tv Port Commission 22817 SFGTV March 1, 2017 9:00pm-12:01am PST
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>> madam secretary? >> roll call, commissioner willie adams. >> here. >> kimberlee brandon. er >> commissioner woo ho. >> item 2, approval of the minutes of the february 14, 2017 meeting. er >> all in favor, say aye. er >> aye. >> opposed? >> item 3, public comment on executive session. >> is there any public comment on executive session? hearing none, public comment is closed. >> executive session >> >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? we are now in executive session.
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er >> conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation matter, and conference with legal counsel and real property negotiator. >> executive session. >> seconds. er >> all in favor, say aye. er >> oppose? ed madam secretary? >> pledge of allegiance. (pledge of allegiance). >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> please be advised the the use of cell phones and electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting, please be advised the chair may remove the order of the person any person of the ridging of,
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pager or sound electronic device, please remember that a member of the public have up to three minutes unless the committee adopts the shooter period. >> is there any public items on any items not listed on the agenda? going once, going twice, public comment is closed. next item? >> 9a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, president adams, vice-president brandon, i'm elaine, the port director, today i have one item to report. tomorrow, this port of san francisco is hosting a contracts opportunity open house which will be at pier 1 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., this event is to let business and trades know about upcoming contract opportunities with the port and with our development partners. the port's project managers
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will be on hand to explain upcoming contracts in areas of construction, engineering architecture, real estate development, environment and communication services. this is an excellent networking event to establish partnerships and to learn more about navigating the city's bidding process, we will have the contracts monitoring division on hand. the event will feature 9 tables with representation from port communication, engineering, environmental, real estate x the city's contract monitoring division and we'll have partners for the city and the san francisco giants. each solicitation, upcoming solicitation will have a fact sheet that will include the synopsis of the scope of work, the schedule of the rfp, the lbe goal and is the port staff contact. upcoming contracts have a big dollar value, we have crane cove park construction valued at 20 million dollars t sea wall resiliency program valued at 30 million dollars, and of
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course for city development, 200 million in infrastructure improvements, mission rock phase 1, 100 million in improvements, the sea wall resiliency project communications consultant, 1.7 million and other as need contracts. last year we distributed 44 million in contracts and this year, we expect 50 million in contracts. last year, if you don't include dredging, 65% of all contract dollars went to lbe businesses and we hope to do just as well this year, so please come tomorrow from 10 a.m., from 8-10 a.m. to pa*er 1 if this is an area of interest to you, i would like to thank willie adams and kimberly brandon for jienbacker joining us tomorrow and the commission's support. thank you, that concludes my report. >> is there any public comment on 9a, executive director's
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report? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item 9b, port commissioners' report. >> anyone have anything to say? commissioner brandon? >> i would like to thank director forbes and the staff for hosting the contract opportunities open house. i heard there was a huge response and i think it's a great way to get out the word of what opportunities are available at the port, so thank you. >> i also thank you and i want to report to my fellow commissioners and to the public and to director forbes what i've been up to since the last meeting, after our last port commission meet, i went up to sacramento on the 15th and 16th for the california maritime leadership symposium at the citizen hotel, we talked about transportation, real estate, that wednesday night, had dinner with senator pro tem o'donnell and state senator mendoza, the four most cities
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in the world with the most congestion and they rank like this, los angeles is number one in the world with congestion, moscow is number 2, new york city is number 3 and san francisco is number 4. and on the 16th as the conference concluded, we went to a port commission meeting and had lunch, [inaudible] was also there with me from the port and brandon [inaudible] from maritime, and we talked about money and transportation, there's close to a billion dollars in transportation projects that stand at the state level that we have to go after as we all know that jerry brown only has two more years, but the state senate and si amiably, they're working on long after governor brown is going on, so we have to look forward to going after those dollars. the afternoon of the 16th after that, i flew up to see a*lts, i had a meeting with elected officers friday the 17th and
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went to olympia washington to have a meeting with governor jay hence lee, governor jay and kate brown have met several times with mayor ed lee, they are also a sanctuary city, they had to deal with sea level rising, i've known the gofrn nor for many years and he sends his best to mayor lee, he said he'd like to stop by the port and say hi to attorney general bob ferguson, he took on the trump m*irns ration on the travel ban, he went up to the federal district cart up to washington state and came to the 9th district court and was victorious, he is still prepared if he has to go to the supreme court to defend that travel down up in washington state, i've known bob for a long time, i think he has a great career in politics if he
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should chooses. and i flew back to san francisco on tuesday the 21, i had a special guest here, united states senator angus king of main, he's an independent, he and susan collins are the two u.s. senators for maine, senator king was a two term governor, he joined elaine and byron and myself and naublt and the labor council for breakfast, he worked with senator fine tien stein in the u.s. senate and myself and byron took the senator out to a tour of the bay, he was impressed with what the port is doing here, he works closely with the port in maine and is supportive of some of the issues we have, i think elaine gave a good explain nation of what we're trying to do on sea level rise, he's an environmentalist, i look forward to visiting with
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senator king in washington dc, that night after the meet, i flew to cape town, south africa, my god daughter got married there on saturday but i landed friday morning, i met with the port of cape town, the port of cape town is a lot like our port, i met with the top officials, hopefully one day we can inform of a sister city and a city port with the port of cape town, they are now just starting to get into ferries, they're trying to build their cruise business, they roughly within their port get about 26 million visitors a year and they would like sometime to come out and see how we do. they're very impressed that what we have out here that you can walk down the pier down here and you can go to the explore y*um, you can go on the cruise ship, we have the park, and no waterfront is tied into the port at one time, it was, they have since sold their port
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off to dubai world and they're investing more money in containers, l and g and other products, the water taxis and ferries and infrastructure really -- they really seem to like that. i got in this morning after a 40 hour flight from cape town and made it here today for my port commission meeting and then i talked to my lobbyist today on the phone on the way and in front of president trump right now is a wish list for governors, right now there seems to be at the top of the list that governor brown wants his high speed rail for california, not much for ports but the two states na are really pushing for ports are virginia and south carolina, senator lindbacker lindsay graham and senator scott are pushing for ports and south carolina, so i wanted to give my commissioners and everybody an update what i've been doing as the president, it's been pretty full on and i'm glad to be here.
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thank you. >> i got tired just listening to your report. thank you for everything you've done. >> item from the consent calendar, item 10a, request approval of travel for a san francisco port commissioner to travel with port staff to fort lauderdale, florida for the sea trade cruise global conference on march 14-17, 2017, item 10b, request approval to issue a request for qualifications soliciting as needed public relations, communication, media s*ftses and related professional services. >> so moved. >> seconds. >> any public comment on 10a, resolution 1709 or resolution 1710, is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, all in favor of resolution 1709 and 1710, say aye. >> aye.
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>> opposed? resolution passed unanimously, 1709, 1710, next item, please. >> item 11a, information presentation regarding the proposed lease renewal with golden gate scenic steam ship corporation located at piers 43.5 in fisherman's waf. >> good afternoon, jay edwards, senior property manager division, i'm joined with demeet ri o moral, he's our m*irns creative analyst and also we'll have joe bigord, the vice-president of residents for the red and bhiet fleet presenting some background challenges from their existing site as well as their proposed improvements they hope to make at pier 43.5 and at fisherman's hater f, so as amy read, this is the first step towards a long term lease with red and white fleet at their current
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site, pier 43.5 and they're currently on a month to month month lease and they have been spending a lot of energy and effort developing plans, hiring consultants, going through all the steps necessary to really get their project to a point where they can come up and make this presentation to you today and seeking your input and guidance on how we move forward. so, the goal of these improvements is to secure the long term lease and they're going to make approximately 4.6 million dollars of improvements into water and shore side floats, ramps, a new ticket pavilion and joe is going to describe that in more detail, and in exchange for that, they are requesting a long term lease that we enter into and that with a couple of goals in mind, they would like to -- this project, they believer and we believe will enhance the business efficiency of the operations, it will provide
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improved aesthetics and circulation of the site and it will also hopefully increase the capacity in ridership and that has been growing rapidly here for red and white fleet, they've almost doubled the ridership in the last six years i believe, and now it's currently up to approximately 500 thousand passengers that are going out enjoying these excursion cruises, the bay and has really been a very well received -- they bought new vessels, they're investing in environmentally good stewardship in terms of some of the new vessels, joe is going to talk about that as well and all of these improvement ares going to flow back to the port in termser of increased percentage rent to us as we're paid on the gross sales and really help keep this long term tenant, they've been at this site for many, many years and it will keep their future here
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tat port of san francisco and that's our goal too. as you see, i've also included the maritime excursion lease renewal policy which adopted in 2010, and that policy was developed specifically to help retain our maritime excursion operators and just to -- there's a lot in that policy, i'll give you a couple of highlights here on why we think this pertains and the relationship to red and bhiet's project in this policy, so there are numerous conditions and obligations and in terms of the conditions, the improvements can't be amortized within an existing term, that's one of the conditions and they're on a month to month lease, so clearly that couldn't happen. the use is to remain relatively consistent, this is primarily a maritime birth, this is what they do, this is their specialty and that's what their intent is to continue on with. they have -- must be a tenant of good standing which they
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are, the improvements will be done at the tenant's expense which that's what red and bhiet is proposing and that the lease renewal must be reviewed and approved by the port commission and the board of supervisors as necessary. and then in terms of the obligations on the tenant, they must be an excursion operator, so they are, they must be -- the lease will be at market rent and that's what we're going to take on in our next step is negotiating the term sheet. the port will see participation rent on all sales. the tenant will disclose gross revenue and the port will have audit rights. the port will participate in proceeds from the sale, transfer or assignment of the lease. the tenant will comply with all ceqa provisions, and then finally the port has a right to renew -- not to renew the lease if we have proposed projects that would be in conflict with this and this site as you may
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recall at one point was being considered by the national parks service for the alcatraz embark kaition landing and we have now through a number of efforts refocused and are moving forward on pier 31 and a half, so this site is free to move forward with this long term lease and with that background, i'll have joe come up and provide his project overview. >> good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to address you with some information on our project. i'm going to start with a little background on the red and white fleet, i manl that many of you are familiar with who we are but i'm not sure you all know that our roots go back to 1892 when thomas crowly first rode out, his grandson, thomas usher purchased the company in 1997 and throughout
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that time, it's been a san francisco family owned and operated company and we continue to be that today. we're in the sightseeing business as jay mentioned, i believe you see a slide that shows some of our history in the upper left corner, this is our original ticket booth, pier at pier 43.5 where we are today, you see the cost of bay cruise with one dollars, we're charging a little more today, it gives you context of our site and the ticket booth, you could see that ticket booth did evolve, but stayed the same from sometime in the 1950's to the 1960's when the picture in the lower right hand corner shows the francis can and an older stage and the ticket booth with the iconic red and white fleet signage there which
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we plan to continue. today we have a ticket booth located there, you can see how it came in about 1980 on a forklift, it has three windows, this is the same ticket booth with operate today, we've seen considerable bro*et and ridership and revenue and we're really stretching our abilities to continue to offer an efficient and good service with the current infrastruck xhur so we like to incorporate infrastructure improvements with our lease renewal. a little bit about who we are, we're in the business of selling memories, our product is really of the experience, our passengers have on board are boats and they get to take pictures of the garden gate bridge and lots of scenery but what they always remember and what they tell us they enjoy most is our employees. we value our employees greatly,
