tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV January 29, 2017 10:00pm-12:01am PST
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>> welcome to the landmark day in the history of gooirdz organization and sports and entertainment in the bay area the groundbreaking for chase center welcome a host in all sports and be entertainment and the anchor on cnn his work hosting the nba shorter and fast break with his testimony testify program the insider brought him inside to tv and film ladies and gentlemen, please welcome kevin frazier. >> (clapping.) >> house everybody doing today yeah were one more time for the choir please.
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>> (clapping.) >> i think oh, happy day was the perfect day what about last night oh, happy night yeah. yeah want to welcome everyone or everybody watching on the tv and also on the warriors flagship station hopefully life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on fm this incredible day is here and here it begins the same here that begins we broub on the next big thing in sports and entertainment dog gone the next big thing that's why we have clap please. >> (clapping.) >> the chase center will be the epic center on the wechsler and one of the mirror venues on the
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planet that's why you get estn this is my spot you know this chase center will play home 30 to the best concerts with the greatest sports the 21st century version of show time the golden state warriors. >> (clapping.) >> there are folks out there that is a at chase center will soon become the mavrdz of the west but maufrz is chase center of the east; right? all right. we're going to get started this day couldn't have happened without the folks to the left and introduce the people that made this decay a reality the warriors president and co o rick wells
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>> (clapping.) >> the 43rd mayor the san francisco mr. edwin m lee. >> (clapping.) >> the owners the warriors owner and ceo joe lake yes, ma'am. >> (clapping.) >> warriors co-owner peter cubaer. >> (clapping.) >> the cso of consumer banking for chase u shawn district attorney duncan. >> the warriors head coach the one and only steve occurring. >> (clapping.) >> this guy on the end they
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invited for fun the guy who is going to help bring the nba championship to the bay area kevin duran. >> (clapping.) >> we're also honored to having dig a tars from the vip i want to acknowledge them and honored to have leader nancy pelosi here today. >> (clapping.) >> you know leader pelosi this is me throwing this out there i think we need in washington driveway anyone green. >> every once in a while you'll need a person that will
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take care of you and lieutenant governor gavin newsom. >> (clapping.) >> former mayor willie brown. >> (clapping.) >> assembly phil ting. >> assemblyman david chiu. >> (clapping.) >> starter senator scott wiener assemblyman rob bank on to. >> (clapping.) >> assemblyman adam glare and judge and former senator quinton cox.
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>> (clapping.) >> commissioner kim. >> (clapping.) >> nice hat supervisor cowen. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor mark farrell. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor safai. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor katie tang. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor peskin. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor norman yee. >> (clapping.) >> supervisor ronen that end the supervisor portion
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of our show oh, city attorney dennis herrera. >> (clapping.) >> treasurer jose cisneros. >> (clapping.) >> and assessor-recorder carmen chu >> (clapping.) >> now selfishlyly i want to do one more shout in 1975 i sat in maryland and watched the golden state warriors swept the washington bullets this man was around inspiration to me the one and only al adams. >> (clapping.) >> i did come to game i thought the bullets would have
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won our first speaker the member of the mba community one of the most respected persons in the business i have a card of the accolades i have a speaker that was a man of goals and maximum missed and moved up to the pr director in seattle and good friends with bill russel at the end of the day a ball boy that knew where we were 4e9d in fact, i'll end up in the hall of fame south of the springfield you'll get there ladies and gentlemen, the president and co o the golden state warriors a a heck of a ball boy rick wells.
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>> (clapping.) >> oh. >> thank you kevin what a day i want to know who the hell is running the city right now holy cal the cameras show up they're all here mayor ed lee it seems like always one thousand seven hundred and two days ago that we were together on pow announcing this project the amazing part we had everything right existing where we are going and when; right? but we all live here; right? we know if anything is important as what we're celebrating it takes time to get it done a lot of time and patience if you know about the two guys from the middle the patience is not the
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first one you think of; right? but you also know from the time we committed getting this project done it would be done right and the same approach with the warriors over the last 6 and a half years their passionate their occasionally grumpy but really care and what he see today is really the culmination of those efforts we'll build one of the world's biggest gathering a place world-class multi purpose sport and venue this place will think transformed into the court and that is where budget committee united airlines will be family shows and conferences and graduations will take place creating memories for
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the lifetime up the road those 11 acres we stand with the weeds unlimited potential is very high price tag once we did that we commit to a 3 year open and collaborative process that's been as public as any process with the help of so much of that in the room we left hand and revised and collaborated is not not our day but really it is our day as long as we can thank every person in the you don't room i say first especially grateful to you mayor ed lee you extend your hand and supported us every step of the way >> (clapping.) >> we are absolutely in. >> of the hard working people
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in the mayor's office the office of economic workforce development, especially adam and ken thanks. >> (clapping.) >> so many other city agencies are critically important but none than the investment and infrastructure ocii and it's tireless you leaders tiffany bohe tiffany thank you. >> (clapping.) >> ocii is the guardian of this redevelopment area as mission bay a simultaneous room for revitalizing this meeting neighborhood and closer to home the warriors and the mission bay advisory committee led by a no nonsense chair corinne woods thank you that they've spent months with the details of the plan to make that better and safer and make that right corin
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i learned a lot of from you and i can tell you i was only occasionally afraid of you (laughter) just kidding kind of citizens radical to make that 0 warriors novices like the united playaz and the mission bay merchant associations, the fans that make up sf and the residents that live in dog patch and potrero hill and mission bay. >> (clapping.) >> >> we thank you you all and assure you the warriors are going to be great neighbors speaking of neighbors i need to thank the san francisco giants and the usf. >> (clapping.) >> early on we had our issues but we all committed to a great outcome that is what we really appreciate about usual work the
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giants are one of the biggest champions in support thank you for being here today larry and setting the bar incredibly high for us it shaped us usf with charter school is education and innovation leader sam couldn't be here he was going to be in switzerland another is an economic femur your invitation got lost in the mailed we're truly proud to be your neighbors when it comes to fighting disease and save lives and treating e treating the sick you're the warriors thank you. >> (clapping.) >> the economic is doing a project financed completely privately i mentioned did i
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mention few minutes ago completely privately is daunting our partners another j.p. morgan chase share our vision of a transformtional project from our first meeting with chase their commitment to the bay area is a possible list of reasons to be involved you'll hear more about that shortly but thank you to shawn duh for being here today. >> (clapping.) >> also with us representatives from two other companies that have been announced the united airlines i thank you to our brothers and sisters in organized labor that stood by us and chase will bring thousands of job and agreements we've entered into once once
