tv LIVE Fire Commission SFGTV March 22, 2017 5:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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general public on. members of the public address the commission for up to 3 min. on any matter within the commission's jurisdiction and does not appear in the agenda. speakers shall just for most of the commissioner. the lack of response to the commission or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement or support of statements during made during public comments. >> any public comment? seeing none, >>[closed session] >>[gavel] >> mdm. sec. >> item number three approval of the minutes. approval of minutes from regular meeting arcade 2017. >> so moved. >> any public comment on the minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>[gavel] >> commissioners? >> second. >> all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay.
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>> item number four certificate and indulgent of appreciation. public information officer jonathan baxter 2% certificate and acknowledgment of appreciation of herman duron or guerra, arun ran over, jennifer diego cervantes for the quick and decisive action they displayed on february 21, 2017 at 1453 hrs. with help save an adult male life was being pulled out to the bait to due to strong ties. >> was going to make a presentation on this? >> good afternoon president madrid ominous jonathan baxter to begin our presentation on this item. >> welcome. >> commissioners,, chief hayes-white, numbers of the command staff and everybody present i want you to welcome you today. today i'm honored not only to give this presentation but a few minutes before this event i had the pleasure of meeting aron and
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jennifer cervantes prior to this event and talking to the three of them nine years old, 19 years old, and 20 years old, me, a professional public servant at the last quarter of my career, looking at three young people the - i'm sorry - two young men and young lady you're about to meet gives me a piece of mind to say the least that our future is safe because we have people like this. i know there's a lot more that are going to step up and do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. on 2-21
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2017 at 3:53 pm in the afternoon, mr. michael shanahan was enjoying a swim in aquatic park in san francisco. weather conditions on this date due to recent storms yielded a very strong tide. which attribute to mr. shanahan been swept out into the san francisco day. esther shanahan was able to grab hold onto a be pure piling and begin to yell for help. fortunately, three young adults were fishing nearby. nine-year-old aaron durrant, oliveira, heard the yell for help and quickly notified his brother firemen over and from his girlfriend, jennifer cervantes. the three were together very quickly to locate nearby rope to throw to mr. shanahan. within our rope now securing mr. shannon from and called 911 and provided very descriptive details of the incident. aron and from and: to the rope with mr. shanahan opened onto the other end of the rope, while being pulled out due to the current,
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jennifer had the wherewithal to make herself visible and direct responding san francisco fire department and san francisco police department units to the exact location of mr. shanahan. i want to stop your for a moment and really explain to action zero. aron oliveira had an amazing [inaudible] on the phone copied earlier cummings being a little humble when he said that it was the dispatcher that did a great job just ask the right questions. i know for my 27 years of experience with the majority of the rescues and surf rescues and water rescues we have had, one of the problems is usually not having descriptive adequate pinpoint locations and information. all of that was given by erin on this phone call. secondly, when we arrived
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>> i want to correct you i think was by furman width you are correct. by furman. second of all jennifer was able to get the wherewithal in earlier she stated that just kind of came to her to do this and we would ones that were directing. that is not true. jennifer walked out, grabbed literally the fire department and walked as to the exact location where mr. shanahan was having his tragic moment and that saved so much valuable time and possibly his life. continuing, san francisco fire department and san francisco police department units were able to locate rescue assess and transport mr. shanahan to a hospital without delay. the san francisco fire department believes that the quick thinking and levelheaded actions of thurman, aron, and jennifer resulted in a
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successful outcome for mr. shanahan. instead of this incident being a search and recovery operation, the san francisco fire department was able to quickly rescue mr. shanahan from the waters. these three young individuals knowingly or not, save esther shanahan's life that day. now, with the permission of the commissioners i would like to invite mr. shanahan up to the podium would like to say a few words before we present the certificates. >> absolutely. thank you. >> mr. shanahan. welcome. >> thank you very much and first of all, just it so wonderful that the city fire department and police department recognize this kind of behavior and response.. aron, furman and jennifer you saved my life and [inaudible] the great fire department we have and the please of him and copy
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off that piling but if you had not reacted in the time you did this quickly as you did, what wasn't discussed was the fact that the hyperthermia was really setting in with me and i did not have much time left. so i will never be able to thank you. parents mother, great job raising my kid and i kid. thank you so much. >> [inaudible/off mic] please. >> [applause] [applause] >> commissioners, thank you
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very much. joann hayes-white fire chief. i always say the city small-town so when i found out about this story that are pil brought to us as walls are responding crews from pd and fire department, i, too, like jonathan sort of in a back nine of my career was very inspired to hear the three people out having a nice afternoon fishing to assist someone. did no total stranger. for me, i sign allow certificates every illustrated her about mr. shanahan. to my great surprise, i wanted i said to mr. shannon, who i met and know from over the years, i said you are the mr. shanahan. it's amazing like i said big city small-town. so we are forever grateful for the great work that you did and i'm glad your join us are able to join
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us today. congratulations i like you on behalf of the fire department and as was the commission michael each of you up individually and then you can stay by me and maybe if one of you were all three of you want to say a few words i know the commission would be very open to that. so furman, i'm going to read each certificate. they're slightly different so, on up, furman. it's a certificate we are presenting a meritorious conduct in appreciation presented to you from and ran all the era on february 21 while fishing with aron and jennifer, you are notified of calls to help from a swimmer would be in the waters of aquatic park and swept out to the date due to the rough waters. with your assistant to quickly work together to find a rope and throw to the swimmer to the swimmer was able to hold onto the for you and aron held the other in tight despite the treacherous currents trying to call the swimmer away. once the swimmer was secured you called 911 and provided as doi baxter
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said. just into detail about the swimmer and location to your quick actions contribute to the successful outcome to this one. so we want to say thank you and congratulations. [applause] >> before i go on, i also have to say, and it knowledge presence of your family here and i think all great children come from great parents. the tickly, great mom so thank you much mrs. olvera for what you did. [applause] >> next i'm going to call little brother, aron durand all there. come on up. [applause] >> if similar but i want to read the bulk of it for you. on february 21, 2017 while fishing with furman and jennifer, your aquatic park, calls from help from the swimmer who been in
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the water swept out into the bait due to rough waters. with your assistance you quickly work together to find a rope and throw it to the swimmer mr. shanahan. the swimmer was able to hold onto the ball you and your brother of the other intake despite the treacherous currents trying to both the swimmer away. your click actions contribute to successful outcome for the swimmer and understand your brother is interested in the police department but we would love to see you be a firefighter sunday. congratulations. [applause] >> next, i like to call jennifer cervantes up. congratulate you. [applause] >> was certificate also reads on february 21 while fishing with aron, and ferment your aquatic park you are notified of calls for help from a swimmer who had been in water and aquatic park and swept out into the bay. your assistance to quickly work together
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--through rope to the swimmer in the swimmer hold onto the tie to the local aron and ferment held the other anti-. during this time, you, jennifer wiggled to direct the arriving san francisco pd and to the exact location of the swimmer's seconds or minutes counting the situation. your quick actions contributed to the successful outcome for mr. shannon so congratulations and thank you. [applause] >> we just want to say thank you. it's really great mr. shanahan are very glad we could [inaudible] >> we are so glad we were there to help you. >> i am, too. [laughing] [inaudible/off mic] >> i'm really grateful [inaudible] and i'm grateful for being here. [applause]
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>> commissioners, in closing i just want to [inaudible] although i like to see everybody become a firefighter especially for the san francisco fire department, furman mentioned that he wants to be a police officer so i thought what better opportunity than what the finer applicant and to have our san francisco fire department recruitment down team here tonight to give him some information hopefully be able to recruit him. so thank you very much. [applause] > [photograph]
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the previous recognition? seeing none, commissioners, did you wish to say anything? yes commissioner covington >> thank you mr. pres. again i want to thank mrs. olivera and also, jennifer's parents for raising such wonderful children and children learn kindness and have big hearts because of their parents. so, ms. oliveira, your setting such a wonderful example and we are all the beneficiaries of it. mr. shanahan, we are glad you're still here with us. i
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want to say, to aron and furman and jennifer, you are so on the right path. please, stay on the path. you are really really good people, young people and we so often have complaints about how young people are conducting themselves. so, thank you for reminding us that there are some wonderful young people who have such care and kindness and who are so very very clear in their minds and in their hearts that not only do they jump into action, but they are able to give the information that is necessary for people to get to the point of rescue. so thank you, again.
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>> thank you commissioner covington. any other commissioners wish to say anything? i would just like to say, job well done. he rose, at all ages and i think it was a marvelous thing and thank you very much for your heroism and saving a life. so, without further ado, mdm. sec. next item >> item five k-9 badge ceremony for sffd k-9 search team. assistant deputy chief chief jane francisco k-9 program manager to introduce capt. peter gross program training coordinator who give a brief overview on the sffd k-9 program and present the badges to their handlers to pin on the k-9 search teams. >> hokum chief francesco >> thank you. i'm very excited
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to be here for the same francisco assistant of the cheaper the homeland security division i'm also serve as the k-9 program manager which means on the liaison and point of contact to california urban search and rescue task force number three down and speed menlo park it am very excited today to indoctrinate and bring it to the department are for newest members. our four k-9 from k-9 search teams. first, i want to say these teams have given tremendous time and dedication to getting these dogs trained in providing the service they do provide. typically, it takes 12-18 months to get dog certified in this task. our members here through their hard work did this in about six months. so tremendous amount of work they did. to the town of time their own time to care entering these canines constantly always having to do that when these canines. so without further ado, i would like to bring up
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capt. peter gross are training coordinator for the canines breed of the other k-9 search ons and he will introduce them and give you a little brief about what they do. >> thank you, chief. >> hello. commissioners. i'm going to invite the k-9 search teams to join me here so i can present them to you. chief hayes-white, commissioners, and the command staff on for allowing me this opportunity to present to you the san francisco fire department k-9 search teams. i presented the proposal to you to the commission to develop a research k-9 program towards the front san francisco fire department impact on the 20 13th and today i am pleased to report to you that the san
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francisco fire department has for fema certified urban search and rescue k-9 search teams that are integrated into our operations and report to our fire stations on a regular basis. commissioners, allow me to introduce to you lieut. gareth miller and his k-9 partner, [inaudible]. firefighter ed martinez, k-9 fritz. firefighter eli thomas, k-9 beta. i have my search partner. k-9, angus, who you about before. i want to take this opportunity to thank the chief. chief hayes-white, chief gonzales, chief williams and she francisco for your tireless support of the developers of the program and your continued support today. i also want to take this opportunity to it knowledge the commitment and effort of these three gentlemen and their dogs. they have taken on this commitment with dedication, hard work, and passion. all three of our newest k-9 search teams were paired with search dogs back in october 2015 the computer large amount of training specific to urban search and rescue and disaster response and also dog
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handling. completing the process and becoming a fema k-9 search specials, which is the highest level of certification in this discipline. all three k-9 search teams were fema certified in april 2016 by completing the rigorous evaluation and they continue to train weekly commuting high level of readiness. these firefighters in the k-9 partners not only become great ambassadors [inaudible] by participating in community events such as fleet week ending 150th anniversary but also become valuable operational resource not only large-scale incidents like we saw in the earthquake and 89 but also to local incident such as complete or partial building
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collapses or auto rollovers were victims ejected, the search canines will not only help locate the trapped are missing survivors, but they will also help rescuers were victims are not. this will help us to focus our efforts appropriately. therefore search canines are also known as california task force three as chief francisco mentioned it located in california task force please located in menlo park is one of the 20 fema past forces that make up the national response system for disasters. whenever they deployed, they deploy with four of these fema certified search teams. so they put great value in this resource. it takes those teams 40-72 hours to reach us to assist us. having this valuable resource here at home will help to about trapped victims of better chance of survival after earthquake or incident. closing my thank you for knowledge in our efforts today. certainly i cannot discern the today's beginning of the canine gradual further the pride, help our handlers for the hard work and accomplishment. thank you very much.
