tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV January 31, 2017 2:00am-4:01am PST
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support the 1208 market street project thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm david with the university of california, san francisco we support this project will help activate the community we have thousands of faculty and staff over time that cohort of people those individuals have had far more opportunity to interact i want to component bens comments tidewater crew has been segregating with the neighborhood for three or four years and proven they're good intentions i serve on community boarded with the organizations they committed to the community we support it very much that
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will help activate that stretch of market a work in process and this project can go forward and go forward quickly thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is alvin tubd and here to speak on behalf of 9 project on i live on mccarthy i've done a lot of the work primary with the arts and nonprofits organizations i met craig young shortly after he arrived in san francisco i'll been total welcoming and very generous in all my endless requests to- the answer was always yes, thank you pubically i did a lot of work
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self-security and for faefrments that is a powerful dynamic like food and market value and encouraging scientific engagement and activity amongst the people that otherwise wouldn't gave me shout out to aladdin for a couple of years of dynamic programming bringing folks together and lastly express support for the income diversification this project will bring they often voices of fear about newcomers arriving one of the remarkable things about the tenderloin the housing stock is overwhelmingly protected we have a remarkable opportunity to move forward with incomes diversification without the common threat of displacement and by the way, literature is everywhere in
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terms of the benefits for poor folks when we live in mixed use community this project will help to move the tenderloin to a more mixed use community if you want to see the literature go to the housing urban development you may want to vital the website it maybe deleted by tomorrow about the welfare of the people skwum on it now very much support the project and thank you craig. >> thank you, mr. padilla. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is sighed those are unplanned comments i was here for another item i worked as a john street - i just i'm unfamiliar with that
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project i want to put in a voice for the unmarginalized community in the adjacent building i'm a little bit concerned that personally that mural will be excluded and all the talk of the community i'm not hearing the rest community mention although the community is coming there 5 time a day i'm asking you i'm not aware of this not talked with the members of the congregation but along their voice and their participation in that community is not being heard and i'm very grateful this is a investment in the area i'd like to know how inclusive that community will actually be thank you. >> thank you. >> in dep>> next speaker, pl. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is ax i'm
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with the general contractor any company was fortunate from the to be the build of 1028 market street we look forward to your works with - i'm here to support the 1028 market street project i believe this development will be good for the neighborhood the city desperately needs for housing and the 1028 market street project will provide one and 86 new unit including 25 below-market-rate housing along with new retail which will enlighten the neighborhood through the creation of the site intern use they've shown their doesn't the to the tenderloin i know they'll continue to develop in a way that benefits the 1028 market street project will create economic opportunity across sections concurring construction the project will
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create over 200 jobs hired though the brother's a union general contractor and we thank you guys for your support today we also working closely with citibuild to assure the employment opportunities are provided to san franciscans in the trade and additionally, we pride ourselves working with ocii to provide opportunity to small businesses and san francisco businesses this project will be no different in the city where the klth soared creating over 200 jobs will be significant for the trades once the building is complete 5 new permanent positions required to operate in the ground floor retail will create 20 permanent jobs thank you for the opportunity for speaking i urge you to support the 1028 market street project thank you. >> mr. bore.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners i'm katrero park with larkin street i'm unusually usually not let out pardon me for my nerve he support 1028 market street by being in the market street used and market street for the mass two-fold there market street has working closely with tidewater and the team for the past two years the hall has made that admiral effort to engage on issues they're talking with us about the potential of training and making sure that not only the learning teaching our youth how to be workers we're enabling our youth to have sustainable jobs and the market street for the mass we're looking forward to working with them only creating a new structure for the organization and for the intend
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to tenderloin to have ownership thank you. i support that. >> we'll call additional names (calling names) good afternoon rob poole i'll speak on behalf of myself the hall holds a special place in my heart i've been there since day one and like to think i'm they're first reggtheir - they have great jazz and never stopped going when the chicken place went away i kept on going more importantly this is a really rich invite concept
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but this place has been such a great platform for bringing people total a venue for nonprofits to showcase the work they do and made people more aware of 09 initiatives in the city the job fairs they work in and you know that's a testimony to the tide water along with those teams and if they didn't dr. to do anything any of this they've spent a lot of time to integrate with the community they'll deliver a terrific project and back to the basics one and 8 percent 6 homes along the bus traffic signals with major employers basic good land use
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tony hope they find a location but i'm existed about this bringing the homes and i think that will be great to a tide water there if their capacity and hope you support this thank you for your time. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is john butler the new executive director the tenderloin project we're focused in the tenderloin a newcomer to the scene been in this job two week everyday i run before i this location for the past 4 years and watched it every however, the day and the reason i took this job is because everyday i run though the tenderloin and wondering what i can do to help in the last two weeks i've spoken with a wide variety of community
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leaders from st. francis to people another at law school for troubled youths every road has led to a discussion about this project being a model for vendors a model for economic diversification and a model for community engagement so as a director of the tenderloin economic soma project i want to support this project wholeheartedly and to mention from the last two weeks i've been discovering this project every single person has spoken positive and i'd like to office building the comments there didn't seem to be meaningful opposition to it thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is laurel the owner of a small business in
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the tenderloin i have live and work there i spent a lot of time at the hall i've known them most recently they're my landlord and recently moved into one of the 09 buildings on the block and like to speak to their skill as a retail as they review and select the tenant they said not to delay other people that were looking at the space my business is a identical office with a much used service in the tenderloin with the nearest identical offidental office is the benefits the neighborhood needs as a business owner i'm exciting about this and i wholeheartedly support 1028
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market street. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> brenda one of the tenants at hall and we support this new building we've been there for 2 and a half years we've created 7 jobs throughout the hall and now we are hoping to support them on what they're doing. >> my mother couldn't come but sends a lot of support and this is a great opportunity to start our first business in a position for another businesslike us. >> thank you, ms. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is paul i actually have the honor of