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again, we'll do this right. >> (clapping.) >> this has been an unbelievable undertaking for the warriors our staff is with us names like david kelly and marty and steve and peter and chip and others they don't show up but i can tell you the kevin duran's for this project thank you. >> (clapping.) >> to jesse and clark and those folks that helped us navigate this crazy city by the bay and t.j. johnson and not everybody started is going to be able to is a finish by from the city in two sections. >> (clapping.) >> we lost jim in 2014 but the
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spirit remains with us we'll feel her steady hand on the shovels people are standing there because of their incredible work we passed the board and regulatory and political body the planning committee the board of supervisors almost all of them unanimous yes i said that in the same sentence san francisco unanimously all right. >> (clapping.) >> the plan was challenged in the superior court we won there now we won at the california court of appeals unanimously and in case i haven't checked our phone i have news this morning the california superior court annunciates declined to accept the case it is over. >> (clapping.) >> so here we are on this 70
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year for the warriors to call the bay area their home today we literally break the ground now the term groundbreaking is a noun refers to turning the earth to begin construction but websters has another definition meaning initiative or unprecedented that's going to be chase center and this is warriors ground groundbreaking in every sense thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, mayor brown for making a big entrance thank you. >> now my pleasure to introduce a man the man that reached out to us we're here to welcome the warriors stuck with
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us through thick and thin has things got rocky edwin m lee is the 43rd mayor he started at a housing rights attorney with an activist heart in 2010 he was chosen by the boarding to take over when lieutenant governor's gavin newsom left from the beginning championed this was one of the main reasons we're able to broub ladies and gentlemen, our point number 43 mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, rick what a wonderful day i know every one of you see existed to be here today and finally welcoming the
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golden state warriors home to san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> you know, i tend to find moments of having fun with owners and rick and want to share with you some ways in which any corn i didn't jokes will have an impact the first time i met him, i introduced myself as the journey man of mayors and honored to help mark to end a four and a half year journey to celebrate the years of construction what become san francisco's 4r5sh9 state of the art chase center. >> (clapping.) >> i'm happy to say that no longer will san francisco stand alone as the only america city
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without an inside venue of 10 thousand seats when that opened in 2019 the chase center will make history not only as a home for the gooirdz but as the only 100 percent privately financed arena in the entire country of the united states. >> (clapping.) >> this no, this is no small feat as every at mba in public land includes the taxpayer money in its construction not here in san francisco the warriors are paying for this venue they reprimand remind me of that constantly on the land they perturbed is an accomplishment and speaks volumes to the commitments of ownership and sets the bar in our city what we're all about and speaking of
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what we're all about how about what is this team all about isn't that great yeah. >> (clapping.) >> what a game last night as was pointed out most all the greatest things we saw last night in that game coach let me help you and all of us define a infrastructure grant foul i think a infrastructure grant foul is any delay in opening the chase center in san francisco that's a infrastructure grant foul of those warriors have the best record in the mba leading in the league in almost every category have the best starting rotation in the mba and, of course, they captured the imagination of the most casual
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of basketball fa (calling names) waits not to love. >> (clapping.) >> so the real question is coach how far will you go? and, of course, (laughter) all the way; right? ? >> and, of course, the chases center will not only play host to basketball games but a prime designation for world-class companies family shows and convention activities generate over thousand of good paying construction and permanent jobs that jobs that contribute more than enough money to pay for the extended transit service and new light rail vehicles and launch the covering the transportation
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and sculpture costs that serve the entire neighborhood on days without the feptsdz the project will add vitality amenity to mission bay neighborhoods along with a much needed office space and, of course, the warriors are going to be great partners to all our kids in the education system this venue will be a model sustainable design that will include over 3 acres of open space and trigger the development of a 5 and a half acres of public parks right on the waterfront none of this would have been possible without the dedicated commitment of my dear colleague jennifer the former head of the city's office of economic workforce development who tragically passed away from cancer over 2
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years ago and spent much of her diminished career in the city running it's trail and in many ways the park across the street from the eastern jennifer helped to plan a symbol of her commitment to san francisco so today i'm honored to commemorate her legacy with a trail in the park so future neighbors runners and visitor will know her impact in the city thank you jennifer. >> (clapping.) >> i'm also excited to announce that speaking of really deep broach j.p. morgan chase are generously sponsoring a brand new warriors citibuild program in cooperation with the
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office of office of economic workforce development what's the citibuild program this is a new 9 week construction training private program will be called the chase center works and that will equip local trainees in the low income and underserved community chase center will help us to address the shortage of labor in the city but equip people with the education and skill necessarily to be successful in the construction industry and, of course, in life itself thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you working with labor. >> (clapping.) >> this dense active trade training will start in march and provided masonry and iron work and carpentry thank you chase morgan son and all the unions and trades who helped to make
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that a reality and finally i want to thank joe and peter for your vision commitment to getting us here today, the university of san francisco state their neighbors in the biotech destroy the entire community all of our elected officials working to expedite even four and a half years is incredibly expeditious; right? yes (laughter) for a better integrating this event center in mission bay and the entire san francisco community everyone resident, kids, all the neighborhoods we thank you for your thoughtful input your patience and help in refinancing our platoons i can't wait to be back here in four and a half years to cut the ribbon
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on the greatest attraction center and the new home for golden state warriors in san francisco bay area let's go warriors. >> (clapping.) >> congratulations mr. mayor on our work and you know what i was watching the parade after the warriors won you may remember the mayor said he's favorite player was steve occurring whyy you think that was bad in the 90s i'm governing and up you know, i come to a hole there is dell and his kids what play wow, you guys are the governor and i look at dell your crazy if you let that kid play
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basketball over golf. (laughter) that kid is stephanie curry plays a little bit of basketball i told you we started with the choir and heard about a ball boy that is no changing the game and this next speaker he started out selling peanuts at anaheim stadium he really did i i mean the guy is one of the top have you ever gone capitalist and good in building things in the ground up you want to talk about gold he went to playing in the stadium to ownership an mba team if i can quote the poet and mba awry combraim start from the bottom and the owner and cso of
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the golden state warriors joe lockout >> (clapping.) >> thank you very much kevin and thank you, everybody in a way i think we're still selling peanuts peter i don't know. i can't escape it you you know this has been a very exciting day, in fact, an exciting that weekend for those of you who don't know three or four days we had the warriors foundation hooker which i shouldn't event and raised one $.3 million. >> (clapping.) >> thank you nicole in in addition a basketball game to play last night and that was pretty good too. >> (clapping.) >> and here we go with a