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>> i like to take a quick moment to thank capt. peter gross for the work he's done to get the program off and running to get the program where we are and i can't thank you enough for what he's done and the members themselves for the commitment been shown to this program. at this time like to ask chief to come down to present the badges to the handlers. >> on behalf of all the numbers about san francisco
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hardbound we are happy to give you badges to your canines indefinitely in appreciation for your efforts above going above and beyond providing additional service. so special night for you. i know number of you have your family zero, to so welcome to your families and also for your support. i know the canines are living at home with all of you. so, thank you. the first badge will go to capt. gross and angus. [applause] >> the second handler is firefighter eli thomas k9, leader. [applause]
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>>[applause] >> if you have any questions will be happy to answer them at this time. >> thank you very much, chief. do we have any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissions, commissioner hardeman >> thank you vista president. well it's great to see this time around. four years ago this commission was presented this idea and we were just really encouraged and excited now to see this succeed and
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hopefully something we never have to use but when you need it gets there. so i just a couple of questions about how you the dog stay with you 24 hours a day? to the rotate if you're off or do you keep them at your house? >> so commissioner, to address your question, the dogs are part of our families. they join us to our assignment so whether we are going to regular assignment or detailed assignment, we get sent to our regular station the dog accompanies us at all times with these dogs might develop the really tight bond with her handler they probably join them
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too much of their activities throughout the day but they do return home with us at the end of the day whether it's from duty where they live with us as part of our family >> do they get ever get an opportunity to play with each other? >> these dogs are all pretty serious. i know: the might of a little side relationship going on. i'm not sure but they're all pretty serious and competitive because these dogs are carefully selected to do this kind of work and usually makes them they were really strong focus and >> thank you very much. thank you to all the >> commissioner nakajo >> thank you and much. thank you so much for this opportunity to witness this badge pinning. i want to thank all the family members because certainly, in terms of the training but also the love and support it's got to be part of the family and it's pretty evident in terms of [inaudible] as well. i know san franciscans
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and particularly myself and many of us are dog lovers but to be able to see a dog that can potentially rescue lives is a great feeling. so thank you so much for all your work and we are looking forward to a long relationship. >> thank you mr. vp commissioner covington >> thank you very much mr. pres. thank you very much, first of all, to francisco for serving in the capacity of being the head of the k-9 units. i have had the pleasure of being with capt. gross in the south bay and watching the canines go through their paces and was very very impressed. it's been about two years now i guess since i was down there and as many of my if any of my fellow commissioners have not had an opportunity to the canines in action with her handlers, i really do want you to do so. it's a very rewarding to see them be, four-legged
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professionals. they are as acting capt. gross said, they're pretty serious about their work. and very eager to do their jobs. so thank you all . thank you to firefighter thomas and lieut. miller and firefighter martinez. this is a wonderful program and i know it has been through the efforts of capt. gross, that we have got to this point. so he has been very steadfast and communicating with the chief of the department as well the commission regarding his vision for the k-9 division. so thank
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you all so very much. >> thank you commissioner covington. thank you, capt. very good program. you guys are all terrific and what you are doing is saving lives and it's important program. so thank you for all you do. i know you go above and beyond your daily jobs just to take care of these dogs to make sure that they can perform. when they need to get so thank you for the extra hours in the extra effort and the extra love that you put into this program. because i know that's what it takes to make it-it's a good program that it is. so thank you all, each of you for doing that. and for continuing to build the k-9 program-k-9 rescue program. thank you chief francisco for bringing them to tonight and having us giving us the opportunity to thank them personally for what they do. it's a lot of extra hours and extra cost that you aren't families are bearing to do this so thank you on behalf of the city and behalf of this commission. >> thank you phrenology not, thank you, chief.
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>> chief francisco final words? >> yes if you want to see training or demonstration or come out and watch old search a rubble pile, they take care of a football size field in a matter of minutes you anytime you want to see that were happy to arrange it. >> thank you so much. mdm. sec., next item >> item six chief of department's report report from chief of department joanne dwight on current issues activities and events within the apartment since the fire commission meeting of march 8, 2017 including budget academy, special benz communications and outreach to other government agencies and the public. report from administration, deputy chief ramona williams on administrative divisions facility status finance report services homeland security and training within the department. >> good evening president cleaveland. i want to get right into my report since our last
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meeting march 8, regarding budget as i reported in the past two cycles, we are on track for revenue and expenditures this fiscal year. we will enter into further discussion with the mayor's budget office could i've yet to get involved since we submitted our budget on february 21, but her deputy director mark corso is in regular contact with the mayor's budget office. i did want to remind you that we will be presenting an overview of our department budget to budget and finance committee on april 27 at 1 pm. the chairman of the budget committee this year is supervisor melia cohen and she has been projected after the mayors commit the balanced-budget on june 1, presentations by our department
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the week of june 19. your presentation on june 18 as well as a follow-up presentation on june 22 both at 10 am before budget and finance committee. regarding academies, when on 21st academy chief williams would probably go into further detail but during our 17th week. my understanding is all kept local and state tests have been passed and so we will be graduating 49 members from that academy. on april 14 10 am bearden high school. we are in the process of selections for the 122nd academy scheduled to begin on april 24. be comprised of 54 members, 42 off the list and 12 coming from station 49. eight of those well-being peaks three level to paramedics and her being each three level i and the and emt singles final selections are being made. at this, we have 35 conditional
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offers, meeting people that have been selected and pending final passage through the medical component will be in those seats and i've another 14 alternate officers out of which seven will be selected to join the group of 35 for a total of 42. we did conduct some interviews last week at the director of human resources and i,. we anticipate more meet and greet interviews in the june timeframe for placement in the september class and we will also be because this is a question, the list-the referral we are working off of is from january,, so before we make final selections for september we will probably refreshing given you this a new referral to capture those that may take the test after january, before june. moving right into activities, since march 8, on march 9, i did announce one on march 8 the unfortunate and
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untimely passing of our active-duty member firefighter joe walt [inaudible] who passed away on march 8. his celebration of life and variables on march 9 and i would like to knowledge deputy chief williams assistant deputy chief francisco and rpi oh jonathan baxter further assistance and putting together relatively quickly we had about 24 hours notice, the proper and fitting tribute to firefighter-as well as her deputy chief tony rivera and his crew from the yearbook for the apparatus we needed there and so forth. there was a service here in the city and a final resting in livermore. so in order to pull this off in a fitting tribute to firefighter -who dedicated 12 years with the san francisco fire department we hired him in 2005-
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we also had phenomenal assistance from the san francisco police department with sister with a motorcade, motorcycle escort, california highway patrol, alameda county fire department truck livermore pleasanton fire department and livermore police department to effect a safe secure passage from the city the couple of our rigs through and to livermore. i did one make you aware of that and have the opportunity again to thank mayor lee who visited just a month before he passed away. he was traveling in vietnam but nevertheless extended his condolences and was appreciative of the opportunity to have met him. on march 10, there's a newly formed under the deputy director chief of staff, david, kate howard, she is working closely in the mayor's office and she's putting together working group of which i'm a part of. regarding it's called the street working. basically, it's
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regarding a number of situations and complaints coming in from 311. some 911. just about street behavior, safe streets and so forth. there was a kickoff meeting. she has several departments participating the director public health, the police chief, myself, director of public works and the new homelessness department director, jeff kosinski. to talk about goals, further collaboration, and achieving those goals and just that would be the kickoff meeting in then, also i attended a meeting-another follow-up meeting because the priority for mayor just on the 20th with the same parties to talk about the steps in which we can work closely together to address some of the street issues that the city is experiencing. on
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march 11, many of us never to knowledge president reagan and commissioner covington, attended and participated in the st. patrick's day parade, which was a good celebration here in our city. on the 13th of the month, deputy chief williams and i attended the united fire service women's annual membership meeting. it was about a three-hour breakfast meeting. well attended and a lot of topics were discussed. so that was headed there some changes in their leadership. that was announced and there will be plans-there are plans underway to acknowledge and celebrate 2017 as the 30th anniversary of women coming into san francisco fire department. on 16 march, i did afterward i visited station 1900 the members are still grieving over the loss of their colleagues firefighter-they spent some time with them. just
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checking in and seeing how they were doing. on the 17th of participated in a [inaudible] a lafayette elementary. on the 20th, the deputies and i participate on monthly labor-management meeting. local 798 headquarters. was a productive meeting. later, that afternoon, with chief scott, our new police chief, we assisted with the delivery of meals on wheels event or delivery to one of their clients on pine street, which is a program that does so much good for a lot of different people. it's the second year i participated last year i participated with chief suhr. as i said and i went to another street working group meeting and then i just want to let you know, upcoming, tomorrow chief tony rivera and i will be
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participating in the fire boat -i'll be on the panel will be in the audience. listening and contributing. the design criteria panel. in which there are proposals that will be submitted for our review for the new design for station 35 which pier 22.5 that's an all-day review of looking at designs, functionality, and what we feel would work best if i am one of five panelists on that panel. so more to follow on that design and the criteria. then, i know our favorite i believe chief-from the airport has invited all of you on the 29th to the grand opening of san francisco fire department international airport station three. which will be celebrated at 10 am on the 29th. that concludes my report. >> thank you, chief. any public comment? on this item?
