tv Board of Appeals 22217 SFGTV March 2, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST
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commission has been a really great job and as you to accept this plan based on their science and their calculations and move this forward base and all these years of them working towards his goals. thank you very much. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>hello, my name is adrian stroganoff and i do volunteer work with habitat-- habitat restoration in san francisco and i just urge you to deny the appeal and keep the eir as it is. it is good. and listening to lisa we speak about it it is a very reasonable plan and a lot of clearcutting. anyway, thank you. >>thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >>good evening supervisors, thank you for your stand among and taking so much public comment. my name is doug johnson. i am the executive director of an environmental nonprofit organization in
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california i just want to say that we strongly encourage you to accept the cir. >>thank you. next speaker. >>my name is michael byrd. i have no plans. i have no toads. i have no tadpoles to show you. i'm here on behalf of the seniors and other golfers that use sharp park on a regular basis. i have used it for many, many years. the program and the plan for sharp park has been in development for years. i would urge that you would reject the appeal and i would point out also that the wildlife equity institute was appealing on the basis of the sharp park plan and they have withdrawn their appeal and it's just an indication that in fact that eir should be approved. thank you.
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>>thank you. next speaker please. >>and i just want to say before the next speaker speaks that the appeal for the plan for sharp park has been withdrawn but i just want let you know that before the next speaker speaks. thank you. >>i just wanted to speak on behalf of our golf course. i just wanted to say that myself growing up playing golf and the speakers here the public access and opportunities for children here there are a lot of opportunities for me and i
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thank for your time you and for the work that recreation and park has done and continuing to work with the golf course and seeing the potential that is there and hopefully just fill all the obligation to the wildlife and to the recreation users. thank you. >>thank speaker. >>i have waited about five hours to comment on sharp part. >>[laughing] my name is paul sure way and i am president of the historical society and the sharp park golf course is a significant historical and cultural resource. also the city specific and general plan officially designates the course as a historical site and san francisco planning department determined in 2011 that sharp park was a historic resource property under ceqa this is as it should be. sharp
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park was designed by dr. alastair mckenzie one of the greatest and influential architects in the history of the game. he built sharp park as a rare east side municipal course. a links land course. like the legendary old course and st. andrews where we earlier worked as a consulting architect. the golf course is a living entity evolving over time and seizing the season and year to year. trees grow and bend to the wind and storms rush in and recede but after 85 years of wind and weather and heavy use and minimal maintenance of a public golf course, sharp park today is as beautiful as the day it open. as just as enjoyable.
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>>[timer dings] that is the unsolvable mark of an alastair mckenzie golf course and night urged the supervisors to deny the appeal and except the eir thank you. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>thank you. i live in district 5. i have been playing golf in sharp park since the early 60s. i'm here to urge your board to reject the appeal. i am here to thank the recreation and parks department further careful balancing that they have been doing with the golf course with the need for human use and the need for preservation the native species. golfers, are
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recreation is in nature we are nature worshipers as well. and so, this working together of the human use and the natural resources is important to us as well. rec and park has done a good job on thatand the historical architecture of sharp park. you live most of your life and you live in this historical architecture and it is great architecture and it focuses energy and if you notice those who participate in it and who work in it that is what this golf course has done. and we support the recognition [timer dings] and the historical nature of this golf course. thank you very much. we urge
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you to reject the appeal. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>good evening. denise louise. native san franciscan, 40 year resident of mount davidson. neighbors and i live in fear of fire, falling trees and winds and our planet a long time ago and they were stressed out by five consecutive years of drought and they are just not what they used to be an autobody who is working with the one for as to those that we need this plan to banish the trees in mount davidson. now okay the word about that term biodiversityit was quantified by renowned scientist eo wilson to promote a semblance is of
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naturally occurring species of plant and animal life and species and california is a biodiversity hotspot meaning that we are so fortunate to have diverse, naturally occurring species throughout the state. san francisco is no exception. we are an important part of this biodiversity hotspot which is california. san francisco was named after st. francis, our patron saint of ecology reminding us that we have an obligation to care for all of the special species that live in california and in san francisco. in my backyard, i have all vegetation that is in my backyard is native to san francisco including, for example, the miner's lettuce
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that you saw earlier. and it's called miner's lettuce because it was discovered by the gold miners. and now you see the flowering ox alice which is the non-native species and it took over the habitat for the miner's lettuce. i also have locally rare plant called a fiesta flower and it's flourishing and it will occur only in my backyard in san francisco now and what my neighbors goes i gave her some seedlings & >>thank you ma'am. i'm sorry, your time is up. we made a mistake with the clock. i'm sorry, thank you for that information. next speaker please. >>my name is linda shafer and
