tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV January 31, 2017 12:00am-2:01am PST
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in other states seiu. >> i don't know. i don't of any other questions it's looks like we're done you guys are a lot of work ahead of you, we can roll up our sleeves xhesh if we could make a motion to continue this item we can continue this item. >> madam chair. >> as a matter of housekeeping. >> i'll move to continue the item. >> without objection as well. >> all right. ladies and gentlemen, mr. clerk further business. >> >> there's no further business. >> thank you very
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>> and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to call roll at this time. commissioner president hillis commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner melgar and commissioner moore. >> commissioner koppel is here and commissioner vice president richards will arrive shortly commissioners, the first item on your agenda is items proposed for continuance items one ab x and c on howard street
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conditional use authorization and discretionary review authorization are proposed until march 22, 2017 and next at 47124th avenue is proposed until march 23, commissioners on monday we issued an addendum to the agenda under this seblgs for item 2a de haro street conditional use authorization is proposed proposed for continuance until february 23, 2015. >> item 3 second avenue has been withdrawn as item 4 at 44 aztec street discretionary review has been withdrawn and
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further under our regular calendar c and b at the 650 conditional use authorization rear yard modification we received this morning a request for content from the project sponsor to continue this matter out two months out it approximately march 23. >> there is no other items proposed for continuance and there are no speaker cards. >> >> we'll take public comment on the continuance calendar any public comment? to ask to >> john on behalf of the project sponsor we've heard the desire from the strong desire from the neighborhood to look at the affordable housing for the site we've continued this twice last summer and again in october we've been working with staff
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closely and achieved to place the onsite the rental abhorring units onsite we're working through the ultimate percentages of the bmr rates work with the community with the help of the supervisors office he need a couple of more months to get it together and the legislation, in fact, the bmr raised and fillmore and divisadero we need more them and hope to come back next time we ask for a thank you. >> is there any additional public comment on the items proposed for continuance? >> good afternoon, commissioners hernandez with the affordable divisadero community so we're happy to hear this is proposed to be continued out 2 months as
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you may know we've submitted letters of opposition to the project as proposed not include enough affordable units so we're hoping that the 2 most continuance allows the city the supervisors office and committee to come to an agreement so we have the next door neighbor of this property here if she wants to speak now you'll not hear this afterward if you decide to continue; correct? >> right now the only matter we'll be accept testimony the matter of continuance. >> so the divisadero supports the continuance thank you for your time. >> is there any additional public comment? >> from the project needs the extra time thank you for being here. however, it has been changed
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from 52 unit a request for variance on the rear yard sunlights a major, major problem for me, i have a letter in my pews from a perspective. >> we're hearing testimony on whether or not to continue this involuntarily the project will be before us. >> i want to say 24 before they bid the plan extra units and the rear yard setback assuming that will happen it effects any property so they want to continue is fine but i hope they're not planning on building extra unit i oppose it that's all i have to say. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> not seeing any, public comment is closed.
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commissioner fong 3, 4, 5 and 15 ab second. >> just for cluster 5 is under discretion thank you commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and . >> and the variance to be continued to the dates specified thank you zoning administrator commissioners that places us under tissue consent calendar may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a
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future hearing. item 5 for case 2016 plus at alabama street conditional use authorization. >> there are no speaker cards. >> thank you jonas any public comment on item number 5 1245 alabama street seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner johnson. >> i move. >> second. >> thank you, commissioner on that motion then to approve item 5 under our consent calendar commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 san francisco to zero and places us under our commission matters consideration of adoption draft minutes for 2017. >> any any public comment on the draft minutes from
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january 12th seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> move to approve. >> second. >> thank you commissioners to adopt the minutes commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore commissioner vice president richards you to chime o in on that one thank you and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places us on item 7 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask the question to get an update with the permit tracking a joint effort before planning and dbi planning was on track but this commission has supported allocation of funds over the years i kind of feel i'm waiting for it to happen and trying to
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find the permit and unifying couldn't this would be more cooperated and easy to get questions to answers that are not there at the moment. >> commissioners john rahaim with the department the department - the planning department went live on october of 2014 and there's been delays on the department of building inspection side we expect them to not total clear but likely b be another year before they go live the third component, of course, the public assess consultant that relies on both departments being on line although i will say we're logan options of having a component before that timeframe it
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appears to be another year before both departments are live all can i ask a followup obviously you have a integrated system you understand the perimeters of software and i understand a breakdown in i don't want to be two technical, however, does that mean the planning department retroactively has to invest more money to make the joint interface. >> i don't believe so there might be a modest amount of resources needs to merge the system but not retroactively make any changes going forward. >> your system works well, i hope that we're not losing anything given we've made a
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significant investment in supporting your system. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you commissioner vice president richards. >> a little levy thank you. i go to new zealand, however, if i think it is what i see in the nosht about what is going on in washington. >> may not see me anymore i'm staying (laughter) commissioners, if there's nothing further, we'll move on to department matters drourmentsz good afternoon. thank you jonas commissioners, i said to review a memo in your packet with you to see you on the implementation on proposition 64 the adult use of marijuana i realized this is information that is relate to a couple of items on the agenda i want to go over a high-level with the situation is how we're implementing prop 64 as you recall it passed last november
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but the basis of prop 640 before any business may have a sale of adult cannabis that he must obtain a licenses those will not be issued by the stailt state until january of next year and it doesn't take prop 64 didn't take away control from the local level we anticipate we'll have ♪ place with lmgz are issued whether or not as you asked us to look at whether or not if we anticipate that a medical cannabis dispensary which you have approval authority on today would in the future b be converted to a use we can't speak with 100 percent certainty that will not be the case in our
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opinion highly, highly unlikely local regulations will happen the adult medical cannabis dispensaries are sales of any type of will be defined a separate land use in the planning code that means a medical use can't be converted they'll be two different land uses in addition if for any reason the regulations don't play out that way we think is highly unlikely do board a adopt or you can adult your own interim controls requiring the medical cannabis dispensary is a discretionary review 0 so to make sure that there is not any kind of automatic conversion, if you will, from a medical cannabis dispensary to a adult use sales i wanted to give you that information before the
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hearing today so we have that as background thank you >> just a quick follow-up to that question so you anticipate the medical cannabis rules and regulations how their permitted and continue on. >> it is i think it is likely to continue on there maybe revisions as we move forward but on the sales is our focus how they're regulated locally. >> okay. thanks. >> jonas. >> commission item 9 past event of board of supervisors the board of appeals no historic preservation commission hearing yesterday. >> aaron peskin at the transportation demand management or tdm ordinance commissioners as you recall you initiated this and voted to recommend approval