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groundbreaking for this incredible endeavor and ordeal it's been a lot of work 3 days rick mentioned the fantastic news this morning about the right correct decision by the supreme court we're totally good here today. >> (clapping.) >> one way or another that hard to sit here it is surreal peter and i and rick has been a part of this we had a vision that's where we started i think over 6 years ago really this arena project began that was an incredible amount of work but the people in this room you helped us a lot and say we really appreciate you as rick pointed out it is not to surreal in fact, that the real and one
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of the reporters kim i don't know his last name made a bet a number of years ago we wouldn't get it done by 2015 but jim that's the year and day today is the 17 does that qualify? a few years late it been think an incredibly difficult but this is the greatest city on this planet honestly the best >> (clapping.) >> in every dimension a greater city i've been a venue capitalist we point to silicon valley but silicon valley is also san francisco silicon valley north it is a great transformation of the city and a good one here we go on the outer arena the only one in the
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country and i will say that is over when we broub this is so fantastic we'll build this great venue and you'll see a shovel into the ground proolg and see some amazing tractors and other things out here today it is a just a fantastic thing i'm a businessman and not the most patient guy in the world this is 5 and a half 6 years ago a long time this great venue will be done in 2 and a half years half the time is took to get it approved i don't know if i can make that stuff up (laughter). >> so chase center and thank you chase for your greatest effort rick noted is a a special
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thanks or thanks to a number of people who helped us, you know who you are the phenomenal people certainly the mayor the san francisco first and foremost edwin we love to have you here in san francisco we will slide the path and make that happen i appreciate all our efforts and didn't tell me that would cost that much but nonetheless we're happy to be here mayor ed lee. >> (clapping.) >> all the agencies that rick mentioned the city and those who had an impact thank you very much i know you're doing our job i want to also thank all the laura bay area all the fans with us start with a few boos we we got over this we have mba
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champion and another 5 year plan now which is to win another championship one more that's what i tell them here and steve. >> (clapping.) >> but also in addition to winning a championship we are going to do something great in the next 5 years we'll build a great, great venue you can all be so proud of you look at every arena in the country we've toured them all i assure you like we assured you 5 years ago we eight hundred deliver a championship that district will be absolutely incompatible would you like be proud of san francisco's district bay area folks to be part of it thank
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you. >> (clapping.) >> chase center will be built by the best in the business with a great local flavor and the architecture the architect for the building a national leader in venues of this type interiors of chase center a legacyy firm in san francisco >> (clapping.) >> the criminal streetscaping you'll see beauty is a part of it let's face it we will build a fantastic building by another fantastic firm. >> (clapping.) >> also the office buildings on the site not san francisco architecture firm. >> and the construction of the
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11 acres by a joint venture the marriage of two construction companies in california they have a lot work to do that construction starts for real not surreal today. >> (clapping.) >> we're not going to give away to many surprise but a few of them coming we worked on the innovation and peter said he'll sing when it is done it will sick and takes my breath away with the rendering and the models and all the work i think you'll be proud of we've made that smaller the oracle we love our home court we'll replicate it with the side and the loudness the venues we'll
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replicate that it is a 50-year-old building we'll have a better venue so for basketball and in addition concerts and other events having this arena is not only great for the city of san francisco but us as a business operator but great for the basketball team kevin during rant came w to us without an arena thank you kevin. >> (clapping.) >> and for also for resigning this summer. >> (clapping.) >> (yelling) players diverse great facilities on site in addition to the great venue the fans will be able to
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attend and we had a great acquisition we'll strive to be the very best this organization don't we will takes more agents we'll do whatever it takes to be champions again kevin. >> (clapping.) >> well the final thing i want to comment we're also this is important to all of our owns not just me important to be a you know a great part of community important to be dedicated not just bring back basketballs and bring venues and pay for it all we really it is important - that we contribute to the society in 09 ways we a diet and mr. chairman we are one of the
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best in the world ambassador we want to be able to give book to the community so i'm proud of our teem and playgrounds and coaches our entire team hung out with holiday cheer down the street from the recreation center in the bayview. >> (clapping.) >> stephanie curry in piss fourth annual feed the children we provided food for 12 hundred bay area families that's great. >> (clapping.) >> and by the way, our newest member kevin fits into this in the same kind of vibe with the homelessness settler provided food for everyone there thank you kevin. >> (clapping.) >> >> so going forward we intend to be good partners and members of this not only san
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francisco but the entire bay area east bay and north bay and peninsula all of that okay. and in addition to winning basketball games give us prides to set up the warriors foundation we raised $1.2 million it will be given away for education and the golds we set out to accomplish but also in the last 4 years given watt 7 point plus million dollars from the organization. >> (clapping.) >> we're focused on education and improving the lives of kids in san francisco and in old we'll continue to do that so this afternoon i'd like to bring up a few of the organizations that benefit from those grants and as part of one-hundred $2 million we've given away to 51 organizations i'd like to bring up the boys and girls club like the boys and
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mention the warriors foundation has given away more money that's $7 million. >> (clapping.) >> all right. our next speaker rose to family being a movie producer a is bananas you have to deal with arcs by the way, everybody was talking about the acting in oracle anyway and also bringing financing together to make things happen and that's what this man side he is one of the reasons this is project is 100 percent privately functions we can't say that enough i was reading his bio he's a prominent member of hollywood like saying kevin duran is a
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small acquisition you changed my life in 1983 with a flash cam (laughter) to this day i can't look jennifer beal's in the eye today here to celebrate the beginning or the end of the beginning or a new beginning? i don't know is that the beginning i'm not sure but here's the owner of the warriors peter god bless berry. >> (clapping.) >> you got to be kidding me i had a check everything i was going to see check, check, check check they said it all terrific really nothing else to say only thing they especially\cover
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you're here with the shovels i was wondering if this was what was thrown at us over the last four and a half years (laughter) the best goals always started as a dream and the people give it a time limit all our group to help made this happen so for the opening is the world-class venue required 9 years 9 years who but dreamers would undertake that kind of a journey you have to be a dreamer and allow yourselves to be pulled through it has to pull you and compel and make you go over all the obstacles and believe in that dreamers they face all the way down kinds of things and
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difficulties but push forward their dyslexia they push, push, push to get they are goals done. >> we all draw if past references certainly for our dreams i had mine in the entertainment business the entertainment business you have a lot of surveys they use the f word and boy it hurts but have to give up we had a lot of bumps those bumps made us stronger and better and the changes made us better i've had films that takes 5 years to get made and shown in the theatre willie brown we built together the audience was so upset and stormed out of the theatre and shock the limousine how you handle the corrections and how you do that determines