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commissioner covington >> thank you for your report, chief. i just want to know about the budget has the budget committee met recently? >> the budget committee has not met since we submitted our budget on february 21. i believe in anticipation of the meeting on april 27 there will be director course so will reach out to the budget committee and possibly convened a group. certainly, we will bring back-were having ongoing discussions but there's nothing at this point that's been decided so we're kind of in a week and see pattern but we are definitely intending to convene certainly prior to the mayors budget meeting on june 1 possibly before presentation on 27 april >> well, budget committee will
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be prioritizing particular budget items to share with the commission? >> so if you recall, we did submit our budget can we were asked for 3% reduction, which he responded to that we are open to further discussion. we were asked to reduce-took some issue without giving our increase call volume and so forth. in terms of additional items, we did not submit additional items, if i'm following your question >> i see. will you be submitting additional items equipped >> to to be determined i think at this point we have to fight for remaining status quo because again the ass and still is the asked that we look gatekeeper for reductions. so we have a prioritized list, which should be reviewed again by the budget committee i agree with you. i think at this point our priority right now is to hold firm on where we are at.
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>> all right. definitely, we need to hold firm and i know that my fellow commissioners feel the same. in my conversations with the mayor, i have pointed out that from my perspective, i think we need to keep the academies going because we have so many people were going to be retiring very soon and i don't want to see any kind of falloff from us having really robust classes in the academy. that's a good segue into complimenting everyone on us having 49 graduates. that is excellent. we need every last person zone looking forward to that graduation. it's just wonderful that we have our audience-our
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audiences and making up one longing to be in our department and see that some members of our community are having their dreams fulfilled by being selected by the chief of the department to enter the academy then to go through the graduation, it just a wonderful thing. >> commissioner covington, thank you. we are in complete agreement with your comments about maintaining the hiring plan adobe fought collectively sought to get. likewise, with our fleet replacement claim. we know all the efforts that we collectively put forward on that so those are definitely two initiatives or line items that we really don't want to compromise on given the number of retirements and given the fact that prolonged period of time we did not have adequate funding for our equipment and are free. >> yes thank you. so the fire boat ais going to be looking at
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design and functionality and i'm pretty sure aesthetics as well but will you be coming back to the commission sharing portions of those discussions with us? >> yes. >> okay. i look forward to that. thank you again for your report. >> thank you commissioner covington good commissioner hardeman >> i will be brief mr. pres. thank you for your report, chief. i probably should ask you this over the phone but i just came to me-approximate, how far down the list did you get recently the old tables-i think you got to 850 last time. i don't know i'm just curious >> sure. the list is constantly being refreshed as a people coming off of it and getting onto it. between 3504 three 4000 people on any given
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time >> so 30 504,000 eligible to be selected if it passed all the criteria? >> correct. if they get for wrinkle 12, which i don't know i can agree with that score equates to, and on the eligible list. since we've use the ntn national testing network, process i have gone down to a score of 840 or level viii and typically commencing the highest score is level iii. so retired from the range between level iii and level viii. >> i knew how couple that's [inaudible] >> correct. i believe in you served in the us military is better points associated with that and that's incorporated into the score >> peabody >> they have their score and then the department of human resources there is that chance points given so in cases
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they're always going to be there rank is going to be improved by the fact they serve their country and we have over the last several years hired a very high percentage of military veterans. >> very good.. thank you >> thank you commissioner hardeman. chief, thank you for your report one quick question. the working group with kate howard that you are typing that you met with on the 11th, that is different from the ems response working group. is that correct? >> it is >> two separate working groups? >> yes. at some more of the private providers department of emergency management and then there's stakeholders like local 798. this is more about an increase and concerns, complaints, if you will made regarding street behavior, people feeling that not feeling
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safer trying to get point a-to point b streets being blocked and so forth. the tense situation on the same caymans, that sort of thing. >> what about the traffic and just generally the traffic congestion? >> week i will start bowing. i'm happy to start that one. i know we have several takers on that. the working group on that although we work closely with the mta and there are a number of projects that we-andrew good partnership, have agreed to a compromise on and there are some for the sake of access and her ability to get somewhere in a relatively short period of time. we stress our concern on some of those in the initiative. >> thank you. commissioner covington your final question? >> no. i'm sorry [inaudible] >> okay. all right, thank you. call the next item. sec.'s
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>> administrative report. >> yes. >> good evening president covington - excuse me - president cleaveland. fellow commissioners, chief, ramona williams deputy chief of administration this is my administrative report for the month of march which covers activities from february 23 -march 22, 2017. i will begin with the assignment office. the assignment office is in the process of implementing the results of the vacancy bid the airport staff. they continue to work with division of training on scheduling probationary members for their six-month and one-year assignment changes as well as prepare for the upcoming 121st academy recruit graduation of their assignments.
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under homeland security, during this reporting period, chief francisco as always has continued to attend various meetings and training exercises . he recently attended a tabletop exercise at the giants ballpark. he's made a presentation with dem and dx training annie's also produced the event action plan for the st. patrick's day parade. he has also currently working-meeting with vendors regarding updating the fdo see, and he had coordinated the k-9 demonstration for the civil grand jury that are training facility on treasure island. he continues to update the command staff on all real or potential terrorist activities and as always, always like to remind the public to stay ever vigilant and if you see something, to say something. under isp, during this reporting period, the bureau has continued to conduct
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background testing of candidates for the upcoming academies each-two and h-three academy. there were 34 members randomly selected during this reporting period and all results were negative. on a final note, i'd like to knowledge the hard work and dedication of acting capt. sheila hunter, who for personal reasons as requested to return to the field. she worked very hard and diligently with investigative services bureau conducting investigations and assisting with the background investigations and testing. she is being replaced by capt. michael smith, who is currently receiving his training and will assume the role beginning next week. under the physician's office, they are also very busy administrative preemployment examinations for upcoming cadets for recruits for the academy. privation her he and
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promotional physical for department members in addition the mud they conduct work-related and returned to duty injuries examinations and administer immunizations for members. during this reporting period, 32 work-related injuries were reported down from 41 the last reporting period. under support services, a total of 146 requests were made for service during this-and process during this reporting period. construction of pump station one located fire headquarters is nearing completion.. there some final work being done on the second floor as we make room for additional staffing. support services chief leave iraq is continuing to work with mta on street designs to ensure that this notice disruption to fire
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department operations and the ability to respond to emergencies. right now, they been focusing on how our response will alter with speed homes on the speed bumps and speed tables which are just recently learned the difference and how the bike lanes will impact apparatus positioning including muni wireless and how that may alter our operations and ability to ladder various buildings in the district. regarding station five, the construction contract was awarded to alter construction. they are scheduled to start mid-april with a completion date tentatively set for the summer of 2018. station 16 work is currently in progress. unfortunately, there are approximate two months behind. however, the contractors have begun working on saturdays with no additional costs that will
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be incurred by us. they are currently under pining the neighboring homes to reinforce their foundation before they start the heavy foundation work, and their confidence that the project will be completed by january of 2018. all easter projects continue to move forward and on track and under doe, fleet, the personnel has performed 21 emergency field repairs to san francisco fire department apparatus, including ambulance, during this past 30 days, they resulted in minimal disruption to the department readiness, keeping vehicles in service without the need for a changeover. so that has been an asset. eight engines are in production with a delivery date of for this august, and for more there after, probably 4-6 months thereafter. boe has received for ambulance in january and there in the process of ordering for more new ambulances. post under 18
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is now in the field and operational and another [inaudible] currently being outfitted. the final location is to be determined. the aerial ladder truck specifications are complete and the final draft is almost complete and will go out to bid shortly. doe is streamlining the process repairing [inaudible] with the help of puc in central shop for more efficiency and quicker turnaround times. and they are in the final phase of installing cordless extrication tools to all our all our aerial ladder trucks and they should all be outfitted by the end of this month. lastly, under division of training, during this reporting period, chief danaj attended a symposium in san diego last month and they were able to receive training
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on the latest props as well as meet with target solutions that to update our system we have currently have in place. they also as was mentioned in the previous report participated in assisted with the planning on high raise drill last month. they continue to conduct live fire training for our members. forcible entry training, and as always, planning of upcoming drills for the remainder of the year. under ems, along with our ongoing paramedic and emt certifications we are currently conducting cpr training for our members and a resumes practice your module in the city proper good last reporting period the members of the airport division were receiving that training. during this reporting period, the 12th emc academy graduated 25 emts could we had a one-week
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h-three level to paramedic academy held for each-eight members for members and seven numbers completed that academy. are paramedic members stationed 49, have also received alternative destinations [inaudible] i training and they have also received preceptor training which will allow them to oversee and evaluate our emt and paramedic members during their ride a longs as a phase of the academy training. under bart lieut.-overseas emergency preparedness for the community and this is along with the k-9 program a vital asset and resource to be realized in the event of a major disaster in the city. in addition to the monthly training sheet continues to make presentation throughout the city at various
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community events. our fire reserves also continue to be ongoing training weekly at the vision of training facilities, both fulsome on treasure island. lastly, at the chief mentioned, the 121st recruited academies currently their 17th week with 49 recruits. i am happy to say they have completed all the testing as the chief mentioned and is currently receiving specialized training such as wildland, hazmat, firefighter survival training to name a few. that's at the time this concludes my report on happy to answer the questions. >> thank you chief williams. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? commissioner hardeman >> briefly again which is unusual. were moving along too good. last meeting was three hours. this is pretty quick. i was going to make a comment about chief columbini of those
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went to san diego. i sent a couple people a photo from my old flip phone so it's not very good but the flip phone about the san diego fire exam which used to be a station. i don't know of any you got to see-have been [inaudible] i was there for meeting and next morning. for walk smoking a cigar and i go by this and i see this my wife was with me so i can smoke -anyway i go by the museum and the doors are open. it's beautiful. with a duo's private events there. it's a museum but fascinating. i should've wrote this down, but i didn't. at that station, the standard
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thread was invented. that's standardized for all fire department in the united states. effective hose-i don't know what it was but i do know i read that and i thought was pretty interesting. that was her claim to fame. it's a great museum. old apparatuses and all kinds of things hanging all over the walls. very nice. i talked to couple firefighters working with san francisco's public safety attempt to get the museum [inaudible] and they were very encouraged. they like what they saw. so see what happens. it would be nice to get a nice present for san francisco especially after seeing that one for san diego. thanks for the report, chief williams. >> thank you commissioner >> thank you commissioner hardeman. vp nakajo >> thank you very much president cleaveland. thank you for a much chief williams for your conference of report. also thank you very much chief hayes-white on your report chief williams. the semantics
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it's [inaudible] because of some lunch area of responsibility that you have within your office. again, your responsibility again for me, when you give your reports it just adds education and affirms my understanding of our department administrative infrastructure. so when you talk about the airport chief cost a lot of we are what we are really looking forward to that opening on march 29 which is next wednesday which is a major accomplishment for us and the airport,, city and county. when we talk about the graduation coming up on april 14, chief columbini with