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serving as is director of popping for the golden gate association the first lgbt chamber of commerce and get to service with the small business network that represents 12 organizations in the city i was really hoerlgd to hear about the historic nature of the lgbt businesses in the district and want to underscore we continue from our preserve to make the coffees from the 1028 market street became the nations first lgbt business in the country to be nominated the first small business of the year they're providing jobs and opportunity for resources when you talked to all the small businesses that are pioneers they really those are businesses that are fighting everyday to make bank in order to pay the rent not the large businesses those are the small businesses that are creating
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creating jobs when i hear about the importance of the community and small business how he's worked the businesses an 1028 market street and when the merchants and other organizations are coming to the hall to use that is a mod that's a success story that is really a potential small business success story i heartily express my support for this project. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners ami hunter a community-based artist worked in the neighborhood for 4 years and kate out temporary public art projects on 6 and market and encouraged connection between folks walking by a the city where the cost of living has continued to sore a deep commitment to more housing as well as community kennel and for
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example, police frying to get rid of of drug dealers they've partnered with the police and put on a job fair and showing they're heart and love for the community and will continue with the 1028 market street i urge you to support this. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm danny. >> representative with the sheet metal workers local 104 as well as a designate to the construction trades council i'll keep that brief we wholeheartedly support this when you have housing close to transit and when you have below-market rate on site that's a win for the city and when you have the developer like grappling young here at
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tidewater commitment to the local union construction will be making good wages and health care and benefits means our workers have a chance to live in the city and hold on to the middle-class dream thank you. >> thank you. i'll call more names (calling names) that's all go ahead. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm cuz us w the incident of the east community association and the longest resident of tenderloin on eddy street so i'm here to speaking in support of project for several reasons one i think i've shown commitment to engage with the community to become an integrated member of the community often developers take
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the attitude of trying to dominate that neighborhood or displace the neighborhood in order to put in their vision they have a role out to engage and become a member and participate as a neighbor in the community and i know that is pretty exemplar and should be rewarded for that and shown a commitment to the beyond a reasonable doubt of continuing that relationship moving forward long term lear like in terms of the helping us with the one of the tenderloin vision of the creating and working with us and providing their expertise and talent and moving forward i think that a tremendous asset and i think there is a commitment to they're having small basis retails on market street i just think there is a real benefit for having a long time rip in the neighborhood as actually apartment a part of the
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community i look forward to continuing to work with them and hope you'll approve that project and thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm so sorry everybody i didn't mean to cut in line i didn't realize was doing that my name is lisa the executive director for urban solutions i'm here to express our support of the 1028 market street project and tidewater in particular over the last 3 years i've working closely with craig and rob to emphasize the importance of maintaining ground floor retail use in the mid-market numerous retail use but small business size ground floor restructures and craig and rob made a commitment to
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supporting the small businesses in san francisco if so that is the richness to our neighborhood i strongly urge you to support this project we believe that is going in the right direction and will help our small businesses thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello commissioners. i'm here representing the compton district as the coalition have trying to establish transgender in the tenderloin as you may know the tenderloin is one of the last places with affordable housing and also one of the last places in the city of the united states for transgender woman of color we've had great confuses with craig he's been charming and helpful and coming to move forward to create a safe place for one of the city's most
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vulnerable a positive recommendation with that said, we want to do our due diligence and say we're concerned in the proposition are not met we as a city are putting a humble population realistic and don't want to see that happen we want to say that are. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon i've hfa year with local 261 and here to support the project on 1028 market street i believe this project will good for neighborhoods and also community also some of the members will benefit from the project this project with doesn't
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economic opportunity especially for our members in the community which also you know often they got hurt by projects you know and this particular project a win-win situation for any trade - with the construction city i'd like to talk about a little bit about tidewater maybe this is probable one of the best companies to work for for all community resident apprentices just recently 2000 safety awards excellency and safety accumulating one million hours without injuries or incidents about 2 and a half years without
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having any injuries i'll tell you that is really good things about a company the members and doing the right thing for the community and any - anybody working for them i congratulate navy and we're looking forward to work with tidewater and encourage you to vote yes to support this project thank you. >> thank you, mr. flores ms. clark. >> lauren clark grow san francisco becoming action just to be clear i'm, m be action this is an easy one obviously i think that is universally appreciated a lot of the is gravy and engagement a great project and an easy one i want to remind you that believe housing is not that good but a
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public good idea in the housing stock and not all projects will offer those bewilders and whistles as vendors know that the bar is high they've go gotten a lot of work and the vendors can forward this not every project will deliver the kind of amazing stars this one does he hope you remembered that believe housing is good while it is easy to support this one there are other ones that will be more difficult to support i hope we'll not require everyone to have shadow movies not everyone can afford shadow methodologies we'll need to say that building housing it a thing. >> hi, i'm sonya so i'm in support of 1028 market
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street please certify the final environmental impact report and also while i'm here sorry i'm in support of 13 of the next item also that adds 2000 residential square feet to our city a small project that is a bag project and great examples of development development without displacement in both cases none had to be displaced in order for those things to get built thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello planning commission i'm scott i'm a wanting of the mission i took time off work to stay as a volunteer member of the san francisco bay area federation people are already said so many things i'll keep it belief a perfect place to include hours we need it and
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well-designed this vendors went bayview for the community by activating the hall i urge you to please support 1028 market street moving forward today thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners in my mind a neil shaw i've lived in for for the last 4 years and i've known the tide water team for about a year currently i'm the co-executive director of a nonprofit concern and co-founder of a company when i look at the type of people in the community the main things i've observed are values and action and shareholders capitalism from everyone you've heard from in the room from the general contractor adam nonprofit providers it is clear evidence that craig and the rest of the
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tidewater team are invested ♪ community about a year ago when i joined as a director i hoped job fairs and order them and involved ground level with day to day activities at the hall and more importantly as a workforce nonprofit they gave 5 people chances to work there and gave a second and third chance when i was attend the 1028 market street update i had a lot of questions about the bmr housing and who they are going to build and 25 permanent jobs to be created i'm confident ♪ team >> the other thing when i look at the future of the market street in the tenderloin any concern for the community and no better deems of future actions than past actions the hall is an example of innovation
