tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV January 30, 2017 8:00pm-10:01pm PST
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with the laborers and the department on labor at the opposite end we needed to go out to the nail salons and there were so many that if there was going to have this then you had to be green certified as well as your right to appropriate ventilation as well as the right to a human wage and we are trying to get rid of that. >>so when you're doing that
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engagement with each salon how does that work? is there someone with the department on the status of women and somebody from every department? i know you said there's 39 to been certified and 11 on the way and how is it what is the process that they have to go through to get certified? >>we are aiming for about 20% to be certified and that will be kind of our maintenance. as far as the commission on the status of women, we have been working with them on our training. and so, when we approach a nail salon we require that every single technician an owner has to be present for the training. so, we provide training to these women on healthcare andas well
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as educational toxins. so we work with getting brochures into the presentation when we talk about labor and trafficking we hand these things to the technicians and we will have that and be armed with this information and many of these technicians work at other salons and not only in san francisco but with technicians at work in the east bay and the south bay and they travel around and so, they will be able to educate their fellow employees as well. >>is there a hotline or what do they do? >>the commission has a hotline there's also some other labor phone numbers to call. >>thank you. >>anything else commission? is there any public comment? >>good evening again commissioners. eric brooks from the san francisco green party and the local grassroots
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organization our city. first i would like to congratulate the staff on a year of great accomplishments certainly not all of them it would take me all night. there has been issues on the pesticide issue you'll hear more on that later from the committee but i did want to stress a little more on the strategy that we really need to start evolving. in the 20th century is not the same as the environmentalism of the 20th century and we really need it to adjust what we think about environmentalism. the first one is plastics recycling. as some of you may know, plastics are actually not recyclable. there actually
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down cyclablew and every time we break them down we break them downat they get their bonds broken down and they develop cohesion and they and up going into making park benches and hard plastics for instance. most overseas in other countries. if you remember in the late 80s early 90s we had almost completely gotten the plastic containers out of our stores. they were almost gone. and then the soda industry and the bottle industry got is to adopt the idea of recycling and now we have hundreds of billions of bottles, plastic bottles every
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year that are being used. so we have to figure out how we can get to zero waste with plastic that is the key. the next thing is biofuels and biomass. there are more things coming out on biofuels and biomass. these things include the use land disasters and these are actually worse than fossil fuels. >> [timer dings] thefirst would be the lifecycle process of that and we need to evolve on that issue is well. and finallywhat i would like to bring up is that for me is that. >>[timer dings]
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>> the next like to bring up his trees. of atomic cut down trees it takes under the years to regrow them and we have to reassess that as well. >>thank you. >>thank you. >>any other public comment. >>david pilpohi think that bill had some interesting points and i will look into that. and i would also like to mention the work that they have done with the puc and certainly some of the landscaping work that's
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being done and just because it is raining in california right now there's not me were out of the drought that we were in. and secondly, the breakfast is coming up soon and hopefully that will not be the only year that we do that i hope we do that another little upset about the bus thing. also, , i would like to talk about the issue that happened in chinatown and i am interested in what the results were and whether there is applicability there as well. maybe someone can tell me that off-line. and i'm sorry, i forget my last item was. anyway, thank you. >>thank you very much. any further public comment on the directors report?
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>>yes, anastasia so i don't know but there are things to do and things not to do. in december in san francisco i believe it was on december 15 the nature of [inaudible] and the nature of the department management was [inaudible] despite being completely inaccurate. the very same day, the plan was adopted by the commission. then, as you probably know there were goals for cutting down 18,488 trees not counting the trees that
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[inaudible] and, it is all done for reasons of preserving the [inaudible] in the city and preserving this history and and since i don't have much time i would just put down for you the testimony for a guy who supports the planning came to several meetings, and he said what he was doing is [inaudible] and the plans are [inaudible] plans and are not supposed to be there more than six months. and for those who go for whole families and those
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in our administration and it is just that there are things that can be done in the thing they're trying to get done are not getting done. they have been working for 20 years and the things are trying to get done still not done. and greenhouse gas omissions and of course greenhouse gas omissions have increased and pollution of course it willincrease and they will create a change which is a small contribution and this is a small contribution for the city of san francisco and for the city commission of the
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environment. days trees should be preserved for many years to come up. where you think you. >> thank you. is there any more public comment? what>>i will be very brief, what i have read about the nail salons is these are to support these other goals. >>any other public comment? >>my name is sarah and i work on the[inaudible] team and i
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want to thank you for the work you've done up here and so many strange women and we work on social media and it's really inspiring and someone actually tweeted and it is great to see up here. thank you. >>thank you i will retweet you. >>[laughing] >>is there any other public comment? hearing non-public comment is now close. anthony, read the next item please. >>the next item is approval of the 2017 commission on the environment regular meeting schedule.the speaker isanthony
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valdez, commission affairs manager (explanatory document: 2017 commission on the environment regular meetg schedule) this is a discussion and action item. >>good eveningmy name is anthony valdes i am the commission affairs manager and we are submitting the 2070 commission on the environment regular meeting schedule and with that this is an action meeting. >> any public comment? seeing none, public comment is now close. commissioners, this is an action item. do i hear a motion to approve the commission on the environment