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in 2016 after traffic signals to transmits to the board this was the third time it was at land use committee the most significant amendment were proposed by supervisor cohen recommend to the exemption of 24 are less dwelling units from the mist fee for the city funded nonprofits from the administration at land use committee director rahaim chaired the board and the executive director for the ta gave opening comments about the merits public comment on the proposed ordinance was mainly for the project went further for the points for parking after public comment and the general support for the program the committee members from the members supervisor sheehy sitting on the land use committee in supervisor scott weiner's case added as
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co-sponsor after that was accepted they recommended the item to the full board last on is agenda a hearing to provide an update on the task force represents which was published late last year supervisor scott wiener sponsored the legislation that funded that that began in early last year members of the task force presented at a later date recommendations that touched otdz on the taxes and justice public comment was in support and the formalization of medical cannabis, however, one commenter that recommended that the chinese-americans are expresses concerns over the medical cannabis activities the committee has two questions the city has a lot of work to do for the structure of san francisco and reach out to communities with concerns of the future of recreational cannabis
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commissioner sheehy toubd i talked about how it helps him and he also commented how the plan was demonized by the federal government community voted to continue the item to the call the chair at the full board supervisor peskin and in fills designated agree significant c-3 zoning districts passed it's second reading and the ordinances by supervisor peskin requiring the conditional use in the district passed first reading and the mayor's interim controls that requires conditional use authorization for indoor argue and seconded by commissioner sheehy that to expand the grandfathering provisions to two mr. president, one applied to the department of building inspection for building permits or applications are two
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attempted to apply to the department of health for the building permit and was not referred to dbi until avenue november 18th an attempt by supervisor kim to extend - the board voted to approve the interim controls next on the board was the hope sf the general plan and zoning map amendment all passed their first reading and then last only the agenda the environmental appeal for the fulsome street this involves two single-family residences on two vacant lots on an unplanned portion of fulsome this was an exemption in 2016 an appeal was filed in 2016 the day the appeal at the board the ero resonated and tabled the
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hearing on the tabling supervisor safai was recused and it was explained the ero explains that future study needs to be done by little permit for the impacts to the unknown pipeline with the results of ero will determine the appropriate level of the environmental review and issue the environmental review determination that means the project requires more entitlement no introductions that are new. >> thank you mr. starr director rahaim. >> i wanted to kind of highlight the committees approval this week of the tdm more than to year process between the planning department, mta and ta and was a hell of a lot of work what is most interesting in the stand point of transportation it starts to address some of the
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transportation impacts in a more robust way for new development and interesting to pout we look at out cities no other city has done anything else so we're leading the agenda i'm proud of the work of the department and the sister agencies in further work thank you. >> i'll note the board of appeals met two items of interest to the commission first, the board had their election of officers and the previous officers carried over commissioner president honda and commissioner vice president fung and other item granite street a discretionary review heard in december of 2015 the board of appeals last night were concerned about the procedural issues were addressed and the board denied that appeal no meeting on until february 8th.
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>> general comment not to exceed 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. there are no speaker cards. >> any public comment on items not on the agenda. >> line up against the screen please. good afternoon andrew yip this state over the people with guidance along with the missionary paths with virtues for kindness in delivery for the people for early management of livelihood and of persistence and living tra transit of live force to live not wellness of
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prosperity for the society for the characters of the people must having peace of wellness for checks and balances and social benefits and political leaders should involve the nation with good trust and take on leadership pathways for the humanity and civil justice for the destiny on the right principles will establish the presentation of people's livelihood and nationalism and democracy for early rescue of people construction of this kingdom for the society to deliver good hope for our people in having created for a century ahead of us thank you. >> thank you, sir.
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>> next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners first of all, congratulations to you commissioner president hillis now for your new position and seismic i assure you you come back because we need you so i'm here to bring up the issue of documented programs and policies for the planning department we know the budgets will be coming up shortly and hopefully the planning department low tissue the candidates like other departments do for example, planning has not developed comprehensive procedures like in the last budget cycle and new planners that don't know how to look at quantitative code requirements we have uneven and inconsistent ways projects are reviewed each one different than the next and so the sponsors and the
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neighbors don't know what is going on we believe that the budget dollars should be tied to concrete and measurable goals and those goals should be met this is a government agency and from my experience with government regulated industries as a whole they usually have operating procedures a follow those procedures this is the example that needs to be regulated so i really urge you that in the coming year please do develop those procedures and policies because not only the neighbors are going to be benefited by the project sponsors and developers as a whole this will be a great accomplishment for the residences as well as the developers thank you. >> thank you
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>> next speaker, please. >> hi good afternoon, commissioners again congratulations to commissioner president hillis, commissioner vice president richards i'm lisa president of the liberty neighborhood association i wanted to address a one concern in the lastly draft of urban design guidelines we appreciate the changes on the website these guiles will not be the over arching design that was arrived at by a democratic process with the neighborhood organizations opposed that idea by the current draft says it should apply to the non-residential the mixed use and commercial corridors let's look at the commercial streets in the neighborhoods the stores
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are in a variety of structures many built at the same time as the older houses surrounding them have housing of upper ground zero and stand alone residential houses as well there is a clear visible continuity between the residential and the commercial buildings examples are van ness street and hill and 24th street and noah valley and even say mission street south of market to daily city the udgs don't fit the style and scale of the commercial buildings in the residential neighborhoods placing new more than buildings alongside the older ones is visibly jagger and industries the can you think nut not what we want we will suggest that the
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udgs be removed from the draft udg in the neighborhoods with the residential design guidelines continue to serve as the best design guidelines thank you. >> thank you next comment - >> next speaker. >> good point hello good afternoon, commissioners commissioner president hillis and fellow commissioners i'm anastasia i would live in noah valley heartened by the family-friendly housing initiated by supervisor yee and the report presented to you i agree that putting a policy in place to assure housing priorities is endeared to creating and maintaining house of families in the city's general plan historically noah valley was a neighborhood of working-class
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families it now trends towards the development of unaffordable condo and mega sized homes and dispositions characterized as housing why didn't the planning code stipulate that rh-2 13egd properties actually get developed as to fame sized units planners approve and present the projects that includes oversized rooms and lardly sized rooms you passed commissioner vice president richards pointed out there are discrepancies with the building and planning code with regards to the planning codes planners at the front deck as was said not suv trained when
