tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV February 22, 2017 10:00am-10:31am PST
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>> welcome to wednesday february 22nd, regular meeting of the public safety and neighborhood services committee, i am supervisor ronan the chair of the committee to my right is vice chair supervisor, and we expect supervisor fewer shortly. the clerk is erica major and i would also like to thanks sfgov tv for staffing this meeting. can you call item one, please? >> yes. resolution retroactively approving the city and county of san francisco refugee services
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plan for the fiscal years, 15, 16, and 16, 17. >> great, and i understand that suzy smith is here who is the deputy director for the policy and planning for the human services agency. >> thank you. >> good moerrning i am joined ba few people, the refugee coordinator and two providers gladys and nancy from the lynn institute, after a say a few brief words they will say a few words about their programming. >> the item before you is a resolution approving san francisco federal fiscal year, 15, 16, and 16, 17's refugee services plans.
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these are submitted annually for the funding. san francisco is one of eight counties, that receives refugee federal refugee assistance funding and administered through the california department of social services and the 15, 16, allocation was totalled 214,000, and the 16, 17, allocation totalled 168,000 dollars. and the funds are used for newly arrived refugees that have been here eight months or less to help with the employment related services and so the job search assistance and the resume building and vocational education and things like that. there is also a small portion of the funding that is used for the people who are 60 years and older, and have been here for at least five years and that is to help the older refugees become citizens.
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>> it is a huge number of countries and the refugees in the program are from 29 different countries, in the central outh america, africa, china, south east asia and it is diverse for a relatively small progr program. and the contract with the hantos and the lynn institute and this year we have a knew come poen tent to identify and serve unaccompanied minors as we know there is unaccompanied minors for the last several years, hard to identify them, but the school district is a great partner in helping to identify them. so this year huntos and the school district and a few other clabive organizations are working together to identify the unaccompanied youth and to serve them and so we are happy about that addition to the program. and i just wanted to say a word about why we are submitting for the 15, 16 plan, retroactively.
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so, this california state department of social services has to approved the plan before we can take it to our human services commission and then to the board and td state did not approve the fy, 15, 16, plan until october of 2016. and the plan was approved on november, 9, 2016 and so a few weeks later we submitted it to our board and our human services commission and then to you, and staff followed up regularly with e-mails weekly and there was a hold up at the office, and we were directed to spend the money despite the fact that it was in the review process and this has happened one other time before and we have records indicating such. i will take any questions and i will let the provider say a word or two with the program, if that is okay? >> sure. my name is garcia, and i work for hontos and our mission is to
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promote economic self-sufficiency for san franciscans and the families for the occupational training and employment. in the past eleven years we have served 300 refugees averaging 30 per year. 170 successfully completed, 145 of the subsidized employment, and currently, we have ten, and 145, i am sorry, we have ten refugees attending esl level, 0-1. we have three attending level two to three, and seven attending eleven three to five. on friday, june 16, in collaboration with the human services agency in sf cares. huntos will once again host the refugee awareness month. please join us as we celebrate the refugees who were forced to leave their country to escape
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war and persecution and natural disasters and please mark your calendar and we hope to see you there. >> thank you. >> thank you. good morning, i'm nancy ren from the lynn institute, lynn is happy to say that next week we will celebrate the 25th anniversary. and the big piece of that services have been with refugees over the years. we have a very integrated program. where we provide services alongside with english as a second language services and skilled development. the skilled development allows an extremely diverse population not just ethically, but with regard to their educational and work history backgrounds is develop the strongest skills that they are able to do so, and move forward in to employment. the types of employment that our students have obtained range from everything from entry level janitorial to right now the data analyst for the mayor's office
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in new york city as a lynn graduate. and so everything in between that might address positions at such computer positions such as tech, and office clerk positions, etc. so we have a very strong relationship with a number of employers in san francisco. in particular we have a contract relationship with mercy housing. excuse me. through that opportunity for the last three and a half years, they have partnered with us to bring our graduates, and many of which have been refugees into entry level employment or the front desk clerks with our facility. they are not only interested in having those positions staffed but in the opportunity for advancement for these graduates in the last seven years, four of the students have gone as high as senior property management which is a position that pays over $60,000 a year with housing
