tv BOS Rules Committee 3817 SFGTV March 13, 2017 4:00am-5:31am PDT
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>> good afternoon, folks, this meeting will come to order. welcome to the march 8, 2017 regular meeting to have rules committee. i'm supervisor ahsha safai, chair of the committee, to my right is vice chair sandra lee fewer, supervisor, and on his way is supervisor norman yee, our clerk today is victor young, i'd ams like to thank jaok key larson and andy at sfgtv for staffing this meeting. do you have any announcements. >> please silence owl cell
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phone and is electronic devices, any documents to be included as part of the file should be submit today the clerk, items will appear on the march 14th supervisor agenda, eat ining the public gallery is not permitted. >> thank you, mr. clerk, please call the first three items together. >> yes, item number 1, motion confirming/reject thing mayor's reappointment of miguel bustos to the successor agency commission for the unexpired portion of a four year term. number 2, motion confirming, reject thing mayor's reappointment of leah pimentel to to suck soesz sore agency commission. number 3, motion con firing, rejecting the mayor's reappointment of darshan singh
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to the successor agency commission. >> let's hear from our first mayor appointee, mr. bustos, welcome, commissioners, please proceed. >> members to have committee, thank you so much for the opportunity to come before you, my name is miguel bustos, i've been serving on oci for a few years now. born and raised here in san francisco and the per specie that i've brought, at least tried to bring to the oci commission has been one about how can we make it work for real people, where's the win, win, win, and i think we've done that successfully. building a lot of affordable housing units, making sure that the devis gained and it happens
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when you have local people working on these buildings. so, i'm glad to say my dad worked on the transamerica building, pier 39, so we want the same thing for other residents of this city to be able to look to these developments within the ocii jurisdiction to say you know waxer i helped build that, not only i helped build it but i'm also living in it so we make it affordable for people from this city, certificate of preference has been a huge deal for us, something we've been pushing staff almost -- probably working too hard, pushing them to make sure we have people who
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have their certificate of preference to come back into their communities. i would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you, commissioner bustos, colleague es, any questions for commissioner bustos. seeing none, let's hear from our next appointee, commissioner leah pimentel. >> you know, i'm noticing -- no, i withdraw, thank you. >> okay, thank you. commissioner pimentel, thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i've been serving on ocii for the past year, i'm a third generation from the bayview and i was able to help one of the community members who would have been displaced if it was not for ocii's development. i was able to help her understand that she was a seasonal worker at the san
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francisco giants and by working with her to understand the rules, she was able to get into one of the developments on forestry and stay if san francisco with her family. it has been a graelt opportunity to really put the perception of a parent and a working parent when we're meeting with the developers so that they can see what it means for parking for working class families and the disabled and seniors and the importance to prioritize their parking so that they have accessibility in their neighborhood, also making sure that the community benefit from the legacy foundation are really there to help the community as well. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner, colleagues, any questions for commissioner pimentel? seeing none, let's call up the next commissioner, commissioner darshan singh. >> thank you, commissioner.
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>> thank you, i was honored by the mayor and i will finish a project at naul [inaudible], especially i'm proud of mission bay, it was started in 97 and that was the largest employer after the city, and we did -- also i took part in [inaudible] and south beach and you know the project area at hundred's point, i look forward to your support. >> thank you, commissioner, i think you have been on the commission -- please stay up there for a second, colleagues, any quick questions for
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commissioner singh, i know you've been on the commission from 1995. >> yes. >> so, you have the i o*f see thing city over the past 25 years, what do you think has been one of the most important aspects of your role on the commission? >> say it again. >> what has been one of the most important aspects -- >> actually, i'm very proud about the mission bay, it was started in 97, and the mayor brown said that we don't want to let this goe, all of the study, they were offered [inaudible] in alameda and brisbane and they needed about 30 acres and we tried very hard to get that from [inaudible] corporation and some was from the towns bay, not -- you know, caltrans of some land so we gave them land and i'm very
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proud of that. >> okay, thank you, commissioner, colleagues, any questions for commissioner singh? great. are there any members of the public that would like to comment on the first three item, please come up and comment, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors and congratulations on your selections. my name is bill barn cal and i'm the founding board member of the outer sunset professional organization and veteran affairs for county and city of san francisco, i hope we can reappoint darshan singh, he will be the longest standing commissioner in the history of city and count di of san francisco, i've done dar singh for nearly 30 years, he's been president of my association and is currently director of my negotiation for over 40 eases, he has been the district of the [inaudible] merchants and is
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the chairperson for the department of corrections which is appointed by the governor and i believe this is his second or third term, in my 65 years, you seldom find individuals like darshan, i have respect for him. the [inaudible] our core values are integrity first, excellence if all we do and serve before thy self, sbekt is the highest moral standards, excellence in all we do, dar is a perfectionist and dar has been serving the community for over 50 years, so what better three words the describe dar, lastly, i would be remiss not to mention olivia, the whole saying is behind every man, there is a good woman, and behind every good woman, there's a good man so, let's reappoint dar and make history. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, just a reminder, each speaker
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has two minutes, if you can please state your name into the record, thank you. >> my name is steven cornell, a resident of district 7 and i have a business in district 3. i have known dar singh through the council district merchants for over 30 years. we highly respect dar, one thing good about him and what's god for the city is he used to be our president, he's still on our board of directors, he faithfully come tos all of our meetings and is a part of it, he knows what's going on in the small business community in san francisco and can represent us well, so i hope you will reappoint him, it will be a good thing for all of us in the city. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is gwen kaplan, i'm a small business own ner the northeast mission association area and i met dar originally through the council of district