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plans are presented and the procedures are not standized to find and followed by planning staff the late joint hearing of planning was held in 2014 i urge you commissioner president hillis to calendar a time certain for a joint meeting of the planning commission and put the following few items i might suggest the demolition, art spaces, the permit tracking system thank you. >> thank you is there any additional public comment? >> general public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. jonas call the next item. >> certainly that will place us under our regular calendar
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commissioners for item 10 the south of market plan draft eir impact please note the comments will think accepted until february 13, 2015, a good afternoon commissioner president hillis and planning commissioners i'm mike with the planning department staff the purpose to take public comment on the adequate very and accuracy and president electness of draft eir report refers as at the central soma no action is requested the central soma plan unincumbrance blocks within the south of market area that extends from townsend in the south to the regular boundary along fulsome to the north from second street to 7th street on the west the primary objectives
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to be in the proximity for the subway line to provide rapid service between the square and chinatown as described the plans proposed to meet the subjective by men and women e amending the portions the plan where such uses proposed may restricted or not permitted by amending the height and bulk district from a great height and decencies that are currently loud and administrative reviews the janitor plan by established new and open space and contrary to the controls by the land use or the preservation this eir reviews the proposed changes that may affect the design of fulsome and howard and brilliant and third street and beyond the boundary commissioners in april 2012 the
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planning issued a environmental impact report and followed in may of 2013 held a scoping peeing to prepare the environmental impact report in 2013 or sorry 2014 the planning department prepared issued a study for the plan that focuses on the environmental impact report we're here to take comment on the analysis impacts in the draft eir folks on the transportation and circulation noise, vibration and wind and hydraulic uses the draft eir finds the impacts not fully mitigated and in addition to the promoted plan the implementations the draft eir study has 5 alternatives that
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reduces of eliminates the environmental impact those have a no project alternative as well as a height and bulk and a modified alternative by the owners and development corporation as well as the land use i'm sorry the land use not including the streets changes as analyzed as part of plan the planning commission published in 2014 and 61 public review day that ends in 2017 last wednesday the historic preservation commission held a public hearing and in general they find the document adequate for the historic preservation commission impacts and the mitigation measures the members of the public that are interested in writing letters sent to 1650 mission street san
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francisco by 5:00 p.m. february 13th the members of the public 3 tied up to comment please state your name for the record and direct your comments to the president electness the comments will be contributed when the work is complete and the planning department will provide copies to those that comment public comment on the draft eir maybe submitted by the planning department - soma when the department has responded to all comments from the draft eir we will request the commission verify the eir is complete that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions i'm available thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> we'll open up for public comment on the central soma plan draft eir i have two speaker cards richard and arthur and additional folks that want to
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comment line up on the screen side of the room, sir. >> good afternoon. honorable members of the planning commission i'm from the law firm i'm a resident of west portal and representing a group called the soma members and represents dozens of people that live in the central soma neighborhood a residential and mixed use community of over 10 thousand people those residents are long term residents we urge the planning commission to reconsider the eir to consider the mid-rise rather than the high-rise i want to emphasize our the central soma neighborhood is not opposed the mid rides allows 90 percent of the job growth and housing growth agency the high-rise alternative but maintain a liveable family-friendly community on a pedestrian scale with access to light and air and
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open space all things that make that neighborhood attractive i want to emphasize that draft eir is a radical depamper from a document issued by the planting in 2013. in 2013, the planning department issued the central corridor plan that strongly favored the middle rides and said this so be maintained in 3 short years the department is favoring the high-rise we be in that is inappropriate for a marginal increase in jobs and housing will deprive the people of the human scale that is essential to a mixed use neighborhood we don't want to see a second finest or financial district the mid rides allows for the - the cluster around at bart station and caltrans station that allows
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the hundred development where that is appropriate for offices but encourages the use of public transportation rather than putting high-rise on harrison street not assessable to major public transportation routes with we think that is important to retain a family-friendly character as supervisor yee has is now promoting this area through it is one of the most ethically and diverse in the city it has one of the highest industries of ethic diversity and slither higher incomes but twice the level of poverties and faces challenges like high crime and pedestrian safety and twice the level of air pollution and about twice the number of asthma that addresses all the alternatives and we urge you to
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direct the staff to emphasize the mid rides instead of high-rise thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is arthur i'm a resident of soma i live on second street down at the second and bryant basically ground zero for people on the bay bridge on the eastern edge of proposed district i'm in favor of the no project alternative i've seen the written comments will be better than ramping for a few minutes my overall thing there will be plenty of roads in san francisco under the no project alternative plan will be growth i think about 50 percent of what is found under the plan the
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high-rises are inappropriate that is the marc beniofftion of soma that is a 0 low-rise memorize path in the past and should continue looking at the traffic from the bay bridge i get a horn concerto outside of any window starting at the 2 o'clock in the afternoon if this is translated into the rest of the soma area i think that will be a total disaster frankly my preferred no project alternative the no project alternative avoids with 7 of the significant and unavoidable plan and cumulative impacts regarding traffic noise and other things there will be growth i just don't think this needs to be high-rise for hundreds and
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hundreds of feet not like harrison like the former gentleman was talking about and this is ground zero will be hundreds of feet tall including hotels and hard to believe not alleged auto traffic at that location that when is not helpful as far as the bridge goes i'll comment written comments thank you for your time and thank you very much. >> thank you. i'll call additional speakers. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners and cynthia research with the local union we have 13 thousand resident no san mateo couldn't and this is will be in the soma with the sros hotel we have general concerns about the plan i'll touch on concerns about the displacement
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of sro residents in the central plan area and urging that further studies of what the impact of all the zoning may be but i want to focus on the jobs housing and balance that is prepared in the draft plan and discussed in the eir and a statement in the eir that only a portion of employees or residents the given building will be likely to relocate to the area bans the housing again that is little eir no subsequenttion for the claim but to increase pine the assertion that protection from displacement will be provided in the central soma residences and this shouldn't be presented and it also budget committee lies san francisco's history we've seen attorneys for high developments that advertise to twitter and other tech companies
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as around incentive so we believe that is not accurate to see is that those kinds of developments will not cause mitigation and limits to the area there should be an analysis and basketed of the kind of jobs under that plan specifically by in case level and the types of housing the prices ranges of those housing and the kind of family-friendly housing that maybe expected to be especially in light of the recent analyze a terrible shortage of family-friendly housing in no and particularly the green house and the traffic and public transportation demand analysis should be redone in the light of this more detailed study and finally we're as we mentioned concerns of displacement
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in terms of resident and vulnerable groups and also concerned that the structure of this plan seems to mes a great deal of of 67 percent of high-end market-rate housing that second housing or investment housing often end up as illegal units and no analysis in the eir felt trip designation or other impacts that were done for hotels that a certain will be short-term rentals. >> thank you, ms. gomez. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is mike farrell my family's are long time owners between farrell and 6th street we would like to make comments in writing regarding the eir to