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our ultimate outcome always determines the outcome you make necessary changes the men and women in our organization we speak to and for today none westbound passengers all worked the three has made the different their tongue and wallet traveled in the same direction you believed them and they could lead you to o so the infrastructure grant fouls all because of the groundbreaking probably not next time builds a range of people and thing that will be protesting we'll see it through we haven't started shooting this movie you hear something say let's see a film on budget no, we have to do the
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work our teem with all the bumps in the road rather we doubled down on the commitment to see it through and shape our dream much more to realize much more we can't suffer the faded of prematurity jubilation but our perseverance and determination will see us through but this dream is more than a venue of concrete you'll attract the artists they'll be drawn to this vessel in san francisco so perform and be the beacon and live and work rod other teams the glorious political events every city needs e needs one it is con superstitious but why is
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it so important because this we are not vigil people we're analogies we chore the diversity of our species men and women and different gender and everything sharing laughing and crying together that's the purpose of those campfires and those venues every city needs it it had been great for san francisco. >> (clapping.) >> think of the essence of products with the house of dreams our dreams and children's dreams and shared expense the key won't would be the aptitude but the attitude of the builders did attitudes puts an to do on stare resides and attitude makes the difference show me someone
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with great attitude i'll show you a hit a success. >> so the key to us now is to build it to get it done more action and less talk the whole damn process will be fought with parietal we have to cast it away and keep that vision strong and pull it pull up to it. >> nelson mandela said to me this misguided adversary can't take away your dreams colleagues this will continue to challenge you they'll scare you but keep you motivated you'll take greater focus to get us they're up there let's hope we didn't come this far to come this far yesterday is not the dedication
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only a station to realize this dream go for the great and enjoy the journey it is show time god speed. >> (clapping.) >> that was show time. >> (clapping.) >> you know you mentioned greatness anytime you can be part of the group that is a greatest we think about the greatest players in mba history and rick berry and the late person we lost in july. >> (clapping.) >> our next speaker is one of the 50 most powerful women in business. >> (clapping.) >> hello. >> ladies and gentlemen,
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please please help me welcome to ceo chase to shanda duck even though. >> all right. oh, my gosh thank you all i'm absolutely trifled to be here on behalf of the j.p. morgan chase and our 3 thousand bay area employees yes. >> (clapping.) >> it was just about a year ago we announced our existing partnership with the golden state warriors to bring a world-class venue to the bay area the bay area it a beacon for technology, innovation and education and we expect the new chase center will become a beacon for sports and entertainment and cultural as we prepare to break ground it on
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the chase center we're well aware the baby boomer is at the center of social changes as technologies and cities are revitalized remust make sure that the individuals at the margin are brought in and 3w506r9d up while those in the middle are not pushed out over the next 3 years j.p. morgan chase will be investing $25 million to support initiated that help the bay area to continue on a pathway to more inclusive economic growth yes. >> (clapping.) >> as part of this commitment we announced last week chase center assist is community initiative that will tackle head on the bay area economic and
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social challenges by creating pathways to opportunity in a series of powerful local partnerships chase center will focus on 3 pillars last year small business growth and housing development and education and workforce readiness we believe those are a powerful compliment to the important work the warriors are doing an incredible team and one of the most vibrant regions in the country i want to thank the team orientals joe and peter uber and wanting rick wells and mayor ed lee and the board of supervisors coach steve occurring and all the warriors players for all the pirnl and thank you for all you do i love basketball as sports
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growing up any entire life and love the quote teamwork makes the dream work, yes. >> (clapping.) >> that's what's going on in the city we'll bring incredible things to life on this site thank you thank you, thank you giving chase the opportunity and the principle to be a part of that thank you. >> (clapping.) >> to shanda you were fired up, too you delivered doorway you delivered. >> next speaker great speaker and coach to things that impress me on one dbi in the room with the game sat next to michael just for the record said you ready and actually delivered he
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did the series winning shot the thing that best me most about the golden state warriors during the 1989, 1999 during the lockout you bring those guys to vegas it get crazy in the casino goose in the private rooms gambling for a lot of money he look over at the $5 tackle between a grandmother and two guys in cowboy hats is steve occurring nursing $20 chips a man that will not get caught up in the behind the coach the golden state warriors steve occurring. >> (clapping.) >> thank you thank you i'm going to change gears everything has been said about
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the buildings i've been in the bay for 2 and a half years grew up in los angeles god and boo i spent the last 12 years of my life in san diego you can go ahead and yawn if you want my point i'm a southern californian you mating may be able to tell by my attire i got dressed up i did there are fans and dress fancy really want to say if you're lucky enough in lifelike i've been you reach a point you get to choose when you work with and includes where you live and choose where you work by those metrics i want to stay here
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forever. >> (clapping.) >> i'm also an nba coach this building will take 3 years to build the chances of me standing on the sidelines for the warriors are slim to hope as far so good hopefully, i'll still be here. >> (clapping.) >> i want to say something very important that say that i was lucky enough to get this job and to be become part of the partnership with joe and peter and rick wells and bob myers when i interviewed for this job that's the selling point that's what i bought into this is an incredible franchisee that is only begun to scrape the surface
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the fan base i placed for 15 years to play against bad teams the fans went crazy we have amazing fans the ownership and the support i get from this group is fantastic behind the scenes e-mails and providing constant support is amazing rick and i worked together in phoenix for several years knowing rick was the president of the golden state warriors made me want to come an amazing group of people i want to point out bob myers that may have nothing to do with - >> (clapping.) >> he may have nothing to do with the construction of that but everything to do with the construction of kevin and our roster the most important asset
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we have bob has been an amazing partner an amazing general manager but an even better friend in his mind when you put together a group of people that are committed to each other and the franchisee and to the warriors special things can happen that's exactly what happened here i want to make one final point about the ownership the fact that arena is privately functions is so important because i've before a sports man fanning any whole life living in san diego the late 12 years the charges were ripped away from that community i know there are a lot of economic factors and political issues you have an ownership group that recognizes they don't really own the team they write the checks but the
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community owns the team that's true. >> (clapping.) >> but the bay area owns the team and they have a tremendous task as guardian of franchise and their taking on tremendous risk with the financial commitments at no cost to the city that is almost unheard of these days in professional sports i want to acknowledge that with an o vacation. >> (clapping.) >> the best way to mitigate it risk to put a great team have our business did not have a great product to sell we're fortunate we've been able to do that we only enhanced that with the arrival of the k d and.