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merchants. he is a model for me of how to be a productive and honest member of the council of district merchants, i have followed his career ever since i've known him and i would just be delighted to have him reappoint. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> henry [inaudible], san francisco council of district merchants association, i've known dar for many, many years back in the days of redevelopment when i sat on the south of mashlgt project area committee for some ten years and dar was on the redevelopment agency, and dar's someone who really cares abwhere the money goes, through projects that he would not approve unless he thought they were for the benefit of the community. he really is an excellent person to be on the commission and i strongly urge you to reappoint him to that, again, as one of the other speakers said, he always comes to the
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council meetings and he's a very dedicated person and he never misses a meeting, he's always there, and i want to say miguel bustos and leah pimentel, i also hope you will reappoint them, they're wonderful people. >> any other member of the comment would like to comment on items 1-3, please come forward and state your name. >> my name is anglo king, how are you? i would like to say it's very important our brand -- i ran here to support mr. singh, it's important to have institutional memory on these appointments because sometimes you need to know the whole picture, with the dismants ling of redwoment and what was left, sometimes people don't recall what was the point of it all from curing
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blight to getting businesses started to the kind of economic development that needs to happen, these things are always remembered, not only that, every time i see mr. singh, any time i see him anywhere, first thing he'll say is how is your family, how is your business, what do you need out here, he's an excellent public servant and a credit to government and i'm here because i think theses the kind of person that needs to represent the city especially in these kind of matters to make sure parts of san francisco get the same kind of economic benefit that the rest of san francisco has and that it's spread out equitably including the people bho were impacted when they didn't get to share in the first round of san francisco [inaudible] and you can only think like that when you have an institutional memory that lasts only four years so i'm here to support mr. singh as well as some of the other commissioners but red
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took off of work to support this man because he's always in the corner of people to try to benefit these neighborhoods. >> thank you, mr. king, any other members that wish to comment on items 1-3? >> chester williams, hp unity from the bayview area and i'm here to comment on all of the current commissioners, there's a word we always use, if it's not broke, don't fix it. you have a good group of people that are working tirelessly with the community, they have over 30 years of experience and i'm suggesting that some of the things that san francisco does wrong is it changes people too often on commissions so i'm recommending that you do not change those that are on the commission. you have a good group and let's have them do another term. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to testify?
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seeing none, public testimony is now closed. any additional comments, colleagues? supervisor yee? >> so, thank you, chair safai, can i ask the clerk, is it possible to in the past, this is what i've done, to either get the information from the particular commission or department or whatever body is serving the information on people's attendance and also the -- it would be really helpful like on item number 4 where it lists the people that are already serving so it gives me a better sen of the balance that i would like to see on these committees if possible.
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sometimes when we have opportunities to select people in an open seat, do we need a certain demographics or do we need a certain ethic group or whatever, it would be really helpful as we move into the future. >> i will work with the board to work your office to see if we can get that information prior to the meeting for you or prior to the committee. >> that would be really useful, besides that, the three people that are up for reappointment, i plan to fully support. i know who they are, i know their work and i think they do good work. redo you want me to make a motion? >> i'll go ahead and make a potion -- motion to confirm all three members and move forward a positive recommendation. >> i think that's right, i think the only thing i think is because it's a confirmation, i think we need to amend, so i
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think you have to amend motions on line 3 and 14 to confirm, we want to confirm the mayor's appointments? >> you confirmed it? >> yes. er >> can i have a second? >> second >> >> great, without objection, that will be the order. >> yes, just to confirm, the motions have been amended to confirm the members recommended by the mayor's office and the matter will be recommended to the board of supervisors. >> to the full board, yes. >> ye. >> perfect. , con grafp lacing, commissioners on your appointment. next item. >> item number 4, hearing to consider appointing 10 member tos the bicycle advisory committee for a two year terms or for the tenure of the nominating supervisor, whichever is shorter in duration. >> thank you, mr. clerk.
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colleagues, we have supervisorial appointment tos the bicycle advisory committee. let's hear from our first appointee from district 1, is devon warner mere? oh, great. would you please address the committee and speak on your qualifications. >> hello, thank you, thank you for your time, thank you, supervisor fewer for reappoint me as you may have known if you saw my application, i served last year for a little more than half a year and thank you to supervisor yee for sponsoring our ghost bike initiative last year. if you see my application, you'll see that i'm a 35 year san francisco resident, 25 year ins the richmond, serious bicycle commuter, a little bit of a sport ride e i've ridden all over everywhere in town,
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and i volunteer to organize ride of silence in international events here in san francisco with the help of my volunteers. my goals as a member of the bac is to support you. i'm here to weigh in on bicycle issues for the city for vision zero and for the supervisors in particular, so i'm here to work for you. in addition, i do want the say that i support a vigorous public debate and by that, i mean substance and civil discourse, so i want to work with the various constituencies and i want to make sure that the bicycling constituency is not at odds with the disabled constituency nor with the pedestrians and i think the city can be brought together around this issue and that's what i'm here to do, so thank
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you. >> thank you, any questions? >> i just want to thank you and other members of the bike coalition to bring the ghost bike legislation. what happened to it? >> as far as i know, nothing is happening, i have a sub-committee with me and bert hill who's the head of the bac, and he is leading the charge to reach out to the epw, we want to find out what their needs and constraints are before we suggest an ordinance, we want to stay within whatever it is that they have to comply with whenever they consider this kind of an issue. >> thank you. >> in the meantime, i'm plan tog put up a few ghost bikes in the next couple of mo*bt months, ride of silence is on