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the central soma plan we feel there is additional land use poland proposals that can be done been bruin and brandon and between 6 and 5 and like to submit those comments in writing for you review and that's all thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> oh, will this reset. >> yes. it will. >> go ahead. >> good afternoon. as a long time my name is marketability i live on fulsome i am a long resident and have any issues with the central soma and the draft eir first and foremost i want to say that
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central soma is a drive though corridor not that and district attorney glad that was renamed central soma has beautiful historic buildings and transit development and the park central soma faces many challenges the areas of the worst air quality and areas are underutilized with a pedestrian experience often grim with the constant highway and the highway likewise, the cause of surrounding streets bringing traffic to a standstill and also constantly threatens pedestrians as you are aware the central soma plan 2013 includes changes from the high-rise option in the central soma option the option was revised
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without on explanation the proposed high-rise option for the excited proposals of their choosing concentrateing along - thankfully the draft eir exposes the mid-rise option for to any dismay is inferior it will develop the neighborhood at the right scale with the central soma with the central soma has developers interest in mind why is sf planning not having the interest of residences and why build parking lots next to our ears we want to area to focus on light and air and open space want a safe walkable neighborhood that preserves and
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bans the architecture and balances residential, office and retail use please indirect staff to reduce the corridors as a alternative the mid-rise will provide residential growth and preservers the neighborhood growth help our neighborhoods thrive thank you for your time. >> next speaker sir. >> good afternoon, commissioners john when the central soma plan first got rolling over 5 years ago on the eir 2011 we saw that was basically a downtown expansion plan from that date we have insisted with the department that the neighborhood building have people priority with the economic expansion and the staff and the commission have generally sports that
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but equal means equal not window dressing but making it real when we look at what comes from the department it gets hard to believe we're getting that goal with the equal priorities because when you look at the eir and you look at the public services section which is where all the matters are of everyday life police and fire and ancestry all the topics you don't find it no public service analysis in that draft eir that was in the initial studies done several years 21 thousand new jobs don't add demand for public service now perhaps it seems to me that is ludicrous but since you must look at two of the
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consequences in ceqa the adjacent south of market to the west of sfrvt is growing dramatically and, of course, the adjacent rincon hill east of central soma that is growing more than enormously all combined among them the whole south of market will have a large new demand for public services the quality of life issue of residents need more police and street cleaning the one it is dramatically important i want to focus on the crisis we have when is no where near enough childcare fats in the south of market to support the population of the preschoolers we're witnessing everyday we see that and 200 more households in south of market and in the west and 10 thousand more where is the plan the analysis now our community plan would be
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requiring 8 major the commercial sites all required to have onsite childcare services for the workers and the residents the department has no plan the department eir didn't have an analysis to figure out how much we need how many spaces and square feet this is clearly not legally adequate add a comprehensive section to the eir. >> thank you. next speaker. i'll call one additional speaker card. >> hi commissioners thank you i'm alice director the community mr. haney at todco and right now unless ours is a transportation planner it is difficult to understand the howard street
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changes those will have a huge impact on everyone that lives and works it is important it is clear what the consequences are of this project right now the reader is if they want to figure out they need to dig through sections of plan or go back to the appendix not acceptable to everyone and basically requires to find a lot of scattered information and try to consolidate yourselves to figure out what is happening because of the extent of the changes really needs to be a single section that lays them out clearly with graphics to show the impacts for example, should be a side by side graphic
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of the directions there should be 0 another graphic of the left turns on each intersection where there are to the left-hand turn and no turns will improve the incremental and be a graphic side by side graphic for alternatives that should the cuing and lining up for the ramp - to get into the freeway this in some cases streets will see less congestion but that helps us understand what we're looking at and providing a simple way that the graphics will help us understand what is going on into the neighborhoods. >> thank you, ms. light. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is director heinecke he
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is a city resident and resident an you to said how hard to walk in cathedral to bart it is scary i wouldn't things i wouldn't want to repeat i want to go to any distance class as 11 o'clock ♪ location you guys are planning construction construction construction everyday my hair is on edge i can't believe what you're doing to the city it is
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ridiculous i'm a single happily married woman i do any best job and get to vote i love voting i love - i studied urban studies with the university of north renal and graduated before that earthquake i want you guys to listen to other people and stop thinking about one group and that group we all live in this we're the international city in the world we must recall or respected that and hear everyone go to a distance class safely you guys to think about that it's not save you need to understand that i encourage you to walk the city make that part of your plans with the projects don't take cars can't walk up the hills impact the cable cars
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but walk and see what's going on and this particular projects effects not only those people i won't go there unless my husband goes with me thank you thank you for your time >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners corey smith on behalf of the housing coalition. we're going have not report with our members getting a responded to work with staff i have two comments we have had the opportunity to review the hands on with that a long time with the central soma and appreciate the station 49 working with us and trying to make sure that is open and available to the public as possible any of the comments is related to the eastern neighborhoods eir and the conversation please, please, please let us avoid a duplicate situations we'll take the time
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and spent a lot of time and money we need to stick with that it is a cycle if we can get everybody on the same page and keep everyone's best interest in mind we're better off thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi commissioners i'm john, i live on the edge of this neighborhood at 6th street and market what happens will impact me quite a bit the main thrust of any comment will be jobs, housing and balance we've seen this happen in so many plans in san francisco we kick the can down the road and say oh, other neighborhoods will pick up the slack the haight and western edition they're not wanting to pick up the slack it is kind of responsible to add a big area
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plan to within that area plan what is the jobs balance and look at central soma 6 to one so we have created so much incentives to build for office and disincentive you know what i'd like to send this back to the planning department and create for housing with the density bonus program and more disincentives or asks from office developers i don't think that pushing the office development to open is a bad thing as far as the transportation we have a bottleneck crossing the bay and more jobs available to oakland as opposed to to here but a massive housing shortage i'm not
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against development i'm not i'm almost always in support of projects let's get it right at the wide planning staple and get more sfefdz to put housing as opposed to only office thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> ms. hester. >> sue hester you've had a whole lot of very good comments i'll go down the topics with an or one say, i think you're risking the eastern neighborhood exemption because you - you adopted the eastern neighborhoods plan based on the eir and you're cutting away and changing the zoning we'll have 5 m there are massive changes in