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commissioner covington and the rest of the commissioners, we are so grateful for the professional training of your training officers. again, the numbers, 49. that's an amazing number. this is a just a recent kind of accomplishment. i think we been on a three-for your home so to speak. so it's really quite significant. point of information. i did notice chief, that you're wearing of gold today. but i will be at our ride along this coming friday and thank you very much for indicating to me that you will be present with me on various formats of that i can see the experience chief liam scum of writing and immigrants in being [inaudible] but i'm really interested in the actually of observing when the supply is replenished through the vehicles and the system that occurs with that as well. i have not heard of for a wild chief williams, anything about
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training facilities. i guess, at some point maybe that something you might give us a briefing on because as we go through all these classes, i still concern myself with our facilities and what we are going to do with that because we are always proactive within that projection. so, at some point, in your next report maybe could talk a livid about that. i agree and confer with commissioners that the budget and the classes are so important chief hayes-white. i know that they will be reported to the budget committee. my question isn't using frame rate where i can even ask it, but dir. corso, not that the president has committed his budget overall, i know that [inaudible] is no more anticipation some real numbers and how that affects san francisco's budget in our areas and i will be curious as to what that atmosphere looks like
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realistically for ourselves and i know they were holding the line but i would be interested on the other ramifications that budget cut were adjustments because were all going to be in the same city for this year for sure. i failed to mention the last commission meeting, i wanted to give recognition to our president, president cleaveland, because when we went to visit the mayor on our large long list of discussion, the president was so good to talk about our intake fleet that sitting out there. i think it station on in the parking lot with a storm and with the tarps and so basically again the initiative of understanding that [inaudible] to the mayor to have some kind of sheltering with that and at this point, there aren't representatives and at some point mr. pres., i think you want to maybe regroup
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with the organizations in terms of again we have a lot of interaction with [inaudible]. i just want to again come in chief and the department to understand, your presence here is always looking out for us in terms of that. other than that, at this particular point looking at my notes,i have nothing us. thank you. >> thank you mr. vp i will pay you later. [laughing] chief, williams for your report i have a quick question. you have any idea you can give us on h-23 program? maybe chief gonzales can step in and give the commission a quick update on the status? >> good evening president cleaveland commissioners, chief hayes-white. debbie is also operations that i can quickly president cleaveland, we met today with dhr pres. o'connor myself. his representatives and
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we are going to meet one more time. with the chief, the director of human resources, myself. the reason rest of dhr. you're going to talk about steps going forward. as i stated at the last minute classification is official which is great. i think that's a huge hurdle that need to be accomplished. the next, schmidt will be putting those two in good pres. o'connor's convinced i was part of a bundle of other conditions so we will work it out and as i said last meeting as well i'll reiterate in good faith we will continue to negotiate when i want to get it done as soon as possible >> the timeline, about when you might be able to
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[cross-talking / off mic] it just kind of up in the air? >> i would like to have it done by april. those two positions. i think the concern from the union and from the members we have the concern the workload during the day that is being addressed. we do have as you know the 212 hour shifts to cover a.m. and p.m. but we also [inaudible] to help with the day work load. >> thank you, chief. appreciate. thank you chief williams for your report. mdm. sec. next item please >> item number seven communications received from last meeting of march 8, 2017 e-mail from mr. corgan dated march 7, 2017. >> any public, and on these medications? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? okay. and the secretary species next item >> item eight agenda for next commission meeting discussion regarding agenda for the april 12 2017 regular meeting. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed... commissioners? vp nakajo
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>> thank you very much president trying to mdm. sec. do we have something scheduled on the next commission meeting of april? >> yes we do we have the fire reserves presentation. >> thank you very much. >> that has been confirmed width at some point as a discretion at the president and chief, if there might be some kind of presentation update or education in terms the water rescue component of our department. commissioners, we know about the units but again our knowledge base gets so enhanced with various numbers come they give based on your discretion chief, the president, i would not means mine seen something that gives us information about what goes on with that. so those two items but i don't have a date for the water rescue. it's at your discretion. [inaudible] thank you very much
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>> commissioner covington speed thank you mr. president. i would like an update on where we are with station 49. in terms of the planning? also, if there's been any movement on the location to replace the treasure island facility? thank you. >> thank you commissioner covington good term commissioner hardeman any items? >> [inaudible] >> i would just like to add one mdm. sec., and that's perhaps the program on the san francisco fire museum status update kind of an overview of exactly what the museum has as part of of its collection. what the status is in terms of how well there be a maintained or not be maintained, and just what possibly we need to do in order to create a really first
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class-which we deserve,-first-class san francisco fire department museum. so i like to add that to the list of upcoming-not necessarily next meeting but whenever the guardians of the city and others that are actually protecting our museum artifacts at this time can put together a program. i think would be very educational and useful for all us not only in the commission but in the audience and at home to understand the need of our department to have a first-class museum. any further items, commissioners? thank you very much. adam secretary, call next item >> item nine adjournment >> >> so moved. >> is there a second? >> >> second. >> all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. this meeting is adjourned. >>[gavel] >>[adjournment]
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charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and
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delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the
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meeting of the public utilities commission to water. mdm. sec. these call roll call >> caen here kwon here vietor and courtney are expected to arrive shortly and we have a quorum >> thank you. commissioners we have the minutes from the february 28 meeting any additions or corrections would like to is there a motion? moved and seconded. any public comment? seeing none, all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries. next item general public comment. i have one. if i think most of the people here are staffed and if there's any reader interested in the [inaudible] plan and water quality control plan this would be the time to talk. because there's nothing on counter specifically relating to that. mr. martin.
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>> thank you done much good i'm here i'm concerned that that esf views he is going to summit comments through march 17 to the state water board opposing debate dr. plan draft. at the last meeting i pointed out the scientific evidence presented in the plan contradicted mr. ritchie said. that was the board point on slide eight of his presentation that starts with unimpaired flows. last meeting, mr. ritchie criticize the california fish and wildlife service and decision to [inaudible] limits as unhelpful. mr. ritchie ignored the signs upon which the commission based their decision. i was present at the commission hearing in 2011 with the issue of iraq limits was discussed. proponents showed the same photos to mr. ritchie showed. photos which focus on
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striped bass in contradiction to the studies provided to me by mr. ritchie for both 2006 and 2012. the photos the strong impression that striped bass are the problem. his own studies do not say that. but voters are not signs. fisheries biologist resented. to the fish and game commission from their studies regarding striped bass predation on [inaudible]. their conclusions were best summarized by doctors. we'll and william bennett of the uc davis center for watershed sciences. their conclusions, one, the delta infrastructure and. ways the waters exported from the delta is the by far the primary reason for salmon smoke survival or lack there of. two, predation by all predators is highest during periods of reverse flow and low flow. three, removal of
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non-native predators often have unintended and surprising consequences for the ecosystem in which they have adapted. therefore, changing bag limits first like that's what little effect on salmon smoke survival. the commission then voted to leave the bag limits alone. that's what really happened. in responses to the [inaudible] trust dated february 23, 2017, we meet at the sf puc we pride ourselves in relying on the best available science. in these two instances, that is clearly not true. in my review and with all due respect, this ritchie's presentation was thoroughly biased. i supported by peer-reviewed scientific evidence in actual public events that took place in 2011 and please, exercise due skepticism in using his materials regarding your official response to the state water boards a dr. plan. thank
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you and much. >> thank you. is there any other general public comment? welcome. >> yes david about making seeing none, and it's been a while. just a couple of points. i want to appreciate the commission's action at the last meeting to advance the new headworks at the southeast plants that we will hear more about ss id and appointed a project to the larger program but i did want to note that action he took last time including the network of [inaudible] and the rest of staff on that. furthermore since i have not been by in a while, i just want to also express my appreciation to the employees of the puc. generally, as i think i've said before at this commission, work every day to operate and maintain and support the plan and construct the vital infrastructure that we need for our waterpower and sewer
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systems. i certainly appreciated even though i'm not getting a full built anymore now getting a fractional built-in that's a big implement thanks for all the good work. that's done that. i also want to note a couple of things relative to the general manager. i don't believe is general manager, ed harrington served about 4.5 years and i think harlan is just about at that 4.5 your market so things are just about to surpass ed. >> i'm not sure [inaudible] >> we will have a competition at some point but the other sad news as i'm sure you're aware, very sorry for harlan sloss and his family and extend my condolences there. was my general public comments. page very much. >> thank you david always a pleasure welcome back. any other general public comment? moving on then, commissioners, you have medications included in the packet. any items on
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that you would like to discuss? any comments or questions? seeing none, any public comments? thank you. moving onto other commission business, commissioners? it's a quite group today. >> may we go back to-he was yes, you may. commissioner caen >> under five-e, sewer inspection. i was wondering so few were cleaned and inspected this last year? it was one of our goals to keep that program moving.. nobody knows? >> people leaping to the floor. ms. howell spewed
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>> good afternoon commissioners. i'm here for tommy moral good i'll try and answer that question but i know this past year there've been a lot of cleaning of catch basins and in preparation for the storms they have been inspection but more focused on the capital projects. not so much on the rnr. >> okay. because i was one of our objectives that you keep that up an increase in which we have been doing >> they have had some personal we source issues so we have been trying to oh, there as well. to get him the resources that he needs to continue the inspection. >> i would like to point out your 14-15 we did 203 and year 15-16 we did 91. i mean, that's quite a bit less. okay so i guess i will just ask
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tommy white's going on >> yes we will get back to you. i know that we received a lot of information from pg&e because they did the cross boards and we got a lot of tape of our sewers so they did a lot of the inspection for us. when they did the cross borders where they'd board into our sewer pipes. so they did a lot of inspection footage as well. but we will get back to you on what's behind our inspection numbers but i just want to point out we did not include the inspection that was done by others like pg&e. >> okay. >> thank you any other mission business? okay moving on to the report of the general manager. mr. kelly welcome back >> thank you good afternoon commissioners. first i would like to thank everyone for
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supporting me. most of you probably know my mom passed away and i just want to thank everyone for helping me through this could i really appreciate that. so with that, i want to give an update on clean power sf. barbara hill. >> good afternoon commission. tar heel assistant general manager for power. just two items to go over today our enrollment and rate plan. we are now serving about 80,000 customers. our opt out percentage is 3% just a little over 3%. we received more upgrades to super grain. that'll bring our total to 2156 customers who signed up for super grain and receiving super green service. that's 2.9% of our overall customers. we will
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be getting enrolling new customers who signed up and said let me in inmate. as we said at our last report we are focusing on customers who ask to be included and customers who are net energy metering customers within district 5 and eight. that will add just over 1000 additional customers. this is just going to be part of our routine process where we don't want folks in the waiting room too long. right? we want to bring him on board in routine methodical way. so we be doing that inmate. the notices the mailers that notify them, of this enrollment are going to begin be mailed next week. so heads up on that. with respect to rates, you will recall that were scheduled to bring you a rates proposal annually in april as we have been reporting pg&e rate components increased in january. the solar choice