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may 17th, and we don't want ghost bikes up with we do our ride this year. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, ms. warner. any other questions, any questions, commissioner? let's hear from our next appointee. is anne brask here? >> hi, good afternoon, supervisors, and happy international women's day, i grew up in portland, oregon, the city renowned for its cycling infrastruck khu, i liver ined chicago and lived in san francisco for the past four years, i'm really excited to bring what i've learned about living and using cycling as my main means of transportation to san francisco. i've seen a lot of variety of issues and possibilities for solutions, after living in each of these cities, and i'm looking forward to bringing
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that experience and i'm also a city planner here and they have an extensive background in design and planning and i'm looking forward to using that to assist in possibilities for designs for safe streets as well as educating the community, also i'm hoping to continue partnerships with organizations such as the bike coalition and the walk sf and the parks alliance. i recently met with supervisor tang and we had a lot of discussion about potential improvements for the sunset district including the north/south connector as well as entrances into golden gate park and [inaudible] grove and i'm really exhibited about this opportunity and would be honored to represent district 14 on the bike advisory committee. >> any questions for ms. brask? great, seeing none websinger eel call up the next canadian
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late is melyssa mendoza here. could not make it? okay. and i got word that bert hill is not able make it. is he here? >> [inaudible]. >> is that permissible? >> it should be done during public comment. >> do you want to read it during public, that should be fine. diane serafini, is she here? catherine o*r land, great. >> hi, everyone. so, as a long time san francisco bicycle coalition volunteer, daily bicycle commuter and daily bicycle professional, i believe my professional, knowledge and skill set make me an ideal candidate to serve on the bicycle advisory committee a a represent for district 9, i've been serve ining this capacity
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since april. like i said, i formally was in the bicycle industry, i worked for two bicycle lighting companies, so safety is a major priority both for me personally as a cyclist and professionally in these capacities, i've developed strong relationships with all of the local bicycle shops throughout san francisco and i communicate with them regularly about their views on bicycle infrastructure developments and potential projects. as a daily bike commuter and recreational ride e i have my finger firmly on the pulse of my neighborhood's hot spots in terms of dangerous intersections and earlier this year, i spearheaded a project where we -- i enlisted the help of at least 30 volunteers and we counted the number of double parked cars on valencia street between 4 and 7 p.m., the evening rush hour, found that
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6-7 p.m. was really the most dangerous time for cyclists where they're passing more than 200 double parked cars in that hour. so, let's see, i have my finger on the hot spot and is the established bike route that is need better signage and pavement markings as well as pavement and infrastructure improvements and i'm committed to envision the bicycle plan and help us to achieve the goal of vision zero, i'm a long time sf bike coalition volunteer and have led commuter [inaudible] on bike to wobbling day, handed out blink lights on [inaudible] and participate ined the five year planning process and committed to san francisco that is safe for pedestrians, motorists and cyclists alike,
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give respect, get respect framework when it come tos sharing the road. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> colleagues, any question for ms. or o*r land? seeing none, let's call up the next individual, is mark brandt here? no? mary kay chin? great. >> good afternoon, thank you for letting me -- give me the opportunity to address you, i'm a san francisco native and previously on the bicycle advisory commission for d6 and currently the vice chair along with bert, i've been riding my bike using public transit and walking in san francisco my whole life.
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about five years in the tenderloin, we've been teaching local residents how [inaudible] and back on to the streets of safe, ridable machines, last year, i was e leaked on the san francisco bicycle coalition and currently serving as their secretary. i believe these perspectives will help provide me a good lens and a great lens to the bac to help san francisco reach its bicycle planned goals as well as vision zero. any questions, that was quick. >> great, thank you so much, colleagues, any questions or comments? >> how's your mom? >> she's good, i'm sure -- she says hi. thank you. >> great.
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is paul wells? >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm very dmrad to be here today, just a snapshot of the service to san francisco started on the citizen's vice advisory board on graffiti for muni, that became joining the board of directors of san francisco beautiful. i've been a resident of potrero hill for almost 35 years, an avid bicyclist until a knee operation and back operation slowed me down just a tad, i have also served on the staking open space, the park on the top of potrero hill, that's a native plant refuge and also for the last ten years on market street railway board of directors, the non-profit that keeps the enf streetcars on
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track. in district 10, we have some challenges, we have the hair ball under 101 where bayshore and chavez and all these streets meet, there's a lot of work to be done but having seen our bicycle paths grow and seeing the bicycle coalition grow, co-existence on the roads is always a good position for them and part of what we do and finding a way to realize vision zero by making things safer for bicyclists and also for everybody else who uses the road, so i am a public transit advocate. since we're here, i know that we meet the fourth monday of every month at room 408 at city hall and since since we're on
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tv and open to the public, i would like to take the opportunity to invite the public to come, make comments during our meetings, fourth monday of the month in room 408 of city hall because public input is very important for what we do and i'm glad to continue to serve district 10 on the board of bicycle advisory committee and thank you so much for your time. >> thank you, mr. wells, colleagues, any questions for mr. wells? >> yes, i have one question, mr. wells. are you a bike rider yourself? >> yes, before we had any kind of safe bike kl path, my rear pyrebacker tire would go into where all the fraikt car tracks used to be. >> i guess i must have missed
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that, thank you so much. >> thank you, supervisor. and then the last person we'll call up is jeffrey taliaferro. >> hello, supervisors, i've been in the bicycle business now for about 30 years, i've had a bicycle shop here in the city in district 11, i've been riding bikes all that full time as well and i have a lot of -- a lot to give back. i want to give back and make the streets safer for the people that have patronized me and for the people that just want to get on a bike and do their things by bicycle and that are just frankly too scared the ride a bicycle.