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>> (clapping.) >> and i can be very honest when i say that is a thrill a enjoy to coach and team as talented as this group and more gratifying to come to work everyday and enjoy the playgrounds for who they are as human beings kevin is representing our team today, our roster other guys are practicing potrero and i are taking the day off we earned it after last night. >> (clapping.) >> but ultimately what will make that building successful it the fans and the fan base that has supported this franchisee and the players who are playing high-level basketball in providing entertainment so at that point i'd like to bring up
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cal works d we'll move on. >> (clapping.) >> one of the things that has been talked about today is what an amazing practices the bay area is the physical bout and cultural aspects i know one of the reasons you wanted to come here have you come into the city quite a bit. >> oh, yeah, he come a lot 0 one thing i see i talked with people in san francisco over in oakland and the east bay they selected this team for their team with the support and love is key makes coming in work better and we are existed for the future happy i'm here. >> you come here every night after games. >> yeah. >> a couple of restaurant he
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drives across country every game why not. >> why not. >> i know that mike was here and amazing i mentioned night every night the feel from the crowd when you talk about what it feels like to be a warriors is good when you own the team. >> i'll tell you that (laughter). >> you know when you step out and put on the engineeringcy no matter in cleveland or the worst team in the league to play in front of them it amazing and makes us want to play harder we love the support and every time we 12e9 out there we try harder. >> how is the coaching. >> we'll try to step that up a
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little bit and try to get you to battling. >> coach before you guides sit down i'm not going to let you go kevin i want to ask you something what i've i'll ask one question what does it mean to get that one the way you won. >> well, it's not the finally but you know it is an important game when you play 82 games some of the games take on more importance we wanted to win that game i think that was apparent. >> kevin you seemed like from the jump you were coming posz your will. >> yeah. the last game too against detroit (laughter). >> i'm assuming you are getting points every night.
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>> you did it against miami. >> what is the win last night. >> it was great to get a win take care of the home court and the infanticide were great tried to give them a good show. >> do you want to tell the owners anything. >> it will be very exciting. >> they're going kevin duran and steve occurring thank you, gentlemen. >> (clapping.) >> right now kevin agent is screaming what are you doing you know talking about the chase center we mentioned, of course, the home of the golden state warriors but an entertainment venue now to entertain you we'll bring out the world renowned the san francisco symphony and some
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>> (clapping.) >> thank you secretary and leakage that is the moment we've all been waiting for i'll ask the folks to come on up here 60 froifrts in the front we'll take a photo please stay down and wait we're on television and want to get that moment we'll ask everybody once they get that shot that hat looks so good if
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everybody csa what stick their shovel in the dirt and hold that there you'll good one shot of everybody with a shovel full of dirt they're going yeah. >> kevin you can get more dirt than that come on man all right. let's put the shovels back down in the ground and stand behind them if you can stick them in the ground and stand behind them. >> (clapping.) >> you know this is a what they say good things come to those who wait you've been waiting since 12 that is your moment we can announce that is the state
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of the art arena is ready to be built this started 66 months ago one hundred plus days and losses ago all right. >> thank you, everyone and we'll get those shots you're good okay >> (clapping.) >> thank you, gentlemen and ladies for making that official you can god and go back to our seats we'll go right down here. >> so it begins that world-class facility here in mission bay it will be built we couldn't have done that without everybody this is an aspect last year day and roumd for the people that made this happen. >> (clapping.) >> so in the next 31 most this site will turn into that
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to sunny know we doubt. i am deborah nieman executive director of the newly valley community benefit district. >>[applause] yes. longtime resident. so welcome to know we value the land of [inaudible] it's the heart of our study and the heart of district aged i like to knowledge a few key people here today. i know i will miss him and i'm sure somebody will remind me were nudged me. but i like to note board president london breed. supervisor mark farrell. supervisor katie tang, treas. josé six narrows. assessor carmen chu and incoming supervisor i shut safai. did i say that right? i hope so. of course general manager of sf
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rec and park bill ginsburg for whom we can think this wonderful town square. so today very big day for our neighborhood. but the district and for the great city of san francisco. we are going to meet our next supervisor. let me tell you, how excited i am to work with him. he has very big shoes to fill following the legacies of scott weiner kevin duffy and mark leno. but i know he's up to the task and i'm very proud to support him. with that i like to introduce our mayor ed lee from just over the hill sunny glen park. i know that ed family cares greatly about artistic. it is his district is doing his absolute best to steer a very diverse and often challenging city. so thank you mayor lee and welcome. it is my pleasure to introduce you. >>[applause] >> thank you staff and thank you for bringing the sunshine out today for our introduction of town square. welcome everybody good morning also
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thank you to our police department our city attorney, the other department heads for joining us along with our board representatives and elected officials. this was a very important decision that i got to make because of the voters. and it's both an obligation, a treasured opportunity for a mayor to make any time there's a vacancy and of course our legislative body and having conversed with quite a number of supervisors both present and past, having had the opportunity, other determined this opportunity, to talk with many residents, merchants, and people of district 8 from all of the wonderful corridor of this very diverse district, from having had many discussions with those that were very interested to help lead this district and the city
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to make sure that our city was safe, wonderfully diverse, making sure that all the things that we are trying to do as a city continued more importantly today than ever before, to be a welcoming city. a diverse city. a city of both san francisco values but also a city that took care of things. for everyone. and i heard it from literally every single neighborhood that i had the privilege to talk with. they said they wanted somebody who was a replica of scott weiner. >>[laughing] so i set about -cheering >>[cheerring] to say first of all scott that's my way of saying thank you for being such a great partner >>[cheerring]. we have enjoyed your advocacy, your passion, your craziness, 24-7 but
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everybody enjoyed it and it was you know he has both large shoes to fill in a height that i try to deal with as well. >>[laughing] but you know as we go up to second meadow we will have a tremendously another friend to really help us as a city and region so scott, congratulations, but also thank you. thank you for being such a great strong supporter and you know, i set about to try to find a replica. there's no such way we could do it. in fact, i agreed with all the community leaders from no we valley from diamond heights, glenn part, from all of the different districts, castro and upper market and so forth to find and we agreed there is no way we can replicate but we can have in our hearts a selection of somebody who is
