks i want to acknowledge tennessee e ken did a lot of the heavy lifting with the archives the the copy of the minutes if 1906 owe made available to the school board members and eileen for being able to persist ant she was
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responsible for the crossing board that have brief biographies and i saw darlene in the audience from the association of chinese-american and want to thank ed robin from the historical society and commissioners received a letter if sue lee the director the historical society one of the goals of this resolution to show the progression this district has made one and 10 years ago you'll not see the superintendent or myself sitting here we would have been included from normal schools and i would have been picked out
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from i was at argon elementary school and picked out and put spots oriental school that was renamed and now gordon jay allow. >> superintendent made a commitment we're a sanctuary city not let people pick out students to segregate them and take discrimination actions that is important that we look back and correct this situation and recommit ourselves to a future diversity and inclusion i want to thank my colleagues and add everyone's names to this recessing resolution and ask everyone that is in support to
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speak. >> thank you commissioner murase and sxok for offering the resolution and commissioner murase thank you for naming so many of the individuals that contributed such important work to assist you in in addition this resolution i want to point out we have principal elementary school (calling names) they're both members of the board of asian-american administrators association i want to feel so grateful 0 so many people that kind of as a labor of love diagnosing the shortcomings with the current state and obviously resonates on a perm not not ways my name is it in resolution thank you for that as well but but before you
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rings true as an immigrant i moved to the states i was an immigrant 16 and a half jars years ago i comment i think this is a really interesting lesson for me about consciousness and come place complacency when i - this is a break through to be around people that look like me to share history and until recently learned about many troubling facts historical or current day and like i said shortcomings in
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our own school that does ring to me as an important example of consciousness complacency and we do so so many reasons for all of us to be on gaud and share so many parallels with all marginalized community it is important to be conscious i want to thank you, commissioners and supporters in the community for helping us with this important lesson certainly we have had or have parallel with the current environment with the phobia fueling the debates about the proposals of islamic phobia people based on religions so many of the lessons on the past
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so i'll stop there and want to say thank you once again. >> (clapping.) >> roll call vote and then, of course, we want to bid farewell to the student delegates and they work hard and get home safely. >> ms. ing. >> mr. cook mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton mr. sanchez. >> mr. walton unanimous 7 i's. >> okay. now we are going to backtrack to item k special order of business item one one informational item the 2016-2017
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initial proposal from the united educator of san francisco sound-proof and clarified units to san francisco unified school district sprernt. >> so presenting this item our chief caramel a. >> thank you board and superintendent and staff so tonight order the requested action that the board of education present the initial proposal from u e sf to san francisco unified school district. >> one second please remember we are continuing with the meeting. >> thank you. >> okay. that the board of education present the initial proposal from u e sf to the san francisco unified school district that's the first order.
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>> thank you not seeing any, any comments we'll go to item number 2 and next public hearings and the option to the 2016-2017 initial proposal from e s sfusd for the clarified unit may i hear a motion and second to the initial proposal. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you superintendent. >> yes. similarly this item will be presented i'm guessing briefly by the chief of labor rigs and the requested action the board of education hold public hearings and adopt this initial proposal. >> thank you. we do have some speakers lined up .
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>> (clapping.) >> to minutes and good evening we're here as part of the union street sf bargaining team looking forward to sitting down with the district an jaldz for the upcoming contract and come to the negotiation with a firmer commitment to work together with a positive solution to lay the foundation we'll continue our work to for the best quality education for your students history we send out a bargaining survey to all the members and got a robust response and not
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just to the priorities where people range their priorities but 5 thousand comments heartfelt that allowed the members to say what they needed and like to stay in san francisco unified school district what they felt their students noted and what we felt they wanted for the parent for the students to be successful a few of most important have no there's tag attached i'm going to read a few of the comments from our members one educator treat me as though any vice indicates and in addition to higher paytized to be acknowledged by the district every 5 years in all my 2 two years no district recognition of people that stated in the district i feel that people feel something that wrong you're still hear educators stay here we are dedicated you get to the
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nitty-gritty the bottom line a typical case from the inch and a half of comments 22 are compensation and 9 hundred plus heir play and nine hundred pay me the same salary pick any page the bottom line we are counting on you to meet that top priority thank you. >> (clapping.) >> good evening commissioner vice president walton good evening superintendant lee and good evening commissioners, i want to
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greet you as a union good evening brothers and sisters we work together to build the house and keep the house over your heads i was to emphasize we are brothers and sisters let's work together i'm an educator for 15 years in unified school district i love any job and love any students i really want you to understand like i'm dedicated and here and one of the things that i want to make clear not just my students your students all of our students to let's work together as brothers and sisters and take care of our students and our students deserve a stable safe and specialist school a center we can learn one of the themes i've heard to get is safe and supportive schools
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from great deal we have a unified school district shortage ; right? a security staff is short and talking to the administered that is liquor that's a problem throughout the district and it seems like your continue to get those particular issues where all the parent won run up on you if you don't address the issue and make schools for safe we have to be honest and like last week, we have members from ct organization and susan solomon protest we took a stand we standing for students safety and one thing i took it carmen chu if our schools can't be safe if our students can't be safe at the schools where that's; right? our priority we don't want this black swan to come in and appear
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and we say oh, we should have cough - lastly talk about any commute i'm in old i have to catch ac transit and bart and muni that's 450 and $7 and 450 every single day 5 days a week and 4 days a week 4 hundred dlz a month i have colleagues that give up at 4:30 in the morning from vallejo and pittsburgh they're making $18 an hour let's be brothers and sisters and work together and stand together let's stand and declare that we are doing this for the students
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let's stand for the students students come first provide for the safe environment. >> take care of our educators and parents. >> thank you for your shout out. >> hi good evening i'm lisa i'm the square feet of u sf and on the bargaining team i started any public education in 1955 going to what was, sir france is not malcolm x and decades later all 3 of my kids are in high school that's when i got involved with the pta and then with that experience made me a bilingual paraprofessional and became a teacher and teacher leader i'm pacific ocean about
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