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i see around town how the bike situation has become much better, it's much safer to ride now, but i know that we can do more. i have things, you know, the ocean avenue corridor down by the car born is very dangerous, there's so many muni car tracks down there that it's almost impossible to avoid safely. i see things around town that i think i can be of some use to figuring out better solutions. born and raised here, been in district 11 pretty much all my life and have, you know, seen a lot and have contacted a lot of people, not contacted but have contact with a lot of people
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that -- and got a lot of feedback for what people want to do as far as how they would want to change things for the better of pedestrians and cyclists, and that's about it. >> thank you sx, did i say your last name, taliaferro? >> it's taliaferro. >> thank you, sir. colleagues, any questions? comments? yes, please. >> yes? >> do you have a question? >> no. >> it's a comment, thank you, sir. yes, supervisor yee? >> [inaudible]. >> not yet, before we do public comment, i wanted to call up bobbie lopez from supervisor kim's office, she wanted to make a comment on mary kay chin on behalf of the supervisor. >> thank you, supervisor, i'll
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be very brief, i think that everybody is clear how amazing and wonderful may ri kay chin is and we have the enshrouding support, we're glad we have a partner to really take that on, of course today being international women's day, i think it's important to note that mary kay is very much about accessibility to women and gender nonconforming individuals so we're super excited about her role in making biking accessible to multiple communities as well as just sort of mentioning her role with san francisco yellow bike and that everybody should go visit it or donate their bikes to get them refix and had repurposed to community members. that's it, thank you so much. >> thank you. okay, now we're going to go ahead and take public comment on item number 4, if any members to have public wish to comment on item number 4, please come forward. >> this is from bert hill, our
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chair, good afternoon, chairs, i regret i'm unable to attend this hearing and i asked [inaudible] to read my message, i express my thank tos the board of supervisors for my continued reappointment to the bicycle advisory committee. my 12 years as khai, we have wrestled through the 2005 bike plan, two civil grand jury find x, many cta resolutions and departmental letters, most of our interactions has been with mta, dpw, bartd, but report to to board of supervisor and is wish to thank you and your colleagues for your consternation for your appointments, today we have a committee that's the most diverse, if my fellow nominees are elected, there is a
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majority of women, [inaudible] we are not however diverse in transportation choices, we are all primary bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users dedicate today reduce reliance on personal use of motor vehicles, we work diligently through consensus and mutual respect, while sometimes not the most expedient, we have found it to be most gratifying an effective process in promoting our charter as stated in 5.130 of the administration code. i'm not going to read that part. as the senior members i plan on resigning from the chair position in july, i'm confident that our committee's work can only get better. one last comment, we have discussed the efficacy of experimenting with sfpd traffic division using medalist mote sized bicyclist, we've made numerous requests but no budget is always the response. we are preparing a resolution to request the cta pursue a
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caltrans ots pilot program with the [inaudible] the equity in a most cost save ining this mode of law enforcement, bert hill. sorry, that was really fast. . erbacker >> good afternoon, my name is [inaudible], a long time resident of san francisco and i'm here to support bert hill who i have known for over 20 years and i'm mere to encourage the supervisors to reappoint him to the bac again because i think he will be a wonderful addition and will continue the good work that is necessary here in san francisco and i believe so because his professional background allows him to interact with the public, with businesses, small businesses and get things going in order to get a good transportation system here in san francisco and in the bay area, i hope you will consider his candidacy seriously, i think he will be an excellent person to be on the board again
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and what i admire about bert, he is passionate about what he thinks and what he does and he does what he preaches. he cease a very active bicyclist and you see him all over the city so he will be an excellent choice. thank you. >> any other members of the public wish to testify on item number 4? >> and then this is on behalf of melyssa mendoza, d35, she's been a bike commuters since 2008, started with the bike coalition in 2009, move today the wiggle in 09 and has been bike advocating ever since, she's been [inaudible] the san francisco bicycle coalition and the san francisco bike party, she's also been instrumental in helping diversify the bac by adding myself as well as recruiting myself and cath
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erine to the bac. >> thanks. >> on behalf of? >> on behalf of the bac i'm devon warner again, on behalf of mark brandt, serafini and melyssa men doze sexier i enjoy work witching all of them and i find people who do contribute to the public discourse in a way that as i said includes both substance and a civility, so i recommend them both, all of them. >> great. and is diane serafini here? good, you can come speak on your own. can i do that, mr. clerk in public comment? that's okay, go ahead. >> my name is diane serafini, i've been serving on the bac since may of 2014, i really enjoyed my tenure on the committee, i'm a passionate
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bicycle rider, i've also been hit by a car who made an ill laoem left turn, this is before vision vao*er row, the driver wasn't cited, that's one thing why i wanted to become a board driver, to make sure that cyclist and is pedestrians have some recourse, i'm also a bicycle educator, i've been teaching for 10 years, many people in the city are very pro-infrastructure and it's very important and the statistic is it gets more people on bikes but the people don't know the importance of education to educate people who ride bike and is who ride bikes dangerously, if we can get more people on the road who ride safely, the new riders will behaif more like them than the people who ride against traffic and don't signal and make it difficult for everybody on the road, so i'm most interested in
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developing a cooperative transportation culture where all road users, whether they're people in motorized vehicles, people on bikes or people on foot can know they can safely get to where they want to go and they're not going to be endangered by anybody else. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any other members of the public would wish to testify on item number 4? seeing none, public testimony is now close. any additional comments, colleagues? supervisor yee. >> thank you, chair safai. i just was wondering, maybe this is a question directed to the clerk, i notice that every supervisor seem to have appointed somebody to be on this committee, but i don't see a number 2 here. is there a reason why there is no number 2? is there no seat or what is it?
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>> i think that seat might have been just appointed. >> i'm sorry. you should be on a mic.. >> can you come speak into the microphone. >> paul wells for district 10, so district 2 just has been appointed, that's why he's not on the list. >> thank you. >> meaning that shiz seat wasn't up for re-election with everybody else because a lot of us should have served to the end of our supervisor's term but something was changed in the rules so we all had to appear today or to reapply, thank you. >> okay, got it. >> any other comments or questions, colleagues? seeing no more names ton roster, is there a motion? >> yeah, i'll make a motion to
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-- do i have to say approve or -- >> just recommend. >> recommend these ten applicants for the positions. >> to the full board. >> to the full board of the bicycle advisory committee with a positive recommendation. >> okay. without objection, colleagues, that shall be the order. congratulations, everyone, for your reappointment and thank you for your service on this important advisory committee. [applause]. >> just to summarize, just to be sure. >> please. er >> this matter will be prepared in committee as a motion and with the recommendation to appoint all ten members and it will be on the -- recommended to the.full board's meeting next week. >> can we recess for just one minute? >> yes. >> we are on a short recess at >> would you like to reconvene?