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i'm a san francisco resident and i am a former member of the san francisco open space committee and today i speak only for myself. in my opinion all allegations in the remaining appeal before you were for early discussed in response to the comments document which i have actually read. there are no ceqa violations indeed the final eir is admirably complete and accurate. i would also like to add first of all to what i had prepared to say expecting one minute, , first of all, my thanks to all of my people who were involved in arranging the resolution to the sharp park
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resolution i think that is really, really wonderful news and secondly i would like to reiterate that if today the appeal is rejected and you affirm the certification of the eir that is not the end of the process. there is a whole another new process that then get started and it will have lots of opportunities for public input so please everyone keep that in mind. please vote to affirm the planning commission certification so the implementation of this badly needed management plan can proceed. the city must be able to protect what little is left of our natural heritage. those ecological areas that still support interdependent, locally native species of plants, insects, birds, and other living creatures and preserved for future generations the bio diversity that
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>>good evening supervisors. my name is dave gar. this has one through 10 years just to create the management plan in the eir and part of that we had to acquire many of the sites going back to 1974 when the open space program was first set up. and then it was him to the grateful dead but more delays will cause more degradation of
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these 32 natural areas. these parks must be managed. the most beneficial action that our species can do to heal mother earth is habitat restoration. so please reject the appeal. thank you very much. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>hi, i am matt blain i am with the chair of urban riders and these allow people all to ride their bikes through the city's. we just are to do this in love on the and we've read a lot of these we are pleased to see this protects our natural resources and provides the use for san franciscans. him in terms of access issues people have been riding in our parks for decades
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but the plan does not say that these will be a problem and we will work with this potential plan in this process and with that we urge you reject the appeal and allow this plan to go forward. and thank you for staying so late. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>my name is nick wallace. i live in supervisor peskin's district three. i'm a patron of the san francisco municipal golf course. i'm here in support of the final eir for the program that will restore the sharp park golf course and the
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maintenance of this plan i would just like to make the comment that i have closely followed the sharp park controversy for over a decade including making comments in front of this body in 2009 when supervisor wanted to kill this course and in 2013 when supervisor david alvarez wanted to kill this course and now them are still here but i still am so i'm just saying. even though sharp park is within the plan as it should there is still an important issue here. we have a golf course operation at sharp park for 80 years. this has included a habitq of the california of the red legged frog and i urge the
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board to move forward and start the process to improve this habitat and manages habitat for the frogs and the snakes in sharp park and for the golfers. we have many san francisco recreation and park employees that have have a right to do this and are great stewards for the park and for the frog and the snake. let's move forward and get started with this plan. >>[timer dings] >>thank you. next speaker please. >>hello my name is shannon dawn. and on behalf of the northern california golf association honorable supervisors, sharp park is a unique, highly significant golf course and historic resource. this preservation is of the
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highest priority for that mpg and the world golf. this provides a reasonably priced seaside recreation and a community outing for visitors of san francisco. we reiterate our support for sharp park golf course and for san francisco's natural resource program and for the eir. we request that your board deny the appeal an except the planning commission's final eir. i support sharp park and these are the homes of the places that i learn to play part. it represents stanford university as a representative of the
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community and i know how important this is as a community gathering point and i can ask now that i have a few seconds left is to support all of you that have any young people in the room that love the game to bring them to the game, we would love to help them but support the eir, reject the appeal, and allow as much native supporrt as sharp park to receive. to sport
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wildlife in san francisco based in terms of programming and in terms of what is here. i want to zoom out. i will zoom out and just acknowledge some of our fellow cities. we mentioned some of theseearlier. chicago sports many. arm they have a plan, a comparable plan. i will read with this says chicago supports many native ecosystems from prairies, savanna, and dunes to wood learns and supports many ecosystems for birds reptiles and 50 and and i am moving over to hong kong and their nature
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conservation policy includes activities that have adverse impacts onn their ecosystem and these would include threats to their ecosystem and finally i will discuss 2011 plan diversity which has certain goals of connecting people with nature and the city. i want to implore you to trust your city agencies here 10 years of planning i have known lisa and her stay after 15 years, i have worked in resource management myself for 20 years and excellent and-- leadership in the realm of-- >>thank you, next speaker please.