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that's who we are, and you can see the diversity of our staff. we promote people from within, up there is a picture of one of our ticket agents who is now a captain of our fleet, we're unionized with ibu and our ticket agents are unionized, all of our employees get 100% of their health care premium paid for by the company which is quite generous in today's climb massachusetts -- climate, we employ veteran and is we're committed to our folks, they are who we are, that's what we sell. we also are committed to the environment and have been throughout our tenure as operators in the bay, we're making our living off the bay, we want to make sure that is a safe place. in the report, there's many of the initiatives that we have done throughout the years, and
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this slide shows a new vessel that we signed to have billed just a few weeks ago, it will be delivered in may of 2018, this is very forward-leaning in its technology, it will be the first vessel this size in the united states to be lithium ion plug-in hydrogen -- excuse me, this one is not hydrogen, this is more of a plug-in prius type hybrid vessel and some of the vendors there are shown oup there. this will be built in bellingham washington, a u.s. builder with u.s. parts, and we're expecting to see a 20% fuel efficiency with this. there's other -- this is phase 1, we'd like the get our fleet starting with this vessel to full electric operation. this puts us in context of the location of our operation, we're right in the heart of
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fisherman's wharf, these pictures were sited where our booth ares today, you can see the san franciscan along the waterfront where the pier 43 promenade project was complete in 2013, you can see the ticket booth there, and this is a top down view of what we're intending to do, i'll speak to the water side first which is the area in blue. the area in light blue shows our current water side lease area and the white infrastructure there, those are our current float, there's two floats and two gang ways, that creates three births, we're proposing to move our eastern float to the east about 40 feet, that will remain with two floats but four girthbacker births, this will increase our capacity, serve our guests, great access for the public to get out on the water and also will be -- this is a functional site for the water emergency
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transit so it serves as expanding the port's ability in order to respond to emergencies as well. on the short side, the area in light orange is our current -- you'll have to connect the light orange with the gray area to the right of the area, that's our current lease line, you can see the gray aware abut it is san franciscan, there's not really a clear walkway providing access for the pier 43 promenade, with the port staff input, we thought that if we gave up some of the shore side area and moved it to west side, we could extend our queuing to better reflect its current usage, disburse our crowds during peak time improving access there, and it shows the new ticket pavilion as well which is slightly larger than our current footprint but not significantly so. we are at about 430 square feet
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and this ticket booth was 580. this next slide shows some of the shore side improvements we plan to conduct, we would like to enhance the queuing for peak summertime on the weekends in july and august, we have large crowds, we're doing 18 departures a day in the summertime, and this arrangement would allow us to basically what's being provided today is the queuing only on the eastern side of the ticket booth, if we split that, we can sort of shrink the congestion and disburse the crowd somewhat. we're looking at doing surface treatment to make our area unique, it will continue to be public access. this image kind of shows the expanded view at peak times but all the equipment that's shown for queuing and barriers are movable and would be able to be
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retracted during winner time and off-peak times. i think that covers it. there's a proposal there in the lower corn e we'd also like to provide some shade, we can provide additional information on that request that we're proposing some limited umbrellas along the perimeter of our lease. >> this is a good depiction of the queuing status and in the wintertime, so basically november through march, we're in a more -- much smaller ridership profile so we would probably just use the eastern boarding area, we can board out of gates -- both gates that way, there's an ordinary queuing line for that, we can -- as ridership increase, we can move to the west side and do do* simultaneous boarding.
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part of the improvement includes the sea wall or excuse me, that's the wrong term, it's really the handrail, the access area for the public to make improvements to the railway, you can see in some of the images, there's chain link fence and an old timber rail we'd like the update to both reflect the improvements to our infrastructure in the way the building and also continue with the improvement nas the port has made at the promenade. this next image gives you a sense of the massing change of the building itself, it is slightly larger, but if you can see, we're proposing removing part of the -- there's a disused non-accessible platform in the tripod, just above the build ining the upper image, you can see a view blockage, that would be remove and had
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the building essentially stays the same size, same position, the signage remains, and part of the height that we're include lg in the building is to contain the ac equipment which is currently exposed so this would improve views from both the san frin scan and the [inaudible] which is the neighbor to the south of us. here's inspiration for the design of the ticket booth, this is the standard oil gas station located at jefferson and taylor some years ago, and you'll see in the design of the building as i bring it up a little closer we're harken back to that art deco time, this is consistent both with the wharf's history as well as red and white fleet's history along the area. that concludes my presentation and we're available for questions. >> great, thank you, joe, i
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would also like to let the commission know that tom usher is here, the owner of red and white sitting over there with his red and bhiet shirt and his red socks. so, thank you, joe, for the presentation, the next steps are really two-fold, one, red and white is going through all the regulatory approvals, they're listed here in the report and they've been actively and diligently pursuing those with some very great competent help from ellen jonk and cle and mk think, so they've got a good team and we had hoped to also in the -- pursuing those regulatory approvals working on a term sheet and getting all the business terms here back to the commission and present our term sheet and finalize the project scope and of course based on your feedback today, so that concludes our presentation. thank you. >> okay, is there any public comment, tom, why don't you
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come on up? with tom, i got a chance to see tom up in sacramento in the leadership symposium at the citizen hotel, tom gave a presentation, one of the guys was on the panel, so tom, welcome. >> thank you, i just wanted to thank the port staff at this stage, i'll thank the port commissioners after we get a signed agreement, the port staff has been very helpful and cooperative and it's very frustrating for an operator or tenant to deal with the port staff because they're stretched very thin, we've been very pleased with the support they've given us so i'm available to answer any other questions or anything else that we can do but we basically want to improve our facilities so our workforce can be more efficient so that the public still has access to the port and access to the water. >> is there any other public
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comment? anyone else on 11a? seeing none, public comment is closed. tonl, why don't you stay there, commissioners might have -- commissioner woo ho. >> thank you, i don't have a lot of questions but i guess i just want the know the direction of the term sheet because this is now having going from month to month to a 20 year lease and what are we -- are we -- the base rent is going to be reconsidered or is -- is it basically fixing this for 20 years or are there other terms that you think are going to be changed? >> so, right now, red and white pays a base rent and percentage rent, so we have recently through -- i exercised and instituted an increase in the percentage rent so that has been brought up to be consistent with our other maritime operators, and we are reviewing the base rent, what that appropriate level should be, we've had some preliminary
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discussions but, yes, everything will be looked at in terms of market value and market rent. >> okay, so then my question now, this is very helpful to have the informational background but it seems if the next step is to bring us the terms and approve it, i might suggest that we want an informational presentation on the terms so we can consider them before we finalize. >> if that's the way you wish us to do that, we'd be happy to did that. >> -- do that. >> thank you. >> i think i agree because it's kind of hard to understand what you're proposing without the terms, and understanding how long it's going the take to amortize the 4.6 million and what exactly we're getting in return for that. >> agreed. today's item was really an informational on the project itself and to seek any feedback from the commissioners about the proj, and to seek any feedback you all have about deploying the maritime policy on this lease, staff is recommended that we deploy the
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maritime policy on the lease, and other than that, we will come back with a full report and recommendation for approval of the lease and it sounds like the commission referencebacker preference is an info item and followed by an action item which is not a problem at all. >> right, and i think the policy because what it says is sort of in line with what you just said, the policy said we should be treating all of our maritime clients on this basis, so that get tos the market value, right? >> that's correct. >> okay. but i appreciate and i don't want the take away the thund e we appreciate that red and white is going to improve the facility and make it a better experience for all those who are coming to the waterfront, so that is the purpose i think of today is to appreciate that and ix e i guess we should say we appreciate that >> >> yes, we do. >> well, i think it's incredible that you have in your hands a half a million people a year who go and board your ships and your staff tours
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them around the beautiful bay of san francisco, so thank you for providing that service and helping to contribute to san francisco being one of the most important tourist destination ins the united states, and i also just want to commend you for giving your employees full health benefits in this day and age, i suspect that's not something you agreed with us or anybody else, that's something that you do as a matter of your business practice and i think it's incredibly important to acknowledge companies that are willing to do that and provide that. and then i also just want the see the terms as they get negotiated. the other thing i would be interested in seeing is what the cost is to the port over the 20 years, what we're expecting that we're going to need to contribute, so for instance, if we're getting an estimate of how much we're
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going to be compensated for the use of the port property it will also be important for me to have an idea of what we are budgeting for expenditures to maintain it or where that is in the negotiation. and then i guess i have one more question for you. you've been operating for -- since 1980, you're looking at operating for another 20 years, why three births, why four boats? is that the the sweet spot, do you think about doing more, is it that there's competition within the bay? is that the 20 year plan to continue with the three boats or do you look at the opportunity as a partner of ours to do -- to expand? >> yes, so we're currently at
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two berths and three vessel, we have three vessel ins the fleet and we're buying a fifth vessel, and we're keeping the number of floats there, that is the least amount of fill that we can do and we get 25% more, we get a fourth berth in there, so there is increased ridership, the arrangement allows for simultaneous boarding and disembarking which we don't have today, so there is -- it's designed to accommodate the growth we've seen over the last 40 years but most recently even the last six years, we've doubled our ridership but it looks further out, so it's a 20 year design and what was the other feature i wanted to mention? i thinkbacker i can't think of it, but we are looking to expand -- i know what i wanted to say was, you mentioned 1980,
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we've been operating at the same facility since the 1930's. >> oh my gosh. >> we're looking to -- the ticket booth is the same as 1980, we're not talking about -- we're really doing business out of a tent, we'd like to do it out of something nicer, we're using a facility that's been there for a very long time, we'd like to upgrade it and expand it and that expansion does anticipate considerable growth from where we we are today. >> well, the 100 year anniversary will be the timeframe of [inaudible]. >> [inaudible]. >> that's great. >> thank you so much for the presentation, and thank you for the diversity and your staff x the generosity you have to your staff. i think it's great that you guys have been such a great
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long term tenant and have been great partners with the port for so long, and i look forward to the terms of this deal. thank you. >> commissioner katz? >> i concur with my colleagues' comments and i also want the thank you for the movement to the hybrid vehicle and cleaner technology, i think that really sets an example for others on the water and something we've tried to do with our shore power, and also along the waterfront is really reducing the emissions to the environment, so i appreciate those efforts as well, and the terms of the design that you're proposing, i like the blend of the old and the new and modernizing the booth, i think it's a nice way of indicate toing the public what the history here as well as that we've moved into the modern age and i look forward to seeing the lease terms when they come back to us, thank you for all you do the visit our visitors on the bay: i want to thank you for the presentation and tom, i want to thank you for being
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progressive with the hydrogen and where you want to go in the faou khu, i liked the presentation up in sacramento in the the sim poem yuz, you think out of the box and we appreciate, once again, i want to say thank you. >> thank you, commissioners. >> item 12a requests authorization to award construction contract number 2784, pier 23 roof repair project, to pioneer contract toser inc. in the amount of 2 million 269 thousand 800 dollars and authorization for a contract contingency fund of 10% of the contract amount for unanticipated contingencies for a total authorization not to exceed 2 million 496 thousand 780 dollars. >> good afternoon, president adam, fellow commissioners and director forbes, my name is
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wendy proctor, i'm senior architect here at the port of san francisco. i'm here to request authorization to award the pier 23 roof repair project, construction contract 2784, to pioneer contractors inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the amount of 2 million 26 thousand 800 dollars and authorize the con stin generals ski fund of 10% of the contract amount of 226 thousand 890 tlaursbacker dollars for a total authorization not to exceed 2 million 496 thousand and 780 dollars. basically what amy said. so, this slide shows the location of pier 23, it's circled and indicated with the air owe, it's worth noting it's next to pier 19 which is the