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>> yes, please. >> thank you, mr. clerk, please call the next item. >> next on the agenda, item number 5, hearing to consider appointing four members to the golden gate bridge, highway and transportation district board of directors. >> klaoe, we have reappointment tos the golden gate bridge, highway and transportation board of directors, welcome, directors, would you please address the committee and speak on your qualification, the first person on the list i see is sabrina hernandez. >> good afternoon, and thank you for allowing me to address you today, chair safai, vice chair fewer and supervisor yee, my name is sabrina hernandez and i was born and raised here
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in san francisco, i've been serving on the bridge district for a total of about a little over 8 years now, i currently sit as first vice-president of the board and i hope that you will reappoint me to my position. i serve on several committees but i attend meetings for all mitt taoes, supervisor yee, i know you had a question about attendance and i try to make all meetings whether i'm a formal member of that committee or not, should i be reappoint this year for a two year term, i would come up again next year for the presidency of the board and i think it's important that i attend all those molting so aoelt -- meetings so i have have a complete overview of how everything operates and be in a good position pob president should is that tha* be my ultimate opportunity. there are lots of exciting things coming up for the district in the near future, we
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have a lot of opportunities and a lot of challenges, i'm excited about the sewer side deterrence system, we're trying to get that rolling on many years of discussion on that project. there's a fantastic staff we work with and of course a very strong board with lots and lots of knowledge and diverse representation. i would be proud to serve again and represent the city and county of san francisco on that board and i hope that you will reappoint me to that board. thank you very much. i can answer any questions should you have any. >> gret, thank you, ms. hernandez, colleagues, supervisor yee ?frjts how are you to come up here as a celebrity, honoree? >> thank you very much, thank you, supervisors for that fantastic honor, i appreciate it very much. >> i was just jealous that sdrik 7 residents, i didn't nominate you. >> there are lots of great
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women in district 7. thank you, supervisor yee. >> and maybe i missed this in your presentation, ms. hernandez, how long have you been on the golden gate bridge transportation district? >> a little over 8 years total. >> you said you were born and raised in san francisco, what do you think that does in term of bringing a perspective that's unique to that committee? >> well, if you consider that the economic background that i have, i was born and raised in brunelle height ins a 600 square foot house, my father was a janitor and eventually worked his way into the communication worker's union and helped to put out the san francisco examiner and chronicle. i went to public schools here in san francisco, i used public transit to get back and forth
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to school. i grew up in a labor household as you might imagine so i have a strong concern and interest in representing workers and making sure that workers are being treated fairly. i have -- my particular interests on the board, i have a special focus on the workers that work at the bridge, not just bus drivers but all the mechanics, all the folks that work in the admin building, everyone that puts forth their effort to make sure that our international icon stays in good health in tall ways that it does. i also am -- as you see, the only woman representing san francisco of all the encum bantus and i bring a women's per specie to the table as well, so there are various ways in terms of my experience, being a san francisco resident that i think i contribute and offer something a little bit
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different and always finding four san francisco interests of course, it's such a sport. >> thank you very much and thank you for your services, i think it's important to bring that perspective from a labor household, particularly from the labor unions that you spoke about as they relate to the work that you're doing now, so thank you. colleague, any other questions for ms. hernandez? thank you. >> thank you very much. >> we'll call up the next person, i understand we just had bert hill read into the record that he was not here so i guess we'll go to the next person, is richard grosboll here? >> thank you, i've been living here in san francisco for over 40 year, i have served on the bridge board for approximately a little over 10 year, i'm the immediate past president of the bridge district the last ten year, i didn't miss any of the committee or board meetings last year, it's not just the
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great bridge we deal with, we have a var iet aof issues out there, we're ao transit service, [inaudible] of course we have great bus service and of course we deal with pedestrians on the bridge and one of our most important project that is we've just started went out to bid and we've accepted the bid as a suicide deterrent project, i'm currently chair of the advisory committee on the suicide deterrent system so we're looking unfortunately at a full four years with a targeted completion date of january, so i appreciated the opportunity of serving on the bridge district and would like to continue to do so, so thank you very much. >> thank you, colleagues, any questions for mr. gross wa*l? seeing none, thank you. the next individual is mr.
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michael ter ra*lt. >> supervisors, i want to take a moment and advocate on behalf of my three colleagues first, director hill, bert hill, although he couldn't be here, bert, i will -- i've been impressed on how dedicated he has been showing up at committee that is aren't his to try to learn as much as possible the full bred ft of responsibility of the board and ofp the committee and is to learn aof the functioning to have bridge, i've been extremely impressed by his knowledge of the transportation aspects of the district's operations. i will say i have 725 miles on a bicycle, he's certainly been a bicycle advocate longer than i have, [inaudible] guided the district through a challenging time when we were confronted
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with the essential doubling of the expected bid price for the suicide deterrent system, and he did that very ably and i compliment him for that and director hernandez is as she has noted herself an advocate for the point of work of viewers, the point of view of women, the point of view of san franciscans, those of underprivileged and low backgrounds, i was please today move her appointment as the vice-president of the district as a representative of san francisco and myself. i bring a particular unique per specie to the board in that i come from a background in the iron working industry. i came all the way from apprentice to general fore mansion i functioned as local worker and someone who understands the needs of contractor and is the needs to accomplish a particular project in a particular way. i've also been an organizer and
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a business agent for the iron worker's union, so i understand what it mean tosed advocate for workers. i too am a native of san francisco and as a particular instance of what na mean, the debates over tolls on the bridge, when it was proposed we consider bicycle and pedestrian tolls on the bridge, i pointed out that when i was a kids growing up on the south side of brunelle heights, one pleasure i had was taking extremely long walks and i couldn't go on to the bridge at the time because thereafter toll because i never had a penny in my pocket, if the bridge is truly to be the people's bridge, there has to be completely freedom for pedestrians on that bridge and that i think was a telling argument in helping to turn down the pedestrian toll on that bridge. i will give you at this point something that i've talked about in other venues but never
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publicly and that is how i ended up where i am. i in the late 19308's stood up at iron worker meet advising said you need to start organizing heavily in the chinese community, there was social justice reasons for doing that, and i was very well aware at the time of the sorry history of the san francisco building and construction trades council of its antiasian beginnings, and was anxious to see that turned around but of course in a trades context, one has to make a practical argument as well and the argument i made was in 1997, hong kong would go back to the people's republic, we would see a capital seeking ref cyans yaouj and with that would come chinese businesses and chinese crack toersinger, when 97 came and exactly what i predicted would happen happened, the union called me up in early 99 and said do you want to be an organizer for the union.