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regular meeting schedule? >>i motion. >>second. >>there is a motion and a second. all those in favor say, aye. opposed, nay. >> >> [chorus of ayes] >>the motion passes.thank you. anthony, next item please. >>the next item is item 11. nomination and election not of the commission on the environment pres. and vp. this item is for discussion and action. >>commissioners, we will have the election and nomination of the commission on the environment for the president vice pres. so we will have discussion and public comment
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and then we will take a vote. we can only take one at a time and again we must vote on the president first. so what do we have any comments first. >>obviously, josh served a number of terms but we need to know what is the current president if you are interested in continuing? >>i am interested in continuing. i just need to be
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nominated. >>i would like to nominate our current president to continue for next term. i think you have done a phenomenal job and you are a very inspiring leader to us. >>thank you. there has been a nomination and a second nomination. any discussion commissioners? i have accepted the nomination. now we will open up to public comment. hearing no public comment, public comment is now close. can we go to the second nomination? >>we will do it on the next vote >>so anthony at this has been nominated and accepted and we will do a roll call vote. >>[roll call vote] >>the motion passes. >>[applause] >>now it is time to nominate the vice president, is that correct? i would like to nominate my previously karen vice president and i would like to ask her if she would still
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likedo i have a motion for vp elmy bermejo. >>i motion. >>i second. >>anthony, can you please take the roll. >>[roll call vote]. >>the motion passes >>yeah a. anthony, can you call the next item? >>yes that next item is item 12 this would be the policy committee report which are highlights on the november 14, 2016 and january 9, 2017 commission meetings this is a
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discussion item. >>anthony, can you tell us about this report. >> the city's have been cooperative and that the city has been conservative to use insecticide and pesticide use on the city's properties. on january 9 the committee received an update on the november 14 risk testified last and the staff reported there was an 81% in overall reduction of the most hazardous herbicide use on city's department and the staff had additional training this year in city agencies and revise these over the past year. the committee also received the first draft of annual report and offered its feedback. >>any questions to my fellow commissioners?seeing none from
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my fellow commissioners i will open this up to public comment and the first public comment card is eric brooks. >>good evening one more time commissioners. san francisco green party yet and not i am here with the local grassroots society. as we have just heard the city has made a great improvementon the pesticide an insecticide use and that is great but we have heard from san francisco and the department on the environment committees and the commission and looks like getting to that last 20% is going to be difficult unless we get clear what we really need to do. and, i think that
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the key thing that i want to focus on because i do not have a lot of time is that we need to shift from the perspective that we currently have which is when is a pesticide or an herbicide necessary to accomplish a specific job? when the expense would otherwise be high or when it is a difficult job, we instead need to really shift the whole frame in which we look at pesticides in san francisco to a standard of harm. and what i mean by that is that whenever you are deciding to use a pesticide were herbicide, you need to look at the problem that you are trying to eliminate and look at the potential health and safety hazards of the pesticide itself and decide which one of these is worse for public health and safety and if the pesticide is
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worse than it should not be used and that is where if this was being used in the program were besides being used they would not be used. because, if you decide you want to get rid of it and a lot of us aren't concerned about that, but if you decide you want to get rid of xls, the harm caused by the pesticide is certainly worse than the harm caused to the public safety by the goat grass. so, so we have this standard of harm and the specific standard and we need to understand that. >>(the timer dings] >>the next thing that i want to discuss is the progression. the progression is progressing but there are some key areas that still need work. one area
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is the area of children that has been struck and i were focusing on the specific things that can clearly be identified like playgrounds. that is not good because there are all kinds of places that kids go that are not playgrounds. >>[timer dings] >>and, for using pesticides and then we need to make sure that children are never in that area. again, that woody quickly reduce that last 20% of pesticides because children are everywhere. anyway, that is just some food for thought as we approach march. thank you. >>thank you. next i would like to call >>thank you. i am sick i will
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try not to touch anything. >>can you speak into themicrophone please? >>yes, thank you. i have some notes. i am appealing to you as a beacon to the people in this world this time your world is very pointed and san francisco can stand up together against corporate power and their profits. and i mean the abuse of power that represents. i asked that you do the research yourselves and check and see at what these poisons really do want all of wildlife and, i want to ask you to also look at who is directing the okay of these products. who is
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saying that these are safe? and, where they from? are they biased or unbiased? poisoning wildlife cannot be considered an unintended consequence anymore. if you want to protect our future you must stop the use of these systemic poisons. whether these are herbicides, fungicides or insecticides. systemic poisons do not go away. i urge you to look into this you cannot trust the agencies are saying these are safe. thank you. >>thank you very much. >>our next individual is dee
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selegman. >>good evening i am d seligman, i am with the san francisco environmental alliance. i would like to talk about the fact that back in 1997 when the commission got started the environmental commission and agreed that there would be no osmetic genic herbicides and pesticides which we now called tier 1 and they had stipulations against what we now call tier 2.they prohibited
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both but i asked the question where is it that we got into the way of our goal of getting rid of these herbicides and pesticides. and, that troubled me. and the answer is that our system will never be sufficient for those people because the city has spoken about biodiversity. the way the law is speaking now it is a nonzero law. the staff person thought that the system was working well because people like me sit through the meetings and make public comments. and so, here is my response to the staff personfor one that responses said, here are a few documents and i can put my hands on the pagre his but objective 4.20 is talking about diversity. this is the sustainability plan of 1998 in san francisco and this is native habitat restoration put out for recreation and park four 2000 put out by the