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>>hello my name is bill wilson in august of this year will mark the 20th year of my arrival in san francisco and almost my first volunteer opportunities were with the national-- program in mount davidson. and, through sweat equity i have learned what this means in mount davidson because that natural actuary program had exist. so these people that talk about these telephone ethnic cleansers and i have yet to meet those people and i am not one of those people. and so, i would urge you to very respectfully urge you to reject respectfully urge you to reject
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the appeal--because let's be frank here because it has been 15 years and the oppositionhas not really come up with anything that needs to be changed at this late hour and i am not sure that even if you approve this appeal that it would in fact be one more round to go that you would be finished . i think today is the day to finish it. thank you. >>thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to speak in opposition? i'm sorry ma'am, you're ready made a comment. you can only do it once. are there any other members of the public there would like to make public comment? >>again, the appeal, this is last call. seeing none, public comment is now close. [gavel]
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okay so we will have a three-minute- supervisor peskin is right here. a three-minute rebuttal. thank you. so, there will be a rebuttal. there will be three minutes for the appellant. please come forward. >>good evening supervisors i'm d feldman i am the president of the san francisco natural resources alliance. i want to thank you for your attention and your patients but particularly your attention. the city of san francisco is 7.7 miles of open hills. are
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open space is limited. where did we lose our way is a forward thinking cities. if we certify an eir that [inaudible] global warming, if we ignore impacts on air quality and erosion of groundwater if we ignore spending large psalms on destruction of land and destruction of wildlife rather than maintenance of those trees and regulations. if we use the arborist term of thinning this is actually deforestation. if we spend $5.64 million per year to implement this planned to sell trees and use herbicides
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and close trails and close all play areas. if we require of you to get permission for recreation and park eir without having project level information. if we do a cost-benefit analysis of public health versus using cheap herbicides. please, send this eir back to planning. there is too much land at stake to have a controversy over whether this was done correctly. we don't want to have no choice but to live with the mistakes that we made for the next 20 years that planning should otherwise be able to correct and mitigate. in the remaining time, i will turn it over to my colleagues. >>the projector is not on. >>it is not on.
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>>sfgov tv, please. >>it is on. >>first of all i would like to say what lisa wayne said that trees need to be removed because their aging, unhealthy, and dangerous and here is a map to mark the tree areas and they are being removed just to clear an area and they are not sic the one-to-one replacement is supposed to be 1 to 1 replacement and they never address the axis we identified. they said if you go from these trails and these trails [timer dings] that-- >>thank you sir. thank you very much. thank you. and so
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with that, this hearing has been held and is now closed. >>[gavel] this matter is in the hands of the board of supervisors. and with that, i will call on supervisor peskin. >>thank you mme. chair andsupervisors and colleagues at first i want thank all of the members of the public for sticking it out for your passion of the park and i whether it is rather the plan was through the last decade i think there was maybe three or four general managers to go but dawn was there and i think that it speaks volumes to the
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quality of our citizens that everybody is so passionate about the parks, i have taken this. seriously. i spent leery is lee all day sunday reading the forest alliance appeal reading the wildlife equity appeal on the responses from the planning department i did not claim that i read the entire eir but looking at specific things in there that were brought up in the appeals that reference the comments and responses and, i have to say that while i had some questions about piece mailing and alternatives as related to sharp park because the sharp park portion was not a program level eir but was a project level eir in so far as the
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general manager was able to reach agreement with that set of appellants and address their concerns as it relates to raising the height of the fairways which i think they had some colorful sql arguments as far as that appeal has been withdrawn and i do not think those issues are any longer before us. forest alliance appeal and let me separate the difference between the issues of policy that are being analyzed that a programmatic level in the eir versus whether or not the eir was adequate in evaluating those impacts correctly.inasmuch as i would like to find on their behalf i don't, i have not been able to find on their behalf and would respectfully, i know with disappointment to many of my friends, and i have to say i don't think there is any single issue that this body has gotten as many emails about,we didn't
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get this many emails about the and nass and the streetlights and nass and the streetlights on van nuys and i would respectively supervise or say that i think that we should table all items 61 and 62 and move item 60 and this is second and by supervisor farrell. supervisor yee. >>thank you mme. chair and i just want to echo my colleagues that i have not seen so much passion as i have about this issue. and i want us thank
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lisa wayne for coming out she is always been so professional and certainly there are many elements of this program that we support and the issue of how we manage our trees in places like this are important and i certainly do not want to be the one that is going to support something where tree falls on somebody and someone gets hurt because we are negligent but for me there were some issues that were brought up today and, again, this is a tough issue and like so many issues that are like and support the issue with pesticides and whether using the same amount or less, i don't think this was adequately studied and i think that the attorney mentioned
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about the next issue to look at this more carefully in terms of whether or not we we use more and that bothers me a lot and because of that, i think i will be supporting the appeal. >>thank you supervisor yee. supervisor sheehy. >>thank you mme. chair and i also want to echo what my fellow supervisors have said.