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at the time i was making pretty good money as a general foreman and had to have a couple of weeks to think about it, i took that position as organizer for the union with a cut in pay and we doubled the size of the local by making it look more like california. we signed most of the small chinese miscellaneous contractors in town, we organized heavily nr the latino community, we did very innovative things in all those regards. we had a vocational english as a second language classes, we began to accept the [inaudible], the mexican consulate i.d. in place of driver's license for entry to apprenticeship, i dispatched in both spanish and english and listened to the grumble ining the hall as i did so and one can expect when you make that great a change in an institution, there is a backlash and there was a backlash, i survived my
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election in a three way race but i'm proud of what we accomplished and it will never be undone and where that comes back to the bridge is that now at the bridge, i am in the enviable position of looking at the iron worker crew on the bridge and seeing some of those chinese workers we organized are if that crew, so is n the course of more than a century finally a turn from the point where we were bitterly antiasian in the san francisco building trades to the point where chinese workers that i helped organize are in the in-house crew on the city's most iconic struck khu, i'm proud of that, so i ask for your reappointment to the bridge committee. >> thank you, any questions for commissioner ter ya*lt? >> anybody who want tos comment.
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>> bert hill did ask me to read a statement in his absence, i regrept i'm unable to attend, he's on capitol hill providing right and is equity for all bicyclists, [inaudible] two years ago, i believe my experience in large scale engineering/construction project and financial management as well as transportation expertise provide a unique background for decisions facing the board over the coming years and last year's national conference, the transportation conference in l.a., a hyperbolic statement was made there will be more changes to transportation in the next decade than in the previous century, i was skeptical but autonomist vehicle, economics, mobile communication will alter our lives, more specifically, this change will need civil infrastructure modifications that have traditionally required decades to implement
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segregation of autonomist vehicles to act rationally and much more efficiently than people, [inaudible] we also need to think less of [inaudible] as privately owned passenger cars and more as a unified transit system. if reappoint, i hope we can start the conversation to deter the increasing auto con j*ex in highway 1 including lom bart street, the declining bus ridership and increasing bridge traffic is non-sustainable. bert hill, and i did serve with bert and he has been a great director in the last two years, i hope he is reappoint. >> thank you. next person. >> thank you, sabrina hernandez back here bargaining i want to especially in the absence of bert hill support him and as well as my colleagues that are up again for reappointment today, i've served with all of these gentlemen and i've been
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very impressed and inspired by the leadership they have provided to the bridge leadership, and not just as their colleague seeing them in action but as a business representative for ib local 36 and as a san francisco resident, they have my support and i hope you will support them. thank you. >> thank you, next. >> good afternoon, supervisors, tom [inaudible]singer executive director of livable city, here today to speak on behalf of the reappointment of bert hill to the golden gate bridge board. bert as you've heard regrets he can't be here today. he's spending the day on capitol hill with a group of people from the national bike summit, they are trying to get congress to pass hr1226 which is a national vision vao*er row bill, vision zero is the goal of eliminating deaths and serious injuries on our roads from automobile collisions within the next ten years, incredibly important goal for
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us and for bert. i just want to say bert has been one of the city's hardest working advocates for both sustainable transportation and safe streets for as long as i can remember which is kind of a long time. bert is a bicycle educate torx he does adult bike education so, if any of you want to get back on a bike, bert's your man, he walks the talk and also walks the touk ta*uk by bicycling up to meraloma, he is retired but bikes up that hill tirelessly, it is a multimodal transportation agency, it provides access for people who walk, people who bicycle, transit, boat ferries, and lastly automobiles, and bert is one of the great multimow dad advocates, working to make the garden gate bridge district sustainable both ecologically
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and financially, equitable, safe, accessible to all. he really believes in its mission of transporting people and relieving automobile congestion here in this city, so we ask you to support his re-election here today. >> thank you, next speaker. ing >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm army morgan and i would like to think of myself as a third generation san franciscan, moved away when i was a teenager to san jose and came back later in life for work and my family's been in san francisco over 80 years, my grandmother tells me my grandfather worked on the golden gate bridge as a laborer, i thought he was an iron worker but he was in local 261, labor, but anyway, we'd
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like to strongly urge you to support mike terheriault's reappointment, he's a native san franciscan and we think he's qualified, i can't see who's better qualified for mike theriault, so we'd like to urge you to support mike theriault for reappointment, thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name's tony rodriquez and i'm with local 43 union and i'm here to ask you to reappoint mark theriault, i melt mike about 8 years ago and as the head of the building trades, i've had various dealings with him and while i was sitting there, i was trying to think of words to describe mike and i guess things that come to mind
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is a very honest person, a very committed person, he's a hard worker, he's got integrity and he's very dead date kate today what he does and i've been impressed about how he runs the building trades and the dealings i've had with him, i would ask you to reappoint him and while i haven't known sabrina as long as, i can echo she's got the same qualities and i would ask you to also reappoint her. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members the public that wish to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. any additional comments, colleagues? supervisor yee? >> so, i will vouch for all four of these members, they are my colleagues on that board. i'm embarrassed that i always ask about attendance and i probably have the worst attendance record on that board. >> we may have to take that up at a later meeting.