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program. there is nothing and i repeat there is nothing in these documents that condones the use of these insecticides. it was never condoned in the original plan itself nor in any of these other documents. there is no evidence that this is a non-zero along. the use of herbicides is a question of will and not of law. the other thing that i want to say is [timer dings] in the last month in 2016the applications were put out for all of these insecticides and i would suggest that by the number of pounds of these which is a misleading at application
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because it's not the metric number jews but the number of applications. thank you. >>thank you. >>[timer dings] >>is there any other public comment? >>helloanastasia lit statin. and there are are many things i would like to discuss it with this document and i will not have time to discuss all those. but first of all, i am not going pesticides. i am going to talk aboutherbicides because i am not qualified to talk about pesticides. but, the
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definition of a pesticide is that there is more harm done with use then was done before the use of the pesticide. that is not the case with herbicides. also, i would like to talk about [inaudible] and 50% were used on food with a minimal amount of [inaudible]. very recently there was a test of all of the produce that we eat and everything but two elements-- to of the fruits were [inaudible] that were designed to be sprayed with
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herbicides and are things that we are still eating. and these are organic. so these are still everywhere. agent orange is everywhere there using these everywhere. i heard of for about a guy in vietnam who said they still use agent orange. it took 40 years for [inaudible] to be declared a carcinogen and before that it was safe as tablesalt. now if we did that who is to say that there are not other things that are in line. it has to be done. >>[timer dings] >>there is no reason to use these in that nature.they did not use 80% they only use 30% and that is part of the
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department's record. it says we need to eat 6 pounds of grass that needs to be in west this [inaudible] kinda goat is this? >>and what action needs to be taken? thank you. >>thank you. is there any further public comment? >>hi. tom borden with the environmental alliance. one thing that i would like to say and this is a recurring thing that happens when things like this are spoke on in a meeting one person spoke one a pesticide and then another person said i do not use pesticides or insecticides in my own yard. and yet, in ours
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parks, people say that we need to use pesticides and i heard a farmer say the same thing buthe says that he farms organically but in our parks and our backyards, in my backyard, it's okay to use pesticides. the other thing that this woman said is that she has done a lot of work with the national errors program and she worked with some plant and a new species of plant and they get rid of it and as soon as they get rid of it, they turn around and it's back again. and the comment that anesthesia set about having to use pesticides and herbicides to save native plants and it's actually documented there and to me, that's the very definition of
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unsustainability. the idea that forever and ever we will use herbicides and pesticides in our public spaces to try to kill unwanted plants. it just, you know it just doesn't make any sense. and you know, it's not going to you know, do anything for us. and yet, it goes on. and, i hope you think about it. i'm sorry, i hope i dids too long. where
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>>thank you. is there any other public comment? >>there is a statistic that i felt the people spoke positively about that there is an 81% reduction from the actions that were taken in the last year and what i have learned is, you know, we have to see how that's going to hold up because it's been a wet year and we have to sustain that but that is remarkable in my mind that we reduce these tier 1 oversight by 81%. and so at this point, i am an advocate, and i've been an advocate and this side that i'm one is a climate change activist and a labor activist, at this juncture with a couple of policy meetings left and then
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a vote to at the public utilities meeting and i want to ask if there are things you want to see change, what specifically are those. i will just speak for myself which is all that we all can do but the blanketlike we shouldn't use these at all, my sense is that with the remarkable progress that has been made, and i can't speak for anyone else, but my sense is that if i could have a crystal ball it probably will not be what will happen. there will probably be a herbicide policy that what is introduced in november 2016. and specifically the do no harm idea. i think there is a great idea that we can run things in our society that do no harm but if you look very specifically at the process and i have, thhere are a lot of
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things that have been done to try to change things substantially and do no harm. in fact, only spray in restricted areas and have a qualified tier 1 technician; and if you do not agree i am just encouraging the public to be very focused and specific and dig in. because, there is still time to improve the current policy but my sense is the more extremely specific people are in expressing their concerns about the existing policy that is being presented, the more likely there would be resolution of some specific concern. and so, i think as someone who has spent a lot of time as a commissioner looking into this and learning a lot
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and seeing the goodwill on part of the staff and the department, the process in the interim with a lot of specifically is where it is in the juncture of this policymaking process. as opposed to-- i don't want to set a blanket but as more specific of an argument in the framework this been presented. >>thank you. any other commissioners? hearing non-, we will move to the next item anthony. >>the next item is item 13; the operations committee report. this is the highlights of the january 18, 2017 committee meeting. this item is for discussion. >>we met earlier with the deputy director jennifer cast and we discussed the report
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program by program and went through all the changes last year and did a very deep dive and came back feeling very happy about the financial status of the apartment as i mentioned earlier. obviously, we have some concerns about nonlabor hours not funded by grant programs, unfunded mandates, all of the things that continue to concern us like general fund dollars not being accessible to us especially in the next two-year cycle where we have to cut by 6%. so obviously, there is always work to be done and we believe that more is more with regard to helping the environment and we should be proud that. >>thank you for your report. is there any public comment? >>just very quickly, on this--
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eric brooks again with the grassroots committee and with every bit of the meeting it would be good that those audio of those meetings could be broadcast on the website as well so that the public can haveaccess to those meetings as well. and so, if you could look into that as well please. >>is there any further public comment? hearing none, public comment is now close. fellow commissioners, any last questions or comments on this item? seeing none,public comment is closed. anthony can read the next item.