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traffic patterns since the eastern neighborhood plan was adopted a versus consulting transportation are dumping from silicon valley over in lyft have started and become a disruption of traffic because they stop in the middle of traditional lanes on the north south streets and don't allow the bay traffic prohibition take illegal turns and their abruptly the traffic and abruptly muni we've had a shift from retail to truck delivering packages and that is massive in the transportation analysis this area is mostly all the bay
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before it was here on bay fill you can't build types of housing without driving up the costs you're going to have to have full analysis and have to have piles driven into housing it drives up the possibility of housing you have had a massive there your supposed to have a massive increase in the muni lines bans the ooefrment and western edition those have not happened the reiterates we've been explaining or blaine about south of market 19 are different from blocks north of market oh, only a two block area it is ridiculous none knows them as two blocks if you use the north of market blocks the distance has to be
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13e8d up i want a proposed mitigation for all offices and new market-rate housing that don't pitch the conditions this is a sterile area there are services for low income residents and there are pdr uses we - the planning commission imposed the do not pitch condition so people move into those housing unit can't plainly about those this is not a abandoned word i understand. >> thank you ms. hester. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm andrew agree long term resident and represent 20 community organization that
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part of filipino thank you for our filipino heritage as you may know this includes some of the most important aspects as much as the grand filipino mosaic lodge in south park a historic site the filipino education center the mural and the south street the middle eastern son house and center and many other buildings and aclu that are homes to the community we're concerned that the central soma will will have impacts in the immediate areas that comprised the reality value and therefore the affordability of housing and rental space for community serving nonprofits and small businesses. >> within a filipino member that are seniors on fixed income and working families are
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vulnerable to rising rents and evictions like the i hotel they have fears that with the zoning and so many office spaces will mean displacement one of the main goal is preservation of the long-standing filipino community we ask you to look at the vulnerable population of central soma not just the filipinos but all the sro people and the department of building inspection and lastly look at how we can be reflected to come from zoning district all of central soma is in the filipino currently heritage district we want to help to insure that the residential design guidelines are integrated in the future development in the area thank you. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment on the
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draft eir for the central soma plan. >> seeing none, o open up for commissioner comments on the eir. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much this eir is special so for use it is one of the last neighborhood plans that we'll be seeing more quite a bit if ever and congratulate the staff on a job well done a lot of comments i heard that are reflective of good questions i'll be looking forward to the responses i personally have a number of comments related to transit capacity and population and some of the findings that are in the draft eir but to save time i'll provide those in writing and if there are changes that are needed for about the final eir we'll have that discussion to see where we
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are so thank you, again to the staff and everyone that came out really great public comments have a lot to think about toy. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> two weeks ago i said i read do controllers recorded these on the fiber economic for the economic report the two things that struck me the limits the city is sitting on housing and transit and limiting the companies coming in here because poem can't afford to live here and hard to get around really a difficult place to live so i listened to the comments and look at the plan i truly like the judge gentleman sfechd when i read the plan that was 7 thousand dwelling units in
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balance and i'm not sure if we are exacerbating a situation i don't know. i looked at the population around the project alternatives the lawyer for the folks in south of market who spoke first brewery some compelling things around the percentages of what we'll achieve with the low rides alternative, etc. when you do the balboa's it is exactly the same across that how much is the larger number but what the same balance the woman if local 2 really had good comments about what kind of a drops south of market one of the 3 lowest and poorest neighborhoods except for chinatown i think from the federal reserve and here we have
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those probable high jobs come in and worried about displacement we're all over the place here probably especially true with the increase in the population probable like no - i think i really want to understand what the level of housing that is protected either in rent stabletion or how to apply them so we're not dropping a 92 bomb on housing somebody pointed out over the 7 thousand units or whatever it turns out to be how many people will live in them ero this on the action list and talked about with any colleague we want to tease that and understand how many people live there some other place in san francisco
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to take advantage of hiding it but appreciation but the price ranks of the housing that is already applied to the level as the woman from i cu said childcare didn't register with me until john got up and talked about that last week that's a good point and the other point i think we've been talking about that quite a bit the transit and the capacity of the roads, etc. for vehicles do they consider a change we're seeing in uber and lyft and other services i think that is important uber how to when i get any dinner so is that in their i have questions around that and interesting thing the city needs to grow i agree but we need to balance the roads
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with the ability to have the housing and the transit and all the other support services keep up we've seen what happened in potrero hill and about 16th street we have a bus line and cars john rahaim the streets and talking about the horror with the circle of questioning whether the eir make sense that was 10 years ago and so m much as changed may be given the 25 years the level of change might not make sense anymore there is a book i'm reading called we're late i suggest the ero industry it is talking about the acceleration of change and the level of change happening it is in our history so i'd like commissioner johnson will be sending in comments in writing as well. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> thank you. i can't help myself so on childcare and
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related facilities the reason why i didn't want to go into too much daily to provide written comments not just about the potential of rezoning district but administration codes about childcare not requiring that building provide childcare we actually need state and local law changes to make that legal as of right now the way we're set up we can't build those i think there is a number of these types of facilities and what you talk about how to shape our community to account for new services that are changing the face of our city like assured housing and shared transit the delivery services and things like that those are all requiring zoning and code changes and building code changes when every one of
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everything is dropped off by amazon we'll require the changes to create the space this is not only about what we want to see but more mechanisms in the zoning lodging we have to consider thank you. >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i appreciate everybody's comments with the neighbors made and the comments are not against you, we are here to shape the documents of that it is basically informing the decision makers and be comprehensive and shedding light on things contrary many of the comments we here you know are similar comments we heard an individual projects particularly in the eastern neighborhoods and they are all loud and clear in the room and the idea of public services the balance of the
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housing job balance all of those are repetitive i'll not repeat the comments they're coming almost to a screeching intersection at a huge projects given we're not talking about individuals buildings but talking about the change of the larger quadrant of city the comment i'd like to emphasis the public discussion has overlay on the family-friendly discussion initiate by supervisor yee and i'd like to have the discussion to be augment by the discussion on those particularly reflecting on the guidelines of the downtown plan the work we've done prior to 2013 and the preparation of today's eir spoke about the mid rides solution with the snoring
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borrowing that was discussed where people - i believe as push back on more than one front and the urban design guidelines and the modeling of the alternative in the larger context of the urban design plan is important to me and require further veting i'll submit my comments and both in rincon hill the special treatment of 5 m and hub effect this project and we need to find a way to reflective and interweave the discussions on a border discussion of