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>> but i know that all four of these members are very active, the golden gate committee, wl*fr there is some press conference, i see several of them always go after the meetings, so -- and the per specie they bring into the bridge board is very valuable, something that probably doesn't come from anybody else on the board, so what i would like to do is move to the full board a positive recommendation to appoint sabrina hernandez to seat 1, bert hill to seat 2, richard grosboll to seat 3 and michael theriault to seat 4. >> you said positive recommendation? >> yes. >> yes, supervisor fewer? >> i want to second that, i wanted to make one comment that i had a conversation with mike
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theriault today and we spoke about the diversity on this board and i think there is an opportunity if r the board of supervisors to add more diversity on to that board than i would suggest the board of supervisors doing so. thank you. >> great. and i'll just make my own comment before we finalize that motion, i haven't had the pleasure of working with ms. hernandez or mr. hill or mr. grosboll but i have had the pleasure of working with mr. theriault, as someone that before i got on to this board worked with in the labor movement, he's one of the first people i came across, we may not have seen eye to eye in the beginning but it's someone i can say he's not only a friend but a neighbor, we live in the same neighborhood, he's someone that i learned from, i appreciate his leadership sdp i appreciate the perspective that he brings and every time i hear him speak in public, i learn a little bit more about him so i -- what a wonderful story that
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is about tolls on the pedestrian side of the bridge and what that means to bring that per specie and i think that's why the same question i asked ms. hernandez about what it means to be a native born san franciscan and see your city evolve and have a perspective from a labor household and a labor movement and what that brings to an iconic committee like this, so thank you all for your commitment and your leadership and particularly thank you all for your friendship. so, klaoe, seeing no objections on that motion, i think that motion is so ordered and approved. >> do you need to reaffirm it? >> no. >> okay. >> next item, mr. clerk. >> next on the agenda, item number 6, hear tog consider appointing two members to the
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local homeless coordinating board, please note that an urgency waiver is required in your consideration of ms. laura guzman. >> thank you, mr. clerk, colliding, we have three applicants for two seats for the local homeless coordinating board. if there's no initial comments from my colleague, i would like to ask the applicant tos address the committee and speak on their qualifications. so, do we have -- let's see, laura guzman, sophia isom and john roman, if you can come up in that order and address the committee, thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, and welcome to the new supervisor -- i'm laura guzman, i've been with the local homeless coordinating board since 1995, i carry so many
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traditional mem ris of this board. i have served as both could chair and now i'm chair of the policy committee and i also [inaudible] of the resource center and in the board, i have gone through 11 application tos the federal government, worked in the funding committee, we have done some work with the board with supervisor kim, we did the redevelopment of the shelter system and i'm still very committed to stay on this board as we know the homeless is still what we need to tackle, is still very complex, as one of my role iss to assure and guarantee we continue to receive the federal funds that we have for the hud guidelines, it's exciting times because earlier today, sharon wood, supervisor safai, we are instituting right now a new homeless coordinator systemblessing it's going to be called the one system where we're all in the coordinated
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entry to prioritize housing, we have a new department so this is really a very incredible time so i'm more than happy to continue my role and i'm looking forward to the reappointment for my seat. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. any questions for ms. guzman, colleagues? okay. sophia isom? >> good afternoon, sorry, good afternoon, supervisors, my name is sophia isom, i was born and raised in san francisco, california, i am currently employed with the san francisco human services agency as a program director in the family and children services division. my area of expertise is in the field of child welfare which is also known as child protective services. i've been a program director for 16 years, i've had either the direct experience or the oversight of staff who works
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with families who have been impacted by child abuse and neglect as well as working towards reunification and helping obtain permanency or assist ining preparing foster youth for self-sufficiency o*ut -- outside of our foster care system. i have a sincere interest in this work because i'm really a strong advocate for the needs of foster youth and families. my main interest in participating on this board if granted is really to look at the intersection between the impacts that families who are trying to reunify to get their children back within the foster care system or as i stated looking at the impacts of foster youth when they exit our system, it is our responsibility , you know, for youth active in our system to make sure that we provide them adequate housing and safety and prepare for their well-being, but we do also have a lot of concern of
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what happens after they exit our system at the age of 21. we currently are serving, i have the oversight of 200, approximately 200 non-minor dependents which will be exiting the foster care system very soon and i want to advocate and look at housing services and supports for them in their future. thank you. >> thank you. question for ms. isom? >> yes. >> supervisor yee? >> good afternoon f, ms. isom? >> good afternoon. so, you work for the -- which department do you work for? >> i work for the human services agency and the division that i'm assigned is family and children services. >> with the child protective services? >> yes. >> so, what would be the advantage of having somebody like yourself who's working in
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that department and what are some of the -- do you see any disadvantages also in terms of conflicts? >> well, first of all, i feel the advantage would be that i have the experience and i can advocate on behalf of the needs of families impacted by child abuse and neg tekt, specifically looking at what it takes for children to return home if they're removed but more importantly, i see the day-to-day task and responsibilities and impacts on older foster youth and what happens when they exit our system. they're impacted by homelessness for a variety of different reasons, and that is something very important to me, although as an adoptive pandering, i've seen first-hand the challenges that our foster youth face, so i feel like having someone like me with the experience can also bring forward some suggestions and be a part of the innovation to
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look at what we can do to improve our housing resources because it is a challenge with limited resources and as i stated, it's very important to me to ensure that our former foster youth do not end up homeless. >> and in your current position, have you had any opportunities to interface with people that are homeless? >> yes, yes, i have. >> how so? >> because as i stated, when i have currently have the oversight of the older foster youth, specifically ages 16-21, and a lot of times we're faced with trying to find homes and placements for these foster youth, and it gets very difficult because we don't have a lot of resources, even looking at a comparison of foster home, sometimes we don't have foster homes for even the younger children which results in them being placed outside
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the city of san francisco when our priorities should be keeping them within the city limits, and so with the older foster youth, they tend to -- when they exit, they tend to go to other counties because they cannot afford to stay here or they have lost the contacts or connections with their family members, so i think it's very important having the knowledge and seeing the impacts of what happens for these foster youth when they're in the system and exit out. >> okay, thank you. >> any other questions, colleagues? thank you, ms. isom, we'll call up the next speaker, mr. john roman. >> good afternoon, thanks for having me, i'm a business litigation attorney from downtown, i grew up in the mission and now i live in the
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marina. i've been volunteering for the homeless advocacy project for pro bone -- bono work and i find that to be beneficial to help them avoid that, but it's been frustrating to me that on this issue that i care about, i'm helping one person at a time and that's all that i can do is help one person, and i think that i can do more in order to fix this issue and i can bring my skills in negotiation and litigation and my history in san francisco and my connections within the homeless advocacy community to help solve this issue in san francisco, so i thank you for your time. >> thank you.