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>>the next item is item 14 and that is announcements,this is a discussion item. >> is there any commentson this? seeing none public comment is closed. anthony, can you read the next item? >>the next item is item 15 the commission affairs manager written report the speaker is anthony valdes the commission affairs manager and this is a discussion item >>thank you very much. is there any discussion on that item? seeing no public comment the comment is closed the low commissioners, do you have any questions or comments on this item?
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seeing none anthony rita's next item. >>item 16 is new business/future agenda items this is a discussion and possible action item. >>good afternoon commissioners. i just want to mention that the march schedule meeting for march 28 have previously been reported [timer dings] the report for the pesticides will be before you and in addition, the staff will have before you the work on solar plus storage and the work that we have done in all of the 11 districts in the city of san francisco and keeping a longer theme, last
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year, we were not able to do the zero, 50, 100 roots, and we were really trying to focus on this and do a deep dive of the zero, 50, 100 roots and specifically have the san francisco public utilities commission join us and do a deep dive around the cca and all the work they have been doing and all of the energy programs the kind of complement one another and the individual pieces we will do a deep dive on these items. this is just a heads up for a couple of the future topics that we are working on. >>thank you very much. i just have a couple questions for you and i know that in march is the pesticide meeting and i know what that if you dive deeply where these pesticide applications are occurring if we could have a map of that because we are interested see how the southeast community's
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are affected by these applications and where these are occurring with that. in addition, i would like an update or preview i think it would be interesting to celebrate more of the wonderful work we are doing. also, i got an email and a public comment about the urban for street council and i'm wondering if we could hear something about that if not at the next meeting but at a future meeting, i would like to hear more about that. and also, i will be an answer some questions about what the public has been asking me in reference to that. also, with the rate repayer info. if we could have some information on the rdf which is
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the rate ratepayer advocate if we could have some information that one they are as well and as we could also have this to have access to auditory committee meetings that would be wonderful i think that the more access we can give to the public and the more we can distribute those meetings, the better. and, i think that's all i had on my list. i will pass it to commissioner stephensonnow. >>i just want to for this out there even though it's already been thrown out by a our director but this as our 20th anniversary at of the commission we look at the state of affairs in our country today and the state of affairs in our planet right now and i would just like to say that i had a great, great awesome experience in washington dc last week; and
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that would be but what can we as a commission really get behind. we do a lot of what i think is a lot of really important work here and we support a lot of really important endeavors. is there something that we can really throw our weight behind and really do the heavy listing for. i would love to hear staff talk on that and i would like to hear everybody who is sitting up here is thought on that. not right now but it some point in time. >>[laughing] >>what we can do locally is that we can all put our hearts and minds into that right now.i feel so powerful sitting herein san francisco and i think that we should harness that power. >>thank you. commissioner hoyas. thank you. and regarding the work that you're doing if we could really take a deep dive with that because we been working hard and whether it we are working with, you know, idaho or what is it duboise, and i have heard the statistics about the large, large, amount
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of plasticrecycled. and i will just make this really quick but i went to whole foods and i saw a bag and it said this bag used to be a bottle. and i think to myself okay will when will it not be a bag or a bottle. but when i hear the terminology zero waste, that is a problem for me. because we know this is a problem and we know that problem is in the global south and with the low income communities here we have some be in west to do so, complex deep diving into that in this next year and i would be happy to do so. >>and so, are there any public comments? hhello again one last time eric brooks with the san francisco green party and the
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grassrootssociety in san francisco. once again the moonshot should be the buildout of renewable efficiencies through clean power sf. we did a live of things over the last year and we recognize the commission but we have to recognize that the sfpuc is not an environmental agency and i just want you to recognize that san francisco has an amazing plan for efficiency and it has some flaws in it for renewable energy and efficiency. it does have some biomass but they have amazing efficiency. and san francisco even though we have this incredible plan is mainly
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focused on this efficiency and that is the problem of us just going through sfpuc's vision and we need to get the city to and envision this entire plan of renewables and its efficiency. we need to have diverse resources like solar wind and efficiency and battery power to work together to give us 24 hour online electricity and that type of thing i think is not going to come about unless we haveleadership with this agency and this committee. you need to help us as cleanpowersf goes forward with that. the other thing that i want to get in before the march decision on pesticides is that we have a specific hearing item that staff really digs into
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this issue that i said before of not to do no harm but to compare the harm of cancer and things like that with the harm of not doing anything. for example, you don't do anything to control mosquitoes because that could cause more harm than the pesticide sometimes. and so, we need the department to hopefully shift towards that policy [timer dings] let's examine the harms not if we don't use the pesticides but if we do use the pesticides and if we are not sure how bad the pesticides are, let's use a guiding principle. we need staff to specifically look at that question so that we can get past this and come forward
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with some specific uses [timer dings] and get to the bottom of this. >>thank you. is there any more public comment? hearing non-, public comment is closed. commissioner hoyas, did you have a comment? >>yes, just a quick point. just a quick point. would just like to say that there are just those opportunities through march and i'm aware of and i would stop there. >>thank you. anthony, can we move to the next item? >>the next item is item 17; adjournment and the time is 7:28. >>thank you very much. >>[gavel]
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>> good morning ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon want to welcome you balk to the land use & transportation thank you sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting thank you leo and nona melkonian i want to recognize our clerk eric can will help us run the meeting smol and i'm supervisor cohen the chairman and transportation authority jeff sheehy i think this is your first land use & transportation meeting mr. clerk, any announcements? >> yes. electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. >> thank you.