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transformation of the city at large. >> commissioner moore commissioner vice president richards. >> i know we've not had a chap be to sit down face to face a way to understand in other parts of the city we add the jobs and where people live i know we have the report we had all the facts come together thirty percent of the people don't live in the city but outside a quick accounting where we expect those resident to live that would be great we know how much we're entitled so where based on the way things are on the ground with the people given the city and region at a whole that will be a helpful discussion. >> commissioner melgar. >> thank you. i don't want to repeat any of the comments that the other fellow commissioners made i the president to zero in
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on ms. gomez comments there is you know we're adding jobs we're also displacing jobs i seen a study last year where folks lived in the midst who worked in the hospitality industry i think that those are the members of the a t r e and patterns much to my surprise that are left in the mission since speculation in the research was that folks live close to where we work they can't afford to commute those are the folks that are walking to work and riding their bikes to work can't afford parking as the parking unit disappear it becomes difficult to come up with the workforce here we already know the hospitality
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industry is suffering that cuts off the service industry to the jobs i think that you know we placing with with the bmr units is not the population we're trying to serve i'll cognizant that you know we're planning for dispenses phil ginsberg the central soma we have to be careful not to cause displacement and the issue of childcare and services if we don't do this the market will provide those services that are more expensive than people with afford i'll submit comments 2, 3, 4 writing such thank you for all your hard work. >> commissioner moore. >> i'm raising the question that is almost impossible for you to address mr. gibner the
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issue we're living in a time of reality where functions change in the last three or four years that is a comment by ms. hester and by many others how to quantify that and bring forward into something to to the decision makers. >> thank you seeing no additional commissioner comments remind the public that written comments can be submitted to the planning department up to 5:00 p.m. on february 13th. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further, we'll move on to the next item which has several pieces to it item 11 at 1028 market street a final environmental impact report and items 12 abc and d at
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1021 the x k the cu arc fornix conditional use authorization and the zoning administrator will consider the variance at 1028 market street initially the project sponsor anticipated presenting their public art component for item twelve e they're not any longer than present this is an it possible item not effecting today once you hear from staff and the project sponsor you can open up for public comment at the conclusion of public comment certify or consider certifying the environmental impact report if you do see with the project
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itself. >> commissioners, i apologize the project is prepared to present their art so i'll include this at the 1028 market street the informational presentation. >> thank you jonas. >> so we're ready for the staff presentation? >> good afternoon commissioner president hillis and commissioners rachel planning department staff also with me are lisa gibson our acting officer and senior environmental planner the preservation planner and the preservation planner for this project members of the sponsor team are present as the commission secretary has indicated the 23u789 is a certification of a final i went
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for the 1028 market street project department case the project is located on the ned of mission street between taylor and jones in the downtown civic center neighborhood what the definition of the commercial building and the construction of a one and 20 feet tall story building and come pricing 4 tenant spaces a copy of the draft eir certification motion and the response to comments document are before you the draft eir was published on september 21st, 2016, the public hearing on the draft eir was held on october 2016 the public comment period closed in 2016 and the responses to the document walking by was published on january 13, 2017,
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the responses to comments document combination with the dryer that you received previously constitutes the final eir now you'd like to provide you with a brief summary of eir findings the project is located within the market street go historic district and the eligible tenderloin lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or harvey milk historic district the existing two-story commercial building constructed in 1907 a contributing structure to both district this should be noted the building is not individually eligible for listing not a historic resource this is detailed in the historic response or h.r. dr that concluded that will result in two significant unavoidable impacts to the historic district
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to the market street theatre and this is related to the demolition of the existing contributing structure for a significant effect on the district larger due to the fact the district is small in size the xhapths of distributor is low and centrally located within the decision and the definition decision please note we've included figures to laubltd that one the context of the historic district i believe started on page 15 and with the evaluation that includes pictures this is related to the construction of proposed project that will have a significant impact on the theatre and district because the
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replacement building will not be comparable with the size, scale and architectureal features two litigation measures are included but first, the half documents the second a permanent display with the documenting of the market street building with the market street theatre in the district, however, even with the incorporation of litigation those impacts can't be reduced to a level as a result the commission will need to adapt a statement of overriding quality act should the commission approve the act both significant and unavoidable impacts where related to the district that has been identified as an interest rate the 4r6b89 district did losses of the contributing
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building will have a lens significant impact on the tenderloin lgbtq district this is due to the fact the boundary are large the period of significance that long and the record will reflect are diverse and you numerous before i conclude we received one additional comment on the eir the day we published the document via e-mail included with other letters that my colleague will provide this letter does in the raise the issues that have not already been addressed at this time, i'd like to note we've endeavored to have comments from the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the members of the public we believe therefore that the either is adequate, and provides the decision makers and the public are the information required pursuant to second to understand the potential impacts of the proposed project on the
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basis we request the commission adapt that that certify if so accurate and adequate and the final eir was prepared to comply that with the decision of ceqa and the ceqa guidelines of the code that concludes my presentation. unless the commissioners have questions. >> thank you. >> thank you, mary sell i'll going this first, the definitely the downtown project authorization of the planning code with the exception of the off-load and the approval for the conditional use authorization for the addition of one 4 area rash calculation
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there or will or be a public art component with the section 429 of the planning code the sponsor has an artist to provide an onsite exponent with the market street evaluation a brief overview has been provided and the aorta is included in the packet the sponsor will talk about that as well lastly during this period the zoning administrator will here a request for variance for a public right-of-way for the public art requirement the dwelling unit exposure and an exception for the height of the elevator 6 additional letters have been submitted after the pathway publication in support of
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project i have provided copies for distribution and additional if any of the public is interested p i have two minor housekeeping on january 18th a modified ceqa finding for submitted and published online those moichthd better reflect of the performance but no information into the record and provides the changes accepted were resubmitted along with the environmental planners draft motion and second at this time a minor correction into the record for the ceqa findings for downtown project authorization and draft for conditional use authorization in the preamble with the documenting process for this project the response to comment will be corrected at the publication on january 13, 2017, and in conclusion it adds one
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plus housing stock and the sponsor indicated the project of the inclusionary housing will be savored by providing 13 percent of the unit that be 25 percent and the sponsor said those will be rental unit it is included in your packet that on balance and consistent with the policies and complies with the planning code and based on those finding in the case report the department recommend approval i'm going to turn it over to the sponsor team the developer and the architect to provide for detail on this project thank you. >> thank you project sponsor you have 10 minutes. >> those persons standing in