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colleagues, any questions for mr. roman? seeing none, i did want to call on ms. guzman back up, i wanted to ask her a couple of questions, thank you, mr. roman. ms. guzman, since you've served on the committee for some time, i want to ask you a few questions on perspective in terms of what the local homeless coordinating board does, what it's responsible for, the monies that it comes in contact with and then its relationship with the board of supervisors. >> so, the legislation that created our board has -- two very important aspects, one is that we oversee all the process of the city application which is the federal allowance if a competitive process that every year, we apply for a continuum of care, so we oversee the continuum of care application
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and the city application for federal funds, since i've been on the board, we were in 2005 about 18 million and at this point, we're at 33 million and we're one of the strongest continuum wum of care applicant ins the country, so in that, we safeguard the whole entire process of application, the process of implementation and not just what the funding but also with the [inaudible] are and just hearing sophia as an applicant and the issue used for example, transition aged mouthed in general right now is a hot item for hud and we just got 2.9 million dollars for a demonstration project to do some analysis because we have found that in the last two homeless counts with we did the youth counted, we have a significant number of youth which are over 18 who are homeless and i think i was just checking with emily n2013 was
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900 young adult that is were serve tog the older folks and again in 2015, she told me 1600, that includes unaccompanied minors and single adults, so we have plus or minus a thousand youth that we have counted, so young adults is really a focus that we're ging to be focusing on this board and we don't have expertise. the second piece is helping advise policy, both for the board and for the mayor and before the creation of the department, we're working closely with bev and dusty in the may yore's office of hope and now since the new department has been formed w'er working closely with the department so that again our planing and our policies really align also
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laura, so i wanted to know, so the mayor appoints half of the board and then another half comes from the board of supervisors, is that correct? >> it's 9 members, four by the board, four by the may yo, one by the controller's office. >> okay, so bh i'm looking at the breakdown of -- and also what you do, i'm wondering about the diversity of the board because i don't have actually any facts about the board here. >> so, we have probably the most african american board in the city, so we have out of -- right now we're 7, correct, out of 7, we have 5 african american males, four african american male, one caucasian male, one asian female and myself, we're the only female, in terms of racial diversity and corresponding proportion of people impacted by homeless, i think we're doing great, we're a little low on women appointees so it's only me and
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myself as women, so out of 7 right now, five are men. >> thank you very much. >> colleague, any further questions? great, we're going to move to public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to testify on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleague, any further questions or additional comments? seeing none, i would like to entertain a motion. >> so, this is why i stepped away from this committee for a few years when we have -- when we get qualified applicants in positions and in this case, it seems clear to me that both -- well, there's three candidates but two seats and it's certainly going to be supporting laura guzman to continue and then the other two candidates are -- would bring
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in to me very different perspectives and skill levels that could be very useful to the board it seems, so it's one of naoez where it's a tough position. i think there's two things that make me want to favor ms. isom, one of them being that it's good to balance the gender make-up of the board, and i also believe just looking at what the city is asking for, a lot of it is families, children and so forth and that seems like that's the perspective that she could bring in especially with the youth, we all know that there's a high
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percentage of youth that somehow aren't able to find housing once they leave, so it's a big issue, i see it all the time and so i'm going the recommend that we move laura guzman goodyear a positive recommendation for seat 5 and sophia isom for seat 7 and i also want to make one more positive recommendation, i want to also say that mr. roman, that you clearly do have passion for this issue and certainly having a legal mind on that board would be beneficial also, so i think ms. guzman, did you say there were two more open seats?
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>> [inaudible]. >> yeah. please consider applying for those seats. i think you would be a good member, certainly if the mayor chooses not to elect to appoint you, then please look at when it's vacant again. this is where i've seen people -- and i've always encouraged people when i see good people and there's not enough seats to really -- don't give up on this because i've seen people come back and get reappoint or appointed at a future date, so that's my sort of message for you. >> i'll second that. >> great, the only thy thing we need the add to that is i think ms. guzman require as residency waiver, do we have to read that into the record? >> yes, the motion should include that emergency waiver. >> i'll go ahead and include that into my motion.
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>> yes, second. >> seeing no objections on that -- >> [inaudible]. >> emily koe hen, i'm with the department f homelessness, i believe ms. isom would also need a residency waiver. >> okay. >> i was not aware of that. >> ms. isom. so, let's redo the motion, supervisor yee. >> i will first maybe just -- i would move laura guzman to seat 6 and ask for a waiver, a residency waiver, 5, and sophia isom for seat 7 for a residency waiver. >> second. >> okay. seeing no objections on the floor, the item is moved and approved. thank you, mr. clerk. mr. clerk, do we have anymore
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>> good morning, everyone, welcome to the wednesday march 8, regular meeting of the public safety and neighborhood services committee, i'm supervisor ronen and to my left is heehy and fewer. and i would like to thank non-a and tom of sfgtv for staffing this meeting. madam clerk do you have any announcements? yes, make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices completed card should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will be appearing on the agenda unless others stated. will you kal
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