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and it is an example of what we want to see in our neighborhood and i'm really, really glad to know that 9 thousand square feet will be dedicated to neighborhoods serving retail by knowing the folks personally they'll give people opportunity for the long term in the neighborhood so i strongly support this project i also think this is an easy approval and i really look forward to hearing the committee approve that. >> thank you, mr. shaw. >> next speaker, please. >> hi commissioners i'm john again, i live across the street from this project and in the home skill building so we talk about how it is the hall building i want to talk about the other buildings around in terms of the neighborhood scale and character and things like that so i think the vendors have
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to done a really good job in the presentation of trying to fit the shape on the corner space in terms of short tall, short rhythm of the neighborhood that's great but the former show dog building next door will be permanently resources they got the development right for their health and then also the world building next to 1066 you'll see a block that is short, at all, at all and short it let's in light on the corners like the temple and the other structures going down market street fits well and we're happy about if i have to say anything i'm sad you won't be able to walk down the market street but they're doing a great outdoor art thing is an
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asset to our artistic neighborhood art is right in our face and can tell people care and one stop to keep it an art space not specifically trying to go i've run into at the hall twice part of their outreach so thankful done an outstanding job to enhance the ethics of our neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is alexandra goldman the planning manager and tenderloin corporation i'm also on the steering committee and here to express my support for the 1028 market street project just briefly i know you've heard a lot of the great points we've enthusiastic about the acquisition fund people in the
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neighborhoods have been working on for four or five years a bunch of organizations have produce tied there the anti displacement and increasingly important to look at ways of securing affordable housing in the next 4 years you might see some issues with the public funding and understand the city is open and willing to work but us on findings ways to have private-public fund we're really enthusiastic about the prospect we're appreciative active of tidewater for they're continuing to be a partner with us not just giving money but engaging with you thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> and if there is anyone else that want to speak 0 on this item please line up against the
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screen wall. >> hello, i'm richard louis perry and known craig and scott from tidewater company since they've come out here years ago and known them personally and through business as well i say rebel feels like saying i'm against this everybody is here for it i can't i can't now that i've gotten your attention. >> i used to i came out here in california with my flowers n my head i'm an artist and my studio is an 7 and market street and been there 4 and 2 almost 23 years and seen a lot of changes in the neighborhood i used to
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play pool at the billboards and the boars came in and destroyed the neighborhood destroyed everything but in addition to being an artist in the building i'm the chairman of the executive committee seen a lot going on and tell people in the past if they want to come to my studio i'm on the edge in the wine 0 district this project and clearing up that image and improving this from 5 and 9 street will definitely add to the ambiance and - of the street and area as well as the economic growth and impact so - what else can i say except when
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you approve this project - i just like to tell you i did a paternity of the hollywood billboard so from the building is gone it is memorialized they've asked me to use mire skills and tenants as far as the individual at tidewater this is a concern for the people in the tenderloin and very good people as well i take 36 they take a personal interest in the community and the people that live here i strongly suggest and request you approve this project he's a good guy and this project will added to the impact of the community i've seen it and little by the another step in the right direction if i want to i, see craig in front of the
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billiard. >> any additional public comment on items 11 or 12 seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you for your testimony and open to commissioner comments. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> i might go not go to new zealand but their gushing about the rules so this project is good on every level absolutely nothing i can see as to why is shouldn't be approved when i met with grappling in his studio tuesday, i didn't understand the story behind the story the vendor and give back to the community but craig with the
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hall and the partners showed me with the logos of the businesses and civil grand jury the nonprofit i sit here and hear what we did it is ten times deeper than i imagine sometimes value and action you put our values to action especially, when that individual says the people in the front were dealing drugs that was remarkable a lot of people would just you know call the police and get them out of there working with the police say amazing the capital effecting the community and the labor advertised right for this project i'll let someone behind me make the motion for approval. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'm also supportive of this the
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people that came up with public comment this is great with the solidarity times and other times i've be happy to move in project before i do that we'll take the action on the silent eir first on the project. >> yeah. on item 11 and then 12 a there d. >> i'll make a quick comment and maybe back around to the project so on the final eir i think that seen the draft is adequate and under ceqa the only thing i'll say there was a lot of space spent in both the eir itself and also the response to comments of the eir on the preservation of the cultural
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aspects even though this building didn't maintain the spirit as far as the historic rental with the changes in the building over time i hope the interpretative program not debate in the eir will suv provide some of the feeling in association of this cultural district area i hope i'd like to see your report back when the interpretative report is done and some of the elements that make that program for a mitigation of that sortie think this will be a really great example for the future because they were a lot of acres issues for this project so i'll move to certify the finally eir. >> second. >> commissioner koppel. >> oh, yeah, thanks to the staff and the public for the work on the environmental impact
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report this project has been going on for a quiet some time and the more compliments to and scott in san francisco we like to keep things local in this town they did a fine job of supporting the local nonprofit we're using space to employ local family owned restaurants businesses and incorporating the local pub art and the use of local construction companies and local resident on the job if you look at the packet their anticipating hiring 68 san francisco residents that work on this project so that's going to be a lot of employment opportunity for san franciscans definitely in support of project. >> commissioner moore. >> so i'm supportive of the project kudos to the
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environmental team and to the response inform comments are thorough all of the questions that were asked were numerous were very well answered so i think the project is we're bombard with thing we don't know how to talk about the history but this is wonderful. >> i want to echo any fellow commissioners comments we heard a little bit about the affordable housing and potential acquisition in how purview that but want to ask a question how that maybe administrative code in the future because we've tubed here and potentially you know small site program acquisitions that is important
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to keep people in their neighborhood can you talk a little bit about that and, you know who may administer that. >> so craig young project sponsor so the agent will be larkin street services they'll be the primary group to house the operation if you will, and the basic idea to create a partnership to come up with a way to create and preserve more affordable housing in the community with the neighborhoods serving nonprofits as well to the specification of the plan are yet to be determined but the importance of the commitment is that it is ongoing so the commitment to actually spending time and bringing our expertise to the table alongside a lot of the folks if think about those things everyday the idea to take a new maybe more innovative