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premium for pg&e customers decreased good on friday the clean power sf team in our finance folks teamed up to brief the rate fairness board of our annual clean power rate consideration. we discussed three options at the rate fairness board. first would be no change in rates. just go rate action at this commission. the second option would be change the rates to achieve bill parity with pg&e. so that the average customer's bill would on average be the same as it would have been where they stayed, were they to have stated pg&e customer. default customer. then the third option is to reset the rates to achieve the same discount that the commission had adopted before. that's that 0.25% discount off of the pg&e generation rate. the commission
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secretary has begun the publication process that is required for noticing discussion of rate changes and we will be returning to you in april with a recommended action on clean power sf rates. with that happy to take any questions you may have. >> thank you. commissioners? thank you very much. mr. kelly i'm sorry. any public comment? mr. kelly >> next item is corley audit and performance review. >> good afternoon president commissioners by nancy nancy-
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director of insurance and director andrew i'm here to present the quarterly audit and performance review port ending 2007 and the courtly report highlights overall recycle the s of qc i enter on external parties and details audit and assessment activities. the information is key motive that provided by a fiscal year to date along with the six-month calendar of all projects. as highlighted in the executive summary or agency finished the quarter with 40 projects in various stages of progress. of this number 15 were completed and 13 work in progress. the geordie of the audits and assessments at this time are merely finance related and related to the fiscal year ending 2016 fiscal year and cycled that you motive numbers again will increase as we move through the current fiscal year. the executive summary we note we finished the second quarter - i'm sorry - - excuse me - 11 audits completed in the second quarter are listed here by report issuance date. present
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were reported with the audited financial statements for last fiscal year issued in october and subsequent followed by the comments of annual financial report and popular and no financial reports in november. completed projects to include california independent systems operator scheduling coordinators self audit. a community benefits phase 2 commitment in contracts. then followed again by apaches pre-audit for specific gas and electric at this audit was performed by the city services auditor and they found the pc properly administered guidelines and transactions for the franchise that pg&e probably paired franchise surcharge fees of $11.9 to the city for the two-year period ending december 2012 based on $1.7 billion in reported gross receipts. qc also requested the city auditor to perform eight internal controls audit on internal cache receipts audit that management has implemented. they also completed another franchisee audit of the energy
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center of san francisco llc. they found that energy probably paid $327,000 in franchise fees to the city unreported $31.7 million in gross receipts and as accusing properly complied with administering and monitoring the franchise agreement. lastly, sales and use tax audit was conducted in completed in december by the california state board of equalization with no findings. looking ahead to the current quarter three and beyond, we expect completion of the following audits. rebate and incentive audit of go solar san francisco. citywide construction management safety audit. the wholesale revenue requirement payment of changes the balance and account for prior fiscal year ending 2016. the similar audit for federal grants. notable items currently in progress include the 2017
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western electricity coordinating council compliance monitoring audit. as was the community benefits for phase 1 expansion of the southeast community investment framework focusing on our culture and stakeholder engagement. as part of our ongoing reporting of open your prior-year daughter recommendations on pleased to report continued progress in this area. key to the number of closed audit recommendations meantime and 90.5%. the ratio represents the number recommendations for all audits the remained open with outstanding audit recommendations in the current fiscal year. with that that concludes my report. thank you. >> thank you good commissioners, any questions or comments? okay. thank you very much. any public comment? seeing none, mr. kelly >> okay. the next update is the adjusting water and power and rise capital improvement program quarterly report.
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>> good afternoon pres. and commissioners. dan wade, director of water and structural capital programs and am pleased to report the results of the quarter to of the hetch hetchy capital implement projects. i want to highlight a few things that kept us busy this last quarter. number one, the mountain tunnel bypass project this is the large project that's a placeholder for a project to be implemented for this critical asset. we did complete the alternatives analysis report and we establish the methodology of condition assessment and probability of failure that was submitted to our technical advisory panel
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who endorsed that methodology in preparation for inspection and so you know that we started some tunnel added an access work last fall and that work has continued and was the critical component to the work had been completed and i'll show you some pictures of that in a moment. one contractor was working on annex 5-6 and eight, nine to expand the access to weaken the equipment into the tunnel on a short basis on a [inaudible] basis in order to make emergency repairs if necessary. so in this last quarter, fabrication and testing of new doors were completed. then, the inspection and repairs of the tunnel there
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was a lot of prep work that went into this accommodated at the end of the year and the we started the implementation of that work in january we since completed that also your couple of photos in a moment. then we have a number of other projects, the largest of which is in construction is the facilities upgrade and we continued excavation of foundation work there in the moccasin yard which will improve a number the facilities. so the mountain tunnel inspection and repairs started right after the new year in january this is a photo of the pope had been removed. the inspection since this time the bulkhead has been put back an inspection is now complete. it's been a tremendous success before i go any further i just wanted knowledge the efforts of the team. they were extremely large number of people involved in the planning and execution of this work but i want to point out one person in particular that's joanna want the project manager who courted native nature menace number of
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details with operation folks as well as the construction teams all the engineering teams that were involved in billy making this logic come together and we have a lot of work to do but john has been instrumental in getting us launched to where we are now in completion of this phase 1 work. once we did remove this bulkhead, we were able to make-we went to inspect the tunnel, number one and really gets a thorough visual inspection.. we also were able to make repairs to over 7600 feet of lining and we added some components after the initial contract was initiated as we found some additional places where some critical areas that needed to be fixed. but overall, we found that the tunnel liner appears to be in very good condition. in fact, in better condition than many people expected and so were
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going to finish the work of documenting the inspection, documenting the repairs. the be a lot of scrutiny of that work and will bring that altogether in a few months. then, that will lead us towards the process of making decisions in the months following. >> question on that >> absolutely. >> does that mean or you have not decided yet the liners is in good enough shape not to have to replace? >> so i say it's very likely were not going to be building a new bypass tunnel but the particular method of repairing the existing tunnel has not been determined and we haven't made a final decision on whether a new bypass tunnel would be constructed or not but i did check in with steve ritchie and he is comfortable saying now that it's unlikely that we would build a bypass
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tunnel. but it still a significant project. one of the things that gave additional confidence regarding the title lining we had to actually physical course and test some and outlining and so this is a photo of corning taken place in the wall of the concrete liner. what we found is that that country is actually an extremely good condition where was placed properly that we did discover some construction defects that are revealing themselves over time as the tunnel continues to flow. there's defects show themselves as we point in the liner. we repaired many of those. there's many more to repair but the good news is this concrete appears to be in very good shape. we don't have all the tasks that are back yet. this a lot of work to do but the observations to date look promising. then, you know we
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did as well as repair the liner inside the tunnel, we improved as i mentioned, the added an access to the tunnel including roads as well as the access points themselves and this photo shows the excavation that was made, the larger it was made into one of the points in the tunnel and the contractor is sprained shot-creek on those walls in preparation for this new bulkhead that was installed and this bulkhead is 8' x 8'. it is now closed and the tunnel is back in service on time at the end of february. so the team did a great job getting us to this point. as i said, we have some decisions to make and so we have these three
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projects. the added access improvements for the town's action and repairs, and the bypass project and they are all pursuing in parallel and the continuing on all three but at some point, likely late summer or early fall, will make a decision on the alternative to pursue. just like to briefly update you on a few other projects.. the same looking pipeline via bill tatian projects have been delayed somewhat because billy getting a lot of the work complete and we have completed some of the inspections recently at this project is essentially has the goal of life extension of these critical pipelines across the valley. so we have some short-term expectations to do some notably minor projects but also to do some more major projects to get access to some portions of the pipeline. so we
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are looking at how to do that well and we will be reporting back to you on that as time goes on. we do ran to replace certain portions of these pipelines as needed over time and of course, there are some funding in the existing 10 the year capital plan we continue to evaluate as we go forward. [inaudible] another critical facility. this of you looking down slow. there's four pin stocks there. these date back to 1924. old riveted pipe. it's been recognized for some time that the state to be up graded and replaced it at least certain portions due to limited funding are focusing our efforts on in stock number one that were focused on areas of corrosion. would replace him pipe repair some large concrete anchors that are badly cracked due to aggregate reaction in
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the concrete. we are going to be cold the pipeline. within a the ability some valves that this will be going out to bid in april. we consider this an interim measure to extend the life of this critical asset. we also other pin stocks that are on very steep slopes and not surprisingly sometimes slopes move back to back in 2007 at the coke would then stop to a significant slope movement observed and so there's been a plan that's been developed over time to look at ways to rehabilitate that movement to arrest that movement, but in the interim, we are actually installing instrumentation and namely so the monuments and other monuments to monitor this. over time. we are also doing some repairs to damaged saddles and support there were damaged as the movement took
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place. this is advertised for bid and we expect bids to come in in march. as time goes on, and as additional contention assessments are made, we discovered additional things that need to be done with some of these old facilities. in particular motor couple of bridges that need either significant repair a placement that a judge he added bridge on the damn bridge. we have issues with concrete ceiling on the pier putting is rod. [inaudible] cracks and so forth. so they're not insignificant problems and they're going to need to be included on our 10 year cip going for. one additional project was somewhat unique that's new, due to regulatory mandate is a security full height security fence around moccasin reservoir. this is to prevent access by humans. with
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a couple of swimmers unsolicited in the reservoir that which is very dangerous. it's not good for water quality and so were looking at a 7 foot high fence and adobe some signs and lighting and gates considered as well. so with these new projects that are coming to fruition, that we need to incorporate in the 10 year capital plan, we we look at how to reprioritize some things and the decision amount and tunnel we anticipate we would want to read baseline this set of projects either late summer or sometime this fall. without i'll be happy to take any questions. >> i have some questions on your performance summary. >> yes. >> could you go over the red dot squeak >> yes absolutely. san joaquin
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pipeline of new abilities and there were some additional scope items that were needed to that resulted in increasing the budget for the project.. the primary thing to see there is a 19.9 month schedule delay which is due to meet need and complete the whistle projects and i wanted to take those facilities out of service for inspections that were needed to continue these other projects. so there's a delay to that work. at the aqueduct that i mailed the right-of-way issue. we cannot complete the project until we get to await corrections with the federal government on the facility there. so there are feeling that request and expect to be able to go back to that project next year. with respect to the other powerhouse projects, we have had some scope additions that were needed and so we have
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some additional budget needed for both home and powerhouse projects. when of those substations we have a delay because there were some questions regarding the scope of the project and so we have been able to attend we will be replace on in the project this fall. >> thank you very pleased about the funds. >> okay. very good. he was something other than wanting for a long time. >> beautiful funds. he was not awol. [laughing] >> thank you. any of the comment? mr. kelly >> the next two items is wastewater enterprise cip quarterly report and sewer system improvement program update.