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this is been such a passionate project and i cannot support this project i hope the dialogue as individual pieces of the plan are being implemented especially around the herbicide use that the community really looks at those impacts very carefully. i do have to say that i found the conversations with park and rec staff to be very compelling and i applaud them trying to approach this issue because i really had a lot of trepidation about this. i do want to keep in touch on this issue. i know that you are trying to do everything you can to mitigate and use the least amount of chemicals. i think one piece of that will be making sure that you do bring on adequate natural resource staff and not i think that it think that if you have bodies that can
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monitor these chemicals i think that's important to pursue. one part is very critical to me and i'm not sure what we do to go forward this but is off leash dog areas. 80% of these off leash dog areas could be impacted depending on how this how this management plan is implemented. i think for someone to suddenly be walking their dog at a place every day and every weekend to suddenly wake up one morning and it's off leash and, you know, they can't let their dogs run their without some kind of process by where they are notified and an opportunity to have a dialogue with parks and rec about that would be very problematic for me. again, i don't know that
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would require legislation but parks and rec would want to come up and maybe he lay the fears of some of the dog owners. i don't have a dog i have a cat but again, i completely understand their concerns and i am very, very empathetic. and that is not an issue for ceqa. >>thank you supervisor sheehy. supervisor farrell. >>thank you mme. chair and i do want to thank all the people who've come out here tonight. this is a very passionate issue and i do want to say as some of
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my colleagues have spoken as far as ceqa i don't see an issue here and one thing i want to mention is i grew up right next to the presidio and the presidio was chock-full of eucalyptus trees and given those trees useful life here in san francisco first, i will admit, this was daunting. this was growth of trees in areas i was used to my entire life, literally, that i was running around as a kid and my wife and i went to plant some trees in the presidio next to the golf
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course and another 30 feet tall and i can tell my kids, we did that, we planted those in my kids love it. but again on a personal level. again, much of my colleagues i echo on the eir itself and the appeal but for me this necessity of what were doing and planning for future and making sure that our parks are there and i want those perks to be there when my kids are my age and my grandkids also. and i want to echo the comments by saying we need to think of the future san francisco in the future of our parks system and lastly we want to thank you for the all of the
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rec and parks staff and thank you for your hard work on this and again thank everyone for being here and thank you for your dialogue on this. >>thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor ronen. >>thank you. i just want to go my colleagues and thank everyone for staying here so late this evening and thank you for your concern your care and your engagement. and i echo my colleagues that i worked in here with a lot of reservations tonight but along the questioning that supervisor sheehy was asking i do also
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want the answer to these questions but these were very unsatisfying answers and it wasn't a long line of questioning that you are answering. so moving forward, i am comforted by the fact that as you go about implementing this plan and engage in projects for all 32 natural areas that there will be supplemental environmental reviews for those 32 projects and if the public and the community feel that they are insufficient those appeals will come before the board of supervisors and we will be able to look project by projectwhether that tree removal and pesticide use will significantly impact the plan and our children in their schools and i just don't have that level of comfort with the eir. i'm not willing to affirm the eir i think that everyone
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engaged in this project has put a lot of hard work and attention into this plan and i just think again everyone for coming in engaging in this process. >>thank you supervisor ronen. supervisor fewer. >>thank you mme. chair. i just uld like to say that last week i went to the fairways at sharp park and i went to the pond that you mentioned to me and then i read a lot and i spoke to a lot of people and, quite frankly, i one point i didn't even know what was true but after really thinking deeply about it, i think that i know