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>> items acted upon today will appear on the january 31st agenda board of supervisors board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> all right. thank you very much call item one. >> the ordinance amending the subdivisions for the design of a subdivisions for a mc-2 or park map provides for community facilities to each parcel. >> ladies and gentlemen, supervisor farrell is 9 thorough of this item and today jeff here from his office to present welcome. >> thank you supervisor cohen jeff legislative aide to supervisor farrell interest for hearing this item he's out of town a non-controversial issue i promise to be brief the video services are a part of our everyday lives we view this with the power and services we view the future and make sure that again subdivisions are create on the residential and commercial
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side those have the supportive for the communication services for the public the policy is straightforward currently our local law no requirement for the invention so for the communicates this ordinance will implement the state law provision that allows san francisco to add that within a subdivisions installation of the infrastructure from a cost and labor perspective is minimal and in some cases raise the value the property given the communication services we want to make sure the necessary infrastructures are in place to support the technologies that serve our resident and businesses i humbling ask you're support. >> supervisor peskin has a question for you. >> thank you, madam chair the only question? more of a question for the city attorney
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in as far as the definition of communications service provider references the various state public works codes as section 5840 and plus other sections the one thought i had maybe we want to say as they are defined today so that every time the state changes their definitions this law is not inadvertently impacted. >> sure. >> a technical thought and maybe john gibner, deputy city attorney. is dealing with his sons class came and visited the board chambers might be able to answer that. >> that's not a bad idea we want to make sure the communications services are by the state and in the approval process to be in the public right-of-way. >> it ammunition. >> supervisor peskin will you
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be making that amendment. >> maybe before that jet john gibner, deputy city attorney. thoughts on that. >> why not go ahead and seethe to public comment. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is an opportunity for any member of the public to speak on item one, two minutes on the other items on the agenda two minutes a soft chime indicating thirty seconds remaining and public comment is open i welcome you to come up to the microphone seeing none, public comment is closed. at this time thank you. >> all right. well mr. peskin. >> should we go to the next item and wait for city attorney john gibner, deputy city attorney. and welcome the gentleman back. >> can you get the deputy city attorney mr. clerk item 2. >> amending chapter 41 for the
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hotel conversion for the redefinition of transit and tourist use and with the low income household. >> supervisor peskin is the author of that item. >> thank you, madam chair for scheduling this item i want to open up the hearing with give you a little bit of background this law is on the books for a long time over a third of a century and fine fwund a quarter of a century ago as the world changes it needs to be fine-tuned again, the district i represent in the northeast corner of the city is arguably the most historic one that along with the tenderloin houses sit portions of the housing dating back to the 19 century those neighbors have housed the low
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income longshoremen and the manila town throughout the city seasonal labor depends on the sros for lodging awhile following pay as you go work opportunity sometimes working to support families elsewhere filipino and chinese and japanese in japantown and african-american recognizing from the south found a home in single-room occupancies hotels in san francisco unfortunately, a wave of demolition swept across san francisco an unwarranted america throughout the united states decimating believe it or not one million sros unit between the mid 19 san jose and 90s to diminish and convert those low income units many into condo and some hotels
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and to was no exemption in between 1970 and 2000 almost 9 thousand unit were demolished and within 1980 and 2000 i'm sorry 24/71970 and 19802000 were diminished and substantially another 64 hundred and 70 were you converted the country in san francisco didn't the to replace the unit and throughout but united states saw increase in the homeless population as displaced were about pushed below the remarks.