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aspirational, who is passionate, whose love of the city and people, whose past advocacy is the strong but also solution orientated. whose recent professional life has been really to find solutions to one of the most challenging issues of all of our time and whose early days and i guess was pretty strong-but no less stronger than the passions that i felt before i became a government official as well is that we have to advocate for those who needed that representation. i found out that person in jeff sheehy and i found someone who not only has the passion and commitment but represents a diversity that complements our board, represents a intellect that is
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very deep. has a passion for neighborhoods. happens to emanate from my neighborhood but also a parent. a parent of a lovely daughter in public school. >>[applause], yes, michelle. and who i think who has not only through interviews but as we studied what he has done and as we listened to not just neighborhood leaders, and residents, but even other candidates under consideration said that they were also considering the activities that we found in jeff camp, and i know this can be much more sad as he takes the oath and as he gets sworn in this weekend, but i want to say that i, again,
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listened very carefully to what people were saying. we talked a lot about actually is and qualifications of the person and every neighborhood leader, every resident, every merchant said i want someone who is crazily involved and engaged. who will answer every question. who will be something doing more than just solving the immediate problem that we asked them to, but dig in and say what is the policy issue here? what are we really trying to find as an answer that is sustainable, not just a temporary treatment of something. in jeff we found somebody whose spirit is getting to zero, whose spirit is in advocacy for those that are this enfranchised, whose spirit and honesty and intellect is
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very very clear to me and who will be engaged with the residents of this entirely very diverse district called district 8. i found that in jeff. i found his passion. i found his love of people and i found someone who is already demonstrated in his own life a life history that i want to see to make sure that the history of our city is well intact along with the forward thinking solution orientated, pragmatic practical, yet values. person. and so, it is my privilege to introduce to you the next supervisor of district 8, the two comment that we want to have some of jeff sheehy. >>[applause]
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>> so first i want to-let me see if i can get this-first i want to thank mayor lee. i am honored, humbled, just overdone by his confidence in need i know this economy and unbelievably challenging job. i know it's personal to them because like you said, we are neighbors. and i want to-i got other neighbors out here in the audience. i want to thank the members of san francisco family who turned out today. some of you i don't four years and we work together. some of you i'm going to get to know and i look forward to working together. you know, i live in clinical and partly i been doing politics were living in this district since 1994. i have walked all over. you know, michelle and i, right?. okay
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man go so we been everywhere. everywhere. >>[applause] i mean how many we've gone i don't know. speaking of michelle, one of the things i want to really acknowledge is that the mayor did not appoint a person.. he appointed a family. you know, my husband >>[applause]. >>[laughing]. you know i'm not sure i would be-i am not being facetious but i'm not sure i would be here today if not for him. almost 18 years. michelle, i mean the love of our lives. everything we do we do for michelle. i think that is the way we feel about all the kids in our district. you know and i think sometimes in san francisco we get caught up in a lot of big issues but the kids here, you
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know, this is our future. and if we don't do right by our kids we are not creating the right future for the city. >>[applause] so, we talked about potholes and i don't know if i can do what scott and kevin and mark had done on that but it is my aim to try as hard as i can. i'm not in this job, you know i'm not here to serve because i want to go to sacramento where i want to go to washington or i want to go to some other room in city hall. i had a career. i've made history. equal benefits basically brought >>[applause]. brought the business community to the side of folks
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the lgbt community went into town to talk about marriage. they were writing up grease for us. not for the other side. because of equal benefits. that was only happening here but happened across the country and other cities in the state of california. i really want to give you shut out to mayor brown the first courage and support of the next good city atty. louise rennie. >>[applause] city atty. dennis herrera. that made his victory possible. you know, so my thing is i really care about our neighborhoods that make up this district. you know, public safety is a big issue for us. it's something when your neighbor standing out in front of your house, two-year-old kid, hold onto her patently with literally in front of my house. and she's got a car seat. she's pulling it out of
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her backseat picking up pieces of glass because her car is broken in spirit there's nothing to steal. and i know, you know i know the department is doing all it can but we have to be there to support the department. because this is a big issue. we have, you know, for people who live here for families who live in this district are streets need to be saved. people need to be able to park on the street and operate out being broken into at least two aiken three times in nearly outside my window there's been a car with a broken window. and it's a tough challenge and i really i read about the innovative work the department is doing and so we've got to continue to work these folks. so- >>[applause]. my head is to be here for the
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people in our community. i like to talk about-i don't know how many people do into glen park queen juno regularly and the speed of the best hummus and san francisco. michelle is a little kid, right and we are like, oh my god, his kids were working behind the counter, and rima were michelle's babysitters. that's the kind of community that i live in. right? that's the kind of community we all live in. that's why i want to serve is not for grandiose purposes, but as a mayor said, to take care of people's problems and where there is broader policy that can make things better for the people in my district, then to advance those. the other reason i'm really honored to serve is that aiken is a dramatic change for me, but i will be the lgbt supervisor. >>[applause]. these are perilous times. we
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face and existential threat. rights that we fought for and won that women have one, are may be, we may have to fight for them all over again. our gains maybe you raised by what he does with the courts. our immigrant community, you know, it's shameful. these are our neighbors. we have to be here to make sure, and united. i know there's been a lot of classes this that's gone on and i hope because i know people on both sides. aggressive modern, whatever labels you want to use, but we need to be fighting together, right? right? >>[applause] our fight is outside. a particular interest
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to me for me is health care. i've been involved, you know, department of public health. activism for healthcare. i've been at ucsf. perhaps the finest healthcare institution in my mind in the country and perhaps the world. the dedication of the folks at air, which you know, includes some of the finest minds in the world serve the people with some of the-new experience in the worst disparities in at san francisco general. such a monument to the compassion of the city. but with ac eight potentially under attack, medicaid cuts trimmed back, is absolutely essential for my