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adjacent sister pier because it has similar characteristics and structural composition which was reproof in 2010 using port revenue bonds, so this would be a continuation of similar type of work. pioneer contractors is a local business enterprise contractor locate ined the bayview district of san francisco. pioneer's bid includes 22.77lbe subcontractor participation which meets the requirements of the admin code, chapter 14b. through this contract, pioneer will also be committing to meet the requirements for the city's local hiring processes for construction. the project supports port strategic plan strategies of renewal by rehabilitating an important historic resource in the embarcadero historic district. it promotes liability bying living wage jobs and providing opportunity for local business enterprises to meet local hire
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requirements in construction prints and also sustainability because the project will use best patsies during construction. this project will provide a new roof for pier 23, it will restore the windows and it will also be an important part of maintaining our port resources. that concludes my presentation on pier 23, if anyone has any questions? >> so moved. er >> second. >> is there any public comment on 12a? is there any public comment on 12a? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner katz? >> thank you for the presentation, both the brevity and also really appreciate the work that was done to ensure that we exceeded our lbe hiring goals, the numbers are really impressive and really demonstrate what we've been talking about here so i want to thank you for that, and a quick
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question on the goals during their nesting season, given we're having such a rainy season, will that change the timeframe in which the goals might be nesting or will they come in while it's still pretty -- do they only come when it gets dry or are they a time certain? >> they're very time certain, they basically go from april through september and they start getting very territorial in march, so it's we've been doing on many of the roof project iss to get the contractor on board prior to the start of the nesting season so they can disrupt the territory. each pier i found over the ten years i've been here has a very different demographic, some are more popular than others. this particular one is while we're out there investigating, you can get a sense of how many
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birds love our the site, and this particular one is not as well loved as say pier 29 .5, very well loved, but this one is not as much. >> thanks very much. >> commissioner kounalakis. >> so, i'm new to looking at these, so my question to you is, when you have an authorization to go up to 3.74 million for a construction project, i think that's what i'm understanding from the report. >> the not to exceed amount, which is -- you might be looking at -- >> what is the not to exceed amount? >> the total authorization not to exceed would be 2 million 496 thousand 780 dollars. >> that's the bid that came in. er >> the contract amount is --
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the contract amount is the bidding amount which is 2 million 269. >> before you went to bid. >> we had a budget. >> yes. >> this came in under our budget. >> right. >> that's what i see here, right, is that the budget was 3.74. >> right. >> and it goes out to bid, it comes back at roughly 2.5. >> yes. >> which is substantially less. my question for you is how confident are you since the construction budget, the million dollars more than the bid amount, that they're going to be able to do this for the amount that they say and we're not going to run into extensions and cost overruns and other issues? >> i am confident on this one because if we were to compare -- a lot of people are wanting to compare this to pier 31 because pier 31 has just happened. pier 31 is not a model project,
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it is an anomaly that the port, it's the first time the port has made a decision to put that much investment into a pier that was deferred maintenance since world war ii. this pier that pier 23 was built and pier 31 is exactly -- well, it's 99 years old, it was built in 1918, sorry, yes. so, this pier was built in 1930's and it was last roofed in the 1970's and it was occupied by the foreign trade zone up until -- it's in the report. i want to say 2007 i think. so, it was lived in which is really important, so it haddock pants, the occupants
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are going to be watching the maintenance. another huge difference that i plainbacker explained to people frequently is that all the piers are a little different from each other, like pier 33 and pier 31 are like sister piers, they're completely made of wood, the columns, the beams, the trusses, the deck, all made out of wood and -- >> you don't know what you're going the find once you get in there. >> the wood is going tor more extensive damage. >> the sister piers were same structural damage and it was steel with steel trusses as the primary structural support and it has wood decking and when you walk inside, you can see there's very little staining which is one of the indications when you have extensive water damage. >> so, i understand your basis for thinking it's not likely to go over this or the 10%
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contingency, but why very briefly would the construction budget be significantly more than what the ultimate bid was, the winning bid was? >> we base the construction -- when we designed -- we do the construction drawings and we send it to a professional cost estimator for cost estimating so we base it on their -- that's the budget, we get the cost estimate back and we say, do we have that money to fund it, and -- >> i understand the process, i'm saying, is 30, 35 percent typical in terms of what the estimator comes up with versus what the bid ends up as? >> part of it is also contractors n the bid summary which i believe is attached at the end, you can see the range, and the crack tersest or drk contractors are across the board, this particular
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contractor is a local business and they've done a great number of projects with the port, so they have that to their advantage, they're local, they don't have to drive across the bridge, that's time and resources, that makes that easier. they are very seasoned roofing contractor and general contractor, they roofed pier 27 cruise terminal, they roofed pier 21, they roofed pier 45, they've done some other project ins the city, so they have a good reputation, so i'm confident that they are not -- >> i can make a couple of comments about this. our projects come in under an over engineers estimate, they go in both directions, the more bidders we get t more likely we are to come in under engineers estimate and here you can see that while this is clearly the lowest bidder, the second
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lowest bidder is approximate or it's a cum hundred thousand dollars more, so as you look at this five bidder portfolio, it wouldn't bring a lot of red flags because bidder number 2 is close to bidder number 1 and while there is a range, they are clustered around one another. >> sure. okay. that's it. >> commissioner brandon? >> thank you for your presentation and i support this item. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner woo ho? >> i think we've gone through enough discussion here, i think it's fairly straight forward and i think the answer that you just gave that this crack tor has worked with us a lot already and has a good reputation i think then gives us confidence that this bid is a good bid and they will perform and the quality will be up to expectation, so i think that's probably the important part and i guess the questions i think that commissioner kounalakis raised sfarsz how we estimate, we're just check tog
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see that we don't see any problems down the road but i think you answer ted question that this is a reliable contractor that we've worked with before. er >> thank you. >> colleagues, if there's no more discussion, all in favor of resolution number 1711, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? madam secretary, next item. >> item 12b, request for authorization to modify construction contract number 2762r, pier 31 roof and structural repair project to increase the contract amount and extend the substantial completion date. >> thank you, good afternoon again, president adam, fellow commissioners and director fosh poses, wendy problem tor, i'm here to request authorization to -- sorry. i provided a status update -- >> 17. >> did i say 16? >> no, but we aren't in 2017.
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>> on december 13, 2016, last year, i provided a status update to the unforeseen critical repairs which required additional time and funds to complete the pier 31 roof and structural repair project construction contract 2762r. port staff has worked closely with the contractor regarding the additional work and negotiations are complete. today i return to you to request authorization for a contract modification to issue a contract change order to complete the contract -- to increase the contract amount by 286 thousand 874 dollars and the contract duration for substantial completion by an additional 87 days. the tables here show the
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amounts, i can go over those or i can point out the table. the proposed contract change order is necessary to account for delays and additional costs due to the unforeseen conditions beyond the crack -- contractor's control. pier 31 is indicated here with the arrow and the tables here show the original amount, the contingency amount t not to exceed amount, the amount that we went in excess of that and then the original duration, the contingency duration and the additional days needed beyond that. staff worked diligently with the contractor to manage the additional work and now we are completing -- the project is substantially complete, it will be final completion on march
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19th. the project supports port strategic plan strategies, the strategy renewal by rehabilitating an important historic resource in the embarcadero historic district. sustainability, the project included best practices for construction, so this shows a little bit of before and after and hopefully you can get a sense of how long the deferred maintenance was and what an improvement this has made for this important resource. this also showing a little bit before and after, so people will be occupying this pier now after it was red tagged in 2009, so this supports economic vitality, at this site, the port will develop the long term lease with the national park service supporting the alcatraz tour operations and will provide for leasing in the shed to steepen the port's revenue base. the port is also negotiating
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with the department of elections, will be occupying the shed and ongoing public parking in pier 29.5 which will now be dry, and then lastly, livability, this project has promoted living wage jobs and provided opportunity for local business enterprises to meet local hire requirements for construction projects. the lbe contracting orients for the base project was originally at the bid time was 20%t contractor came in for the base bid with actual participation of 32.77, and with the increase of work with this change order, we are now at 37.67% of lbe participation. and it's worth noting the prime contractor and one sub crack tor that was in the additive alternate bid which is not
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counted twaords twa*dseseder the lbe participation are also lbe certified contractor and is they're locate ined the bayview district. the prime contractor located in bayview self-performed 53% of the local -- of the total completed contract work. that concludes my presentation, if you have any questions, i'm here to answer. >> so moved. >> second. >> is there any public comment on 12b, any public comment on 12b? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner woo ho? >> thank you for this report. i guess number one, i'm pleased to see the lbe percentage has been exceeded, so dually noted for the commission which we always encourage that. i guess just a couple of questions given that the other one was much more straight forward, does the increase and the delay -- you mentioned that in the staff report that
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there's more deterioration, so when they started to do the work, did they find more work that had to be done to fix the issue and then, secondly, can you explain what unforeseen conditions in termser of the delay factor? >> i'm going to go back to this slide that shows the -- >> is it just basically the actual deterioration or is it also other unforeseen conditions, i'm trying to understand? >> yeah, unfortunately commissioner woo ho was not here for the updates which has a lot of information, kind of embellishing everything, but in general, many of the unforeseen conditions were related to the dry route. >> that's all you need to answer, and i also wondered whether weather has also been an issue? >> this was deferred maintenance since world war ii, so water has been coming into this roof. >> but just the weather, it
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being difficult to work under these conditions in the last two months, we've experienced bad weather. >> it was primarily to finding more structural members that had to be replaced, a lot of it had to be special ordered, it's special sizes because it's historic, the terms that you buy off the shelf today don't match historical materials. >> we have used robot construction in other project and is have found them sufficient? >> it was not an issue with the contractor at all, it was an issue with a lot more structural damage than we had anticipated. >> okay. that's all my questions. >> commissioner katz? >> i think it's pretty straightforward. just in terms of increased costs, did that come out as change orders or general contract modification, i couldn't remember? >> the way it works is we have the original contract amount, we have our authorized 10%, with when we exceed that 10%,
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then we have the ability to negotiate beyond that 10% and that's what this is which is the amount above and beyond the 10% contingency, it is issued as the final change order. >> now it all makes sense to me and i know we went through it a while back. >> when the roof ares redone, do we do anything -- i know we have a history i guess of deferred maintenance as this demonstrated, when we put on the new roofs, are there new materials that will potentially give us a longer life span or do we address some of the issues that caused some of the deterioration when we bid these out, or do we have to stick to some sort of historic -- >> we use a standard sheet for the flat roofs, we use a standard sheet product which is at a 20 year warrantee and usually you can go a little bit beyond that. >> is there anything that has a longer warrantee or is that about as much? >> you can still get a 30 year
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warrantee, that would probably be more expensive. >> okay. thank you. >> if i may say one thing about pier 31 is it was last reproof 70 years ago, so this is an example of the port not roofing timely and letting the roof leak for sometime which obviously caused much more structural damage and when i arrived at the port, we were considering demolishing the building so we didn't have a plan of finance for it for sometime and we thought we wouldn't be able to repair it sh we let it go for far, far too long. in our capital project review and when we bring you the budget, we often look at improvements that if we delay will cause us more money down the road and this is a perfect example of delay costing more money down the road but i just wanted to put that on the record, that it's been 70 years since we've reproof this facility. >> and i would that i don't think we have any other that is are quite that long.