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and all ranges in between, and so it has been a successful partnership. although we have the strong partnerships with many, many, employers. our completing of the placement rates are strong and we have over 85 completing and placement rates. we provide placement services not just for the students who are enrolled but as well we follow up with the students through the social media and other contact to maintain support with them and help them move into stronger positions as they have the opportunity and develop greater skills and in a culture to the united states. >> okay. thank you. would you like to speak as well? okay. great. go ahead would you like to say a few words. >> i am the refugee coordinator for san francisco county and i coordinate the services with the service providers within the human services agency. and these are successful
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programs. >> wonderful. >> and can you give a few more specifics about the services that you are going to provide, particularly to an accompanied minors, i have to say that i am very excited to hear that you are starting that new program that i was staffing former supervisor david compos on the legislation that created a guaranteed right to legal council for all unaccompanied minors that the former administration had put into place. which i, you know, at the time thought was just unconsciousable and to know that not only do unaccompanied right have the right to legal council but also the support of job training is music to my ears and i would love to hear more about that. >> at this time, we have created collaborations with the different groups, including the behavior health, mental health providers, and also outside of the school district, we have
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created very strong collaborations with the different programs. they have at the school level but right now, we have created an out reach position so we are creating this collaborations so that we can bring them in for the employment services as specifically. and for children that are 16 and over, they can get the employment services through both agencies and become self-sufficient, also they want to work, and we can create the part times that they need and also, we are working with the legal services for children. and lynn institute is in the same building and so they are working together to make sure that if they have any new, unaccompanied minors that received the status and they can start to receive services as soon as possible. so there are different groups, including san francisco, coalition for refugees and immigrants that is working with us and 27 agency and we worked with the mayor's office and the different departments to make sure that they know about our
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services our service providers and the benefits they can receive in the human services agency, which is cash, and with the unemployment services. >> that is great, thank you. >> supervisor? do you have any questions or comments? >> no questions. this is just a fantastic program. and so. would it be appropriate to move to adopt this resolution. >> sure. >> just going to see if there is any public comment. >> thank you so much for your presentation. now the opportunity for public comment. if anyone wants to comment on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor? do you want to make a motion? >> yes. i move to adopt this item. >> great. >> before we do so, could we excuse supervisor fewer from voting on this item? >> sure. would you like to make a motion ex-excusing supervisor fewer.
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>> sure i would like to move to excuse supervisor fewer from this item. >> so moved. >> motion passes. now, we would like to move a motion forward to adopt this item with positive recommendations >> so moved, second. >> thank you. >> and this item passes, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> clerk, could you call item number two? >> yes, ordinance replacing a provision of the planning code with the new provision of the administrative code requiring all city buildings that are accessible to the public to install and maintain at least one baby dieper changing accommodations. >> supervisor, did you want to continue this item? ible that is item three. >> yes, item number three is the one that i was going to continue. >> okay.
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>> thank you. very much. i see, sone from supervisor tang's office, hello. >> good morning, supervisors i'm diana with katie tang's office. this legislation was inspired by an act signed by president barack obama in 2016. it was called the bathrooms accessible in every situation. in that act the federal government agreed to require baby changing, baby diaper changing accommodations in every federal building. when we took a look at it, as great as that was, how many times, we thought how many times does that public access federal building and what are we doing on the city level to make sure that parents have access to appropriate accommodations for changing their children? we saw that of course, san francisco has led the way in 2005, the board of supervisors required new and renovated buildings to install baby stationing accommodations.
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but we thought that we could do more, based on what the federal government had done. so we changed three codes to accomplish three different opportunities. in the first we changed our administrative code, to require that all city buildings have public accommodations for baby changing stations. and we also that it currently offers the changing in the female bathroom that they must offer it in the bathroom for males or the all gender bathroom. >> we have heard experiences from where from my colleagues have gone into restaurants and there was accommodations in the female but not in the male bathroom. so she was forced to change her baby even though her partner was willing and able to do it. the third piece, although it was in the city code that new and renovated buildings are required to have accommodations.