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what i believe the truths to be. i've been married to an arborist for 20 years. and my husband is also an arborist and he has a degree in horticulture andwe have pruned many, many, many trees. and we also learned trees in our yard and he reminded me that the eucalyptus tree is a weak trait because it is a fast-growing trait and we also have to remove eucalyptus trees also from properties that we have earned because of the possibility of them falling on buildings. income i also know that it is hard to see a tree get chopped down and if i see a tree chopped with a cleaver i
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think my husband his heartbreaks a little. it is hard to see a tree cut and it's hard to seea tree removed and i think that i want to protect trees but i can tell you that we have to preserve our forest and i have seen iv take over and i have seen trees fall and i know that we are full of eucalyptus trees and i also know that we have not managed our urban forest and it is time that we did. because we are also responsible as and supervisor farrell said, people for years will be enjoying our parks and because this is a programmatic review we will have an additional opportunity to have another review. and, i
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think it comes down to sort of also who you believe in what you believe. i do believe that, you know, 18,000 trees being removed in 20 years is devastating but i also think it is not as devastating as to say 50,000 trees in one year and when i met with people they told me most of these trees are disease or most these trees are weak or most these trees are dangerous and i guess if it comes down to what you believe and i have to say that i believe that because i've had eucalyptus trees myself, and i also think that thesetrees that are in our urban forest take
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maintenance. and i have to say that i agree with supervisor peskin and his proposal but i do want to thank people for coming out educating me and i want to assure you that i thought long and hard about this and like i said, i married into a family of arborists and it is harbor us when we see trees cut down but then sometimes i think that in the bigger picture of our urban forest in san francisco i think at some time, unfortunately we must. thank you. >>thank you supervisor fewer. supervisor safai.
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>>thank you mme. supervisor and thank you colleagues. and thank everyone for coming out here today have to concur with supervisor peskin it is great to see the legislative process work to see people come to an agreement and resolve some of the issues on the tables i commend the rec aand park staff for the time you put into this. this is a 15 your processor more coming to a close and there is some irony when we're talking about management and protection of endangered species that there would be the idea that we have an existing working man's golf course and it would be restored and one then in the end, it would be designed by the scottish immigrants and this is the reason why we have the opportunity to protect two of the most endangered species in northern california. i think that's one irony that shouldn't be lost in the situation. the others that i too have a
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problem often with taking down trees and this is part of the process but there is some truth and it is part of this process and we do weed out unhealthy trees we are trying to present the long-term health of our forest. so i will be supporting the environmental impact report. i want to commend rec and park also. i too agree with what supervisor sheehy said about the dog part but even though we are losing some of these areas these off leash dog park areas are important to me as well and i thank you members of the staff and i think everyone who's come outto speak on this. thank you.
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>>before we vote on the motion proposed by supervisor peskin is there a motion to excuse supervisor kim so this had a motion and a second can we take the supervisors without objection? mme. city clerk, on items 59, 60, 61, and 62 please call the roll. >>[roll call vote] >>we have 9 ayes and one no th
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supervisor yee in the dissent. >>the environmental impact report is finally certified. thank you. >>[gavel] thank you very much. we have business to continue. so if everyone would please consider exiting the chamber quietly, we would really appreciate it. thank you. thank you ma'am. we are still in session. we are still in session, thank you. mme. city clerk, please let's go back to our business. supervisor supervisor sheehy, we left off with you. >>yes i have a memorial.