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>> good afternoon commissioners. president, karen cubic director of the wastewater capital program. i've two brief reports today the first is to highlight the red dots in the wastewater capital program. then i'll follow up with the regular quarterly report. starting with a red dots, at southeast the gas handling project was delayed six months and i was due to be packaging to get the pla requirements into that big package northpoint outfall needed because offers bidding was had some unresponsive bids and then we be bid and good skin and 13% higher than engineers estimates that the first were nice. the second bids were to bring 5 million higher. so that's why that has a red dot, due to cost good. [inaudible] storm troopers we have added a year to secure the right-of-way to private entity were working with. the central
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subway silver replacement is seven months delayed and that is due to the mta project delays we are part of the overall mta project. lastly, on the [inaudible] asphalt plants delayed six months because originally we were going to relocate the sewer ops of folks to 50-50 evidence. we need him to relocate so the folks at asphalt plant can move to where they were. we are now working at a new project on griffith yard so we can relocate the sewer crew. with that, to bring up the slides, i will go into the quarterly update. we have our 75 projects going. presenting phase 1 to $2.9 billion that's been authorized as part of the baseline. you will see on this design
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portion of the pipe is the biggest. the big projects are in design in this phase. we do have 11 projects in construction and i'll be highlighting some of those for you as i get into the presentation. from a higher level this is the time i'm looking down at the sewer in system improvement program to the red line shows us where we are current time. the blue is designed.. yellow is the preconstruction phase and that's for projects alternative delivery by design build were cmg see. we bring the contractor on earlier they work with the design team and his activities regarding determines and other.. green represents construction and import walk through some of the projects that are in the construction phase now. these are some
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projects going on at the treatment plants. the first is the southeast primary and secondary clarifier upgrades and we tend to name everything upgrades. this is installation of new mechanisms, lining the [inaudible] 45%. the second in the middle is infamous to our system 521, 522 and with concrete work underway. we demolition and excavation, shoring, at 42% phase there. the last one on the right is the west side pump station over by the zoo. this is enough to construction contracts and contract one is 96% complete and this is what there is to the manifold installation of up night skate bout going on there. contract two, will be completed by november 2020 and that's upsizing the pumps changes to the wet well or screen improvements, redundancy, improvement for reliability. if we go out to green infrastructure, these are three of the projects that are under construction currently. the first one on the left is mission valencia. we have rain
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gardens, pauses and traffic signals. all that has been completed. he completed the painting last weekend the substantial completion was yesterday. so final completion will be next month and a believe that there will be a ribbon-cutting which will be very nice. the hallways is in the middle and their staff is all very excited because the installed permeable concrete last month so it is still the hard stuff the grace of being put in the printing will begin in the summer but that is something that everyone has been talking about is that cool permeable concrete. sunset is another one. we just did finish the pilot blocks on sunset between the sunday and [inaudible] we finished phase 1 which is an additional block between [inaudible] and that were going to keep working our way north. from there. we also do of chinatown and [inaudible] in construction.
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now from our two largest marquee projects had works and bio fowlkes. happy to report that construction management team has got the same contract out in respect to be back at the commission on the 28th toward work that. that is for had works. we will be starting construction late summer and biosolids, they're not far behind were working to be awarding their cmg seco contract in april. the two bids so will be reviewing those and conducting the procurement process. as you know we hadn't be advertised to be able to get others to bid. we met with vendors and ensure we would get more participation to get good pricing. next, other
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achievements. while staff on projects are working very hard twit schedules and deliver projects, we still have a lot of programmatic activities that are korean, two. we're implementing the architectural design guidelines that is in all the southeast plan projects that we have consistency, look and feel the were having everything fit into the neighborhood. campus type feel. during wet weather, we've been sampling the beatty and ocean omega what weather occurrence. we do a water quality sampling so that we can better calibrate our model water quality model. we just completed the seasons modeling. it's quite a deal because we have to oppose out there during the wet weather even cured and grabbing samples. we awarded the dcf contact distributed control system contract that will upgrade all the hardware and software control systems throughout treatment plants a major pump station. that is a wonderful thing. we had a groundbreaking with mta for van ness improvement project that will bring infrastructure right to the outside of city hall in walking distance from our
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headquarters as well as replacing critical aging sewers on van ness. another one i just want to highlight is the completed value engineering site for website and station. that is the contract to project i was mentioning. the net resulted in some time savings and design modifications that will reduce the project costs by about $125,000. this project also did secure its phase 2 civic design review. while projects go to the our commission and go through that rigor. now i want to highlight workforce a little bit. we are judiciously working with the workforce and economic programs group led by [inaudible] and this is so that we provide your small business and job opportunities to san francisco residence good especially, those are from the southeast sector where the majority of the phase 1 projects will be occurring. right now, we right not 19 active prime contracts and of those contracts san francisco residence at work 36%
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of the hours and that exceeds the requirements of 30%. that 36% of the san francisco residence article combined $5.5 million in wages and benefits and district can review and district 3 chinatown received most of the contract value. we are doing even better in regards to entry-level opportunities that provide a pathway to careers the building and construction trades this is commonly known as apprenticeships. we work with contractors countries, unions, to me service providers, to place apprentices on projects contributed to the ssi peak good so far 72% of the hours on the premise hours have it work right beef and residence. as compared to the 50% requirement and that is 50 apprentices working over $26,000 and apprentices are primarily given in district 1042% of those are
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from district 10. i know you are happy to see the jobs contacting report that were included electronically. this is a snapshot of the report could the students working basically tracked tremendous spectrum of data for us. a lot of metrics. what we want to do was have this biannual newsletter back in highlight a few of the great things that are occurring specific to sf ip. if something there will bring along with us when we go to public meetings. something we will able to share with contractors. it shows our small business and local workers and it gives information about how they can actively participate. and hold us accountable for the contribution we are making. this is just the inside of it. of the report. then back to
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stakeholder outreach. to date, we are continuing our community meetings. you can see, we a lot of metrics here. we are causally doing neighborhood catches so people will be informed to know what is coming. we're doing meetings in the bayview and on the west side working with residences,, businesses, stakeholders have all sorts serving of the project schedules and they know when construction will be starting. we have break from rain the sunday streets will be back. so staff will be out there. we do have a workshop an open house type thing, planned for march 18 at southeast -actually the bayview opera house. which is coming up. they'll been open out for different project managers are talked about the projects that we try to have it so people want to come since as of saturday. then looking ahead at times when we will be back in a couple things just checked off
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which is marvelous to see on this list. it's nice to check things off. so today of course is the quarterly report. following myself and the regular calendar we will give you a presentation on the central bayside system proven project could panel sizing. i'll be coming forward on the 28th to discuss flood resiliency and then contract design modification also, that date, followed by green infrastructure citywide strategy the end of april and then the collection system plan using urban watershed assessment approach will be the first meeting in july. that concludes my report. it is any questions? >> thank you commissioners? >> could you give us a hint about the modification to the biosolids [inaudible] >> yes. can i do that? yes. we have been working with kathy
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howe and with harlan and to complete the designs and provide construction engineering services during construction complete all the public affairs, we are looking about $73.5 million modification that will bring us up to $153.5 million. so that was always the plan that we would be doing some type of one application to complete the work . the title refers advertise the contract were not certain which nobody would've delivered the wood of the design build? with bc mdc would we design bid build but lessons learned from talking to other agencies that have implement a very similar projects we think this is going to deliver the best project, have the project phases and technology right time so that we have our energy, our steam are biosolids system all being built concurrently under one contract. >> also i would add, we've had
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some challenges and one was central shop and so what we decided to do instead of waiting for design build so that move forward design build we decided to just continue to design. so they we would not lose any time try to minimize the loss of time. so now we feel by having a thorough design we have a better control what the outcome of the final design would be. whereas, if you do some hybrid you would not really accomplish that in a design build. so we really try to make this project goes fast as possible that in the constraints we have. >> did you mention the two bidders for the project we >> i don't think i can say that yet. foreshadowing of great news bs two bidders. you only have one but now we have two. we thought would have to
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the first time but one dropped out. now those are back in. kassie submitted a bid. >> very good. okay does that cover both ivan - i'm sorry - commissioner courtney >> i think it's appropriate to acknowledge all the staff is doing. i see massoud is zero and is tommy here? other work that's being done, the local higher ordinance that was a landmark legislation picking at a time when unemployment was really really high. so now when were able to come up with these kinds of numbers especially for the local premises, which that's really the target group that were looking to get onto the career pathway is really challenging you know what i'm talking about because the unemployment is now below 3%.
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so while some agencies will throw these numbers that you try to dazzle you with data i think we know the inside baseball it's like far more challenging this year in the coming years under this improvement program that had been five years ago. so i plot all the staff that's working on this and seen it up close and personal myself. i'm looking forward to continuing to get those reports. >> we really appreciate that. it's been massoud and all the members have this team because they've done so many different outreach events and made such an effort and he and the staff who work personally with our project managers when they need to be able to boost numbers in fact, highlighted on the cover of the jobs report is an individual who brought in to work on the 521-522 project so thank you and we will ship it back at the office. >> thank you. >> that concludes this report.
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i'm transitioning the slides for the next. >> okay. i think that the end of the next one. you completed the [inaudible] spears i think she's preparing for aids. is what she's talking about. >> of the comments? >> i want to trust my continued support for the ss ip is broken. the individual projects and other components end of the critical nature of all of these efforts especially project delivery and completion as commissioner caen right past week about which i very much agree needs to happen and appreciate your aggressive support for an aggressive
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timetable there's what actually happens i gets filled and completed. in future reports it would be great if there was little more emphasis on the challenges and obstacles and opportunities for the commission or others to help mitigate those challenges and obstacles so that these ss ip projects ashley stay on schedule and that there's less schedule slippage but i think this is conference of report return enter folks again are doing good work to make these important things happen. thanks. >> thank you. >> of course the commission will recall i certain just for 3.5 years on the cac for 10 years on the wastewater subcommittee some very, with all the stock. been through it many times. thanks. >> well, thank you thank you for your continued interest. any other public comment?