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approach and moving away from a statistic appointing zero-sum noeshthdz that's the point. >> thank you and i just want to point out i appreciate our commitment to market street as a retail corridor that is spooerm important corridor and 3r578d out the ground floor and improving the hall we look forward to that actuation on the ground floor i'm fully in support. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much. we have the motion and potential more for the final eir i'll make quick comments and make a motion as well on the design i know this is something where the staff can continue to work 1028 with the support of housing of the essentially the typography how that will shift market street it is starting to a lot a
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little bit wall like for for lack of a better term there are probably some orchestra on the design either through the facade or of the building itself or through the public art requirement we're going to hear that item next but the design for the public art is remnant of a marquee and if there were more work on the scale horizontally or the scope of that piece that might do a lot to break up the design without having to do anything specific to the building i'll ask that staff with work with the project sponsor on design either through changes to the building itself cornice of facade work or in changing the orientation or design the public art pieces we'll hear next to evaluate the
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design and breakdown break up the facade because this building belongs that portion of market street. >> i want to clarify commissioner johnson the public art component is part of a what we're hearing now. >> okay okay fantastic i thought we were here 12 e next so i guess maybe i might ask the artist or the project sponsor - what? >> if you've got a question sure. >> i was wondering are recalling the question first there's a motion on the floor. >> we'll have to approve them consequentially there's a motion for item 11 but can wait and call that when there is a motion. >> - we'll do that. >> all right. so i think i've
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asked any we call the question on that and go back to the design issue i don't think that is a game stopper for motion today why not take a pause. >> call item 11. >> there is a motion that has been seconded to certify the final environmental impact report on that motion commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> okay there further questions or comments on item 12 commissioner moore. >> i want to pick up on what commissioner johnson said i appreciated a tour of the earth of the building i've spent a lot of time yesterday with the gentleman the architect and had an interesting discussion we're going through some ideas how the
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create the ideas about the building facade with the orientation of the building was so thoughtful and he himself left a kind of open there is additional work to be done i kind of don't want to interfere your recommendations to have him work with staff from any perspective was fully answered a is a complicated building you need to find the companion outlet and you need to kind of move it to where it is work able to it's use including the unit that are basically the primarily use of this on the upper floors yoft to support this with a caveat with additional twooeshg
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on the aspect of the facade as he community-based organizations on when that building moves from the big ideas worse looking at today into design development in construction that is when i think the questions should be vetted with the people in the departme department. >> i think we're saying the same thing. >> i think we are. >> i agree with commissioner moore i'll make a motion to approve items 12 abc and d. >> second. >> for clarity commissioners you'll be adopting findings for 12 a and conditions for 12 b and c for the conditional use authorization and zoning administrator for 12 d and that is just information. >> not c and d.
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>> a through c. >> shargs on that motion to adopt the findings and approve with conditions commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and zoning administrator, what say you? >> close the public hearing the commission will 345.
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>> (clapping.) >> good morning environmental impact report san francisco planning commission regular hearing i'd like to remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. proceedings. and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. commissioners, we left off under our regular calendar on before i begin i have received a couple of speaker cards for items 15 ab
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for divisadero that matter was continued and will not be heard today that was continued to march 23 commissioners item 13 at 79 cragmont a conditional use authorization good afternoon. commissioner president hillis members of the commission and staff todd kennedy with the san francisco planning department until the time you is a request for the conditional use authorization to grant or propose a demolition and reconstruction of a new two-story between within the same footprint at the previous footprint as on onsite this project went through the planning review process in the planning department the residential design guidelines applicable designing reviews by classed as a non-historic resource the proposal was reviewed as a
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alteration and determined not a demolition the neighborhood notification took place and no discretionary review filed planning department staff filed off it was discovered a total demolition took place during construction that was discovered the remain walls couldn't with salvages and the site as demolished without city approval for the project sponsor race - to date 4 letters of port if surrounding neighbors the department recommends approval and building this is necessary and desirable for the following reasons the proposed alteration as previously approved and mets the department requirement no neighborhood opposition to this proposal that proposed operation will be of spectacular height no discretionary review was filed by the neighbors during
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the neighborhood process that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> today. >> thank you, mr. kennedy at this time we'll hear from the project sponsor you have 10 minutes. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is stacey life on the line i'm the pardon and also the architect for cragmont this project is to symmetric upgrade and build a second floor expedition for all walls half-inch plywood or tape x for fire protection the stud is 16 inches and the walls were opened
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up the walls for the schematic design the walls were plastered with no drywall the contractor took down the walls without contracting the inspector, next item. >> for approval they made a mistake the final appeal for the project stays the same as the permit is designed - i don't know previously by the planning and building department. >> you have more time if you want to take it 23 you're done that's fine. >> you can ask me questions. >> first open up for public comment then we may come back with questions
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any public comment on item 13 with 79 cragmont avenue seeing none, public comment is closed. workplace up to commissioner comments. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'm deeply troubled by this case that one, the main reasons we need to go over section 317 reform i understand the facts behind the case start off by saying the staff report was confusing it puts the situation as an mistake and took the walls down or oriental had a project that was total compliant with section 317 later found not able to complete the project as planned and without getting further approval went forward
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iowa is a demolition it seems to me there were two stories on the same staff report that now make sense to me unfortunately i don't really see that the reasoning behind the mistake or the railroad or subsequent change on the ground facts alleviates the project sponsor of the responsibility to follow the process outlined you know we have section 317 for a reason it is a little bit complicated in terms of how we do circulations. >> what must stay or considered an alteration versus an demolition i don't know i can be supportive of cu given the fact that was a brazen attempt inform to not follow the
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guidelines that is only discovered when a building inspector went out there this is a fact that deeply troubles me and can i ask a couple of clarify points mr. kennedy orange county they applied for an alteration. >> that's correct, sir. >> yes, sir. that's correct as you this is the same project they're asking to build now tearing down the remainder of the building the same building itself that their - they will end up with under this permit they would under the altercates permit. >> yes, sir. that's correct nothing has been changed went to planning review. >> how do it come to oushgs or the building department's attention. >> following the sign off of issuance from the city that was discovered and brought to mr.