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other they deal with the use of the building we were not seeing as much enforcement because they were not dealing with the internal aspects of it and did not have the opportunity to make sure that this code was being implemented. and so we spoke with the department of building inspection and they agreed to take this on into the building code. and have agreed to make sure that we continue to enforce this law that has been in place for the last decade or so. we were happy to see that we got the full support from the small business commission as well as the building inspection commission and the planning commission. through that process, a number of amendments have been asked, and these are all non-subnative and you also have a summary sheet in front of you. we changed on from accessible to
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used by, sometimes they are not accessible under the code but we want to make sure that there is still installing these accommodatio accommodations. and we also want to insure that there is clear language throughout. that they install of a diaper changing station does not in peed with any city and state and city laws regarding accessibility. >> and we heard this loud and clear and the committee and the building inspection commission to make sure that yes, we want these stations available but we don't want to impede the access to travel for anyone with a disability. also from 6 to 12 months, in case there are departments that have multiple floors and need to install multiple stations. and we change reference to both gender to all genders to make sure that there is this acknowledgment that there are different types of people identifying various types of ways. >> and we clarified the definition of what could be a baby changing accommodation, and you have those ones coming out
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of the walls or there could be a table and there is many ways that you can accomplish this. in the administrative code, we stated that the requirements of the ordinance will not violate or impair any existing contracts or leases and we clarified the waiver procedure and in case the bathrooms are too small and it impedes the accessibility issues and then, the departments can go to the building department as well as the administrative department to make sure that they can get that waiver. within the building code we widen the scope of the establishments to make sure that it acompasses many businesses from the daycare centers to the adoption centers to restaurants and everything in between. as long as that establishment offers a rest room to the public. and they are required to fulfill this requirement. but for instance, a laundry mat might not have a bathroom for the p you believe and so had then they would not have to fulfill that requirement. >> we added requirement that the signage be posted in compliance
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with section, 11 b. 16.2, which has to do with tactical signs. we amenlded the definition of renovated to say that it has to be the definition is 50,000 or more, renovations to a bathroom. and we included provisions that the ordinance does not require any reduction of the number of toilet facilities required by the law. so these were all suggested by both the department of public works, the department of building inspection and members of the public. so we tried to encompass all of those changes. >> lastly we want to make sure that we get the word out that we insure that all parents have access to the tools to properly care for their children and get rid of the mind set that only one gender is in charge of taking care of their children. we don't want to hear any more stories of people changing their child on the roofs of cars or in the back seats of cars or tables or in chairs, we want to make
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sure that our children are taken care of and the public as well. >> so thank you, and happy to answer any questions. >> i just want to thank you and supervisor tang omuch for this legislation, and i am sure that there are parents cheering all over san francisco right now, including me. i love to be added as a co-sponsor, please to this legislation, and just really appreciate this piece, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> is there anybody else who has any comments? >> yes. likewise, as a parent who has been through this, me and my husband with our daughter, the bathroom situation is just a nightmare, when she was little. and so thank you to supervisor tang and add me as a co-sponsor as well. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer, do you have any questions? >> thank you so much. is there anybody here to speak of public comment about this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed.
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can i have a motion to approve this item? >> i move to approve this item. >> great. that motion passes. i am sorry to interrupt, we had amendments that we would need to submit to change. >> thank you. >> could i have a motion to rescind. >> so moved. >> okay. >> without objection. >> and now could i have a motion to adopt the amendment. >> sorry, so i move to adopt the amendment $. >> second. >> without the objection the amendments are adopted. >> now i move to adopt the item amended. >> with recommendation. >> yes. >> so moved. >> thank you so much. item number three, please? >> >> a hearing to determine a comprehensive coordinated neighborhood and crime prevention strategy for san francisco, addressing issues including but not limited to robberies and break ins and
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break thefts. this is your item? >> could you move that to the call of the chair? >> no objection, and we would like to take public comment in >> if there is any public comment on item three, now is your opportunity to speak. seeing none, public item is closed. and there is a motion to continue the item to the call of the chair without objection. that motion passes. >> madam clerk, could you item four? >> yes, item four is the ordinance amending the administrative code to prohibit the city from using resource to create implement and provide investigation or information for o'brien others assist or support any government program requiring the registration of individuals on the basis of religion. i am sorry, national origin or ethnicity. >> thank you so much. so colleagues, i have passed out some amendments that i am introducing today. that respond to what happened at our last hearing on this item. when the public called for a
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private right of action. and really so moved us here in committee. that we have been working together with our city attorney's office and thanks so much to your office, deputy, city attorney. and with the community and in a very special thanks to alika for her work and guson in my office and britney and supervisor c cohen's office. we have created a private right of action and i am going to introduce that in a second. i also want to extend my thanks to both mayor lee and supervisor cohen for working cooperatively with us on these amendments. and once again, just want to recognize the amazing work of the american islamic relations of the san francisco bay area. the aclu in northern california, and the arab resource and organizing center, and the law caucus, an f
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