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>> that concludes my report >> that concludes the report and we move on to item 8. >> thank you karen-today we're going to be giving you a presentation regarding the central bayside improvement project. opposed connell. this is our sizing recommendation. we been discussing this with you since the validation way back in 2012 and also when we did the program baselining so today i'm good be introducing dan donahue. he is our program management technical advisor so he is the keeper of schedules, and is-has been with us since the beginning of the program. i join basically the wastewater
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side of the capital arm and dan was one of the first employees through the program management advisory when they started with this. so, dan went on you, and i will help you get the slide started. the thank you, karen. think you commissioner's. it's a pleasure to be here this afternoon to give you everything on our efforts to optimize the sizing of the channel part of the central bayside project. as we move forward with the ss ip in accordance with the baseline that you approved last march, it will become g with a series of briefings related to the collection system. today we will talk what the channel town. at the end of march will talk about flood resilience.. then green infrastructure at the end of april and beginning of july the collection system plan that brings all of these projects together and it is
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interesting to note that in the baseline for all three phases of ss ip the almost 2.7 billion dollars worth of work for projects to move us towards meeting the lls goals and objectives that you sent in march as well. so today will prayer provide an update on the recordation for the 24 foot diameter tunnel. in overview in the project look at the objectives of the cbi sp that we wonder similar welterweight drivers. not only will we need to do to comply with today's requirements but because of tunnel last long we also need to look to the future to make sure were being wise and were adaptable to future requirements. we want to touch on the vast array of alternatives we looked at and also review with you how we analyze green into the decision process. san francisco has an
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excellent collection system. transport boxes conceptualized in the late 70s were built by the end of the round 1997 actually been in operation for almost 20 years. during that time, the system functions about when it rains we capture 95% of the rain water and sewage in our system and send it to treatment facility for only 5% is discharge. source system it's objectives are to convey [inaudible] we are also trying to minimize combined sewer discharges and to manage storm water. so when we look at the project were central bayside, we are doing with the channel force main. this pipeline conveys 70% of the dry river flow to the southeast plan. 66 inches were screened about 2 miles long and it's
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over 40 years old. unfortunately, it's a very vulnerable asset. it was damaged in the earthquake and its failed twice since then as well. his condition is unknown because we can take it off-line to inspect it in this alternative way of conveying float to the southeast plan. it is also in a liquefaction zone and not on file so it's extremely vulnerable to seismic activity. so as the central bayside plant was envisioned, the objective was to provide a high level of seismic protection . i will talk about more about obligatory issues, but we also want to make sure that you were able to achieve the current requirement of 10 discharges per year in the central basin could also provide operational flexibility in terms of how the operators can utilize the system during rain events and
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increase system storage. recognize that if we build a tunnel it has an asset life of over 150 years. we also needed to look to the future to make sure we could be cognizant of the ramifications of sea level rise, and any future reduction that we might see in the number of discharges that were allowed to provide into the receiving waters. speaking of the reiko tori drivers, when we look at our collection system is hydraulic models to assess them. our present modeling indicates that we exceed the discharge criteria of 10. we presently discharge about 12 times a year and looking forward most likely at some point in the future the regulars will ask us to reduce below the time. the current criteria this week based on historical and industrial uses. the land use is now denser residential and commercial and recreational activities are increasing in this area and this unfortunately is iteration of impact is very long and as
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opposed to other parts of the city. we also have a permit on the bayside that was issued in 2013 is due to expire next year. as part of this permit, in march of next year we are required to submit a report on a long term control plan synthesis and assessment of performance of our combined sewer discharges. that will be going to the as i mentioned to the regional board in march. so we need to be forward-looking in terms of how we move forward. the criteria that we work with today were established in the late 70s. when this creek was of maritime use. at that time, the same situation existed in mission creek in the channel area, we had maritime uses that were anticipated to continue into the future. so
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when negotiations with the regional board took place they initially wanted one discharge in the bayside. the city proposed eight discharges with an option to say, we will go with the one discharge in the southeast. we are at that time there were shellfish beds and 10 in the rest of the central bayside and that was what was codified in the regional water quality control board order. that's a 10 we are doing with today. so back in the 70s, that was fine. we had commercial uses and we were protecting the use of the receiving waters with the town. however, today we see that mission and this was creek look very different than they did in the 70s. what we are seeing now more and more is an abundance of recreation one uses in other words, water contact recreational activities.
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future reduction is put forth it would be to protect these types of uses that we are seeing today that do not exist before and most likely that protection would be in the zero-to range in terms of discharges per year. so in context, we can say whatever tunnel we built last 150 years but are our existing discharge criteria most likely will not. so as we were developing plan one of the things we realized we could benefit from receiving water model. so we have developed that. karen mention the word whether sampling the we've done to get information to calibrate and verify that model. the model shows us some really interesting results. that is good for our system presented challenges. only look here the results of this is be a storm that might occur 4-5 times during a typical web you can adjust an average rainfall events. during which we have discharges cured on the oceanside, you see the discharge is dissipated within
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6-8 hours. the same thing on the north shore in the very southeast. however we see in mission and is this creek takes 1-2 days for the discharge to dissipate in the reason for that is to [inaudible] overreliance on title exchange to flesh out anything that discharges into them. so that's the important part, is those basins hold that water when the wreck use is back in action after a storm. we look at a whole series of alternatives and as we work through it became clear that some type of pipeline because of construction activities those can be a tunnel would be the recommended plan for the channel area. as we look
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through that, that resulted in looking at tunnels range from 12 feet in diameter of 230 foot in diameter. as you can see her, once we hit 17 feet, all those tunnels get us to a discharges a year which is great for today. however, if we want to look at providing further reduction in the future, to have that flexibility, and we look at the target that is most likely in the zero-to range, what we see is we need to get to the 24 foot tunnel door to accomplish that. so when we look at that, that is where we saw our ability to both provide for our needs today but also in the future, add on what we call treatment which is a means of getting eight down to the two that we would have that flexibility going forward. as we were working to this with management eric sandler or cfo asked us some questions. he said, what if the only built a 17 foot tunnel and saved about $120 million and weighted for that reiko tori requirement to come into play. could we balance something that weight
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we so we look at a series of alternatives to address that. one of them was could we actually pipe that flow out of mission and is less creek. unfortunately, that's about 18 foot diameter pipes and several hundred mg deal pump stations at a cost of over $2 billion. so that was not cost effective. we also looked at the crosstown tunnel to take flows over to the southwest out fault and discharge it 4.5 miles offshore. that increase frostbite $900 million. it does get us to the zero-one discharge we would want but it creates implementation challenges and purgatory challenges in moving that flow out near the century. so that was deemed to be not feasible as well. the last alternative was one where if we were providing 300,000,000 gallons of high weight treatment with
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that 74 tunnel would've we provided more like 350, 400, 500,000,000 gallons of treatment. could we get down to the two weeks it turned out that we are only go to get to about four or five by increasing all the way to 400,000,000 gallons. so we did not, as well we could not beat the performance. say final analysis, we looked at taking that 17 foot tunnel and converting the delta of the $120 million in savings and converting that into green infrastructure and seeing what would we-how could we get the comparison to the 24 foot tunnel with that. what we see here is that with a 17 foot tunnel, we get to the age which we show before and when we add in about 200 acres of green infrastructure we stay at the eight counts could we get some more volume reduction we don't reduce the counts. and the 24
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foot tunnel as i show before also gets us to the eight. now when we look at that by adding the highway treatment in the future, do we see improvements here and you can see with the 17 foot tunnel, we only get to six additional change from that with the tunnel and greening could we get to the to with a 24 foot tunnel. so by going with 17 entering, were not meeting the future reiko tori performance. one other aspect that were asked to look at is what if we didn't build a tunnel but we just implemented clean on the bayside queens where we look at here was public parcels and streetscapes projects on the bayside and when we looked at the maximum number of parcels there was about 700 acres were possible on the bayside. as shown here, that only god us to the
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discharge of 10. when we look at in terms of cost, with the green we would go from the 12 discharges to date to the time. a slight decrease in volume at a cost of about $640 million in today's dollars. the 24 foot tunnel would get us to the eight . further reduce this esd volume and have a cost of $699 and it would give us the opportunity in the future if the regulators required us to go lower, two at highway treatment at a cost of about $660 million and provided that future the department that may be upon us. so in summary, the tunnel is when to operate for a long time. it needs to address the
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vulnerabilities of the channel for spring which the tunnel adequately does good the 24 foot tunnel to exhaustive analyses is been identified as the optimal size to meet today's needs and to be flexible to prepare for future regulatory requirements associate with cst reduction. the 24 foot tunnel also provides additional operational flexibility and sea level rise protection to provides an additional 40,000,000 gallons storage for the bayside which is about a 30% increase over the existing storage capacity. at present the cbs ip team is proceeding with the 35% design based on the 24 foot diameter tunnel that is expected to be completed in the fall of this year at which point we would come back to you for subsequent presentation. as i mentioned at the start, this is the first of a series of briefings on collection system plan almonds. we will back of the end of this
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month, april and july. >> thank you very much. commissioner rath >> so other question but the green infrastructure because one time we talked about this before so i appreciate going to read it again. when i heard this time that we had not discussed was the analysis of the green infrastructure was just public parcel and right-of-way. i know we've been talking about some storm water fees and private properties and we are looking at that over but further out. as far as weight structure and whatnot. i just try to understand it was an analysis done command fact important have been included as well? >> when we get back to in april with a briefing you include all of that. some of those were allocated to krantz activities but they are all
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part of the analysis, the opportunities on the private parcels as well >> okay., great. your results your conclusions doesn't change >> no. >> okay. speed thank you commissioners? public comment? >> cannot point out one thing? i just want make sure on thing that we understand central bayside up to 35% is in phase 1 of the $2.9 billion so we need to come back and make a commitment for going to fund the rest of the project. so i just want to put that out there that this whole project is not included in the 2.9 that we put in the baseline. >> only that is on first portion >> just up to 35%
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>> of design? >> yes. that's where we are going to. we know we need to redo that force main because it's essential link in the flows to the treatment plant. so that's why the decisions are going to become harder because it's already on top of the 2.9 anything that we add as part of phase 2 and that's why we didn't want to come to all of phase 2. we want to come strategically on when teams are ready and we field are absolutely necessary. the other thing we probably ringing for it is the flooding portion which is going to be on top of the tunnel and everything. so it becomes affordability issue, timing issue. so decisions are going to be out with a little more challenging looking for because it's a price tag of people willing to pay. >> thank you. mr. pocock