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sanchez open planning attention from what i'll told me interest the department of building inspection there was a demolition it was actually brought to my attention from the project sponsor saying something is going on we have a demolition chases going on that's why we investigated with the opinion planning department and that was why that was a complete demolition. >> maybe for staff or director or or zoning administrator and share commissioner johnsons concerns someone come into and ask for a permit of an alteration the only present to come back and ask for a cu to make good on what they're intended to do bhat the tint for a cu i mean 9 alteration permit and got caught oh, get the cu. >> i mean it certainly a quandary in the code
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so in this case had they at the time they pulled the walls down at that point come in for a permit and gone to the department of building inspection and see that is in substandard continues there are a provision in section 317 that allows for repair and replacement of walls if their substandard this could have been handled over-the-counter and 09 circumstances people have eves they come in and get a permit to rove additional walls otherwise steady the calculations this project has been on hold since september for them they could have gone on and done the work in this case the penalty is the delay for going through the
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conditional use process this is affordable unit a complaint from and the department of building inspection out there and one of the things we are trying to see and this is maybe an honest mistake they open up the wall and want to rape it over the past year this permit was issued or submitted some time ago staff when we haves projects that require the demo circulation if any additional calculation get the proper permit and come back so when people are working in the field oh, i can come back in in this case under the planning code two mechanisms penalty mechanisms a per day penalty of up to two hundred and 50 a day and assess that when someone is
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out of the compliance and they filed the proper pharmacy so really no delay but there's an ability to assess the over one thousand dollars to cover the - this was done in the case of cu this didn't put us in a great situation. >> for the need for we've been talking to clarify the rules of the demo and what's - so it's clear but i agree with commissioner johnson that is hard we can say not to delay this their left with i don't know they can't build but not a disincentive if you want to do it kind of an alteration and demo and come back. >> commissioner moore. >> the first question that
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came across my mind how can this happen between commissioner johnson and commissioner president hillis question the other question that immediately comes to mind looking at this project was without the history that is narrated and ask in the absence of room storage for up sizings this project becomes difficult in an rh-1 if it is more than twice the size one story to two-story and we are always asking ourselves what's the proper form of when we have a project 17 hundred square feet a good size for a family even with smaller additions to something that is 3 seven hundred and 50 some square feet with the history of the project
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and our own inability in the absence of rules we be confronted with a mega mansion the drawings are fine and all of that but the big question still remains for me. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> i guess what is before us the cu to demolish a building not you know that there is a proposed project replacement we super to get the cu to demolish the building this highlights week week after week mr. swishing says oh, something that wrong a demolition and it is no longer the way it was the back and front is gone we have an incongruous reimburse building code of demolition and not a good process someone can come in and get an alteration building
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permit it is not checked they political for this and apply around the same time not the section 317 but the building department has a hand in this so the building department says a demolition means the tearing down or destruction of a building as those terms by the planning department principle portions of a residence - also means that you take do you only i'm reading two-thirds of the building we have tour calculations i'm having a hard time understanding a permit for an alteration the building kept getting taken away chip chip chip it was demolished and many ways i don't know if the owner
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is a licensed architect you can't knock down the building someone in the process could have called of the building inspector and said hey a safety issue replace in kind instead, they demolished the building i'm having a hard time saying we should approve this sends the message you can do this if you want and come to the commission it depreciates approved other than a rule in skin in the game apply by the rules i'm not supportive of this in any way. >> okay. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you i think we have to do a motion and intent to degroup and calendar for 09 hearing i make that motion with intent to approve.
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>> sure were. >> i'm sorry that came out the same way we're not traerlt the building other than it was approved. >> thank you the unfortunate it has been demolished by mistake where the side of the building that is not visible from the street will be built back the same way that was approved. >> have a seat. i'm personally not getting into the question of intent this is simply saying we have this process for a lot of reasons i understand that there might have been an error i understand that but there has to be some recourse to what we're looking at here and our recourse to likely not approve the cu for
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thoblg thank you very much for cob up i don't know that is an intent we're making a judgment on the the president i don't know if we have enough facts to support that here to intent to disapprove. >> i think we can calendar it for next week. >> two weeks. >> february 9th. >> okay with the date of february 9th. >> so mr. sanchez so disapproval action come back with that it would result in they're being no building on this site and they'll not be able to reapply for one year as an alternative they restore did building as it was previously and not do any expansion and they've proposed in the building
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permit as a potential alternative they'll be restoring the building as it was previous and the plans i don't think we have any existing as it was before they start the work i think the project is kind of based on the expansion but from the commission is interested in that alternative they'll restore it before the construction that's what building inspection has an lawful prediction or permission this is a serious tool ones that determination is made there can be only the building as that was previously for 5 years but the - put the bar on it for 5 years. >> something for the commission to consider. >> it is a possible in the interim we want something to
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happen but perhaps not this project commissioner moore is concerned about the diagram in the resulting room there is a library and on top of is over programmed perhaps in the intervening time between now and approve the third project we don't have to disagree and approve something definitely so i'll possess that as that two weeks away if there're a modification that the project sponsor want to make in that time we may or may not want to consider i would give it a little bit more time rather than two weeks. >> we'll see from the folks with amenable. >> commissioner moore. >> i don't believe i have any tools by which i can deny the
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project i don't sit here to be in judgment of what could you have been an error and not possible to say it was intentional or unintentional but projects i've seen blatantly were not demolishing although approved here they were approved as otherwise in this case, i is to assume i'll look to the contractor as potentially having overlooked or acting to fast we'll have other project on high street zoning administrator assistance remembers all of that building overnight disappears and nobody knew what happened despite the fact that was an
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important historical building i can't singularlyly pick this project and say something was wrong but for that reason i'm not going to approve that i'll be trend with what commissioner president hillis suggested that the applicant may want to look at exactly what they're bringing forward including the relevance of rooms and size and use that is as an incentive to present a clearly understandable building as code compliant building and address some of the other concerns we have i'll support you in that intent commissioner melgar thank you so. >> i've spent many years on the building inspection more than any other commission this is an issue that the department of building inspection sprurlgz with for the process to work
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properly planning and building needs to work together in terms of the planning and application i think that in the short time i've been here i've heard you know project sponsors and architects talk about you know substandard walls, substandard structures with not a lot of evidence i mean the only think evidence we have is something is qualified to say that is a substandard walk and go out and say it is a substandard wall anyone can say that is a mistake i'm not seeing this is that particular case we have a serious problem in san francisco with demolition and you know we'll not to somehow figure out a way to have the process work as intended and you know, i like commissioner president hilliss proposal but i do think we
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should send a strong message we expect the process to be followed properly otherwise what we've been seeing more years that will continue to happen commissioner vice president richards. >> so i'm - i feel like i'm in washington, d.c. in another realty from the building code says you can't put a building there what are we bickering about we'll be working with the building inspection making this a harm minus project given an additional and reward i'll be happy to put the house back it needs to be rebuilt permanently issues a cell phone taking pictures of this with the hallow wood that makes sense to me putting the house back.