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>>excuse me, excuse me we are still conducting business of you could exit quietly and have your conversations outside of the chamber. i apologize supervisor sheehy. >>i have a memory today at for ms. shelley a and she studied cosmetology at night with a keen business sent and she opened shelley's beauty salon on fresno street and it open businesses and half a dozen locations she lives behind her husband of 58 years harlan l kelly senior and 27 grandchildren and 28 great-great-grandchildren. >> and thank you supervisor
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sheehy. and supervisor peskin? >>can we do that on behalf of the entire board? >>can we do that on behalf of the entire board without objection? >>we will do that without objection. >>[gavel] >>we do have three or more atoms. i would like to first adjourn the meeting on behalf of eileen fernandez. many of you know the work of ms eileen fernandez who was born in 1926 two charles clark and ethel clark and she was one of three children and the only daughter. she graduated fromhoward university magnum cm laude in
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sociology and and she went on to be a professor at the college.she was later appointed deputy chief of the california department of federal equal employmentcommission in washington dc she was the only woman to be appointed to the department of federal equal employment in washington dc. she went on to become the president. ms. fernandez went on to inspire women leaders in her consulting firm fernandez and associates and through the formation of several women's groups including black women
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organize for political actions her lifetime of papers will be preserved at the sophia smith college and her collection at smith college. she is cherished as a kind and loving aunt and will be fondly missed by her family, friends, and many other folks in her san francisco community. there is a public memorial service plan for ms. hernandez on monday, march 6 at noon in the n. light court in city hall. the second memorial that i have is for a very dear friend of mine sadly, their son mr. christian antonio erwin was mr. darrell white and shelley white and he was only 19 years old and he was pursuing his college degree at the university of las
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vegas nevada and his parents were very proud of the initiative he showed to go towards his dreams he encouraged his young siblings to do well in school and major he made time with them. his siblings never questioned their big brother and they loved him dearly. he made sure his family always knew that his number one priority with each and every one of them. he is survived by his parents, darrell and shelley white, his two younger sisters, and his younger brother. he will be forever missed. and the rest supervisor cohen. >>i would like to make a motion that we close the board on behalf of both of the names that you offered. >>thank you supervisor cohen. if we could do that on behalf of the board without objection. without objection we will adjourn the meeting on behalf
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of the full board of supervisors. thank you colleagues. >>[gavel] >>mme. pres., seeing no other names on the roster. >>sir, sir, and any members of the public, we have business to conduct and we have an agenda and we have returned to our agenda and the next item up his public comment. i would appreciate if you would not continue to have outburst. we have all been here a very long time and we ask for your patience. thank you very much. mme. clerk, since there are no other members who are listed for introductions please read public comments. >>at this time the public may address the entire board of supervisors for the item 65-69 pursuant to the board's rules please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors or to the audience and supervisors
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using assistance may have twice the time and if you would like to display something on the screen or projector please address your comment to sfgtv. >>ma'am we apologize we will start your time again because the microphone was not on. >>[inaudible] allows you to use as much herbicide as you want whenever you want >>mme. pres., i'm pausing the speakers time. >>it sounds like you're speaking about herbicides. >>i am speaking about ipm. i'm not speaking about natural areas. and i'm speaking but ipm. >>okay thank you. >>if you look at ipm you can use what ever you want whenever
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you want at any amount. so it's all about assumption and particularly the natural area programs in my neighborhood not the eir they always have exemptions and they use nine times more herbicides than everybody else and there are studies which show this very low amounts of herbicides can still be harmful to your health. study showed that the use of these [inaudible] can increase liver disease by [inaudible]
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percent. i hope that somebody will take it up because it is unconscionable when everything is getting poison for whatever reason [timer dings] it should not be allowed. it is not just the natural area problem, it is a general herbicide use and also the natural area use problem that uses about nine times as much herbicide as everyone else uses. thank you very much. also, goes everywhere. [timer dings] thank you. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>thank you. i am using an
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assistance. i'm using my brother for my impairment. >>thank you we will double your time. >>thank you. my brother is here to express his concerns over something near and dear to his heart. he doesn't get many opportunities to speak out, with his handicap he feels like he cannot express or communicate his feelings for fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed. but he jumped that the opportunity to be here tonight to be heard. he request the assistance to stop the funding of corporations that support the north dakota access pipeline. help send the message that the mother earth ecosystem needs to be protected through all walks of life. mother earth has no words and cannot speak for herself. we as human beings need to voice
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for her and assure her protections. my brother states he is a water protector. he believes it is his and all the duties of all human beings to be the best possible stewards of mother earth. please consider the funding and to invest in the corporations that pollute the waters in south dakota. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>mme. city clerk can i just make a comment. we indicated unanimously that we stand with standing rock
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folks and we are 100% in solidarity and that was actually delivered to the camps. we also separately have taken actions with regard to the cities investment policies with well standing i just want to put that on the record. >>thank you. next speaker please. >>my name is jackie i'm with the cody youth. my tribe is directly affected by the dakota access pipeline in the keystone pipeline which are set to run right through the great city reservation and we are here today to go because we want the board to follow through on their opposition of blood to south dakota pipeline.yes the resolution is a good one but the city has cashed a
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