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respective, and i want to work on, making sure that we don't lose ground in the work that we've done to reduce disparities in access to high-quality health care for all the communities in san francisco. >>[applause]. then, lastly, i would like to talk about the hiv community. this is historic. we've never had somebody openly living with hiv on the board of supervisors and we have been through a lot. we have long-term survivors which i am one. am one of the lucky ones. you know, 30 years ago if you told me i could live to 40, i was like-i don't think so. as friend left and right becoming ill, dying, if you had told me that it be able to get
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married i would not have believed you. and it's astonishing to me i'm going to turn 60 this year. i'm a husband almost 18 years and i held 11-year-old daughter going to public school in san francisco. >>[applause]. but i want to be here for the long-term survivors who have not had the good luck that i have had. that they are not forgotten. you know a lot of what we have in the city and as a community, they fought for. and they did not have the good fortune that i have good and a lot of my fellow, they are feeling like they are feeling forgotten to the feeling isolated. i want them to know that a voice in city hall. they have a partner. but i also want to hearken back to those dark days in san francisco. when
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people were dying. there was no hope. there was hate and so many places in the world. you know, god's fate for you folks. what did san francisco do? it opened its heart. everybody in san francisco came together could perhaps one of the city's finest moments. and i literally would not be here if the city had not come together all across, every you know, social class, everybody came together showed compassion, work together, and to me, we may be facing those same kinds of threats now. different communities, perhaps but the same sort of threat to the very survival of people in our community and so in ending, i don't want to again make the plea that we act without
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rancor, that we disagree civilly , that we keep our eye on the ball and work together so that we can defend ourselves. we can fight together against threats that are real to everybody in our community so, thank you. >>[applause]. >> now it's my pleasure to introduce scott waygandt i've had the pleasure of working with scott for the last eight years and can honestly thank him for so many things but i will start with this counselor which he helped put through it all the way up 24th st. to know we courts which was really quite a contentious renovation and is still underway but it's almost done. for everything
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that we do in the cbd i could not have done without the help of scott and his staff and andrea's power were just terrific. so i'm sorry to see zygote in our really want to thank him for all his years of service as supervisor for district 8. scott. >>[applause] >> thank you. and i'm really thrilled that we are doing this in the town square and this is just an amazing our community so thank you to everyone oh made it a reality and i will be honest, i can i will be honest it is over but bittersweet. i, even though i took office a month ago, because there wasn't another supervisor i still sort of felt like i was the supervisor for this wonderful district and people were still treating me as such and asking questions and asking for help which i was happy to provide, but this job, being on the board of supervisors, representing district 8, this amazing set of communities has
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been in many ways the honor of my life. i just first of all want to thank the residents of district 8 472 city hall for having the confidence in me to represent you and for working with me and my office and partnering to do so many things were this community and to try to weave these neighborhoods a better place than when we came into office. so thank you for that. that's the better part. leaving this amazing role. the sweet part is that i cannot think of a more worthy and qualified successor than jeff johnck sheet type johnck i she had. one very very flattered that some people suggested they wanted a replica of me, they actually >>[inaudible] [off mic] a little shorter, right.
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it's actually better to have someone who's their own person. and jeff sheehy is exactly that. i don't jeff for many years and is just an extraordinary leader and extraordinary thinker. someone who is unbelievably passionate and driven and tenacious in moving forward a strong and progressive policy agenda for our community. someone who is in his personal it has gone to hell and back and is absolutely flourished because of who he is and his strength and his family strength. jeff has been an unbelievable resource to me when i was on the board of supervisors. in terms of coming to me with ideas and being there to support our work particularly around healthcare, hiv issues. he was just an unbelievable resource and i just know he is going to do incredible work on the board of
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supervisors. jeff, i know that you know this but you're going to learn really quickly, this is an amazing district and so many levels. it is also a district where the residents of this district are more engaged and thoughtful and knowledgeable than you can imagine. >>[laughing]. they will call it bs on you in a heartbeat >>[laughing] and so one of the great things you can be straightforward with people and really collaborate and work together and jeff, you are going to love this job and love of working with this community. we have so much work to do. i know in the state senate we are already very focused on the title wave of toxicity that's going to come at us from washington dc. we have an administration that was to throw millions of californians off of healthcare
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that wants to deport many of our neighbors. that denies the climate change exists and now more than ever, not just california but san francisco, must be on the canning edge making sure we are creating that healthcare safety net. that we are protecting our immigrant communities. that we are moving towards a sustainable environmental future and i know that jeff is absolutely going to be at the forefront of those fights. so i look forward to partnering with you, jeff. so, jeff, congratulations to my complete and total support in this endeavor and congratulations everyone. thank you. >>[applause] >> i love lorraine this type. okay. now i have the privilege of introducing added that they were about 14 years ago called me into his office along with carole jenny and bob donegan said hey beth, there's this
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thing we want to do and it will improve public space on 24th st. and the property owners to pay for. we would like, seriously? we did and we done it and thanks to both supervisor weiner and duffy, it's a terrific street. so kevin, it is yours. >>[applause] >> good morning everyone. make no mistake, this is the job of a lifetime. and i want to thank the mayor for giving us someone who can really fill the potential for this job represents. there's a lot of cameras and reporters here. let me warn you, jeff is a very savvy tactician with the media. so for those who've not had the privilege of working with them, you will really enjoy his transparency among his intellect, and his understanding that the media plays a critical role in keeping us honest and advancing good policy and remembering those that are forgotten and ensuring that everyone knows. i want to echo what sen. weiner
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said, that this is an amazing district to represent those of the people, because of the awareness that people have good i am is felt when i sweated over my monthly e-mail newsletter that was a waste of time because i could tell how a gentleman would look at me at the gym asked whether he liked the book which i guess the tuesday prior in weatherly was happy or not or what about if someone would stop me in line at the safeway and this is a neighborhood is defined by its part. the how the identity of this community around parks like buena vista park and glen park and dolores park and even a small part like the record or state street all are so important and how people see and have a little bit of respite in this city. i can tell you that scott you know, said that this is a district that is transit we did know