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>> supervisor peskin i want to be added as a co-sponsor many sros remain a source of affordable housing and your 34ur will protect this housing stock and protect low income residents from leaving did. >> supervisor sheehy thank you. >> welcome it's good to see you. >> thank you supervisor peskin for such a detailed and succinct history of an ordinance been around since 1946 state and local or shortly before the ordinance in 1981 a moratorium the city passed to protect those units that was seeing those residential gift rooms despair
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there was a housing emergency so for this type of housing that was opted out by then elderly and disabled so as you said supervisor this ordinance has not been amended since 1990, 1992 and been around a while and we do have currently quite a few measures to enforce the ordinance primarily to treat ios residential units if being xhefrntd there be approximately 20 thousand a little bit less than 20 thousand gift rooms and 5 hundred hotels three hundred for front of the hotels the rest run by nonprofits along with the nonprofit buildings are participate in city programs and the la of the problems are for
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ask for a lot more information we'll have a better understanding and be able to monitor and be fair in the residential for the residential use so there are other issues in the ordinance 3 would be helpful to the department if it is violated one of the things that is taken away a taller change the occupation so have 25 percent of the residential guest rooms that's abuse and if somebody is constantly not giving an accurate picture they're representing the room on essentially for tourists use as part of investigation will be able allergy to see the significant evidence that will be taken away that is given -
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create a situation we're not encouraging to the app unquote record we're encouraging them to file the ordinance and preserve the rooms with that, i don't have anything else to add at this point if you have any questions i'll be happy to answer them. >> supervisor peskin. >> if you can explain the preservation fund and the in lui conversion funds work. >> thank you, supervisor when
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residential hotels was the cal hotel contaminate i at a time we were looking $50,000 a unit and one hundred and 50 thousand we're told they have research by the mayor's office of housing those units should be at a point around three hundred thousand a unit without that kind of upgrades to the legislation we're at a disadvantage with the reminded that is needed to preserve those rooms. >> thank you
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particularly for the seniors and the immigrants for facilities this was a housing stock that needed to be protected we find we're continuing to lose the units in the 1990s many of you came to us and the organizations to ask for stronger enforcement and allow for nonprofit a point of action to support our city and city
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attorney's office in suhr we're protecting those units your on the ground and see the units that we see for the protective status it is great to see that over the past two decades this was one of the most important and effective collaboration that the city has with our nonprofits and our community leaders in assuring we don't losses more sro hotels given the immense housing crisis that is unprecedented over the last couple of years we're seeing that many have never we never thought we'll see the sros rooms of thought it couldn't happen but i think this piece of legislation is an important next step in further the sro conversion ordinance and glad to be a cory represent the district
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with the most sro hotels i'm proud of the fact that not only do you search warrant this but the strong i did community leaders that helped us to shape this protective through the work you're seeing on the ground and the difficulties you face in lower-income the sro i want to thank the central city thank you and commissioner peskin an others for putting this altogether before us today role proud to honor your work all right. supervisor kim. >> before you got here supervisor sheehy and i added our names with all due respect we're going to do this
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ordinarily when that bell rings your time is up thirty seconds a remaining of 30 seconds left from the sro collaborative (calling names). >> so in order to help move in transition let's cue up and get ready when the speakers speak either microphone works. >> the floor is yours welcome. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good afternoon, board of
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supervisors thank you for this space you've given us to express ourselves. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm an outreach working in the mission four sro hotels. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i'm going to ask the lady to translate you can stand over at the podium. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> my worry agency a outreach worker in the hotel - >> (speaking foreign language.) >> is that in those times we're losing a lot of the hotels for families use. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and the few that remain are at a high price.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> and we know we're living if difficult time and the salary that our families are earning don't allow them to find a place better than what they're at. >> (speaking spanish.) >> they're in small spaces and suffer from mistreatment. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and discrimination. >> (speaking spanish.) >> so i ask you if you believe that all of our children have the right for dig if i did housing. >> (speaking spanish.) >> why up to now so the has been done.
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> the right thes of our children are violated. >> (speaking spanish.) >> thanks - thank you hopefully ♪ moment you'll do something on behalf of our families >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi thank you, everyone my name is katie a staff member at the mission sro collaborative thank you for having this space and hearing us we really appreciate it for the sro collaborative one of the things we go door to door and do the outreach at the sros and help them with each other to build a community i think we have a unique preserve agency on the ground witnesses to this work i'm here to present data if
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our research that shows we need stronger bombardment i'll speak about 5 hotels in the mission the merry a bell on 19th street in 2015 the report in january 2015 that three filed recorded zero tourist unit and the tropic can has one residential tenant remaining we have booked on airbnb and recorded tourists zero e line captain have told us everyone is tourist and don't let us in and one of the interesting things they have 43 vacant out of 80 puss rooms in a tourist city like san francisco hard to building those are 3 examples and you know there are more we can can you be where clearly the
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report so not lining up with what we see on the ground and at the rate this is going in this past two years an 8 percent loss of sro stock in the mission alone not counting loss if market-rate housing but that rate means in less than 25 years all sro housing will be gone with the conversions to market-rate housing that that will be less. >> thank you is - come down. >> good afternoon. >> born and raised in san francisco, california and currently a mission sro collaborative program corridor and here to say that during this time we ought to be doing everything we can to protect the vulnerable pomths with the
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families residing in the sro hotel and close the loopholes giving advantageous to landlord and we need to move this to the full board thank you for your time. >> thank you for your work. >> hi good afternoon, supervisors i'm also born and raised san franciscan and currently at mission housing i'm representing the mission that is a coalition of 20 community-based organizations with social work in the mission and former leader of the sro collaborative and thank you to supervisor peskin for taking the lead and thank you to all the organization that do a lot of the people power work that is needed to bring
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those problems and bring solutions here as well this is something i was working on when i was at collaborative that was necessary innovative is not an act worthy ever continuation we must find ways to insure that people are supported you must be willing to reexamine the regulations that in times of crisis protects the vulnerable that legislation not only protects the housing stock but sending a message to those who seek to personally gain the jig is up the mission stands behind those changes and considering you have at me as a cory think things will change thank you. >> thank you next, i have tim.