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>> commissioner brandon? >> thank you for the presentation and based on this, it seems like we're lucky that we're only 300 thousand order contingency. >> yes, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioner kounalakis? >> it looks good, yeah. >> great. >> thank you for the presentation, colleagues, since there's no more comments, all in favor of resolution number 17-12, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? resolution 17-12 passed ewe nan nous. >> our next item. >> item 13, new business. >> colliding, is there anything that you would like on the forward calendar? okay, i just wanted to give a shout-out to s gov tver, thank you for being in the house and thank you. >> i move to reconvene in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> oppose? ed weexecutive
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session. ( >> i move to reconvene in open session. >> second. >> all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> i move to disclose that in closed session, the commission unanimously approved the proposed terms of the tolling and interim operating agreement between the port and mriek ka engineering inc. as described in 4a1a, towing agreement will allow the shipyard to remain operating for the next 90 days bhiel the parties work on an operating plan for the shipyard while the litigation proceeds. the commission directed the executive director and port staff to work with the city attorney's office to prepare the towing agreement for the port and plague gas sixty and not to disclose anything else discussed in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? >> i move to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor, say aye. er >> aye. >> opposed? it is 8 -- no, 13 after 5:00,
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supervisor fewer, not present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor ronen, present. supervisor present. supervisor sheehy, present. supervisor tang present. supervisor yee, present. supervisor fewer, present. madam president you have a quorum. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you. colleagues are
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there-madam clerk is there any communication snz >> i haveio no communications. >> any change tooz the january 9th inaugural minutes or january 10 minutes? is there a motion to approve the mrnts? moved by supervisor kim and second by safai, can we take that without objection? without objection the meeting minutes will pass after public comment unanimously. madam clerk, let rr go to the the consent. >> item wurn through 4 are considered routine. if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. >> seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk please call the roll. >> peskin, aye. ronen, aye. safai, aye. sheehy, aye. tang, aye.
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yee, aye. breed, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye. fewer, aye. kim, aye. there are 11i aye. >> the item is passed on the first reading and finally passed unanimously. >> item 5 roughered without recommendation from budge squt finance 250 authorize city and county officials to execute and file on behalf of the city actions necessary for purpose of obtaining state and federal assistance for the federal fiscal year 2017 urban area initiative grant. state home land security grant. maerj emergency management grant and oil spill grant. >> supervisor cohen. >> good afternoon and good
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afternoon ladies and gentlemen. i want to thank you for agreeing for a two week continuance. this is a request qu made fwo weeks goy and since the last meeting i had a opportunity tostakeholders particularly those unalameda county and this include the almeady countsy sheriff greg ahorn who created urban shield program and quite honestly out of the entire grant this particular program, the urban shield program was appoint of concern and it illicited a lot of discussion. so, in my conversations with the sheriff, it helped me understand a broader perpective on the program, inception and how it was utilized and most importantly implemented across the entire region. i'm more comfortable position about this item today than the last time we spoke about this item so i
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will support the item and hope you will join me in support. there is a caveat. in discussion in the committee, we discussed possibly exploring and creating trailing legislation and i believe supervisor yee will take the lead on the trailing legislation so that is more to am. i also understand that the item before us today cannot specifically address or enforce some specific issues and i believe that the right vehicle to address the challenges is through the trailing ordinance and those challenges are similar emergency training programs, what exactly is our police department involvement thichb training programs and to what extent. thank you very much for allowing the space and time do our due dilliance talking to elected leaders and various counties
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effected by this prepared in the grant. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor cohen. supervisor yee. >> thank you, president breed. colleagues, i want to thank for visor cohen for her leadership amending the resolution to send a message to the counter parts in the bay area security initiative. i also want to recognize san francisco as a member of bay area urban area security initiative is responsible with our fund and duties as a fiscal agent. i cu-mind the leadership of director koenenburg insuring we are thoughtful in dispersements of fund. we spend the majority the fund to support the first responders. these grants are not only to support the personnel but also invest resources in important work the community preparedness through the
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neighborhood emergency response team, nert and provide invalable train ing to our community members. i do not want to undermine the work that done and we continue to dood, however, due to limitation oz thf role as a fiscal agent i believe it is also our responsibility to follow through on our word. urban shield is conflicting. on one hand it aims to promote public safety and other instills #2350er and terror in the very communities it aims to protect. the model of urban shield is intense training for intense times. extreme times also call for extreme measures. we are in a different time. we have a federal administration that has no respect for the law or for the values we uphold as a community. i think we to send
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a strong message through action not just words. while our role as the fiscal agent is limited withholding fund and activities such as those at urban shield we have a choice where wl we should send our staff to the training and have a choice whether or not we should be a fiscal agent. according to department of emergency management, san francisco had 267 personnel that took part in urban shield in alameda county. this same event that calendar of violent disturbing culture of guns and militarization. i am as a supervisor cohen mentioned work wg the city attorney and supervisor cohen's office to look into legislation to prevent future participation of san francisco personnel in urban shield. as for todays resolution, i have to say that
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there is a bunch of posters that were shown at the committee meeting and each one of them was pretty impactful when i looked at it. i'm going to show them-there is too many. one in particular that got me was this one. i don't know if the audience can see this. i won't say what it says. again, i'm not here to convince my colleagues, you need to do what you need to do, i just need to do what--what i have to do. i just have to go on my moral
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compass on this decision and i won't be supporting it. >> thank you, supervisor yee. i like to remind the audience there is no applause in the chamber. if you like to be recognized for support of anything please wave your spirit fingers, if you oppose something please use your thumbs. thank you very much. thank you, sorry you are out of order. supervisor fewer. >> thank you, chair. in voting for this i think that i also am very conflicted because the grant urban shield is very small part of the grant and i know a lot of our jurisdictions depend on the money so want to say and caution us when we militarize or police, when we start talking about a war on drugs, when we use the language or the federal language uses war on immigrant, war on terrorism,
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any time we phrase use that phrase a war on something then we as citizens of the united states and as residents of are vulnerable and think we should actually work against the militarism of the san francisco police department and all plees police departments we know what happened on the war on drugs which is most vulnerable in the communities are victimized so i want to thank supervise se cohen and yee for taking leadership. i think this is a very scary time, but whau we do not need is declare a war on the people of san francisco, so thank you very much. >> thank you for supervisor fewer. supervisor ronen. y i also want to thank supervisor yee and ronen especially the follow up legislation you are workic on to make sure san francisco city employees do not participate in urban shield going superforward. i think that is important
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legislation and legislation i will be supporting when it ams to the board. i will be supporting this item today because of the important disaster response onse roll pplays in the city but i want to thank you work ogen that legislation and let you know i'll be with you. >> thank you, supervisor ronen and thank you supervisor yee for your comments and supervisor cohen for taking the lead on digging deeper into this particular matter. with that madam clerk seeing no names on the roster please call the roll. >> supervisor peskin, aye. ronen, aye. safai, aye. sheehy, aye. tang, aye. yee, no. breed, aye. cohen, aye. farrell,
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aye. fewer, aye. kim, aye. there are 10 aye and one no with supervisor yee in descent. >> the resolution is adopted. please call 6 rks 8 and 11 together. >> item 6, 7, and 8 together? >> 6-8 and 11. 6 is authorize the department of environment to expand grant fund from prospect silicon valley to perform stakeholder engagement and knowledge transfer for the market bureau project to bring existing local grocery store to near net zero energy over the term may 17, 2017 through march 31, 2020. item 7 is 3 million dollar award through the pu c, mou with bay area government for implementitation of low r
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cherry equidict. item 8 is $404 thousand grant from the federal maerjs management agency through the california governors office of emergency service for the hazard mitigation grant program. i called 67 and 8 together and now i will call 11. item 11 is resolution to ret roactive authorize the office of district attorney to expaend $982 thousand grant from california governors office of emergency services for the victim witness assistance program for the grant period july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2017. >> alright. seeing no names on the roster madam clerk please call the roll. >>itex 6, 7, 8 and 11. peskin u aye. ronen, aye. safai, aye. sheehy, aye. tang, aye. yee,
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aye. breed, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor fewer, aye. supervisor kim, aye. there are 11 aye's >> the resolutions are adopted unanimously. madam clerk please call items 9 and 10 together. >> item 9 and 10 are two resolutions that authorize the general manager of public utilities commission or pu c to execute purchase and sale agreemental with plesenten for 3.18 acre ozf real property located at 401 and 403 old bernal avenue for 4.2 million. 10 is execute purchase and sale agreement for the conveyance by the city buyer of three parcels between helen drive and dexter drive mill bray california for 2.3 4 million
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to adopt the appropriate findings and authorize the pu c general manager to execute document squz make modifications. >> same house came call? without objection the resolutions are adopted. let's go to itm 12. >> item 12 is ordinance to mend the environment code to adjust the incentives in the solar energy incentive program and revise certain program requirements into affirm the planning department ceqa determination. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance passed on the first reading. madam clerk please call item 13 through 37. >> item 13, 37 adopt and implement amendment one accept when specified as amendment 2 to mou between the city and following
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unions, to implement base wage agreement for fiscal year 17, 18 and 18 and 19 and extend terms through june 30, 2019. item 13 mu shenest union local 1414 the association of machinist and ero space workers and automotive trade. 14, the mou and craft coalition. 15, the mou between the city and san francisco deputy probation officer association. item 16, mou between the city and san francisco deputy sheriff association. 17, the mou between the city and international brotherhood and electrical worker loct 6. 18, amendment number 2 between the city and international federation of professional and technical engineering, local 21. item 19, the mou between city and san francisco institutional police office association.