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>> commissioner johnson. >> so i guess this was the mid i can be okay. pushing out the time and from the project sponsor choose to come back with another project i stand firmer to me not about the project that was proposed i think it would have been fine i'm not necessarily okay with wut u putting the house back the way it was i think there need to be a clearer process for a penalty not doing the process right there are some things not clear but there was a contractor and wall one day and not waltz the next day and not the owner of the property, not the sponsoring architect or the contractor who might have been on site this is not what we got approved we need
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to go back to the department of building inspection there are needs to be a clearer signal than put the house back you oriental had i maintain any support to disagree but pushing that out a couple of weeks and from the project sponsor want to come back and willing to consider approving the cu based on a new or modified project i would certainly being open to seeing that modified project at that time and taking a decision at this point but stand firmer in my motion day. >> do we have a date. >> i'll recommend february 23rd and we have a fairly light calendar. >> february 23rd. >> that's okay with the seconder. >> i'm supportive of that sending a motion of intent
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disapprove i'm not saying it has to be exactly what was there before building changes for more modern day living but a smaller project that is better thought-out a big 50 foot wide lot we've got room room to do things i'm supportive of that motion. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> we'll be approving a project that goes against the building code how does that work you. >> if that's true in the building code they make the determination it was not followed. >> how does that get made. >> that's up to the building inspection. >> 0 so the building is down far exceeds the permit what's
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problem. >> i'm in alternative realty the building inspection should look at that and they're more stringent than ours we're talking about a revised project and obvious issue with the building code someone has to make a determination is beyond me how we can approve a project when the building has not weighed in why the district between us and them commissioner melgar should they go out in your opinion. >> let's get commissioner moore and come back for questions commissioner moore. >> i'd like to have the city attorney help us this is very unusual we family say one or sentence we're in the in the business of penalizing we're in the business of understanding our voice and what's in front of us the department is bringing forward a project which they
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base on without the dbi it is here for us to approve or disapprove we're feeling last week commissioner vice president richards quoting the. >> cable rules with everyone weighing in with the city attorney we've never had a situation what would you advise within a reasonable amount not that you tell us what to do but our reasonable option. >> deputy city attorney mirena burns. it is actually, i don't think that is that uncommon for the commission to see projects were there has been active conducted on the site here's a demolition but unpermitted activity on site and once the project sponsor is made aware of the unpermitted activity they're allowed to come in and seek permit for the work
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they've done or the use or change they've done that happens frequently someone will seek to legalize unlawful changes there are penalty provisions in the planning code that planning department can use and our office can use when project sponsors are unwilling to come in and seek legalization of their property in general the practices then if a breeder property owner will seek the permit for the work those penalties are deferred denial of a project is not generally a path of penalizing a property owner usually we'll use something like that fine administrative finances or in extreme cases a lawsuit as with other projects so i will
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recommend you know certainly the commission can consider a smaller project on this site that is not as large as the one proposed the commission can consider replacement of what was there but i think you know. >> thank you commissioner melgar. >> thank you. >> so if you want to address the dbi question. >> yes. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> if i recall to call dbi and say i think there is an unlawful demo how does that work i don't get it. >> it is up to the discretion of the building inspector. >> and maybe will be good job good for the next time we hear this case in 4 weeks or perhaps have someone here to explain the
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process why they didn't make the determination or their rational. >> great for the dbi planning commission hearing. >> director rahaim. >> commissioners, i understand the point and the quandary when dbi makes a determination that puts up a stay on the property i guess just a to reinforce something that mirena burns said our whole code compliant about bring people into compliance rather than punishing them that's the kind of standard procedure for the longtime; right? i would - while it may seem frustrating no implications or not many implications to violating the permit here i mean that the goal to bring properties into compliance not to make money or punish people i will reinforce this is the standard part of our code
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compliant program for a very long, long time just to put that. >> commissioner moore. >> i appreciate the clarifications i had a different way to look at this pickup on those commissioner president hillis and commissioner johnsons comments for me, the right sizings is the way to do it we're not doing a family asking for build it as it was that didn't do it for me in the absence of us not developing the policies on the adjudication where no limits it would be a very good experience to practice what we do we can't take it probation officer rh-2 and adding on the 3 seven hundred square feet i'm asking for the right sizing for this project to come with approve and instead of
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not having a project. >> i'm supportive the hope we're not confront with that project and perhaps in a month's time building a project we can be more confront with. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i think regardless of the intent behind why commissioners will be supportive or not supportive of the motion on the table table i think we're moving in the right direction we'll end up in the same place my interpretation a disconnect between the penalty and intent behind the building code and planning code they're not aligned it is confusing it seems to me maybe they've not been brought both alignment sounds like the building building department is waiting
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for united states to approve this one or a modified version of the project no real reason to put the original house back and not do anything for 5 years i think there is probably a discussion to be had on making sure the intent and letter of the code versus the enforcement and the building code and the planning code are aligned if not confusing in the future i don't think i'm confused at the to what people thought would happen; right? what process i'm not confused they're waiting for us to approve a cu or not approve a cu and depending on the outcome with their code compliant which is what i've seen in the past waiting on the planning department with that said, i'll be looking forward to that joint heather there is something to be said i understand we want to bring
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people into compliance but shouldn't be tying the hands the planning commission to approve a cu just because they came in the door didn't get a cu approved there a cab an element what process was followed and what - what got united states to where we are today this is not the first case we're making a decision on what process was followed as part of due process i know i'm looking forward to hearing this in a month. >> commissioner vice president richards. >> okay. so i don't want to belabor this we're moving in the right direction i get it, i, take you to my neighborhood and show you two buildings unlawful demolition rain is through the roof nothing happened a consistent application eroding this orchestrates and the building inspection organization
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i have to tell you georgia swedish is up here every week autopsy all the photos this is exactly what we're talking about i think the building inspection one a 831 building permit is more of a 83 eternity we need to understand what the demolition i know we're in the right direction this is has to be right sized let's move and get the commission hearing and commissioner melgar. >> never mind thank you. >> okay there is a motion that has been seconded. >> commissioners there is a motion that has been seconded to adapt at motion of intent to disapprove and continue to february 23rd commissioner fong. >> commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore. >> i'm not sure i understand. >> a motion of intent to
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disapprove the matter is continued i believe the districts from the commission to the project sponsor to potentially aforethought the project to take that up think february 23rd. >> thank you for read into the record i can approve yes. >> commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president hillis so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> commissioners that places us on item 14 case 144 townsend street conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon commissioner rick with department staff the item before you an officer development for 42 thousand plus square feet at the 144 townsend it is a legal sun from self-storage a retail formula to office use for 42 thousand plus square feet to date, no