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>> david-i would happy to see on attempted general management no. this is a main reason i came down today. this is also a critical project within the ss ip. every much support the 24 foot tunnel as staff explained that i think in their great detail job on this, the regional board currently counts the number of discharges but when this was presented to the wastewater subcommittee i asked not just about the number the volume and i think it really should look at not just a number but the volume in the volume of the cst event i think also affects how long it takes to flush and to recharge the base area. as much as they're looking at the count reduction, the volume reduction is important as well. i think some of those slides talked about that. i have always believed
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that green is important that i believe very much with commissioner vietor. green is not enough in this program was always great and green to get to clean. so this really this particular project i think really requires the 24 foot tunnel that kind of investment for all the benefits that were talked about. which for me also includes flooding in the 17th and shotwell area in the greater mission are. with staff did not talk about today and i presume will be back within a future commodity alignment options and i think depending on where that goes it starts from and i forget what it is, jackson playground-is that the playground at 17th and connecticut-anyway, if it starts from about that area and head south probably with an event structure near cesar chavez, that may be able to fix
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a number of problems, not just the channel force main problem but the flooding from the mission, better relationship to the channel pump station the mariposa facility. there's a lot that converges at that point and depending on how the alignment works in construction techniques and the timing and pacing blah blah blah there's a real potential benefits, multiple benefits of this project. so that's where i am. i appreciate there's only 35% assigned commitment in phase 1. so either changing the phase 1 scope or really including this is the highest priority project in phase 2 of the ss ip is important to make this happen as a follow-on to the major projects in phase 1, the new headworks and the biosolids facility replacement project. thank you very much >> thank you. just look at the
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room i think this room is about 24 feet high. it's a big tunnel. any other public comment? seeing none, onto the consent calendar. mdm. sec. >> item number nine consent calendar. all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar considered to be redeemed by the san francisco public utilities commission will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. the be no separate discussion with these items unless a matter of the commission or the public so requests in which event the matter will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item. >> okay. i would like to remove item c. any other request to move iraq item from the consent calendar? or from the public? seeing none, can have a motion on the consent calendar, minus item c
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>> so moved. >> second. >> any further discussion? all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries. item c i want to separate because it was a nice positive example of the power of competitive bidding. and we sometimes see it go the other way could this is one where we were able to bring in quite a few bidders and by not going to just the in-house bidder, if you will, and put it out to bid we've save a lot of money. so i didn't want to let that go by unnoticed. with that, it's my pleasure to move the item. >> second. >> any further discussion? any public comment? all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the
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item carries. thank you. item 10 >> item 10 approve the water supply assessment for the proposed biosolids digester facilities project. >> thank you mr. richie >> this is actually a routine water supply assessment. it's unique in that this is not a development project. this is our project. so because of the size the project we required to prepare for the planning department a water supply assessment of which is not very much potable water use because as much water as possible is recycled through the plan. again it's a routine water supply assessment. >> also interesting content is not allowed to use that amount of water. >> that is correct. >> okay. any questions were comments? any public comment?
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>> david had in my last comment for the day. yes, as steve indicated this a pretty routine and a hope we will use this additional need but just another step in making the biosolids facility happened. very much looking forward to it. can we schedule the ground breaking already 2022 or something? anyway, thank you was nice to see while the septum. >> thank you great to see you >> i like to move the item >> second. >> any further discussion? any further public comment? all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries. item 11 please >> item 11 authorized the general manager to execute a memorandum of understanding with the solano county what her agency not to exceed 24 months >> mr. richie >> this is a continuation of program we've been participating in for many years
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that have been courting for the salt county water agency for the granting of high-efficiency washing machine grant funds. i recommend you approve it. >> okay. commissioners? any comment? any public comment? may i have a is there a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries. item 12 >> item 12 approve the plans and visitations and award contract number pw-006 are in the amount of two milk $2.49" that responsible bidder [inaudible] >> ms. hale gotten barbara hale assistant general manager for power. if you were this conduct will be working with bay area light works to install pedestrian improve street lighting in the tenderloin area
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. the award would be for $2.4 million that is below the engineer's estimate and with that, summary i'd like to get your support. thank you good >> thank you. letters any questions? any public comment? there have a is there a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries good item 13 >> item 13 award as need power operation support agreements to siemens industry for bureau-0018 [inaudible] for pr 0001 ap to perform professional service agreements each not to exceed the amount of 4 million not to exceed five years >> these two professional service contracts would allow us to get some additional technical [inaudible] for power
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operations both three hetch hetchy program and the clean power sf program. scope of the work is quite specialized and we are pleased to have two bidders each awarded under this proposal 4 million and with that summary be happy to take any questions. thank you. >> thank you commissioners? >> what is this scope will work in a little more detail? >> sure. the scope has reviewing power supply management supporting us on our risk management. risk management work. settlement and scheduling responsibilities to the independent system operator that's great liability responsibility in the state. ways to improve our overall system operations and are electric billing processing improvements for example we are pursuing automated meter infrastructure for electric billing good we are pursuing my
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account like services our website. these are activities that require additional professional services support them and for community choice aggregation program it's more for our power procurement planning and staffing sort of commercial pays issues we talked about in our business plans. >> where the employee representatives you communicate with respect to-is the reason to do that? i mean, is this consulting or is it staffing? >> its professional services consulting. some from time to time, we can use and potentially will, use these contacts to augment staffing when we have a need that can be
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filled with at the pace we need to fill in. or if we don't have the vacancies were temporary salaries, to allow us to fill a resource staffing need at the pace we need to. our expectation though, is not use these contracts exclusively for that at all. and our expectation is to fill all vacancies as they are proved through the hr and their process. >> are the services eventually you intend to bring in-house, or are the services that are best obtained? >> so all the services listed we are performing in-house. this is professional support to make sure we are implementing best practices in the industry. >> so the way i would maybe put
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it is that in the engineering side, kathy shut, she has millions of dollars of design support services because we don't design everything. we have to make sure that we are staff is nimble and because we have budget issue so we can have -so what we are doing here it is identifying what is a course path that we need and then we supplement it with consulting services. so the services that we would like to support our time limited in duration so that they come in, they help they come out because if it's something we are doing and were going to do it for long period of time, that's when you like to bring them on staff, higher a person to perform that. so that is where the balance were looking at.
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>> remember were also operating the performing all the services as a routine part of our business and meanwhile, the iso, cpc, california energy commission they are changing the rules we need support to make sure we change our system apace with that. >> so you guys understand what of getting at because it's not my industry and i don't see anybody here from local 21 so i'm not going to overstate the case. i think the general manager shed some light. i understand the difference between budgeting positions and hiring ftes and as needed and provisionals and get all that stuff and i feel--i don't feel caught between a rock and a hard place necessarily moving this forward but i'm going to be cautious about it as we move forward just because i'm kind
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of looking for the meat on the bone that think everybody is with respect to the expansion of our power enterprise but on this matter i think harlan, you kind of made you should some light on a little better. it's one-time money and it's there. it's not like we are using typing using this contract instead of hiring all bunch of people good i think i needed to just hear that. >> thank you. yes commissioner >> i'm in a build bit of a similar spot but from a different perspective and maybe because i don't have london center and overall budget in my mind but i do know he made some pretty hard cuts in the past especially related to things like energy efficiency. i know commissioner and courtney is
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coming from a labour and staffing perspective i know from an environmental perspective i know some of those cuts were painful in that space so when i see in a million-dollar contract even though it spread out as needed and i understand the conversation it tugs at my heartstrings of it because i know we made those hard cuts to round things like energy efficiency that does ultimately put money back into the pocket and provided additional benefit to climate and jobs and create jobs. so that was some of my pause as well. in seeing this. i guess if i had a better understanding in the context of budget and the cuts that we do make an seeing this big knot in prioritizing it would make me feel more comfortable. >> well, i would say in the water power hetch hetchy water and power, it was very difficult because there is need
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of country for a lot of work but we need to invest in getting customers and so it was a really tough balance and so what we did was that given the spirit and all that requirement we did what we could and i know margaret was very bothered by the-because she would need more support of country we try to balance it in so to try to compensate for the areas we felt that having a contract that we can bring folks into help supplement areas where we get that we need some more assistance, this is a better way to go because we just do not have enough resources to fill the gap full-time and just have someone on staff that could just do these things because we have so many challenges. so we felt this is probably the most efficient way
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to go about it. i think my concern is that the power enterprise is still not out of the woods. so you just can have. thing just have them be-you have to rely on some consultants where there are experts in the field, they work in the industry they work for other customers or clients and then when you call the men are already up to speed. so that is what we are trying to rely on. try to help us through this good i get it. we would prefer to have staffing,. thing have the capabilities and working in the industry and to all the work but we just can't afford that as of right now. >> as we approach full rollout of cca that we can expect-at least i would expect the staffing levels would start to stabilize and become known
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but were kind of in a point of inflection now were part of managing the risk of expansion we need to make sure the power supply that were buying is met by command that's out there. so i would hope that as we go for the end of that process, as we look at the future budget, that we can bring as much about in-house as is appropriate. any other comments? any questions? any public comments? seeing none, can i have a motion >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. item 3 carries. we are about to go go into closed session. mdm. sec. beatty items for closed session. >> item 16 anticipated litigation as plaintiffs. item
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17 anticipated litigation of defendant. id. 18 the store hetch hetchy versus [inaudible] of san francisco. item 19 and existing claim recommended partial final settlement with [inaudible] item 20 existing litigation pacific gas & electric, 21 existing litigation pacific gas & electric, 22, existing litigation pacific gas & electric, 23, existing litigation pacific gas & electric, 24, existing litigation pacific gas and electric, and we will not hear item 25 today. >> okay. think that any public comment? on items to be heard in closed session? seeing none, can have a motion whether to assert attorney-client privilege >> moved to assert >> >> second. >> moved and seconded any public comment?? all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. item
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15he was we are back in open session. >> item 19 was no action taken. can i have a motion on whether to disclose discussions during closed session? >> motion not to disclose >> second. >> any discussion? any public comment? all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes.] opposed, say nay. the item carries. we have one other item for open session item 28 >> item 20 adopt a resolution authorizing the general manager requesting the mayor and board of supervisors to approve a supplemental appropriation name out of $1 million for the wastewater enterprise. >> so moved mr. chairman >> >> second.
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