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front of the doorway find a seat please causing a fire hazard you can't stand in front of the fire the door. >> can you project. >> once you start speaking sfgovtv will respond. >> good afternoon, commissioners and opportunity to present i'm rod the project sponsor and here to spend the next 6 minutes with me. >> you're familiar with our project on the north side fine taylor and jones and that the nexus of the mid-market cord and the tenderloin neighborhood it
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is new while the vision of the future is important we first saw the site in may of 2013 like a billboards hard that was filled with a decade of grim and the stench of market street the people tried to avoid that our teams set out to get to know people in the area to know the history and found out what the future will be and to reconcile with the community
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that's how we developed the concept and rental and onsite and below-market rate with the mixed use housing to address the short term increase - people agreed is a welcome addition to the block a lot the project is underneath the studio one bedrooms and two bedrooms and three bedrooms the ground floor faced on market street and golden gate avenue in our initial phase we learned about the entitlements all and all 3 years to get here if approved will take another 2 and a half years before we break ground we treat that runway to have the process the first one we opted a restaurant not any restaurant a food hall for outdoor seating and a beer bar we spent 8 months
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with collaboration with the city and the community we then used this as a headquarters for the larger projects by hosting fundraisers and plus we built strong riderships with the stakeholder and gotten feedback from the ground floor to public art and the architecture the halls is a gratifying project and will be remarkable we serve as a small business inbart and proud to say two of the foeblgz will open restaurant we've en - and lastly we invested in the community by contributing offer with only million dollars to build the hall and the contribution to the operations while doing this here are a few of the nonprofits
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given the tenderloin is the highest concentration of families i'd like to highlight oths including the market street and united playaz and the youth art challenge the hall is serving as a forum for that the large development with monthly gather with over three hundred plus people we've held 3 job fairs serving the youth and people trying to break the kindly of incarceration here's the monthly update with the nonprofit happy hours and forums on the building design program the project include individuals and nonprofit agency and unions and residence and local groups we've collected one and 39
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letters of support and here are some the groups public art we held an art collection and had many submissions we held public finalist the winner got the most support with the community engagement here's the render rendering - the local artist. >> and lastly highlight the over two hundred jobs and back and forth's and $20 million of investment over the next 20 years the feedback we've golden is important we've heard consistently about the engagement and eager to partner with the market to preserve the market in the
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intend to and how the issue of public safety we've committed to have a public realm and lastly we're excited to honor the rich history neighborhood by programs that honor the harvey milk district relying on the method for the art i'm going to turn it over to senior architect commissioners as we perjury the architecture design we spent a lot of time walking on market street and obviously the strong character the buildings around it what you see on the slide the guideline theatre a couple of doors down and exhibit middle strong elements that are could he to the historic district and the strong treatment for the boarders in that case the context is the materiality and color and the building it is not
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from the corner to build next door with the development we knew the lot lines nicole will be highly visible facade to have the corners the building mass is in two parts dribble relate to the masonry expression of market street and creates a base middle that relate to the propositions of the surrounding place as setback creates the top and also creates a strong vertical element that makes the entrance with the forms create more barriers and mass that mitigates the scale of the project and provides well propositions. >> the - finally one basement
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level that provides storage parking in this transit rich centrally located site that includes bicycle parking at the ground floor a series of retail for market street and the golden gate street avenue and residents can enter from lobbies on either side of the building the typical have you an opinion with a - with an outside terrace onto market street and the floors are setback and those have a generous terrace and the rooftop is - has panoramic views. >> that's the end of the presentation okay. thank you. >> so with that, we will open
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up for public comment on 11, 12 a and i got a number of speaker cards please feel free to line up on the screen side of the room (calling names). >> and i'm reminded those persons standing in front of the doorway you're causing a fire hazard you can't stand there line up on the screen side of the room to submit our testimony. >> first speaker please. good afternoon, commissioners my name is mike from the academy i'm here as the co-chair of the nexus coalition and pleased to tell you that the market street for the nexus go coalition has
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come to an agreement with tidewater capital on a community of benefit agreement that represents a new collaboration for the sake of affordable housing in the tenderloin it is the formation of a partnership to exposure and develop a program that will identify and secure and preserve permanently affordable housing with neighborhood serving retail in the tenderloin i want to - there are 09 people had are are will comment i want to read text from the amendment to show you the understanding this is the project sponsor this is from the agreement the project sponsor acknowledges displacement is a key concern the circuit courts it can be accuses by a lower percentage of affordable housing that cumber exist in a
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neighborhood but by the demographic profile that causes psychological and social daylight for businesses and nonprofit organization further the project sponsor recognized that southern acts by new entrance to the neighborhood can negatively impacting some or all the exit resident and businesses and nonprofit part of this community for many years. >> the project sponsor acknowledges the primary goal to increase the number of permanently affordable housing serving ground floor retail services in the tenderloin and further the coalition is centered in advancing around the site acquisition model the need for an acquisition program is important in light of the significance of the tenderloin of the diverse neighborhood of marginalized people people have led the way in social justice
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especially the transmainstream for the cafeteria in 1966 and the tenderloin has been a haven for creativity and artist for generations notably the musing like the high street studios and black hawk nightclub given of the significance the acquisition shall there through preservation and creation permanently affordable housing with neighborhood serving ground floor retail use for marginalized community with rich history of tenderloin carmen chu low income residents and people of color and the lgbtq i'm happy to inform you the umu coalition ports this project. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> hello commissioners very excited to be in your house again, i'm a .32 year tenderloin resident i kind of love any neighborhood its been a long time coming for us to get more dignity in our neighborhood this is was a project i see revitalizing two neighborhood two neighborhoods involved market street corridor and the golden gate corridor both have been neglected on that block i went to a historical tour and ironically 1028 market street ran out of the new market after you approve it today we'll been looking for for a long time we're tired of skid row tired of being skid row i know we look bad sometimes and smell bad
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sometimes, we needed to step up our game we can i've talked to the guys the developers and contractor and man, i have nothing but good to say we've seen their projects we need a project like this bad there will be more jobs for the neighborhood 25 percent - affordable housing will be so socializing needed and chair the homelessness board downstairs and housing is one of the number one things this will solve problems and make our neighborhoods better i ask you to consider it program to the utmost thank you for your time. >> thank you, mr. shaw. >> thank you, commissioners randy shaw director the he or she tenderloin this is the third project on the row 1028 market street the sorenson project that was unfortunate did he late and
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bare - a nonprofit project so this is a something you should be proud of and hopefully by the end of the year all that will have broken ground. >> thank you, mr. shaw. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioners my name is - i'm did principle and ceo of the construction remolding i've none tidewater since 1028 market street in 2013 i support the 1028 market street development i have projects in the mid block and the tide water is approaching the project first decorated that as as better than use month developers would let a vacant building fall on itself