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opposition or support for the proposed project after analyzing the department staff recommend approval with conditions it applies with the planning code and consistent with the goals and objectives and the project is located in a zoning district that principally permits office use and the project is an allocation of the office use that concludes my presentation. and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you project sponsor you have 10 minutes if you need it. >> good afternoon tea with reuben, junius & rose representing the project sponsor i will not take 10 minutes so this project for us a fairly straightforward request we're asking for small cap allocation for 42 thousand plus square feet
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which will result in the legaltion of the entire building for office office use we are innovate asking for physical changes but adding bike parking and lockers to the interior exterior of the building but the last legal use of the building was self-storage under the planning code is a retail use not a permit use zones where this property is located we're effectively doing we're eliminating the legal but non-conforming use and asking for authorization of the office use that is pro tem permitted in a conforming from a change of use that is over time non-conforming use is replaced with conforming use in light of
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prior case i want to address the fact that we are seeking to legalization of an office use not a new use and unfortunately the permit histories you look at online and planning record they're not as clear as they could be south of market and especially to a layperson here the permit history you looked at online it a little bit mixed you can see office use and going to 1990 and 2000 and so forth that's really sort of the reason why we're here today and not previously i think overall the request today for office allocation subject to the section we believe the request satisfies all the criteria we are asking for permission for the office close to transit options consistent with the offices this
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is for a small cap pool it is something we're unlikely to see any shortage of competition any time soon i'm happy to go into more uses of whatnot i'll leave it at that but happy to answer any questions. >> open up for public comment is there any public comment? want to speak seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner vice president richards this is a straightforward one thank you. i move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'm supportive as well although i do that this building was in the central soma area plan; right? >> on 144 townsend street - >> i know the board the
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central soma plan was adjusted you might be correct and yeah. i think i am. >> you know the zoning will not change. >> i want - >> and go to m u o. >> it definitely is in the central soma area plan but an. >> let the record reflect that commissioner johnson was correct. >> commissioners shall i call the question? that motion to approve that with conditions commissioner fong commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore commissioner vice president richards and commissioner president hillis commissioners, that item passes unanimously 7 to zero excuse me - >> take a break.
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>> (laughter). >> that places us under our discretionary review calendar for item 15 ab have been continued item 16 case - bayshore boulevard is a mandatory discretionary review. >> jonas can you give us for a mandatory discretionary review outline the process. >> certainly you'll receive a presentation from staff and provide the project sponsor with a 5 minute presentation or from the chair less than 5 minutes and put up for public comment up to 2 minutes you have the discretion to reduce that unlike a normal dr no dr requester and there is no rebuttal. >> okay. i be given the number of speaker cards we have we're expecting over one hundred
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speakers limit public comment to one minute. >> thank you. >> go ahead. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm collin department staff the item before you requires a mandatory discretionary review inform establish the proposed medical cannabis dispensary or mcd pursuant to planning code this project locate at 242 bayshore boulevard between visitation and leeland avenue allows a change of use from a community to a ncd d.b.a. as elevated systems with the two-story mixed building within the rh-2 the visitacion valley
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special use district workplace a one thousand radius no other medical cannabis dispensaries the proposed ncd will include tenant improvements to the 8 hundred square feet ground floor space with a ada restroom but no expansion the existing structure parking is not required the proposed mcd will have medical cannabis dispensary cannabis to person 18 years old 40e8d a patient identification card the proposed mcd will not include onsite use of medical cannabis in my form nor include conflicttion the operator will have two full-time security guards a security guards at the front door to check ids and the second security guard at the
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front would patrol the neighborhood to assure it it good neighbor policies are enforced and be interior and exterior video cameras and motion detectors and others security mcfarland's in the mc-3 any operate within 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. the property mcd 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. out of courtesy for neighbors the nonprofit cooperative was form to provide underserved resident and to help to revitalizes the corridor where vacancies exist and the partnering with civic leaders and nonprofits the participant with focus on visitacion valley resident to include 6 full-time and 4
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part-time employees per the medical cannabis act as approved by the be it further resolved and mayor in 2005 the department of health serves as the lead agencies for permitting mcds the planning department reviews is jefferson limit to the location and future - mcd are required to be heard by the planning commission that shall consider whether or not to exercise it's powers pursuant to the planning code e-1. >> over the past year the project sponsor has partnered with community-based organization and has held two meetings with the public the sponsor has conducted door to door outreach to introduce the project individually to residents and has completed the notification the department has 6 letters with four of those serve as support from
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organizations for the proposed use the department has a petition with names of seven hundred and 50 people supporting the proposed mcd 74 of the signatures of support were received an after the deadline i gave to jonas those signatures are distributed to you today in support of mcd will focus on save access to medical cannabis dispensary in visitacion valley and for activity in the area and the positive contribution to the community in terms of opposition the department has corresponds from 33 people including one merchant in opposition to the project 28 of the letters of opposition were received by the department after the packet publishing deadline and those letters were distribute to i directly via e-mail from those in opposition much of the opposition was focused on asking for a continuances concerned with the
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local regulations not of the adult use cannabis the department recommends the commission take discretionary review and approve with conditions it will activate a ground floor says that the mcd complies with the planning code and advanced the goals and objectives the general plan, the project site is well-served by transit and transportation option and the project will allow local individually own and operate to provide employment opportunity to residents that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions thank you, mr. clark. >> thank you project sponsor you have 5 minutes. >> pardon me was that 5 minutes. >> 5 minutes. >> okay. good afternoon i'm victor i'm legal counsel for the appellant we respectfully request you approve this today
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you are going to be hearing from victor and bryan that will own and operate the dispensary i'll defer they're diverse of 3 dispensaries own and operate we chinese-american and vietnamese-american out of all the drerpdz in the city and also the participant are committed to providing community benefits to the local community including the investment and a vacant shutter storefront providing scholarships to local residents to the tune of 50 thousand a year for children to pursue heir education and the mcds you'll see is a safe and secure environment that will help to get rid of the crime and improve
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the stock the local commercial corridor i'll pass it on to victor and . >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is victor wanting of the elevated systems the applicant i was born and raised and want went to lincoln university my mom and fat were small business owners in self-we grew up humbly and in the neighborhood any mcd will be located any motivation to use this platform to educate and offer alternative medicine to any community to treat ills there is no mcd within a one hundred and 50 mile area we ask you to approve our application today thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner