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>> (clapping.) >> hi, everyone thank you for being here and thank you to supervisor peskin office for leading this charge of it and i just want to say especially in these times in san francisco is committing ourselves to be a /* skaurng city if you make laws you have to update them we are going to keep the laws as is for example, if you believe in the alternative that those hotels will build more units if they rent them out you can look at the hearing what will happen
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verse 6 hotel unit in the central city that hurts because the knew that was pretty much bs the rooms are not confront you need to update those laws to have the facts rather than looking at paper so you know this in addition to the fact that you know if you don't get the hotel owners to you know have the buildings inspected by dbi you know if you don't have peace things will not get better thank you. >> for the record that was 2 more the >> next speaker, please. >> all right. (calling names) >> thank you good morning supervisors i'm gil dbi commissioner and here to let you, you know on behalf of the
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commission we thank supervisor peskin office and supervisors that co-sponsors this back in the spring at the commission we were walked through the conversion process we recognized that many of the clauses and rules in chapter four 1 were antiquated and for today's housing market needs to be updated i sent a letter we appreciate the inclusive way that supervisor peskin and supervisor kim's office went about crafting this legislation and many of the secrets cd i crafted to enforce the laws and help the community we involved sro owners who many of them want to do the right thing and have a shadow cast on in bad operators with a profit and here to say we support support this legislation and thank you on behalf of the
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commission thank you. >> all right. >> next speaker. >> is tommy oh, please come on up if you want to come that's fine. >> (speaking spanish.) >> good afternoon. i work for 17 years with families that live in residential hotels. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and this is a kwofrt moment our families having lived in residential hotels. >> (speaking spanish.) >> first, because the rents have been raised x abundantly
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families used to pay 3 to 5 hundred now 15 hundreds for a one-room hotel. >> (speaking spanish.) >> it's to painful to see that families are suffering so much. >> suffering against great discrimination. >> (speaking spanish.) >> discrimination by the rich and powerful because they're not thinking about the wellness the children only about they're on benefits. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and i remember 17 years ago in the beginning of any work the
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conditions were very bad and work togethered with dbi and made a strong effort to make sure those conditions change. >> (speaking spanish.) >> because people with report what is going wrong and dbi can send someone that can help them. >> (speaking spanish.) >> and now that is conditions in the hotels are better that they are cleaner the rich and powerful do come to take the places of our families.
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> that's why ladies and gentlemen, of the board of supervisors we ask to come together with you to make changes for the most eventual families. >> (speaking spanish.) >> thank you. we believing in you and want to continue to believe in you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> hi tommy from the human rights committee we're 100 percent in for the support of this legislation and grateful to supervisor peskin for bringing this this is long overdue we've noticed in the clinic as we see tenants come in from sros and reporting what is happening and the fact they can't afford the
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sros anymore i won't repeat what other people said i'm in agreement with the speakers before this mike i want to add something that is not pointed out yet that is the divorce hotels have always been a place where lgbt folks find a room if you go back not 70 during harvey milk times the sros were for the working-class and especially young people that were they came here and the sros were their residences before they got an apartment not the case no more unfortunately, because other speakers said the cost of the hotel rooms are high and 40 percent of homeless youth in the city that are lgbt and homeless
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can't afford a hotel room with the converting of those rooms to hire price is making it more difficult for those folks to get a hotel room i know that everyone is in support and hope it gets quickly we are certainly need it. >> thank you randy shaw. >> thank you supervisor cohen and other co-sponsors and for me who was here in 1980 with a brawl and battle to net e get any water down version of this ordinance passed and spent every year in the 1980s to get any ordinance passed and wasn't until 1990 they closed the major loopholes that was a process in august of 89, 6 hearings and
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didn't become law until later this is a change of eludes and people not coming down in opposition if he's a great time for the city of san francisco it is a loanly battle to save the sros looked at people didn't know what sros were every time someone joined the board of supervisors we need to explain you have a no the private kitchen not a private bacterium and you spend that much money and now you guys get it alice griffith the internet made that forum necessary when we passed the 7 day rental you can't with the internet trying to move ♪ 3 days and everyone else is moving out it is a scam we have
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to see the change and thank you all and supervisor peskin thank you for your support >> randy part of that process of evolution that has to do with with our team educating people 0 thank you pursue all right. i have have (calling names). >> hello, welcome. >> hello >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good morning supervisors
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i'm with the association. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> today, we have tussle over 50 members to attend to close the loophole on the usage of sro and all the members standing upright behind us. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> we are very much against divorce owner that tries to use many opportunities to convert those residential unit into tourist hotel.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> and i was very much disgusted the owner tried to cover up the so-called displacement units that are compatible. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and deliberately leaving vacant and not renting them to residents making it even harder for immigrants and low income families to find affordable housing. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> to many low income families