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this is hall is a favorite and created over many, many jobs 1020 will create jobs in this construction phase and good paying jobs the folks need i support the 1020 market street i believe the development will be good for the city it needs more hours at the 1028 market street project will provide one and 8 plus unit with bmr's along with the new retail which will enlighten the neighborhood thank you for the 1028 market street i urge you to support it. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioners my name is charley i work, work in the city i'm going to frame my support about the tide water to the neighborhood i was introduced to
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craig young last year through a mutual friend he explained craig's passion for the community said i had to meet him a couple of weeks ago i met with him a few blocks around the project that was the absent around what is currently at the hall and what will be another 1028 market street during the walk we were stopped by 3 people that economy embarrassing on a first name basis and welcomed i am had with open arms a true community - it is rare to have people with open arms welcome a developer when we got to the
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hall i saw why they welcomed him like that the word i used once i described the situation that was buzzing in the middle of the day not much going on there was music and people meeting over coffee and interacting with the vendors that was clear the organic community jobs and opportunity created for the community in my opinion that after seeing the proposal meeting craig and team the property project will continued to enhance and support through job creation much needed below-market-rate housing and retail and artists support combine that with the passionate and clear commitment to civic dude duty a win for all sides i urge you to support that thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker, please. >> hi my name is cameron i'm a long time resident and local artist in the area community activist working with the community loaned industry crossroads with the family's that live in the sros and things like that when i was 15 i want went to a rec center and shortly after i grew up i move forward into the neighborhood and lived there 17 years i've seen it change over the years i've seen any share of people come nine out of ten back in the day people would move ♪ smaller amounted and learn to integrate into the cultural in recent times with the mass amount of tech and developers into the area it shifted opposite but this was not the case with tidewater they've been
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intentional in incorporating into the cultural and enhancing it they came in and saw what at people needed and provide a safe a place for small start up restaurant those things have been in the dna of san francisco allow funds for city cross rods i went to event and depended on they depended on a lot of the precedes and opened their space for job fairs for youth and provided free dinners for our kids you know times for them to come in and invest the space and hang out i love the people in the tenderloin i love the people in the 6th street corridor they're often overlooked and misunderstand toyed water has tried to understand us and give us chances for neighborhoods
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folks to center jokes 6th street and market has changed for the better trust me i've been on the block for a long time the first one in a long time jobs that make an impact in change so i appreciate and support tidewater and the building project on 1028 market street and hope you can do the same thank you >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners corey smith on behalf of the housing coalition. since i started that will a year ago spent a lot of time on this project more than any other projects i've been involved with maim because of previously mentioned mom community meetings wednesday morning to hear from the neighbors they've been good and commend them our organizations have been hosting happy hour and the overall
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project sponsors attitude they asked a lot of questions of us and others from the get-go to make sure they are doing things the right way as far as the project the food court is how they do retail use and to echo the gentlemen's comments their cognizant what is facing market street is different than that golden gate i distinctly e distinctly remember they were asking people what kinds of services say specific on location they wanted to make sure that the people that will be sdpashg on that street it as if they're part of the neighborhood and the details are not common their paying attention paying attention but we have ever belief they'll continue going forward the parking is appropriate for that the area
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it is going to be a major transit hub and we will also doing everything we can to currently more bike parking and meeting the inclusionary requirement with the trailing legislation i'd like to encourage the sponsor to look at that to see if we can get more bmr's i get a warm feeling i see the men and women behind me this will be built by people that are paid good living wages and that means the community input you don't get that many people showing up by this all and all we support this and ask you to support that unanimously today. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioner president hillis and commissioners my name is adrian
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field representative for the local 22 and behind me in the back of the room we have been 25 members of our carpenter in action that are here in full support of this project it is through tidewater and their choice of contractors navy brothers we have a long relationship with in san francisco it will be 100 percent union job providing over 200 good paying union jobs to the workers in san francisco those are remember those are temporary jobs conduct is temporary we move from one job to the next so not like permanent there will be permanent jobs but we need to keep this going we stand behind this project one and 86 units of residential we know that san francisco, california use that the plaster we can use that two and looking forward to going to work here and hope you will
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approve this project and thank you today. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm ben the founder and ceo of illuminate a in time arts organization and that our next project we're working on to help some of the folks and certainly in the building and community behind me is a market street project called light rail through the general roll the dice of craig and his team to make 1028 market street the d factor headquarters this make sense on all in terms of the transit it is a beautiful expression a thoughtful expression but illuminate mission to rally the people to create impossible works of art that freeze better nature i want to comment not on that building
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but the gentleman behind me are not making a promise as developers of showing they're better nature once that project goes forward but demonstrated a track record of mother nature and activating that community with them their 3 year track record is expressive i've been directly effected and their the beneficiary of it and i just think that it is sort of clear designation to not just a concern the texture of our building but the fabric and strength of the community that live outside of the doors cannot be over stressed thank you, mr. davis we'll call additional speakers (calling names)
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>> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is zach sharp i'm with the bam became bluegrass band i think i can kind of represent the bluegrass community in san francisco by saying that we definitely support this project will be you know bluegrass community is a vibrant one but few places that support it and the hall which is a temporary site that tidewaters set up is a hub for those musicians and people in addition 6 years ago i went back to school for sustainable business and learned that business is more than money the people and community and also the environment having gone to this school in san francisco the market corridor is a long like you know running issue and if a
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breeder problem that people are trying to educated address so watching this hall is the perfect case study how to approach a development with people in mind the community mind so i strongly urge you to support the project and thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> afternoon commissioners i'm jabbing with structure capital we invest in companies and here to support the 1028 market street and support craig and scott and baltimore i've seen their success in baltimore i live on 8th's and howard street and walk through the area and spend about once a week with dinner and inviting friends over and we need more of this i
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support the 1208 market street project thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm david with the university of california, san francisco we support this project will help activate the community we have thousands of faculty and staff over time that cohort of people those individuals have had far more opportunity to interact i want to component bens comments tidewater crew has been segregating with the neighborhood for three or four years and proven they're good intentions i serve on community boarded with the organizations they committed to the community we support it very much that
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