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something scott did a lot of work on and i know that jeff will carry that legacy forward. but this is also the district that was represented by harvey milk and i do want to draw attention to the fact that as jeff steps into this world, it is a difficult mantle to fill. many times had people say you are no harvey milk. i know that scott and mark have experienced that in their own way. but i know that to see an individual who is a hiv-positive mother first, not to the board of supervisors, and for jeff and i to span an generation were so many of our brothers were lost due to the indifference of the federal government and a president like ronald reagan, and what we see today, that i know that jeff is ready for the task. he is ferocious. i fear him at times but he has certainly come to me in a way that is let me know that i need to get things done and i can tell you in retrospect, it is sometimes better to be feared at city hall been like at city hall. so, when that is necessary, i know that jeff
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will step up and do that work. but i also want to remember that jeff linda harvey milk democratic club. when he did that were, back in 1994, we had the lavender suite in san francisco get it was a very hopeless time. pete wilson was the governor. was a very difficult time. the drug had not come in to respond to the aids epidemic and in that year we elected three lgbt members to the board of supervisors, on the auto saloon they'll carole make and should be elected to lgbt members to the community college board. lawrence swamp and leslie katz what long legacies and career in public service. i want to say i think jeff is uniquely qualified to bring together this very politically diverse lgbt community. not only does he have the mantle of harvey milk but if the mantle of being for the first time in a generation, the only lgbt members of the board of supervisors. perhaps
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in some way that will get us together in this very important time to be more united and to recognize that working together we can accomplish much more than we can when we are divided from one another. i want to acknowledge my good friend jennifer freed mark is here from the homeless coalition to say that i know that jeff is someone is come to my office when i had the privilege of working for the mayor and brought buddies to me that showed what the outcomes were for hiv-positive women who are homeless living in a tenderloin and the amount of violence that they sustained in their lives and how that violence affected their ability to maintain treatment. so i know the compassion that jeff feels and i know that he understands that the gay community in san francisco is not an affluent community. we are like everybody else. i do want to say that if jeff were not supervisor i think would've been a member of the school board surveillance of knowledge
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-mendoza was here from the board of education but most of my conversations in recent years with jeff have been about our kids education. the fact that michelle is gone from the harvey milk school and got to clarendon and is now at presidio middle school and he is cared so much about her education and a belief he will be a great supervisor for those issues. so again i want to thank the mayor. i want to say it's wonderful to see all the letter to support jeff in this step, bold step, he is making and i'm so thrilled for my brother to have this opportunity. thank you. clapping. >> >> hi. now i like to introduce tiffany loan rate my neighbor and pack memory. tiffany. >>[applause] >> thank you, deb. most of you in this group don't know me. i am usually part of the background and i'm usually on that side of things. i usually get as i can know what alana were isaac maugham. sometimes
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talked like wife most of the time and something to that affect. although some you may know run by local classical timber music series in the neighborhood. but in the circle, i guess i'm unknown. i'm one of the least political people around but i'm incredibly civic minded. i'm neighborhood-based. i'm community center. i'm family focus. i'm a staunch supporter of the public schools here and that's how i know jeff. as part of the fabric of the community we met a few years back and when our kids were younger and we shared an idea about parents being-having a stronger voice in the community. that was the parent pac and jeff and i met in our my living room and i was incredibly, incredibly touched when we had conversations. his
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warmth, his kindness, his thoughtfulness, is incredibly apparent intellect and how much he cared about what his daughter was going to be exposed to and going to schools in the city and what he thought he could, wish by trying to give parents a stronger voice in the city. i was immediately drawn to him and i just felt so connected, and i was thrilled when i found out there was never the opportunity to speak. basically say, >>[inaudible] [off mic] how excited i am that you are going to be the next district 8 supervisor. i was nervous about what i might say and was talking to my 12-year-old daughter and she said, mom, all you have to set parents and families might they need a voice on the board of supervisors and so i'm thrilled that city hall and my daughter
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are both in-line because they got it right. so jeff is the right voice to speak for us and i am thrilled. >>[applause] >> okay. now offer final speaker, we have diane hagler was chief of hiv aids division at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. diane. >>[applause] >> thank you so much. i'm diane hagler. most of you don't know me. i am a physician. i am a mother. raise four children with my husband here in the city of san francisco get professor at ucsf and also the head of hiv at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. we care for about 2500 individuals living with hiv and disparities in healthcare and in our population are remarkably-with
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things such as homelessness and with mental illness. you would not be surprised to hear that coming into 2017, we've heard directly from our patients and the look in their eyes. they are worried. they are worried that their health benefits and supportive services might not continue in the ones that are most worried are the immigrants and are most honorable populations. i feel, i feel very proud that we live in a city where are mayor and our supervisors and us as a community have resolved that we are going to ensure that as we go into the coming year, that healthcare is not going to be jeopardized for our city. i really like what scott said about-an editorial he wrote it we have to be the leaders. not the whiners. we have-we have the intellect we have the ideas. we have the will to do that. so i'm no jeff for over a decade and a half. we worked
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together we were some of the cofounders of the getting 20 initiative but you heard about witches get to zero new hiv infections, deaths from hiv and stigma due to hiv. that's a multisector effort of which several people in this audience have been involved in. it would not have happened without the collaboration and support of sen. weiner and without the leadership of our mayor and i just want to probably to clap and just really want to express the gratitude for that effort. >>[applause]. getting 20 has been featured wisely across needy and time magazine and other places of mayors around the world have come to our mayor to learn what did we do in san francisco and how can we capitulate that in our city. so just a few personal things about working with jeff. it might be a little cold out here but jeff has the warmest heart but make no mistake, he is tough as nails. he is with smart
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and he just like there's alternate sports, he's the ultimate commitment to public service and community service and specifically, this community. i would think a lot about leadership. i think we all know that good leaders are good listeners. jeff is a very very good listener. that's going to take him and us along way as we go forward. so, jeff, really congratulate i know you were going to fight hard for health. fight hard for families and for the economy and for us to be able to live in a very diverse city, the city that we love you so thank you very much. >>[applause] >> okay. folks as we say that's a wrap. we are going to go now look at the great merits of the office of economic development and cvd public private part of the gridlock 24th st. with the mayor and we invite any of you to join us. thank you. >> >>
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