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and in any immigrants and seniors living choosing to live in an sro is not a free choice. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> it is often the only choice for low income families and they have not other choice we don't want tenderloin and the mission turning into areas welcome for tourists the acts of those owners are purely profit and
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measure thank you very much. >> (clapping.) >> thank you good afternoon just for the record davies i live in the sro but i support h across o this is our town not company town i come as a person that lives in a sro that is located with the district but the majority of units including mine have private bathroom believe it or not that means i could be kicked out in a wet street as a transgender woman i need that more than a tourist that goes out for the golden gate bridge and scarf out double double i saying as a segregated transwoman i'm worried about deputy superintendant will do i shouldn't have to worry about dying on the street and mini
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tourism i want to say i'm glad supervisors are supporting this coming together to support this i want to say in conclusion don't be trump like please keep marginalized people in their homes. >> (clapping.) >> thank you. >> okay ladies and gentlemen, i hate to rain on our parade we have to no applause rule there we go if you like what you hear give a wave it looks really good if you don't like what you hear thumps down we appreciate you for that. >> next speaker. >> welcome thank you. >> it's yours. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> hi supervisors good afternoon
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i'm one of the sro families. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm in full support of the legislation i'm a single apartment in the family i can't afford expenses when - >> (speaking foreign language.) >> for us without sro unit we become homeless so it is very important we could keep the sro unit and pass this legislation.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> okay we have been - i have a lot of friends looking for sros they couldn't get any no room available we're not renting to families with children and then owners are converting some of the sros into tourist rooms making fewer and fewer opportunities for us to look for even sro housing.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you. >> thank you. >> now that - supervisor peskin had come up with that amendment we hope sloan we can pass it and keep our affordable housing thank you. >> (calling names) that's me. >> okay come on down. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm raymond i work for the market action network some cam bans in the in with sdmaimz district so thank you supervisor peskin for bringing forward this legislation and the rest of the supervisors support in legislation we're also part of sro collaborative i want to talk
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about the families we serve on the side of south of market the sro conversion is one of the costs and one of the reasons that families are pushed out into the street and that's why families are leaving the city the main reason of gentrification in our neighborhood now you you know we say homeless we're not you know not with an person but families who be homeless we have families you know we've been trying to help people apply more affordable housing that is a long process it it takes time and years ; right? that's why that is important we protect and preserve our sro housing sro housing is not ideal but over our heads you know it's a good stepping stone
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families with waiting to get into affordable housing i of the you to thank you for supporting this legislation let's work together and keep our families in that city thank you. >> all right. thank you next speakers i'll have (calling names). >> thank you supervisors thank you. i'm with the local 2 you know the hotel market we've watched over the last few years its record high as property value that is a growing incentive for owners to convert to tourist hotels doing that would be a tragedy not just for the city but our city hotel industry many live in
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sro hotels with dozen at cluster of 6 hotels that most recently convert to tourist to push people out of the housing means pushing the workers that keep our economy vibrant and this further exacerbating in crisis that working people have in the town and making our economy at least to function the way and hotel workers desire to live in the city and residential housing we need to do more to protection this this is common sense and vote this into law. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'll judah south of market activist as an organizer i help
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the families apply more affordable housing but because of the high cost of living in the city and the affordable housing for families we end up applying for housing in an sro this is the only source of housing our families can afford so we urge your supervisors to please save our sro hotels and the metrics to prevent owners from converting and on behalf of the families we stand in support of supervisor peskin legislation thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon committee members i'm kevin i'm a pedestrian safety organizer with the sro alcoholic and in support of hotel conversion i've lived in sros for almost 15 years not
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glamorous and not socially acceptable housing it is still housing and afford and a lot better than or else on the streets or in a shelter i have nothing against the hotel tourist industry but for the sros unit their threatened to be re7bd out from people not wanting to live in turn and with the homeless in san francisco how can we do that in people will not get into a place to live i want to thank supervisor peskin thank you for all your hard work and urge you all to support those amendments and save our sro units and stop renting them out to tourists thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> (speaking foreign
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> so i've been without a home important a period of time i've been hopeless and thinks how hard it is thankfully i was able to move out of that situation and find a place in a hotel but i have been kicked out of my hotel room twice and i'm here so that didn't continue to happen in the
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