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item 20, city and mew nisple attorneys association. item 21, mou wurks between the city and exec#26b association and implement base wage increase and other term squz conditions of empliment. item twoorks the mouu between city and operating engineering 3 of international union of engineer. item 23, mou city association of journeyman of plumbing and pipe fitting. 24, the painters. item 25, city and san francisco managers and supervisor association. item 26, the mou between the city and teamsters loct 80, 856. item 27, ordinance compensation for persons employed by the city
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who's compensation is subject to provisions of a 8.409f the charter and job codes not represented by employee organization and establishing wages working schedules and terms and conditionoffs employment effected july 1, 2017. 28, building inspectors association. item 29, the mouu between city and san francisco district attorney investigator association. item 30, to adopt and implement amendment 2 the mou between city and labor international union local tw 61 to implement other terms and conditions of employment. item 31, to adopt and implement number 2 to the mou, the understanding between the city and service employees international union local 10 to 1021. 32, amendment 1 through 16-17 between the city and service
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employees international union local 221 staff and perdeem nurses. adopt and implement amendment 1 to the 2014-2017 mou beteen the city and oprailting engineering, the station engineering local 39. 34, adopt and implement amendment one between the sit squae operating engineering local international union operating engineer, the supervisor probation aufsser. item 35, adopt and amendment 1 between the city and transport workers union aflcio local 200. item 36, ordinance to adopt and implement amendment 1 to the 2014-2017 mou between the city and transport workers union local 250 a automotive serbs workers, 7410 and implement the base wage agreement. for item 37,
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ordinance to adopt and implement amendment 1 to the mou, the city and transport workers union local 250 a, multiunit 28. >> colleagues can we take those items same house same call? without objection those ordinances pass uninanimously on the first reading. next item. >> item 38 is reto actively authorize the sheriffs department to contract with global tell link to provide telephone service memorialize rates and reduce the cost of local call by 34 percent and authorize the sheriff to xhurz exercise the agreement two 1 year options to extend the term not to exceed 5 years. >> without objection the resolution is adopted uman msly. >> item 3 9 amend the planning code to allow amusic arquaid in south of market and afirm the ceqa determination and make the
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appropriate findings. >> same house same call? without objection the ordnance passed on the first reading. >> item 40 is anend environment ced to upgrade of municipal buildings. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance passed on the first reading. please call item 41 and 42 together. >> item 41 amend the planning administrative and health code to wave the linkage fee and affordable housing requirement and alternative water supply requirement to create exemptions to reduce the transferability development right for project located at 950-974 market street in san francisco in exchange for dedication of real property at 180 jones street to the san francisco mayor's office of housing and community development at no cost and approve a payment of
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approximately 11.25 $11.25 millions to 180 jones street to establish the one 80 jones street fund and sapt a 2 poilt $7 million gift to affordable housing fund and accept a $300 thousand gift to the city to create the compton district stabilization fund oo support the city efforts to recognize and support historic and present day tlgbt communities. item 42 is resolution to approve and authorize agreement permitted under a separate ordinance file 161066, for the conveyance of 4744 square foot parcel of real estate for $10 for the mayors office of housing and community development and make the appropriate findsings and take action for both items. >> pr visor kim. >> thank you. i'm excited to have this legislation before us today, which i introduced last fall
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that dedicates land at 180 jones treat used as a parking lot to create 60 unit for single room occupancy resident. the project sponsor for 95 omarket street worked very closely with our committee members in theteneder loin and office to purchase the land and dedicate affordable housing for the buildout of 180 jones acknowledgeic low market rate condoes will not be available or eligible for most resident in the tenderloin. the primary project and 180 jones project is important to connecting our midhadf market and tender line and insuring we build diverse etaf housing. the value of land puchs and contribution to the fund is approximately 25 percent of the on site aforeable housing opigation. this agreement that is caughtify in item 41 and 42
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also includes a funding of $300 thousand to spaert the creation of compton historic tlgbt. this funding will be use today support the creation of a cultural heritage district in the tenderloin, support transjnder focus community and support one or more commercial and non-profit store front in the neighborhood. in addition to the affordable housing benefit and compton tlgbt fund out lined tin in the items, the developer committed additional amount to the neighborhood. $3.7 million for the build' out affmagic theater a non-profit art space. $350 thousand for public space and safety. $250 thousand to community for construction mitigation impact. another 1 hundred
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thousand for temporary relocation. $300 thousand for workforce development to insure neighborhood residents are able to access the jobs these developmented will crete through the hotel portion the development. car check with local 2 for the hotel that is built on site and of course remaneing committed to one percent arts fee. i do want to recognize the 950 market coalition which includes the central city sro collaborative. our market street for the masses, compton coalition and the staff of the mayor's office of housing rfx cay heartly, olson lee, jeff buckley, department of real estate planning, oewd, the city attorney, my legislative aid, april [inaudible] and joy ow and the team working over many year tooz bring the major development to the neighborhood and contribute to affordable housing tenderloin resident can benefit
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from and enjoy. we know step up houses is needed. many of the lowest income resident remain in a single room occupancy hotel much longer than they intend. freezing housing unit for those homeless and the streets. the step up housing allows the resident who lived in sro buildings for a long time and maintained good credit to step up and slightly better and larger affordable housing unit freeing up the sro unit for those individuals that are on our streets. colleagues i ask for your support on these two items and thank you for your support. >> thank you supervisor kim. seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues can we take those items same house same call? without objection those item pass unanimously. next item, please. >> ite 7843 is resolution to authorize and aproperty office
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of community investment and infrastructure to mayor's office of housing and make appropriate findings such accept ans and in accordance with ceqa and planning code. >> take the item same house same call. without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item 44 expand the requirements for all city buildings that babeer diaper changing accommodations made available for use by the public to install and maintain at least one changing acodidation available for men and women to further amend the police code to require a baby changing station available to install and maintain for use by men or available to be used by all genders and amen the building code to require new public service establishments and public
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service establishment with renovated toilet rooms install the changing accommodation jz make the findings. >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance passes unanimously. >> item 45 is ordinance to a-mind the administrative code to prohibit the city using resources to create, implement proig investigation or information for enforce or otherwise assist or support any government program requiring that the registration of individuals on the basis of religion, national origin ethnicity or creating a database on religion or national origin or ethnicity. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much madam president. good afternoon colleagues. on january 24, 2017 i introduced this piece of legislation along with mayor lee and it is to reject any attempt from the federal
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government to force the city and county of san francisco to par ticipate in thecretion of a registry or database for people based on religious belief , national origin orethnicity. the landmark ordinance has gone through many amendments resulting in the strong piece of legislation that you see before you today. in particular, it took-in particular i took into consideration and acted upon the request to include a stronger enforcement mechanism for the legislation from the advocates who directly contacted my office as well as community members who will be directly impacted by a database or registry. including a call to action clause for anyones information is share frd the federal government for
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registry is a step that i do not take lightly. i believe what we are voting on today send a strong message to would be offenders as well as to those who might be targeted based on religioncountry couldn't of ordure or ethnicity. san francisco i think i can stand before you to say is united and against bigotry and we will fight for the safety and liberty of all our residents. sep rating people because of who they are or how they worship is shourt sighted lazy and dangerous to all our freedom s something we must say no to. in the declaration of being a sanctuary city we must provide sanctuary to resident regardless of race and sexual orientation or immigration status. you see we fight for
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the safety and liberty of all our residents so i like to thank many stakeholders with whom i had the plezer to coordinate over the past seberal weeks to make the ordinance a strong piece of legislation, a legislation i hope other mew municipalities will duplicate. specifically i like to recognize the asian law caucus, asian american advancing justice, the council on islamic american relations, american civil liberty union, the eric resource organizing center and many other community members here today that contacted my office made phone call squzsent e-mails and letters of support. lastly i want to-what has come to my attention is hsa has raised concerns regarding how this ordinance may prohibit their department and that's the human service aerjs under
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the leadership of trnt roar how they raised concerns how the ordinance may prohibit their department or other city agencies from collecting ethnicity or national origin data. so, to be clear, this ordinance is only aimed at disclosure. not our internl collection. collecting data insuring services are distributed equitable. i like to introduce language to you and have amendments that is before you on the desk, i circulated them earlier that specifically will address hsa concerns and clarify the ordinance. to read into the record, the changes that i am proposing, they are on page 7 line 21. all this says is that city agencies
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have to continue to comply with city law. so, colleagues i want to thank you for your consideration and supporting this. i want to acknowledge my colleague hillary ronen, the opportunity for us 250 work on our first police of legislation together. i want to recognize my outstanding staff particularly calling out britny chiquato for assisting with the cultivation and development of the legislation. i also want to thank the city attorneys office, particular ly brad wesy and john gibbener for the work on the ordinance and also want to thank supervisor safai, supervisor farrell, supervisor kim, supervisor key he, fewer and tang for your cosponsorship. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. motion to amend is there is a second? seconded by supervisor saw safai, take the maument maument without objection. without
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objection passes. supervisor ronen. >> colleagues when the community came to me and asked me to amend supervisor cohen and the mayor's amen private right of action i told them i wasn't willing to go there and that opened up a can of worms that will open up the city to liability that i think we have never done before and that would be a extreme thing to do and wasn't headed in that direction but then i sat in committee when community member after community member came up talking about the daily fear that they are living with in san francisco since trump has gotten -been elected into office and they asked to add a private right of action because they are under extraordinary threat during a extraordinary time because they said that would make them feel safe and they
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would have agency and control over their own lives if there were a registry created and a breach of this incredibly important law authored by the mayor and supervisor we don't know what is coming from the federal government or what it will look like so or main focus now is to create the strongest possible law that we could create and that is what we have before us today. wree need to be on the offensive and
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anticipate what could be a disaster and make sure that we put all the necessary protections in place and put the people under attack and give them the power to be in control of their own destinys and fight back. so, i just wanted to thank everyone who has been involved in this incredibly moving process, the comembers of the public safety neighborhood subs committee, supervisor fewer and sheehy who took a strong stance and made moving comments about the amendments in the law . supervisor cohen and britny who have been really open from the get go to make these amendments and to pushing themselves to do something of slightly uncomfortable and extraordinary creating the strongest possible law and then also to the community members and everyone who came out, really spoke so eloquently and moved us and really showed
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what democracy is all about in terms of making laws and strengthening them in committee with a special thanks to aleaka [inaudible] from asian law caucus whoed worked every step of the way and carline gooseman in my office who worked hand in hand with brittany and aleaka to make this happen so thanks so much i hope we can pass thisue nasmanly today and hopefully watch cities and countys around the cuntsry follow our lead. >> first i want to thank supervisor ronen for allowing herself to be moved so this makes a lot of sense in terms of the amendment to me it a much stronger ordinance than it would have been. so, i just want to say i thought i had offered
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to be a cosponsor, if i hadn't already i would love to be added to the cosponsorship >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor safai. >> i just want to add on the comments made today. i want to first thank supervisor cohen for her leadership and all the other individuals, supervisor ronen and sheehy and other folks. this is particularly personal to me as somebody standing in the room with a name safai, i'm probably one of the only people on the board that would end up on the registry if it happened and the fact i stand here in 2017, the son of a muslim father, christian mother how would i be treated? how many people with a name be treated or background of such and all the muslim people in the audience it is sad we are in 2017 having this conversation that we have a president in office that is moving conversations this