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president hillis and distinguished commissioners i'm bryan a board members of the applicant like victor born and raised born and raised in san francisco it and went to abraham lincoln high school and graduate from san francisco state university majoring in business administration my mother is a native san franciscan she's a retired school teach from the san francisco unified school district we trouble building what we'll be doing is rehabilitating one of the most shuttered storefront in the neighborhood we're really to trying to revitalize the neighborhood and providing two of time security guard on site at all the time along with 10 other routine local employees will will be bringing greater security the stewart security knows the visitacion valley area
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he goop in sunnyvale we have cameras monitoring 24/7 with the integrated system and i'm going to turn it over to our architect thank you very much. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'll do it quick i want to show you a little bit of what we're proposing the existing storefront as it is and what we're proposing to create if the street pedestrian walk it will look like a doctor's are den taltal office the interior to the exterior if you put your head against the glass you'll see from the waiting area a clean type of
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interior using the types of wood on the inside facing out this is a display area this is making a display that is more of a visual when our inside the - the venue. >> thank you very much i'm available if you have any more questions. >> so open up for public comment i'll call speaker names i know there are people in the overflow room we'll have people line up against the screen room. >> we've made accommodation for an interpreter may be those people in need of an interpreter may come up first. >> those in need of an interpreter i'll also call your
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name (calling names). >> is the interpreter in the chambers we received a text from the interpreter is it interpreter in the chambers thank you should be a gentleman. >> yep. >> go ahead, sir. >> good evening andrew yip opening on mcd in the neighborhood will cause great dlurns of brotherhood this most likely more mcds in the city means an increase of crime rate and tragedy the democracy for this issue so see how many people are against this action opposed to those not in favor in
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restricted areas for the nature of that job i don't consider mcd should be operated over family center and neighborhood arrested areas please impose restriction on the mcd operation for the people's livelihood and stop marijuana with the mental impacts for all people the right for consumption of marijuana must balance the values of people we must limit the mcd sites thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> have the interpreter please make those announcement for the people that need afghan 2r50er79 the department pays for the interpreter
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interpreter. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> stand on the screen side of the room. >> thank you my name is a richard how a resident. >> one second. >> jonas can we have the - >> okay. go ahead and thank you supervisors i'm a resident of chinatown, however, i have many friend living in visitacion valley we visited we have lunch and we sing our songs together a lot so i really know the community we have hundreds of people residents of the visitacion
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valley and close by on the 422 bayshore street they walk to get off the bus the take their children and then wee the responsibility is to put the right place the organization a proper place a restaurant a popular place and a bus stop and putting a marijuana shop in that location is not a proper place so you know your responsibility with our discretionary please stop the locates. >> thank you, mr. how. >> next speaker, please. >> hi commissioners i'm marlene retired educator long term community volunteer and
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expert wittiness sponsoring the visitacion valley since the 1980s the merced mandatory discretionary review is bias given my 27 years of the community work i'm questioned why the project sponsor, please. >> is rb9d in tow in document on page 5 the project sponsor began the outreach approximately, one year ago which communities are they ref to why do they keep the neighbors in the dark and why when we sent invitation to the meeting of 2016 none of the nearest show up why did they innovate the gentleman to both of our meetings it unfair and disrespect to keep the residents upcoming informed while this group as over a year of head
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start. >> your time is up. >> thank you >> next speaker, please. >> hi commissioner i'm the longtime residents in visitacion valley i'm opposing the mcd in 244 bayshore on page 4 of your analysis under the heading co-compliance i questioned the letter that was online from the san francisco website the unsigned letter october 1st writing requires a letter of during the time you think the bayshore group is - would the balboa, however, the stem of the office of the treasure and tax clerk january 2017 of this year
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the bayshore is unrental i'm not not a - please understand how the registered person were able to get approval. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> yes, the reason i'm here is i'm against the opening of the cannabis medical center in the visitation area thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> and you can pull that mike
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up if it is more comfortable. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm a - i live in the neighborhood of the visitation region and here against the opening up of the cannabis medical center. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon no mcd our neighborhood okay. >> thank you thank you, mr. chan. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, everyone hello
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generation. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> have they made a suggestion petition to open up in our neighborhood. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i only found out today therefore i feel they do not respect our neighborhood. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i'm strongly against the availability of the mcd in our neighborhood thank you. >> thank you, sir next speaker, please. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> my name is a tina chang.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm very much against opening the mcd in our neighborhood because our children can have access to that facility and if they watch people take drugs they will think it is okay for them to take drugs too i'm very much against it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is - no mcd mcd. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> okay. yeah.
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>> it not good for our health. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> hold you if we could make an announcement to quietly move to the side of the room. >> can you say that again in the microphone. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you. >> okay my name is set to i'm against opening up mcd in my neighborhood not good for our
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second-generation. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm 91 years old no mcd thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is e line chino mcd. >> okay. >> thank you, ms. chin in depth hello no mcd. >> thank you, ms. shoe. >> next speaker. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm very much against opening up the mcd in our neighborhood thank you, thank
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you. >> no mcd in our neighborhood thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. >> next speaker, please. >> no mcd. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> okay. i'm against mcd opening up in the neighborhood because i'm a grandmother i have 3 kids in teenagers and i don't want any teenagers to have any exposure to such substance thank you, thank you very much. >> no mcd in my neighborhood thank you.
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>> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> no mcd in my - our neighborhood. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is a sandy chan the reason i come here today, i disagree opening more marijuana shops in anywhere in san francisco because mc marijuana is no good for our next generation and no good that smell you can smell everywhere in the bus and corner of the bus so i really disagree opening more marijuana shops
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thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. chan. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is wendy i have no mcd in our neighborhood. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i have two grandsons. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> no mcd in our neighborhood thank you. >> i have to grand kids they pray every tuesday and wednesday in the playground in the vigilance and many other similar kids also present so i'm very
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much against it. >> thank you, thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, everybody good afternoon i don't want to open the mcd in my neighborhood first one the health not good for the health the second thing not safety you don't know the people it take mcd what they going on and very, very close to any house and night life 1:30 going to be home when the people take the mcd don't know what is going on not safety thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. lee. >> next speaker, please. >>
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