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way, so i just want to say i think this is what makes san francisco a great place. this is a porpt piece of legislation. i think the community member jz all the different groups that were identified and brought us and pushed past the point of comfort and asked for there to be a right of action clause added and think that is a important piece in the legislation so urge my colleagues to sign on a cosponsor and pass this unanimously and send a strong message to washington dc. >> thank you and happy to add my name as cosponsor. supervisor fewer. >> it was very true during the committee meeting we heard such compelling testimony, not about would make people feel safe but the community is most impacted. how far we had to go to make
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them feel safe so i want to thank supervise er sheehy. i don't have a law background and supervisor ronen does and says private right affaction that is very squarey, what does it mean and supervisor sheehy pushed us and said we need teeth in this so i want to thank supervisor ronen so go back to the drawing board with the city attorney and working this out to insure the communities most impacted feel safe and this is the level i think we had to go in order to feel safe. this is i think it was a wonderful experience, rather humbling but thank you supervisor sheehy for pushing us to do something we thought the community needed to do and respond to that heartfelt testimony we all heard. >> thank you, fewer. supervisor sheehy. >> yes, thank you for supervisor fewer, kind were and
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supervisor ronen and supervisor safai. i think when we were looking out in the audience and you can see the fear in peoples eyes and as we were starting to take action, people were not the level of fear was not dissipating, it was actually all most rising because they clearly did not feel this bill had the adequate protection in there and so it is great us three rookies were able to work together, maybe raise the blood pressure the city attorney a little bit, but it was a grit experience and glad we are able to move this forward today. >> thank you and seeing no other names on the roster same house same call? wrout objection the ordinance passed unanimously on the first reading. next item, please. >> thank iletm 46 is resolution to ret roactive eprove the reffue
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gee service plan for 15, 16, 16, 17. >> same house same call? without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item 47 is referred without recommendation from rules committee, motion to approve the mayors appointment of ben bleiman. >> not sure if there is anyone more qualified than ben, bleiman to service. test test test
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>> supervisor tang, aye. supervisor yee, aye. supervisor breed, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor fewer, aye. supervisor kim, aye. there are 11 aye's. >> motion is approved. congratulations. please call the next item. >> item 54 motion to appoint john malcolm hillen, andrew sullivan,
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dan flanagan, megaloman, michael sullivan and phillip pierce. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you, madam president. just want to make a small amendment to this motion and saying that these aopponentments will be effective beginning tomorrow because as our meeting happening this board will meet and so we dont want confusion in the seats that are serving so if we can make that amendment then these appointments would be effective beginning tomorrow. >> okay, mr. gibbener, that's appropriate? >> yes, and i believe the request comfrom the urban forestry counsel staff. >> motion to amend to have the effective date tomorrow march
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1, 2017. take the amendment without objection the without objection the amendment pass squz on the iletm as amended colleagues can we take same house same call? without objection the motion is approved unanimously. madam clerk please call the next item. >> i believe there are two three p.m. special orders. >> we are not there so need to kip over and go to roll call for introduction. >> supervisor peskin. >> rerefer. >> supervisor ronen. >> submit. supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai we are on roll call for introduction you have have items today. [laughter] >> my first piece of legislation and fumbleed already. yes, we have a before us colleagues a opportunity in this ordinance that i'm
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introducing today in conjungz with president breed to tackle a problem and issue and item that has been perkulating in san francisco for 25, 30 years. in 2002 we introduced the first attempt to solve the problem in our inclusionary housing and that fs was led by then mark leno. we are 15 years into the making and stand before you today to make a very strong statement. we will never again in the history of san francisco build housing for working people. that will never ever happen again. prior to the great recession of this country, homes in the excelsior and homes in the bayview hunters point and in the sunset and richmond were aforeable to working people rchlt today homes in the
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excelsior are going for a million dollars, outer mission, bayview hunter points are approaching a million and exceeding it. homes in the richmond and sunset north affmillion. the market youzed to take care of working people and talking about teachers, laborers, nurses, fire fighters, first responders, janitors, hotel workers, all the people that have made our city history great. and if we are okay with our city polarizing and okay with our city becoming the city of the wealthy and the city of the extremely poor, then we should leave things the same, but i stand in front of you today to say, we have a tupe opportunity to make a bold move and shift and spread around affordable housing to serve working people. that way we can begin
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to address some of the economic extremes that we have in our city. so, we are proposing on any new private development and we think the prescribet market is where we can begin to tackle and intervening and tackle building housing for working people. 18 percent of that housing should bow set aside and that would range from family of 3 beginning at $43 thousand and go up to a family of 3 at $126 thousand. these are our working families and if we children and namlies to remain in san francisco we have to do this. now, in 2002, we didn't have a affordal housing bond. in 2002 when we created this inclusionary housing just for low income affordable, we didn't have a affordable housing trust. the
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mayor just announced the other day with support of the board foundations and private sector housing accelerator fund. we have billions of dollars in the pipeline to build housing for low income families and i stand 100 percent in support of that. but we have no funding stream for working people and so it my argument and attempt through this legislation to expand the pie for work ing people and create a opportunity that has not existed in the history. there is a attempt to expand the ovall inclusionary percentage to a number but we have to be careful we dopt set the number too high we kill housing all together and put people out of work. we have to set it at responsible number so stand here introducing this to tell you in the next three years with the
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billions of dollars in the pipeline we will still build 7500 unit of low income affordable housing. this inclusionary piece of legislation i introduce with president breed is a complementary piece in my mind to supervisor kate tang home sf and the two together have the opportunity to build about 2500 unit for working people. this i believe we have a moral obligation to do and some ourg we are in a situation robbing peter tapay paul but if paul hasn't had a drink in 25 years plus, paul is thirsty and if you talk to anyone thip affordable housing industry they will tell you that the inclusionary housing on the prescribet sector has always been the icing on it cake for affordable housing production for low
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income families. all we want for working families is the icing, the cake will still remain with low income affordable housing production. another piece sthof legislation we are introducing and thank you for visor yee for your leadership on this, we want to include a minimum bedroom count. we think it is very important and can't just build studios and one bedrooms in san francisco, we have to have a frank conversation about two bedroom jz three bedrooms so we put a minimum requirement we shake things up in the development industry for their ability to produce more housing for working people. again, just to reiterate, this legislation today says that we have the opportunity to serve working families between $43 thousand and $126 thousand we still leave a good pool of money on the low income side, it overlaps with all our other funding streams, but in my opinion and
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i believe supervisor breeds opinion, this is the right way to go about meeting a need and allowing san francisco to be a leader in the nation when it comes to dealing-this is not just a crisis that is unique to san francisco, this is happening in chicago and new york and boston. as people all over the country begin to move back in to urban areas, we have a housing crisis and housing shortage. but we need to stand up here today and say, we are prioritizing working people and working families and think this the right step in the right direction. the last thing i'll say is this is the begin thofg conversation, we are not throwing down the gauntlet. we are working with memberoffs the board to further the conversation so submit the rest of the legislation but colleagues this is something we have it respond a lotf time thinking about and working on to get it right.
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>> thank you supervisor se safai. supervisor sheehy. >> today i'm introducing a resolution in support of proposed sanctuary and transit policy. many imgrpt rely on public transportation including bart to get to work and school and run errands so our public transportation system should not be in the business of immigration enforcement. colleagues i urge your support on this important statement. secondly, i introduce legislation today to address bicycle chop shops. we have seen the chop shops around town with bike parts are stacked alodge the public rights of way lf many bikes are stolen and these very auchb these bikes are stolen from young people, people who rely on bicycles as a means to
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get to and from work the loss of a bike can mean the choice between being able to pay rent or buy a new bike and right now the police do not have clear authority to address chop shops. i'm addressing-today i noorttuse a ordinance to provide the ability to address the worst actors but ena way that doesn't criminalize the most vulnerable so it doesn't involve people thrown in jail but allow tooz police to pick up the part and get the bikes back to the rightful owners t. is to disincent vise the process where bikeerize being stolen and taken apart and the people who bought the bikes who use to get to and from work are left with no resource but to get another bike. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor sheehy. supervisor yee.
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supervisor yee. supervisor tang. >> thank you. today i have two pieces of legislation that piggy back on each other and the first is something that i was thrill to announce with mayor lee and get our city of san francisco to be 100 percent electric vehicle ready and in our private buildings and new construction and think this is a great way to start 2017 especially as we do have people in our federal government who dont believe that climate change is real. we here in san francisco are trying to lead the charge to make sure that we are addressing climate impacts in as many ways as possibility one to encourage the driving of electric vehicles. many people including myself would like to electric vehicles but may live in buildings that dont accommodate
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so the legislation i'm partnering with mayor lee on gets our new construction ready for by spelling out before the building is built what it would take to lay the foundation infrastructure to accommodate the growing demand for electric vehicles so proud san francisco is leading the charge on this as we should as many technologies are developed here, not only in the san francisco bay area but also throughout california again to incentvise driving of electric vehicles. complementary also introducing legislation to also look internally at the city government to make sur our own city fleet is also 100 percent zero emission and so by the year 2020 this legislation mandates by that year our light duty vehicle fleet will be zero emission and that as new changing technology comes forth we will also be able to adapt to that as well. so, again i think that these two pieces of legislation
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set san francisco on the forefront of a leader and addressing climate challenges and do that now before it is too late for earth. >> thank you supervisor tang. supervisor yee. >> colleagues over the past several months i read several articles on [inaudible] robots, in washington dc, redwood city and richmond in the east bay and a very limited pilot in san francisco a few months back. however, ovthe weekend i read about another company piloting on the streets in the missionism after checking with sfmta, dpw and police department and supervisor ronen, i was disturbed to fiend out the city was not informed about this company piloting on our streets. this is not acceptable. i am
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in full support of innovation but companies cannot operate without parameters. we need to insure technology used on the streets is safe and has approved operational standards and not uninteneded consequences of commercialization of the pedestrian right of way and causing injurys to pedestrians. in addition, we must look into the safeguard these unmanned delivery robots do not get to the wrong hands. this is a newterity and as a city much insure the best interest of all the resident begin-are served and that any company operating in san francisco follows the established #2c3w50idline jz responsible limitations. colleagues this is why today i will be direct the city attorney to draft legislation to create a permit
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process or pilot program and for the department to develop operational standards for the atonmus delivery robots. also today i'm introducing a resolution on a hidden and growing problem in the community, that is problem gambling. for the past 5 years the board of supervisors unanimously declared march as gampbling month. i bring this to the attention as this issue continues to effect our communities. problem gambling is a serious public health issue that effects 6 to 8 million americans each year inchuding more than 1.2 million californiaens. it effects people oaf all ages inknh and ethnic pap background and college student andlederly are particularly vulnerable and asian community
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particularly seniors are especially effected. effects of gambling are similar to alcohol and drug abuse and effects on the individuals and families can be devastating. the danger is many individuals do not realize they have a addiction or if they do only 15 percent seek treatment. i have personal-i can share personal stories but i am trying to be mindful of peoples time here. so, i hope that we could again support that march will be gambling awareness mupth and like to thank my colleague, supervisor safai for cosponsoring this resolution. the rest i submit. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you supervisor yee. president breed.
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>> thank you, colleagues i want to speak briefly on the workforce housing legislation that supervisor safai and myself we introduced today. i'm proud to be partnering with him on thes particular legislation and i appreciate how eloquently he speaks about the neighborhoods in his district and pressures working men and women are facing all over the e city. i feel the pressure and lib it myself and seen far too many of my friends and family pushed out of the city by rising costs. a couple years back when some of the public housing developments were being rehabilitation in my dictricate there were people-not eeben a couple years back when i was really young there were folks moved out and mubed to places like vallejo and antioch and one of my friend in particular
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was fortunate enough to get a job driving muni. when she wanted to return to the development that she grew up in with her two kids, a high school student and elementary school student she was $600 over income eligibility to qualify ify to return. there are so many people that i know that i grew up with who grew up in the city and do not qualify for a lot of the low income housing that we are building but they can't afford to live in the city. so, who is looking out for them, who is building homes for them, who are the advocates roaming around city hall for them and writing op eds and doing something different? low income and affordable housing is critically important but so is workforce housing and we are not funding or building nearly enough. there are
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multiple sources of funding for low income affordable housing unit, the housing trust fund, the housing bond, in lieu fees and job housing linkage fees paid by the developers all of thes compounded or matched with federal tax credit dollars. that is why city funded projects are all most always low income because we can use tax credits. we can not use those same tax credits for workforce housing, so the best way to insure that we can actually get these unit built and incorporated into our city housing stock is do so with privately funded inclusionary housing which doesn't cost the city anything. that is what our legislation is doing. the city is projected to build over 8 thousand how income unit by 2020 if you
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look at the regional housing needs allocation numbers, this is a consistent trnd. from 2007 to 2014 san francisco issued permits for 3900 very low income unit, 59 percent of those goal for the category but we ont permitted 1200 moderate income workforce unit about 18 percent of the rhna goal . teachers construction workers union labors, mechanicsgenters, cooks we are failing them. we are not making a place for those who are in the middle and not building market rate unit they can afford and we are not building affordable unit they can qualify for and that has to change. i miss my friends who moved away and my communities, our neighborhoods
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changed because we have not done what we should have done as a city to provide opportunity for a middle ground. i know we cant turn our backs to the hand of time we can at least do something now and start fighting for the next generation of workers so they have a seat at the table and roof over their head so they don't reach my age and look at a city they don't recognize anymore. this is our chance to begin the process of getting it right. with that madam clerk, i would like to be rereferred. >> thank you, madam prezden. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. >> thank you madam clerk. first of all i ask supervisor tang cosponsor her piece of legislation she introduced as someone who switch today a electric vehicle shocking the lack of infrastructure we have in the city of san
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francisco and both in response to the federal government is doing now with president trump and getting the epa, and the policies that are sure to come down the road from washington dc, but also simply the right thing to do in san francisco, the more we can encourage folks the be using electric cars the better we will be as a city so a huge supporter and want to thank supervisor tang. i have a piece orphlegislation to introduce today with a number of colleagues. organize labor is under attack. with trumps anti[inaudible] we need to be prepared tostand and #230ig9 with the working men and women who help build the city in san francisco and continue to doso. as with many issues we have to do everything we can locally to continue to support our communities and values in san francisco against what is coming down in washington. while our local economy is kraung and unemployment low there are far too many is san franciscos out of work and believe the city
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can provide workforce opportunity for resident especially those in under serviceed communities. i think it is time to provide good jobs, good wages, benefits and highly skilled labor. that is why today after all most two years of work i'm proud to announce san francisco's first historal city wide project. i want to thank supervisor safai, sheehy ronen and [inaudible] first, it will be one of the large est with a city wide policy like this. project labor agreements have a proven tract record increasing local employment, providing good wage squz benefits often for workers who have never seen either before, ending labor dispute and stoppage and completing projects on time and under budget in the best interest of residents in san
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franciscoment the policy is simple straight forward and applies public work projects sees fit. insuring the pla adhere tooz local hire prevailing wage to train the local residence today for the jobs of tomorrow. under the policy all contractor jz subcontractors hire from state approved apprenticeship program jz use the hard hat program to obtain employment and agree to refrain from strikes. if they get the trainee, the city will have the opportunity for them. passing this policy will be no ease a tarfck. not mistakeb that working men and women and organized labor are under attack. every republican president discouraged labor because of antiworkic beliefs. with trump in the white house we have to do everything to
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stand up for the individuals in san francisco and for the families. we wont let attacks on working men and women on organize labor stand enthe city. we will fight like we have for jobs wages and benefits. i want to thank a number of people including cosponsors who were integral getting the legislation introduced today and endorsing the policy. for san francisco building trade and construction council. larry mazzola, [inaudible] in particular, san francisco labor council for endorsing this. i do want to thank vens corning junior for the work over the past 2 years. cosponsors at the board. my staff in particular [inaudible] and look forward to discussion ahead. the rest i submit. >> thank you for visor farrell. supervisor fewer. >> no >> submit. supervisor kim. >> that thank you madam clerk.
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>> submit. thanks for teaching me. >> glad supervisor fewer has no legislation today. >> i have two. the first is a reintroduction of 30 van ness project publicly owned by the city of san francisco. i am proud to announce that we have a developer that is the first that will be committing to the proposition goals that were passed by the voters of san francisco by 67 percent june 2016. what is exciting about this proposal to be fair they are the second developer to commit to 25 percent but first to move forward we know developers can build 25 percent affordable houdsing on site and build a mix of housing for those that are working class and also middle class residents and families. this project which will completely fulfill the goals also agreed with potential upzoning to commit to
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additional fees that allow to achieve 33 percent of affordable and middle income housing for the projeth. acknowledging the fact there 30 van nes is built on public land. we want to make sure that while we are getting a good deal for the city that allows to build new office buildings for our departments and also consolidate many services that we are maximizing the ability when we control to build a maximum number housing. in the deal before us today we have struck a balance between long term stability of city departments and also vulnerability to private commercial office market while we have achieved and stayed true to commitment to voter tooz build as much affordable housing for san francisco resident at as policy. to explain the difference between
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the deal presented toward the board that was rejected in 20 feep and the one before us today, the deal that came before us a year ago is purchase the land at $80 million but only commit to 15 percent low income affordable housing on site. they were willing to provide 20 percent if there were upvoneing zoning and allow the city to buy back at $640 thousand a unit. the deal we have before us today achieved a minimum of 25 percent affordable housing, reduction in cost of land from $80 million to $25 percent affordable housing, reduction in cost of land from $80 million to $70 million so the city will purchase 40 unit of middle class housing for residents and houses in san francisco. in addition because this project is in the market actaveia plan the developer is required to play the market
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octabeia affordable housing fees amounted to $8 million and the city is able to upzone the site which i'm committed to doing they will #c34i9 $3.6 million to assure the project achieves 43 percent affordable and middle income housing. that means very frar from the deal where the city had to pay $640 thousand a unit. we would pay $450 thousand to buy back middle class unit for the nurses and teachers and workers that are struggling to stay in the city that they love. i do want to department of real estate working so closely with our office and developer for understanding our commitment to acheechbing achieving the goals under prop c and prop k that pass ed by voters in
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november 2015 which brings me to the second item. as many know supervisor peskin and i introduced trailing legislation. proposition c was a ordinance that placed the highest afford ability requirement in the country in san francisco acknowledging that we have a housing crisis but also acknowledging that developers can build much more affordable and middle income housing than the previous requirement of only 12 percent of working class housing. we doubled that amount and thanks to voters passing the change in june 2016, we are seeing developers actually commit to the new housing goal of 25 percent. not only are we bringing back our commitment to build low income housing for janitors and professionals and
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restaurant workers we are asking developers to build middle income on site as well and additional 10 percent which cover nurses and teachers. this is the first inclusionary ordinance in the country and also here in san francisco that will require developers to build a high level of affordable and middle income housing in san francisco. supervisor peskin and i teamed up to do this but also made a commitment to the develop community that we do a fiscal feasibility study after the passage of the ordinance to see what was feasible for developers to build in the city acknowledgeic that we dont want to halt housing production in san francisco and also acknowledging that market rate housing allows us to build more working and middle income housing. i want to thank ben rosenfield, ted eagan at the controllers office and tac that volunteered over the last 7 month tooz put together and
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advise on the feasibility report and we are excited to use these guidelines to assist in the restructuring of proposition crrfx here today. supervisor peskin and i made a clear commitment to voters we introduce something maximum developer cz build. and two rfx we do it in a way market rate developer continue to develop in san francisco. thank tooz the study the maximum developer cz build is 24 percent for rental housing and 27 percent for home ownership. what we introduced in december but tding additional amendments to today is to change the inclusionary housing ordinance from 25 percent to 24 percent for rentals and 27 percent for home ownership. we will maintain 15 percent as fought for by
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decades my many advocates for working class resident. restaurant workers recollect janitor and minimum wane workers while clawing back additional percentage above the 15 percent that goes toward the middle class. we know that 60 percent of san francisco resident qualify for affordable housing in san francisco and that 24 and 27 percent isn't nearly enough to meet the need but we want to build the maximum affordable housing in the private market without halting market rate housing production. so, the legislation before us today maximizes that need acknowledging also many developers are able to build 45 percent more via the state density bonus law which passed last year in sacramento and knowic in san francisco developers can build that additional amount without any additional approval in san
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franciscoic acknowledge the density bonus exists and encourage the developer to build as much market rate housing as possible we set the maximum goal watching not only the pocket books of the developers but insuring the fiscal feasibility of families to continue to live in san franciscoment . we can only do that if we build as much affordable and middle income housing as possible kw yes, we can do that without robbing from any particular group but continuing to build at a level we promised before while building more for more residents thatologist also struggle tostay in san francisco but were provided for in the private market. i want toic knowledge and thank many memberoffs the #c3450u7bty community working with us since august to insure we put the best legislation forward and want to recognize the united education of san francisco, teachers union recollect council of community housing,
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chineee town community develop,teneder loin neighborhood development corporation, podare, mission economic development agency, the bills for housing project rblths tenant union, [inaudible] dolores street advocating for the most we can get from our prescribet development community. i think it is really important that here on the board we represent the community first and not the development community. the development community can and should build more and we know that they can do that based on the study. the ordinance that be introduced in december isn't just looking out for the pocket book, we are looking out for the pocket book of janitors, nurses and teachers in san francisco and must do that in a balanced way. colleagues i look forward to this robust and pornts discussion how to maximize affordable in san francisco overthe next couple muckt jz look forward to the conversation and want to thank
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and acknowledge supervisor peskin for cosponsoring the legislation and work wg our office and finally, i want to acknowledge [inaudible] from supervisor peskins staff and april and [inaudible] who has been working on insuring that district 6 is building the most affordable housing it can over the last 6 years and working oen the legislation today. today is april's laest day with the office and it is with incredible heavy heart kwr biddersweetness i want to thank for the leadership and work over the last 6 years with my office. we would not have ben able to win 33 percent, 40 percent affordable and middle income housing in a variety of project throughout the district if not for her work, tenaciousness sparts smarts and passion. thank you april and i look
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forward continuing to work with you in your new roll. the rest i submit. >> thank you. >> thank you madam clerk, colleagues. i rise to reiterate a little bit of what supervisor kim just stated and also to welcome the robust discussion we are going have over the weeks and months ahead as we figure out what the right percentages of inclusionary housing are. by wayf a little history, in 2002, the board of supervisors passed our first inclusionary law in those days at 12 percent for low income housing. by the time i left office in the end of 2008 that number crept up to 15 percent. everybody remembers in 2012 coming out of the great recession that number again wnt down to 12 percent unfochinately as a policy matter it got stuck in the
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charter where it couldn't be moved up or down as market and construction costs changed over time and indeed when i ran in 2015 i ran on a platform about addressing affordable crisis particularly the housing crisis and talked about a two prong strategy. i talked how we had to save at risk affordable housing and the residents from scheme squz eviction jz at the same time create maximum amounts of affordable housing in new development said. this is not lost on san franciscans they got it in proposition c with 2 /throw of the voters change the affordsability structure. i recall as prop crrs moved to the ballot
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and supervisor kim well remembers, the conversations then mark leno was having 15 years ago from the develop community that one additional percentage point or 2 percent nl point would bring the housing market to a stachbd stand still. here we are, weknow that those developers got a free ride in 2013, 2014, 2015 and until we clawed back 240 unit in the pipeline for affordable housing getting a free ride in 2017 and turned out the market could bear it then and now and we need affordal housing not gross profits for developers so want to remind everybody this exercise has been very very helpful and the feeze asibility study is interesting. we have to
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grapple with the state density bonus and able to build to the 25 percent and so sayathize feasibility study and should keep that in mind. i look forward to the the conversation and hopefully reconciling these pieces of legislation and very much look forward to that work. i like to join in thanking sunny an ghoula from my office and particulary april [inaudible] who deserves significant recognition for everything she did. before prop c, during prop c and since prop c. supervisor kim you were very lucky to have her for 6 years. finally, i want to invite all of you to a fundraiser everybody out there, anybody watching on monday march 6 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the victims of the february 3 fire in chinatown where 19 low
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income resident were displaced one with 7 small businessesment that chow down for chinatown is held at 28 waverly place with local restaurants including mr. ju's [inaudible] the famous legacy business same woe, mission chinese, r and g lounge to raise fund for the individuals that lost the life possessions. will drethly benefit each of those individuals who's lives have been turned upside down and love to share [inaudible] soplease come down. >> we will break away from roll call for introductions. >> thank you. colleagueatize is 3:30 and we have 3:30 special commendations. there are many
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people who are probably here for the 3 p.m. special order and just so you know we probably will not get to that for at least another 40 minute to a hour. we have commendations to do so we will break away in our regular scheduled agenda to get to the folks that are special guests who are here today that we are honoring in celebration of african american history month and with that, supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. good afternoon again. my name is malia cohen and recht the southeastern neighborhood of bayview, potrero and viz table valley and honored to recognize a group of absolutely incredible individuals in honor of black history month. as you know, this years theme for the celebration is guiding the way in our
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ongoing fight for freedom and equality. to do this, it is #2340e easy or small feat. we are at unique time and space in history where this mission seems to be more squl more difficult. throughout the month i permly with the help of the city administrator office and mayor's office had city hall lit up ipthe colors of the pan african flag and that is red, black and green. those colors are very symbolic. red for the color of blood, black for the color of black skin and green for the fertility of the land and representative of the hope and fuper. >> excuse me supervisor cohen, i ask we keep the doors closed bought the noise is impacting our ability to conduct business. thank you. >> thank you i appreciate that. i also want to call to your attention that earlier in the month of february we debuted
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also red, black and green appellant around the light poles in the bayview community along third street. and i think it is absolutely important to point out in a moment when foreigners whether they be here by force or by choice are being targeted by the federal government. i want to take time today to reflect on the innumerable contributions african americans have made to help establish and most importantly sustain this great country. our work sometimes goes unsung and it goes unnoticed but we have been critical to pushing progress throughout the times of struggle. we are ancestors most wildest dreams and it is their fortitude and our fortitude that will keep us strong in the years to come and guide us the way as we continue to fight for freedom and equality.
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from labor leaders to youth to public serveabout to neighborhood activist i'm proud that we are recognizing a group of people who do remarkable work that touches each and every one of the aspect of our livesism today i'm prod to join you honoring a trumending group of people who embodied todays celebration theme. i like to bring up my honory, mrs. brenda baroes. she is a very familiar face and worked for zuckerberg general hospital for over 35 years and been a fierce advocate with 10 to 1 and current cochair of 10 to 1 sf cope. many know that brenda is a member of the bargaining
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team which i believe is a god given talent. also a delegate to the labor council and champion for workers and dedicated her life to the labor movement meaning she insures people work in hethy and safe conditions and earning a livable wage. i remember my first time i met brenda i fs a freshman supervisor and she was out front my office in a budget cycle so it is a privilege to stand before you as a budget chair to honor you. i'm proud to support you and want to recognize you as a african american female strong leader in the labor movement which we dont see enough of. thank you for your service and contribution tooz the city and entire african american community. it is privilege to present you the flowers and certificate and
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honor you this black history mupth. thank you. [applause] >> brenda speak into the micro phone. >> thank you very much. i really appreciate it. this was a surprise to me and wasn't expecting this. and it is nice to know that all the work that you do is-that people notice because and i dont do it to get noticed, i do it because it is the right thing to do. just so people know, i'm not done and still working with the city and county of san francisco about african americans getting hired. there are definitely problems that you guys need to work on as far as fair hiring practice because there are too many departments still
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where you walk in and all most everybody there is one race. that shouldn't be in san francisco. the other issue i will work on still is workplace bullying in the workplace. there are a lot of employees not just in public sector, private sector too that suffer in silence and they need your help. they need some sort of real legislation so that people know thrai are safe in the workplace, they don't have to be afraid of being bullied in the workplace and know that two main issuesime rur i'm work ing on now. labor you are right there are not african americans in labor in positionoffs power. that is something that needs to change 6789 i want to say thank you and i want to tell you and london that you guys inspire me. look
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where you are in your african american women. that's powerful and it is powerful for popeal like me to look at. maybe when i retire who knows, i may run for something. thank you very much everybody. >> thank you. [applause] >> congratulations brnda and thank you for your service. now i do know that there are a number of honorees who cannot get into the chamber and so as we work on trying to get them into the chamber, i do know that shoal daibs who is
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honored by supervisor tang is in the chamber, so supervisor tang we will recognize you at this time for the next commendation. >> alright. thank you. i know that this years theme for black history month is guiding the way in our fight for freedom and equality and so i could think of better person tohonor than cheryl davis who is executive drether of human right commission so welcome, cheryl. [applause] sorry chairman, i know you just came from sacramento. thank you so much for being here. perfect timing. cheryl, is our current executive drether of human right commission and many also probably know she served as a commissioner between 2011 and 2016 before she assumed the new role and there she ovsees
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the hrc duties advocating for human and civil rights, investigating and mediating discrimination, resolving community disputes and providing technical assistance to individuals, community groups, businesses and government agencies related to human right jz social services. especially at this time i just know that the hrc has no so much work they need to do. >> people are waving at me. they are trying to get in. >> prior to joining the hrc, many probably know cheryl for her worken the community. she was a executive drether of collective impact community based organization in the western addition where she over saw momagic, ella hill hutch community center. we'll
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take a pause. we have to have cheryls fan club here. >> welcome folks. put a smile on the face tureeka. >> okay. thats good. >> sorry some missed the beginning but i was talking about cheryls work with momagic and creating community opportunity and improving outcomes marginalized youth in san francisco. they have annual event such as summer
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activities, academic support, field trips, holiday celebration, backpack give away, team council and community gardening and more and all the youth as a result of their regular participation in the events have taken ownership of the neighborhood and have really broken down the invisible walls that caused separation and fighting. cheryl also worked with magic zone which provides education and wrap around services to student k-12 and transitional age youth and ella hill hutch communitysenter which provides community service and workforce development opportunity. when i first learned cheryl moved to district 4 i was super excited and quh she assumed the new role of hrc more excited you are taking leadership. i cant this think of a time when our human and civil rights are under attack and we
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need you to be the leadership role there. i know that even in your new role at hrc you continue to volunteer at your sons high school and continue to work with communities in the western addition and so forth and as your friend suzy loftus says she believes you are a true superherey and kind and generous people so thank you to thank you for your service. you will continue to do more amazing work so congratulations cheryl davis. [applause] >> i know there are a birch more people waiting to get inside and to talk and be recognized so i want to thank you for all this honor, i really appreciate it. i work would so many of the supervisors ichb my role in community and look forward working with all of you in the new role, so thank you so much
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and i have been here since call edge. i want to sf state andu sf and my son was born here, raised here and i'm grateful. i think i have been here long enough now to say san francisco is home excited to live in so many district jz look forward doing more work. thank you. [applause] >> she is just own loan to district 4 and to the human rights commission. thank you pr all the work that you have done for the city and county of san francisco. we know that you changed and saved lives and we are so grateful for your service. >> i would be remiss if i didn't take the time to-i don't want to get emotional but to recognize president london breed.
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[applause] my journey started as a volunteer at the cultural center and without the prodding and like the appreciation for the community work she offered up i never would have been where i am now so really recognize and thank you. i thank the other supervisors that i had the opportunity to work with from supervisor fewer to supervisor kim and i did a short stent in government a while ago qu actually had the opportunity to work with supervisor peskin. it great to have district 5 and district 2 working together through supervisor breed and farrell and always a pleasure to work in 10 with supervisor cohen, and look forward working with everybody else but i do appreciate and recognize the relationship and partnership with you. >> thank you. we sure do you appreciate you. [applause]
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